HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1883-02-07, Page 3• TR/Anil: •, 411" (KG W} ST. ?TO 5 a.,ril, 1:47 p.n1.6175 p.n. 9.QO arr. G(l 1 U I BT; , 115 alta 8:45 a.w. 1:17-p an 3.5.0p.in. Great Western Division, rett1,04 lea've Clinton station as •under.--- GOI,NO NOATIi. 9:30 a.m. ¢:10 p.m. GOING SOUTii. 8:20 a.m. 3.50•p.ut. t , , CiIUilCU DirRECTO'ItY,, S. Paul'@ Ohutch.--Sorvicea opsiuid i . 11-�.ut.- rud 7 p: ilia 'rani Cls, TO'a.m. Sunday School, 2 p.ni. Service on wednescley, p. m. HWY.. WILLIAM CRAIG, Rector Canada Alethodiat...-Seivices.aj10.§0 a. m. and 6.90 p. in. Sabbath School at 2.80 p m. Ravi Wni, Mt/DONA/ 4, Pastor. Canada Presbytorian.- Services at 11 a.m.,and 0.20 a in. Sabbath School, 2.80 p, cu.. Rsw AIAML.'STs;w- ARR, Pastor. Bible Christian—garricee at 10.40 a. m. and 0,110 p. m. Sabbath School, 2.80 p, m.. Attu, 4, J Rlca; Pastor. BaptistChurah.—Sarvico at 10.80•A.m. and 0.30 pan, q.tbbatli School. 2.,40 p. m. RKv d. VIRAL, Pastor. MONEY TO. LOAN. ,fiE GUELPH, ONTARIO, INVESTMENT AND SAYINGS SOCIETY, `. T11E undersigned have been appointed Solicitors for this Company. Borrowers ca» obtain funds at lowest rates and have mortgages drawn to suit ihernaelves. No dela} s. Lout charges. MANNING & SUOTT, BARRIsTEl3S.5&C. (Minton, Oct. 5th, 1882. The CLASSES in connection with the Clinton Mechanics' Institute, a6t11 com- mence on the eventual of THJ, fl DA.Y, the 14th Inst. l',!rm( nliiile knnitm an..appli- cution to Ma. CURTIS STEVENSON. Clinton, Sept. 13th. 1882. CauieIou Bras,. ALBERT STREET, CLINTON, ONT. TBEST - VALUE Teas, Sugars,. General Groceries, Glass, Crockery, China :Ware, ETC., ETC. Our TEAS are extensively known to be as good in quality and as LOW in price as can be bought. ,...Our FRUITS. are up to the season's -requirements. • OurCONFECTIONA1tY will be worthy of your notice, is also in taste and design they are excellent --don't forget the tasting part, - ANDREW'S SORGHUM SYRUP, COL IiEN SYRUP, ETC,, constantly on hand Farm produce taken .in exchange for broods. Cance/on. 8, 68.1 ADVERTISIIF. TH1raata made Mr This PAFM:Ii whish Is kept on ilio at the office of LORD 8.. TIfOIIAS, AleCtorntictt Blbck, t:Iiicago, I11.. 39n ACRES FREE —IN TIIE— Devil's Lake, Turtle Mountain And Mouse River Country, NORTH DAKOTA,' Tributary to tho United States Land Oldie at BRAND FORKS, DAKOTA. SECTIONAL MAI( and FURL particulars -,maned PIIEE to any address by ^CI:I,Ittirplt WHIMESpAir : YEA, Prtf, A14`r1iI1l;U i'J!'l<1!&'A)G tievizuL's. lll!oJli'1 u . TueicIGAMIIIrz 13114$01/,'' met at Sea Nib. A'tilotion 440 'made by Mr, L. Thorpe iu, kayos of eureigetuating with the ,South Huron Society. The nietioli carried by one of a mtijoxit-y, Nr .John Hannah was elected President and L TI1Q ne,Yt-Pres�iloltf Thej91.1csw-' frig gelitllealen were e1eer d' director( - Archibald, Richard McKee and J. S. B"otvn ' Iiullett-_ Robert,Artnstrong, W'. McMillan' and Tilos. Neelins. Tticicgrawitli-Geo. T. McKay and;_W• aS.11 untltill.: Seaforth -John .Carroll: I lesstl• J)?, Johnston and Andrew^ Young were appointed auditors, .4. vote of thanks wa8:.passe to the returning rffieers Sorra IItIRON, .,let at»ii"rucelield, Hugh. ; ..ove, sr., was elected'Pkesldena Leonard- Bunter, let, Vtce1-1.'feisident; 2nd "Vice, • Roleert .Dicitsen; ,G, E. Crejvwcl1, • "eSe cy.Treuil„. Directors—, John beacotny Thoalas Situ $oth ROTA,. McAllister, John Willis, .T nie6 riC11. d; •Thos.'Russel, Dr. Coleulan and Donald McGinnis. On motion of Htigh Love,• sr., it was resolved' that all, of the - branch societies, .% !II may •wish: to secure the,nwxt fall shearltnnection With the Countysocr'ety are •reeque+sted Also, a full assortment to H. Rd delegate: to attend A. nleoting of • c. • the directors to he held to Hettgtil On ,' ��• St the lust Woclnesclay' in 1'tybraii,ly audiwTin wr `C�ire, {,JG/ Warehouse, ardware . 86 Tin Shoe STOCK- OF STOVES Outsielp.of the association,, on very. ..�1< v ' • ADVAN CEOU$ TERMS, . . hew prep to offer ogking Stoves • T'A I,ARaS ruttouliTAGo.", Under.- they Usual. Price be pi ep'ared to state terms arid' :ecu• �e rttonaittpitt which they,pur.ptnie 30111 ing tli'econnty gocrety in forming the -frdi'--stiow. :lir, Targe .T;,: uc,Kon and Ww. Charters were, re-apporuted. auditors., Messrs. • Wut..Wi.lson . uric(.' Jas( Pickard w'et.e appointed delegates to represent the society at, the PFQ• a� vincial fair to be•helil at Guelph this fall. WEST HURo:1, int t`in Goderielk.:The;. total hiceipts of tltei.: Society for . the., year amounted to $1,938,' end the dis• bursements to $1,840. There fit a halauce of $91.1 its. ,rho•' treasury.. 'Thi' following officers were elected, for the cut rent year :-W. Young, Colborne, President ; H., So 411, Mullett, 1st Vice- President; W. J. i-Ttydep,. Ashfield 2nd Vice•Preeident:.A uh..Dickson'and W. Campbell, auditohs. The following directora were trlectud out of 14 nomili- atr+d :-J. A. 'll5arcoe; J. J. Fisher; T. Carrel, J. Glen, R. B. Scott, J. O. Stewart, Colborne •, G'. J. Naftel,Goder- ich township ; R. Medd,. \Vetit -1l Waw auosh ; S. Andrews, C,oderich. A,.t :t. subsequent meeting of the new board, J. A. Varcoe was elected., ,Secretary;. and R. B. Scotty Treasur, r, for the current ' eer. REMOVED. HO C.. All you that have Head Ache and ,Fallen Hair, cul at -r HARRY FISHER'S T6 Tonsorial Artist, •'Cranlum INnnipu• Bator, Facial Operator, and -Capillary Abridger. • One Door, East of the Express Offiee,, CLINTON,' ONT: • �I PIUEN. P• LARGB ASSOIITME#T obi• PL0-w:S:. ROOT AND STRAW CUTTING. BeXES, CORN StI;ELLERs, ' And all Implements• used on a farm as Good as the Best, and as, Cheap as the - , Cheapest, at. . . J. S. IMPLEMENT WAREROOMS, F. f?oNALLV. General Travelling Agent. iL INTON. •. - ONTA:RIIQ': St• Paul, Minneapolis •& Manitoba R. Illi Front St , Torontia, Ont ' 9:2m. 28 E. ' .Clilitan� ymtp , for ` Farm & Taw., Properties FOR SALE. GOOD BARGAIN' 5.. 1 That welt-bnitt .three-storey brisk .Stora and , dwelling, Ott the cornet of Flurbriand Orange streets, known as the 8lbuntcaetlo store. Would he, exchanged for otherpropertYV.Of AAAd gtlenp on Ion credit •I'' i,]] 4htt largo and commodious• frame dnelfingg Id. house, near the 0. W.IL track lately eat► 'fed by the station agent. Has parlor diniak room a Bht hod rooms, kitchen pantry Ice,, lar{ a stonecc 16r, ha`ntand soft water In hntl-Ittige..%t'ofl Suited for. a Ira fetidly or a boarding bonito, Lately painted and In.good condition, Atyiittly to tho owner, hit. 0. Bcn• tley, or to theitndereIgned. Lot 1120, Ma'ry'Street (opposite'dl'r.0. Hetyar's e . residence).• witil'"Sedt i:ottaga of three tonne an summer kitchen ; good well and pump; (choice fruit trees in garden, etc. 4The valuable hotel. property on Victor�,,4kaStreet, :. Clinton, known ea "Lands -Total, Co'inprfeIng lk largo hotel building, driving shed, foul choice 'Own late, &c,. t''Nutt'itt Magnet two.etory'1151110 dwollnig hOOusp 08, •), Huron Street, 011nton torinerl ''bblidd .1O Miller, now occupied by Mr.,,t`ohn i'. Mart% 6That ehotooand wall -situated farm, part ofLot ..e, Huron Itoad,Oodorlch township; comprising 65 acres of drat -class landr•hearly all cleared and in. ,rod condition. Good bundinge, etc, • Only ono Mlle from G. W. station. . bry et 21, 91, on Huron Street, with thodwetiingr boitse 4 • now'nt;cuprad by Mr. Sim eon, G. W.,11. station agent. Alen, Lot 40 me Ma street, abutting on; the abovo lot. The lots will a soil together or *Spa. ratety Apply to the owner Mr, Thomas Jackson, or to the undersigned. r,,The Reuse and Lot, RoyNo.845, Ma Mstreet, now oscupted by Mr. in. Davis. 1'he houee¢ontaiita three rdbme below, =done In thq,troa r i sn;oy ; has hack kitchen, garde'*,;'; well, &c; Tornio o18y. oTft08tores,nd 1)welfffig-en lot 1$5 Beton threat, ..7. formerlybolonglna to 14. Nottwet,ky, and new occupied by Mr, A. -13onnott. . . (('Aldo' 0ther'lots and Guftdings torente, Apply • ta_ r 1^i. HALE, Uutat St,, Cltatoa 10 1. • • GOSM A & ' ,DODDS� _ Are now prepnl•ed e0:(0 ail kinds of work to tleeue line. 1t.ivTn put .10 a (;Tarin crusher, we are able to dd chdpping at. any time and An elle siu+rtest rrotiee, • GO8MMAN dc1)UDON Myth 60q. 17.133u tt tG -ANDES.: To Drsasae , COMPLAINTS and AGCIDSNrS which HAaVAnn 5' YELr ow On: is guano,. teed t0 cure or relieve tither w nits or TAKEN INTER,JALLY F011 (78017 ',• ' c0LG Sr -CRAMPS,- .1 Bonn nio4'; ABT.rt., rt 1'COLDS, AP.PLIED.EXTERNALLC OY;; h 8! i111111;� 1, f1, :aYL3CR4L.J r I. • 'CILILJ3Lt4ZNs, •,0,4LCO'TS„I:G'MIPS sWELLZlvG5, : arrF8' IQINTS, GtAzzs, FltuSF UULTL,'' •zAzippiynrw.4,• .;018Ni(, r• G10D'1TidCTXO LTT1t17ucto, D1+:dy'%ES4, SrRt2XN; `; 1 s0.04 rn ,?7411.0 • livery bbtil0 Tzar M:edt tuft t`:;rtt5t5Ct' tidti'Or money refunded. 1.. EIRE{ IONti WITH'AOlf'101(1.0. e.R(OEJiar: T:3211481 RN�';700 ; PWti latAis 1ott04 l 0,” bar. •Zr ,!;nxly LA! 64.64 Y.• �C ton:J[arble orks ,- HURON'STREETI f CLNTAN. • W, H .0.00AER,'Jr,' 'Manufacturor.otand deitIor'in all tInd sOt ;; F Marble-It—Granite for.Ceineter$ •:. work et Rgureatau ocit sitil'aitlou leo 1niuiuGieturci;'of ,tbo Oelebrated`k Ai►TIFwwrAI'SruNt3'for 13itilaing purr-' ro5Es-and Citifetery Work, li.hliel1 must'. be :85011 to by.appteeiated ;fill work" k 4witrrii'TIt 11 to give 8fitielaction. - 'tt sco...aCeA Ib'1 -) tthTx -VskrierAit41 ; 131it►tut'tmconrmea se . for Ohio isj caO, )IetlelrAclU*. -tett., "+.r"'t • s tlpietto n,lpd lggea- IGi,,1009.z .,nes;, lllearibartn, ,. Suit t',rs-tttli , Luis lIT Ap• Sxeritor 01110, .CaunsUe1e,-1'.osx or Je. Sdu Arlene tell Llver•Cobr- 1iliUnl,or. any it es9:motno-fr{'fh the Ston-- sial,tki' kareishe idoer•:i ThL'yvar0.ddfe, r. l.tutYdthotnpg Suthuituct:un.; rolnator. pilleisa dose i >i m last`: aPui mor. Tho:nndorni•ne,l to returning hie.sincere thanks fo Eth people Of Clinton eaird'tt therpanling To\vliships y /� R O /y n for their li�oral plitronngu 'tithe past,bogs to inform f`A= Yf,iCR.I 1'iNw them that ho f9 manufacturing this year' . PUMPS �& 'CISTERNS • d O'hatcannot-fall to 51t•0satiefdction"to (illi e ti s •: i ug to J or- 7'7.•!--. A t. A11 nrders.prorli3itly` aitetided to Par lea- ldtdnd., lnir to�purehasaalhl'pilsd during the ao�thg a9aeon, n' uld do well t0 eolNtilnntcato with tire.. PRIQEs ,AtO1 BRA.TE; than ever tit BU•'SQ OCE• 'rho lir dprslan tl 11e'g yto xetur,'n X►ia.sh. corc'tiiaiiks rn his.tiliplIlrOus eustotne f„, for tlioil' lili rel patil�tailage ft i tlltr past : two ye ertr, anti • 41g.•••110414!)/141R.; t1i `I(ivµ• ' `lliiicustonie;rs the 'Beet -Taint); possible - fr,r tlieir Janney,'he 'belies ter ulcob w contiiivaiiee: of their patronage., I1y3tn D -i11ULT.(Yt :CX3ition. I Irl -, ;NTT: GALT FQODPV, Engine 0, MaChine! Wore rs COWAN " • Iron Pounders, atilt Atentiateturera 01 all kinds of QVr11 still bsA'ySnt iRilj, Mud”:can- nok. )So tetitteiV, ln',t1IO' market " A)1 ether, Proe'e the - Groce it f1 a's lOW stir pons- ►lri« ` A Largo Stool. of t$LASSWAREaiit1 C.ItOlir4 ERY on .heat►t1, Alao� i - . ^ . . % i 1tl' 4 MEAL, CO. RN ME 'L OOI 'fQrkilk . soh 'Y ins, :POTAx 0E6', with allthe !Omit twin:en 16»t* STEANM. ENGINES Potable, 4411(1 3tiittOl464t: With. acia,Ate dtii-ti>( • HHoffnrg air 111r #lrid1% l t r, QAL`.f"1 ot ONT .�i iNADA ,Vptir..:tXiii, inti Taeoallattd..lieVdi448Od.