HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1883-04-25, Page 41.4 est 1 A THE NEW Sorg iao ns is ualoulatud to supply a want lou* lett by the boars Of flowing Meehiner, rats lissehhte belongs to the clave known as 81(111 a OR df1CR1tV.g&. lb .is SI}uple In Cwistruotion Quiet end Redd is its 1lovement and me. osad1uglyy Light Running. It is made of enu beet ui terial end uan sed Iltwt-claw style. The ver • Iateetim rove. Papu�1�ell hhl kinds t to 18uth't a rwltb skk'la NOW CLOS plot 1 A .uta. J. WI WEATHERALD -.--Aosta. sea--m-- GODERIG i, CLINTON, Ma burrounding Territory. It is acknowledged to bathe SMOOTHEST, EASIEST,. QUIETF,ST, QUICKEST, STRONGEST,, RooauEer,. and one of the Sisseton ANA BEST SEWING AL+• IJUINEB in Existence. wILUTHN NEW --1ND- 111ACITINES have recebed the 'Highest Awards at .the Centennial and, at all ,other I,eedieg Exhibitions held w C011183714 Anstralla, Europe and South *m. • - iArita. Every Machine fully: Guaranteed 'by the Manufacturer for FIVE YFAI,8,ifpro- perly used. e Intending Purchasers should ask for the Improved NEW WILLIAMS A aehises and see that they get them, Canadian Factory at lifontreal 1'. Q. American. Factory at Pittsburgh, Nes York. Montreal Office, 347 Notre Dame Street. Toronto Office, 68 King 'Street West. London Office, 238 Dundee Street. .• . W WEATHERALD, Agjat for SiODERICH, CLINTON, and Surrounding Territory. W:.:CAM PEELi., Looal Agent,. • BLYTH.. TT��� oontratitr !wads tet WIRT'S 11 E N$W$ ? �� LlI J;�,� ii kept on ll t tlw .^^-•� alias ot. Lalill A. x1la�laa, uoCormluk I3loek, TAO were 68 cattee of sluallpox 1n tlbieaxo,111 New If even, Connecticut, last week. Small pox is spreading .among the; Rev. Adherlffucts, work men along the Osnadel Pacific Rahway. x w° dt< EXPERIENCE* The Itev. Z. 1i'. WW1, wall-1rffiely011 nit7 mlae/onar'ylaNOW 7CArigaPAli'kr+► vogehe late alai nen tlinage Wilde, ofthe IdWlatiefi r sett* Supreme Court, writes ae follow*: "78 R. Nth Si.New York Roy 10,102.. trsata..t. C. A.EK a Co., Gentlemen,: Last winter 1.vas troubled with a meet uncom- fortable ,itchinghumor alrooting more *specially my limbs which itched eo httole bly nicht, and burned so Intensely, that 1 Couldsoaroely blear any clothing aver then. I`waa Ater) . a sufferer front it eevero catarrh and catarrhal cough • tiny appotituwas poor, ane my system a good deal run down, Knowing. the value of A 'Elda$AnaArh,. tt1tee, by ,observation of many ether ,i pa, and front perstonal use iii former years, l•began taking it for the above-named disorders. Aly, aPPetite Itnprovett almost from the first dose. After a H altime the l 1 rfateoend itcs in wesallqr ea andshort • gsfiitinof the akin Caterr ! and cough wereaiso cured by the same INC uterine and my general health greatly Improved, until it is now excellent. 1 feel a hundred per cent etrOfige'r, and 1 attribute these result* to the with all eonlidence as the best blood medicine ever devised. I took it to small doges three times a day, and tiled in all, leas than two bottles. l place these facts at your service, hoping thele publicationmay do good. Yours respectfully, Z. P.W1I.ne." .The Above instance 1s but one of the many cote ' tautly coming to our notice, which prove the per- fect adaptability of 'Avi:n'e SAnedrARILLA to. the cure of all discasca arising front Impureer'ii poverlaltea blood, and a weakened vitality, • W EIMAR "'.' • use of the SARSAPARILLA, which I recommend Ayer'! 'Sarsaparilla cleanses, enriehee, and strengthens the blood, etlntulates the action of ,oho stomach and bower,' and thereby enables the aystent to resist Andover, come the attacks of all Scso ufol gdiseasea,'rep,: bona of the Skin, Jlheumatism, Caton "Belled! f Debility, and all disorders resulting trent poor or corrupted bleed and a low state of the system, PREPARED ler Drs J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell; Mass. $011 by, all Druggists; price 91, oil hottlea for atj. 'alio:mine rreseo INT - . '.��''^•tin• .....- n ',Ready for use by any one. :. A Great Varietyo .: Shads, AYER'S ' CATHARTIC PILLS --_Best Purgative Medicine— cure:Constipation lndigegtion, Headache, and alt Bilious =Borders.• Sold everywhere. Always wallabies C.anteioij:B.ros. 'FOR RELIABL1 .iron and_Hardware 1V. erchant, - , !Clinton, April, 1883. CLINTO Ca rrLa H. CANTED MANUPATUR7i'RR `, 1�1 ALBERT STREET,' CLINTON ,ONT; IBUGGIES 'CUTTERS WAGONS, SLEJGHS, At; • L"'f11f13�:R R.: CANTELON. BEST: VALUE JN Teas, Sugars, General Groceries,:. Glass, Crockery, 4China Wares ETC.,ETC. •:1 Out' -TEATS -are extensively ;known to be as 'good ,in quality tins as LOW lit price as can 'be bought. Qu•,1r;1FRUI'rSars up• to; the season's' aequirelnents. • Our.UQnEC'1`IQ AfY ivilhbe worthy of your notice, isalso in taste and design they are' excellent -don't forget the tactgi.• art: .. -N OR -X S -'RIF , -687,- DEN SYRUP, ETC, pensstantly on hand' Farmproduce taken in .exchange for goods. Oan-teIon Bios,-, GROCERIESCHEAPER •i „. Unilever at o PEll'SGROCERY' On Wednesday last 4ba-guarde at government Rouse,, Ottawa, were fired on. The assailants escaped." ' Sir A. T Galt hashed the degree of 1: bL. L rgh• . eonVuiveraltyferi ed up.: itson him by the Edu A terrible tiirned° visited-Arkeltesafl MI Saturday, c.tutslllg great hose of :life and property.. r. On the 48th there blew--.a--terrible hurricane Or Victr,ria !B. C., foi ifteeit hours. Four ships parted their anch- ors and were :driven ashore. Severai lives were,loi'. The Queen has almost entirely re- covered frodl the effects; 0r her recent` accident. Beyond a sligtlt stiffness, her majesty. now feels. no• inconvenience froth the injured liwb.. Dynamite devils appear • to be on the rampage in England A.. ay'narite ex- plosion took place in ,lover, Eu ;. bar- racks, and. an attempt, has been wade to blow up Salisbury Cathedral, On Tui slay 48 cities and 'towns. ip Illinois voted upon the liquor question Seventeen declared' for prohibition or anti -license, and 31 fur Ii'ense. Of the. latter six were for high. license. The Kentucky owner of a vicioue. stallion caused bout his eyes to be des troy ed by puncturing them. with. need- les. The animal can be handled now, but there is talk of prosecuting •the owner'£or .:rueity. . - Thoseatoiwrtpapere who have gracious ly decided to extend the. Marquis of Lorne's vice -royalty for apather year or so will be made easy w tl' dry they learn that hiy urns does. not expire. un,, til October,; 1884. ' Curley has been found , guilty ,of •'taking . part in the Phoenix Park • murder and sentenced to be hanged en the 18th of May. Several others have. also. been sentenced to be "tailed tor the: same crime. Belfast claiws _a...Ihlrs: Langtry oi.its own. She fe a worker in 'darter's mills there, silty •cei.ti x ,'frotn "=Blank Roca near Cork. So 'surpassing is her beauty that thousands ilaily .await her. departure frons' the mill, thus' com- pelling the- maiiil'drs • to allow. her to leave half an. hour before the' other wet+ktTS. • 73isltcp Cleary., of ICingstoh,.hes mode Vigorous attiA upon the lot:al press - for not exi;lusling from their columns, reports of 41i voice, ma'practice, end such Crisps!. Te :pronounced) the papeiui that dealt in such newts •nrifit.to lie :.admitted to respectable families, feud said that if there was'ndt some inlprovtwe; t'. lie would be eompelled to counsel hitt. flock to withdraw- their subscriptions and - support. • Bucklen'•s Arnica TSP greatestniedival wonder of the' world. '•fir-aeranted—to--spe'edi1y cure Burns, )3'7 uises,.Cuts,Ulcers, Sal t &Beni» Fever Sores, Cancers, Piles, Cliina:tine,' ;Corns,. Tetter, •Chapped ]iailds,.aiid all 'skin eruptioiii, guarautsed. to, are ir,• every instance,; or money refunded For sale, . by Watt's & Co:. • ADVICE TO'alIOTH'ERB. Are•you not disturbed at night and broken, of.your lest by a sink obiid outlining arid cry ing.' With pain of;cntting teeth/ .If so, send .atonce aid get a bottle of MRs..�lrl� sl.otv'a 001' • 1i G YttUP y01t; DniLUItut:T rEJ7:l'I1s N0. 'Its value-is=incalculable It wilt telitve the poorlittie stifferer immediately. Depend ups n it, Mothers, these islia liiistake aliorte it. It cures dysentery and diarrhoea, regulates the stomach aridbow els; "aures wind colic, softens the grime, 'reduces inflammation,: aIi.t gives tone and energy to the whole: system, Alts. W1Ns Ove8 SOOTHING SYRUP 'FOR CHILDREN TETHIrais-pleieant to the Mate, and is the prescription of one of 'the oldest female• physi-. pians and nurses in the 'United States and ' is `ales by a11-dun2gists ehroug110uut_tllesverlilE°_ Price 26 cents a b.tttle. •,- • , The undersigned begs to return his Sin - for • their liberal patronage for the past two...yearsoind as lie intends to. give .11....s_ensi timers the Best Milne possible, for their Money, he "hOpes 'to meet a continuanc6 Of their Patronage.- ' FURNITURE DEALE 4p.sT:to HAVD, HIS- 60 CENT,..TEA Will still be a Speeialty, and cam not be beaten-, in the market. All other Groceries'as low as Possible. A -Large Stock ef GLASS W ARD and CROOK -I DRY. on hand, Also FRESH OATIWEA4,0ORN-MEAL7, FLOUR, OATS; POTATOES, Mei a all and be Satisfied: T. COOPER. Linseed Oils„ Va,rnishes, Gloat, Paints (wady taixed 1•Vashbourne and Moen eknowledged ,a21 to be, the bEst, Barbed 'Wire Ina,de. None PIAISTS. A.Nq DRUGGISTS; vittAttloyettiewnsTztot —EMU -PH OFFICE, 4000 far lisarriirftliava thritileA, Big, Assortment, Elegant Designs. • .Low Pripes. NEW STOW( .00 Lacrosse' Sticks: NEW *STOCK u2 MOTT FRESH ARIIIVALS PICTURE FR IS' ,... .. ;nit E., Nexi to litotes Drag store, BLYTIt„ 'SAW MILL Arent**, prepared to do ell Ideas', Of Ptah In their line, Hieing fie Reedit We Ira able' Parts of Leta Nos: and 7, Huron Read Conceselon, TownehipbkOoderich,'dontaining 160 acres nearly all - cleared and =stir free from stumps. There are oe house a, good bearing orchard, and never -failing Also, the..oasi halt of above lot 0, en'ntaining er, also a young orchard of 150 treitii, all selected winter The above•farma are situated on the il-uion Read, abodt Ilk unites; from. Clinton, May be purelmied eithersepanitely.onin one blocki-For-turtiter Partic- ulars and terms apply to • . 'FOR SALE. containing 100 acme of choice land. ,80 acres cleared of a slimmer fallow ready for drop. ''There North half of lot No. 28,,,.com 2, Enei Wa aorsgbe, %lame bavravith stables under, a Her, dwelling and- a. small ortifiard. Ithrone Mile arid a quarter fyom Mancheiter, twelve Miles from Goderhili and seven miles frora ' Thlo is a choke farin and, will be -41old-eheap.- If not sold. before the 10th• of March it 0, HAMILTON. pEly th, Pelt SALE Lots13, 14, 15 ati1116, Bleck 0, McCornel's servo.: • in the village of Myth, There is dn the premises a gond brink dwelling house, 20x20, dile and ahem • stories high,. with good. etone-eellar, full site;-. wt 11 •ef f.he village. and will be Sold cheap. For full par. Oculars apply to . • meet desirable lo thesellege for business. There 10 a good stable, eutlieharosi and an excellent soft water .mist6rn on the premises. The lot comprises' I of atre, The buildings aro In good repair, Will be sold eheap, ao the proprietor is gjelog up business. Thane Beigreee, Ont, Clinton, contains 03 armee (Nur acres bush), geed hem° helm, large frame barn, both with atone foure Malone, first•class orehard, geod pemp arid well we.. or, also a small' creeknn the property; the; land In good order for a epring. crop; the !ems are of board, and cedar rails and aro ln a good' tithte of repair. Tonne :-Ohe half down, balance on cask terms of • THOS, COOPER, on the premises.' MONEY TO LEND. • 'The CANADA LANDED CREDIT COMPANY, TO frontet, le prepared to land On Moe tgege on the seenr. ity of Improved' Farm poperiy, pi the following -SIX 'PER .CESIT. PER A1VNEM Payable yearly. For funnier peetiotfiare epply Co HAM itzoni TO InnOnANTS How toSell Goods. • Fant ee and other* doelring a genteel, nimbi vs Ugz at Widetwbi 941411 $k. Qa 196 end 1s000n treet.§ew,orFk v TRAVELLERS GUIDE* Cron Trunk Railway. p01N(} WEST; 8:45 a,m. 1.17 p.m. 6:15 p.m. 9:00 p.m. poxtai. EAST.. 6;10 a.m. 8:45 A.M.1:17 p.in. 3.50 p.m. • Crept Wester* siols,. grains leave Clinton Station atiuuder:•• 00150 NORTH. 93Q a.tn: 6:10 p.n1. • GOING SOUTH. 8:2Q a.m. 3.50 gut. CIIURCrILDII ltCTOR '. st Paul'a(7hurob.-Services ou Su.Odayat 11 am. and 7 p. m. Bible -Claes, 10 a.in. Sunday School, 2 p.m. Service on' Wednesday, 8p. in. lriv, tVniisn Oa uq, fleeter Canada Methodist.-3eerlees at 10.30 a, m, and 3.30 p, M. Sabbath $0031 at 2.30 p m. REV. WE. MuDow 0tl, Pastor. Canada Presbyterian.- Services at 11 A.M. and 6.30 o.. m. Sabbath School, 2.30 p. lit. Rev. Alam. Sm.. ART, Pastor. Bible Christian. -Services at 10.30 a. m. end 0.30 FP. M. Sabbath Suhoed, 2,30 p. in. Ray. J. J. Iteca, Pastor. ` . . Baptist Church: -Service at 0.30'1Ll0. habbath $cbooi, 2,30 0. in; Ear. J. OKAY. 'Pastor. Clinton ilarb13 Works, • HURON STREET, CLINTO- ,.. W It, COOPER, iJr. Atanufactpror Of and dealer in all kinds of Marble & 'Granite for Cemetery Work at figures that defy 'compotitton. • Alen lnanufaeturer'of the Celebrated A.aTIFICiAt 'STONE, 'tor Building pur- poses and Cemetery Work, which .utast he esen, to be .apprecintinl ---4ll W'..'iv warranted to give satisfaction, ' zoom). Large Circulation.. ROOT ANO. STOW CUTTING' BOXES, And all Impledients used on a .ferm Good as the Beat, and as °lusty is, the Cheapest; at MAmMOTH OFFICES TO .1.,ET, `DEMURS BLOCS; Oottege 140# rItneogi 011. Two Cotteltell end* awe lest Preen. AR), ArIcivm The l(olson's Bank, 17-14.V. Minton. Poofieefoid MANININO 41,64. Minton, gay itta, REMOVALS en Epwor KEEFER. Jo 94;f4”. BleNTIST“ CLINTON. '`• Late ot TOMO, Honor Graduate areal COUP of Dental semen*, bs*PMon*Ativil4 • Coats Bleck, ore WJaylortt Son's. Stek yletufgelte. and relieve all the troidgere dee t 10 a billette Mete of the system, melt as Die. Plan theriiiricatee- Willie their moat remark; able sucetes lino been eltowalu curing valuable in CorienpatIon, curing and preventing this Jimmying currtplaint, whhe they MAO corriet ail disorders of tho stomach, stimulate he liver °sod regulate the hotels. Et en if they only curtd A che 111(7 /70110.1 be almost prleelesa 10 those who, Wier from this distressing complaint.; but torm- ent ely their goodness does not end hematid those Who ouce try them will flud theeellttle pills vale - able In se many wage that they. whine t be willing do without them, Bit LIM ter nil sick head!' Aro plensent to .tako. Ciantain their own 'our .:.tit co Is ' Safe, sure, and oftoctista' The •CLAs8F.S. in ditnneetion *with the: menet! on the even' tiff a THURSDAY, the '14th Inst. T.trins made known an uppit. Hardware go .fin Shop. Haring bOuglii STOOK l!FI. STOVES Outside of tile association, on very. am now prepared—to offer -- Cooking Stoves AT A • LARGE PERCENTAGE Also, a full assortment of . Undar-the Usual Price. SILAS . NI:nits tile ante to get •Ytwur EWA- • • of oilmen and surrounding vieinit •, that she as preen/et! a good KNITTING Al e.". and ,ts Misitormit--;•Huron St.., next door to IlapHst.Cniirch. Thee theee•storey brick store and.. , dwelling, on the eurner of Huron, and. Orange , exchanged for other pronerty, or *old .cheap on • long BILIOUSNESS, , -DYSPEPSIA; DROPSY, JAUNDICE. OF THE RT,' 'ERYSIPELAS, , ACIDITY OF - SALT RHEUM, TIPE'STOMAOH, I :111,EAAD8 ATBCIIURE,A4 OF THE SKIN,: And every specie* of disease arislillfrom. • .1:Reordered LAMB, KIDNEYS,. BYO Mal, . BOARDING. COMMODATED with • Mud and Lodgings at MRS. MASON'S, Huron htreet, three doors westof the Cornmerelal Hotel. .t All the immforts of a home -Provided. Chargeo *deride, • a (\I ALE you thet ban need Adho and Fallen 1..1 fl etill lefty ' Artist; (Moline Munipulator, Fauliettl Operator, and Hetet, cunton, , A:TER S, . Cherry, .Peotoral.., Nd other complaints are sci insidious in their ate. .teek as those effecting the throat and hinge.: none so trilled With by the majority of Bunglers., .The . Ordinary mato or-coid, resulting perhaps from res trifling or unconscious exposure, is. often but the ,PecTonAL lam well proven its efficaoy In a forty -years,. tight with throat and twig disease's, and should be taken ih all -cases without delay. "In 1857 1 took a twelve cold, which affected to; ;tinge. I had h terrible cough, and pessed night atter night without sleep. •The.doctoes gaverne tun. I tried Area's Ourninv Pe0i•Olta I., which . trolleyed iny lungs,.induried [deep, and afforded lee the reot necessary for thet,egovery Of my etrangth. By the continued Use of the .P.ectrtinAL a Peterfle -hale and hearty, and ant Satisfied your Cnitneve "While the country last winter my tittle hey, three' years old, was taken ill 'with croup; it, gtoemed as if he would"die from strangulation. one of "the family suggested the Use of-ATM'S 'Carnal/ l'Eteronet bOttle Of ,Whtelt WAS el.-. ways 'kept in the house. This was teiediar smell - and frequent doses, and to our delighttin less thee half ah beitethe little patient weellireathing ens- . Hy, The deeter said that the entitle PEeVonAt • had saved iny derlibg's Qin 3.0t1 Weerder• at our gratitUde 2. Sincerely yours, faintly for several 'Mirk and do not beiltate ta pronounce it the most effeetual remedy for coughs and ecilde we have over tried. A. J. CRANE," Ulm crystal, MIMI., March13, " isuttereti tor eight yeari teem Berman*, and fitter teying many remedies with no. athletes, I, Was ratted by the rise of ATRit's entri'll'eevoltafe Dinette, kiss., April S,•188S. _"I dannot say enough in praise oi'Avines unitinttv recronati,,,heneving as 1 do Mai but • file -/-siiipeld ieng since have Mil front ;lung weenies. liesment." No 'ease of an affeetion 01660u -oat orlungs itaittol et pediatric. house, Item' the G. W. It. track, lately ocimPied by the station agent. Hite parlor, dinisiproom, eight bed rooms, kitchen) pantry &c.,, large stone collar, hard and Bort maser Walling. ell suited for a. large' family or a boarding house, Lately,painted and in good condition.. Apply to this owner, sir.,o, Ben. Bey, or to,the undersignett. p.11.- residence) With neat cottage of three rooms and slimmer kitchen ; good troll and pinup ehoide fruit trees ill' garden, etc, , , „A...The valuable Hotel property on Vieteria•Street, ft, Quail.. knOwn as Lane's Hotel, comprising Is l't o bane of So aunty Moo thatheie Wbere -make our greet Wino.. Our pills cure it while Carter's Little Lirir rine are very meell very easy to take. One or two pills mike° dose, ,Tissly are strielly .vegetable sod du het gripe or Porge, Ina / their gentle gel iou IrIPHYC tilt who te.e them. in vials ut 23 cent all ,live for 0. Sold CARTER MEDICIim Him York CIty: GALT FOVNDRY, Engine.it Machine Works. COVVAN 00 Iron Founders, and Manufacturers of all kinds of 0. CARTWRIGHT: TM'S Wtil continue. Pare nuttiness formerly ear- Offints COO. Ore Friday:And eat, week, in the old Victorta Pion*, Albert St.Olinton. ns. REEVE, Officaffettenbury Street., Jamitall LI stets behind Itatufford'it hook More. Reiddette° opposite the Temperance Hall, Huron. Street, Office 0 • County of Huron, sitivi attentive at reeeenalde Clinton, Jan, 14th1881. itsrof.tov to lend in large or small sums, on good ' L mortgages or personal yeettrIty, at the lowegt mem& rate*. H. HALE, Huron .ffiateet Clinton, • & MRS, 131,AOKSTONE, TEACHERS OF VO. eel and Inetrumental Music, Rattentotreyffiemet, near Organ Factory. NB -ffingingtnais now Tomo-. Ing. VIcilin Lessons given., Clinton, February 1.t, 1882. .6.1y. la and wingnam. C. Seeger, Jr„elledeekeilt. Morton, Wingham, 1-1y. DAVIS011 6; JOIINSTON, law, Chancery, and .0 oCoonveyaneing. Office -Wet Street, next 460e, GOderieb, Ont, .„ ;a- itopey. to lend at lowest rates of interest. 07. . Nab all the latest inipr,,,,ements, :STEAM ENC Portable end Stationary, with i ariable Out -Oft • Boilers arid Ilentnrs, Etc. Toronto, Manufacturers and WholesaleDealero in • CYLINDER, BOLT CUTTING, any other oil on the market. In recognition ' of its 8uperior merit we have reeeiVed,the ^Mheartree've exhibited it ;ince 1878,. 'among GOLD. SILVE. beoldes numerous Diplomas It "is sniteble for 111 kinds of Machinery ito it will not gum or clog. and wears equal to "Castor Oil. Try it. For sale in .Clinton hy • INTEREST REDUCED. - Money on first-class farm seeurity and'OU favorab ,At 6 per cent' per Atinum. Apply to :Clinton, May 5, 1881 tiff' MOLS6iV..1.8 :BA NKr, Incorporated by Act of Parlitunent, 1855 CarAtal, 32,000,006i R S250,000. INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC,--Mtsseffidifitoe,lrarn tire • number of peens on the organ 'of -Jolene.' Particular attention given to those who wish to improve on their present style of playing, at resident:oaf P. _Dee*, to in any mircof the county.. Address orders M- O04E111011 P. 0. v-rK. A UOTION EER, land, loan and insurance agents Rateonable terms. A list of farms and Allege lots 'for , sale.. Money to loan on real estate, at low -rates of in on commission. Bankrupt stsekshought and sold, 01111:1164PeNyTei0331:Lri. od1d64:16t8,0-3.8:;oriilittor, ,t hire. AmooMn.., mileatete ‘,„/ Tire above rouse 18 now refitted and furnished ' anew, and affo'ids good aceommodiaion to tlretravel. ling publio. Good Liquors and Cigars always in tha. bar. Good sample rooms. Eatery attention:maid ..ete Veterinary Su i.4.e to treat all diseases 'of domestic animate on' the most modern principles. All opera- , 31.okie jugeltreifiut.11y.rie)cersioairmode,dera," :71 mill: ppmptly attended to by dny or tt • HAVE .aM;ointeti 'MR. Rotuma GORDON, as .Cctunti• of II ttrun ete That clioweand well -Situated faint, part of Lot 65 acres of first.elass land, nearly all cleared and di good condition. Goodbuildhigs, ete. Only ono nit, Lut 21, on Huron Street, with thedlwellieg•house now °entitled by Mr. simpson,11.‘w. It. station aiel;t. Also, o6"110 on Mary. street, ideating on the above lot.:.The tots will be sold together or sepal. 'roattei14.upAdieiesplpig•Itomut,he owner, Mr..Thoinaelailitson, or O The Mouse and Lot, No. 845, On Mary street; now 'Mee • rooms below, and ono in the opper storey ;;Jia's back kitiliwin, 'garden, wen, &a. Terms (gay. e/. formerly belonginglall.,,Notsworthy, :dad now Fe: Aloonther 108 Mailings hereon.. .,Apalr- Huron StY,CIIPten WOLVERSTON T1112,31AS General Manager --CollentIons-s-ronder. Drafts ponied,. Sterling. ' and ,Anierican Exchange.; bought anti sold, hid notes die. -counted at the lowest current tates. Inter:est ellowed _Clinton Feb. 16to, 1881: etiNTOW $50,000 to Lend at.:C Per Cent. .--XFFFt—ift *or to old Linettahlre Insurance Co., En . and, Capital Fifteen Million Deilars.($15,000,000,) • Second-handsafes taken hi Exchanofe an Timer se • . It will pay -you to call. Ererything;guaranteed,of best Sr orkreanship and a petted .fit:. 100 440.11.*: smimor,- situarto.' 'PAPER la! PAPER. • The dine far liouse-Olenning is near. Alf iratith4 nail; Parlor, Diiiilig-Rootn;-- or Ile d - wilt find- the , est ..:Sz Latest 1,3attern FRIEZES, CORNICES. AND PANELS, FILLEns, &c.. id' The Bazaarlashicsi Rooks fer,I882 araout and can be had tor nothing. Call and see the imperil and gei Ile Sells Cheaper thin any ()neon top at thelatith. HOME. IgANUPA.CTU'RE/ PHILO Noma& etOltant Tana*, . Hotel is furniebed throughout with great eme to Meet the wants of the travelling public. Ge nano. • are always kept at the lwr. Good table- Poet eltu, ated Rotel in Clinton. Give us wadi. ' . GALT; ONTARIO. the P. 0,, in the ceuere,dt teiee Amen. • Etarreffie Bells; Gas, etc. Grounds comprise about 'three acres et land beautifully laid oUt, and, with a stream of water • liIIC)NEY TO, LOAN. Bearer Mock, canton . • • THE. GUELPH,. ONTAR 101 INVESTMENT ANN -•thenalteleise.,:_ltotielaj a Lew charges,. Jones ar AGRIVULTIIRe AND J Hint -Ma Mill Repairing and General lulu, unit/ WORKING ORDER THE SECOND y y WEEK IN MAY, n1,00 Premises .reeent)y ea - Fluttery, width they have purchnsed and intend fitting 18171figere.herrieff, knots/trete many ten, hope to memo veey liberal patronage,,contl4 -dent nay will afford eatiefietioe th nil entruetingl Meth _With teerk. ' JOIleS 8z d. SARNIA Agriculturallnolement Motu raoturero REAPERS MOWERS. BINDERS & smet:ktheet. (DOMINION' alpiP:t: won wore Gent$e Clothing in iiii)je Styles • dArres at woe GEORGE A. It0.$04;