HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1883-02-07, Page 2'
• Igl.par r".
IeW Abetment'& this -Day.
tdee-Ny W1,:senai1a:
eGoods,--T. Jtiekson.
Works, Ageary•-•4: V stem).
ZelAess amiTeab.ary.
Vskantities, Hale.
it is rumored thstit the B•ritish , Gov -
eminent has tleletsti to give Lord
Garnet Wolseley a zojaxaUou from
his police duties, and send him out 9.4
floveruor"General to Qattadq, for the ,
nex.t terra.
For calling a drinking saloon in that , •
MO. 1•t cItir -*!'oteataltle placenthe Winnipeg
t% 0 it it Times halo bees asked to apologise or
stand a E.D.it 'fpr libel. The Vino pre -
THE COOERICH NEWS feta 10)4 : •
The 1.ondOn. ..Prk Press announcos
Iocitteleet Willi -till be held 011
'the latli ,t3f lard' next. Our friends
• will thus see that the titna for action is"
fshott,eod. timt there:is not"one
Obit= WOCI):180d.. Febrtlairy •7th ilathey itvtreieiTkrelttiobnotewe„mr
.1411? ?Lite I.
Mowat is, par excellence, the
'‘‘.0011"0011aster•,InItilSttat is. bidding Christi". Statesman and yet, tbe police
for ttlr Catholic support," "Walter .had to arrest his cuiployes in the in
g offices of the ProvincialGoveirnioent 100ton:is counting. witlitint Ins , ' '
" The above is ft Qin' a journal devoted to kr warkkg °0 $lindaY; At Mr- Mow
• • faction, and the ereating ' or sectional' auggeaticat V0rbar°laga WW draP
and relit:jogs discord.; It is•poblishea Pad.
• in Gottlieb; Poes the ivriter consiaer _ A horrible e e of brtitality has been
eas the "host"0f l."„ohtistorti V. W. uneortherl " Fe trolia. Milt Oman
• johneton is 1.reitening withetit hito at brute b e notile of Stra11ie aPii•lted, to
events; but itot without the Catlin. 60 rplianis Beale, London, sdinetime
Ties. There, is not au in telligentOatlfor ,o, and suiceedrd by presentins cert. -
in West Hurt/0 who will vote agaixV lien tes'froin elergYmen in get thy tir boy
R W. 4e1mston bCcatise• he is' Co.` tity aud gii 1 abb„,t on yrs of 'ago gut of
Alaster. ,E. 301.oston ..s• not the 404-ne. ,-, The grrl was 'treated fairly
,..4.1eme-00.tott‘r•false vete' es• and is well but the inhuman: treattpent the
iot ashameitto sayThe s Froteigtieto 'boy received the hands of his .gilut•-,,,••
. .
Clinton Reoor
• Believing in the principle that Goode should not be 4rriod over froAn'one seaon. to another;
antle o
ool Square
et ..Cost:
This is. an opportunity. not to be missed, as our Stock in the abolre Lines has no,. equal in the
COun- -H-7-To-InAke:thij'Sa16. the nior0Tattracthre, we will sell ourPopular Brands:of
Which are the
... ,. Ogtholiq' are going tb vOte against him ""v'.•as at on ..'Frida)i :Anti in•Oniht
..,kod while he',.. deeS. . t partide•,,that he 416i,afonr:st .uneAxula rripletit; in ,the. anial*Q't
• vote for 141 on. Okra acCount, and those
is OciuntiMastp he • is not. ashani tl, iveiteril Ontario "He tvii.8 .beattit• by
7Prt,11131....doe .11(6 "P,'•°96 thr4' liOitioli.flad tO. be'amputati4 Scianntie '
'who "--assert *it 'Ruch i's. the.,eaSe` are . • • • ' •
to. say iris: /hut : lie asks no one • .to ' 0 Ilia :until , his , little likek was .-Spamed
,( , . .., of :the boy's feet were frozen.; and a -
. • '• I Susianitled for 'lours witliou food One
with sears,f tied up by the thurni'm and
IN:DARIN:- b ' '
ircilkholis, voted, agninst him on that eliarges=ono or nog eating to lend sod. •
• •- , &Audio the child and the other''fOr
at,•coan.f,•they wenht Tote a(;ainst Co . -
, .. . , q . sank, • It is to /le. hopedtdat he'Sill be '
• lioss_for the.eauleireaSen, • While Col. . punished to theloll txtent of th9 law..
:Itoss.may he only nun matly..a. Pro.test- . the..eat.o4nineltails in t;lit .be- '• applied ...
' slit, he is.serp,fnly' not,la catholic. This - with . good results, idt1;ough it would :
• bugbear “Oconnty 'Master” bUsinesa will • il't be aajee:'"iare. a 'Paaisin:Tit,..,' ". he
•i_ ; deserves, The Obi id reit ain
• `iebet. eared
• itot deter ..Catholipi—we htave. talKeu • •
. ,. • - . ..,.• -. • • for. The lloy—yt, .idino,St a babY,--:
with Many Of, tlie111::.frOin Yeting• f Or will be e• erippl f lif '•
e or e. ,, •
• r• 40111.11011. T. IV.- Jelinst'9)); 411(1 bis : • ,.. • ' . - '. ..!•• --: •
,...• . . ••• - . ••• ', ••
• party, if it.norneS in. :thutr, •hEir 6 done ' . l'Itetioniatjournals want proof of.tbe
•iinere for the !bat holies than col. ioss,„ ;tit -Ulna. Influence 6.icercised hy Mr. Mew-- :
. .
Miss telde pantry "—Brantford Coorier..-
bo seen thitt the above extracts repre..
sentjhe ultra and.Indepentient, press of both
parties in the comity and 'province. 'This we
reprint froni Tits Npw's.Briconn
• "Mr, R. I. poyJe, f Goderieh, has beeit
appointed j.tiniojtalge of the county M awvin
and a localjudge of the. High Court of Jtidiea..,
tui, ', The pontition Ooverninentliai'a Mode'
indice-to tht Merits or chums' of etheX APPli"
Cants if there were any)'for %imposition, le.
rtoy1vis41-1,inig-tiinc reSiclent ot Goderiell, 'if
not a native ot the.tcnvm iltrlianiarshed the
even tenor Of it Co,rreet mid temperate life,'
eVen, against pettY„,localjealonsiesand the too
often. ruinously faseiniting 'attract/Otis ' of con-
vivial associations with adndrable persistence.
He will -Mien curlIexcellerit italge.. and, his op"
goiiitImint is asjudicious bn. the part of the
(xi:Tern:Mont as it 4:Creditable, to.the appoiM
tee. ; 7We are glad to_see-that home numit has
hem recognized in. this case, • eVelii, .agetiliet the
elating au& dog.in.the.manger denteution of O.
pcirtiim of the coulay'prese:e •• • ".
WO. ..Wavottld iiiIt: descend ' to'tbis- ttt's lieense iiiipector$ and counitiesion ' ' GODER1011
sort af ainan.lea, i?.11Cth.e. question hti.' ' el's. , Tbere-Sr'e .none se blind as those • ' • - • • :, , . .
.._beewinit'ily.thefnetiOn' jourilalj', refere;', ..S0b-,P *ill, li'ot•Se.e.,." :Half 'a . dozen' baSOS' ;. .11e's: 'Ili,: N'Sral5efield , is slowlSi .". bLa '
. etf t6.:.'.;'`IATItat i has- Jolinstoitl--liq, i,";71.1"iiiit4 .lie. enx:ciitott'Of the evil' traidene3i of .sui,'°.13'-'re.eev.-e•*' ! • .',••;; ‘'. ', ' i'7, .
• - • • , - • .. • . ' . ' ' . • : • ,.' - • , . Goclerich loclge,, No. 33,
• tT0O0 for. the. "Cfat•11.01,Ms'ot West fluilln. :. the preSent 'system iii: Toronto: alone,
. .:nieeth this,ev'ening'fit 8 0'919 -'45.1.A.41! -Ill.
VerSonaTry •Air„.:',Tolins6k, :has. tron is a good grit, and -prepared:6 enhato,a_ siek,•.for'sdni0 time,08' sloWly•iimproving,
tplikhe iptieJ pot' and the who makes the ca,pial who- i; en, ion:4
in0re tor them' his oicponent, *but' them, , And there is hardly a; •••( i'''stistn.b°fIt'be.°•°t1dfeil -itubir)fc'reing
• . • , trio mance aw avora y coin-
- better thiln all be is -allied -With a part,y locality in. On t al•io whore .,the conduct . rneflted on generally,
aim. is and. his' ''•;deato re' kir ort'lle4 (3. ili6itils• of *rtit Mowat • (.1.0es, , 'Pile 'regular' nionlbli• -nreet:ing.' of, ithe.
• • : look. soineWhat not .,School. ,Bottict topic place on 'Monday -
the' Oatholies therriair_Shaie of repres •
• • . , wrr t. I In aws as a acting- e .er,ent •
.1,011vation. and \of -LQ._ f6L1).. •,tra.iric e find fault., It iS;against ' Tot,dat-being•Aghp ' Wednescliiy there
cannot bo,saidsof: 'ROSS and par- ' he..i,aking' the w or: of grant:11:1g . Will. per seryloes-in St, George's ohnreliat,
• • Withojding licenses froin,...the_.,i-n:unici-••••• 094.32.0k.'..a. , . . •
.•• pal it ies and 1 essen n r ;--revenues Art'•'"4••.13'., Piwiti'd is still,. suileriug iroM,
ent of the • • • ev ere Attack of inflammaterv
• that Ji , t -is an int if, ren wi h the fiber of •-,pose staying till,spring,
"5: - • ' • - ' . . soon around again. •
ap ointees of ,the pntarto Government, •••
I Cibl;ti and children le'ft on
800.7'.11 Leuhozti'.. ; s ralizing and haleften. tincY• libriclay for the ,east, where the)", Pllr-
; instal:lee° „ 11180, Which,' we Contend; Tls s
f Ulf bettettreatin •
Clatholiceity.'Pretestant ConserYitiV,es.•
our 'oll .friend will
,'Itior'e of enforcini, the law t.sm•••:: " e' ..J .3'
• . • 0 a e
MIL Gita.HA4E*9.'cintnON, did .tiot' get, 'Ore subjeCt'and a dopuvation Of, the ,A grand skating odrnival. tooli• place::
-t,3:te nomination for the Local at tbe peaple of the. Pluilicqkaities Of their oh".•Toesday Offitst'.14,eohi"also'6 meeting
..• grit conve.litiOn et Vt.(i sre tmdoubted . . • g ••• • . Of the Ehg.11§1), ttilUtell` ebirg,rega,tiori: for
,,-, • the plilTnse'-Of;ap"olitting assistant,
glad ,of lidded /we rather gloat.'" ' • . • • •
, over •tlie' feel: Air. Geo. E, Jacksen '""1)11Yle•s AP-P°Int'nC'tt"
. .
Just we.elr as one of .r. anceien s,
the,. ot.usprvative nominee is a :bead week,• 8.agovi,,o expressed our alip-ro,var !)waslianitngliit. single-
.iintt abouhleru....uhore Mr. Catne.r,on „;in 0 _ le appMteitt of „ ;
. . . . _ . . . .
1‘. c1Y Y-. P °I'lin driver, senashed,t re 'aleigh,into, pieces,
• • ,Judoc of the, Qounty. of -1..Itiron. Since then
. atiosionubildof er:;:giitc:iz:c1.-a-bLid ditYm;. w.1.1°,030; ".4...; .cv-0 ria.4,0 , ; ... 4,..c ,, , :, ,deStroyeci ,the harness, and.,canterecl, for.
11....an_ ......e..._n-
der of th obseiN ed in. he Conn y coal rovineial licune at a lively pit ' • '-'-' ",' ' '' '
.‘,...... , .; . - . • ;,, • , , .. „• :press, kiit.i:14- 1 c.1 . ter yi rdtaarks..iertaapy .eoia, 'Mrs. 'H., JP,:oiritstnn and lifies314i-d.<-
coustituqpiial, riglifs ot Tlie provin,ce'ot ..mai.ciabi,:-.,. :,,, -, ..,- --:,,;,-,,,,..„ •,., ::. ,;.,,, -,,,. :, ... . . jug ,.,6iiii1/4:t4.1116.4,-,,,iieloi,,,., ball.a6 is,r.,•00.4..
Qiita.1 100Y:co! ' F-14rtl iam,Cfftlio'ilialietii,: •-, ' 'All ekir,pi.e, a•il.l 'o'Cl elitl'olOilfsi; ' to crWrite the last Wriek: ' •Thii...jourriey. thiLhef. ' Was ' 4,.
ablis);riglits Of' tiro Pet:pie:of 1-11.1rOn in bailads, of n nation and•kcirenotwinicentrels rough one,. but id' not (seem o affect.
• tin t pc t na, an m i c pa aj,„...-.,...:-.,,,eYer ,au:tliey,prOpienaded round tlis-,ba it
.Yeb, as 'we said' a SliOr't lt-itne ego,. :'Igi..•' ...(i) •''' 19'".").i.41ussenis"9. P,s;`,"‘-.':V.F41:111-kq 1.66111 'at' th°,110' al °Pero:149o" -''''''-"
CamerOii is.' nititli -ri.uporior '1-tb Mr.
. BiShop; iti all . thab. should conStil u ta 'a
"revrosentujilve. a ,t,fik3 ' iiltelligent poi -C.
. :: atifttenet of.S:oultii • Huron. • ',filen .Mp-,
Lean, , of the . lpositei•----tvell,'„),ve aro
'• e tliad'ogiad'Arrat ::111UO wau•riOt. the
71 s' • f I U'l
c ic en one 0 81': '.' . • 0 14. I/
• lea 14, compatriots 'out. of .the. licindage
. . . i .
..'•.they Are kept in '. bY, ' 'win ppr r-sria.P1 ind•
.. . .
j,:c.oko..., i . •,. • , . ,,,. , . .•,., , ... el. ,oe, ,ike ., .ali.,,i, prestO - a,-, decided
• i • i liVi 1 l d i 1capacity; its army er.inpyyl• prineiplo which 'Sir- thela°'est•as e•Y. seemed 1:ighte. thank'
,10. _ :•9•.P1 nwIL, s '18 • A townsnion letteiPleot',
if he had said, "allow', 'week. from $,sjater Ntanitelut, in
, "hie 'to select:the. hest ' available Material it'UieS,s,tatedIiii„itt the".(tiermoineter.regid..
'"th'ef'13.116,11; and- ..l: •„(1,efy all the assairltke:f. :tered 5(I clegree$ •zorq,,.•air.tl' that, .
ConstitittiomniOngcrte subVert', the gle0otis'. •tl),e•breOth ,frern hr
• .• • on the gotta Iptift .
. • -
-"inheritance 'ofl)fitish fer -Mier 'c•rysalized aid fel, , snow flak
Conac ion, higkorriow,-rieli or °or." -Judge lrh. gg Ci n 'oh Choir to the
1O4' le hos not had, the adyentitit) •$ aid that nanlher of Is under • t.he leader -811,1p of .13 ofer.
; •
, •
owest Figures qmoteci: for over two years.
Every- tiouseheeper should makea note 'of this.
for or Siir.•Twe
The Execu,tofs to the'Estato Of the late
• ,ipOra'19id,,.Solatioa;tutriba,q6,,
DOokno.hO,'..SOPones 'of the- efrott,
; p.o4Qgin.9e, Sore. Th:rodfil.011-
ingeand,Spro(iia,,,liarn,t'On.d;•,;''' •
Scafd,s',„ GOnbral .80dily • •
• .-•• -Pain s •• •
ToOfb' On el 'Headache Froslod.'"
• Foot ad :gars and all vac'. ' •
•'Paniltand.,Aoh•o•s', , .
Preparafibri on ''',i,"arth.;aqtads T. ITArnli8 'Ort •
. as 'a' safe,. sttre, sift:Otos and cAecip Externitt
-rerztkly • A trial' bat ..the eonwartitivolY:•.:'
outlny ,of 50 Cenla, mid every o'n.e.suffe'ring'",:.
:1•14.4 palu ean"linvo. cheap. and 1.109itiee'proo ii it
•• . •••• Illreoilons in il0i,en tanguagee....:• •!,..,
,• •-• ' zEDicintn. •
• Cr,j. .
. .
' Chiiier.ts iye n.orninee for 'the local
',The 'vice -chair -,-was ably
114 byMiti ither,DptitY;Heeve-of
-Stexilien),.. The .1.ciiist .11,1The_QUeerill "Was'
.d rank :With tlieheriers, - The"Dorninion
ParliarnelltP Wit&r:08pOriclettp bkpvRoli.
lins,,who gave. snaie.' Very.iraluable:. infor-
mation coneeeni rig the working 7'i:if that
body,. The "Lecal.Legialature". was re-
apended 4o by. Mr.,. G. „B,-,Jackstm • the
Conterilative Candidate„, in a velIk'iferel•
ble and ifistructivespeeeli:.,..The."Ootin,
ty,-.0oilifoll"/ was ably '.rei;poricletlf%te,'' by'
en wo:reiponded to by Mi, Fried in,
his 'Usual merry styte.-Elteter•Ti#Ies:::. •
otiori4itisrowlisldp.'• •'
rr n Bayfield Road,
liAS,•holight• 4h excellent 111,1y from lir.
,:fiihtiM,agleson, of tlierPigfield, 'for
' 0.••
'........;31ir..11arry Gillingham, of the DaY,Aeld
eolt! 6 111r11-lear7°,111•9°,3 tGMr
seine lifetliren have had, ut lie hes: ProiesserNewinan.; Sleighed tol?ortAlbert
More mode ,up by.?.tillril'eafctiPer:seYeFaimp , t IVed ries'clay .and • partimpotec 10 0
for -what lie tyas, denied: • thht- respoet.. ')Iie tea Inetir1-1, s9elal; lie' ell
111 t th • , • merit was for -the, benefit:et the Port
But .m00 , yea v at le mintateu. Sir,l,dward b 11, , ,
partisan tatters.ias g;;
- toe in melt -evidence-a t•Oo
• • .fr ErtiZ .° •• 9 • "Six tiottis•' in sfoop In law's ravettadv all • '
, • The '. itnitriariii;eeting of the
norotalberal Conservative Association
Wirs lield at the 'Co.iiitnercial
Eketery •op -Tuesday -afternoon • of
Week.' ' The President :gr. • :bis.vid., 0.
bodupied the •elmir, and, ,presid.
. spp6:0( . ei;,:
nt u'
ination pwo .re411y.,•'slesi:rymg,ean;,:,•;r0.n.po, g
" ilft4i.'7t;1!%•A.Pgl't " :e.1: 84 tol'uoT:Itr,i'rli:tigg..: ob,jr.;tari. aj:ito° 11( st: ito"y4ii 09v ijt oa:nt:1 to; e.1.4fp: 611.11::r _a 1:1111 t :pc; e re ,y..1
1)4.Y1°0•1'.'SttiletileCIO.1-1't .beffig-inerelv ail
statesnianlitr,rli; 40 ".""r' • ii.jit.44,746 .,ye.)pioNy.A4 bR.:rpalrori•,',ot94.
Slie„ 'het te11 toiot n, Jnnjei,sc»,
. • • : • e • to.i, Oli-11:11,?d,‘; '0%9. rae..a:1„,°.°; • eject '&•a • ".e.cee4c
T t t' e worm Illot end o
Itl.al•jOaa' • •ll :Bore is ivhat • ' • '•:1110,"Ilierpitelj goelot•Way.,• I3 ach, by a 1ath,tio ds
.,Taelion,„ was re.4.0,110,er.i,get.,,.,as
, • ; ", of 13'. li.",$(1,, '114 '•junioi,. Jt:tdgq,(1.11110 ini6pria; . of :llidip4yottti•:furoi,,, •111-, i-pocter• add resiied:' the', meeting.'
• go toe', unit Ct. tal0 sta,43- ' • ot.,i ,i• • g ,to • iktf: .• •• : united .• •
, . , • untIntY- ,1•.• ' • 110(1401C11, HAS, De6/1 S,91 ' '1•41 y01. .nseesstty. of
16 Nits. of D,h, 13i,gifop. clinT. ,
. is said th hotel . ' (t
" " , • .n
. ,°P..o..PiisVotopa 8110111,1.1' ofltvii "
,.• k:..t) • f';•• 1' • %. u • • 4e'dt.'8°` 4rial`ab'll-
• Jaelison. 'and frhilids need L'Und(q. the eirettnishkil)11 Doybo,, aPloiataleat• N.1%, nt One tiino Iffrgelg owned by I1y, seeretait yi and mi.„„kitoitie;00 Tressuor.
the 11 it e 0.4 46. tvbo seek" co VOCan 1 "51 611113 l'''a°11 n111°1' t°"1 Qt
1°°11sh )1't sele(Ited I .1r11:ws
ti Juno; • 'Nigel • f• 1 el i° • 4 • • t )0 e.ill(hdate of tl
protnnt, , „ • up,o tile ean -Ise. r' ".11 ' • *--,..--PaiLky-f6r. .
111 Ume ti, uto_12o 0y, nri ya ',1•,°,.11c1.11,,,t)011,1111,101, t i v p`',11;1,:t,".6'sr1:9411, rid4111 l'e tat rife'cl )3a rz:171-i 61IPuu. si'P. jtielS' an'
• *C tnadio. t •
• 1:114:ilv°Yapteiro'd''f6o4sasli'd6efill;:e11151Lk•-':Arli•i:ti41;j°fia.a:oe'68.1%Cabt:irr:iatilf...ill-OnlIf:18;k?°krti;Tiat421616'ell'8'i:al.48441:11t;'Ela:. OW -6VC%:ri:4159:1?Y.4. 11131.11;yr e tho
▪ nh on. xxo is a
A is no nue state, I t ' "13•
" l (1" '• fL" isnust'ik-Inc"Inicri'elfablejnagt,"— 'A. ,A:IlatirtifP'Y eak' *C"118erra83knPathY. of 411
erre ). read ail f, ' R
ornrers 0' 11 • 't d t'
. .• • 11°4
• , , en „, r, is iop • ei crie , - • terestin",„rqmpor on ilOrehard' e '911 " eeit." 'Icnv
_ . .
soppottN •anti. i,;or ..T,)1,1,4 60M: illei.170‘11011,t0 Canadian, .W49 13e0j. Alleifs *son CI °hi" hav° 1).1.°S.13644' f 611°'•
1 d ti ott CT. • A , ess' •
.- ingirrepo Lis ie iy ie, awe. i izren t - , •
ft ' ' t re'sitlerice or seVeril years. in • „ . . , .
-.---1-' J.Plii seefirrfnea.,b1,6y. See, if they.,„,,sto not '..jattioilatigs ei "the. Monty. of Huron 18. Oita;
, 48'dett Itf 18 tila,f, 01110,1'40,,,11.1c0 1•Ipone4 '? ' r ' table to ltaii?g,',:i'i" tve,i;;;Yintt Oada•riril'• •iii'1'.01:•01; iro,....look,,fi."4.,.. tho 195 ,,,iia ilyt..,i;t...4i.t.cot;N:olv',vp..,..i. - v-.03,;(311,.;',
ihrin drop 1nto 'Om lap:, and toilii,-aor.1-• • •, • fi•-•"---DaYlaririval11•01,0wit• latYyor,: of .:trtiotree' e.,,...to.ok rii4e.e. Iasi, yritj4.6veer, . ,Tlierfol lowing refefiltioPait.eo' tct,a-trultz' •,,
meat t_ Corifederation must got, . 01,,p0100,000.t 01 Mi 11 1 071:0 4.8 11;0140,11nd ) (1 Stiactfl tgAtwAt 1tidarasti,vuei
. .
ao) .3VISC
- t tett
.• " . • - , a • 9 I, ,
ts at
N d thin% be t.t te "boss" astroms at•ataqi •on 11 to 0, a. walnut:1s co
' :Amer COOtetitl--wOuld raVeoclill ilielrie'sltimi:Mciat -satisfactorily' '! Yinghatn me 0- 14 0 I me' •
••iivElz,f4on'tir UrEit•' •
0151 • •
. 1,11 • . • • • ,• ••• .
eoneeit 0 favor of ligr. 13. • • • -- •
..1.14: -decided on:winding theI• itx GOODStrisiness :is() ,
long and SO' Aiideeskalt,y caiTied on.i.v2Itifn,. and have •
4-1\1-,*.GEMENT-rik obarqe of
who p'O*el' to conquot.•;.11€ C014Ct..a.WacC011.11t0i-
and pay 411 jitubilities. • • : • :' • :, •
'0•Wino'"- to the ieputaiion. this; 'Marilyn oth 'ESta,blislunent 7
-has gained dUl.j.ng :theo.a4 •••yett•rs•,,,thr.oiiilioilt the '
uqneeessary:., •
•• ..tiffice it to say the Busin(ss is to bgl-wonmi
o this Section• °
��kEr. r,07(3,
to be c.ontniuotj Util..the.WhOle• Stock is 'elehitd out
71•5f1): fjliti:give
Wo t1 Ne'l iml e willi ter, siLinkfto.1.6-t bEe
1:00.0.L9 TS .011.A .L.L1.0-;AS'5ES,. 00.Q.14k 011,- ,
d 15th'. 'and lOth ',of :February we 'Will. 0104,the Shop and
4-41-ZO everyPIggE.-: of Goods ic`e$.,17ii!V;13t-
b pixrat::-, • °
r All
o ke•continued:.aS heretolo-re, •
fhe pa'rt,ine, n),(7.ts BusmesN
It8::Allqh{0:1"kt$.-t,ASTOH.: :
twe1Vd.."niOntk's,•..:Is'ilit4.'... •
in the.lii.story.df the tiiad • • .
Ji4v..ery..1.2opkr.tIn.enikis .qof.nplote.plia the,44.eoge,pf'Cli)it40
'bathe ',chance ,of•iito'C' liareforiirei
„ .
',.-ffik4.'.LATIt•f.77MS.T-TSTV.r()K•,0,1?..131RY.,•:(40.o.p§in, the eount
of EL-grori •
11' $ e T71
I/01k 9 *at be,,Wiqrked, •
eind.1.4,0 AS' c.c1.4.41.111i,poioli,.: will be •rioteliloteA'on
tht •
• ••, „ • • • . . ., •
•••'" • -""• ' •• ' bt0a:41,16111ted .410)40 Jiidg"-af • • • T in availed 'ter o ;on f went importanoc. to en, sst t
taxation of the great. -.republic . f1.4a the ebutity,,,Dr unrthi; „ Mr, .Thiyit. lip, oilier, •tng evenmg, •in e. p , ,„ j„,
' •
he We:1r ot, wOOrl 114144 iIta 848f water. ated repeatedly as Jed& at. divisiouvriurti) PPairelYai.44iat:. actd#Si bath'. finua, ' t eat 1.1•ti 'Of all e' era,- - ' •`•••
• I ' I b • t•-sinr• Or 'TO Or° ttPr' 'Or 'Phiti.4.1F
•anti W00 (foal* possessed arthe qualifications •dm 1" and InUslaa IY• num ei •
HTTP goardat 'cm," we 'would saY to far 1110 .1; witl • • rt iending ilibatont% were en the • 4.101,Tog
pos,, 1011 L.,
tO our frlettils it' Smith ' linron • tib, 1301mela oat.. • • . •• . nie mid performed the itnnbees alio teu •••. •
, ,
• • in,Y totie 1), Pastir0 in•stattng„ thit
• . 41.511 5)11 3( rVIt11t05 itn(1 ret.,°1411' tval.6teralleatitsatil•edllinna:ga-Cilt°140.4•°*tir'it IC(161v;:Yir8P418 aaa04 in a rase °t
1.ln 0110111d UnIte-WPtni Qco. P:, ,Ittokson.. rowy.or,', of Vri t°1)0„:4,••,11,••". 1Zot,'Irt*WIA' n'tt 112•10,;t,iftviell 'cioc,er4'.•Ii*Ur..II':'Ver'„Y" Wit4.4 'Ma" fvelocS cf:
• •
• '
tuck Mad:ache. 'and relieve
dent to a bIlloltd slaw or tito system, atttaiNTIp
11 a 11/41 Fid D
lit.alTafTe; irt:°O. 41file ittiersh1noirgigitairt.
• auxO4itocoatt inns' b,cm 00lia43111,0114
.01. ,rant,itnitor llt-r.-.1)0y1c, tic tilnr ention°.,'I'lloar000ecig., hair btia.[..y,11,tti.t a 441 cPuld •
f'nit•tn, nave bit,•.otle.:elipet in ..YieW1."tli.0 • 100c1 Pry talesitteil 'Cud wrzll versea.iit•the) ti•• Or' '1 • ta all n f f 8 b
On : tire oe•enAsiopt 41 IVC,Iong 041,,,witieli•vertaitily.workett 0,01)(1, rs
°••al" "%St' reiol'egYziot inVo,
. , .Itti,owl :in profess/anal' racks to bo niiin of! 'Will 114)14 011r:01.+Or lirlDStliOtIg note tfortrta tp,7t todlong 1 ereff;re 'used • •
• grysste•3t goa:1 the 'rtrectres't frainber,,'; ••"`"rk rrpotira•totinty`jtstlge."-.-S,c4•-; •v:" el It(1. rti4 4•1/' q1410 CPS 114111118 0 re u! t, nd6
S 0 'far os we . •c‘Vo Iva no fintlt:je Ittld•vi[41,14 nppoini-
viewe tierinotrize with •tri,8, hog irient. The- niatetia1•.. of which ,l'itlfos
botli gic,}wa tutto ..;..., ___ . „.: .,,,,,,,, , .,„ • .mittle for this enmity.' ehnnot le %id to be of
autt ag.ilni atm ois no • .,' ,, ,.. " '
. , P ..flie iltst rittaltty. :••-•.:New. Pre ' • • r' '
, , .
. ItIld 11 h., . reait ‘;',48 • eon telid, ,tiy).- the'.g-reat"- • imi'd. ktalo'..• ,of it; tvigiblii 101150) )l)13' lie
. . .
' eot,.,po,8,,I.tge. good to tile' few., ' The To sling not.',.ill'i the- posiiimt ellieriotly end'
r,,,iitb 614.2.6,i61. ,:li,..,,,;.16 may 1))' ,,,„,:,,,f,4t,.;,4 "Preddit,0))y, ",,liwatokt,po$3.,04,010,nripmt;r
. . Y "`; °it' , J.). Mit 'qualiticitti011 Wiiieli,lia.4.114;lienif posseitcrud-
het nentlia,leos • su rely—nrak i rig: pos. .vy anY incennh.nit„for,.the ,pait 80' yors..'ittl#'
• ,
id hhi omi i;yi,7 tw,>'eheid,vi,11:1,1,,,Natfoil • .aila Wc ran licartily4oritti#tiflititc -Trim on-Iiis ets,-,
. .. . val.144. to the Ilmielu.1,L-4tirilter,
rt/1.01iPrrtYealltlY) 'Or' •\ towftt 1104.04 .113-‘1Cfr" 5"ilw; '1.uflit...•,rtHrielin'littif.1 lial it* sit ricesiived
' .!, • • : .. -:
• faction tyranny: • 'fhb creklir,"Alf making nixecteeptioriaNinficial
uppeititineaki-atid deservedly so.' Itcfcritap.
pointalents-ato runy up., to this previetiS litgit'
The roir,w,initili a $ortnce' •whonm stroalvd, ftrour•own preVicert thej)",romati at
. ,
we ,,,,i •ei,„tit 4.,i3 . , „. .-ef.hailge Toni* of ilitrolt fa tlitiBimier .Titilw
..,, . t, , or ogiret (0, pa.mge.Ti.ent, 141,0 ship of that- great eountrgives satisfatitikin,
..„1,4fitt.ftall,• '8..11 Val,/ 1.....%16014414,,,146_ While the appointment. Of -B; :-Li.,. 1)0y1o, Esil,,,"
. perhap*,, • advanced" in matert . ptoe- plata ita 11 • W01/, degM'CV.(1 108'41„14.1).000)1(1,11Y/'„
' • ' xe' • .1 te rlieJunior Arl,,cceship is ;peculiarly appro.,
•••:ptiity oi.,Ct.o, tii)m Ally :OtIlet,'..k.foloi-ovAttir, awl It -Mark Of Teregnitiori .01 Vier compote
, ( • •: •''''' • • ••.,•,--. •• . ,‘' - exputiliyetall elasios •pill.vieetis lit„ransda '
i.y:kg. ofy. tift?t,. th,ree ,y.040. ,,-. ..'Et nr.1 :n1 „. :the, ',1:titig:1, Doylo il a lieniau to` 601(0 !orad'ideali
,. ghi,t,le. itNit. or itg .,,tv.tvorlyett toratory ,fti,4, , pain tract t: will hi aCCepted 'Villa laigo bmly
,,.ty,,, ,,_,, _.,,,, ,.,,,.,, _,. „,, ,' 1, „ „I',.: „, .,._.:,.,..,,„.,, '_:" ,,:, ..ag tinpiticr proorof Sit Jelin MaCtitiliald$&-
Ju 1.1n,v7F!FPIII1Ip3r, (.1 t.t..1,.8 IRV iprY , 07/ • Prnonatlan •to' de thvItt -fall ittefkti ft1111.6
44 44( 5415 toiritivill(tektjotY .7141100 01044i-aMta0;•iir tlia• *Itkei
• baa gallcenti fotttfa wA ratgratith*da Jiidga,b0)44 and
eppoeted ehsingp.tatteslnee '0,104110t •• ' , , , . .
-laSt; tong'', Ills tnany frientis hope, fop )'e'L Ot1.10(TY. 111,VI 81111 I/. not if e.S;
81440 iintAppot,orl, so tlin,t they may; ' 0, vecoug.1)ood It, to any, one whi.in meet
Atm 10 Om trialat again.
' •' • • •tfolltrarvAlle. •
%The report •orl,ho uodorvilio thoosek, geSt
so fro 1, tug front waifot tf IT e
regn,fir'St, itH.4. won-,
i'dpreliai:011, 1) and shall fil"elgratik
In v 10108,1- or onennet,
ructotty Allows that In 18v : 'there were , few nit twit Or ,,etA 11t;'11,1 tlIP111
):420§9(gY pen ods•saf reatliVekl •• ;, f ' • • • • '":
factory, :trod) Wilid 116A-Wi.ot41$ or, 146 11;11 l';*k V It 16 IneV,.114P11 th.e
.or mak t„, mmie . for 0..0R•Iyote von n eily ro say Whitt I think
the session Was 10.49, ;TIM average Of tlio On, and it 11,0 0841 in any
price 11.4Q, ' 'rho •to.t.61' olio 'or (hi `, way felteedmplish
soasett'S make Was fl13/1:260•40, ' wlitail • ' •• • A. 81%w/oil% ChiliO/Paiv.
01071,57 *eta to the pittrOns.'• • '
• '• 1.,•1114111,4•110 %Nal VIA If, •
"• 14' Plot g " •
0•• SteDhoo...•, 0., t le o:Dr.......tturs New
, Avor*- st,t&ossaut for 00 4hini)trii1J.J.101444 4.10
honortfl,..Couglitioi rev 0o1(14, linen evon awliy
Noll) ltit„iiiiatielcvr *Vial &Oft . by ids IlottIes et the hIVO 'P6 prier
fiteplien friends,' flit) Cehtrit '110151 itolia liado,y,,m;60.1d.ba cihriRttotit to ow
•Grettitorti: Tuesclay_t `,1),,r,:. • pro'prikors7,,, iTero nt'ik!". for,• the.* r. Ste.
Irv! 11,11:!? (6)nf .`anr n,"i;t4s, tir6a.`in tnerits p'osol,seit by tile t'vt.iidepftirmea.
•15,fr. couAtiiin;,...th..6.guestr of ttllo• Callkt Wang -(..TeixDrug.Stoto
• itigi while the Omit at , liana , ond' Pit TrotrBottlo/S'eer•nfitl
, 04E140, iltt,i,00t16,..r., Tiii,,. itite,oge,voutiru .ttrriblifto,rto ei..5.f'rbeiiirIttlibiii. 6 1 'i'Vtit e
ittniltfor linn year$ lioutoldile useful,. WAN 00,1111,10 rie; tralkSO4: Ptif$,Olt p0ter,f41,314',Cttr,
, • .
_ .
'*alual.;16.1ti Constrpatfon,, curing ontz prosPentfur,
thry ribio Certreet
ot;tho stoat**, ,1 Ilurr •
re,galiac trio 1)oWtl0 scnit tiny oily Cured..
..4610.00wea1dbeitia1oet)i1'lec1elis to tII5O who
rAtkor rronitiOs rligtrotwog 55lnplA4ti1 hatircutit.,
ritetrgoothiesetece 140843011 bete; ilea one.:
whom:144 try tliein'onitn ,thaea 1)Mo v1114.
r 01210 in 00 InattylVaditlitt they.winnot !Rivalling .
0 40 'wittiest Imam get atter $rok.hei4 ,
,tos 11101)6.ms qtao tioniltvr,*thatiroroavrhiltaidif
11..C11e1a0rt'e5rdpte'lia.l,lo..b.o„tost,' .* Ou•. r p1„1
•16 51184818 rod Liver
'gills ore vorytosectitat.
wry oftry 0a0r (Me nr 0,041111604Mo 4200;
T8ry.,40.,01rletiy vrgotoblo ,hria 410'f161 mitre or
imago, but by their ocittle'lrerlon Ocoee 811w1)6
4180 (4)8818, ,111 viale et CIS eepart AO' for $1.sold
ordraggiete everywhere, ortcht by
^ • NO* Yoiktify
1.0A1.6114 :1ii014 BAIR
•Pqrt.5 of tote( Non. mat 7, Tian*: ttnad ConresRforr,
'rololkellip of traitertrb. 0Antataing' VW 0 ern8 0434847511
• cteereit not) mo5f,11, tyro from mmowr, . Moro ere on
no proal,t8pq goodMin
(h ,5nt.44411gInc(K,8 !twit
house, 113 0841 ))rottna pre420r(1, ond 11 noVoMitlfing
orti4 cfeek. • • .
„ Al6o, the otiA6 lialt 'ro tOnlvolot.'6, ronfmatass err
nercr, -having n tram 1) 1180 rma * new Irma 14r*,
ft1Anoyoung.orovolo),11o. trecei 44 selected Yflater •
hatt. • _ - 4 , '' •
'141)0 shove tam a are nittlatra op the !toren 'tacit
aboo ti • m41e4 fther (Mateo. May be nnreirvia0
• 'pitilor sommoiy 0111151143 -hlack Ver farther putle.
olnaraml terms 4m$1),, in .' '
14 ' 't,' • gt,(YTIN ..rft1)611iv, cliht.011,
oig Assortment '
Elegant Designs,
•LoW Pri'oew'
, .
PICIU fiE. f RA 11
tatll688 own' neve, Made.
,IN'ex.:t to 1,Vrt,tt's,13). rug. Stort,,,
.Arow•to the tjrae. to got
* 'dolt ,
r,lintou and orrearalleit toot 05
-prepare& to do o1'OtniT94I WORIt •ft6 low
hatiprocured -irobt1+-ItttrrrlIsta-itt0111NVI and lp
,Ilt,Afutigt4.141.rOti8b.$ nox door oftaptistrepreb.
'•• Irr4 lvertisin t,tin 1411f,svs-
itucortiy;,'t Ole,irculation
• , -
RAILROADS#,EILevA-r013$, §TocK
Iron. ,s4 tram-
t'vcitrolulerclitant. 3
Jaiinitry 200w, isala„,'
GRZAi Nattlrf3.WtkITE
. • •1
:1003 gzeT,
0 L . i4 To
Paie orage, Py(etu .6it'POI:rtiMelli, Ugh -Cline Patent.ifed/gines,
1-forse Arid Cattro M1dfsfrmo,and -allArlielesiaerterally o14 ,y Orugs!itit
nttscattnrozys A1,11) 'Mu r AttArelVir
t Aiient*,:for, 1,1rtirrie Ofovit
• . • ,