The Huron News-Record, 1883-04-04, Page 1OAT W "-I'!.
NEWS-� 0
N -E W RE. 'ID,
The propriatora of TxXZ GOPIANA NXW4,
purchased its , business of TAS
rq-JU OWton, utiqlar the
T -11i rIPT).M. X.91W8-RX00.8A
oilatollL-4a the most -prosperous town in
WO.Awlk Qatsurlo, is the mqat.ot QQ;l erablo� THM:—IiI.25 Pei Aunpul,14,44vauce.
a WHITELY 4; TODD, Publishers,
W@u*tuvlug, a;44 ihq 9.ontrq of tho finest
a4danuutral section in Ontario. -71
QAV ox0evolstho , 9finy Vapor publiohea J VOL. V.." CLINTON,, 00-UNTY OF '.UURON,'ONT-,P NO, 15,
Countrof Mean. it is, therefore,
u on used As an adiartlaing medium. Out
rates or Advqrtjsiog,oLra
,101", 1 YgAr. - column, l'year. *30..00
11 Oman, 18.00
annoo,"d.000 .1, .1
3.moo, 30,00 44 3 loon, �2.00
66,00 11 1 year, 18.00.
;7004 '30,00 6111110
otiose, get ad, reac(ingr `fiFatfor,, 10 big.
.... No
poilifte Arot i.noqAiQn; 3 ots, per line oapila
anboequipAt, Insertion.
ExqellgAt facilities, for dohig a0 NV MR,
in the best style, known, to
the craft and alt
tho 10 at po
I we . osible� rates,
'Address,., 4
Hebrews are litleiralLy roprosente4 Do the
Paris 13purse. Amon I g the. leading brokeril
ad thir n
.00forty-fourGiprinatia ty-five Fre
Daniel Hoead. of West, Hallover has A Now-
foundlafted ed , oj that goes. after the milk, n
vhen he meets 4 brother canine bides the
pail, exchanges the usual couiteales of the
street,, and than ints up the milk and pro -
goods tobusiliesa aln.
a 0
- Lend it edical. Pro, in referring
to 06 serious in the, revenue, freint
intoxicating drinko, attiteb that dice Oct.;
Is �'oue million oolile in k6gland 1
�Iut on th b non and- 564,000 have
oigacd.t.T.e pledge.
In a recentlecture-on Luxury$" Prof.
'AlAokie, pronounced the modern dinner a a
m"fiqq4t sprdad of animalism and niVad. I
blo-call to self-denial. I Ed eleclereethim. I
neif n As audienco-to.
. 1. Q , oetic, lantadVised his
Play. 1 fno" to every second, dish.
Dr. Ite-Okin, in a recent ]lumber of the.
Oqundheit says that the heada6lie, rb3tldsa-
-hess, are , aometiln�s-: caused ky t
from any- special properties ' f the flowers -
themilelv'es. but. ftom thei continued strain
brought to boa upon the olfactory ncr viby.'
36' 2 libUses inspected by the' London
Sanitary Protection 'Society last year, six
per cent. were. -found to havedraina coin I
pletely tobokod'up, preventing, all 00infiluni.
cation -with. the, sewer. Ia 117 houses the
soil pipes leaked, allewing'sewer
t6i ifie house, Paillaps; 'it is no bettor
Two absconding bankru
,tit deTnian Jai
appreladrided at Plymout England,' :en
'ropto for the Ca a, were sear by local
police,', Whofoulignotes sewn in thoitwaist-.
;4# linfilgs, Relegaltdol to's.,Lor.,don detect.,
ive; he noticed' 'them fidgeting with their t
nelokilles, Wfiich we6.found-to contain a
Jarge sum and diamonds*.', b
A return laid before' the Melbourad Hoe- E
pital Coifianittee, 1.4tely, being the4esult of v
non-alodh6lic W- opposed to albofiblic treat. -a
ment, by various hospital surgedits (whose,
names in those reports are only represented
'bill letters), islaecideelly In. favor of ther,uee I)
Mdrattlants in sickness-thQ'ileathratabo-1 h
itig much heavibi among those. a
meagre allowancer of them..
A -Bostonian was kinocked down, in a
friendly boxing bout,'.and his head struck la
the floor with a fatal result; -A To-xan?s .13
brain suffered such a concussion from -a. hard m
blow. in *a, sparring, exhibition, that )is died
nex� day. A Kansas fighter id�ndertook,. on
a wagert . prev6nt il' travelling. pugilist
from'knoch- lig him Cut in four round 4 and
thoigh so glov.69 were �sed, he fecaKQ a�
finishing sloke in the neo'r. - He a arent-
V. I
recovered in it few,k9urs, ub soon p
nto a decline, and was. dead" t the ct of. s,
noputh'. U
Mrs. McKay of Yrelia; Cal.j i9'iaid10-,P
possess more courage and presence of, mind
and strength-coiribined thdnany othersollool,
iii�the: world.. While'on her way to -D
scho3l *through an open field'she was atta:ck .
ad by -an infuriated steer'. Tb have'turned
alnel run-migh-thave- beeiv fatal, and no gal- A
lant young man was near enough tortish ' to,
the rescue. She therefore (lid the, Only
thing that could have saved. lit r-�-litera*-' f
took the bull -by the hornsl' and �ao held on.,
to 'him ut,til help , arrive& Sha -49 To.
garded in thfi vicinity a I Yreka with mile
..adm iration.
Of the 272 perlodicils published a t $t . ;
Petersburg and Mosdow, 249 are pl�inted- in.
Rusajant 9 iliGerroan, 4,in Frendit,'2bach a
in Latin and in Hebrew, 1 each in Eugliifi; t
in Pitlisli, in Finnish,ind, in Armenian. Of� "a
-1hese, again, only I&I ar"ritirely1reo.firrofti
official superyiojoh ; the reinaitfingJAL46p p
permir.ently subject to preliminary can.'
ittre. St. Petersburg has!"19 dailies, 15. 'o
weeklies, arid 63 monthlies. The largest ..t
circulation of 6,11 is Eaid to be'71,000'copies, B
the -second-largest only 20, OOQ. As-&.�ontras i
Paris alone boasts uf 1,291 periodicals, I it
which 07 are pplitical,dailics.
Zbe Savage Club of Loffdon was presented
with the club of Cetywiyo by that doilighted a
chief, and it is noty %It i blierialred. baton -of t
the London tribe. It"tility relay be gneasod
a ft
I its beauty ean hakdl� be too. niach ex.
tolled P �t io, as explained, a regular mitiller D
-in the Rollie id ;Arliibh the African. -chiefs -
U89 thi4. ALticle, mamoly, . fol- dealing crib
on th6_ heads of men whib have deservaA. - 0
Ilhe get, one blow ending theii'balr��r; "a
1�hha ument . is the ilieigfia of: �fhce'of t
1 -7 -At � !hairman; and. was 'presented to filb� d
t e
'rin a of Wale is for a service Clothe
tflbe-wlien he honored the club with A visit. t
011�Xdu..U...1 Sy-Oulill.
We have 'alivajo held. CIO opinion
that tbb system puirstihd In du ' schools is a
vie(olp one, lnevitslbl�jo,dingto fIfp w.6rat 9
results. The persistent Cramming. -of, the� Y
poor little tnind till th6 overworked -britin.
reels, ci�nnot but be productive of evil.' - In
the articles oil '1$dUcaiioft ai�ld Health,".whicli a
recedtly appeared it) these coluinns, those.
evils word d Welt upon, and the.initter canj
not be* too strongly imptessod - upon-. all
coliceined. Too niany lesions and-ou'lobg
hours are the glaring ' faultb of, our[
systenr of I education, besides prath-
ming 6hildren with what, fit nineti,
nine 4aebs, out of a butiolred, will never be'of f
the slightest use to the pupil fit the line of 'ki
life,11a will% ih all probability adolit. The 'n
following letter, writtdn by. h, �chool boy, r
gives expression to What more 'than one
school -boy and thd parents. of many
school boys ard thinking 0
Going to school in the morning, ol;Le to, v
gins wotk with music, then
after recess reading &A spelling. 'In the
afternoon Ono %ging Wofk with4rithig,
then natural, histb�ry and bota;uy, then com-.,
position writing. Now, whatgoodiatnosio;
natural history and botany to .4 boy who in
g6ingtolleaultechanic? Whileleiiningto.
make -a johonlotiveo 'Will botany teach, him It
whereVie whools Wilt. go, and Whore.,the
gun4ke stack will stand?, Will natufal.hils6 C
tory learn a boy tokodp, llookp? Will it t
learn him to, buy a package of bilkl. Then It
what Is the Use to WADI' it to the -Oapils f
of th� free 001110DIS ? WhAt, good does it do V
them ? I s`�eak , from experience, al, I have: 01
gone to school for two t years and know, all A
iboat it,
- One
1 �teln is to,be"folmd. fit thodolldwing Para- V
It Xothiog thatv wo"-dould gay 'A
gra 11,
could 'point tilb 121pral.. stronger than the: a
paillotic little slory ithelf do�a - �
A little PhilAdelfhIs girl, iged eight y0aft,
.1 Ili
was buried reedlit LShe died of brat
brougfit oft by bvoti tudy. After two months' I
trial at adh6b . tiloAttufiith(ie she was &t, back t
tine arade. uftible'to kk�,vp_with It" as._, a
1 6 tb 0 ft urnih t Ab 0 11 a or -
no bt A 16 -W� alan-411" d
r if! - riD or doltri in
a fol-. I for' 6 h
I tle"
CAI M4. 1, 11 hf. (116M. .
a eotojp-��'*ould d 0 WOII to roaa , inarivi learn
24-d Inwardly digost ilib,, above., I
continno, 1%tItzi, omiftftsWith I
'Wd woulti sort usly rodollffte5hq. i
tb6 young mib to, go 101at Of ihO C10 btlAi-
- -11, 1,111C 'I
10W, iLill to,061bo quiet laildforafb
6dou atlon a'! Al 1 -61
rn a livink I
'66; sate
continued, Parson. IWOW, what AS his
Whispered constantly in lits, ear, 1111e0rc; I
toWare I Beware
8 e
Mrs. Dugaa. To pay � nothing of th laikR
"I can tell yoti !it just Line injnntc�"
I 11 V
On Bridge Hill Ite4olvei-olmolder. "Itis
itality,-and motilier kill me for
deaths do tact dome from'4oart dio�
ease, one case in twentyi' but from conges-
ow wo2ring, spectacles, and other -
wig' ering, As are thousands of ot-leis,
A x 1008040 In the Atfe� of q'
Bly Volliss wap Utterly UnWillipg to Do-
lieve, even yet, that Macrae had any arimi.
cold,", be CaR to himwlf. The wind
whistled across t4tv bill; and the volgof A
to-mQqow not goI14, 161�tuv
this bouso.till, I ict you .,go. And You'll
ticapf the told gs �or brailif orfrout apoplexy.
more (110, front congestion of the lungs than
10 Y
aim ecause u to a -out. ir� - %,a years
of 6 1 sitioll 4 %ding and
at X ftfortlWate,
nal connection this matter; but his-
thoughts were of�icktmipg; according to A
devil, Whose oompanybehad r
not had to
some time past,soundod waiting in its free k
a 0 io Volso About it, aither,,- or it'll be
the Wor8o, for you."
of the brain, and . morat of coat�eAtipa of the
bkAlu than from apoplexy,
wri it fee t the i lit, which I
t4o 0 posi. le ppsitiou, I ith,
welt -'known law of mental action, He
crossed the )tell and knocke4l, �at thedoor
"Warmllough down here, Thomas Maqrabil
Marry thor,giA y= YOU
coed by the, fe.
rocity of this fellow"and A1IOwf 4 herself to
doiatli, from heart disease, is usually
caused by ruptdre of some large artery near
to Q-lIg t c )low reata. or writ[4 I or t' 0
or roe, congeoutife' anal
libur4 svit w
of one of his neighbors' ];Dow
"GratAby," lie said, "you know young
Isaac, and then epme ��d live witV us.
th, how marry We are I
Slie*was placed in an,
pper rogio. irk a remote part of the, house,
the &art; from ponges.,tionofthe lungs, by
venialneel-;->v�ith 8, front light ha
fneon t%.
hourproduces inflall3ation.
"First you must, know," began Bly Ful-
liss, �Owheft I entered the train, there were
Hollins. of Millington, yen
Afacrao hastened ou,,'ehd filing himself
upon his bed, It was 4 rare Wsorb to hing
And the' door was looked from the outside,
In tile- mornin la er breakfast was brought
instLilitly otopping the brestUtfrom. conges.
tion of the. b
braii respuro on the
ch par tIk destroys
T.111114arld Tho
reason is, simple 9nou,g h., Thelight shoWd
fall on tho book or the Pa. n e
the Adeloft girls And that booby Gilea. BaMy
Wlat aa his ultristian. name?
to drink; but bepoure& bitrigelf a great gfetso�
uphatia slid was Warned not to nialm a nQbei
bring d isgr4ce her friend's house,
117 htnio�rhagp in. the
should be in shadow, the Molow of the
dancing ab Oub. them, So I felt a little ejkqice
of my com any.a u led
told frowzel top to :4
'Any' middle name
Of ognac that pight, and drank it off. It
a. upon
and at the same time cajoled with tho. pro.,
f -4 Mrs.
Heart disease freolix from
lfan�body doubts this, let him try the eg',
p riment. of readiug small prinir first -with
a seat for and I would do the same.
Blat, After we changed Va xLt Patto, my
IN no,p'
Blyroturnpa n&Adde4 thispolatto; the
bilapea,of DQu, drowning in,naid-oce an, of'
Carne q u nd denou i him its
y r 4c ad, a no log,
M166 0 v1sib from Beannigion.
All, the day (it was Woduesdayl March
she waited in Tim's throats
most ently results
udglcctq4 or i3p properlytrgatod rhe.
It more often follows mild a than
his bapic to A Window that rises wall above
'lit of his head, A
the heig nd then with big
:qidp thought hed might -as well b6 a milantelt
1 0
and - familiar frivnil Aa well, rt squeezed
himself into the -nekt And
still scanty, stock f. knowledge, and Bran-
do n- grasped it at,ouce.
"There Bdnjamin
Bout's murderer; of Batt fier g to
in, .
him, to be his wifo, his friend, his, comfort,
'when Ito tdolc. her *to his
and vain.
terrified her, All day Thursda toQ, able
'As atill to prisoner - But towitrR evening,
fill a sevqVe kind, bed.9,4se.severe. rheumatism
recelv(4'�rompt treatmenywbile the wild
I ce to. �ho same window.. Then, ita order to
explain the olifflareno o be, ivill experience. to.
seat me.' i8liat
do yen suppose wis the first thing lie gaid to
Hollins, to.B,,'the girl, whatever her narale
Professor Mae,
and, rens, turning
Into a Corpse, 4ivid Awl laideouS.,
while waILUq-the floor, cKylug softly to -her,
self, her tetopsr chahg�d. She* ba&mb� en�
form is. often neglected- And lot 0 to work
him, in aqotherwiso (lark rtlonli, stand tiot
fore -4L looldag-glass, bold 4 candle behinoI,
,$,J?oos'ee knaiv Carue.Duga?l
I .
waq,-or eechy, vair8pi as
culloch say 'a. And yen say ) out, friend
the morning, Macrae - Nvag
�weak eno4h. He trenabladlike onewo
rajed, wid,gat.heritiglop her dress,she shook
Persons who suppose themselves suffering
I .
his, head, and observe in the- glass, th,6 size
of th, black Venink to the. retiba
11 know Mrs, No rplaretIll agan," I ropitea
Nagraois reported as leaning in thatdirao�
tion? That settles it. romance,
had been fri g ht4od. Agailrand again
lie exclaimed in language whip h only dagger-
it violc�tly.
��Why ddii't I think'or �dhis ? 11 saia she.,
from heOt-dis ease because they ha e Pain in
the region of the heart, or palpitaition,'seldoin
bring tho.can
Vlergund, ail the
C,totradtiott Ill tllb'iris�*l I 4t dried be strik-
.Nv, 'ce oau'b., Was " his next ionlark.
'ge kn4ws Garne# Dugan., She be the *Q.
love, jealously, in ianity, abduotionj mur.
or, romorse I Suicide p, fair
Aid circumstances could h4vo.,wrung from
binaho was beclonling fAiniliat with it now.
And from theooket of her gown she tooki
bunoli of.jingling keyn,,-th,c,�e a to A score
doors "The Alderney," Ban
'have Any disease of that organ.' lit nine
cases. out of ten, Ilipy gre sufferers from dyis-'
ingly 0116w . n '- 'We cant"rif-black *Indow,-of-
the eye will it
be Ted red to half its, former
man at Th'*AldernQy.I
It - Coked
Having nothing moro-4o say, 1, 1
ouldtftttl,�or a banging?
"Brandy, dai(l. Parson, 14Yott re an
His bath w do atingi tell. but it served
-1mag, feco
hi Cod 1 uriibse, 3 took now life f r6in
Of �b After.rn
ther A tried them, At. last, with joy,
found that turned
p6poia-nothiug More. Qo�steiiiopl of the
luogs is, miost'freq Liently oala4dd lip - a sudden
-frdifff-the 'heat
size. - Then let him, try the que-sided light
--the left-hand light-tbat. i9so. dogmatical.
04 t of the window. The follow punched me
yrb 0
gently, and says, 'Does lop, knew Cray,
on a
Imaginative man What YOU, 4 cnQw,
you !�,ou'will Write a novel te
.9,4 1
it, -gharged Ill -ioubled ;drea*is to the
brandy, put. tip, his liand-bag, -anti want �o
Rho One t halt
. ; she
opened the door, and was free.
change -n ill
of a -ventilated
room' ir railroi
o r %d'car, or horse car, to a cold
lyreclumnlenehol, Ile Will find7thA tile left
his 1% far lelis dxpanded. than the riht; the
CL *Who or Vi ht, Is.
Ir ay's.
first thtng you nowY
y of thplibrial"L Drandon began to
Tbronto as der6rinined as, ever.
Fxom tha station tp I lid poit-offic
WOW she had no,fiiitis. She would walk
out boldly, and ifTim confronted her 'or
t8id. Niqth9tit-beiugroteQted by suffi-
air on i
iei� hence, it
let fug perswii. thus
ight pupiI is Javg6st-i.e., I the. eyes at&
forced to act irrogularly,--or-with aft unequal
lifu4tor Cray; Im as Carno� k6aws.'
'No, I don't tblAk, I (To-,' T answered,
intoribeted Bly - Folliss, we
walked rapidly.
:'No letters, air," salia the Clark,
hindered hetr, she would '(make dholsell that
lie never Would f9rgeb. Btit'Till WashOt
seized drop 06ad,in the stiects,
' Congestion ofthe brain. itloat, fre(litently
strain Upon that exquisitel' c6mtv .. goted
of muscular fibras const'tutinj the
'Iss `ee'doos i3ehh'i naw mao lyin
Was on my diguity in n insta
hp end ol
have Arrived 4#-t qur,Other: We
are af'tho blind end -of seoc."
'None?" acrap *,nlas surprisedi bu b
�urnecY a a f
w y to. reflact, *'Nothing rom
ip-hor wsy. Repassed tbrXilt ilia halresults
down1lic-ii1him, aildout into thii, o an street,
from trouble anxiety of mind
Producing sleeplqesnes , followed by the'en-
-6phinc4er As the -protection of the
r4ina depie�ds tipon the rea ely ropange of
an't-help, laugbiiigto think hoi�yignaoiolls
felt-, only'the fellb* loolked so big 'and
IfThen I fillall get out,',' said'Brandon.
'Hickory r repeated to himself.
He wlked-upAdolaide Stre6t, slowly,
without-leb or bintirance. It- was not
in any miutes,' before st,c vas safe ie I or
f the ainall blood vessuls of. the
brain, alludeii lose of vital power and almost
tlitiie to the light,- their healthy, actidn and.
1?reservai ion for old age are of the greatest
urly, thit I thought, oft,the Whole, it
vould be the sensible thing tHet himlone.
Gardaine ]?argon departed with 13rdi don,
ana B Iy Follies betook himself to boi, but
TI I a ing.
I 'must. be. all right," lie concluded.
own -room.
Carney was all afl.und now, lid for the
instanteleath. Ayopllil�y may be an inherit,
ad diieane, or it may be. in by too free
-importance. There is 4 collateral advantage
of the back light in the case. of -childre,). If
6 1 left the seat and to.ok atio$het.,
1114- less than: a, tribute ^lie �Oas at my Side.
not to sleep, Welay thinkin of t hq �oft�ar
teries sm Ill,
rrouneted hina, stingily, in.
t"Bea Iselaribing their foind'hopes. 11�e line
gone back again.. Maylie g� into the depth 8,
first tim� fully.compreliendvol. thaflyfacrac'
givo4 over to the prosecution bf
It'ving, or its opposite, too great gbstemious,
the windown are fairly high, the shadow of
thb licadonly falls on the book "ein'the
Wn; sticking his, elbow into hie: lie said,
old knaw Muster ()ray,-Qray 0' Alillen-
efiniteL he felt that a hand was pulotil-ug
'him (if, 4 fiqger veckollIng to 114RI, gilt of
and stay there!
He Walked on, another square, and looked
his'o illd it N� Qlass for her to int�r
P086 'ier eading 098-- Site saw,
tion of the body, from -a finger ortod, to' an
'entira limbor it�may diRablo half the dy,
pupils-Itoin forward, add to escape Rolli1b is
they av, habit of thus lean,
on �I 'ee do
It a, as
It 0 ar noss. to enter and scarcb� He
--- n I
�,hivered 0. 9, 1
rit'his whtch' IvX0 need to see T. 4 t his,
'a IQ
too, tbMI!O wolklil 1p Pic to visit his
V -bWaix'fear-low 1.0(3�
TrIan - .
io Ullore.
or the whole body, when death soon follows.
- -
11 haU110, b 'r
0 v Is affie-ted-Uy :Ary !
d, Y
ing and pressing the breastbone against the
. 4,gy.1 8�
alking ofg6no Madras, and I avkba hint
ny surmise was c
Juen's homes, co red hi4 he
d en (I aec
refused to take in more Interest -in thT
Lind get to Millingtoll at eleven. I? At,
-to-night, 'Iliomas
'Nab Macrae 11
-voice: '
out ( liar Bui"now -he had
licr brain
we may be ceirtain that the seat the
--dEdf-thd btain,"
is W _9P osilb at
that which come s fcoui above in such 4 mlin-
t tfi 7- i 0
th - -i
nor a a eyes d 7 prot"667 -all from, glare
lie ailswe
'Carney's thad hd Adde fte)c�a
affair. Of iid Use, howaver, was such a re-
solve. T inute lie ;�a thinking
startling- -a - haud-a bony qMny
and so fan
0 cli,flieguisted�hh as laid,
pridoner. grew-,bewildored with
ilid iii6caciea and
alld, ivearieZfout, 00 fell asloop;
4auseekvil fibres, cro�s.. Partial paralys-0.
is ofteil toinjoiar-k- when caused by. the 'rup
b 0 shadow of the supov.-iliaty ridge, or
a' 'h ang of the forehead still eye brown,
'Md with Whom ?. asked.
-again, gding over nd over tho'problehi,
gazing at it as a bowiLderod ochootboy doeg
u pit his Air ; and the voice
to -nig, t. - I waki you, Thomas', Macrae.
turo of a am Ro
I1 bloodesoellil thee got
rid of by absorption or otherwise,
while tbo�ro are -no shadows hat�%;er on tile.
dealt or the bbAs.* But this, is onl� obtaluT
9 'Wi' Cray,'
'What for 2 1 said I.
at�W And y and z, in the vagi le hbp&-� that
'thek,,will -write 1homselyes'and their' aqua-
On Must listeU as-yurclife Is in dhe bal-
.2�A-M. ODIUA vaiDAY.
Alihoug"h'thieis adisease that all Classes
of people are liable to, its most - destructive
able wit a ove. Bit.
ere theie aio i10 room all
liard players pprfeo Ili tuilekst%nd the ad.
11 'Dating, zir, was llia.o;�aractcrlstio au�
ti8ihsoltlwn, and.illave.-hina no labor to' per-
form a) &pt - to note" that'v' . t y=tfia
This woulant wholia&againfounil-Wacrae:
had been 'wavering ncii-for" many nionths,"
-A. Pay nelfbired y Many To Be, Fated -
work is done among the deprafed and dissi-'
pated. There is no doubt that the habitual
vantagb 'of one] I tol)l lightiiag,-and arrangp
acco 'All wil Y gas
Dead or write b
4d, y4 know', thbn,, that aholia:
ngry with lifthl' I continued.
II`Post,� lhborcl,. -requies., 'What. 'on -we well know, between a lialf4omantio
atthliliment 1br the name of Macrae, and a,
Anewpyiper reporter .ho ba.s. attendod,.
use of fobacoo is of t�o - most prominent
8 ap othe naive dig
light will act wisely by. tAking A,lesson from
the Customary modo of, lighting a billiard
'Where 9'
Prince �' Curuihelun,l.:.
earth should pill, t said
Bly to. hi naself, ag,the clock ateuA I Wo.
weak.seusti ofjusticea�d right; betweeh'a
ifear'ofelandor10 herself; ana.4olcaiie to -set
thirteen exe6tions declies, that hei will
tieverAtteAd'another., It -is, suggested that
lie is -a
-�Old din be so9iiest,d �by
aming withindoors,in A.w4rm room, and
table-iiith gas.-:-Wg.*attieu N�Vjlliani6r. in
"That, you kno�w,.is winiserable inn, near
haven't fligught dflt iilico I left it hanging'
over the door of,old Diderou's.
rl&t again a wrong which. own foolish-
wass 'had contriguted I.e. bring' abcut;'be-
how eligibid as ihember of', the Thir.
teen -club, and if lie joins. that organization
indar 'thb fire, Until all signs 'of it have- dis-
he upper station.
1.9.1 l3lesioned It-
11h L right and left, then,
ut. -there was. little- -to 'be out of- him.
$6 rest.,until I go to'*ork, eh Z
gotoworktb.morrowrnerning." : . .1 1
"tween the stupid Indifference whi men,
of ignorance -and debaseme�t,'and tbd work-
. . I . . .
flags fire best
y be expected t6 gtio most zealous,
he ink,
6upporb to the efforts of. tba, *remov 0
"the otiftim.attahing. 3).
to Friday H
Than c hould be taken -to
appeared, are 1;
ly cladi and, the wh6le. body, -and partioit-
A Clever Dog.
The follbViing $An in' stance of' ity-
a ad
indeed,-ionouldting to re Og
he truth ;iras; he)i'ne very little about -the
ea for thin -resolve by c,
dent16 touch. -not. *6ft any of. the heathen
of &'conscleftoi whose at V6
beeargreatly shooked and. depressed atAlle
larly:tIL6 chest and the back -of the fieck,wen
Fretch. poodle, that belongied': to 'Col. Poor.
atter. Only he'llad kiaown: CarneY soific,
gods, -thank you: wti have had enough of
. 'By degrees, aii, glow ones, she was work.
spectaelb he witnessed at the gallows in the
-protected when going out.
son, .(rot the' lately beleagurea colonel Lit
here or andseeing herattligion,
that. 'It Was the opciati6n.of"anotherc f
herself uill to crae , was.
wiion; and Me
Tonihs priian-yardlast Vrida�, -lie nay be
. I .. ;
. A!'rooent c9ugh Will altlpte5gb al."' §g iield
'Ekowe, but a. ol.'Pearsori liyi ng some
Id noticing so. superioi a person- as Macise.
nature'a laws. . His resolve- imemoveol the c,�-
u4oOnsqiOusIS&�as,91Sthlg� Seeing, him. how
supposed'tobe keenly. sensitive to the Cus.
to'.1he following tfeataneut:withit� two -or
years egg at Lialifielel.),. The. a irowmitance
anging about, and findily finding that this
argon and Cariaby went'ok td -the irivate
citing predstre upon tha fierkous,syntlint.
6Ad Xy Follies yawned himself' into, 'ao
once more, she dateimined, tD I
Ppqa O�
Macrae for the last..time, he escaped
tom. whih choosdi'Fi-iday aa� the onodd on
wilkla murderers hiusi; expi:ite their - critnes.'
Ahied'days; Mix in a Ilottl"Dur ounbee.of
-glycerine, tNyo ouncesof oldohol, twopunces,
happelled to a friend of, ininel Canon l'-!
Rector. �Of I liaVe the story. front his
ailor togethor and liad'� lap ithy ifiterview
healthy. y oung man a - soun, refeeslifug
from I 'Tho,Alde�ney,..".. as we� hiLve tZliated:
Inibe-preambI61c.thdir resolutions calling
ofOater,: two gretiis of n1orphifi6. - Shake
own lipsi but I have. no iiariolissiolt for Ilia.
obal -allowed his clitriosity writh i� Am ant..
fare we. two Were, 'therefore, tr In
and frornAhe ia'rinoil- of' m&oscope.j and
iinpossil:16 huge, an4 inaae hetr-NFay i3 the
upon the president,, the ggyprnors;-'arfa,
iudgds of courts haViiij powtr to sentence to,
well, Dose.for an adult, on
, 0, to. two tea-
spoonsfol,tilverk wo or three hours; INIf
a; t -be. , used id any rinblidati6io
nrtm o wbrtlay
81101114 " thQ -L AtOY-bb thOuEll,
Ugg each other; and dry work' it wag 1
,.There was a change in the dtmosphere,
irriied at: -Si
0 Tbo. cloirk--aii-tho-6duera 1)
tl"ffi a I R"
0 to
'Pi vle� ioso�gnizod her, andLagain . gave her -a;
death to consider thd pedprietv bf "selecting
other dais as wall as.Vriday f,6r 'the hanging
this quantity for -children from tell '
to fifteen "
years. It is nobafb to give i6'toliifants or
'MY friend the Cxuou, I mav
�Of W B
say, has not.,leanin Ding � gubst A
little idon the -t friend
owavlsr, when we - Kimberls.
a iftastonish-
affy'an.d Dehbyl,00kod,l tine . .
- z. . 11-1
lette ir � , to E,']Qi Hallowell, forget-
ing, 2 s.- amusemebt--04rer'..1 0arneyls
4 11
rs� the membe 0
Of mardeire rs. f -the- Thirteen
plub express the,, opinion. that thoil 'a updr-'
-children unde� t
. J . an years Of age,..
',. To'stop lilbeft ii'fk6iii IS, the-
g's master, my
fed-Alie-dog with pieces of, di6fi Aft r,
but. -
"Why, Mr. Ba -�ilhui
Edr several days after Macrap's gvening
iaieivi6w with.Mr. he'*.did not
blarney, Mr. HallowelVa ordd� to theeb
trary. -Regretting his' 46tion a limlf hour
abitibri connected with the day�of - �th& 1 irilek-
11bd Friolay'h�as bet;n in iteritolly, aided �lltld
j4iva fide a tooth
�k into the pro fprm to covev�
the beef was takiin into t4clarder.
The d9g.Ajd not think he had his fair -share,
airth - brings you up here this time ol.
There'. 4in't x�6 nor, ha it
We'reJoit an 6
make. hiA4 appearance at L, Imswooda,� He
knew that d. ".vorli. ivas going o'g- there';
for.tlib to1he �m&u
afterward, he still bad � no iiilciinatlon�tq.'A . X.
piose, his -own carelessness when We. Ratio-
Abetted byi' its selection, aq hanging day.."
In,"this' they iii�e - uudoubtedl rig i . and
tl '#a
. t h o' ll'166 of i D g day long eno
nd fm. be
-k4t* -firnly 11 aQ :.
e t fifin1v whein 'the outh
d4d;lie do?. NOW,. he had bben Wight
to -stand "oil his ind legs, Put his PaTv, on a
flidy's-Vild, and hand hot- into tl 16 dining-
either. glad- sea you.,'
6ugh;, ain't wo D61i ?
ind'he.lefit-ik, pi-esenb,
whose-fathe rlyifiterest in hinallad gkown to
bitine; and, as it ifurfied gn
-dlf6:�efiaklty: for What the aut
pp. hQritica of
ere ri u :reaso
so 0 8 change3hey.
advocate is to be desired.
closed. �hi inm
c, dtiove, is our ONVII
-vekQil, ilia a he a never I W
T06 He adopteel'thes naine. tactica -With
'It'striablo: me. illat Debby did not lobk so�
.*such strange. " but *6icolrloi, lir poitiOns..
the offi6e:*ould haxe,cousioloved ahiiide-
llft is ufdet:n�i toldellsputed that a vaat�
'It has qerved us, iq de.*,perate ases..,.
thy -friend ille, Canom, stood on� his hind legal
Qjry�glad,.' She �,is ale'and hioj� d her
do hid lost 't . 4 'T, . . W
ough;'inedty 16ok,they'
Maer" wan not i0irpatleitt,
.. . I.. . :., - , . . ... ".. I
w I. .,
meanor. � ll dity long 0a6+.lingcred* ill
the neiglibbillbo duf th6post-office', ho.pina.
multitude. of people, eVbh' in 'thi's land of
are diader the
Who' an. iarierj' is a
n the r a WoOd
-put his paw on- his rm, - id made 1or the
'door. " TO sea What' would fbllo*, the Cnuon
Sed .,to have. turneol'upon me,4 4P. the
CAR 6iys� ll withering look lo' h
& madea vi"
sit -at -the house,
.1.1 'h'f" ML.Hi�14 1
that MacrAewouldcOino., The early' everd" Dg
brought' hot *do as
ofthqriiiday:su�ers6tion. Thlostat'stics of
railway lip' dread
out',at each p.ilsatibn. Pren'the
thumb firmly over the artoky nearth d -
cWcull ,
suffered birlg,elfto.bol�ef; buttlic sigaciatfs
-dog, instead of � tborilitg hill! for t� a dining.
of orn; and..
Wslido11)1%�euoiog or.. r,
hira bliy - lotbrniation'.or -ad%'jeo L lid -might
site -to an issue; and,
Name stood unelr tfid'larh�, 'taking 'the
whlo�� the �day fit It is well
spires. known
and on the side hear the heait. Prba hard
r ad I
oothi I �iui in the diceetion of the
YbV I new pred; herd I am:
wish. to. add 'td wfialbllehaa already given-
�lobnj 'and rdeeiving-.,no i4tittiation, f
0 any
timej.ghe seiied'ff Y.
to opporturlit
meetiftg Wifft -Thn Wauuig4l."
to all raffivilij il"h that the'airfount oftravel.
61day ii lesi:tba
on by other 1hy':Of
eVugh to the blbeaing,.��nd wait, -till.
It qome I a. -Themounded peis . on 16
a P Yb1olan
pssage, down si6�s, &6.j and did
not halt *till he'lb, e -larder,
�bught Iiiin to th '
ebby;..and`7erY sorry 'to hear. ofyour
ch4nge,LtodkLhis depaiture."411a schif
Wlil%but, discomfited,
thonght Ciriey; anel, grasping Mac'rao's*
the week. Many tra*elleia carefully Won-
ofierk abloto do thin himself.if h6 has the
" " ' . ', 11
r�qulaR6 knoW.loidge. -
n� alosti - to the:shelf Whrthe beef had,
. .
I I drefful sbiry,�ain It You?
was foV not
he rd fledted take- ii
5 Imel.
Arm, she Ilerqd the words whA answered
hf'L thou t. well 'as they fini
is all at shed be'r.
Into as. to reach- their ns -b
destinatio efoeL
VridiyI and.s'till more refuse to begiia a jour-
�8implo fiatitures may be adjinied, by al-
L Get the
mostaoy.bue, im b as nearly -as
gen puThe (log ba a- spall bie-givcl�
him fo fidC returhedLL
r4ds sagacit I
bkttha. a. "M.
nda'precio ub long', took �ofi toet
ver cryin' itbout ; L, "" '
The foll"ing Tue9day'fou.nd hi-tWLbuf3y At
the mills,Vokkibg With all hit lhlgh�,.that
own, - to'.night, �Thomjs.xaorao
L lelidrd:o ttf�ncd uponthe womin,t a r oil
ney on that day. . It is Useless to-attenipt to
ce the vi�llms of the Friday supersti7
�ossi n on
Ible in.the'naturat poWioh ,a 4 -th
atill not - satisfied. - He'ttied the shine trick
,why De I ibby,' I said 11 geb ':
ather's letteryestordayi* An this iiia,ii 'here
tie might,.- take time for an, extra visit to
ron. . lGividentlY the letters Which were
To td.L
, .
"Woman, -dnd�p�jr
io t
�.at .0 day of' the. bek'-diffsei- frwi
_U064 in the �iho�iiib. of misfortmid it brild gs:
sendf9rthedoct9r., Thercisno'greatiur,
dgaln,bfif'this time fri;
"filessl The Cation
not goiiig wyt Afift.again'to-the'larder,
an tell you;. and -here 1, am - b, the first
referred to fit Ills Iasi advicei fr6n Tlickory
sued in ttlislashion. Goyu . , and let
r. -way
theyar eemipg y.doaf and blind to all that
What'was,Mori. to'elp 1l.- And -here cchiet
Hall, - and bad
me- go -mine
ancllogho,fcoiiiciotisness,.okaniine the*ound;
theinstance,6f reason in tlitpoodlo� Finding.
he c6uld-pot
sic screaniunir 11 Didn't
u- 16 bibr. till, 9:.
a' T lie
ma, ' er f d.. '
igportance Thos
II-It's.olho-way to d
i etraction, Thomas
Maud's Will I.standa
or at least a, for - other
6n ths, �' day; I tdl&� that Geofde
an , I pos sibid, raiwthe broken edgois,I,bif
the pltull So, an to rbii4v,s the on
provdit Cottle;
a secoDd arsion tc�tbo la!rder; he�went-
git'tat, y1storday old.
)611 That!, just ike ')Ic that.
leiters� unace V.'diiappeare He
had Oarney with them,
n' see you ate yak-
--What-4itrad fathei,4u?
Washington, acnivall
the.brain. Prompt actlCia., will ttek� gave
butitito. the ill his teeili,c anon.
par� writ
Charged . abitiactiq
Belf up� yer olhe
tter las" bectinther, hen I 1. *as
baLthoblearg o m reposterous
mother tha i . c� , �-you,aay`to, othisi,
-Bureoli�i Pieside eyler, President Piored
hat from, untler the hall table', eind
-gain is. No—
to di ftneler. lie cn� ojr.,io3l
mlien , -lie: -to rojIb4t'.. upon it. He
�reasonablg, inj iiellFresident
ft an' don talk lik;Y a i
Hayes, ward Everett,. Gelorlg
In cases -of poiso�ing the sihiple rule is to
carried it under thesliolf In the larder.
imber: this j�orfti4 ' He'll -better not ba-
thaiight, � noW that the- women L had fiot. wit
BiLhaoft, Liingfel 9 Chailea*:.Dickefte I".
et the theatomach
Polls& OutL Of assoonds
whdre the Coveted beenu out of hii reholl
rouhdlldrell�osan fail him I
-Ib�sbdihi that -Si
Chong ll't6.�abstract them. iiii above All
that Beie.;61iall
'Leave me " 'lie continued - or -1
Thomas Carlyle, an t r notable men were
been on FriatLY they 6 ' 'ely to
poiklild. ti&fi trol and saltiact pteraDdi as
a,, and they are a1v
thhetic �i�y'sat -hand. 'Stir
There 116 Was. found -wiih the hat� waitIng
for the , 0*4nor, of. the and expe6ting.
I mew. iLs tnilch. -He bad
ut.tho Ititter ixi*his pookil . t, feliows,.for-
althaugh-r siblor�
r6ally.reAver,, an anxiety a' prang, up
strike- yout
8t4ke the 1-l'-she'anawbred with doggEd.
i ffirion Davis was Is r '�om 'Friday
that the formed
it tableipoonfil in Aglass.of.. watek;:,and let
thle it - ' 'If' it I
-another - savdy A %�hen. he -should borriV
forhill: liat.�-Animal
tten all aboai it, 1and left file c6at.whioh
fif Macrae's heart be vaijily ondeav-
bolilnosrj.� strike -Do -it, -do it.,
south-dra -a onfederad il�is
person-sviallow quickfk. otis
I 6
diftaintel it lidngthg,�Awfnter: Hap&ning
-an' I'll rise 4 lie.
oft' It
t sb day, that Ellswor was shot
noteausevoini ingin, ve minute, L repeat
o find . it On,.'TA d. 'it - �o
lesday, lie intiuste
ess to fig it against this�'feel-
town4, oli,yop
:'olk, . id. it' Tylo�r
and that %Vresideut.1 -Pres.
the dose. - AJ Nei,Volniting,givc the whites.
ogle, Old frblvL;z', wit Was coming t
Y 0. p
bronto, t6 purcha so tools And, kipplies f�r
:ing;, 'I'Tommorrow "lie ekclain�eot` 111�will
'go to Toronto. If'tl'iey*are sendiig'letters
Carney - Was shaking. with, anger.L She
quelled. the storid, howovdr, instantly, ind
Pffisident:llilicoln,'. a aud,
Horace Great* all died bn Friday.' here,
;QfLjWg,or.three eggs, and send -for the doctor.
scalds are
Burfio* and 'ibonent �ielievod, ll]�
The theatre of a -certain French pr6incial.
t9wii WasL&nce'iX k thei 'very depths 'of. irfi-
6 initing-calhp.'..
ebb,y began't.6 6ry, and I co4idalt �tad
-tince:moreaddieised Macrae.
Avain, Misthei Thomas, i -ask;-"Will.
10.1�o'rect�,oii:to,belid.v,e..,,.tbat Friday supe ti.
iqna.aie declining; on
bold. Water. Dr Y -'carbon
soda,,.oi baking soda, sprinkled- over'
PeciLniosityj its conigany,unpaid,': and nigh,'
upon,stArvition-all save the nanuekger:hini-�
hat. 86J asked Mim. Kithbor'to get me -up
ed- -'a great doial that
yon,,j�'tcrAfm Breftni&n'a
many th it 'it to be iricrea-siri"
0 91
the bu�iled spot,'is'.the latest - remoay, anl,
self,- WhoSp L ersatile iiiiagination. all Uredy.
suplie'r, and followed liciAnto'ttio kitchen
0 Ask what all thii *lloa At.
- Tuesdiiy, hot at -mills only, but - elsew
where',.In the ' o�tonlnk he' weni'to Ehn's-
not, to seerina mind, but me.
Macrae' 4as-'per-plexed.-, Ad". could n6t.c
If the unanimous exprensioll ot the Thir.
to�en- club tfiat.9ther dayilpf the -Week should
aid- to be, ver effectual: These meafts
ar out In sever h
a cases a P Y"
-wit enabled. Iiini to obtain eiilmfit and fare
I.- One-night, "u bility'
'Welh she told the, Ibeb's jtindo�.' weak
had Yen
v;ood.. ot. �a lady- Of the. Ilousch old- was
visible, Air. Hollins Was found alone. in the.
atorfl to be violent to this iray.-liaired W�-
tuatir his hindi is used t6strikq.:
as a least the
b r. t ir share.of *the odiuno attaeh�
ing to Friday,effeots the desired Change in
si A laid be sent for.-Rlrsfoumal �/
wel .1am"ver, a Clever
ratin" ininagbei. to get. a capital i�uppdr out'
hini,.ad-to-oat it thestge itself, The
a rmein-'
ef Irishwormin, - Ana "that thing
libi Macrae leit ablaill of'olisap point-
ment. Corning Upon him,as he passed through
"Come, then. Ana it, for the
la- b, time: do you hear 9
th :i'l reVrelionsiblo custom"' Which makes
Fridiy hanging dayi 'it is possible' tlint'it
110 he Shouid rinnt,a Lawn.' :
of on,
piece being repicsentboi,� was Vltaire's
- -
I 'Bagdzet."
ob used to wine up hord� t,hd ordzy
lvo on
e Idift got a thing out
tho . silent h4lls, iLiid entered', into Mi. -Hot.
('I hear, ThOmas Macrae iind,'dod grant
wiII'hoark.tlib beginning oftho declineAn
He about leniploy a competent sur-
T�arq is a speech in it) where
raft express
he -a d Vizier-' --- - es -in. high-Ilowil
f the4oni-ai,oh IF.c
we see she knowed
-line's presenbe. The revulsion of a favcrisli�
lbi--�he laif.time and dhe best. 0.
this country of the stipers ition which for
day ai
ak a tipographiQ map, loci
Im 0 .a
I.Anguage.liis. utmost attachment to Bagazot,
hope eftiociFeded, i0mithei older, man Hal of
INEstber.'Thenias elontinued, lowering
centuriag-lidle'iegarded the utlilliel�y2
ting all and all trees, ddsir-
auToTers to sacrifide fortan a and life to his
rbe.times slic-bu'st-out�t�-in-5urnin,:a�ny
ryin and takin' on,sav�iti'tfiore'was inisery
jout his hand,' With coreliality-m1ich dx-
pressed more than 4hoie' gladness 'at, 'his'
live Voice to its gentlest tones, -'if you-knoAv.
'Afte 'Obod I sh you; and dho. w�rrck I'd
-It is true thbt Kida� for liang.
ing because' it -was regarded as. unluel; y,
�,able t6, be relainti , Except to-miaka room
for. a house Oil to. 0 'a a 'smooth. surface,'
person. I reat . was the astonislinfent and
athusexhish t of the. audience on hearing. from
poilgh'in this vorld, 'any%iray,-whI'CI . -
pliei Mr. Follis 8.�and b gin'Gool,tof
. r. I . I .
"Welcome, "i%oi�aa I" aiLid Mr.Xolling;'
An' it's me7. gets all dhe
do to sa-ve-y u kh
hard coke.
rathe'r than regarded as Unlucky because t
- h' fr hanging but to change th on s,-.
there shou I f 'a if. .'Earth-
0 *e 60",
workiiv a a. y Jus
eri tiflable.
- ly
thelipsof tbo:bejewelled afid glitteiing
78ultan-m-persmatsd by the Ilatility
hrolter for Eal'i 'niorei.
"I have had iio`toN�s for you Until -to-tight.
'The rince Of C�mborlafia Heiiase�'
tom. as to* cieentiono" woulel, . lif r Cut' it -a
A vajokel; and Undulating rfac.0--is-AlwiYo
1he following tag, addromed to "the Grand
the old womaii
)f course stich i matter as the one 1 ifibn-
Ioned to -you eannot be * We have
it was not �aifficult foi arra6ge
hovirlend, -the a
groat weight of gloont. . Certai is a
misfortune to.'have on' ever'y,
kw 11.-0
pr6filrableito A dead -level; kV'ieihoVabl`e
Wl ,
dau be- upon a�.ent, and'
izier; Djayed'by the. maftagdir: - Stiltan,--t-
ant away D Tqoutb�',to
4inkin! thinkifi'. Old
all taken tinlio' lgr But, Mrs, 11olkin
- -1,.. 9
with' and orb)ny'for use of
suitauier room where site could' be alone
seven Associated,with l9fo filled
. .
piled -pe
I a �betweijj or -Above plauto ith -small
Plant. With
are y, I (odd so, devoted to me V izier�
(some "
wh t taken a��ck)�Blsilaillahj divinly
And Carney took, a.
rdhb: fUqk to Y641 I guess, an'.talk�d about
tells 4 e.. that Betty Ifit askdd to'see-ber
Pii-Vat0%y'this evaiiingo and that- it is, to-'eOn-
with Macrae.; and, forthoura th Ait ttleVd
-1 . ply I
together talking of Ben Hollins.-
- h, -��
vith dark forbit a
�. o 1'. r -
JU dges may wisely h 4 the �iuggcitioil. of
hru -by
The map. �eing,spcu*,� Jib ihoul it anuTd.
h W 'ibirbtl (Sot,toil oe . 6
oiol be it it I sho
donee do �oti Inoart by this trash
bit so much, that. Deb,.ati' ine bot sheld
Unt-you upi lb-oaya o her,
day D�
oult-With her, Apubtlese,on the voiy matter
. Macrae waa.surprisea Andarin6yo etto-And
the thirteen tithes thirtea u memb6m,bg' tliS
- - -----
�whole ground �iry. 'rlorolio
..g 1�v
6i j�&agq Z. hun
Got oil with 'the oparb.) " L 1 (nob'tak-
4ra. Dugn; the mail that come lip here
which now�conderna' its all' ad ddlelply.-
Thomas, this is p�pretty
that Carneyos 1coollection or tfigovonts of'
two years ago was ihiiateand exatifi. Theiy
Thirte n,club, an to making. all 6ther days
but Sunday beak -their share ol tho,odiath
onough, he cain nee 0
dol'ars' worth of stable manure t . hd�
of the lAsppr)-Well
it led
t1riffi-, fffd I At' . UJAhidl servant d Iiiend, I'll
fter that craiy fellow me if Mr. Yol-
is ha'dft�t*bedri here a-fabbi'. He
love, for y6u; bl$ ciieumstatoes have ran
literati. it nec'essaryfand, if'You win that
were hinpresse 01hpon his own niein6ryforcver,*
but lie had hoped, with a fatuity wbicit'llas
-as liingi6g la
iiew attabiling to1riday Y.-
Netty York' lf�il,eend Express: i
itfi great aolvanta&, as tl�iy ix*n experie a
tbachea* ule.A Tho-grouAd should then be
t I
esti'ou I Solid forthwith t the neetreat-
a for'six. �Otipl! wofth fried
looky!h�p for
a as if he knowed. Follies., WOII,.
7ild horsescouldn't 'a"held her then.; -Go
girl's'licart, Bile will, make. it'atrup To you
in the warmth ' It yl � .- .
of or devotion.
. ruined many a criminal, thitt Carney. had
Icit the thread, of all that disrnol.listpry.
cotywatyols Auiogra�ji.'
pkntdd With Vittoet, boetd, 'br some tither
root crop, to action and pulverize'the soi.L
0 a ;foe Allah is,gdo(i and a It t
d 40 ay lie
Java 'a"
wouldi an".go slip Went; sit' ive aln!t�'.
663 A a word of her mence-
WliktcoOld have
to such an oxtent?, At -the moment bo�was
etitr atod him t6 tell her where
The clicatmon& 0 which . Zilir:,oligio
__t t
WhiI6 these are growing,; let Iiiin seek a
landscape'adist-, aird'here Will -lie his-difff,
Ptoph at, I
to It am hun&y- The all iend roarec
!a 0
all wolf not allow'the edged
in: 6,
cry comfortable 'home, too,, Bafr�j In
80 OP041dC to Thowas Macrae, Betty. Hart-
loy was eloping'Out -her very son], 4nof !in.
Sfiq offered, him o
by taking all.tho. gdilt liipon herself, if he
Our host -had een-3aught by one of.1116
alty, 00 ca�l find men whowill draw lifin
a. beautiful map, and whose 6orreot-6yen And
until the 11 y inane er ha to r I
until the t I i i
at, she',foutel tridout lWigbeford I f, � tof
or out. She'is A,
-floring 'Mrs. Rollins stipp6lt ana
fldi� .
would only let her restoro'Ben to� his home.
IIIVs Miather
officord fix charge of him to intake thd let.
ters of his name, and for tild'ohly time in
tastd Inay.onabld tboth 0 locate for. , prsent
isgiventfi, He
a-,* close hdj In r stau to '00 reho
dinner, which". to forcetrA a williD, not
'fathishod 'iinoldi
Cyll whorc I vand iak0s'. care- ()tiny
The very.'niontiqu of niat-riago with
on ind tonscience Thomas.
Ilin no� guilty. God ktlo*s-. Ws. you, an'
my life I was an Autograph hunter. . Xdr W
at to
vilfl fidd, however,- very. few wh
Sqlt�' o eat their a
dome., I I , . .
tsaid B
You remember how she displays Pallns
f her trends on 6ceasions, uo,mattor
-nation. For the first, time io al 1 -her ife;
she felt ili at it waa possible for the daught5r
to be act against her mother.. For, oil, the
kou-tilone. But it's blithei.00liscience that
it I had spoke to Harper stion dnoughi if T
had been quicker to tell them all the troot,
III lind been in leas of a hurr� to to Ar.
cut cabinet bliatograph; old him -I Was
g 91 icture, back t6 the dapi�
4 0§ t6 take this pl
n'the America$ And wouldlike'to have-hig
writte . n At the, bottom by hinlaorl.
llama .
kubWe4e of treiis - and * plants - Which will
6noto thein to sel4et that-mdfi4
ocapwalrtiativho�ismavtdr o! his
must Wfamiliar with all hardy troeg And
q!hat oebaft passage is t likely ig, be all
libblier they are covere(l.,wlth (tough or
'boo, "
This Abrupt - way'df thii �ub-
in It
numixed the Ied States, tfi
tit.) 'Well, ho*; goodness be praised for
very moution of the subject by;Mrs.7
flartlevT--liatty hold Iled -from her, and
olhis sorxy would -have tiver been. ,
Macrad undb�took' -at last to deceive her,
lee-, "I as about a undiploni atia unit well
shrubs Which are -attaiiiable, ordetthat
may select those whjah,�by their boingnious
itnmiii once is already rafash uly and
, 4!al
hat I shols a good crectev, but �an 'awful
,,Debby citne inuthie &6(1 fi ish
flung'horself vkpon ill sympathy of Bon's
"I 'exclaithod.
to lull her collselienco aiia her relLson to,
steep, by pffering Again- to send her ovoi-the
could I;e; The transaction: of businosa at,
the I Ilikokero'b6ard" inl6w York slid at thc�
court of a,barbarou`� prince aretWO.Votr
at. by -their st�oligly contrasting forins bnd.
'Colors, ntay ba.suittbI6 fora Vibturesetto
3 tile ig, I
disellulol ,o n Ig t ii ike,
.visa ntion the a of'or all -
Georgia, Flo and
be story. SW bbgan by giving me a d6-
w4ld did, Mr#;- Hollitis,"
bty, ", I tiler than
sea. She was in arms in an instant.� Xo
hWnow but
different-Ithiings. -I'M says he�jdoeon't
lawil'. Ile must know not only. the size of
tbo-trA when but wliab be I a
irdbitage: �es a V
iGulf with
tile Sta,-.- the Me. igard
eei)ltiail Of the iiian,who came for the razy
allow; iiditit ivasn't Tom Macrae, Ito Wds.
subb, al'thin
am a i c a
1 ft
An fie I b d' grief Betty became
nothing would gervo aboolut.
a one demand sho held
rhade, the aolilavoniont Of Vic ontiobjeot she,
think. lid. can do it)" says the interpreter. '-
retuf tied expressions 'of Persuasion, but
pleltitedi will
height and bradth fiftY,years aftor%yaiol,
Without this knowledge lie would place a
to position, harbors, re4ouroos, arld dis U60
from the. Hilstorn matkots.. If the So h
is'twin -br6tho least.
ovoll tio'. " know he will�comobaok.
had in, view. . I .
with to, apparent' effect, and waii about to
Xorway sprucis wfiere,'a, �ee* ehouh J� be 'and
should become it g4c, ienrig61 qP �aifrll
-it 6
"Debby went 43n to tell nic I that aftep
arney's doparture, site wan con st4utly
Ito Cannot be (lead..- 110 19 c6diffig to Alaifil
the, It Would kno'with ii)�aqid
� rlatil midnight-tho-btild ragod, ndiihor
Ma-arad 'P1400
give #u tho attempt. I
44 a
ait amlaile," said :the interpreter. A
big finbst tetioo Will be planted so elosoly,
thaf.aimio of thoth will require. to be out.
buiteling industries; and manufacturing,cap.,
ital bld traiiator�6a tberoto from I the over.,
t) milid about -the affaiv: and the,
lore 8110 t lotight illfii the stronger her
o6vor -to
allow Mi ROOVAO to OV6 6PcAk to me Of
yioldiug.- could not the
secret Of Hickory Hall in.tho'popsession, of
favV memndUs'& silent 3hatted, Thon'tho
-king spoke a ftevo words, 4nd rpeolled,otit
awuy�atlho end f twotty'years, or tho
h6loplantationbortiiiied. Want treo
drowed NorthoE mail, it'non poslibly invoilve
aravival ofthe auciolit foud botwooti tile
hont oominitted,and. how,sho was of Course
deal, child, you are certainly your
owill'inisiress,'l. replidtfIvIra
this,womaft,� athey could , r.ot, be content
with less.
At. twelve -o'clock Unarm arose, and
his hand for thollIcturo. 11.0h,ficiag-olDi;
to do it," said tEe interpreter, and sent for
�hia The -around
knowledge has spoiled many costly,places,'
And a true laudee4oartiat shouldbo go sat-
awl 9 utb. Ttio West -is 41fettoly
orth 0
scParateld froin Now York, 4fill -NV&5hiDgtOh
4 )gp= as yi:44fial arothis-minuto,
not all she x6ould dotoribitto ival, thabl
oil it Would be Utter for yoii, Be t
glit . . .
asked Carney, to� wait five minuiqi fbi him,
penaudiuki -party browded
, as he blo�w an to inako thd sttokcs;, I
ly beg
*ratod'wlth this knoWeelgo that lie can a],
*Ay's opoilt & be alledta, land' thus give Ilia
-in all save noroUnaVallogianco. Between
the protecte(I thanufact, itter aiad file Wemt-
ught to, knoW what Wno bing..'611, and to
lW-stop.4-to-flild tha on 'eter, Thou she
was alt.'
"YOU. 7-YO1A thought go teleo.t it -
"Yon deal- But there, JoVib
. . . . .
for Ill return. ant'into.11ho public
T -'Fe-v ozeu D011s
room, I a I ra an ere
arow'back, with the rgiiirk th�t we in
be enibarrasaing h'
ompl9yer that c6ftildiettop in blot whidh Is
den farr nor-thero 18 little in' commool. ,, knel
-now-thab free trade lcgso�s IlAvo, doluouted
talich Rick, Khol grow ftervous oveklio
ffaif, insisting finally that'litir father should
go ow.,
XO dt,a tph all t�y td,fotbo you, dehr, child,"
There followed P, toeno-,of woopifig and
tj 41-1,
tage-d-albnggy the 0 ark, dis-
ma 1161csWheremenworoac I mooltoeat
it Oil, )to i8"hOLt7a* bitliorvous," galel 0
hiterprotor; fact, I ftdior.--saw ny.
be it ramiliav-;,tho
heart An art%tv beeattaoU Is
with thes best forins; lint an artist may have
lattee into) �6garding his ri it area.
tupe-WIlb fattefig by the sweat Of AnOthel"s
bria, foviha-, I
"Debby gave nib tIlO cuil-blittOn. Ilorc
copsoling. Mrs. Hollfilip,,. With &0- great
nitithortr landness ooverin�'ali J1111t 11bilso,
unconsciousnes -of the many'Amported.
of %ihat wag notbeforo1hom'. 116b
thing liko'nervoisna subot him,"
twi was an-clid one$ an'4 in the Un
ublialli' firm wWh it setole.
no knbwledge-of. trees itud may theraforg'
fail, b0oatiao, hostrivab for ultimate offsets
br�w, the last Arong link of synipattly is
-look at itt The inariting oil the bicit
hotel; net led Afro,. Hartloyl it lWentm0y; -anti
found. Th-oottly 113i,annigaii. A brid Can—
'in ':
fraspl pressed
times abed &I !td ip)k 4t a stroke* 141'aCh
wltioh he cannot possibly
ocs not gh6d. much -the matter
L t
confess. - 113,r 11, to Z 1-1, - Varin--�41illwg,�
thc mothat And daugl16r Word spoedi(y ij)ift
at 6110 again,. , - , ,
foronon botwedin the 4wo oudod
i gau's chlalrging front his rotro&t find going
time it did so an ex'prail6ibn of ellsoattera"0
a true � landscape. llaviDg been
hould", lot the -ownce-of.-thb- aeounds gird
A Young 0clomen.
Vntinioly philosophy Uehas
ttheitllaftaols owd6t -oil
10 *0014thibg
, j)6wn.�f4irs nothing. was heaf, a of
tothoroem, where M4046 had LN Catiley,
ton Issued from thd It ite's lip It Was
proVIOU41y, lido Aperfect"giavity
their whold Arrangement into his hands,
'it t iet a ti a, A tiny boy of 10 years
likely as'not, sonloy. dro.Ay mail $told that
'butj white the, Italics were ahjo�iihg th�
eft6ts of reconpiliatiop, 14,phraim Rilllihs
Tapping the poor old� cioature's altoulder
with unnecessui severity, Tim, said# 'it's
was to be maintained throtighout, but, the
youngest of the party coixtel not nestr4in M
holding him real) nsible fo� the result,
may limit th'atkilaiAct by requiring* the so-
the trade
iOe" neIt
he .4 t to 8, illova! Wee his Ahour
and Macrae, liko a trile kni - Ro
ws4 -giving ThomAs laboaa, tiew touragby
and painting inglowing colors an old'man's
time to go to -bed, Mi$. Dagan.'� V oxi to at-
most 110106P it, Your e3hift'. 11
1 4thiepored All itall5h, 6:1, Wollttt, 'the
bhs�adteir of Aho process' x6tood.
otion of more. oomomon, and, shrubs,
-in many of Whialf theta Is great mdrits but
or, Ion 9 k Passing
him and. a8f,
01 wil k ad 1 110 qot
1. os; Wit, Bly, there are tsvo ITi.
lroko In Jack lfrandoll, "What, do"init
bri9ftAntitivationa for two young.
who Wore the pride of -his hearb. 46do As
1:�Ot yet, Tim. not yet, Vva business to
'th which i 6 Wai undortakeb,
the 11egitation wl
it fie, deeito tlid hiahat,qxpUs6Ioh ea
hW muttboptaparedtoliayforit, Tlaany's
Ilia PAY for thist.job. Yet, Thaboy-Allook
his head "Theff 'I
ftatte Of t1mul,
'.11walb V, iteldo(t (killaino Sigow - I'Do
Unbind toolt hit leave, the old thin eddod,
"IVitib Pitti6tly,'WhOmAdy for aldiv (1, 1
"'Who wid.
"Niat's my bitAn4o.
uAvaqoontiftued Atda�ily ther end
limom .16 stoliotter than his 90400, and
many who buy of blin u illbogly V&y,for the
wouldnt do another job tot lor till sho Ijut
the money In my
ltOol 1 fC4d YOU ftblit the
Solnollow, I ll&% gteat fAfthL' ill "Mony(Ij
1, "Is lopill Mlgtlio�r 11allswoll
volat, PAVIONA, fit J1 dr2ju 841 auxt-ane
The boy pamod.on without-sp6akffig, but
�Oroftto pap6e, the day we rotfitnod from
. t
lidxb. Itis your -birthasy'i we arq a sign
"Xiothor who? " sor.6artled Carility,
4-4 W 0
The is still rung nialy. townalit
Attie 136hey--thel aftlil6anc6olontof fliddefith,
thei, papers oft thm day. We will do thif
hotel !q tbo-library. that-voty!
Ifallowell, yon yelpin, ould
wifoli I Don't.
curfew At
horn A%I0!1Owft
�The trumlidt peoi-�70` �Iio. 8�y "Itllem
udnI 11101ka that havQ to WOVIC
but lid lifts been de5a&ud b -a A d
so two yetirw", said Volliou"
day Will bring, no 411,4 now h4plinest. I
fool that m to be a
heart Como, got UPI I'll AhOW
tho, 1*em
At 1) P, in., bi. moxftuy 6A
to the'oity'bf 6, hoell, by"Xin g
t�e dofilmfi io,11601 Ayhom. P00hapt if the
bb olie
they dolit like, all Hid
"Nevertheless, Xglar' ff�i'ftd,
AdLad ilayfor its Wl,� Thoiritur, Good -flight,
- "'Wait, ltelr�ou I Itell r6turia"',
oar tho mail who: Itillod Aid bittiod
A tied 116,raot.
ndGWIP1061you 11,
W&Ikod down to-& millifigtovi
11A61e gobe."
t On :48 0'. mofiftr; Nfill getting, olloquos.
Its bo (II&A-ful i0f what wihave, ,
Nonocitistil �Mliatt�, Wilb f thav tot'
1070 0, -wliatoV60
thtfilo tbUfWagshl, around Bfid 6
, "Good P, orkil Carney. 0, to Iiia
d6thi Oh blaolt
m8hoil, wits Aotectoil at tila kTu 'or
-'a ,
aill a 06"Iaka
Aft old oapt Add t6, be
fill, hes lott
I'OW 0A - Vish girl 21,
ift to I
W. hy, ftahori 11 pbolp two
pefitlomal, aloff he, moo
Hill. 110 could haidly tell whot or to e
My Mt
t1ho %kratAndo of
rmy Ana by ftgol
oellQ118inbad, thii'Sallpr,". a
velltoil.; ilwy Iiint li'Sallbad, the
not able
If I'd mqvk 6, Vaitkoo tl(t have
jUbilAnt or olepremeol, 6, ot auto
ftf litm "Avafi�ty JA M,
liolfiv hw
.0 � I
now itafho I
..... . ......
�7 4
4A ftwx*k rum.
1z a hWbjw of I& Downs Um Xr. TL*w
4101A'A 110AAll, HUG bA hAW in aW W*r Z
Aarft No " tiotats a fariti 14 the lowlarid,
holding Ctogethar 13W we;,. Thix great
charge he ia now real , jug to Ills W"
The two great -21 trisa of Mr. Thomp-,
.7n ) 4ral. a"=. o a t r 0
*4K,p kind ke, oo)v# tu Wlk, A, b
fair has licon. IiVttoly, At which Its gold
300 Jambi Letwcon, four and five mohths
old, avaragixg 14 pxloo thirty shillingil, or
About kovell dQuArp. SU I1 are gold tolarm-
?p Who are uob brceacro, to W 14ttmell for
warket' Sheep fairs arefrequent in Sussex.
'A hear of Ono recent 12MD fair to whic"Avicro
;brought 17., 000 lambs.
The girls,takento to the -,rancry to ebou,
mewliwearo faot
Which indicates tilat-lbolift father is Dot Ob.
liged to force his'produce luto tW tharLvt.
Oa both. farais'lio woilln abo t fourlec a bul.
looks and forty horoi a. 0a the South powlis
worV,ug homes ui a shoatwo shtocs on each
foob,, Wcourne. Tltolv 4re tbru.%�n olowlt !oil
their b-ickri anil. POZSQS;1JQn i3 takeU Of t1AOI-
feet. Theld cro blacl;srAlilla, tlaill whcol�
wnigl;ts'�hhops On the Plate, to tavo the cx-
Paw and ty'p�e of I Ull Irig to anti fro.
Oa I his Miln . tire kept fifty cows in beauti.
fiA.9;der, pot only fcd, but tcrbomed. "They
iievercolol the stable . NVIlell.
drill When thay;.tro turned into theyard or
into rough fasture. Mr. Thomps6ix white-
ivashos, the elated r0Q1 of tile cow ohods,to
keep. the cows cool. Ile says that it makes
W'Nvonolerful differeno - as to the licat ab,,,�orb-
it was iox early Augut that I visited
Xr. Thompson. They wore then. feeding
the cowA Nvith green votchea, among which.
enough 0 ' at,� had b"n a0wa-to 401d tip the -0
clinibing legunimom plaidd. Besides this
tell Oder, each cuw rec�.Ivfs daily
abont a. bushol'of browcr'a.groins, Or niatted
barley, Pcnt to this regioll ft'Dili Loition,
about forty iullt;h by rail, and brought -by
two avid- a halfgallons daily"Wbiall, is Ctrt(,(t
several-milos, uuif EgId at 4bu,4t twouty-t%vo .
,cents file- gallog. is tile
princial rbo%erop raih:cttorvto�feorinitnol
is fell the cows in iyinter. A colv got3
daily one bushel of Wolot1iiiangeli ovelilldhol
of tlia.grain3, and u-ni uo'�!Obat str&N� as �bc
wants, and not. tfilfPerlaoutly they gly-o
twouty..four,quarto a day., iiey, koon Dair.
art to be at uallrots.
aho.rloh milk,
staudarcl, w.)
that they are ii�bt fined.
- In An I gu6t. I ata jus� in, wlie'm. liarv�'.czt.
Mr. Thompson ii%C that twenty dght lin't lj.�'
at$ of ulleat to t a acre is here donsiticred
a mo&rate crop., an -,l not uutr.quoiitl*�forl;�,
biishlilis are grbwn, . llo� says tliat.1tibliav
I.Vorel close' to , the* sea, Oil I i. It torthtry",
d, ,a
�q -
of' the�
raised fit X -mile busliqla-to ilic*ncre ovcr�ltii
whole . sevotity-five. acres, * alld, ilir �0� oral
years Ill. po'cbeohlon. i 11r. Tbowl)Wn can
Ag.Q.V4'crstano1-hoiv ieg a�-,
,. ��farndl 11 1
ica�. '-wherol the average 0. 1`11:71,11t,
tw�lve or fiftem bushels.. � a 1.11TV0 - -----
however, the expenses which I Ilitil 0.
newspaper estimate which I see lor an. zil-
joining County t3 tiAd UnglNill'oue, I sowc.,u . f
which,11arnbel ipto. dollars anti cents, rnl�,
about thus (a'slaillinglicingim
.4 at t'A'04ty,
four cents) . Rent, per hard, over soven.o.761,
tire ; fifties; , five dollars ;- rattis I
01'. JXle
over one dollar, 0114 ifelili aid, P1011igiliAg,
pressing, drilling, four liareenvings, sprl�g
rolling, hoeing, weedipi'gi. dnd 'rocking, cr
employing a' boy to the rook�a.
Thislast is put down at Cut . y. eight . contsper
Farinfiai -has recently -beein in 6 v'e'ry do-
pres,sede .'elition1h many parts ofEngland.
Mr.-Thompsorattriliutos this oirohnistancb,
toifibreasedwagosirisein expense of-�mo.-'
foal ier for
chavi - 'work, AinfLuvorable Nveatl
sdvei4-,',ycars, a�il. foreign competition. But
lie,4oes uot'appear to oldsin the to ablish,
niint of the corn laws or duties N11foreldn
grain.' On the contrary, lie thinks my
couliltry Would be Infinitely- betiefitild 'by � On.
introduction of free trade. During tholato i
*6t. and ballatialions Mr. ThImpsPul a, home
farm has not sti4i;oid:'Xi7so, many.' Others.
haic; as it lies high,
.of the 9,s*fIldow4. rlloc:p* 1, 'have Vaforo'
' Marino sheap'li
!Polo:en, ke oum in Amdrioa.
tire lot h6ptliere, the citrilats being to thdill
-of =:iiipoftanc, a than the WooL-The
. ab Soottlid-own inuttoA does iiot owb" t
,itn. flavorto 'wild, thyme, as the sheep are ,
fattened, on tiultivatool. plai,ts - but wheft
rabbits aie, killed "-their kielilays, are- often-
quite-filymy. Th4is hill farm:ef. Mr., Tholu�-.
son7s, -whi6h ii 'not. enclosed; . f6eds �about
900;she&P,1ft threeflocksi eaclillock-h%ving,
a-sheribet net a -dog-, At.hight tbo slice'P
are f;ldedk','
thq-foId being idatto of waftl*6s
orhur,462 of
from ot-to. spo.t,-Ifa frcsl1*,.bqdro out- every
siya 'Ale. , Tiiotn�ilioa.�, `�aad 'thiler
one spot afterantither is �&s t"..
Owns is to try
to hiiv6 �o`me gr�--PT47k-�ocrAtvxte4 by lamblngL
t1indi. -whicli be4dj-A� -about March 10 ' 1*11!ho"
eikesur,wbrouglit into the yard, ana'litipt
until tney have foaled, hub arc Ulan sent
out iiInlost brini'doliaidy.�n'to rye 'grass
, Or
yeting'rye. A1111tis is the car*e of the shop.
hctld,�who lias,a very ankloiLs ..time of -it,
rn1s=J1J�tlA!k-11lA1&-t; see if all-. . I t
its -1 Ig I
Alafty lambs are 1�sf, bnttho� ihep* rel, en-
deavois to'makd thii up by parting twill.-.
EO fal,0S the
fond parent -to -talte. to it. . Upon , ryo grimi
a P agttire at large, butarb-Nded on �IW
eye.- as ecially'iLt night. � In �unc t1jellill
pasture isl good� enod-It to -turft them out-�
Upon the owils.�P�71l,,�E- X6,ra" uytloo,ts',
in arper's, f9r April.
The Wisdom.of Natuic,
told'nowad tyaofadis ill" 16
gnid tell, -
prelate of�tbb Clitirch of England wl 0
first acceptifiga
of the, I college, urged a f ri - l3nd to pa� I�iin A
irisit ai soon as lie got into hin.resideilbe, and
added, in'tiiiffectgoodfaiffi -1% havoll i1co'
ri.ttle green. flat(] attached to ittykeetory. f
m ' td-,keop a couple of ghddp"a�jd'wo
shell hw�&-ihntton kidneys fresh,-I�;.orf
. orning-f6ibreakfast." -Of-1.1-liot ta�vh-
--Ali6 occupylurzaplace,.on,the
Pnglislj k illsoblial bench, it is told; that he'
was iome tim6 officiating I'll 0, Cotintry par-
ish beforel,liet learned thai� the inliles'thab-t
groeteel: his .,pdthetic- reading. 4W.ohorofi�of
I athan's parablowere oaused,by.fils-Ve, derw
iliv;of tlld��versb,: Which �.;aatl asI.Jollows -
"But tllb pool- mail 01w
little a wic, lamb c Uore hilloortoit)aLP 7..
than th'iti Was..tlid 'fi
Ile,lt�nctt'owi �" br6ught
b6fore its by Moila6der. ' 116 thb,va. Vof Gur.., . .....
inailY whore.thisl good -m-41,41 C;uro was-slt�l-
1�, shebri,4 milk Was Lxt, nsiiroily employed
in the hijuin-faciuro, of choescip'nilol jortt. o -
of 1
the milk-Illaids, It was -the paptico to dook
file tails of tile Owes, while the'youbg lai-aba
wew left unt6ucliod_,Tl1A,�,ratiun of' fairin.
yard surgery) was peeftirmed a'fow, (lays
after -the lambs Were yelitiedo anti. wds quite
unkadvht to the PiCstor. This worthy indn
one Suitilpty in the palpib, ddsiring'to'dit6iV
his illuxthl'afts foolfi,topics falni]U io.hiq
hearers," o4clared b4ii often ]to
mired tile mar%lclous�wisdoiwand ilmigo ox,
hibiteel in n4ttfro producing aii-6 lambs. wltl� -
short tailij end thus - beneficontly'providbig
for tho',zoeds and'oven, tile. couvollidlicei or,
little all *� all! of�
vcAsifiiilitado about it.-B1ae/hvood's,A1yy(i4.
eaguro 1�rova -DIa:bOv0rod'by'a'jVIg.
'A - couli3r discovdr� of old ailv& Ilas
been, I , as oil tile c4tfite of Mr. J0,1111 Rao, -
�o va oy near' 811rikigwcod, Oil the 11.1110
ountai 8, Australia, A Pig rooting fil a.,
paA ae the homostoad.,brought some
Ole '0114 t 'of gardir--
Collin t few, all(! by 0, Voty bri
about'the spit A, dov -in wero found, the 4141 -
eat hearing 4 a 18041,11 io'Ingst recent 1825.�
Th" arX I , hg thoill Stiallish. dollara
b�dilnj thq a -of C4010-44(171-Wilifian
I known it
allso dde o , ib ravo old doing I.
eilrl,�' date 1 the ", holey dollaroll
front will tile 1ps wore Cut, a flvo-
r of t ank of E'ualand, and'
foliP.Diith" ahillingsi to 18,26 also, 'two
Indian coins in,un It it 0 of M'd.
sorvation, The (14tog I IngswoUld".
seem io indicate th I h d rellmillod,
buri d-ol for about six k
Ay6iiiigliliysie!Aiiivlio-ha(Iloti v shipped
At a distancowas OqO day suddon
attodd hot,, Ito found her stifforiv ' it()
ow t.
all llimtopreapriW for hey nwrtlidl g. a
Ito took her hand And sai.d iihpro� 1 61
hott"o. . ra..
geribethat.- 011-g6t-married", - .\
11011'.goolilosalloniel the iliterestinj it
vali(I 11 whti Would matry md, I woiid6r0'1
111 wouldill thttppod thei (164teir, WIN 'lit
(lid voriltityof A,6iX-fbOb,rAokCroI,, -
tOr1%fAvo,-ybU call go 'away and let file ol I(, ill
X0 thorougfily o0oulliect mall was
Yet misomblo'-fiandor
is 11ob -89 11illob p
oxprm Otte wati (In todoncord theill-Z (16111. 1
mall'. to
"I A