HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1883-03-14, Page 3TRAVELLERS GUIDE, Grand Truistic Railway. UOINI.; WLIST. -8:13,4, ill. 1.17 p.m. 6:15 p.m. 9:00 pan. Wit NU EAST. 6.15 a.iu. 8.45 /1.111. 1:17 p.tu. 3.50 p.w. Great Western Division. ft tt: tet(• stnti011 as under:- ool.su Nolan. 9:30 ot.t11. 6.1U p.m,. (.OINU SOUTH. 8:20 :Lin. 3.50 p.m. Cli 11: itt' El DI IX TORY. ratara C:goorclo. on Sunday at 11 a.m•. od 7 p. at ota iu butelay School, 0 p a, sort lot un Woltiesda,t, +.3 p. lit. RV. VILIAAM ,e,olw Methodist. Sarvices at 10.30 a. fn. and Saioh.ttli ticlittJi at 2,.,%) p tn. R. 1.1,110st,u, l'astor. cmis I trr „sbyturian. - Services lit 11 a..tit. and 0.30 u. n. banhath School, 2:00 p. 10. Inca. ALEx.,8Taw- I I, Pastor. Bible ChriAtian.- Sot- .10 at 10.80 u, in. and IVO 1., Sabbath 6..thutol, 2.30 p. m. nay, J.. J., 10.13, Chur.11.- F...rviee at 6.30 1.1 n. t•gtlibeth Schou!, 0,3.1 go. log 100 (iv. PoWtk,... • THE KO TO HE fit unlocks n)! the elogrred avenues of the Buwels, Sidneys and Liver, carryht rt.l. gradually Nlithout weakening the system, all the impurities and foul hunicos of the sec etions at the same time Correcting Acidity of the Stomach, curing Bjlj- ournes:, Dyspepata, Headaches, Diz- zinels, heartburn, Constipation,. Dryness of the Skin, Dropsy, Dim- ness of Vision,Jaundice. Salt Rheum, ysineh,s,_ Scrofula. Fluttering. the Heart, Nervousness. and General Debility ; all these and many other simi- lar Complaints vivid tn'the hi imiv influence nnEURDOCH BLOOD BITTERS. 'Sample Bottles 10c ;Regular size Si. For sale la all dealers. T. 1t1ILBLEN at CO., rroprieters, Toronts ADVERTLSI GenntreetH made for T1118 l'APEI: i kept on Mu at the (Mice of 1.011.1) ht. 'THOMAS, AleConikkA pock, •f,11i1u, BOARDING. A NI'M111,.11 ON 11 ENT1.Ii1lEN CAN T1F, AO- • coNuton.i'rED iifth ft,,alt1 and Lodgings at • ifOTSON'S, Huron :aro, 1,, throe Man,. west .0 llotol. All the comforts of e home moderate• (Milton, Nov. 1.4. b 40.4 nem es. The C.T.A 4.'SF,•••1 in e•tonot lion with lite Clinton 'Aleelituties' lostiftre, coax ne. nee 1111 the eVCIII lig ,.f TI I LHiSDAY, the 11.:11 Jost. T-rms Made lito.wo 011 c.it Ion to M s. (11' I(')'( STEVENSON. Clinton, Sept. 11.411, 1882. K KITT I KC.i. NoW.is .the time o 4%1 yourignit- tn;i; Done. J• rIrlEnadersigned,Vatet to annonnee.to tit di I of Clinton and. mirronotling violnity, that she Had prottured a good ustrrtsu MACHINfrita and 11 prepared to do ell kinds o CU8'1'0.11 W01111 at low •,,pricos . • •A. L. 11A?,1811.11. JtKAInaxelt-TItiron St., next door t.j 114,36:, Clinton, Nor, 2in1., 1830. • :et,k • • ?s POWDERS. he...Contain their own . votly 11.11,1 effectual r .,if4em or Adults. REMOVED. H ! .1A11 you that bac/. Head Aelie and 'Fallen Hair, e3.11 at' HARRY FISHER'S • The Ttirtorial 'krtisl, Cranium N11111,111 181014, Fahial Operator, &off Capillary A twidgetr, One Door East• of tile Express Office, 31 C1.1 N'l'01\1, OIN l' 1 • „ '• 3;42 Casa R 1 ightn,,,o,- sill he .1• 11 to t1.,511',t NI 411C111, RIT, for 1,1. 1. ,oll•trort 1.4. 111 a L/QHTh/OUSE TOWER, It ',raper's dwol'otor al! a: {loll, 101,1 folfinftldings, 0(1 Mrstim..tatt„Is 1'!ind, Nowth 4 'f..ten.1:1 of :Atka Huron, 17. the nktri t of110.11111, 1)rt1;, maw. "-4.. 111, ; and forma of tender. Or :31 11,,'. ft.,;,‘rt noon, Ott twa,.(it the of CI.. cods -mot of ('.oanins, Culiingwood, and al the post office, Algoma 411111. W 11 31111'11, Witott Nfiniatorof Marine and Mitering, farpartmeni of \l ata lokharies, Ottal% '21od Jogollart , 1013. v•11, GALT FOUNDRY Engine c▪ Q Machine Works COWAN & CO., lean roundera, and N1 annfacturers of alt k Intim of :Wood -Working Machill'y all the latest Iniaf"oinontez -STEAM ENC rPdriable and Autlionary, with 1 arlalde Out Off 'Boners and Ilcaterg.:Nte, OA - ONT., - CANADA. • O.L. INT p• C r la e 41 CANTELON PROPRIEt011, MAN UFATU flEit BUGGIES, CUTTERS, WAGON'S, SLEIGHS% OM. " 1..1'MBER AVID SHINGLES taken in exeltange. Give Inc a call and 1 will gwe you that cannot be beaten in the County. tss., Repairing and lIoreesboeiniA &A(1 '11 ith despatch. 'rt. °ANTE-L*1N.. 101intonlarble:Worksj HURON STREET' CLINTON. W. H. COOPER, Jr., .1 Manufacturer of and dealer in all kinds of Marble & Granite for Cemetery Wurk at figures that defy competition. Aitto mann Cteltua.4. of the Celebrated A tc(i F MA). Stwtii for BlInding putt, ' poseS Collivixty 1S'121i.? 1)ltlCt soon tin ht. tilipreeiiffeti.-:AB. %WW1 Witrralltetrto give tintiskleti on. 0.__AURESTREEI . T1.1 E • DeVil's Lake, Turtle Mountain And Mouse River Country, NORTIPDAK0771,: Triblbtry to thi 1.7nited States (,:sot .0fliee. at GRAND FORKS, .DAKOTA.' an; lc*, 1, 141,11 alti 11!' LL particulars mailed 'PULE to any mattress by. F. McNALLY, General Traveling; Motif. St Paul, Manitoba it. R, 28 E. Front St, Torol.tO,' Ont V .3.2n.. A C URE D'A R ! MAGNETIC MEDIPINi. L,1 f1.4 t tor.1ao,in ) TRADE. MARK. ( AFTER, ) Ir. and Valuta, Ante awl l'eautle, Positively ,•curtqf henvouonese in all .118 StftliCS.,Ifeitk Ifssioay, 'Loss Brdixt Pore:, Ssxuai.Prostrution, lzht Sweals,' Spernta- la rrheea, -Leuvot Man Ilarrennese, Seminal 1Venteness, and General Loss of Power . It rep.irs Nereuus Waste.Refurenates the Jaded ;Intellect, Strel,glhe.ns the En Padded lb din,' and Restores Suri».ising Tone and Vigor 1'. the Exhausted Generative Organs in eithe: sex LP' W ilb oath order for. tiv park aces, accompanied with. five &Mats, We - will send our IA'rittati Guff ran te-to refund tho money if' the treantatztnt does .not effee.t. --a 1.111.6. 01.e nheaprst- d Best Itledicine•in the Market. 11-'4'01 particu- 1 re in our pamphlet, whiclr we desire to mail free to any addres.. Mack's Magnetic Medicaneis snid by Druggibito at .50ms. per box, or O boxes for $2,50, er• be mailed, free of postage, on receipt of money, bY address- ing • MACK'S MAGNETJp NEDIrTNE indsor, a ado Solid in eaderiah by Jas. Wilsor., and at . Druggist's overyvhero. . D C. HAYS, SOLT COTOR Mro, effiee corner ,of Square and. Wettk:S yeet, osier Ratter's -Book Store, Q0dLied, 0i4, • 11•1* Money to .letid at loweet rates of iuteretn. - . IGAIPION, Attorney -at -Law, Solicitor in 1,14. Chancery,Conveyoncor, Otrico nircp Sheppard's bookstore, (9 ode r.sh, • Ont. Any . amount of money to loan atlopest rates of tercet. . EAGER & 'MORTON, Barristers, &a , ." oderleh and Winghom," 01. Seeger' jr. • • Cloderieh. J. A. Morton, Wingbarn,• , D1 N & Fl NSTON, Law, C ban eery antl Conveyancing, cEice- West -at.: goderich 57 B-; HART* ...... . Proprietors of the DENIM (1..ATE PIPER'S), return thanks lb. the pt,blie,• - for the.liberal patronage reecived 111 •tho: pa) • and bog to state thaLthoy.are prepared to de • 1ST! I\V on tho shortekt,poseild9 notice, Or foi* the Con:- venience of parties titling at a distance, w111.• _ Exchange Grits at Their. -Town Store Late TV. Al. . Highest Price paid. for - Wheat, TD MEE:MOTS .; How to Seri Goods, -MLR --- L 7'11E, PAINTER: J GEORGE $11:1T-171 Hingston-St., noderich. ' SPRING ILI A N PTA( ' T UR Elio, CON T 1. A CTOR,'_. CaryeitteP, The' i der, and , Gotera( R. Pat? er MP' /tie ST' III NG 'O'F.',D8 can't tail heat' ea them. Low pities. Beet workinitathiii.. • • Estimates for Building, 4c,, . . obit, ku 1 y furnished, inti satisfaction gun1ante4.' in every vat titulary-- - , GEO. SMITH. . G . anal ill 0_0 SMITH. THE CL -HAS 'A • I COMPLET-E STO r 00 1172b 3F:k "tal -------------- 'it will pay you to t;n11 Everything,guarantsed of' best vor. unship and a perfect -Ai. • :The largest stock of Underwear in iluron-see for toureelf. Bit kiaAra PAPER PAPER. PAPER WALL WALL wATT, The ti me foy U se -Cleaning is near. A It wanting- •:._ Hall, Parlor, 31-)ip.i.a. -z-Rom, • or liec... Room Papers, . . •47411'fix4 thp . :..- -- , I/ Y,.- St ISAZ: pat t 1st Pa tt ei.;111 ,' • . ECartA7: u.mi.b. • .1[0 Tit* FRIEZES, CORNICES.ANO PdELS, FILLERS, T. -e (1 ,131311.1 Fashion Books fur 1882 are out and can bo hud for nothing. 0.al1-ii see the papers and get a. Book .._ at Br7PLEIVS• itZr He Sella Cheaper than any oneon top of the Sara. . ANIIIIIMIVIVE0•11119SIMICENWR HOME azkiquvt,c" oRp. PHILO NOBLE, Merchant Tailor. North Street, near the Squar'e, GOOSItIM, will farnhror makelp ,-Gents' Clothing in Fashionable Styles 'Get. At Lowest 'Pride tr.,- MR Nnfitit lo.om-expoileure1/41,(hitter and practical 'Pallor. Vn•tiniefittP-rleIsktp work. Ordere promptly attended Lo, shote 'the address--PRILO N01.11.,BoNeata-4114Wsi ,Ooderich, 0. •