HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1883-01-31, Page 54 4 MO - aoar . / - aggesieavaTtva 14 eapaq. -Ur. Fred. tIte running of eteam threeidog wichiut '..a ...„ W, Johnston will attend the conserve- by properly qatillhed pe..gioos wee lost, tivelneetieg it the Temperauce Hall on An um i an of Mr. Gtrvin, second' (I Turday evening Februaty lot, wheu lay Mr. Kv, tlw Warden and clerk he will deliver an whines on leading are authorized tie petittqa the Loe' questons ofoellas day. As the elections Legislature to distrliee, a , porioa Of an, close at hand all lovers ofgoad gov- the suplus, diet is at preeent in the v nme t 3h011hl he ois hand to give him I4.ovitesial Treasury, amona the verb: wttrUi reception. wunicipalities. People wishing their teeth to loolewhie. Het on the 27th, and after going toe" TISAKIlitltY " dail)-at morning, at night ; (AMALGAMATED. through conaiderable busineesealleurned it sweetens the Breath apfl reddene the gums, --A bailees the 1:Issuq et eauelitera and 8011/1. until the first Tuesday in Time next. ii °LAI ESV I LL E BRIDO E -Reeve Our- gITRACITS FROM VARIOUS REPORTS bett wade a tuost excellent statement .ADOPTED. to his fellow members of the County Mr. Mason, Road and Bridge Com - Commit, showitu the neceeaity for a tnisaioner, reported in reference to i brdge at eqlborn, and also the Ball's bridg, that hy haikling a new equitableness of the demand for it by one about a mile south of the old place the people of Hulniesville and Gode- a more direct road to Goderich would rieh townhips. As %%ill be seen by be secured and a much ahorter ,bridge extract elsewhere, Road Commiesioner ri q iired.-Was of opiniqg tliet there Mason reports in favor of a bridge should be a bridge it-Roiiiitiille, behig built ea ilohnevill. It is likely. Recommended that tenders be called that action will be taken in this matter for at next June meeting fqr Grives at the June seegion. bridge, It would not he Safe te allow A Goon Se lMON. -Mr. A. It. Man• the old bridge to stand more thau one fling occupied the pulpit in the Metho• year. dist church on Sunday In the evening The Priiiting Committee report ol the subject of hie discourse was, "Btter 04 three tenders were received for than silver or gold,faith in JesuChrit." the county printiy and that it be Ile handled the subject in an able man- awarded to the. Seaforth Sao for the net, chiefly referring to the use of cheap current year, that tender being. the literature by the youth of our country. lowet. Take it all in all, it was one of the must The Creel and Ceurt Hopse Con -imit- able discourses we have heard for some tee, E. 'Corbett, chairman, reported time, and the sentiments expressed by that they had vipited the gaol and Mr. Manning idiould be practiced in found seven prieoners theren, four every household. males and three females -five vagrants iPoeT La, nouns.; the rowth and pro- and two iusane. That eince the Da- i gress of tin\ different epartments of °ember session a female prisoner who buiness, we •find tho e who turn their was confined as vagrant died of typhoid attention to ank.part cuter line or De. fevr They found the geol clean and partutent mid aloe a specialty of it well kept. Recommend that a Babcock usually make it aXtrees, especially has extinguisher be purchased tor use in it been so with the Untie Department the gaol; that a water tank be built in of Pay & Wiaimia . They having the gaol yard; that cetton and wincey madti a specialjty of th.t Department, be purchased for clothing the female have inamelactured \ hernia fla of prisoners; that certeiri sanitary ar- mantles ateVulsters ;inc the Depart- rangements be carried out; that. re- \ ment was opened not on misfit, all moval ot shed, draitorke, etc , and the giving the greatest setisfacten. Call amalgamating of the Grand Jury room and see the stylos and settle the matter and Mr. •Malcoinson's into one be leid • for. yoreelf• over until the June eessionthat the . HE TOOK A wALK.—Tiiia z -o -ii• rno- Teornoin alas- Coart-alictuseoLfe serl has gone on tratp, or departed from occupied by Judge Suiers, be grant° our midst. You ell heard about the Judge Doyle. only Zule walking anedit town. Well, The Road and Bridge Committee, the owner of this cane some say he is John Kaine, Chaiman,recommended also a Zulti-was employed at the that repairs be mede on ihe bridge be - organ factory. He was getting up the tween Tuckersmith and Hullett Alia pattern fior a new organ, but before he Mr. Gibson examine the bridge at got it tittished he concluded that he Wingham and act as he thinks necessary could not iiivent any thilig to cotepete in the matter. That the petitions of with the Doherty organ • He took a Joseph Nagle and othrri, James Stevens walk in genuine Zulu style.. The last mid others, ad W. N. Bear and others that was soon of him he was making all relative to .a bridge across the Mait- strides towards London with cella and land between Colborne and Goderich bggege across his shoulder. Several, townships, that Ball's 1.tridge be re - we are told, mourn his departure. paired and that Messrs. Hardy and Molter, ANP SOCIL NV ORTH.-Miss Gibson examine ,, the other places Nellie Holmes, well-known to many of potitione I for and report at treat met - our readrs, has taken her departure to lug as to the proper place foo a new St. Catharines, where she intends re- bridge end the probable cost.' siding for some time to t ome. Miss Holmes was actively associated whilst here with every g000d work that her help and ingutince would be of any ad- vantage to. A teacher in the Metho- dist Sabbath Schee 1, and a leading soprano in the choir of the satue elturch, she will be greatly Missed. For a number cf yee.re she as continuously (exepting a short abseace in Winni- peg') a member of the choir and gave very valuable asisiieance in all its fit r vices of song,.. i'he was. .one of those whe t Vio a !eiding part in the solos and anthome, which have math a name. for the choir all over the country, and hence her piece is a hard one to till. The time has iong woe; by when alone - tions or farewell sUri tris0 Parties were the only sure signs of appreciation of services rendered ; those who do work and are worthy of being borne in mind now are remembered by the good deeds they have do' e and the willing help RETURNED. -M r. A. H. ° Blackeiy. they have rend,ertel in the paths that who has been for the past few weeks in- weie eptwed to them. While regret- ventigating tha working of the Factory tang‘.1 jai.; Holutes' departure, THE A.ot in force in Massaehnitetts and 0011 N. k.:WS Reclaim cheerfully bears testi- eeeteutam behalf of the Demi lien Gov- molly to her moral anti sociai Worth. totreent, returned to Galt on Wednese day Ile im Wily preparing his roport to COIN FlPAILLIVIENT. al.ie proper Depnment. .... THE CODERICH NE Clinton Record, Miton, Wednesday, January 31st LOCAL NEWS. HAPPENINGS ABOUT HOME. gown 51 al k. gar Take nutke of clearing sale by the eatete of the late John Ho Igens. REMOVED. -The gustotna office was removed from Perritt'e block to the va- cnt apartment in the town hall ou auedaY. Mr. D. Elwards, of East Saginaw, assistant Manager of the Pere & Mar- quete Railway, is staying at the Rat- tenbury house. Look for A. Hale's ad vertisntent next wek. He has a big assortineet of Val- entines, at all prices. Also a new 'stock of mottos, picture frames, &c. Call on Hale. THE Myth Review is authority for tae statement that girls are scarce in atilt burg. This will aceount for the venerable editoi of that paper clinging to bachelordom. THE sale on the market of the furni- ture, &c., of Mr. John Scott, on Saturday lasted for several hours. Soule of the goods brought good prices A large number attended. BEV reunionof the Wontens' (1hri4ian Foreign Soeiety will be held in the town hall on Thursday eening, commencing at 6 o'clock. A largo at- tendance is looked for. DURING the intense cold spell of raid' week, the brine in the pipes of the nansferd salt block became frozen up. In egosequence work had to be suspen- ded for a titne. - 1101t. MNITOBA. -Mr. John Joslin, of this place, loft last Monday morning for Manitoba, having received a tle- gram last Saturday, that his son John got one of his hands badly frozen. It is bitt intention to brine him home. OYSTER SUPPER. -The Foresters will give all oyster supper at Pikes hotel on Thursday evenit.g. No folou IA they ill maintain the reputation they have 2v.ined and anake it one of the most atiecessful events of the season. 001ITRADICTED. -The report that Mr, ae'w. Boyd, formerly of Clinton, but ow of Manitoba, was recently frozen to ,teeth, is contradicted. Some of %anther Masons have heard front him, and he is alright. ANNUAL DINNER.-Tite twentiethaia .meal dinner of the township of II ollett l Agricultural Saeciety will he held at kreIlly's hotel, Clinton, Olt tlio 15t11 Feb- 4...ary. Mr. Kelly knows bow tc? get. up a good spread. Tickets 75 cents,. Me London Free Frees says -T he AI. W. R. station at Clinton, which was ,,sed at the time of the amalgantation the G. T. R. and G. W. R. itt to he nettin opened. Th.. necessary stoves teo have been sent forward. Witty -The wild elements and Wyld theories ceme into coli81 at holt wek. 1Vhen the irresistable meets the im- itiovalle what then'? The Rev.T)r/ wes iomeove.ble, unwillingly so in this in- sassuae.. which will aecount for his not delivering hitt lecture here last week. litoN KIPPEN. Wm. Young, baker, of town, has received an order front Kipper' to supply the illicnci.s for a social, to given at that place on the 8th Feb. The proceeds; cvf the prder will ainnunt to some forty or fifty dollars_ epeelts well of the attAiliaies of M r. Yotrig as a baker. ER. t ALL. -- While leaving his Amato aftor dinner on Satunly, air. 11. klantelon remived a 8-vort. fall. Ile bad just got out of the door,aniltlifstp being icy, and his rubbers being smooth, te suddclenly Blipped, alghting' on the back of his head. lie is able to be around, although lie will feel the effects 9f the fall for some time to come. adgationtsa UNION.-- A meeting will im held in the II. C Church here on Wednead ty evening, February 7111, for the purpose of voting on the basia of Union as agreed upon liy the commit. Vett, All members will then have' chauee ,to yote aither for or agaiost, ac- coraing to the dictates of their con• science. FEW EXTRACTS Ci1LLED FROM THE MINUTES. • cUT DOWN Eri The wel I k nown rg:renghen in,gproper- ties of Iron, combi led with other torics and R most perfect nervine, are found in Carter's Iron Pills, which strengthen the nerves and body, and improve the blood a td complexen. • Farmers and others desiring a genteel, lucrative agency, by which 65 to $0 a da) can be earned, send idress at once, on postal, to II. 0. WILKINSON & CO:, 115 and 167 Fulton Street. Now York. V -3.6m. Suddenly Seized. Mr. Arthur Feher, of the Toronte Gobe observes: On my last trip to the Stites, I caught a very bed gold froma severe wetting I received one night in the city of Philadelphia, ‘wbich settled into a very bad case of theuttifttiAtin aed. made most miserable. "did not know What to do for it, and could ,,not think for a fong time, until I bethotight me that on previous visits to that side, I had alwaye bought for Mr. Gay, of our paper, a couple of bottles of SC. Jacobs Oil. I remembered also, • fortunately, that the lost two bottles had cured that gentleman of rheumatism and so I re- solved to purchase St. Jacobs Oil for iny own use. I Went at once toe drug sore and made Om purchase; that very night I began applying the Oil, and in two weeks time I was ea well as over! Carter's Little Liver Pills will posi- tivelY Mire sick headache and prevent its return. This is not talk bet truth.: thie pill a dose. To he had of all Do* gists. See advertisemnt. True to her Trust. Too much cannot be said of the e ver faith - ill wife and mother, censtantly watch- ing andcaring for heideer gees, never neglecting a single duty In their bhalf. When they tiro assiiled by disease, and the system should have a thorough cleansing, the etornach and bowels regu- lated, bitted purified, and malarial poison Clinton, Juno 7th, 1682. exterminated? she must know that Eeet- IMPERIA—r-TIOTEL, Mc Bitters Are tbe only Ore .rerneuly. They are the best and purest metlicine GALT, ONTARIO, in the woild end drOy cost fifty cents. • Sold by Watts ik Co. This is a bandktits new Hotel, sIturkted opposite.' the P. 0.;in the centre of thortiVir Ittoetitslintis-, (las, etc, Gr -a0& comprise about three nom br , • ion,' Jaw titulbjahl ainV. yith streeut of .wat:or runhing through ISIDORE B. EBY, Lessee and Prot/Heber, Galt, Ma 17th, 1892. Met in Goderich on January 23rd. The C!erk itt tire chair, A majority of the Ginincil not beinglpresent (owing to the impassalde roads), the Clerk adjourned to 3 o'clock 13. m- Oil • the 2411, Met on the 24th, alt present except Bala; of Seaforth. On motion of Kay, seconded • by Weimer, Lancelot Hardy, of Exeter, was &elated Warden' for the eusuing year. The Warden returned thanks, and, aitet taking the oath of office, before His Iloilo/ Judge Toms, assumed the chair. motiun of.F. W, Johnston, sec- onded by Abraham Smith, Arch. Dixon V: as appoint ed Auditor. The Warden Appointed Jas. Patton as the other auditor --,A ljourned. Met on aim 2th. . Ott motion of Kay, seconded hy Shier the Watillen was instructed to examine bridge ovhoundary between Us - borne ipi Blanshaed, and have the same reparierpeoviding the County of Perth pays o0-haf. S. Fisher, of Clinton, F. ,Torrlan, of Coderjh, end Thos. Kidd, of Sea - forth, were appointed high school trustees for their respective locali- ties. The Clerk was .instrticted to apply to the home of incurables at Parkdale for the soliniesion of an aged infliient named F. Matins. On motion of Mr. Beacom, seconded by Mr. NV td r, the (York was authorised to submit at the June ineetiog all the infortitation. lt etin Olitain respecting work houses Mi the prov ince. BALL'S BRIDGE. Petition of Mr. Nertgle and others to rebuild Ball's bridge on its present site; and one from Mr. Bier and ri largo number of others to have a bridge erected at Holmesville; rtnd one from Mr. Keringliarn and 112 'others to hove ti n proposed bridge changed from the present site weto referred to road and bridge committee. On motion ;of Mr. Benoma Mr. Adamson and Mr. F. W. Johnston weee appointed ,on the board of Audit for this year. On motion of Mr, Kay, Aeconded by T Cooper, Mesere. Mellock, of Clinton, Gregory, of Exeter, and II ails of Goderich, wern appointed on the board of exanuners of school teechers for the entrent year Met. on the 26th. ()n motion of Mr. Webeterogee,opcled by K. Gran, Mr. Gipvin MLR in- structed to have the approaches fumed at Oraham'e bridge, lake shore road. Mr, Eilber's tiotion ill reference itO Baizest--LIMiss Lan, of Godericit, .who tuado ts pleasant vi -it of sevet al weelcn to relatives here and esewher, returned Mime on Monday last --Ex' Judge Squiers passed through here lust Wednesday en route to Winnipeg.- M. Graham Qamtiron 11 ritt.v.riting from the Iriontiall convention was obliged to se• cure horse power to take him trom. bore to a oderich.-The Fire ,t1olupany met Monday night- Mr. 0. Richard, a member of tho McCormick Manufai turing- Co, of Londet, and wife are in town, visiting at the 13. parsonage - Two of our most prominent clergymen have jeined the 1111,W Ale oluls, Poe- eibly their example may have the effect of conuer,ate, the antipathy of 0theralerical gentlemen to this really (excellent organisation, A.0111001.41TRAL MPI.EMENTS-- As will ,be seen by advertisement in smother col- umn, the Sarnia Agricultural Imple- ment Alanufacturing Company have opened a warehouse in Goilerich for the male of their Reaps -re, Mowers, Binders and Throshere Mr. George A. Ross, tiie general agent of the rem psay, passed brough Clinton on Frit -iv last, on It ti - way toother points, for the purpose of appointing cgeits. Ile will require R11 agent in Cltietan and parties wishing to act in that, cpacity, Call write him at Goderich or lose a personal interview with him rtt Moores Coni itterci n.1 hotel, 11011-, thin week. .6, R the implements, manufactured by this company, have all the advantage of the experienee and the meet modern improvement a and in- ventione that, can possibly be utiliaed in their manufactrire, it is expected •that they will be largely introduced at.° this sction. •••. • • • • , "N•A THE GREAT 0 REMED I a , Fon NEVIVIATISM,' lVeualgia,Sciatioa, Lmhago, Backache, Soreness of Ow Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell - laps and Sprains, Burns and Scald, General Bodily Pains,r Tooth, Ear aod Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears,. and all other • Pains and Aches. tt, Preparation oil earth male Sr. Aeons 015 RS ii safe, sure, simple and chfurp External . ltsm.dy A trial anions but the comparatively trifling outlay of 60 Cents, and every ono Buffering , wItli pelts can imp eheap sod positive pilaff of its claim., Dirsctions in Eleven Languages, ' tv. BOLD BY ALL DIM/GISTS AND #ALEBEil IN NIDIOINE. A. VOGELER 84 00., 2 .I3 &Minors. Md., TA A. 41.. Profqssional and Other. _Cards, MANNING & SCOTT, Barristers, SalleitOrs, Conveyancers, Ave. Col-inis- stoners for Ontario anti Alaultba. 91-E00-0,EAVElt BLOCK, 0:LIN1ON. Clinton, May 17th, 1882. 60 RL EDWIN KEEEER, DENTIST, • CLINTON. Lite of Tercet° Honor Graduate Royal College of Dental durgeons, has reinovecito the icien,7z, H(Dw? By §elling bvercoa ° By Selling Flaamels and Blankets, By S11ing Dre Ci-,Q4ss AT THE PRICES)WE DO N? W. ET A BARGAIN I 1 1 EAT: BARG . • • vercoatin OVERCOATINGS • °VERO AIRING 1.0W rffiCESq,: • URES 000085 DRESS GOOD,S, DRESS GOODS/. Splendid AsSortrkent„ Prices tow; FJLL STOOK OF pROOPIES, Hats and Ca po toots andShoes, 1-9siery aid Gloves *"•-`''• Knitted Goods- , • • VARIETY" LARGE, PRICESAWAY 'POWNf. trir"DUTTER-11$ Zoats Block, over W.Taylor & Son's. All work first-elass: Cargeemodrate: C. CARTWRIGHT & SON, Magog DEN' riarswip Continue the busintseronberly car- red on by W. E. Cart- . v' wright. V.2-ly Offiae open on s Fridsky and Seta urday of • each •o week, in the old staqd, Victoria Block, A' bert St. Clinton. REF.VE• Office, Rattenbutit Street, burned! 11 ately bohind itansfords bookstore. -Residence oppositethe Temperance Hall, uuron street. Office hours front 8 am. to 6 p. re. Clinton, Jan. 14, 1881. 48z WISM1/1..AIsT D.B. DOWSLEY, M. D., 1.1. It. 0. S. England, Physician, Surgeon, &c. Office and residence next 61q1sons Bank, market square. Clinton, Jan. 14, 181)1. 1-y. • Dit. DILL ABOUGH hiss Opened an' offfee in the Beaver Illelt, up -stairs, first door to tbe right, and will give prompt attentionto all matters requir ing his asistance. Night.messges to be left at MR. JOIIN nnglATSON8, Huron Street,..Clinton. rAMES TIOWsON Licensed Auctioneer far the ,1 Couto' of Huron. Sales attoaded ateasonable. mte4;eiton. JLn. 1841. . • • GREY totend in large oi Clitall suns, on good L mortgages or personl secrity, at the loYeal • current rates. II. • El ALE, Huron Street.Clinton. - Clinton, Fel). 25, 1851. , , 1,1y. tI6 is Tiiecl: for making tife'13ST FITTING..ctorfiEs., n the coulity.:*- • . • . • • ROCKERY AND CLASSWARt AT 'COST- .6 04rStoek,d Goodgin this debartmntai-ust be CLEAlOp OTJT a. &- SIRS. BLACKSON TE4014171tO 01.yg, a. cal and Instrumental Music, Itattenbury Street; near Organ Factory. N.13 -Sining Claps noCt form- ing. yioun Eessons green. Clinton; retailer.); lot, 1982. 5-1y. I NSTROIENTAL Webbor;lroin the • Boiton Conseryntory of music, will take a Dilated - number of pupils rut the organ or piano. Particular Mention given to those who wish to improve on.thelr present style of playing, at residence of L. P. Davis, neer the organ faetovy, 35. • . . OUR:50 0.E.NT. -------- ..•••••••••••,.... A Bitie.2,lliediourliidpth, with gocia, full 'Igrowri,.. and . • ," ofitiadt cap for the Inouty ever O1kred4o tile ptibltcOUR a . 65 . . . . _ • A.spiqnoio cap in..three different .colors a Grey mixecl;- Gold miXed and /3rown. • . 'Medium eight,and oroWn. ----------- •.' 0111AS. IIILTON' - A. curio:leen., land, loan and insurance agepts ;,).. Hi) th. Sales attended in town and gauntry, On 'reasOnable terms. A of ?armband village. lots for sle. Money to loan on real estate, at low rates of in wrest. Insurance effected on ell classes of 'property Notes and debts collected. Goods appraised,. and Sod - on 0.11111;i13Sa? IraLtkrtIpt SLOCKS bought and sold. 131 v th. !Ice. 16' • 1890 , CLINTON Lodge, No 84, A. F. &.A61;, meets • every Friday, On or after the full moon.. seat- ing brethren cordially invited. J acW III RTER, at, - L. FORTUNE, See. Cliute7 :Jan. 11, 1681. OER NTAL HOTEL, Blyth, Ont., H., Erwin, prop. The ttholo louse is now refitted and furnished anew, and affords gond accommodation to the travel. lifter public. Good Liquors and Cigars always in the bs.r. Good sample rooms. Evert' attentibn p515 to. gtests. Goodstabling and attentive hostler. Bt. th, June 23 1441. • • COMMERCIAL HOTEL :•• — This Hotel Is turn -Rama throughout with great care to moat the wants of the travelling public. Orniuno.. dious satnplo &ems. The best of liquors and cigars” are always kept ht the bar. Good tble. Ilest situ - tel Hotel in Clinton. Give us a call. , - JAS. MOORE, Proprietor. OUR 750ENTIINE„ In Gray mixed and Gold mixd, beteg extra heavy arid a gcie, crown:, . , D014.AR LINE tw.0 colorsal3lue tiod'rayorti ced; extra. hedi'drItlid. aleepnrown, being • , .,„ „ . •. Cal) for dilte In ••. ...• • . . • • • - . • • . • . . . ..„ • • - • . , • e Farnotts Hatter, lnton. EMIST$ AND DRUGGISTS NatilriirlivigsTON • • • • • 0 • ALBERT STREET, CLINTON,. ONT., . • PureDrugs, Dye Bfuj`S, Perfamery, Genume- Patent Medielnes,;- , TUN ks In Godellich, on the 27th inst., the wile of Mr. Henry M. Roos, of a eonHS. -. • STEWART-in Stanley, on the 27h inst, Peter Stewart, aged 71 crs. DULL -In Clinton. on the 78th inst, MInhle 11, daughter of Mr. Kees Hll, traced 0 years, 11 MOS„ and 21dor BOYD --in 011.nton cn the t6th inst., Marprot Boyd aged 26 years. . ' WANTED. FIVE carloads of Potatoes. Dr CANTELONit Clinton. Jaanery 'oth, 1883. V.3-tf . _ CARTEgS ITTLE cR Birk Marinello nnd relieve 11 the troubles Inc- dnt ton bIItti Mato ot the OYAtem,flueh n Diz- zines, Nn111eR, Drowinss, Distress after eating, Pain in 110 5111', Al. While their most remark- able success hsp:en shown Ilk miring Ileadaohe,yet CorteriaLittle ver Pills are equally valuable In Constipation, curing and preventing tins annoying tomplaint, white they nlm correct all disorders of tho stomach, stimidato the liver and regulate the bowel. Even If they only cured Aelto therwould jut almomprleeleati to those who stiffer from thls distressing complaint; but fortu- nately their gelidness does not lind bore, end thotio who once try them will find these little pills vain able In ao Many ways that they wilinot be willing to do withedt them. But after all sick head • de Mahone of so tunny thee that here le where re make out great boast. Our pills cure it vvidle others do not. • Carteess mote Livor nun are very small and very easy to take. Onn or two pins matfett dose. They are e,trictly vegetahin and do not gripe Or purge, baby their gentle action plasm all who pee them, In vials at 25 mints; dye for $1. Sold Ay druggists everywhere, or sent by me. CARTER litEDttlinTE 'CM, New York Olty. MONEY_ TOLOAN Al low rates of Interest and:non terms WAWAA rowers. , MANNING th FOSTER PHOTOGRAPHER seand ' Madleine, anti all rticlesGeeerally,sold by praggiste.. ati•ND,FAMII;Y:RECIES CAREFULLY -IZED); Agents tor Uairis,G1ove„Clehnery, OS. ST1TXSON, — • , er• *LEADING FUNERAL ••• " Beaver.Bloekr Clinton. FIN$TF/411$11/ EtT L4TEST .82-kLES Beaverlflock, CRAM' Clinton, May 17th, 1882. •" ... 26. INTEREST,REDUCED: Money on firstelss farm security and. on fa:trouble. tortnCtO borrowqrs.cari holtaJ At 6 -.prgent. per. Annum. • Apply to .. C. A. }WITT, ' • ttorne. . Clinton, Mar , 1981 •01.111, THE MOLSON'S BA NK, incorporated by AO of ParliaMent, 1658 Capital, $2000,000. Rest, $260,000, 6AtiTEL°}1 % )4*6-'1:&••••2-- • '• • • . , It/W04,ellrkplIt• 171tCS. !merest alltnved 1 :---•-• • - . . ' , • counted at the ,, HEAD OFFICE, - MONTREAL, TIM5I A$ WOltEldAN, rrestama, • J. H. B. WILSONVinePresident F. IVOLVElISTON TFIONtAS, minaret manager 1 BUGGI,S, -CUTTERS, WAGONS, SLEIGI-IS, &C., . Collectionm s ade, Drafts issued, Sterling and American FACIIIITIO honglit awl sld, and 40468 silt' . . on deposits V r1003g1t; MsTp BINDLI..S tit ken In' oxdbango. (gee Oita a call anti'l will give - mitten Feb. iota, test 144' L°11" -14°V,17,,'0„,' * t b bodten in the County...,la.. Ropairing and Ilortsoebouinu done • , • A.' . FilS11-1Eft,. $50,000 to Lendat61,.perCet, , With extra nrivillges to borrower. ,„ . Agent :arRt'AfZ'al,TVYItl:11Toar Wscolog,ge0T". you pru,ds fiespateli,, • s - • • • - • ' ()ANTI:EON - • • GALT IFOUNt?RY, W. If Adent for Omit -ahem Ore pion! safes-manntaetur . Engine ca achine or s by 0rdle2citteCull0ugh, Galt. Second-handsafe4alten Ege.liong,e dOWAht &.00.0: alarm, Feb. 1881.. IiOttio7tInitore, teed leatattecturers of all Wads ot W. DOIMITY & GO Woodlorking Are prepared to pay CASIT let ' • Cherry, 8uttermt,l3aswoo4,‘Nlap and Pine Lumber, ineh clear and. Wide. • • Clinton Deeenther Mu - ISM e• With At the toot atprovatethte, STEAM ENGINES, *rtable itta Stetlebera5 with Vegleale Out-Cer 0•Worr.,a4 • neater -S-0 ,Etc. tiALT0, ONTio "OANADA!.., EILTII!..SAW:Milit' • GOWAN 4; IjODD$ ,: kto,„„or,porou to do all ifluis 0 tVOr ft . ., . ling, Having pUt bd fo glBoetslgt Miter* ye ape itble tal do chopping at any.t.ioe fty.toltbmulorteitr!ooc. thth bod 17 1.849., . . 411, ..)1).% -if .- , NOTIOS. . trillg COUN(1(1., Of orporatton 0/ the eetin•ta 1 of /Neon will Stettin the 00%174, 'Nese, ih ,tho .hott. MT- atointittitatanut 8116 Matta .3ntititi ha ' ioitiog, '• • motto boforo the flat )!;o•lalotiolAbo tocoad do.3, tt' Town of dedotich ea Tuoult.y tho Vita donor), ;r • Pr.,,"f,, til., .4))jage?Ititelork, V.0:2t., . ; • • OPPOSITE. ETOWN HALL. ONTARTO • •—• • —.:--•••• •-•-• • .. , • BOARDING 'NUMBEE 00 GENTVEAIEBT COMMOIYAVED Witlf 'tintfli -LodgIngti at 110TSON'S,'Iluetatcetit 'three doors west Of the Commerilial harsh Ali the comforts Of dAdtito provided. Ohariettnodetata, ' 4. Clintn, Nov. 14, Mt, 48.41 7. • Now Is tile time P) get intir :knit: tint Hone. • TItHoodottigh000tii.to,Fonomt. tile ladles heti p0rofeCufttr g'eaolitsKaNtle6171 OfrldvicCilAYN'iliTntre46ria ptepittied 60 4.0 all kinda 0 01.12TOI 0 1111 at loaf 'f),(4.t door to Sarist nUJj $1n1,101; • SI • • • V • --. r , • • - • 7e PROPERTIES F011SALE. Ativertitents Under this lietten#,$LOO fro Ma Aid, 4501114, 2,a ° centnior ono/ tvanxoqvitta month, - • Wail, 941844d 18; Ilia -Cie (1, 1114onnoll4 sur505',• in the itillege of mth.. yThere•ls oti the promises 8, ' aantddrphit8o1111114;11.41 311,01008.°6'0allet.°110160 005fMtfirittitt,11.1al it8dizae'"gleiti'; ist the 4111;304 aod *Who 401(1'.04424. . yor, foll. ' pal - fence, . ftioliolofltolly situate& in itlatAt the centre good1)1111 th,olling boot, 2808, ono and.adaalk ftot)l4 14 Rp 1$. f0. , ,,.6. 114.; istitv.o'N'. .,.33.1.ytit: • . . • ottalolfig 11)01,U64 ed eholed 1440, 80 two( pleat IddIlVegbfkl'etatO of eoltivatIo. 'They° 18-14. acres Xorth half of lot 1•Zo•14, -coiA. 1; Nast 11rawnoh - • of a summer fallcatiready for crop, There is i-Taigo iltiall otehrd' It Is otioindo and ti, (moot f„01 Marlehstekt, terelao hada front CleadrIcit airl: pt 711.0.4;4e.1 r"61,11P4T-Vt4tbitCti frame -ham with stablesoodet, 4 log dwell* and a . rAlt* •140.4 '...0t-Txt: "..'. ' •' :** If 4 from Myth. this Is e: holeo farm •Aie, A* 1f0 • Myth, Pll, It ISO" . • '' ;:. f ..S, -.. • , . ., 71... . . . TWO 01 Lek. goof. 4itaTIfitertildful totitoesloft '' ' .'•':1()P.' 841.4/1. ':' ' 1044480:of (Wolfe% oonfklnliut 1110555041154511' al 5104155 4)15 mostiv fret from stump", • Thera 1A,14t m the realises good ftta1R Oftt•hollangs, .4 team 116504 a 'good beatlfet Otehard,'•aud•A nyr-fsitin 'ItsieAtlig°:itt6ttlekillia..• !I'ItilArn' lte" ohlniamblitirittltre 651',0711fgiiinvolnbrta110 . ,:ello!i ayeditterellatil 411158 tt'efa, all eolooted1elne .:!r•U'riko A0;1'0445144 afre altoefed on 11i0Anioar lieid Omit 1A• oiilte,,ftoltt dfloto0. My be *WORM ' ; 81005 flopatatey•§1.jd•oh0 %key, Vor ItIfthAt pdal ularselid 104%4.40w to . • , * 'I; " '' 4•1),Irk pfnOtrilf Clintoi MONEY TO 'LEND; filet Old WOW the -111E1 etf'001 ' • 11••••.•0.•••• onaIlatatANDED OnnniT co.ttrAiiir, To- ro le atooared lei peeen mortgage ea the seem,. It- ittinieroyea imrui ooperteo at, the tollewing rites: . 5 , • s SIX vett CENV, PIER ANNIIII SIX AS» A: IIAIN 1UL. CIT PER', ' :Neale aver, or 4406 ituttuiftUittptqy tu. . 7 • ▪ tit AtVil ON ' • • : . 0 • 0