HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1883-04-18, Page 4Supplement to"The Huron News-Reeord," April! School [lewd • ..t apecttil n)(r tin• of the School. Board was bind in \1'r Uunnuititiiir t', ••-- t) •nit on t le evellln of April 5th. Present Too G:hairutati and • Messrs. (Juuniughain, "1'tio"mptotr, Kdmtiail, Coombe -and Pay, A eon nruuiysltiQitfl:retu [tie ierbett+,,. tenderiug her resitmation, was laid be- • • fore. the Board: •• • - ' .Moved dy, Mr. • i1liomlisou, xecontl.ed. by Mr. Conhtlie, that Miss (lorbett's resignation he atcetrted;and that the sescretary ht. instructeil t t give her' a suitahltttesti moaial—Cat r rid ' • Moved by Mr. (10o. Pay, :es onded- - by Mr. 11`116rnp on,•th t .Miss Oliver "lie -- 1 promoted to Miser Cnt1•ta•Gt's, teen); at a_ sahtry of i27.5, to contiuetu:e on the 1st • of 111 ay.—C"su•ried Moved by Mr. Ctiiinibediam, second'- ed by 1tlr.yRumball, •tfia't the Secretary h'o instrui.ted to Hdvertisefor a.' teacher in the Intal puptrs+—Utyrried Hit!i1;,.Sect etary.• • tsumiaterhii1. The toad from -here to Clinton is in :a bad state. Some places iti is bare .and in more plaoes•is covered' with snow in • Some places -to the depth of five or six, ,feet.. It will:be seine time before there will. be wheeling,'and*sleighing Is played -out. - . • Mr.Uobert hair a ' wood- tee." on . '..•Wednesday the 4th lust.) and had a. -lot. of woodcutenb split up for home Con,- sumption. : -• - 'Che many friends of Mr. J. Whitely, will be pleased to Isar tii:hat he, is now • convalescent. We bepe to soon see him ._.Around ata ileus[;', Londesboro There has been'mucli'talk in the:Iouse of Colnlnons on Charlton's bill for the criminal. punislitnent of the wily tirey'ers upon the affection Of guileless females: But we. have an old maid's protector in' this village who will not -see forlorn :fe• i, males his vii1d bt 'tears „xuiteltoeft- tetiong situ 'Al' the; sterner sex for a support . Iturnor- gives this • gentleman credit tor -tieing ;better able - to bring recalcitrant -promise to -marry. gentlemen to tune,• than a half dozen ' , acts of Barl arnent. - t•. �ie1t;t�t. ;vlt ![ills', the nsT"� f e6tor,: visited our School last week and made: -quite w ,number of promotions, 1 he following. is the report of the' Bel- fast school for March : , " LV. class—Ist Adrline Lougheed, 2nd • Bella 11. Somerville, 3rd.•Iletheat- Alton, 4th Edwin(' Aiuhew_ ` ' 111. senior -1st John Campbell , 2nd outut •.:am 4th Albert Alton: • III. junior -1st. Wine -Bowles, 2nd E. -McLean, 3rd J.. Alton, 4th, II. II. Mullin. II.' sr. lst D. Hackett, 2nd tS,'Alton, ' 3rd F. Jury, 4th L. Lougheetl.;•• The best spellers its the • senior Divi sion were':. , •• ' IV, Ciass—A. Lougheed LTL 9enio —John Campbell. ' III. junior- II. II. \Iri111n ` Mr."1- o1iert Mullin has been •ap:ji iritei1 county constable for the comity ..of FTui=, 'on. The appointreent•will bo appreciat • 'ed by the generilIublio._ • "!Tile roads in this-vtointy are • almost impassable owing to the .banks of snow' • in some places: Anna D. Mullin is at' present:•visiting' friends in Ripley. . Neil l Af o*1i-d'l)in, 3i -lc n p will soon make good the. loss. ;; have 4)0'4' aled. 'rhe water has . now Mr. Henry Brandotn;.while hauling .titn, becollie lower; ber oyer aheisige, *1 is h had•rails instead •WIlo rubbed. turpentine on -Mr. G. •1i'. „Ti l nk,`pace ' onat/ it, the he.Miall ' • on:e.hot�ru�tl'oyooroto • �en.•t c' i or. .causes "tlla�e-tai s, a separate, the' hind tfle Nan;,. during his absence? It was a•• legs--of-the a? through mean •1icowardly act anti merits seve1e, They . were extrhoicatsesed witpout' much: `pttl5llSilTen't " ' injury. _ :.•goin- gr; C G Belllias returned home 'from _ Get1e11411 '1 ovrnslbip. : a visit• to Napanee. He looks. --:well; and, -Mr. (leo. A: Cooper, of the 9th, lost a being a judge of horses, says he did not 'valuable brood mare, last week valued come across a good horse in his whole at $325 ' Ongoing Ito . the stable in the 'thin They do not keep as good a chs morning Shewasfound death, the' cause of -stock to the neighborhood of Napanee of which is not known. It will be quite a as'we.do in Ll ion. Good stock can 'al- lose to M•.i Cooper ways be fodrin in this county, ,and' it is Many are the extressions of regret at useless: to go outside of . Huron In, the the loss Mr, hart luta sustained throngh. hope of finding [tetter • his null 'being swept. away. The total Mr. John Lawler, of Algoma. is visiting lemma' },e about SI SAM, friends in tps section. On his -return he ,toweship,wotihl like to see ,the mill, re- will take a largestook•ofgi•oeeries, hoots, placed, end as itrr..Tiart has lost his all, • • shoes, etc. He intends -leaving by th t It would be a;'nra•tter nt business—not first boat. • . ' • " ` charity .for the inhauitants of thus town. -A. child of the -Rev. 111:r Wilkin! Ills ship to act in the matter. It is a mitt-' ,down with Scarlet fever This ,is.the first 1 ter in which • on tire interested,: and a• 'case of the season in, tlit e'cti - ^- little....efInrt on .the part •of each one 'Returning' officer Armstrong states, hl would quite- emsilyy replace what was' not reply toMr. Bays that_he could easily••long-ago-a a'eat boon to the community have been served with' notice fora re, at large. 'Che mill slioukl be reiditced and it • is nothinw snore than,.rieht that the peeple most interested -should. give. all the aid. in their power. • •To -morrow; l-htrrsday,..El. W. Bell will self the''tnt•ni stock and furniture of 1Ir s- Jas. : Johnston, on the premises, Bayfield, raid: • • ,count ae he was only at his own house and at Brussels anti'!once at Wingliam during the interval between the return of 11r: Gilson and the sending of the ballots .to Toronto. 'I would like' 'to _know_how_he saw. .'1_r D4y_le, of (,ode- riot), •in. his• night, dress at. Wroxeter ear:- _ ,ly one morning which enabled hi n- to . state. at Belgrase'that .it we's a fancy one ' i11o.1uesv1▪ 1le attd'frtted tire grntleunin well, if ire wan The-gil:00atinn.tt serlL1ntiBr, nil-eortneetion w th the (. M, thou[[, will be lreaulted ]hie only at he.places'he mentions.' ' , 1 . .. . • ., . next.Suntlty.;by Bei'," Wm. :MeDteragh,' of &'[niton eonsuieni•in$ at 10 o clock• a Sal. - .and - 11l111ett 6 30 p. al 'Cbeit will beebolleetioir)ttaicl•ot A ,5 AR\t, or BEis —'11t� Haines, of the.` 'haul dot atiuiitil hntil.of`the i•hureli 4th'con.) had' a wood bee on 'Monday 2nd Btti1 Pn •-Stiuw all' gou0 11-usinesa quit inst.. M..r.''1'hos. dust, the. brick maker, sleek k' hi a -Ploughing'and seeding has coot had.'a-wood-bee.. on lie farm ;on the 7.ti1 . coninreuu d 1'a rote t, ni•t exceedingly bitsy, con.,' on'1'uesday the '3rd inst.-3,11..,-A.”. alat.beeint�,'•iitrutbt 1tive e., Alt•:Jordanand Kik, of the 3rd con., had a wood bee on.M Miller (welt intend tjlectinge stable' -this ' WAtlnesilay ,Elle 4th inst., uand had abouat sentinel su,ai�talitl nig is ill h ill blast—The frctgltt tt nus art ueiti•1y all cancelled °Whig to thirty corals opt. Mr;' ingle;V had the bridge at Stapleton hen)gg,iutpas ublt..-�Mr. wood•bee. on Thursi?ay the ath,ins.ti Mr• .Lohli is busy .fencing and etherwisc improving� Benj. Churchill, eotincillor, of the Gravel .the property lie, bungllt. Jtoni .All t'ickard road, hada wood-be$on Priddy the' f)th ..some true ego slid whirl[ 11u roti oct.upies� inst., and i►,diuicine piirty at nigh[ AIA•. 1tt t'al iiii low not yet displised of lus•larn!, • P. Scandlin,'of the 4th con;, hail a wood it 10: w burets; Itis iuten.tioii to remove to • •. bee on.S • 1bis•has tiben week of bees but aiterly'of}liilnresirile, [sand a flying visit, to •the •o'lvas 'no t'ii w k'bee alums est tht lit rho pal ental cot last Thursday sday 'night.:- 'We we expect there w%]1 be. s good. Seat' :gf Of eight self'bincle.e w (to,lt, . ,,r, t'p �s11 ; •';1'. atutday the 7th lust: s: &' 1iitini 11r. Thomas' Lobb, -ot' tottte, 'lot dttai'knoii tl' ire splint sill Isis tittle ut -[tours, Q]'ter such a swarni:.of strong netive, hese elt''Poi' (. iCIi Vi 1u: Stanley bas: ilia iostd honey or. money ;fl Tina; al oundsoon _ , C; Plehard•eveindeel. ilia• pulpit. of :tlte T3: 'C: • Sohoel No.. 2 was (nosed -.911 1 hutsd`siy 41111relt.on Sniidsyeveniug—Mt., �1'iu.'.John- afternoon and friday its the teacher, ,11 r. •iton; of the Hm:ou Ito nl,:was presented : With Much,• was called away on itecount of twfn•dungllters last Sattii•day. .:lli]]y does riot , the illness Of his mother khoivti bother to be'iii rid, sorry or glad -••The Mr: rohn •Brickentlen, of them*[ Con.; river. wits never known to b@ so-liiglr' at any - . prevj-oite..sans'nu,:_the, elites' 's 'tties • -say so--• had a valuable. -«mare 'severely- injure'd Phe iog6lti )meting of L. 0 L.-- ,tool: }11aQe -lily a •tiphn.ter of board : penetratinl, into here fast Monday. nig'[lir With a fait°.. attendance file lower Porten of her body .anti • up_ .Court Selwood nulast htiday 'eight.' 'W9 , : ,ward:for`alFtsttt..seven incl-ies,..: �A v.: ,4, heel.oneil tition itii_liev:- another; •ou ,Mand :. -- fta'm-Clinton cannot hold 'mit' any hopes for next nir+ht; ?0th .April • `1'hattehl also be . of her recovering. the urgli t-1Yn"Dlrtleivinrral ofli ws Alt. l il. 77� "1-T"-""` ells I 2i`s. Ilitch'lrns rempved.to her new Acheson [reed several horses ailing. with .w.hat house on the old J. Beacom farm. ,�Ir: is"thought to ba' pinkeye -,-it is a esti[ loss to. I3r isle On en hits rented, the farm fi•titn I hagl3 buries- es, Tail pp this :time of"t year --We ._ . have head net inotc pf 'bloodlioiltuls 'in . this her..' •neighborhood si,tec.111i'.Itniusey,•rvof the nth:. • PEasoNAQ9.- 11rs. N. 1�hitley arrd-Miss concession put an (nil to ono that, killed. a Relgratve. Mr, Jas Owens has pputihased a Atte year-old mare •from•."111r. Alexander --of W. Wawanosh,.for•$1GQ: ••'• Our citizens: are pleased to'seeMr, IL. 3Ltjlor around again', He lost' about 1I lbs'during'his siekness, bUtno•doubt he Annie Whitley. to1•merly of liolrnesville touplQ ,t slice[) to] bait; • Clintoitifcs hail fiat who have been staying in Toronto 'for ter keep their hounds.ltt hnnle after•'this, ;the last six months are visiting_ et Mr.. Salving hies are now about finished in this. inform - Chas, Lovetds:stho former's brother}, neigliboorhood.• ]ht list one we are inform- - They -intend melting Clintotitheir home el'toirk place nit tho faint orf. McLeod Brothers 88 soon as suitable arraii 'e.rnen.ts.aun..h last 13tth1esdity,-ivhen,tltetQ were,cut 40eo1il4 madt�: -�I1a. A.. Lovett ]s io a [role her, of, wood 111 tr•i afternoon. That .it tht...yvay visit at.'Varaa:' -` ' rve tlo thiegs ti Ce- township,, wee, are lrntatsllanteil t6 toll taw, [ouch we out -its the �Vhi.fe a�tSilia o Cliirton•last Friday C. 'Thorne t of respondent wlto very[atomically it".' the 13th Inst: 'one of,Mr.' Ball's horse's not impudently tells usin answer to._the •en pecatne•etek with inflanirnatfon but it'•is 11111• " [tont pinch do you generally • mit at a coming nt ourid all right. bee ni yolu township?" ?" . Come and soo Some -� Some in this vrcinit Itas a comtne'ncecl `tall'ettw•i11q was (lone at the bee spoken of Y abave•be Means, JameR Fnrd and -An na 1d ploughing soil, •` Leotl. • `'1'itll a ahampibn saiv'tllty cut through _ 114 the sltorkspi 5f: o.10:seconds aivhite_beaeh: �' log •15 inches in' diameter. • This 'we. imaginer Cannot 1)e beaten either llrluen in .Colborne, . • Ilttllett, or nny_:.othcr- township. The • men mentioned are ready and. lvillang• to repeat the operation anal: oven go beyond it shotild it be . • necessary. Colne Colborne and Mullett lot us bear from you: We oxpeet to hear fion1 Hui - lett shertly. ul-lettshortly. • Fallwheai is'cOrnmencing to look green and 'if there la „ho severe frost a -good Drop is expected. . The water was very high in the,river here. •• At one time it was higher that;, the abutnieeits and it was flowing through , the trustte work; had a quantity .of ice' come then the fitte of the bridge would' 1.