HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1883-04-25, Page 2New Advertisements this, Wy..
$priug jaektatot.
URb Siteds-Cartttlielt Wm,
004, 'New Cirocery:'--.7.A. Angus, •
• •'rlitree•OreatSpeelaittqf.'"4-V.kWernn
tagoote Snicks, Taney good'st.
eivoiRc• r 4.
Wilit011 Record,
Vthitoi wecfnesday, April 26
. „
Ova attentien Inte.been pow tii;r"..010,
neeeesity for the couneil or some bodyof
interested citizena•taking atepe to pro..
vide or secure some of the better ohm
immigrantswho are now arriving or are
likely to come to the. ectontry:, Intelli
ge.nt and etettak' farm kande - are now
anxiously sought for„by farinere...in this
vioinity. °Additiorta•in that - line, even
though they go $o the Country to • •wcnig
on farms in this vvinity will aaa to the
business of the Market tets'n, Clinton its
more than any other the ntarket tetri.
fiit;the raost extensive ;section- of the
county," Sappliee 4r additienal peppla-
tion that may be secUred„ .wbether. as.
tenants or farm laborers settled. within
a very large area- of Clinton, r8ttk.1, na.-
turally be purchased 'Imre.It nmy be
consideredsellish to loek, at the provid-
ing employment for intending *mixing
arrivals from the dollar -and cents .bone-:
liciary results that would accrue te.• our
busluesS men. - -Self. interest May be the
ntain spring of progress, but in -this mat-
tur to secure a portion of the
immigrants that are . coming to this
• country, to Settle imelintoorand vicinity, •
-the aeltlabnetta would be eta very cathia-
lie character. fEhe-mconaoseeavenid. he -
its much beneil ted as. or more, than, the
the oldor eitizeus-bpsinessliten or far:
_mots -whom they would • cast thole let.'
among. Farm haude are iiontettl. • just.•
now. If furthers would `ye
--earotturage eu o immigrants with 'fond -
lies to settle ou thefarnisteade, with a
a promise of work for Whatever portion
et the year might bo_agreed-mpon, they
. would likely get a ;good class'. Our
business men wilLano tioulti'aid the far,
mere in getting what help they want by
applying•te-the-immigration department.,
And the Connail*ould no deobt: Supple-
ment their effOrtt,.. •,
DO.J.fiNhitIr 'F.R.j.41.0/48R
•' • .1.,
. . • -
Balmy summatized, Sit Jelm• Mad-
donald's Franchise' Bill is, till's :-He •
makes a uniform franchise thrOughomut
tlite-Dontinion,'enibracing -
J n ei4les, 'Roma, and Figves.
Owners of real estate to value of $300.•
_Tenants paying annual reutal of $20.
Those hitviug an-annuadincome of $400.
and resident a year in the district.
:Sum of owners if real-estate not other-
, wisp qualified, imb resident ,with•their
• 1 Oilers ancl inothOtS-olte son for every
$600 M! value.
. In 6' ouldies. - :
Owners of real !estate valued at not
---Tuak-rthaTt $200.-=
• Tenants under lease- for not lose -than
a year at aunual rental of $30. •
. • •
Persont...Imadng, income -of. •$460 na:.
residOnt for a year iti'the county. . •
Farmers' eous, to in Ontario at.pre:
sent. .
./n• all he eonsti,Nani.4's'''..
Unmarried women • zioy vote - the
Roane contlitiout'as men. As .d i nod by
Sir John Macdonald, formers' aogliters.
. as well as farmers'. sont,- an •the dough-.
. tyro of real estate Owners. in cities,. will
have votea. •
• ••
EDI rata - I. NODES.
()onistitutio al government is • on s
tri -.1. in- „Ea oti-e-say_a„adiadlerti iter,
This is tl longest triitron reco beats-
' Jo riel vs. Jarndy,ee.
. ' .
3C2,623,. atom than .double •the
amount Inveeted in 1871. This cap -
Watt dietributed fonewat,Ont.
ark), $601900,847; QUebee, $59,216,-
993 ; Nova Scotia, $10,180,060;
New BruUswick, $8,426,283,: British
Womble, ,40962,835; Wince Edward*
Island, 0,085,770; Manitoba, $1,-
883,334 and North-west Territoriea,
$104,500. In the United 8tates, ac-
cording to •the moue returns, capital
nriested increased during the lastdecatle
less then 30 percent., vehile in Canach
the bcrease hae been more then 100
perieent. The value Of products in the
Dominion has increased 35 per cent.
against au increase of 27* per cent. in
•tho Voited States. Assuming that 1
wages ana-the--yakue- -of raw material
hear some relation to the copilot in:
vested an value otrotht its- in -Canada
as they. ile thn:United. .5tatese it
•appears that the value of raw material
used it thA -Dominion industries is 1880
was $192, 000, 000; that 05, 750,903;
was paid out in wages -during that yeat;'
that iris, mum& are •employed in
the factoriea, and that the average
wages are $350 per hand.
• We have a youthful baseball dub budding
Into (mistime% •,
Mr. J. Colborne is recovering very slowiL
the cold weather below greatly against him.
Mr. Robert Reid, who kas been au a two
months' visit to relatives and friends, returned
to pufralo last week. .
Throtigh the absence of the Pastor' at Com
ferenelt, there-wtremo serviees at the AL E.
church ea Sunday.
Messrs. •Sebold add Jones, of Buffalo, were
in town inspecting the tug now building by
Clarke on the harbor pier. • -
• Nearly all the ships in the harbor are fitting
out for the'surnmer trade. ,Quite a number of'
men aro employetrin this particular busi-
The ladies of St. George's eharch will meet
in the school rocoui at 4 p. tn. to -day, for the
purpose of formin,g a Ladies' Aid Soaiety in
coneeetion with the chureh.
• An time bazaar °pont in Mrs. kook's old
store an 4tiestley. The bazaar is ...i111:9114.Qe-
tcon with the C. M. church, and it is returned
will be well supported. •
• To -morrow the Odd Fellows of the town
1 sup ttt the Ocramlieuse, where_they, expect to
liave an enjeyable time celebrating the 64th
anniversary oak° order on the.American een.
Our cricketers.are preparindthe•ground for
the sonitner campaign. Aswe have The bo'st
of.material foi' this' best of athletic games, we
expoet to hear.Of many victories 'before, the
season eloses,. : • . • '
The Court of•Forresteresettended. divine ser-
vice at Knott Churelt on Sunday. They met
io the Lodge -room mat marched in a body to
thpitimber'of 80.: The sermon' was A. Very
appt:cpriato ciii5' ' for • the occasipm.anA,..was
posachtd by Rev. Mr. Pritchard,: ....., ' '
On kriday evening the High .•SehOol• Iiter-
aryny ive an entertainment in _Victoria
Halt. The programme ancludes•selos :chorus-
es, recitations; dialogues,: carol's, and hiStra-
inentaiintisie. The;cliarge -of - itehnisSion ..:,is
placed at 15 pouts, a sum'unless wellqiiitronia'
barely sufficient. To coferflio necessary expo ' es.
Clark's tug steaMbd.but into the..lalt. last
..-Tharsday Mid set some 90 nets. 0 'ridOy-
the.tzig tried to go out a,gaitit hut a nor' -wait
;wind had driventhe ice ShoreWar and ' made
it So eompact that the .tugwas f ' Tod to rOtArn
without getting through.. 0 ' 'Satirday .the
same obstacle prevented thl journey to the.
4delegatien-fer tho impose ef..obtaining
.--........!',....7 • - ,
. , .
tho. abolitionof harb'• • tolls ltifttoUou on, Wed-
negclny. Tho gent men.- composing, it .wera,
Messts.'F: W. ,..1 • tiston„ I. C.. Detroi,. F. -Jot;
'Biitior, Detle -;.anil Seeger returned .011 . atm,: •
day.,Iiighttind report tliat the preepeete-Ol. a .
Trerliar -31Witiest cheering... ' ."'".. :. , - • ;
•;.. 'On juirsday evening .th ortieoltinoaL:
Soati• y Met and fraiied'tlic:pri- •list4ot the
fl .iir. show to be. held 'on'.1 talay ;July g....
iiiic'elirly issuing of tho Prio.litle will. expilalo
till,Idinig and old, to pr pare' 'some. "nice bas-•.
licts.fer the .exhibition The: show ..will - be '
hold either 011 the.si are' .ot: 'at -.the. iatarket
lionise,. 'thus givin ' I visitor, t on the : occasion
a .chenee of howl g Music .1 rem. the band:Stand
wkile inspeed. • the displityL. .,'_ ; • • .. •-•- '
., . . _ ,...
- The -Art -L' an, eXhibition .elo.eil; on • Thin*
day evening. With a parlor Ooncert;,-: which was
. . .. •
hugely -Attended -and highly. ' entertain -ink,.
The prbeceds 'oldie exhibitien netted • some -
tin g oyes ;$200, which amount will greatly 1$3: •
t „le the debt on the Sunday ' clitiol. ' Rev.
r. Walters front the -Pulpit on Sunday thank..
ed allivho hini: kiadly.aided'' the church . in
lendinwarticlee.for 'exhibition, and in contri.,
h oting so 'largely as they Ind done in prolii-
'.sions tor raeal'S. .•• • - • .' ' ' ••••
-..?,Altlittugletlid.•:Coriril4Ye fillawing thro.beitu-
-tiftil showers•••Of • "Wednesday end ThittSday-
have. senenthat marred7tiorratas effects .yet-
the:graP and-flilksateat the* 'signa.o.f.tt"tfotiM.
teens trop; , The ' preset:at. 's6 far ttivvetY
_gaidiorAlie .farntei.s; • and If .presont. appear- .
wpm Aro. indications :of 00 Opining' soasould:
crepi, the busbatichnen•_arotuutiKkalerieh will
•dtaveiliair barns walifilled Withjteavyalieavet
.the;ettining.,s.e.ithon. • .'.• .' • ' ., ' ' o
- _ • ;
• A Merchant of otirletiarittitf-aci7y. narrow'
escape !oat Wedeesolliy.while preceeding along
Westostreer. Ile was driving tplietIy. along,.
anittlesiting to ine'relise his rate of progress,'
he tightened the lines as he thought,. but • it
,tinmett ()At that one -had , sliPPed through his'
lingers,•sa 'dila in tightening, the one lia-tern--
ed theltorse-s.odtl.thrirround, upset the buggy
and landed himself hurriedly hf.the middle: of .
the. rdad; A miniber .or hands were' ober, hy,.
sad .wi tli theirlielpall was soon Upt•ight again,
mid the driver went on 16$ Way rejtniiing • over
164 providential escape: - • -- - '• ' !.
' On WallireidaY;afternoortai ..20, Hennings
-flottrmall was duaTiTered to Isenti,hre. to the
apper.stery 0f...0.6'min:building. - It ivattlis:
coveredlty some people.passing wlie..itrunedia•
tely gave the abirm.-.. 11y. the time the 'engine
'Wa8. rea ly .for working the fi reload made great
. headway, .caused In semi.. measure-. tlirotigh .
brettlthig the wintletV, in.the east 'end ' vitik , a
_ladder. • It .t ethfied • at.- this ' titee....that -the
:whale building Weald fall vt piey to ' the Ad,
'ventring flameo- If ewevel..., witlia good enghte
and fearless men like Alessrs. c. Ross," .1, 0; rry
and N. 'Protafoot to handle tht hose,' i eenis
that the.ltirgegt lire dan, bo kept fron spread -
Mg as it Ivo hi this ease, A. largo mbar of
geationica took a hone in inovii the flour
And grain, and Otis showed 0 -."nc ness , to the,
1111 forth li ate that is worthY of initiation should
suet' am tte.trished for occa relic.° • over. again
happen. 'The. damitgruppsed to be imthe
neighborhood of $100 ,, teal is fatly covered
by maitranee.: A gr, atIloss lvill fall upon the
farthers residing n 011ie town, as until: re:
buidt they will 4 vc to go coesiderably out of
their way foi heir • gt.ista. . The repairing or_
tho,i)iitaiii. will be at ettee toonittimmedi .aticl ;
it is export ed that the Oil will be 111 operation
-again b/the Ist of June. 'As :to the lilac+
: oecupfed in getting op steam we may --Say it
to if,itist elevonininuted,., not dim .hour as sante
y it.clid, . • - ... ' . . .
• • •
A sad 'and fetal accident .oecutred• on the
laktTioluire road about A 1nilo.abooliselntrn
Presbyterian Church. Mr:. john Strong and
Mr. Bennett. had been 111 town attending an
atietion sale Of a farm lationging.to the Domin-
ion Land and beau Society, Alt, Strong had
acted as bailiff for . the Compatty.• On the to.
tam journey, wlibn near home, Mr. Stroeg
had oceasion toga TAU! ofthevagon mid while
tryiog. toget in again thehoracs Stinted, eons-
ing him to fall, In thiling Mr.:' Strong grasp -
ad the trace nearest • 111111 to &WO him-
self from dieing run 'over by the wheels,. In
this position ha Was. dragged along.a short
distance mid befit% the horses oeuld be stop-
ped was severely kicked on the head by: one. of
. them, which eaused him to loose his hold,
the wagon !skiing over . ilint..---10,' licnuett
foot ,stauped 'the 151(41)8111obtained assist-.
'Mice. Via X. Jingle was the first . to reach
the tad Send; latt a•ot before the unfortunate
tenn luta, breathed Irls ,lettev1-41146,oemirrente
Tin vast a ilootn 'ON& Ilia. Altji.gliborltosd, na
Mr,. StrOil Wag tequict,lintlitstaotta .itteu, _weir
liked,by Ins neighbors, and sill'atotit obliging.
The deceased' was near sixty yeantoof agey'and
havea a family of live, mostly grown up. TIM
Muaral took pleee tm Sunday anti Was' largely
.•*et!letnfadvetil, ..,taa..1.,_att_.;ent_Iing....!ota,. ty. witAd
, , #
The Clitiqa Aerial vonvort 'earns off yostew,
daylwovir in' Yietotla halt .. The tittandittiee
witcr00Agrelliotip. minute, whethar, Ilia was
(teased by the plothota -of entertainments late-
ly, or boeatiot there worn ft few seeped Innii.
ItAst 011 fln• progra101110 00,11140.(10 i'V, It "
w.11.,known..however, that lialtille„ Itlinah, or
14 l)qtl'',' PII,11111;1„11.1.0 MIA hill always ,Ilils the
muse, mitt,Iititavoe fol.( 4A1 "I'llat the In:av ens
rive 1 elliitq' ou tue!n11111t opt 10,A\y stvy. 411
tells lt.A111,V for 110,1crich that aireincrtsinnwat ,.
ring' Seeds°
ow. oom
We beg_.to_advise open •our Millinery andlVlantle Show- Roodms on'
RDAY Mt anti Follotunng Dan
Intp:otiped ....frOrn, 'the' ,..paions ..617 111E SPAA/14$ .M .41.A.QT,MRITTE, .Vii10:T., .'.toget.h.er
wttlx. 'Corr:6a Copies 2/nore- notable atAeS,
.• •
rattOrp,.; .11144.0,_410,41:. of- 00s. ht.:- Cos
LS*: 0111$.-0
oets... •
dart .J. Butler . Seagerrand W. Lee: Mi4s,
.. • .,
liglitnd last
, 400 emigrants left
• •eek far Canada, (151 y d41a1fLef theth
f r Nianitoba, • Tin. Will bring 000;-
• 000 in money.
— • . .
Thu New 7ork ScoGinneat introduces:
an artlele the • Canadianbudget' by
. .
thesitw -ols.--"The, 6 naintial stateMent
. made o the Canadian Peri:linnet-A by
Fluent e Minister' a few days •Ogo
Utah many tittitille and' enponfrtit$g
. facts. It, • shows that the Dominton
does enjoy, and is-ti-k-1-vt-o--co-titi-nu-eitp
Ilia 138Orly LA es'it, of a high aegree of peos-
Th e. Sub -Corn i ttee of the litruse on I
• licensing recommend that :-
111' 11 sird of Licensing C;nnutistileiters.
141 1)3 coolliposed of the 0 county judge, who .
• s1111 b 1bii rui in of the bJard, the 'muslin of
tjno -runty, -or the miyor in a city, as the ease,
ly t, all a person appointedd by the•Govl:'
ro.tr-in- 0 iiiinJ. Tho board may appoint a
•pactor init sub 4nspeoters. The board
*re-paw:7 ta-pta resolu ti mut to (tonnethe,
e Ittiaiti Hal l%11114 1100115145 for obtaining'
v tO 114.11t t In 1L01111331' otliteuses,--to do-
. to. lei tho 1111111411 of lie3114k3 1 .110118,461lvllieh
11(1 h. exctudt from con litious Ili to accom-
in 1 la jou:, to &Ana tlie ol 'ties or ,inspatttirs,
!di ie 4, town 1, an 1 incorporated tril-
1 tg!4, OLI t tavern to every full. 250 for the first
) 14111 I, int I 0112 to. every :fall 403 of the
p9;t1l1..1.r.L1L1)uve oue thbusan ; •
Tile Montreal Journal of COniniorte
has tome timely rent•trks too the repre-
Lei te .,prae.titie of liouruals circulating
, .
unfounded reports •Which n ,0141411y in-
jure hnsinetis mon, and mentions. one
.sw -two cases in which ill op.+ rsOke injury
W.18 done 4.0 perfeetly solvent' trat.h#e
by itIireports. AS tie. Journal 10
those diligent newternoligeo
w•tuld mdake.411 •"soineth ing,else
failures 017t1t8i01'8 of failttres
'y the gull:1(14i% of .coatly re0id)81icei4 or
imslnrsi blocks., the .exteisspv74 'strides
being made iit doe ottianyfitetaire ;and
• 's tlem of employment giVitig cor.derni.o.
tli.re wift Id be luso "e..tetattt .for. tillsgatis-
. h fel SA:Nor-I Rawly a/At rot:onto:1
in the 0,.obe as stating at the grand li. ,
asyn hamtilet in Clinton that. t'lle wIt,a•
..prttitil to”aftliirtir•---"er—i--fca utt
e 40 the Hurons , their In1erest:1
Ale WAN %)01' 011‘1t1) AR Ilia Scissors 01-
would not hat:0 made ouch ap asittieti
*44 tillM tw•:ty evidently stinglit
▪ to im wess his heatetat •otitit the jdei
th thitititiion wed istrth u Lion hill
had arrintred the Novella Jai. ifdoettr
elgetors1 purposna'. As eitteryttheirnows
iin two ir. wig Mowat tbat.aarrang.
e.4 the Ileilnia'fne his OW11 Iv ielced
, Inwlishins 1,'iile:14es in
twn.iitist fig it. fitiat04 PUI.P41.0 ‘`14r
heat the torica,
14.,, • ...A.A1101,10.44.1,1
Aeon Iline to otivatute 'alma" II ;the
colulae of tho. lJiintir con8'iu'40
thn total Of capital 1118 B'i4.I0I 18
.1.881; $1,65 1."
n. E FRY DEPARTM3MNT thniuglaout our Extensive Premises_ is CROVTDED -
witliAhe most P.ISHIOITA133LE 0 -ODDS to be ,found flt the EUROPAN And
Hoping to have tb.e pleasure oftsh.owing you throp.girtotir various departments,
We are, yours respectfully,
with se chaste a selcctiofl ii the .progisninie.
.conld not eminent' a fairly largeatidianea."
;The: instimeental- Pei.fortnanees ' Were ; Very
geed, with -the -exception perhaps of a 'piece
given Heim enbore•tosmessrs,, Robson, Bond
andNewthan, but t� lii01i °illy the twos latter
responded. . The - choruses wore exceedingly.
well sang; :with onlytwo exceptions, ohe '.of
which was caused by -many of the'. sopranoi
net licieg able to reach •A, and' the other evi-
dently .-caused by want of Practice, ,
Johnston sang a,sold"Very ltieely, at lint she
seemed `slightly nervous: but it. semi Wore or,
when the lady fairly excelled • herself. .
Sineeth's solo was Well received by the audience.:
Ir Williams sang hivininber„very....well&Mr
,Rothwell Was fairly; suoeessful, 'knit auras, to
ais that he • was not at his' best.
. the president,: addressed the audience,,between
the--patte ()litho mei its of the society, and the
groat advantage 11 was to those • who desired,
to improve their mdsioal abilities. For a thst
performance theOliorallociety emmait wa
'siteeess. • It is not often that mai has. itu
.portitaity.:of beholding at 01100, fotty • well.
dressed'and good -loo ing adtes,..but sue 8 an
oppertnnity wtia_offerail_all, those who Wets..
..presellt.oat••Crabb's 18511 011 Tue8day. week.
The Mellarily faMilY,''senior and ju tor, of
this toinisliip have been left .$1,002'.eacli, .by
„gig death of a relative, the late.Janies
of Toroute. Junior members /6f the-
family Who re.side in Lucknow/were! also he.-
queathed 31,000, cult. The deeeased
worth over 3200,000 and as unmarrieil. He
divided -his estate amon6i, vast number Of re -
halves and 'ethic:stir)) fAnd: beileiolent
• In.the Galt " efornier',' inentien 49 made of
.the golden -e ug, of -Mr. and • Mrs. Geo:.
'Jones, of Be or y, rs. Omen. of Colhorne,
the (Ades aughter on behalf of the rest of
-the fan Ty, presenfed •nil bride an(1'. bride -
grow of .fifty.yeati ago, with a pair of gold:
mo tiklapeetaSek. " ••
. .
'The. Mumps" have not, yet token their"-
. .
'4Ecpatat1yp ru our mi-dst..: Mrs Elford,
Miss Minnie Word, Mr. Robert Ache:,
.son :Mr. Hebert McMurray and Mif
lloldswortz are among the 14est to-
• „
•tinis.• •
In connection with that
tioned in feat the nig), Of John
Ford Should :have appeared in- pla'Oe
.."Jalitesti. Ford, •• We do UdS like to de
tract.from any person's )iurels, but Al •
meat give honor to 7 fn. honer is due.
AVIrwotthi-ogaiTri 'elm( the .nit
of Court elvvood/0.0'.F.„' that our next
meeting will be:Ile-1d next Friday night,
•when . the 'election Of ofteeirs wijA,140
,place for the ensuing tern]. - A good at-
• temlance is requei,teol ) W.e.also-eitp
an initiation on ;the above n.tentioneol
nig,ht. • •
' 'John •Calblek is stiffOr_ing front a
• s ere cold, which has kept him eontmeil
uldirronarlitr-"-tffearefite1.T. port or the
past. week.; .We hope shotIly to 81.e. 4114
restored to hisusual health and vigor
Mrs. 'Jerrie, of the Malt•land coffees-
sieri,tteceived a heavy St,roke.01 earttly.,
sis on Saturday last pod at titn,i'Lei.m.rit-
i.ng is lying ie ttn unconscious state, ; All
. •
tliAt, medical 'Skill and kind blends can
do it being: ilon;• to relieve her. 40T
l'ecovi,ry is Anxioosly looked lor. ,
Rev. W. McDonagh. of • Clinton.. oecm
pied the pul nit of • the C.- NI: clihrelt in
141s place, both roormeg and evetim.,,,
t•lat t bIattil.. is itt4rou oases were deep,
esiiiieSt and thoughtful, mid delivere(4.
(81 1148 ot'u ati rad ove' scyje, . %Odell kept,
;the Attention of the large congreglitinfii
, With which be vvitt'greeted.,:-.M.r. *id. IS
very 'popular in llohneeville.- •
A runaway oceuireI at the 0.1f.
church after the close .94. the serviCe last
unday evening. r. laf. Acheson was
gkpg Ihts oroe ready to malt linnie,
•.when by . awe • means the bnree, which
iSfl very igoritod one; hocaine frAgloton-
etl, dashed th.rough the gate anti beaded
towtircts jIoltnestolle„ whim thit'buggy
became fast tin ;iiim,tlier rig which had a
tttoideeey to draw him up, • ,At this.
.ju,neture 0. 1. W. Llolines tan up and
can aht. t he animal by 1 he 1,he11td 4141.4
beOuglit to .1)ne shaft
9f the buggy'. was broken awl other io
Juries susta.ned. The 111(1 4135 of the con,
gr,egation 'meat be., complimented on
, their prikseatte.tif mind, iteicliralthough
things lOoked wild for the tinte,i.estrato-
ed.thein front.nialting the' least, noise,
Quarterly services in amMection' with
Hitt c: Xt.. church in this place will be
heldpext Sentlay.-- ..,$erinons will be
preemie,' at 10 o'clock a and 6, 0 v.
tn., not at 6 an .otherWise state,l, by Rev, o
'Monies trail oven, nt London, The -love
feast *ill he held at, the close, of of the
first set vice, alter which the Sapritinent
oldie Lord's supper (8141 4114 whittnister-,'
ed. The Quarteri'y ()Apia! Board will .
rneot in the basement or thil church at
2 o'clock. 41.1,11.. 0(3 the 11ondyi
when the f the ,cinctut
l'or tire Conf trence .yeat. just closing Will..
ers-ane-linusly seeding. -
Sugar -making did not itinottei, to much
this ,y ea lgo person is allowed to sleep -
long tinder the preaching of 11.0V• Mr!
Ntelkati W, Stanley is stili doing
A big strolls.° in the maeldnery tattiness.
.Fittnay :Whitely 1,11)8.0'60o visiting
here for the -past weeIt. -Mr. Wm,
Molts paid a eying visit tO Goderich
0(10 (1)43' last week, he repOrts 0 *Mil Euti
•IrtiPply ofjce stihl 64 the ,iektt.-Mats•
Annings, of il,o Ifuron Road; is ,relport,-
ed •footn,ati attack of inflammation.
Goed 1,0pe.8•aro7,-11inveiPeriontertsi48ed of,
Ater arecovery,,,Ditt Nstys-itscotio is a
001001110 ,v,istfor 411 41 great -number of
la 010101k ini4 his ,v101AitYs; OAS 411 long he
1*0.....:NOW414h0it,4.iptl,t your linger in tiro
•"finkaw ,111!ing,"" l(feltnnihalisuly"
ar'e. tin ishod.,amoothing else 0411res.
nunit.KeilinActer.fhould .1)1`611,ghtl6
66.81114(1n. Mx:J. NV;;` um is ,Dow '
th040A4 every day (tarrying hitt were%
anti' vend Ina to an appreciative tpublic.
lae reports business very brisk, .
Mr. Frank MeIlveen is having it new
f'um'e kitchen , JasYsrthiioir-
'Fbe youngest son of Mi.loseph Wat-
kins has been seriously4111 with mile Iowa.
tipir_ir!l' the lungs, but we ate, pleased to
. state 110 18 on the road to recovery. •
Mr. Geo. Hill got A rather -severe fall
from a buggy hist Week and says some of
hit ribs are fractured, • We hopeho will
sdon be 0; IL again.
Seeding has commenced. .
MiesEtumo RarntOu is botite.. froiii -a ,
syratooged visit with frd,s fl 4110t4e-
rieh. Ske ;hat a pleasant 141130 whiJp
away, • '
111.ongannon. • . .
f•lp-ciiii Work has commenced 111 tliis
locality. • •
wheat lobks well rind there is
every prospect of a good crop.
The Trtlateks of the .English Church
here have.suceeeded in ;baptising of their
pationage, and have purehased,the pie.
perty known As Clendenning's.eltil etbro
wilefe ther pastor fs ndw snugly aettled.
This ;property is much mord. Stlittelate jo
Overyway for 4/11•ehr requirements;
33elinet, student of Knox College,
who is to have charge of the 'Presbyter.
Ian congregation feklthe montnee trsontba,
Occupied the pulpit on Sabbath last.
There was. quite large,ttaptIont,aad it is
to be hoped that Mr, IL Will iltaate a pleat -
ant and eucoureging tittle amongst
Ur. ,Tanies Canipoll, of Wing,hatn, is at
Pr''geflt 'isiting 11'11611dg' hore.
Mr. Robinson, of W..Wawnosh, 'hos p111-.
013050(1 the English o chureli parsutiage);
,moved into it on Friday last.
Mr.4.fatiough, of"teaSWater, sod OrNite.1
W. Nirtliongh of this place took his de.,
porters few Maniecint, Monday. 3tuy
0ue440,8.8 follow hitn
Mr. .1, M. Rober41.:1.1aq purchased! the
54(11-5 4111(4 etionises Ilotoly occupied by
Mr. Glendenning,
1. .i..
• "Afore Afelt herniatice, biliousn °Fs, roe.
414141844313, At„ tan ha otrod.irt.lea time, 441)11
leM ut•alieine, reel for 'leak ..)Yobt:v• ItAnct
("vier's Little Li1'er.P.11114..0140,1,Y 011-$
• All of which NIVIST-se SOLD by ..that ji*e;,.as the
&bre', har:44#-,-be-:-vacated. as. tho.undersignpa is
.going into otliqr busines The' 8tock
consists Of
• A
One Stock o Oenerci/ -Dry Goods, -
e Stool(' of Gents .Fornishinf-s--
a a.ts and Oa_s;„,
.i5tae,r is all New, merana onby Goods for this Sea,sen s
• , •
1 • r . • r .1 - - ?
rrikafte. Milo' a Citv.Stock:
One Stook :Iduiesi. 711:rnishipgfis.
-vnd Fancy Goods;
In this Stock ivi1l'TiO7 found all the Leading lio‘eltieS of t10
. Season,
The (foeds niust be sold and' the prices we are °rop-
ing thent atr,tianstao
Don't misiake.the Mace:,
colt out forthe
erFor GenOne Bargains, give us a call ancIzeiamine the
Goods and the Prices we -offer then, at,,; This is NO 111.1111.1.3UG;
buS, a -Genuine Sale to clear.
. • . s
Goderieh "
•Ntr, Robert TIodge has pnechased 15
-therdoolired hall Atiddle-
tett He Olio sold an 'entire colt 110r
4,twahain Stu th for a good figure., Mr,
ILeolge Ands that good ateek. Is profit.
• „ •
Mr.. obi) Beavea termItslY• 441. fr'bt"
the eff'scfs of dtopsy AO is rodeverrng
with tite.itid of fl44!dicaIt.1-oaLiio41i.
AtetVart geDettgal I Was chosen nn'
orthe lodges On horseo. at the sluing
.show at Harriston last week. Ile is an
eipAriericed horseman rind deals conskt-
e Pablo in impOrted titock. Ile has ,th.c
rowdred shill t it:s to ad in the positiou
. for which he was chosen.,
4106. JOl1ttS1,004 eif the graved rcarl,
was presented in, his vpouse Witt) (51101-1
Ono dav last attlekv Tlid. event (noosed a
410111,0410 1*l108lts 11111011 ))0 is under
1415144513) reattntir•t, %%'o hope :•non to
hoar or his roonyork, urd !lova ror our
rstomood fr1011010 mato ,th4 It W00%
happen again.
Mr, Jolla f.riplor beta 1atob kiilo4
dogs last Friday tafternoon. Vhe dogs
itheee of them) hailed (NM 'Olin ten
When the pow.wow started, "Sally," fa'.
Jodi?! by "Jock," ran to the spot, hut
tOts,, too latel.---The-lambies vital spark
•litaallied, 'rho eanines then ititatiked the
y,eilaw cow, but did not wilco a vital
though -she may
ham to he Mulled) but 041 in butcher
ltty'.0. The loss is a large one and
should the owners of tho hungry, l;ipod-
ty.beutos be di se o v ered they:
he bt.otight into the power of the "Min -
iota (tribe law" and compelled. t� pay,
rfor "Avery baste
It isn't safe todtsk 4 young into
ttront 01 11318 township how he likes to IV"
'Witte a inamber of the '$3116,61)ecteiety,0"
lie isn't too freik now,
• Nor LawsOrt lost a ,vainitlACt brew year
nhl tliste. By some moans ,,the puffin,'
came in enntadt large sliver,'
which caused design • •-
Iktro. tlett. Jniinaj.*n 18 aertOttalyilj
With inflammation,'
iqattlt11/8(V, talnable
re17701) $ us
• — •
intoyes--- 1 aiiii
-`o ke_py ;tip* with.: Ole ii.V.SH oLorrriNtG
- ,
aresIIing Our Tremendous Large.6.)took 0 Si
fast that we are Dtiplicating Otir Orciers„
e Our Stooki See Our Prices!
SeO.-Otly Serge Suits,
, See PUr Scotch Tweed Suits; 16 ; to 24
See Otir Canada . 13 .20'
See Our -Extraordinary Dia"
play. This WeelF OfFRENCH
" Woistedi Trouserings
1%1(eir .Groeeryi
Pr10.0S IfidOra 111SPOCt1011b1V14. s.
D. M. Angus, A. Angqs
• , . 4
Dr00,e0ive 816'0110' P;11.171:709:-‘04°
. .
4. imoio of ocer/a million. pound
in 010 Xnaperial'Anances is anticipated
(i1.19.09t41t4e, itt really tee bad
thlit Ake "grand 0110 Liberia shon,h1
gt.vnshocit tp the anactipailitied of
pseudo flitto1-p,140 CaOluia b.yFiiv.
etruiio lot the utair)unoomout of a
38•1111.9Ni1,It,..),,A 4,o .ap,ppiltoliAti,to
noiikAuo ,that 811Jl1ya Canadian .sUrPlua
eentifi lq‘,nd ttliadstoniant'' •Or thalif
o,licV is . ‘,(second hautt
yop ogs your atoiot