HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1883-03-07, Page 3TflAV.EL,`LER V!1RE. 1,441461. TruIlk #CaiiwAY. • GOtNCil 'WEST. 8:15 a.m. 1.17 pan. 6:15 pan. 9:00 p.m. GOING -EAST. l` S 6:1-55 a.m. 8:45 a,w. 1:17 p.w. 150 pan. Qrc1Lt Weldon, Division. klAin8 leave Clinton station as under: - GOING NOATH.) 9:30 a.ur. 6:1Q -p.m. GOING SOUTH. 8:20 a.ul. 3.50 p.m. ` CI LJR('U D1tlEC7'ORY, tit. Paul's Church. -Services on Sunday at 11 a.Iu. u,d 7 p. 01. Bible ((loss, 10 a.m. Sunday School, 2 Sur% lee on Wednesday , 3 p. m, Rae. W 1LLian Came, Rector Canada ldet enlist.-. Sem lees at 10.30 a. In. and 0 E1SµL1,,tt,i Se11021 at, 2.30 p m. BEV. W. nit'Du3A.lI, t'an,nr. Canada I'e•ushy h•rian.- Services at 11 a.m. and 6.30 Sabb.tlh 5chuul, 8.30 p. ni. 1138. ALAS. bTa%Y- AnT, Pastor. - llible 1'hrit' inn. -Services at 10.30 a. m. ane 6.30 p. ue. Sabbath 6,•huol, 2.30 p. III. Hav J. J. 10016, (Pastor. , ltapti•t Church. Perviee at 0'^ 0 1. sabbath • Nehool, a 111 1i, v .1. (lit %, l'astur. A4. a'..Je ,•(lure i.:3sarritie ^:N•`.'.a},' , . w.. ry.. ,. . To DISIIASE$, COMPLAINTS and AccmaNTS which liat.vea,.'s Yauow OIL is guaraa• 4i tecd to cure or relieve either in MAN or t. BEAST. TAKEN INTER.IALLT TOR CROUP, COUGHS. CRAMPS, 11ORL+"TII7tOAl; AS1'LIMA, 1 COLDS, •cc. APPLIED EXTERNALLY •OR Eszrr'.)[•1TIs.w, NEUR,•it.t1L1, CHILBLAINS, CAL LOGS I U'atls SWELLINGS, STIFF FIJINTS; GALLS, (PROS 1" WTI; LAMENESS, (_'O l(V.Y, CONTRACTIONS BR'%•eats. -I. U1IJ1 nt•C'O,- .• -- 1111117-- DEAF:MSS, r'tt v tN SPRAINS, r' 1l V ,y AIDE. ,&c. Every bottle tl^tar• ntee•1 to rive satisfac• tion or money'•'ef.ended. DIOEOTI0N8 '•A0H'(6 T),E. Dem dSa T. MSL.$0'1lN 00., Proprietors 0ORON IO, ONT 00 it AD,tl 1,11 m, Ticjll ,ntrncts made Inc J .L.U in kept en file at the, oaice of 1.1)111) \ T1101118, Mlecurtuick Bieck, LIneago, 111. BOARDING. A Nl'MHER Oe GENTLEviEN CAN BF. 'AC - 11 ('Oy1M01 .A'1'E0) with Heard and Lodgings at 11118. 1IU'I'St3N'8, 1furun Street, throe doors west of the Commercial hotel. Ail the euuiferts of a .hume provided, Chitrgee moderate. Clinton, Nov. 14, 1882. • 40.41 NOTdGE. The QL.I;CSES in connection with the Clinton Mechanics' InstiIDtti, will com- mence (}n the )'venni ins .,t THURSDAY, the 14th Inst. Terms made known an appli. • Cation to Mn. CU WI IS STEVENSON. Clinton, Sept. 13th. 1882. KNITTING. Now is the time to get your Knit- ting Done. MITE undereio'ned wishes to annoenoe to th di of (1113(0)) and surronudm3 rit8l)ity; that she leets pr•,u,trod a :mod I(NITPINO 11AC111NE atolls prep trod to du all kinds o Ci.•`:iTO3f W3)101' at low S. L. HAMNER, lils11imecr.- ITurnn St., next door to IlaptNet Church• ('limon, Nor, 2m1, 181)2. `; 31 .1 �s t t ti leo I�UTMT,T - 1;b1 VAIMET.ELE Ir € a li ightrreGcrnnmended for !IIIlotianess, ;;j F' f4 t`S`:5 Mend• Aelu'. Qat►- >i f+ tr" -J htipe.tinn,lndi,res- f. Iqg tfnn ftWrpteesv, Fleavi burn, r del' 011110 -,r.•n:ie, Loan W' ,Ap• petite. Bnandire, 1041 of 1'JrrnorY, Roue wlmn'rb Curr Com- plus any i, lh^g4 Reil?ng'frtun the Stom- aeb, 01o1rr10'%r iL:('ne•1'.. They are eafe mild and thorough to their action. From l toll kills lsa des, D r?^1 2 ^fir: rER 11431. .8,EMOV D.. r 4 .� -- ,r� HO ! All you that have Mead Ache and Fallen •Ilair, stele nt HARRY FISHER'S The Tonsorial Artist, Cranium Mtint pit. la tor, Pacini Operator, and Capillary Ahridgcr. One boor East of the Express Office; OI.IN'fON, ONT. QIRLWANTEO. t 000D SERVANT 01100. wanted at nnre. - a 1. Apply to the (Renew °Mee, -VT_A_1\1-1111:), A 000D, GENERAL SERVANT. Apply to 1 . AIRS. JOHN CRAM, # Olinton..)nn lith, 888)). ' , 2 , GIRL WANTED. :4OOm)1) srrcnnt a•In)ed for n family 011010, to to 1iait The hi¢hr", ('ages, and teas riling ee• pa n.c, to .:.11 p,ld 011ri5 G44.41111. W. hurh.'r) v or to 111 he n I,, flint„n. V -i tf. GALT FOUNDRY, - Engine cg Machine Works COIN N & GO., Iran Ponndere, and 1,nnuftetnrrreof all klndsof Wood -working Iachii.'y With all the Intent IMprnremente, STEAM ENGINE Portable and stationap trip Variable Cut. -Oa Boilers sinal Heaters, Etc. GALT, - 1DNT.. - CANADA. R. CANTELON MANUFATURIIR CJ I,1`S'G PROPRIETOR, or BUGGIES, GUT TERS, WAGONS; SLEIGHS( &C. • L' TMBER AND SHINGLES taken In exchange, (sire mea call and 1 will g�ye you plls.:s that cannot be beaten lathe County.+ r+ ltep;yirih;, and lfor'seshoeillg crone 'nal) despatch. - -- m H'. Ci NTET/U:INi, Chilton Marble Works, HUIF,1 ATREET, CLINTON. _ W. 'H. COOPER, Jr.;- Manufactarer of and dealer in all kind:fo#'-" Marble & Granite for Cemetery Work at figures that defy competitjof. Also manufacturer of the Celebrated Ali'rIP•1CIAL SroN>; for Building pur- poses and Cemetery Work, which must lie )0 L(ii to be appreciated. -All. work warranted to give satisfaction. • • -IN TIIE- Devil's Lake, Turtle Mountain And Mouse Riven Country,, NORTH DAKOTA, Tributary to the United States Land Office at ,GRAIN® FORKS, DAKOTA. SECTIONAL SIA1'•-and FULL particulars mailed FREE to any address by F• •McNALLY, • Oeneeal'Travelling Agent.' St. Paul, :6linneagtoliis i� Mani•toba R. R•,,. 28 E. Front SSt, Toronto, 'Ont V •3.211. .1 CURE W.l! R RANTED. ! MAGItETIC eo ( BEFORE) TRADl MARK. C AFTMR.) t') Ibr ON an fa 1'u14»g, DIalo and I'c'»fale. "'• Positively 'cures Nervousness In all -its stages, Wealc Mentor y, -Loss of Brain Pottle:, Sexual Ppstrtitinn, Night Sweats, 'Sperma Ior-rhrea,'Leuear•rhtea, Barrenness, Seminal' 1Veakness, and General Loss 'of Power. It repairs Nervous Wusle,Rejuvenalesthe Jaded Intellect, StrengUtens the Enfeebled Brain, and Restores Surprising Tone and Vigor. • to the Exhatasted--9e,rerrt-ive •Organs• in Billie: sex ' 1 ' With each order for'Mitte n pack..., -apse, accompanied,with• five -dollars,', we will send our Written Guarantee to refund' the money if the treatment does not effect' ,a eine. '11 is the Cheapest and Best Medicine in the Market: • iC3'Fu111)articn- I.,re hi our pamphlet, which we desire to mail free to any address. MaeIt4's Magnetic Medicine-- is sold by Drng,;isteat 50 cis. -pee box, or 6 boxes for 62,50; cr will be mailed, free et' postage, on red'eTpt of otic +, by address - hag --- 1aK'S-h1A-NETI( MEDI013 E 00.. WI -11164r, Out., Canada Sohl in Goderich by Jas. Wither., and Al Druggists everywhere. 1) 0. BAYS, S0Li0M)i ,`"i 4. •Otiica' corner of Square'and Nest Street, . over.nutler's Rook Store, Goderich, Ont. Ll ' 'honey to -lendtet lowest -rates. of-.: interest. . ' , . 67, QA'1,PION; Attorney-at.4 aw; Solicitor Chancery,Oonvtlynnoo1i', te. 'QtSoe ovoc Sheppard's bookstore, (#o(tor.oh,-Ont. Any ampunt of money to Loan at Lowest rates. of in. • terest.. • t 0 EAGER al: MORTON, Barristers, &c Goderich and Wingham.. ;.0. Senor, ' Jr, .otldor:fa. ,J. A. 11I'orton, W Ingham. I =1y. VAVi'SON & JOIINSTQN; Law, CkRancery and Opnveyapciog. Offen--,Nest-at. Goderich .- ` 57. . W. S. HAI ,.)t Co.: `•"` ' .proprie ors of iiOhiEflIUIEJ111LL. (LATE. PIPER'S),return thanks to the piddle. .1 for the 1 boral patronage: received in the, past • and bog So state that they are prepared to do GRISTI onthe shortest.podsible.netioo;'or- for -the oon ,=. venfenoe of partied liUiag' ata distance, will gxchange Gfists sat Their ' Town toi°e, • Late W M. IIIL LIARD'. S Iiig'hest Price paid ; to • Wheat. TO MERCHANTS : How to Sell Goods. TALK ' TO .- .,--cam.-ti-+.�T•r;�� `" - , TJIE PAINTER' GEORGE _SM1TH .Kingston -St.,, Goderich,. C 0 1'V .:1 1L A C T (.t, ' -Carpenter,Ili•E'FMerun Or his SPRING BEDS canItbe bent,. See them. iOW pr-itws Be$-werk'ttinnrlhik.. Estimates' for Building, ..&c l oherrfullyfurnishod,•Inil malefaction'guarant'eed fu every particular. GEO.,Sil1ITIi 2-10-0ta __. Kings ton-et,Coderich T IL TIIE CLOIV • -1388 Ate_ , 'LETS It will pay you 'to -call: Every tbingguaranteed of best workmanship and a perfect ft. The largest stockofUnderwear in Kueon-see'tor yourseif.. •' A.BR A114.111X SiViIT140 wrliva WER, WALLPAPE:E The time for House -Cleaning is. near. All lranhi Hall, Parl :r, Diniag-Roo' (:,. Room Papers, .. • . will Gnd.the _La,* 'roma wAIL •PAPER Best & Latest Pa.'tteiths- DEC -121,A 07,1 � � g FRIEZES, CORNICES AND PAIEL, S,, FILLERS,'&C.1 D3' The 13,(aaar Fashion Books for ,1882•are out and can' be had fei notfriag,' Call Octsee the papers and get a Book r-YI , tib Irma' He Sells Cheaper than any one on top of the Earth, HOME MANUFACTURE. HILO NOBLE, lifer6lititnt North. Street, near the Square, cI DERIOnt furnlsl or snake Gents' Clothing in. rashionab1e Style ' . !B, t� At ZoNielii r , 11; 11R NOlitli is areorepekletitkEsdutter rend practical Tailot';-. 4:'mialitb na. Mho ' work. Orders promptly attendr1 to, Note the address., -011140 ,N0Ii ,1 forth, merest: Goderich, • • ~k+f•, r„ ..4 r