HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1883-03-07, Page 5WHAT NEXT. -The following froulk TOWN fAiCLIAM JAI, All or the Sarfair Ctinadian is a now We4b in 0 thel way of socials. "A in.qm, social t OU44 Qve')TI -Proxcut tbq Xqor,. FAR1111:01, - wi'l be boll at tile residefaizo of J. F. Reov o ep 0ev cQuucillors ID6011,110 bot"il, q9 Afty isti CA.� tj frl�nd� R. 00citso �1$00,'6. Wo
Liatev ou tile evening of Tuesslay iftIxt, TheilikkV on, 9 a Y ring. 19"A W. If yond I NOTIOE THE GOOERIGH NEWS 200 imst., silence to be kept Joir one I(ANANOX. CQUA11ITTAIll JR"011_T d9w 01,� fau ii, to a tarow I , , � 4 14A UP X . pq 4
sh.9weid paid cut during month ofFebritskry Mr. J, J)oYle, of thto kAll 9 I otois. The. flout, aliker tntrance un4er petu&ity of To F. W. Paisley, quarter's salary, 4112.50.; aprea,4 wills A_ sumptuous I one,.w(fI,1,4e.jv* - (t Of five cents. Collection to, be taken tax collector, - 0; sundries O&Q4. Chaid-ty, rak,d heartily e , t1joyed. 111bi I 0 Among -w hoin were Mayor florton, Ulievo- . up duriag tile evening." W. t7.75; Mrs, Green, $$.to; Mrs. Devine, R
or, $3; taxes, --he P eople to, _X
Clinton flecord, T4yl T_ OATS
Mrs. THE union vote it, the Mpfilxoidi.st . on), $5.0; dig- QW ging grave, Mrs. Abbott W d - 1 I � , chil , $3 50- $ (ANALGAMAVED. church okarfaida flow htauds as follow: i, , M Pratt, tire ou&iiieer, Salary, $IQ,75; usurarici --1=N0 MA TF 470 boards inave reported, 42 � eirks, F. F. Ptirrehroq, b. P t 2 bring in on town hall,'$20; cojo Mille , -it, tl�eron, J. �Q. ot Olinton, WednesdaY, Mar�ll hh. favor, 44 Wp000d, and a tie vote. redlicrol, b)kc ithing, 89,25; m,ore I or Boards in faivor Were carried by an ag- t $6.60. -frain W, Denison, 8trAQ' aP,, Q -� Pliott, W. Cafrailibf M, fees fi 12 4�yo ending WAS it.ud Gr4selite,, Wss composed '"TS. gregate majority of individual votes Of 28th Februj*-��._Report sckoptefl,, beat citiz , ena, Tlike iO*rge nu.%ber weigh clerk, 412. AL NE our 4, 100 or ail average in eaQ.1, board of 9J. , igboly "fe xll,ptle- o allows how, 1A meti, were respected,, and we add our ,Aom&3ja AAsT3D :iD:rs-x.R:r(DOr_ Boards ill Opposition allow an aggregate reported 113rues of officers ant men belonging FIRE 00IMI"V41p; �rjbute bsaying, that tw thrilod, painstaking olficials, gould notbe. majority against the basis. of 223, or to tire W-iga.0 %Rh�eli they had organized, and 9 �norti borkest, May be offeeed by. AY 0 USE fi; t%e,tr4dq, we cm
gowu iglilh. art average ol 5 aid a fraction. rVeommentiod Sow 5.1"t L991r. --Adopted. . 0 to , Q It being understooltaUt figes x absence from found in our wide Doniinio.a., r.. own hikit to, v an or HoRalfs SOLD.-AIr. Shipley halt sol. -I H:!:�TURDY, of Winghank, Ont. kug dirring' his, risidenw in ( j, fov! .4 duty, etc., which in frmer *j" was deducted Z. is tile patentee of a $flow plow that from the 'mP Lie title teank of horses to a gentletilion mou'll pay and �aid to that .ulde inany friends, svnd'lnls-gen� ia Chatham for $500 many.' cotirtesileg. tIQ I if used, wo,Qld totally neutralize the shall ia fqture be psii4, i-Atok A fund t9 provi& �he. POMMUNIOATIOONS. of boko* a bardworkerandast !ng not for celetwating their anniversair V' orl' 0
Tna Oddfellowo are making prep4kra- hen they require it. oas the blocking up of railway trucks go. bread amt e4eese,, P.O.liet etc,,, for tile men fig. will iie-ver beJ6rJq6e4- Mr. I effects of the lkeavi-,8t Snowfalls, ao far w 60 slways had the i Ca DO IT. f Win 'file, (Ime whi6n we say tl;at in. his RramEm;BER,,,00F1t.ST0Gk m. N�Ewx aTun kibralry of tile 1), 0, n cf) It. Board, asking.for $500 out of appropriations for 1883. 'a it is possible,for a11V 13"01ASe
H,� lias been negatiating witli tile Call- , Sul ISM IiihidA will take p ace hlkctrtly� One from Mr, Mike,%, erv4ii,� 0 the towh, asid it is oq!y
. Wirt(kry High School akla Pacific to got them to introdii Su, (lay -ith what success we have not heard. poaitkolft qix trea 'er and clij-4 ilit has �Ougbt on the very best te�.% School trill shortly have a4tied 0 hi&her Qrderof intelligencef4od; Neurd la, pird ny. Oyr It Al.r. Si,urdy liai a working model of it On motion of TILDWO[WON seconded by dep. il�a, es et e n' abodt 200 volumea of 6tandaid w.'rks. lot hits hotel in Willgll&w. to every part of, the minion
Reeve Cooper, this rawtter abrokQ tl�iorr-any of the gentlerneii, Rackaohe, 86ron w of the. 903-4 -heie 'We ev buy goods fr()iML F1 RST 'HAN 9) Tax boys fare making purchat8ris of staqli oyt.r until next was allowed to THE WRV�ATDoglits have been kneett$ of Cd4neil, in 7V S, ex- order to ascertain %,Yhether this sum sho wfi,g 0 . I ,Sooro Throat, $Wall- Warbles. With the thermometer at uld be acqtipled by tire, Mayor unit tile Ties. preased as.how tile winter wheat was granted out of appropriation for 188111 or 164. by kkjp -Reeve, After loyg . I toasts and. Moro t I ! a little too cold to 11 hLoot," ennqA, �,be chalrnni�n give. , (,()up and neival BON 90ilig to litalld the heavy covering of Communication - from Japb6 MorA tender' Guestaill I Y . liffift tl:ey It be ready. wlow, with 11111ch of it crudtv.d, whiull ing Ilia resignation as coullcilloi, as be introducing thent �,y making it very nes, pahis, I ft. - GOODS''M was , - r. to MJLhkp T�kfororo is quite ail odd eombination of ha lain upon it during tl e winter. leaving w1l. O replied briefly. Tooth, Ear' and 110adache, -Frosted C0
Sufadookya in this year, there beila, only On motion of deputy -Reeve Cooper. second Hessid that with the eoxoet) Lion of. q few '141t. and Ears, and all olhor, Lately several KV;killt,wen have Ulcer- SPeM all in Gode' th Season will con tweiaty,fiveiu ilia first six montlis, and this pains to eAvillible the colldition of ed by councillor D%Ae�, Mr. Morse's resignation yelva he hall sist of iiekrgef variety and I�ETTER Iwas accepted, and steps -ordered to be taken to rieh, mind though he rejFkted leaving and, khos. VALUE th�,, on heretofore.. "I Iftiftli ST. ZfAtlias din 4 -ruarly friends, S of I r, vvjrep�ii*ple A40 cheop EX I 0 ""I twenty seven in the last SiX IIIOIJLIIS. the plailt, 64%d they all report that oloct anot4u councillor. tile good old towq . iRd his a�4 it seas Tun traffic an the Gratid Trunk is so Present it is ill perfect order, green On motion of Thomson, seconded by Searle. is duty �� do so, as his future. Ron;40Y -A trial but the covfparstllr�ly trilling, outlavor W. (1066. and tvlOry one allillining w W great that a double traek will be lai4i ailid healthy. There is scarcely . I - F OaGET IT . any it was Va. hoitild 11 p in -.h4 present stop, ewith iWa caii have 'NOW DO.No hfitween Toronto and Alontre.1 So soon froat in tire ground, and Life 1 ro, Reloolved,-That this Council desires to express its than keJ all for , 44e kLind and hearty, claims. . . t . , 1, high ap Aloroe, whoAhaw.hoen Dirictons in rilkyon, YAtiguarreir, w ArA bound to gire �precbktkun of Air. Ja manner. tti which lilf� -hpalt)l -Ila-d o0eii mott4o weather will permit. be ali) ,ouncillor for twQ years; bito as, foui,ol hint drarRl�, and conclutije ties now ar" that there will foot a iv people a 11,001111
Jiii;d AcrH.-Ar, Craib Makewbirter & of tiny importance. This makes Lit- "terlitig and true principed, we regrot hio removo pros, r ..... . his Council and Town, and hope that his futu;o peri y o all present. Lofifwr�10.90 . Ae VOMMElt! & C0O;*:, - do's the spring rush is still going on. clialfivol for the'wheat and *clover duriiii: only be brifilit and happ) lu toe vioo�ott. then rose and read ,In - ad"Ifitess, kA mi; _ . . *4 V. A. Aio Among other orders a great ular.y al"O muci tire manth of March and April . The Mayor exprosgiiii himself highly W. 11. Ridleyi from olie employees q( I li,-ttep as there is little likelihood oi leased sit t4ja deserved- tribute to an excellent the Buftlo branch Amp m go %Fla
from different parts of the Norm- Co., and present rican Express, Draw tk� fresh fiagrant arid be worry loll ed hint with a very Rod
*eat. i hf, aving good clover. Heil ad�ourk;@A ti; Fear rko�dentsd display as you smile, 0 'O.—.1 0. ot in town agi- oil ell OffallIOUS a. S a 19th inst. handsome ring. %Ir. . Rd thanked : For the"i, E A MOVEMENT is oil fo _n Town, no matter who th re or -where had a the company for giving. 'n!o It q kind I until ,orld'for'Teeth areill"" ey.� 8TJM ILL. -Mr. Whitt, wbo ier Storoin thtil!g the advisability of forming, a s;tjd off, and en sol Are foorkL o pisfaty4icatroke while working at the or- mechanical aomociatip% to be compo ed I also -ttime W, holylrd�,ti I 1.� S, . . theyomefrom gain fXCtO7y a, short tinte ago, it; atil I very Va 0 0 E_ IR -10 He 8 --ch I ' b-- nduf mechanics and amateurs. Th'0 Ob ill, and at times little hopes are e Ject of the association, once formtki, Goderich Lodgel A. F. arxd A. M. meets that although about M dowif fit W% trained of his recovery, 'ter 11 ------ ri L wil I be to gpt up specimens of all kind, this evening at the usual hour. some distfigow from'Qjiderieh .0i wolo'd OUCH 10 FAME. -J. 0. 001.0, the fash. "Mr are on a visit to t I the M00 kindly of inechanical work, and. give a grand and rs. Tom over cherial' sentlin6tits, towards - the -flic.Wp till his RtA;��Ov A iot*bl.) cutter for R. Coefts & Son, has lady's fitther, M. Hafthison Esq. P exhibition of their productions next fille,nds therein. To to and'son a ack%j- received an order from Whitemouth fail. This would be a good ineans of Maithind Lodge A. F, and A. N. meets tinned till t1w. Woes a' 'oors,.Wfen all we
-meehan- Tq@0§Y-Pv9Aing-AL�LP_ -seval'tivettM10 ldsila;toba, for thirty suits of clothes. (te-velfilling.,the genius of our such is fickle. icqi and more especially tll#t of am&. Mr. Hopper fQqnd a bracelet wrid will on, f give it up to the olytier t;pqz4 its being 11'of. Newm%n's benefit concert Doww in Acton several of the minis teurs. We hope tire matter will, not ill T11 troday evening, ' ved" The Drvr.,G F" entitled. pro -a d�koid4a If tPre, oil the Sundsly previous to eleepon, be allowed to drop, bt tilat tile asso, success. The'attendanoe,- con§kderl Mr. IV, IT. Ridley left by the noon advised their congregations how to vote. ciu't:oti Wit,l bt- successfully formod, alit] tb,number of other, en�ertainmmitq, They must have some big blockheads in train on Friday far deorgetown, his ing that, their individwil I(b'litiO.9 air Wf future resider1ce. was very large. Notwithstanding., tile, suticess of the entertainment,; and, the .7 chanics and. amateurs; and geniuses will Acton. Mr. ff. E. Johnston I�ft, on 8.111�qr.day remarkable talent exi%rcised'ifi t ap LxAPffE.tR.-N9xt year will be le gain a sti,11 widor reputation. by tho early train forToronto, where he soloap we canno BitiFFS.-Mr. E. Downing, of Go t but think if this poi year. Maidens "on call" will pi ease wi I Ine6t Afro, Jobnotora and proceeq to tion of"the programmii -had b e - rt il'. ofderich, one I of the leading shoe mallufloctUl-els Ofthe coun - Detroit. e �Vtl a pasta this item in their bonnet and ty, was in town last ivock oil business. -Mr. tailed, or shortei pierim chosen, it Would vu, now cif Bolton, for many yeara t1joir list" for th.,"a4iful young man john ittiller, all oW re6lent yneq. IIiV0 beep gerlyertrify Y0.U1_R' �'HA _�$ of tol .4f. I -pprdved. �.111 who, Harriston, is doing the genial Amiger. to ti -e Bank of ontrea I A, b Upo Of ti , , I always "Shies IT, . ie [is I 'Niel,e -wew with his many n -inity.-Mr. Geo. Parke, of 7 IO
friends if thi yi( fel on Thilrsday for Guelph, -I 111 S -Who behaved vej�Ar badly Alatirry tite New$. K, THs spring sitting of r in wl he Chancery G�rt will I�s opened Bayliel 1, one of most reliable canvas"i city lie will- for the futiire make his sel-ing-strunp that parentA carinol coil' No�-r--T--ilaont,)urg,�-Ont---De� "IL,1-� ill QOdPriCII toy agents in the Province, will leave fit a f"'1191 home. irol'their childreh,' and that Or Tuntic*- Proudfoot oil March 20th, nd weeks for Manitoba, in the interest of tile ey J a -dperlyL.. .1 ars Mrs. E. Hale, Inother of Mr. Hezekia kella�e thenselveg pi when, at . ...... Watson implement factory, ol'Ayr, Ont. -The ddtending places of publi 13-ilious e�ss and Dyppep$ift:, and- the Spring assizes'by Justice Gdlt, on 0 amuselipplit -ars. - WILS.'re, ubed to a inere skOeton. London 'Tizer, with fill .81111day last, aged 63yi Thesp. remarks; cbriceiming, the rqo� 9th. that romarkab 0 fheility April Site and lipr hust�oand,' .%I r. Jitroes-11ale, n QY 8, are ma List in I I Welg�pii only Oghtyo it poasesses tot- manufacturing out ofthe whole who is still living, were, probably tile havior of certai It Ole' wifli six,prilinds. I was induced OUR.-.�CU
FARM SOLD.-Solith half lot 15, 9til ploth, and making the cloth also, had a wall I ato' r o'uple married in-Goderich. tire intention of preverit;ng a'ropethipri try Z91PEsA: by lvrr.:,I,Iioms , on I o roncesiotion, Hullatt, wiv--irtised in Tali, attack ot, the clergymell of' Clititon of Thursday ight's (ils ' nces. aird-, 13 turbft Naws RECORD for sale, has been Sol,, for his .I,,. disregard ofthe. courtesies of Mr. Thos. East Huron, yvaa 111 .* - 0;e 6�-Iln_ ol 0 Thorkison Co civilized liiL. It sated that lie occupied three town on Thursotay slid a4tenod tire bring to the notice of tl)eir' pla6e afid re ta in,g part.-Jil. jthe. of this for $1,400 cash. This iii otie of niany seats in a railway carriage, one for stApper given in honor ofAlessra. Ridley Per - .. I , ... . solue ot whom we -a that go -ul conduct. Tho many thanks to hlm;� now instanco to show Tfig NEWS- two for forniance) such uni arijil, p:,evented two ladios and Jollnit0l) first number perfor an entirely Aew women an roll! I etc. med was an OVeroury wA" h RECORD IS a good advertising niodiumn. front ta Ing tile seats filled by his vaii Mr. 'Hattliew on A. Af. rroin BetiT6veTt,T thiough the. The nionuni�mtl falsilivatl(011 01 thL,$4'�' "IFY 2 r I'lZer is -iss 1 ard "I I III trig strib we have re, Priqe and Pr. f. Newina I.4 the course of a recent a rwon fully bovire out In tile ly, Polley's farmt died on Sunfilry from%n OMF I . ! L - Q - I 10 against the ruiming of uilday . It �taek of congesti6n of the lungpF. H 4 We MRR ('AROL,lX'8 FoRBI-S ralits ferred to.-Alessrs. Corbett Bules, O' the 4 e received; Mr. J. T. Ito A hwl just bet IIIAQ rullOw"O.1 ......... Pik the Canada Pacific RAlway, R Clinton woollen factory, help, tradeinniore On ill three days, 4114 4jr. with the 8n�,, 44Take, Inflick to-Horr fr R;�LGL Forbes. -e of cloth. ............. wayathan in the ritanuractut 11atli, so unexpep;ed, Ili so w 11 or, — JAr. For:in, of Winnipeg, waxed exe The 4 Pre Fk a 14] ilot which he rentleied in parson and issuLr of marriage licenses are 04) y 15 0 1 I., 1, .... ffiendfi ill Col- ingly, wroth, and exelaiwe(L14 "Better b thought of. four eon�les, employes of the firm, borne, essrs.'Newman, Bond And-.1f-e,ndersoYi' ride to heaven iu a Red River ox cart haviiib,en inarrieLi within nine Illontlis. Tfie lecture in the North -St. Me-tho- , wa next on the list, an�j W#s �well:e*xe-. than go to beli in OPHET a PO4pe'sleeper. Pj� VENNOR GETS 1-10,1;OR AND (list church wlls not'as well atten(li-ol ad cuLed, tile fourth number, �4,�sotig, fljX6 .�04pt, McKerr I PR0FITNI r. Anroii Kratz, tile, famous itq CHANGixo HANDS, !npl-its deserved. Rev. -Mr. Will" i r ""introduced Miss A.Snkea'th vp f% I of Lundee'lloro, is hbout parting %ith �ice as a vocallst. 11-18 lairty TVE t- Ol n bid al-igh tuak�-r Of Plutlisteailvillt., pa., tile leoturer, was IIJOSL Successful lic'ni Ilia flouritig will in that village. it is hiks presei.t�d Mr. Velitior with a beua-"- t"It"Ill' of Ilia I* is. deliv fair to, bdlp &vorite will, tile' lnugic.. sit ect, anti It tiful gleigh in Ilecogilition of the lielle- -V�uite poss;ible that Clititori Way have, ery was al! tit" cot,13 be wished ftor.--Rre publioJudgirig vom ierre,cfptiorton. hope tile romiiining' lectuts(..s of the debut. �.i% S.'Ilas a -pleasing. voice of er T, �.0 fimiScient attractions toindiiep tile Cap U deriv&I from the latter's wesith course will be better pat-r1conized. mollerate p0mlia 11 tain to take up his rapddemee her,. Ile prodictious. The prediction was to tile culatiori anti a gracatu eportment, On Tbursdo4y the choir or North- � ighed", to Shop- would be a very desirable citizen. effect that there would Ile abull,lint acquisitions in it .4T h4a nigjJ4Q( Ili(,. office of snow for sl,ighitig tbrou.,bt P"llinsyl- ir, was et lotiIndist OhIll-Ch "file n I pardtork to's coiieert,i for tire benefit of the . 'Lindsay Warder(Conservotive) &a.4 vallia. all January and iebruary, t -o tile chill -ch at that place. T4e ongs. 1?11.by IN and relicvowl tile tronbles I"01- , treated to "cured" eggs. Eli ction t A,,rt)nl madis 300 Hleigliq, wid what it, and cllornsiOs were well chosenand gan - -Bond and liplaber, wits gretitly appjalld-. d w.to abill, -tie grate of thd isyoltelo, such aq D lz-, list- sto'. shiess,'Nan A, Dr,iAvsIncK6, Dist reps fkfterr�4tw df' rZ -day. a-ilywellsoing. Mrs. Ellinft(i a it in the Ide or ear 4-7 S U flWl- triceeto n ,0iich 4,er ingfrorm, &severe cold, Will; ,romi., but.tht,iady, who w ters ritust have been I)rimk in Lind niore, soil thew &11.. er ItNvoi-xith' 'fii3mber �-aa� alint. filixTradu . �r. NT,-niior re ft SPr ceived the sloigh lout Iqay4 lie 6p%v Walits great praise !'or the inanner i the choir a The War li,1wtlys re.-4pects tfio%e Alto it liorgo. THE NEWS RECORD gives lSolos -: ireapept themselves. aud it; air organ of sing, bet- place,at very abbrt noii6o,-W #is urn of ninety mhoul I feel proud. allotted her. TI P meptitig w.d:s a. great lin sing Elie 1111ini good �,Oheellng suc,ce.. wirch its party- 8, q nine little a tref Boy," so ss*to_eRrn -a fialik!4 ;,o IuG A w, for vehicles tire great, r part of June, dollars bei o_FN_E W Th spluce �nd conceited -young r. P9 collPeted tow-ards liqui- notio-i that there will Ile taken by 'Aiss A I Jidy, August and Septewlwr tIext,- Bells Valuable In Cou"d 8� patio revelitlil Fe Ill love with anotherchap's s'r. still dgting the inaelotedness of the church. JVith his sweet little cane, Clititon's emint-itt- carriage maker, a novel and slice*esAfil innovation: thit- M�li'l"160YImgcul�PIO'Int,'tlliie kaiI:dIs6rdOr,rs of thir stoidscii,At til e I 0 cart School sing ..and regialat o the bookels, 'Even If tlk� A4 P-14 Qfthf., 14ne, Harry Cantelon, ci go right in and The usual rapelting of the High , ballad "Killarney" was eirt tv"' I Q He met and fie f4 ry Society took place. on Fridai by Hiss Cooice; -rhe;last- pit! t terp iq woula 14viD k,r, 30 )ifigirieN oil tile 4trength Of this is -ain, 1,rogrtlirpRie, Among elth- One WEIS & g10, "Yop Sbepberds'ti )iut lie trod on I;er if At the end oftho lane, prophecy Tire oild vehicle to be left er,,;, iflellidedth toll -wing: -Song, Miss and introifted Me latnes' at this office, .And a shop on his face made a bl'r. -A. rminor; r 'FF H Li Nfr., Durrion; rea,l Smith and-Nisii Ball, find Me'ssrs.-Bond 0-tho 'Acho thoy Nyould,l) t Fos. DAKOTA. -Mr. Tho.s. Rilio!t 'Ing, Mr. Young; dialogup, salLinders- A WisNiPEa correspondent says tile Start And Al. 0ameron: edj flendors6n and Ro from, this distreauffig.complaititi but, It-.. the Lai e'st pre"ure of lift of pr4pipective town (If Elliatt, left tress' selec- V Lndsor,". "'pa:ely theirgoodnesaddes-noten here, it;) )ORe elties for Spring. 4 - denian I for female Her- t nns, iss A. CUrrie, Orlueto; Slisir. Now m,l�lll Ball these little R litart 0Y hM!Plj an who once.try thL vantm nor; reo 'A OLI),Ilfii ond part, it w�ks� nicelv, todowithutfitlidni. ;1intlifteralisle cad hah slackened Homewhat. Ill- Clintoli Ott illoviday for home. Re itation, r. F. B.1 ir; 1he see d, rof. mono: latt L heywillot dwillikks.,. W J k ie 'Fa mou. I)SH ad Tr4i *1)1 e in so many ways 0 ptead of asking twenty or diirry ,lollar g Ilia I it P .,.! &h Ole et"'m 1 GOd and Seegrniller,; rendereci qnd dury applaml�(l th� they are flow Aillitig to take f-odi ter, rich toy), t 'Ali Alid tl;iu vicinity. We quartette, 4"I'llat is tile home for ine," "Fiord inliffe W'"arti it, 93, by isa Ra'l fill-] that, Dak(stwim arp 1;1)� 1polinpoliN Ift-Ogst, Keysip flortont Anderson and Ft)ly sung and gained an ellenre; 6100 Al"try IF -As ollarplilig, 0,16 is-;0-CV6 O,f so mdhy 11 owo "fourike-06;prea boust. pitto cur it oq' -k Fro. -WH je evils of loiter les* ly nuinillep wits x. Song, fare very ofteti A rofos8ionalaOfid, Other' Cardd.
to eighteell, awl t i ipp It Iapplicants in reply to air adver. ers, for b�Ir Elliott, %hile a(iiiiii.till eshnrHne. Air. Strang addreseed 11he Carey's "Christmas -COMM FERGIAL.'NOTEL,
that. th"y have as Ili fell of J at, frR-E
pipeting on tl' q 070 ghout with gre.it care aR Pills a4very.0mall to ,meet �Ajr FAIRY INI.QRGAN, Clinton't; I or,'. and TT wa ptiblic. Ctommo. LITTLE -sday next was the song I'Lot Tr eavy to take. lie or WaltCa dose.. they watit iii Dakota, is Ther.Qsjgr;rj) !peeting last Wedint ll.yoyouls� 6y 9fro. Flptdher, the, lit% of the travell1bg
w illing to colice(1*4 liat 011tario can't VtAin was most interesting to the Idious tiampleitiums.. 1'ho best of liquors and cigarrs E. PATERN.- 1 finitmic.d prodigy, has I hree t ....g . Ro Are FIrict Ogr (if Cora�jl,_ arbAI%YlLvs kelit ILI, tho'.1ini. �`Gdbd table. Best -tigaumuietits alrictf v ',etablo.110 do-mzkt glp' Wristvir, soliel1d situ.. Itepayers, for they learned th*t, the P, it I C take I sent v4y flir D.kota tio 0 1.16itiellon lift -ape Kit %TI a- letters for Ontariorn� C11.0trit tm Olin toll... I Qivo as -call, Sir-- took 0 - nve'for $1. Sold - es.0t. of Torpnto this %eeh. singing.of Otis song tras and rip ,part at tire te,#per-ting it, B yfield oil far lift the length all'i 0 t 1) it OlAught of-Secretury ha.f I)Ppn cenim. JLA$:, '1kt . 00 11N013
guil;y of einbo;�lemont, and that the 9PI-vediv ghinerl ail encnre; nis simo4l It 11yu "WeR qw op aldift by mail A is coll Thursday evenitig last and carried vi8itor's pres r. witch lauded 1�ie Trea4ill!er had kept followe'll, with a gonk, "Lonply Ff 74h, 1882. lattille,49, ill) 120t con t e
tile Vp O.S
crowded house fly storin. Tney it*. PlPt� Is a fille specillipu of, CAtiadian his books very s'y, r. Borld encored in his - e- �
ade and also hall ' 1'� . . .1 I I Iffew -Yo�,k bilti, growdi, bith morally still conoertintrLi4olo;"'I'tt4� V 4,PERf up anti presented to her I% purpfi cont a �novvleflge of tile .1], .
a In ,ri4arv. Mr. eager mads� a aLP_ intellectually, wid lie If is niade goo(l tire pe 4WO AL sunjo, by' MiAs Codko, acco AL T1 E L i4ig $i-5. The little GALrt- ONT IE�IQ. SUMATE being is but rt in tfia'rail�vay bubines�, etc. His C(? �PRING ANI�
years old. 4;;g use of his 4)tellct, 110 is #Lit Mr. Newman, was a arest Sir A ED ]MF It, )Lt, ID 8 okp's ing,ng being very',gnod, A Y E engaged in farming oil an f i4 to add nwre names p) Noreisor's playing ot the valvialioni,.ex- Di.,NTIST, OLINTON. inany of our readers -why adbi.-veni We. of Tdrontoo florior 0 s01 ..Of$ In sito-A'ad 4icektc e r -a,, 150acrexii..oats, skill ..Dontal dutglioh�, blo t6 the Do n. Electric hous It es of wilt ic, tow Cl is not set,on foot to form a Florifil useful nor orna-mental. it.9, �)un* -conipr6c, about Moeti'mirell ol % . Cul- eitfiei tV;-e 4sVocia�iQp it, Clinton. Tire qut y us In I tb6W tt probably 50 acies ot barley still 10 of s mental trio by dAsqm'. Nowman,' BornJi I put in 3,90 ;uduAtii* tlo.".T WE have befit) mV f,be question by iicale.' ThiR Spring he wil in iiIrAdy larfOie OnInglitt.es. and thuR cellent; a Piano Solo by tho Prof.; sondqo�i no prpnte an unwieldy bolly that would he aning by .Vr. A. Stindej% ind Alk-jiltipylk -a- sternlotadonpaiiii; t4ietown's interest in anti Henderrso at potatoe;. Ill all 500 aliwis- Qr rwrer. the manufacturing and railway line will No otbuffif cotrofJolfthitiare io infildlo al�, .4 4.10VOWDlylort 094 is a pertinel tack as those Affecting the throatmA lung1l: honq 41, #,Qr� fl I 11. . . 1!11 I , I . . I , I . on 0' oIt offer And we woul That cotintry in settling fast, just as amount to 11-11. anti thol peffortnPneo was obricluded by rt-trifidd with by-theilirkjorl,iY oi sufferers.. Thp tab -class. Charges moderate, ISIDORrs suggest that some one interested in the annitteims anti 'Audience singing I�God Ili
fast as thao� groa,tojvi1isAir, jr4ilways, call The late' cough or cold, resulting matter make al start. Miss GrAntIft FtmerAl sermon Save the Queiab.11 `We, 11 often but'tlii Clinton has a r trillconsdobis. ex�o lop Gq�(djg� F
W Kunrlr.� evening at St. beginningot a,taliCilckneiiii. AvIlit's CuEltsy SON, 8ttgorON DPN. f6 -11 IR)CIAO of eitizops that ought to act in the be introduced. .4branch'of the - Nor- 94 Peached an L TIRTS Will eOntill Lie tire' Z thern Pacific run4 thro h M Ell ' George's by Rev. r. Walters. well �r -ty, I, cat- by rveyed to 14th chap-' eltil years -fight with.%broatL and )ring diseases, aiid- -MONt' Y -T ' 10AN gnatter. n lvl,r. ,, totts farni and another line Ile took the l3th verse of the -A Startlin a ,omen.its ellicatij Ili it for Missionary avrvices will be conducted d tit ter 'of ReVelations for bk8 tpxt , 'I'll rshould:�etaicenth-all-casesivitlioutd6lay. nupon torturk to suit bor., intersect tht-re. Shou latter road sernibin was a heatitiful one, and -vividly mirkati-e discoveries. Tho fact, ist - -. X. I A. Offid - !c::1,e=, . in the Caisatia Mothodi3Ot church Sea- Ile built Mr. Elliott's town Irtirribld Couh Cured. e open 0 ()otl. t1�18pl I took a severe cold, which allceted in Frid dYL and CID forth, oil iLiunds, Plot 4t till' ortrayeq the expertationg of all who Dr. 16f,g's Now Diqcove�y for AC AIANNIN 414 y, March the 10th, Ity junction w9.yJrOI no doubt grow int im 4je in the 1ord. The last qui-stion ad. Itntg. L I "Rd it -terdble COUQ1, Are passed nigub, urdity h G &-,SEd0TT, sumptioll alld v I I ISZ. etorg g0o ilia WP 'bid lhe, Rev. -D,. Young, lately of Wilillip#_ 0 ill Lung dia(-wes.ift (la ,g ortarieti. Having to take If. detour to dressed to Mis Grant wits, 111fave you thr after 111glit t, 0 6. k. fbeF (Ify , 'L I I C1101tAh, %%')rich 1. I on b4 now Ruperinola4ant of alissiolls 'ifl, no tears to AM?" which brouglit the tile relievedilly I till 0, llidudeasideR, alit Sti t ri t'C-.1intori. ..' liaring patie�flto that- -t)ioy ha�p 'up I tried A.vX018CHLIntyllE 13chver Blobk, Motto
took after tdock it will Ile about a we, a Block, Alber�t'g -k I ftirok�de.d III I "th. 1982, JAI. foeshe ree6very of my Art Iths XT-4-wot territories. In the ore. lie reacii" �1,49iue- �twdie, is htartlin.- hrI By tile corkrillix Of U10 PEXTOItAt, It-OC11114- R f,' w K o,- * Rattenburi, street, immed!... w 'o of 46 Sense of duty. and exami-tre I'llto. ti Ira btreetyl.- I am, flow C2 years old, htoly behind Ititnaford's book storo. Itesidwitle, evening Dr. Yourigari4,tlke Rev. Mr.' colln, wimlies him every's' Jesus as on net care m , D Tit F NEWS Rx. answer, "I have no tears toshpd,!1 uccesn. ant, to The witb attv find am satisfied 510111. 09 tn�rits of thii w,,ndorfid diRco'very I roll stracti, 0111'ev 74 PANTS Ito It thfion- 0. pposita th'O'i'diii-p�,nmeto tialli I cDonough, of Clinton, will deliver "Din, You GET YOUR gels." When the preacbermv 46ors,froin 8 a.m. to a p; fit'if I WtA V41ne. LAY Add reases. ell leceas-i's I lot worda, there wore in hundrods of.. out ho' - ,liocklughaill, N't., July 15, 1882, Join, 14, 180: is an 014 A, i4 krva Rayjt)g tLaA Roult, Y8I other's Tribute money Wsr. 11, .1 S. rtij I nd, to DoNE WEm,The Willis Church people are mean eitoui to mleal tile congtf rial "ll. lir on firat-M, farin security and on foorrob' many tPar-bedieweed eyjao smolig X40 lie traing.W in' t1ileir praeii" Ottles fr, a fit Watt."s & Co"a Drug Ili fit. epuntry last winter..ny tittle I)orro%yer ean tip i ghoir atitended and took pat Bo Physloiail, . ur don &0, oillool" L6 mail $$I But boy, throo 3-py a old, �;ad taken Ill. 3xith artilip; I$ I - Iin a tea. coppern off a dead I $LK . and cc ,PgUlAr RiZt. I -X kfols;n's Batik, aq are, in - Peting tit Bay�eld t-ves. The chool Boarl mat on...-. Store. It taiiiied f0l iie would ilia froin straxi . I LL.,
oil Thurmday, ever,. about thtloci 4 fro would take the evp4ing " the. uslial .�tknr. The I O' I I pulagpir Jan. �t 1.y Or Den jng. Tljpy Tellder 11.0 It a! W 11616f t to fallifly RII1&1g0I1tCd the 11116 o Ai,i= linin , JR111 �L t . I(L. 11AA IT A kitibnVol rin office lit the r critne Ing, prommintirs.wel-e Inrifilp by tile board ' Tire" befit , . .. �, I CL A. TIAR!Tt t -d tit- ir di1-rent (44>dies of,"-Youy block Y Till) latte 1.111111111 nese a, epokirta in a good inarvivor, atid reecty Beavilt 13to 11 -stal nit (foot to tho, right, -60( pill Q
fronii tire pot.,ple ot Illsit. plo�ce,& lip In, 0 ot 1-Ifier ws1n ko��t lit this boum. ,.Lift# AvAllitrlej sinall ell would not look so bad an tl%e fo ' rinner in to tnke effeet from the lst pf'.oxiirro, Viz. regglator'ever plactiol withii, tho -aw 'fro( i tretit doses, aild toottordolight Inlossthau ind Will lvo t atiol t to, till tatters re oir -Clinton May 5, is8i ,ajOty tile half !Lit lour the lit le IMM011b Ai'od; brWithlilig 0110- him iglit Illogsages to lie loft at11n. eyes of Holne, lout ill e crsini;tfllii�' Uiffis Blair I'min ti,s- 4th to tho 3rd florin. of sulTering butwitrity, truly it# -104 lectrit 17y. Ing N on form. ad 'Veit mV darlInWa life. Crunyoliwoudorat M isa Harries from till- 6th to tile ote of th"114ii. Tballo,tIlanaacrowdeol ofthe offeiiee is there just themltillo� Watson from the Uh to (fie 4th Bitter-. ' lnjtlti�ity of t1le Llyqp Bili I5th form. Is Aitellohoor f ALod it% needless in Nay 4,it 14e, meet. Comparing tho two t,,g�-tla- has led if. o-amnesli, Jauntlige, Constipation, Weill. tF311TA GlmlvOil� HOLSON 8' 4,Nffo MISS 81jai-man from the 7th to. tile 0th rates, incorporaiOdl A b I Pirliament,jalis OL illg w" 15110-0y alld otberwiao a to triention 4 At yQIlIg man who rt Tile attendance fli the Inotith of Kill I IOYS, oi�ally dimeage-fif 0hit6n, 61 a grand muceem. gvk4e tt putilber front sides in thn northern part of the town, Ireb. avOrag a 54f. Tbe o ders anti cilre. Organs, of, whoaiOer-roqut'res ail aillietiz, tanill? tot 06verttl Yclk�A, and 'do not liesitate to clirtofl attended. who Im I hiR pants stolell one I1iL, takera were all Tt� eugf'gelt, `,Ij- Ball's critics it tho most eiroettial reme s A 4rONrvl 16 Idoif tit Trge or smaft� oil I I I I I 1-1 81i good if$,2,;,Od *40' ,M
itc $2,6940,00. er, tonic ;r wild will -'always have eviir tried A"A JLNE. t . 4- 10KI, iTL fit r. parsolittl W, lie, fawas uunrofft r%tQlJ. flutoll Street Ci�llfoh, ALK9,11T.—AR Mr, 4,. McD, Allan of lat wei&k_ ''Tt st-emn IqLt he did not M I,` i edo(Or the c v%sReo\iotheCPn- ts -i'l
li"d Electric Bittem tj%o li,eiii'ahil olll�, Llk, crystal. minn., W%R Rett, 1W 1�ff the cars T4e "bore 0 Goderich, , I keep tfie, best Off Ik9oOrs. f45m saven to si.r. was. certaiii cure kilowh. Tboy loll quffet�'kf f6r c'ight yelif9ifolb Bronchitis and Clinton, Filb W01MAIX, Yrds derit; tile ;d �ofpd oUilfrosveniflig ;6telljlo�t,oll station the icy say that lie wqto I�Jways 0 1 ita fblloly� VIT� Ayk-,i,' %fe,gFAorp. BiWer. Surely , -stictuvi, any no puddess, Y wing J. if. t tet. A -I , R. Zt,AG'sc N Ri or lu Ab, I I ri I ISS 0 F. VO - FO. W01VV3119TOR TfI0AIIA% (loneral Arrintig6ir cs.t dL toi and quickly, every.1lottle goarain 'ell find Ball, �$,kvangon, Nntplon and NichOlAon. - ) U .k. lip 1 -11 --but a-courtitig lie woul(i gntl rhA school V ri(g-tipip V * irgnsirin. led. Affs#., A lludo, DaM . balled, Co A w ll, we weire ;to�e.fol not to I*eqtt�oli Novis, Vessers. Bul,.hanAn and Fe E ire satisf iciiion or inonoy rdun� Ilyfiallso, 6, 102, ftitaill Fact N, -Singing GJARI-Ilaw forld, Of tile fOOAilog lAa latided oil caus, give ent T kink to Mlip VL, tj tall oil hi" Ila,. It Sold at Afty P61#0 tfibnot say criouph in!,pralmd of Airnla lfig� Violin Anierfuto Ktehaug,, �.ottglit Anil Rom, find notes difi� awillig ii,ir"i'" j" jpst gulke P( With 0. hqttle. by Ompaltv- PrcTt)j*A I,, belleving asr I 00, fiijUt ClIntott, rebruarrI 1882 '7 'Oki li.is Ppivotal poill, " a thIt'. 0 ,love ho Inpiropetnir tbi%n authorized toongalre Watt$ & 010. for its use I hould Io lts alit stare d 'it 06 At LOUGIIj Nfatlakor, a toacher to teach from Ealster till Mid- Iia,&OIJON.11 to apeak; at one tinin Ilia ff, t get,,� g ftfAir IF; &4 the 6atotrr of ttie *ef ifforomm,t4e,trit,ck whole thn wile( sum I mer. . orniq Tetall, April Webber, oout Pob. i6t, is r 81 . its
I;: e 11,4 sitym love is a terrilde,f,paldy .to Ile Ia of t yield to tho use off"Art er's Li#10 Nerviu ietheir his head would "91 't" I with. boy it" determined V`-rSTT TO GODICTtlCIfF4Il0r.iAliJtq fioM tile rilli aided liq C#v �q %tetintion II Von to, On're IIl to brippq Oil their ;..L car had just pasissd, $.it'titrko of an afteetton of tire throat or lungs lit,
Ake 1 vel In, f ; A. swing pround to the maille spot it, tit,, oil fortiniiim it t4oeie.ty J(Ar tile q)f. ))� P rofif 8 , ,tte, IniepAtiaknal Throilt silrI Lung Institute of 6fAVPhls0ttzltftV ftcToltA L, anti it will allea nresontlitify10 of pIA. Ing, at doh4d L. t,,bim 000 to Lend a Pills: Thily it( 6 r tilo art, feg renr of amather wheal. pi-qvo-tition pferii;no," but Rom i73 will beat the Albion A oft Y Ifelievi) I!ireseflt , eam.wltom. areedAli $50, tf� ;I11 Ile was resqfortid, "how or g9tel, G �Jq;ieh, for diree days, Atarch 8, 0 dimtrrOss 1�,Yt, strorigthep"i;.14 atofficafilifiir, 010-04 lilt C�3
ilontrol ITILTO privil(goir to ho without any inWrv. "did you got YQUr and 10. to syrgeons will have with them a dlge8tI vq: P�11`4 Us. Wwx tile i.anmword— loark flito lihnil noo affentir Owit an , TA110(046 Ifna0hnee (fo., Va. STEP BY TFV.—TIIA Orpig Filii, AY4 lots for, andf'CA0lf4I k1h4on j�111116n Dol 4 pards;"—hat, leaked out and tile tio- nipply of Rpirometer, the inoreption of Dr. lob" 4je.ty fail-lon %o i,hp gl-oulld. 0 q ly, SouviQllo, of Paris, ex -aide Surgeon of tire T4, lj�t' o looll"oft .Y� (ki(iiii0joill.) ak,i&isted fly Mr. Thom. acirmnit, te or, Fronch Army, for the enre of Catarrh, CatAr 1, b9'.,tIJ motioyt �t� 101V t.lte§ of Ill 4. G qR4 I -L"-- ., .
and others, of Clinton, willgive a ff AIA,P rafuAe" t9 Ile comforted His Oatra;itod to*�i�odily 6, roil clasOA of prn�dfrky Ate toot 11,1069-filtinufactu; a w,lf rholl Derifum, Bronchitis, Aathn;i* and C69v raiid PlAYRiciall is of opininta that concert ill Run ti n, Goplult foil nAffifillatittil t4n town hall, Brnukthani, .emvor. ption Apd trilks,qf Spirome- eallt of Toronto, on (lie l5or itiat. At list I?r;eln Don't Wf,t9' 1400 tit 0 Su rFq;3 while Fov.ey tlaccilifinta be was for Sodopa"handsgfosta piladho �Ab. I . .41 "Wiggins' Storm Veirsdil," horti, as they mikk a a i It Isemps of Corris, �Ptter, Chapped 4 I p tie Fairy orgatialso takoa part. M r' ittlil till till, Throat aird 4,.,k;kkgp, Art'. VA' bit( -T, after thdrull MOM, vill[- ouring . AkIhI`1`f`QPtJ0nt4) guatanbled tb' ottra in r and fitakina vult;qlatinoR for tho"pur laia 6n .9 t I t JFicktion will he tfl,P. JeftdifIg Apirit in chalm of It 41 tholigands of cages ev T year t1illt have boorr , t ok Ittiosil tio 1)? .. 01 e I 11 f"Ood, It of the TLO5'aft ot flbFipriW at every ilwtallop,, Or Molloy r tI other eoncerta whil ) away. W, en tip to die by floe.. otain geRfirlil pr solk'a. ljfl will then ag �wila Itro visiting them in eVery to: nt'ec' For iiale by Watts to, 0 etin well feel proud when our Jln 4(kypy, gv() and �R .0 JOtIN WALUX ine o7v, and terew.. Aty. AR pfoof -of oitr wpoderl'61 cure. wo talent that is cal,led a4road iR ClLpfkl)IA 'It is world r4it you Vr F lIs abovalionsots, no* rAftird, hod
0$ ,$01Lr a,WgSTJL P"ry j6t6 9 'Vor f rfi�, IX v, jig consumption; . D Arrnqtrong two Ul to; t4ft, Toronto, 0 10 00. tO the 14 44rd
of sitanding Aide by Ffide with profe�m- Minintora, r,,,%vyerot, 1'enohern arid Caverk-7i Like t1m worki. arotiti(l y6u, rtolle, Tv A I I k i.
If Mr. Jitekston conthmeR Rt.op �ccllpatinn giveS ,It I,ttl" oeAtarybol. F �lbrigbf, Doe L ionala. ivir. illo, Ont.; cRtlkrrli; 0. W, McMillen a8l CMPIOXiolft igrif,Ato invi by Stop there witil ibe a btight ff, ANAP1111 aotibov, hN ture exprem- should uFte Nrtiir'm Little Liv. Parliamont-st., Tormito, bronchitis, lafhos cleaffilo Ayer's l"iftliga of thlifto'goln, WdAt thin . Opting Mil t6fibif Godetich'Ifirbl�*b4fif tot I 'belie d In the% 11411 oti, Alar6h, lot At 6'. M lto
Iin stord for him, and that at Xko distalit P'r Pills Ifor,torpid Liver and bilious. PetkinA, 266 1?nnolaii-At., Londiron, afthl�a.,"d is 06 "-n A i-66 Atnts of Wostom Relida, *Ill b6L ilrokii`�4 009 V 46 04filti 6 , Ill. 9 10 N rw I rk oss, One is a dap. th(sultandr ofjuAt as wondorfal nures wlijeij *�- I - - M 1, Iriould Yefor t4. For infeirmatiott vrrit# ta, Ira k O� T, qkLL J�