HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1883-05-02, Page 2New kivertissinants tiOs Day. ftlie.Ososs. Teel:eery *44 ZOPOlat. PolotiessBe M. liefete. The 80 Orcesere--A. Angus, Cheet May fealieeehilin is1441110 41061"-eg•M.aaseX. Memo *lent -M. Smitivioe. Clotlelegy be/Ott 14ghtideglife4a, Ineerietee-sW. Rite Net* to ContracteinseA, P. Bradley. Butane* Reaudeetfime-j. Ternbuil, B. A, neee end lektione-slolin Meewhirter &Cos ar Tax iluttetr NEVI IteOonee (Jtniairmate411..).* /tag a much larger ate wifation Man any peper jra6Uidiet1 fit thie treelioa of me county, ansi is equal, (2 inF7j Q$8. laver m4is 'whole Own. t7 -ani ‘14at ia not a Vinton. due. We hiav6 dOvumev.te to prove ail. Our ;id of irulmgribm Os shoien fe per - Weer Odto mean _ eiV07u� t'iL THE. MERIN NEWS • ....01M..ton- Record, 4LGANA1viD,) Oill*nio Ont., weeinasday, May 2, NVTING ON ORAEVENES. . s • Tint Otobe saya tbat. the Orangemen hey° been sat upon by Sir John. "sloth- ' Ing could beeefurther„ from the truth. liirjohn.yeited for the Orange bill,Nalte, • Clamaibia; ot IfurOn,, McMillan. of Pinion, - and other partisan its ottemptid to sit upon the Oraugemen'hy voting spinet their being incorporate(' as a property hohling body. If ib were , podsible to. rest the lower extremities of any persons. oi Orahgemere Alex,IsloKenzie, Edward -,Bialtes-Ms-Ce(lanieron, anti'John Biaa- laugii McMillan, a Huron, are" the par - titian toadiere who'woulcl do it. Of the aity Grits who voted on „tho Orange Bill 51 voted against it, inning whom are the honorable gentlemen above mention- ed. The .Protestant Menelsers of ' the Goyetisment voted for the Bill, there - lore it is untrue to Say es the Globe has aaide that iSir John has pat nperi the Orangemen." That feat was attempted by Grit Protestants from Ontario in collision with Catholics from Quebec. But this "sitting ,upon -Orangemen" is one of those coatiugencies• which will never happen.. They may he deceived but they- 'will not down." Those rene- gade Grit ProtestantS•who wilfully de. • - clad what they mustiltnew ake the civil rights Of Oeengement o coinit of the •religidus'creeel of OA members; liaise so atultified the.maclyes •that they will yeti "hive to eat the leek. The people, their masters, will seine day .0411 them to at: - count for,their heinous Miquity. ATIOTAL OR.4111NI8fERIAL., The 51 ()outdo PrOteetteett Before:- , Ore who, voted egainet the iecomere- tien reet4teet 4001.7 becellee ittCh Itgia1atiO0 WQ4)4 h n11010)0W. lotigemeut Of greteratent atioeladancy," /teemed to forget that higher power thin they ecknewleilge"Proteetent Nu- otiPdattcy," Queen Nletoria is Queen regnant by virtne of litt acknoWledges meet of Protesteut iteeendaticy. Ifer corondtion meth hied* lier to eupport it. The chief Ministers of the •Blepire are sworn to support her and cense- tieently sworn to Support that ocelot- ancy. The throne of Eng/awls putted te the houtlee ef Orange end .Bruniesiek upon the basis of Protestant alicen&- ancys James e tei deposed because he wcnild not. If Proteatant ascend. any be not a vital principle of the Britieh VOnatieution, the the preseet segal dynasty of Rngland are usurpers, Aunt % Stuart should be °tithe throe% Last week We mentioned that the 'reroute Remota Ocomelian could handle the word or. ad* without feeling je though a half ton of dynamite lay con- cealed in it. We by no ;nears intended to charge tt:e Canadian with. illiberal ity. On the contrary oat *mention woo for the purpose of showing that thatjournal wee not as illogical as 3, 3. Curran, M. P. for Montreal,who contended that the word erastoe in the Incorporation Bill of the soda y bearing tlig name was aufficient to damn it in his .eyes without any reference to cir knowledge ot the cootents of the hill, Tho Oalta4 ialt, ere are pleased to acknowledee, wiehes to, do to others as theyswould be done too After quoting the,NEWS-RE0 PArefil*citefsegn: eltes : ,. • o'The Canadiag n is always livqh beset's° it hos 'a lear conscience, It \endeavors to treat all claasesin a fiiir and honorable manner, need their merits. Onr con- temporary is mistaken [fit, imagines that wehave any horror of the win dieerane," We are Partial to the fruit, and we:admire • the'flower.T•iie Order of that, ilk colo- rises nanny merabere who are hirge. witted and geeerome which makes us marvel the more that they shouldethink, the place of Many happy anemones. ,• suchan Order- neceSeary to the good • me, Haimaa, for satamy yeamatwia,„ government of a country like Wife" • elerk, on the T. R. at this plaue s sojourn-. • ing liere for a few days. The boys "that:nsed' With demoniacal glee doesthe„ 'Globe to be" are delighted at Ilarry's appearance be took with bine a *took of impletatuts, POP iPid (took.Tie wee one of the pleineeat Of BelgSalra 4134 MUOh respect- dde ;n 714 "4 Tarn" "La M1$ Donald Robertson end Thome* Brandon will follow in a ble weeki.- Dliaatieth Henry hae also'gone to Bran,- rs. Seandrett, hotel -keener, tools very ill on Friday. Iler disease seema to bailie theAtill of Dr.Tansblin, She bas tramp* and the Ousels* contract rigid.- ly. C. UttMiltcat hasjust shipped olftkotee care ot grain, and `feeler & EfoClennan two ears of_ potatoeti. • eveTttliirgii.ehool heard meet as Windex% litendaY few days. :fudge Toms has been very eickfar the pset GOIDEF11,.0,H• yi,ritrt.Q°Kea°615as'.3°U138t94 b." frwal The farmer areilud Mee are busy seed.ing, so that tho town appeam unusually quiet. • gOdetich Lodge, No. 30, A. F. SG, A. M., meets to•night at 8 p. m. Maitland Lodge, No. 112, 4. F k A, AL meet next Luesday eight,the $th instant, at 8. m.• To-morrow'being Aseensiou Day there will be divine service in St George's church at 11 a. m. On Tuesday- evening there will be a chi!, ken's- entertainment intim schoolroom attac1s0, ec; t St. Georgs.'a th net* The Todrnan trailed for Sarnia on Wedueaday inerning, thus opening the navigation for la:*is expected that 200 bieyeles will be in ljne fn oodorien 13011106mo in July. Maori Encampment, No. 23 meet on Friday evening, there will be considerable business to trinisaa and a large attendanc is requested. Major Leys and son, ore.ondon, have been spending a few days in town. • Base ball, cricket, and bleyele arethe chosen pastimes 9( our townsmen at the pre - gent time, . • . Contanmaitim discussion ,has taken, • place in the ;geese over the -double re- turn of Robertson:, and Macdenald Of Kings County, P. E. I., fey the one'seat. Robertson received a inajOritl; o1votes at the June olUctionse :Blit 16 Mar, pre- vious Imbed been returned for the Local Legisla,ture, and at the tiediref- receiving the m. j idly of voted -as , meniber of • the Commons be had not resigned to' the LieuteGovernor. 11 seepas. 'doubtful -whether the LienteGovernsmcould have received Inc resignationbefete the meet- • ing of the' Legislature. At. all 'events __the returning cattier took upon hiamete, to declarellacdoneld, the minority', can, • .didate, elected,. holding Robertson was disqualified by reason of his return for -the Local Meuse, The question as to the right of the returning officer .to stake upon himself judicial functions -hits Wee ' lengthily:argue& in the House: Mr.' Cam- eron, of Huron, contended. that he had ' not. that his dutioir Were purely terial and that he Should have returned RObertatin who-- received. the highest . number of -votes; aid allow the Mouse. or the election Courts todeeide as to his eligibility, Mr. Canis:ion,. Theron, ac- cordingly moved'that' the disqualified caudidoee be seated; Sir John Meadow add, in amondnient, that the matter he referred to the cloirtmittee. on .Privileges' and elections; Mr:. McKenzie that -the House declare that Robertson. slionlet lump been returned, reserving the rights • ierf iserties to centesethe return-- Mr. MeK Inzie amendment' was votedalown and •Sh-John's itmenceint eitrried. Loeb . Weekthe Committee repotted that the returning offiCer had tIone quite right in returning McDonald. . EDI TORLIZ NOTES.. If Blow aniepteady wins tho race, the quad- ruped belonging to a professional gentlemen onavest street is in for'the first prize on every occasion. • ' The (ideation of the hour is, Will -our coun- cillors do' anything in the way of granting bonuses on Friday evening '. . . Mr. H. E. Johnston and wife Paid a flying visit toGoderich on Thursday. Me Johnstoe being ontbeG randTrunis could notresist visiting 4pi,egrownimmehoutee thmentItaltottaboisetvro411inetttg mitt ned iau present. The proceeds WI he devoted 0 the purchase of a refereuee library, the chiiirmau else mentioned that he would Ikti wililahito* gulp to receive outside coutrWatioati for that desirable purposes - t--1----/-i--711P-P , frettraeld, Mr. Olittik Andersen left an Monday of las:oewshe.ele for Deleota. We wish laim ott The meetings- of the Literary Society are *dill going on. Peleitee take place every meetingnight,, Those not report/' ud J ad for their subjects: " hick is of the most benefit totils country, the Wee rior or Statesman." Dir. R. J. Bloody lcd theedde of the Warrior and Mr, *es Vity the other. After an able tliscuesioo the chairmans3frsJohn Beacon; decided in favor of the Statesunin, winning by 004 point. The subject. of another was, "Which ie of the -most service to male kind, the Press or Steam Engine?" Louie led the former end Mr. Fred. l'initripson the letter. Robert Welsh, who acted as ishairmati, decided in fever *°fOtlillePress. evening %surprise was given to the tonally- of .er., Geo. ()Teen, by a host of friends taking possession ot the house. Shortly after arriving, Thee Elsie Green, who is shortly to take her depart ure for the Northweet, With 11:10de the re- else:mit otee beautiful writing sleek, puree and bracelets, accompanied by the tql- lowiee address, which Was read by Miss J. /3ettectru, and the presentation amide by Miss 11. Sheppard ; herald forth -false prophecieS for the among them once again, bard times that it. hopes for. Als a place winds np as follows :-.."We are all well toothsome morsel it tUrn0 over ill its 'here,. and wish to beltindly remembered to all enquiring friends at dear old Goderich." • Mr. E. IlOilter in a letter to a 'friend at thia To Nies Elsie Green s Demi Fnieriet-liaving learned,with regret that yen are about to take up your abode in the North West, we 'Cannot allow you to de- part without manifesting our appreciation of your services in ,our church at Qole's appoint- ment, Your obliging and emarteous ; your social disposition has endeared you teal. We assure you that your serVices in the Sab. • bath School have been highly veined, also la the choir where you have nobly performed your part and greatly contributed to itemoess. We, therefore feel it inournbent uponqui to offer yott some tangible proof of the esteem In which you are held, • It is, then, with plea- sure, we present to you this Writing Desk and Purse as a tribute of our good feeling,hoping that you will be long spared to exercise your influence in whatever position Yeti are gases], and that you will always be guided by e who rules on high. We all join in wishing yes safe and pleasant journey. - ...In behalf of the congregation, „ CIIARLES ANDERSON. • WIN Bneomi tire Miss Green replied in Very feeling terms. after which short addresses were given by Mr. Geo. Greer', R. J. F,loody, and Rita. J. Cook. Various games were indulged in till a late hourt when all de- ' parted for their homes. , inmith the* vleasing assurance that • The ffshing is now all right, the nets being "long ere the five years.of the present lifted daily. Thocatch so far, is net large, , . d not being upto many former seasons, but this parliament shall have exPire tee mayemprove with the entirediseppearanee of• victory of SinJoinA, McDonald• will the lee, have turned 16, tithes in' his _Mouth." The town councillora Meet for wordy war And thea jt iollicies ere isterlayded on Friday evenieg: There should be a liege and illogical . attendance' to hear the report of the delegation With dolorous stateinetits . ofrooto of. to Ottawa, regarding the harbor tells. conclusions concerning she AIC:pt: John Mt:Swain loft on Saturday. for the present fiscal policy "Of Che conitiry; , ino•eals)ani his beat, the Smythe, for But the Globe and the • Patterson's • and 'the3enciamin°g-s on s work. The Smythe has the Ross' i'Fare suffering,• .they ill not Make the people 1 e. rim from Alpena to the Ducks the peTtrefir,C lieve .they Years, during which time she has been sue - are • comfully lcominanded by our townsman. , sodowhat in the position of tbe.lawyer. I .1 T, Garrow and wife loft for, what who',Was sent for by. a person in. prieone `To:nrikib*ore calls "the vexed Bermoothes" on• The latter stated binnano. "whi;," .,,,lionday, where _they ' will sojourn for some ' said the lawyer, "they- 't pet ybd*in weeks. May ths -cauadiau trfix°11crs not.find ,..1 'their abodee"vexect," but enjoy their outing 'prison, under, thecireutinstancce„oi . • ..wh re blow ft thamand geritie.ans indeed," ti rsely7rePied oio pi isonees " • ' And eaph a different perfame beam". ,"No sir," eui ph asis4:th e lawyer. ‘,13nt, The organ' is now fixed in Knox chnrch; ...;3a. X mil heri., ivi Act) is sufficient t,s. appears to be a beautifulinstrument; Its tone • .1 s 0 e -sot • proof., .- is exoellont-so ife aro told -and its, pow • me s nis dee can. .. , -.,-.0,e pec,ple og tins' equalto a larger edifice. In a short time :1-11 conntry c. tot ,be ' theorised . iv the, organ.recital will be given, when all will have . oirT ereakeee . 0,13elievh,g that the ' peady -an opportunity ofjudgifig its qualities. '.- '• - the tailoring business in thie towit, died in "Wo tell you it lis" degniatiseii trio 0106. e. i Tie:into last . week, lie had. made conaider- "Ilut we ton 'You i6 J81114 rujohli liar abo. money bx avoided= in the ,Northwest. the ffict that we • are more ' prosperoulf Bele leai es a eidow, two sons and ,tere' dough- ' tors • • ..• ' . ' than• we ever were ie oer • liee " epee& etreepeepiersieselejse---geseseese :Oin-olii friend; Cele. Murray Modregoreleft • by nooneisits On Theisday for elontrealmhere tproOf tit Os tIvit we, are net/ rtiined,.". - - . . . . . „ . hewill assume command of the steainer Spar. ,„ tan and take her to OwedAund.-.Shi.Will be . • 1-stintunteriml. • . • .. . employed on tidi route, between there eneL , Mr. James Cottle; Of the. Base Line', Thueder Bay; thus forming a link in the all, who rented his 'farm to Me. Lee wt. 1 • Canadian route from Halifax - to, t.1,10 Rocky We wish the -,gallant captain a move to his new home on "the 16 th" in -2,11444t4140, a few davs. - . • - . - - ' -. e .. • • - . snecesaftil season • . . • In consequenceerthe Late Season., and. carrying each an El301111QUS Steck, has cletermiaed on continuing his 1/0/IN CRAM C Grand 'tearing Sfile during the 1 Mouth of ilay 44 GIVING THE' ENORMOUS. DISCOUNT OF 15 PER GENT. OFF ALL PURGHASES FOR GASH, ,Making the Eigge0 Bargains Ever offered in Clinton : In the Silk Department, Dress departmetjt, Parasol department, Hosiery department, Glove departinenti Lam department, .Ribbon department, Trimming department, Corset department, Skirt- departMent,:tinens, Cottons, Prints, &dins, Cretonnes, Lace Curtains and Carpets. • 11/Iilliner3r. Department, under charge of NELL* , • iNst Mantle Department, under charge of - MISS 1/1cINTYBIE or our S,tockwas never so large or complete as it is now, and no one in justice to themselves should dc 'their Si5riig and Summer shopping before seeing our Magnificent Stock of New Goods. DIISCLOYSV11108,... .tecivai4 (Nob) rteparter.f • Mr. D. g. Ortine manager,and- trees- lirer of skim Alvin Joslin Comedy Com- pany, struck Cheyenee the otter day upon bnsineris connected with the ap- .pearance of that: gni hnd itl company: in thim city at an early day. .A.• reporter ealled epee Mr. Crane at; his rooms. at the litterraman and spa a 'few pleas, emit. athlete's ire convereatien about ; the coming attreetton- r. Crane assured the writer- that, the perseditel of :the company le ali ellayabuld' beeles.redeand that the publie nriy lookloi.even.better pei formanees this ,season 'than Noticing that -the "manager was n little pale the welter remarked two) the tea:, • but received the'. reply that he was in geed health. . • . • • • • . of the evern men t is ruin i i" then.Mr. JohnsAda.me, who formerly carried on The ball given by the odcera; non-com. effi- There is still snow on the road near this Aillage. • -,-----.--. : . .. cora and men of Capt. Miller% "someany; e3rd: . t. ,s_s• . e . ... . ...' Bette - Came otre yesterday meek, Bodes was. ; -"' Ifr,JOsep.t :Watking.a line. oPripSs expected reseite.d in a large addition , to • the .661t. • . - :: . ------ .- ,..:___ ...___.---fitntle.:of-the Ceinpany„---"and-Was a -Most edit:iv- . • -, . able entertainment; About sixt " couples were - ----7- tOderich irri*itslislp,, - - ..' . . . . .3%" , present, all of whew seemedsteenjoyeee ()oda- Whew"- On Thompson .61 tho.. ifityfield, shin heartily; The inusio. was .exaellent. Mid. Line was &bring home . front Clinton was fureislied- by the London String Band. last Thuraday, his ' hOrise took fright and The supper .was.00 a Most elaborate scalp, bah the ironconneetiegthe shafts With the in gimmity and quality, and"weshre heartily par tpr baggy -gave . way; me;•--.Titatapaaw).- in . taken of by ail, present. The ladies jum.pmg•out.to quiet the. frantic ' limed,. were as levee testy and'becoming,.and (Ionia': caughtfile. feet. , in elle t reeesseed..r.r. es have been made illo,re for • ,conefort than is • "aneqe4isions. • Th.. preeeetle of the thrown faieviied : on hie ' fitee. .Theii li ball; "though al on thea"e stave, were augmented lee the somewhat bruisedand odratebed, We are erected!: ef resooiel giveiven: Wednesday eVe- • .. r glad - ttileard:ffia hilinies are .stoti '" of ' a : .044g. ut the same. hell. LieutMaewhirteand .111124UIVn.a.tlirec. '', ' „.. .. • . : • .., . • ' • ' others from your tovenevere preemie.: • • -John Peaeom's "Tontine"' took flve The Oddrellows ef the. town celebrated" Use firat'priies at' ell -mine shows . this •year, 04th anniversary of their order orathe' A.Meri- Iiiie more thattivelave hios , oredit . for can eentinent, be a *-tiiipPor' at the Ocean House last week. ' ' • ..: . -,.. .7. at -Odell 00 eat eoein.. The supper sepelied. was a _splendid pia.: and relleets•credit. On the ... , . • • .pruprietor, Mr, Babb, Br. . 1?. .W. ,Tohnatod . -'• : Hallett. . . oeimmed the chair euid.13ro Goo Stivore the- . ' Diem -The people -of the 2nd tion.sitere vice: After•the hispoSe1 ** of the'eolith,* the - startled -On Saturday morning, the '28th • chairman gave the Queen and Royal family; inst., to learn of the death of Mr, Tilos, which wsadrank with all the.honers; band and eepular and, sfhcient . rvpreseiltatr% e tn Emerson, •whichoceurred about "5 a. re.. 'company, "God Savethe-Qu6en." ,T,he, toast. :CheyetiPe 'of the Chicago firn Of Vniirl- liezhadaxe•en-alinglo.r 4 let sdeSta_euests of tho “Presidot of the U. S." wes well ie - j' live IiveSteek nom miesion nierchan is: showedsYmptoinir eeinitanimation, , but eeived; band "yankee'er Crain. ,Ii4nekiint, to •man-tinn thee interiittai-, lits.delith Caine unexpeetedle, 141E: re-; in rispondieg thanked the 'eon -Melly (meth° - • • - • - ..• • maind were taken to 13ellevillo, hie phice• hoary manner in which the Mast'llad been .with tbe,Manager of ' the% Alvin ' X,oslin .Silette," continued Mr. Cranes" &Ise - • I -Mee a pretty serioire tiliee'a it last sou.. noi-r NeW• York," • ' !What -was the Matter 14 . . had ellarp' attack. of then- entitisto. - The disease efeacrecieely left .left arm, and 'for a ' r Walk epon.the one nor raise the other to me. heeds rsuirered Did -ytu ever. have the-. -rheumatism, eie I", addressing the reporter. , "lf you, are etee. strielcen with, it thei One .t1 ing Whieb I can recominved esie-Pretti ,anye ciire, and Oile Oa probably -give yoet quids. r relief ttuut anYthing else you ctiri 'euiplvir'' I refer to the Great G'erniad.Reinedy, St. Jaciebs-Oil. 'Lam aware et the pre tjuilice Which Many, tot tt,rtai n apt' ost ad vert iste 1 le ed W.71- IreVie knit thOught epy aversion q,7 oott.o, -be- dissipatel:', • But -a man will „Soidetiinee catch flies. • 1 parchasetfii-hottle„, of it, .tv.hen found nalcing else X applied. - give releif and comineitcrat applying- it. • fit proved a inost effectualerenie,dy, and the use of three bottlee cured , . . • - "'Anil you .aee etersexpeite a devisee of $t, ,Jacolo's' Oil 1" ' GEN-TLEM EN,, OUR GENTS' FURNI.1.1-11ING DEPARTMPT 'coutains [some ,or t.he nicest Goods to be seen in tbd Trade., ur Ordered ..Clothing • Department , is hi 'Full Blast. We -have to werl. almost dai and' night to. get cut 4??;t1r ORIBM Sir A, T. Galt eulogise!' the (Jena - d ian tariff in -a lecture before the. Gies- gow Climber of Couierieroes It * had reviiind, home and foreign trades and bonen tted Great Britain more thee any other country in theeweelies • . A. classical journeliit his found Mit „ that evation.iss'clerieed frees the. Latin egga, thotiii. it is -mot stated.' th'itt they were unsavory Onestuntre now, some times, used at ovations. AD. W the wealthy egg-inerehant, of Seafortii, is. ti•eaeing himself eie "ciVatioti-iii the ferm of a new 3060 resitlenteTL-Tht contract has been let for thet suite' ' • .. "It is amusing to witness the'frattio efforts of some of the Conservativa•ergatis to throw the blame of the defeat :Attie Graiigs Sill, en . the shoulders of Blake and other 'Reformers." -Tiis Our Pintas, . ' It insy'not be so amusing.: arnekt ; electiorat. It Blake, Cameron; and Ma. Millen helped to pass the Dill, they bad a queer Way of showing it. liarroted arsiunt • It will eet Utility be 'aunts. big to havo theue and other Reformers reeoncile their voter; against the Bill with tinily professions that thee wished itsto pine, 'Twill, he indeed funny. Hamilton Tribititc."--Mr, ---;_oritioising.ibc.flominion„,ErattchiseAtilL the othfir stighte eh:voted nearly whole of•Ithi Nitwit 0a -consideratioit of wit It Sir John 14:•todobald Wir.. teen years age. Mr. ,.filakelive sot au opinion on what Sir John is do- ing moor -117r p-eople of to -day tie in Wrested in the p tioing,s of to,ile,Yi iitid -have 'ini inclination tO follow the l'atior.ef tlie Oppriaitirdii le, his anted- bumwings. has ingde it a Great fatitution, only' Cu ,tter," and no numberof *pOot men fgke. his place,. Rernerniii,'The 14, per cent, fliscount applie$ to.01Othing .al$o, Call .early7—the nicest Goods gofirst, hs. our ENID OCT IN D STAN _3 Clothier Tremontlous y Busy I ur 25 Employes Working Night an To keep lip with the -RT;$.1I,FOR 6.0TIIING "Tit:It '5, -perhaps, draw -14'1i too: I certainly do believe jt tine specific for riteurnafit m, and; as my bolPtf hi placed on persionel..experietice, I tion't Mindecenutendingsitito others." -le- Cite office of the lintel,- the i•eporOr Met Mr. Geo. A: Dunlaii, _Ny lie is • tile • .. 4.1). Of Which 'M UST OLD. by 'that time, as the Store bits to, be vaCated as Alie...,undereigned • , going into other business . 1:410' Stock • . consists a,: , ne $took.O. OeR.prol_Dr. y qoods, ne7Stadi ent8'h71.41.-§hin... nd.11dM--and Caps-? hiS.:841(iirr.radt!;..ti-ibeTgq:4„av,(Flitly-ir;e.i.tp.o(clkiTobt!y G-Odds:for:•.,this''S MAL!. rock of O. cafes urnis 117 8 received and hoped that the cordial relatious Compativ Mid ,said allout St: of abode preiionis to moving Huron, ea" sb'iut ten "nil: ainiv(r°bYin1;t8h'ilsu.114°4"1.8"-• ':UattlatPltoreeetilleStnietal;t4otriltiteidtv'igsTvbileedit:I.:ievnnteT;(21onnQgniniti4illitalutit3,i7Sdb.To.w,till'e°:' lot; iilterioent. • ?skim) won the esteem of all who knew ed the' great Mondale held by the aders of him: Ile _Wait ,ever 83 y ears Of age at -the tirne. of Iiiifedeeease. Ile was riearried twice. and leaves a hires: - posterity to' mourniits loos. thrgreat English apea -ing countries or eaelt other. - During the eventng. Messrs,. elcGille euddy,"' Bail, Muithey, Beek, Lawrence,' J. -Nairn Seven, RidleyeRussell. Canteloe aed The oiv.ner • of a Nanaiiis-4 laVpir4rf -01bera resfoneed theeteventimaste. Messrs, tiered groat service as vocalists. - - - The High School Literary Society's enter- tainmont on Friday evening. proved a decided suctsess. The hill was filled to overflowing with an intellectual audimice. Throughout. the. -performano faii-nrder 'was maintained; with the exceptibn perheps of a little whist. fing; atid this winos:mem was stoppeitas soon 08 the chairman requeSted ite.discontinuance. H. I, Strang; B. A., the head mastersoecupied. the chair and introducel the ineinbers to the - anilines. The openieg Tehleah, "Two lovers in a Lite," was put on,the stage in good style; and rematitably well delineated. The recite - tion. '"flto One Betts Story," was .fairly delivered, but too long for such a perfornirtnee. The next, an instrumeot solo, was it toeritoil., ouseerfoseistase, and sueli ne might be expeets ed 'Isom Mies Ilettie Fries, The reading;. "The Atile Curler marl his Wife," by 'Miss .J. -Strang, was all that could be desired, and took the'eurlers Who Ware proseet by storm. A dialogue, being portion of the eth Act of tho Merchant of Venice, Was feirly acted On the Whole. Tho character of -Portia was in eeery Way creditably portrayedby Miaslfalree $11, lock; Mr. Yarrow, was fairle played till the climax of the scone, thoirthe gentleman failed, evidently troni• a want or a true knowledseref the char:toter of Shylock. The ether parta in this dieletme were careful -1Y read. .Tbe sole, "Water eressek" by Misr; Cook, was MI* ill Ana IL manner 11$ tagaiii ad mom: 'The reed. ing by Ms. W, 13; Dickson, "Defeece of -the Bridge" though iv:Ahead. Wag much Mo lend: An instrumental (loot by tile Misses Truman and Acheson nest followeit 41,0 the first part ,doncludeci 'trail a quartette, "Moonlight On the Lite,-" by the members, The fied011d poet comititheed -with the charming tableau, in tive Bono, whieh was ebarmingly put on the Stage and perferoSt. An instal. Mental Miss Soegmilleatfiient "Martha," followed, itfter widen titles Lothian, Ball Ye- • "Wkigling IleaVencv in ouch man - • as ta 44it) toed applanso. The Mieies Cameron Dlekoon and M. Dimon bp peered 44 a portion of the 20d aeons of the, fifth ad of 1,81takespearo's Henry the v.,neea gavd It 0.01•40t IlYarlfilgs Th6 Ian of "Xing lienry'f.wle remarkably delineated. • The. sound, "nark to the Clieroli ; gainedan enthusiastic, encore, "Soeltery settleg a, Heste". recitudc4 by Mr.' Ilona „malted eonsiderable er u kilos& A Amu g d " -wounded so We hear, but, doesn't know, • Who tired. It; was very, very - rude: That huti boy is Or 'should be, :sorry ned wili fievere never do it "more times'," ' • . , Stanley' •.line of (hose happy events whieb the young people look forward 'ts: take a part in, took plaoe at the residefice of the respected dep' iity:Reeve 41 Stanley: The occasion ' was tise Marriage of Mr. Castle's only dauelitet, to Mr. John 'Pol- lock. A loge party graced the oacasion. 'rile 'ceremony was ,porfortned -by lite Rm. Mr. McCosh. 'rhe bride looked happy and her numeroos friends ox•-, pressed hearty withes tbat she might- otintinne to.beso. She wee the recipi- ent Of Many valuable presents. The ,good feeling customary on •stieh deco- siorts,ives. heightened by tile cordial hos pi tali ty of Mr. Ciietle Mid pastimes vended the overiing hours away until long past mideighl end ,it ---was nearly daylight next tetirrilbg ere the • festive ga0Sta pn.rviittnd the joyous tnta- inertia to osupeolloas lag" on the ecelle of this well sustained mirthful odeasion. We can only, at, this diAtanee, fling the seliteriel slipper .eiter Mr. and Mrs. - Pollock; atstL4YiSh thou otniany 'hap " py returns of' theliaine'!- het iveddingsf except :dives% or golden -het ofgood leek typified by the liarMonY WhiehPreVailed on this autipieions °cession. . Dr. Orton ia 'spoken of es Dominion- Miiiist'r..•of Agriculture, Vini Cult Ridinvior 'end -Ottawa Pito Pregg, beat. (telt journals of eonsidt-rable promin. 111(51, wlitie ailiiritt big the Doctor's sill, ity, imnie Theo, refit* Atee geltle7 " DOM betterqualified to n'ecitry Ilia pOsitiO11: WO gait() aoreA, Mr. Ostrow is li e015sci4ntiong, taints. tektite- toeinlier Mid Iliorenehly iisal for the kei port ttiit RONt.folin rittnitcdr- le'au4 1 be•ti gracious tile part, of flie Vitymier 0.y olTor 0 is sterling re. •- pre httiers WnSt 5; nt4aitigni I • ItelgraVes • win., ;g0,i, gait Mille, Of Wingliatn, have tentedla store here -50(1 ere having jt fitted op with the ii*tornn froin the Otirsen atones a Clinton. This will make tgefifth -store here. O'llartiess shop bore, which is surpris- ing considering that Delgrare is OGG ,of the liveliest r lieges on Usa L, 11. a/ 11. ..„-A tin Aim sitid ,a grist rsi'ljriVedtd be hcceptable aeeessovies At ]-en4 we 1141/41 A storeeo 2 blati%d nab seripse2 eho le 1 Saill 1 ivagon WAN) poi %Hors the . Ip fact. .ii' in MOE tuna e el Moe ti the 6(tronie wenion, potwon of zeltutie ro. .• • ' iitit:i wak ankilOWliltlited in Oletney., rinlib'ert trubnpy hag Stiven; T lamas, McGillicuddy nlyzi Babb role Jacobs OR, Mr. Dunlap replied that he was not surprised at etre- iiarretion..or the cieeumettieees, for tlie Great -0'er-. ntair,Iteideily was a good Medicine Mid 'he could also-conimend ifs ' "Axc. you atruek".-on-Oilt • toot _ ',won r aou.t i‘itnetly put it that ...way, but I."Sei ieVieirt good remedy all the fame., Ilty eperience with -sits is somewhat litni ted, but of soffieienily res Out date to make me vividly remereher what it has elopiefer nue W hilts etiperine tending, the loadingeof 4:attle thie Aut. ien., I fell from a car•atel, seriously hurt my 1eft knee.I belieee biCY0d veFIRPI• was rup‘urid and the miracles severely strained. l'eciuld not 'walk -for Several days, and do not knoW, that I would be capable eiractive lonbirtOti011 flow, were it, not for the kitelly officee of St. JaCob. Oil, Its power: ul b enlingand m u lac g prop, rttes 1cst' me right on" my feet, It did, for a fact, and you can use the iliforriintien if you so please," tilOst, eVer y hotly," remarked Ide. 4. ;0•• Stayart, repreiginting. Weber, 'Howland itz Om, - wholeini le dealers Art hate and naps at Deriver, "uses 'rt. Jac- obs where 1. crime froutt. toncediad, a very sore loot and Very liattlrally OM- ployed the Great German Remedy, , eured my foot in a very .iihdrt time. Abe 00AI reeenIttiend "Are there any other- gentlerneb here whoiWould like to endorse- this wonder- ful ipeniticl" asked the reperter, "It has assumed the iiimertance of public question,. and I'intend to write , it up for the benefit of iithere Who 'may .the attic, n of this 3311e8" replieMr, !Antal), . tepres,tingtltp grent colt ti*Iiiiifso 451 jewel 1-, Shore:Ian ik Ors, Milwaukee, "put me down tie es itivor ill St, 'Jac, Obli On; 1 had r find $t. health intri ptace eft:tiled. , ,* jaeobs Oil nond me, you can bet oi • r se, . emir tilts :very , ft tat f•-ir mykoaou, 1,1,:t imranuo,... .1 toe volt ' , or 1 n alloy oo In this :Stock will • be found 'all the reading iNc.veltie4 of the: . Season: . Or The and. the•prkes_we are•Qffer— thern.at must"; do it. • • • Ifen't Mistake the jAace--. Oktflit fdrtile • . 11,1 JarTor Genuine Baa•gaing, give us a call: and examine the. Goods and the P.rices we•offer them at; Thisis 11:1JM:Bli.G",- but a•Grt4nuine Sale 'tc? clear. • # NEXT TO WATT'S room. It is a reeehtr eeperience meet: It will iiot. he piliallele4 soon , in onoyenno." . ' 'rite teporter Watt Sultsectia.ntly fortned by one of eliseePreinittent. drug:, gistS,in the thitt- Father Heves had . • • Tak6 Tour ChOice• • You can be wok, nervons, debilitetecl; and, despondent. disqualified for work of boa or hand, or you can oeloy a fair share of health and peace of. mind. Thirclock Blood Bitters will alleviate your misery and do yells, world of good if youevill persevere in their its° for a , .also Usetrilin Great German rlb.rnerly fot people. The above is a true bill, and "limy be relied upon. • rheeiriatism, and, having been cur.. . , _ . . HOUSE FOR RENT. COMMetlddd kn. employment theehis - . SIX reeitid new benne to let, with hard and tett , water, and a good garderpplot attached,. 13 tuato •Mt Fredrick St. Apply to . , Vilt. eurritsoN. (n'TtiolOsi COOPZR; .' on the premises. v.10.41. Grocer. 1110ther This been using your But -dock Blood Bitters as. a liver sernedy, and finds there very efileacipas L.i'Ailisiverth, 41 Vaasa Bleek;. •apolliss Ind, A.Vine llit, When the propriotera of Burdock Blood Bit. tree eat, tide ronownid-rnedicide_on_the„...nattr; kat e they bit it exaotly. 7rhoy hit dyspepsia, indigestion, eild kidney and liver oomplainta hard blow, from which toy will never recover., ' 'A.111FfIeelleitt ItOort. Iron. Jos, G. GoodridAer of Brooklyn, 11, V. writes rt -"I cannot express myself in indfil ciently praiseworthy terms of Ilcirdoeic Blood Bitten winch liave used for thii pest' t‘vo You; with great, benefit." . 'llvilyttle)PowOotst True you nley lin in ititserfibin nonclitIont- you rnsy be week, ;pallid, and ,nervous. 17051 (stood, elect at ingbtievir enjoy your waking hotire, yotWity lase heart I Got a- bottle. of Billhook Ilload 'Ditto*, It -will restore* to it, #teiy tinv,!t •Eividt1ire,00, . giC4nt101•11Pni" reirierkad.tilifrotortnr, Often pi -tablet° business, imn• tis; is is iTiriarlsaldo oeind040,0* Vito to teriotni diaortlar of the kidneys. After Mr Dualape, path a met, aiege ofsieltness, tiled Burdock Bloot tlifiati.r, both ening Jrcok)s OH, and ititii7xrelieved belt battles 5. r. ft, Tamp. ficaliestori 4. takes"the pain,* - tibdilicr gentleman 141. r• s C • rirl, ' LACAIINE CANAL. NOTIGEtoi-001t0T0118 E 91\ITANTLIe AT WORK. We are. selling' Ow' Treniend0a.s Large Stock f '• fast that' we are Duplicating. Our Orile.ro: . .See Our $ok! - Se Our Prices 1 0 13A MD, tenders ttS,lrewedto the'undersig'ned, apti -chilOtead"Ttlidar tor the Vormation 3 -mons hoar 01. (rahrki.Lockti," volt be receiver) aW t uilitil OW the eativai or the motto and Western Maili,on WROXIMAY, grulleY OF JUNE nest, to the tectonics sq TWO 141,1PS or nestes, oe tee mem side .0ethe eticiene• clone at tioesseal. , A 01:0 innt upIthiention of tbe Wora to he x105)6 do) be eon' At, 0146 eet end at the 'Lachine autel Stmarad, on mid Mb* 111530AYI the 22bd thty of 'MAY next, at either of which placer; priatad Millis of fender vap bo °Wined. Contreetoru are pawned to hoar. 'Mind that, actiovianeovdth 'printed forms. , 1 • seenesses, ee:().1.i- Serge Snife, • - kiee. Our 'Sootch iveed Suits, gee Otti Canada Tweed . . ee Our •Egtraordinar ay_This,Week *Wprgted Trouserings,. eee our Boy.'e Salts, peat and. o9Oby, AND 'AWAY DOWN. IN PRICE. . booti. and Eiktra Clieap, Beaoer Block) Sign of the Red' Flag. Amp, BURNS, Manager. JAMES PICKARD, Proprietor* meamemiswiliesteas GROOERY WELL PATRONIZED \I ' Choke Teas and auggrsi. . Bout' larPricekiVio.derato " . ETYTHINO FRES Choice B ands of TOBACCPS on A. Angus',. . rgopturroit, ul Glassulek • nspettion Itrititp4$, livOY • • D; Ang4,g, 'ONAGER. 10 Aaadota mt. be astdcied unless mad° atidotIr It) .. , eri aecefiteditiank oh.erme tor the barn Of tg,ren,l, must naoompmvy naell tchatr,Whieir entrudied he ter. 'shod, It UM patty GAdotiog, dadllass datorfikg rato toottattlotaam Wotks at the rates 05 115+ tarn* stated lo 00, otter submitted. 'The riler,ma thus nat. tidit VOttitaad Let vbe rospiejno •Vatties VhOsa, 'tenders Mt hot rieceeted, „ ' • risis riopertraint will not bit hound te accept the lOWest bt any tpider.. d . • . .1,06),t. tsj tatt,'..0er A. .filegikvbrtetteri, ' • Ott$1141 Sls April, 1883. tato xaituttation, 111110 gntr9ne0 rigenitriation to the elfefOri ITirh SehnoT will he held in the Central &hot, on thorralro- and riatta.0110 tatt, and tOth ;Tune, botrating tacit sitti• at _ intending candidato win stadia their mince to the/lend Master 1191 Tater that, the 24133 of ty. • 3. 717111.113htL,11. 4.. • ..s.tr. 1 4 . AlVdtdata securing the bIghtaIt hmtbat •Matics 0 tbls stattbiatilM tAatli'd ftIOttiItInfl at the Clinton lligh ktellool fertile )•tii, pirr•itst. v•n) ••.1 .PitlIPE rfr._1'.0g. efitilit *tibia he oto for Otie that cletfrabfa nIS. 0'.....--1 I, 1)etty *It fate Ott LIM uarti, WOO Ofirifittg,s . ton, Iota it la .na. 4 4), There segues 0- erre tit, goott tone, avIng thereon it route se, heart- yog new. 0 tied ling two bed:04110i, elidtrig.reest,.11 Unmoor,* 4 winter kitchen; alat * gond ,de fat, Good well vatot MI the requites. Iknieisten ' la , , lorineala v, ..rorttrine eta,arg440- ' ' f4MVE MO, . -. . ,' ,„tiyi too frerstoist •• foist, ISIS. -• -,0 . • V,.11$1 , . . . .. - . ---, 4 . • / • Mimi,