HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1883-04-18, Page 3t
Supplement to "The Huron News -Record," April 18
SPRING TRADE OPENINGS. ot, entering the Dry Goods Palace What about
of the '1' Jackson, the Clothier, .
What Some of Our Advertisers : Estate ofJohn Ilodl;ens on the grand opening of fashionable: •
Show and Do. we; were astonished at the brilllaut Ills- spring goods ou Saturday last' it •
play made
of.would eve
Spring time has come.0 With it the I firm. Palace indeed it% isyletrThe1 l
tiononthe partofJack oeon 4. work u on $a,turdayt
rejuvenating and rehabilitating pro,treasuass-.of-,tiltsloou•ts-of•-1•344g.lwntl--and-•taintate' artempri7el--t- -`etil5i;t;,ftLlcson-
cess conimcrtces. Nature tithes t..pro-
e ilii- Prance and fabrics fashioned solely by of the previous • month. His stock of ;•:..
tative in quickened life and change in theilefthauded ntaimens of the east— 'Tweeds, •1Vorsteds etc. has. .been cont -
dress of the various occupants of the these arrauemrl with on artistic regard vegetable world. Men and women fol-
, ' „ pieta for ®ollle tiu,e,•aud thio business.
for effect produced a, blaze of gtrgeous lie has done for months past Iiiis been
low suit. The merclaut's furnish tat nrientulisni than one can fancy may of ahunst fabulous prup°rtiona Satur-
litatm'lal. On Saturday our Ulintun only be seen in a Turkish &rrazar er, in day last, therefore, tboue6 a tl•uy of
caterers in the way of supplying APC I a Parisian /Moral lt. The attendants, rather more than average business was .,
material rendre ed necessary by the pro- I in keeping with the fetuciful display of really only a cot,tinuation of that -done
gresaive nature of the dulcet, opened wares, sported floral favors with quite for the last six weeks..'Alia," said one,.
out n a grand scale with excellent due a happy aesthetic. efreeL. This House "Jackson givers 'e nt fits, which • it, does - ..•
`plays of material with which to clothe is always in the front rack, and its not require Watts di Co's Al dieial Dis-
the human form divine. Nothing of a position and reputation is well 11.118t.ti 11- covery To chore—His 25 ei ltiyees. can -
- deacri ion to remind one of the ei umb- em thin year. 'flat such is the ca -e the give airy one a good tit on short notice,
' ling Monuments of past ages as may ' crowds who were soca moving in and W.
often be seen iu the stocks of Tess live i Jttelfson'$;- ,
out admirine asethey wont along the Display way.. noticeable for variety of
towns, wits observable.
numerous articles so carefully display- ttyles - owl lowness of .p-rici Tfie-,
Ju the windows of� ed to view was ample testimony. Nor query of "Wheal. Your Hatter 4" • could
John ("rttib's diel they stop with admiring, they put- easily 1 e answdred'hy those. who have "..
hutporiuut of fasbioiieble goods were chased liberally as well, auty regard fei'•tl,ir pi•r8ont-a1ipearanee.
displa\ed malty attiactive wares for rtot'taxs MILLINEIIY tf their head gi ar. Who eoul,l be any
both ladies and gentlemen. But the and Taut -le Show Doom, „ender the one's hatter in or nrou.iel. Uiinton but
attraction of all attractions was mauagelneut of Miss Thrown and Miss that. King of cranium co%erers, 1u:
CRRAut'S MILLINERY McManus, was prolally t he principal Jackson I • There appeared. iii sight...
display. 'Ile 'well lighted and tauter point of attention Ilere were very ('Iiristiee's celebrated English hats, t1
fully arranged show rooni could hardly artistically displayed all the le tiling latest. in New York soft and ~till. hats, - . _
fitil to cause tt glow of enthusiasm ill styles in hats, bonnets, "and utautles• cliildt•eii't au f-T,ny'i. Mitts, Orr's sailor's -
tlie veins of the mostcontirun`vl an11 or---ltuong Ow most ;oiuire,1 at d proal,. hats, Ame"'.'art- caps,'•straw latter -all
ite. Verily, "life is worth living'' so nttilt styles .,are time, '•J4 i ey Lily," hinds of hits. .1-1 passed out of stock. -7-'-:•-•
long as. the many recherche ani titles to_ .+'Migl",lt,"._"Iola.sella'=-,or'•1 etJs_.alxto-").; clILagturduy npeat'ils of 100 Tints. The • •
be found at this establishment can lot "La rose,""Sinn ton, "•P1))llis" andi,Iio ; tasty display must have tiin'erialiy iti
nl,taine,l at the intolerant figures quoted. "Louise•,"a beautiful bonnet with hand crease11 iiis sales: (rent's furnishings
'1'114 certainty of seeing attractive nail , 'minting (01 the crown.ai.u! ties. Cu the i of every descriptinn tire alto•-k-e.l,t ail
liuet•y e.ulswl ghat crowds 0f 401011 iiii4 mantle tine (;t sl.recialty widt the Bent) stock. Mr. Jucksou sill shot tly blit%e-
l•idies to !limn" in. this landsonle'show 'were sotue bawl -windy 'trimmed 1);.1- a grand illuolivatiou..
runic all night. The in tears[. evinced man's, and jackets- wadi from black ' . 14siet• & Dttyley,
011 thio pal of visitots foumej vent 111 • Ottoman brocade; Witch lert`cade satin photographers, iiade th'q ;:raudyst'd•f5-
utany exclamations l f delight. The and gros'ggraiit. • play of art drat lutit ever', otete ttiaife iia....
show room is I _lt too. l 1 fey aMl shows• ale west, tu'd.they 1461.110w Zrepeued to
• to advantage the omen • rich articles I al' :Intl ►'i,culaa
y give the publicas tine 5 tans uf.\+•orl: •
dispi,yeil. The 1.1,014) was most art's- \lade an exceptionally fine. display in as can be had in elle Ptovitlt ,•'110 i1'
ticitlly arranged, on 'the wall .Pas the niatutles. 1'loil Ut'ru►tt\ SATIN \1n�- : thiel lay %us gia te}, num tee '.peen ions
r1.Bs'r1-1•1 marvels of richness tit fabric ' exltl,•ted tipeauk, fpr' theme Ives:. -
niune Haute of .Iola ('trail," worked in , •\\\
flow. 1s, it i l also it beautiful parasol and 11,11611vss of make up. 'This tient
formed from flowers, while bimetal' was ' las receivt'd , 300 orders fi r ut•uitles Staitle:
ft large and lianllsolul; mirror, which ' this aerie), 250 of which have betel fill 1'lr Council n'etat..yatla w' April
w•as Intl ns, ful aunt oroalimotal, many ed and not a single misfit. This speaks 188x, acculdiug to notice.. All 3 ttt� s
fair dames lingering I efnre .its. relive. ++ell for the superintendent of this ale- present. '1'hc lteeve in the -retail . M•irttriees-es _- .
tiont to ail in ire tlu, lovely bonnets. A partnn•nt who las let n with flue firm previousmuretiug read anti s'ote,al, al liek;einn
few• of tit , numerous styles most ad- fel' over two years, :31/tilde malting is was preseutcd; st uitd byWin. h h. mud `ll
mired were the Iu atnthe, '111nrsly, the speciality 01 this house, though they. li]liuil Liue'ltt i t1 tesat teilt�lryt lot lnre(llauieroen tii '
• Vie•a, Lady A insley, Puck a -roil; With " ('Illinrtlitlttlee-prirrt?lepa-rtmeti1 of tleeir au,l otIleis, it;,the parties ctnupininina Sia 4. itt-
ruc1ings of Sp -et isi lace, fastened wi• l stock cann;tt I,e (vial led for the varle4"-warty a moat road allowance., Moved by' Mr. -
;Douglas, seconded by Mr. Mlkitrley, that the - -
' Ittyye give au order to' Acth•t'w Stinson for
$1.75 forw•ood and repairs for ha -11: urried, -
Alovcd by Mr. Castle, sc omlod by Mr. - . --
1lchimlcy, . that the- -clerk'entity'.. 11.1 •.,..:*_..
Aiken1ead and 11r. ltoderick.l(,idtenzie, -aid.
all others who Serve eordwooel,o otlreeohstrue- ,
tion on -the public_ road to have hem removed.
at once, us they. will be heft •espotrsible for •
all damages caused•liy'tii. li ii 1c;tru'tioils,–Ctu•-
pearls urn..mented will Ottoman eon' excellences of the suunples.
ribbon, etc , the Itonrauce, Lafitle, It, l'(►ats & Son -
. llanv, Imperial, 11iiurette, and oth- ; . ,
ers. 1'lo trinnuin 001101111 ninny 111.1W Though somewhat conservative, in the
diodes of ruler, such as ('rushed Straw•- chat•ecter of their display, have itlways
lent•, Terra ('tt tat and. ('ado. 13'ue. ' been noted for the staple attract' r and
to hotel hats awl lemmas the prevaili'1ig reliable "'lit.), 0!' their goods,' "Theory
materials appear to be mop nem straw, lave not mate any retro Brame nt,\•,e
will ostrich feutners or tt l i ill profusion of during at l,usiu'ss careen' of 304eitrs iu. tied. A by-law was posed forbidden ally' ,
• H ,woes With sncl iti assortment to
Clinton. While ladies' dress goods -tire obstruction on the public. highway, and affix-
g'Y exhibited in p'ufusion, file. s"lenuon+ inga penalty on all' w'ho,muy be proven guilty .
choose from it 18 1i0 winder tilt twiny' of suet' eifence.--cloyed by Mr, 'Torrance, .
litvu evidently leen utatin with a cl.'e- seconded by1 r •
lingered over the ue,nue;aous (pots I fulness one might expect , my to find ,tlimntts bapportioned oto ltl a several' -minds
tion of what they would wear, The in a much snuffler stock. This tire' (10 in the township for tiris•year:—London,yoatl,. ;,..._
\11)) le 1) partn,t•nt couhtina choice taut eontiuo. tlioutsvlves 10 lad'. s' win • i $70; con. '2 and 3, $U0; cent., 4 and 5, -,110; '
material of the, latest sly'Ies anti well tl0y,c,u•t•y fall range s of lad
". fur con, 0 andl, $110;.teen, 8 incl 9, $70i.e0n. ,1.0
t•ur•rITy 1 f lit, wet MD, awl cot►' mise and 11, $130; von. 12 and 13, $130; Bauble
> i I gents suite etc., mei iia the person of •1. Line, $150; Gonne road, from 'Barr to Baby-
lawrll.oiuts, riialt thutdress ll' itt tit Intverl- l;, l"ole, they latae an artist. +v110 cache de• .lou, $15; Babylon to Goalie'', $20; (Goshen to. •
meet I light the heat is of those who desire to _lituusinrr X25; South Boundary, $+200, provid-
G+rnsi1litr lcsslreilo fhurge `Mosty popular. j pr.esr,t;t that 11ppeara1)04) 0f ease 111'41 u'g Ilay tuwushipgfv-; mriequ,il am/Mint;
1LcCulle;v side road; $20; Innlses side, road
Il'a side
111 gloves, ribbons, 114:e•s,ties, and para- ! ��hufesolinstrriallIvttang dialler( con- 1$oaI110 Selmemtilslsilde roa,$lcroad tobitiminovotl
sols, the display is splendid. Uantlrie's, by 'Mr. Douglas lend. (loot Castle as they
table covers, curtains, lute and silk _...- -. Al Dale seeueeesseu•v; I3aylieltl•road, $200.11eIlveens
scarfs, lneulkercliiers, coilaretdes, anti Biel a nice displ4• l fcroqu. tirf all triads, side road, $20,—Cnrnind. Moved diat bili. Castle, •.
other g'o,ds aro displayed in profusion. lacrosse sticks, all kinds of toy. •kiignius, s,,coudod by Mr. Torrance, that this council.
fie show rouni O mutt continue n and w'leelbnrhows, etc.' chromes, fancy ilo now adjourn to meet again as a Court of
P Revision and for general .t madness on the •
wit would advise at:1 who it,ve not al-- goods and picture frames, of every ties- last Saturday in May next, at ton o'clock, a. •.
ready visited this e-tablishnteut to ct•iptiOli, .I e, is the leiuli eg fancy goods111„ and that the clerk give notice meeoiding
make an early visit. clan 111 town, to law,—Carried,—G3sotoc A'1'1.\VAIt'1', Clank.•