The Huron News-Record, 1884-12-24, Page 1- •--6••••• '11111•••"*" !•."0. 11, ••••.• • wino& W. N. 0.00PCR. Jr, • kaattiteitteerel 144. dooder Wall kWh et Ruble .4, ,Gralto ihr cemetery Vc*kikktioss tut d* meapritettett Also vaaritifisvatitrer qt the•Celelinited Alivrstoiaty. Sr01414 for Building pu- ma. Cemetery Work, which must bp approsiated...Y411ww 1,44Lios: itattiAtetionf. 541. '1.1.a.L.14ZSM a MG; $1,25 per Annum, Advanoe, "INOEPENOZNT IN ALL. ?HMOS, IvIELITRAI.. LN NOTHIN CLINTON, HURON COUNTY, ON.,. NVOINESDAY, DECENDER 24, 1884, WHITELY 4 TODP0 WHOLE NO 318 . . MAKING : • THE -: GREAT. ,aring1•1 a e ea . . _ a .. _ , . - ii . Rattliug Big Days Since the Sale. Comp meueed. Large Parcels Going to the North, Sonth, East and West, is Ike Order d the Day. .it %, • evious to Remo ng to 01"PMJall\TC+ -COME AND SEE • ' 0 0 COME 'AND SEE The Bargains in Silks, The Bargains in_Blankets The Bargains in Velvet, The Bargains in Comforters The Bargains in Plashes, The • argains in: Cottons The Bargains in Dress Goods The Bargains in Flannels The Bargains in Velveteens The Bargains in HOSIERY The Bargains in Mantles The Bargains in Gloves The Bargains in Costumes -The Bargains in Ribbons The Bargains in Shawls The Bargains in Laces The Bargains in Millinery The Bargains, in Trimmings The Bargains in T.Tnd'rclothing AND DON'T \FORGET CLOTHING rSee Samules and Prices at the Door. -4,:a alior61!3aIssumasaRescarisuMittactzratztew Core of Iltiron & .Albert -Sts. 811811VE8 DIRECTORY fentiot6: s • • • EDWIN KEtFER - ,JD311•1•Tt'ISir; - Late 'of Toronto, goner Graduate Royal College 'Rental Surgooils, COatfe.8 Blook, Clinton. -All Work Registered. • ChargOs !doctorate. Wedicitt. REBVB. .0111ce, Rattenbury Street, tni• _ ,L.(4,-_emeedloateloy. Itansford's hook store. &trio isilottelifst Tmer i:oranteoe MAE !furcin clinam,:fon.14;38st, 6 P: poitt. ' MANNING & SCOTT, Barristers, Solieitors, Conveyandoral, .1ze Coin. Mistplohers fur oniatio d.ildantoba. 107' :01fiee--TowxEALL,Cnotrox. VAS. 6 ,010.06,14:31./th, 1892. 20 Pr. A. PORRESTErf, n.,0,4tniA2Jcy„t ‘10.7,v0114Z ACIP.Aer. pir Nov to horni. "Office. Beaver alook,Cllnton. v22tf • 8EgitagifIRITA°11' rat431P1°r'"eci al°6* J.Z AtOrtijotv‘ Witig114;.. * pooAarltiOal as JOHNSTON, Law,'Dhancety,and .Convoyaneing. °Moe -Witt atreet, next ' r to Post office; tit:dutch, Ont. O. 11C. HAEL tiVolleltor Ortfee, corset of se • ue.ro,and West lieteet, OM' OtAteR no* more, Poderieh, Ont. 137. Jloncy blind 16vbs4tatet of inbred, ICASinION,:narristor, Atternovi flolieltot In antentaity; Oonvewarteer. ae. Otnee /Wet !WARM Megabit, the toOtui tormorly Coen. pia tit Jim* DOYIS. eir AM' natentIft df bloke at lowed. H-. COTIONSEIt for Reron Oounty. Sales at - (1.. tended to in ntly.'patt of the County. A.d• ires13 ordors tO 001)111tlell r. 0. . V-17. CILAS. litA:111IL1ON, • 'A-• /.1, Myth. Sales attended in toWn and country, reusohable terms. A list of farms Red Village 10eS for sale.money to loan on roal estate, fit Mw rates of Interest. Insurance effected on ali. claims of property. Notes and debts collected, deeds appraised, and sold on commission. , Bank- rupt stocks bought and sold. ' • 1880 watrigarg. J. E. BLAOKALL, etermary Surgeon, Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary nellogerTo. tont°, havth Opened an Wilco- In. Clinton, is . rewired to tont ell (Rapiers of domestlo animals ou the most modern prin. 4 • 01010. All (mondial% Carefully . performed, minim -11s PrOnlpt- ly attended to by day or bight. Fees moderato. OPF/CM,--,Itit door West of Ken- ' nedy's Hotel, Clinton, • t. V-17. On PhotrorPpbers OSICa . °UNIT° N.; Life 8iie Portraits a 8nenialtr, • TO THE PUBLIC. • thitioriohlkteliforks Italt appointed Mtl, 110111MT eminent, as ottani artniit nt Th000(1141611 latoblo'Weeks for,ths county of Moron. JOat151117A14STO1411. .Orititor. L. 0i L No, 710, v;r4. viANTQN, ,rMeets snocirn ldoubAY of every the Town hall. Visiting brethren month. 1101 'upstairs, opposite ' 5-41.W11,YAR1m4e welcome. - 1). CANTELON, W. M. It. M. TODD, Secy. • 0, TWEBIlY, D. M. wono to Pa MONEY -TO LOAN• a A t• 10* rateinf facie:St and upoaiterme togait. tiorrowers, . ' S14,11NIisiG St SCOTT, • . •.akoaiYor pica, canton I intod, 17th, 1882,•20 . . 11/101RY to lend in largo or small fauna, on .111„ good mortgages or 33e0.1131 comity, at the lewest ourrent rates. II, 1.1ALE nuromdt. Clinton, Milton, rob. 22,1.981, 1.1v. . g 6 e '4 g . ,. ,,,.r,, me 1 Z g.. .4 g , < 1 ... fi., g - P - i.. L., 122 g O 2 4 t 1 . . 14- •r,Q i 4 6 02 g ii 14 17 '.4 g. O 8' t 4, 470 11 1 .OJ il a 0 it h i t..11 ..., IS ,g gi >4 U) 1 gt„ i:' - V 0 g '1 •S Lia, 0 ...Els 0. R . 8 ...3'. S.00,3 p?re...1 1, i „`' A' 611.10.166.111 -116.110*”. . - 1rib gm! *itt., or to! Vet, lc/Ay szAvigamActtixt von SALE, EIV WILLIAMS` sworn% SEWING MA. LN MIME, with Atty. leaf; ilas raver been lilted; tor light At hRAVy WM Seld terlots than It cost, ,Apply oraddto Ratio], Columbia papers just re- eeived contain, artielee expresaing the general satiefaction which pre- vaila over the selection of Coal Har- bor, on Burrard ea the West- ern tertIlinIs of the Canadian Pad. OR Railway. Mr. W. 0,1Tan Horne has decided that Vaneouver will be the name of gie future commercial city. He attaches great importance to that:name ; in consequence of the workiswide reputetion of the Leyland for an unrivalled climate aO4' other advantages, and, whenever the name of Vancouver is mentioned its location will be known every- where, 'Tr. Van Horne adheres to the belief that the new city will be, one of great IMPOrtalice, second only to San Franeisce on: the' Pacific . • BUITISH-7-FOREION. • A great meeting of Orangemen, will be held . at Belfast, Ireland, January Oth., on the occasion of the Wycliffe quinmentenary, winch tvill obferoreeleittid. ratod throughbut the north A. lad .of ebout thirteen years, named WllUan Markle, will kwo other youthwere skatiog on the large mill date a Hespeler,. tvlieti the ice gave. way, and young Markle was drowned. 'CaptainDedley and tlie mete of the wrecked •yaellt, " Mignonette' " who were recently senteoced fp deatll. for killing the boy Parker for food- - _to..keep_ thenoelves_Alive,,and• atter- W'Rtrolliarix.li*tiedio tivare.911:te.n. twiced: to six inor:h . While two brother notated R'or• dap and e.„.hcia„ninneselcBletelieraiverw sicatieg_en.the..,Okdarl)ale pond Ge: haWa, the ice gave way, all three going down.lite bo4leB were covered stiorili afterwards and the elder Riordan wee res ta,ted, , Mr,R1n,0the-apostle of Anglo-. • Isreal, • ndV in Canada, soya that Queen Victoria is a believer iti her descent (rpm King DAViiji the Roy- al Psalmist, and has declared that when the time comes' feethe trans-. fer of :parliainent to Palestine, she will bp etily toe happy to accomp".•' any it„ , E :r1 of Merley, Liberal mem, ber of ,the House•Of LordS, and un- der Secretary of Mar, in an address •at Prytif011,„ deeply- deplored tile hostilespirit et;gendered in Ireland by the differences of race and relig- ion; "The Rediatribution pin," he 7rOtilitYti',8.:aantdreya tayt o'itioutint igl irtuyd rens Manifested fromtime to thee in' wieked Outrages ,and. the returning to Parliament of avovvedenetitiei-of Engicied,. prepared , to obstruct :in eV ery Way all benefit -lel: legislation: rt would undeebtedly be necessary- ' in, 1885' to renew the coercion act, else tintre, would' be a 'certainty of ..a revival of outrages and lawless. nem. ' While . giving Ireland' the' largest mea' re of 'Justice,Bligleaid Must,.116 said, be titan and newer for. a moment allow it to be'supposed thet, she will consent that the union he .diesolved. ,to• regard to Egypt, Ise said England never could allow any European power, to eccopy. a provaincett pesitieti there. judge Sinclair vOn.IGinttor taiVs. In addressing the Grand " jury at the opening -of. Wentworth County Oourt ' and General Sessions last week at Hamilton; His .1 -Totter , Judge. Sinclair' thus alluded to the amended lisuor law p timed at last session of the Parliament of, Ontario, as we to other. in Mere pertain- ing, to the liquor traffie: 1OR--.9A-L-111. • IN 'Mg village of IlEtAIIAVE, thodwelling house and store ocaupied Th0 1310 is onto/ •the 111083 doliirable If) the village for husk noon. There , good stable, outhouses, and an 'excellent soft wnter'elstern on the premises. Tho. let cOMprises nY • an acre. The Moldings are In good repilr. WIII be sold eheap, as the pro.. prletor is giving up business. germsoasy.. -APIAY nin. "•-• • V7111. traAn • 6:11.0. • • • • • riaistewn, Ont. iota. COMMERCIAL liOTEr. This Betel is furnished throughout with great 01180 10 meet the Wants of the travelling public. Cenupodiouesample'reonis. The hest of 1140001 and cigars are alWaVe kept at the bar, ilood table. flat situated Betel In oilmen. GIVO a oall. JA.S.• IIOORE1 roprietor. „ WAWA. JURA 7t1i, 1882, PRINCE OF WALES HOTEL. The above bad has latOy ban Mated by the Undersigned., The Refined 'have bee0. refitted, und the besrpossible aceon1111011ation for farmers and the gonoral travelling pub`le is afforded Large 815 1)100 toilnoction, 1110 bar is suPplied Nidth the hest liniforsand cigars., `Your patronage aeliciMd. Veterinary Surgeon In connection: • GEO;THEOBALD, Proprietor, Canton, May aril, 4884. 286.--ly WAVER LY H OUSE. rinttis MOTEL la NEW and basalt tho require. moats of a Ilret.olass house. Large and airy rooms, elegant polors, heated with natter In the iminodlate'tleinitir of tho 0. 'It R. Benet. The bar I well stocked with the ChOlecst bandi of Nowt and cigars, The travelling piddle Incy rest assured M being well 'eared for et thie house, SAlfUNG P3110, blInton, May 181.1881. 287.1' Propnctor, Vtoonle. ritINTON Mato, No. 84, A. $1, & A M., u meets overfly Telday, 58 or rater the tun moon, Visiting brethren eAfilidny wood. POUNO, w, tr.• • A, Woltil INP:rON Aso Clinton, Jan.14, That. A pRizE fi,„4 AIX ('43131Cretro:it:le • and receive tree,a costlyho* Of goods which will I> all, .tt. ium4;yrei; CANA:ME). VertexteneiYa prairie fires have been raging in the vicinity nt the railway at., Reverel points between Calgary. and Gleielteri during the past week, and a great deal ef dam, eget, has been dime. In this western: country, where thOusanati of co t e feed out all winter; the !OAR can hard ly be estimated. The groat buftett cencern.of Jac. Y.'Slientz .itz Sens, of Berlin, Ont, -leis for a year es twice heeti selkng buttons to the States at eatisfaetory prides, and now that it h.ve become thoroughly practical to supply Un- cle Sam's dominions With buttons, it has been contineviced in a thor. °uglily fiyateinatic style.. Four tra yellers started the °thee day from Rodin with samples of Canadian Made button& :Tike solicitors for the Canadian Pacific Railroad have filed plans 01 -tile !volition of the branch from the main line through Sandwich West and the town of Sandwich. The road will strike the river a few yards above VASsumption Chtireh, Sandwich, The bUtikts of the 'liver at titie point are low and it will not be neeessary to make a cut to get 16 1110Water, As ill the ease et the Canada Sou:bete. There will 'Ake room for a large yard and station at this plAce. The retrialtie et Mr P. Mungtivin,; saloon.keeper,o tun* have been .brought ° to strotfotA, in said that a row took place in deceased's saloon Over the 'Presidential election, a bet haying been Made -of which he wee the bolder, paring the row Rorol one drew a.fflvolvur and Area, the shot taking (Area in tile body of deeetuyed, who died in shout An 'boor afterward.' Deceased sioie about 28 Party-„Coveritaleat "Is not bribery the corner -stone of Rarty Government ?" was the pertinent eneetion put by Mr. Jim tice Armour in the conspiniey case last week! and he answered his own question affirmatively by saying: "Men are party men for the spoil:I; they support the Govertimentof the day for the spoils. If A Man 41004' and givelt an independent - vote : against titeparty he loosea their patronage, dine he net" This is ourely the)',worst recommendation that Party Government can have. The authority on which the state, leant is made would cause it to be accepter] even if it were not corrob- orated by every mates own observa- tion.-2'/Le Week. • Ikraakees and the Scott Act. Speaking of one of the yaukee hirelihgs who would' instruot the people of that town. The Galt Re- former nays :- 4"1110 tniatalce which Mr. Finch, ip common With the majority of temper, ance ppeakers,is inseeking tocimpreas people with the idea tiutt all those connected, with the liquor ntraffic are ecessarilytlittle better- than cut- throats The statement isn et correct, e sumo neither is it necessary tct th of the temperance movement that it bhould be argued out on that ground. leopleAre naforced to drink, a net their Willa, and the majority of those engager' in the 1:m3inesS are not the 'blood•reci villains that thehonourable .gentlemani painicUlnant,„AV,a,,„retezee -tio;tlfat-Ttf4taria ofcourse it may bodifferentin-his-coantfry. Nobirdf eayttilisliosfl6inttdemapYerraenfucsee•B::1;a1Litinkeituft_I-iu;le "iiiiite-iniffeeisnee-iifiiiiiiitin as to tile best means of eradreatiog those eVils. Mr: Finch dill not dwell so long on the latter aspect of the question as many would have liked, oftiallimor,said .he would make, a, few Jo - marks on an iMportantstatute passed this y'par by tne Ontario Legislation. ' In great part it would Uoine into force on the hrst of. nextInc;ntli, and it was right that it site:414,N) well known: All good citizens wire iubrest- ed in the observance of the laws of the °ohm- try,'.andslionld assist in , tleding them earried out. •Thepow.,act,tOok the view many people entertained that there was only in rare oases,. if at all,any need for a. saloon, whlh Wee merely a drinhineplaeo. The Judge's idea Was '..that. those in the liquorinterest, had . rought tnoIi opposttioa by their desire to "maintain drinking Oboe, pure and 'simple. The Legislature had doehtfid that here should bo no licensed places,withoutLhotel-Acconuno.- dation; that ikno, saloon. In .any town or vill- age having leis thin .6,000 population.' In Ilia :AV Of ilamilten the Judge believed, the census would anew only dye saloons after the first of January... 1815. 'Another :provision -Wise that the tnsimetor of License Should pub - lith ;r1. lister tho.applieants and tho places for rhioh they desiredlicenses, eo bat any old- serynIghtoppose Hie granting of any particular lieenre. It the majority °kin) rittepayertein .itny polling Subdivision petitioned against a therilt was the duty of the conimis,. *stoners to refuse to grant license in that sub -division. 'Under the • provisloas of the law there would, after a certain time, be no more liqu,mlicenses granted in conatetioa with the,sale 01 gitoorics. The judge.sald that in his individual opinion he 'could hardly doineide With tho 90 legalatora who thought this the bat moans grottoning their ohbot. 11 ',as hce belief that the datum of temperance would be hotter served If the nuinherof shop Ittenies were greatly reduced, mut these that remained left hi the handi of moat respeetable men. The traffic would bo surrounded by mote sate -guards if toll lathe hands of the best basitiees mon with reputations to sustain pnain if tarried 'OM' to tilOSO Whosold Uglier only. ,TO deal nut liquor,and Heuer only, all day long Was 'titit an OCOlipatiOn that i..00404 tO the elevation of morality. Ilo would not RV teat it tended etiterwise, but he &ashler. oclabet women and elaldretr.wore les te likbly tO be supplied with lietter by these Whe had r ho°tti:o1rld 1'1'Ititeofiral 6lonlir. I (I ktilengal n b:bath:nap other assoolations for.tiat °violet .of the lont wire abelithect under' the now kit, mid no lotion could ho opened from a osolosk In the morning of the day on which any menktpar ebotion Was hold until a o'olook In tbo mere. Ing of the nett lawful day, This Conned, op. plied only IA ParliaMbinarT elections. Sotra ore pennillbe wore laid Iowa itgtinstposo• sepelvingaleuers 10 habitual drunkards, The Oltrauls, fordposisteen Aet, or 13004 Mkt has been tarried in 4 0(3133308 01 comities in an. nda,11,111 trite provliilon8 Weald have. the et. feetof reducing drunkenness and its stoma. antevits, the more wattles it ,teas ea.sea le the bettor.. But if thew had' lint' that Ofteet tottnf solencititent Would bate 46 be, Merle. The GovernMent aphid have brace the Abel euestitin In thie reatlerifer the basineas of the brewer, distiller, and tavern.keepor was Ander the firoteettee of the few, and tumid realm Tit isle ted ewe whit I • Oneaper Living and Lesit Taxa- tion Under "Tory" little. London pree Press, Hon. Mr. Carling, Postmaster General, in his speech at the City. II..111; allowed not ,enly th9.t the cit- izen WAR AMA to live cheaply at the present .time, • but, that he • had the additional advantage of light taxa thin for Dominion :purposes. It costs the people"seven or eight cents per ltead less now thin in the years 1874 5 6, when the titxaatioo levied amounted to $5.07 and $5.2 per head of -the population: The Grits have boasted of their economical government, and in minor matters „..it &tactility Was .carried on with a Parsimony approaching•to meatiness, . But .it te a suggested feet that.while 1873 the rate of taxation per head was at $4..50, as the legacy of Tory, rule, the first year the Grits were in- , power the rite flew up to $5.07, or 57 cents per bead . more. Sir Leon, ard alt reported. in the Globe, entered into a calculation to show that the average expenditure per headsince 1879 was less thati iti the 'years (roe 1874 t� 1879, and he pravell that from 1879 to 18,83 there WRA an average:of $4.81 per ead,again at $4.88; between '74 and 19-a dif, ference of, Reven cents in, favor of Tory rule. Hon. Mr. Carling may well congratulate his upon such a result of the work of the administration of which he 15 so energetic a Member. . Thu Reverend Dead. • BIligliu'u4 Tbe IllilrivitieEnv1 Thomas Brock Fuller, D. 0. L. and D. D., /*hop of Niagara, died at an early huen°eev: Illatrie4shnoepshauarYst,i, reai4 Sev- eral days. ago be was working in bie ntreadrY'llit:tt140 hheierainut:d.thrt fieral, the wollnd aid not give much trouble, but a day or two afterwards it teeter'. faonrcisgo:71701 pane, '1st , bbloodn:°:813bulionwg set in. The end has been, expooted Wita-'13040 the leas severe when it came. Bishop Fuller Was a native Canadian, He was born at Kingston, July 1603,1810, His father, Thomas Richard Fuller, was a native of Ire- land, and a major of the'Fortrfiret rogitpeqt of feet._ His, !nether Fee. a daughter of Captain England, of the. Forty-seventh, who was cousin of Sir Richard Esgland, K. 04 Be commander. of the third divialen of the British forces in the Criufea, It is t Also worth .moutioni!ig that Bis- hop Fuller is a lineal descoudant on the paternal side -Of Dr. Thomas Feller, the eelebrated Baglifth divine of:the seventeenth century.- In Jaw uary, 1835, lie .was ,ordained to the priesthood at Toronto by the Bishop of Quebeet and a few niontha later he married Cynthia, eldest daughter of the late Mr. , Street„ of Nie`Wrii, district: In, or about the year 1830,„ he removed to Chatham, where be labored .for, ab9Pt rellr 4.13aK-Tv1tViiitice1t'Seitt and fel-thin!, zuesa-angfIrtiVelling. unsmonalr-T-Tel was 'then (1840) appointed to Thorold ..Where;lie;eitablicibe&-soitgregati. emf-- .at various points. in the vicinity of Welland canal, while at the same time he was the mainspring of the district branchOf the Chureh Society. and his housewas the Centre of all church work. Ho labored there grat- uitously for Iniitify 21 years, when in. 18914 he was appointed reetor of St. George's church, Toronto:: &Waf- ter he left: Thorold he Made that parish a present of .$1.1,000, which sum he bad advanced tonotrds the ereetion.of the church there. ' THE REV. DR. mce. ' The 'Ray. Dr. Rico, senior general superintendent- of the 11:12t1Odist Chorch,, died in Trento, Monday, 15th inst.' He Was born in Houlton, Mtiane, in. 1815, and WAS therefore past sixty4iine years of ave. His patents removedegto Woodstock, New Brunswick, in1819, but he was eduoated in Bowdoin 'Oollege,Mass. 133.1837 he was received as probation. er in the. Wesleyan Methodist Church, .andlas, since, thenlabored in different parts of the.. Dominion from Nova'Scetia to Manitoba: He inaugurated the movement and 'hid the honor ,of estabhshing the first female college in Canada. • • • , TICE RItY. na. °Annoy. „ The death of the Um,. John • Car- roll, D. D.; of York Station, Ont was announced on Saturday, 13th:inst. Ife had be,ea slightly ,ailing for a week or so; but nothing sekoos Was antiCipated by -his friends. Oe Tues- . . day last Ile was about. the City and called at tdie,...gunrdian office; On Friday ,he was taken suddenly „worse and' became uocopseiou's, and on Saturday morning he (Red.': The doo. tors say there were Byrn tome Of para. alysis- and also of typhoid fever: Dr. Carroll Was (pie of the niost.ividelY known and, loved. of the Methodist Ministers' of , his daytits life has been one • long toil in, the cause pi Simple and ampreten- tiorts in . his, manner, he was univer sally loved' andrespectecl. gie work ha a not been confined te personal labor, and he has been one of the most successfulexpounders• of the 'history Of early Methodism in Can. ada in a namber of works written in an interesting mid Winning . style, He was .born in 1809, in New Brun'. swick. Shortly -after his birth the„ family moved Lb Saltkilhaand thence tolgew York. He. remembered die. • • Dreadful Dakota:. The meat horrible tragedy ever en- aeted in Dakota was that at Portland; in the Red River valley, better knowo as Portland on the Goose.; The aflaie was reported to the Bismark "Trib7 Ude" by Mr. Henry Correll, who re- turned Thursday. frorn the licene. fle. did notlearn the names of the par. ties, hut gave the story as.follows A threshing machine was tp opera. iton and the band cutter accidentally cut the .:feer1Priii hand. The •feeder. patched :the knife and stabbed the iband,eutter, completely opening his abdomen', leaving hie bowels exposed. The hand.entter seeing that he had ,heeiv-fatally stabbed, and - knoWing that be had but a few inernents te live, grabbod his murderer, and in his desperation hurled him into the cylinder of .the .machine, where he win: ground into mincemeat, falling bacm himself dead. Thus. both Men, through a mere accidental seiateh and ill temper, were sent 10 eternity in a horribly "mangled stat,• 'unfit -even, for presentation at the gates or Hades. • MIIPPIIIIk the Weather. A. Montreal prophet writes the 'Witness: The coldadips of Deceit). her, 1884, do not, 1 think, prom*. to be SOVnr0. 1 Ickftli20 thelli ebOut the lOth and 110t ; ,15th and 16th4 and 23katid.24th8 the Weath. er 'moderating on Christman Day:. Heavy raies are •prebable during tile last week ef the old year, 1884, eluting w.ltli,bpt little snow on the ground in this seedy:in, • January looks CO .01fi AS 31 'chop -wave' month with four (kr tive se,vpre 'terms and twO or three mild spell's: To locate the•probabilities t Tbe year enters windy tind cold ; a 'dip' at Montreal abeut the t4th or 5th day; the met- cury dropping to say— I fr followed by snotv Mid drifts. I would look or brillant cold weather again abobt the 1..lth and lath. The pro. .peried of 'snow blookado' bluster and drifts with severoath- er is, I think, moat likely Latent the 17th awl 1 6111 of the. month *meted -318 Janus. lint the levereat term, of the 'January cold %pelt! do ell seem to (1343 0* likely tO arrive Until about the 23.,d1 24th or MO, when .pretty low readings,—sutlicient to Otdden the hoots of the most 0)000 of the ineecury dropping to -20" or !ven....W. After this, t would 'ekt. 'Vect a reactionary 3e1I gJV1n ne Wanton ***Mg pr* risaf t *VW yo all ite fo tty; (Lich hum your els tlavt tiiaii apt* you T loosest .remthenatt; you ireitaWamt cam walk he reeved * tint ate marvelous remedy, Hop iSftern. Mathis load obetimetiatte of your ity eve relieved it owe whaleth.A men periedieal patir ate per reteovati, Name reeelam *ad nose Alle :se prefu y *Mow catch an et:tenet Int Hop llitters u airmen, • A .--•e••00 Tronhis— tirictly accidents in thele of I812 .15,, though be was Only four years old, On one otreasion. a cannon ball struck their house, an:it:passed over the heads of :the inmates. • In 181.8 he attended the first Sunday 8018001 ever held in tittle tit*, In 1829 he be- gan the the work ot Methodism as a probationer:Ivy:irking Qom that date to* l832 -in Bytown, Brockville and Coboarg, In 1832 he attended the Upper Canada Academy. • ' Waif Afrgtid 1104 Step. A. young women. from thi-kcountry wart suing hoe exmweetheart, for breach Or pronshai, sal* the lawyers wore,315 usual, making all torts of inquisitive interrogatorlea. • "Von sity'0remarked One. "that the clefendent frequently sat' very close to you 1' as the &pry' t with A "“Ilow close V' oneuglivso'rs otnt cheer was nit tlie room we needed," "And you say Ike Put bis atone around you In "Ile, didn't," .1 'What. did you say, Wen V' said he pUt both- arms. -around 'Then wind, , 'He hugged kne.t 'Vere 'Y'oei,hotlid. So hard Ulna came purty near !winglike right out 'Why didn't yot; bona r ' ,anuno,' 'DLO's' no raison. .3 'O1p1b31i, pleas& Because wimt 'Clause / feararthe'd sto '8 "les twelveyeart 1." After trytng all the doctors Nod tett itiedicines I ceeld hear of, I used tive tlea of Ilop._ . "Ititten.;' Audi am perfectly tused.. ileoep it "All the newt" respettfindy, 14 Booth, Saulsberry, Tenet—Nay*, lass. It rpurt4dprPQ.neatpifis!''Vtr'aftilliee."*185.Itea, f1etVOASX0" WOWS* At the noses; tuekre:tikAlyut(zh.41e9s;gle:beo.raHf.44447094:ot.lso; siPk 4014 a year, ohne r.tpelt Fatima Ottente 401400 $4:44• • "A tour to Europe that rod Inc "don me less good than one 'bottle "Hop hitteds; they alsq cured my wire "fifteen yenta' leavens weal:amps, alit 'cleastiess and kir 'mpg').' Auburn. So. Bukouniovittt. 0:, MIT Sitta—i have been sullcung ten year and I tried liop hitters, anti it done n more good than all the doctors, , Alms. 8: 8: Boar.. Ruby Sired. -114-artr- so, thankfal7'lasiny that o nursing baby was petniariently,pureti of dangerous and protractedeutlatipatiea at irregulailty or rho bowie lav the use Hop }libels by it$ mother, w1iih at ti tame Clue restored bur to purled heal and strength. -:-.The parents, Rochester,. N. . • --- Sr None genuine witheet a huneh green Hops en the white label. Shun a the Vile, . poisonous Stittf with ollor "Hops" In their name "2111,5t, The S. A. lit Iliokatreat. MeWhers of the Salvation Arm have been arrested in 111ot:treat an refused. pretectip,p_ ity,,,,the„,111,eys, Their arrest was for infraction' of portion of the .following city by -las 'No person shall use, or cause: t bo ileed;T,6i-"TctqraFiro-ai'-w-nt.ri, -sounding' iestrument c•ittve and e Opt at 'any relialtaini • or militar shatib-maglay.--L deviee„noise or performance, tendlin .eitlier . aims to the' collection ey' crowd of persons in 'the streets, siLl walks or other ineblie .filaces, of th distraction of the' Saine,fir any pi 2.?ose whatever Without the'vermieelo of the Alayor in -writing." PULPfT OPINiON.S, Tile Rev ,Dr. Pottst • ethodiat. M being 'seen, said tliat lar r('COgIiIZI the sacred right of liberty of speeel -but ON was to be cerisidered connection With .the mettio.la •ein ployed .by -the . lie was 01 prepared, ho w er, to cotri Mit. MI mu .1 to a definite opinion. On the •bulljeo at present. . ' The R.eY. jetties .B can, of St... Paul's .Choreb, •, slat: : that aa far as the right. of 'the arm to parade, on ,the stretit was corirern •ed, everything depended On 'the - con ..struction of the. city , th . netgistrate4. At the came time fh • by lew,.- if elifereec.4 .eliouldbe en forced all . i•oand. PrOtecitall 016.1?..041.iAlekreF'.311&11!fa procelisiOns were )o ppr ewe' I eeive th� softie treatteent. It seem ed strarige ihnt pi•oceSsioeti,iit whiel people.with blaekeoed Nam svor 'permitted to•persuade the pUblie ti attentl'aiteir entertainments sherd( be tolerated, While peeple , wiles Only 'cihject was • t0. do gmail, 81)0014 'tie -Oppressed, • -11e. hid Some ,ex .perienco of the • ariny . t he oh country, and thone,b their method Were objected to 'by:ninny oii ground of ...irrev..t.bnce.,..,Imo cent+ testify that beetrthe timait .of doing a .great deal of geed. , Must be confessed that .the regnitti churchrielnui failed to reach lar'g ohajoses whom, the. 'army litd ttotd- .bdjiII influencing for •good. ' . . Rev. • Mr Nitiola; of $t., M rt •Pr byterian Church, sahl if th pity y -laws were Seitist thoir speaking in ptiblic„,•. of course, 34 .thought they htitt nothing 'fur it bo to suinuit?btlf . so 'Icing as the. • ti rti acTral?c3t- 'nnoT. eartlit"tiej (Int '1.8,113.'o1 yoke a ;breach. Of the .peftee,- he :did not :Awe whythey 'should' he tate pressed: . lie 'believed the toothed Of the artny..were extraatit, coal much elf their phraseology blasphien- ousi. ie. short,. in his .opinion, Iva of their operations huritndluetkc"o7 ligion. He was brought into con, oection. with , seni0. young men ..and •women belonging' CO the army while .travellieg•in the" cars to •Teronte, Theji .wer.3,1aUghieg and 'el:attic:0 together in the most bilarhme mane. eerottiir the piling wOrnhn, reclined upon th-e-betriliftref the youttroten. The inomeet, hoWevet, Hie etatiott reached they •begaw. to 'hymnswith great Vigor. Id iv thought there wasen. ineougi uity stuill a transaction. Then again, On't power claimed by ',Gel lora I". Booth rendered :bin; 'nothing short a an, infallible pipe, .whichwati, 111 Ilia oPinion,' a .moin,ohjectiolieble • featni sr of •the orgaeizatien. There. WAX a large close of 'young people eyr ry. Where whose °illy ,desire Was t.0 1st amused and have jellification; ceetainly the'. army appealed with great force to tins Class. Their 'seep and Lambert:may and pet:eller language appealed powerfully to the remodeled Moore or this elites, awl „transformed iiiany of them into fanaties. At the same' time,, if they Were not interfered With, the exuitio meet regarding:dime would tame din ait, 31si3. had ctied- eat in the Caries of Father Chittlquy; when the Naito !made it known that he was not to he interfdred With. Prnniters' rots. The unlucky poet who wrote, "See the pale ninny in his Sheet of fire .' mum, have been eonipletely. -crushed when the line appenrel s "See the pan inat•tyria hitt shirt Of till'. !" WA eau sympethiee. amo With Oar poet who; writing' (31 ksii love, tierted that he bad "kissed bet °odor. tho 8; ton t 'atxra," ttful feu ed the 0004", poniter -made 11101 State Oat ins 44*(0 130 MOO' URI obi kir stairs." True, it has been doubted if theme twO petite slyer exiated ; but °Huns, of lose mythologic f .kne, ikeie eurfrt, .0111 bolty ti tho 1141(4 of Iv et ptintni". Derek, II' tal$ POil '61 his .wOrke, is ono% to itiy, .)061414,1r4t 44****rmitotlitocv A won ;mon toonnootnoit igotto•