HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1883-01-31, Page 17'
4dr_PNF - -wo
WulTIALY & tOD16, PLOv.0sas. t""4W r I 4111101111low"""". APIJ�
��Tlte Mexig" City whibuallux is X
cof G
b"OffillsAino 004-d tbroushi-tesitu.
Sx.pao ver of the UrxFei , iia CoLtr4
Eltriotly in a4rwitoe. I ItAilrowl, 14hiCh has A tAgOtott vaiwy vid.
pniffma ths Ulfitloa bUtes. Vlour willo,
browstrilss, sugar jeflncrlox. a rcet ralhoold.r.
The Proprietor
J�of Tax 009AVIK $104`0,
TUX I . numerous stoE�a the hotel* are in
having p4robasi. U4 uses: of the baud@ of
HURON AgooRio, wJJ1 io ftrwa Publish the Faint I e4l'14640,944 would never have wono,
clintoo..undor tka,
the Vicksbu, 0 fair lady who refulsed ter
titlil Of THA AMAOhr X-K'r8"R'K0()8P' WH suitor four tinaos, but yiel4ed wh-m he fell
034telA 18-thO most prO8PerOU8 town in ITELY A Tdil, Publishers,
Western Qlltarlo, is the seat of Considerable TERMS; -41.95 per Annual in Admoil. oil hiR,kneplovfore 49v in o PArW fi:11fa
4 mamufacturing, and. the Centre of the finest p U a, dancing compoy acd for tl,o,
l&1=urgcdIdjRuit, Sheaccopt(ldhim
4gricultural stqtlo�a in, Ontario. ---------
V � ---- oil tile spot, And op, poluttil a day f(,r the
TWOOM1400 t circulation ol Tuv NEws- OLIXTONl 00UNTY ()F 11URPN, ONZ, "WFDX,ESDA.Y,, JAW..31, 1883, 4. wadding.
RNCORi) (xgoods that U Any PA or published <.>VQL. To
Judigging a lunnel unclor the bill Lt
Itithecoulfty0f Homo. it lal-thorefore,
ussurpalf,ed as Ali Pdrertlaing mQdium. Quir PQ01illpo, Naples, tho, wvIltuten cme Across
41) er tunnel, of un
ratem, for advertla.mg are *1 And Pottle cato,,arooulpable. Bet oth . kuown Autiqaity and
The A104114VAottout, it why Rho, 14 perfect. presiorystioni six feet thro i4chea
�1 colunink I Y04r, $910000 columns I year, 430-00 took the troubla to call"i rouna spyingafter Dr. Daniel Wilso, Liter., What Least ruling ror is to Uke the Ler6it neyisr V>
6 map 6 moo, '18.00 oy, w C11QCXx,;DR.V,'. . - I 1 %, delivered, A very I lace of th's , _rA PC OM a forgotton that reading Is 4 who is to, '791, with.' abl..bQdl.(, in lisight and two and a bAlf fcot in width
no 1-, 004' 4 not tell, 04tiog and Able looture last Fri-isy ONIOUIX19, ove, of 0hrlot which. groah and most befielloerat f4otor in modern be A labiourer walked somodiotance along it
a moo, 301,00. 2 inee',' 1200 en.1hat-might Jovo tramps 1, 'Xhe Quebec folks are proposing
4* gy aros.e.fromm '40. h1VfA- or Centuries has War% doing so =0 There Ci -out
I y0ar, 60 00 ear 1800 A � it 4oCsnadi;Litlnptitqte;jToroutglon izAtion. To, bo 4 q of those who w
7- tl Vil ore, 4..Qm itbout Anding An Aet. Exploretions,
04 is none w to jdopt the 'hericio ties
4' 12'00, 0 Cold Read tilem. Truth,-Lipll led au4, hatever. It it all fudge to soy of 4sAtiot, have been Ord
vout - area
0#400, vorite oubjectof primovalman. Man, i�. cesms, Pose as Liberals,, "a by the, in
10:06 6 tno., omolpatGovkrn
4vaAroa thinkers "and
s., 3 LOPP, 8-00 Furarro anceph, Earthliall late WOW 0lIAPT9R V. has, been, at least, a million or two of vegra that-' I it is, Wet's and I I most useful" to be WW not,. Are rather dubious abon, ?etting hog, or die."
3 MG ment.
A .1ad skein of heresy And. 119uht.* kind, benevolent,'cliaritable, And so forth;- evei
or Notices. set am rea4ftig fnalkir, 10.ots.� A Is X The busy Fall' was paaging-irtto Winter� on tie -earth, is nub likely doseendecl from _7body have the power of becoming 40- The gosAip,about that poor foolish woman#
A - ther than sunk in the for the answer Th0wolves stilL., I t I I rge
per line each willalwayo,'be ready Ala. is Ox a a 4
3 oto. pe th farmqr's apason, of rest. � 4)qi meotuagq in the gorilla, has rose.i I;*e a Mrs. Laingt0y,aud her uttendoat c4terf,111'4 France is shown
line first io4f unanswerable, - That filay be your opinion qdAintoidwith what IS in booke, still goes Ra, It shows the wretche by in official return, just
sequeAiniertion., -- The Very Choicest dweller of the sktes,_ the woods were, more frequent, * once We Met nd roience and kcripturo the rights a ycor- issued, wherein ,
Course ol. years, a but it ion't-whie, And my� Word is quite as good.m4py blatant t4lkero about the gums paid by tile go
Bxpollept facilities, for doing, jOBW OTLK, Auil bade him- itfiliokly, no a we car PASS, agre o: t a pubjoob, Rman and the, glorieg of -freedom, wl
I ir� &two storoy school house a. quartOr of a are not likely -to die ci M It to rupt and frivolous state af certain a 6biona
in own tq the Craft And T9, OUN aud mlx4vith men In human git op. afraid of seeing, in the doot9rss estimation, bothlare ooa as. yours." Why should a man who, have Jft' loty that 04C went for thoWeestruction, during the-11a.st
'fralefrorn Moutgomery'aform, not ourished in the, past, they, of sop h aboult! be the case I
thalbest style ku seems to give galleves noift a U40 - p ear is recor, a a amQun annua -
the Iowest ppsaiOle rates. SwIft ast a tboitUt vl� ileavoulv helper $pod, treason because we know our Mail and they true, Theiroig nothing whiub. ter in Ooduor in morality firlealt, C. -.complishimentato e chosen Has ther never been a. stilly woman heforo - Be
lyvote for this object, is 100, 000 francs, and
azure than the have say regard for honesty, truth, upo, few who have Is Ct less masher I
Aucitirabhop okeavvorllsivosbyter, etili a good many peodebipre ple us "all lilt isureand who a. Cultural Or a brain I
each other, )Ali. appeal. 6. arms had It and who a. . olve I durlilg the
Addroxs, Who prigetil. the many prm-15.us thinks he sald' resolvC4 oil, I we tied Many pyinputbiser faucled,disomy of bristlaiiity ellea- rightness, 6r honor There is, 4.0 r0az9fl, 1�eading, in the ostimstiqn, of ouch, rather tile -a u bar -of w .4 killot
put did not listoll cfa.te without demur. Old Gambetta. is 4aiiinoibler. man in
THE NEWSfEGORD, among those who stood well 14 Toronto tual, moral And social force. That system and it 119 is passabbr hoWst or true OF up. spollo good oery , getting tweIN. inontho by those who received re.
auto. They Uve, for in- his son's body away from the Pantheons, wards. amounted to
Cal acro, ira4l. right he is so Act becaluseWt What Ito holds, staInce
CLINTON, ONT. "FrIleall,"pald the Presbyter, 'l thy Vol . 0 socipty, tile farmers thought the. Country has. become in their estimatioll'a. 11 a distinct remembrance of the f4et mausoleums, and the lose, and fustiah with
sweet, extilmt 'oil Our side, It is lion ains, but in spite of it. People sometimes spea� thakthe best and most faithful comelimp which Paris 4bounds He, knows, that Tim town. of Laugholm, lit Scotland, was
Truth already;,but a crowd wore to, 4 great which rem i -though all li�e--14cl an.
ith, luse have of Ail honest dog, but.they, ;favor got the. they'6ii'llad could not have read o vis . rat in many who have been 'I * If honor long famous for a Curious froln instrum.erit
g lVooleylans it true I he loyraligto bad every Advantage, they Orgy have either already- oneorarefa-tgo. ba.rivi wit
'AIONq QUI& Z=HAX631is. �k yo cider street arated, And ng. " W Ito believea in _81tristiattitymow?" joow or M consoxontiotia the Bible to have saved their -lives, while, have been, dishaterr,d -with infamy find
Fe Qr Un lenAth of a I' decent" called. the Br4likoi which was fitted upon the,
Tj..y witehinf; need, for they are.xich And were drilled into-reginionto, blighted -of a shrews and, having a prong
11 they ask Ill Relf;oatisfied triumph, 11 Who calf And why thin a de:!erit" wom0i or uilt- he Iiiig Wisely arranged thathis aoiL's re-
Prt, kid" Pelted by government in every way.- My their most accomplished cooks wore Which projected into the mouth, prevented
AM tight trousers- axe. row going out ff own Company of Town a PatiiQts numbered eve tries,to obey its piecepts?" !.' Whole in honorable upright inan I It would. be less of any acquaintance with even the Arst mainashall I his laid in 4 place where they are
style the young swe.11i pin have thaw. stuff- -WIth eager feet tho Spirit sought the place, 1th' a Infill (IV ho i's difficult to say except thit the, permeating of the twdnty,foi berspe4king, Traditionin, Langliolm goes,
And would have chid the Preacher tenderly over a fifludro(t, every, man Armed w tienced by its threatening0" gr lettera of the alphabet, not Ii ad whatever wiy.be
ad, with. sand arl,41,4011 them taAlle police Influence' of 0hristiaulty and of Ch kely to 4a disturb, .
But lie replied, '.,.We have both Truth an4 i1fle And Many withiroughl orb allured by its promises?" Andthe ried in In spite o, such, nonsense, not the Change& and QvcrturnInga of coming 0 show that, its appliloatlo:n was attended
I MO clubs, Grace, y mude sit Is expect
ordswhichfor Oreet; fighting *out-[ bei that every ant of tiny intelligence And sense teaching, has betell such that, man tea better with excellent effect, and Dr. Plot, 'the anti -
Somehow staid, sober religious People Ar )toy not greater than, iiiiiijiffy t Ow entirely gone dumb elvea-in thial Maine yea,rs. The popular idol of tb-day so ofte
at allets'. , - - win reply llmdt c� one All(IMPrO.CleVatedin, mindAndheart, tifall. !a quary, says that he much prefers it to the
better than bay, a,"' . at leakt not Ontario,of dur and evaii ill the. Queen city bee thoobjectofexec ionto-moirow,
bj t, I Office rat
oAri enjoy 4 good sciiii.dal if the Clan As Pikes wore.matuffacturecl in A , are,. the whose adherence la either oullght,=ed lor they ever either could. or would, have been ducking stool, which not only Qndaugered
ir But If thou. bast a mission, to to] fill, A .11 of the West, a I people of sonao are pretty that it is just aii well the poor dead body th iort's health, but also gave the!tonge
a, deaeort in same other cituricill. tban, tile* -in chasimdrrg from our darkened it narrow spear points scientifically 'Oonstruct- valuable." Now, all such talk is in the iiist but for . the presence of that which'they !nuoh agreed on:thlO qoa1V1QJ;19p 0 promine 9, posi. Ii a
47t . I I . ' _�hat it is an should not Canopy lit
Tkno*asu Ject fir thy higboatakill;- defame, and tho traiasff)rmi influence of -0 have the
A , to berptiy betWdert 6very (11
own. ad." under thir able guidance of same of 'clegree.abs6rd and foundatiorilpaj. Instead Immense advantage for all t tion. P.
'Tie thAt propliet a Doctor Ofir the way." A S wisp engines proa;
The Phark is worshi sped by some of the Efilmett's quoltdam followers from tile Greco of0irtistianity beingde4d,it is thimost life. that Which they rQpudiatb. t; would he's, 'The Duke of Manoheoter's,L=dCofnparfy�
power of r6ading, and, that it is a Wisp: and
dwellers along the nricart.tloasts. 1VI a in - Then Vorltas, unwearied in hie task; Isle, Tberoy4l,LietxtotiantGovcrn9r, (tile like thing'which. could be mentioned. ILL. *range, portents, almost upon the realm of prudent thing to provide good. And, wlible is being defended with more or I Cut er4loyed on M railwayt;b Flukud, hils
at .Is nerg
re.of the bar�shQulcl make note of this.. Tlial� Docitor"souilit. andiofforedoithis Ices; -na,canlo' I'll to heLr of tile organVAtion of an but flat withA ass a It,
offied was then one of suproind powers -not., stead of nobody believing in it, c some books. for.those who have the faculty 4 4 iscovery which, it allvithat;
Bift lie foolied, " No questions need I ask, ; , . lately I erfectecl�
great mount of success. 6 is sE 000 all immers3
Ike, country imist be. waiting* -for tw - as now, that of a liarm eas n
.9 1 ur, eyor of free look ropud or be Ili any it iw 1dt peoile, are buy�. D kid of it be true, will PA
lltavea�lTruth u��friotid,4ricivAthermore. _.decent jileasure-ao. athei4stia-1e evolent azsociai�Rii or a tills. and the senifis to raske use . of thExil
is all very walk to'say con to
to say that the r,,at mass Wild invention
6stage to be esbabIish6d;s6vcrxI dan-. lutioll t-5 tile flunhi:3 FIC city.) ara on. sionary- society in jordee to�.oencl' neigations �I . railw4y colil
t q6ainted. With what. is gaifig'forw all %,cry easy pallics.'
4 - 11 1 1 9 illjics laitils at,illellith krices asked. That of ' pplicationt-
-y aide withop b feeling that thdre n cousiais,91anindic4tor,o casyAl
'h4venst'oli Of those who,-. read, gtya-themse.ves so lip may be %,cry In
ning letters, Qviprdhefj� )me to Btit Withou art ludeea'divinoly tauglibs. S:r A ddle Head was Not eifough to k and eyet ever tothelleatbon, That *ould.be too Absurd.
There I Isnecterieth word*fnightreach,- Lt nything of�a_re.illy unielioaq, an t alfOrthe bestof
till tit tl,00ps dut of tile city. wis was-titne wbei -thi perusal of novels, and tl�ew of the 'easclis that to, all exietiug. waggons anti locomotives
hand. Lely a - Ad many h,61d 'in all lion, Sawith ILI
Those arrogant discip, off of fr�o-tbought. ly I�ecbghi?od "ti-aths :'character that., co7uld'i. bb . mentioned , 4o lit[ I thV can$�bolp *by their speed, the humber of stop.
Illy all tile iboiniiion) ratki ill 'hattl inatification of those Who where
Who Only ridicule Ine, when I preach." 'shoulti ancoee0el lit c�pturlog- ell poorest, a - lid We in t ieir intellects
)(our husband' is ao'staiw'niail flows. is -outoo'th . a coutAq al-ine, of pistianity; And cy,on having their whole Lot - Christianity sicken sixt) Aie llat js that "any
lie $top -
a not ?'I asked a forindr s400linate of her Tot es. wwdd have a weakened and their beiCrtapolluted'in -1) j ando �t or tar o-tr4otaof the best pages., they. make, the durixtion of t
Despilring not, the Spirit went Ilia 'Way, -go( pages, and the timlis fit -which they are made
�one hink. Ing au(I. feeling, Anore gai(fea in ary,quarter, and d. woi its, aud b6n, tho'proci,90. Iti the first Place; it is pot the a elpts 0 Ali" - orth-
fripail. who had married ii inaff'flathor note([ risen'to support us, li d �Ve voly inarched 13 t i At. to Via aba'olut� are exactly and automatically registered,
And found. thosbteachQ14 of a neweplight, down Yobje Streat ilt life riAlitnibinaut. and'determined toy its prucepts and �O'Wdv. evo ant enterprises, Very Ppeodily take th6ir 40itilly, tliough'it a tr6l of tho -a , Who: hpid them for. 14 the
for his fast I abits. - 'If think so," wasithe Who licarit witft-pathmoo all lie liail to a fact and. then; te were',, is it
I 'i'll (1 11 tile awmy all that Christianity is doing for daparture. -No wonder. They lhave'theiv -hot possible tliatthotse Who readeven theoheap' The apparatus has been tried Ana its, effi,
repl�, 11 lie iftaid.out Ail I&Bt Iliglit,,, Anti.then dismissed. him with A. 001.4 00 ptai h, TakO
Al Clifu says of whi rise," And have ileit,her'done nor intended
0 nickelling of the race,. and(-'Llo efficient motive power to give them eith, Clancy proLved' on a railway in 1tildand and
obso tvation Iftip in'the application -of it-" the intellectual uoVZl might have been Worse e4riployt tl� Ilea
Mistress Who, desiring to press out a6me f . what A� niighty blank there would bo I or consistency or, PbwerAud tb�, result is seen to. do anythiiiig to increaolp their Value, or. on; it of the line borween. Moscow and,
Votigo Stireekat they been depilived of that. anin,enient? P, Pa
,�llothcs,-, calls to the servalit in the kitchen 'Ycf 01-0 110 lk'Oftb one whispered In hip car, and we. did not march down to make those who'purdliseefrow. theiii
I Strike oub,blic whole, sitAn-of-the�McAraliby La degraded, Maisie and dishonorable. live . 'BoAdes, the remedy ties not in refus e: st. Ppter
It Truth indeed so fully dwell lubhees,; the right moment. irig to, feel Abat th y are getting fuII.XQhAa for thp� sburg
We do not preach, - and Is. not At all . thii lower and laboring Ciders learn to 7`90EQ- 11:11c; 0
Go epek our Satiators, fell, much I foal% Ii's qpng expedition, led to a is disiinctively Christian,, and let Tiutcrostiug.sthf1A&_9_aP�q
Mrs. Finc b3r;dto the weaknesses, the ftlibles, the j.011hanoed.prices. Aemakuded'?. .. I . —
down a flitt lion for i`ne jolniqc1lately. - Bridg- rihey need thy presence,,strangee, mor AbMA which Would have neither -eicistenQ6 ifor Da U�sta IT. . V., (11
highly colored�reEort being given to liar read, but 'will ba found in supplying theni rVolilwas of tho'g heral
'arden Yes, . . . . W who call them� A rdUred naval 'offioer . w1ites f9tim-plyi- Gimmau atnlr�
at, latelkatriv4atCastla G wc�but for the- Precepts and direLtions. fol ies'and the sing Q. many with better books,tharLtboy, b
mistress, wh4m, li.-a 4yei, been ac�
I all thedoto�titblei race tile Bi A young man.'syllo has con., mou+1% -,11X Ain -saf'ifiat I'fiave which'. record the -Various
pfo hie, Awl tnerou ilothing else, ag far solves" Christians; but - it must all 'the customed to'. phases oftho war" With Frantill. Altogather
thuni Will a have hot or. cowld?" its voice a filoinapt heard happy io
But soarcel was
lrttvr`�is il��boariL ill. tractea-a-tasto- for will. in, that 1,000i'000 Gering4n MoIclierii: enters
of cloiiiiistio slaves, alto fawrilad on'ilid listed. me lid never liae.R vaccinated myself, nor have any
" . . _1__ lit - d France
!poll the Senate's , Dij injil wy, -rong )y the- we. eon sea hich *ou begin to same. be true t
"all -A, I ch t,," -`.a At floor he a itsma, on all subjects, a
4 ingAlouse kce�er) " It is firkin And, Than. men grew th' N a M- �b� rtoessed'. a. hrij -muit be.'Allowed to wonder sometitpes vrh4t ieadipg, -ail he eldest
-10"lrQ4 offillychilth -fourin nuinber,,t
ttI Nvord, a UWAnftV-SsSX* t M67"Tre—re- havre.. a ver"tr, ia�f6juara- against the 766 engagements -that is, a conflict ifivolv-'.
sties -al _Ii of_t that'" I,? -if ,;Ape -sho-al'ways made -a Voint tialis are not Vila they ougil t6 'b"ptations-bf-th". avern-,7_-H-e�ve d. 1. hav
L a r ; h Cog wnearly fourteen years at
ladyl;;.maid 6 ices oT L I lb_ y ough hot
mg1r.liande'llustle -.him witbolit t a lk-f6rall6l," W tt of-�oar&wouldbaiL 'In no AQL--Leo_tha-- 9,�gbtAW"f pf�ant y,
i . CliRiffinity-ii-ere M3 deal , AM.' Jig -
d iing IMP86 , dity—Ed a. -j,_ _
thAt'ji file case," a i -d the boar'lilek, who duo Are Among them some ll�p6orit6s; An4L not a 4az scale few foul f6ilni habits of thought Which re, I him sqtladrou 'of cavalry, and a battery of ar-
r., - of pressing forkard tb CI6, -into tile Colonelq, deed, any other disease -pa long as they get'
is a contractor, " I should like to 6t; liobsq;� L Clara . step I t that niglit-ii, easily, tte' fewliumblign,- Thp,'n I ore ish talkeraoi%y A isi anti if the -now. fauglad nucomfortable in the dratilLshop, The,dall.. tillary�look placO.; 333,�41 French priaon-
a jadficiioiii umcilint of gob'd food And p%4
11dectrine'oldirb" %ierc-prailticall a much. the brutal layothe�- unmitlgaw ity :era w �Ilcs
Of that. Wood to Malta 'railroad ilri%a: Cot Then scoriked tho spirit the unballowell ground
And from* Ito - tainted turface, honvonwara poor Child dresded, a scolding, and confessed often very inconsistent, and who.do but lit. y a ltorsep ere, Ecnt)ntoGarmau�, and-t1le'tropl
as it is a9t0a, f ofiresh air, I have-1mid notiol I I , attent�ori to,
leapt glon thoy.pW But, . ily, the A, "a" ip'i* ouptured,?oonsisted bf 107 colors, 7,441 guns
in the aiqendlint t.clarimalismotsuchp ices, havieno Qwer
to a coidillential. friend soon aftw4ards that tie credit to the relil one Creel L Co
' ak�S Thj�r;j as ce,149tiai'licarers gath6retl round V file 'now., you..good masterLwio_ to ch. diseases in all parts of the world, and I have L
"I dean ate fill- for T,.iho ine what in L " 1 f' r' After all this is granted as fully astly. ral one who - has a, liking for thopitlent sad 855,000 Alles And muskets# The,Ger-
my 'wire so religious 01) late," said 4 coloicil' lie told his story, and tlia angels WePt..., she, *at much comforted by ligil ing he* , ask, the, a remai the "advancedthinking" , stwe&j falfifil they have, a, Causes and illit
lanip,faie41noment t6 106V, at'h r14ttircluoise could reasonably nsamighty dom-morlgeri of companionph!p of tile printed boolf, Re anioiintiiid to 129,100,, including.
a -ad it, Jain vain t man losses
oil cbroy - _ I -a, Why ai�e you honest, finds himself ihore.and. there out of place in 0. 30-dobtFdii, of'whom, there were 7,022 'an I
_--gimt1emall. "She gobis ter- chur amount of sound thinhing, -honest feelings ordei of ai6hitectui until the cause is rerilov
-bright-yelloW L b' a gold
D 4L' sing to -hear
site il rin&'4- He* was! anti upright, artc -nearly Me :_is Amh
vvid her and b6ir6ci, honour�'bla."bing which.'en .1 truthful, and * chaste, and gtter ovteieffecfs.� .11
night in"wbon i 'poies ter ga -be would c, ,
Hovv the torqUGiSd Sh011e7cheerful its bits of such resorts. , Indeed � iill4mrs still 0, . I I tchapl4in, of',whoin thbro wore 295,
it of goting Ao*n o tor k ng of stamping out, London miles of tol0grap wir
says 4 neber mine, -Jim, 1. knows yet -self is' unerrinily 'be traced �0 thelinfluenoa.,lof What notT Perlia,ps, liovrev6r,_you_-aPe noti woii. thin n. It ' es'were erected.
blue lie fall 6f hope I -when they'know
n -8-37 avop
ti cl�4 1,11--rec0nifI ken fling kleetle light 00 With_ftdkenzi� U 1 and little wonder if such is the fact, lor with iall pox by vaccination,
ire -a you doing ivith a lig Christianity'as ahyphysical. fact can be',at- tki,g,Ap,IIatgrazinga lo Nebuchadnezzar. The statistics of �ps�iBh Proteptantisl
as well As I do that, there are, street in
on liq4 ail Acquaintance. What:gi so-oilled c-ddaitt and- im., no yidral standard, hild.liq coriptraining me-
�tbat,6ubjeok," rep a�b ViRf,-Misi Nforris)l.' said- Mrs. giulmly,, trilifited to. its
show that 'there are� in Spain thirty-two:
V �Itibud�§ tive to sOlf-restralift and hoitorable Conduct 1priclon crowded with Initiate
DVs got a Mightylikely yallev man whit's P nestiodable cause. N hy.-�stq. mi a in rooms oil -
0 a. Aiei� L jUPPOSed usefulness,'or� the r6' most as. fetiZI as the BI a-- iihurohesorcliapelo�slx iia *Nfadrid,.tvv�o in
to. Xitreelona, three in�oyjllej and one in caolirk-.-7-
';ol' -ard4tr as at -it is not so ising If'many�concliide 7 How is it po3sible to stamp out small f6x T two 'ilC_firiP6rbaAtL
ifi7 . - lloing.'What'ii right? Noblipeads-6,the re. exceptl , . 7 dek Holt of Calcatt
preachin" down' due')" "DA's cl,� bause," or S136inewlin the 61 poinait. its 'Cipeoiall�iin fi, I _VAtASq3CWoF FUN.
exclaimedthd1willand, "Dqt'siti��PjNrig )s 4gaful, . blit b* th I ovo vars6,
v.1 � . I.. - dor- ey, � 0 lity-O towns, chiefly a
7,, ollyl 41 to be bxsb,-1fi"&16;t JV11133i long as such quarters exist.? R"� knous it: C&U7
git'..0 e' aa i . oft
that it is I a lady Wbofiao'beel'L taking Music I
if I (loan .g.) toCilb oohaty� Clark dill t, jilathus'ordered Ity aster And Lord, portilti the south And wastof the peninsula, P,
-vdey' 4pll,* A a. �t,11,61y, 1 ell It a lessons for the -past eight years', hangs. back.
by r, LORRNCE FArltrAx. L r� Whatis-carrybig ri.thabe
t�fpreacli, the'afam who -debi �eot take AlIthe pleas- -not be done, atict.0te, 'diietirs1niolo it cannot
licol)40 fq lllyself.'� e. rievotenoe.ofthe -osses -Whe Can gets be d6ile ; and , ft
membin, yourmish in jl� tit r "I dil I :?0AkljO 9 it' add.',we There, are,also tiventy-thieexhission�iii.t,lil)
'A belie, o (1, of"the gi I t'ki ;I Lrther, they flow,
wori'd ? ith means 11170, (in and bloshbi andsays she. really:cau'l. pla44
m 4414 as to 118teivaids of Himianity *V'�, No indee'd I even thou h.-ar. Ilia neighbors'. expense, is a d' kifow that'if it were possible - to providiii
thp curfew: vvas nforced 6n, Ca a a -L '. Tutal:*Rstricts, N�ith )KIlle a6cietits, schools,
AlialmlitICAN r,&SLTS on�tr insist on it. Tlia chances. are that site
7:"".,:,�(- -all absolllto� %inedL and Well for hath - sexes, adult; �.Iasses, Missions. for
*itlra more 111by fellow, if. not can't. wholl some ;fiouaiis,�. well dri
... . ....... 0 OXC,
ept,perhap%. hariii'and ther6, a achers ' and
1;l.:PI1e of,'& col -Wit, New Year Olt �t� Ali, illy I do not.permit-repl�es," said the, older or 16sa preteittious. crank, wlid-,11i ia"'fic HO i1i,she sidd, hod: ahe,was �'tli� Il6nd.oneis, jiWonly worraiiiecinduetdd by 1 dy'te
Itwbs a1lipo,of-Frill �xcitema i 0 b "it('
cometh not en
it -uncle W9 n$ dimly Conscious 'of sonic,mroislij, fo its he di V 1 -in MAdri4 and' lifteen'
a irl� f1lorly old G 0 me fe' it hier 'lit) u right Would iiriiali' pox disappear 'from allsong Sqnday .'Aoho9Ib'.
n Past. teal uing.a�.d ox�parieucc disposed me to inust say something, but doei noti- knavv �ex- dn't arrivq. � His interitibus -era f
dutk to- do ao:i ebbing for the'libttei7nont of alywiththe liberalmoveirimt, thou to knp,iv nbihiAg.'of whati Was ru'util; them, bftt ifie entire group of L 0 lactiltowns tlieraitrelarger'nunah, 0
a. tit wlitch -were.all 0 lit disorders of Pr v
vvArIl curfew."i � 'A A lid I can - I ell 'yo t4s-tho-tv. - IS: L I
sympathiso .9 h:81 what�- b�. of Chr but, they, failed. to!olloodas childroxx in'tho. schools, and
'11. tile ly a main Or
strolldbwn Iiieh I poon dispovored that Mk.L Makenzib h, till coustraining, and prii�nises -.to bon. fully combat the bull -dog, that *iei screened ',Iqlitill'smalt tOx
tile World. Site therefdro took A7 as som6thi is ba b in the"chapels in d
ill -A to say to lye" 'tiriue to c6hatralfi. Let -any' one. okamine' Goa - d yreast car ah�ubbery.
net seriou , ' L ' f] L - Mattel .Barcelona, Seville,
to th� jSv�,ain� apd.gouglxb ail intervi.O,w.,with was uigifig on.wat'd by other.m.6aus, than -his 010 1 be kepi in�excailent condi, in the moon-kipeell- The Milwaui�i lieler6r -4uay Welt make Cadii,.and Bilbao., Probestantisin prevails.
.? iho Muth:
orr6w, before 20"ol bilurs., . 116re was t, big twi a With iqe� Purc I - I � - ., I . " * f , 'on
theFox. editorials in the'Collonial Advocate, Sams of to -In . . afted, and the chAract6r-7bf the'lionovii1edg schoine-s - ion Ili _L. cc well.,wazlied all, ll,46' ne'cr-do-well)-" What's t iis� critics a every -city the contiff'- -Few of the middle"
'-in tIl6. a proopocti bili YoutliL ii' lighilld . . cold liar
"Wells what's oil blind this morning ?" iny, �Vrritlngs, ar to 'in Toiiiilt'd' d spring'*Ater and: then, dried and M y�ft mong thb.paor,* .
dent 'as -theylve rauol a eitis *ero'briolt ahil,theantL which are maintained, pay. . . 'and lie ie Gilea-thatyour wife has left' you I ent."Wetm themselves, ior' there is not a as as pt Govern -
called; :Attracted I th6l tu ost"If nob a together,, .,Wall preskOd. rhism'aSs � is aftei�y:aid 6 be I. I his to the, clag as , belong td__R�ha prose
'his. attention; I n' I or 5--itties display the utmost
Ypar"O,L if you remain. Patriot _e is1wliat'l-110ileg L18he' mfght jaingte piace "of any 'size from t
-askediRbyn6rd. as he came to t1i.,urfronti will find that Wit all Ali is
1�-TO-Aay is Wow ho" A cc a aucy.Xiara. soon fell Asleep, iiipred in
well mixed wIth inalt dust and L in ant and th6 author
tail 0 "r �aae
this' r6inarkable man wh Chriit; Lot him in4uiro E A U 10
as* much of oser 01174 -the mor�i�rl�ebol 2-efll7etion MCW,"L ks to.wlio sec. closed'jars in ice cellars. do worse tFail tbat, air." Parion (shooked)---I gillf of Mexico 'which has-mof sorae'sAch ibimpatiblowith the Constit ti.li
bar '�1adetria-ble'dloqueli6o slid singleuos�f�bf pile. the iifainspring c wafee 1". Qilbs has secured in it f'spanish Cathw.,.. .-
or rather 6-ool reflccdo�s on C&ra'a,:c6uduct if -all, such benevolent under- "She iffighteorne back mantrapo at that .-which a �Ifd with'
Iob, Certainly ),,� �� intolarant.spirit* o
the same reply will haVe to be In
Pose AreW me strongly towards him. He on takings, and ofird.'weath6r the Air contains. Moro agarn 1t) ashes ouch a painful itotoriety'. - Ilow Maliy or Protesfants
It lh� faeb',no amount of tbo hotels irk.
��'-Tell Miss:.Mortis I- Tito nativo; b I
"It is t3ie* day. on which all Powls.and- the other seemed pleaslid-,vit my* by� . C 'giveri. Takii Vayfilbra tile 7 total bonle�ol than in hot.- ..Canada of LLi S'Ze Would.' number 28 00.0
lemata-sbodfit'sol6infily ro$o1ve tobr4k off Be me fort, reque'sthorpteseiioe�f*rb�few.�ntolnents III. If you,:would be truly-bappX, my'ddars"
y o'r I its province
I 'wbat
boyisli enthusiasm, suit eftim Cite; ant work in thlii* cit of warmth in. the"atmogiphird' ill dispel' its do.mucilibetterthan4lib onjin�,11ilwaukei6s
haid one NevYo
once gal -very
1,14 ceimpaiiian In Idug. rides to the � count!T. is done by rOPS4,and moisture and 'tile- simplest' way in obtain y
. _�_sjm6l ii,11Rbib, I'have appointed myself , my offices'! Was tile Coloribl's, mandate :Con, Lit lad� toanotlIej, ','you Not so
h 6f Toron thoso.who glory in 04.0 qq'ilorL fl
u still. k I I m -h, atra tilit"is"'106laii - rl- -by who, will have netthere .6&rswh hud,
'jo as tL3j.A-AirelI:az.-to other -Mrs. is. ch your
coinilli6de',P�� c�ed by h idr ChriatiN,galt6s 'and ansbfoold.* soruo�wQuld ime
it() h' parts ere dis vAiat t ey do dry air 'is by me The moisture - H6-* , many
on Ork . e.� C I M t, -as she oti.qued 0, 1AIWA without, baftil 6ornes-homelat orn. the.cluli, I "y6g.1 gine,
solve tt , d w yorL to ieti*' tlit'.royal mummies: I
it_ . a an a QIT ' *mes-.It`l' 'said -it call be fat: Ad 4 Severalrof,
I you iglit.& blazing Ohio be scirce)y be I" frozen iatfnos� 0 mitilya.? Any one-'whd has:gone- up tho
ooald.uma 11�!azt go6d re- of pper anal: a. any. a mea ing have 11*her what would 'be lef eiffire y ,Et
'' �$,;i mik - knooking,' ""Tho Coliniel siys'as ho 8 . loan A other I
Plied A it Ildid ISS�l his"hoffice worth mentioning vh1re, lid that ii.ifte o miserable contracted. stalr�wsys 41int a
yan-g, I - V , hy nose ?','
Ahink I. _MYr,`firCs7- Amid sQlae,�t.-olearhig ill the- woods. to tliat; ciiristiaui arb, tiot ddin� all, they bugh� ly rdilitlyed. d 11 liast year at Deir-.el-Bahari..�eore,lt Wi be,
ara ok".. P
would. be
met were -moptly-farmers, marly.of floe r. qll I'. ti y to (!I B' for the �iustiuction of, lie ignoralito' 'A B-clat ceivect a �.elegrai to,the working placce:of -hundie romombefed,. fouild g-arta-fided with flowers, .
nard. a tho dvor;:sliq -the on" womfLu, re in, 'Hovirrhahy,churches e -6n. could �i d d "these floweis being forth . 6 most T
-beloiiginglIs disg1f1§tedvvith tile, awn preoel�' ew was praismg pl.: art in ii�on-
VO 241n, All ArthflZ� Uh
d a6ouilt 9i their indan-s-Of ex�'t..'.
That'S'll'C *6t reso'lvo wit Th6e who tly. Tile iwo Str6w to be blanched mfiit Ila hoakiid in'a -blanched an(l.her hand.tr6rabled
0. you U. H. Loyalist reeilimati6n df the erring, Jaiid,tllti it and.her.face
aftqr All,' so tarrible, thb Co!onctl said that solutiop: of soda and moved abotti, in a buill :as she hot(! it Unopened b6fore: liar. - Giving �U,112
a. arroaa, dhyl solig ii, d I eiliful pililservation. "cup r in
Very . containing iWo'clunces of pUrmlinganate of it to� lier�daugliter,'she aiid� �.'Readlit.?l a recent iiitte'r to Le Pcmjos, has described the
if6e uf the small filliiily clique 'which of thi-iloivn�tioddeu and oppressed. paific wore to Arise ?. -How- to
lichad heard slid hall �eeu 8,.,1 it in the eool.� J,j I tE6.
Wh I govorne( Aii, not
fortlleOeeB61" Advert G e trougly tits. extrebably out I long . -ways in whidiltheia.. ar�.
I'll lot up oft the Hares tills �oming I us -with the-- Inj astiew shown to I s 6 4at in mean.
6:llglltL brow Pa. Say tits Abing3 thm, were
-,,a a.'rebdI;' in young . lines' even' 130 : �XIAJILCh as attoilipted. Wh6 gdneio-ihe hospital," sho -said., The landa'are.woviin. theyconsist ofthe
Y.0 q I th fa t I 'Pa has. br6keii Iiii4eg
Ar f yo,img dian i4o %; a ard dbing all: that is' in the86. P0tAz8iuui:tboOI16 Zon of-water..:Wfien the Thi6.�girl obeyed.'
Curley' said all `vv�o exhibitlid, t ifine, they :are. As J�ad as
a e Of being -it color, and Cle
lightestAcit - i bL]i" &10.nj�j *ith thosix stiiiY coffin. of NlilwaukW�. but fi;� ,
I he Ate lfei� oli tile half shell. lingi.,jo POPUlMe ilsts did n6t-thiuk it I . n6dest- t washedAistin-waterau theo.ia,4,091(iti6n Ifi6the -various- dloi6ie a in
& , L L bed 6f'th' - States Chifi-'Oi and- CIAX&LOXPNifted I . . . -feed- r!sface 'bii�litened, Thank. heaven:. -fia
Droll all at the gn women ovor7hpard o-Ua��Agfto,t'c'sodiet I � eflough in all . c undL stlpalaiiif
y for they Are but ons6iellqe, ii theiratchis, -"it ellplosed each in:. A. folded
With youngrilen. .. 171visirt I
to -.Miss MoVilillen's. ','-Wall, I tile fiuugi.�, &ill : '-'I f6ared he mi �,h s
,,Old -Jy�j aeliari,ll aa� the -.v,,dr re of blisulphate of-bodialo.' it, is iia, worso,�'shp.s I . inovement-in tire Nvay of,ioj�O_V
Tocl��W�g )'St, V.had rcli�ving- the �iildti
1119 L' a ayidedilyset.a. a grievous y o vv
D56't ask A. man to, st4 clievvin.' toba'cco the irrov L ere . net to name., I' Alk -1 bed Thi h b i to brinA somebody -to, dinu r i" y be not leaf.ofelthti 'the Egyptian. willo ix,
7 -catoja ri ariliakeltil � - .- ' , ' * 1 -1 think'Canadiali'maii- 0.11611.8� the 106t,R. Who ever heard of the Great- di�infectant-zqad Antiseptic Action is. egOII* bout'some will, bi (Sitl*.
aot;.tc I I -ticular y OIL' the affair' 61 �'Iilioiii only in'the slumi,of . !*A gpittlenian Who hill Wall: in -�.Surely -Niord t6_ihe" Viis 'Ii salsal) br ilie Hjinum�bii IDiRtnel, Brvre,
latter giievaoce told pal self. sacrifice - )f the infidel Jad.to rosult froni the .� oper. .'usii of .-cap. Own 0111YJ blame. 0
PLLAT1�ZGTlf$ 110G. pare aro�rmthor_fnc in 6esd ifiactois; Ant of' igglor. threo,4igyi,- butyv filgLiattell_ _elmugll. * -kes, but t4d miser�. is'thkt SO The floral ornaravotithus.devisld then
7' Scotch, Ffosbytbrjans,. and mi-hiaby a sturdy a L, M.. n nits tieatmeitt of urrahgod-in. rours=the points Ilyet'al last
life,. oraraid tho'desolaticn� g
ravellin�k Dutchman fropi. the.. Nor�hern Of%tes. . -As one& and vice ? Witere Art their ...mission-, ctious disonses iriih. of copper, the tie many fire - not wise, itncl - thitt so . rnally Bee means
Wol .;and �a' �OX �Werd if-yotf'desirlb to re b a
A Place 1* t" tits with i6opper Are filor - t-sightedly a . elfia - -hat.;a
-IPSDY W to 1 larles -? -�Wfioro. even the ghust'of rus,61hery L f, th Nvood; Of n losei lititivas. afraid he would bei too hasivi
ail osl tile country 1 11 they. it b6ifiie evid6ni 'thdinoiair-play could -be itionof some safety. and'value in infe in lo a proifurient belle, wanted to pro -one. wny=,alld Con tail by of a
OF moro� so'.k Its 4
t[iscovered a Piece! f AakenzWe Canada,'YOU 'will il0tTapelk suel; Company. am6lig Such for benevoleft-�aibirf�N66ody ' u 9.'fid he applloation-7of 6 9P ' PL er to' He d d � the:subject as -fJl. groai'dcal Moto 11 W thread of -date-leaf fibrit -,wove]n in'h kind of,
o meat attacbed.fo a. got frorn those -Ili. po�Nor,- -Mr.. I olicately _Ur6achd faii & qrcl� is neceseary to
-ingo Again. - I cannot a 01 tie chain stitch. The Wliole sernliles m-coatoe
A a, a are to.oilt of'my'domeat lows; " If I - were to speak of mar- make m.,niovo in -Any scheme which -in" 1 f table Ince work;' Aulting
"a on Lee;
.- 'I ' -i I tdrild And Inore dotei- perinib.tuasonabl low OIL Buell L thinp,.'- Why. irifect4'1 f
av�. It ever saw or ficard uriiiiii a,'' 6thing, and other L to yoa ing e. verge!
Nly e� a I sawit I ail linva I seen illd eag ifig only made y6ui acquaint-- velv4 more. oi -leis- of Pat sorAl ex
I -es '4ro-tIlL 'vilarp4tran �'Zuadl,6ff ;-Tow�o er tfiey ? .' In the int at 6 l. _� a
-coidl' lisrd,' pect6d,� riagej after hai
I I I . . I Ii. I ''. . .. . P641 0;
9'ex lai'trt6d tlipY63� - , - ed1nd,withdi6*,. IOAdonintic,'? I 1J, I I - I i e t ow6ro"thus pres-erved,'av
8 . met Clara blow d 'of w lbfi- ance,three clays ago, what - would you say to a 'thei bright
firlt so h Allred ba6kWood
t,: And ib' -1jinill, !selfish negittions, the human hiliactimis i6rnl UAdL a
!.-Aly nuic h; I B ened. as' foll6wars" yotluK wo, nn, Muc ':wero e"21 ilf'at harid,'Wh6 the .1oluo bloosioi
Tile following �oni�ounil for,g�i . . 11 )b f of Zhnutr ii.ofthe Dd�ld)liu* 0)1
b!�q bes a Tlie:'ho"pel 9�ewl oranddio,' ."Whyshould any,one help or III's 11 Well,�Tsfiaidd-oay nevOr put off y L e??td so
til a( 'itLlk,*., ep!IbCl'
e Wait" to aLlady ti memoi Lthe 'bills, lotus, or
afinte' of thii fililitary oi a� al d- t ticlail'by.' natioual'.1lat.4`6t Scot- lakksp mph,&a. CC-
careJ61' a vreak,� suffef.ing :ivan -any morv- resse era ion, or -is recouitno , : .
lot, t btfcr.j yon, l!o' 6in 'lid the t I f1JaMJ8tL and to-morrdir.that-which. yod.olicouldhave'done, or the-
fthe-bittl ;6 6ii�c fre6.d a a. than Ilia
ore Vebterdaw
ire Ise; be toasted iii- potWofig' wl�a*-th 4fitto of. By;nphcoa - lotus.. witil.
vVifb" J� t
ire to till, lead&.'p- rpeeches, ail(! to inspi as well born and. better urge: than fde a. lanie dogor A -sick: monl;;�j ?. NO. Drtt�qild-Castilc . so" a
h7in xesolve,to; lc� it 'Iara,)lad a�]Qll "g1'OMUdas,.-coL�Id` ny- 2, In (lay hot. it -not be �Ap pill ; ippe the blossionis *of the
rend spirits. b. phayin&, four. b�ncesjjegrbo�aje of So loru�. a �doii as. usual. it t"' f d' sepals
1 111,611'. vV6,11, divide, even lip, LA bis,bear�fii i it p Ofly, ori non-Christian a po L Might
nil' action, two ounces or*ax,'o'ne Cunce.*;'_A ii4,rdVI , rit to, �ive the -weary i6irld h rest- Sedbd�lu X,,iryptlai�,'..xnil.the orapge- hued
Not Cxtnb,3 - my . frio-]adj� I bive the slat to tho'bitter and ditlylot xiilud'it uoh,
end. Thero-1s.ino niotive,to ki b qtjaL Ain el iping' jv'hich oil. Ito -1 .. or
- atiadiaii, History, 11maidt 6..viiholeitory. Mi�gmemuiaon `hY, from th shrill scraunel-p ' �toj
-)inachs� and mnBi ificrefore have .,But .1 hin. not' there is no -tonairaiiiing :power tLo Awaken ri;itirlia, advon ounces p 'alcohol, throa.,ouaaes; w.6j'.of1.jfi6. 'Ca-rI744nijis t� - us,
longest at vvritftrg� 0 Bire . t lfsrtp..�
-everr`-kind�t-hou 'Its -w AhIJ)hurid eth6r, two clundet. Soft.'watee Fiagais Beat fta`A6 w . as.'bobi ILI Alb44,, 'Paa so, largely -employed cia 4 dy� by
_-tk"-hw6,e4,s I i it. lilt- lJoloody line (Lane as yet' Duirth-4�--his-- ght—After_u - hat ion_ that dpy ha74 to such.. , in, ektant to s6iflowei
it- I I
Ila , what. Js left Lit Jof� tory of on6 St. George 1166 -et stych conditicnis, Ain re a a in left
a -drill nigilt. 'Sfic does, it;ryiitter, ?L A iiZ. -in, VI f0_mar1DF6M_P 1� -the-so , _,N. �7,_irkI83977x-ciin- I -li-ei tea- .peor
will - be sufficle j, embpoRior"And ApLylaftbe illy 45olnpail�'s 'If vvith the 'the water u I dn. Boil eIoqueuba1.�._TIm__ii%y_ --fho-aiician-Unh*abitanigL�the, N,
, " , I . k . . . had goho to Bishop $traohart's Chu!"T cubic ],nso ntilitisAissolv6d andthetiaild' JBuinsAs: Oe`iy year bii-driirelled 'aiad` 46-, The diled. friiit, as'well As thii� di.1-20 �Va_lea`
3,ou:" i8bL toLcoijeSpoild' freely Wool& -be 'a lool.'toL h* . Englishi.German, 11 106d.,-.1lis - In'
journal I - Beni my-, l6ft4a- nal: L * , n f of 0 1 re I, abilit�, drunken islenough to make- higbouto stir I - blosgoii.iof tile:
Titl`Fax bding. t1b -Wiiaker ParW.-.1lad to mornink a6hice; Clarn, was then alone.., Mrs. 1yi Other ingredients. a a Atacid Nildlica . is lik6wisei
devitsur L
a�.pwhile the wolf 6" 0;e Ar illery 4tirgo),taiii at-home nursing . liar -yc corns of tliose w,ib;*in that qasc� viould flit _was tile grave. Oil ii present _.hnd montion�Js al'o. made. of tba_-`�
ather, win;rn
sit 'f6i&.1i lung ones co fhb bones themselv�s�hilyo,
be bettcridead.�.* - `. ;:, . . ... ., .1 6
'for hicb�shall_ iofasq9rL in I a' 0 at# ool� 0
9tukbIy re-Iduill y fiel you may gue Itjt,a sOrk 'heir national pliain-
ad evelly OufflW f ihe meat ancl;s it of t t disappeMied;itis iinough't6flako hisvery -bloagom of K speofes of wkier melon, n
ighed sit I sent File 1% be both luminous and prdbf against.clam if) legal., Som"et eir'sAfter is' Ir . 16 father'
-sf. Finch,- efigaged.1
File -0. 146-8vas sighing with satisfacti n then! card of liliip XqUallen; a maiden. lady -pudding. L' 11I.S169sip ` -dasti---rise- 'In solemn protest.' ti'ver'y- poor tinot, 1.1te oregoing are a I interw9Z,
inmild up of the. f6llowing shlobtatices t- inste Je 86 Vit rlanc�
on j�fieL . a �effol died, apil iti.1854 thb family, moved'W'dill'
butitfon in'"ieiched his. bad I` * jigl&'and' leading with beef 2MIaids abolit- llbhb� thitaby -sent who Ito;.., A and
a and,in a who It -a a imil �,ici.. in. qumlmer� .. .. .. to -fort) ining �ettle. -foe, Pf A
L , singer �Vtl�
jij�&6, C -lie on- eiiho6p LiWas elaborately swath6d
Y, Ad been ag, st ... -l. :1 , , .4. .6r m. parts; 'paper pulp', r "fiirts;. fornia,, Livini'in the rude in' voil whIskq.',bodd
cln, 1C L re c. a, w Ila 1 a g go6d'for sifolis faraju f
,nt nr
,Ore lie, ch ..that lie had . an i Ilows 0 too go y$
it .1 ew, blidiit.ag r aird:`s� church: is a'hbli�bt ill evening in ay, 18 qsphorespent'-p6wiler-by prefercitceslak- ments of the inteRor, and ill'inging,with thei
1, lleeA
I polgonetl.' near wIAch she v �iiOad -her story after church. It wi 70o 'Pli lay a chanile of otll6ri -of the royal mutunhi6a wore found finiii
-lour hoi them, the* thiA.great !tat.% d getting A
dring the bibhop s,germon: she wro Q_ ill L-, 4 ' goodly alloiiahco of tb6 barley breoa� detached specimens of bottiL kinds -a dt Is
"Well 'well,", mused th C..8AW an'sh6use, D' IbWbeoi�to listen to An able diicoursa,on. ed for twenty irsl4waniy )parts rough Characters that ppopled,
a V oxas 11 sin-cothesol,liors'taidoiiiiiyguiidi ortality of hV'wMn..indafd` golatinei one p9t, and saturated orb6d frnu� actual experl6tice-,mally
0, 610 irnsiii boy abq "&.'White ith of
- ----- tile h. death wInJbwB W few klild: Words'ib. perid' unit ill
'JI4 ils� ��ahe would'yieveli at thosatilo titno got exedl. r: literary t'sste the blue..
o e� struggling -vvi Or - all the prollp
-Time lfq� The fiithful� dog,'ilib patibrit afid" of bi-Chiblilate" A inciatints -%vhicfi afterward gr
4 X . hing 'by beak maLl f potash, one part: �Tbe. of the I bw under me)
doosil t Always till Tbiget'niii alld".woulil Ice -op liar. 404 or '�' to ound idinii ion of a .-that is actual and sced-p, r2to.
0 gdatine� regiiii the damp and. the. phi vilito t�,uiiow faafflarldyls 1 45V -go t
00 an, by loyalist st66� throwirig. king loni-giiffering liorso, the shy Wila.'sni)fialg ']lie, L magi"(nile a�d for 4'�'profoumd idinii ro
-was unsafe for me even to ch
attill". some One. -tilaii g6bblg up 'his Din- litrodealt more gent4y.vvifli, good Nliss.Mac- alwa,118.'� But it -in at lsll'-','9 ItAu'; is loftf -Itweihting is .4 19 . arn I
y and interesdifoy discussed-, ascent powder ad .8 no pf the eraliAttleclZiggin so.the 16,viess flat,-. gives, a goo -a thlummy' of tIj,
roges'liml indect! quitted . ber.. write tolier,.Ahewioald les�va. h6r-,presont wel,�OAJA cure lurni sity., last in -S;6�ffflsli 'a a., er. It at a cc I, at
ilio ikift , _' I-. . ."'. -
Was away and the immortal bar. Thorit three years
position'soon. , 'MeamvIiUd,. i� ally danger ro�urned horrid; And, r6sing debauch.. 16 =f rompect- tl ft
tied my.fAith. -fin& 0, mixed 2 Ci 1.
face, leaving a, row, thorns.'aboutlicr Zlltn gad a ter 0 ingpinotenf. (tvvelAy;
Miss Alcmulle'llWO.11 TAR AND ri EATIEMILS. scull gteat fit -at dynasty.) I were founc a ecimell:
A mail who owned a'fitfo -1forso I all bifii and-Uppel' till. - Like :filost: who had loveil koatme, -A41)r._da1rPdt, Id tie: on a visit And, j,3,yas &Ion 6, 1 oaj cif his life in California he -all -th ability to have it A re. al
-w illd's ttlaoilingy tile little 76r-laintiuk dog into, the housewith foe.. Re- fortunes of a pio)neer, And trioil Ilia. hand at at 0 lit saint 6r some un-, of- the 1pheu., knW-tti "bot lots as , tl
clipped lit in'id Ili ter: Q bid. lady a ribbon 1which Mara, gava bee oil n vertain 11 into a fitful durhber� Some 6rtffe- Dliscomfoirta t1iAt- Attona tho anv- me&na of livelih6od. �For a iifiitei lie Occasions so 0 P P 1 -A . I
around tin(iiiakad 11(il and I out-of-tIre-way-pallsado of file. bifler )Cncf�. tiring*to root; 1.40 douhted genius, and.no -nilsfake- Many, petrinel fio:furaeea. This pl tit is indf.
inal turned Wbarlidg; of this Sort was ir compositoli - Ili A newspapor:.office
detirive ine of illy c,,oat in, had won liar 7 )Icavb� by. sending'. lier:,oviiry This Clain' *Ziin, Adol whah 'I disiftictly: board Illy name "411edl oi Dross: Vill oivt�e 25th that -is coining, as 'on -many g6looll OL the� ishirid. 'of the Gree rchilia-
t � for C�er-y.- filorairig . . .....
!6. Wenietnowand. then ear y., rill, with fli Most people, is EurekaL ;'then he milled-forbinaijelf.w.ithout CQmfO ctfiaiu, been
anob cold weatlier?f I Rlsillq up I' saw a .1111�oi-ljkb fo la honed iftatisf have brought, to
-,iye_e.,ktIlC Advoew beautiful, . expiesolya eyes Add said a promirient.Renoite I I his fortune.' As A school. that'11MV& passed, r sohros with
nift lie' It (itlijay pf.yq'u, .0 ISO m6hillop's 11 'be- t At at befc
J;, Was ifi Mpanwhile ditill m7iint on. I mitood'sadly d sweet; quiqt Urge y increasib the"id0a, that Robort Burns..liked, tho. - let the Period 'aftlis. or -
too' db4ly'. coinin-offilsed to --wish, me.". :An irreils to a Chronicle reporter tc� da�, _" don't know- teacher lie Wass 91c10 inchillo more liberally to.dily, And so do theyj and, therefor6,- that V or� . iaa$ y, - 1100.or 1200 D,C.) . Ua or
Ol't it's t) 61180" for I was
corninY illy evenings ivith Olarni 11COr6b witill
rep"y. -what a -terrible punishment tairin� 'and thd litMrity t t w kehe, by I is war
'behig illy br.,Sitraoliaii atStJa,mOg%"Xo-QIArain t1w 'able power seemed -to control me, And. we as 0 6, it I fts� they way, clearly conclude that they -arV the uribic fin .-of "Khoba"-it is sold
�As scoa its the-iforso Attached to tile 'Clara tie bb rolloarkeil. 6A rion'd. feathering really is. 'Thy suppose tia'd it i;%latteil�exporionces hfter-
s aed up -irito mid-air, above,iny 0 liffa' -
tie g( I if q� L "T"In, with a seemingly 4anfiliar;voice,,)my Lays
hq�be g, and -did noi. stop 0 ' nviiii0d4omeAra. ' i diiir Ili g 9, �rinter. Tfice Iliad
Igan hioltin )ad': friend nivirays, plaeo"And I to'an,hour's �14 Aotiving !need than iolbr and red- spiritb vVith* the mighty P63eaht tile native druggists fir Cairo to -this
U b I a sitrcali4d 11 86hryibi'l or Iii ly b h V f Thes6 frail relids:ilf niAny a valaii3fied S r
ullbill)o hall. ttemblisholl the oLf%66_-- parend (Jecoutso,against bompanion asked visit rather iineoiiif6rt le,'p , erhaps, bitt,not.-pain- . 0 or
od .9na
&,go guz a,;
i . I ell
y as.tli�6�,prdb,61ie�.pron6utico*cl*.it, "Skiani.11 and have bdon. nerahied for thb'13661ak it
)sVT1Jb'-on 11o.4teSsail you 'to 'do tiliteajfintdelightful tea,,(,1wIii6h p4itakcif fill unless, it getatto. the. eyeal Thi's bra,
tit I . Ail, 14 tf1OBCwhO hiirl,trli�tcaolv othee In the Adirmidacks, "0, -yes, spla 1, and, . either o eit with cx4uisifo,a�
lit?" ailco-11110owneel. M�COIIJPL dd'yJ6iI`Vle'll lit -of Ahe profit mistako..' I )belped to. driuls JoneEf. ill by ib4t. Outing tea 61.
Into 1110,
01IIAtuio a daisy of 4,110'w 'A"?uhl look -80 a �aud danger, JXt'ddvv;u 12 at L Ilia twinilag its transpatent drapery ab0ut!niOi at lei and bo�anid Dr. Sobweinfar'th 11
01 11�, odibroak iva,94-0 tile be!,( go lie wa a disgrace to'llumanity, and d000rv- t ght, fieds irichinted,10 od.
I it) I iok,' D911, hill(I stop t ail. coach.- vve flow along eapidly� ` A6 we'&Msed,alongi rat 0, Iv
bid before a cheap Cutter""was, tile i-(PIY, iiiier x hat , biscuits, he XAPgJ4.tQTLJv odullh6got. Put Iliad noideatillIsaw ad, so t6 any, Mile
till Lter, nil( you may bit AfOry I recognized the take atill'tho"Vety.placo modern examples. of�$Iid' same flowers ail
I :Aurp, , that follow pladtarbd - what a tough deid ft,
'And, I. iiiLy as'weli smish that,"if y6ft are fees I'Ard tb.f�areh by tha, North Eastern rof a I froill,
t, f our It Btess, Wit The Rapids �o Ini'll blabRengle 6n . Yorlie -street, wher�, &yeirr before, -1 sfirk by torchlight w6. - We painte(I bit� all over pretty..thid
V hie Plants,thoyfilialevenesses
going lit for looks, you'd hotter gob;y(nit, large Joe; wouildiiig Wise)
IfeWer-tollold.,the mins b6hutiline.;--Pe. Old It a And Sir &Adle revievved''llig severely she at I
0, written itis copflirdught,41itil urider the- a"- about likdly ever to remain opi
WaAjust ablfftp act away out of the wttt6r ,viith. a broorti, slid sothe ontliustusti ell 0 vio� que, .10 oxernotion from' idtqly uniqab,,aud
bre or ccv�.t:ru ibi-sitc, but that ante poured a few 0116na if tar to b A -old_ -ld fluivers'axii.saUl
Isms. nevcl�.dnld� voluiltdiii-eJ who had Ito 111w:"MiLa I wet
vandal As. I spoke to illy OVOr 'his favorbLble notice'of the editor, difd he Wdq At ttpiatk_ ati or theL otfioi rbagono. T110
brewer 114t)ufacttireL a ber6l.ago So OXhil&r' no botter Ovin w*d-did, ana-ho-wefit abou hto tile I head.' Tlx�n.tliefeatlierfj,tiLitoti'fr�m �&-big- vill soon ba elit at,rosb 1111 tile ciethiiiii .. K
i bril
ofilli p11,11 .08. companion prototypes. Jtricl� but for tho labels which
. .... ..... .. )illow. -wcro dot dayss- and it At
she iemuect ip Migh, while.4 tianslatecl,from' tilt edge to fliwildsk
'AtIll .1 Jlsod.to. TAkI.Illosli. sted over him, And be diced 'once much -Vf-the t1itilmodlVeb diiapponx, And why'sho I n't
:11.P111KOli�611.11- . ..... . shuddeir passed theough ]ice frame. Slowly .1 - - T.Iioie wetir.bds� �tholn tobo 3,006.y6ars apart, lic) ortfl,
ifly, in-his-otarlii6t, -like allow.
tiers do not"ooliapy -blid luklimt po. ion it quffl-tor of an hotfr' in peclst a looting" 'A t",liddte and fli matter ground out 'gthat thno,pi probation- 4hey?. I Thero is no possible, gdfobcs -for
lffavi Oilr"loviiAlwl I Llow'look ba6k oil these: da5 a �4 fiery ive 'tit it); led froya, the lako, and pasaing �u p Oil .1a6king bird, , Ho. isaspregOant,w, igouitig'aticl'bri ght viv�lth juch.thipgs wbibli will's6nd a -moincrib's- nary ol;so�ver could distingiLish betiv�eau'
sitiong -intho social alid political circles of With Aho.'tdoldr crit 661a of old age. tile side wo cattle to a beautiful glide, and 40" huge and gf'elteeqLto li-i'lodwith tile PharacTis f -
the country ij Tolig ago poi n
I ' �),owod and Iiledged,.Clard -1-14ey are till evil,. had thit
- lie j&jjo mor p4tion,'or lit; did - sho not -kuq,i.y. About to vora and
knoii:!w� vint,61-;Uoveritment Of the 1"alilily compinct, doscendirfg, h6re slighted where tl!?F tall, had'td ptit-hisolothes of% Over thii 101610 wAtsaanyhehas oddit. lit to retain in. his dansid6ratiaiii tf' ' A'L 't ' those'which mrarob
a. cnilublini, obou -. graaa and fenis forined. a natural mospialid than lie was ridden oil 6. rail 'far, Complete' edition. Rivas in 1863 that his- dontlnu�113r, They'bol -i And thioj,o 'j0deh'w4orogathered wid -driect
fidd lncladd�tnany'fftultaj but armad rebelfioli woody Y tj ant 4 few rabliths; Ago--7011al? bel"? IN"`
mc?"that I IV. ail itrflleer,' holdin fifty ysirds or so;. and, -vvif �nib him bn the Jessie. I )to kind of Adrit lay
ofist defengil y
laptal lbadef, WU fil so' 'make those Who are. filitto4avored the Worst;
ap rdtik'as, juStifiabld. * It Was !lot R �ngland, J
bowc.4 Loolting arounil, I *sa;w two little first aketch Appeared in the Bait.
--on airta._111oril sciefitiso And 0 a and Ald.do-camp 'to Wit A. jo Nyest. bound. train-sh midnight with, loutitto, Bonton Frimfont, in dines days one 61 the
-!Cal klio. ledge, than agriculture, and fa*ig�n Into& and-. starting. Their fin.
ell .veto really hostile, 4.Lnd England kompt Inc 0 back Pon of beingliatig, most,oultivated women in California; ioqlk� slid most offonsiv6'li
iff..'i6cf,,whic c1t#l1l: Instruct: thit nly 01,1111any vvas avul is. the whe 0
'boat'arined , in v�o
Eyti-mitistilvea grare I the toilet tiOns not to cOm .011 In& of pauper4l,`And
in tL
tits made lip mainly of dir: nil mtedItzply all jii,o. Asiced, anct cs showed. the'want-of
ell ill U16 atilones, have wilhin themselves ra �oab interest in the yo%ing- auth6t, A it it the Impudende of the lb)EeiiiPt oldoges 16- opu *Akoa His bwkti W02. tinia Zoo -
(A �ha -cry Moro. Th ! 118titte Church," Against whom -of their mother's fatigue. Their little-wedp- C`d- gf T
tile elements rie6�oftiy to- lliakfii� tile anclo- , ounit men t. v veighborhocil,whoi a. f L , lng�01 , tb:strickon. I i�riee6h��6ii4tionth�tthd,4tPa'?ttic c6mes-,something marvolioug. . -Why 'should
iind bedfi fit we wero�llo 1611tte,'is all tile betto or being �cg-ivero glossy and ilea I MAW hilil, on the train" no was sit ifig was 0A I
r with his h4ad on Ilia am Xk the t�xes of judges And
ona of the could 0111� just hetr a, plaintive. virltispoi-ifig ii.� the back of the. %blishod the Lcj6nd of Aflinte D14blo the Poor man I n I
�Ing .4o it 0 . oil tl,C&�: of f�iinaculate bof:L4 tie tI 6
-greatly teolia Father Caird's teaching, sent in front of c6 of workthiti allows ivilat,,grat 11nito clergymen ? Penvith -three and. foui And Pope mado 1119 wl
ty Wit1la wfilofiltlloyL lillill;,le fil6re brilliant, Rohool-niatog' nftd Amongst no longor "Stfite."81�6 ja_iJew bleatoft elittle dyfug.infant door. And hjm� The' -tar-was ad thic a
atia 'do'Itubto Ifian: Persons 10110% 0 bbst,,mosb 'etiltutells All& benjffa6ll� - . at 0 1 ur c, oft Ilia hea(t thatil b covered. thoL haie but of lit have dcoomplIsfitid AFf a, r6portdr if his Ve thousand do laro 'a Oar b 1 .. claim Ill While lit goog. hoalth
oblict poirsuitia life. Wifitsuohaasuraiadeo ailing prW r Aft dre a it a , to have tile use
1 J*au, Canadian Churches. as I stood there, one I I i f 0, d fall 119 tie by law'the
Pectin upon the grass, dead. The other The tostalftefit has been tissigned, tii,� the
as thts�, therefore, lot the noblo yoom,ury, It Clarawill h6artand-soill ivritli u8i eight, aidiiis poll shode in the light; of the t,,t,,, had flat Carried him into fiction.,.- he wlshvil'tii be ready far all eventualities."
strict a (TO DR 6ONTINUAD,)
--their too 'long continued now ilatIA86 With the -T slasof car lampa like.a.,black tabb&�ball just dipa, 1148 0 nd Arouthl'o", lCipaloonv io as JorWhichsoine-
co no forth front I down i(pon its little knees and closed verld off ail Mun I , . - . 1)oac6ta of the College of Apootolid Vroi&
A tho'%Vdild, know thit St, George 4he - d 'to file 1 one of,those Ili eyes Ili death, 11TOar them lay the fester-, Tied in'the water. The poor fellow was. ;Z.-, bilcly has to P 1 it , ofie . an L it . with -
retirement auil'IL n in You, won -it be missod. 'groaning . feclln� mean The'!%rholo ' t 0.
raRapoviler bolihill thb thrc fiffea i.Itea of tc and I couldnt lifit ra of ;�Vlr out price. sys, am in every d NotarlilArl, Ud it; is, sold that � the Pope 'has
tit lot Nylitoll IgLiorM of their' dead mother. , Turning War, and =o great part of big property in further -
no.' IV' at having taken a hand: iiii I oil Me I . goes L I L I
alto woit'd- add, - ,thati I k * my own li there anybody so great that t rubl'L sioliteningif The'talk of vvAr; In Europe still Olt,
hall niygelfL filat I T, tail is a rattan one. ' it to based. on false. loft a
a romal heart Milght Lin Assuring am IL'. away from the ei !fht, J spoke of edifeation.
to ",a 11" hood, and carriocl out in . every oago , with Auto
misAcs him, after bo to my� adintionlork. . She si hing y. said, "It the holy is covbrad with ilh;it, hairs, still 6id'prepakhtions for such- an eventuality are
lit no.' way ingulinood, by'. aiiy, slight 'or Ili. via qAfipy when Alto tail liardous .4 little the slightest
-orke of the most notable' chatuebtirs at sbsvieAo such a itiiogtion is Is the deek yote shok at oil ttolhice. being , ushed fcr*v�vwd. apaco. When' oill' high,hahiled injustice. Thehistdry6ttlical Is
sult offeied to out Coantry *and iho Patriots to hutrilin pricloi -Tile migIV-,1y4y.�11tbiPI1913 'Ithe Abkol of Merck passeth b "'Ovdmeli6 ck"03 sauto pain# Me it Can't very signifti6aut one,,Ajid in, Whistlaro are always _good-natufod,11
y b , 0 pullea_aut Wi6,piricharso people ovisis ? lit the name of tit I vorybody khow.Mhat;
liotst hkid whose name is the Ill tho family wher6 I live; I hear enough of I that i4, exemptions is 0,
if till it the end has resulted not, in'tho intoreat'L6f- say
fly forest ,;,,tea: , .8 a philosopher.
01180111�14." rd &W,mithorlty for farmers thent from inal Cal, 'It', -hith no tom to Rhea b
In Me Monatin
Tild'alibWAAke fit the rly'of, man if millioni of Men W116,infght to be tilling, the I the exempted. w1flotybig thit got ugly.'
wherever civiliz0foirliak- se6brit64.4tsolf, is. Is stopping herjf�$ by a method nab porfia�a when Vic driel mari disk,') Heartsick, I by a to, Trarril It's till
id-Aild ivdAtttas, 19 NiLyo )-gala at t 10 wr side And heir Kj�i` ;'Ifio, theta is -the s6ppiago of reasonable, %herd it the sense in, keeping. 3 folks that have -to listen to the
Sir *11 oIln*BoalIOb1b:,L-Xwei, of"England, � 111 A latinient, White, then goat for ever, Asked to return home; find as iic JiearoA my orspikatl6n, which Would soon ki ,soil and making, themselves useful, id idle., 'cannot but'specially rewark-on the watalle �t. ti lizaboth:Uuty,Stantoa Advises billiard
W, 8 original, but Voi,y effdotiVO;L " thern is a third 'on who she rags 96 didn't make Iiiraly time -in jobbing scrub., - 'Outcry of tlioso who'cAIII&M861 '
agricult(iral, litlof 0 house, I asked my compant "neos slid video And ready 'to fly A vtg
contributions to kturo' Iliv alternative fit waifard bdsi(lqd eilnque4go, or (loco not �aueq a grant' -solit'istion P, w)1011 I b L bad.' _t cacti oth' �`46 fx for tile giels of the. paiiod. 'If & girl halt,.
lieni.C1,810,vad upon flin tablo- i of hiatorY cfyloo, And,you, must dob�eeport w4at is %rs, .4nd the'lliggest maii is pot She replied, "I Am the spirit. at th&J-140'ar the I t tutlii Iha erla throats when some fboliftli foatherh�a& ministers ofChinit foreingL 'poor widows atid the
s th dles a billiard cite as dexterously' is
AC d op y t, disapp [logo' (lead Boaldes tho gilibil. qf or word' AcchanI06 to payj not only their tFirows a, ston% the man fcur feet to ther
lattlicy-virill remaill 161ratnor. Is ) bit shot at, the mother of V g=ed �of liommand? ..Does our hiclustridus,ti
said: Ili the eneniyodparlor or tervants-Iiialt to ratteh. more, , "Get Along Without him foo.eiil a)? stomach; ail(! abouti lialll�an-hout'aftcr o Ynall ' own taxes, but a share, of. -those of 6ther
t !a Miller .,during all: tinie. t lilt a robo� offi -1 1 � I fl r 'on, intelliplie6wid Chro- *0 1 y ta have an eye
Ali,. 11, It Level" "I am 944A -to think you We wolll�jurt tlilile I T64riyaon AM Ivvills"L, r t' - IL to this 7 If so, thqr6 out..
P haa been coatod'ho must feel inighby 00 ey in] lit tie wall expect left liar to. littal p6lied,
p6ttelest boalt; is to b�- a Writer, 10 flt6r All OrJ perhaps, the, People a' W6Jl' L Th
roach -have such. flue"p'rovigion for tile in case that it the beat loved, M wasn'tilianfed, , Then Comes the I b7i A amatin on Y f MISSibodridg to tile' that tile eity.thii Ply them with sugar
-rattal d, laughing. , As she groat at, were coining ban from tits grave, Ili* It to r;l
two highest AtandArCIL.of bments upon. y0ufuh&Way,,, 4116 04i ok two Chititanon . And it do - is smal, rid6cl-6fiendirig at Monstrous Aight andtdm for nothing, no, that It should,give NVfibt 6411 1 writo ribbut V' helted, A
loft of tile most look,,d tif As ul-Jil tile key threo'dg,ys , Ili , Traekee to reduce Jon 1 60 g , 0 ltor.L'
nwhich stilticU -this vioettly act 0 a shadow passed the Window; it wife in All likelihood There is something simply mof hosthefi. It is tho� me themilio ties of the Atroets'and tile protee- yoting repo, ter of -Ilia manag 3) el
:VAltl&bld Of flidag,
rIaS, _Jh(loll timef dill. trilt of it woinag Who seemed t4 patiza and 'qo"Ilt'eroulo even id this world of Monstrosities, to. gee
Acp., even I -Y those *110 had number of accidents hild'death will It can be to a mild brown, 'The. scrublifing.'friskes a tf6v of the pollo6 Withoub their being Asked 1� Oh., wtitd About the first thing that cornea
*',ettiral -unceasing labotilt tile 6X' mourneS for him. meet oincovely) and bad tra�ea alteetly to tho tiho of intoaxicatilig the akin tender, Arid the body mutt be Moto gL ir share of tits outlay. Tito to hand,"' wag the br1,OfL order. Tito, gorito
list6b; alto coul,l oeo:OUV We figures re�dedt. crowds of Ignorant" ylit 11
lost Acutely J�ISSOL(l h1*1 "Presence 'a
pdriff,fifititt field mnst,bo ddiloted, and Nvolth. old 01, -tile blind. '$ I Muft run Wvia,�-, )y she It fill lilt drinkg. . Lot Lilly on� iry Lto roolton Up the WE o " th t"'A" Article oil
a, rain a, roll If and tumble r' P short, is A pidoo of oftiol, draw his pay Wat. Lij�ht for an
t -iiiia' bloodo slid blas It
got 150 cli, love.' Of course, th At w6kild not havo been number of poor Waifs Nvith teoveit limbawid iri -16,
Much hild M'do6mi0a, loll to qoxcolo; it is not cl, ' "or I shall isq', no rabid, (on] 0 0,door-knobi,
a, Wild prediction to malio"thitt ailY, YOUII M6,SftikeIk`Rowu maido suopeott*,billaing the "th 11 oob 11triselff Ilad Ili's P Al n .10 mittly doga go rairi&L "dog
ease - WX . .10 P ;ell the bAlo _mpt�stomaofia that liavb been i a ti lt d The Frincomis of e
�Vibll Aufficleut intollo6t, industir �411 aw-040, wid to hear cither foe if. till, ght One.
'A - --I I I a, rvbol." Then came IVES Mc'Afullou for the y6tithful fricka Agafn rawlsif to novi-ppapara of thiatprovinbo alone, Th6 Prinetag of NVales, flow iti,her thitt God forgive UNI.- -to Owns to b6 of any value in tile �Vest, until
Pora�+emnoe. may Ulke W place al I glory, GlorT)
tills great agricultural - atbolar� 119 . i (In goodbye kisses whiali. tidies adminliter so glimpses of tile intion. At - lealt' Ao-: the Xurtil tile protont, winters ind all'oi Vablfll -oWi th years. lit described as looking scarcer; think of nil tituaps cf poor young flools, a, Y I atkoo besieged one And began to CAP
ostentatiously W cacti other, A moto quiet Atirvivorsayb, Butwhok"aws?. tislust Irpin (rink,'- -Poor, 'brolkcti-do��, aba,loh� k1a 00ratotal owl.
it ay older tlian wh6n, on,Uaroli'100 ifino- fooling rather viond of those Itlarchilign Altd -, -
Formerly. ollucatiolial advanta, kinauce of which, Ceremony . hall tiken " well in such Cases no 6 to be � '�Co 0 o fi�fllb Marohl turd the anifyisla for ttioir skins, which ft
gog were s6 r fire. Oil -woman and O(�Ually abandoned. slid hogs A wall -know" place, d, physidal Met,
it% file V " Iteemyears ig6f--8r)_PAthOdAt the after Which are. too -Iii%vo : 41" is iiald, 'cah be made W6 gloves tliat ri'val
Alft�1104 16 the ullitedstiLtO th&t tile rural pl a a, few. Ututes -before Miss ViAIull o's Lincoln had not been rave a yeft, broken-down�non, - no cannot talif lip a ajdo'ojs liar young husbrinfl, Nordoadvand- donibftrewa�tibnL filia final graiqd, mont Ili: Concord, 9, It., is pkasidoUbm the finest kid,
Is tie'' Ill f their
,ill * to -46ro loft out entirely, find thenil , ig' atriv It thpan. eparlor. AndbeforoCelara, tar Garfield tither, ti -till *hAt. I Till a nowspaper ivithout fre6thig with autficases' ng yara-_dh&ffge, gave to dbdgon an y John anigio ti, Inart of such torldor son.
tot orlf of did soil had to rely Altogether u I loft Ali P6411 on her flage�L 01 tiny circlet east many of tho loudost ranterg aboat thd But; that is the leaBt. 6f.itj �Vlxo gliall toll ftteou' our In the rvoot abominable tx&RgerAttoi% of A F tom the depoAt discovered in 1872 oft
t I � i Oil 111,W tok wh laver,"W., kf0:'f"t'M-
4r1brebT of a, L _ma)j�y IMra"fiffe" nt; tat wore not olow fir both 06king-ttud- -1116 -hulijid -datketiba, fildi)vdrod �4
oil tradition to oultlyAw their'brups, alie1m.hold Dy, tho_veoplo of- 1) , pl jet itairter of the ninetaptith lid Wat 6butting up fillop-0 lie, d
ate. XaW,ilowoy�6r. W Ith a-Mlf 84�sftlf, 11 Well I Perhaps It Was -411 for-thd lifiV6;'of liaytiftd(l VIVOA, ItIld,tiltbiwimit� oominou consch oyond thd Thul fArolft the It 'half-ftoten owl on the doorstop,, h
their CAW' tali first. r.. 014 Molts, 11OW start, AVi t alto is , ifte 1 6 took jild, bliero. are flow taltdifl,060 skinnally or about
1 1, - I alto is Pint 646 or r 10 'afiltect 4 ,
,ratb 0100%40 tire, dottield, over tvary lief 44 hbbp of turquoigoil, boot,' A tow cry outo " Oh, for tift o6radohildront Their name Is logionAod 4 thlect of Oft line ochres upea In t116,
region Ot irl'bldlam 11 Wh thil findo I 6la"iLn Call A bira in Ado,16, "Ayholi lid
borhood'- literature extimided;4sho embleM of bo?,Aldnov, Tito door opened, t "'�gtfig 6' 1
or 0 and' rost6ofthis 4hoiMintion I r w8a roll ht, the
ill hall "of 'doifo.Aiid thfiti-, but thd wi'lleh makosL,�& (1008 1 iA Mid topic 0? fr6b dfoodwon-'Praigo 08 6 11 tofto nit #of thiff PlAnot 1. Jt totirad, for tho- ' It ho I it t) elowl pctdh,�'
and journall doN oted to,, that dlaga dollato tholigh law has, ll- of blame -Iovery night 4ta oeord. of alftba I I fill, -ft 1i yneUl od. U oil the safe, of' its logs ttatlim nitister !if Indis folegraphed V
lOf'1g&dJ8�ofnjn&tO 'gtr,
tom. i -to thd 14TI
_d ift.t�sdry Part C eat I 6tit either know-ilov carof nsoil Iti And ing Rays— that It 'is re. And om* intlamerabld, wag taboned by a 00116 00 "Sfk
w .0
of'kifolv. tha lampl lit froln. AMA (biltre Wore Ito
aftlp.g In th At otteattfibil) , f
lf tile land fam if, a a "a, blinking. milok
at & fall fidga-looking woman' tile 06' egor, Ila L lota AftetIfie h to cc the priftaot# A's jump* b b
a Aft'll I , I a
6 illst had boMILW the 140 - -it— ,, -, A inan in gaping Aldafttoa hi W A
.if okouso can b d I Oral rli6� tpootablw the 000 with jextrellia gratitt �44 devidticin, ildil It Olt olk glqtform., 'Please, We-
dfillig at tile Willa lisvo Men ill colobiltiod, a
1MVInor, nor In4- h"0111 society, $hill, t*ALt does, is nevat, teiva moment coned into frag,intit, 6fL food on 0, 1 h The f4dt is that tho�
6 t1rgd6 rdatored tho' 'boft' to' thc� ptopor s66u'4s,'heL'hJd gotio tlWe 0*1 ift the obtain
both In, civil And. Political 'life, -lie rJeCIUM 8110hoill, ileabbeff" Ingninumpiry w,,044' tichoeA b t 0 anoral orations b4VO died Into Although .1, dotsiaor to two, arts'ploli or 1volif ultabld M, got to the b1g.
PbAitloh all 11191 hielf thd vary
l6ft�to be 61 tile voky groatat impol: do hIA'ohjjgbLw ;lctt
ad life of'tho InduaA A forid, to UA. 9titk6ly'A 01% "any At A.
w.4 C-46 woll-�Iatbolted 1111101 -01111t6ro SAMPlad nalghtion vlogt6thoprbeenco. ol''Atiger''
ant, but priogross inait though L too filish, And rdfugol
note for rodrem ditirfanait &r -ofW-t)me - &nil- iihilo. thoi wora quite. a arldo, #Otz cannot itilAgind Milk 0 And overy'kind or-litiodr, lit this taloqft, broke All- fill thd vlatf6m , slid lit order toittvbld an
'01 a In theildhabitso ana,rcqltlr�K, the If ng 6r any kina Of1mollix ig" I remoin. If StAboes W146vor fhAt',w6U1&`hld1ldd ftfatlo w1farolliah6ox thtv Word 6f A 9OUtidillitin 1# The Any eon chipgoTtfid Conversation b6tticd mi'll decaitted Withill reach, slid ilpprohAddd dolliAl6a be, td�cgrapllba t6 thef
eathe it I 1"'if a (Ilia ate logo 00,61 fiollow,up'tTIA, lyl-ost of ifT 40-kooil As his Una." to his laughed tho'.
slid ritallifillity with fmi Indnettrafor its ad, yet
THE fi
J -P
.'to' t F
St. it
0 S
un t /f� it -Up
lines pele N it , ,
qu t an ye K (t
as 0 at lid P
ay an
P in
A in
fit V
r c3 C ties
o ft a t af
h a 1p ng d
Utterly eta I it: 1141f ofto thle . btwng whq the d6brif *41"d opened head 0006 foe it a bt Motif to the
Sarno flat bl Jft _M box th'St att, jpDfogoh,fig tfAln
lit of 16 11601117 IvAii Attind ing, solemnlyllohind t1voi,bit toady
-pyhotioet oxporfaftees, MOA tile con- things Ofsra had toldme, hovo lard_ A ountor, tttimng b It %Md igaw (lie
rJudiismijig h6veltics, In ilmobinitiry, hated fiefly aud,hoW shothow6d. it Ill, filarly of ruinbim if Ista-I bdateoly due, glory 646v 0, 6fliow )fill fight, litoly took I ,Ice bdtWeft toot -It alto I r *4 o
AI '10111111 day tot b4shlow m*tlicj Atqppoa lit, time,
P 'eta, &na tile 11i 6611
otbitlS keep up vVith 016 tilnit;3, thosib bt, W11161i billy 'Vol -no", Allokullihg ly, effae 6 'it, 04"Mligin 1 -$Wk InIglaaa. OlAivIngpayino
two reg
'Y 4,