HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1883-03-14, Page 5- 7� OWN-illk 0 9*4 lu oo"rrea to you'O.w. ig so# As x" trie, 11W. ,litift 401i'vild tboaL "y 4W, iI J. lott, puirdiiI 4'johnytoll q lgalOij Lou. bis UtIlIgod toft 11 0� yc� OlAus 4VP IM Oklill tQW-0 Wilt, -don Rows 6 I yvir-om 0014 forsim, th0I 44ya will Uve 01'Ifft P)400� 9 't4,. Xiq our b41111110101 jilog., -rxx. 0.0, vr%t 0 Iri11j; ?penjug at 01hitQ4=141. tho wj0W 0 9 �16# *6e IT, - a I pi;A; I Noma TOVW V.—! he frion X, X�I -4f k ssVaraw ru tl�nllt tilixiI Oist 144� a who W .WPliI_ 4 rwh Orry P !hr,!4qrj- -9r. FOdOriien, w4a, vriq red by We �Qiifiil gQ4a ri�-14t tb%W y r1I have, 'A� -thgt. the im, on boxio, lial; recovered nul Atre
'to WiSh The T'heople IQUSI Ow, o. n: M00� "d NO 0 reqieile, us to, k w -it ilt J, the (AAFAW4X4TW-B-, TW.4 WAVII How,can 1.1gayo lstrOt 1414118 04 Ulpse 44rk, rN 9 I' As,, Fs pad they rq Y04 d4riii,gV wurml�oiI 'Clio w1irlitry, 44 the plealiur Y 'it jAQl%Qi lover !a tonei of'd istresI tinderooss, Of il%"I Oof. Ifulln .10 Us, thailly nill tj
p4ng rd he will -Also be much As he observe.4 �botll hpin44 of, t)l@ qiOqjj Tar�'k ndor, a 1, , 0410' on thediml sotoy, are goo4.-v—ATr 4#s ever lived ;g"4 ishis L LOOA N B S' - W 0,0-1F., has lately r"� AA g it. 10 Well John," re, V - , I. vall hreo. f oto, r, IV41 dI poudo, t4 h. 6 girl with wicked �Ilf you go. AyiI Seofiirtlf nd - other' tW for.3000, at aMay OlTerd by AlITY HOUSE in. the trade,,ive. are
places.—Mr. NVm. Wei bai tfirotij�'tjle haft you will be. liable to rp, Xr-,kT9ljqsPorr0W near here b�uglw wake 4p father, if yal,leave - by .,way fused $700 for his, fine teotp, of heavy acolt from. Tboo. forl $120tindl4ouliI not ow. I ho. likely to wake drau ,Xh 0 boroes,'—A lady, hile w4itl
ug 110WII A more from aa An this W cc. to 4oqrq the Printing In 'a Poition to Wee A 90 Ut of the baI you'l t 'r -Lem, w )44, SmOrt BOY wantcd up the d6g." He a, RU qesq. went through the litation foT tile train on Turo- Ul
Is now lworth 0, 10 hall. at 44 the m-ldbrtitne to lose a p aart fwir are ly-ortb 67 S ClInris. Dicksm liellig all 4in4q of Sew )lead gear,��fQse hain Bile of her r WILL 90 IT/ 1 4000 3fr. ,Toslah Seq A FIRM iq Qalt had occasion a short found Ja9kao, c merchant o ilia 4achine Neodlea, i th New,0 f9 Wf�nd all p)a4a, ha�s 901d biti stdakof Near Tils4pliarg, Out., No. 14 I881. W, time U4 REKEMBERv OUR',, STI K IS NEW,
0 a Z, I TUE Wingliam nnbea man has "got accouq.t to a friend from lifis easterli trip On- Saturday.— nto n gent eman \ykio, intedds gi I have been ailing for V in Whigham. There being another of ers'4re have A grand t, happy' do�pakch." by-, sbllin 6rms it is pos4bl-6-for.ally 'am It is hoped he will soon the same nam in The Reform to a 14 , q�ars with, - nd bought On the wry best't
a the town the wrong bang, - I to at,,,preQ -ices. Dyspepsia,,ana lot in t iq to buy.- Our'Purchascis. oxt
got rid of 'am man got the biIL hall shortly. One low pi He notified the Galt Was I's �O&A to lt more skeleton. 0114 to OV'ery part Of the"D h orse wil. says "conduf -as follows: ed on L F 4 do' EX -COUNCILLOR M I had one of the house of the faci pot it �111. be. Iwher6 w.e can bq., ggs fibm'.-FIRS—T HAND'S .'Am
hich he was shipping to the Dear Sirs, —Your account came to the Wren 4triettemperargeprinotpes, Wehope I s�,. 9 so.—Good F11 ii on the421st T Z y Ur. Thomson (of west., inlured on the care at the litation man; for I am a sinner saved by grace an 0 riJI - %will soon be here, not raq yA an f I In ushert's blilre. only a week friq ' next Friday. — Thmis H 0, rwdlyloh"' 0 Thomson 4- Co , lift
I .�h bills. My name is— a to Adjournment. "Pursuant HE my ocett ',I) that of tolling unsaved men Afem, are al! present of, this laI and 00110080 Iilia 111, "Our 01PORT GOODS
20,000 ROLLS Of Wall Npert aboll I day of coutinuou women I In the lually thaliks to'll f at D � i6tuit be born again.!' im, I am now 1`01. icksougn Bookstore Clinton, in bliI %action shar30i utes. of last xnee Ling read anj 4 P, r a , 9t. AP entil-blY new wornan and itTifully and silicerely yoqrs, Ife qA the largest variety, best quality ions 8TP over, and with them, approved. I By,jaw , No. 2 read and piI weigh 124 Pounds, -thrmwil the' will consist f a, larg6r variotyand BETTFR qveliest patterns, moat elegapt designs W jILL FILL THE G,4p?-Tlie' we trust, party Strife will be allowed to ad. Petition of Ky. 4'YQ.urlg and five '40 Of this new u Huron County. 4qd�rich are willing to asa�tanqgi tol!4 one MRS, CAROLINE FORBE 8 any g6asoii heretofore. ra 0 '70 V our- otberq read,, askj4 ALVE *ano
]a pass; and the Uj4 words, or short an-
3fri. Klidialtilth, in indigent, .W.1116 of Vir. It. POSTMASTER FAIR toils Vfhjjq qqany centrality is the hea " the "co.4test, shoqld circumstances, I Move d . VY. Aly.. Weirs 0 ti 'a of Clinton so far as durip. iiave been indulged in
Oil Thursday night he was sweVs, which r. sleep. concerned. They are pondod by 9 XT much surpriqed that this burg with an (juding to the abacoll, 4
ssortillg*�e mail from o igIogues'receii � 'gii 'a awe aire b6Und to give Ole pe e:a * di i OPI s acknowlisdoed lethora of enterprise in 1javid Porter, of Ballyduff, he on �o.on ition she famove, out at the busily engaged a ve $4, to be. a I to'. h, the south'till 2.3q in the morning. lie 1) Sion Port Hope Times says : Dave got wind mil6icipality, 8j'She UAA;*,"jiI formerly A ves all Fcdr pliI in attending to this every other line bee failed to come up to % been id6ilt of :Uowj6k-= 0 0 Joved by Mr. Weir, seconded by 31r, ITirs REv. W. McDor4AGH, of Clinton will be the first to Move in getting up mwn last Saitirasy, drew his IAT pi'l Jacques tbqt the Reeve receiVe' $15 foi. preached the anniversary service of t4anecAsary buildingefor skating and Alrs. King, Una that thw 9,10t�'� ite and 'taka 11,AVi1l abliC pei. iwoelC for, -jingjL It is stated that the - various and d " Mr. James Stavley is ascOl Xx ts�q of tbo pWic- the standard in curling matters. Who of the detectivqs being after him, And. was to� 'sbarp'for them. He Came t c194'911! tile countv are 9, unit in delsir- '�pd always 0 Wilkinson's church, Logqn.. on Sabbath cut willing t nor in the no -ef MeDgriagli is ai sip al or' boas.9jor i uge- last, 4th-Afarch. Mr ing to 4 g the winter get s� good exatI - On Saturday" he carried. 3loveftY'Xr.'Jaoq!ies.secdnd. anYUle T6vn,* no. fhatter wlio they. are or where r.loquent speaker, and well Vurth going etin Clinton, durin' might 'llave bFep. seen shovelling the 9d by Mr. Weir Ilj'qt we regr@t.' �blne trom. Luondii, for friendly contests. to see ey a long way to hear.-Alitelial Advocate. � elI ana slusli QW-thesidewalk in front a seat of -our estcemed-,colleague, a.- 2w% 'RADLE TO TIJK GRAvz do nt, more ppr�laularlk -as vie, �-O FRQX THE t (L�jhl o k, v a e, a 0 M it. J. T. lTQIjEL, editor of the of P%y'4-. Wisem�lx's. How is it that, the grUa seek followers. A'correspon- understiKild -thlkk. Myth Revii - :,I. h1414 4used wo4rl.ejy syn and stated tblit-ty-ictual count there One'of'ihe witI of St. Paurs church thize.with %a PA' dent lqqt week mentionedof a 11chris 0on't catch James I- bj $1.0kne
led on us last week ofthe girls �Bence'is ei im. and I were no less than 513 pitch holes between tialill' worker preaching grit doctrinal b ds family in- their poitips to the infants fli a Clinton Bull- was blqTn in la"st weekl-The "Yots affliction, and hope for his spee(IYL re, 69 the ldtest� covery to his wonted health and strength 4rid Londesboro, and from day*�chool oil tile Sabbath. And the Wha� are v Ly- and ti PlitI and 4"' snow Shoe club is
L��desboro to Blyth there were 307, an, 0 lot the Clerkiors S.e?n -nice, young marn oftha- -Goderio'T -grit -aa -L Inaking in all the grand totill 6f 820. popular U1 Chis rPPO.0 104-cArried. Aloved by pposito sex. Last jourl;k� into (lie res�rrection fr. 0h":*JKance, having cool- X Weir,. seodnde V a.'QUe,31 ed at A. Hale's fancy goods store, a big in1f, f, bl I urer V Th mimporlum 0 ALWYS TO THE FRONT. -Just arriv- biistne4s week 11' Molloy 0.6 r, e P U
,qn election day, so one would plete that the tretis. f r r9ill d '"four yi��T@ apprenticeship at blind tel thS 8r4qlf bf'�Ij 1�papor, and exbortingly the 41,1100ring, was presented'by the am- in the Vr�h 'uritl .101 . 0. nnstook of JAirthday and gasteroards, and exclaimeq gver the graves of departed h U-3 time as it 0411 CLUNTOW 9'14rgo ktock of picture and, Photo bones would ploylls of Tuckscl33s clothing house with be otheiMse investeo--darried,' Moved saintsi!? 116 that these a goI4 r Frajinlis on the way. All sty.'es, all ing. H61s now manager of the by Air. Weir, seconded by Mr." acques, pFjpQq. . See them. rise ag4in." * The fact that Johnston's oricr(k6iu, As' �Iiere are some 20 or that the council' 'Q rio.n,adjourn to hie6t maority in that town was 44 inclines oil tberthird Alef thm talt, only bonea rhat, ou"y ,, aii�qlslwheri the prital GOOD OLD AJAN.-Mr. Thos. Me- us to the be 30C�rls in this departin ill CamPbell's 112.61 Creight, ofTurnberry, who is now aged rep.1 �j were thejaw bones'of the ni t that this wa a firat-bid 14' It one hundred and one yeais, and the you for the lia d I f, o ring now adorns. the ye r IRRUNA ng wan. what DA_ Clark. Ndunrlgia� Sciallea, 4 6 oldest man in the County of Ht say -you, 6harlie ? Give somd of Vo, iron, Sore/10,78 Or T Cohost, 'Sore Throar, ft1j. iallied one for Air. Johnstoij �b. the CANixEs.-Thera are a num- eak One t 'W missthogenial A R.1111 on a Drug Stoit Coat, tblh� vicious dogs which attack. pedes, count�4fl, o-. Hllnley� 114 Lower Witighain polling statiqn on last 'rsce.of.' 4r. Ge N6vdr. wit'd Wdh'a- rush v ;A;&d I trians on mado polling day. street, near the is confined to the house from a.severo Dtftg�Sitore_aa-ls III at, Watts ,rise other day a. number of P�FII ALEI Thlos. Archer attack of Cold. _,"Postroaster Fair was for-a_Trial_.B�dj�_-b . . ...... scovery for C hem attacked' all - employe of THE %.s biAsily ongaged assorting the mail Dj on911I I and tore one le.g froln the south 6h Thursd1iy nialit,until and, (,'bids. All Pei has purchased the' hou' and lot oil �Txivs-RECOKD offic, Albeit St., the Aroperty*3a sbmf affbotpil ooff Ea' and -Ikadadh; led is Il - rn Asthma, Bronch ti, Hs%rlsisljesg,,Seyer�� has se- that II was in retali%tioulfor the ap- -Div4iiQn tb-6'6 --h gai affbiction —of the A�61ier un,�,Uu
of Air. Wm. of I;* pants off. Eist, for $500. Mr. III be suggested 2.30 i h Ths Westd F6e�- lind Ears,,:and a Y" o 0
of rand 'runk wasti Un Prppqrtinon on APO OIL ,earth. e-qualla (;0',qd % bargain -Alr. Henry Stool, P841,411co in this paper,'the week pre- r_(;h sedie pro' A2)le asid'ehe*p Ex a E� . I . RPIA.dy� -triltl I party of Alr. ja bheked'ALi wenk.-Some oi otir citi- and -Lung c n get a it anje,* llas py I cis a II �6j vious, of all itein, our jou get y Zen$ �re talking of dispensing with the Ujisgreat�rejuedyfrq�. V entails but. tho'bomollra ely t11L')'tirtiiey, near the a La 'AL tile. trilling oll!"f 50 and.overy- I pan�s VOI these canines are t o re fo use OF wood'and, b urning coal. `1` ano .13o"'i1v 0 a FYtor' abov& P-rug'Storn.- Itein
ilars "..81.00. $1000. pe4tqr qf persons and' would in ionate yrices have in, many case i_Z �1) t as t* s'DRUGQIBTS AN 35EEALEU THE FitosTr.-An "oldustinhabitarI 14 Par tile limits off a person who was pjjid I` ox wood tPis winter. We've been A liberal raveard'wil WILD BY L'DRUGQlST8 -AN I be paid to any 6,4tes t1lat there is o little fs II -ost in the .not a typo, avid not be particular whetb- %J. W. Weath. person wift prudu�e. a ease of Li iver ground, the snow havino, fallen before , er a piece of the corporealit�y. of tile erald, csi'Go� A..V0GELtA do on tho ground was in town oil Kidney or Stomach c iplitint . that 1. - Monday ii'lid giI us a call. -School .101lectric Bitters will notspeedily -c OzP that the wearer carnealong with the pants The �pring thaw will sink into the grouid o ky 4 12A : . . L . becauie. Is n, Aro- �Uh ay have to inter- .f (,j;4p !!Putes ul was ill Clint E_R .1 d L 16 care, an S is as lei gr in sonic wily top in togn foi- y�u WUI be' well riiwardbd_f�r yjuj 7777777— wafj oil this Bring theiii alang, it willcosit.�6u noth CART- L44/ -face toward violv Alayor Forrester it they are no we k. oil his Nva to Brussels, Ing-ftir tire ined fi; m�ii' instead of rurI on its.iui the creeks, and that Ilia ground its so rnuzzl� but 0 rp.§tiained. dry.it will soak uj;,s,l;d retrI the water, OR1.11.-Them died in Clinton on settle ITTLE .,Pe `,Jauiidi6e,Const;p C&S, 6 9" 11 account, Of he Western trouble bellides. Alr-blood .10 61,64�d P.Y Sun my a and hence the riversi will -flood very Sunday last, Peter MuLaren, son of being IvEk d Biliousness to ation d -up coules. III- Mr. Duncan McLare HIL QP, )jttlo wilen the break n, of Culborne, Rougljeqt sleighing froill 11tirbiion's to gene:,a1*del,)iIjty ore quicklircurpil- - Sa' PILO. owor hioney a, s ,predicts an early spriw4 and good rolds: aod ndOne tponth, D6. Clinton in thifty-years. Oil aturday tisfactiGn gii.-arant"a' r�fuI I __,.i . or sa a y CII
the 9th coll. Grev, went to see his girl It. 4t, orne years ago, niet with with playing w1jil. geafdrth. T k F t 6 'Wa iii. t e Ut LAST WEEK a yoUnff living oil c"aSM ;a the employ of the G. T. the Godp,�ich cii-lers had to be,content ed, Price o6ly-fity cents por bottl �:. .. L C.:1 . 1 ., " J)6 ttS & CO.' 0 Irliolives a few wile aay, and was an accident by which lie f�st a leg and ado prevanteq' them from reaching . ilariiier8,aiidotlicrode4irizigagehleeI EMU days, AratLe His vi-orous constitution all- Wilighaqi ptorm stayed for throo is all arin. akenoy, ky which $5 to $20 a dav can lieear and' engaging rivals III I C. W.I.., nod, send ssddrois at once, oil postal, to - niso" Go 80 E.E Lt. elv_YOTk__ Nt'llt SpOo-thly however until a few oblod hink to ont llive the disaster_ He worthy -cik their "stanes."-F. Seeginill- 103 and 197 rult,711 Stre a borne, when ho than rptl.p ed to Canada allkl etI er, of the G�derich Foundq, allil oth- xbaim�WlWtis- state of tho sysicin, sucit aspiz�. days after his arrival IoOmar received a note requeting hiiii to retuit' ill hbusiness, first in SaItFor ere, were disap'� -nted oil Monday.to NAie Side$ Wliilo their inos !it once $7.50 for board and Todgit latterly in Ultuton. and always'secured CONNOIX 'ftdorich 19. find on reaching Clinton that the L. H. -o him to rustle for tell a fair s are of the trade and the entire and B., iriirth �nd sontli, was not ruii- a.
It will jut tal, 11, Vilwnship, on. t a. 8th inst.,by MR �ays chopoing cor4wood 'to inake up confilignoe of the public. We tender nilig exhibited in Dick Rev. btliews, at the reside 7 of the bride's rudthav,,M, ,its, %nd family our sympathy son's book it�q,re on Monday a boautiftil Connoly, ko Miss-.-Lou-ija I . readacho,yet Carterlo ilia neousliary anioutit. Ps. 11. Whitely' But he is iil� 31r. James quite satisfied-v4luo received. you it, The funeral r �- I n will sample of -crayon. drawing by that Ltion, eurl a Whitely, All of Cloderich toiinship.* vul`I4040 'it uO116UP, I lit-: know. takq froui the Queen's Hotel thin clever young artist, Bliss Netijo StIeg- this alirkoy ing corilpl. I III c ol HATS BOYS I niiiiaLe lie I criv cr the t r OOL. '80Y morning. It will proceed to the G. T. inilleir, of'Goderich. d ;'iI%b.* FOR the past twentv-four years Afr Ille pencil of this ROBINSONI-Tp,,136defich oh U1.1, life I R i M Station' for L :R��'�TH R. Ztation. It will leave Goderich young laqv seenis to possess the power, W
Janies Johnston has 6een Clerk of the I day, March 7ill, 1883, liza, wif�- of of Turnberry, �nil so far as Colborne cetrieter at in all ouittient degree, of impartiig James Robi ason, Aged 81 Yearsalla I y light, 12.15. month. bis dtuie4 are cencernqO no nian could animation to whalt (.. .;, 4 . BOLLARD -In Clinton, on -7 have fulfilled thew beti,,pr. As OT�EP r We don't A 0EE Us. -The Fa mer's ever she produ4s.-The -pronliatLeTif of the 10th ouncri yatilladistr6s,41II&O Ipaving a 4-.1 able In so lilany-waystbat they.will n h bL fe'%VI "linton this ster-of Wm*.'QRuiI whetUr his ities had un3- Advoc�ile;-I`here have -been less fail- ExIi'kbition have realized, after theArt - not., EliZa, re "OtL.pf the late J8110 who once try 4o t at the last ures in t* -lard, and M Ile town of expiI about 81 12Re- i any "I'l '91r P4 town, aged 78 years Ad*8`M'9IiP S. .90rdolvitholi.litheris. lilitaf(er all alclt,licad. council ineeting, lie was, without cere. other in Canada. The principal Count of East ff�on ballots commenced large BIG STOPK Oj? Pointed. Now terday KETREPORT-3. 06M -M we long and faithful seviceq Callada; a woolen mill; a cabinet fact loll, our. ftr�ob. boast'. cure jtZille with reab care a� r, Ca F176r, Cait?s.
IE ',).,-known all over Western the least'die township machines, established by Glasgow * Me- .—Tne utial warriors didn't li mllI to-diy T�icsdi . E �'n
koNe of threshing before Judie 31AR trimly, turned out and a now Clerk ap. inanqfiI are t % at Goderich, yes.
The Engli :4A L H 01
can do,'to'�how their appreciatiQn Of Plier oil & fight woribli a 66�t oil thie I Ith, but they quiet and emier, ,with, E L
g -- I dful,wigging in Liverpool quotations; The Chluago-warket ave Viggiiii a 'drea in I . . . K opI . was f1iI III and "MAN TN Clerk 1�nd `r,�e unsettled is to vote hills ori %Oji foctory; p!aning mill- fall- setting ot clossirig -aka lii�er Pills tire very si P �6T riltiglit his predictions. -It callytotake. ?011ooriwo ... t,- -rsiolib The b6b oX liquilra and el-aro NEW PATTERIN- I., V I I drh� " .. . . .1 1. ,- - . S.Ll '-'
strievy, x4getable un donworlpeor, i4broforo.,rtrlon 31all Lt.,
at yas ir vory doge. riarristo 8, oil 9U. oil. He Well deserves it I rs,. s6flotor c bar' L Good table; Best �Itu�� I :a aid that Gor4 islightd6cliWe. InNevv�76rkvd'lle iing 4'jill factory and a large flour u pa Brown, late manag- aII'ith little doifig the in. ql�o us". �call� lar, IIMoiI ing direc the G14e, will succeed vsliirinet; but pric-es. �f ,WILI'lS CHURCH. -It aftrdS us much one of trhe largoqt sale stables for hortses %'bfiQ - fqaso;ui %viii, y their gefitie action, 4 411fide- ea& 4 reents * Ilve for IN -Sold ounce sa ern; E MOORE,. r at r. L that ,,led here 011i INTON. P bpt� 'A B
pleasure to be able to an, is Stab by Messrs. Hon. Win. Cayley, formerly 1. P, for Tor -to market wai' dtill, fdw buyers; by drugi;fsts'cvcVy.wIierd or ;At lij juilif, q I L . G..L 0 BY,,
the committee appointed bury & Mooney. When we were up the Huroii District,,as Registrar O"f the Clintoh inarket is fairly� active, ir; it, IrWirls, C it ijgr.e at a recent 1,*a( ics,'d6 not:'fail to see'6t
meeting of ni to a -jad 160 horses on hand; they ship Surrogatq Couro.-Foster, the photo- -ilp to if not in pAying, prices quite culbers of the Presbyterian qey I what * i's wark-ppte4l j foreign q4otatirnv.. church, have thus far succeeded in their ll'parts;, and buy and sell suell as grapher, is alI taking a partner in Wheat in Monii-calftrolp $1.14 to-sl.w_ , .. order to t�e'b' ilie'requirements'of in. rdjito m to si. og. :� cilica4?j'fer AiAl, 04,8. are wanted to fill orders from Canada efforts. Oil Friday the b�rgain W913 creasing itiegs. Particulars later. C large closed for that desirable lot on Ratten. or the States; they solid very . 1)6" CZINTO. S, TALT Inumbers to Alaniwl;a. The Country, The late (CqOqcted ever Tuesilmy afternoon.) 0 1)ury str6et, formerly owned by Ali. AT6.o'*BoIIqrd -bequo-athed a AY--ER,?S nrrs'T FT
V I ;.altli to Protestant beat, red, tafto, Honor Graduate 1��dl 09410, 11'81� UOU, Sitfuttod opposite
_�xcellerit Po er W four, 1I . . - I 0 OS to' I od Lit Sll�g.qons, haPpeiril, c in thl und Clinton is rtion of 6 00 o 6 to Perrin, hi,efised ' toand latterly held by the Afol. bebv6len� institutions.-I'Fit for t'he wheat, white, 0 93 to 91) 011bre of"the tolvil, 'etrIq Bells, water, an( 5 Q ote. hope to ve, ere niany niontlis was the rerria' 0 lro to 12 -or .I son's bank, the price,,being $725. 114.900d I We F 1, 0, : : slid$ C011113fise, about y boimitifuil y'lilid. uWe land, flive �o.�dj' tuoRt varied crops are raised with tiLble oi t��e Queen," g. 'run, shall have the rk a to, 0 ily tsBlo" ver t irou Ii. rn, ok beat results, It excHla in growing co connoiscu azed wistfully 0 37'. t& 6'38 restores, jvjth t1w. �11'1 'frelI -'Of- 5-6411 All-ilrorkilrs iffirge passed, a grand edifice erected thereon, rrdudp rs he g si.
0 05 to 0 71.) -ay Jjjjjr'tt�;t lilitund, iloll bi. IA on the diq P" (wInter5 afa.56 le., apples, sorghurn, winter wheat, and in ))iy of beei at Couch's but- Ap as this congregation is one of tIlp most P fade�l or gi. X EBY ,sl ly Ing, uiiiu4l
o is to o 2o 20 33 boo" -a 6306' B.Y Its I el�gfi 0. - CART W.P ar 0 I)iiX. 1PASTER.-Alally of tile �ryo�l - , wIveallby wesit of Toronto. stock -raising. Extennive 'salt works chat shop. -A scarcely bredible rumor -Butter - orred IiA I, way 6 ujili 11111i thlelI IIFLV , . 11 thoRe Ijo will 7 to 840. itle-tiodlil fall -�W found 'here. s�qe al�q, or abling the farmers to is afloat inl1riously affecting the repu. 0 21 to 0 22 asY, 06, a leap. tation of procure salt el tho 11-111',,Alid sT utile: of our prl6ininent citizens. tilde 9.0 - itil, . - L.0 A- 'aster eggs and solid E to to, I 00 cat E ster card,, Beef, 0 ro lVealc '; clwb� ". —R611ing - -ar rioll,cah NEY TO, N March 25th, .will not stop �dl?!LANCIIOLY DFATH.-A very lit. . �X,2,jy on ur about I ,e-Wtftg pintiful.-W. 015 to .1 OID "awl 41161 Faruff, alld he At low r tos of inter ... .. .
W. W-ade, 6f Seaforth, is coming back Turkeys, 0or poun 60 0 eSt and upon terms to-oult bot. Ao think why E-8ter fallm on that data . .1 3 to (IS t (L�4'fatql accident happened on the 0 4r, to 0 60 cc III r It e '=, '. ucker- to Clinton. -' Mewton & Dennis, Ducks, per pair o to to 0 60 the N djjjaIU6� F 1I a_ C or if they do halb,will give it up all(i farin of 'r. James Dickson, T r scIft, glossy, y bred take another egg. stnith,'during the sale of thorough lar Pork, 7 60. to a. oo, Wee '6,1iiIIvedissolved. Air, Chickens, per pair 0 40 to 0 60 �jilye,,rej,d he hid ach ness mr1I .1 Dont old The woon of the goals to I�ijjaelo, and Mr. Newton I d I in Waver Mock, Clinton. stock oil Wednesday last. Cordwood, 2 50L to 00 $I IAars detm s the time, The rnle Mr. James stad, Yict ri t. nis lbet _ttlton.
continues' dia businobs hero.-tiWilly, 0 Clin is that E ititer Shall fall oil SuRdav after Devereux. the unlortunate victim, was from his noriberil' tri ,r �dj 00 07 to ODS 11. lilt 1(;l Shaw ietilrue' whoat, white g '14 III 6.0 111iLof tile tair, viartial equinox. In 1818 it fell on the age y,?ars, and many friends I'll.- -that Craill, Macwhireer &-Co. w* `6 O"I" 0 37 to 0 98 Which N TLC, T REDWED0 V.) Otis the full moon, wliiel, ennif IP red t E 4 rlainled! 008 . to I 60 one, b the earliest date pos- Stebot' olli�e J" ter the. becalne Ilefiriv blild f A( * bUt a Y54119 lilan in the prime of life, on Monday. His order bno O-90 to I 01) uqe,l t8 locit �irfr c ��nd of March, cerely deplore his detuise. The Barley, . - . '�40 to 0 60 8 to O Iall I ORHK I , I k iniI sprinw, benefited congiderably by the tri Pe (15 to, 0 70* ruioni of the accident appears, to be that lie P. POtAt 9, 4111 fiPriviliced that bill. si'610. It will 'lot fall oil that (late 036 to 0 371 rill securfo. and oil f�Vci and a number of others went int rone'3,oti again ih this ar the followin a o tile D., 1,L -R, S, E4. i'f ri Q'U bit tall -O. rit; 6 per o entury. DL sitsI where sovertil tolinis were stab. nicatlofis. Fqk LEASE eI il n. I. -
OUR BAND.- Many were of the opirs. ,a 09 and tnow having accumulated Oil it OpIldlit, I1t`6pUrijtjOjj for,t -rn. Ijon that our hand was 1 defunct conct his feet lie started rs(0911 thm!ule do jjoj 1110 LOTS or) the porne r itittersilury 11,111ts- opened an oillco In 'the to starrip the ;rd w'sh " 'o , r ol J-) i I 'U, .m and ImAd ovinrelviv -raponxible for the opinjoij s jxproaged AlhqItIVied iftnios will be lesed for buld, Walvis IP, lift lakes it Buell is not the case. Mr. Janies.9c9tt, mtopping backward by u!tr olirrFspondents.-Wd. Enquire of g1ii,ol; ratittlit. ClfhtorlI I li 0% 80%vor Illod1r, up-stairsi firA (I t Ing tho I 9 t an old leader, if4 doing all. in his nowerl tripped pn a scant- 11 i r, a sve for Not, And will give priallpt-aftolitioll, to &I 1 4) 6, 18sl vilar troll evor Ing placed between tile horses, Asing this I ni. (.I I I --W, 0. BEAR 'Ao enliven the boarts 44 thos RosgicTooWts, Huron Street, 0114ton., Ot U. W 1-4 a who are hilui to fall under the fee(. of one of the BdUO2' Newo P�ecord. Isfa. AXOVA F.% musically inclin(�d. The hand has an FOR SALE�7 the ON 1,11onnsed Ali 4() opt-iot tboi THE 0OU6 N 8 A NK,,. r n. SItICS "fliteAd I reasonable AAK S 110 11 It h,r.96,5. The Animal raised it and yonr last loan I te�iiihy: of engageraiAnt for Sf foot 0 Potined it com- X 10y of -111.11. oil Friday '91 R' 0, 1*.� to Indorpomted br Act ot Pkrjfalu�rs tj i§65. -sI intmicaTiml4i ilklied "Parent" therein the wrl. Lvi, t!s X THE village of 11,�J,CJRAVEor ilia dwelling house donedof the. kickqd I)Lm oil the head, infli4ing a ter woffilly ebllql�ins that a visitor at a Bull- Slid store ocoul 16d IV me. The ssite is one of the fall t iiio Prdetiroth Uiave Wild night. No doubt the ninnihors . of II wound about tivcf inches ii; length be- (in rit Vjo4)R, ap ta Y.School lidit iitlodileed politics in most d�mjral�e in tfi TI Ili 6 . ..... . Oxyllit to lend, In large OlI. it-Arll' "' a I speak- businso. ilftll Able to 11 goo C' 'I 1, 02,006,0061 kest, i�.. 0, -Ptnforo. Many corpora- (;L " �Ioatb ilsall,4jid hexclillont C nient than hpi d the liiTt Par, and fracturing 11 . llsi 0 band Abould receive niore encourage- bill t a ig to the clVildren, and in holy borror lie Nutt ivatily I&II Or porgolln) iI � itt lo��roqt tc
grit. if lip eirtorit an the prinuli4i. The lot comprides ton ti;,wn han(l all acre. tile e�.os o� tilt, publid", 101fAl MtOAVI, Pr�cjllli@j, ft� �'f tho Aklill. He was'iYi' ediately states that the'visitor wall a rabid tor (4 emisif orablo ow, J'Ienco eu"Onthooa, nuA of Ali itt r440 cry onowho lives a tFU76-Iii0f comInun flition as thn propripor Is givilif UP busince. ToiI so that wo inh Al* y o 4Pj%r & Atts. lvf gafely see through the wool I grant oi 6orn $50 to 00. Now th-it t,, 1, ,, to the office of Dr Allover, lift,d from behind the hors Toe will sign his&M ic 188l., It and H A our band 19 fLgfxill it, %�arking order we. shall be I)lcaii1�d1b`iiieasuro awords with h6. A cal unit Street, flWit 14 whore the wound was dresst-d and However, I one word utterod 13 IjI Ont- All() ftililtlt; -two.f of lily bair ballie off, HeAro 11166, brafts I &T, 0 holle that 801110 tops 111fly bo taken to It thin twil. very 111g. tj nd 11 I 1)�Id; Nrioilit tile ft Illig C1111torl'I"ObU s evvryl,hing posisible done to lesson the abontpoliticli;`anddefy 1111ilrent" t V. I A letims, foxchofigo bought a - I 0 0 , g . a refute no k - 07'tod ut,tilo l4iVot cu , 11 or nont concern. (live, l* 8fi, �892. rVent t 0 1 Ilo X od, lilld in on(opogto . 0 it-, phe boys Roiii,-. enconrgoninnt. A ohn'lltilk,111;X11, .vllo sees faults where ilifto gril NIA COO= Tnake it 9. perinn, thisdenial. 116 Is a good deal like8pur Pnill ii� patiently endured. Despite 'NOOTI'S fill the efforw of his nindics] attendants SAW' is L r, trosis Old r STRUNIPLNTTAY, IUSIM 18 L 309tob Noot-v , in half tho life of AnV town. none, and if there boa few things Amiss ha 11IONVAggood Ali bdI`nref it fall, "(1to iiI idilIlild, will like h limited . I regularly usio(l bilt I I)III)IIJ of) .116 ortt,lh an elephant T6 0116 bOti.10 Of the V1001t, last HOW U86 It 600ASIO -Silly Ike a drossilIP) aftdritiol) l40' who %V�l 1% to flaprove oil their -The lwtn(lering 10 o'clo�k his tipirit fled peacefully to' beft garden rfiL ]love sorrie Wcodif in it; th6 'Russ FARK PLEARK to the cni',Arary, Thur�,day morning fit. inakes overyanonse frito Aff '' As, $w Fis"PER. pilpliolit 43,16 of qll fosiddileo of L, P, %vo I tioartflo US Who ftirninlied Ond. Thicea-d wng very stplidy 00 KA " iclavis Of Sen forth, Acanest corn ir little ebafT, but cavillers cavil h:ake of Rhowjnk off bbeir deep kn6kvl trial to convilito the Ino8ii altoptIC14 of Ith valud. IvIllg6s to borrower. 914 . I at anythidg'or nothing, and find fault foe tlie tO LO&O 61pqr Oent, music for the I ist A nra (tl) COWAN . I (Igo 1, osltl� 11r, rry lourl in tho inon-h. They' were elFlY Af Che accidetit lie and Ilia brod *r' noner than lef their tallgile have Wanuthotiurqrs of LL r ' 1% 6 I. Salo$ 66totilled jif lown atio o'ClItifortliabW khout for things 00. Fi Ayee',&06., L61 A llstrbf falIumItIntl Vill"go lot-$. for, ment dpiraI �24, which wa paid Dichon", 'Ps titnill plat -to rail at, like & ri; sollo. 110130y to loan Ot docftei $It low,irtteff of 10 jirse.ii joill-S Ara 'y ( ion Old by all- r,ropot AAOO6 rolog sniffing at fat-holos. "I'arotiI n1jil. 0"M ., 1pnizagoO LL9 plfty for 8 16 but upon rwttle Robert, purebmRed F40MA stock from 6: hate to see it rnin'*ith a fine �l Co., FYI -ing going � n to REAPER �611 '6866s, A W 000 NOT
thern rather th�n have an trotil,4% thorough -bred a6elc ex,topsivalj' 811perfiltdildent Of the schoa� only shows god Ar. owl X00 lied'dollI 6illlcpf�d, by Goldlis 310cull to t, le qpntrinirnlpaloin. Ilankruf)t 814oks boagilt Anil so Voox 0y, 4utton out of or fheir next lit0o garI wits to beat I ied 200 acres of la.A hiell lid "Parei NRI 0 E R I W, It"tobd Alikrrow-ruip(led bigot. A*Mr. I - thpir I-,nR far�, but flitit farmed succeadnili, w.hich ift anoth TholliPs,R)n Icrases irtoriS indorlondphei and 0 R -SAkL %.
t lll �04§ . : Xo.' III,. 9. Af."Modu jektimAian Jespalched a me..9gage to evidence of Vis indutrious lifillits. Ho honor 'would infer were oni braced In two 6iinwi, rely. is issi. d 6h, %isst Clin il's to rollect tho leaves wile end four 'children'- such individuild-6 "Parer#," hill manly course E 11A UltI6.1t lroage, Lot Ing 111.0th t4tteot,14battl�tj VLIIjispII illkilatod In AL fare r6m the %i9inI Mr.Paigle to needs no from me. ft go. 'r To aW hArtiodiate rp "' captured his irsen and kept them until sphere, all of'w� ich, how%'var, ffpo amply mot 1) nGAIN IA 66otod, % Apply to Ut "Thitt 4 Al St T3 � 6. mu ninurn hin e4riv departu a f In thill p,,A4 I remain yoliro 0. 'tho Rells, tiat In t 16 0 11 P. %,I ilThe ttbilvl� house Is "W Tqqf4 h"11, III Abod %V h roll,
th4 afternoon, whon tbAy were obliged provided W. 0, 1i up to thl� NLT§ W to disgorge tl1PeXpP11sPQftelnRraphinq, T! i Pro are Ill F�W; rQ41T%.of n 6ryus 410. Nditor A70P -Recora. lfrIMP11r. Q 4nd Paisivy'A account, making bi I i Ly' E AN' _M, - $ Ifl btiq fare, F IVE AL& in men, that,ield to tho ijae of SIN_01 T9 r0j pat4'to all about 1110 publin fill to Af�r� V at) th * I enlighten 1, 6 or $4, where, if they had pur- Uaq.-r'n Iron Pills. Those wt6 I why It is th; 1111411. 4! - ;.� .11, I . I I�t bur street hibils are n unalls ' 00 flued an horI live trou -v -a I Otnj co 11 hi" IsIllY Of twO, 114 KA 066:0 , . y 0.1t I , noilf"a ihey would h" ,W(,d with no; ant to 600hitemilt van tell t6t in. CI ous weakneis lighted at rI tm tolotilt. r if, oen juA $3 jiij)lyt,1j I n"eilliltvrillblehfP f6,001y pj(dj - Advilirdso sh6u)A litlikk t on fat *t 1i O -P try the of #00 I MW
o a IW
qw le A the Nnililt, and -as ye Vry little lia �-M fil, L W ALL N