HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1883-02-07, Page 2' • Igl.par r". IeW Abetment'& this -Day. tdee-Ny W1,:senai1a: eGoods,--T. Jtiekson. Works, Ageary•-•4: V stem). ZelAess amiTeab.ary. 8tandartl$Wes,04,-14,0Ii.sear. Vskantities, Hale. it is rumored thstit the B•ritish , Gov - eminent has tleletsti to give Lord Garnet Wolseley a zojaxaUou from his police duties, and send him out 9.4 floveruor"General to Qattadq, for the , nex.t terra. For calling a drinking saloon in that , • 4/ MO. 1•t cItir -*!'oteataltle placenthe Winnipeg t% 0 it it Times halo bees asked to apologise or stand a E.D.it 'fpr libel. The Vino pre - THE COOERICH NEWS feta 10)4 : • The 1.ondOn. ..Prk Press announcos , Iocitteleet Willi -till be held 011 'the latli ,t3f lard' next. Our friends • will thus see that the titna for action is" :0•441Lo.4tzturszo fshott,eod. timt there:is not"one Obit= WOCI):180d.. Febrtlairy •7th ilathey itvtreieiTkrelttiobnotewe„mr • .1411? ?Lite I. Mowat is, par excellence, the '‘‘.0011"0011aster•,InItilSttat is. bidding Christi". Statesman and yet, tbe police for ttlr Catholic support," "Walter .had to arrest his cuiployes in the in 4print- g offices of the ProvincialGoveirnioent 100ton:is counting. witlitint Ins , ' ' " The above is ft Qin' a journal devoted to kr warkkg °0 $lindaY; At Mr- Mow • • faction, and the ereating ' or sectional' auggeaticat V0rbar°laga WW draP and relit:jogs discord.; It is•poblishea Pad. , • in Gottlieb; Poes the ivriter consiaer _ A horrible e e of brtitality has been eas the "host"0f l."„ohtistorti V. W. uneortherl " Fe trolia. Milt Oman • johneton is 1.reitening withetit hito at brute b e notile of Stra11ie aPii•lted, to events; but itot without the Catlin. 60 rplianis Beale, London, sdinetime Ties. There, is not au in telligentOatlfor ,o, and suiceedrd by presentins cert. - in West Hurt/0 who will vote agaixV lien tes'froin elergYmen in get thy tir boy R W. 4e1mston bCcatise• he is' Co.` tity aud gii 1 abb„,t on yrs of 'ago gut of Alaster. ,E. 301.oston ..s• not the 404-ne. ,-, The grrl was 'treated fairly ,..4.1eme-00.tott‘r•false vete' es• and is well but the inhuman: treattpent the iot ashameitto sayThe s Froteigtieto 'boy received the hands of his .gilut•-,,,•• . . Clinton Reoor • Believing in the principle that Goode should not be 4rriod over froAn'one seaon. to another; FIFER' DURING THE NEXT FOUR WEEK THE REIVIAINDER OF THEIR FINE STOOK OF antle o CLOUDS,„.WINGEYSI ool Square !ER�flAT3: et ..Cost: This is. an opportunity. not to be missed, as our Stock in the abolre Lines has no,. equal in the COun- -H-7-To-InAke:thij'Sa16. the nior0Tattracthre, we will sell ourPopular Brands:of Which are the .6 ... ,. Ogtholiq' are going tb vOte against him ""v'.•as at on ..'Frida)i :Anti in•Oniht ..,kod while he',.. deeS. . t partide•,,that he 416i,afonr:st .uneAxula rripletit; in ,the. anial*Q't • vote for 141 on. Okra acCount, and those is OciuntiMastp he • is not. ashani tl, iveiteril Ontario "He tvii.8 .beattit• by 7Prt,11131....doe .11(6 "P,'•°96 thr4' liOitioli.flad tO. be'amputati4 Scianntie ' 'who "--assert *it 'Ruch i's. the.,eaSe` are . • • • ' • to. say iris: /hut : lie asks no one • .to ' 0 Ilia :until , his , little likek was .-Spamed ,( , . .., of :the boy's feet were frozen.; and a - . • '• I Susianitled for 'lours witliou food One with sears,f tied up by the thurni'm and IN:DARIN:- b ' ' ircilkholis, voted, agninst him on that eliarges=ono or nog eating to lend sod. • • •- , &Audio the child and the other''fOr at,•coan.f,•they wenht Tote a(;ainst Co . - , .. . , q . sank, • It is to /le. hopedtdat he'Sill be ' • lioss_for the.eauleireaSen, • While Col. . punished to theloll txtent of th9 law.. :Itoss.may he only nun matly..a. Pro.test- . the..eat.o4nineltails in t;lit .be- '• applied ... ' slit, he is.serp,fnly' not,la catholic. This - with . good results, idt1;ough it would : • bugbear “Oconnty 'Master” bUsinesa will • il't be aajee:'"iare. a 'Paaisin:Tit,..,' ". he •i_ ; deserves, The Obi id reit ain • `iebet. eared • itot deter ..Catholipi—we htave. talKeu • • . ,. • - . ..,.• -. • • for. The lloy—yt, .idino,St a babY,--: with Many Of, tlie111::.frOin Yeting• f Or will be e• erippl f lif '• :• e or e. ,, • • r• 40111.11011. T. IV.- Jelinst'9)); 411(1 bis : • ,.. • ' . - '. ..!•• --: • ,...• . . ••• - . ••• ', •• • party, if it.norneS in. :thutr, •hEir 6 done ' . l'Itetioniatjournals want proof of.tbe •iinere for the !bat holies than col. ioss,„ ;tit -Ulna. Influence 6.icercised hy Mr. Mew-- : . . Miss telde pantry "—Brantford Coorier..- bo seen thitt the above extracts repre.. sentjhe ultra and.Indepentient, press of both parties in the comity and 'province. 'This we reprint froni Tits Npw's.Briconn • "Mr, R. I. poyJe, f Goderieh, has beeit appointed j.tiniojtalge of the county M awvin and a localjudge of the. High Court of Jtidiea.., tui, ', The pontition Ooverninentliai'a Mode' indice-to tht Merits or chums' of etheX APPli" Cants if there were any)'for %imposition, le. rtoy1vis41-1,inig-tiinc reSiclent ot Goderiell, 'if not a native ot the.tcnvm iltrlianiarshed the even tenor Of it Co,rreet mid temperate life,' eVen, against pettY„,localjealonsiesand the too often. ruinously faseiniting 'attract/Otis ' of con- vivial associations with adndrable persistence. He will -Mien curlIexcellerit italge.. and, his op" goiiitImint is asjudicious bn. the part of the (xi:Tern:Mont as it 4:Creditable, to.the appoiM tee. ; 7We are glad to_see-that home numit has hem recognized in. this case, • eVelii, .agetiliet the elating au& dog.in.the.manger denteution of O. pcirtiim of the coulay'prese:e •• • ". WO. ..Wavottld iiiIt: descend ' to'tbis- ttt's lieense iiiipector$ and counitiesion ' ' GODER1011 sort af ainan.lea, i?.11Cth.e. question hti.' ' el's. , Tbere-Sr'e .none se blind as those • ' • - • • :, , . . .._beewinit'ily.thefnetiOn' jourilalj', refere;', ..S0b-,P *ill, li'ot•Se.e.,." :Half 'a . dozen' baSOS' ;. .11e's: 'Ili,: N'Sral5efield , is slowlSi .". bLa ' . etf t6.:.'.;'`IATItat i has- Jolinstoitl--liq, i,";71.1"iiiit4 .lie. enx:ciitott'Of the evil' traidene3i of .sui,'°.13'-'re.eev.-e•*' ! • .',••;; ‘'. ', ' i'7, . • - • • , - • .. • . ' . ' ' . • : • ,.' - • , . Goclerich loclge,, No. 33, • tT0O0 for. the. "Cfat•11.01,Ms'ot West fluilln. :. the preSent 'system iii: Toronto: alone, . .:nieeth this,ev'ening'fit 8 0'919 -'45.1.A.41! -Ill. VerSonaTry •Air„.:',Tolins6k, :has. tron is a good grit, and -prepared:6 enhato,a_ siek,•.for'sdni0 time,08' sloWly•iimproving, tplikhe iptieJ pot' and the who makes the ca,pial who- i; en, ion:4 in0re tor them' his oicponent, *but' them, , And there is hardly a; •••( i'''stistn.b°fIt'be.°•°t1dfeil -itubir)fc'reing • . • , trio mance aw avora y coin- - better thiln all be is -allied -With a part,y locality in. On t al•io whore .,the conduct . rneflted on generally, aim. is and. his' ''•;deato re' kir ort'lle4 (3. ili6itils• of *rtit Mowat • (.1.0es, , 'Pile 'regular' nionlbli• -nreet:ing.' of, ithe. • • : look. soineWhat not .,School. ,Bottict topic place on 'Monday - the' Oatholies therriair_Shaie of repres • • • . , wrr t. I In aws as a acting- e .er,ent • .1,011vation. and \of -LQ._ f6L1).. •,tra.iric e find fault., It iS;against ' Tot,dat-being•Aghp ' Wednescliiy there cannot bo,saidsof: 'ROSS and par- ' he..i,aking' the w or: of grant:11:1g . Will. per seryloes-in St, George's ohnreliat, • • Withojding licenses froin,...the_.,i-n:unici-••••• 094.32.0k.'..a. , . . • .•• pal it ies and 1 essen n r ;--revenues Art'•'"4••.13'., Piwiti'd is still,. suileriug iroM, ent of the • • • ev ere Attack of inflammaterv • that Ji , t -is an int if, ren wi h the fiber of •-,pose staying till,spring, "5: - • ' • - ' . . soon around again. • ap ointees of ,the pntarto Government, ••• I Cibl;ti and children le'ft on 800.7'.11 Leuhozti'.. ; s ralizing and haleften. tincY• libriclay for the ,east, where the)", Pllr- ; instal:lee° „ 11180, Which,' we Contend; Tls s f Ulf bettettreatin • Clatholiceity.'Pretestant ConserYitiV,es.• our 'oll .friend will ,'Itior'e of enforcini, the law t.sm•••:: " e' ..J .3' • . • 0 a e MIL Gita.HA4E*9.'cintnON, did .tiot' get, 'Ore subjeCt'and a dopuvation Of, the ,A grand skating odrnival. tooli• place:: -t,3:te nomination for the Local at tbe peaple of the. Pluilicqkaities Of their oh".•Toesday Offitst'.14,eohi"also'6 meeting ..• grit conve.litiOn et Vt.(i sre tmdoubted . . • g ••• • . Of the Ehg.11§1), ttilUtell` ebirg,rega,tiori: for ,,-, • the plilTnse'-Of;ap"olitting assistant, glad ,of lidded /we rather gloat.'" ' • . • • • , over •tlie' feel: Air. Geo. E, Jacksen '""1)11Yle•s AP-P°Int'nC'tt" . . Just we.elr as one of .r. anceien s, the,. ot.usprvative nominee is a :bead week,• 8.agovi,,o expressed our alip-ro,var !)waslianitngliit. single- , .iintt abouhleru....uhore Mr. Catne.r,on „;in 0 _ le appMteitt of „ ; . . . . _ . . . . 1‘. c1Y Y-. P °I'lin driver, senashed,t re 'aleigh,into, pieces, • • ,Judoc of the, Qounty. of -1..Itiron. Since then . atiosionubildof er:;:giitc:iz:c1.-a-bLid ditYm;. w.1.1°,030; ".4...; .cv-0 ria.4,0 , ; ... 4,..c ,, , :, ,deStroyeci ,the harness, and.,canterecl, for. 11....an_ ......e..._n- der of th obseiN ed in. he Conn y coal rovineial licune at a lively pit ' • '-'-' ",' ' '' ' .‘,...... , .; . - . • ;,, • , , .. „• :press, kiit.i:14- 1 c.1 . ter yi rdtaarks..iertaapy .eoia, 'Mrs. 'H., JP,:oiritstnn and lifies314i-d.<- coustituqpiial, riglifs ot Tlie provin,ce'ot ..mai.ciabi,:-.,. :,,, -, ..,- --:,,;,-,,,,..„ •,., ::. ,;.,,, -,,,. :, ... . . jug ,.,6iiii1/4:t4.1116.4,-,,,iieloi,,,., ball.a6 is,r.,•00.4.. Qiita.1 100Y:co! ' F-14rtl iam,Cfftlio'ilialietii,: •-, ' 'All ekir,pi.e, a•il.l 'o'Cl elitl'olOilfsi; ' to crWrite the last Wriek: ' •Thii...jourriey. thiLhef. ' Was ' 4,. ablis);riglits Of' tiro Pet:pie:of 1-11.1rOn in bailads, of n nation and•kcirenotwinicentrels rough one,. but id' not (seem o affect. • tin t pc t na, an m i c pa aj,„...-.,...:-.,,,eYer ,au:tliey,prOpienaded round tlis-,ba it .Yeb, as 'we said' a SliOr't lt-itne ego,. :'Igi..•' ...(i) •''' 19'".").i.41ussenis"9. P,s;`,"‘-.':V.F41:111-kq 1.66111 'at' th°,110' al °Pero:149o" -''''''-" CamerOii is.' nititli -ri.uporior '1-tb Mr. . BiShop; iti all . thab. should conStil u ta 'a "revrosentujilve. a ,t,fik3 ' iiltelligent poi -C. . :: atifttenet of.S:oultii • Huron. • ',filen .Mp-, • Lean, , of the . lpositei•----tvell,'„),ve aro '• e tliad'ogiad'Arrat ::111UO wau•riOt. the 71 s' • f I U'l c ic en one 0 81': '.' . • 0 14. I/ • lea 14, compatriots 'out. of .the. licindage . . . i . • ..'•.they Are kept in '. bY, ' 'win ppr r-sria.P1 ind• .. . . j,:c.oko..., i . •,. • , . ,,,. , . .•,., , ... el. ,oe, ,ike ., .ali.,,i, prestO - a,-, decided • i • i liVi 1 l d i 1capacity; its army er.inpyyl• prineiplo which 'Sir- thela°'est•as e•Y. seemed 1:ighte. thank' ,10. _ :•9•.P1 nwIL, s '18 • A townsnion letteiPleot', if he had said, "allow', 'week. from $,sjater Ntanitelut, in , "hie 'to select:the. hest ' available Material it'UieS,s,tatedIiii„itt the".(tiermoineter.regid.. '"th'ef'13.116,11; and- ..l: •„(1,efy all the assairltke:f. :tered 5(I clegree$ •zorq,,.•air.tl' that, . ConstitittiomniOngcrte subVert', the gle0otis'. •tl),e•breOth ,frern hr • .• • on the gotta Iptift . . • - -"inheritance 'ofl)fitish fer -Mier 'c•rysalized aid fel, , snow flak Conac ion, higkorriow,-rieli or °or." -Judge lrh. gg Ci n 'oh Choir to the 1O4' le hos not had, the adyentitit) •$ aid that nanlher of Is under • t.he leader -811,1p of .13 ofer. ; • e , • • owest Figures qmoteci: for over two years. Tom yes 1,ALT PIIIC Every- tiouseheeper should makea note 'of this. for or Siir.•Twe • nsiness The Execu,tofs to the'Estato Of the late NiCti -SEE OU • ,ipOra'19id,,.Solatioa;tutriba,q6,, DOokno.hO,'..SOPones 'of the- efrott, ; p.o4Qgin.9e, Sore. Th:rodfil.011- ingeand,Spro(iia,,,liarn,t'On.d;•,;''' • Scafd,s',„ GOnbral .80dily • • • .-•• -Pain s •• • • ToOfb' On el 'Headache Froslod.'" • Foot ad :gars and all vac'. ' • •'Paniltand.,Aoh•o•s', , . Preparafibri on ''',i,"arth.;aqtads T. ITArnli8 'Ort • . as 'a' safe,. sttre, sift:Otos and cAecip Externitt -rerztkly • A trial' bat ..the eonwartitivolY:•.:' outlny ,of 50 Cenla, mid every o'n.e.suffe'ring'",:. :1•14.4 palu ean"linvo. cheap. and 1.109itiee'proo ii it •• . •••• Illreoilons in il0i,en tanguagee....:• •!,.., •SOLD' DRuGGISTS aD'DEA4, ,• •-• ' zEDicintn. • • Cr,j. . . . ' Chiiier.ts iye n.orninee for 'the local ',The 'vice -chair -,-was ably 114 byMiti ither,DptitY;Heeve-of -Stexilien),.. The .1.ciiist .11,1The_QUeerill "Was' .d rank :With tlieheriers, - The"Dorninion ParliarnelltP Wit&r:08pOriclettp bkpvRoli. lins,,who gave. snaie.' Very.iraluable:. infor- mation coneeeni rig the working 7'i:if that body,. The "Lecal.Legialature". was re- apended 4o by. Mr.,. G. „B,-,Jackstm • the Conterilative Candidate„, in a velIk'iferel• ble and ifistructivespeeeli:.,..The."Ootin, ty,-.0oilifoll"/ was ably '.rei;poricletlf%te,'' by' wywroTtsp.:07... en wo:reiponded to by Mi, Fried in, his 'Usual merry styte.-Elteter•Ti#Ies:::. • otiori4itisrowlisldp.'• •' rr n Bayfield Road, liAS,•holight• 4h excellent 111,1y from lir. ,:fiihtiM,agleson, of tlierPigfield, 'for ' 0.•• '........;31ir..11arry Gillingham, of the DaY,Aeld eolt! 6 111r11-lear7°,111•9°,3 tGMr ' seine lifetliren have had, ut lie hes: ProiesserNewinan.; Sleighed tol?ortAlbert More mode ,up by.?.tillril'eafctiPer:seYeFaimp , t IVed ries'clay .and • partimpotec 10 0 for -what lie tyas, denied: • thht- respoet.. ')Iie tea Inetir1-1, s9elal; lie' ell 111 t th • , • merit was for -the, benefit:et the Port But .m00 , yea v at le mintateu. Sir,l,dward b 11, , , partisan tatters.ias g;; - toe in melt -evidence-a t•Oo • • .fr ErtiZ .° •• 9 • "Six tiottis•' in sfoop In law's ravettadv all • ' , • The '. itnitriariii;eeting of the norotalberal Conservative Association Wirs lield at the 'Co.iiitnercial Eketery •op -Tuesday -afternoon • of Week.' ' The President :gr. • :bis.vid., 0. bodupied the •elmir, and, ,presid. . spp6:0( . ei;,: • nt u' ination pwo .re411y.,•'slesi:rymg,ean;,:,•;r0.n.po, g " ilft4i.'7t;1!%•A.Pgl't " :e.1: 84 tol'uoT:Itr,i'rli:tigg..: ob,jr.;tari. aj:ito° 11( st: ito"y4ii 09v ijt oa:nt:1 to; e.1.4fp: 611.11::r _a 1:1111 t :pc; e re ,y..1 1)4.Y1°0•1'.'SttiletileCIO.1-1't .beffig-inerelv ail aticinJin!'Spling statesnianlitr,rli; 40 ".""r' • ii.jit.44,746 .,ye.)pioNy.A4 bR.:rpalrori•,',ot94. nsuiii Slie„ 'het te11 toiot n, Jnnjei,sc», . • • : • e • to.i, Oli-11:11,?d,‘; '0%9. rae..a:1„,°.°; • eject '&•a • ".e.cee4c T t t' e worm Illot end o Itl.al•jOaa' • •ll :Bore is ivhat • ' • '•:1110,"Ilierpitelj goelot•Way.,• I3 ach, by a 1ath,tio ds .,Taelion,„ was re.4.0,110,er.i,get.,,.,as , • ; ", of 13'. li.",$(1,, '114 '•junioi,. Jt:tdgq,(1.11110 ini6pria; . of :llidip4yottti•:furoi,,, •111-, i-pocter• add resiied:' the', meeting.' • go toe', unit Ct. tal0 sta,43- ' • ot.,i ,i• • g ,to • iktf: .• •• : united .• • , . , • untIntY- ,1•.• ' • 110(1401C11, HAS, De6/1 S,91 ' '1•41 y01. .nseesstty. of ." 16 Nits. of D,h, 13i,gifop. clinT. , . is said th hotel . ' (t " " , • .n . ,°P..o..PiisVotopa 8110111,1.1' ofltvii " ,.• k:..t) • f';•• 1' • %. u • • 4e'dt.'8°` 4rial`ab'll- • Jaelison. 'and frhilids need L'Und(q. the eirettnishkil)11 Doybo,, aPloiataleat• N.1%, nt One tiino Iffrgelg owned by I1y, seeretait yi and mi.„„kitoitie;00 Tressuor. the 11 it e 0.4 46. tvbo seek" co VOCan 1 "51 611113 l'''a°11 n111°1' t°"1 Qt 1°°11sh )1't sele(Ited I .1r11:ws ti Juno; • 'Nigel • f• 1 el i° • 4 • • t )0 e.ill(hdate of tl protnnt, , „ • up,o tile ean -Ise. r' ".11 ' • *--,..--PaiLky-f6r. . 111 Ume ti, uto_12o 0y, nri ya ',1•,°,.11c1.11,,,t)011,1111,101, t i v p`',11;1,:t,".6'sr1:9411, rid4111 l'e tat rife'cl )3a rz:171-i 61IPuu. si'P. jtielS' an' • *C tnadio. t • • 1:114:ilv°Yapteiro'd''f6o4sasli'd6efill;:e11151Lk•-':Arli•i:ti41;j°fia.a:oe'68.1%Cabt:irr:iatilf...ill-OnlIf:18;k?°krti;Tiat421616'ell'8'i:al.48441:11t;'Ela:. OW -6VC%:ri:4159:1?Y.4. 11131.11;yr e tho ▪ nh on. xxo is a A is no nue state, I t ' "13• " l (1" '• fL" isnust'ik-Inc"Inicri'elfablejnagt,"— 'A. ,A:IlatirtifP'Y eak' *C"118erra83knPathY. of 411 erre ). read ail f, ' R ornrers 0' 11 • 't d t' . .• • 11°4 • , , en „, r, is iop • ei crie , - • terestin",„rqmpor on ilOrehard' e '911 " eeit." 'Icnv _ . . soppottN •anti. i,;or ..T,)1,1,4 60M: illei.170‘11011,t0 Canadian, .W49 13e0j. Alleifs *son CI °hi" hav° 1).1.°S.13644' f 611°'• 1 d ti ott CT. • A , ess' • .- ingirrepo Lis ie iy ie, awe. i izren t - , • ft ' ' t re'sitlerice or seVeril years. in • „ . . , . -.---1-' J.Plii seefirrfnea.,b1,6y. See, if they.,„,,sto not '..jattioilatigs ei "the. Monty. of Huron 18. Oita; , 48'dett Itf 18 tila,f, 01110,1'40,,,11.1c0 1•Ipone4 '? ' r ' table to ltaii?g,',:i'i" tve,i;;;Yintt Oada•riril'• •iii'1'.01:•01; iro,....look,,fi."4.,.. tho 195 ,,,iia ilyt..,i;t...4i.t.cot;N:olv',vp..,..i. - v-.03,;(311,.;', ihrin drop 1nto 'Om lap:, and toilii,-aor.1-• • •, • fi•-•"---DaYlaririval11•01,0wit• latYyor,: of .:trtiotree' e.,,...to.ok rii4e.e. Iasi, yritj4.6veer, . ,Tlierfol lowing refefiltioPait.eo' tct,a-trultz' •,, meat t_ Corifederation must got, . 01,,p0100,000.t 01 Mi 11 1 071:0 4.8 11;0140,11nd ) (1 Stiactfl tgAtwAt 1tidarasti,vuei . . ao) .3VISC - t tett .• " . • - , a • 9 I, , ts at N d thin% be t.t te "boss" astroms at•ataqi •on 11 to 0, a. walnut:1s co ' :Amer COOtetitl--wOuld raVeoclill ilielrie'sltimi:Mciat -satisfactorily' '! Yinghatn me 0- 14 0 I me' • ••iivElz,f4on'tir UrEit•' • 0151 • • . 1,11 • . • • • ,• ••• . eoneeit 0 favor of ligr. 13. • • • -- • , • ..1.14: -decided on:winding theI• itx GOODStrisiness :is() , long and SO' Aiideeskalt,y caiTied on.i.v2Itifn,. and have • 4-1\1-,*.GEMENT-rik obarqe of , who p'O*el' to conquot.•;.11€ C014Ct..a.WacC011.11t0i- and pay 411 jitubilities. • • : • :' • :, • '0•Wino'"- to the ieputaiion. this; 'Marilyn oth 'ESta,blislunent 7 -has gained dUl.j.ng :theo.a4 •••yett•rs•,,,thr.oiiilioilt the ' uqneeessary:., • •• ..tiffice it to say the Busin(ss is to bgl-wonmi 9 :cc e o this Section• ° ��kEr. r,07(3, ntry. to be c.ontniuotj Util..the.WhOle• Stock is 'elehitd out 71•5f1): fjliti:give • Wo t1 Ne'l iml e willi ter, siLinkfto.1.6-t bEe 1:00.0.L9 TS .011.A .L.L1.0-;AS'5ES,. 00.Q.14k 011,- , d 15th'. 'and lOth ',of :February we 'Will. 0104,the Shop and 4-41-ZO everyPIggE.-: of Goods ic`e$.,17ii!V;13t- b pixrat::-, • ° r All o ke•continued:.aS heretolo-re, • fhe pa'rt,ine, n),(7.ts BusmesN 4:1"LQ, 11. , 116 L A T Tke: It8::Allqh{0:1"kt$.-t,ASTOH.: : twe1Vd.."niOntk's,•..:Is'ilit4.'... • in the.lii.story.df the tiiad • • . Ji4v..ery..1.2opkr.tIn.enikis .qof.nplote.plia the,44.eoge,pf'Cli)it40 "Arettiiikthek 'bathe ',chance ,of•iito'C' liareforiirei „ . ',.-ffik4.'.LATIt•f.77MS.T-TSTV.r()K•,0,1?..131RY.,•:(40.o.p§in, the eount of EL-grori • .bo ha--ii4.1S6Qii,lig forr.(,...(Itt§.1'1'. 11' $ e T71 I/01k 9 *at be,,Wiqrked, • eind.1.4,0 AS' c.c1.4.41.111i,poioli,.: will be •rioteliloteA'on tht • • ••, „ • • • . . ., • •••'" • -""• ' •• ' bt0a:41,16111ted .410)40 Jiidg"-af • • • T in availed 'ter o ;on f went importanoc. to en, sst t taxation of the great. -.republic . f1.4a the ebutity,,,Dr unrthi; „ Mr, .Thiyit. lip, oilier, •tng evenmg, •in e. p , ,„ j„, ' • he We:1r ot, wOOrl 114144 iIta 848f water. ated repeatedly as Jed& at. divisiouvriurti) PPairelYai.44iat:. actd#Si bath'. finua, ' t eat 1.1•ti 'Of all e' era,- - ' •`••• • I ' I b • t•-sinr• Or 'TO Or° ttPr' 'Or 'Phiti.4.1F •anti W00 (foal* possessed arthe qualifications •dm 1" and InUslaa IY• num ei • HTTP goardat 'cm," we 'would saY to far 1110 .1; witl • • rt iending ilibatont% were en the • 4.101,Tog • pos,, 1011 L., tO our frlettils it' Smith ' linron • tib, 1301mela oat.. • • . •• . nie mid performed the itnnbees alio teu •••. • , , • • in,Y totie 1), Pastir0 in•stattng„ thit • . 41.511 5)11 3( rVIt11t05 itn(1 ret.,°1411' tval.6teralleatitsatil•edllinna:ga-Cilt°140.4•°*tir'it IC(161v;:Yir8P418 aaa04 in a rase °t 1.ln 0110111d UnIte-WPtni Qco. P:, ,Ittokson.. rowy.or,', of Vri t°1)0„:4,••,11,••". 1Zot,'Irt*WIA' n'tt 112•10,;t,iftviell 'cioc,er4'.•Ii*Ur..II':'Ver'„Y" Wit4.4 'Ma" fvelocS cf: • • • ' tuck Mad:ache. 'and relieve dent to a bIlloltd slaw or tito system, atttaiNTIp 11 a 11/41 Fid D lit.alTafTe; irt:°O. 41file ittiersh1noirgigitairt. • auxO4itocoatt inns' b,cm 00lia43111,0114 .01. ,rant,itnitor llt-r.-.1)0y1c, tic tilnr ention°.,'I'lloar000ecig., hair btia.[..y,11,tti.t a 441 cPuld • f'nit•tn, nave bit,•.otle.:elipet in ..YieW1."tli.0 • 100c1 Pry talesitteil 'Cud wrzll versea.iit•the) ti•• Or' '1 • ta all n f f 8 b On : tire oe•enAsiopt 41 IVC,Iong 041,,,witieli•vertaitily.workett 0,01)(1, rs °••al" "%St' reiol'egYziot inVo, 1 . , .Itti,owl :in profess/anal' racks to bo niiin of! 'Will 114)14 011r:01.+Or lirlDStliOtIg note tfortrta tp,7t todlong 1 ereff;re 'used • • • grysste•3t goa:1 the 'rtrectres't frainber,,'; ••"`"rk rrpotira•totinty`jtstlge."-.-S,c4•-; •v:" el It(1. rti4 4•1/' q1410 CPS 114111118 0 re u! t, nd6 S 0 'far os we . •c‘Vo Iva no fintlt:je Ittld•vi[41,14 nppoini- viewe tierinotrize with •tri,8, hog irient. The- niatetia1•.. of which ,l'itlfos botli gic,}wa tutto ..;..., ___ . „.: .,,,,,,,, , .,„ • .mittle for this enmity.' ehnnot le %id to be of autt ag.ilni atm ois no • .,' ,, ,.. " ' . , P ..flie iltst rittaltty. :••-•.:New. Pre ' • • r' ' , , . . ItIld 11 h., . reait ‘;',48 • eon telid, ,tiy).- the'.g-reat"- • imi'd. ktalo'..• ,of it; tvigiblii 101150) )l)13' lie . . . ' eot,.,po,8,,I.tge. good to tile' few., ' The To sling not.',.ill'i the- posiiimt ellieriotly end' r,,,iitb 614.2.6,i61. ,:li,..,,,;.16 may 1))' ,,,„,:,,,f,4t,.;,4 "Preddit,0))y, ",,liwatokt,po$3.,04,010,nripmt;r . . Y "`; °it' , J.). Mit 'qualiticitti011 Wiiieli,lia.4.114;lienif posseitcrud- het nentlia,leos • su rely—nrak i rig: pos. .vy anY incennh.nit„for,.the ,pait 80' yors..'ittl#' • , id hhi omi i;yi,7 tw,>'eheid,vi,11:1,1,,,Natfoil • .aila Wc ran licartily4oritti#tiflititc -Trim on-Iiis ets,-, . .. . val.144. to the Ilmielu.1,L-4tirilter, rt/1.01iPrrtYealltlY) 'Or' •\ towftt 1104.04 .113-‘1Cfr" 5"ilw; '1.uflit...•,rtHrielin'littif.1 lial it* sit ricesiived ' .!, • • : .. -: • faction tyranny: • 'fhb creklir,"Alf making nixecteeptioriaNinficial uppeititineaki-atid deservedly so.' Itcfcritap. • pointalents-ato runy up., to this previetiS litgit' , The roir,w,initili a $ortnce' •whonm stroalvd, ftrour•own preVicert thej)",romati at . , : we ,,,,i •ei,„tit 4.,i3 . , „. .-ef.hailge Toni* of ilitrolt fa tlitiBimier .Titilw ..,, . t, , or ogiret (0, pa.mge.Ti.ent, 141,0 ship of that- great eountrgives satisfatitikin, ..„1,4fitt.ftall,• '8..11 Val,/ 1.....%16014414,,,146_ While the appointment. Of -B; :-Li.,. 1)0y1o, Esil,,," . perhap*,, • advanced" in matert . ptoe- plata ita 11 • W01/, degM'CV.(1 108'41„14.1).000)1(1,11Y/'„ ' • ' xe' • .1 te rlieJunior Arl,,cceship is ;peculiarly appro., , •••:ptiity oi.,Ct.o, tii)m Ally :OtIlet,'..k.foloi-ovAttir, awl It -Mark Of Teregnitiori .01 Vier compote , ( • •: •''''' • • ••.,•,--. •• . ,‘' - exputiliyetall elasios •pill.vieetis lit„ransda ' i.y:kg. ofy. tift?t,. th,ree ,y.040. ,,-. ..'Et nr.1 :n1 „. :the, ',1:titig:1, Doylo il a lieniau to` 601(0 !orad'ideali ,. ghi,t,le. itNit. or itg .,,tv.tvorlyett toratory ,fti,4, , pain tract t: will hi aCCepted 'Villa laigo bmly ,,.ty,,, ,,_,, _.,,,, ,.,,,.,, _,. „,, ,' 1, „ „I',.: „, .,._.:,.,..,,„.,, '_:" ,,:, ..ag tinpiticr proorof Sit Jelin MaCtitiliald$&- Ju 1.1n,v7F!FPIII1Ip3r, (.1 t.t..1,.8 IRV iprY , 07/ • Prnonatlan •to' de thvItt -fall ittefkti ft1111.6 44 44( 5415 toiritivill(tektjotY .7141100 01044i-aMta0;•iir tlia• *Itkei • baa gallcenti fotttfa wA ratgratith*da Jiidga,b0)44 and eppoeted ehsingp.tatteslnee '0,104110t •• ' , , , . . -laSt; tong'', Ills tnany frientis hope, fop )'e'L Ot1.10(TY. 111,VI 81111 I/. not if e.S; 81440 iintAppot,orl, so tlin,t they may; ' 0, vecoug.1)ood It, to any, one whi.in meet Atm 10 Om trialat again. ' •' • • •tfolltrarvAlle. • do %The report •orl,ho uodorvilio thoosek, geSt so fro 1, tug front waifot tf IT e regn,fir'St, itH.4. won-, i'dpreliai:011, 1) and shall fil"elgratik In v 10108,1- or onennet, ructotty Allows that In 18v : 'there were , few nit twit Or ,,etA 11t;'11,1 tlIP111 ):420§9(gY pen ods•saf reatliVekl •• ;, f ' • • • • '": factory, :trod) Wilid 116A-Wi.ot41$ or, 146 11;11 l';*k V It 16 IneV,.114P11 th.e .or mak t„, mmie . for 0..0R•Iyote von n eily ro say Whitt I think the session Was 10.49, ;TIM average Of tlio On, and it 11,0 0841 in any price 11.4Q, ' 'rho •to.t.61' olio 'or (hi `, way felteedmplish soasett'S make Was fl13/1:260•40, ' wlitail • ' •• • A. 81%w/oil% ChiliO/Paiv. 01071,57 *eta to the pittrOns.'• • ' • '• 1.,•1114111,4•110 %Nal VIA If, • "• 14' Plot g " • 0•• SteDhoo...•, 0., t le o:Dr.......tturs New , Avor*- st,t&ossaut for 00 4hini)trii1J.J.101444 4.10 honortfl,..Couglitioi rev 0o1(14, linen evon awliy Noll) ltit„iiiiatielcvr *Vial &Oft . by ids IlottIes et the hIVO 'P6 prier fiteplien friends,' flit) Cehtrit '110151 itolia liado,y,,m;60.1d.ba cihriRttotit to ow •Grettitorti: Tuesclay_t `,1),,r,:. • pro'prikors7,,, iTero nt'ik!". for,• the.* r. Ste. Irv! 11,11:!? (6)nf .`anr n,"i;t4s, tir6a.`in tnerits p'osol,seit by tile t'vt.iidepftirmea. •15,fr. couAtiiin;,...th..6.guestr of ttllo• Callkt Wang -(..TeixDrug.Stoto • itigi while the Omit at , liana , ond' Pit TrotrBottlo/S'eer•nfitl , 04E140, iltt,i,00t16,..r., Tiii,,. itite,oge,voutiru .ttrriblifto,rto ei..5.f'rbeiiirIttlibiii. 6 1 'i'Vtit e -t\fitc\i, ittniltfor linn year$ lioutoldile useful,. WAN 00,1111,10 rie; tralkSO4: Ptif$,Olt p0ter,f41,314',Cttr, , • . A • ricinincjicaotCo.ricebi.ittiotivOrptuaiirseititiiillq _ . '*alual.;16.1ti Constrpatfon,, curing ontz prosPentfur, thry ribio Certreet ot;tho stoat**, ,1 Ilurr • re,galiac trio 1)oWtl0 scnit tiny oily Cured.. ..4610.00wea1dbeitia1oet)i1'lec1elis to tII5O who rAtkor rronitiOs rligtrotwog 55lnplA4ti1 hatircutit., ritetrgoothiesetece 140843011 bete; ilea one.: whom:144 try tliein'onitn ,thaea 1)Mo v1114. r 01210 in 00 InattylVaditlitt they.winnot !Rivalling . 0 40 'wittiest Imam get atter $rok.hei4 , . • ,tos 11101)6.ms qtao tioniltvr,*thatiroroavrhiltaidif 11..C11e1a0rt'e5rdpte'lia.l,lo..b.o„tost,' .* Ou•. r p1„1 •16 51184818 rod Liver 'gills ore vorytosectitat. wry oftry 0a0r (Me nr 0,041111604Mo 4200; T8ry.,40.,01rletiy vrgotoblo ,hria 410'f161 mitre or imago, but by their ocittle'lrerlon Ocoee 811w1)6 4180 (4)8818, ,111 viale et CIS eepart AO' for $1.sold ordraggiete everywhere, ortcht by CA10,10„pAVPICINTIO0.0 ^ • NO* Yoiktify • 1.0A1.6114 :1ii014 BAIR •Pqrt.5 of tote( Non. mat 7, Tian*: ttnad ConresRforr, 'rololkellip of traitertrb. 0Antataing' VW 0 ern8 0434847511 • cteereit not) mo5f,11, tyro from mmowr, . Moro ere on no proal,t8pq goodMin (h ,5nt.44411gInc(K,8 !twit house, 113 0841 ))rottna pre420r(1, ond 11 noVoMitlfing orti4 cfeek. • • . „ Al6o, the otiA6 lialt 'ro tOnlvolot.'6, ronfmatass err nercr, -having n tram 1) 1180 rma * new Irma 14r*, ft1Anoyoung.orovolo),11o. trecei 44 selected Yflater • hatt. • _ - 4 , '' • • '141)0 shove tam a are nittlatra op the !toren 'tacit aboo ti • m41e4 fther (Mateo. May be nnreirvia0 • 'pitilor sommoiy 0111151143 -hlack Ver farther putle. olnaraml terms 4m$1),, in .' ' 14 ' 't,' • gt,(YTIN ..rft1)611iv, cliht.011, •..,, • .;VALEftl'itt4S oig Assortment ' Elegant Designs, •LoW Pri'oew' , . ,NEWSTO�K'�F' PICIU fiE. f RA 11 tatll688 own' neve, Made. CALL How IS TUE.TIMEI ,IN'ex.:t to 1,Vrt,tt's,13). rug. Stort,,, OLINITC)N' KNiriiiNra. .Arow•to the tjrae. to got * 'dolt , O. r,lintou and orrearalleit toot 05 -prepare& to do o1'OtniT94I WORIt •ft6 low hatiprocured -irobt1+-ItttrrrlIsta-itt0111NVI and lp ,Ilt,Afutigt4.141.rOti8b.$ nox door oftaptistrepreb. 81 '•• Irr4 lvertisin t,tin 1411f,svs- itucortiy;,'t Ole,irculation • , - • . RAILROADS#,EILevA-r013$, §TocK - WARE- HQUSES, 0-Q-UNTIERS AND .•. RIBIt8,1::SDALES: SORIPTIO .11-N.Itaq•*11,1W, . Iron. ,s4 tram- t'vcitrolulerclitant. 3 1.. Jaiinitry 200w, isala„,' GRZAi Nattlrf3.WtkITE . • •1 • :1003 gzeT, , z neGnAiii,t.ortioec 0 L . i4 To Paie orage, Py(etu .6it'POI:rtiMelli, Ugh -Cline Patent.ifed/gines, 1-forse Arid Cattro M1dfsfrmo,and -allArlielesiaerterally o14 ,y Orugs!itit nttscattnrozys A1,11) 'Mu r AttArelVir , t Aiient*,:for, 1,1rtirrie Ofovit , • . • , '