HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1883-01-31, Page 3W —' ,..A•. fge 1 edrlf.Pliiest ciflOr t9, Waite.101t'ug; Web with a L • SPLENDID „ASSORaAQFNT Holiday Goocis. CHRISTMAS CARDS of the latest designs. Toys and Novelties at Reasonable Prices AUTOGRAPH AND PHOTO. ALBUMS, BIBLES, ETC. PICTU RE FRAMES Always on haul or made to order. Ladies' Own Hair Made Up. ALBERT ST., CLINTON. FARE IMPLEIIEJTTS. LARGE ASSORTMENT OF . HOT' AND STRAW CUTTING BOXES, CORN SIHELLERS,. And all Implements used on a farm as Blood as the best, and as Cheap as the Cheapest, at J. B. WEIR'S ter_ IMPLEMENT WAItElt0a7S, CLINTON. QAC''➢'NIZIO ROOD 1E CHEAPER tlstut ever at COOPER'S GROCERY. --0-- The undersigned begs to return 'his sin- cere thanks to his numerous customers for their liberal patronage for the past two years, and as. be intends to give his customers the Best Value possible . f• it , h Fir .money, he hopes to meet a c,r.t:,i.auauce of ,their patronage. HIS 0 CENT" � EA, Y; 'Hill still be a 4p.cialty, and can. not �l i,t, beaten in the market. .AII oilier 4lroceries, as Iow•as l,os,r.irle. A Lapel Stock of G LAS! w A BBB and CROCK- ERY on hand. Also FRESH OAT MEAL, CORN ME,A,L, `FLOUR, OATS, POTATOES; &!., &C, • i Give me a call and he satisfied. T. COOPER. PAT E: NT SLEIGH KNEE Reduces the coat of Sleighs, Caters, Etc. R. M. RAC EY, Iron and Hardware 1lt�rcliant, CLINTON. Nov.. 20th, 1882. John Smith, MERCHANT TAILOR AND General Outfitter, Carson's Block) .. • OLIN -TON Ole O New '1 1 p,T, a.oN, W4nN 4 , JAN! 310,;)1883 ,FEN *N111 FACTlif Wanud ear* ie hioh .4-0-19.-a. oat y in itneraop. . ' R, IoEiiistry,, .of Hudriou, N, Y. owns the, largest apple orchard in the` world -•40,000 treeta. on 30Q aoreg; Fondwife-'--4( klew 'strange l .F1.very tip t' .lin 9941210 403e from, his lodge, he comes to loud with his hat on. But • .I suppose it --i;3 sorpg•• mora of .those Dlasoiiic dolugs." . --Rev. W. ,,B,,. Morrison provincial grand ehaplin of the Orange assooiatian, was recently presented with a, splendid cutter' by the private lodges of Manito- ba. . Brigham; Yoqug'a .grayo is. utterly neglected and his widows. never vigtt' it. They went there 'nee to oil bvor his remains, l&ut.it made the. ground so sloppy that ih.ek all etlugbt.ccld: A tlolliugwood girl took up a collec- tion to wake a presentation .to her Sunday school teacher, spent the money was arrested and allowed out on bail and skipped the town..- ' The Grit organs of Ohtat•io are:ever proclaiming Mr. 111,owat's economical• administration, but the• idea is some:: what rudely shaken by a return just laid down before the Legislature, which shows an increase iii the expenditure -of • $169,557, compaaell with last years, =-: Winnipeg l'inted. Undoubtedly the best medicine to keep ou land for Colds, G ;ughs, Asthma Brut,ehit s and Pulmonary troubles gen- erulty; is Hs; yard's Pectoral Balsam. 1t will not cure Consumption, but ib will cure those iroublesome conditions leading thereo: Ms tuutty,who keels a place of Lad reputatiut', in an Ohio to•wu, throw Allelhti Dewitt out, of doora with great violence.. bier skull was broken. As, she lay ma the giuuud unconscious, one lana, 0'ui1, sul•posIng Ler a, unk, ravib'l.e I ht e. The woman died. Maloney•aiid Lawson were jailed charged With the murder. ` Wilkie Colitis, i,tn "Fie !.Fie !" paints this pretty picture eta lady pbystciaiu —•' 8.r John was sitting bolt upi iglu in lois chair ' looking at vacancy, and. drawitrg it' and pulling out his breath to a highly elaborate manner.' A finely • ti'eveIoped•youlig woman, !With- lava,n Mair and eyes, and rosy cli lti,Ldre'ssed to perfection in a style o severe Sim plicity, was sitting el lay Liar. I . arm was around his neck, and her ear was at his heart." It is 'evident that woman, as physician; will' do.• • An Adiaolaitieia T. neglect a eyugli or Bold, is but to • invite Consumption, the destroyer of the human race. Ilagyard's Pectoral Balsam will cure' the cou kland allay. ' all irritation of the bronchial tubes and. lungs, aur( effectually remedy all pul- -rncilial Compp'l'aints, such as Asthma, Bronchit Whoopiug•Cough, tic, bavyaid•Clark, Druggists, Renfrew • date of Juste 3rd, write,'•Burdock Blood Bitters, though couiparatively a new,p.re- paration, has taken the lead iii this lo- cality a.s a blood 'purifier, our saledbeing: equal. to that of all other-rnediciiies used for•the purpose during the year.'' . "I understand that your •father is d• ad, Diike,"'said an Arkansas gi'ntle- man to an Irish friend. " Yes sor, the old 'gentleman has .left us. • A. Nine Matt, yet• honor. He .could • stair(' up with the be't of 'hem." "1 , ltuveu.'t seen the old man' since lie moved away • from here some th res years age. 'Whore. was ht; living when he died l" I. He wasn't lii•iu' anywhere .when he. died, Ser. He was (lead thief. " A Big Irevertnleilt. . G. 1T. Everest; of Forest, states that .Ild.gyurd's Pectoral b'ilaam still .hold -4 its own amongst the many cough medi- ciue.s in tu.trket. Ii[*'say1s• that flee, baa seal it for nearly sixteeglyears, and th.e sales are steadily increasing, one family purchased 50 bottles for 'varit.us meal _tiers /fiends:- .• A Secret: The seut•et of beauty lies in cure L and health, without the one or th- is inipossille. Burdock Til is thegrat'd-key that ut aecreLiona, awl op e VO COOP 114' OFer ends. xw. .w d7, BA:X$i soworrork.'kc. voice, . corner oa' Square and West Street, over Butler's, Book Stora, Ooderich, Ont. - f"' Money to ler'd at lowest rates of interest. - B7. DA.VISUN i t J013NSTON, Lam, 0hancery� 1.J and Conveyancing. 9/ace-Vest-at. Goderichl 57 f OA:•IPl9IV .AttoruoY-apt Last:, Solicitor 1n ' la L' .. Cbur�eery,:conveyancer, te,= Office over Sheppard's bookstore, noder.olr,' Out. Amyl ' amount of money to loan at lowest rates Of in. terest. . a -1y. a .. Q40.61 -Ell ,Sy AIOItTOZY, Itarrieters, dtc Ate / 0oderich and IV Ingham. C. Seager, Jr. Qpderieh. J. A. Morton, W Ingham. 1-1y. T' EWIS tkLEWIS, Barristers, Attorneys, So - 1,J Halters in Chancery, ko, °Mioe-Court House,; tiodermeb. • • • Ira Lewitt, Ill, A., B.0, . •E, i . Lewis. TO • MERCHANTS How to Sell Goods.. . TALK TO—I- .0 O-• I- LV.0-At :. • . TIDE P INTER.( SAUNDERS, -THE TINSM.I1N`,, STOVES .- A N D TINWARE ., THE O$EAPE$T IN TOW ii. 'The 'Cheapest B use'Underthe Sun, 14ext door to the'Post 09tce i Oot.12,1,881. 18. GEO S] I -.L t�. NGBED r • .211.411TUP-1C t ZTBEdiR,i . CONT RAC a Carpenter., Bui.Ider, and • • Gen'terai' Repairer 4' ,;,,.,. Jobber • ids SPRING BEES,can't.he beat. See them. Low prioee, .Bost workmanship. Estimates for'Building, &c., cheerfully furnished, awl satisfaotion'gearanteed: in ovory particular. GEO. prITII, 2-19-0m - • I{ingstoa. t,, G1odenloh' �gpp�yp q . �'.' p .mss S.An�'Y7i/,cos Proprietors of rho (LAVE Pi1'E11'S>, totitnn'thanks to 'the public for the liberal' patronage received in •the past and bog to'state dent they are proparcd to do. INTI NG on the-shortost-ptissibio notico, or for thecon- • venience of patina lining at a `d.istance,'will Exc]aange Grists at Thai :i Town 'tS.tore, • Late. W. 4 • .HJ.GLI 1'RD'S..- IIi�ies:'Price )ltd. ,for Wheat Propert• y _for a1 ' 1p 1.1V Me0ai' , u»Ikman is going to Da. ' •.; i11 •.kota, and;, tdrd for sato his House .and acro•of ground, with siablcs,..shods, nnik:House icehouse, ah doutbuildings, 'sit vonvenie y arranged.. Tho pr4>lierty is insured 'lb vino, It is situated oppileite the rd L':.C1 .- eh For Wiberjitrrtioularstipptyandho taloa to AVM. Al D City Dairy. 2-2114f... (1oderiQh,,Doo, 2fiah;, :1 - � .t. SA�, • i 14`reT.l ENT "1',it1cK 'Tamily rail once on. Keay s Strait, ilodertch, .the urth-aest_e,trner of I{eay's and Baglan streets, ! containing three reception ;oonns'with grates and" marble mantto1iieees eigpt „#tad-routns, hall, = thee; pantry�elesota, kitchen,collar,.te;;framestable; u� Bitters cuaolLhouso, 4e:; good lawn' and garden nicely eks all the .pfantedwfh•oreumontal shade toes, .frust,Ire, RTo an' inniiediuto • pureitasor the abovo is c er Alio avenue to ' ed a groat bargain, • apply.:.W , i ``;`' ' Health by purify,, „ and regulatingall ' he �ortr°• CHAS. 1; 7ItYUG�sr t organs to proper action, It cures • heat Lstato Agent.. all SC'i•oful c9Diseasu,,acte on the Blood 98 DuNDAS STREET, 1V1,ST I4ND'bN ON'r . Liver liPyn,'Skin and Bowels;.!and • brit ,o the bloom of health to the pallid FOR SALE, leek. 1T111AT CAPITAL TRA1MD Cfl1"1tAOE oar ." RuclClen'r, Arnica Sabin-. 1 part 6f lute 127 .d$ b, Noaf aide of The -bone salve iii the world for Cutis Koay's Strout, xiorth o rtnglnh Street-h0upe .31x11 ft'., Withadditlon 14X2ll ft:, etanecollar, Bruises, Sores, • {I -leers, Salt Rheum,. .full sire of tense, stable i1!X21i It '. To an.imWe b'ever Sores letter, °(;jiappdd "Hands, dlato Iturckaeerthe above. 1aofferedabargaih.., Chilblains, Corns, and all skin Emu,.dPP7 to tint's and positivel/eures piles. It is '-' CIIet ., E. ]3121 Edi o A _, .gtiiit•rautee 1 to•give perfect satisfaction ltoal Est, Agent, dr money refunded. Price ,20 cenfe 98 PU•NDAS 1dRxi.,T, ,110N, • yN.: per box, For sale by .Watts tk Co A NY PESSON ,wishing ato soli Iiitproveil and J. II. Combe, . 1A raises or Wild Lands, may obtain purehae- ' -_- • ere •by•eorrosponding with __ • grf-A ,--IR&YDrBS 68 uuda Land .Age,Lnt, •e St.,onaon1_ •.. A CURE .T Wr • MAGNETIC EDICINE.._' �:' .: " 44k7Ir to . hi Pi • _44.„� �l 10e,oht) ','RAO MARK I AFTEFk,) b — ...-.. Lrd1C,L.artd Younp,,hXate anti S'c»tate, Notice to CONTRACTORS (°BALED TENDERS addressed to the undersigned and endorse re- ceived at this 8 ogles ."Tender ntil TUT1t DAY,, t'he 0th s14 of February next, for the New Fittings required iii the Post Otfleo, Belleville. Ont. Plans and Spoeif eats ins cin be seen and all pesos. eary Informations obttined at the Custom Muse, Belleville. and at the Department of Public Works, Ottawa, on and after Tuesday, the 10th day of Janh- arTenders must be made, on the printed forms sup- plied. Each tender nest ho accompanied by an accepted bank cheque, made ,lea payable to the order of the lion• curable the Minister of Pnbils Works, egrytt,al klieg per caul of the amount of the .tender, whleh will be forfeited if the party -decline 80 enter lino a contract when .laded on to dose, or if he tail to complete the work contracted for. Ii th7r'tandor bo not 'accepted - the cheque will be returned. The Iioparttnona will not bo ,bound to accept Ibe lowest orauyender. 13y order*, . • ; lr+ tr iC Nts, Department of Public Werke, • , Ottawa, 9tb Jan, 1883 Positively cores Nervousness in .all stages, Weak Memo y, Loss of ,Brain Powe„ 1Setual Prostration, nieltt Sweats,'Spertna- lorrhrea, .,Leucorrhoea, 23arrenness, &Minal 'Weakness, and General Loss of Power. It repairs.tV`ervous Was1e,i1ejuvenoies the Jaded Intelleal, Strengthens C1ie .Once bled.13raitri and Restores Surprising Vane and Vivo. -to ' .the E,thhusted Gener„tlivergans in ellfigy ..,''. sex. 1G "Wtell•eacl'i'ordeotar'rwsltvs pack. . . ages, ateoqipatied1 with five dollars, We ' will send Tit. Written Guarantee to refuted tiiemoney if the treatment does not effect a auto. It is tho Cheapest atid• Best Medicine in the Market, 71c3rPull partleu- • . lard In our pamphlet, Which the dealt° to mail fret to any address, • Mack's . Magxtet(i3.Medicine Id • told by Druggists at 5tk ets, pet• box, qr O boz o for $2.,60, or*ill bo mailed, free ' btr pOq'tagd, sir rteeiptottnotlol+i by addr es,.. ItCA,PI'lI'lIi1?:47ViEfi t 11fEDTf1OINE Otl 1r}}... ,.,. nddor, et,f Gwada . Soldln'-' odertoh by Jn64Wl1�o�f, 41t1.,!!!!..„4,„ - d!ttJl$Iste::etYli,' tllrtliw _.. • f