HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1883-01-31, Page 2Yew Advertisements this Day.
Otiek.taking-Oav & Wiseman. "
Warinoue SAler-Estate Jelin Ilotig no,
6004 At Bet Illaewhirter
Sookwrge9.-Geo. A. Roes. ••
It Ivor FiIlea-Carter Medicine -Co.
CWO- etrit
TH.4. 001):.ERICH. N
- (Alton, Wednesday, January 31st
WE To.yrbtivo no animus of an in
. . .
proper kind against • the individual
thodgh we reprint thefollowilig from a
litte issue of Tits New? II,goosp.
*41.Ve" have 1M Ikeeti to ge very far for
la prectical illustration of the ill-effects
Of the assumption and centralization of
the power of appointment by and iu
the Mowat government. Previoas to
the *Ontario C?lovernment having thi,
posor of appointing bailiff's, the bailiff
Of the Mt DiVision. °mut. of ' Huron
l• ieoliewed politiee almost completelY,
NcCw that he knews that lie ioi1i4aIIy
Pridependat of all save. the Toronto
tiespdts) thee ja none so feetive as be in
Work ieg.all thins for the getel of those
who love Mr. NOVIALt aril
ron 01_11.ur-orie--otiiVa-baiI,f bas it
official duties, to use conoiderable goer
Lion. ',gyen while not 'deliberately
planning to do wrong, an ever'•zSalons
offiCial partisan is apt to exceed :the
• hounds of irropriety."' •
We shall continuafci contend against-
the right of any pliblie oftioial, petty or
Airectly or indirectly, .• hi the full,' free
ailed wLtrauainelled exercise . of ,their
•frawohise. And -we insist that the tak-'
of the •apporintass mit of bailiffs. out of:
•- -the hand.; of. the County judges, by 'Mr.
Mowat, is a vetiograda Step, and otie
• which, it not made witka;diveet
to the putting the screw's -en oftrani
.elettors,. can inciit assuredly he sbown
;to make such Coercion Pesiiale .
In justification i-,rf the vie*S.,eXpres-
'Bed as above, wn may saY
Hnronbailiffispopulailytieb-re tl i ted with
kaving.been a very active political .Pare
%Lauf during the contest ..betiVeen...Mr.
' 'Cameronand igr..MoWat•lagt summor
- It has ohm }en a matter of comenen
report that this same baiiiffewho is also
servant of the people in the; capacity:
-,of high.conStablee did pablicly.stitte; so
• thoroughly dittAie 'cOnversairt
, with Mr. Cameron's inttintiankand so
. -completely did he ish e 1mpf4s.
-.others with the.ability of ,Mr. Came6ii:
to carry out his iiitentlinig, that ."Mr. -
'Cameron could bay the. Whole Cathelid
;Tote of Ashfield." • 'As if • O. 'fiirther.
impress upon the people that, thie.`obai:
lift' and high
o lections and :services: could •:be- connted'
•-on to secure. M. Cameron's •eleopiort;
even by Undue inSana,. the factioniiit
• partisan 'organ of .C1-oderich paraded. the
•Iftatement that: the -innocent Mvat •
l'ailiff and .county official refeirried to,:
was picpared to betnuiney thab even if
Mr. Cameron were unseatedi' he would
ilue elected again. •
• ' • • • • •
Now, our opinion, as expreesed',. a•
few weeks Eigo...,ii•ciajti, appear ' to be a
. quite justifiable one.:
"That en While -Aot-o-tieliberatisly-
41.anningeto.do wrong,. an:. ,bv.eriiatflOits
°Moira ;partizan is npt to eieeeett the
.bounds•of propriety," .; : -
...No Ono can truthfully gaineey.tlie
. _
"brirreetness of our eenclusions....If' an,
. ,
pfficial will publiely ,state -that ..11's
. a favorite' Ca rid idate:Mtn- b eivli ele"_
body of Catholic el tors; ond
offers to bet' money. that said °Midi:ditto,
lema heare-eleoied • if. utieeited for.:ter.
&nett prantioes, Stirolx• the same official
*will net be apt".tb' ketrain'a,. Point:in
• einoler-te wrn liis ieet kiiiimlelere Of any
ltind areolot -reinarkable firr; die deli-
cacy of the means they employ to • win
-064: !bets', ,Zearon's Offeror partisaw
Awhile seeking. to 'ilebauell Or. Coerce
evoters do not do e'oin a way -that it
Milky be known Of all mon.
aIV' wi.lak it to be distinctly understood that tbe du not.
• bold ourselves responsiblelor the opinioni ewessed
by uur corre,spondents.—Ed.
•..Editor optic' Huron ...11:euttN1tecor4. '
Brite --A leaer signed '.,George Coe per".
.appeared in yoor•issue-of the. Mir, It.
• 'botng•the composition of 66 CooPeese-
:one in town and the other outof town,
re:ertheti-to,thea Wo.rdsoftlie wise'mani
as a dog returneth to his vornitiso afoot re,-
tikrneth to hislolly.-Proyeilic$
• verse. •
, ) eta
, 1 • W. u.
Clinton, Jan: OM, 1883.
ins such nunnuateoriaslao.appeid to el r
pity? For aad it is that Awe wto"--oeto.
pies so higlioa shonld, by his
injotihrious portment bring reproach
upon the attune and anything but credit
to the sacred desk. 1 remain,
Clinton, Jan. 20th, 1883.
editor Irma Racera.
8Itt,-Jtist permit a few words from a
reader n reference •to what Appeared
in the last Woe of your cotera. Mr.
Searle itis stated will"notheleitt
4ight 1 imogest that his inslonificange
will account for the oversight., If be
will eall the attention of tiro Council to
his ease andbe can be found in one
place, a aufficient length of timet
he will no doubt be effectually sat upon.
In the appointment Id school trustees,'
he, outside, euggesteil Dr. Williams and
then shirked the vete. Tosit upon , a
man like Searle would be like the
Frenchman's attempt to catch a flea
,,when you one down on him he no
Clinton? ,Ian, 20th, IBM
Editor' News -Record. .,
Sin, -Tour town cotem last week
made mentionel a ',eiogular mut" hi
which Mr, WM. Cantelon, sr.,isplaintiff,
and Mr. W:-.11., Cooper, jr., the defend -
Ant. In the first place they, wero rather
too previous in publishing this • item
before the syminoos was served, or the
case put upon 'record, and when they. ,
concluded-. to publish it they should
have *waited 'until ,they obtained the
facts of the caee, or else said nothing.
The facts' are tintt the defendant found
A.81.nix of money and advertised the Shine
in TuerNetseRecinte in the first isatie--
after finding.ita.--Tira plaintiff, Who I 1)41,-
11as. access to Too.'Nmys-heeonot-
applied to the finder for the preneyi but
lie could nol. tell on what bank it woo. •
IlligtiTecouhl say n t the . first inter-' vietrwas-thatthe bill was pretty Wellworn.
At another' interthm_which was on a
Sunday, ho was unsuccessful in describ.,
ing the money he had lost. A •few deys
afterward+ he .caine along. &aiming. the
morrepancl stating the bill he had lost:
was a new, One At the first and last
interview he stated'•distinotlY that he
.ntr.vir iniseed tb,e mong_until the next
Morning, and not-Stia-ditirfirin getting
thenioney hehas entered:suit. for.: the
earner in the. Division Court. Possibly by
the time the . court Meets .he will have
another story torten aboot it. . He has
'told on several cfccesious•that be had no
other &Ills With him.: that. night,:. ',hut
ruiner says 'that a gentleinan gave the
plaintiff .$ ,0 on 'the skit:tie evening. • it
certainly leeks' hard for*.iiim te tell id
many differea,stories about it, but .pof"-'7
haps.he Li -61110)1f one' is wrong the. other
might get the Money -,and.tbat. 'I's .411. the.
Oates abOtiL ' ! • ". i s' '',:, -- . .
.:, - • . -.Yours • ' i
,i a . - , •• -•. • . j: II,R. C. W.
:Clinton, Jan. 29thtoff&.`. • • ' ' • ' ' '
. , . :
.oirecti.ni, a Wilful Error..
Edl:Huron News•lircord : . ' ' ' • ,
• Sla,.-In the 'Ng* Era . of the 19,th last,
, . .
Ithder ate heading, "a ,questihnable ' propeed-.
in,„.0 " the writer pitches •intO Air.'llay,ketind
the Morris Bran& Agricultural Society.Re
appeal* tribe one of those unforninate. Grits
alllieted,Witii. "i"Mowat om the brain." ' This."
epidernie is prevalent just now cm the eve of; a
Provfneial electihn, :• I have no intention,
heweVer,. -to criticise, his lett,ere't :merely'.
Wish to notitre .ane stateinent lier'.itiakils, and
here it..141,, "Mr. ,, Hays _knows or ought to
•!‘kno V' that 'the hood Goyernineut lave -. 011e-
,".4.oe .th of the tetuilier!s•eglaries. he Ontarie:".
Teas art stubborn things, •and I willnowgive
the actualleets. • Say, ; for .. instance,.. 'a town-
ship supports tea schools.: The salaries otthe
leachers Will iiViifage $400...each; thiS•giVes a
t'otal of $4,000. The . Government . grant is,
say, , 4400; the .Cciunty- ecativalent is 4400,..
Tina latter is handed in •with the Comity.
Bate andbanded back to the Township, Treas-
. .
firer. • No*1 the e .
Xact amount- instead of
being "one-fourth" .fe 'one -Tenni, which the
Government contributes, Not by any.ineans.;
.to ' "relieve 41M...ratepayers to that amount;"
but simply•to pay for eaticating thri,indigent
elfildren:in the, section, . The ,tarinorS of 0a-
tario aranot a_elass of paupers depending on-
:any- tiVeriiinent to•!edneete their children.
They pay for their . education withbut:antex :
lraneous•aid, and many SehoOl TritAteS,Waillk
Wiab ;this ,Governinent pittance were With.,,,
'.drocVn.so that,they Might' larva mere freedom
.' cif action. If liis:entire 16tter ken s par,..sitlf
-US reference' to teachers!:salaiim.lre is indeed
a torryadvocate forltefornitisigrioring ts.
., arid 'drawn* on his Wale imaginatibir, o
."Grky".pdts it,7 • ..: e.T...7...- . ' •
,: .....t . oStit not' to truth the See:. (dee-
.•. •-• : 130 Oroinot to lie whenever !tie tit:" ..
:1'11i40,11p1etly,(111. describes the political pro -.
of flip aveMge Grit. - .'
, . „ ,' r atm 'yeiirs,
Jan. 27th, 1883.; • • •
Believiuiin the principle that Gdods should notbe carried over from one seasowto another,
ool Spar
t et Cost !
This is an opportunity .not to be missed, as. our Stock in the above Lines has no equal in the
County. To malcetliis-, Sale the more attractive, we will sell our Popular Brands of
are-the-lowoisl Figures -qaotod for ouer...two.:lioars. :-.Every Housekeeper -should :make hote of this,
ti• •
Your yes pell
apt and Well.tinied speech by wishing
Mr. Platt success ih his now -venture;
wieh that was re-echoed by all present
ie rapturous applause. After_ singing
°"For ho is a jolly good. fellow," Mr. Platt
responded.. lie thanked his visitors for
the kindly manner in which they had
received the chairman's 'reference to
himself, and said, that the entertainment
then in progess was but one of many;
-"Which he iiiffige31.1 his tat* friends
should participate .in in the. Mine .to
come, and concluded by requesting all
present to continuo 'their autusernents.
Major Crane being called spoke briefly;
he hoped their entertainer might' be coF-e
tramely Successful, and quoted some in-
stances of his life in the back -woods of
the. far West, as porralel features of
Many points of the night's entertain-
ment. Tho company than •separated to
their several amnsements; which con-
tinued daylight,..:When the .re;
fern journey was inade, the last vehicle
entering the torn -ae tlie clock chimed
the hour of seven, thus eliding one of the
Most 'pleasant, parties that the `writer
hereef ItrEa ever heenpresmit at. .
• Stankiy. •
Itir. D. McCowan has seld:his spring dolt to
an American, buyer .for the 'handsome sum of
WM: Mr. A. • Inns sold a two-year old Iilly
to the same Man for a good figure.-
eeelfrse Knight; zivife \of, ,Aesemblyinari:
LIteeighteiofiMichigae, is yialting her' bro.
there Mr. • Abraham 'Smith- and Other
friends in.toWn. - ' ••
(J;"Bs regularly ,attends the . cheap
:jack.eales,- TIM gallant •Cpl's -pi:crier-roe
niay arisvior the ire). for tt.:; stool pigeon
- and at.the-stiOne time eouservo the Col's
idea Of „cheap itopiilaiity..• But 0.-e.--t1,..te
delorenis .reonotOneteit'.`40ing, going -
'gone rings upon his Sexs,,.tido Who is
ectoniiiited• withe.eWest onnion cannot
'help tiiiniti,ng that 1116 tones. and4Wortts
of tliii,tbutbr. aro. indeed ominpuri and
big with tlio-,fate. of ,Col. Poss. in Weet
Huron. --0 one,' 1\'Iit 84 tiro yeomen
of Weet Ifureh 2 ' , ."
On -Wednesday evening ..a lerge.nuMe.
her of Oinlerielrites,_at the •inv.itati*oie cii
Samuel. 'Platt; Eriqe, Preteeded by moon,
light to the •Maitlarict ,Folis piip:a to in.
solP:t.tho oiaolii.ibry, breihfings and 'tho.
mill in oration. 'Tho ielYitek 40 the
'nurnber of twenty, met at the Rritish
Exchange Lott:31,0A. 7 pin., ivhere teanise
furnished by Mr. Ilett, were in waibineo
tion ' At • 7.1to •Pal aboard' 'Wes hoard convey 010.1)10,11.1, kers to their deetina.
and acted on ivitli a celerity that •bide
fair for a folly journey. Aftor a pi,easaa
drive of an liour'e cturation the party.
crossed 'the rite): and 'entered tho mill
yard, where me. Platt, assisted by his
brother,. was waitifig to receive the way-
farers; which he did in a most hearty
mermen et.fter removing blie dust from
their ieet. anti Partaking of the esseetials,
nodessary efter a cold drive, tbe itiaitorii
marched for the mill, wliereethey wit-
nessed the operation of .eutting a twelve
, foot log into boards: and squaring, them ,
•dryoblie edging niachiao., Soule of those
onaelinit' tiered. tinrcittting.Mitt:found that*
it took ton seconde for oath cut, and
two socends to place the loginposition
again, them making twelve: seconds for
each cut, or five per eninutee. After in.
spooting the mill, the tnaiii Wilding wag
,visitod, and the dormitory cloeoly in-
spected. The iospection roveoled the
fact that all 1abor.sayin6 appliancea that
could bo safely _used had beau introduced
and. 'the. comfoet of t1.10 111411 omPloYed
WAS a:first eousidoration. Tho build.
.ing,, thougli of rough lumber., is -gelid and
fur tight, Wooly heated, and thoroughly
.olean from top to bottom, After tho in-
speatron tlio paFty hid a good thno till
.supper, which was served shortly after
1 a.ru, M. Hutchison, 1181.., of Ogilvie &
Hutchison, presided, with Major thratro*,,
U.S.A., AS . vice, After- despatch,ing a
Most bouritifui'repast,eempos'id of game,
pottitty;=-01iFlimo-sized -joints, tint I. ttril
necessary concenritants of the festive
beaiid, tiro c.beirm au proposed tiro health:
of !,,,the IlesN" hinficit that Mr. Platt
1;ty,os known throughout tlic Dominion as '
Ist Man of enterprise aulundauntod couri ,
Age, as a, man who was hound to make •
ins, /nark in industrial enterPrieos, none
1V110 WaS';Irearlid to intecefrd:141rard,wOrk,
tiuld aatiyity of intelleet wore ,to be r
warded, INIt, fintchisou concluded =tut
gditor Nina, ,aecOht. ; .
a ,
Sitt,-,1 crave h'peee.in your estimable
joeirnal to plade.beforethe minds of ott• ee
sober, intelligent andomprejirdieecl Attie,
eons of Cl.nton a few of the reinarks .01
one of the ministers of t4elOwn in re-
. forence to that harthl'ess , and healthful'
sport -snow -shoeing - ttenindAlged in .by
\oho "Owls." In yonolus afid lin entlee
manly manner he pitches it
nto th welt.
known end highly tespeeted lefties of
ithet Club, aecateing them in ¢s° and
ertilgar manner of immoileety in dross
'while indulging in that amusement.
Now 'sir, in refuting such untiutliful
'and unealled 'cll. reinorks it is neeeesary
It) gay but little; eeliing on the untarn•
;Jelled reputations MO tiro high positione
lin society occupied bee';.; the t lailiee hi
vuestiori, RS WA11 as the universally
atteknOwl edged gen tility lind sound jilidg.
'Mont of many of Our Moat profninent
gratigensPlie have enticitairrecl t ro Club,
.and in every On64 tirot pronoun ed the
— -blitrilairanits- ithithlittlail kle and
.. oh . .. , . . ..
A8 to 1118 Ot er V(10 rristrilltitiOns in
,this „commotion', they are worthy %or
lint100 Only as they show forth Alio re.
110Aitifl of o berliarilini Mid deptaved
0 intture; and whieMilte the ill -directed
LOOMbran4, ;will ,recoil upon himself. I
While they nierit tire iighteous indhora. t
tion of evtAry rospfictriblb person, does
teot the person who is capable of CVOIV !
. %
Mr. Giirfield.; •
ft. Geo. Miller lutS,sold one. of hielioreseto
'z..• • •
.Mr.-Gorrslrapd bought anotlier. ...Ceorge.deals
extensively,in'horse dash. • •
Building 'ppm -Wins will bo biisk next Sum.'
Met. "Mr. :Arthur Canteloii ims sant to the
old country for a, couple of masons, • • .%
• . • •
, •..• 'Sfiltford;
.,..1.0aTiteaday_ of iastwoek Mi-. )17. Morris, white
choppioge itoridentally tut his fott.With the:
axe and vereeneerly• bled to death berm Medi.
eal assikitaucecouid be suninioned. The doe-
tar.clreased the. wound' and he is doing as w.ell
'es•cari-lienricpcotedr1 t IniariFined iVElle-
ja;sf''Wells woe- sawing 'alongside .of late, and
• if Mr. :Wells. .had • not: put 'a :Seart round the
foot and. hound it hp Mr. Morris would have
'-blerl -to death; forAre Eiid cut ?-etiroartoriee•ef.
'the foot, - •
,• suininOltilL •
., .
•••, Mise A, Lovett hap been ill with qsinsy, but
,w are pleased -to bo able to say she is10(1
. .
Mensta...11,y8ir and CoMey, well-to-do fanners.
of London townehip,..". paid.: a 'short:. visit to:
friende here last 'week.: r They; took a twelve
heree-power bonne with ,them frau Clinton
• . - • '
Mr...Thee. Tamblyn, latelyfrom the North,'
paidua Friflasy, He seems to
be well :pleased .with his 'new home: and in-
tondittrieg,beek in the Spring. •
• ' s. • •
• t"-- ' • -
.• , G4441CrIOVT9:41'11$31P15. •Mi AinIia ,
•Plunimor; who left a short tinie
.aiga 'for 'M•ailitoha; . arrived safely, at her des-
tination.. " • • ' • -
. 7 .
Bayard NO. 4 was cloed. for tlitee daya•last
week; • owing to the storni. • "
Mr. Chas. Ncabitt; of the iitith.; is back froirt
hiettniather Bifthe OrT...W.. T. lie ;
liked tieoountryso -well th et; lie purchased:a
'farm before starting fo1 homt, We hope he
Wont lernie us, • .. • •
: ,Nixon Sturdy has sold
'finc:,!"Clerir Grit" colt .for -a handsome
Eerie, :110 iutentla dealing_ in drsoebt Stook
in ,the fatere. ,
handsoMe 'stir» of :$20Q. fax his -fine general
Mr. 3310008 COnnolly has bcon'olTered the,
• • •,..... ,
• .
Wile was Abet ha:thrill' tho
northern part ofthe township, titswIto .wirs iieen
•.earIy in themorniaggeinglioure to.Youog
.`nren; don't Militle the hells next:tinie-you
might :get your frozen, •and then More.
:than11 wolitil know wlitt you are.
Mr. • Eli '.11atetnan. ban: Mucha& "some tine
cattlWhich Jo inti,d fectlilig• for •;.0ie ,old
country merket." • _ •
• Mr, James Stonehenge lied his'face: frozen
during thecold snap lest .week.. . .•
The Epoxy wind of Saturday night blow
awe the front will,all that was ;eft of Mr..
'Butler's heittrie After the fire. '••.'
Mr. 'Arthur Churchill is .1reyrog st'oek
for Manitoha.
Who was the young man in this township.
Who weat to ace.hie girl and •got left fur three
or four days, ••• ' '
.-A gentleman. of this townshimada,a,eale,,,
•of sheep lately: -IT'olaY1ili'Fficst abeut $25 int
nets:lent cruet takieg a paper and lieving,the
torrearriarket qiiotetions. 'rue X givadtzeord
should be a WeelpY visitor to hislionne.
• The teiteneeting hold in 'Coles 'chinch was
quite a stiecese, • • I
.Mr. Jarboe 'Walker's Saw mill is in fitll blast,
and is quite, Mx acquisition to ,the neighbor
heed, . Logs are coming in fast„,
Tuesday. of lasilweelo- and Jas. -Robertsonliio-
cold weather of last week put quite a
damper on the trade of our tutu:Illy brisk little
°twit. Overt the Mayor was shut, up fa too
days,' and yet•civie inattors -ran along in the
same old groove. .• •
How rthbut the larris Coanoil taking their
.oath of office? They • have. not as yet boon
Wodtio4d4T VerMr.-^DaVid-COWilfiTint
Miss EisieCortitisiboth of the 8tIt cm, E.
Wore unitedln the bowie of matri-
mony. Though it is hold to be unlucky fax
the coatiaatiug parties in eases of this kind to
have the same initial letterto their surnames,
we predict a,happy',future for Mr. and Mrs,
S1'11[1%1814 PARTY AND .11tes1ercriex.--ein-
' Tuesday evening. of last week several sleigh
loads of 'frionda .and aequaintrances drove•to
the residence of Jas. Brandon, Esq.,'10th con.,
E, Wawarreph;,' and presented his daughter,
Mr. Thos,'. Pr.:taloa organist of , the C. M.
. Obninh,-With an address endgold yawl and
ehain, as a token of! estebin for her services
renclered in the chumh. Mr, William Walsh
Abbirhiled to the -chair, was handed apro•.
gromine,' °entwining .speeelies, reading, musie,
'-and'ethez,inuasoments; After having spent a•
few hours they left for their tromps, well p.laas-
ed pith the eveuieg's prpeeedfngs.- • . •
- -
Mr: Thos. Farquhar, of the llth eon" sol(1 a
heavy draught mare last Saturday,' to an
Winetleilli buyer,_ for 858. This agood figure:
Who says .it don't jiay th raise good etookf • '
. . .
PEIttiONC/4-30L.r anti Mrs.eGoteld: and a Mr.
Cellins;'6E lihteter, OkviSitilik at their uncles;
the Mdssrs. Forcpiliar; thig•week,„
. Mr. .M11irs,',...,01 tlie..11tli. Con:,. has a nice
driVer.' 'ile muen't read thie,, . ' •.
, , . . , .
Mn Geo. 0h1.istopher'oof theepth..eome hed:
done. -When the pVenin
a. 'Oree:jr. eating wood last Friday, and had e
geed, day,S Wor
akevailed, the violin Was strung up int '
•• .q
dancing was intiagoa ,in till after ..."twar,'
whoa all went hone well satisfied. ' ' ' ' .
• Mr. rind Mrs,' Ged. Christopher, from ' ififar
Kincardine, :are,visiting Ma peo, Christopher,
of the 9th, • . .' : '..:. •. ' ..! •
. Mr..Morgan's eoneer•i in Selo -or House No.
.2 did uot home city last Friday uight. aa, expect
i -
ed; owing to his beng.fi. -l, '
. - .
, Some parties from the 2nd eon. 'attended:a
,party at Seefoth last Friday averring, and say
they had aped time, •
. . ,
,..-Mr. Geo; Eionsorr's 'Tesoro" is leaking
welPitoW and is drawing attention.. ."I neV'er
Iltliiieoe6g),:itpilp,arii, !Iii.,s,:.s.i.ich a:1:1,n,e, lio. is:I:7 S....7 n.;,. gen-
eral reaiark•paesed ,14 -•those, looking, at this
' Qe.o.oerc
elle tree.••• --The mfinicipeiceinmil
met on the •15th• . .. et-Lobdesboro, 811(1en'
tered ' upon theiie:dir les •for the present year.:
It Was 'moved hi•Je- Britton; Seemed -0d try J.,
Iiisham; .iftidearried.,-thrit a by-1.4.).ie prepared,
aud..-pa-tsek fixing the„ ialivies of to
.getiontrisl ;84'er:tit AeolgiristsiPogneitej '' 31gx:riyebcle.rbiy cil.i.I'lle..
MeDonald;:aecorided, by 13.;.Olitirehill, that -J,',
-Cdriipbell lie -in iMditer forthiroienerwyeaeo.,
berteed, '114., Reeve' 'then appointed Richard
,Jatketin the ether anditon . Moved 12y J. i
Britton,••seconiled.by J",.•rlailiarn, that *bort,
Smithbareappairited assessor. for thc. prosaut-
year, at a,s'alary of 490 --,carried. Moved. by
TB. Chnialfill, . secondoil.bY A, T. McDonald,
'that Thoi..Neilans • ha. re-eppoirited celleCtor
for ;ffia preSeirt , year, • at a salaryof .$90, and
.that e'byelaw be .prepared rind 'passed to,cen.
firm_tha present appOlatnient: 0.9.fficers.,-car=
.ried.. • Moved brI,T,' ,tashalio; seconded by 3.
'BrittonothetOthe.followingesetc,ounte lib paid:
Trustees of Temperance .hilir,:iisp of hall at
805;,W.•3101l J. Miller, 'damages .111. tearning
, gravel, 42; Mrs: McLean, eicies.refitatled 240..;
Deputy Returning-ollicer, municipal' election
expensee, $13;,W. Brigham, wire'feifee; v.; 80;
T. '1\7041 eel:Vert, .$0.50;W, Murphy, two boa
Wedges spoiled in breaking .grevc.1 pit,
and that the trdasuier pay all gravel adeoulits-
returned• byvatInneeture for 1889:4- carried.,
.go.o., by 13, 'Oliiii•ebill,: seco deti..'hy. Leah-
eo,„' thattlitrebIledWretitrit' rie ' ' 11 to; the -
treasurer on er before January: • i,,,•18"88-
.earriett--.1deved by. A.I. OleDonaideseeprided
by 13, Chnrchill, that' the followingamourits
be"granted hi charity to indigentpersons from
Jairuery 184-18431-D. Reyndlds; ,475 a Year
.for boarding and:clothing lite`O'lletietej.: Rey-
nolds 475 .a.•..'year for hoerilioo, teed cloiloog
Mary'Conley; 'dohn•Ilobscri;Si'Ver Weak; .inr''
dor the_dir•ection of1. 13ritton,i and:: Alrkt,'IVIe.-
Blroy $1.50'. -per week 'for keep of Ilria,,,316-
'7ificlltsid until ,otherivise provided for, mitt tlief
•;7.. feeshem end A. T'.. iltaDmiald' be authorized
to iP14f :tirrangon elite for MS future keeping --
carried, Moved by 13. Churii5i11; seconded by
J, Brittoo, that Jo-litsliamand.A.. T. MeDere:
did be appointed to get nevi bridgeirailt on
8, E. SO.-air:eon., 12., aoil give an . or:dee:on the
:treastirer for the coetritet pride -when- tele-
"tpleted, and that the Reeve and j..Britton get,
now bridge built on S. .1'541, goer; 5, arid
g.ivp • ari order on the treasurer fax oontraet
/Price whOn eoropleted-earried. TIM Couneil
adjourned to meet again .wlion;attiled by the
;-Jcgi A 11118VAITH; C).0r1,•• .
- • .. '1101graere, . • •
Mr.' 0. ft, 1M illit'S:,rfitikl• :hil ,i01si,,4-ii:111,64.,
k G...'rviter. 'Plough we may lackit bell in
the Mill, 'we'Will lieve. one on the hill, 'It'IS
likely that the: Messrs, 'Tyner . will. erect a
flouring mill' in conneetion with 'the SAN Mille
Mr. Henry Brandon had a valuable, Mare
ikilll'ONI lately, : . 1 . .
lietchant ,Meellellair, ' We' fira,glari a learn,
is Wet ti _tees:bout .e.gain, having itiemewliat
reepvereit 'from ,the effents of the injuries Ss
notiothy you We& tiefOrff ISSL,' ' ' .
Ma Wm. I3ene Ting taken unto h•inmehrlor,
totter, foriworati,"..Margara, daughter of Mr.
'Tames' Vergimon. The 'Thoye all iloiteewhen
tap get the right sort of heipmete. Plvery
hi e seeing hosoell good (Tillie ov ithie happy
.ventard-thrit there "May "be • bother in the
same dirtetion by parkics not Vies a hunfired
•milis way. • e ' .
- A gen t'eldeely gent an of this viefilty„,
ha.ving on 4 fasted tho wets ot married life,
,aud 'wig, 11 a. been widower for aome-thrict'
--we not toils eti „t1 telt -witteltend -fee-him fee
rormin elime. re enterriareied, but did not
ireing hialarte • att NMI 'drill lii$1,1i&Pgrinfb.
ti6/18 tlir011gi 6116% ittlet StOrin to IVO lier Initab
hirrt put tt his tale larin(4 nap and no/whets
'that fir voi. it may oi 'hotter for a person to
`Mr. Itiolv.°Im'iniL,t
kn. the Atha, Company, paid 'oar tow111,4
*nig Visit: ems day last, Week;t•'"
olltot Lawrence, of this plat le • has been-.
visiting her father, Mr. 'W. Whitely, of
Tuckeremitli, who has been* sick for
tome time. •
• .
Brussels last Tletersday, lie reports tiro
paid a flying visit to
rottde in o very bad state;-
-Auctiunts leached here Ott Saturday
lastihat the bridge here la likelyt to be
built. . .
Ed Levis who has boon prostmted
(asn& first suppstd IsS, fever, for the last
week : is rapidly' improvi ng. under the
skilful treatment of Dr. Reeve. no is
able td Wallcaround,
lime you have. anOther Medical' Man
in Clinton. Could not you Op one out
to froiniesville 7 Now that toincgel,*
to ham) our bridge over the Maitland
"introly this.ought_tolo emt leoritiOn
for a good disciple .of Esau apius. '
there hang noitudi your soritre oould
opt lorward you Any , items' for 7ou'r,
paper last wook. e
Th6 Young reotOsirraier irieeticv
g4 tO ITIOnntfibi 4010 titan attempt totring
tho ountain t him; t.. this imitated
A ej)ject of 1i8 .80Tleitatit beteg Reno:thing,
more desire is than indimfain, howhely
genclUderil bring fist hornet, and ho did,
Male° f Mort:into ,"gotidi e eel?: fibzen on
In coatreation with the - 0. If. •ClotrOto
hero lakes plAtM Ori Wednanday inate„ffd
Of Thurift.itty tight t previoasty pfat-
od. ,• • .
. Wo had a littln sensatioix 111 cnir usual:
The .Eateggors to the Estateof' the°Jate-
'We take stoek on -the 1st ofFebivaiy, and until then we
give s-orhe
in Order to rOuee our Stoic.:*: We lave_gorne_
cialrge110..ec.. ethyl; otilfe,,11(:" tods-
Ha*e decided on wiliding 1,-4 the -DRY; GOODS Businese' so
, 'Ong And So' successfully :carried on by him, and -have
phiCed NAGEMEN.T in charge of
. •
which, ih'forder tp, reduce 1? efo re :stock:4'44V :Will 'eta 'prices
117;Wfl to a:veyy'lOw fiur• \ -
To those Who •have any.. notion otbuying-an 0..ve-i;copti-.,
is the chance We Still have pith -lb -or left, Which Annst bt
sold at and under:Cost •••
ly 4nfet vi11iig on, Friday. the 19t11 lost'
The tenni of slf,r;; 'WBiter, of Colborne,
whilst standing at tire traek Where:
a load of square -timber ea -do juSelebeen
u h loaded, becatne Nigh felled at theatyain
and ran' towards HolmesVille where ilikr-
turned north and 'ran as:far as Mr,''::(fecrI
Tebutt's, wherithey were stopped. W
did nothear of any. damage Being
• to either hOries �r rig. ..• '
Next Sunday tho efterament of the
LerAsomPper:will adthInistered in
the C. M.
'Cotarrieneirm a iel0 `o'Cloelt,Iti -M.- On the -1
.evening of klie same day • the; ,funerar
sermon ofthe late °bathe Utvise.whioll
Was postnoneanWaNtThelte ago *ill be
preaohed. Services poinitieneei et WO
,o'olock; p. •• • ,
trudging from aPpeatandee Messrs.
4tanley and Holmes are still doing a big
thing in thweittWtmte. •Who gals the''
11,11Podoes not affeet .
,• Our football .raatoli betWeeiT the Map
hied and.singfe men came 60' liocerditig
to previous arrangemento on Tuesday
23ed iost'i-"Tho game lasted felt an
and aiia1tad was keenlycootest,
ad by both sides but it resulted in a
draw. The greetegt good feeling existed
throughout : 001 each side went: home
'satlskid. that bad 'Orel; another half .
4sonr.=\.to . play ib would • Le itictoriotai.
Dame rUmor has it.: that .one :of the
smerteseyoung men who played Orrihat
side Will play with the berieclicts next .
time, as he will have thee neceAsary
Modification to de so, W0810 going 'to
havp it out shOrtly by hating another
eontest, *
ItoW 4VOI'ItOd'' t ntorro
Is A.Mtnag the,aOsiest E6tele in •Ontario,
is the Muiray Xfouse of St, Catherinee,
J.•ept by Mr, Sculley, where the writer
stops when in that city. 1.4.on a recent
• , General: .Stitninede.
. ,
Never was giroh a filar made for any
Dreg Store AS iIi-TiOvir at Watts 4e -Co for
*a Trial Bottle' of Dr. King's New Die-
' ceirery• for „CitinsuMption Coughs and
' All persona Affected with .A,stle;
ma, Rionehithe R Arseness; or any af-
ection n 10 reat•and Lungs, can get,
o Trial 13ci1tle 'of tuiis gretif re m edyfres,
hy cannier at the,above Drug Store,.
• (Corroded every Puesdny afternoon -0-
Wiest vie; (new) : I?' tr.: fsi 10
.0 00 to 007
0,.45 to 0 in
' 0 31 -to 0 36
• 002 to 005'
▪ 200 to 250
• 033 to 0100
•' • 018 . to .020
. 021 to 083
. 7310 to 800
000 to 700
650 to .0 50'
• : 075 to, 06
-.-0 08: 'to 008
• 045 to 060
-060 to 060
▪ 0-40 to Al 50
Fork, • , .
CordutOckt, • • 2 60 -to. 8 00
Wheat, fairp`erizusa, • $0 80 to 0 90
Wheat, spring), • - • ' 0 80 tb .0 01
Oats, . • " •
AVbe0tspr301, new,
Parley, • • • .
Oats, new,• • • -
Peee, now, • • .
•Applett, (winter)* VON IAA .!..t•°.••
Potatoes, (neirt.) • • :.• •
13110105 •
• •• . •
14.148, • - •
iirty, (new) dr. -
Irides, • -•
neer, ' • . , .•
Sheepskins " • • •
Turkeys, Aser.petini,
• nesse •
Melte, per parr' ' -
chickons,'per pair
-who has full 'polv•er fe'conduCt:. thc sale, collect All aceounts.
and pay all habilities
ping to the -reliiitation-thi• Alanunoth. 'Establishment •
.has 'gained dui ing. tlielast-tweii.ty. years throughout thc-,:-Cenn-
' try, comment,is nnji.eees§a'y.
mess:is tobewounclup—
to be cohikhecli tintil 'the.w4:ole 8 to ,i..( 1.5..;...c10.As t
• - IV"elii.e T.L.KIING STOCK .4ncl wily :eiit •• 'the si..un.e.on.•tlie
lith of FEBTtVAR)-7..,:,#titil.t1,i4t,:da.i0 *O.:: SYii.1 ki'...0 LARGE
D IS COUNTS:91i A -14i -QL A'SS.ES.•:.M.'..,, .QQP§.,.. itntl: on-, •
the '''15th 'And .',:14tli ',Of 'Febraar.y TO :,..virddsq ole )hop 111 .,
MARK TeVe:ry -,F.E:gE u1 ti' 1).011.7W, .to pi ices Xfkli, BE-: '.
LOW-whatlanrother Tiouse .can.tiffottll'to sell ttibiri•AL , - ' '
,....ar. All the Depaitruent .i'. in ee11nectionlvit4. the.13uSi4ss
'to. he continued As'heretOfol'e.. . : ..„' ' : ..,. ',.;',', ' ....:.•:.: 1 ' " '
,... '-'7*r-.-'-'7-1kB1..137,--21111J7--L-IliE Mr.
, _
.•. Tho,Nrillinery, And Mantle.PepA:Anurnts aie both .under.': :
. .
the sarne Manakeln('nt as for.theltiStiwo seasonS.,, ' Tbe ep.derevg:, '•
of. these two .1.), epai! talc n ts ' fC) t .'tlie ixist •twelyetinontlis .ii 'lip., •
-prpce(jeritod..iii the histoiY. of threii.Ado: ..: ....'..„; •, ' .: 7 7',,• '• . ' . '
. ,. . • Every Departtnerit is COmple,te 'tin.,d the,people of Clinton
. • .. , .
and surrounding:country .c4n 'rely on geltilt B.RGAINS tli'ey
.. . 7 -The .LARGEST.STOCX..OF D1ty GOODS in the..Cpunty. s.
r have. ad the chance of PrOCuring
:. 'h. 'etof(.3re, - ' -
.0f .ii-dpop. to 'ohoOsofiiiiii. . .- . : . ...... . " , • . ': . ...,: . .. ,.'
' Luoo,r4,§ $85,000:*.o,rth of 000ds--.0,-WhitATe'heen lienght 4,-
Siii; PI:ohit, in. • t1ieA3est .Afarkets .4nd. at tbe.1.4o7svest..ptrices; to ,'• . ... •
' 11"o 'PCs
rieeatles,` , 0,65 to 0 70
0 83 . to 0 85
FA-RM,FOR gALF—"'''.
composed of t to south belt of ler, 76, on 00 0)»-
cession, Township of neliatt. The sell. Is Of eley
loate.,..beInct ttteboted principally with heath, mapic,„
And rook elni. There Isla ftever.failing sprit* on the
premises. The farm 1 situate 84 nliles from Lobe -
b000' station,. one 7miics troth Clinton. For further
particulars eddrosss;:.
•"* McgtILLvx,
. . pandas) 10. O.
• oirk.
An.-arst, 1882. , ,
trip, the.wiiter Wag Opeaking with 11.Ir. •
Setilly ooncernine his old ti;ilmorit;tiveige'
back, when 11Ir.'S. observed.: I. take
sinpere pleasure fri recornmendih,g St,
-Aeolis Oil, to all sufferers, I have used
it ruyaelt, and know .otlrqs who hav0
used it; witty grill suceess, ‘..t would not.
bo Without1St, jaeobs -Qi I nor de . X' be.
IieVe any sensible mail ought. I caught
a ebId ithout Mritee years age, whieb set.
tele I in My back old sorely nigh:tea mo
between my slieulders Tho pain was*,
al m OA ti nen du rab I 8. at ti in es,, eSpecially
at impending ob an ies of the vreatlier,
,and at =snciptiirres, I used to be "ritapa.
eitated for attending to mit husirt ss; X ,
11,ried electric liallist salt, bathe, it Pietro
Atrengthentng- plasters turd othor such '
04olf means without strepeas. Ifhartily II
'tried St, tIo.00bs Oil, the Great German-
Iternely1 • and was cured et once and
pormanotitlY,. $t. Poobs Oil iS a most
excellent roulocly and t 'would not be
Wit11,011t it at any price.
. i' .
..Agnoultural "mimed
8te -the POMINION St0AnAToii betoro
, Yo, Nothase. 1119 gtolest Running, SIMIP
,Wit and Moot hurahio 11.1Mirid.:e.firi the
paaritet; ."
' GEORGE A•1106%
God Aim* Goderielt
A .
, ' •
Heavy Dis count until the 14401Febiqiaiw. brt .8 T-
UPDAY,..the l'rth of 1'aole11-41?17;7everything ipili be marked
110 IVA; and the Sale all:thtioxIgh wig be conducted ogprincip14
eniu)re every one gjithe%srtnze ti•ea nient; •
•, •
ITE, THE °76-1.40111ifIER.,
PLET 0. c K.
oe*, miplEtxtowpaxc W.
- It *in papt you to &di. Evorything;goarauteed Or best workmanship and ;perfect fit.
The largos; stoak of tfuderwear in gurom-see for yonr.solf.• ; •
ADR:444ril: S5uttroaf.
.4 .
WALL: itAtt •
...,•...,.-..._ ... ' .. -. ..• . -i- Ni.pEn.
4 -
MO titr10 for Houle-Cleanieg Is ima.P.1 .A.11-tianting ,•
lera.111i, ..VarriOr* e Dinio;g0-110.03*, .0. r i)3. .ed...',.:...
Room Paipers",-
, . Will dila the : • •
• .
' .......-10/... _
goaar naahlort Boat for 1882 ate Out.anct tan be bad fax v0,11,00%
, 01.
wee the papora and ftd,t Rook;at ifirt jairts,
wii6t'ohe Ohatmr orap a t, one On' top of EtOrth„. • '
0 0 •