The Huron News-Record, 1883-03-07, Page 6Vtoont by Uryout. Ono aolitariociloired brotborw" in litio,laou doublo at Ant, thinking, in filet, UlAiyour WhoAro 004up.*
NOA 0119hil to iiat * a, differat luatitu. I you?" XtO4,16 NORTH-WEST "TES.
tbofQQt- 0,40101AM01Y, but C011040AUTi
my. iia. He'.
ave it 0 1XIN opinion that 11 F-04-1-0 wiiu d tion , but I t NIQ Call take"IlL opt of diell, 44' I'll tell -Pu," shfA On ilia lot of nex b August An talt.rastigiall There Oro two solid violmlls Olt wbich
thpootha, orytilaUtw1*49. till boa we (replied Alum Are losoly import -Ga. SuAdAy laws root - �one. the xj& (-f tile
Tvx lbora hA, proved to be % little violent w I e) I at Metric Exhibition will be opoligid' At J1
z4or dotlit the dow the house roared. brought hint into the ward, but thiltwaiguly X VoliTialuxu.) voguo or 914 ilud ray 1.010
1- W �- bift.l. 3 lip
me gautifully Mail Ja Sashes are still In high 41140 lral 1 14 of the cQuilitry (40 it
VIQPU4, and & Suo display j_x autiolpatedli brio ap, or Pag 0#0*4 91ilom Aar Moutobs, max9p,
lodf *Ave W.-Irds noitural. At-aIIOv9n1;4wawutrybJmhcro� young. An) to have Ito day
To gaze UP94 the folly. po I lelan Opel correctly. -4, All appAratug. forrocording the gx4otopped Pew d worship free -from 414urban ca.; 4ua t ULo No, I hard, wheat briapli;'
HIS turn coming once more, the judge gave for bf Ly or sixty years, and if Ile doQSll"t '04 favorite color for re"
dogh4aii, with each -return 0sprIng. vo by that tjxiia-1 may, as wall be 3DqrO, 4� of A train during its entire ran, in;ludin Corn blue U�eri, t1l's right of every- PAILI tor An equal at at EI'moroil.
LQ'A Woolage,
Fortl-r-liguit in, Runny I . QwQ01140 lilm-"Corr4lion." Thosf'olluris eyorbsp. impro Q stoppages %lid 44rtials. boa beenjuve4tof share. Iwo rait.4ay from toil,
rigolp t, . Roned to light upoul the bur y form of an of. candid wit.14 yon-tbore will, be no hope for We have credited Rare ivith gouluto ;And by X. Poltzet. r geiltedge Hol, ribbons 'As re at, if this A movemoutifou foot to uwtowqatl�yuna
gavo; a$ laces And
ck thou) ptilli and sorowfulify britio lipe-holder who had added several Wilm to him. No hope -no hope." con.tittued Dan, It Is, L04 it seems to us, as undeniable that gardo thefir idountry wore, And r4marsion under oq� 4p oroft
1"aTiao'cheig ar -PrR, e �
eat to thyAr4vQ., the, local taxaq: of Hjckoiir� County; and slowly. and musingly, D1% reteroon watch-,. he badgepiva as it is that UQb&ou bad gan Al. J4equielain oa�* that cArbollial free 0 coming lit VQSU% u-Jewl4h oQuil.try, the Awish worohip on The C. V. x h4vo cooed charginT t
from ask lga4 16-madg, by passing dry ohlor. 11 Irregular points,QAiled, cocklm corall,$, a -Sunday abliuld bapookillarlyprotected frola . ( 4 orago,
Uerk where, 0.341040, to somptimeaboo,,rd, witbout Ilea , tation, hlii" S�arlficod, himself id billi, 44 110 6=10 - Out Of QIQ room, arid I us. What uQbouu might ll,%ve done AS An, 4.G, 011 hagg4ge lefitat. the Winnipeg spot,
x0m. -the, great lorldr A whiapor9f my thus -. I'Mlli--to,, oor; E -a, rap, Allul tioU Qauator�iiaway down ilia Ila,'). A&ahJL Ad& 'Adtbt) WLhat DQrQ might Inc gas over ulverized coill or cok ilia us* Ottoman xibbomi.
have done an a o'boAted natileatatica. It So were A MobAWaI
'Outs" I
corritNiOn." Tile Nil%" hissed, aga, Sif t4 in A to bright r2luQue. Ogilvie aw Company iLre, PAYIPK gut on
A 0. '11 Bon was ropealting softly to himself, pali ter, had both cultivated their Uqueg AOd bQ4104g, with very, sharp eimatry, tbQ Friday should. ba In like manner
ending %yord, on himself Alto a This simple common gouge an 4 J[,Q0Q por da� f6t,,*400 in
...T.Qinod bAply, to Some kind, cOMM applauded; A;r. E 'lly #,No bopo_no hopoi"L his bea4 bent down. 'digerout way At the, time Willa CliltlyStia'a L 14 the Uaited St4leo last year the Doose. And IQ4R points back jud Ir
will be prot, atoll. is verage f
'Ay 146op w1lo'so pr609 is gaula. a As the Are, =4 no Action
r mer Steel ingot product reached 1,690,45Q
quelled the ot by I augying lintil. Ile we Ilia carriage ludio;tiva of 4 mamtd is of tile highest imp, of dQa
ex Lo iia , -qrtaixido, is matter fo much worm, applied to. thin$
black in tile few. Struggle to%sai-do thecomproll , ox- tons, or an bacrowe of 10 per,cont.lover the Cloth for pelisses .18 seen Onwir. new tkjuairq theory. N, here there tea con- Green Oak 14 selila
onsiOn of Apps fancy rather than fo� �piuitm. Bpth 0$3
Am-A,theo, as It
I turfl ito, b4lf forgottin 6adilonly tU are;�lijt 'and no hope'. of the gro. year immediately preceding, M00 of sacred days, As, am9ug, yow, Christ, So cordwood, cannot, pe very high
F thou Art deadi, called in a Orange oomm4lblg rill 0040. with rough A ba, South -
To read I vould Tile Italian. Govern
the gentle gladness n thine eye Ave begu4 ef, of obra, blue,
. o.A4dIvnoQ bacamq'aw g K InJok in :the Pew IV". Aud 'NJQbAJaIaQd&U, Olt cannot be pro- ora MatultoliA
tile dimax -fag ap roqchlngtr Of all the Dr. P 04 to ad tier lape
gtors uoltiall Boa slightly, a I togiltle And tile terrible, ialid,
That QA;Q T miglit,ilavo read, men t b to tooted, And Imilloo Ve.majoritylintlat det-r.
spellers.ther6romp6i'.TltlojilyA judge of the Asked, "Doctor, is thtre P , Alkqpe for your roach, that ne3r9st, approach to parfootion in substitutebironze. for ilia steel guns new used The markit Portage Lit Prairie has been
White Ottoman Silk sold White Alm's Valli Mine the question. This carte I
I turn thee uot;'bofQrO - -eyes a
-,butsec my Supreme Court, quiObt wheat brings 609 WIN
Thalwyeptla U unclund ar on Episcopal clergyman, now patient 2'1 puio art wIlichbas bcenreacbed by artists for field artillory, mainly because bronzo iligmakepi lovely combination for birldeoa tiagulishes the saored.4ay, but dolip Jac, harm per uo� Ooliq to 05 to 38
hi -aldq , - Is, t,,yo very The reverie,, the struggle, thit is, with of.possibly lose Arden and OrtRinly Moro a # a and barley
pearg. Via trinoll)41 ol St. Biazerinboo � i a ,an be moreeadly worked, maid's drosses.
he skico - any in to Wise who do. not count it sacred. It only
Where all o - thee that passed not to . � L4 an. restrained temperament, It was Dore's mis. 45Q to 560.
brig t youug ladies -and 3' queer -looking mepigr -just Ruch a 4truggloj
waput4 with bittdr toars. A contemporary advocates the use of -vviad, AS many,as six difforeut.Leolora appear in obliges them 0, be -courteous, The in.
greature--who-stoold Wit ills dangling,, may- f311 Into"any day, only in Bon's case it fortune t A Asw4raw-Ilridge for foot and wAggon
_4LbIS al hak he did not recognize the limits
ilaiw - engines, III new countries where. prospecting some of the. new man ribbon cocks' equal at in,
And 1, tbora,%hts go, back to barip or .. 00 'his beptil re 'i4 if purpose -and at- was more (1101culb. ill- a in your# -,449 brQk-*h` h waiif of 64iiiing impgAbil, )upon hili use across the Bea Rive
a a ll Otto ity ill the matter is only such
oving about opeiatiqua are nocos4qry before deUding colub corsage owof ItAllingiI must� obtailf Among th� T, connecting Moore-"'
would gliIq1v now he on.,, Ben rroaclute Ono momenti ex- capao:tles. He had, it may Lo p eon ad, Got)
That 110d, with Q ca, ro' oil -were unknown to him, And-- w Stood I head and Far
sign tent! r where to slink the peripAnent shafts. 0 a , be, built next summer
give at famosurl praise had uributtoried his Vast And nutiod, his claimed, "Oh, I was near forgottinghlil. I" ))oil) from Now t Ottow dress goods exhibit; greater PeQlile� at. a cost of 8 0000 1
AN that the world. can the internal qvidewo of his work, .1 p Yet-
Audboundoiloff to his room Ben's room from What Ito been wk , According to tile Sanitary Review the variety in colors an As regards the second ground ' It
at 196 11 . I I ittou About him sitioc d designs, -than ever,
For Ono, Owe k QLX thine. 'The Ontar
allroado, enorou5 The, -judge survpyel this Scattered. corn- lwas in a Short side passage, which stood At lds-Uath, la,repugu4ilco, anit a not unnatail- Cause$. of the bigh mottality 14 Memphis While the finimh iq gometiiin ologlito, physicians, f
ng admirable,- Statisticians, %ud 10, Bank At Emerson hao'been
ble observers yea into the It me now, le .. uilding
t, At lleelh -Q41led outx "Au- axi uglq Nyjth, the main hall. Thither al repughaiace,"to,the-pediLntrieFl.,Wit),, olhich have been Shown by Dr. a 9 Ile, G-Ild Devonshire lace is seen upon import- in general, 'bave agreed -that fealO andSO
eve" W"O 4. iou imlea U t to panywith-bagiligiCeye; aria ght a just 00
.rdo do 9 a e�e rest mpleted.. on. Dominion
Dr. Peter�oa'. followed him, in the Interests ariqi eomotimes iurroiIuded, and he lackod connected chi fly with the;gegro man's bot)y,and rulad need a compl the corner of
'�hua, h Thornto - t ad white opera hatp, trimmed alto, With
hear d Winnipeg streets
4�tl. Ila
X7 a I. wraing w t ana .0 blecda a It ela an intexial of about seven days. t an
Ilia cIergym;ul.JQ -u, all W, of science. But, at till ill i -what is. u - In Great Brit h It �rge aura of $46,000;- t
9k it up,,, "'A a we cut Bep'a torn. .ilia wit to digti�gu all between whi a Qatr!6)i t ps powidereid with gold. no,,
. thlidi the. art 'at U.V ti f - );, 'i ilwiu-
r montress aeo.mad. to consider Ii. invested in railw ysi ome lef, man vi A take that root from labor on, It is rumored that the Chicago, 9
neglect necessary formalism and what is Yapeosoury 000,009 is a S Orlmliml Mils Of ti
Andnow that I can talk no more With thee lillext'll said ilia edlaiiiiasBen reached his door alto whimp- resttigtion. Hiqimagination was ulittguall -weigh 45 tons arid take" load utea crops Set, against less lie is obliged, by law to 4 is greed
y the engines 'A - , goo, H keo.&St, Paul Railway Ca, intend pushing
standing, lightly. gathered ralflosof Oriental for $a7ln will make 4 Ili ruin health in big line north from their main line through
leads a speed of from 40 toDO miles an lice are worn inside1be Pock audsleevea of a
Of andlept and:dayo too fairto last, A sweet *olc� iesF5�-4ed, A-�,. Ali t -i, eroa to him. With a boundanda cry, Bor� powarfal, and a aid not or, would, not recog- 90 tons at ca -hi
A bitterness bl�.nds with tile memory whipped tile ale with both armq, exclabal- �Size tho. fag wn case, or (worse still) make him for XorihernDailtota to rombin
of all that happy past. .t that finmginatlort. Will not o4f. hour. evening dresses, . ..A. . 11
Next,;, Ing, 4 $Now adult you do. tlljt� again ill and Ago to produce a Areat picture unless it goes It is Said t hat. I . - proployees -to r0il theirs by continuous. The. Br4ndoa Club is now a thl
Steam, and air -tight rubber Printed India, pongees of I -afore, must make And' ag: of t�ie
Oh, when 1 -7 A -n, an W, U ;'?.h-I.ol phlo scampered back into the b Ple I to At the huglo hand in hand with thought, study, flat$)"- p�cking may- be made. Ili brushing iglit"Weight ap. work., that set The. sheriff took posoessioni-;,and the
it over pear in ilia new colors for grounds, With enforce a rept-day. But what day. . oball it
gi tilt I There am un. a . L I, ' w QUMMOUL Ve;�Iaivavls Bank .1
gination, 9111na6w I
Ila Imes its. weight of watQr: The packing to in a yarietyof large and sin& fi thaday which t 0 a t flair
0 isyLN, - itioll are take ? Again 5easo says, 174kO build ng, -to -1. Qk f er t
........... L st;-i-c, jo-antip4cglatio, chi yes.1 hat he ran full uto Dr, raon. L in a word, with art. Nor Would it ale with a, sclution of -powdered resin iO.0 harmonizing tints in tha d so placed a )lion in the,
was. a terrible upset; science was. over, likely that on the question of !me intilsrot. -
Aloii� D ors, fruit -he mass of the community,
The audience, struok'with the. humor of thrown. agaln,L and Bou"S care once inoro, ore' was sometimes misled by Ilia ready in i - ram raligio i rt so a, already reg4rd as 4,
About fone weekb- The. Winnipeg Omhmetciial 6f Feb" 13,
it , looked at poor 'Bon, then At'. ii ear, Mr. d. that he mistook the tile- Oriental aud kaleldosapplo patterns, And. A a 13 ys; The railway 4 ruua
pos pope toa�pramimt ; variety of p6lka-dot offects
DOCTORI.L A considerable nualnr of parneet, rest -day." So tho-oivii law, providing -for saren.ow. in goo
Episcopal Mimstbr, and burst into at rRopoill, Ali, well 1, it is - seldom aiqtbing serioui atrical for'the dramatic, the pretentious for Nature rep9irts, has Won added to the list - The darktartan-like t" calls pAd.chavitlts meals physical woll,being,.%p a 0
hap�Lens at Hickory Hall. 'Dr. Paterson lay the"noble ; and"that, when he had produced pointaAAA an. bing ordeer� The blockade t tbo. South has
Give 4"Ha$ fia 11, floor, laughing so, of those not Ili favor of holding I t Canada are called Br4emars ; those in flae L checks, for,;es'a rost (lay from labor, which is �tbe an Ms and trains toil west 44 far &a
upon the, o' heartily over his -,in effect: which was ia one sense big he was in 18$4 the fhect Britiol�l ASSOcla, in subdqed but bright shades of ca ' fori, MQ090 Jikw, but not beyond,
AaOthl6r soft, soprano 4uggestively; Almost rencontre that Ila Was blipil to oall up 'safisfied thatlie0itid don 0 a thing which Ing of ill 4wile dayon which the groaliChditiall'ooin
An ]Episode in the Lift of a FQr,, tion fell the Advancement of Scionco. are M..nity worship, and in which the Same Building operations are; reported lively 'in
me 'Christ leavin known as Inveroaulds; and those of adark
tunitte ftfortunate. inquiringly, cl&fed some Selfgantrol, or lic woala have acres, * d -was great, Tho. picture of 9 If, W, for other reason, pro a th
Next'. 1) . Pilot Mound, A hotel 60, X 0 lost will be
outright, and thatrie notallowpil in tile cone the Praltorium" leads Quo to think that. this Bordeaux red is o. new coloring matter brown, mritli faint dathes of goid, searl6t, all. to ts.. 440A
Ip. onlaheaby the'Arst. of March, and a block,
Prou4jy and promptly the diapason times valopoent ward Of Hickory Hall'� and over rpay lim a been tile case, and as an illustra" for Willa. It. appeafs to be a. napthaliu� dye. and dark gioctir-in, thd woof,',are et7led
'01faigievars, liLliere is the Whole of,the,Su" day question of three Store% town hall, And gia"rAl othe
of Judge' Blaney, of ilia' $,aperi&r. Court, ilia doctor Stood Ben, blushing, eQ;.1fUSeLd, tion of the painter's artistic feeling is furth� its presence in wine can be very dasily tic- n
in n, nut-sh.olt There is no-chmpelling'ituen -bu�ildlugs arOpproaching completion.
CHAPTER XX rang out- fall of regrets and apologies. He stooped er Carlene Mr the many repetitions of thq, tected.. Silk is tarried by it to a granitp The L Cordova leat
her ill urel, already to be religious, no suppbAing, 4 state church,'
to lift bl�c doctor all, and WoOurred tolling. same typo of face and expression which may red and the addition of ;I- little. animonila mbati6a�-a It istliti l6tontiort or the Red - River and
0 Say, a it novelty abroa I h:9 appear. tic pli 0, -
"Next, I!. oX(dAi,ineA.,J1adg ".iiWrri;- You went dowlipsir, as if gomethin ritarlibal blue-leV. * The Jow, or Me, ldge,Compally,,to mc-Qa, a
g be noted Ili it, -and especially noted, makes the daiabored wine brown, Assiniboine Br,
Reman Among ed upon Paris -made -bonnets, and hats of 11 -or Pagan simply must not make
It will haTo' been perceived, that, the p. iking Ilia finger qVhl.S LlqainQd brother,. hall struch you. You been kicked tile Soldiery, To compare ill sassafras ro6 amniedan, their capitii stoc ad a ape -
!,a more 'A strong infusioil of to. $200,OQO, A
ter ooenvx �aud -saying, 40 �gooae, Sir." t fare. plush kid, and velvet, .. T�,ls decoration at- a boisberoui demonstration, surh'as a iioisy dial. goner I al meeting of the I oboe I k he I Iders
events of the preceding clia 1�ati eimQtly in YOII17 line, by A 4inbitious thhuhiLkilpy effort with Pore'.6 boat commendea. by Dr. Hinto f it)' So extenis t
n as a power a ilress g krniti*i, and "among ptLrade, on, Saaday,. Whyl Because the.
duringthe Second wintei of Eon Hollins's, "dke I', ItYea,Bon,"repliodthedbotor; "Arld-W ork as an illustrator is, in a different do !or Poisoning. -by Ruitoxicoldendron. the magnificent 1711 hold �P=ihor* -the' Ktep
11 "y drosses worn by Mine, PA* vast majority'af the people see fit to -worship
ture I willeen Business atL -Brando4 'has improved very
itay at Hickory Hall. Aod now, to return The P.6661master spelled the word c6reota, yro WtJ pqworf ill goose, too, gr ]'it aring'Crulkshank's pic a 106 -cool oloths--are Wet in it andLap. U is rtie of doe-colpred. plush, with flounces ontliatl;lay. -Tho'Jo%y,orNtoliatninediiior,.-
thither, we have to note, that, as that wip- I as' I 'a coma, h I of much of late, And a feeling that 'we are
yl as a'schoolniasterbuglft,a4d.'p,lklme.d Win. &,'ha Ill Said Ben., I 'but �bu 6n't ipqll the allery With,W8 illustKatl2 plied frequently 'to the patient. A day's and bodice- made up wifth-bands of,�oatller 'shop L
. . Cel,,L I -- Pagan All- 1A not keep open oyerthqLbardeot part of the. season has given,
tar advanced, most notable changes were go, $elf visibly. Nextalothentrho glanced across, 1Tyros-wIlat'sthis-now9P Fagin in tha condemned, or.-mitli - Ome trdatment will le Iloct acuria uSually. Jace. The skiii is trimmed with an e%broid. people have docreed -a
that (lay
%Qn. within the instation. a only, Yom Scale of tile. prutients were gajhQjt@ia �Upon! of the illuitiations'.to AingworthIp I- on a plush,gron 1 1
I the Stage. Hi ,'petitor was that 0114003st. Thore� is -one thing to be'said- cry of leather 50L- fr confidence,.- Bat we have no reason
L1.00111 After room -was vabmted. Many a I t I rat iya plielid. Dore's genius was'ossentiall� for tb I . about the I - . ...?. 11 . rest -day froin labor once aiveek to lie] p how to -601lipllifia at we ha , v6 hadon one very.
tge-looking creature oil . expression 'ilia scene -now and I `Mbrry, " alwo is rbman!6dtri-c-lighti i�ith all its -Floweil��arnitu oil a NI I cv6iing- dross Manity',, and 0hit, is the clay,
inpt,L alMOS 0. L"
tearful and -yet �yous farewells wore utter- t of shatitei ovefsproad' of. Ilia powers,'todir. up Dan's word tic: and especially for that form of the re, -up, Small failure in this -city since �111.1.ltylllfail.
of conie 'driwbablics.- It neither vitiates tile 4ir not' no longer --match Ili line the dress with The only objectiod that has �any color in,
Yea were al- a oqhoolmaster'o face, The spectators took '41 Spell what?" lid asked,mith a sniffle.- mantio which is associated mos 6 n�arly with. gives -the t, Barnes Daig
ad At the office- car; and carriag high'and often upbearableUn;- which they are worn ; strikingL The report'that. Messrs.
most every ad tile, Hygroscopicity, " ans contrasts are is
, that the JOw thdh'must keep.two rag.- gaid,
day rolling down the avenue up the contrast between these tilirol, ai wored Ben. ilia phrase, "the school," 1t was iorature. of. gas. -No doubb orid- of these a6pil at, and the, more brilliant and - mark. 6 ar , build A large stoun hotel
with restored men an wo.xpen who were Bello L olmasie-r wale lookcadn as tile easy victor Pabah L I" anarted- 11 M�l' '..I could. hiiLt6*'0 'days in the week ' And' ence is- at aAisad, e1oin� to
Xhlbij" with L his poncil the' mixed days. electric, illumination of. dwellings wi next'suMmer at East Selkirk has been con- .
going home again. It -was Something likle of the evening. - ITeverthelegs, in . hysical, ap-ell-th ale log I Pebah 1 You oinafto;ii',tihich. pedtintry' ' 11 ad, 'tile more fa Lar -a scallet- -xialitag
did its boat to Wonable. �e with. his noighilor., Wall, as we
piling'pri oi be a datial.thing Ili large cities.. po ples u e, j, Ion or -.already Said, % the most �qunl admin- firmedby these geptlemon, And AS 13 on as
the breaking -up of a school for the holida;ilsm' afpearance, Ben had, unmistakably the beat - ought. tb beer. daughty a a achwards, keep out of French literature and ar� 4-' latids, shad!' havp ngs lhe� weather I
0 �spooially good se ons toil a U. Uad t -Qf-�Na fo,�wards, cross of 'ille moVement'. Duritig -the last 30 �-ears'tba ;Califor ill Or- lit red pome. istvatlanq, there must, inthe nittur6of thi permits Mr. Fred. Hop n
Now, thee es you. like". Inning , nis, ad gar ' ium .--I- -
ilvert mines have kh -
he gl.ea% -I-L-bAbsuovd, in- WAY tit the -begi which nick tends commincing. -operation-at- a Stone
the cure of the Insane are strongly marked; telli once, that - indescribable Something first-.1tabb., Mtty,%Aa e I Pshah I I WAS' fougbt -And w a, har�l�, S .-prQduoecL1OO.21a).- na a JM.S,VML�** Y--�4=19X -W-Olry
b t"
o'Wast ashes been justly hiiiid of unds p
I Tvile some men a an. Some in 71—arab4 of tile citypt 67 Penn SOO against blaek aia. quire a notice of * 'danger" to a pu
dangerous places in the city,, but, [as! Winnipeg
1--t;,�Ihe 7 ve To a I
rule by ic W an� -1 'rho andNy- Mix t8-MUrked-upolLimm's faces Ili an . 6nly-" ii, bri liant rebel - -1)-,t like fhan;i,. wore exported 'Allf6rai, phanous fabtics with fi �al.,says,; he
Jilin, .1 rO as one- tic effect, A hupqrb
fact 03317 is 0 a ut up. for:: a Ill lie )ry,,be lriciced.dbi�jpline: Dis- half of ilia 'silver I rat so to hout reception dreas Of creani-white satin And blind, mail cannot. rclad,tbe notices6 a city has completed the, purolfsse from. Capt.
,and, 'infinite -scale of degrees -had this fightod 'IN a' Nr It do. that'ag4in I" crie'd rebelp in Mat(
put up for OW, py, �,6 1 11, - - .... a the I#Aite lace, worli at a -ileceptidn latol -to the blin
I , - - - 11 the� -world, at a lit a ontr Y, .4"as IaWs,a unequal d Man. � They Doaal�soa, of thoproperty on the corner of
-mark the r I Lady I -so a i 111'.ba u1i Berils'dounionan a as it did only h few Ben, harry' ga away. ciblifte might have taiight him, f
common Atistrian and Sp ish in' -pitured with. variegated tulips have to � be. So here thZfJew's consclellOd --p-Qrt-Ago Ayelitla-tuid-M4iii :steeetlfdk�83.55,m
All gat ipingl4pa Sly. 000.
defined. late; thd public- would have made "IstiqlVaoit-agaiff 41 ,Irlerblerry blossoms. - Another tells him to keep fie vorking gaturd Xho property In, questioA.-has, a front.
yi 'Jf. I wish to'. replied sense did nof,,noi.nnly.that noth,'ng great 'Ca,
tares, tb6highes!.Int.,,uli.of art a Gas companies.,are, icow, turning their lit -
Ili consequence of the many depar ahortmork ol; the coull1arison. Merry angrily, � throwing the- words. at in an be attained in 'I orking age on C,
t drcsiof:pal� canary' tulle, over. a princess The law atagb -Ayeriu,6 of'
A chattering I�dj. ex. B6iii'srotreating-figure. 111cauledillarshal without at least-aii. dttempt At the highest. ell n in Enulan](1-10, the malilif4aturq 4, keep from w
therefore, and of the corresponding few ar. . As it is, Ilowevei tic, of 2.79 feet and a
rivals, a strange siloned reigned in Hio4dry -lie -word f Uty 3111P..of Panary"surah, bad dark crimson Stinday. It is.& pity but it cannot be. 141 bit of'66 feet., -.The bqildiags consisting
-Ili the presued the pilblic soutimont, probably -when 7 OL(hili establishmBat, if 4 Ray 11, finislif but also that it 'a I' posailile to, use !uIpbate. o ?rose�- --hol tbe,�.jiry 'Ifelped. The oth-er
lation than I in d that' -w bei -A�st - Golden. Hotel, ;Alllbri6mo�ed a
Hall. Thegroups which gathered Wio said to liar neighbor " Isli't it'ibAurd ? 'aild if you,'d6ator, will only lot ine �o dow the, mAterials-and me . ds of ofi6 brandh of lathait there -,will be more atte i Get -6 And ' -there. :amongi alternative jw4uld:belf�ii; of obaldbouls old book ptore-on the corner
grounds; or walked upon the frosty avenues, Wh 'that is one. of tho' patients from thq' -town, and.get my teeth fixeill" 'art for a. branch hich 'a entirely different-- ever given to this indusity, by.wanufactur- draperics. ", F o'll-very young , Indies' ai6jin- oil! puctive to . and, the na
became unusually small. The trio of mig-. Halfil A true paIP tor at ported ",aetg " of floral garniture `anitriic- i�a�-Idnyllel dommiLility. We musV all -.bear. tile ground thiiii a�quired %�Ill become part
pictute'leigger,irt .6roofilluminUing gas. Progre4sinelectric' collatetto "ill - aped to a point I down I the, some burdens for i Ire li�bliogood. of thestrect. 2 his will addsin I nab to the
nates grew Sad,, and were in danger of A-Ild even Sol a great hu's T -fell uppil tllb n likUnilig is working a:'chAilg6%a ti io utill-�. ing'a
audieno AV -bcr.: I I.....
I size, thin. Dore'i a all. tbarr M. Mcisso-. fioafto-displaya'bib of the.throat 'and 4' Our Affierican'libin, ties are Intgely coil- arance, of the city lo'tIlft quarter and
forgetting all about "general paresia,":for' saticri. d eo'callbil, Waste praillitots.
a and. the defeated. spollel%' A16n ier's, and it shall Still be 6, picture which i's This ap enhance 't
Itiqlt of now patients to condemn to that a re aTKiVafe coliecti belb-bouquot, from *hioh is Suspended a nected with th S.I.Ple - the, valitid. of tbe. prdper y,
i _11d a�dd craned -'iuk dc nlii '.A.Y. in its place in Ono It is Alkliost; h self�ayldoAt fact. tlimb thojo short floral chain of drooping budis and'smi.. day lias'given,think,! d slirrouading*ihe squ w)ifqh will be fe o.,
oinq graw..very gravel To b rap 0
air nooks t6 Pee andli Par th, - coining can" - The day 4oll Ing'aaandy'a" is. and not, as with 156re's big pictures Rome other wayiof disp a),andenjoy.fandly life, had''without it ad, are, rm-
fatality. th _gai!eTy :'should be *. " . . . .1� I
Owl - second a -To this. 6hain is fastei rea
the general shower of- goo test. A flash to� doiibt, offity, instantly aloit of 6�� de force oA ilia part of -a, innif
d;which seem - *age Lae. of pink" fern we Should have become aA ignbrant, bratfsh
In o6veiy of Thomas- . Macrae in 'Toronto, glib -80 j3at� -Mouclibir pane I mi
lid to be failing, Boa Hollins was receivibg ao�6red -with-Jadioial '&Atity, 'lighted- up br dliarged with artistic
�oq� there is hardlyany eenstiro.too'severa fbi frond d iiiies of tile Willa 1110; Inc pea e,,Iike 'tile, low peasantry of
t thd`,apa or 4pim wlif6h Bly Follies' latter 011i I
ant to make Drs.'P raou aild. +Laid- Ju(!lgo-Uu'xturn1p facial and'G turixed and Sort, and- unable t -o diqtin�tfish b6tw, eon tile y,- the-
lawrejoioe. olluted
written t%F request, and asicad that those,�,h6 * but iZ4 storb'icq-'ff61�p fornii 7
suffici ete h ler rig ilia frifi t,
Flashes of intelligence grow lr gibod requirements of tII6 4#:df tile painter tind o f� atoup I a cages. A Continental 1 ur6lie. � Take away thi rest INT.PRES I q.
Whispered. to Dr.. Pot��ior%. The docti: I watais; .0a ic gerftis of �ai all last , -y, -and ybu, undeviiiiiie out high moral and
gontri,man to read it.- gale oeaso are con- am a to flowers is tied to at, er Is
more frequent; but remomb9l, I - thOY C1 InOre, distfilod the art � of tile scone -painter. Thlerb, � have . . . . , 4
. ---wer� up,,.to.ninlrb hinisolfhear Y, It's dhat heird. ffir, mo -to i-ornimber talued Ill su'ch''Ico" P;oble, drink waterl it) be worn in the'll.1ir,' a You, IF A minister named Tbom�son, in, Wilton,,
only flashes. The element 'of -permanence ce I!X6., Sir,; go o .71 been, qgd: there -are anwl, living aftls�s who pd'a Similar bunch- eduqational -corilliti6a as a people.. ;?
and-sildwith.allhis.voi satdsh6. I'An'fia6liAnatneas slieWa nation- 0-niere'.11workic Conii�;,-Iatbl,y-perfori-a,edtiid:fiineraI service.
names, Sir, Nra and scilue-paigtas both, Cooled"by it Ili the surnme', when thesyst6ni it I -..and.. - -tlf��-wbjta� �tarti u
king. i y niriglbd: with4k,boiv
Lightning is very bin Whoriver. ld-ia'dhe man -get it? is most liable to cknos - ' " - i ei�ed, to t 0� The cry ofreligious Oppression,. as against on ilia body ory,
was still lacl gliti, if you ploase.l! &.tit have Yeen.phili thn't. in this is 6 -,,b.d*, ja of W. U4req
but not a good thing to.' depend apon for� Not for all the world would Dr. -Paterson -.wid, but they have aoquiriid t ir olible,lion6ro ay. lilat alL satin """on
t it 0 ;he year rou a d.- I ` I .. led Miss 4regory
why isal - �Vao Dr theAIieJI.c
-S6mbt4iaglAnd fie Sunday obilervance, is a, a
Jj by-the.hardest of trah -oil , til loft 8 ovice of the Qrlei1w. 'Ov
reading. IIMveNV'ItUdr 136h from the 21latbh at -that it, like anbonest-flian? boat . a- at.R yr
in the crisp ittlaosphare of December, 'moment.' To his mind, it . pr . moihlo bf, men ',With thii expbsititir� CiarJa , ay.w.�nt off re. never mixed up. ill I ", ion f t1vo-b 7 -it is but the. voice - or. soulless corporations, to Mr. Pike.
lrhas,bean Pr6posedi *says Ahe'Gjeisiwarc� - * I
att End of tho.proprietorq of drinking-'ialoons rVl.-'D-.. T
'�ioabegau to tako Ben out*1th t,1 /Poience was struggling" , to�vaids of Art in rieiihir in The Ittah Xcd1ct4'J6urna1!T on A -�—To -
--Dr. Pct&l extraotirig&-g6ld. 13i
him in his oarriage� might not succeed in 'T� fr ait'riferodii; rocks. ', The pulye
penthig U. herolf, k:H d Other denibralizing pli�es, JW6 islf kno-vvIedgeasto 46:time*thattliegoulqult'g".'�'
11chold ilia doctor's rove twn. 'He V#bd
I:A t masterll Tile -S&I, 1 d4y:: vacoltia1lon y1otorl6a. -Endke. thoir,gr6at:gains oil Sunday, %till cars 'the body is not. exact 'and -his Statement
.gr. rook is gtadiially� latr6ducorl into
a very reliably, when that functiona SS tut ho 'Certainly wag, not the.' I .. �... I , . d ---- - 11 a bath of
.ry Atule'p be betook lior�, To th e
hors i6sit-office,- whithar-S - i__: I - Vdi'lor. I& welfare &id It -of the
—had" ecasilull LO. b5op au one or, tpo Rules.,: man to throw, Away the molten - 4.6,: . which a6mbilles . -with nothing for if )ine8s �ViW it rerehins for hours after deatli is part-,
opportunity. a( -iinciit she a 6,OiIS met I L S the
tho,o#piessors, and t 'But lie knovis for a
�11 at 6artesio -gravely to- -the -SliiAday, Service on ctn Enjusu rwan-il,!� pro
or three conbkrt troupes came that wa;yl 0, that tlie'�iefus' which, Sir, Reep ir Minci PeOPIO They'ajoL bi) a positive
Two A '4�4ritlug to. S P 8
lay -of r6fresliffil risei t6 the -top can 1114 off, Tlie, a Xuly, in 1808, concern-
4udg� Aiinturn�ratnrncd�theteforop io)iis clerk, and, 'doubtless, by a -'Are -SbAllOb urm a(,, 'no pioliation' hftera�atfi,:
I L % Wiir. �'of a:dLayof Test the -fie!.
and Ban was made lilippy with the sound of iractor dp!�.Niorda lie his memory;* opned'fire with lie? iqnlii�stlous L' :� -, ' � ' I '.. . . . . be S11i6 Buriiriti,, Birtl- I a4voc�te 11 . !iht.71; re is
t ;,l� gold ma�'bb subsoqueritly's6p4rmte the innovafioa of tow -pox inroculatible, ii1pporters of a true freedom.
ask; , From,the chi
sweet music. A stereopticoa. was brought The W6ithei, not being pildpitiotio,- divnio The'Saprome Court of Illinois 4fecidesthat
ins varks of libekt;
on�,Q: pitirfaPIP a, now. took. up, he must have b*tetrdeld-to of the preceding day." tillln4 the alloy, the. zinc, plilaing says- -w" A would' appear in bringingfor- Amelia& has throe'.bal v y -a
to the town , and Bl6h web -wO in L to fl'�Olosb AS ire hold on the main, toad of a n o, man- is bbliged t6.6teaq tha sidewalk op-'
kin t 6 of ovenin as mq I (tat] free ballot, a ftee
arp a uio -ly as -a Si. le, e*be . a ... a a er , y a
1: n, ler, Veen. here,the day? Dhe- ilia upper dealt. Jn th" - Idilt r'case it is 16aviukthoprocioup wlira �bl; ipccul4ti6n; -that �Dr. A nerl
gtory while the yelleiv palacesi' tile a metal behind. his -'Own honed. The case wasAhat of
mountains, and-o-ther monstrosities. Cated "a mbr� itrpr6siva. -S urroundled -by the Wide T�-mgke incombustible wri Ing an( prin Wgencral in,prdvoritiog the d
missus is 4hat hasty for (1116 lefthe a' a doted -like �L abl. and-neitlierd6iii�sti6tr�ach6iy- nor foreign Pool 8
Oul. sedr� a:n impoiisibill. drui me but "alia-did.." -a rest ent'of BloomidgtoiI, -who 41,1
ta I�Jlt; -e - should 'be' permitt�'d lowed, the:
a I liripud Idea Wbrij
h6fore Win. t for'o ill a -Or waste of whtera; the restless ocean, type at Ing paperi asbestdar Of the beat �Uality, L's chance of'(Iisttppointmon*t;.-he-fir4Lt:- secar�d snow to accumulate in'frolitL of Iii4properby,.
an Stand long' Your master ? Oil i In�aa that'dark. Tqpi6 Ot the Time Tn-E.
Meantime, Dr. Poteraon 9 -ad very, little . fore a a or! of ver &I b idero litirled man?'!.qt6ried the eler orioo'6f 61irIlves and 69 eteiraity, tile: Small treated'ivith. potassful the'riledical men -sit least the -inajority�� them down, City brdln SP
all k. n perwapgaliate - and. and being. fined under sl anoe'. ap-,
his. favor,. by. specilottalprotolades, and opened,
about the music of. the I 'Prdteul Build," or 6is i�c.tiongi1rIfleaaiId inci of shore ex-- then *itli sulpfiario: acid, About,'05 'bar, ..CEN,T6Ri pealed to the court..
For ten min- Yisi'indade, Ido Ili L
nO4 John
the l6ries of Prafessor Photog's "unrivillew in. !at not. isit hor grandest -all ds'llestpaAs 7bixed. -,with 5 per, a -door to Silence all: objections that light.
Lbt ine'see, wbat wa� his name 4 col6red4omp'n Ilaumd Marth� son$.
Inc Carne Wag Slip !cob People it ve to the cout. occur,,. by, nimbing d division dfthe'66w:� residing'.irt Marshall, texas, while:.
exhElition of, ilia unsurpassed landscapes of fact,theirilfc6ess.beau, plabnotonous. So _y hesitated,, but bleat ---ffian �anpot be liresponsi of wood pulp -in Water containing rA rs, Wo KNONVI lying,,
a, and the land of William Tell." R ho.auifence even Wment 611t. notice. The charcli'llenniant was flying b6raiiand glue., Afirepr6of ink is rn�dabf "latter into Spurious and i6i, �Ieawiiig`thd
0 Who liesitato aliv4ys are, the provorb,says.! in L oking her pl;)e, syd4enly- roie �:-U
Italy, F�Luo f '. �o , me being platim ThaFe-arttelrnrd quickest; axid beat fresh, saying all andleLL
He at through these bi3cond-rate perform- 170m nation so iritilcate, that a'llcva�, failib'j .
opic oSlifug in Son, milk
00 a; and lie p144e Theix, th6 jjjd(,c�pall6d�' '.Hy g . r I SC Ith. CaraGy. ,'very �ii -and 'for thlb --ti nis Q . hlori(16 'and. oil - df - . Javoil d ar, in i a that may* a Was smotherx
` ' 1 lb�sh fe ith.- 4i"ii& excuse isAt'l r r.
`dbc ar so, . a
an ' a for Ben's Wc go W gaul, land jor eVerylal oner's"in . quest retarned a
-L 6i�
6 oned b
a amp'-'bl That ob d rain. A,dt6r� and soap w e� diet, of death1coin suft0idat
.notq§.qf, - . - '— 7'-�� ': �: Itfa�yarsflbilha, has. sight- ol mixe . t'L*ritlig.wi -Lidiii Thispro-";vac6itiation ingenuity Ili, I A cin
Ban's emotions, of Ben,isiyings, mild bfr1ijL .1 t U dent
ma,'� she: Said. 'NV 6r'thx-cbmbt=d-;ftcb.of�oT- and for &in1wng-witIr.1 ack and r'
is the-schoolinist-WA callsed by,
thi -- -111 4 -- btit-ta-,V hat do ye kape a lab,
-�mo-day,�, onAhjii-imilu-�do finding plausiLe 6i�dsob fo*r vaccine failures,
conduct. cr-o ca bi n ek., --me ai§1h,.,- .. .. ..... #1L&ii ilia" -move Able. -fa.
1 A little,'aiicIthought. jrha�i I -Ug.tOL I --Mvay-' machilic so. from wash
is brain couldzee, 4ibe wat6r'cambtd through Va-weff-is- 'oU; the g �oa
ji, , trous
In January two young men of the town M
oetpr consequences, which. f6llow vaccination, has The'drulk sellers of Can %da, are afral.
called at the office to irivite tile A Tha'-cicrk'-.h!d fouiId,lil; o1ei.-;Servldi eheld-Inthe 6,%f.- of-.VhoG--
was bowildereit, 86 liad`.-Ben�s, ble 'I f or 'a oft.ation afore �.er Tery'oyes? -the'porth � dor�a thinirsAhat lie, Iles ascertained brics.
ia . ttend a spelling-matell at t time. weirs , Wa b� -oVor.boea-a, coos. -coull- law,
16, tery. of the �essili the guns pointin 41i Oicuoui- feature oi fidi: niiy� be' se'aled. much easier by 'mondpoly,' By a chiiti�ge in the lijuar
go. finale by.till$ Irgo, QL eflon masa iroveriiy. -But, impellbd'by the irr. I �i6aa of,
if there. Ti no is up,�Siid the Juld OPLO I phoruaL is due -to a voktilizatton of its it is jr6po4od. to, license tla� bar. itu
he. � town -ball," lubg t* 'd wn intheLddptIlS. of a 19 first dipping am laid, boiling'water for a
U th
adding, the wore any patient at 'Gener Delivery Ind drap�d to ine.d.this is -regarded SO a
-to bring: Illy, Iiy I mory, and side. A roDdiuiTdQsk TASArrrrigecl
g-1 g 11 Wequent prod, of. ozone by logid of.,fa6ts from�on6,poiticil 0i �r, I la t its kelleor 0
they also would be'mada Welcome.. 6:,v W444bd a ch a ol ds aroudd energy gonor a-BJl1J1$7j 'Ve(It' Tlra� f reGh thoat, on ilia, part of the brewem� to - ge
Jr.. . I t 0 The bell tolled a few, min- zationofthophosphorus, PhoSphorns'-does'
Dr. Paterson said, after these young men MaBter tat�L� iveig antithe came* to . 'I " , y beginning to sour' will gro lie
the asylum I�Ilorn they would like F- to whiiloue4lthegreatr t�r ca to Ath . flg th& Singing was,'Ied by a ated, U -the-volatili-. it -6uld almost -see& b ill 1�
a e j�y llVolilngstan
*hereupon .-Was oasy eaougb� �7.tli ult., that p tir6-control of the thousands of VI -TI,
rites before servtce beRan i6al . ournal for. ilia' rb- aw�otell-lif platimt, out of,doors - t4c� .Poo
All in oxygen an( or hi�h pres, o
fi -Kext Th�t bo likeivals 'had the, rilielan. not. glow at.. As of I t in mort_
�his might giaw, and builojbg ti�, in:,h.Is,sOat thoulto rid lra�'aad. Hal. X: but t lo sipgle 'I ftebinators,' likelAild pro-slaverj' robe which they alread 'hold parti�llyyy
were gone, I'Laidlaw, I Shall take Ben." t*61cle stirltok at over Ili.- I y
can as
a bitter griidge againat' ihati ab nnp� Saro,,-be6auae,'says Al. Cormi, v6latilizatio;j the Southern hilve -b `gaft�f. Shelton b] ate',Agri
I what for?" otnihaijille was c y. choly soun�-.ofa "passida bdII`raiher,thAu -�"c
science, dTarb, or WbRltevu it nfighV�bt "Nolettcis,�' he called -ant- tl�'ibarnay. ede'-d. and A'f a ceirtala..Iiiiitit bec6mts it dr! a rapid That li.dll in
I -& again
'thin, 'and thank
To spell." hygroscopicity. Good ay. to. yotl� aUklit blSle' .."Baln� nothing'bui th.%ShVP'a, to 6jbnizo, tIIOOXy -van to their Is t b for use I the ka -a
gon. 'Gases dlsinteg'r�tioft` of the'viiisoine edifice, inai- aw-eetefic(I or �efider!��S eq1taral CollegoAtelds4ilat-A ' �oirltivatiow
lb was:. 6 very- mild edition R Bttle,,so hd-Jlp;,.-fla. "
'To ipell? All eyes turne you.1p bell, however, vihich prevogt. the fC)rlll:atioil--L Of oxygen also stirring in,a� ofauch crops. as bi&bin �o x Tind
'Yes. I have noti�ea that he is du au- a cllurch-�.GaL- The men, cated by VILLo�ular- suppre4si6ii of'the I
il-to-citch- _:.,Xha, nektl day, undibe next, low after rdw, all oseelace, That be ling roproved. by' porlipps, castor bei L t, a, ",N JJi6lL illrdii1i L $1111i
a fLTJJ�- _ - - _ �
therityon-thatil-bubject. The-rhow-in if! oh- ___ - _preiront.pho lior -laws -IUWe if au�,,' stuck' tV11.1
4, Oh4 Sal 0,,,�� 0.1 -aadu�",exi;, 8 Xl'i';a much rhi,
-nitl, --ima I , r a Coney vlas at tIIOwlnd6-,wf6r hei't obligatory iTi Switzerland, is ."cbrd.' -timad4lition. of, r�bbth, bra,
sonvalescont'ward appeal to'hi mat' go 'th:�i- lie biLd, 'them NV611 Ili; ]land. -'Rhe ing to this niedical authorAy.Ul't 7"thee operxii. or -SiLlb, a
in every day, a lit
N' a .0houla tek's'.` letters. '8teadily the afisl%TV came, tic guni.arallic, t disSolvled. -to serious, consequences ill i4e bi��- F
A i CO zho� side aind emperailL
and I have never known of Ilia in 'lkInlg one. ya"'. "§ , I -Captain arid offi. .6rs � w6r aipalling ptivAlelice. 6f int oi, all lead
,a "X0.1etter, ' L �1 ' %'Ost a Friodl4nil Mitt
8 V. a came a u6 P
mistake." its damoriiii8ing offlects on"the Rea�igutry." That h tAbleapo6nful of turpentine, i bell- Of fertility* suatainecfby� the'laL i�. SO 6111ti
The cl6ric'g4vo h9r A letter, Ili tebliib Ilia to 6ail with tlid. Chaplain of ilia Mefoncb� —It:-. was
behind the keading4lesk. It wa
-Sch6olinaster looked foolish. Whatworilil -change. ad-
'�Uroo I- y6ur iWlirfe 61611fies greatly aid vated�
"'It is a risk, said Laldh6W.. was of Settled indintWlieers !7,
a it- avers' 'i th6 Vnteniog -process. a nit row
'for 6l knowledge of Greek eAvolopi.. Withiiisfe 'lie velittiLod'i
I tNot a great onii, " replied-Petergon. -6-not have given without soon feeling for him'si-high i3at6em, Ong little pictures intidul -by.* the - thil can scarcelk benjaidod. :at '/d Chicageboy, beiiig"told,that' r
giaL Of
roots- 'And forefs,.for a procession of Gresk Aldern`05'," And knocked at vompetan-tiOgei; on'coniplicated'scientifia was
'#Whrt if he should b9come excited?" lie -Was thetype, ilifo'hata person Should,)Ie; bloNiiii-spiled, b�oad.11bame�dcratb.- �Vo.had hg,t kerosene will ii9f tell bo�lts� and., shot 4.7filled:nWith sand .4 wcap6i! that
00 of ' L ,
6hardeterEf dancing before'llis eyes, and help� & r evan�j 'free, qucgtibbs7.?'� Tile Brittsh-Medic-al ' it 'haiy�: low4it, ut '11 Ilia,
1�.I shall watch him TQ tall' - you ilia I. . , ., in'dally life mid in all manner, of convetaa� irfie-to-!observe the-lightsome till--- or social t)i j� er, a wou d stun at a-sitegle le lie I Ii
ig him to gpitl thatdroadful Word I.N.Llistber Ftillyj wad ye do -Inc a kind ness? 'ti,n.L 211�1 do�,� not L cofidescend to a _been -hardened by wat
I a,
he should be ex- Ii. in onder them'pliible-as riew -himself withbil6;.4nd layin wat �. on
truth, I am willing ill F or the sailors be.was 4specially the ways-ol!, i ie`Dtifdeh fe, ale � sallor_.not-ro- - xPlaill in wAll.r rmed
b e._ uised as:- 4! b, w, at' way tho-,intoaTerarite, f k -I to hit and rob.
aftod, up. �koertain poiat,'� Dr. 'Paterson. Spell, lit. then, =y dear Wlo�v,'?,Said. the Tell me .,,whoro is dhis letlipr� from ?" she lit nian And 4' d1C marltically Ws but spartiak h now I'lili'.
rig, g adam, light If a Mau
ask9d. 'he a 'gh
ere aticall� i�gc judly and patronizingly, cult and'diabourigging Gkoften is t4at of. 'a distinct.i(tarry- moro'6i 1�8a) c6stuino of ller� Swlispeasautry c6hla'iia tienc6AIIC rec t, struck ion the head-, ho* -
441, V , She�cunninglyhelltIher imabs over ilia, dh�pl,%I4 to a, aran, f . .1 ...t ' L preparing ivit vpo; idge, aravies, 0.". he
11 tr _W . S in,tjle decree 6fl the Federal. Council, a;b'oli§ 1,
definite, determinable?' vo never. Wdreh 0 at tiuday aftei- own ;: no so veryidifflerent either frc var, instead of di:6pliiog,.dro%i�A stol au
g d t�t in e yea I" said -Bon, tl pi d
gf� L . po _ I , . � .1 . I I - ' 0 ag salt; Should, �oti bo added until I dLdi I is 0 1 L ., �. . .
at -kicke.d. by a shoi him dead.
heart g000b yet.". is, IeaV1Q'FoI1lSs`J:�6thIng but tile pcit fit, There -rather, collipliIsgi-y �vaocinatioii and.�'re, vacellia, ion iepa 0
Id real boy -or ,Ilia dross, in' one.
ask. mark-alid.the StAnip.16 nai6fi iias V lease onbowild. In P r d.
"As mudh ld�u. f h Ii Thei'spiciatbra: tittared and.i3e"n begtin�� Oak ati very in the Swiss, Army;: but Caasaa�n,a lik
a wife of a Texas I house
a repose, evaii i int That.libi-o5eaet �m k* 0 ll,tca-kbttla�. to tend a 010SOL icarr ; 'with a
ill d at me you filln n tb x'Asiathor"a la a iviliyul. told Ill I
eL f b,
oil. And, "in one'� air We lwb,%tliod;- I Sanskrit, .411i ck-� tion Of hers., Ho �,-.vears P. pair a aa Ovil " I - yi�. rag iage Lto liar'
be: Hid was as . M mata prophecies 68-cosequential'
are tracing wit, h to %,e.o, sco.,, P4�0' it- at, - ball - I . - . y a arge obt driver, AS the order was real A
as Go saexifibo'ot hiihian;IiI6, 6nd. xplich disible, t as lid, 0 woolen
word, ram determined P'9 I; tyl, tA-L-lftr6scofilcity; H4,. he, orYvillei btititisire�ryiiidistinct;�th,4�,Slta't.lo�,�ammoiI gqulinents,.6verythlnv� Palo r :volumiabus �nd.potticl.9.1,vy al S. , I a2l)Viglb 'it �v Sat fa
V to ' W . t at t 11 it, 066 remove 8 ins A a . 01
have been lik'wafelinin �,I!ZIJB.. We diat a devil of a word I" . -Tholetteris from the, and desir-
k� mark'ii not readabla. H,
and. we oult,6f iii�htfor ill. day. a enjoyed -rL t neat, sfigurement, an 1 0 'ry, Jim ar, xple who proposed: to clope
�ib 11AS arti f6, d4hor peculiarities Of - I . 1161, ,
?-Or`66uroe it is'. that is a been pro. frorather-ulcAn vat-niblicd furnita a believe
in 9- dictod in tile in .1. 'ifestiles, Signs oint��Jlt and' kcr'oscnejt mixed uth but
have -had Ben liereagao4,man To OBon,Tonl4orpligiliel But it'lVae"'the" i ord. I, V61 On the, fd side of d unhappy portiml Nady�- id,to nikka, the flight'secret1j.' 14 1
ai�t that you inade thi Ii n- ThIl'ilien I -
Sunday oil board the efe d Tho'blue this, and found'that it was -We it
"fault imp- and leisure. : Service wag helA., tAvied �dvery dress n
have taken him to pieces,' so_. a dU�k. I edica 11 .a,
whe dat, MisthtirFall 'by'47-:m6hbors I ti fa Ity, and..:Scat� in equal pro rtiolea and applied to' bad- 0 woluan'o'f thei�
t W ro is There ig one- way of tellhijille boy.� from - "riotthe Wbolo-trii I h
put him together again. I pr �Opxxto ;And The judg6 waited --- a: m)mohb lot- the oil- y wcreobliged'to attend in:tho morning, but CC- 'L , 8
t: tared. bro4c the Swiss! C
r )is wl� ell, SIP lies ]a' lidd, 116 said, "I I give, it tip, their presence in -the evelaing.was optichah the Ideal; th; Zou'N a,
him up uo%y, and goo whathe litisi4sin of theaitilience. tq a ubsi 41? UDfMiliDg- brig -renigily,. and iodinivas'lliq *lie
0, oed ick girl,., however, iii -far as you. can. seer thern,, on.. a caf.!#, I
oed he -Qh��lain insiAutgil Ilia, awri iprm' of 4 wil
not, If n it ih6i.callled-orii:�iyo4ing, 'Abo,rul. i oryvill 0 of i1vorous 10 fedei-ation', with. Me reitilt.already 4lo1vil. thot`h coWo�. white sh, is ditto for is 109 Green hair ls,cpmlng�iato iaFbion in Paris.
-paiie oil okinir on an
-first.L r -k--`
card, '.woishipatniglit. A,sh6rt praye Smoking, while eg cOnnebtloir-ba, elerr-anti,,vac. 01,18% �dy s6voial-beau �e
agiiiiiwithme!" Rha -does some veryprtty
we rhust1,b,S ommon-n 6j; an ur -survkmevar- Ai he d eii a deal
k or two,;
What words w ere on eart I dld g ilia boat' t a tit petafiloo ivill nu 35. 111LUKU Put; a, been. a Wervied Ili
I of a la Qf6fe then ihil salmon.; a'fte'll,that a portion of putting, and, hatilitig , aqa p6iin cina ion a d -. 6he the botitis at the the -
Laidlaw replied, "With tile slightest- hesi 'We] - t y Ljlai; lJoepwax, a
ome ram gpod, P66pla,�Z ewsbary. KdiphIey,-;biid atra whase heads were 'in tly�outhitll ver -
f rdii lieptAsyllabic,. w S ., Stacy. ut.the letter into her p0oliet -and, -fho evpning.�1fittilgy,' -Always plentyof abbuti in harbor,'especially; : We, saw dile flaf-irons ag clear� and� as rMloffil Cs 'glacea.
Ile for, 'vbos
bation, ddetor,- wlWthe- -inure shadow of i� re ire to liar own quarters, where mile Gat ing,-.%vhich themen 4iked, Arid occasional athletl6yoitilg*maiden shy a coil of ro' LeiaeQter -a 'cop - dure, clad " in the literateense of the'wotd.
/./i iinvaceinatid. thousands .2iti-a-liamp-o-t-wax ill a I gand 4,
doubt, You are far beyond the rest of us, 0 6iyllablet words -'begin�lng with:a x a. git in aiitil tile dal,kaosis remind6d I "heartily; a.,�otith-on anAlibi boat to catch. lie -di& (1] 11 vario :that purpose. - -I - . dye, -
Whii haa Succumbed, Ili- pro-mmolati n, d v"OU'd join1a rat tbo� 'praami;Avo. are WOII�contries �Yhen tile ii0lis �ic hbt :ruU Ulifortitnately',it'is no:eaGy matter to
(if can� Ob b "'lira --
a-, voning lit t ca in fflf�a-w-on. t6o drea ill to cQqP, -, them - first "With � the wax- rag, therf's000r ill ai i
however,. in organization. Your diagnosia 0 -a 1 , the. halls be )it gat ireen*. `Tbis, c6lor ly 0
ig d1ways-olear, your prognosis more often' t lo-, main deek-you have M� low riiof to 'contend fiot jet his hands out of his caphilioup pock;
the profe�- Hair -of: 'any Other.
!l, rd 7 -Ing whi 0 1 af
justified than any otlicr man in has n6b.inissed a,' -we with t- -a very, diftereat matter frbfti the. aid quickly blUDlighl 00 the kope calght.him pla. . 'In suali illogical Jeonsai %,navO thern, With a; pai�er'oi cloth s�rlhklad -with parted a t I r
Carney:was. a agiciarronly AS far as curill long-d`iaivu I aislesund, CA. playfully, about the oarg wborcuporr-crisited- -on discomfitted saties '.a,, ongth 7'
sion. I speak of facts now, I am not. muily- J d in arn I gQL -ell t With t�&t 4igh- ke' ' f advor, c6ler must first'llo dyed. white:
Zdat I w ould, I LL ..rp.ligg. ..When defendink' yiedical Arrapplo in oil, although,
ant .(pro
or Lxcrlcj U
14, hiOg can be cill6d Colneid
compliments. If you take �Ialley'&Oidil;ig Xr. Lre he tlied,al. b It was -m6r� acceptible to .13ionti. w:kattling
victors", go, of iicason., �. Turn thV'-facta a suDdratition against, liberty� th - teachings T and h6thatiti.
11M. to go 7i th you." - ait 1', t�nd.ovijriiiiierniin&aa,-&d.r�I t liec v�r -tiveeatdwlie'nservice4�'LWat&hel(l,.oti.tlie-ii�-. Ably) betwee�',tliesot.woab.flist,,tLiid t[ion area -a �ears-O(, Is'lil OqSC8.911011 0 ..a.,
6 .a , _OU -[(L de0k.----TIlef'qAheI meals v61des rolkif the fornalb-suilo r belong, It Stir couni S I
TI Yes; �Ben, ill Aicalth, -clever Some mis�iiicvous joung persons in araraf
Is evening came, and tile t6wn-liall was a *gent Oman, and per Ing. to "tbe'lubbots entic a it
with old and young.' Hundreds of I thbu-11 see btx� of 1heidAvIth'any cielifliess. upon dic-air �6 tbcF'Ibha str�in itpralsed 11 boat I'sailedin!'�to,itso-w strictly aI a tip fromtho 1)108� Of fl;
wotild boI stspolled It bullilfogt", -and adroit l6derobij g000"A long. tvayf but ellitrall obbir were:.�roud 6f - the way,in iihich nit a
fted. toward the strge. in all. ovelOIX in or till
faces were upli With-throd:t'iI, Alic , OWS ilia lifty,thilix; craowas receiviog. "lotters afi�6r- But the blu&-tk soon (I " is . obvious- t1i Alinerla ubl,i, geita.. they renderod this. muiic of the - eliurch, and r
ticipation of tile gloo to cl 8 ;. a OJIS6, �Jarjje earroe'l' as the 641 man'dt Il . 8 t. all lit a ll� -t lie
19T) t6gularity, prohqUly.onco a, wcok. COUld'�eIld,:back no eoTio or , make*- r6sp &cr I
f tl Pl-uhlike tho'fretted vaurt teftil ; an 4,ihto, a -It lecc;' has not wiire much a�iaoyod,hy ilia dfacardaii n Ili the early
Dula. rot � tire- -,ganilonliij, nay In"Ito " liould, b 0 for�ed to-4,�Dr, i _k wa� ,,, rawn
blilought to Such a Nast 1"� Sedondli, aftlic totters always tacit klike"' of,the ropd�olingiiigiriaiden's.bo4t'olietiod' 8 lellAild .1d, his inodern successors. lit which an...oldd000nla thd eprigrogiticit brabQh,L and affdr ilia applo-Alad Apohed
bigbest and beat in the town wclva"to be.
The fwo. ocionio i sp She 'had. notice(b ilia color at tile onylii1opes- 14:111, Sir, youra, wtlifilily, lbersisted. In (1a;J)g whatL Ile c6noidered to �a- in WaS go,
there And Show themselves off, 'Aw& oiId --uo inoro timiI f r iniiiistar ;. pare ai4b6ittiftil,.. f,%r a-# fire'. Ho'ivt�s -A iliti�txr'-banA at' profalnifly'. the ktol rered and the'llottleseAltid'
to, man+
JultlJo. Same soarcO'alyyay.s. ow cternil."7 'thotagedmariner, Itwasj,119tgotting, hot' his�difttyhrid !I!- share of the singing. Th'a look
didates for Congiess were in ilia and stren th ** ?otty. fightijig, 0 Ow tho In terff'.Inigld have rcforcioo.,to LL1,01 Tr0it tightly., it; fresh as,ivi�4n fleii
comirg cani or, thig W1. I .. I old,ulin, Who had. bleen in thd habit of sin
Atli theories I And dooply: filici,oatifig to, us.on'look"Or 7 Aillerb Wid, Iteg6lit"A Park, 9 Plucked"
-ranks ; the p6liticiatis who donld not spell t) Y fiha`t',.� I ivct 9 ' ll� 1 iiii lit not, "The mig it not,
Olt d I L - I - ' . :!. - -� j-, - when otir boat drow-out,4ith a well-ilitoot- nd6 tagL �kk I Ing ilia, lay all his fife,- reftiod to take the
go Or aw f rom Carney's thoilghts Mae 0113". 1,-- ant time to timwwgras The Qa6h's speech at ilia opening- of. tile'.
'e.hIsjoirl. bil-broa' Aida ('I m4h' I'LiltS wudh Ir
Lavedblvd froni 6tir cl-ew,'bo-
o towiird-t�a,,l hill Shall- �Ia- V yea - ilb,�as Tatporral, �.arliamcfit tlio'other.aak, Wits of
at all sab among the audion6o, trembling 0"i"'till I
lost these gentlemen should 'injure* their Pro I
'impa t1i
eased ttli6a At last tile chair folks,'wbary
so indelibly:
chances by, ilia introduction of ., this tion cover only If of meals le 'apc(l fly- -Flib&ally oil a l,con sent 8'lilm: of Obi�-,
a"' liar; that 8110 IL tothe condusibn'that he OA tile 'I'7th of -of diadord'. ivaft�d 'on, Will in a body,.-' und the. -tuntal �tiailactdr-tfl�vaff fall
Rome I . earned, fbr n'01 gattizig out. of tile wly.-� 116,W. to 31014 tL teaspoon" . . . Ing.'everytbing as bn,'
new element into the discussion had'BeUL . in liaeping tile discovery of a Small torra cotta coffid, 0.40 told him he %v different his singing'-wa,
,of lieisona� Is thorn not $Onto Zfeirner, fdr& gTattilatiens, 'describi
-tit Gio'ptop 1-1. 6 'GItTON, ill rrwrpqr'� .3, aga.
merits. But all I luckg chnnee I. they bot� in t4o future!m *omb,, Who:. sh', ad�vc tateli, and thab. m. l0ugl- 0;25:in, wide, 0, 12 in, deop, �which couraging. r,,gypf'tiaAqiiil�,l�'oreigqpoveca
v -It - buffl stop -
1, tho.luental Ilea na. V. a.. c6i taided tllb'foI1oW1bg-objaobsi-- P lve 6niall Th�'116n. 6eartley bo�keleyi�lls ilia fol 'theirs; and how. they: � !shod 0 w -to (to won
Went down in the vain and cavor'to thrust an the pulse Of the min( jo� faklilling umaii�g 'story at .144dy Clerintint, 'H& listeno(t to. thani Stilly* but res �Ioabant; Cabowaya going derg for
tinto"rhlebotamy," tion?. b tj L Sb L' s �icro to 04ruoy' jdr)-a b, 011osOf Allilifalit',.''s, amal'lLfibulm of colI a iiI Zuldland and even Irplind'ohowing
*Tirfisod to Eau coikStant guest, at thb; �nd - thdh saidr My young feiends,'my panic
*ay� ptactiolly. as Africa, :-of"* bell -41ratr +pleld-rs VU 6 at in 'almost every,
After" roin ;h 0, f �,,a five binall calls of. black waro,.a PiON", VAcalliat'loft and Smauilr�pri Wighton Pavilion ia�ifIo, days. w. -a-tia lay e�ris not perfect, a "I" ;ca' impildviame
ara'Aure it
No"b", rospeol, Ono thing -WAG blit of tile, common
There were- lawyers, clerg 1111 8 din
Weil, doctors, rning to. lis oMca, 'aa.:
school-tchchers, editors, inarclantg, barbers, Bet" &kln b1h arooliij- Dr.',Poter to, . tQ'ho b good in liar geography' 6vith* Aus- silax irre lllarly�dhapodt And a, ioco Of SLOI20. q1"U.'Witor, Singular odifice wa� th6lilbodo (if rotalby atid my singing is not skilful',, but
*clfa; Her rea Shaped If a a leafo Whioll coal . be taken tot forers. Jler'physiciaix Ila more acceptable to Odd thin yours,'for I orde� bli.tatill. to be wpecteil AS fb is to 1")*
school,"i, from 15't. f ally at'al I lie -hail -writtou the. a pact! therefaro, 'alf axo',head wer -11niatt Sir, -It the ol)ponetitA'df,�vacein�,ttio'ii' il recommend. is The. tenants light pt:inoiple
maidens from tile Iligh f , ' n I
coni - '- entr Y a I 'to you siag.all yout; r6jo; a( in',
mechanics, relfortc?s, and young men �fid dowiva voluma of T006ras;: and lo6l a tralla or ro
came iol We cry much like tlia road in -a ilrnot a: anal Those 'a into -ttiglaud and Seat -
Si I(Illibees, fludsurad portod,boonfor all of us, AnXtbb 6deavour to shoW thati it has iio-la-
Brazennose's College, and from Madame till case X0, %361- H6 compftail o d their .4 moderate use of stinuthInts iiii.mipply in a 0hristian, whi
l2linals I 'French, Italian, Gal-inau, . Spanish, With. nolver ones "',ho'lb6 ed abIongthy ar- Xdt flutenco on proventivo'or -that otergy, which W�g dollblent in liar syi. beautiful. music. only as a, ch6ir." Thqyollug
tom, arid bran -Alone an Why sbouldtilt-112 Vit
b,'. Ildwover. Tile reason noods4ioll; to be-explain6d. Many :1nitigatiug;`firtd t6tuird ground lit the iegion 'L
and English Schoch." MYN Of facts in easeSof othlor patients, and "ti;,ii dy -had L boon Suggested Ili. a folki concladdif to.lotthatoldroan
a liar'. P�01,
verY next Weak ilia' "v, a oil ilia watch, Again volijeoturaS have "baga proposed as to'tho a the a able in Velana that. the landlord
11iiiin into cliIse vio�i l3y, the si-lo of of confroversyl; but do And it befor pr6ddribod quantity to be miXed with liar for t6o'1attiro, arid to alr6yv him to do I
Good old Judge Alinturn bad boon re, .. oame a lotbei;"Aud C4,rkicy received A from stagq of olviligation art Ahe, b6nVa, of the I I t %r6MOnIl)e`r Wall"Ip it o6t come in and sweep away, till the tonalica
'a tr6voray began, therL6'ia Ca'14 says GrabtleyBer- much singing- AS he pleased in dny stile
questo Ito "give out the worde." Tholudge the facts in -Don' chqo..--. bandd'.of ilia willitigalld unsuspecting Tibor ift the ttm� *hall Rofiho was built, on no rLaion to object ca, Ilhavilig. alight suit Win, un"hattated. itrip�ovalmh; It. is equally
o*tO any
-ol it. � - . 11 y carip�V-4mit6d by, this to ine novel. reasonablo dvarywhofa. If, a tenant title
an )tICOD', a man Who Sees, coinprej "0' . keloy, who wag 6 child at thd time,
I But to say that Dr. lletoi-46n-,cam ,or the. Pallanteum, ' Somv�;vrw thought' thit to their taking theirstand upon it,
Is a I It cithnot, thotdoro, be too,'oftetirepeated- In mado lilmd. -tlart was 'worth four Cle
ollaft all
had -1, afid' dovqur4-dva'i�9tIIlffg, inclinling conClUsiorn-by those, studI00, Won a Tho6 ndxt week, icallie Wother. And -our ancestors jvprd not far from the ago Of td-rifi-oTialthig medicine, and holding oil by�
His loilig, thin body ii -to at one hundred years ago, when there vAq a the,
0 q a ra 'on -o�othiarii in sbroot-a4r i aore of - foat 'worth ii$llt, why allotil
words and'definitions, be saywhat is'plIttrue. --Thqtruq.phy- Cal'ae* concealed and guallde I thd ghr6o polished stonei; -ionic oun,'proposed,the tile Wtol; I eb&irL to watch tSo w6dus 00'V6 at'
aiian, whother OU'pitad 61. hady- . �l as tfloL of I
and limbs indicate the dryness of his daily, I "adds !lob treasures which had. fallort into Wor � hands, bi-olizo parioli grigin 6f 13�6man chron. n, uistion of vaccination poqs1b1e,.tha ave, Ippeoandi,� Very much,to ray astonishment Fitst�oungdobqtanto: #!6h;I'm6doorry landlord, got "all tholadvantago, br'ainy of it
call theories conalngono, - The quack is ever looki rage poic6lifage.gfitleaths to casics.01sulall. Secona ditto it Oh, how -unless Ito helped to make. the dijToronu 7
hourly sustenance. ' Ilia Jawm ar,5 always In . I ilia patient held a. liquor bottle over a cup Lent
rig at them daily, as it they FaI44t talw elegy ; And, lasttyt, Goirio ballove -that the J
slight motion, as bf end wfio allows tfi� oti(I ready to Proclaim 1iS theories, land 4CL11 void�,,ana tell her'wh no of il�oli was I%,)+, ti�knowll to tile virly pox � 1h hospitals was 18, , Tho 'disease, -of ll-crriis-ada- -81olt-haarboen-too,-long the slitony hat it is
thdni facts, A coieltsion, ja� a at .8 -fid baid n6i, tho, SO remains tlia.8ftmo in all its chat. Ok tea And began, to pout out Its'pontahta, i5rV�- * Tal
. iT
of unnumbered Words and dofiftitionq. 11W Very 4asl- �owee to extract from thdril, settlers on tho seven hill§i �f
During thO 14SL- �nlall- I'll with a pocaltar.purblind look, upon tile were gatting,frightfulli.sliabby; and Lib8ldej robbery ull the same 4 to 606ndr it is
skin in, in color and aubstdnc&, rocisoly like thing to Wait prophecy �tnoro -child's III N , Aet-riaill The a*qri�o . porjoantag6 - - of a orywber,
tTaijap Y- The fourth wook-it was, now the 12Y94"t. 1toman so!!, mamm&.eays Vol 16olduk g, little Worn -with v a changod,'.0 much the botter"
an old monastic volum' Oak at him a �i'ln'hospihals'i, ho+,v 1%, .11. back lot t, teaspoon. Presently she seemed
g)ll�, there are, home quacks With re' part of Mdroll.-slia Appeared at the VAdow 4dally relies. of p rohiotorio. �g� have been the late hours aud beilliatit lights
a ; one it, and I alu for truth, -hogor'and horitsty,
don'tha to 6g
gular - Ill Omas Ili their possession, though from thrao-fourths to fourfiftbi of otlddotily'to bebome award of whakilto iia to go to bad early and Stay a, good de4dar,
are 4:
fbqtlid - flint, br�nze, itch implemants, thd pationti . tire -recorded as vaccinated, "a,
will convince any doubter thatthe loddrid ag"am, about, turnod,up ilia Spoon ilia right way,
of the use of the human cutlo!o, Ili ancloub Brit Dr. kcteratm did, not derive is grekt etmil; 11'allowell' ]ilia' been 11 .. . ...... ll to pottery, fibulm, armilai of bron'zo or the day in ilia dimly'lightod. ell urch.
times, for mam satisfaction froni4t I he . roviov* bf' coppel,� and so on, Tlioso: materials, how Thlora call, therefore, ba. Joe conlididtion bo- rof ally measured And added the quart- t%nb is roftily a groat 0
Iscript purposes,. I omfort t6 me," and' Itta
is not Ben's Otsc, self " saddVio clerk. -!'And &precious row Iffah She had been iesittictod, . no
merely poisiblo, but entirely practicable. Next Studied his paiida� with even he lticli,4 up, too. What,s the mgttok be.. ever, cjht,� from ovoiy -qqarter Of thd town, tiveea tb a two till hgg, tity to W the deaf thing Sighed piously, said: "Inthiabouiattyamai;tmenlittv6al-
day 1166 that �14Y front tile U 'line, fioiii ilia Ii T116 re6ords of hospitals which Show, tea, so i iaximiouro I -that- Vanderbilt i4'4r# . witys avchance." ' Thab.ii-tritio enough, but;
The vocalfulary of law, thoology,anatoiny, or car , ' and not 4 in Atongly 11a6d,l she thou drank with
great than ovier" 116 of the' like that oMlampstead-,a largd peedentagp apparent gusto. TI
only, 1�ttt constantly. What Keemed Inexplicable
therapeutics4 commerce, politics, iativonomy, Didn t I tog yo, dhat she was� just'diltiv ft'viau 3161,0' -61 the Tibor, of.doaths to cas' to my ingenuous mind W "lle-briv,4rx - �rahgiirIg for an it 1-thrqu liandecda of thow
is h on! the bad Wng rb. )dsifibn If,,, of after they hav6 hiad it
it was plainer and 0, as, limong those recorded gh op,
mythology, hotaley-fil britf, the whole vall, alner that nature *kAs Ito death wi4- hi'll V an4 il�tiir- loco %r,, . besides,' has tiot. been big alid go toCanada, andstoy
4.. - I
ell, I told himillat n&rotully' or exh q4tively studied from ik tile, gaok of 'ilia spoon instead -of ilia front, Credit Valldy and all tile Padilla Sy
,within Judgo, Minturn'a ollint-11411bwoll, an 111e Was proZ ftl;�, y -W Mad0,U,"p6ft "the -abiurd rule Ila _adioat6 tintil the
hat range-w4b a wl As unvaccinated, tire inegf.ggi, jjiacautoi.-.tfio� -carmc*vfthg�rai stake of' presefttliig railway to the Grand, Trunk, taki , Ili the phAke, the abunfity
grup. Ile stood botween'tbo twol'ongline4 �tlfoy supp,bao(l himto 'be at Hickory liall. laist, p to NVII&tevcr Stockholders.
You had takob out his letters yQu I . aloo-etlinolo�iokl. P'�lnb of vlev 1 Palit. T gravity, with which alto 21'oticeid her ap. 'lines to complete ilia chain,
of contestants, mild delivered 6 genial, yet And I Ain riat more. laden Our lili(is thO cradle, of obsoilvittion.-gif matlim, lybiolil'awing, to
stant", not 6omo any 6apitol, and, Parent miStftke, Witildut attempting to -icon. 'may be th6 6pposit'On, &Ill W11MOM May .. A goonhor went, to a menagerie, where
Rd his Tbrb 'i it 0, tho
ordoll, the surrounding vall'ogdi� 11
solemn spoochi anhounding'the ruleg of the 1% eviag letter$ to aflypho but himself, 860 oy�Oa I to coil, anot,4119.
Dr. Pat �a krowi
arid giving good advico, Bon 1topt up that SpIal-AK f4rao of -probably fabal a -y rarelg be seen. ;,a,, 'I'l 'vo for st4thif It will beA great outang particularly ittack life at-.
tiecs vol it ;ii,,,bd1her little exclamation of surprito be the moti
spelling -match, file pro. if i�hii letters 4ro� mcaitit foiyour lnIa$us1 tell thin inany such matodala.,1ut a tiiatough 11 Molso much god$'crfa to'ett) ad U lid a gafittino -a conversing
fill Of tbego Thoso who are, ter
This wu Simply sharpenitig Ifis soythet go 'a; and, Dr, Paterson evou Her toqiavo them dircot�d t6 liar. 11 1,406111 a d0aid. ohd ritted ilia Pailliou the beat filing, Alid 11`9 Thosd boatthoanimal, Ono of whoin expressed
fosgional lubal fully award of all ilia facts ktidn; SovetalgoatIcimonwol
1 d 0 11 , that When
Par's whirl, fie -bl( you, ale; dhat Iwill," The gan is AtJoilldl"llod, u oftho eaqb aro.aot ther6tore dola&d by such ontottairkinstit 96eiriod to largoraiiWiy.borporati6no and oohapirades
sent a word Among tholspalle Ror&wb avo idtaroil6tentitldd to "thenallia he opinion that it was a, lower order U tho.
to speak. Theri, with it roa tridd, to inako-liso l5fli, as he sought to am. ' "The, lu�1P,1,,`a.1` whi Art of tile Atty o.
p�oyany 4na liVory'fri'dication of mental F, firrto'g'i
S. "])own- Mutinu tL'&*h4t atop to tAke ubxt,,/!'gha O�L* the dis6oVorfea o' 't flave daDakt6il witIt'hor., are goingto be fitio curse of, *the continent, -Tho,coruittyib ' ffl(l not,.'.
activiftyl,. 6hoonraging and atimulatill gin OnS but for "The rtf�ob 01 CqMbolIjtUZIV6 sticiii. place they do
-W, . human species. aft
they wimb, one, two, thrloo. l tom that U86'), a towb?;A , 86606inent, 'o6ntoJpT10d'4JKwlt . . ..........
point'rtho contest we dirciiitloll, rdiverfling lit aftothar.� facts, 411(imust' b6 fOuglIt to th'S dbeth, uOt mOrOlY liko this idea, und,stridfug tip to-tho.gontlo.
nt on brisklyI and ilia With do- Goftg through thd ublio room, Nilitlero, tile foandation-bf 'Rome, tile I Which la� tile
ill the Wayof setting up one against thlother, luall,
xpro8jid Ilia adntempt for it thus
fun vi�ixed watmorand warmler, Tiieratilis light Tic saw Ilon"i scope anlarging, oven in fq1tild hiostpart ilrUvorod'ohos, ai'm drlok. was extinguished Only a few, years late . -The r liumber oldeaths bt A thief who, WAS caugh.6 in -the 406 of b6cial' tepoolilpooill hale O� I a
61nall liox-arlioni 'Idron in Scotland, inow )I mqto I am ft apealoa
thinnild with more ravidity - thitre -Umstar tl a facilities, ijhg and tall'Ing, Carnoy"'Olitated a ittle f1i oonsequently-womaybafely a6stinio thab the dil I _ z. -
flaoilti6no oxordlAd of fit 'tioned -byMr.' i'dwarda, - 116 NVIII, And fully ink in A, church, vaid lid WAS hot.doingwrerig; in England, by. frolglib iiihn I VVI
ilig,ithtch Ali fillgwrOom, aiNoted. Of �h -'Maing by IV. rb. IPA, 'represents. 0 Ing tbo Bible.
solemnly mauros us t of thi Goths Nbt &L Week affor. tile tpolli Singe of civil' tion -of Antormim a a, V
y little palblitilob entitled abort OfL Italy, e allargotarid fares for passon ra AhAll be
(lid wlien Ilia light horso boro down upon attendant called the doctor 'Iro OA Glancing abilu with a, wonderful exActitudo..tho., Stage, a 1(fiq, Itnt drivot Aliffigelf rogulftto(j, jild 0,11 the goaging Illit its So fro:. Mdgfff8,L Kleen-AnA lloyoo And Ill Adamson
in Ono of tile a. I
.them. othorrooingiaBoulaw4rd, And roquo8tgd Uri, Oatnoytatv that t1ib rpoin wag -ApaupIod,,, civilization' of Sofro at the'84111OL Poricid.-4 "_Ublei Tartiod."l, About in a T oatt, like any -other quiet g6ti- aently p 0 ' ' moboll, at Uhriulrdg Alavd'-,
.1 am, I "Ourd truly, _radfiAdA whon'there is no,. eoffiptiti,' Ca 'I &
in raeognizett As ,46. 1 . % t J Out It In to get legialf4titreo to limit Of ""I tui. as 0 goo - . . . I
core . "Forollowl-a word Which July One WAs;slightly 414i, and Dr, Wtbrsoo SAW Uon, end Of Who Blid- 'Tim Xtq : 4', imoal Ila Bay"bakiN
01- �il , Party, Lodge, Darlington, "0 8 luale 0" - L to Ilave tile
so 0 simple a word as "Attietro" olow him to gorgoftlyto Bon's ifoorl, Tliia*ddot !lot by hOr 004;. AN 6110, but b0iiVoVloh, A171mmum, M!"ORG1911 81 GIBBS, v. 8, s tloftlav in Rome' Wlibn his 'oarrjagd gets W 6111.8liall ITO: In.,do impagaiblol� �'Tliv only f (IL
'Q �aboitb thei Voo'M With a pilloirl BrAIIII19411"d youngest eon, blookcdi, 48 ittroquently doosJ4 thftarr6wft �'ldlffidal b ri 6
can spell, oven in public -was firmtoil to a W11161d 1"uplIfli lJowaday Atutly to Ill 'En btfooti, 116 fftitlea it fflor43 ParloutlyLtllan t1la phdaguot nt _IJtJOII oil tl�
and ill uch that glatid, 16bb, 8, 1893 f in tile!
parti-colorad coat which maft-ftlinvedogniz. Otto )YI011166t tile pillow would he tip in tile hor klaazbftlon�; as Thomas Macrae. fortlignera'do"wto Admire tile way -in whioli. mission I nto existence, lbr the Togidatori of' it is 0, It, Ilea
in one
the, next molnent; ikatid lion wontium. 6111t; ki Ow a �tl *bg "' Artyit a JfIem- tj
able. P.o.u.r was impoasible, f.o-o-r thfi, sometimes b6oamo fill )o8alblo to d -p g�yoll at
'RaDalwitij wholla'?f been IJIada4 ill the Boill tile ting
Made; he Sit# and, nods and Inallhe to hequaintaneeit AmetiO Ard: 06-karfully "oplon'to reason".
104 r
91itho f -o -A -r ti� Arid tolliliiig b n the floor, 06'rild �Pt f6i . ally reat WIT I of titud, bar sal;h1asou oaritl-qi R ft
l , Mr. Geof and, Queorrute e*caldl ly froln Wd, OA,
oundered Wont with P soillothries. Ben upporioOmwometiftles tile 0110 laft)rf 6 611811* 90 61111164 it till$ do- 0 in i".."
14,11, o L 0 Win
botter ; and tile Spellers of 016 lake',
oven Ili for a; fiatxdI6 �or of Antranomy rif, tile Uaiv6rii extremely
is their word. Down they Went; and..tho pillo*,, A* list, After -jrbat ciolItiotis, lion upon �116�coilpld NVILth 16 pi�ot WJI0L isa� - Almold In their & catU06 Ili. th0ft Wilda the 061AMIASibit TiAN. b0oll 11ppOint- The Rev., Levi 11hiViO bot)be,
d 'Whittiol., tI I to 11-0980901110poilitial lira 4-oldbritlk& a. pilibilid. Mentho n6w,Ckt.0 Unagl4ond, ca to kel. it to Work hontatly, utid for the doolarda by theillustrated Christhol, ;V
noweat comers turned- their bowil4cril(I Wits ooimod tojljt�a, con 116rod, Me PlIgn onO 'the oMbmation- 'lK Alveral tyr to , 'a J a IV thorN versiWityj -All Ili$ fathorlk"lovo of his,wita wore, IA6t in &nlp they wore iltvityg salre, reason that JtOhL to, be I 'perfectly inporrigible,Q because; ia,
tril4tto of Brow
t6ilibaccowlsy4iablol, 141-io 1.1 fitlVersary, and laid, il, a pilko* upoll tI 6 �,tVp II&C, Thomas X a0vad Ill tprStodl 16 publiSlIMYL in W)Ii ell, lie. expro&$Ldd tboriongltwotIt,and 110 or his '1kambeit, and Mir. Ing" palm,,%re ao�. 'domiftoo. , TliaamfdgaW�- Ia roo& 00111man'IcIltioll idtflo XdJ10))eJJJ
to�L, 'j�6. l , jell).
I tllb' Grand , " 11alik' &Jla'the (;to&t 'tfat, hol'tays, in "ti6r J r of Illet6vid
were pronounced in suddilal �t da tit - 11 Willing Ilia Pbftpltlfl�L (Adefl. &h& Milt Chad hardly 1061tod ataolidy�& Iliff flopoLtIlat tbo� "fidbI6 bld'inatitatfohly 61posiflitill, ThOU$11' lidiS guefito, Worif to �All upoi tile RtitAxia tioll, 0 a add
any imhabitafkt of llialtotyvil c6ald 1106 Ing IlArd, lie farnea t [A I dder I d %Aoodl�,'ctok -Thosoiseeft fatpr 'fig
If shlY Mitered ;'tIlialts to hot AM, bonnal; and- Will Poolf b6- open to Aloatllr6j 116 6111Y f1lifty-Aix yeava'Of ago '110 Is' 6; voll6w royalties, Ariven in AiMP16 Victoria, alid Wcft rn had 4 re pro( lice i lAn ard bilratl into
ey bu fore 0 dq 3
It t d d fi t ug
p OP ine-d y t 0
'r' 'a In
e1h �s
uah so
.all r
to M
.k 7
t )a
_fe.t t
d-li L-Nvai
Avg CON �
Of.:0 Ul rig n
t!r, a
t ' 0, -
Ti it
a to
IV or ug
it in WOW
cob am
Wil varlo
�Lll d -t on
�4b d
b h
f al * rlodoulld of the Itoyhl &oioty. 110 J WU tile in OdoStr Of of ift ijktord8fl, P the folindatioug of 'a
y bub nomt. bactIDATItA of tile roo nortilly bettered conditl6a" g4yt, i(NV ft(I
18, "66 morel an Oftel
r5a boforo I&- Wall, me, dear id 10 (IlAud liar 96 W;i i I . flaftla %Vh'dll mi 11"a '01161
nottecognWhar, 110k4wasw0tri. fatho Ufloe And matoriAllypromol# tile nittonomor-1101S.a, gooll ti, vidy could, tor&66 yl tef AtAilotdilloU garvico., It §-,qjilie tataral that. J�Ilclo w its 16*gs 64V A
true. A 46 tbotWould ityli
& and *chonliat, Atid I* (Ifit hgAilshod, Ili all, giiardN, it illould, tol
Ono who couhl follid., tile Dominion, 110 1! Mi( b. d. in 0. lail, At ilia towitt tiP lior'yploo., proAperity of tile coll�qdllv
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .