HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1884-12-03, Page 311 1 1111181111 ALWAYS -READY rAiNs AND Era.s. that Old, Reliable later orPolu, _ lithempr .Yraorro41 or Arxtertsab ..r.very ocv Pais AC iti^r riaomzei 1,airt t..14000 twortr AfacAtrio Shop atid .rtgilt. on ererp ,Fortim. ova tveni Warw. hu1a. ready Ir itrorsoctfAtto goo. riot only for 4rei4rrtto., Outs. Brutarostro . bait Ar rromi -errorplattfity,ohtolt ar Plarrhein, Tousentrry, Cltrtorrg •Irtrogion. inotectro (gds, ChtlUi 41rForrattitup 001• to,, Sad otterirtoloore. Yrtor. 00er IA,Vo am; coo fir Molar, bAVIS les LAWRENCE CO. LinsAted. weescsele Agent*. lifeettrear, XiCr.,TIR,It;;111* . s tIVONAerritir News ,•ttfe•-* ron. Record CHAPIN' -Weilileetheys Dec. 3141 4,r1- ,E)AL NEWS 9 )ii All **req./mil elle q4111teb." .g011iii &IL mikrie*, At ati times lootollt ba gloot to waive f;;;icerwatititaoe froth any rettecOle rottrce,oither j,t,otitit or toritton; Reports of miotharri, on- . '4'4443110i yiciety 0)4 ohuro4 dointla. eto. ceitl or any other inattoro off/moral interort wegglorzyt have a 211a#0 *3 ger serinens.-go LARGE. Seocit of Good Foot :Balls juet reeeived from Ettglen(1.-L3rge variety of Presents for Christinaa treee, at lo.weet prices. (31 -1B -IS DIcKSON, (, lin toe. -• • Peir ef sehond.-- band Skates for -sale Apply at this office. - w...tkiTrEtt.-A good eetving girl, at once. Apply to ,7. C. Cole, fash- it:inside aJor, Othiton. 815 2b • ,• J. 'K. •Hanittert,' of Auburn, generel ,etorekeeper, haa maths • au raes1entee4 ' .111ae Anarseeowo, the popular Colleotor of busterns at this port of entry, has, ,resutued his.detiee here. • Owtstet to tlie alleged mitinninage. ment of the Hensall Salt .0o. the -.Works are new in the !lauds of the ' No. 710 Meets nexi -Mon- day. eveniug. '161ection . of '.otlicere• end other importaitt -business,' A .fuJi attendance ie requested, A. PISPATOU rime Petiole of the •051.11 holt says Mr. kb rt, of the Canal Comptirty, haeelied of yelloiv • fever: IIe is the eleventh officerpf • the Dingier expedition .who feta died e ,year of hi a areleal• : Mr, Ifuhertis lindeestood to have. rela- tives livitig near. •Clietou or 'in that town. . M tt. ED. -1r1,000 v, formerly.geni•al travelliug egret for the Mail, hue got area of his •pi egritiatione • in "sucili •a doegenial task• and ptire peens iollowing the inoee staicfcallinti, • of a nierelitint, ill thie town: ,•We °understand he has already aecured. .preiniset; On Albert' street, and evil! ehorily fling.his hanner to the breeze. Corer PAISLEY pnreiteeled a yai•lag -11111.11 Who •Was attending the. 8.• meeting on. Sulidey.lo put himself • outeide of the building, alleging; we le?lieve, that 1 hers wield lie more ro.irn for the 'other:3 inside by having his request •attended to. 'In, Galt mei wee, other towne .sueh aefe (meet e. .centriteution of say $10 mei mots. . 8 QS it It AND SW:EY '• PO It • T.' —A (Aimee temperate Man, atter lieten• . iiig to a felinity from a: or iltieition friend nit exietitig •facili.tio's for •, obtaining. intoxitiating liquor and •the al most u versal. int modem te Usti of if, WEIS quite overemne and -in . his • agony, exclaimed i '"Wileti • I res • member met opportenitiese Tie - t tired by'yeti; feel ashamed 9f; nay,' -.I !Amid aghast at my • own inodei•a- tem.." • ...' • • • • , peetoette -At the last • milder ineetieg• • of Mitple ,Leaf. • Lodge No. 16, 0.0, P., Ott Teuteday evetiing, the felloweigeoffietnei were' . ' •••: • • ' . W.C. R., Bro.- A. little, , " ' W„.SpeOfee,. Chap., ° " T. Frienilthip. F.S.,' " • Win.. Jones. • J. 0. Cele. • . J. B., .• • " A. Twi to el I. • , , ' " 8. Pennybaker.'.. A, " Q. • • . " . H. Falland.• 'WILL NOT Bo At Lowob.- A. • .yenng man:teamed Olsek, heilieg, - believe, fromellantilten was beeleetle- •;;-• before Mr, Spiers, S. P.', on „Friday. litef, on racherge'of having created a. tlietusban'ee tree. Inee meetiegot the, tee.vation Army. 'TIM:" evide' nen clearly sustained the cherge; . end the gagistiette imposed upon Clark the heavy. fine Of $20 end (mete, ete a • .warning that such conduct %%411 not be tolerated .. in •this town. -Oall Reporter. ••, • • Friday night irtat thortly•after, the Satlia4ion 4„..riny .tneetitig WAS 04).0110(1,'Mr. • Britomaeotibe rote audiencieetiel wilted the Captain • • it he. lied IAA' niade • eer.taitt states, • needs coneeening • ihe, •4 late Mies Roweliffe, but the Captain -Would not hear him and struck up a Sten* The boys• yelled lied Meet of the ladies left the.intetecke.- Order WHO ransomt when a; counie'of eenetithles appeared on :the scene,-Erieter •Ti.nae„ . • Pira elder Beitenish who, se'ith Iiie .two sone. WKS concerited in the death .of the lit&i WM. Ataines; liner Blytb, anil. convicted the eecent «di:Seizes at Goderinh of re anslattglitere and Sentenctli kineriton Penitent? • ially`forlfi years, bashbeen pardoned; .and pientitid through Clinton on hie wey home, near Blytlyiaet week. }lie health is a». feeble.. that his death telly 0061.1r at :rimy inthilente anteit was ott this account he. Vette. parsioned. A rif TOMO.. Ok'VE11.--,The (deal of AntsineSS collegein,,a 'meth. ern eotinte geniis its a pliotekeugrav. ing of a pristt.• specimen of penman -1s Nide, with 'the °request that we •publieh. elereety Tine reading ea- vortisement ite heauties; and that we are at liberty to '111nounce that ,totbseribers eftlt 1111Ve 14111410 looping ot tire engeaving by sending the prin, civil a three cent stamps, ,48.8 our eltergo for the reading lidtiOti Wettld ba'abotit $2 we 1)tuat decline givIng thit•nOtitektt the siX cent engraVipg .440,10 the, orler fif the -eeterprising principal '»f thict business eollege, Xn passing vita, may remark that if tt,e ulcollege" ,Can train up 'young • et to the Vold of $2 for tiX *tcourse of study le both MR. DAVID CANTELON 61111).130d five Car loade applea to Winmpeg laid week. TUE young man referred to else, where au disturbing the Salvation Army meeting on Sunday was be. fore the Atavor on Uouday evening and lined $1, and costs, AUCTION SALE of Live • Stock, implements eto., the property of Ur. W. Murphy, on lot 22, eon. 15, Uotlerich lownultip, on Tuesday, Deer. 9; embutenelsig -at 12 o'clock, Everything, will be _sold as 5fr. 51tirphy .his s(4.11is farm. Wesil Matheson is the auctioneer. 'pig Port Elgin Busy Times had an elithorate article a few days ago open the advantages of thee town as a summer resort, wide)) indueee the Kincardine Standard to retnatk that the 13. editor's stook of wood had run out •and that he was primping earhon with the pen. Tun Salvation Army's chief 'ban- ner' •would seem to be the drune We would net like to eay that the 'banner' ie appropriate. The inven- tion of the drum is ascribed by the Greeks to the jolly god Bacchus, and tradition had it •that old wine- hibbeee state of exaltation watt gPn- orally referred to in the classical words; 'Tight as a drunt.'• We HAVE PLACED upon our ex, change list the Standard, paths:heti at *Pembroke, county of Renfrew, whielt lute just been purchaged by Messrs. Gallagher etr, Clarke, If, as we enspeete is the case, Gallagher is the young man at one titne of TUE Reoono offiqe, we look to see a clean, spicy paper, 'and we wish the new management a full Measure of suc- ceas. ; A FEW daYe ago, Mr.., ohn Enler, of,Culrose, while fixing the roof Of his cider mill fet1 to the ground, and sustained suet] ,injuries Ebbe he --died. -the eante day, Thoes-Tvire • interpret the working:5-f Providence by -a dim, uncertain light wills this wee a special judgment up Mr. Enter for having machinery matiufacture that .cleadly,• poison() beverage-culem. •• Kerox thrum/L.-A, social ea oft at Mr. Thos. Fair's. 13314 Mute evening, liavtng in view the afibeding; pr aid in the upholstering Of the 'new' church, . We uncleretend it is pro•. posed to •huld these intereeting so dills at in ter,vals of about two week, duriug • the'winter. The next one QUI be. held at the reeidence of Mr. Win,Mairay. —A it nj veesary service's in conneetion. the Sabbath 'School of this church will. be held on Thursday. next, -4tli-Do'cember. Mertrentsr 8.... S. --Anniversary 111c:today night. The aitendmite was large, the proceedings intereme: • iege and JIM.' proceeds over 880.. Superintendent Titempson, . -the teach,4 and all -others who intereet th e to sel ves' irt efor ward i ler Sabbath 'School • work are real brines. factors.'• Tim power fur gond of the the ...press, the. public, echoed', tlwarf • . into comparative imegnifis daecewlion coninared 'with that; of SabbcteleSchOols'. ' A watg it.ta rtuU,NDLESS AS, 'PORT. —I.10;St -Week. some ef the pub- lic.sehool cliild,en, haying peoliebly beard their seniors talking of sinalle Tex. in • the • ,County • of • If astitige, • where, it is. sa.id a number of (teethe have been occasioned byit, started a rumor that thnre.wereeasee of smell - ay ell 40 •A CLkee'S Reentsitor Onto out this week as clean typo. graphically as it generally is in tone Its tom dress is ver,9 peat. Tug Brussels 2'ost of the 28th Novr. eaya "Mr. Malloch 1. P. H. inspecettd the various departments of our public school this week." Gm» ENTIRELY TOO Fn.-Titat la what the Seaforth 14,108fter ;RIO ahOnt the tactice of the eGodArich rowdy organ, and placee •the latter • among_the "bad „crowd" in, the Act ittelee".- ON A Irtan,,-51rs. Root, from near the city of Kingston, is enjoy. ing a visit to ;Clinton. At present the lady is the guest of her nephew., Mr. S. J. Andrews, the editor and proprietor of the cane Jourual. TIIE LONDON FEE PRESS, be Heves in advertising, and it ads eup to its belief in a practical and artistie manner. The 1330,14 effort of the .F,1, P. in this direction is the issuing of a hantleOme, lithograph map of Western Ontario, the margin of which is illuminated with the liberal terms -upon which that king of $ journale, the Weekly Free r'ress, will be furnished. REEVE RoOEUS, of 13ruesele, has announced through the Post that be will not be a candidate this yeer, as. his private emsinees requires all hie time and attention. Those who know anything of the doings of the County Council will bear us out in saying thet Mr. Rogers has been one of ,the most painstaking end intelligent members of the County Parliament. In fact the gentleman poseessei3 experieeee and qualifice, tionri which would eminently. fit him. for a higher position at the hands of the people. WerAe's IN A NAmR.-tris Hem Wins, County Judge, etc., of the county of 1.1nron, one might think had, by rielit of •entailment, a surname which eis aufficiently brief to prevent any . liberties being taken '! with it, 'however unwittingly - OUR FIRST siumENTs 'Illustrated -London Nows''86 'Loudon Graphio Rave aseived from Loudon, England. Please seCtue OM, as they. Sol irelliug fast. CHRIS. DICKSON is ready to supply ell with Beautiful, Suttable and Pleasing OHRISTMAS PRESENTS... EVERY WANT SUPPI.IED. _ EVERY "TASTE GRATIFIED. •'EVERY euvaR DIELIGHTED. SAVE TIME, TROUBLE, MONEY, Autl get the best by choosing from our Extensive Holiday Stock of BOORS, TOYS, NOVRLTIES, JEWELRY,, SILVERWARE, FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS, ete. All Styliali, ifouent Eloocle, at go/lent Prices. Come ono and ell terS.A.NTA. MOMS' 141iTIADISE, at Dick -sons 'Book Store,...Cilinton. Pruler. wrinnespasken, als• • KING'S EVIL • Ma, j. VOPELAND ofj Moose Jaw, son of Mr. J. Vopeland lately deeeased in this town, was here last week mi husinese in relation to the will of Ids deceased father; The youtig man will shortly take up -his reisidetiee in Chicago. • Towa rariliamput. Met Alontlay night, All present except deptyelleeve Thompson who wee atteudirag Meth. S. S. .Annivere sag, • On motion of Councillor Walker, :seconded by Councillor Coats, Ja,utes Sheppard was granted per., mission to use part of sidewalk ea Townsend St. while engaged .in building operation, conformity with by,law, maxou aEPORT The following 'accounts eubmitted by 'chairman Melelurehie were pas- .- W Paieleye-Qes-Salary-.-• 8112.50 ; S. Pratt, do $1.8.75 e L.. Trees°, Aloe. balary, $27.00. Work accounts; T. McDonald 8:3.50 IIenry klets. Michael. Toole, 8'5.0(2; T. D'atter, 82.00; ,Tolin Devi* 500t L. Treuse, $1:50 ; Digging grave, Levagood, 82.00 ; for matches, 50t. E. Holtues, prin tine°. $5.50 -Re, peipte front Weigh scales $28..75., ' Corbett requested retnission of tax On dog, the animal haviog 'howl peisonett-Nlo action taken as -appli- cation had not been made until roll ewes returned, . ' FU§ftr'S ApplitittiOD for tuiesion of trirces oti. dog was granted, the animal having hetet destroyed by order • of Miiyor prior to return °f .17y1-1.1aw 'g places and appoint - jive depiety, returuing officers Was passed: St. James'. ward tit .A.. 8. Fieber's• offloo, •N. Mattliesian ;Rot, Oft. St. • George's ward at TemPer mice lrall; Geo,, Bay, Reit: 'Ott St. Joint's. ward at Runiball's carriage sheet,: W. If ,Culept3r, Ret. 011: •St. Andrew's Ward at ToWo Ilall, NV, II. Mite, Ret. Oil: • An inilemeity tWo defiers was. .lixed at; the • a woe n t to .he • pa i I for tise of_ room_ and Ret, iserx,ices_ mi nomination' day. told a like • sten for election day. • : :Oo motion of -Doane and termite - Ion. the oliarg,is per day to the S.' y, • d the winter -months,'• for use of To will:fall ie 84.00, At vamous times we have noticed me I that outside papers have been COUP., 'ay • teous 'enougi. to refer to him fin. Judge LT. Thothets.; .In Saturday's Globe a leol.advertieentent describes him as qrsatto Pranaut. Louis Esqr,, Judge of the :Ceunty Court of the Conoty of .Huron,"' ante repeats the distinctien li v afeerwarda describing him lie IliirlIonor, Isaac F. Louis, Real It -presentative • ' • A. Goon,. Thre.--Thursday night leet four young geinlamen andfour Young' ladies lielotigiug'-etoet maim- faeturing establishment (at leapt the young ladies do) iii the Grand Union block, rionclOrled to take •thejr first eleigh.ride-of the season. The night was beautiful, the cooing zephyrs of a. breeze warmed by the silvery rays' of Luna played with the hangs of the ladies, °aid dellied :with. the eneipiene Mester:herr of ,the young Mee, with. the ken tie toucle of a 13oriey, camp - bell,. as, the four cempla etteui pled 49 seat themselves it t thi"ee A ft6r .cou`siderod.do-,matlieinatimil ea], •celaekin as te the.posnibilityof pets ting four couple into.seats intended .feir.. three couple, the Metter was arranged. • .A... (rood tinnt, generally, .was had. Mr. Loppear. h.as bit. particularly eplendid, ever eitice because :Mies. Preiteflirt re- ntarke'J to Mies iiitisiterine that itisfirei feature e and perfect' map tiers. Were. only' equalled_ hy his itwfully‘ beautiful beau isese,e elr. 0iiticesito disacinrSed on edicedelights of kisting and heltaii it all hy himself, The fell -owing reerning. sneezing was the older. of . the day. One remarked, "had a go -is ker-iee-soo o-e•op sweat ood time --last night."." "Yes, bah 'jo've; ei boo kerenr ipe ose time I" • PDX in a fathity in; tow, .scittle of Whose .we're attending the sellout -• Ir vas statetl itt die'. S011001 by the eetuthers that the ,rumor Was a pure fabriction, bad lint a partjele of. 'trail in it- ' A, Goon Tuts& istolil of a-. mite Amy eiozep ‘vbe is. 4. Scott Act th.n. Ile, within tlie past ‘erear, signed ki petit ien that it license lie grante I to a hitherto .utiliconeed bowie in to -Wit. Ile warettlee",one of •the signers, and . . can yeerer *of lilt re Sept t Aut"peti-• tion. When remonstrated with !))7 a get-el-41mi inconsiStedeV., Ii, replied:. "Oh, I •wari:pecuiritariey interested ingetting, his Reense." "Yoe," replied 'the othey party, "you. wereewilliteg :that he should 'send souls: to hell tintit you got .your teeney Out of him, 'and nowelliat you h a etZ entrapped i m . into the: eeprinditure of hundreds of. dellars. •reaoup 'yourself,. you • ask we to • sign .a ,petition which, if suecessfu I, will (peke that expenclitere ueeleret • and ruin theman you haYesprofited Under therm cireumstatices not sign. tire -Scott. 4.et petition for VOU." Oven. 'Nen -On Thuestleylate, two Sherift's 01117:;r7.1C-Ont Goderipli visited the residence.of '1.NI•re, 0. Tait, Scott, ter Pureetsg;esf obtaining enoney or notes foie her. That . lady not tieing willing to,glye them us. a.,tus.sle Melded, in. which Mie. • &sett . was 'violently' pushed back-. wards bpon a liOX and her daughter thrown . to the fluor. They , were then eparelied by the edgers fuel the notes taken from tier pereoe. When Mrs. Scott was ,kliticked or pushed down she received Knelt injurre's to. her back and fiervoile syStinuthat medical assistance .was neceesat•yf and we are sorry to say shell; at. present unable to lee" her .bed. Buell actione as these t� obtain pfe- perty may be eight according -to hw hut WO think any 9flicer.of the law who goes*. to 'work an itderes a lady in such a roUgli maimer should. pay the penalty 'bed the pante QS one who is aereeted for assault and hattery.,-;Wieghatif 4.dvcolac, orIttITINO AWAY A llinte Bita Me• R. w. Barker, post • office in- apeetm• of the London diVision, bait eliu,h,01 the arrest of a man owned Centts for steallog t mail bag from the maga rueping bettveen Gerrie. and 'Wtoxeter on the .22ult. . -The mail bag wee foutul in the woods' half a Mlle from where in Wes teken front tlie stage. It enetnit that John the Sertforth stage drivqr, was obliged to stop at the town hail, leaving a party 'living tip the Gerrie road in a rig till he should conic) eta again, • When.' he crime 00 a few ininutee'after, the man. liad • (Reappeared, 641 • looking into, the' sleigh, the niai bag was a's» gene. 'Smith thinking that he had gone on ahead with the bag ort lark, drove to his pittee,•but. on ar• ''riving'feend that Ids man was'ilet there. Not epprociating what he stipposetr•at firitt was only ajoke ito again drove to Wroxeter. but (dill could' not find him. After a delay of two hours lie at length 'with somit other parties, drove to .tht.\ mote's house tt:gaini Smith at "onee`sharge ed hint with taking the hag, Which he denierhin the most violent. Man- ner. Itowever, he took- Smith into a field mitt pulled the mail hog 'from under au old Poet, laughing mean,* while to impi6814 Smith with the Idea moot excelirsut • ' • G. B., MEETI.NcL --Last l'Imrsday evening the nMst thinsiastic.meet- . leg 'of, the. 0 liseryatiye Associatioit .01 Clinton that .%vtt lit1.;ve attended WaSlield a tiee Couenerciai :Hetet, for. the titti.pese 'of apPOintimr gates to the Grand .13anquet: t� .be* held in Tore'llto on the 17th. and 18th December; iiiltemor of the 40th: luniefereary �t the entry of Sir John intOeptililic life . E.. Corbett, pros -Wen t of the'A.sseciatioe • • occupied the' Chair, and ',AV'. 11, •ceeper, t•be.•alsve.,Ye at-hisemst secre• ,- tary, performed- the clorleal 'duties.' R. M. :Emery subinitted an address to be -presented t� Sir Sohn. It met -with the unaeituous disproval -Of • the meeting 'anc1:. was signed by ex- Beieve E. Cerbett; Pr'eehleitt Clinton Li beret Oduservetive Association; tV. 'H. Cooper„ .Keeretary, • and by 11. Raecey, President West flurott Liberal. Conservative Aesociation; Gee. Hanley, 'De:1)ee/3310y; D'• C:ins teloit,• Jon. 'Allah:ion, T. 0, Doherty„: W, SMith, ceedepu ty-reeve Tints: Cooper, E.. Bloody, Geo. Andersen, A. M. `.1'odd and ()there, onbel,aif of the "Coneervetive '.Association and people 'of CI ititon. A lege number ef delegates gave in _their unities. They viiI appcnhit a ••chrtirmaie. who Will procure tichade from,• nr, 130- %6(1, chairman of the 0e'tiventieh. The Banquet .ef the 17t1t will 14joly he a 'perfect ovation to • the veteran statesman: It will be largely , alt. tended freen title WectiOne., ,• • :PO/LW ''llutiLDINGS.---Some timo ago %Ye:alluded to 'the growing iere portance of Clinton end the. con tenege lug terideney of eircuteriteinee which will at nedistant dete result iti this, olive belitg„ the county town of Wo then pointed out the advisability of seine of oar ropre- sontative intim making 8 mOve tee - ward• petitioning the,Minister of Public Works that the Gevermeent be plettaed to ertit h public building in Clinton whielt Would be suitable for the Post Office and •Customa and ruined Reventie if tutees:tag, liad Slops been taken in this direction then we believe the request' woOld have hell that 'consideration which ni.ust have resulted in the prayer of the petition being.. granted, NVil have 'the matter brought to our. attention again from the fact that dielerich is making an earnest move for a similar • peepolie, As will be SP011 by our items from that place, deputy-IN.:Ye 4roliattie tiameron hits eonaented to bo the bearer of their petition to OtittWa, Settle liaVe 1(41 idea that the ereetion of these Stet of public buildings moans the Attire, mtxtiorative *expenditure of tho amotfnt they eest„ jiiis i e. mis, take. They are often paying in vott, moots,. as the Government haelit ply' rent for buildings to trallactet SUell 0111,SSOS of's pnblie business in. And in many eaSeS. the amount now being paid for rent, Would pay fair interest on 'the slum 1tpon(ilttd itt the eroetion of buildings giving greater facilities for the tranettetion of' the pubite bueineros atul peerientleg at e'rn Was the name formerly given to Scrofula because of a euperetition thet it could be cured by a kieg's touch. The World la wiser UQW, and knows tbat SCROFULA •, • can only be epred by a thorough puridea. thin of the blood: If this is neglected. 'the disease perpetuutes its taint tbrottee generation after geueretien. Among Its earlier symptoteutic developments :ire Eczema, Cutaneous Eruptions, Tu- mors, Carbuncles, Erysipelas, Puentent Ulcers, eeervous and £i,y- lal ere, It allowed to eon. thine, Rheumatism, Scrofulous Crt. tarele Kidney end Lis cc Disqnses, Tubereular Consumption, oll(3 'turb- o:um other dangerous 01: fatal nadatiles, are produeee by it. .Ayer's .Scer-sanarnfla Is the only pmverful-and alv.(7rs reliable blood -pull! ging medicine. 14 isio (fibre nal alterative that it eradicates trom the sLstentilcrerlitucy, Recorlart,anct the kind -WO of contagious diseeses and mereurY. At the mite time it-tn. riches and vitalizes the Wed, restating healthful adieu iotthe vital oremis 1141(1 rejuvenating the entire system. Tblegreet nenenerative Medicine Is composed of the stenuine Heed/tees &reaper/we with eenots Deere eete. ringer, the Ioaides of Patassinm in10 iron, end other inereclients of great Po- teney, careful7v and seienlilividly com- pounded, Its *manila is al.:neve! ty known trimba SA RS4 SIN an . Satnallinne •' week 'Nit:. *th. ;Newcomb lost it farin horse valued et.about $200. The 1111 - Mal 'got in to the giatiory tu•the contents of whit:kit :helped itself somowirat.libcral-' into lie Angering at the church toth leocenilier. There wilt. be speechei, by several t‘...11 known gentlemen' together with intisic by. thechoir. A: buge.attendance is expected. • . There is gots]. Sleighing here, • irltiely inakus AIM'S assume a sOsine.what lively up. Tearmice.,, ' • th;bating society is talked of here to ' be organized for tin; 'Winter. • This could •it be accomplished, would:bon goua moye. 'I'luire Shoulil be talent enough here for very successful society. 8(11604 M PO It'r 8. 8•(0, 0,:meeeie • For th'Class,- Arithmethicialitidnable 106; MarY, Halliday 84 ; 2,, Martha Cloakey 72 ; 0; Thomas, Wilkiuson 68 4, Mina Tucker 434.5, Ittary Campbell 42.; Class, -Geography,- miltte•100.- -1, Alexander llocel 91 • te Christy Halliday $0 ;$,. David Artnsirmag'7.4 ; 4, James Johnson,.70.'; ;I, Martha Cloakey Mina, Tucker 5.1 ; . 7 • • r • . Itne•field. A..very plesant as well as. beneficial meeti'ng war held in the Osauge Ila11 op Wednesday evening by ' the Conservative Aseeciatiot, ,on which occasion the .following officore were elected : president, J. Pollock ;Vico •Presideut, Morrison;;Secretery, E. Rutledge ; Treasurer, W. W. CJU- • nor. '.11Ir. G. (.Tackeon, Egraoudville, County Seeretary, was present • and eddreeriecl themeeting iu a Very able • manner. ••. • . • • • At a reeent.hee here smne'Sriett Att weir tookpossession of pervate per.• sons yard.•witil Ude% tottins,• mating aedirt anti 111014S around thedoor atid whim they. had pearly pumped the wellsdry, which, is tho only supply of several fru-Wiles in -the the lady of the hone° asked theni if they would mit go. to the hotel 'to Water their homes as sire feared the well weeld be pumped dry.' .Thoy• answered her they were Scott. Act .men. mid then . addressedthe. lady in abusive language not tilt° be addresee ed to any ono and left.•Is 'anything rficanor than trying to heat a priesoir ottb of 6`or 10 tents ; bi Wan the OrOV.Va 'afraid. to go to.a hotel lest ono of them . would' be asked. to repair the' 'barn door whieli he smashed, la§t fall and promised to fix butelid 'not. . . • About one liiinditd;Iords cf%vocal. pea - sad thirntgll here on Saturday last., Mr. 7 R„ Minion has purchased tlie; farni.oi Mr. Stewart in Colborne. • • There ivas a surprise party -at' Mr. 10. Aellesous on Tuesday night last. Mr. 8. (Tliddon has a driver whifili can cover a mileiti.2:50 • Mr. Thomas Lela) and wiffi, of Gowrie, are' visiting friends in this vieinify. The following finical's %tete (fitly olected tot Al 0. I., I80 ; • ilingter„ • Bro. A.. Cantelon Dlit. Master, " ff. A. Caliiiele Treasurer, " It, Elliott Sneretary, ''P. Cook rinnticto 8003r.i " teithwaile Chaplin, • " W. Crooks • ' D. ,C., L. Conk, senior Sr. Corn. gan„" S. Cantelon .• end 0; " ' F. lite0arteey Srd O. Mao,," /le Sweate 4th 0. 'Men., , Te'Seeit. 6th 0. Mem,'" '1, Tomlinson. fitottyties Opinion or bitterest 'to all. . 3, A, l'armoy, Esq., a lesiiing Woo. Dry of Winona, ANI,, writes "After tviing it for more than three /earth 1 take itiboitt pleasure in eteting thet 1 regard Dr. Xing's Now Piscovery Pie C011ainnptiOn. aftt the best remedy itt the worfil for (lintglis and Colds. It. .has never failed to curb the' most severe colds I have had, and; ably relleVee the pain in the Chest." Trial Uott1e of 1,1111 euro QUM ter all Theoat rind Lung, biatiege tney be ,Cure For all diseases caused by the vitiation of thieblood, 'It is concentratedto the high. .04 practiceble degree, far heyand any other preparatior. for which like effects aro claimed, and is therefore the cheapest, as well as tee best hleod puelfelne /nee!, • eine, in tho world. taw 4,111.) • rreeretnED.nY Cp. J. C. A'yer. Co;', Lo'rre• 11, gass• rAnalytieril Chemists:1 • . ' •Bold by all Druggists : 'Twice i; six • bottles Per i5 . rOtter'S 11111.11. , •suppoie, you liavealready 'beard. of the joke the schootehildren Imre :play ed.,on our -worthy, ni erohttn-t,-41-r-, Newton. • It is worth repetitipg any-. •w ity serene that some of the boys 'became impresSell with the idea that there. 'was likely to be an 'extra de- . wand foe over -rine here fruit in the County .town, plying to a rumored fendness el the coruluetoes..of oneof' the jouruals of that for the ar- ticle in question. Quite a few dozen: hati tigen . treasured up but the it'd - den an tiprithy •of the Goileeieletteyu. literary• luminary for them made it quite appm•ent t those who were • getting.up tbe "career') orielien.feeie. that there was going 'to be e drop, in . prices': They .itocerillogly 'etrtered, into im„,eotiations .with 11 t'. 'Newton feii• the steels. 'they lied on hand, for future .delivery. Newton- put up the ..desiresi tuargiu lollipoo and -toothsome trifles .• :hen.. feuit. was delivered end ncrefurther. advance ' ,required. • 'Nto . ustonielied. merchant poeleubt thought be was being too •treated• teetil he diecovered the. 'Yore • ruatur`e.nature of them, 'when it is., said,' his rebelli- ous olftie,t,ories refused .'tti• pass .thena• itt goOd order and conclition,.conse7 quetitly they. were deposited' where. they•wouid enrich the manure pilee-e• • iVIARK ET RE POR (,Corrected ivory 'Tuesday ere:moon eeiSiTON. '54 00 Pall Wheat, • • • 0 70 Spring Wheat, - 0 70 Elarley • . 0 45 Oats, • •• - • -• 024 Peits,• . • -• 0 05 Apples, (win , ter) 'per hid •- '2 00 Potatoes, • - • 0 30 Butter. 010 Eggs, • 0 16 llay, • ., 8 00 Ilidos, 6 00 Beef, .. Sheepskins Turkeys, Turkeys, por pound, flizekt, por pair Chlekeus, per pair Pork, Pn'fc Col (Igoe() , 6 00 • 075 to 100 000 to 000 .000 to 000 ▪ 000 •to 000 '• • 000 to ,0,0 . 7.00 to 8 00' - • 6 50 .te• 60 3 00 to 400: , THosE ovERcoATS sr PuR MANTLES AGIcilir. Men's Fur Caps, Ladies' Fur Caps and Capes. 131ankets, Rugs, Carrets, CloOlug. The Finest Selection in the County. Always busy on amount of the Great Variety of Goods we show. Come and see -us. • Only One Price. 8 per cent. off for Cash. Butter and Eggs taken for Good, Estate of the Late JOHN /11 JQEN$. J. CALLANDER, Manager. a What- are You Going to do - STOVES. STOVES About It? Just 'Arrived, ; Splendid Lat Almet Keeping Warm WE MEAN. Coal Stoves, Cook Stoves, • - " " '"" '" " AR,LOR & BOX STOVES, OP EVERY DESCRIPTION, . —AT— • Mpmath..itok..-Wareteus gardware.,40,-Tin.Shop,... EA SEASONS TEAS TRy A PouNii- OF, .0.0.0PER.4;-:.. SO po et• wk.. Mack, Green orJamm Tea, warranted to give satisfaction'''. New Retsina, ' Currants and Peels for X. -MAS Trade. • A•foll line ol-Chase & Sanborn's 9 •CELEDRATED ROAM STED COFFEES BEST IN THE WORLD:- " • wiR,-a- 4.1\i -i>, Jam . -Magnificolt–Assortment of -Fancy-Cupi ,Saucars, etc. VANTLONBIZQS„. R.Blieral (1-liocers. and Produ60 11110cliallts, • RACEY'S OLD STAND, ALBERT STREET,'CLINTON. Choice, Fresh Family Groceries ' CONSTANTLY. IN STOOK.. 13.12; -..----EXTRA VALUE. F'arin Produce taken at Highest Price.: . TILT11_101\T 391=2i0.31. ecomaszaccemmammei FFAIIII8I GOAT ROBES 0.-=•—• 0 11S14.Novir is Your Time to Buy ! SEE, SHARMAN S AssOrted. Stock •Large: to 070 • to 0 70 to 6 65 to '0 28 to 0 55 to 0 00 to 0 se 10 ;0 18 Lo 0 18 Lo ,Q 00 to 700 Lo 0 00 STRAY HEIFER. O'A1lE • into 'the enciesure a t4tq subscribor,-• 'LotCo»session 10, floclerleh Township, stbont the 1st Nov.:either, one S•year old Heifer, lilostly white, hut partly of a roan weir, waxed white and redhe T,owner ean have tlic mine ii' paying exponse0.- •• • • 011011010MINSTIZONO. a CHICHCil TOWIni1111), Nov., 1044. • STRAY CATTLE. qMUG, Into the 'enelosure Of the subscriber, Lot 14 Coneasslon14, About tho. m ddle of Neveniber last, '3 Yearling Stoors•-•one nearly ail .rod, ono red and white, and one rein/ also one yearlinglheifor, mostly ied. THO owner Is requested to prove property, lo.07 charges end edce thorn sarav, ••• JOHN .HIHOHAM. ' HnliOtt, Nov. 27, 1884. 815.-31 STRAY HEIFER. riA.11E to thepromises of the. undersigned, Lot 40, Godorich township, oil el -emote went September, "1(111)AND WIIITE.(ltitillning to roan) YEARLING HEIFER, 'Phu ewner Is re. oneeted to 'werc prOporty, pay charges. and takc the animal away, . •,161 I 14 WOOIA 313.01 Uftyneld P. 0. CHANGE. INP O .SINESS ! ThOMPSOL 85 SWitZer: • lining eerie ekre s°137,1 ise 1NC,AttV ' we two g73-00 ear mites store 1.1 .. of GREATLY :REDUCED PRICES. • Groceries; Boot, Showy . °ROOK RitY Am, GLASSWARE.. Ml pietist( 111(151(1351111140 requesfed to settle •tip before that nate. tie' No erectile° tool; on• account after th0.1st of Doreinhu FEMALE TEACHER WANTED, rot the owor division of tho Clinton Mod School, to complete tho %Jaime of theyoar. ifkl•tf W. E. IflNII, Secretary, TEACHERS WANTED 111(tirtivrivieote,aletitiTe(14,16.31%teRk:deofiersecroolleista .1es.50.13T.110S0 wim have e knowledga of singing preferred, Mtn sertient•trs nee instrii,.etTilte,t vindication to the Seerotary. Testimonials and wary expected' nem in ma mtli ap- plication, W. IT. IIINE,secretar,v, Clinton. Ailli"MPlitrontrturgirm.mtl .of ROBES .AND I3LANICF,TS if you Wish to " Ytte, Mi21\17•Mi. "Sr Everything in the HAIIPIE$S line clown.to stilt the tames. GEO. A. SIIARB/1_AN. TEIE ARAlk, TO TIIE FRONT—SO IS ur %vercoats an u ARE JUST THE THING FOR COMFORT,. :-:UP. FLANNELS, BLANKETS &COMFORTABLES AT. CLOSEST PRICES. —0-0-0 pEosis BAD . BOY, asioxet require to know how bad the boy is. NV% want every Father and Mother to know how good our BOY'S CLOTHING is to wear. A change of program each week. Look for it. PAY .84 YMEMAK, Tho ])Rir,QQpjos ,---Just received., another large lot of the-- . ._....„ cELEHlliTip..,. Atilt...N. s , - • , , •• • A .0 . • I k .9 , ‘ Tam 331ST IN Ti 3STAXtICXti•r. .A.MCIEI, STOVZia, •.'!' cos-ctrix, .a,s..we. •3:3,.xtiTivxs, . • ao-vc. ca--1.A:xlvs, mme.. -• PIP, /tyro. PRICES LOW: ic.qi igr TRY OUR NEW PROCESS COAL,011.. , tea, Pal tieelfaviug our Wire Stretthers and Oil Cans %yip 'please retthrn tinini. EL11.1\11BROS S•ign of the Padlock, 'Albert Street* 10 OLINTON , • 111... M',..A..,RST-I...A..1-.11.e, (Lido of Seethe!), has,opciied outoniiiiiiiletiviON;VI.Ii,(L)t'el, 01.0'1E011; ue.arly oppesito till • c HURON. 'STREET CLINTONP• .. - Where he fellow pronated to tio. all (Meerut Blacksmith Work. ilorse-hoeinp; 0, .,$pecialty.: V!' • ..A.11 Woyki(litairanteed. --wrrit HS - e -i# Stook of SeOtch and 'Canadia,ii Ty' eedel • Overeentings Teealtbfiegs and Plain and Pitney Worsteds, My WM: is tdean and well ecleeted. Al. Fischer to the front for theeliettpest, best trimmed and best fitting Suits in the eomity. Como and see for youlSolves (toe price to ell. *Alqthele, send your bo s, if yen have not got the time, T'ry OARCALL for your nest Snit. Oroasiorierao.r., • ftf • TWITC-H ELM Moria ("Union, O)toPio. 'Buffalo and Goat Robes, for sale cheap received rey-----e ALL and WINTER Stook (If B001!e, PI/07'14, rte., / %Add call the ii:Itention of the pubtie to the same. ittr Women's Itid Boots only. $1,7f). • • ' f NYee's, hors and Children's, cheap, accordingly. MIA Valises very theap. Team and Carriage Harness cheaper than over, ' Sliver.4\101[11,M Shade Harness only $14. id" /laity Carrieges, a 1st* variety, at almost Inilf price. 13,000131ine1lea High Land Me anti Cedar sidngles for aer, e Ilea p, TO SELECT 'MOM. IRON AND HAFIDIVAIIE MERCHANT,