HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1883-03-07, Page 5WHAT NEXT. -The following froulk TOWN fAiCLIAM JAI, All or the Sarfair Ctinadian is a now We4b in 0 thel way of socials. "A in.qm, social t OU44 Qve')TI -Proxcut tbq Xqor,. FAR1111:01, - wi'l be boll at tile residefaizo of J. F. Reov o ep 0ev cQuucillors ID6011,110 bot"il, q9 Afty isti CA.� tj frl�nd� R. 00citso �1$00,'6. Wo Liatev ou tile evening of Tuesslay iftIxt, TheilikkV on, 9 a Y ring. 19"A W. If yond I NOTIOE THE GOOERIGH NEWS 200 imst., silence to be kept Joir one I(ANANOX. CQUA11ITTAIll JR"011_T d9w 01,� fau ii, to a tarow I , , � 4 14A UP X . pq 4 sh.9weid paid cut during month ofFebritskry Mr. J, J)oYle, of thto kAll 9 I otois. The. flout, aliker tntrance un4er petu&ity of To F. W. Paisley, quarter's salary, 4112.50.; aprea,4 wills A_ sumptuous I one,.w(fI,1,4e.jv* - (t Of five cents. Collection to, be taken tax collector, - 0; sundries O&Q4. Chaid-ty, rak,d heartily e , t1joyed. 111bi I 0 Among -w hoin were Mayor florton, Ulievo- . up duriag tile evening." W. t7.75; Mrs, Green, $$.to; Mrs. Devine, R or, $3; taxes, --he P eople to, _X Clinton flecord, T4yl T_ OATS Mrs. THE union vote it, the Mpfilxoidi.st . on), $5.0; dig- QW ging grave, Mrs. Abbott W d - 1 I � , chil , $3 50- $ (ANALGAMAVED. church okarfaida flow htauds as follow: i, , M Pratt, tire ou&iiieer, Salary, $IQ,75; usurarici --1=N0 MA TF 470 boards inave reported, 42 � eirks, F. F. Ptirrehroq, b. P t 2 bring in on town hall,'$20; cojo Mille , -it, tl�eron, J. �Q. ot Olinton, WednesdaY, Mar�ll hh. favor, 44 Wp000d, and a tie vote. redlicrol, b)kc ithing, 89,25; m,ore I or Boards in faivor Were carried by an ag- t $6.60. -frain W, Denison, 8trAQ' aP,, Q -� Pliott, W. Cafrailibf M, fees fi 12 4�yo ending WAS it.ud Gr4selite,, Wss composed '"TS. gregate majority of individual votes Of 28th Februj*-��._Report sckoptefl,, beat citiz , ena, Tlike iO*rge nu.%ber weigh clerk, 412. AL NE our 4, 100 or ail average in eaQ.1, board of 9J. , igboly "fe xll,ptle- o allows how, 1A meti, were respected,, and we add our ,Aom&3ja AAsT3D :iD:rs-x.R:r(DOr_ Boards ill Opposition allow an aggregate reported 113rues of officers ant men belonging FIRE 00IMI"V41p; �rjbute bsaying, that tw thrilod, painstaking olficials, gould notbe. majority against the basis. of 223, or to tire W-iga.0 %Rh�eli they had organized, and 9 �norti borkest, May be offeeed by. AY 0 USE fi; t%e,tr4dq, we cm gowu iglilh. art average ol 5 aid a fraction. rVeommentiod Sow 5.1"t L991r. --Adopted. . 0 to , Q It being understooltaUt figes x absence from found in our wide Doniinio.a., r.. own hikit to, v an or HoRalfs SOLD.-AIr. Shipley halt sol. -I H:!:�TURDY, of Winghank, Ont. kug dirring' his, risidenw in ( j, fov! .4 duty, etc., which in frmer *j" was deducted Z. is tile patentee of a $flow plow that from the 'mP Lie title teank of horses to a gentletilion mou'll pay and �aid to that .ulde inany friends, svnd'lnls-gen� ia Chatham for $500 many.' cotirtesileg. tIQ I if used, wo,Qld totally neutralize the shall ia fqture be psii4, i-Atok A fund t9 provi& �he. POMMUNIOATIOONS. of boko* a bardworkerandast !ng not for celetwating their anniversair V' orl' 0 Tna Oddfellowo are making prep4kra- hen they require it. oas the blocking up of railway trucks go. bread amt e4eese,, P.O.liet etc,,, for tile men fig. will iie-ver beJ6rJq6e4- Mr. I effects of the lkeavi-,8t Snowfalls, ao far w 60 slways had the i Ca DO IT. f Win 'file, (Ime whi6n we say tl;at in. his RramEm;BER,,,00F1t.ST0Gk m. N�Ewx aTun kibralry of tile 1), 0, n cf) It. Board, asking.for $500 out of appropriations for 1883. 'a it is possible,for a11V 13"01ASe H,� lias been negatiating witli tile Call- , Sul ISM IiihidA will take p ace hlkctrtly� One from Mr, Mike,%, erv4ii,� 0 the towh, asid it is oq!y . Wirt(kry High School akla Pacific to got them to introdii Su, (lay -ith what success we have not heard. poaitkolft qix trea 'er and clij-4 ilit has �Ougbt on the very best te�.% School trill shortly have a4tied 0 hi&her Qrderof intelligencef4od; Neurd la, pird ny. Oyr It Al.r. Si,urdy liai a working model of it On motion of TILDWO[WON seconded by dep. il�a, es et e n' abodt 200 volumea of 6tandaid w.'rks. lot hits hotel in Willgll&w. to every part of, the minion Reeve Cooper, this rawtter abrokQ tl�iorr-any of the gentlerneii, Rackaohe, 86ron w of the. 903-4 -heie 'We ev buy goods fr()iML F1 RST 'HAN 9) Tax boys fare making purchat8ris of staqli oyt.r until next was allowed to THE WRV�AT­Doglits have been kneett$ of Cd4neil, in 7V S, ex- order to ascertain %,Yhether this sum sho wfi,g 0 . I ,Sooro Throat, $Wall- Warbles. With the thermometer at uld be acqtipled by tire, Mayor unit tile Ties. preased as.how tile winter wheat was granted out of appropriation for 188111 or 164. by kkjp -Reeve, After loyg . I toasts and. Moro t I ! a little too cold to 11 hLoot," ennqA, �,be chalrnni�n give. , (,()up and neival BON 90ilig to litalld the heavy covering of Communication - from Japb6 MorA tender' Guestaill I Y . liffift tl:ey It be ready. wlow, with 11111ch of it crudtv.d, whiull ing Ilia resignation as coullcilloi, as be introducing thent �,y making it very nes, pahis, I ft. - GOODS''M was , - r. to MJLhkp T�kfororo is quite ail odd eombination of ha lain upon it during tl e winter. leaving w1l. O replied briefly. Tooth, Ear' and 110adache, -Frosted C0 Sufadookya in this year, there beila, only On motion of deputy -Reeve Cooper. second Hessid that with the eoxoet) Lion of. q few '141t. and Ears, and all olhor, Lately several KV;killt,wen have Ulcer- SPeM all in Gode' th Season will con tweiaty,fiveiu ilia first six montlis, and this pains to eAvillible the colldition of ed by councillor D%Ae�, Mr. Morse's resignation yelva he hall sist of iiekrgef variety and I�ETTER Iwas accepted, and steps -ordered to be taken to rieh, mind though he rejFkted leaving and, khos. VALUE th�,, on heretofore.. "I Iftiftli ST. ZfAtlias din 4 -ruarly friends, S of I r, vvjrep�ii*ple A40 cheop EX I 0 ""I twenty seven in the last SiX IIIOIJLIIS. the plailt, 64%d they all report that oloct anot4u councillor. tile good old towq . iRd his a�4 it seas Tun traffic an the Gratid Trunk is so Present it is ill perfect order, green On motion of Thomson, seconded by Searle. is duty �� do so, as his future. Ron;40Y -A trial but the covfparstllr�ly trilling, outlavor W. (1066. and tvlOry one allillining w W great that a double traek will be lai4i ailid healthy. There is scarcely . I - F OaGET IT . any it was Va. hoitild 11 p in -.h4 present stop, ewith iWa caii have 'NOW DO.No hfitween Toronto and Alontre.1 So soon froat in tire ground, and Life 1 ro, Reloolved,-That this Council desires to express its than keJ all for , 44e kLind and hearty, claims. . . t . , 1, high ap Aloroe, whoAhaw.hoen Dirictons in rilkyon, YAtiguarreir, w ArA bound to gire �precbktkun of Air. Ja manner. tti which lilf� -hpalt)l -Ila-d o0eii mott4o weather will permit. be ali) ,ouncillor for twQ years; bito as, foui,ol hint drarRl�, and conclutije ties now ar" that there will foot a iv people a 11,001111 man o OOLD BY ALL DAUGGISTO AND. 111i1LER CU Co Jiii;d AcrH.-Ar, Craib Makewbirter & of tiny importance. This makes Lit- "terlitig and true principed, we regrot hio removo pros, r ..... . his Council and Town, and hope that his futu;o peri y o all present. Lofifwr�10.90 . Ae VOMMElt! & C0O;*:, - do's the spring rush is still going on. clialfivol for the'wheat and *clover duriiii: only be brifilit and happ) lu toe vioo�ott. then rose and read ,In - ad"Ifitess, kA mi; ­_ . . *4 V. A. Aio Among other orders a great ular.y al"O muci tire manth of March and April . The Mayor exprosgiiii himself highly W. 11. Ridleyi from olie employees q( I li,-ttep as there is little likelihood oi leased sit t4ja deserved- tribute to an excellent the Buftlo branch Amp m go %Fla from different parts of the Norm- Co., and present rican Express, Draw tk� fresh fiagrant arid be worry loll ed hint with a very Rod *eat. i hf, aving good clover. Heil ad�ourk;@A ti; Fear rko�dentsd display as you smile, 0 'O.—.1 0. ot in town agi- oil ell OffallIOUS a. S a 19th inst. handsome ring. %Ir. . Rd thanked : For the"i, E A MOVEMENT is oil fo _n Town, no matter who th re or -where had a the company for giving. 'n!o It q kind I until ,orld'for'Teeth areill"" ey.� 8TJM ILL. -Mr. Whitt, wbo ier Storoin thtil!g the advisability of forming, a s;tjd off, and en sol Are foorkL o pisfaty4icatroke while working at the or- mechanical aomociatip% to be compo ed I also -ttime W, holylrd�,ti I 1.� S, . . theyomefrom gain fXCtO7y a, short tinte ago, it; atil I very Va 0 0 E_ IR -10 He 8 --ch I ' b-- nduf mechanics and amateurs. Th'0 Ob ill, and at times little hopes are e Ject of the association, once formtki, Goderich Lodgel A. F. arxd A. M. meets that although about M dowif fit W% trained of his recovery, 'ter 11 ------ ri L wil I be to gpt up specimens of all kind, this evening at the usual hour. some distfigow from'Qjiderieh .0i wolo'd OUCH 10 FAME. -J. 0. 001.0, the fash. "Mr are on a visit to t I the M00 kindly of inechanical work, and. give a grand and rs. Tom over cherial' sentlin6tits, towards - the -flic.Wp till his RtA;��Ov A iot*bl.) cutter for R. Coefts & Son, has lady's fitther, M. Hafthison Esq. P exhibition of their productions next fille,nds therein. To to and'son a ack%j- received an order from Whitemouth fail. This would be a good ineans of Maithind Lodge A. F, and A. N. meets tinned till t1w. Woes a' 'oors,.Wfen all we -meehan- Tq@0§Y-Pv9Aing-AL�LP_ -seval'tivettM10 ldsila;toba, for thirty suits of clothes. (te-velfilling.,the genius of our such is fickle. icqi and more especially tll#t of am&. Mr. Hopper fQqnd a bracelet wrid will on, f give it up to the olytier t;pqz4 its being 11'of. Newm%n's benefit concert Doww in Acton several of the minis teurs. We hope tire matter will, not ill T11 troday evening, ' ved" The Drvr.,G F" entitled. pro -a d�koid4a If tPre, oil the Sundsly previous to eleepon, be allowed to drop, bt tilat tile asso, success. The'attendanoe,- con§kderl Mr. IV, IT. Ridley left by the noon advised their congregations how to vote. ciu't:oti Wit,l bt- successfully formod, alit] tb,number of other, en�ertainmmitq, They must have some big blockheads in train on Friday far deorgetown, his ing that, their individwil I(b'litiO.9 air Wf­ future resider1ce. was very large. Notwithstanding., tile, suticess of the entertainment,; and, the .7 chanics and. amateurs; and geniuses will Acton. Mr. ff. E. Johnston I�ft, on 8.111�qr.day remarkable talent exi%rcised'ifi t ap LxAPffE.tR.-N9xt year will be le gain a sti,11 widor reputation. by tho early train forToronto, where he soloap we canno BitiFFS.-Mr. E. Downing, of Go t but think if this poi year. Maidens "on call" will pi ease wi I Ine6t Afro, Jobnotora and proceeq to tion of"the programmii -had b e - rt il'. ofderich, one I of the leading shoe mallufloctUl-els Ofthe coun - Detroit. e �Vtl a pasta this item in their bonnet and ty, was in town last ivock oil business. -Mr. tailed, or shortei pierim chosen, it Would vu, now cif Bolton, for many yeara t1joir list" for th.,"a4iful young man john ittiller, all oW re6lent yneq. IIiV0 beep gerlyertrify Y0.U1_R' �'HA _�$ of tol .4f. I -pprdved. �.111 who, Harriston, is doing the genial Amiger. to ti -e Bank of ontrea I A, b Upo Of ti , , I always "Shies IT, . ie [is I 'Niel,e -wew with his many n -inity.-Mr. Geo. Parke, of 7 IO friends if thi yi( fel on Thilrsday for Guelph, -I 111 S -Who behaved vej�Ar badly Alatirry tite New$. K, THs spring sitting of r in wl he Chancery G�rt will I�s opened Bayliel 1, one of most reliable canvas"i city lie will- for the futiire make his sel-ing-strunp that parentA carinol coil' No�-r--T--ilaont,)urg,�-Ont---De� "IL,1-� ill QOdPriCII toy agents in the Province, will leave fit a f"'1191 home. irol'their childreh,' and that Or Tuntic*- Proudfoot oil March 20th, nd weeks for Manitoba, in the interest of tile ey J a -dperlyL.. .1 ars Mrs. E. Hale, Inother of Mr. Hezekia kella�e thenselveg pi when, at . ...... Watson implement factory, ol'Ayr, Ont. -The ddtending places of publi ­13-ilious e�ss and Dyppep$ift:, and- the Spring assizes'by Justice Gdlt, on 0 amuselipplit -ars. - WILS.'re, ubed to a inere skOeton. London 'Tizer, with fill .81111day last, aged 63yi Thesp. remarks; cbriceiming, the rqo� 9th. that romarkab 0 fheility April Site and lipr hust�oand,' .%I r. Jitroes-11ale, n QY 8, are ma List in I I Welg�pii only Oghtyo it poasesses tot- manufacturing out ofthe whole who is still living, were, probably tile havior of certai It Ole' wifli six,prilinds. I was induced OUR.-.�CU FARM SOLD.-Solith half lot 15, 9til ploth, and making the cloth also, had a wall I ato' r o'uple married in-Goderich. tire intention of preverit;ng a'ropethipri try Z91PEsA: by lvrr.:,I,Iioms , on I o roncesiotion, Hullatt, wiv--irtised in Tali, attack ot, the clergymell of' Clititon of Thursday ight's (ils ' nces. aird-, 13 turbft Naws RECORD for sale, has been Sol,, for his .I,,. disregard ofthe. courtesies of Mr. Thos. East Huron, yvaa 111 .* - 0;e 6�-Iln_ ol 0 Thorkison Co civilized liiL. It sated that lie occupied three town on Thursotay slid a4tenod tire bring to the notice of tl)eir' pla6e afid re ta in,g part.-Jil. jthe. of this for $1,400 cash. This iii otie of niany seats in a railway carriage, one for stApper given in honor ofAlessra. Ridley Per - .. I , ... . solue ot whom we -a that go -ul conduct. Tho many thanks to hlm;� now instanco to show Tfig NEWS- two for forniance) such uni arijil, p:,evented two ladios and Jollnit0l) first number perfor an entirely Aew women an roll! I etc. med was an OVeroury wA" h RECORD IS a good advertising niodiumn. front ta Ing tile seats filled by his vaii Mr. 'Hattliew on A. Af. rroin BetiT6veTt,­T thiough the. The nionuni�mtl falsilivatl(011 01 thL,$4'�' "IFY 2 r I'lZer is -iss 1 ard "I I III trig strib we have re, Priqe and Pr. f. Newina I.4 the course of a recent a rwon fully bovire out In tile ly, Polley's farmt died on Sunfilry from%n OMF I . ! L - Q - I 10 against the ruiming of uilday . It �taek of congesti6n of the lungpF. H 4 We MRR ('AROL,lX'8 FoRBI-S ralits ferred to.-Alessrs. Corbett Bules, O' the 4 e received; Mr. J. T. Ito A hwl just bet IIIAQ rullOw"O.1 ......... Pik the Canada Pacific RAlway, R Clinton woollen factory, help, tradeinniore On ill three days, 4114 4jr. with the 8n�,, 44Take, Inflick to-Horr fr R;�LGL Forbes. -e of cloth. ............. wayathan in the ritanuractut 11atli, so unexpep;ed, Ili so w 11 or, — JAr. For:in, of Winnipeg, waxed exe The 4 Pre Fk a 14] ilot which he rentleied in parson and issuLr of marriage licenses are 04) y 15 0 1 I., 1, .... ffiendfi ill Col- ingly, wroth, and exelaiwe(L14 "Better b thought of. four eon�les, employes of the firm, borne, essrs.'Newman, Bond And-.­1f-e,ndersoYi' ride to heaven iu a Red River ox cart haviii­b,en inarrieLi within nine Illontlis. Tfie lecture in the North -St. Me-tho- , wa next on the list, an�j W#s �well:e*xe-. than go to beli in OPHET a PO4pe'sleeper. Pj� VENNOR GETS 1-10,1;OR AND (list church wlls not'as well atten(li-ol ad cuLed, tile fourth number, �4,�sotig, fljX6 .�04pt, McKerr I PR0FIT­NI r. Anroii Kratz, tile, famous itq CHANGixo HANDS, !npl-its deserved. Rev. -Mr. Will" i ­r ""introduced Miss A.Snkea'th vp f% I of Lundee'lloro, is hbout parting %ith �ice as a vocallst. 11-18 lairty TVE t- Ol n bid al-igh tuak�-r Of Plutlisteailvillt., pa., tile leoturer, was IIJOSL Successful lic'ni Ilia flouritig will in that village. it is hiks presei.t�d Mr. Velitior with a beua-"- t"It"Ill' of Ilia I* is. deliv fair to, bdlp &vorite will, tile' lnugic.. sit ect, anti It tiful gleigh in Ilecogilition of the lielle- -V�uite poss;ible that Clititori Way have, ery was al! tit" cot,13 be wished ftor.--Rre publioJudgirig vom ierre,cfptiorton. hope tile romiiining' lectuts(..s of the debut. �.i% S.'Ilas a -pleasing. voice of er T, �.0 fimiScient attractions toindiiep tile Cap U deriv&I from the latter's wesith course will be better pat-r1conized. mollerate p0mlia 11 tain to take up his rapddemee her,. Ile prodictious. The prediction was to tile culatiori anti a gracatu eportment, On Tbursdo4y the choir or North- � ­ ighed", to Shop- would be a very desirable citizen. effect that there would Ile abull,lint acquisitions in it .4T h4a nigjJ4Q( Ili(,. office of snow for sl,­ighitig tbrou.,bt P"llinsyl- ir, was et lotiIndist OhIll-Ch "file n I pardtork to's coiieert,i for tire benefit of the . 'Lindsay Warder(Conservotive) &a.4 vallia. all January and iebruary, t -o tile chill -ch at that place. T4e ongs. 1?11.by IN and relicvowl tile tronbles I"01- , treated to "cured" eggs. Eli ction t A,,rt)nl madis 300 Hleigliq, wid what it, and cllornsiOs were well chosenand gan - -Bond and liplaber, wits gretitly appjalld-. d w.to abill, -tie grate of thd isyoltelo, such aq D lz-, list- sto'. shiess,'Nan A, Dr,iAvsIncK6, Dist reps fkfterr�4tw df' rZ -day. a-ilywellsoing. Mrs. Ellinft(i a it in the Ide or ear 4-7 S U flWl- triceeto n ,0iich 4,er ingfrorm, &severe cold, Will; ,romi., but.tht,iady, who w ters ritust have been I)rimk in Lind niore, soil thew &11.. er ItNvoi-xith' 'fii3mber �-aa� alint. filixTradu . �r. NT,-niior re ft SPr ceived the sloigh lout Iqay4 lie 6p%v Walits great praise !'or the inanner i the choir a The War li,1wtlys re.-4pects tfio%e Alto it liorgo. THE NEWS RECORD gives lSolos -: ireapept themselves. aud it; air organ of sing, bet- place,at very abbrt noii6o,-W #is urn of ninety mhoul I feel proud. allotted her. TI P meptitig w.d:s a. great lin sing Elie 1111ini good �,Oheellng suc,ce.. wirch its party- 8, q nine little a tref Boy," so ss*to_eRrn -a fialik!4 ;,o IuG A w, for vehicles tire great, r part of June, dollars bei o_FN_E W Th spluce �nd conceited -young r. P9 collPeted tow-ards liqui- notio-i that there will Ile taken by 'Aiss A I Jidy, August and Septewlwr tIext,- Bells Valuable In Cou"d 8� patio revelitlil Fe Ill love with anotherchap's s'r. still dgting the inaelotedness of the church. JVith his sweet little cane, Clititon's emint-itt- carriage maker, a novel and slice*esAfil innovation: thit- M�li'l"160YImgcul�PIO'Int,'tlliie kaiI:dIs6rdOr,rs of thir stoidscii,At til e I 0 cart School sing ..and regialat o the bookels, 'Even If tlk� A4 P-14 Qfthf., 14ne, Harry Cantelon, ci go right in and The usual rapelting of the High , ballad "Killarney" was eirt tv"' I Q He met and fie f4 ry Society took place. on Fridai by Hiss Cooice; -rhe;last- pit! t terp iq woula 14viD k,r, 30 )ifigirieN oil tile 4trength Of this is -ain, 1,rogrtlirpRie, Among elth- One WEIS & g10, "Yop Sbepberds'ti )iut lie trod on I;er if At the end oftho lane, prophecy Tire oild vehicle to be left er,,;, iflellidedth toll -wing: -Song, Miss and introifted Me latnes' at this office, .And a shop on his face made a bl'r. -A. rminor; r 'FF H Li Nfr., Durrion; rea,l Smith and-Nisii Ball, find Me'ssrs.-Bond 0-tho 'Acho thoy Nyould,l) t Fos. DAKOTA. -Mr. Tho.s. Rilio!t 'Ing, Mr. Young; dialogup, salLinders- A WisNiPEa correspondent says tile Start And Al. 0ameron: edj flendors6n and Ro from, this distreauffig.complaititi but, It-.. the Lai e'st pre"ure of lift of pr4pipective town (If Elliatt, left tress' selec- V Lndsor,". "'pa:ely theirgoodnesaddes-noten here, it;) )ORe elties for Spring. 4 - denian I for female Her- t nns, iss A. CUrrie, Orlueto; Slisir. Now m,l�lll Ball these little R litart 0Y hM!Plj an who once.try thL vantm nor; reo 'A OLI),Ilfii ond part, it w�ks� nicelv, todowithutfitlidni. ;1intlifteralisle cad hah slackened Homewhat. Ill- Clintoli Ott illoviday for home. Re itation, r. F. B.1 ir; 1he see d, rof. mono: latt L heywillot dwillikks.,. W J k ie 'Fa mou. I)SH ad Tr4i *1)1 e in so many ways 0 ptead of asking twenty or diirry ,lollar g Ilia I it P .,.! &h Ole et"'m 1 GOd and Seegrniller,; rendereci qnd dury applaml�(l th� they are flow Aillitig to take f-odi ter, rich toy), t 'Ali Alid tl;iu vicinity. We quartette, 4"I'llat is tile home for ine," "Fiord inliffe W'"arti it, 93, by isa Ra'l fill-] that, Dak(stwim arp 1;1)� 1polinpoliN Ift-Ogst, Keysip flortont Anderson and Ft)ly sung and gained an ellenre; 6100 Al"try IF -As ollarplilig, 0,16 is-;0-CV6 O,f so mdhy 11 owo "fourike-06;prea boust. pitto cur it oq' -k Fro. -WH je evils of loiter les* ly nuinillep wits x. Song, fare very ofteti A rofos8ional­aOfid, Other' Cardd. to eighteell, awl t i ipp It Iapplicants in reply to air adver. ers, for b�Ir Elliott, %hile a(iiiiii.till eshnrHne. Air. Strang addreseed 11he Carey's "Christmas -COMM FERGIAL.'NOTEL, that. th"y have as Ili fell of J at, frR-E pipeting on tl' q 070 ghout with gre.it care aR Pills a4very.0mall to ,meet �Ajr FAIRY INI.QRGAN, Clinton't; I or,'. and TT wa ptiblic. Ctommo. LITTLE -sday next was the song I'Lot Tr eavy to take. lie or WaltCa dose.. they watit iii Dakota, is Ther.Qsjgr;rj) !peeting last Wedint ll.yoyouls� 6y 9fro. Flptdher, the, lit% of the travell1bg w illing to colice(1*4 liat 011tario can't VtAin was most interesting to the Idious tiampleitiums.. 1'ho best of liquors and cigarrs E. PATERN.- 1 finitmic.d prodigy, has I hree t ....g . Ro Are FIrict Ogr (if Cora�jl,_ arbAI%YlLvs kelit ILI, tho'.1ini. �`Gdbd table. Best -tigaumuietits alrictf v ',etablo.110 do-mzkt glp' Wristvir, soliel1d situ.. Itepayers, for they learned th*t, the P, it I C take I sent v4y flir D.kota tio 0 1.16itiellon lift -ape Kit %TI a- letters for Ontariorn� C11.0trit tm Olin toll... I Qivo as -call, Sir-- took 0 - nve'for $1. Sold - es.0t. of Torpnto this %eeh. singing.of Otis song tras and rip ,part at tire te,#per-ting it, B yfield oil far lift the length all'i 0 t 1) it OlAught of-Secretury ha.f I)Ppn cenim. JLA$:, '1kt . 00 11N013 guil;y of einbo;�lemont, and that the 9PI-vediv ghinerl ail encnre; nis simo4l It 11yu "WeR qw op aldift by mail A is coll Thursday evenitig last and carried vi8itor's pres r. witch lauded 1�ie Trea4ill!er had kept followe'll, with a gonk, "Lonply Ff 74h, 1882. lattille,49, ill) 120t con t e tile Vp O.S crowded house fly storin. Tney it*. PlPt� Is a fille specillipu of, CAtiadian his books very s'y, r. Borld encored in his - e- � ade and also hall ' 1'� . . .1 I I Iffew -Yo�,k bilti, growdi, bith morally still conoertintrLi4olo;"'I'tt4� V 4,PERf up anti presented to her I% purpfi cont a �novvleflge of tile .1], . a In ,ri4arv. Mr. eager mads� a aLP_ intellectually, wid lie If is niade goo(l tire pe 4WO AL sunjo, by' MiAs Codko, acco AL T1 E L i4ig $i-5. The little GALrt- ONT IE�IQ. SUMATE being is but rt in tfia'rail�vay bubines�, etc. His C(? �PRING ANI� years old. 4;;g use of his 4)tellct, 110 is #Lit Mr. Newman, was a arest Sir A ED ]MF It, )Lt, ID 8 okp's ing,ng being very',gnod, A Y E engaged in farming oil an f i4 to add nwre names p) Noreisor's playing ot the valvialioni,.ex- Di.,NTIST, OLINTON. inany of our readers -why adbi.-veni We. of Tdrontoo florior 0 s01 ..Of$ In sito-A'ad 4icektc e r -a,, 150acrexii..oats, skill ..Dontal dutglioh�, blo t6 the Do n. Electric hous It es of wilt ic, tow Cl is not set,on foot to form a Florifil useful nor orna-mental. it.9, �)un* -conipr6c, about Moeti'mirell ol % . Cul- eitfiei tV;-e 4sVocia�iQp it, Clinton. Tire qut y us In I tb6W tt probably 50 acies ot barley still 10 of s mental trio by dAsqm'. Nowman,' BornJi I put in 3,90 ;uduAtii* tlo.".T WE have befit) mV f,be question by iicale.' ThiR Spring he wil in iiIrAdy larfOie OnInglitt.es. and thuR cellent; a Piano Solo by tho Prof.; sondqo�i no prpnte an unwieldy bolly that would he aning by .Vr. A. Stindej% ind Alk-jiltipylk -a- sternlotadonpaiiii; t4ietown's interest in anti Henderrso at potatoe;. Ill all 500 aliwis- Qr rwrer. the manufacturing and railway line will No otbuffif cotrofJolfthitiare io infildlo al�, .4 4.10VOWDlylort 094 is a pertinel tack as those Affecting the throatmA lung1l: honq 41, #,Qr� fl I 11. . . 1!11 I , I . . I , I . on 0' oIt offer And we woul That cotintry in settling fast, just as amount to 11-11. anti thol peffortnPneo was obricluded by rt-trifidd with by-theilirkjorl,iY oi sufferers.. Thp tab -class. Charges moderate, ISIDORrs suggest that some one interested in the annitteims anti 'Audience singing I�God Ili fast as thao� groa,tojvi1isAir, jr4ilways, call The late' cough or cold, resulting matter make al start. Miss GrAntIft FtmerAl sermon Save the Queiab.11 `We, 11 often but'tlii Clinton has a r trillconsdobis. ex�o lop Gq�(djg� F W Kunrlr.� evening at St. beginningot a,taliCilckneiiii. AvIlit's CuEltsy SON, 8ttgorON DPN. f6 -11 IR)CIAO of eitizops that ought to act in the be introduced. .4branch'of the - Nor- 94 Peached an L TIRTS Will eOntill Lie tire' Z thern Pacific run4 thro h M Ell ' George's by Rev. r. Walters. well �r -ty, I, cat- by rveyed to 14th chap-' eltil years -fight with.%broatL and )ring diseases, aiid- -MONt' Y -T ' 10AN gnatter. n lvl,r. ,, totts farni and another line Ile took the l3th verse of the -A Startlin a ,omen.its ellicatij Ili it for Missionary avrvices will be conducted d tit ter 'of ReVelations for bk8 tpxt , 'I'll rshould:�etaicenth-all-casesivitlioutd6lay. nupon torturk to suit bor., intersect tht-re. Shou latter road sernibin was a heatitiful one, and -vividly mirkati-e discoveries. Tho fact, ist - -. X. I A. Offid - !c::1,e=, . in the Caisatia Mothodi3Ot church Sea- Ile built Mr. Elliott's town Irtirribld Couh Cured. e open 0 ()otl. t1�18pl I took a severe cold, which allceted in Frid dYL and CID forth, oil iLiunds, Plot 4t till' ortrayeq the expertationg of all who Dr. 16f,g's Now Diqcove�y for AC AIANNIN 414 y, March the 10th, Ity junction w9.yJrOI no doubt grow int im 4je in the 1ord. The last qui-stion ad. Itntg. L I "Rd it -terdble COUQ1, Are passed nigub, urdity h G &-,SEd0TT, sumptioll alld v I I ISZ. etorg g0o ilia WP 'bid lhe, Rev. -D,. Young, lately of Wilillip#_ 0 ill Lung dia(-wes.ift (la ,g ortarieti. Having to take If. detour to dressed to Mis Grant wits, 111fave you thr after 111glit t, 0 6. k. fbeF (Ify , 'L I I C1101tAh, %%')rich 1. I on b4 now Ruperinola4ant of alissiolls 'ifl, no tears to AM?" which brouglit the tile relievedilly I till 0, llidudeasideR, alit Sti t ri t'C-.1intori. ..' liaring patie�flto that- -t)ioy ha�p 'up I tried A.vX018CHLIntyllE 13chver Blobk, Motto took after tdock it will Ile about a we, a Block, Alber�t'g -k I ftirok�de.d III I "th. 1982, JAI. foeshe ree6very of my Art Iths XT-4-wot territories. In the ore. lie reacii" �1,49iue- �twdie, is htartlin.- hrI By tile corkrillix Of U10 PEXTOItAt, It-OC11114- R f,' w K o,- * Rattenburi, street, immed!... w 'o of 46 Sense of duty. and exami-tre I'llto. ti Ira btreetyl.- I am, flow C2 years old, htoly behind Ititnaford's book storo. Itesidwitle, evening Dr. Yourigari4,tlke Rev. Mr.' colln, wimlies him every's' Jesus as on net care m , D Tit F NEWS Rx. answer, "I have no tears toshpd,!1 uccesn. ant, to The witb attv find am satisfied 510111. 09 tn�rits of thii w,,ndorfid diRco'very I roll stracti, 0111'ev 74 PANTS Ito It thfion- 0. pposita th'O'i'diii-p�,nmeto tialli I cDonough, of Clinton, will deliver "Din, You GET YOUR gels." When the preacbermv 46ors,froin 8 a.m. to a p; fit'if I WtA V41ne. LAY Add reases. ell leceas-i's I lot worda, there wore in hundrods of.. out ho' - ,liocklughaill, N't., July 15, 1882, Join, 14, 180: is an 014 A, i4 krva Rayjt)g tLaA Roult, Y8I other's Tribute money Wsr. 11, .1 S. rtij I nd, to DoNE WEm,­The Willis Church people are mean eitoui to mleal tile congtf rial "ll. lir on firat-M, farin security and on foorrob' many tPar-bedieweed eyjao smolig X40 lie traing.W in' t1ileir praeii" Ottles fr, a fit Watt."s & Co"a Drug Ili fit. epuntry last winter..ny tittle I)orro%yer ean tip i ghoir atitended and took pat Bo Physloiail, . ur don &0, oillool" L6 mail $$I But boy, throo 3-py a old, �;ad taken Ill. 3xith artilip; I$ I - Iin a tea. coppern off a dead I $LK . and cc ,PgUlAr RiZt. I -X kfols;n's Batik, aq are, in - Peting tit Bay�eld t-ves. The chool Boarl mat on...-. Store. It taiiiied f0l iie would ilia froin straxi . I LL., oil Thurmday, ever,. about thtloci 4 fro would take the evp4ing " the. uslial .�tknr. The I O' I I pulagpir Jan. �t 1.y Or Den jng. Tljpy Tellder 11.0 It a! W 11616f t to fallifly RII1&1g0I1tCd the 11116 o Ai,i= linin , JR111 �L t . I(L. 11AA IT A kitibnVol rin office lit the r critne Ing, prommintirs.wel-e Inrifilp by tile board ' Tire" befit , . .. �, I CL A. TIAR!Tt t -d tit- ir di1-rent (44>dies of,"-Youy block Y Till) latte 1.111111111 nese a, epokirta in a good inarvivor, atid reecty Beavilt 13to 11 -stal nit (foot to tho, right, -60( pill Q fronii tire pot.,ple ot Illsit. plo�ce,& lip In, 0 ot 1-Ifier ws1n ko��t lit this boum. ,.Lift# AvAllitrlej sinall ell would not look so bad an tl%e fo ' rinner in to tnke effeet from the lst pf'.oxiirro, Viz. regglator'ever plactiol withii, tho -aw 'fro( i tretit doses, aild toottordolight Inlossthau ind Will lvo t atiol t to, till tatters re oir -Clinton May 5, is8i ,ajOty tile half !Lit lour the lit le IMM011b Ai'od; brWithlilig 0110- him iglit Illogsages to lie loft at11n. eyes of Holne, lout ill e crsini;tfllii�' Uiffis Blair I'min ti,s- 4th to tho 3rd florin. of sulTering butwitrity, truly it# -104 lectrit 17y. Ing N on form. ad 'Veit mV darlInWa life. Crunyoliwoudorat M isa Harries from till- 6th to tile ote of th"114ii. Tballo,tIlanaacrowdeol ofthe offeiiee is there just themltillo� Watson from the Uh to (fie 4th Bitter-. ' lnjtlti�ity of t1le Llyqp Bili I5th form. Is Aitellohoor f ALod it% needless in Nay 4,it 14e, meet. Comparing tho two t,,g�-tla- has led if. o-amnesli, Jauntlige, Constipation, Weill. tF311TA GlmlvOil� HOLSON 8' 4,Nffo MISS 81jai-man from the 7th to. tile 0th rates, incorporaiOdl A b I Pirliament,jalis OL illg w" 15110-0y alld otberwiao a to triention 4 At yQIlIg man who rt Tile attendance fli the Inotith of Kill I IOYS, oi�ally dimeage-fif 0hit6n, 61 a grand muceem. gvk4e tt putilber front sides in thn northern part of the town, Ireb. avOrag a 54f. Tbe o ders anti cilre. Organs, of, whoaiOer-roqut'res ail aillietiz, tanill? tot 06verttl Yclk�A, and 'do not liesitate to clirtofl attended. who Im I hiR pants stolell one I1iL, takera were all Tt� eugf'gelt, `,Ij- Ball's critics it tho most eiroettial reme s A 4rONrvl 16 Idoif tit Trge or smaft� oil I I I I I 1-1 81i good if$,2,;,Od *40' ,M itc $2,6940,00. er, tonic ;r wild will -'always have eviir tried A"A JLNE. t . 4- 10KI, iTL fit r. parsolittl W, lie, fawas uunrofft r%tQlJ. flutoll Street Ci�llfoh, ALK9,11T.—AR Mr, 4,. McD, Allan of lat wei&k_ ''Tt st-emn IqLt he did not M I,` i edo(Or the c v%sReo\io­theCPn- ts -i'l li"d Electric Bittem tj%o li,eiii'ahil olll�, Llk, crystal. minn., W%R Rett, 1W 1�ff the cars T4e "bore 0 Goderich, , I keep tfie, best Off Ik9oOrs. f45m saven to si.r. was. certaiii cure kilowh. Tboy loll quffet�'kf f6r c'ight yelif9ifolb Bronchitis and Clinton, Filb W01MAIX, Yrds derit; tile ;d �ofpd oUilfrosveniflig ;6telljlo�t,oll station the icy say that lie wqto I�Jways 0 1 ita fblloly� VIT� Ayk-,i,' %fe,gFAorp. BiWer. Surely , -stictuvi, any no puddess, Y wing J. if. t tet. A -I , R. Zt,AG'sc N Ri or lu Ab, I I ri I ISS 0 F. VO - FO. W01VV3119TOR TfI0AIIA% (loneral Arrintig6ir cs.t dL toi and quickly, every.1lottle goarain 'ell find Ball, �$,kvangon, Nntplon and NichOlAon. - ) U .k. lip 1 -11 --but a-courtitig lie woul(i gntl rhA school V ri(g-tipip V * irgnsirin. led. Affs#., A lludo, DaM . balled, Co A w ­ll, we weire ;to�e.fol not to I*eqtt�oli Novis, Vessers. Bul,.hanAn and Fe E ire satisf iciiion or inonoy rdun� Ilyfiallso, 6, 102, ftitaill Fact N, -Singing GJARI-Ilaw forld, Of tile fOOAilog lAa latided oil caus, give ent T kink to Mlip VL, tj tall oil hi" Ila,. It Sold at Afty P61#0 tfibnot say criouph in!,pralmd of Airnla lfig� Violin Anierfuto Ktehaug,, �.ottglit Anil Rom, find notes difi� awillig ii,ir"i'" j" jpst gulke P( With 0. hqttle. by Ompaltv- PrcTt)j*A I,, belleving asr I 00, fiijUt ClIntott, rebruarrI 1882 '7 'Oki li.is Ppivotal poill, " a thIt'. 0 ,love ho Inpiropetnir tbi%n authorized toongalre Watt$ & 010. for its use I hould Io lts alit stare d 'it 06 At LOUGIIj Nfatlakor, a toacher to teach from Ealster till Mid- Iia,&OIJON.11 to apeak; at one tinin Ilia ff, t get,,� g ftfAir IF; &4 the 6atotrr of ttie *ef ifforomm,t4e,trit,ck whole thn wile( sum I mer. . orniq Tetall, April Webber, oout Pob. i6t, is r 81 . its I;: e 11,4 sitym love is a terrilde,f,paldy .to Ile Ia of t yield to tho use off"Art er's Li#10 Nerviu ietheir his head would "91 't" I with. boy it" determined V`-rSTT TO GODICTtlCIf­F4Il0r.iAliJtq fioM tile rilli aided liq C#v �q %tetintion II Von to, On're IIl to brippq Oil their ;..L car had just pasissd, $.it'titrko of an afteetton of tire throat or lungs lit, Ake 1 vel In, f ; A. swing pround to the maille spot it, tit,, oil fortiniiim it t4oeie.ty J(Ar tile q)f. ))� P rofif 8 , ,tte, IniepAtiaknal Throilt silrI Lung Institute of 6fAVPhls0ttzltftV ftcToltA L, anti it will allea nresontlitify10 of pIA. Ing, at doh4d L. t,,bim 000 to Lend a Pills: Thily it( 6 r tilo art, feg renr of amather wheal. pi-qvo-tition pferii;no," but Rom i73 will beat the Albion A oft Y Ifelievi) I!ireseflt , eam.wltom. areedAli $50, tf� ;I11 Ile was resqfortid, "how or g9tel, G �Jq;ieh, for diree days, Atarch 8, 0 dimtrrOss 1�,Yt, strorigthep"i;.14 atofficafilifiir, 010-04 lilt C�3 ilontrol ITILTO privil(goir to ho without any inWrv. "did you got YQUr and 10. to syrgeons will have with them a dlge8tI vq: P�11`4 Us. Wwx tile i.anmword— loark flito lihnil noo affentir Owit an , TA110(046 Ifna0hnee (fo., Va. STEP BY TFV.—TIIA Orpig Filii, AY4 lots for, andf'CA0lf4I k1h4on j�111116n Dol 4 pards;"—hat, leaked out and tile tio- nipply of Rpirometer, the inoreption of Dr. lob" 4je.ty fail-lon %o i,hp gl-oulld. 0 q ly, SouviQllo, of Paris, ex -aide Surgeon of tire T4, lj�t' o looll"oft .Y� (ki(iiii0joill.) ak,i&isted fly Mr. Thom. acirmnit, te or, Fronch Army, for the enre of Catarrh, CatAr 1, b9'.,tIJ motioyt �t� 101V t.lte§ of Ill 4. G qR4 I -L"-- ., . and others, of Clinton, willgive a ff AIA,P rafuAe" t9 Ile comforted His Oatra;itod to*�i�odily 6, roil clasOA of prn�dfrky Ate toot 11,1069-filtinufactu; a w,lf rholl Derifum, Bronchitis, Aathn;i* and C69v raiid PlAYRiciall is of opininta that concert ill Run ti n, Goplult foil nAffifillatittil t4n town hall, Brnukthani, .emvor. ption Apd trilks,qf Spirome- eallt of Toronto, on (lie l5or itiat. At list I?r;eln Don't Wf,t9' 1400 tit 0 Su rFq;3 while Fov.ey tlaccilifinta be was for Sodopa"handsgfosta piladho �Ab. I . .41 "Wiggins' Storm Veirsdil," horti, as they mikk a a i It Isemps of Corris, �Ptter, Chapped 4 I p tie Fairy orgatialso takoa part. M r' ittlil till till, Throat aird 4,.,k;kkgp, Art'. VA' bit( -T, after thdrull MOM, vill[- ouring . AkIhI`1`f`QPtJ0nt4) guatanbled tb' ottra in r and fitakina vult;qlatinoR for tho"pur laia 6n .9 t I t JFicktion will he tfl,P. JeftdifIg Apirit in chalm of It 41 tholigands of cages ev T year t1illt have boorr , t ok Ittiosil tio 1)? .. 01 e I 11 f"Ood, It of the TLO5'aft ot flbFipriW at every ilwtallop,, Or Molloy r tI other eoncerta whil ) away. W, en tip to die by floe.. otain geRfirlil pr solk'a. ljfl will then ag �wila Itro visiting them in eVery to: nt'ec' For iiale by Watts to, 0 etin well feel proud when our Jln 4(kypy, gv() and �R .0 JOtIN WALUX ine o7v, and terew.. Aty. AR pfoof -of oitr wpoderl'61 cure. wo talent that is cal,led a4road iR ClLpfkl)IA 'It is world r4it you Vr F lIs abovalionsots, no* rAftird, hod 0$ ,$01Lr a,WgSTJL P"ry j6t6 9 'Vor f rfi�, IX v, jig consumption; . D Arrnqtrong two Ul to; t4ft, Toronto, 0 10 00. tO the 14 44rd of sitanding Aide by Ffide with profe�m- Minintora, r,,,%vyerot, 1'enohern arid Caverk-7i Like t1m worki. arotiti(l y6u, rtolle, Tv A I I ­ k i. If Mr. Jitekston conthmeR Rt.op �ccllpatinn giveS ,It I,ttl" oeAtarybol. F �lbrigbf, Doe L ionala. ivir. illo, Ont.; cRtlkrrli; 0. W, McMillen a8l CMPIOXiolft igrif,Ato invi by Stop there witil ibe a btight ff, ANAP1111 aotibov, hN ture exprem- should uFte Nrtiir'm Little Liv. Parliamont-st., Tormito, bronchitis, lafhos cleaffilo Ayer's l"iftliga of thlifto'goln, WdAt thin . Opting Mil t6fibif Godetich'Ifirbl�*b4fif tot I 'belie d In the% 11411 oti, Alar6h, lot At 6'. M lto ud Iin stord for him, and that at Xko distalit P'r Pills Ifor,torpid Liver and bilious. PetkinA, 266 1?nnolaii-At., Londiron, afthl�a.,"d is 06 "-n A i-66 Atnts of Wostom Relida, *Ill b6L ilrokii`�4 009 V 46 04filti 6 , Ill. 9 10 N rw I rk oss, One is a dap. th(sultandr ofjuAt as wondorfal nures wlijeij *�- I - - M 1, Iriould Yefor t4. For infeirmatiott vrrit# ta, Ira k O� T, qkLL J�