HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1884-12-03, Page 1HUM STAM41:f',11NTON,
11t#N►tttaeet!r lC tit Ana A.e l ' In all Mafia et
Marble 4 Granite dor Cemetery
work at eves not defy centeatitleta
Mao tatauutacturer of the Celebrated
t,>A,xteteues. SIO$tt for Buttdiug -•
-10tuseitend tleutetery Work. which muse •
ti woo. to -bo appr;siated.-n-Ali.,�werk
warranted to ,give t etttal'aet,on.
TEAM'; $1.25 per Alum, in . dvouoa.
N4,. -v ',
W XT LY d:; TODD, Fublisher's.
Wu•0LE. NO„, 315
ot'I OUR'
�, m , .••-..� �,... �.._. • m :�.�.�.,�.. .. ,v., QV�.....�
'our a ti e sttk7 a,t•
Vill offQ1� all and after FRIDAY, the '21st N EM_ �,
In the.esveut of the final decision
'of the courtsin the Lepisox eteuttun
trial rendering a now .election traces.
nary, 'it lige boat decided than Mr.
Pruytt shall again contest the -coo..
mituency in, the Liberal-Conoerva=
rive Interest.
Rev. 51r. Carry, of Kingston, in.
*Itis sermon one night, dealt with,
the clueetion of religious instruction
in the publio rcltoolh, eotttending
strongly in iter favor, turd pointing
out the evils attendant upon the
present system. .
he made his escape to °anade and
eugaged in boating on tl+;& St. Law-
rence until 1850, when: he removed
to Branford where he bas since ived
Me Js now employed) in the court
boast of that place by bailiff Jack-
son. 'rho old wan is troubled with
rheumatism in his feet, but other*
wise enjoys excellent health. Next!
The St. Catherine Jotirrlttl relates
that a farmer went to Dunnville
witlt'a load of potatoes, for which
hewas. offered only 100. a bushel.
Rather than take this small atttouut
he threw them into the Grand River
anis was brought before a magis-
trate, for having so done aid Outfit
620-und;costa:'-.._.................. -
7 --The Rewind flodzr of the custoiu.
lidese`at Ottawa felt on Saturday
evincing, there being several hun-
dred barrels of apples placed' there-
on. On the lower floor were gin
and brandy casi a and other arti-
cies, •wittuh were 'numbed to pieces.
The kris will ea. Upwards of $2,000,
As the goods were all in bond, the
Government will be the loses. -The
cause of the'aecidleut watedlue to the
ricketycondition-of- the ileo' 4 'tri
The treaty between Spain and the
Uuited States has alarmed St, John,
N. 13., shipowuernand others,. who.,
fear their interests sill' • suffer.'
thereby., and they ere therefore poi'
titioning the Dominion .Govern
abut to at once, take active steps
towards securing a reci'prooity treaty
with the British and Spanish .Weat
fettles. and; ask that in convidera-
tioti'of the fisherytrerty adout ex
ing tsar question of reciprocity
,with the Uitited.,Stutee .bo. ,re -open.
liiITISri-. EOREIO'.
Charles Nawtd>n-Biggs, late ,can-
tian in the 68th lte;;iuteet, was.
a'ottvioted recenttly o placiue oh
structions on eke Caledonian Rail-
way at Dr ttmlithto viaduct and was.
stntteneed to twelve ntotldtht's tut-
currespendent of the London
Zancet says that owing to the dial -
unity of obtaining human skin tp
kraft• over granulating wounile, he
is using tide skin of frogs with great
success, Frog skin retaine its sites
lity for a long time, and cant be car -
tied to a distant patient by the
surgeon iti his pocitet.
e_ r •s desirable lilies we will value theta, having
"- • ' e marked to Cost, but.in tltt,l s
t' no Our whole Stock I
e°i>iien � �:
In the tem „ doriginal price,•will,shaw the reduction.
,The ' RED TICKET on every article alongside the crib
no regard for east,
Our Stock is i.
n first-class
class order. the much
�• r
e a to
it b
New Goods, bought this season, withgreatcareas
regards value • a d
ourcase *rith. the public,, w
. that • e`conii:dea�.tl , leave p ,
the almighty dollar.
o.•are all after.
tremendous reduction on current . prices will be such
may see.
. 1st,
The third year of our lease expires on March 1885.
are being:made for the transfer.
Remember the time, the place, and your interests.
r the blind
• hat
rii'oIrttttt'st Rtt1ll'Orlttll WI iltiatOft
Those *gold, dr* woo i+aPtr,•'
eaysteg yea to feed Israely able eta klr dtA.
�ur fetal, Celt coaster *Lis *SC •
trout your venous all £t9 On
ityt drivl the bloom fru a year
that tont; gnat strut upolt ytutr vtx+,w
force; renderleg you irrfttl4e4tretA4l,
can easily lie reyiovud lei' the VetpII t
uaarvelutui remedy, >p 1?ittety. Its _.
buttes urns ONtrwttatiuus of years .Vitale*
ore relieved at mace while the*mita
teause of periodical pelts ere psrzttdtttv,atle
removed. vete t :elve to tmwlt *Wirt
and steno arc se •posfetttttlly grateful, itate
slum such an it)tsfsitt as kffoi tuutattdi
loop Bitters as mowers,
Postai Crab Its4nry•
• I Imoa octedt with 1i id,iey and urinatr;'f
"Trott he yeisis 1'"
Atter tr lug all the ',teeter') end l itta,itt
medicines I could )dear et; 1 tawd twobut-
des or H
And 1 ata perfectly t:uretl. Ikeit it
"all the • deed" resevetfttlly, 1i p,,
deal+, Saulabercy, Teen..—Dial; 4, lb#t.
A. correspnttdea}t writes to UP.'
Adly Teter. ph as follows
0. called upon we for wine peewit,.
try assistance, not so u►ueh for Woe
self as for his wife, who info a litAr
vitt; eondlition. Ile stated that frit
father—who • held: property in llti
County of Cork—•ilea abont three
years ago. Fur two years previous
to his death he did) not receive one
peteey put of an. annual rent••ioll of
about 43,000, acid singe his demise
the estate had been lylug on the
hands of the tinnily solicitor, who is
unable to obtain rent,- or tolied
buyers for the property. 1 am
aware that this is not ea isolated
ease in tlte• sad annals of the owners
of property in Ireland, on whom So. BLoosnsovttute,. 0., Play 1,
d, strange feature of the Irian
Ilegistrattr-t3etteral's report is..that
?/,376 deaths; or 2.''r per cent. of the
whole number of violent deaths in
Ireland•duriug the .past. year were
Quailed by borne or scalds, due,. of
course, to the open peat tires on the.
floors of'cabins.. Over out -half of
these were children under five years
of age, and two-thirds of .the re,
malodor were 'women.
TIte Queen has positively refused
to allow Lord Wolseley to avail laitn-
-self of the ervices etfideii 1a1 13.<ker;•.
and her • Majesty. l►as. intimated that
her decision in ,the case intim! and,
unalterable, It will be 1,f 1I trber.
ed that General Baster is, the English
officer who was convicted; a few
years ago, of attempting an indecent
aetimilt.ett a young lady, its a rail
way carriage. '
lisAntrouo P ., Msy,8, lige.
1t has :tired inc ed *Lases, stool
ON nervousness,. siekness at that stenisoh,"
timidity outdates, etc. I have net aeon w.
ruck day in a year, sleet I took Bop lift-
tees: 4,11 toy aeighlro's use them. Mnn.
kaxese attzi, t.
3 000 Lt .
"",a tour ht Europe Chet eat inc *3,000,'
""thins Inc lest goad thosan orde r iwttle et .
"Molt Bittorst they alit cured wy: wife of
""fi�teen years' nervous weaktdeasz, sleep•
"'lessuen and dys M'sito"
'•k. 40 tluiuutas N.Y. •
the P4rnrillite doctrine of 'no rent" -
has been and its practised with an
impunity shocking to recognize in a
civilized eowwunits',
Dr. Talmage Evollvtes.
When the Deptist ministers met
in New York the other day Rey. Mr.
Phillips,- of Wiltiamshurg, offered a
resolution that the Conference de-
clare itself not responaibie,io
wild utterances of tate Rev -Dr. Justin
D. Fulton at last week's messiah. The,
resolution was not seconded, and the
matter dropped, . Rev. Dr,' Talmage
made ah' address on the resolution.
"There is no contest," said Mr. Tal-
mage, "betweeh science and revela-
tion. Who gave us the telegraph?
Morse, a Christian. :Who swung the.
cable ? . Lyrui . W. Field, another
Christian. •Evolution is out and out,•
i' Qlft. Paine, ,II•urte: alld,Vol;
tditd.... y
taire `did) no more disbelieve the
IIoly' Scripture than those, who be-
lieve . in,• evolution.. There is one
dogma. of evolution which we are.
partioularly asked to adopt, viz., the
survived of the 'fittest, But do the
fittest survive? . Garfield died in
,June and O,itteatt was' alive nearly a
Year. afterward. (Applause.) The
origin of the doctrine of evolution is
attribtlted to Herbert Spencer and a
few others, but evolutionists existed
before Speneer began to evolve.
(Laughter.): • It is an, old' heathen
ceruse set up in a morgue, and Dar.
Win and Spencer have been trying to'
galvanize it, , (Roars of laughtenl If
a pair of aPes had a man for their
descendant, why should not all apes
have that. honor? 'According to, eve-
lutioniste a man is a bankrupt mon-
stay, ;d •
Mr. .Q titin, aecdtnpaniesl, by three
bailiffs, protected) by twenty police,
visited the lands of Sololteadbeg,
-OW t 1.,itnitrick"Junction-;°to evict,- at
the instance of the Rev. Vin. M'"
Keogh, parish priest,,.Baltyualtincle
in the. Diocese- of Cashel, a tenant
named Patrick Haply, whobottle
about one hundred and five Irish
acres. Hatay gave up peaceable
possession. His wife, who itt merle-
eri .of nines 'children, the youtteest'
being only two months old, faiuted
and was taken to.a neighbor's house.
The Rev. Mr. 11I'1(eo,a,li three weeka
.ago proceeded to Qutorica to collect
tnoney for a parochial charity.
Br'.• 1hn.' Mul eltan, and his
hired 'matt. •111ieheel Siuith, were on:
Satuaday returning from Sarnia,
: and when Within a few rods of their
I,o►ue the ' homes• suddenly starter]:
throwing ,Siuitlr violently • to the
gtowiud and breaking, his • neck',' the;
waggon passing ever part of ;his body,
and wok severing the jugular vele.
Mr: IMIeIelian' received a broken
atm' and.sevaral bruises, but-he•wil'1
recover front his injuries.. Both
were farwtiers'living about live tulles
froiu Sarni ..
A' patty writing from Dorchester,.
Middlesex (Jo., suye : Rev.. Solomon'
Peter Ilale, has been 'requested to
give zt lecture bene' on the Scott
Act. It is expected quite a number
of those! gentlemen .who 'prate 'so
tnucll in its favor will take seats ori
the ldl:dtfot'iit And d for' the benefit
of ,the . ratepayers will no doubt
bring down' a financial statement of
how:wuob taxes they pay into the
treasury bf the .Dominion, Province
nod, resper:tive mmnicipatles. The
.answer will be easily, resolved as
follows 0, 0, 0:
The funeral of the late P,tlivar.d
Gurney, hardware nian.ufacturer,
took place it'll smitten, 'Monday of
last week, and was one of the largest
that has• taken plcace there foryears.:
Nearly all the prominent basint'as
melt in the city were prese,.t. The
employees attended iti• a body and
madea big tura out 'Pliey'walked
four abreast and covered a space of
over • three bloeks. !there were
about 300, from the Hamilton' works
about 200 front the Torouto factory,
and about 50 front tha works iti
Dundas. The pall -bearers were
chosen, at the request of the .deceas-
ed, from among the .foremen of the
difftsrent departments in the differ-
: etitfactories •
• 'tate of ierento, 'toner Graduate Goya! College
ef Denial Surgeons,
Ali Work negIstered. Charges Moderato
111 ikOs
11 lease
REEVE. 01110e, nattenbury Street, nu«
medIstely behind Itensford's book store.
,ttitsideace Opposite the Temperance non, Iluron
A tlarinlitIllit for Innen CotultY. Sales at-
tended to in any part of the County, Ad-
iress orders to UODBMACO P. 0, V.17.
LA. Myth. SaluS attended in town and country',
lotti for sale. Money to loan on real estate, at
low rates of interest, Insttranee effected on all
elttertai of property. :Totes and debts collected.
milt stooks bought and sold. • • •
Birth. Ddc. 16. ISF10
/0741'01frak•ra; 141)1114 1..V 80 ItA MOE, .6
u 0.14 71110114 AG.01412'. tar Moose to Loan.
Meets eneoeu MONDAY Of 'Dray
the Town Ilan. -Visiting brethren
Wong to gad;
A t tow Termite Infereat and uPon earns to suit
• borrowers.
Deaver Mock, Canton
Clinton, May 17th, 1882, " ,20
Veterinary Surgeon,
A, Motion Winsbern, 1•13P,,
c'envoeiloink. oinee-West street, Next
der tif Pest Oleo, 0644riert, -Ont. 61.
ronto, havilig opened en office in Clinton, is •
prepared to trost au diseases of dOmOdIC
aryloNt0t ON MiDolt0St modern prin.
performed, and sane prompt.
' ..ty attended to by day or
melte Fees moderate,
Orrion,::-Ist door West of Xen.
'II C. ItAlta, eoftettor, &e. (trend, teraseet
Store Ooderith, Ont.
Ali *chef to lend et lows/trete* el Interest.
ovine/sty, botweyeriene, &e. *Moo oter
ammo unit store, die tomeit !MIME! lifele,
pled by- Judge 'Dow.
vented Airenentistetiostertne MOO Works
ter the emiety of Items.
ONEY to lend in.largi or entail sews, on
80W mortgoges or personal I °entity, as
15 1
t13,1 441i1 9 1
01 I
you sALK.
y .1`111t. slave of DELCIatiVli, the dwelling
honse and store occupied by me.' •The site 01
one of 'the most desirable the village for busi-
ness. There is a good stable, outhouses, and an
excellent soft water cistern on the promises, Tam
lot comprises # of tut Imre. The buildings are
,in good repair. Will be 8oid oheap, as the pro.
This Hotel is furnished throughout with greet
care to meet the wants of the travelling public.
Cotnitiodious sample rooms. The best of Itgitors
and cigars are Wears kept at the bar, Good
atacablen.. Beat intitated itr Clinton. Give us
. JAS. MOORE, Proprietor.
Minton, 3una 1182,
WEEK'S ponos..
Stns --I have been suiforiug ren years,
and I tried Hop Bitters, and it gene me
inure good that all the doiiters,
Miss 8. S. longi.
Baby S41veff. ,
We are so thankful to say That our
narsirag baby was permanently eurest of •
longer ens and protracted) cwoatipation tad
irregularity of the hovels by the use of
Hop (litters by its mother, which at .t e,
sante time restored her toperfect health
and strength.
—Tim permits, Rochester, 'i 'r»;
t r atto_.yetwine.withont.,a_bund:h.uf
grove' lisps teethe white label. Shun all '
the vile, poisonous stuff with "flop" or,
"dors" in their name • 111i1.5t
Lord Chief Justice Coleridge,. in •
charging the 'Grand Jury at the
Autumn Assize; at Bedford, spoke
at l'eng'th 'on. . the character of the.
Sentences which' justiees of the
peace frequently pasted. He strong-.
1y, cnutletuned .pasr,iug heavy Sent-.
euces fur: trifling • offences, such as
pilfering, lois belief being that .such
a method manufactured criminals
instead of correcting Gltrit: Ii,'illns..
tratiou, he. cited a case where two.
urchins were sent tp.prison for three,
months 'with has labour for the
•paltry theft of a:few apples froth ati
orchars),.an offence of whiuh_;perhaps
.►nany of the magistrates were theist:
'selves guilty when Chet -were; boys.
A Court"' Martial of an extraord-
inary .nature will sltortly be heli). at
Aden on a. juniorsubaltern of the
,Essex. Regiment, • charged with
thrashing his coitttnanding offid:er,.:
The colonel, who is itot at all popul;-
ar:witit Ids subordinates, was vjeited •
one evening before' tttess hi, • this
young, officer, a hot-tei►ipnre"l It tab
Mau, a bo, it appears Wished to 'call
tbu colonel .to •account. for 'forcible
lattguage used on parade ...He was
referred, to : the' orderly -room the
next morning, but, 'preferring to,
take the law into his own band', he
proeeeeetl 'to extremities' with his
superior, who, finding that he and
his Servant were no mat.:h tor, the
youngster; took to his.lieels, and cal..
led for assistance 'on the, parade
Kittgaten is suffering frorn typhoid
V, 11. Gibbs, of Oshawa,
wail FS to snowed las late brother in
the Senate. 8°J -says the Globe. •
'Cho Satie'carlibel snit few $100,000
against the Mail has been withdrawn
the 'plaintiff paying all costs.
Smallpox is making havoc among
the 'British: troops hi Egypt, The
Coming groand has been chattged
sad precautions trikens-,
Brantford has a Colored resident
said tis be 128. II° was horn in the
State of Virginia awl Was a slave of
General Andrew Jackeon In 1806
The Wellingeon Scott Aut pet).
PRINCE F iff/ALES HOTEL moo lust oillusited with the fiecre•
alrn" htitt, t a6101^4 boon lovoti 1'v 0+) 700 more than the required number,
this county in November 1877 by •
and the genemt travelling pit s afferdecl.
tary of State bears 2,556 signatures,
and the best pOselble acconunna. r for farniers to un at wets ea a. ta
Large stables In connection. 1', ,r Is supplied
with the hast•liquorsond agate. our patronage nearly 2,000 votes
Vefortnery Surgeon, in eounecticet.
• ono,rettnesave, Proprietor, The date for2the provincial con.
, vention nett banquet to Sir /am
Mactlottaltt, to be held in Teronto,
CHINE, :with (hoe leah has floret beef!
1104 I or light, or heavy levee lie bad 'kites
A CbjIltt's^' 1ioe in an Abalone.
George W. Fox brought a curios -
icy into the town of San Mateo, Cal.,
from kloviouot' rancli, near Spa}ii>sh,
town, that deniaieds a ,little .more
than a passing notice:; It conniste
Of t`iagi'etit of an alial'oi►e til 1(, °'
%lilt a...perfect alto qf a child ita.t .
bedded on the Weide; .and incrusted
;witlt: the paenliar)y colored shell t t
thbt mollusk. It is not an aeaid.-nt-
al repretaontation of a shod", but, as
can be'-plahtls'-seen; a anon" with
buttons on the side, and . even the
'wring that was used to fasten.it as
to be: seen; and what are .thought
to be the belies of that .foot eau
seen laiside the Flioe. The leather
lista lieen:incrusted until it has the,
appearatnee of a "partof the .shell.
:Different; opinions,of course, are
given, but the tine tltitt coital., in our
opinion, nearer to tite ^cause isthat
a .child, playing among the. rucks,
lead true; her foot under 'tier Atilt'.
while' it was' lifted, •ait,l and the
abalone had closed down on it. The
parents or friends happily ' Were
`within -Call and rescu •d the child IA'?
sai•rifieing the sloe. 'Tine pieces, of
what were thought to be bone rimy ,
be secretions of. the abalone simibtr
to. the timer part of ;the shell, ,which.
can be seed when the shell isi broke's.
.The only remaining liquor salciOn
itt Bladensburg, Ohio, was *reeked
by the prohibitionists col Saturday
night. The Proprietor was struck
by a sfo'ne and died. from his inju-
WAVERLY HOUSE. hes been definitery fixed for Wednes.
dey and Thursday, December the
molts gam ig NEW and has all the renter& 17th 6.41d.lstib
.1.., mentont a arst.eInes house. largo and miry
the tenneetate vicinitcr Of the G. T. R. Depot. ,
TheThar Is well Stocke with the (Melted brandil IS going a.leit as.. year le OtO
tett AeButed 41 beit,g, yotu mrtd tot At th(i, ti.,,010., e of building's erected swaa about
of Ikpiore and cigars. The travelling 4110M6 DIV
belled. ' 1.* )1/00,000 but thitt your the amount
clintonimay lb, 1584. ewes'. Fropruitor, la Over -0,0, 00,000t. vxd10.81Ve of Sr:
SANIO)1f, Platt.
Relieved this year.,
Daniel Shea, of Nen. York, 7O
years eid, killed ' the cat of neigh.
boy,' Mrs. Miller, alleging it annoy..
ed hies tso that he could. not sleep:
a witrof•Wortle between die two,
Shea plunged' a 'pocket-kilife into
Mrs, Miller's noir, killing her Ile
have been a subject of discuesien at
'ff session of the Plenary Ceuticil at
Baltimore ono day last week, That
law•Lints toyer been recognized by
the Catholic. church ; and it is
thaeglit some are in favor of relax:.
lug the rules relating to it it la
oot, hoWever, likely, that any change
will be tnatle: The Connell le coin -
Posed of the 'dignitaries of the It.
Catholie Chard! in America.
Julius Robb, it farmer Of llot
Springe, Arkansas, was inetWittlY
killed, Xoy, 25, hy a meteor, which
limb elem. olf, It then passed
through „Robb's body, 'fret% the
:ahoulder obliquely, mid bilt•ledlitself.
ie. the earth. It was dug up and
found to to iron eyrite of the size
Ot it tempers. There is greet alarm
among the people of the etMlity
The Sunday before eleetioe, Rev,
W. E. Leticks, pastor of ale rirat
Indiana, preached agantat adultery,
that time tile Phom, a (Italy paper,
has publiilied scurrilous insinuations
eitimerning ;At, LetiCks" *erecter,
which were tvii,ca-retivted, A. re -
dent edition of the pallet renewed
the misnuit Meeting Mi.. Loathe..
ill, the editor, on the etreet, Lotieks
took hint 'to task abotxt the publion.
Libby Nitbert the former applied ail
OtteligiVe epithet to the 'latter, when
foucke.struck tint ViOlOnt blow,
knocking illth TieridaS the
STA Stead -ready to continue the
.�>tt;l'o-Satoh 1Fetlerttto
(To the Elitor .of the. witness.)
8114--Sotiie people:, have, very
large idea's, sot large, as one writer,
describes thein, . that there is not
suf4icient 'roout in 'their • brain to
tura them 'over,'. consequently they
haver see but one side of then;; acid
tliehr readers 'are left to coejecture
The Rev. S. Hodgson,. curate a
Mery's Qhurch, Chatham,. who
recently annoUneed bis ititeetion of
:severing his 'connection With -church
of itingland for the purpose of join,
• ing the Salvation Army, was int.-
inediately prohibited front again
Mary's, and wee also palled upon to
give up .possession Of the rectory
houleeib which 'be resided witb his
fa:atily, limit 'of him stipend: Pep
held. Comsiderable sympathy ie
ehowe with the Rev. gentleman
among the inhabitants of the. neigh.
mately conneeted, The lbstiop:
Beclitotter ban saeetiotted Rev. Otte -
Hodgson any longer officiating in
-80010 dityit ago, woman took
moon, Visiting brethren tordlany invites,
VO01/41t, te it. A« Watt IIINOTON, tees
Clihten, lair. 188t. ter
pRizg moire eostly box
or Maier sett tO Mere Monty_ right missy than
**loft thOtlyTute mite, Al' taro afigrsss Tart
thirtptive tabs of butter to Oitti.was
fifty poumbitoa tub. .511etould only
get fourteen cents per pound ler the
her butter% hot year's tuba. Mut
ttsu tubs Woo freshly ulful 0,40 buyer
said ho would have given -eighteen
cents, Tints in sorimping to save.
$11.24 ill tubs Au INA :Y4775 in :is said Loucks' congregatton sup. togland early $.leptember, where
butter, - i ported ;del in lila . they were arrested fee murder,
how the party of the second part—
'rho pebple of the United States4
would regard this scheme if present -
ea to thew; and here is the side of
the idea; which, evidimtly, they have
not seen themselves.
A. iltritt Bath. Wins it Bride.
Indian named TA ung...eltauttg,
one of the notnarl's who •has
oiBismark, Dakota, for bonus time
the presence' of a few admit -era of
las tribe whe gathered tO•wilitesa
his exhibition a doriog
strength:. The hero of thjis tale.ts
Indian, and his feet waft to swim
the Atisaouri with his left hand tied'
boliind his back, las reward
being the hand :and heart in mai- •
eye of his' fellow scalpers'. The wan- .
der of the feat HMO M04 iit
syrimming the' treacherous etreate,
with one arm fastened behind'
but in going in to Water alinost
cold as.ice. At 10 o'elock the dal-
iog:fellow was in readiness, and itie
adatirees, together with the girl Of
his choice, were ma the bauk of Ate -
Ally person Who has lived in Ilia
uotintry and is conversant with' the
sentiments. of the people, or attyone
wlio is familiar with .tlits presR of
this country, knows that; there is no
sympathy in the United' States, with
intent of the stamp of the Rev. Dr.
Cook, of Boston), a large majority of
the people of alit; country ale bitter
enemies of England.,
• Another claret of melconteeta
C5aietila dolt are' writers to the Ira.
ueRs are those who wish to sever the
colitieution that exist's' dietweett
ration to the 'United States, we will
give them their right insole at Once
and call diem anuretatiottiats, It
hardly necessary for nie to attempt
ehow what Canada would lose or
gain by anutestaithi, after the able
told truthful minnow itt Me,
j. 11. Long 1111.101ml the isubject
tfa iwreiletta.go, in the columns of
The resignation of -Dr. Trottel), of
the .Areltbishopric Of • Dublin,
through ill health induced by. a
recent domestic calamity, iit oftueing
a great deal of speculation' as to hie
suceensor: The ineonie attached to
the See let 47,287 per annum, 'and it
ehuveli population of 91,100,
and the control of 106 -benefices and
77 curatee, iso that, both in, pOint of
intereat and emolument, it is one of°
the big prizes of the church of Ire-.
land. Among the namee mention-
ed, the -one' received with the hit gest
amount of fet*Of is that of Lord
runket, the Bialiop of 'Meath. Ile
married the only stster' of Baron
Ardilaun. the 'head of the 011inneS;
'louse, reed his election is considered
probable, as, le addition to lits des -
ear', he is backed by the vaitt wealth
and influence of that ann v.
The trial for tome Captain
Dudley and Ins inatp of tho wraokfid
yeelit "Mignonette," for having kill-
ed, thb boy Darker to keep ' themsel
ves W44 concluded in London
.on the 6th inst. The jery brought
in 4a speeial verdiet, finding. the
((tots as stated abd referring to the
Superior Court the question of
Fla trl whether a, murder had been
committed. The verdict. was coup.
led alto witt a recommendation to
mercy. The prisoners were releetieti
on bail. The yaolit• was wrecked, it
will be rettetntored, in tho Indian
Your of the ship's conpany escaped
it laittb, but with alMefit
provisiona, Oil the tteelftli day al.
tot the *reek, tite boy 13arker,, Who
WAS nearly dead already, was killed
anti bin body devoured by the alp,
' ate. Ati survivors were picked up
July hat ity the German hark
441tforttorturia-q and brouglit bad( to
tio scene. The yoeng gallant gazed
up apd down the cold, treaeherouti
s reini -while the girl kilied anti
was a tweet and certaialy interest.,
limas. The you»g Indian, wall a
gra'etsful ware of his right hand and
amid the encouraging shouta of tint '
other reds, sheok the fair prize kir
width he wug ritficing his life, chop.
ped off a little aboriginal, inusie,
seelou•again air Ana plunged into
the river. A yell then Went up
front the crowd Qf iipeetittors Which
caused. the capillary integuntent Of
the reportertal cranium to mart
zenith surd at the rate of a Mile a
minute, The swimmer. bold rho e
view fOr a number of seconds, when '
he canto to the surface isevetal
he started havieg made a log diae
gonal dive up and across the strew' .
Ho 'struck out boldly, piddling
along with ono hand. When Ire
reached the middle Of the fitrearin
haraieed his tight arm and went, -
tonight down, diseppearini Imbued"
the; muddy' eurface, As the water
dowel over him, toe, mallet., tab „
had been Vratelting ibliery Move with
interest, mailifeeted great umlauts
excitement, and just he 1% ali
abdut to jninei into the frail f aerie
Whitili Ws a' half launched, her lovt•rf
Appeared with a careless Let* of the
head, and las raven loam {tested
upott the . barging Valera: Afi to.
neared the opoosite shore the admit.,
lug braves ioki by trio girl, began
song of joy, and w heft he reached
the bottle met stoetl„,;(4eiii hos ad •
miters, loud. were the exclamatioli
of gladness, out up from the point ,
where ho started. It was indeed' re
won rlei fel fist, .... swimming the
stream iv WI ono arm tompletoty
disabled and vitiating hvavy buck.
Akio tbotidooes and shirt, with no
i•erit or holy guard to seizobipany
'him.. tot ho eecootpilieht d it with •
apparant ease, tiriti ler his Weevil
flat:ter telt' 0110)riail'itat Worth
tut witen tile people of fiattedit
800.0.0 40 hate any desire to be iden-
tified with the greatest enipire
the werld bait ever tmette.-wItee
British laws, British freedom told
British protection 'become in their
(lea 08 thingit that. are worthless,
and ilt• oily to bet ettat off am an old
garment, then let them datlere
annexation. When they tease to
appreciate '00) freedom of republitt,
istn, without its adjunctitte twilit of
teoboetetey the .proteetion 'and
connervatiam Of monarchism, with,
out the expistelive )'etrapiternelle, of
royalty, then let, them becotne an.
nexed, When tlitty whit to ex.
justice, trial by jury, for lynch last,
then kt Omit become ennexed,
When they wish to resign their Care
atlian Sabbath t`vitit its bellowed
serenity anti. rest, for an Arnetiette
01111 Vi'itlf itir weekly toil, hellish
turtuttements, and oiten desecration
of every kind, then Int thorn get All -
00X14 Affill(lOtAy fiu70,1.0,, Jitotrt., reel buffer with iinligeStion us*