HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1883-05-02, Page 3TitioiERIn NEWS
Clinton Recorcl.
OM; Oat" Wednesday, May 2,
• LOCAL. NE-ws.
prowpa .408.*JZ) 3DVOTRICIT-
110,1t111 grilk,
Jogs' 14r.aus intends enlarging his
Weggon and carriage works,
TIIS North aide of..the Driving Park
040* repairing very hailly.
Rim. L. 9. Rio; the veteran a. m,
minister, spent a few days .ittet week
with Mr, 1?1 Aedrews,
TU p editor of the Seaforth Sum has
1700n chided by ail enthusiastic: adroit'.
ereeinueb better than being cane'd.
1,4004.L ELECTION EXPENSES. -The ea.
melt of the candidates at the , recent
.cocali elections as officially returned
e: Col. Ross, 4412,30; g. W. irobtl-
*ton '$341.46.
AT the last meeting of the Forrest:3m,
Bre, A. Hale was elected as their rep
remote:fro to attend the nm
ext eeting
of the High Court which takes place. in
Auneat Gananoque.
Cumming Of .11ullett, returned
free". Manitoba last week lie looks
well, speaks well of the country, and
• we understand will shortly return'.
- A Loommention in the Olo4e has 're-
ference to "R. M. Racey, the emitieet
hard Were merchant: of Clinton,'4 as a.
&snap in Ma "Elefiliant". brand Of eo-
4:4ring lead paint. •
On, ELLIOTT, of Bay field,. has 'passed
• a creditable - examination attheToronte
• Vollege of Meiliane and is • now at
jibeity to follu‘y up the art Of healing
in the pereuit of happiness and wetitile--
At their last meetiug, the FOrresters
Appointed a conimittf.e tQ co•opeyo te
•with that of the Fire Bris,atle, for the
yttrium.? .Meking arrangements to
celebrate the coming 24th of Mey.
•:Forma & BAYLEY, the popular pito,,
tographers, on Friday last ter& a photo
of the monument .of the late Geo. Bog.
gy,..son_of oititen •Tas._ Boggy,
diftQ Tooklac simiUe,8 of the Petierty
(new) organ cis' s• • ' • -
Mi. WM, ICANTELON Of Chntolon
Row., grecere, took maidenly 111with
cramps one igh t last' week. For a time.
it was thought thorfesalt-miglit l.eeeri,
on's, but we are Pleaeed, 1.0 Aseo „him.
Attending to his mend
The receiving teler of Molsites Bank;
Exeter, Sued one McPhillips. for 140
waa.the.ameent overqedited to
defendant through plain.titf maccitig
error of 04.w-cm:i•nt in totaling. up. Ow
depoiiit Slip. Plaintifiga a 'ye:diet for.
the ailment. - ' -
A new arritralln"tor;4. 1.40 wetika
prier, destitute stranger; badly qin want
of feed and plothes.=.-reame house
of one of -Our citizeni, Whosekimirlieart
Intit04 at, . destitution • sod
charity. UP8h him,' rind': :Or lboit after
trio, creature until he is 'better able' to
provide for himself. • .
c\ 188.' •
. Rom, ...ATTER; o. ,tile
Goderich TO.Wriship, fermi:0y cunlii-itor
on the Graild Trunk; Was kik, Tii ursi lay •
104.e la ea Lontialt;
gq was. yery violeet•Iattithes. • H:elms
konsiderithie property; , It, is ,ruoiored
fluit onEeo tri tett, 1 Ole `at t tom
- pf tlie Malady.
en•ce ;het at Zurich 'last • Week'. It .eir..
4lorstul the- statern opt thit kin p9venwIfL
Canada in a briety mid the \ofire--tr:v-..
ance of the.tord's t.)ay. was y15.i1i11and.
hoped that. Orr Government would. not
A:R.34.24411y legislation that .weaf,i
04 421.trogression. 11055 1:p0e1g,, ;\‘‘. •
•plug aoca rti)
(flinty . -
Tilos, COOTInt will pity t.lie bigheet
price in cash for egge.-;..ttleo far 0, few
cer loads of pototoes,
99,009 Itat,La of Wall Paper to olfOR40
front at Dickson's Booketore, Ohinton.
He has the largeot variety, best rinality
loveliest patterns, meet elegant deeigns
in Huron County;
14.1orpici Toivii.-11.1r. Chem, Renee
of .raelretma (nothing potpie, will shortly
leeVe telt!". ffe has entered into part-
nerehlii with C. IL Matideugh, mer -
chat tailor, of Brucelield. ,"Charlie"
is an enterp!ising young man, and no
•doubt will give the inhabitanta of that
bergh the bene6t of his egperience in
the clothing line. We wish the new
firm eYery euecese.
, One day last Week Mr. Mason's int -
ted "Just in Time" took suddenly ill
• while at the Rattenbury stables. J. E.
Blacks -11i vieter Nary surgeonwas celled
to the rifle. His kopwitligi, a the
1115 a domestic antunde was'brotight to
bear in the Case, and we are pleased to
sey that "Just in Time" is as sound es
ever, Mr. Blachall is gaining an enr
yialple reputation in his Impel/FA pro.
• On Saturday evening a horse and
buggy was taken front mitt of the hotel
stables in this town. We u,tulerstand
thatit was through an intimete ac-
quaiotnece with the ewiter, otherwise
the liorse and hnigy would nothav
been taken. However, this does hot
render the case any the lase eriminal.
The owner could prosecute the guilty
• one, but a. little advice should
that ls oecessary in the premises.
'Slot Waleics.-There is dutch need
for.a onlewaik from St. Paul's church,
in front of Jas. qjJtJ Pr0POrty, to
the corner opPosite the B. C. church.
A continIffitiola of tho sidewalk to
;the -Union R. It, passenger station has
tended to a more satisfactory,, leco-
motion on the part of the --travelling
pu bIic ankilretnoved ti strong temptation
Oh' Iliffp frOttliosett evenctuaker like
dispociitiOn to tlee "cuss ° wordri.
Fat= SiNAK
wher.:e are you going r said o Stranger!
yesterday. '!W,44y.," sahl 13oh., I'm go
ing to buy. some new furnitore ; you
•Icnow I got Married the.cit4r dey,-. and
my wife nays we meet get our'foreittire
at the "Red Rocker.": W10iys 13r.
•-nE,TT sells cheap, and when. _van ..xcally_
know,. facts speaklouder that% word..
He sells wholesale and 'retail, and we
will liaye ...Some nice furniture -very
.chrap." • .
question whether the partem of a, church
is a inenfhitr of the eoneregatio," was de.:,
iided in the negatiet. by tlie Superior
Court Teronto fast. week. The suit
was •brenght by the :88ardenti of 1St, •
Paul's Chiii-Oh,. Woodstockon behalf of
the it:con:bent against Bridget
•to regover a togany of fo00. left tothe
um bent .4. Paul's to be
trilruted amenthe poor Of theIcongre-
'gation.- The defenciaot _demurred • tliat'
-plaintiff iyas riot 01;8:Prep r person to
aild, . the Courtuphold
• 'Tnifi§q .441P.Vmiter,--L-On 'Monday.
evening laskthescholars uf the Baptist
()bomb Monday Scheel presented their
• teacher,Mrs.' i th..it photo • of
61i emse Yes beadt if in ly :,f Pa ni edi 0 -FP"'
prried,by. fanning, addr•essit on the'
anniversary of berldrpliday in recooni:
titheir lOsrefor • •
. • • .
Wan, Teacustri-t----Wparn-arcit-thirrafternoon--
to remind you that R4 are - not forgetfal of
urkiridlabors of love, in•roceting us, Sall -
bath 'after palibatli, to teat us tilos.- truths
• that-ena.hles'-u to remember our dear Savion,-
iirthti.daya*Of otir youth. • No„ our loving
scluilark present you with this Photograph,
which contains a. likenessii of each of us, trust.
logthat you ivillireceive it as ..O.Tokeif of' res:
'poet from your loving and affectionate
Signed,-.--josie'Reeve, S4yo.ve, Nelly
Hale, Susie Hale; Ada • Jones,
Emma Jones, Sara JdneS, *Johnie Jarvis, Jos,
chatlie,Reeve, Halo, Julniie
'Jus.;Grey, :prank Grey.' •
. r
NcELLetajioYo-Itas dece I,I.1t
- Illt1;. With --lieed near
Manchester, 'Shall: not _pay • te h is wife
46, per :ireak alimon.y. sthiul' It Local
Master aft4o.1+4161r hatIordere. I, until
she returns to !Jim 'eel-I:Mir. II .a.; -
codas, notes and other •secu•rities
taieed by tier.The parties„ are
apart, ,,. • • •
NEw FstcEs.-Three tuirr feimes are.
• heing put up on •Qtlafiti street -Jacob
• 'Alilter itiputting up a dinnoial•wireene.
--• 4. .4.tidreaei a barb.. wire-, aorP, It eve
rbett a -picket one._ Arr..-"Qi-tkis put-
• ting an fence -Oil the. corner of
• Spence and North 4eeets. H.
(Muff Ohe on corner of gti.t,tenhatiy-1,81)d
• Shipley streets. If 'Hale one- oh. .the
• ,corneri, et Itattephury.atid, Ncrt h Ste.
• &int ss.-M.r. John AleRenzie
of jite London Road; Ttiekorrsolith, has
morehaseti-froin W. J....Biggin8„ Of El in-'
lrst Farm, Qiititori, the Hoe 5 tiiMitliS
•, old calf, Duke•of Elitillt1P8t. 4th,, sired
• .British Statesman 2iid; his dam is
Matchless Of El inhorst ,31;c1). di:Herniae&
the celebrated liercrof.4. -Cruick-
• shank, S tty ton , • A hPril een ,.''gerti land.
ineotiened last week'Mr.
ef seri 300 for a 6 nit -intim 131.i•
ir ,ca't of the Same stock, iron:
_ _ .
pftite14.-.38. 190.
MIL H 5. HoLEES,..statien agent at
Thedford, had a tierroW, escape from
• , death a few niolits ago. -A lamp 'ex-
•ploded aetting lire to the bedroom and
Irliviy..bad tie w It iskers buroed and was
,otane41.8s schiehed beloroLlie-got-ont..
The 'fire wait. extiii„utslied 'Vetere mueli
ether damage wai'done.' Harry' is a
son of the veteran conductor D, Helm-
elto pionetoil the iiist R. R.' coach
to Godench anti w,Ito Is still. 'on duty.. •
. ,
ChICEET.-Tho "Wand l'rers," •tlie
• jUnior cricketclun, are shaking off the
leiottrgy 1,,ro luced bye.eimatiol, clueing.
ilte valor from Practice in this Manly
• ptIttinfe. Give the bOys a chance to
show -what hied of atilt they are Aiiiide
DE •Zenneily is the preaident, . and
ItieWson secretary.: -Purelitem a
titlret of meinberehip, 8 the garnet mid
goldltastehocird in worth the foe, from
its neatneis and excellence as ati artist
,;ief the "art eserva-
1" t I •4
meet at MN. McLareu's hptet at 6
Alaelc Ttilf4Y" mating. ,flet* offl.
ore eto. Members and iltherti interest°
edwiLI Orme not%
Mr. P. OaNTsLot, 881., weal known
tut a keeper ot goad tock,wade en ex-
tended toot to Sedum)), 14andesboro,
and other places !get week. Tbe. result
itt the addition or a very valuable
bovine to his lierd.
One lively cotem, the 4004 Pro.
?rasa, is out in a nobby new spring
tireao. Tho body matter is new set In
brevier. With a power prem •clear,
sharp type, and the desired.tue;hanical
skill, the Fro Pogo presents WI excel.,
Jt appearance.
iiES.cfI4IttESW0ETII kMean.
I,A011 are pushing the work rapidly on
the Caron Bleck. 27,Qop brick will
bp used in the building, andikis expect.
et the rfgratici be opened
on the Ist of july (Dominion Day) The
building will be supplied, with electric
bell, hoair hill
!aces eto.,, and furnish-
ed goil fitted up Will; q the require...
meets era first-eliss public" hpuse.
Loin, His ildorrev.-04 Seto' day An
elderly men left Exeter with the iuten-
twit of proceeding to the Blaeldlii s,and
after ellowing his exeliange ticket pe the
eontineter lie placed it:in a pocketlbOolc
ing ther with some forty-five dollars
In money. Upon his arrival 4:Loudon
he was greatly surpt isod at discovering
that hp he 1 lost both ticket and pooket
WICKED WAGiiiille."-At the ,lailthe
Aseises, •Teresa Roth sued Miehael
Wiloorfor bream)) ef prerniseof marri-
age. He produced the, lollowing re-
ceipt which he 8,11 the girl signed for
"A setnement between Tercet- Ilat\nd Michael
Wagner for all•them tinge what wo hat togeter, it
Is seta and paid in cash, arid: so evorytink what 1 have
to bhun8 on him is eettit," Signed, “Tinta84 horn."
The jury coosidered the doetiment
forgery and'awartled her $400.
LICENSED V:Krr134.1A4Pa•---.4s will 0
seen by reference tO our mention of
lioenees granted in Clinton, the hotel
men ar in a ticel ffi., • . Gilded vide can
8vallow 1 1 priticely houses but fkrmer'e
houses te st be shut down on, , No Com-
plaint:can truthfully be made or has
been made by. the poblie ngainst the ao7
cointhodatinn or conduct of anY .0 .-stir
bask, yet, tlitiy ,°are arintrarily 'Com-
manded to prrivide premises not.at all
required), or do without a license. ' In
fa,ct in one case the holise is :condenined
a year in advance. ' flow gait phe cent-
-..--mi..:40Treenel 1' lelitit tii 1 tr•or* niiy "hotise
will be„r8 yeet hence?' piticient unto.
-the day is-theevil thereof. If the bongo,
is nu unfit 'one :.condenin it no8Y, the
evil should' oot 'be prOlOngod-Then the
pulpit-iSsues anathemas on the 4. voted
beads of the. victuallers, or_ratlit;.r__Lffluill
We say •on tlie heads- of. those proliihi
tionints who sign petitions to extend a
trade, the 'early ineori Of wilicli 'their
tender imula are horrified*. ' '
-13kri:Dep,ras.--ThaLomicin iliPer. Oiler
lois a gossiity mention of the •doings,ei
a firroLy moan] CrOson tw4liich
frtrbie to: that', city li:st 44, nt,,-r
Coulson wart known.. .excellent
-Work triali-in Clintori and was -euiployed
in Doherty & Co's Orden factory; Do-
intisrie infejleit'y,occrisiorted. by, jealousy
on: t'ae, pailt. of 'Co.ulson, MLR the Otill4O of
ftcitti Qlinton. Since roslil •
• ink iii-,LOndot'i • bis • sospieionS: of- hie
wife's inli lelityhave been -coillirnied
by proof' strong as 'holy • writ' Hs,
• eonserpiently, had . his wjfelineti :for.
lcoeping a' disorderlylio;use and now
threntema her with furthel.- entotance',
She heti iippectled.to" the ,1VlayOr og Lun.
qlou for protection, says hei-
an ofd
pated.' • "its-tr-very-pretthquarret as
•TirE1,01•11C0it • P748 if'POSit
"plioten New ./.kt, seemsto laugh at
..",the idea that, rabbits are becoming. a
"pest to ,,t40 19.0p.T4.. our cotein..
'doe s not k;:nw, and its Writeis.,do t
.4`ernisitler.7 If the.1..!•ra folk -bad beeii
where:Mr; Grant, • of:;Clieron, Was lest
SattirdaY;they Wee.14nut leuelt. • Air.'
rim ton( c a ou e gun. sn-cl
essayed to'. iriake -Morrie "pesre.-..to
HO 8vI. lie 'caused to s n ill a Off'
mortai. coil we APO not informed.. But.
bis idooiltliii-sly havecwas lbrongl: t • to
stPY)(ili Orngeeitiem . Mr... Giant,. it
The *--li-B:1-;1011,1-1.1"e17;
Aft 0
Upon o t.eetb, its cleansing power
,And 13set.th 'hutment of liowepi.,
Cut This Out8
"Frank P. Warner camp into
qurstore to purchase a 1311113p10
bottle of Zoessa, for a friend,
and stated thathe (!rr. Warner)
was afflicted with' RidneY and
Liver troubles for five years, an4
bad paid, $2013 or 4300 tlootor's
. bills, and has now been corn,
pletely cured by the use ofmo
large bottles and one sample
bottle of ZOPERA He was en
. bad at one time that he lost 37
pounds of flesh, but after using
ZOPE9A claims that hp la ft ficitinit
man, and now weighs 143 .
• He was 10Oti•ip Its praise, and
readily consented to allow us to
use his rialne for referenc.s.,
Canisteo, NX,
• Three.
Tine •Rol Spiders
Dress Good;
The Most Complete Stocir of
Dry Goods,.
The Greptegt $tock of Cloth-
Tweeds, Hats, Caps, *ShirtP
• Ai
'DEnsoNsreouiring wines anit
Ordinary or. e
sbotild nerfail to call iipon us. All
..g2ods are Of the -
.1 • ,
. Walaye a redraw) o •
_.. A
. •
Old Rye in Stock,
, . .
omininteed rive summers in Wiaed.
't for
Immense Stook to goint from;
See mfr. Prints; .:86e-- 01.,ir Parasol
.Sprmg au4. SIgaittet.
- • IN GREAT -...*Aittrryi
lENC+14pli, SOOTqa. ax14..IRISH
O�atings,•.- inirEEDO:.
TEE 14.411G-Sil: STOpIC..1.N 111T071.'.
• .0 •
StliSh Cutting 009-d itgatsaripl
Fine, .-Pricep
Well Assorted., :Excellent
- 11
liaSs', Labatt's,. and ,Carling's. Ale.,
lilt/ MSS * /
' • 'i1Pplpo Condition... •
The2rade Supplied a Lowes • lAguria.
JHI OAP'01111/11.TOtz09,.'
7e -RML
-LI IIIIN.1,0; 'ROB'
:./...wiripo.o.d. 1878.
cuiital,I- $50,000. •
NEM)pfrE, • ONDON.p ONT'.•
•it poultry fruit, fancier :is he approached;
coewer, the ;potter, "I eh:reeve in -your,
window scene nice' hen eggs, large egs
o' friet."!. •"Yescoitileed,'"-ridd the •Viii
:hen 1.gg4,'.' 8,41 the- poult•ry...44nr •
4ieIlatillial -thq ovoto-olilptig pr.
ion if theAinitititie.wenfoote.tl, water-
foutt Whose ancestors, traditioo asserts
ril!! 'Rotrit., "S.rni, of the -out --
put," 1111)4._ Oeoper;.7 said the in terloeu.-
tor,. "of • those prize. Braila:as,' Which
yonrion ethilrits;": A•costinner
in Mr Cooper- sairlyes".to a'..cpuestiao,s
not catchirtg tin:. 'Poultry 'fancier'S lest
observation. tot:latter 'Jostle a per,
chaste Of' the "fun:lei:se heo..eggir," or•
-prahmit idippozaid eggi5 lust
.a. settincc,yon kti w.", • :BileritieVilit bc
a mild wav of ex ressing the asteilisli-
tuent Cif the 1atn potilfry breeder
thoite . "lien r.`g SP -bring -forth the
green. goss.amer tufte '
(5.;0; rioc5,1 and
iritellectual OP -41.4144e' la. for: wlich
the Oddfeflows a.olinton. robecoming •
so Imoolly,,, noted ea
. .
evening. The affair. werain honor of ,
the '640: atitifverg "ry" . der -and
waeopened '• ana.
Brci,, if: C. doio''Ir. th am&
yersery coyArpoiTy., fito..IFostee• read
a.se address. ,Mts. l'iTesiitoo:reedere an
instruttiental solo with hire efeet. •as
.-untiliii_itenr pt. r fOr e
.!!!.hatipy_diapateli tWo •of. the lit le
quad 'and s . ataTS kin g: -WM be -
tbs.:harked both' ntarreiti at oficei..Tho
rebou tid (tensed' tlie: weapon, to perform
action 1nover1ent,'06.
consequence was that -the stock.:strunk-:
Mr. Grant •in the. fpe hreaking hiH
noe;..Cooths.ing .,aroorid bit 'eyes .atiti
closing them. for, - He bled 'tiro.,
finiely. :Oh $nriday •heliad to call tir.a
-titictor tost�o the Iow. We Vey enr-,
arise' &hty1i- Grant WilF not., pay ...any,
'atten tine; in the futtire,lciAlie requ'est
'of the'Obtorio Bureau In out the, . .
-have arriver.. in town, and up
btaid Arigiprittellunily
BitiEFS -Ifps • Morrison of Rfatilo
1011, We regret .
Population. -An atll:1i4-
ing exhibition, by .amateurs' was.,given
rabbit oests:-.... ot'
. tit. a, Is •n with
• .:
bentrekeeping, ey • aril I 'hi, a 092.,I.iiti!le
- - • - • • . . •
on. the ,lidarket
Although rnanyceuripus,,,,Ifilatntets"-werei
presented ,to serroutracerdritif 60'6m -red.
;-(:)ii•Saterday evening per atteetion
was col ed, tOrtlie iirdebeitt Lingua oe
•en thost,reets, by some who:call ,tlieni-•
selves. gentlemen, While Indies wore ji01.-
sing.. -If perSilitt",ci in, an. example will
'llarelo be 'Made of seine of' these.. lent
ongu'ed gentic•-•.-Thtv. Bk). W. 1teI)m-
a'h 4quverqd,a very interesting and in-
sti etivesermotl to the 0. bliellows ori•
Siin ay inoreing..--About Ifteen-4,03;`,,
'els. hail ageivie of • "i4(1020'..! one
• day a t• week. 'E.k,lc ke-kolier.pliew;
"oh my, and the' all sneezed,. 'Inter -
„Hung, ,e . gi:oryboetv should visit'
Ciinten.on the 240 of May. Big, pre.
potations or'. being kitade, and a good
progiairittie ' 49 presented for public
petronage.-4 T. a. Pieetili of
HolmesVille, owrg to the illtiesii of Mr.
Blatchford here, occupied the 13...C.
ohurell •Oulpit feat unday.--Rev.' Mr.
MeCosh,-. of Baefie 1., . and Itmr,
Crate!) Of Bt. Pauls cb reli Clinton, ex.
cliatiged. palpita letit.Stt btith,
ore eases o set .hai1 e, bifleuseess,
constipation, ke., 00111)0 I Ohre in lesstime,
with loss 'medicine, and for lei money, 1:y
using Carter's Little Livor Pills, t aa by any
other means.
• TAOS:48ES, ---etbteeot 'll'Olet8-$106-•-•
JaS..MoprefCciiiitnerciel;Iseac Rotten-
,. bury, Ratter:bury HOUse; Mrs.. P. Me,
partm,,„Qtteen's; Miehael lolly, RaiI+
• tay.'-'14611sit; Itentiedy) Itoyo,1„
to. tAtieyear only, 'maim ainf premtael
•A00(40.'110(1; atnI- Cetit6.1, to
06ii.ned ttiqt lieenee will not be again
granted tittlef4g tbik bous s falai i I 1or
itnitttOkk;RtialtitT CO • 130 reg irgeil alive
• Goo;Swartk, ranee La Walks tie) 86011
as,he complies witlreetint= deonde of
the dentrillaslOnerl, -Vire Cart4q0 Ulnk
• t,l(nieas 80011 115 it, 13 rant:Welled
t proplirlyfernitlied,
.getlier alithle &nil yard. Clink)),
MitAllSOL-Nichelitil 'Robson, Tphu
Macwhirtor. X?icenstri have been grant
id in %ticket% end tIttlei keitietka et
the'loottn,V...,:qon‘,:)1)eztKinle as last
PPP) " ".•
- k•
r •
Depew and 'Dr.. WiUinnus, sang a ci4 t
in pleasing style. Then a reedieg .b
Beg,' Bayley 'WO acceptably received.
exA wag a vigorenS• ruldreSS' by Reic%
3, Gror o' os, brAl peppy "flail
the Birds,land "Warder Bold" by •Tt.
G. Cole,were nett On. the program.'
Then an address by,Rev.. Bro.- McDon-
AO in his well ktioWn •livnly• style,
4ftor palming a .vote oft thanks to the
choir ,an nit -resting and • enjoyable
evening was brought to O. plow by- the
singing of the good eight. ode.
LA01108811 -Tlie "Dau n Li esa" Lacros-
se Almli 'of ptinton• met- Itiat e-ek aird
re-organ,iserl with Mayor Forreeter
'Ares:idea, arid e' ected the fol;lowing
,Ttioto•on; President; D.
Kennedy, Vice-ilo.; H. B. Cooper, SOO.-
Trees_,..' W. Captain; ereoc Bah -
Geo. Young and It Coombe; ciiminitz
tad. It ift With pkinsuFe that we have
to, note the enthusiasm with which
on ng men hs:V0 gone
about, infusing new life into the . prose.
cutiori of Ws our national Remo. These
Iive gatet-el aro viottll any 'amount of
gymnasiums n ' forwarding physical
development and in' treating a Sound
niind-tin a SOlitifl hotly, , The aunt
now fitItiltobid101110 eigrty tneinhers
and the aotivoonett „wilt) no .deubt,
give a geOft 9ooblint 'of itknose:18,es dur-
ing the coming eeiteoe. Whey will play
them first' friaCITI1 an Of 618 80k.011 051
the Qseen*lirthday, 24118 IWO'. his
wilt he otlite Appropriate, Our Wombat"
national game takes the initintiVO on
,the Unipire's natiOnal (11,y, We under.
stand they ate InOt8tilig with am:terve('
sneer:Ss in enlisting the countenance
and material eipporko , Otr clt4eriti
, Ayer's Carthartic arethe best edieine,
that can be employed to correct. irregn ritf Is
of the afottnialt -and. bo8voll. Ordritle, yet hot.
otigh, itt tbeireeflott„ they cure eonstipit
Stimulate the dietiveopt#09tha theappo t�
and eleanae, build up, eita-strongthert t
system. . 7 ,„
Plte “ousteritly tired tale! fooling NO often
eXpotienced the reenit of litipeerifibed blood, -
arta cenectincatX,,eaivetded vitality, Ayer's
SarsapaellgfeWitiut enifolies the bleed, in-
ereases the appttite, end iwoirietes digestion 'of
the, food, mid t essitiplatieit of ita 'strtngth-
kming qualities. The a,ystcm being thus invig-
°rated, the changes 14 grate.
Ad tient! Of StrOfigtlt Alid energy,
'Al.' •
MALLOY.-In Clinton, on the g4tli inet,,
The wife of Mr, Alto Malley, of a sot, .
.7,71...e.: 9:rily 4(1.0Yijed.;:Ag'0).(X).• lithrOrt
-II. • , Ctty; . Y.%
• 0 . 0.' AIDORfSS, ,-'1,' • - -Ci,iOINt
. ozo.
•./e'Thiti Cornyo.ny 'giros i8• „.OtiAitiirmie^or-txnpi8r...
' l'Or' Part Tint ItitAite... .0n °Marti- Wont: by mail W lie
lent at 011130a LOC thektootin LIGHTNINGAlps, 1s
P ,OF XS) be allowed. , Agont,for the . • :
-:IrllrOiit and .1Efiiiillesex !.firp• 11.8sur,' ... , once V.OliipallY. ' •
. • •
per ednt, 'oft'regdiar rates Where'Copjir-Iditie,-
rdnig lted8arb.used. -, , .'.•
.., , .
W , .
• '''I'''. 'I' ' . ' ., .KITT- .
. .-,
• • •
' • A S20,90 Bible Reward.. '
.ityhe publishers of RU'PLEDEE'9 Lorej
o Or twelve vis1tab1a r'ewards•in their Motilf-
LY for Way,saving whieh is the folloWing:;..
• AtIre willgive $20:00 in gold to Gin person
telling, 'us which is the sititaOst chapter ni the
New Tjetament Scriptures (ea ,15 the -New
-'Iteitision).11Y'lttay_igth 1.4„i'. "Should 'tray
morecorrectunrivorihe 'receivedthe reviard
The'nioney will be forwarded
• to the winner Mity 160,1883. Persona tiyjug
foit'the reward Must send 20 petits in silver (no
postage stamps takon)-.with their answer, for
which they 'will recteivethelime MONTHLY, ih
w1,ie1itheoienatand..addtas5.,4the.atiririer and
correet'auswer will be pnblished, and in width
iteveral•iabre valuable rewards will be. offered.
Address liarrLsnos Punntsilitra Comrarai,
Easton 'Penna. • .
. 41 Rag on a .11frug Store. •
- • •Never wei there siteh.a rush:4410 for .any
Thu tare tia le no at •Wits& CO's for_a
Trio, Bottle:0EN- ing.s • ow1 iseov.ery et
-Consinaption,.Couglie, and Colds 411e15�
afflicted with Asthma, T3intichitisilloarsenees„
Severe Ootigheor any affection ot the Throat
and Pirgit, can get.a.Trialliiirkle of,this great
remedilatut,' by calling..at above Drug Store.
Regular .size $1.00, •' • •
• • :Ir-youarernervousor dyipcptie try Carter's
Little Nerve Pills, DySpepsiamakes yntruer,
vous, and pervoneneesmake8 you dyspeptic.;
.olthor one random you miserable and-Alfese
littlepillsmire both. . • 1 .
•. • Ai ell Rewarded. ••
'A liberal reward will bit paid tin. tviy party
rj c bout
II at for yng men;mide
in Worsted;. Cordnioy.;
. .
Price $1 50
Oneof-ogr -leading lines-
,• in SI.10
;WAR sips of 'Crowns.
Pride S2
iha ltest.-
'Square Cibw,11..
r1.9,01 -
"Tithe Famous at e
••-• •••Ai
Prici.pa.F0filqo for wesk.Toron-to•
,Tbe downy offlee Of said Company has been removed to larger and mere commodious
promises ilk the.' • • .1
• f�?Yn BI/,Opp,. the.:::Mq./71.set,
. .
who will produce a case of 'Liver 1 ney Or
Stomach complaint thiit ElectriC Bitters 'will,
not speedily cure. 13rthgthern along, it, will - • .
cost you nothing fcw tlie medicine if it fails to .1) . d SI GER SEWING MACHINE 11 b k
cure, and you, be well rewarda. for your
trouble besides: All Blood diseasee, Bilious -
nese, Jo:Indio, ,Conet,ipation, and general -de-4-
Pillty.are oitickly cured. Satisfaction' guatan•
teeth Or Money refunded. Pii00 only 'fifty -
cents per bottle. ,1.6tr sale by Watts es Co, •
. .
1301100Ic.- cA.s•r.r,t.-A t the reeidttide
'of tho Bride's ather, Stanley, on Thum,
• day, 2fith April, by the Hey. Mr. Mei
• •
Cosh IIfr. John Pollock, oldett.son , of
)the late Mr, jc.rnes Poljo'ck„ paytit;1di
id Mary Jtin4, cinry dirugh,ter of. Mr,
•• Geo. Castlei deputy Iteeve
ItiiAttli PORTS.
. (COrteetoil iVory Tuds(loy afternoon.)
F160e• •• • " • 85 00 to 5 66
Whisato tod• • "I • 0 06 10 095
Wheat White /1, . • 0 90 t6 6 60
• • 000 tO '1 00
witeet; sorbet,
matey, Ito . •' . . 4 45 to 0 50
0,11s, • • . . . • • 038 to 0 40
'Nati,. . . . . • r 070 80 075
apples, (winter) per hMI, 2.00 .0 Y00
131:ti:tattettotsot.oso, : • * 4. ..- . ...:,
111w. • ' • ° ° • . PI 00 to• 800
• . * .0 12 'to 0 12
• 0110' to 0 as
= 0 1% to 0 10
Ewe,. • . .A A •
. r • ' A 00 10 7 00
• f,' .. ' . .... .•. 0 . 6 AO tei, .7 60
noel! r • ,. ,
Tut orr, nor pound, . : . . "o° 0785 t000 01 008°
Sh e hint -. .
• 0421 Ed 0,60
patio, or pair .7 '• • 0 64 te 0 do
relociittle• ..):et pelt * • . . 0 4-0. 10 0 ite
, 4 „ ; ; so to• 8 ?
Vdf4"° '1 ' 0. 0' litli16.1T1 ...1 ' '4'0 1
6 ' !4 ..-4
211%1y', * ' \- ' ..".• li okte . ' so
le4e, 'ono or buide . .. 40 07 SO," 6 SS
hiltItil PYIII°44T. \ ... '' ••• : - ' '`. _ f I.00 tg: rill,
r"431)Dtka ', . • '•
4 t.*; 0 CS to,t 0 la
• V off , to o Sil
, . :• • AK, *$ r.••• ' r;;;;,,,,$t
.88, ere a Complet St ek of thoi oild Ron roe N will opt.
-constantly on hand: • - • , . • •
virLotal Offieas tit GODEBIC.H, BIII/SSELS
• t • The Public are warned against certain spurious and counterfeit imitations Of the genuine
Singer Sewing Machines offered for sato by irresponsible and unscrupulous agents,:m Machinei
• of our manufacture.\ DO not bo deceived by inferior inachioce, .gfided and vathished to bide
theftdefects f- bat hay:only the machine with an unpatalleled :record of success for. nearly 8b
years. Look at the verdict of the people, This Oompaity.-sold last year 0A8) nearly thtife
miarters of s million Machines, ormore thaiLticombined sales Of olitirthirty., competitortr.
Don't forget that every Beal Singer Ititchine is naW'''Biiing made with our Trade Mark east into
the.stand as iri above nut& .13uy no machine without it, ak'Cill and Veedies tor all kinds of
mitobines always pu hand. .
• Clinton', April 7, 18'83.. - 0.• 5..0RAwFoRoi hilmipant.
• •
The Great Pry t3od8 Centreof.01/410,:.
Our Sore ARO ,S1.2oiv-Itoona gowded .a4 aftei,noon unti
nearly midnight. with the Thousands of Pqoplo. who vistod.,ont ,
Grand Openino• $atui.diiy. •-
ws wEnt cnowoEa.I
•41;,,,WAYS ON" 11A •Tto, A
Large Yarioty .of fairoy Oah00.41
rd5ointrievid000n. Try our Ot PLAIN AND r.iiNpV piiElinms 'with ; iiisnyor to on parts or
III881410161tiot the services -0 PItitit.CLA.
Dr.t44;11411,' itit POO in 4 000ltiull 811110001 sitliketIOR
. . too #4.1 qpnl.meiit1i, .!iir!ttoonttlo_*901*
:Choice. -19Blection . of all 1
'ItIndo Oqhfqotione?y,-,
bf,the . /trios malt IN 8L4(141,0% •
Ddn't rprget *the .Stand, $MITIPS 111:061C CLINTON;
Ohr Display-wailinnifieently Gymid.
We 'did our -boa to make the People feel at !tome,
satisfieki. we succeeded. •
Our Employes vv6r,6 9,94pOpils and:obliging to .all;
And 1.4-4; 14,,Wrivatt;iiiiii PRICES-.4re from 25 to *OP,
f-fot 40-WrEl? tIin any.'otti6r the Tratfrtrarg
was 'proven; by the niiinber (if Millitie0.bagsleivin
our Estoblishment Saturday pigitt, #141. tjte grf.gt. yum't
ber of Prder,s,t,arken-fop 41aptlpg t1i4 day: .
).,,,rwo ("nisi waritecf,t7(1
or:IN .rritg STE tiEPARTivniNT.E1
• • • 101
New Appgatugt:low loisoilevN�wSouk*,
. ,
‘Now Deprdto Tt.1111 Out a Fine *Work as Can bo, Male n