HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1883-02-07, Page 4es •S. " !44- < ifia ORD. " CLINTON, WEDNEBAY, RES. 77trf 188&, • elle, wgpet Lorin yllvithth tja,P memory rcittlie'bltlestti:lhal iant t)fawegiteatt4Ick 1,1 d stt e la,;`f.tygsi : ThereakaJtepoiy fall of sleet, hail and snow. The colts is intense. Cat legit i sheep will Buller terribly, • • A.Chard, of Sterling, in a recent let- ter, stated that he met with an acoideut Rome time a;o by which one of his 'knees was severly injured: A few ap- plications of ldagyard'b Yellow Oil af- 'tur,ted immediate and complete relief. •Uedoul>tt•dly the bettt medicine to steep uu hand for Colds, C ,ughu, Asthma Bronchititt and Pulmonary troubles gen- erally, is Hagyar•d'd Pectoral Balsam. It will riot cure Consumption, but it will cure those troublesome conditions 'lending thereto. In Kentucky Alonzo Lynch married lso'a Abbey. Both were iu a good asocial position, and there was a large attendance at the wedding. As ethey were about to board the train on their wedding tour•(he couple w.nre ar 'rested on a charge of stealing $1,000 from an uocle-edi the bride, $130 being 'found ut the (,ride's hair. The,talauce was afterwards recovered. An Admonition To neglect a cough or cold, is but to v:1''ite Consumption, the destroyer of the Ituutwn race. Magyars's Pectoral .11.ilsaut will cure the cough and allay 1!•in•itarinu <.f the bronchial tub•ts tend lungs, awl elf,utually routedy all pul- tie,rnary CompL,ints, such as Asthma, diruuclu•is, \Vtioopiii Cough, &c. '1),Lvy and Clark, Druggists, Renfrew flat eof June 3nl, tvri'e, "'Burdock 131ond Bat, r.., though cutnl,arativtelya new pre ,unison, Lis taken the lead iu this lo - day .s it Irinod purifier, our s t1' s tieing equal to that oI all other medicines used "Tor the purpose during the. year.,' Look 1-f vee ,(Peon.) llepub icrrn of .T say says: --'1 ,e deer season closed on - •S.tturday acro+ding to law, end Mi-. K. 1). Smith of •t11i8 city, elebr,,ted the event in a way that he will out fo .get.. 11e and a arty of •four others were 'ltutltingoil You'ig w mtlit'b(h.•el1. About six utiles above the iouthrcf'tl,e creek :,ud wnen a ,bort distance fr in the members of his party, J1r, ....Smith spied .direr• deer. 11 , leveled t4 p,pt•ucer rifle unit lir•,i awac killing thrIve deer, a dor• and two ft wi is at onesltot Lllr. yulith was only about,,40 yards distant when •Ile fired the slum, the hall hrenkipg the ,Lick or dho du whish stood a little ahea,l of the fawns, and s rtkiug the sec cul ,leer baric of the shoulder [sassed t'lron_lli and lrnitr,,1 iu the neck of (ho .third deer. Two of the ,ler vereahout th- sum- 5iz•', and w•eigoed in the neiglt- Lorbood of 1111) !moods each. A gig; investment. U. M. Everest, of .Pore at, states that .-liagyard's Pectoral Balsam still holds its owit amongst the malty cough medi-- ,cines in market. He says that he has sold it lir nearly sixteen years, and the' sales are steadily increasing, one family t{,Itrcliased 50' bottles for varit.us mem- hers and friends;' A Secret. The secret of beauty lies in pure blood and health, without the one or the other i., ituppSsible. Burdock Blood Bitters, it tlae grand k iy that unlocks all the ',secretions, and (Tana the avenue to •l!e.,l tlh by petrifying arts regulating all n••;!)trtn:; peri!,eraeticn). Tt,•„r •u I Scrofulous Dosease-.,uctn elf tlm Blued Liver, 1(idtleys, Skin and Bow ls, and brings the blown of health to the paliiilf .cheek. lataden's Arntic-a'Maive. The hest salve iti the world for Outs„ Il'ruisaa Sures•, ,dicot., Salt Rheum, :Fever Sures, 'fetter, t1Tappeal Hands, I'hlb'laixs, Corns, and all skin. 'Ertip• times and positively cures piles. It is ,1tuarranteesl to give perfect satisfaction or Looney refunded. Price 25 cents p„r box. 1''or *sale by \Vatts .4 Co a el .1. II. Cou,be. - 'FOR SAL, ., '•rl�ltl!AT EXCELLENT BRICK family resi- duum on heay'o Street, cinletiuh, the North-west corner o'' keay's and (raglan streets, eon lainingAliree reception, rooms with grates and ,,narhie maet'e- pieces, eight bed-roou)s, hall, pantry, rlor,•ts, cellar,.tc ; fr.m<•stable, (marl' house. der.; good lawn and garden nicely ''i'•'wealeal weal orn'unenial ri le trees, Inuit, Ac. u an immediate porehn.c•r the above is offer - .ad great 4) Apply to E. IBRIDGEi-, fteal Estate Agent. .9M Dl'Nts.s STREET \VENT, i.oxooN, ()NT. FOR SALE r'j1IIAT CAPITA I. IPRAME t'OTTA(IE nn I part at lots 1271 and 1275, wet side of ' eiouy's 1-1rcet, north of Itnglnn Street—house 51x!1 0 , with addition Idx20 ft., atone cellar ,full sire of house, stable 1 nx21i .4 To an imme- dinte porehn.er the above is offered a bargain. Apply to (rn .\S. E. 1tifYD(iES, Kcal r':stnto Agent, 88 DUNDAS SREET, LONDON. A NY I'1 ltiON wishing to sell Improved • ft ',sans or Wild Lands, may obtain purcbas- •-e rs by corresponding with ('11.1.., 1:. BItYPGES, vr- hand Agent, 911 Pundits -St., i,nttdon. • A C ()"e; L' Ii', I li Ii i1 N7 El) MAGNETIC MEDICINE. 'a M tri aG InPE ) TRADE MAfl'[. < Ar 8P) t) Fm obi anti 1 r,u4 , male and 191,ale. Positively rnreq„ Nervousness in ,1l .its Alaaes, (Vrnk .11emm y, Loss of Arnie Portes, Sexual Peas/ration, Maki iii earls, .s'prr,na- Inrehera, a.ruoonrhmn .1larrsaness, Seminal tVralenrse, aryl' (7rnernl!'Lnss or. Power. . it repairs NP rrnvl.l 11'it l,,Rrjtet,en(arsthe-Jaded Inlrllrrl, .','l re gI! oi //o, EQf''lI"l lrnnn,,, rind Re.slnres Surprising 7}me nnd'19gar • to the j;rin,u.sled Generative Organs in eiIber Re' 147'.With each order fir Tv? SINS paek- agea, accompanied with live dollars, -'we will send our Written Guarantee to refund them miry if the treatment dors riot effect it cure. 11 is lite Cheapest and Asst Medicine in the Market. i1 F) 11 parlicd- lars in our pamphlet., which we desire to ruall free to any .rddres+. 1'Ilaek'a Magnetic Medicine is sold hy Druggists at 50 eta. per hox, or 6 boxes for 82.60, cr will he moiled, free of postage, on receipt of money, hy address- Ing MACff'8' MAGNETIC M,1 DICINE 00.. Windsor, Ont., Canada Sold in Qddortcfi by Jell. Wilson, and al 1Airp8g1.ts eao(ya,berc. oDs e,1L,f1i38t^:�><+yTU9pa1 Q�4et >, otnsts ,of ltttjiiri;o seed itt trederr over Butler's Book Store, Gotlerlgh, Ont. iii" Mgney to laud at,'igwRat ,/POO or %Merest. 67. AVf ONt.Ik LIM Ottl! itwytOSan .eery if and Opuvey4uelbg. Ofce—West-et. •Ooderieb! 67 O41`1PNON, Attorney-at+Law, Solicitor L Chancery, Conveyancer, Ire. O6loe over Shoppard'e bookstore, Goder.ull, Ont. Any amount of money to Loan at lowest rates of in- terest. y5EAGER & MORTON, Barristers, &o., &o. Goderioh and Winghatn. U. Seager, Jr. Goderioh. 3. A. Morton, W ipgham. 11-'13r. W. S. HART & Co. 1 Proprietors of the GOERIOH IILL5 (LATE PIPER'S), return thanks to the public for the liberal patronage received in tho past and beg to state that they are prepared to do RISTI NG on the shortest possible notice, or for the con- venience of parties Ruing ata distance, will Exchange Grists at Their Town Store, Late TV. M. HILLIARD'S. Higlles', Price paid for Wheat. msmt. Varagla Wtta n>Gaod TIIE PAINTER. SkiItiDtRS riN ' Titia H, eELLB STOVES ANIS' TFWARE TSB CHEAPEST IN TOWN.' `The -Cheapest House Under the Sin. Next door ttc,tlle;P;.gttt Ofitge• Oot.12,1881.- •” 18. GEORGE SMITH Kingston -8t.. GoderiC 1, - SPRING BED MAN(( FACT UR ERS - CONTRACTOR, Carpenter, Builder, and General Iffipairer 4 Jobber. pm -Hie SP1RING BEDS can't•be'beat. See them. Low, prices. Bust workmanship., Estimates for Building, &c., . cheerfully furnished, and satisfaction guaranteed in every particular. GEO. SMITH, 2-1.94m • Kingtetun-et., Goderiah }=- all and Witter 'Goods SMITH, THE CLOTHIER, =HAS A— COMPLETE STOC}C It will pay you 10 call. Everylhing,guaranteedof best workmapshiprngdiaiperieLt 8t. The largest stuck of Underwear it 1luyon—see for yourself. ' ABS..:1-$-& S MUM, The itquare. W PAPER V V f Ili— PVAR The time for Hotise-01 Fling is near. ` All wanting - Ha]1, Parlor, Dibia.;- Qom, or Room. Papers,. ' will find the Best & Latest Patterns yi ed- RAT d- D 1 /11.3 FRIEZES, CORNICES AND PA ELS, FILLERS, 8C. ILI- The Basaar'Fashion Books for 1881 are out and can be had for nothing. Call said see the papers and get a Book ` at . iP TLE. ' S. 6a' Ile Sells Cheaper than any oneon top of the Earth. 0g,;.:,at-'aes THE •IVIS A T MARKET, ,41/4 E, q Kingston Street; Goderich. J. B. EDWARD, PROPRIETOR. 4 Pa- Best supply+)f tho choicest 'Fresh Meats; Ham, &e., &e. My Corned Beef can't bei boat. All can be supplied. • Gh/� e • �s�',r.,g�atL'�o;•tt8�a�t�t;•r x»)r�u,,;c�;8�r�;;7z183a��9`tP,�g�,r�:�y��;.?r ��^' HON E MANUFACTURE. - t 0 PHILO NtOBLE, lMere . n a North Street, near the Square, (IODERICH, will furnish or make o,p Gents' Clothing in Fashionable Styles - At Lowest Priees.- ir1- MR'N01{ihE is an experienced Cutler f•nd practical Tailor. vo miafits-ono &lop .work. Orders promptly .attended to, Note the address—PHILO NOBLE, Notth Street Goderich. , -_ 3E3..TR, IR, ” Cabinet -Maker ---AND UNDERTAKER. Good Assortment of . ACME MADE & IMPORTED CalFINS - Atao--- iTrTR, 1 'ITJiZE- --ANn-- IPRANTING:• GEORGE BARRY.. XMAS GQODS ?• BARGAINS] BARGAINS.i-! All those wishing bargains in Christmas Goods should VISIT the STORE of W. Min=== 9 \\110 Is SELLING ' ' • - Moustache and 'Motto Cups, Majolica Ware and Vases' Very Law.' Great Bargainoin Chllgtmas Rrnits. Come and buy your 0hriamies Gotlda.at, dthtn prices, Beet assortment in town. Remombertheetandt WM. MTTC 141) Ojposite xh . $ sink • i