HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1884-11-26, Page 3•••
Iwo trord
7. TAR Cloderioh NeWS
°It necor
ellietteue Wednesday, Nov, 26th
14 0 L EWS.
flTh1LnI' ArOwitt 'the 44111111s,"
• " i;t1W11.
rtfesms,if..-:40 au tomsw ii be glad LO receive
•444444 qfNewiffroN allY ratable seam, eteher
0010 ,er written. Roark of mectinge, en.
tartahtlenite, eeetetg atnf•clogrokddiuir, etc,
et4' gag ow *sago; of genentl lateral
r Waage hat.; a agate ear collnaftf.-ED
1.411,14 WTD. -good Kit-
chin'. Girl wanted wages
rtgid. Apply at once to Mrs. Mor,
ley; Clrasnd Union Hotel. 312 d
• LOGIC $TQCK of Good Foot Balls
just receii'Sti frein. Englaud.-Iatrge
wsOfilty of Fiesents for Christmas
att, lowest prices. CHRIS
101,-000$"; (linton
"•-•••"‘-'4- .
are on the qito riverpre.
**"..toryt4 gtting oi tiieir Witte&
farmers oti the .Upper
(..fifat• 'iktitiyLthe wioter .wilt be a very
One, bepauee. the weasel hag a
kPrkic• it,414.0; thist.
•-c.„tifesirlifiliitonott,- of the,tn,
eliitaTf Ashtield„,liaa been appointed
by .011. Lt.euiyo.0,..reruor, bailiff of
the•Sixth Division ,Court, (Dungan..
of the emtuty 'of Heron.. in
nlane Of agan,resigli ed.
-4- •
Ma. Fitterinsule, working. for H.
Cantelon has a second crop of rotas
tomi growilig fikon an early vatiety
.Atererct ie his cellr,.soine of the new,
..growth are already as large as. a,
• •• •
- INIA, W. .1),ExIsox luts been suffer-.
inglor Some time lock with an affec-
tion of one leg. The ailment •it
etetitns in likely to • be a a. chrettie
natere, and will .in ',some uicasure.
interlercewith the pursuit of- hie'
avogation. " " • , • •
UDC= 17.4 0 Pio Friend-
ship has. November potatoes. This
.year's yield have sprouted in his
cellar, and.ori the sprout s are untity•
well formed potatoes about -the size
ad' bantam •egte. • 1..'hey ,are of the,
rly. Oise variety. .
lOhrit'EriVrAnti-' IlIstisitim, of • tot
19, Bayfieid con. Goderieh toivnaliip,'
.will heldAuetimi Hale of stock; 4-
plemelits, Pitney Poultry,• etc. ,on
'thiihbove farm oq,Pritlajt next, 'Nov,
'..`28; to commence at 1 ,o'clock: H.
W•0•13all will Vrieid the hammer..
The.Howiek gatelftimi is respon.
ihh f•ir the Story that a young ratty
of„Gortie picked up the .:1,0,1Y; of a,
defunct. toad. on the sidewalk in that
vilfage, muter the impression that it
wait a money purse, and was not un-.
decei ved,u tail' she attempted to open
it by the friendly ray S of the'electric
light in one of the _ store,windowa.
lion Army lady captain Writiug
the press . says: "Tlie Canadian
Salvation Army soldiers have, no
need of special- looking after, they.
erft. loYfil to dna; tho .citeneritl and,
tile' Army, to a man." Ire wciuld •
lie very ungallant indeed who Would
doubt tint loyalty of tlib hilly soldier?'
"to. a man." • • . . '
A. W II0 Monday
..et ening a young Mau' and•two yeung
ladies were to IM Seen ti 11%4:14 alOng
the priiMipirl strvete inn lie tahl'er cart
irbe littlir.s had no .head • covering al.
though it Was a very cold night; love
and love alone kept thew Wenn. It
would lie too bed to:git;e.thein away
so wo shall call "them ,Wild,' Bob and
Ne11-4ifore ' • ••• ,
A BUSY 1..totiT,•-$ctfurdly:
Ci !titbit was a ver'yintsY totirt. The.
.atreista.and sidewallte werothronged,
and the busitiesa plebes presented.
quite a moyin,g panorama of: activity'
as the .numerons coatomeim streained
ln and out'. Wei..are afraid that it
would puzzle our clever Yoarig ar-
tist, Master- Biggins,' to get an. idea'
. for it "still life" subject. at.any time.
in Clinton:, •
' •
A Poeta, ‘it -.Tudge
clair instead of growing Older seems
to grow younger. The :writer has
known him tWenty4wo. years ; •tirst
as 'a !avert'. in Goderieli and after.-
wank.; as Judge and • Police ConuniS
•Sioner. ia Hamilton. The Judge
bears the weight of.yeara well, and
the Sentinel hopes he may. continne
to.do No. His flortour, James SliaW
Sinclair, was ' popplar in Criocleric14
he Warr dricilledly'tpular. inatimil
ton, and Ids appointment to sit here
• at the .present Assizes .gives' great
sedan/titian to the -liar
concerned. -Port Arthur,-Sentiftel.
MAYOR. FORREsTER• adjuSted. a,
charge and counter eharge-bettveen
twotown mechanies,. ' last week.'
About $5 in . eadh ,ease was the
tomtit of the adjustment. As usual
the original cause. :of the unfriend,
liness and pother is said to. have
been a woman... One of the parties
is alleged to have traduced the other
gs to a .young •Iady in whose welfare
both seem to 'save been interested.
..StiVeral 5istieuffi; d have been
*fought daring the summer, and it
would seem as though Clinton. aide.
Walks Ware not wide 'enough, for
them to pass -each .other without
.verlati or physiiee,1
Tuesday eveni ng. the celebrated hand.
.df .TuIiulee Sinc,aeis„,tuider Rev; W.
Itavikina, will • •give one of • their'
inimitable conceets. A Sacred 'Songs
in the Ontario street Methodist
church. To those Who wish to hear
how the' tiegrees really did sing their
plantation songs this Will be a splen-
• did' .opportunity. Tise cultivated
troops that have visitednit from time
Lo time give no peeper idea of hew,
negro. melodies should he rendered.
The leader of the 'band, Rtsv.. W,
Hawkins, Of. 0, M. Church, will
reedit limit Sunday evening tri tbe
,t.ohle• ti 1%4 i
. 'He sepeken_ef as at
•Mofttieitt and di1ginl preacher',
• Tifgt'atlar,' DO IT..,--Thitt is the
most eensible people Of the country
get married. '11.00 0.0 we know how
it i's ourselves,. arid have innell pleatn
airb-iii-lacing in the usual ealume
notirdd 'Of the marriage of Mr. J, •
ei Clinton, arid is Miiink
Ilerbison, of Goderich township. AS
a portion of their offering at the
ehrine of ilyme9,to USDA Cif,
fetelled. 0gurative expressionwo
Nice to tieknowledge the reeeipt of a
''distetill put iip peirtieri Of the wed.
ding cake,. acebeipanied with the
Cards of litre. and Mr. J. J. Taylor.
..jay the happy and ssered relations
tilde tirsteted intofealize the fondest
Ala 40004 or bectuotiont Xidd
Ptirroton, at the Brand= Au•
tooth Aesizee, resulted in a verdict
of $100 fur plaintiff. Both parties
emigrated Irate liuren County.
MB, Jo. iVUTEU54D has just
added to the extensive improvenieute
lately effected on his reaidence by
enclosing the verandah in glass.
MEssito 3. joussTox, N. Robson
and Latta. Jas. Young took prize
money the other day, in Seaforth,
at the ninth annual shooting match
of the 33rd. Batt. Ride association.
ilExgrdors AskssinLY, on the eve-
ning of Tuesday, was the most suc-
cessful affair ever held in the county.
Our society reporter promised to
furnish us with a report, but after-
wards informed as that it would
require tnore apace than we would be
willing to give to do, swell scant
justige to the ",youtli and beauty"
al:m(11010434 on the occasion.
The Reform papers are now con-
gratulating themselves that the
Duke of .Argyll has clearly demon,.
strated that the world will not be
destroyed in ten million years.
They hint that they can easily de-
feat "Old Sir John" in that titne 1
-Galt Reporter.
If tlie town assessors will basb the
assessed value of property in
accordance with the estimate, given
in last weeks Pra, of the improve-
ments effected in town this year, next
year's rate of taxation ought not to
be higher, than this year's, notwitia
standing the loss of about $1,000
liquor license revenue,
• 'Tim • large frame building In
Locknow, occupied as a liquor store
hy Mr, John Armstrong, was to.,
tally destroyed by fire a few morn.
inga since. The proprietor was in
London at the time the fire occurr-
ed, and it is migrated the .building
waa robhed of the money in the till,
between 115po and' $600; and thee
mit on fire.
• •
'CLEF:lc:AL Novi:gems. The
Right Reverend Maurice S. Bald-
win, D. D., Bishop Of the Diocese,
visited Sot forth •Itist Sunday the 23rd
int, He preached inthe. Morning.
half past ten oielock, The Btshop
visited Walton in the afternoon at
three o'cleek. He also prasSiaedju
the following churchee in Stanley :
Varna, Monday, the 24th inst., at
.11 a.' in; Gosheit'Line, Monday, the
4th inst., at 2.30 p, M.; Bitylield,
Tuesday, the 25th inst., at.11 a. M.
ABE DollERTY witGAN. Co. have
dope much to spread the :fatne .of
Olintou as a Mfg...point, they having
made sairsof their instruments in
, tistralia, 'Sweden etc,.
Atal new • conies the B.otuild fire
Engine Mfg. p4, of Brossela negot-
iating to, supply- the cities of Horne
and Florence, Italy: wi.htheir cele-
brated Esteem lire engines. Fromi
the foundation of clasaie Rome to the.
foulidation ef.Abileyvile, now p.m..
sela, in Huron Wit. quite a number
of years have elapsed,
• THE:FM was a *SpOtt Act jubilee
ineetiog inSettforth last tireitk..'' The
Ethpesitpr, in referring to the•pon..
tiler „171ti ro it Street Pastor, says
• wOU41. ha. no .diseredit , to the
other speakers to Say that Rev, Mr.
Gray delivered .the spetseh of the
'evening. • 1.0 fairly bristled* with
arguments in favor of total abinin.
epee anti contained •• manywit ty
sallies,Which• brought . down'. the
house. ZIr. Gray has lost. none 'Of
his old time vitn:and eloquence, Mid
is a Most attiActive end ince! esting
platform speaker. •
• • •.
A efillISTI AN SPIR tT. -The '4.Str,'
rri . AI. Cathpball, of' Obaderich,
'Writing to the 'Bev. IV. I r, lirtiley; of
'Seaforile.iii•re.gard •to the scorriletia •
stateMents, circulated cencerolog
himself:tusks:6;i eferenbe tcl.the rude
coed iict, ef,e-letaiti parties at lin ant i-
Seot •iii (feting held in Goderich aed •
addal."Itimitt say to the'credit °film
lime! keepers who .wera preeent,or at
least threes of them who had the:man.
agementbf the meeting that they dui
their test to keep ,good. order, and
except; the noise of the ',drunk .and
half-dtuuk inen,.and the blaiinlieniy
and' personal abuse of Dr: Martin,
tliere was bat little to ecimplain of."
• Seowr..-111r.)- 'Ooivan, of'
whoin we nieotioned taks
itig a fear days gunning not , many
miles north of thia4lace•blid iti the
neighborhood of Blyth Wall fairly
.608,41.11: , II& was aceompained ipy
• members of the farnitY Of Mr. John
Robeidon,„pfslaullett., whose- licispit
ahle heillestead was inarle the base of
imeratiens,' Thet..ba'gged -6 mink;
5 coons 'and 1 6 feats,' incholing Otte.
black felt. The latter'anitnal .wits a•
Curiosity. traelring'its t.o its lair
the ittiprineof theattland's feet led tit
siontsideraldi3 discUssicin, it 'being
gait° different, 'front . that of the red
fox. The lack of snow. 011 the ground
prevented as much game being.sece
ed' AS otherwiae would have been.
The young mari returned. to 'Bright,
Monday. -;
Beeausti a nierChant cannot, afford
to ineert a half colutnn advertise.-
ment „it! a •newspaper no reaSon
why lie -should not atiVertilie. All
„heavy ad vertisere with • 'email
amuse neementa. The great mere*
.ant princes, lj ke A, T. Stearart,spent
at the beginning only sritall'autusi
each yeitr*,..a ceatkin4ty cent. Of
limit. 'income, js tt• iniatake• to'
Suppose small advertisements are not
seen, The,y are net only Seen, but
as a rulti read by all :v010 see them
because their con,tents can be taken
at a glance. Meechatits Who , do
• ilot advertise should try• the expert.
Mont, especially in the dull Orme,
The public will not seek n buttititsea
Man, . He must ititet•est the ptiblie
and make it seek him.
Mis Ntatabdit of Clinton, Inspect.
or of Public St:heels, was in town
three Or four days -this weelr, inpeet.
ing our selloolHeoxpreeses him.
golf well Pleased with its progress,
arid on accountbf the overcrowded
etate of aoine of the 1'06111a tliCOIlls
mends that an extea-tetiolier be pro.
vided. A ineeting ot those interest?.
ed in `educational inatters wan lielcl
hist evening in the ltlecliardee' Insti.
dilute, at which l‘ir, •1‘1allocli was
present, te consider the ad.visahility
of making Wiegham an examining
point for entrance, to the High
Sobbed, Mr. J. A,•11fort,on• occuipied
the chair, anti after the matter bid
been discussed, it Was moved by Mr.
1), M.- Gordmi, neeonden by Bfr. )3,
Willson, That the ie1io Beard he
requested to petition the �f
Fshiestion, throueli tfr. Mandell, to
have Winglistis matte an'
pointi The Motion was carried 1111-
• rnon sly,'and after A vote of than kik
F111,10444'8 MBET1140. A regular
monthly meeting of the Clinton Fire
Brigade WWI held lest )4onilay eve-
01,1NTOrl II0BalCOurintat. So-
01$TIS bas been tetanal. At a
prelisuine.ry meeting it waii deehied
to acquire a legal status by incorpor.
ree'elved this Fall and +shoat 5* more to Mile during November.
We have the largest and most corn,plete Stook n -the
%Bon. Count, of Huron, and our prices are thelowesk
been organized in Berlin. 'Offices)
will soon be opened in various parts
of the city, where rnerritiera of the
• _society "for a niederate deposit' and
a trifling fee:" way procure an um.
brella at any time. The projectors
are surely ton ronfiding. Human_
nature is different in Berlin than
elsewhere if people will be found to
deposit "Wiling fee" as a gua.rana.
tee of good faith to return an UM.
brella. Is the balance Of.the civilized
world such a proposition would 'be.
rejected with indignation. Did any
cote ever know of smelt /toms notorae
as an individual•who did not always;
promptly return a borrowed ana-
karella,,even when borrowed witheut
the owner's consent 1
there is one branch of the executive
admitlistration of the affsire of a
state which has a more importaut
bearing thou another upou the well
being of a people, it is theJudiciary,
•Not least among the branches %WIWI
shoot out from the trunkof the
atalwart judiciary tree of our Do.
minim), giving beneath its far ex.
tended- arum protection to Ow
horny handed and impoverished doe
of toil, as well as justice to the
-opuletit citizen, is, the Division
Court. It is ,popularly called the
"poor inan'e" Coact, preettinal/ly on
aUCCIallt Of the small sums, involved•
and because, in the loctiOfity ofcases,
there is po appeal front the Judge'a
decision, and cOnsequeatly the poor
wttli justice and. equity on his
vide; and Who geiaa verdoit accord-
ingly, caonot he worried out of his
'rights by litigious; and contentious
Wealthy. suitors. Such being the
case-stliat the Division •court is, so
to !speak, a.COurt of last resort so far
as regards' the greater numbee'of
eases which couie within its pue.
that the Judaea .should not only pos.
sense Os:swoon lionise and a knowledge
of law, but ;that theishould; ititheir
Judicial • captutity, have the moral
rectitude- endst.am ilia to, exercise
The reptation which Jndge
Tents, senior judge of -this county,
beats -' for prtifound knowledge
and intelligenn application of tilesd
desiderata is 'tiot COittilied to this{
coutity;. Sven .tho extensive
'axles of the edipire Province Of this
greed confederation. of ours • hit've.
not stemmed the 'spread of thSi. re.%
puation of the senior Judge
Huron as a more thm
an ordr.
ary faithful:. expounthw of the
dillimilt" science• .of •• jurispi.b.
deuce. *When hisbouslintor, judge
Doyle, was aPpointed, there' was
fear mid trembling in some quar-
terswhere the gentleman Was. not
known and jealousy. where' ise was
knowat Tile 'Nktvs-Rpooab never
doubted 'the fitness Oahe appoint-
ment, and the whirligig of time has.
ju6tiffed• our estimate.. The press
of the county, 'as a whole, endoeseil
'Judge ••DoYle's saPpOiatment at • the
'time it Wakmade," :Our good 'fritiod
'ottlre Ent' wat:. probality:.an excep-
tion; Iti 'the exercise of anun-
• doubted. right our. local .cOtem'apoke
digatagingly of the:ap-
poititee "The Maitetial of •whieli
Judges are made from this county
• Cannot, be said to'be of the best qUali
. qubtli th Era When, referring to
:judge DaYle'a elevation to the.hetich.
was .neither iu fiOri0W her in
aziger that We illicit:ea the ether day.
that quite'. a.' change itas come' . over
tile spirit .of ottr cotetn's dream.
Not at all. 'Werather congratulate
our cotein that lie lias lo this cane
been...able to:„oet out' of . the -.rut 'of
faction. mid obey. .the: behests of his
hotter judgemetit which he Undoubt-
edly tilt) When' he recently remark-
ed.: ‘41.idg.e Doyle has been steadily
--gainilig,in publie fevor :by his, con.
duct on thaaseueli, and the jilt:lace
• and. itepnrtiality't f bus,
• Hear, Hear !To manfully. acknows
ledge an error of jedgment • does, to
a great eitent, atone for Whatever
. injury may. have beeo caused by the
original sin.' In •feet the acknow.,
ledgment. el a • change of . opinion,
when the change arises, after .de-
tile:ration and 'flow %conscientious
convietien,' is an eXhibit of a cam
intodable Christi -au virtue and goes
a very great,wey t� Prove that the
converted'ZS wiser than tie was at -
'the time of lit*. writing. The
press of the country as a rulnhave
always given Sir John A. Mamlon.
kl. Credit, not only for Itimendeava
• ors to • keep the •13entill free from
the ;videos entangleniente of parts
• isanism, but lila 'appointments have
• been generally emicierisid as made in,
the :.publie. interest, Inaweief,' patch
Ms judgment nifty have beeu at
fault' in isolated 'oases'. The . Era
has se foe !divested' itself • of party
rancor in the case of Judge Doyle,
isa to virtuallys, endorse at least, one
of the 'aliens of Sir Jelin, the be
nob, of all orthodox Grits, and has
at the saute time: made the amends
lfonoratiteto a now. tried public.- sers
want, and taken back the reproaelt
attempted to be 'fastened upon the
county when it stated that "the
•'material of vvhich, judges are made
for this county cannot hu said to he
Of the Orst quality." The , "justice
aria. impartiality". of judge .Doyle's
decisions are now acknoWledged,
consequently the "material" moat
have been of rang quality," and it
is no reflection on the honorable
fleet intention Of the Bra.that it
now has a More crimprelieneive atid
just graep of the -judicial situation
inthis county. '
Shrion Vannorman left herelast
week for Algoma, '
Christopher Corbett rettunied
bonze front a two month's visit to
his brothers and Sisters in Gwillinusa
bury where he. wits treated like it
pririoe. Four suppers were gotten
np in his honor, at which he was the
guest of the evening. From forty
to fifty pereons being present at each,
It is about 20 yentas sine° he was last
ansong them.
A Great Olinovery.
Mr, Win, Thoteatt, of Newton, Vt.,
says "My wife has been eerioutly
affeeted with A dough for tWotitY.5Ve
years, and this spring more severely
than ever bereft), 4110 harl:need many
repiedies without relief, and urged to
11 Dr. King's NOW Disoovery, did so,
with Most gratifying results. The
first bottle .relived her very nitwit,
,And the wend bottle has absolutely
vote her. She has not had BO good
heal for thirtryears.10
We have
,Q A tho- Xery
kinds0- Low_estinees.,
.-SOL i AGENT • ' • / °
IlairWood wanted, in trade for Gob.
• Bookseller Statioaer and Newsdealer,. Cituabit,.Ont
News Notes
In the Womau suffrage convention last
FridayMrs, De Goer, of Kansas, said,thet
women were freer in Kansa & thanin any
other state, aiid would WU he enfranchis-
ed. Aft's. Clay, of Kentucky, said that
• the women in her state wore as MIA
slaves in ataq respects as the negroes for -
moldy were.
Sleighing Is reported fair in some parts
of New York
Nothing succeeds like emcees. • A de.
initetien, has been appointed to wait en
Mr. Cleveland and tender him an invita-
tion to the forthcoming Carnival
in Mon-
Swell pox is spreading in Egypt
The Prince of Wales lias.been entertain-
ing two advanced Radical M. P'P. at:his
polite() of Sandringham.
Distniss among the English ship -build,
ing workinen is . increasing. Even fres
trade will not always boom eusiness.
The Bata of Smith 'Affieit are likely t�
agate incrose the texation of the Bi itish
iatepayers, •by their hostile attitude.
The Treneh Minister of Finance pro-
poses to tax intoxicating beverages and .to
reduce the ninety passenger duty,
• A valiant Termite ppligamatLxialently.,
hicke an eight year old boy in the leg
because "he, waii selling newapapers• in
front of a store door: -
The etatue erected in Toronto to corn.
inanimate the late -Hon. Geo. Bronit was
unareiled yesterday. '
- •
Our obliging baker, Mr. 3. king,
'has left. He takes charge. of W.
Young's oven Clinton. While in
this lively little village Mr. and Mrs.
King made many frieods, who were
sorry .to see them lesiva. J. K. will
do much towards giving the citizens
.of Clinton good bread -"the staff of
life."' • •
Mrs. James Chesney iaso serious'y
•iil that there are but slight hopes ot
her reeovery. , • •
Mr. Samuel Smillie, Deputy ReeVei
met with tti lather painful accident.
He mous lifting a plow into the wagon,
„when the; board i of the grated box
tipped up, frightening ,the •horses,
Causing Ahem tostart suddenly;
throwing . Idr. Smillie but and dis-
locating his elboiy. " •
The Couned ,net on the .15th inst.
No business of importance before tlie
meetings A few small accounts
were passed for 'payment, .and $25
was granted in charity to Miller,
Price, MoEsVen, .Comber, .When the.
council adjourned to meet again at
Dixon's hotel Brucetield on Tuestlay
the gud af Deueinbsr, at one o'clock
• Goderieu Township.
The filta newspaper hits already
defeated deputy -reeve. Mr. John Bea-
coio, in the coming. municipal' elec
. . •
Thellev. W. T. 'CIA of 'Walker
vine.; torrneely of this township who
has been appointed to the incum-
bency of Brussels willnot ba inducted
until the New Year:•
The Jubikte Singers Will held forth
at Sharon' next Friday evening • at
' Cctuocillor:Aatheson is not believed
to have any ambition to be deputy.
reeve this year. His efficiency in his
present position is no:doubt what
has suggeeted. the putting him' a step
higher ori the ladder. '
• A happy event tranapired at Mr,
Wm. lierbisions the other day. 'That
gentleman bad an addition to his
family ofanother son -that is a sow
in-law, Mr. J. J. Taylor orelinton,
who married Miss Minnie. The corn-
pliments of the season te them. .
•.Monday, of last, week Mrs, Wm.
Murphy, of the 16th coo., haying
occasion to go tn the barn,: which is
paved With cobble stone, she, tripped
over an implement and,fell heavily
on the stoile %floor. Betng a large
person and falling:on her shoulder
she dislocated that joint and also
bruised.the upper porticin . -of her
arm'. The injury has caused much
,pain, but we hope under skilful
tnedical.treatment hirs;IVIurphy will.
'ore long be herself again. In conae
Oueinie of the accident Mr. Murphy
will not hold Ilia sale of stook- and
implements at, as early a date as he
at one time contemplated.
• • •
Mr. A. Sutherland, of Seafferth,
has purchased the fatal:10f Mr: Sidney
Morton, near Alma, for $1,500. The
farm contains 50 mares. Idr. Morton
intends removing to Kansas.
Council met a Londaboro, on the
lSth inst., all the trielnbers present:
minutes of former meeting read and
confirmed. The following accountts
were ordered to be paid; R. Holmes
printing and advertising, 054.75; R,
H. KnoX,plank for bridges, $50,40;
Thos,. tVisatherald, surveying, etc.,
I drain award No. 40, 1884, $15.20; M.
Hazelewood, damages in teaming
gravel 1883-84, 64; E. Crawford, bon-
us building Wire fence; $12,60; S.
Bart, extra, statute labor, $4; .J.
Lawrence, dionages in. teaming gray.
el, $4; S. Rogerson, bonua building
wire. fence, 012; E. Sibhies, open
ing gravel pit and damages in team,
mg gravel, $6; C. Johnston, gravel.
ling hill, S. R. 2021,,con, 1, 610,
Complaint of Thos. Cole, pathmaster,
refence on S. It, 30-34, con. 11 was.
read, I. Lasbain to exittnitle said al-
, leged trespass, and report at next
Meeting ot' Council. ..ehe commit
agreed to inspect, on, the 17th inst.,
the following bridges, viz., bridge on
S.R., 15.16, con..11; on dal, R. 8-0, lot
1/, and on con. rt. 8 9,14 20. John
Britton to a/Outline wire•fence on lot
6, cob. 5, and A. 'I'. IteDonald to
examine wire fence on lot 45, con.
14, and if found gatisfattory, give
°Mere respectively on the teeasurer
for payment Of beituses pnrsuant to
former TrlOtiOnt of Ofitrild I. Clerk.t0
notify all the pathrimetera of 1881,
who liat/0 1106 made their rettiens, to
do SO at, Olitle. Counoil adjourned to
meet fit LondeilhOrd, On the 166.
December next, •triet being the day
appointed by law for the return of
the eolleetor's roll.
_1st WItstte.
whom, everybody butni an'thi.siteceeiful
manager of the
Largest Hotel Enterprises
of America, says that while a paseienger from
row York on board a ship golugaround Cape
morn, In tho early days or eralgretion to Cal-
ifornia, ho iearned, that ope of the pincers of
the veisel had oared himpelf,, daring the yer.
ago, ot an obstinate disease by the. use of
Ayer's. Sarsaparilla.
8InoOjplLMri lacT,AND fiaa onr,
kraat's. f3Ahly.m.411*,..e. in, mapy 'simper
eases, and bo has never yet -heard of Retail -
Bre to etfeet a radical euro,
• Boum yearn ago one of llrfr, ra....r.latakfarsa
• laborers bruised 1.1; leg, .9wing to the bad
orate of itis bleed, an ugly scrofulous strollieg
or lump appeared °lathe InJured linib. lior•
rible itching of the Orin, with burning and
darting pains through the !urea,. made itre
Almost intolerabie. The legzhscame ono:,
ntously enlarged, and runtdeg Were termed,
discharging groat. quantities. 08 extremely
offensive matter. 1,:fo treatment was Of any
• nntiLthe men, by Mr. LiN.Ann's direct- '
Mon, NVELB 1511130ifid WM% 411rEtt'0. SARSAPa-
IULtet'• whichullayed the'pala and Irritation;
• healedthe poree, removed the swelling, and
completely restored the limb tomo.
" ydr;Lraastibliii:poratiaallY Waff1r
• li.yer's Sarsaparilla
. •
after careful observation, fleplares that, in.
• Lis belief, there 13 no median° in the world
equal to it for the cure of 'direr Disorder,
. Goat, tho eXoeto of hies living( Salt
intentn, Soros, l6ruptions, and all, ilia.
• various foxm:e of blood discasee.
'We have Mr, isz..a.:to!s pernt:salon.to invite
all olio may desire further .oVidence in regard
to the extraordinary curio:WO •powers of
• AiSA'S SARSAPARILLA 'to i'co'hint person-
ally either at 1113 mammoth Ocean 'Hotel,
Long,Branch, or it tlieii�punsr Lelarid.motev
• Broadway, 27th ind28thttreetiVicew Yerh.
Mr. MI.es extensive snip:Osage of that
• good doneehy this nateisialleutcradicator
blood poisons smithies I'M'S* givainquireni
.fttuch valuable information: ..•
PlearilAZD BY 0'
• Dr, J.C. Ayer &
• 1141 by all Druggists: el. Mk bottles for U.
• Morris:
Dise.-At the residence Of her
son,in.law, W. Clarke. McCrea, of
.Morris, near Belgrave, On the 10th
inst., Mrs. Burney, relict of the late
Charles Burney. Strange ta say, her.
husband, vyllo was 101 years of age,
died on the same date nye ye rs age;
in the same place, in the same chair,
and .within three hours of the same.
She Was •a native of the goed. old
Protestant county et Ferznanagh,
, .
NeVeir Give, Up. ;
. If you aresuffering with low and
depressed spirits, loss: Of appetite,
general debility, disordered blood,
weak 'constitution, headache, or any
°disease ot a bilious nature, bY all
means .,procure a 'bottle of Electric
Bitters. You svili be surprised to see
the rapid improvement that will fol-
low ; you will be inspired with new
life; strength and activity will return;
pain andinismi'will ceaseaind hence.
forth you will rejoice in the praise of
Eleetrio Bitters. I.Joht at fifty dents
a bottle by, Watts & Co. '
. .
• On Friday night.. last some person or
persons aroused themselvesthrowing
• stOnei at Mr. Gordoies hooks.% To lel the
least About it; -it'was.a nican trick and.
' there should : hear' vonstable,:-Appeinted to,
look after' such persaos.
See Our Windows -
LADIES -See our Window facing on Rattenbury Street.
GENTLEMEN4-See our Widow facing on .Albert Street. Evening Shades in 'Misses' Veiling. Evening Shades in Colored
Silks, Evening Shades in 4button Kid Gloves, all sizes, at 175c.
nice assortment of Ladies', Light Colored Silk. and Lace Ties.
Gent's White Itid Glov ,es all sizes, Gent's Light Colored Mt
Ties, all prices. Gent's White Muslin "Tom Thumb" Ties. See
both tb.e windows this week, at the Great Dry -Goods Palace.
Espate of the Late do
J. C.A.LLANDER, M•anager.
on •
Just Arriired, .(ra Splendid Lot
. '
Coal, Stoves, :-: Cook Stoves,
Mammoth Stove Warehouse, Hardware and Tin Shop, .
Omai<tr±low -
What ar.,You. • :-to/ng to
.AbQlit It ?
About Keeping • Wann
50 or. 60c, Black, Green or Japan Tea; warranted to glio satisfaction: New Raisins,"
Currants and Peals for )r -MAS Trade. A full tine of Chase & Sanborn's .
TEV s- rts.- Ot71iTDas..1.T3D B ELe1.11,18i•XE:i. •
. , • .
iktignificent Assortment of Fanny Cups and &moors, Mug, .eto.
. .
G•eneral Grocers and Produce Merchants,
Choice, Fresh Family Groceries
Farm Produce taken at Highest Price.
C.A.INTri'MD01\T 131:2,08..
' Mrs. young and daughter.; .of -Blyth, •
spent Sunday last at the parsoUnge.
Dr. Holinee, of Brussels,naid a visit to
the parental roof last week..
On Saturday night last as Mr. Robt Me-'
`Cullough and wile were reterning from
Clinton their horse took fright:mid ran a-
way. Mrs•MaCtillough was threwanut and
badly bruised and the buggy' was 'badly
Smashed. ' • ' • •
L. t, L. 189 meets next Monday -night
ell the :members ale -requested,. to attend.
Mr. Eiford has 'been appointed Re:
turning °dicer forpu ivisaln •
NO. 0, at themindelpat electfints,
• Mr. Chas. Disney has leUted Mr.
7::81trt's.term in Colborne,for fiy.e
On ThuradAy-evening about twenty
of the you,* Mende, of Mx: Lawrence
met at his house to have a farewell
'oysters upper, A very pleimentevening
,Waseptitt•by all' present.. :
J.• 11111 and W. S.; Lawrence left to.
day torahe wIlde of, Muskoka, •
There is to be a Chriatmea tree and
concert. " In the llfethodiSti citurith ou
X -Mas '•
ReY. W. Hawkins, teenager prthe
colored troupe preached morning and
etrenhig In the ' Methodist citureh, and
the troupe gave a concert -0u 'Monday
evening, which Was well attended.
. •
nesday the 19th inst4, at the resid-
• ence of the. brides' father,by the
Rev. 3. Kenner, Mr, 31 Taylori et,
• Clinton, to Minnie, daoghter Of
Mr, Wm, Herbison,• Goderich
township. •
ento• trod
Now is Your. Time to. Bu
Large & Assorted Stock
of ROBES AND BLANKETS if you wish to
Ufa-.SAVEJ 1V1.01\1M.1-Z7
Everything In the "-ILIA RNIESS line down to suit the Mules.
. • - • •
Thonipson 16 -Switzer,
1! we are smii_a_alsTC31- Com,33•0 our
entire &neck at •
Groceries, DoOts, Shoes,
All ;parties indebted are rhquesfed to settle
•00 before that ago. .
qf Docambe .
tir No PrOduce taken on aceount at73r the 114
For ihoulmission 01 ptiplIs to !lite tiglinton ingh
23rd and 24th of Deoember,,
Beginning eielt day at 0 o'clock, A', M.
„Candidates who intend to WWI then will
' send theitnames and addresses toias. 1urnhall,136
A,, Clinton, not ha& than the lat day of Decent,
bor. D. AL MAL1,00H,
Mi.St • Inencator P. S., Must Item
For the ewer division ot the Olipton. Mod
Scheid, to•traindete thehalance of the year.
800•It • W. It DINE, Secretary.
frilfitEhl female teadiers wonted tor the lou'er
divisions of tbe Clinton Model Schoolder
lam, Those WhO have a knowledge,Of sinning
preferred. -Fell' particulars and instructions ott
application te the Secrotary.• TestimOnials and
esktry expected must ha sent In With ftp.
pliChtion, W 11, IONE, Secretary,
213. ClIntOln
tE COUNCII. of the Coruo' ration ot the Conn,
01 11050 5.111 meet in the Cot a tiollse
Valgit°'.(eggti,1111 banegiTeD143;::1t111:: Wit!
hellrekented bet:ire the seeoad day
ot meeting, ,
140y, i1501, 1884. 213 21 County Cleric.
STRAY H.Eireki.
CaMt.te the premises et the unctereigned, tot
42, Oetletioh,teirrishie„.00. or. about the lot
September, REP AND WHITE (elegem* tO
roan) YEARLING IlEilrEil. Tint owner is re.
Initiated to prove prsorty, pay 'ebirget, end take
the animal evsey.
310.3t, asytteld
11 Turn EPTOT141110Atirraft
.Clocks. iTewelrg
I les' GOld and Silver Jewel,ry-
BrnieS, Bar Rings, Bracelets, eta,
lid Silver and -Plated
BM able for lIpliday, Wedding,"br llIrth-
da3f Presents. floods for large or
puhlses,nnd to atilt all seasons of the
yea. See the Stock. Large YarietY ot
Cloc s. Everything of the heat makes,
Geatleinen's Plain and Fancy Jewelry
In' endless variety. .
• 14,..Itepairliig promptly attended to
and tuttlettetlOn guaranteed, •
▪ Full Stock of Spectacles,
• Ot the Best ditties, always on hand,
. • •
..• ODoesite tee Market.; Ct baton. .
liasulATUV16 WOrk, SOW0d. and Pegged) at
Prierel to suit every puree. The best work,
lotaest, prices, and aatistartion vault -used.
As I have lirst•class °icy workmen etni.
ploysd, entire satisfaction is it evrtaitity.
GiVe me a eall.
• .1616416W6.
. .
1 $3.00
• P • •
0 00.
We do not require to know how bad the boy
is. We want every Father and Mother to
know he* good our BOY'S CLOTHING
is to wear.
A change of program each week. Look for it.
o 0
just rcea'irea, an immense Steck ot the nisest ImproVed Patterns anti Newest lassigris;
Wood Cooking Stoves,, .
Wood or Coal Cooking Stoves, •
Parlor 'and. Hall Stoves,: .
.... . '. Base ,Burner. Coal:StOves,,
INCLUDING TILE 'll'Celebrated REidiant IBM..
Also other "NEli, PATTERNS. And as' they • have all been. Well. bought we" ate pis.
paredto give: our customers LOW PRICES. 413u. a large. assortment 0
Stove 'Board's, Coal Scuttles, Stove Pipes. Elbotvs,: &c.;•- SIMI
cheap. ' A large lot of LAMPS AT REDUCED I'''RICES: Best- Ainericaii, pint
• Canadian COAL OIL always in stock: Please call .and get prices and be onvineed -
that our Steals good aint PCiees•Riiitt. • . '30341-
• • •
N . 'Si• gn ilioef:thesTailtoe.„..1c, ..
/ 0
Alto 0.11aolisioltlii..$40p
, • , ,
(Late of stratford), has opsnod oat lia ROWELL'S OLD SHOP,' nearl3r. otiPosite tha.
Cortiniereial Hotel, , , '
Where he is now prepated teal° all General SlacksMith Work,
Horse -Shoeing a:Specialty: .:.-A11:1"/Yor1i Guaranteed,:
r.tyr C014412sSION amit
Ortott TOWle.
etattaining 80 tenni, I& acres dared
and in allot! ettittration good r5.5)t41 124