The Huron News-Record, 1883-03-07, Page 4MONEY TO LOAN. } ;UELPH, ONTARIO) INVESTMENT AND SAVINGS SIJCj,ETY, 111111•i uuderalvucd baso unen appointed Solicitors 11 1,r Liao ['0111µ414 . 11114404 era can uLtrlu funds ,t 104,1 raLea and h..4e mortgages drawn Lu suit r'.r,nscl, to. Ner dtla,a. L,w .Iargus. NI.'tNNINt; s SCOTT, 13.uttela'reats, &c. Ylu,toa. arca tab, 1442. FARMS 1"()1( SALE, faits of Lots Nos. and 7, Huron !toad Concession, 1' ,wnslon of a"din. h, coo, rtutoq 1342 acres nearly all .Ic+rtt.l coni 114,411 tic,. trona ntIuups. 'nct:re 010 00 tnc premises ;,cod 1'roue out butldl11gI, a frame h.,,,ao, .1 good be.t1,1111 Orchard, uud a 11e1'04 tathng sole.; creels' Also, the oast halt of aho101ot 6, containing 61 res, hat lug a Irawa house and a 0411 frame hare, elm, a 3 uuag or. luted ul 150 trees, all aeli,Lud winter [,,nit. 'rbc abuse (.erms are altu.tted uu Clic 1!nnm (toad, 41.,114 13 miles from Chilton. Mgt) Le pureh'tslol 11hor scparate1) 0r 111 now block. Fur further partic- ulars rod touts appl4 to I3 .,011 N its DOu'r, Clinton. 1'A1tM FOR SALE. ',forth half of lot No. '28, ren. 1, East \I'awaursh, Olt)i,nng 140 :terse of .1.01,4 hand. so amc, elelred ,nd 111 .a g sot ,1 111. 1,1 rnitiutti0u. There is 14 acres of a a',u,nrr fallow rc.oly for crop. 'there Is a large tenon Lar, w nth ,tableis under, a toe dwelling and 11 small orch:utl. It is one 11100 and a quarter from Ntailehcster, twel1e 11,1140 1nun aodcrfe 1 :414,1 401411 ulde'front 1411 all. This is a elwi1e farm 41141 will he 401d cheap. If not 11,11,'1 before the 1e111. of 31arrh it w all hu rented. Fur further p.trtinstlars apply to C. I1AM1LTON, Myth. myth, Fell. 1;1, 1w4i. 11;1 It 11 14 )1? S. GE--na'reTY composed of the south half of lot 13, un the 11th con. veai0u,Township of Ifulett. The auil Is of Oa) 104011, being 1iuther,' l pri0r11,311A with beach, uutple, and rock elm. '!'here is a nes er foiling spring on tine prmlise-. 'I'la• Mara is -italic :II nines from Loru 0s- horu'41 Uiu11, and 7 04114s from 1'liltuo. For further ptrticu lure uddrcas1 e-1-310. .lett. :list, 1,43 JVIIN .41,•411'LLEY, llundae, 1'. n., oft. 1 ) FOR ) ) � In:INn AtiM11ORI.i: T.I.,tnn. nun, v, 1 ,,. nsl�i: of 1;odrrirh, emitl0nil1g 0) acres, rlca n•, 1. Thr ':ons is to good condition. II arms of fall wheat :111,1 3" acre, of full plowing. Stables mol oat techs n,e,, all conn enteritis arranged, also it good he arc 1164 arc hard. ror p.nrt:col:u's apply on the premises to 11 3, 1'1' It111', f•; -It liuderieh township. FOR SALE. 1.019 13, 11, If. anti 10, Block I!, Ilia'oimel'9 survee, in the 1 Mau, of Il'r 11.. ',here is on the prenosus a g , nl brick ,Iw \\Oi'4g h ,esu, :111411, 0110 (11111.11 half stories hi•, h, 1vIf11 gond stuuu cellar, full 4114; well 1011 pump ; n vhui,•r r•dle.•tlun id fruit, and a good fcnrc. It in bauutifllis situated In shout the centre of Chu 1 illgr. and lits be sold cheap. Nur full par- ticulars apply to t' 1[ YI1I',TON, Blyth, MONEY TO LEND. Thr l'AN.\11.1 le1NI16:II cRIInIT t't1111'ANY, 'ro- ro1,111, is per .ins! t, Iced 011 Mortgage on the serl)r- it) 4.1 Impru, nu Farm pupert\, at the following r. t is ; SIX PER CENT. PER ANNi':N I's)aide half .yearly. hilX ANDA HALF PER ('ENT PER ANNUM, Parable yearly. For further particulars apply to C. HAMILTON,. PROVINCIAL LOCALS. }Blackbirds and crows have made their appearauce to the suburbs of (luelpl3. The city of Montreal, with a popula- tion of 150,000, has a debt of thirteen williou dollars. The city of Winnipeg at the close of 1882 had 1(1,000 More inhabitauts than at the close of the previous year. Mr. Anderson, Surveyor of Customs, St. Catharines. has fallen heir to a large estate in Scotland, valued at sev- eral wtllious. The taxable property if Toronto for 1883 amounts to :59.383.540, being an incr.,ase of over $4,000,000 over the year 1$81' Religion nowadays is largely admin- istered on the European plan. You take what you please and leave the rest. 01107 deaths in 'Montreal last week seven w' re from diphtheria and one from typhoid. More than half were children under file years. A young 111111 named Schahel stole 801110 jewelry from his Toronto girl and gave it to his St. Thowi.a girl. He got 9 mouths in the Central for this Mode of showing his preference. Mr. Jas.. Wilson, of Ushorne, had fourteen Hlleep worried by dogs. fie found a dog lying, beside the sheep and and sued the owner of the dog for tife damage. J. P'0. 'McDonald and' Phil- lips of Easter, dismissed the ca'49 be- cause it was not shown that 111e dog did the damage, 'I'llree h11nllrttl tlionsitnd dollars Were invested in buildings last year at Bran- don. The a,ricultur"ltl implement, trade in the town amounted to $400,000. Next to Winnipeg, Brandon is said to have made the most progre,is of.. any city or town in Manitoba or the Nolth- west licit year. Dir, Win. Johnston, a wealthy far - mor near Fingal Out., owns a milk• white, mild -eyed steer weighing 3,200 lbs. and standing fully nine feet high unquestionably the la, gest animal of the ruminating species in the world. Ile was offered $300 for the heeve by a local butcher but scorned the offer. Vennor says Mai-cll will attain be full of snow :it( ruts and cold ' dips," and a'togetbea a very wintry month; tl.e March storms are likely to. be snow blockades. April will be "fall of water," March and May ''full of ['old and snow." Annther'warning to parents in their habit of leasing young children in the house ahem has be n receive(( from Rawls County, where a three-year 0111 chill Wats r(ra,ted alive by its clothing catching firs dnriLg tle absence of its wiffotller. An infant' was 111,0 badly burned. 'Representative 1 (lbinson, the "crank" pQ ('ongressullu,, m1 MfunuI;ty introduced Farm & Town Properties in the riou.c; of ll, presentatives a bins W u f� U "for the relief of t;ar:tt Britain, ale• FOR " benefit (1frelarel, and the glory 41.1.1144. 1r1,it.r41 !4t'ttes." Thin Meting 114' which these 111110 are to be att,(iued Luing. the GOOD BARGAINS'„ jTh tt moll-hnilt t hrco .lore} Lrirk stern. and ninecninz, 0n the r,"roer of Ilnron nal grange sr r,rts, knew 11 11410)1,,' hu e .tl",,trt! :.c 41,10. 41,1)11,1 hu e ,'•Ilan p.al for other proper!), or cold cheap ,.11 lung ern.Jit • a) That large and commodious frnmu d1e'lliug house, near the 11. 11'. L. trail:, lair!) 11rc11111111 In 4110.[,11,11, 11gcllt, 1114 par',//r, 11101;{ 111111111, ,'curt 1'1,1 room-, kitehc0, pantrn \r„ Large stone .chic, feud And ,oftw.tter in boil linz. 11 ell suited for 1t lane l:uuil, ora h,1,udi11g h"n•o, 1.0)1.x44' )l i0tcd .wd I'i 4.441 r,rn/IiLo,n. .apply to the owner, 31r, (1. Iten- tley, or to the n11dersigned. 1.1rt ,.5, 31:10 Street, (opposite 31r. R. Relyar's r), rrsiderlcel with neat cottage of three roo1118 ;,ml .assn •r kiteheu ; good well and pump; choice tr .it [rens 111 gnrh•n, rte. note' ergn•tt) nn Ciro cit, Street, known 34 1.4111", Ilntr•0, eo'nprsi0g 1(411 11010 building, 110111114 shed, four ch1:c0 'I',wll lots, \1'. That elegant two star) frame dwtning-linos,. "n •l, Ilitro11 Street. 1'liuh,n, sewers, 111 ,i by J. C. 3111141. new orcuuird il(3' 3l r. ,lobo I', 313rtin • 'rhal r ,• lnor.taol p'c'I sirll.,4, d firm, part of Lot (1. u, Il,lr•m lto:ol;'t;o,leri•'h tow,.lip, eolnipr,sing 3,,:icres ,of first alas+ land, 111.1413 ;,11 .lar: 1 .Cud in ,•ol evm11)1on. Good hoi!dilgs, etc, anly one m116 fool 11, N' station, Lot 41, on !isms ytrert, wait the dwelling house 11.111 1,1,•np10d by lir. Simpson, 11, 11'. It. station ;rut. Also, Lot 111 on 31ary street., abutting urn t1:,. ,11,1,4¢ 1,,t. The lots will he 411141 together 1144413a - r11,•1, \ pl,ly 10 the owner, 31r, '1'ho11,as ,11u•kwm, or 1•, the nnd,•r.igne,1. ' 1 Thr 11ons,• uu! Lot, No. sf;,, on 31nrt' street, now I1. 1,1,1 ,i,,I by 31r. \4m. 11414 114. The holseconlniI0 ,herr roo,n, below, and one in the upper stormy ; 141s 11 l•:, kitchen, garde", well, sr. Terms 1•1154, .IThe Stara.111,1 nwrlling on art Is, 1lnron street, . fnnnorir le'lnmtinu to 11. Nurrwortly , and now, n rnpiod by lir..1. 111vmett. Q•c}• .\Igo other lots and buildings tonal,'. .1l'pl3 h, H. HALE, Huron St,, 1'Ilnten MANIMOTH STOVE Warehouse, Hardware & Tin Shop, 1laving bought a STOCK OF STOVES f>101,1110 of the, assueiatiett, on very ADVANTACEOUS TERMS, f nm now prepared to etTer Cooking Stoves Al' \ 4.444,:r: Undhr the Usual Price. Also, a full assortment of Tinware, &c., &c. SILAS DAVIS. restoration" of frelallll to the United Star( s by purrhn}e) or otherwise, "res- toration" is good. Clinton PUMP Factory The nnderuhrltCd, 111 401..nrning his siurero thanks to the puopir of Clinton land surrounding Townships f ,r their liberal !'4 ,nage in the past, begs to inform then) that he is mautlfaetuning this 3 tsar PUMPS & CISTERNS That cannot fail to gle0 satisfaction t0 all. WEIIs Dug to Order. All orders prompt,}' attended to, Parties Intend• in4 to purchase Pumps during the ennullg 8044011, would 110 111! 10 Cou0nn11i0ntt With plc, PRICES DIODERA'I'E. 11.3111 J), 3II7LLOY Clinton, Vegetable ' Sicilian HAIR RENEWER was the first preparation perfectly adapted torture diseases of the scalp, and the first successful re- storer of faded or gray hair to its maitre! color, growth, anal youthful beauty. It has had many imitators, but none have 410 fully,met all the re- quirements needful for Cho proper treatment of the hair and Beall), 1fALL'S HAIR itr•.4FwFit has steadily grown i11 favor, and spread Ito faun) turd usefulness to every quarter of the globe. 11s un- paralleled success can be attributed to but one cause: the entire falfifm'rlt of ifs promises. 'rhe proprietors have often been au rprl.ed fit the receipt of orders from remote countries, where they had never matte an effort for its introduction. Tho 0441) for a short time of HALL'S IIA tit RIINEWEIC wonderfully improvea the personal appearance. It elelu,)ew the scalp from all lin- purit.les, cures all humors, fever, and dryness, and thus prevents baldness.' It )tilnu,ates the weakened glands, and enables then) to pude for- ward a new and vigorous growth. Th1effects of this art.lelc are not transient, like those of alco- holic preparations, but rG1,lairl a tong time, whleb makes Its use a mutter of economy. BUCKINGHAM'S DYE 1:011 Tan WIIISKERS Will change the beard to a nntnrnl brown, rr black, n,.desirMi, It. produee#npermanent color That will not 44114411 away. Consisting of a single },rl 411fl1tl'n)l,'tt int frpplIFn WOltil4t'CRmhle ... Pit 1,1•AI 111) Rv R. P. iiALL & CO., Nashua, N.Ii. Roll by all DerilerM In Medicines. FOR ALL THE FOii DSS OF Scroft lona, Mercurial, and Blood Disorders, the host remedy, hemline the most s0ncrhlng and thorough blood - purifier, is Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Sold by all Druggists; $I, nix bottles, ar,, Brosl ALBERT STREET, CLINTON, ONT.. BEST VALUE IN Teas, Sugars, General Groceries, Glass, Crockery, China Ware, ETC., ETC, Our TEAS are extensively known to be as good in quality and as LOW in price as can be bought. Our FRUITS are up to the . sent '5 requirements. OurCUNh"EC'1'}ONARY will be wonky of your notice, is also in taste and design they are excellent—don't forget taw tasting tart. • ANDREW'S SO1tG iltTSt SYRUP, GO.I. I)EN SYR11P,l:'1'f,, constantly on banal Farm produce takon in exchange for goods. Caste%n Bios., CLINTON_ GROCERIES CHEAPER than ever at COOPER'S GROCERY. __0" The undersigned begs to return his sin- cere thanks to his numerous customers for their liberal patronage for the past two years, and as he hitetnls to give his customers the Best Value possible for their Money, • he hopes to uta et__a continuance of their patronage. HiS 60 CENT TEA Will still be a Specialty, and ran . not be beaten in the market. A11 other Groceries as low MS possible. A Large Stock of GLASS tvARE and CROCK- ERY on hand. Also • • FRESI,.OAT MEAL, CORN MEAL, FLOUR,. OATS, P0TATOS -- &C., &C,' 'Clive leu a call and be satisfied. T. COOPER. ALENTINES VALENTINES ! VALENTINES ! Big Assortment. - Elegant Designs. Low Prices. NEW STOCK OF' O'TTOES. FItEiII A1(IUVALS OF PICTURE FRAMES Ladies' Own Hair Made . Up. CALL EARLY, ! NOW IS THE TIME. 0 r. 'rl r ti, cry 9 Neat to (W'att's Drug Sto •e,,, ALBERT -ST., CLINTON' 'ARSI I/1IPLE/IENTS, LAIRUE ASSORTMENT OF Z 10WS, RCOT ANO STRAW CUTTING BOXES, CORN SIIELLEItS, And all implements used on a films as Good as the Best, and as Cheap as (110 Cheapest, at I I'I.EMf ENT WA REROOMH, • • OIJTARIO CLINTON. BLYTH CAW MILL 5. (OSMAN (.4L DODDS d Aro now prepared to do all kinds of work in their line. Having put In a gratin ornerier, we arc able to do chopping at any time arid An the shortest notion GOSMAN & I)UUUM. IT 0. �4•tt. rl