The Huron News-Record, 1883-04-18, Page 2rr
New Aber
nts this Day.
Dry^Ooo is -R floater; Son
lowilias--11Seeloll Bros & Co,
Auptio4. U Nit'13a11
To E BlaokalN
'Victoria as Anderson
Repair 8gop- &.Jones
' (Bila wanted+ -,Tag Maori)
Total* ea Wantol••-- W It Rine, airy
To the Inca'--Estita.lbtn Hodgins
Min* �'
Clinton /?eoorc/,
'Hinton, O144 vwennesday,. April 18
rem 2)0JUNTO"
Fixation Minister Tilley has presented
his statements of the, Walgs.armce Means
by which otic bountry is governed -the
way inwhich $33,000,000 were obtained
and the manner in which $37.000,000
were expended,,last Tear, leaving over
e6,000,0O0 Of a sarpirnls from general, re-
' venue and nearllr $2,0110„O0O from forth.
West Lands..
In proof of the increased prosperity of
the country headduced the fact that
daring the fiveyears,from 1878 to 1883
the people's.. deposits in the banks bad
incraiiid$40,000,00Q over the deposits
of the preceeding five years., Tihus,,that
since the readjustment, of the tariff .the
people had laid. by an. ai erage of $2,500,-
000 a year mere, then' b1t<eydld 17revious-
ly.. Not much .consolation for: the free
trade ruin party in thin el dence of the
•cuonfort of our people, -
The imports la;st;.year. from Groat Bri-
tain were $13,000,000 more than in 1878,
;white they were .$400,000 lees from the
United States: than in 1878. This does
away with the eontention that the pro-
country. Then again the duty en goods
crouiJ3raat.$ritain has only been in-
creased 21 per cent., while ,on imports
firom the United .Sbates`the. duties "have
�-- ititreased 41 per .cent.
Duing-the-last-font years--$36,000,000-
ha`r-e been spent on capital account,-lie-
ccount,•pe-sides 020,000,000 t)£` debenimi res have
been redeemed, This has enhaueed•tho
value of Oanadiartbonds so. that they now,
stand atthe.head of all colonial seouri-, England.
the past, the emulation amongst Veal
facturere to produce cheaplywill be
materially strengthened by the poasibi.
lit, of a greater dertutnd, =tithe borne
competition will act • as, favorably to•
wards retluoiug the (lost of implementer
to a, minimum aa would'for,eipzr corapeti-
tien,' Home oompetition will keep dowlit
prioes to as great an extent as foreign
free competitionwould.
Mr. Alotxat at Clinton :-"There is
.a large purciiaseable element among the
eleotorate.” The lion, Oliver knew
whereof he spoke, we presume, It is
more than ,probable that Mr.'s
' infinitesimally- small majority ie owing
to the "arrangement" of that purchase -
able element by Mowat & Co,.
The Toronto Evening Ctmadxan bas
a lengthy mention of an interesting
local- marriage, at St. Basil's church.
The•panttea Were Catholics and the bride
wore orange blossoms, and the Qattaclivn
displayed in its headline the fearful
word orange, And yet the heavens.
didn't fall ; the bride went off haply
and the'Canaaian is stillas lively, as.
ever, ,; •
,J',ohn Bradlaugh McMillans .E. for
South Huron, attempted to: enlighten
the -House last week op the rational
Policy question. He, no•doubt, .aston-
ished the members, by showing that the
protective •tarif was ruining thefar
melts, by,increasing the price of "brawn"
(bran); Nis logical. contention that
the product of wheat in the feat' of
bran;. has so increased in. price under the
Rational Policy, as to cause the existing
state of things to he unbearable would
cause even the Opposition financial
whipconsiderable merriment, •
'Che "second 'reading def the Orange
Incorporation 13111, on Monday, wart
refused by a vote :of 106 to 70. •This'
is almost intolerable, The fate of this
bill will cause. Protestants, the Domini-
ion over, to take a ne* departure,
There, is no• excuse f or.this refusal. As
if to emphatdise..this "sectional intoler
encs of o 0attiolica` antitrisionist
grits, the next business of the :•louse,
after:. refusing • Orangemen their ' uti-
doubted rights as Eritrsh subjects,, : was
to. .receive the, report of the Senate
stating that they• hail passed a'BdI to
incorporete .the Oblate Fathers of the
Notth-ivest.,.-We.:..are :nnt:.prejudiced,_.
hut when a society like the Oblate
"Fathers, the nietnhers of which owe
allegianet3 to a' e, foreign Papal diotation
first,' . the Queen afterwards, can get
incorporated as • a t property bolding
body, and when the grange Society,
..Who : own' allegiance to the Queers, or
'Sovereign of the British Empire, first,
• h it - : illinerand,1V1`a t.
�'�-t:)to ���se eta, that �► �. � o gin. r�`�_ 1V.� ...._ .... �►�' xe Show Rooms on
Shote-Boom .Opening
Sir Leonard Tilley Showed that the ; last aird.al1 the time, is refused by the
results of the' last year have proved that ` Dominion Parliament equal rights-, we
the tariff has been a reyeuue'producing •'hind;«""it is time that the status of Pro-
' ice*, and' has also. 'been a protective one, testants is inquired into ' So far as Tris
The surplus of 06,000,000 amply .proves NEWS-RP:10PP i6 concerned,. it Will per-
, off
the former, Then as to being: rotective, silt in holding up for ptttliic;.contenipt
the enormous addition -to qur manufao- any member of • strength Parliament wild, even
turing is ample evidence:1ihe 7"fir-tl'e`•'success of bis party, will sacci-
raw mttteriat hi wool, cotton, hides, ire-
perted:has'been much in excess of .prre
protection days. 19400000. tpounds of
raw cotton ` were ' imported; last •year
against 7,000,000 pounds in •,1878 The.
difference in.rav;
Shout 50 per cent. oven those' '4.-1678,
whilee •a,ye large increase is obaerw
able okthe'quiatitity of home, grown wool
znasufaetpred in Canada . _ And had it
' not boen•fb��:the-impetus.+given'= to -rhe •
woolen trade\by the protection . afforded
mannfacturers''t that,line, home 'grown•
wool . would • have\been lower than'
what it was.
fiee tits inalienable rights. -guaranteed
lay -the British Protestant gt7nstiGUGi:ou� ;
Such men as • Cameron and`MAlillau,
of .&Iiiroii, voting against Orange..ln= '
corporation L rad,ltiugh, McMillan illan we' ,
are~not=surpritod-at,, but-»kealiy:torten
Cameron, oh 1 • Sir:JolintA. Macdonald `. •
voted'for . the Bill rind; was.sitpported by::
Mr. Farrow. • Mr..13}ake voted -against
the bill, .' •• •'
•COrnmunications. .
Imported -from. the 'Salons,of MESDAMES MAR -UER::. T E. & -VI
with Correct Copies of the more not*1.6 Styles,
LUenL Uau�cs aid X09 .a
Satine fords.
in Cashuielle,)
IEPARTIVIE��" throughputQ r
Extensive Premises is CROWDED
with o :' most- FEASH ONALL. GOODS D t be found`: n �t..
1Ve wish ft to.6e tltst,,ttctbj ittidentood thu ,ee:da-,to
• hold otirselues responsible for the opentoies. erpzcgae4
by.. aur cprrespoT dents.—Ld, •
The New" Ern Mind'Signtd on Rev,
,._,� Hits•. d 1cDonototh„ •
the sugar trade87 pen e
cent, of the •
• raw 'came diveed. `from :theP roducitig -+ itiitoi-11Te1'.7s-1 ecoid.
countries last year: against 6 ver ..EAR Sl'ar It: has for a "long tine been of Thursday; 28th inst.
ERI_ A M KEG'S il�t the •LOWEST .- ': RYC
--• Hopingto ave she Leasure.. sir oma. throe hour various • e..art0euts
visit -town in • June for.-t1r, pti .gdse of
confira lar a num of'lie. oath.
of st Peter'a:congregatien.
Pcaeon'A s. -Mr, W. H.:Ridle+y, a,we11
RICH. thing g y
Fred Hutty captured. a.dangerouij lun
atie en flip streets in .Hamilton anti now known while express manager, has pur•
asks the city council for: remuneration' chased -Man stock of : dry .goods.
'therefor. : Can• this'be 'Utty Of the. 'Ut-,:.and .groceries and oogamenoed 'business
tyhouse,formerly .oiGOderich? : iiithe•:old etend.• We• anticipate b"sac•:
Heron: Lodge No,. 02,, I, Q. O, F,,, intend cessful business, .career for our .old
ixt -fo `t..anniversary
:the s tf' �ti 1®ase t o
celebrating y_ a ki ,friend, Qe itie p d. o note thatl►Ir}
Oddfellowslupp on•the Ainerican;'c4ontinent, by Spends is making fair progress tawards:.
esu perlat the Ocean House on . the evening recovery . after his'.recent severe aooi-
dent. Mr. .J. B. Edward. will shortly
•.utagain in the old.liiie.=_yrs,
•Bolton. -incl f'aipily left . on Wednesday •.
• for Guelph to Join husband and father,-
Mies Grraham hag opened mita�millinery
business in the'store recently -occupied
by Miss Stewart.-Prof:'Newman leaves.
this week for Lgndon to assume the,.
ties.of organist at'the 'Memorial Church..
This gentleman is an excellent organist.
-Conductor Higgins, G. -T R, who.has .
bean seriousfy;iil for three or'fotir weeks,,
is somewhat better and can ,:now bear
•frieedly visite.-112r ,Jas, Bailey, of the
:Union llotel,•hea been created a knight
of the •hammer; his resonant «'wing,
.going, gone," will soon resound through, ljr,:llleNair, our grains
etr, is araupd again sifter •a very" sefeel•
illness:, • Ilia appearance shows that the
complaint he has'been suffering from has
not entirely: disappeared, Mut doubtless_
ttle more rest will offect a permanent
Dore: -.air. J. II: Colborne is suffering
from, the measles and rather severe in-�•
flatninatioh of the h'rec'Pre•as
Of ,last Wednesday. • says -in oonneotion"
with the rising .cif the Thames . "Mr,
Fred, .Venderlie, • of the Ciity I `otel, no:
• tiped the water rising when he went
on. tlrts`evehing of'Tnosdayy:• 2fth inst. The home on itionday eyeuing, I•Ie•resolved
hall is undo Oho mine tato patronage of; not 'to be t a,agh:t'napping, and about two
Lieut: Col, Ross;. and -has the followiuglady •
•:Patronesses, vis; Mesdames :A.. -M.11 oss,; grid=
dor, Cooke, Miller, Ilorton, ...MeDlieking,. Ad-
:ainson, Hutoleisoi ghcl C�amcron. Tho dancing
will take place in the outwit chamber, anco,
tho.suppor will he served its he vinery: Tho
whole arrangements are in ',the- hands' of an
effifient committee.and bid fal • to be MOSS*
fully ear�ried• out, The' proceeds, of the ball
Will be rtilirod in adorning the heads of No.
r - quite obvious to a number of our towns
This ltas enabled-thev,Cann diens- _.-
to establish a trade with,the West Indies
people that gawisys. rialo not torn
� wolf only two halos. •being effected; .• Tetse t
your tawn contemporary ar,Q{�.�tiop.nd, to choice stock special Sale slionlct bocelled and
and -to place there•niany of the products• take every opportnnity•th2y stir 'get '•of- thoroughly advertised,, then:'tltooe 'desiring..
of this'•••country:. 'The refineries have Saying something detrimental to one' 'of. `good •cattle could attend,have.d bidding
g would laying
Clinton- rninisters,-whose: manly left to.thoso who • +
opened up, and, -according to, .Compare ",oil�ipokenness does not • always . please'••. buying�yell.bred cattle .r, • ,.
ve'tables pro rice a peep: o . dna, ',item Ido not retnemberanopportutrtty • illr IL. W. Ij�a ,:who has recently started
•da have been fuinielaed „refined -sugar at
in w t cl>\tllei'e wasany th}ngthat'nightbe Elco t uctioneertng business, has made ggood
ti Jd d tit le f C 1i1°
67 cents per 100 pounds less than if they unfairly ,cQnstrugd against tlue ltev. gene T d (W dt 1 ) h d is
P 'lemma, that they huye.noStet1 gent' grasp• sa.1d .' Tn-dann(W 7.i) daisy) tv he -sells Jus.•.
had to buy from the A.merieans. This e_d�t,t, "•"ey;Era,Te-ev"en�gorre sp fRt�-as- •JohnBton's 'star •atocktind' ,furniture, onthe.
— reproasn s•on an-as'a �me c n upap son to coy these rttrle-tit its from oac r
start. o- ay a lend ay a con uc • a
•t u d o s t b 1 B yf ld Ito t 0 M day h Il • f
of t t 0 Qfld 00E1 ha
the Dominion of '670 •
u ie ac . • n on ase s a ium
p , ,•• atKingsbridge.His •card it' ars in atiotlii r
a ayittgtp hsides o others columns. ho recent notice of• p .
000,• besides .the, • his. Croderich. •lectnr�, in_both- papai`�- ,.column, ,
Tho rt • • can 1;xlribitiot; iii aid 'o£ Bit,
nn outrageous insult A
benefits aticrning-i`rom-the:,oYnpioyment� was
in its mittiufactitre. • .1. ` Ci.ANTON. cess,. •l teattendance y h been very
s � ',, pod,. and the alticlos'sliowrt� exceedingly at-
-The the objects of art
Illi tiro unfair ;manner in there have been superb dinners and teas pro-
Gxeorge's dunday,Sch o 11uoved a decided true=
of labor.eta 3Lursi etc., • 1 dpil 'Mitis be e'
The above-etter is:fioni a•,iespectable tractive, Itt additio'
The articles the duties on which ^most citizen ane
materiallyincreased to swell the surplus which the .clergyman referred to ,is treats vided at. a low:rate. The: special feature of
was we
1 1
of last year are what, generally come but`tntslaid receiv We endcouorse-the b 1 d that Might lie seen • thea
under ..the class of ,luxuries. On wines assumed avocations, of cooks,. Weiteis eta ut
stns a�a ;,, the -writer. ]f 'base wgrllry_ journalists � +
crease; on' spirits $1-, would` coniine
their, eritrcisms tvitlir'i��Temarkably business•liko-manner, The fi-
'eco and cigars ' $364,000, degiumafe,bounds and.on the premises racial part of the affair has. turned -out well,
•• - assured!'__._. �r-.,,..._a ,._ found. a ,tvlllreducoftta greatmeastuethedohtoii
on l e Sunda St.Iioo1:
id ei•ver- The ant of the season' will be the 'grand
total products, ted extracts !'star? "rico ala ed :escerp y lc wiry dry '.l'l i fie 1"Company, -33att.,rd
3532,000;_ fruit, $148,000; jewelry, furs, the pr urient:eritics referred to, sirs
ells ago, the exhibition, however, was tie c minims.
view.. of bevy ofa ies nil plying n
units, satins and fatcy . geode • $731,000; 'Or
But when Ali. MoDonach is assailed
machinery, -not produced in tanads„
upon runierslof Madame $498,000; iniported •
' Te are, yours' respectfully,
' have ionoun 4d .it° . �n
_.ave seen liar SPRING ;S`IOC� c.�. �e t .
X10. }l � •., �, .
FINEST AND LARRCTEST STOOK 'that has: ever beau bought
r sine
.Our large and. increasing
. pro-this-section_of.aountry... - g . g.
Business warrants us to keep suck 'f
watches‘manufactured gold, Pilver,*glaSS time that these would be' satirical Car -
and plated *area, $401,000. ThiS clear. pers who peern to aisail the noblest and instinct, as a rat does- the bent
on the part of the people.., Then, .ribt. -held, up for publio otiridenination, They
• withfiCanding our 'Mine prOdutt of mpAiu.. seem determined to test the liberal ex.
Closet warped arid narrow viol:Vs. Their
. there -was a , large increase of. revenne narrow. ijousArt guage they apply in,
froth duties on cotteqs,, as also, on finor • their estimate of the pulPit ad Well as of
woolen goeds. ' • As will be Soon from the the TitemP, . It 10.8111,4 Or aVi• sostern. P0---.1
• ^ ody guard composed of men of certain,
' paratively Weilthy who lutve contribule feattires, %When finch were found they
d most largely to the revenue. ,There were broug5t. to' bhp, but • some titnes
is ause fot cougtatulation in the fact they were not of the standard height--;
:7-04 viould be too tall or too
that . °Hone and woolen' shave been sold. his awn
&Wave natead of dearer than fortrierly. he'd a maohine made whereby those Wild'
. The solict de of Mr. Blake phs stpressed Were tea tall were pressed demi. end
in.Luchnew et year about the "poor those who were too short-WM.0 .'stietell-
roan" Inviting t ' vtait the diinensiona ed out. Thns with those ,erities, • if a,
it minister is in earnest arid by the aP-,
plication ot living troths it , relation' to
. then, the retiring:eel:h. for Insane of an. general current _events is too tali ' fer
Preoigiented length, th "poor male' has these intellectual &veils to reach up to,
• been in a position to get h k shirt of a they sot to work to rednoo hilt their
Wass annength to cerrekoutl, , , opn 'standard. Non the other hand
.ite-iees into the minutia or loeal follies
' Change'S have been proPated in the lowering lilinselfend must be put through
4 their to•ealled process of elevation.-
-• • , tariff with a vie* of relieving the court,
News In this locality has been very
scarce -daring. the past week; on accoubt
of the almost impalisable state of the
roads,netzuch busMess has been draw
Agricultural implements are nritinifac.
.tured Mot sold Oatniattat from 10 to
• is per cent photipor_thart before tbe pre -
tion have been.largelty introditted into
largo gargirt to their ageritst for selling
while 'the einiatimee does ;mit got his
tone ettet this arid doteeinituttion
taiu titaullaetnrers, as expressed
War; tope& sales to the ntinosb
increase the duty oti
Thou, as
and times haSe. been vorY
village. •
The funeral Sermon of ihe foto Mrs,
aollttorl was preached ie the 'English'
eliureli here on Simday lett by the Rev.
Jas. ablitch Wita well filled
and h very eiarient an suitable address,
wee kiiren,
A new ahoomaker, in ho person Of
Mr; bee herb, added td
our populallion, and a nevi tailor: is ex d
...,The 'mow in tills locality' is ranidly
disappearing from fim !bolds, Alla fare,
triers are busily, preparlOg ,tbiti0Prinff
Ayer's Oaths/hie Dill are Kilted. to oVerytiga,
Doing sugar-eitated they are coy to fa`to, end
though4 1113141 and pleasant ig action, tire
thorough and itearching in effect. Their effieacy
in lin diserders f the:stamen!) era bowels
lip, lie started for the City, He bad to
svade through Water amine two feet:deep.
fur ,short ilistancet earrying his wife.
fie flen,proeeeded to artmoe:and Assist
the neighbors." The g.entleman men-
tioned vpas for a_ long tirne employeel•at
the l'Albioh," And his many, friendeare
Waled, not enly at his safety, butat
theproof-that be is really Able te pup.
All of which MUST SOLD by: that' tithe, -as the
' ' Store has to be vacated- as the. undprsiomed is • .
Oonsists of
One Stock o General Dry floods,
One 'Oe'nts- utnishin.
This Stoc3.3- Fine and NObby Goods tor this Season's
ne Stooktof Laoies Furnishings
and Fancy Goods, -
In this ,Stoclt.-will be found. all' the Leadiug• Novelties of the
1.Oompany with helmets, . port. a wite.-One of the greatest of
' That a prophet is not reeogni;id rit h'inn; scientists, C. A,. Wright, Esq., brothe of tr-4•7' The Goods must be_sold and..4e prices..we.aro effer-
pondant's case. A few weeks fano wo jatl earned ' the enviable distioption- of .
A trim saying, and notably so in .your corres- the Rev. Mrs.,Wal tars, of this place, has in• them. at rauSt do it.
matedthat tho Maitland woitld 'break nti tfr- Kniglithcied his remarkable discover: • • D.012t =Stoke tilt), lacet-:
our friends to accompany us onthat occasion, co figrktti!Ated on ,Ins seleetioa from
Mg the first week -in andtokingly ris ed jos in science: 'Sir A, C. Wright is to- be' . • • •
down tho iivor 071.1111 1q0 floe, or . witness our. aniong •so teeny eminent mop for so
..,at. cap, . 4,?, =Leon ls not quite -se
draw the attention of theiptiblic to the fulfil-
' ' t 'tot propheillir last issue tell
iip. well-as,:his friends wish him to be. The
would come. &ore appropriately from ot ler 0 I h b ' h M ' d
compels Ss, unless wo would hide oar light; to big location. We hope the change will
, draw attentioe. to the nialitation of our pro- thoronghly restore him to health. --Mrs.
plietic.litterance and the little need there is Henry Holtries is sojonrning •at the old
ue.this way for either ,s.• Wiggins or a Vonnor. home, where. she intends etayiog• for
eel; Tee, meef,hig ei _the u. r. 61,„,,„h some.tirne. liarry hitnself will ptsy us:a
On Fraley evening Was Well attended, Yigit sikollgy.--"Tbe 10%4,, Wakefield is
the Baster 10y, Mr. Suttont in the choir. still imPrevitig and 'is expeoted to re -
13, V. Austin, X, A.., of St. I ho.riee, on Datum -Yonne and •Old should sitVe
allopunt.of the cancellation af the 7 p• up their spare ottali for the apron bazaar
tn, train, did, nat Arrive in time. I I
'2 -le on the 1st 01 Alav under ale auspices of
lecture wast-pOsfponed till the felIowing the ladies or the 1sTorth street •Methodist
evening. On Saturday eveneig the 0 hu pebo,riN: Assize CoUr 6V vicised ph
church wee filled. The lecture Thursday. tre-, business was bs
wfui_on_fatoney, and 111oney Makieg." fore it, and that little not of interest
'1,1to audience thrOtighout, 'and at the,
of thanks, .
Studied thellrOot Of Ail ovil" from di- flying pretty freoy. ob sitterdey oreend
verse standpoints, Wept, tbe al tention of
the square, and bade „ust.. Prepare fel.'
the watering earts,--4111trrThometer '70.
Tun Clinnetrus.-11,ev, gr. 'toward, Of on fiaturday,-All our Milliners are the NOrth:st, Methodist Olitinelf 'spring wean- Large qoentities of logs
last Sipiday....10•Itnnt ehureh boat Sun, passed down. the maitland dtiring the
-by n ,Th..,the ja the enving Ray., Itr, tuld entailed a great, loss en sOMetnifi PO
tory lis -ii, t`:: altelt( Bresehel' both' 0111**W1 the great , freshet that carried
both se vides last Sabbath
Paul's amnia'', the in
Kr/43i tit
many' 0 OW heat 1141Iste
Prineipel ret
pletuted"that his or
men are daily lettvintifor their Attillog.
Pato. Whis denotets that DV -0601.0 Of
thk,,litltea tbs.( 414 m#44., ha triaging a ig
'Wag ono or bes44thattlias
Or Tor Genuine Bargains, giye a'eall and examine the
Goods and the'rilices we offer then -i at. `This is NO EiumBiTa,
H. ...WRIeHT NExT To wArrs
held in Goderieh, the horses, cattle, and
implements being very goed, and the itt.-
tehdaece was excellent,--Qn Friday eve-
ning we had a real. chimney bitto at
.16finston's Photo gallery, and one at
liceernmek's in the evening.. -Two out-
with the intention of rot Wee np a build:
ing and starting the manta (nave of soap
on A large scalet-The ice outside the
barber is breakiiig rapidlyi pile hut
Ann, and the rain 'and wind of 1406'011r
day have sensibly dintfuished --Th4
ye/gage/a the harbor ate all being re-
paired toul fitted ready tor the opening
of navigation, The ship's earpenterh
and such like tradesmen are having
lively Ono:- NaVjgatiOri /par nOW be
said to be Oen.
. One C't the' most disastrous aeeklents
'for (4oderteh and, vief.nity that has be.'
way by the, freshet br Pipor's mill And .
.(16,r,t'liftproueti on Tuesday morning at,
aybreak. The foundation having been,
ungeldtineibby the rushing water, whitsh
a been steadily ris,ng for three or four
all available help was Phtoiried td
move the' stook but only about forty
bagilir'ITtrimViere -got out before the
tottering building warned the workers of
the danger that threatened them, and
heeding phe Warning they rushed out.
aide te see the building give
one Mighty lurch and disappear ahapat
instaqtly in the troubled s'ppearn that
rqshed through the•ehannet. The river
contirmed to Widen fbr the next .few
days, . removing the dam, and en-
croaching on the Shore; in fact such wait
the tremendous force' of . the water that
:buildings situate near:the shore were
(*moved ter safety., The lese to the geq.
tletnen owning the'• properey is in the
neighborhood of twenty thetie,
lars, a less they aro wit, WO 6.1
• bear.. There IS great 4INO Mt.
=id on nvapy hp.titel at the emomilitro
has ovettala.On Meagre. /tart Price, hut
expresale el sympathy Will.not hand
Op to' Met seen% to tut the sympk,
:611 ;be Me. tba town id
any litot1.6e,
b*, .7Arhpre,
would be e. real grid sencl-fattlro-uniorr- linelcleies Arnica Salve.
The greatest medical wonder of the
Catharines, writes that he lbws an rever fidrefi, paneers, chirbqiid;
cons -Totter, Chapped lianas, and ail
skin eruptions, ges.rantebd to Cure in. •
every. instance, er money refunded,
,Bitters, and adds that lie can, without
hesitancy', recommend it, Burdock
ney ; the .grand specific for •!•?(:4'114ftle
Cures scrofula, erysipelaS -salt relieum
Blood Bitters is
all diseases ot the. Blood, laver rad 1404 lillttertl, •
= The above is an old saw as savoige
vousnese if they once g(it a good hold..
They don't remove themselves in that
titay, The taking a few doses. ()Murdock
plooa *eters is better 'Punt f`grunting
)1, one' What we can eure lees pat en.
Alwayswnitl. harsh purgative pills.
TheY first mulre yell sick and thell
Livet regulate the 'trowels njatl
make pp veil! Deity,
.piles and humors of ale hltiell.Ciurtts
headache, VerVallalleSS, female we
and general debility,,whert,used i
Irll'011siiit4g•.,•Stey Sue
Atkias, afford Kan. w
never hesitate. to recemitend your
Bitters to toy tustomers, they giveenti
faetion and are rapid sellers, ' Bleotrlo` Bi
will positively cure Xidney and Liver eo
plaints, Pitrify tht) blood end regulate ,
bowels. 1,10 family Cell. aiT0h1 tO he With
them.; They saVe" hundreds. pi' dollar,