HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1884-12-03, Page 4Soo
ryrt Cell the epticitel etteetiols of Poets
eieettite and ettbectibere to tite following
eyteeetie of tIle ne weenier taws t- •
paittneeder ix required to give
' alike By eterren (returning paper ttoes
Pet Ilinewer the hese alms st subscriber does
ot take hie paper out Qf the office, and
eta, the meson for its ;tot betas taken.
Auynegleet to des° 'stokes theelestmotel
responsible to the puleiellers for payment.
le -If any pethen orders his paper dis-
noutineed, to must pay 311 arrearagee, or
the -mil/tither may -continue- -to setae it
yetil paymeet its made, am) oiled the
Whole amount. whether it be takeit front
Vie onto or net. There can 'he, tto legel
diseontinttance until tbe Feriae:it is nettle.
3 .-Auy Immo who takes a paper from
the post -office, athether ilirected to his
nom or another, or whether be haa sub-
• scribed or not, ie respousible for the pay.
4 -If a subscriber enters, We paper to be
stopped at it certain One, and the uh1ab-
tI to send, it the subserther is
teuellato•neY for it if he telses it out °CBI°
pestentwe. This proceeds epee the ground
it nem must nay for what lie use.
(1111111VII OntECTORil.,
St. Paulo Cleareh.-Serviees on Sunday at 1
etit. eta 7 p• in. &Me Clas100 1.01. Slfliday
toot. s am. Sem Ivo 03 Wednetlay, p. itt
Ititv..NVittt.ts Mato, Rector
Canitis, • Idethodist,--SertIcth at 10.38 it. m.
• and 1.00 p 111. abbath Selk13,1 at 2.30 p.
ousatarreieytarien.-Sorticea Id 11. a.ie,
630 9- itt. „Sabbath SthOol, eso p. itt. Rity.
Atax. STIVARt. Vitiator.
Bible Dttristiam-Services •et tom a, ta. any
5,39 Sablettb School, Lao p.ttl. Itsv,
gesso, Pastor.
Baptist Church.-SerViee at 630 11. itt.C2b*
bath School. 2.30 it. in. Itittr. J. GRAY. eitstor.
citto, trord
.Tho-1:016"rith News,
-Huron ..R..ec.qrd,
trete* ebell di t ruOt e the polet.
Fornication alien b4puniehed by
compelliug inarriegee, as ;lie OQU t
may diroot.
Adultery 0341 be punished with
Clintob, Wedriesdi.ii, • Dec. 314
• Ulari• that atrikea hie wife ellen
paya tete of X10; a woman that
strike% her husilend ellen be punish-
ed at the diaeretion of lila court.
A. wife obeli he deemed good evi
dence against her itizahand.
' inan shall court a maid in
person or by letter without first ob.
taluing the consent of her parente.
Five pownle penalty for ihe first
raceme; 10 for the second, *n.1 tot
the WIWI imprisornhent during plea -
Married persona mu -t tog).
er or be impritioned.
tjvery male shall have his heir'
cut route] according to a cap,
Da YOU Know Dow- to
lilomiee.tieuts Rule Laws.
,rii8 DAYS witEif PURITAN, "Mt/MA-
The good people pf Conrtecticut
must bevelled lively times in the
otcl days, when tInifemous'blue laws
were in force. They are 'often re-
ferred to ley writers and epeakere
when tyrannical legielation, such
es the •Scote Act, for instance, is
proposed. TrIere, it compendium
of those
regulatioue which
were in force in the early part. •of
the lot ceutery.
Thesevernor and magis• tretes con:
wined in getieral asaembly and sus
preme power•under, Clod of the in-
dependent dominion, • From the
determiltation of the assembly no
appeal shall be made.,
• Wito4Oever slap there is a power
and jurisdiction above and over
• thie-deminion shall buffer death and
•lose of • propet ty. - '
Conspirators,. Attompting to change
"A white and red Calf" means
one calf, but, *"it white and A rc0
calf 'newts two calves, There in
wide difference between e.tillity and
capacity. Capacity " is the power of
accluiriftg knowledge, but ability is
the power of. applying it to prima -
cal purpoites. "I found the wily
easy," and "I found the waif" easily,"
convey chtf•rent idea* •In speaks
ing of a look of illness on a persou's
countenence, the correct form is,
"IielDolcis bad," not "badly," Tile
yonng lady may look "bewitchingly"
at the gentlemen, but she looks 4obes
witching" in her silks and jewels.
Aggravate is frequentrk misused.
An offense may be aggravated, but
taTed; bir
angered. Alike is: often incorrectly
coupled with both, "They are both
• just, alike," ie incorrect. Brings
fetch and carry are too ofteu used
iediscriminately. To bring is tie
convey to or toward; to fetch is to
go and bring; whieh involves :two
journeys'', to perry is to Convey aviay
• or saff, and supposed to bothfeteli
utuiles *payola frog*
Middletoo, Lew York, corm.
pondeut of all Beth:ire paper writes;
When the ladies find, began their
hunt for frog e it Watt aelmral dart
before they could school. thetotelves
to control the natural impulse to
scream viilien they diecovered a fog.
T ,e pion et, expedition againat the
'froge was, WJ»iiM oix youlig
ladiee, duly equipped and caparieon*
ekfor the onoteught. Acting on in.
etruetione from a native 'frosger,'
they rparated along the edge of a
pond at Intervale, a twenty feet or
so apart. Presently the huntresa.
who wet furthest ahead uttered a
piercing ahrielt, dropped her pitch,
fork and ran. Thee ohe after the
other, all ehrielced, dropped their
pitehforks. and ran, When they
met atoned breathleea, far away from
the pond, the One who had given the
alarm with overwhelmed with anx.
ions inquiries a.s towhat waa the
1 goodness gracious l' the
said, saw otielob, such an awfully
big otie
'Oh t my I' was the chorus of the
kuutieso. Iseit's• go home
• •
or oveie urn this.. dominion, shell
sufferdeathe' • • • '
Tite Judges shall Ideterwine con-
troversy.'Wit heel, e jury. • , .
_ No Otia Shall be a freeman end
give a eAti unless • he be cotiveeted
nee tt„ memher'itt:fult. colinnunion,
itt ou9 of the _clittralies ?Mowed hi.
this community.
No. Mansholt bold any offiee who
is not sound in the faith aint faith-
• ful to this.dolition; anti ‘whoever
gives a vote to snotsaitersoie she:11
pay 'aefine..of twenty shillirige for
the first °fleece, and fur the second
he shall .be.disfratiellisest...
A. native hrintianau WIN) SW ,the
retreat, says, 'it was, better'n a
circus ta isee them girls droppin'
them elitchforke and. gitten' 'way
from that pond, yellin' as though the
old boy was atter tem.' Rut braver
parties were ..organized, and now
there are but few among the dainti
at of the lady boarders-soine of
whom would teen pale to see a
chicken decapitated -het can thrust
a *pear through a frogremove him,
and separate his saddlea with the
geolness and skill of an old frog:._
catcher, rItroe-i-Orilee female fThg.
gera prefer the spear to book and
Line and.red Oriente fisl•itig, because
Lite former requires more skill, and
kills the flog at the same thee, 'fd
mach flogs itt the latter way, an
ordinate, rod, fine and hook are
Iff04. • !Ole hook ie baited with a
.piece'of red flannql, when a frog
• is diatiovera, the flannel is lowered
liefore marriage doeti not jostify you
.deicertiug him. Having knowiu*.
Ly married a drunkard, you mutt
make youraelf content with the
*wed relatiOsitiltip."
ss She is S11010,"jil
Many Americana believe that
Zitgliell is gulp ispoken 3»ite purity
lenclitr tlie'41ea's and Stripe& ° Pelee-
seeeed by the nation that every
Engtheh•horn person eysteanitically
drops his lee where they are wanted,
and intern§ them where they ought
not to be, the Awerierat is apt to
regard the peculiarity aa typical a
the difference between Englieh
English and Ameriean Boglish, if
this view were sound, it vittild be
Intel esting for Englishmen to in.
quire bow the language which after
all, iatheir's , is spoken, beyond Ihe
Atlantic. There is Work for a new
grammarian in this direction, For,
if A.mericans, as a whole, are more
careful titan Euelisineen about their
aspirates, they assuredly have some
very original notiona about other
matters not less important. Thus
in the new grammar; if based on the
language of the intim:me' majority
of .A.ntericans, :especially out West,
or bring. Tlte superfluous use of in front of lnin. Fle never fails to
but is a common error. "There le snap it, end is caught. Thencomes
no doubt but that Gotteau is guilty,
should read. "no doubt that," rte.
Calculate its ' sotnetitnes :vulgarly
used for ititendenpurpose, expect; as,
"He ealculatee.eogo t� morrow."
Instead of "Let".you and I. go,!' say,
"you and me." "110 is as good as
'nwe' "as 1.4 instead of "Seim da
you mean," say "whom." tFor "If
was Mine' say "JJ.t were lie," "Who
do you ' take it to be,"should , he
"Whom do you take it to be,"' "1
am surprised at Jahn refusing to
go" ,should be "at !John's refusing."
"Viay prevented him' • going fore
Wahl" ought to be,"pievented his
geing' forward." •
• Each 'freeman :Ault swear by • the
blessieg of God to heat the true al
is:gimlet) to this domitiiott, +slid:that
deems hi the only king.. •
No Quaker, er dissentei-from the
worship of the:established dominion
he alloWed. to .give a vote for
the elec,.ton of megistrates or. any
No food or ledging sbalt be
forded.aQuakeie. Atlainite or here •
tick. ••
If '
any peewee turns Quaker be
shall be banished atid net . suffered
to returil but upon.. the, Pain - of
No prieat shall alede in tide. do-
minion ; he shall be • banished
autfOr death, on his return. Pi jests
may be seized 'by hey . one' Without
it werratitee ' • • •
Nceonensi to cross a ferry but
with an authosized ferry -in 11. •
ode fatale:run on thseeSebbeth
day, or -week le tds l';gardell • or else
where, exoept , reverently ers and
from umetiele •
No one aball tra.v.el, cook victuals
'Wake, Isetle, sweep house, cut•letit gr
have 'on the Sabbath. day,
' There is a nice distinction be.
tWeen answer and reply. We an-
swer a question or a letter, but we
reply to an argument or accusation.
Levers of big words sometimes say
iteticipate instead of expect. • Now
we may expeot a vieit from burglars,
.but weed° ,note-apticipate them un-
less we take, measures to frustrate
their designs. Any should not be
used in place of at all, It -should
be "She its not ..at alt bettor," not
"Rey" better. •• .
the neeessity of Wittig him, wineh,
to the novice, es by no mane agree
able, -
A Terrible Operation •
A terrible sergicar operittion was
perfottued at the General ,Hospital
in tile city, . says. the*Gto6e, on Sat.
urday` tunas:when a inais's tongue
was cut mit in order to prevent hitt)
from dying it painful, if not an ee-
criiciatitig 'death, The Victint Was
• ,
wan apparently about fifty years
of -age, who canie to the General
Hospital a few days ago to be treat -
.d for what be supposed was simply.
a sore toneuee The doefers after
104 Or,8 oy
law pow...To pots%• 01 Ng.
fotio. 2 to 4
4111* �t4S tharss014, 4 to 0 ,eitia,
• ExPerifocolvitt dect410thj
" peva don Mose/scam
we sheuld filtd the following new
form a the imperfect testae "To be" :
-1 wag, be was, we' was, you wm,
they was. "
We ell outd furthermore blave'rnles
justifying the expression, "There
ayee me" !rho past totem of '1/41ct"
and "emus?' would be found to be
"done" and "comet,* in this. new
grammars -as, '41 know he done it;"
"Tecre- kite w yoit*t1 Wu-
cenie' along." The ne-w langtiagd
would have neeverb "to lie, "except
as signifying "to tell a lie ;' so that
"let it lay there" would replace our
bad English "let it lie there f. with
many other changes of an equally
original nature. •.
For ta1attp4.11en, or CostIveneeme est
vemaly et so eteeethe Ise Arettes Viet&
Ube Ulnae rapier dalle,etetteesaai Dtv.
store the bowels te homily cendition,
For n4IgeiUon, Or *TEM4
rats are invaluable, "nal a surto care. •
peart•Antrn, II.otis of Appetite, roue
fawned's elistmeney, Mediae's, Ileisee
eche, Iluvalnioes, 1Vouems, ore on relieved,
and cured by Attrit's.
101.1vcr complaint, niitenspitioraeref.
tine 4aute110e,„ Avareit retto 40114 us
sivon la eines terse fittfln0 tO suite the
liver an& bowels, aud remove constipation.'
ASa eleanaing medicine imthe Spring, Om
Plt,ts are unequalled,
eleorme, caused by a morbid condition of
the bowels, are exeeltee by these itera,
gravitons, Ship Diseases, and 1.11es,
die result orludigest Ion og Coustipation, are
• Once by The nsa Aviat's Rrtter
rOr VOWS, take AVER'* 311.1.0 to open
the Pares, teraove iutiattunatorx Seeretions,
and, allay thee fever.
Enr marrwea aiicl reyeentery, caused by
seddee colds, indigestible food, et*., AYBA'S
• P1101.a ars the true reniedy.• ' • •
Ithonmatisr,at Gout, rauralsin, and
sclatisa,ofteer011illt from digestive derange-
ment, er Cods, and disappear on retrieving
the cause by the nee at ATER'S Ditts.
Women's, DroPitY, Eldney Complaints,:
and ether disorders caused by debility or
obstruction, aro cured tiArmira
tinpproeshin, and raintel Dienstrustr
thin, have a este and ready: remedy in
' ••At all, as an intensive phrase,is
tea,frequebtly used: Sometimes it
gives:emphasis, but generally it •itt
mere eautology. At length should:
mitusurp the place Of at bust. ."At
length we beard from Min," &meld-
. be "Ai lase we beard from him."
At length weans: filtiy'; in detail.,
Balance.ti erroneously used for rest
or remainder. He used •ehe rest of
Itis money to , improve his ferns, not. .
"the balance." .
' No winnon shall kiss lier child on
he'Sabbath or fasting (ley. • •'
The Sabbath alien .begiii at sun.
.set on Saterdiey.
. To piek an ear of corn growing in
lieighbor's garden Shall be deemed
theft. . • • .
A. persnn at:tutted of trespass in
•••• •.'•'''"''''''''"''•''•''''tff7.)''tiie'ffF'i'sleilt•='b'e''j•ieVte•eiY'-i;tfilt'Y',;iiiIT-
, less be cleers himself by his oatli,
• \\Nei it, aripeara that an acetuted
hag coliftsieratea, and he refuses to
diftgover theme he may be racked.
„ No • one sliail bey or tied land
,Withent° permission, of • the select.
leen. ,
' .Whonver publishes a lye to the
prteludice of • lila twighboes Shall, sit
itt the stock ti or be whipped lifttaen
ttt'ipe8. ,
No minister &tall teach sehool.
Whoever le.itigs cards ot dice itt
to this dominion shall pay A tine of
Whoever „wears •cloth trimmed
with goIII, al•;:er or bone 'nee above
two shillings by the yard shall, be
presentsdrio the grand itirOrs, anti
• 1110, rele5stmen shalt, tax the offender
at. g300•estate.
. tleittOe itt prieon swearing he
ha* no esta.te shall he lot oat and
BOW 0 wake eattiefaction.
Whoever falllf a fire in the WC1failg
And Introit a house shall suffer death;
• mai the persott stems:tett of this
orlitte ideal he imprisoned without
lanielit of tail.
Nootinithitil rend eommon pray -
Pr, keep Citrietunai or ettiete' tleys,
wake inhaled pies, play estils, or
pity no ally iiistreirtent of illusiele,
e•qteopt tiny, Alvan, trtinot 01,Teses'
gnArni/ blinistde sltafl join pew.,
pin 1» inarriap, tite magistrate only
'Omit -Join ittmartiagos; fts thvy may
vo it with lees .seund:11 to 'Christ:1i
hut ch,
making an examinatien, foetid that
the man was suffering from a cancer
whicli had formed on hiseongue, and
the only remedy,' was • immediate
amputation • of that meet useful
organ. The enfortunate.:individual
decided' to,,auletnit to .11ie operation
Whether, with the further pro.
gress of time, still stranger changes
,would not have to be nestle, may he
reasonebly asked.- •Tor much eif the
atrocioua grammar used in America
has mitten front imitating negro taik.
.And already you bear •white felk
say, riot the did it" as we benighted
Englitibinen do, nor "he done •
it; the more grammatical Americana.
atilt try to say, but "be gond done it,"
and tee 'forth.. .. • • • • • •
cleximott Novii$ttorsi
Carriage IWorks,
Evory Wednesday *amino-.
Vr\I;#0x3 `Vo.1
AT ruElit MIKA
Albert Otreet, Clinton, Ont.1
Full directions, in Newtons' laalpiagelli ad-
• company each package.
• • execrenee n; • .
br Ayeriibo LoweItMess.
Solcleby alepreggettee, „
ifitati in advance; IV if.91,0c se pa
The proprietors Write 00410011 NEwS,
having purchesete the businese end plant
of Dm Anson ItEceitD, uill la Suture
tniblish the amalgamated papers in Clinton,
ender the title of "TUE 1lUiton NEWS-
REColtn." ° .
Clinton is the most proper:rue town in
Western. °anise is the oat of coneitienahlis
manufactitring, and the centre of the finest
sgrieultural aeution in Ontatio.
The combined eirculatioa of 'rue Nrava.
anemia exceed: that of any paper peb-
bling:1 in the County of Buren. It is,
tlietefete, uneuresesed as an advortioing
medium. Our rates foradvertising are:
• 1 olumal year, $90 14o1iinut 1 year, $30
1 " 6 mos, 00 e " Bence; 18
1 " 3 mos, 30 e " .3 mos 13
e ''' 1 year, 54 e " ' I year, 18
4 44 6 tnos, 30 e • ' 6 mos, 14
• e " 3 mos, 18 * " 30308, 8
Advertisenieuts, without instructions es
to space and time, will be left to the judes-
mot of the compositor in the display, in-
serted until forbidden, ineasered by a
alio of solid nonpareil (12 lines to the
nett), and charged 10 cents a line for first
nsertion and 3 cents a line for cob sub-
equeilt insertion. Orders to eiseentitme
advertisements mud be in writing.
tether.• than suffer the, torte); to
which Ire' had been su'sjected • for
Some time past. • When he bad given
• the eurgeows the faces with references
to: his cage they feeed that the
(AO we's 'simply the r emit of excess.
stie Smoking. The patient had been
a smoker. The pipe which fie bad
generally. smoked, • was le common
clay one, the steneof whiell had been
broken off ahort, • leaving a ragged
edge,. •The shat p !edge bad, at first,
caused simply an abrasion Of the
h•Cante 'painful..• The
sisioker, slot dreateIng of the cause
or the reselt of it ebutilmance Of the'
. practice, kept 'mismeking hie short,
clay pipe nutil after emus thee his
• tongue became so irritated that it
with only with itttense pain that he
could speak and was unable to take
any solid food, &t lot of, paLu be:
came such, that be deemed it advis•
able.too visit the General Respite)
id eirder t� get relief if possaible.
Amputation was the only means of
The operation waaperfornied
hy Dr, Macfarlane in the presence
of a large .teutuber of students"and
physicians: Of course. the Infest
scientific applicandes were, used to
unthe,the" unfortunate Man suffer as
little as possible. lie is now *Aug
quite well at -the imspital, and el.
thongh past Middle age will likely
some years, but, without the
power ofi speech or sense of testa
This is 4n awful warning to all who
heed• beeonie habitual excel:salve
smekere. •
• Queer :rhino in Ears• '
• A bays-, riot yet twelve years old is
almost a weekly visitot • at the New
York eye and ettriefirtnary:
old the outlet; as: be saw him ocime
in as usual one afternoon, ',whether°
• .
you get it there this time?" "New,
thin' but a bean," he drawled. • The
boy had fallen ieto the bact 'Whit of
platting -such things into his •taes
. shoo butte -tie pieces of elate pencils
• and wads of 'paper..'the' Wiriet• re-
eently 'met with a remarkable Blue --
ballots of title pernicious practice,
whinii he retated to a reporter of the
Nett ''ork Times tee ,
A young wocnan of twenty•three
came to me so 'deaf that could
hardly make her hear by shouting
through a trumpet: After removing
a great cpiantiO ot 'wax fi-oes her ears
I feunil something -metallic .
"What's this?" I said. "Have you
been putting 'affinething in yottr
• "Oh, dear, .rio," sbe .'esaid. "1 ant
not.so foolish as that." • .
Imagine beasurprise when I pulled
out a round, smoOth. 'button, with
• mete a shank to it. "This keen:1p, to
have been • in there a great many
Years," •I Balch; To ,tee surprise the
young wOhiantorouelied in the denier
triptullaiguified terror.
-"Oh; cloctbe -able intid ; 4 "whit is
that awful noise ?" •
It was nothing hut a wegen ruenb•
-ling by, bnt '1 'instantly ow what the
trouble was. • Her hearing had be-
come normal when I removed that
botton, and sbe watt frighteped and
bewildered at the jumble of confusing
Sollfliik. •• • , •
The ticking of the clock,' chirping
orthe catiney, or dripping of water
distreesed her, awl the retitle ether
own silk dress made her .start with
I sent one of the assistants home
with her in. earriage, and he said
that the clatter in the street so ills.
tracted her that he was compelled to
held her in her Seat. She afterward
told we about that button.
• "When I MIA about eight years
bldi"..ghe 6111111 "1 was sent to the
church in New England with my
grandtuother.sermon wait al -
Ways hang, and I used to amuse my.
self by. pulling at, tite.brass buItoria
011 My cont.' •
ef<thetn 011016 oif one. Sunday
atttl I oecupied my time with petting
it in my ear and 'Waking it Out again.
Suddenly I telt it oink awl in there,
atid I coda nee get it out.
"1 WAS aftild to tell my grandmoth-
er at the tittle, and 60011 itrUitiivapci
forgOt it. At tee yes.rti of age 1 bo
gan to get deaf, arid have been get-
ting Wiligt8 OV Br Rhine but 1tweet
°floe§ thotight et thee button until
you removed it."
To what graminatical lengths our
kinsmen in America way go, if they
encourage 'their. present -taste for
novelty,. is • painfully suggested by
a little story in the Century for
'Septetub.er.. Consider the following,
.speeeb (made by a well t� do fernier):
"Young. people, ''special'' females,
owesit to theireelves to be noonst'ome.
streernoue • keerful and. pirticklar
who they takeniwith in that kind
o' style" (lie. is .talking about' mars
riage), "and special in the pinta o'
prop'ty. For it's a heapeasier,. and
its a ,heap .,convenanter,sand it's a
heap ..cOnsfortalder, to dart, •wIth.
some prtgety than his to work and
brojeck, and deny a -body's self the
lugjiries, ten! thacem forte, an' same..
Melee the yery needceesities of life,
which, in course, a pertain' tike to
'have. 'em, but, which, when • 'they
start po'," (nigger Engliali or Aims
eican for pool), "they have to wait
for 'ern,.-att' witieb, ef they'd wait
an' look around keerfule the cliances
is some of 'eni Wight do better 'thau
what they been a eepectin."', ,, •
Well tO Remember-.
A Stitch in Time -wives nine. Ser-
ious results oft follow a neglect ot
ocnistipated bowela and bed blood.
Burdock Bleed Bitters regulate and
pulify the stotnach, bowels ,e liver.
kidneys and the blood. Take it in
• 315 2e
, . . •
On the whole; I. prefer ' Eitgliith
English to nigger English; but this.
may be -a weakness on, my 'part. --i:
' 11.- 4. Proctor.
.. . • .
The waning cif the honeymoon.
Ile : "Look Imre, I can't keep my
eyes closeel; you take up three,
quarters of the bed, and keep kicking
we in tbe hank."
• "She (angrily); :"Indeeci,.sir!. is
that so? .. You are the first one to
cotnplain like 'that about me:" •
Ile •(itgliast); "Well, ,by Jove! I
hope I am I"
Ito Notices set as tonsunn tikrrint,
(Nonpareil •ineasttrement, 12 lines to the
4101) 10 cents per line first insertion ; 3 -
tante per line emelt:tame:mot insertion.
We have ono of the best appoluted Job
Ofilecs west orforonto. Our facilities in
this department enable us to do all kinds
-ofworke-frotua callin card to a mammoth
pastor, in die best fstyie knowit to the
craft, and, at tlie lowest possible rates,
Orders by mail promptly attended to.
The News-Recorcl,
canton. ,oils
LUMBER AND SHINGLES taken in exchange. Give me 41, call and,
will give you prices that eannot be.heateit 41 the County. SW Repairing ala
Horoeohocitie dune with tieepatch.
— What's the niatterr
•.Ladv.—(With • face enveloped IN roll of hot,
cloths)—"Oh l• I'm crazy, with. that Neuralgia
that continually trouhles int." •
.,L--"fWell, how foolish Why ilon't;you go to
the Drug Store And gobt, bottle of Fluid 1.1glita,
It eared me in 'ass than one minute 1
alwaVs Keep it bottle in the house:, 11.312
o 411. c
• .14a Minister suddenly stopped in his
sermou and Bang a hyme. "11' the
members 'of the choir are to do the
talking," he explained,"they 'certain-
ly will permit me to do the iniageng."
And then.things itidhe neighborhpod
•of the orgae bectatiae more qaiet.• •
The reason why 'Arnim & 011 Lininent
is so popular with the ladies is • be-
cause'it not Only is v,ery. he;ii.57.:frisett
• 8°161 at ii'vbe bt.11. its.'?dbr is nab: 4t' all
1e. •
IC`kriogAr, APO the favorite
Why the TiojAnal Man Is
• . : Black •"
'Ati interesting cemestinication bas
been Made to Nature by Surgeme
• Major, Alcoek on the reason why
trOpical elan 4is black.. The eyesof
many of the lowest animate are gen ;
erally ti; bedescried by means of;
the patctiri of , piginents whieliforni
theipiost petispicuous•element.
is suggested • that pignietitT plabed
behind a • taaniapareut aensory• eur-
• faceptuch as the eye,iticreases the
stimulatieg effect of t•ays of light":
'The well.knowu absorbent power Of
dull black thiegs for heat, aed the
increrteed activity of all livieg mat-
ter under the "'Wilt -twee -of wartoth,
are points bearitig on this queetiou.
In the 'negro the .pigreeet celle,..are
placed . in fi-otit of the nerve .tei-'•
miriatious, and here- the black pie-.
'meet/bridle skin servo eti lessen the
intensity • of the . tierye vabratione
that Would..be 'Caused itt t. naked
human body byee?rpostere to a trope
pieal Lew; so that the plguient•Plays
the .same part es a piece of smoked
glass held between the gen and eye.
•' Forbade the Dane:.
Elward Amiees was ithieft to let
Wedded to Airs. Lauta Carroll at St.
Niubohts eliurch, St. I.,onitt, MO.,
whet% Et •girt of' slight with:.
streaming hair and weeping eyes,
eptered tied. said ;-'Dou't marry:
him ; don't him, ideates t He it my
hesbane. The bride fainted and
the groom turtle,' pale. The priest
leoked dutnefountled and the girl
eotitinued ;-'lle betrayed nte owlet
,prombas of marriage; and only last
.week Baia we' ahould be inarried at
Chritstnets, and now he is going to
take Nome one (he. Ire 38killing
13y -this tinte tbe bride 'revived,
am', throwing her arniti Ilysterieally
aroutel the groom, Cried, 'No one
.can take him away ; I'll have "him
anyhow, 1,, *Fr. fechafer would not
• proceed with the ceremorty until lio
sonsulted his simeriora.: The groom
• acknowledged the truths of the girre
:statement, hub it is said° Itc went
before a ittatice subsecseently and
married Mrs. Carroll,
December, 1882.
X0'16"ilqn- LIMSL.
. ,
Nisbet', to.niforin hie old customers and the public generally
that be bus again opened out in the,
Carriage and Waggon Business,
Ort the Corner of Thu= an Orange %Teets, (Alton,
hi the Brick Building know!) as the, elffountenetle property," where be will carry
on the teeth) In all its branches; An experience of over 20 years in business in
Clinton, will enable him toemeet the requirements of the public he his line, All
material of the very best quality and the woremanship. unsurpassed. Call and
examine, before purchasiug, Alt the letest improved rigsmauufactured and kept
conStautly on; batet.,
Rite3;Repairing and Repainting Promptly:Attended to,
HARRY P18113111, -the -renowned Tifli.
aortal Artist, has obtained the assistanee
of a first.clalis Barber. 'go MI the latest sOlee
..of ladies' andgentlenten's hatneutting. One door
east Of the Conuttercial flotO1. .
• PhilielelPhia hs a•"profesecte" who
oblanches" red wises • for, from $5 to•
$20. a nose. •• ile.first appliee leeches
then galvanizes the. nose "to restore
the elastieity•oethis arteriatand Van-
OUs fibres," and tbentipPlieS'a would
est 'Piaster of Parisi. • •
• The BeitVombination. •
• The • best combination of blood
cleaving, regulating, health giving
herbs, ' roots aud Writs enter 1010
Burdock •Blood ' Bieters-a purely
vegetable remedy that Mires diseases
Of t. Wood, liver and lcifluevet. •
315 '
Oruniceii illis.bands and
Girls who think they can refernt
the meo they marry should read, a
recent deeisloit by the Supreme
Court of Iowa, It watca divoree
Ctiff0 brought by A wife becalun§ tier
hutiband Wail a ootifirmed clennicaid.
This was Pot denied, hut it was de.
veloped itt vi !once that,' the knew
of hit intemperate imbits when film
married bim loping to refOrin
The Jptige Of thfi -00014 I -Initial opa
these stern wortiti "You N °tenter.
ily chose it drunkard fel' it 111181%11d,
and you Itliould diaeherge the Antiea
of drunIcarti'a wife. liis foiluro
' C"
It is ono of the most powerful and per-
' insinelit perfumes seepar'ett. ,A.single drop
-will he found sufficient to scout 4 liandkor-
ellief_br sireii a room. It is pat .tip hi a'
tow style of g1ass-atomics-0 bottles and
solti by ell p,orfuniers and druggists.'
man having.built, a huge house
w• as at, a loss *het to dowitlethe rub,
bleb. :Ins Irish steiverd Advised him
to have a pit dug large enough to mil
tam it. "And whaea,seid he sniffing,
, "what shall 1 do withthe earth that
dig up. from it?" To which the
stewardemith great; gravity, replied,.
• "have the pit made large enough 1.0
houl., all."
Yea shoulii be so unfortunate as to Burn,
• Scald or ,Wound yourself in any_way the proper
thing tO keep clean and heal it is Nicareger &
Parke'd Carbolic Derate. Insist on having, arid
be sure you get 11cGreg6r'& Parke's Carbolic
Certile. Price 21 cents. Your Druggist has the
"Yon may. talk a much .yoti
.please,". remarkea the has:Able man)
•"tint let me tell you what I consider.
your •aegetnentis as well as 'yourself
beneath My: notice. I don't give -
you so much awit thought," "I hope
not,"wes the respdnse: -"I wouldn't
have you bantreupt youreell ots my
ecooteet." '
Marvelous Mire for Catarrh,
Canker 'mouth, siid lIcad 'Ache. • "With
each bottle there is an iagoniatto nasal Li -
sector tor tlie inoreettethesful treatuient of
theseenemeleinte elvitheld extra . eltergee,
"Pelee nets:
"Puns are the brickbats which
Fun buds at the eoincate of despon.
donee which 'infest the WM:attic:do of
multilane existence.
Purge out the distemper that un-
dermines health, and the constitta
Monne vigor' wet return. Those Who
eater front en enfeebled and -disord-
ered state of the system; elsould take
Ayer's Sarsaparilla to cleanse the
Weed, and restore vitality. •
A Cidifornta lady hat a pair of
scissors Whielr has beet wed by het
self arid mother for seventy sex
years. No newspaper man in that
scalp with Prof, Low's ltfitgic Sulphur
Soap. A delightful medicated soap
for the 'toilet, 315 51 .
"W",.A.F1"1"119 at Co.
-.atom*, ort, DEALim
.gto 1%41(c11.0317c3.4a°
. •
Physicians' PreFseriptions Carefully and Aoeurately Compounded,
and Orders Answered with Care and Desliateh.
The i'ublie will fait our Bloch of Mediciues NiAplete, Warranted
owl of the Best Quality. • 2
' Toilet Soaps, Perfu-mory, Shoulder Themes, Tresses, Sponges, and all
binds of Druggists'. Sundries usually Iteptiu First -Chas Drug Store,
• ""•=7"----'
'1%a time for Bouse-Cleaeing is pear. All weeders
Hall, Parlor-, Diniag..-Room, Or Bed.
Room Papers,
will end the •
Best and Latest
.t1P Tee leezaar Feishiou Books for 1883 are out and can be had for nothing.
-Call aim see the papers and get a Book
Kr Ha Sells Cheaper than fthy, eneon top of thetarth:-."
..Probably no funnier misquetation
was ever made than one by an eni'-
thuslayeic journalist who'while, de
liveteog . post prandial Oration on
'semen, welded the lines, of Scott
hews "garment"' awl. Pope's es:mai-ke• -
en "Vice" together, hathe following
lininner • • • , •
iswomen t in our houri °tease,.
Uncertain, coy •end•bard to please,
• But seen too of Weiler with yoer
We Ore!, endure than pile tben
• .embrice, •
. • •
• •
• James Brayloy.'says • ' "I read the
testimonials for.hleGregor's tipee'dy .CUre and
tumid that 1 had hot.to go to • liew York, Phil-
edelyhia, Lentil:um oraeras to find living wit-
nessei of, its value, we have plenty of persons
,right hero to prove its Morita.; 1,got a bottle.
and ieholped.Inc right awaV. • I was as bad with
Bilious Fever and linlikestion ris I thinh any one
could be, 1 hallo taken three bottles and aro
noWly well •and can eat any kind of food with.
Cut It hurting me• 1 may say that 1,1111 bettor
than I over expeeted,to•Freeltria1 bottle at
. your Drug Store. • , • 312.4t •
• • ,
The London Dual, Aeues Sondem .
correspondent is responsible lei the
stetement•• that ,• the alarkeseinned.
ladies of the Nile country :blush
• . We Nivea speedyand positt've Cure,
fee Catarrh: Diptheritt, Canker mown
atel 'Head Ache; in SHILOH'S OAT.
-ARAM 1lES111:1)Y. ,A nasal injector free
with eath bottle.. Use it if, yon desire
•health' nod sweet breath, Price eects,
Soniby .1, 11. Combe..- •. • 2034v.
• ' LaiilY Caught
It Isvery easy to catch' eohlt-'but ncit
WO easy to 01.1111 it unlead you :use
Ilagyard'sPectoral Below, the best
remedy fee all throat bionehial and
lung troubles, coughs, colds, „end
isonsiimptive tendencies. ei52b
P.roL Barrett *of St, Lawreuce dotes -
tee. X.: re speaking of put:neer:ay ,
diseases, says not One death, occurs
now where twelity djed before
-Doerinellattelette kraierio. 'Over iler--
years of constant succees places
Towns', at' the head of the long
list of cough,reinedies. 315-5e,
This is the reason why cats wash
their face after meals ofil ought
a sparrow incl. was about to devour it
but the sparrow said; ".No gentle-
man eats me till he bits first washed
his face." 4"ebee cat, , struck with
tins remark, 'set the sparrow down
awl begareto wash, his face with his,
• the sparrow flew away,. Thin
vexed puss exceedingly' and be said;
"Ate longets I live 1 will eat filet and
mils my face afterwards. " Whieh
tta this day.1 ..
• Ilow often do we heat or the sud-
den l'atal termination of a ease Of
croup, when a:young life 'might have
been saved by the prompt use of
• Ayer,8 Cherry Pectoral 1 ilet wise in
time, and keep -a bottle ef icon band,
eeady for intitaxit usee •
r '
It meet tioe be supposed that, the
metribera itta brase barn' are story-
tellers. because they have no lyre.
A 100tible PnrnoSe.
The l'optilat remedy, flagymil'a
Yellow Oil, is used both internally,
for aches, 'mins, colds, eronp, shown.
atietn, deefriess, and diseases of an
inilanawietory nature, . l a' lit
At aft eXartlillatiOti in theology COD.
doeted by four grits:ling professors
,t110 tmlnoky candidate, whose par.
class lied detetteined he term bun
hats boly °Mere, wasthus aii0fdr0.
"Irtfortaiutte youfig Malt, you are
itlettpable of eking to USO s single
text. of Ole sacred (impels?"
"Yes, indeed," 'mid the patient.
young mart, "1 remember 0UP-that
• flab One in the Apocalypse; "And 1
Plant of Ittire Virtues,
Is ,,the totimiort '•Ittiti• well knewo
Burdock. Itsia otte of the beet, blood
putifters and kidney regulators in
the vegetable world. and the cont.
pound known as Burdock :Blood Bit'
1010 possesses wonderful power, itt
'disease of the blo.osi, livery letting%
and atounich, •
315.2.t. •
Turner, the Preston opei •
tivee-the tiriginetwe it is said, or the
Word "teetotal," as now used -wits a
rousing pPalter, with an imagination
that ran riot. through • all kinds dr
images, III One Of Ids pOOO1108 he itf
old to have made the following ex.
teeordinery Appeal : "Let us be op
and doing. conirado Let US take
One WW1 over otir shoulders and
plough the deep till the goecl ehip of
temper9ce sails gaily f/V0t the
$111,161I'S COOSIlikeptiolk Clines
Tide is beyond trestion the' most sue
sessitil Cortgli Stetheinsi we have ever sold,
feW &Mpg invariably• sures the worst
ewe of Cough, Ci otm. and Bronchitis,
while it's wondei.ftil success in the tura of
Censumptioa is without a parallel in the
• history of medicine. 'Since it'a first AM.
cowry it lass heen watt 01) 11 guarantee,
Oaf Which 110 other meilithie elm Newt
If yen have it Cough we earnestly ask you
to try it. Prieo tads. Meta and $1,er,
if your Lungs 1 AOte, Chest, er Recta
• bestproparation known to 3010116ot orboautifying the
ONE SINGLE APPLiCATION in warranted to
Beautiffthe Pace and give to the Fadtd Or Sallbty Com-
plexion Perfectly ilealthr. Natural. and Youthful
Appearance.• It Coneeals 'Wrinkles. Freekles, Crow's
Foot, awl the Evidence a Age, leaving the Skin Soft,
Smooth, and,White.
• PRICE -50 cents. Sent to any address. Postage
stamp taken. Address all lett en to
•CREME D' OR, peewee 2,6781 Toronto P.O.
)‚.k our druggist Mr it. • 'Wholesale by all whole-
• Imao Ma**.• 618 drugg:nallits6"4"2"3"3133"1"1"1111111161511111"1511.411"•
Bu mloch.
natousosa, lumne'
Y 8F'EPSIA, poesy,
.muNDIM • • OF THE Maori' •
And vvery species of ovals* srlaksgslostise ,
disordered Lome KIDNEYS. ,SYMANSK4
T.,MILBURR & Pr."sratire.
West of England Scotch.and Foreign Suitings
sft Trouserings English & French 1111orsteds
Gocierieh, has a splendidly assorted stoelt of new Spring:end Summer Goods.
Ordered aud Beady -Maas Suits tit the lOtvest prices over heard Of. --,•110110 hilt the
beet or trimmings used, and Perfect 558 B585-885"4" A Hue CENTs P
FURNISHINGS always In stock. Call atal ies, 4. will pay you.
ILDB.LHA.IVI S11111'1'1E1 Thd Squara.
C+0130B,I0-1--1 01\1711.
• A.CRYiNff aro often
fretful and ill ivben worms are axe
eauge. Dr. Low's Worm Syrup safe-
ly expels, alleWoems. '• 315.51
.Wheethe contribution box came
back to him empty a. clergyman said
solemnly: "Experience may bee dear
'teacher, but the members of this par.
tieular flock who have experienced
religion have accomplished it at very
trifling cost. 'The choir will sing the
ovetityeninth hymn, omitting the
feat, third arid fourth verses, in or-
der to save un_neeei7airy wear of.' the.
orgite; •
• Weems ofteli deatroy children, but
Freeman's • Worm Powders destroy
• Norms, and expel them froin the
syetern, s: 315,5t
"DO ybit ever gamble ?" she asked,
• as they sat together, lier haw' held
In Ilia. IIe replied e "No, but il I
wanted to now would be the there"
ellow so?: "Because I hold a bealfs
Wel hand." The engagerneet de ati.
Ilociden's, Arnica Salte.
s Ossr,Saltv In the Werld for tiuta,
Ilrnisea SOTO; Ulcers, ' Solt Rhm
Fever gorei, Vetter, • Chapped Minds,.
Ohl! bla lttS, i.'!o rim orn d all •HO n Ilru p -
dons, endpositively cures leleseor no
•ptiy required. It is gunranteeil to give
perfect satisfaetion, or gummy *refunded.
Priee 25 -cents per .box, Pon slim or
sVatts &.Co.. •• 258-1y .
.• It is a great miefoetune not to have
confidence enough to;Speoir well, nor
• judgment enough ttibesilent. Ilene°
the origin of everrinipertinence.
The History ot Miudreda.
'ft. John Morrsion, of St. Anna, N.
WAS so seriously aillieted with a
disease itt the kidueys that dropsy
was developing and his life WAN des-
paired of. Two bottles of numock
Bleed Bitten cured hini after /Myst.'
Mans bad failed, 316.2t
"f site you advertise.gootis 0 be
sold for A mere etiree" said be, as he
stepped Into a testator° Am in
Clinton, 'Yee, sir," answered the
gentlemanly preptieter, "Well,
now, let me See, 1 like i hat red pluth
tole there, arid I'll sing you "When
the Robins Nest Again, Mr At
• last accounts he Was MAO 10 SR: up 1*1
bed .rtd' o " me to im rave
k:re •
*\V9- •te2'' 4'4'41,v,
• •
•ist‘ v".
Clocks. 3'e -win
News -Record,
Leading Local Paper
Tho late eltike of Wellingteri Ivied
to any "Pm all right, If they abolish
the boast§ of lords I shell go over 10
Belgium. • l're prinee of Wateelo0
theee. Whets the great powers swat.
low up Belgium I tan' Still live in
Spain; Where 1 ant duke of Ciudad
Rodrigo: And if Spain eollaptes 1.
•thelI retire to Portngal, wbere 1 OMB
end my days as nsarquis of 'Torres
Veclras end eount Of Vindero.
Witinakr tit 1J0314.108' 14;011,11m,
aft Is MI6 ofthe sareet end etteediest
of covet§ for ovey form of nervoutness.
111 relieves headaelie when other ap.
plieittioee completely fell,' it relriVi.
goratee the fatigued and overtaxed
body, and it bripartti force and• buoy,-
ancy to the mental poivers;••
"Johnny, do you know' the tenth
'041111111 ni tt 5 ilYealtta."
it."' "(knew' "liut you lest raid,
eei te it Johnny.' •sVc, "to;
.1,1ver deyeelry.,m_
l3rooches, kor Mugs, Brae -eras, etc.
olid.Silvet mPlated
rinliable for Holiday, Wedding., or fltrth
day,Presents. Goode for large or small
purses, mid insult all segue% of the
year. Bee the Stock. Large variety or
Cioeks. Everything ot the best makes,
Gentlemen's Plain and Matey Jewelry
in endless verlety.
1141Ielteilelring promptly attendCd to
and satishiction guaranteed,
A Fall Stook of ,Speotades.
• Of the Best 5takes, always On hand.
Jt. Biddiecombe,
Opuoisite tem Mark( k.Clinton.
. TI1E vg4r
British :and
For4n °News
Are correcte4 every Toesd.sy
afternoon, jost before • .
going 0 press. .
BOOT .86 .8110E STORE
.11.„1.,„„do work, sewed and pegged, at
• popes to suit every purse. Thebes% work,
lOWest Priem and tttitttloYt getwanteed.
As I have that -elms city workmen cm.
ployed, entire satiefeetion le etertatuty.
Give OM 11. call.
fve le. ClieletietteN 8, elefeentelt 4140NYX- '
,1311111, .containing SO 10 134 'lit hoteSeleared
anal 'Odd cultivation, rt; at barns, stables and
Mom dwhillet, gond *relit rd end gooa sell, welt
watensi,vait vont ter to I ze,os.