HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1884-11-26, Page 1MO Works, BURGH 'STRUT, 'CLINTON, Wa 11..` COOPER., Vsaatootaterot oatl asaloria aa WWI of ..ilarble & Granite for Cemetery Wo* ogum tho 4,490kopoutoo Aloe taaantectarer of the Celebrated. Alert/weal. BM* tor Bnilding Pm* and Cemetery Work, which utast be wink warraioad to give satisfaction, . . X , _ =Mt WC per Annum, n Asivanoe, _ "INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS. f.,4EUTRAL IN NOTHING." ol4ve WHITELY Toni), Publisherk. VOL, Vi,---NrO, 51, CLINTON0.111T1ON ,COUNTY, ONT., 'WED18DAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1884. WHOLE NO. 314 or. the Last Three OF OUR nEAT CLOSING PREVIOUS TO °nth genie, set up a dead fall early *hi fall, and since that time 1itu Hue- ceeded in capturing four Welt bears which were foolitill imotlitli to tom agate the mysteriee, of the rude but t'sartin death bar lrap." Bears ROM to be more numeroue Neat; • on than for many years, pant, Thor Romething wore sportatuan like it shloici4oltr. gthan in trappiug them Jewett Heaney, A. leading pier chant of Areprior, has Wen tou. witted for trial on, a charge of it. , tempting todefraud fteveral jostle isand claiming inourance upon hie aoittwoek, leonenailiee by Hotting fire to • his store, after removing hie good -i, . Hamilton Speetater ;-."ITon David Mills ;-Now, if Sie John were an editor, what a bulge he'd have on me. Just think of this at the Thad of his --editorialcolumn Sir jobn Alexander Macdonald, I). 0,L, Q. 0,, K. C. M, ape. B., IC, C. B., G. 0. B., Etlitor‘in, Chief Whew Makes toy poor little•Hon. look lonenOnie." Walter D. Macfarlane, represent ling the. Canada Paper Company, AIM...other Mori treat ..firma,...,elues-and killed himself Mat week at his mike in '.No. one heard the shot, but on his atepson going into the aPartmeeit• Macfarlane was dia.,- coVered in his last agonies with a. b13.110t ItOle it -his bead. Tie sur, vived fifteen minutes,' but was ii - sensible. No reason. is •assigned. for . the suicide, a,•;search • throng!' his ,papi;rs revealing no financial cultiea, ,while hitt docuestie- elations were moet•happy.. The assigmeent of the firm of-. D. -Mtitiff•St• Soirref---Waikertourietiro• talk, It -wee mot • mieicpeoted. The ,iirrn, have been • ft .;:dillicuitieti for sonui years. past, owitig to unwise timber speculation% and When their large :unities were burned, nearly. Pyoar ago, :it beettioe only a question. of time when. they . would have to. go -under. 'The time °wee last week Several fecal. mew as • well as ourfaiders are heavily involi. ed. „David Moore made. his.. firit ".bighaul" by the Goderich harbor Contracti'and It was -in this connec. ion Olt Ron. E Iwizeil"Bialce spoke of limi as friend Moore." , One day week, two men and a boy ventured. Wit. from Port El. gin, to lift nets end; had made tWO trips safely in a yawl, but the third tittle the boat capsimed, throwing' all out,' and it is r thought two of them became,entring,led in the net. as they Were.never seen to rine again, The ahird, a :man named Barnett, 'aged to get hold .of the, boat.,:and 'when • reacued was in. a. very .• low condition. Tire • names of the -drowned- are :Arvin. Shoeuialier and Robert'Strong, a boy aged 14 'years. "Shoemaker, leaves a wife and tlfre Children, Mrt •• Shoemaker • • an d several. others statuling'on tho pier were witnesses of the accident. but unable.tareildet any assistance. • • .An outtAak of smallpox hes oc-- . carred in the toWnalap of, Heiiger- ford; about four Wiles from the vil- lage of Su:ice. The. difieaso'' was brought intei • the' locality -a • Fretichnian named GrinOre,. who was •attaeked. on his return 6.0111.01e province. of Quebec. No one' knew ,what.his ailtitent Was, ited nothing Was done to prevent the in.. fection frOW ,apreacling. bee was held 'at Grinore's and .the • result was that -,J. Granger was sinii.ten with the disease and• died froin The Sine' ar• fa tni I y , Were 0180 , attacked, and. -Mrs, .Sinclar and • one of her. daughter's 'children died. • Twit deaths oecorreif, in. a „family named... • Patterson, , in ' the "same neighborhoed. • • Now that the'worst. is. -known, the, inhabitants.' have. et. tablialied a sanitary cordon about • the infected ' district, Within which no one isAllow.ed to penetrate, .and :from which no.one is allowed to go out: . s Bey. J. 0, Martin, rector of Iiii- laaliandra, Carall •County, Ireland, and f�- merely grand chaplain or , the Loyal Orange Ooder, le making a tour through 0.11)44 end the United States, He is at present at I I . Ottawa. . ° According to a censue just corns. plated, the population of Port Ar- P ide thur is 0,097. Of ttotal 4,484 are melee, ao4 1,813 females. A. . year ago Port Arthur'n population waa estimated at ‘2,000. , The Postmaster at Regina, N, W. T, 15as announced that be will keep the postoillee open on Sunday morn. lugs from nine to ton o'clock, to "ac. •commodate the public." • It is reported today that Mr. Alonzo Wright, M. P, for Ottawa , comity, is to be called 1.0 the Senate in the place or the late Mr. Skead, ad taken intr.; the Cabinet as Min, ' later of the ;Interior, vies Sir Dayid Macpherson to retire. The total lumber shipmeeta from so titetalit.Aiu.liaewilieua, ranee to ItiVer Platte, since the opening of navigation this year, was 38,000,- '' 090 feet, an mecrei of 17,000,900 feet over laat year. ' _ -Al•the•laiii Momeni—the opponents of the Scott Act, filed a proteat against Oarletou county petition. It is eliarged that 275 nanies at- lached to the petition asking to have -the .Act submitted were obtain• ed by misreprementation and fraud, that 250 of those- who signed the petition were not Ogden, and that the nanies eni. the petition do not -correspond with those on the voters list.' The petition and olkieetions are now before the Minister of Jas.: lick'. • ' • Rey. • Father Fleming. of Tweed, Ha:stings. 0o., etates that email pox is in noven fernlike in that village. The people are terrified, and Many are leaving the place. . On Sunday two men died, and the priest and. the grave•tligger had to bury their remains, as rie assiatance could be secured. Even the doctors refuse to attend the siek. A gentleman - from Tainwortii says small -pox is at the Freneli village near that place, and great fears are -entertained vf its spreadins.;• _ • Will offer on and after.FRIDAY, the 21st 'NOVEMBER,ur entire stock, at such figures as -Will clear • $20,0 ORTH OF DRY -G • • • In the time mentioned. Out whole Stock will be marked to Cost, but in the les:s desirable lines we Will value them, havinn. • no regard for cost The RED TICKET on every al thle alongside the original 'price, wili show the reduction. , . . FROIVI 20 TO 50 CENIS SAVED ON EVERY DOLLAR! Our Stock is in, first-class order. The much greater proportion of it being New Goods, bought this season with great care as regards value and fashions, ••••.. So that we confidently leave our 'case with the public, who are all after the almighty dollar. The tremendous reduction on current prices will be sulcil that the blind. may see - The third year Of our lease ekpires on March 1st, 1.885. Arrangements are being made for the transfer. Remember the time, the place, and your interests, BUSINESS DIRECTORY 40, EDWIN KEEFER, lessosi plwwissmi Late of Toronto, 'honor CI mall fleet; flOyar College of Dental Surgeons, . aoats'a.Blook, - Minton. All Work Rogisterea. Charges Moderato. Vtedial, 5Atiittaitett1ttg: FL.,101/. BAL.i,t , . A Curfew/mut for MOH Comity. Sales att. rt tended to in any . part of the County, ' iress orders to GO19181911 P. O. v.v.- • • ClIASE. IIA.1111ULT(IN, OCTIONEEtt,nual,,loan and Insurance agent in reasonable tonne... A list 'of farms and village lots for sale. Molloy • to loan on real estate, at low rates of lic,terest. Insurance ofteeted on all classes of p eity. Xotes anddebts collected. Cootie appraised, and sold on commission, Bank- ruptsfeeirs bought and sold. ' vth, Dec. 16,1850 rot RUNS, Office, llattanbury Street, in*. U mediately behind Itansford's hook store, nosidenee opposite the Temperance Italt Huron Street. Office hours from 8 a311. to 0 p, rn, it. 1881,1-7. . . ' MANNING & SCOTT, Elartleters, Solleltora, Conveyaneere do Cont. misiiiiners tor Ontario and manna's,: • • tir Offieie-Tows HAW., CLINTON. • Clinton, May 17th, 1882. 20 . D. A. FORRESTER., .0°tWarttlY):tilaraligglythoi.151:, Office, Beaver Block, Clinton, v22tf•Eit 61011TON, flarristere, fled. perl8n .id Wihgharn. C. Roger, Jr.. Oodetioh. .1. A. MOt.fih Wtngham 1dy, ooe, to Pest Office', 06detieh, Ont, 61. Conveyancing. Orrice -West street, nest TiAVISOW 301.114t001,1, TA*, Chaneryousd e 13Io ItaYs, solicitor, .82,Ofilce,conicrot Iv agnate and West fitteettOvet Butler's fie* gedetleb, 648, art MAO 14 lend at IoWest 144'16 ot 16nt‘tost, p4notioter, Aucfm,y, &motor ra moo*. 000$ Ad. 011104 OrOr ibrde,n,g 'Drug Stores thei rows forraiirfy deed. pied bjo JUdge DOM, one totem t letetet VrttrIMUII. %.1,„ BLAcKALL, Veterinary Surgeon, Oradea° of the °dello Veterinary College, To. !onto, tv1h,r •mened in office In 011810, 1, prepared to treat all diseases of domestic animals on the moat modern prin. Ad operations watery. . performed., (yr;d calls prompt. ty attended to by any or night. Fe* moderato, ()nun, -lot door • West of Item- necly's Hotel, Clinton, 0144 • . Pholeopp. ers • c() Pittl CA„D LN ON. Life Elizo l'ortreits a Siecialty, "r0 THE. PUBL,10.. Goderichliarble ...roe • 11AVZilipainfalf4. mum", notlrerg, '1 Oenetitl Akan of the ttederich Marble WOW tot thd County et Hueco). 11,17 VA:kt i. 'Li 0.., L. No. 710, 'clci.iNvoiNr, ' ,c. Iiii44 Meets sacOPn 'MOnnAv of every. month. Ilan upstairs, opposite the Tow.n Call. Visiting hrethreo \.....4 akiays made welcome. • 690 'Iv."' Aput:oxiyaai;:-.---it-`,R4,2TAIF,r,''ils: Volleg to pod. MONEY To.:LOAN: At low rates of interest ami upon terms' to suit borrowers. • lig.A.$1011G & SCOTT, , • • , lieaver Moak, Clinton Clintml, May 170, 1802. 20 AIONEY tOlotid 18 largo 61, mme,11 slims, .60 good mortgagee Or peronal, rift*, at the loNest etirrent tato& BALA, Iturow.St. Clinton, 'Cl.nton, Fob. 211 1884 1.1i, jhtte or ttiltt,' NtW StWilsTO MACOMB PM SAM, 1V1'tlit WItItAMA fitiktakit SEWINti MA. LN 011161t, With drdo leaf; halt hoot boon tisodtfor 11251 65' hdevy 'ivorkt will be Sold toeless thin 11 mitt,. Apply Or eddreefi FQB .9ALift. . • I N TUE vIlle 1.011AVS, the dwelling house and More occupied by ine. The Bitola oho of the most desirable In the Village for hue). ness. There 10 a good stable, outhouses, and an excellent soft water cistern on the premises: Tile lot comprixos 01 an acre. The buildings aro itrgood repair. WM he sold cheap, as the. pro. ,prietor fa giving 'Up busing:Ise. Tormseasy. • ' ' Apply tO WM. Dt.:11C4Z7 '84taff :4 7 BOn . `XiottIff. COMMERCIAL HOTEL. This Hotel is furnished throughotiewith-great care to meet the wants of' the travelling public. Commodlotui saniple rooms. The bust of Honors and cigars Are aiwavs kept at the bar. 'Good table. Beet situated Hotel In Clinton. OlVe Us .'A.S. M0011E, Proprietor, Clinton, June "ttlit 1882. . PRINOE WALES HOTEL. • The abov.e beta. i as lately boon !etyma(' bv th'e undersigned. The premises have boon refitted, and tho beat pefisible acconnuoti for farmers and tho onoral travelling pa t• affeeded Largo sta les 19 connection, i , Supplied with the best llopors and chows. our patronage oiicitcd, veterinary surgeon in eonnection. OLO, TIIHODALD, Proprietor, WAVERLY HOUSE. rriff IS ROW, IS NEW and hes alt tho require. mentim e Iirst.Olast bonen. Loge Rud airy P0005, elegant parlors, heated with hot air. In the immediate viondr el the CI. 'T. It,. Depot. The bar Is well stocked wait the ,choicest brands Of Ihrtors and sigars,•,-trito travelling eau° may rest assured if being well cared for at this hope, ' SAMUEL PIK% elinteii, May 16, 18.64. 2871 Proprietor,."!0•" WOOltilt4 C° ritINTO tmeto, No. -4, A. Ir. k 11 every retriv, en or Iwo tho fan meas. Visiting bretheen cordially Invited. YOUNO, W. M. A. VOATIONOTOr 8r0( ,ctiot,ori.Jait.14, 1881. 1040 PRI e tint cent* foe postago rettitle free,1.66stlybott lettede *bleb will help Mt, Ot either fant., to Mete 1261160 right away than iflythlintelse in Wit Anti& Ntnnes await the '111111 09)li1t48. CANA DTA N.. 'Ripe ;atrawberriea wore sold ,on the-. market at St, Catherine's On Saturday, , Mr. C,'Brougli, who for a num- ber of years has filled the position of Asimi grail t • MAAS e f to agency of the Bank of 'Montreal, has received the appointment of manager of the agency there, made vacant by the resignation of Mr. Yorker a few months ago. D. J. Wyckoff, farmer, Wood., house Gore, has a curiotity on his farm which is attracting a great deal of attehtioe. Itis a'colt with only three legs. The little thing, although it has but one leg in front; is as 71100rt 519 cricket,. "t_r? 1)iVOrO0 10 this eountrv is a with, er expensive luxury, but some peo- . ple will pay for it rather, than ed. for the stings and allows of conjugal life. There are at present no less than .six notices Of application for divorce 51 next session of Parini. merit n111)14111+14 in the official „ A Toronto young woman named Mary Parker collared a man named James Foley on York street and demanded her dog, she at the /tame time alleging that he had stolen it. Foley retorted by saying hat Mary had stolen a ring from him, and while thoy were fighting a policeman steppedtip and arrested both, lodg. in them both in,the cobtral Oaths Tho other evening 1\fra, Wit° of A druggist, of ChataWortli, Out., save birth to A child, A strorg healthy infant, The little one' is pettedly develop,,d exeept in one. particular. The right arm is entirely missing, with the exception that at the alioulder the knuckles of it hand Are plainly discernible. The mat - toe excitee a great deal of attention. • 'Duncan McCuaig, road tripeetor, Thornhill, 70 years of age,•was one of.. many Who objected to Pay, a sPecial tax'. levied' by Father ',Egan upon • his eptigregation. Sunday inornieg,• when AfeCuaig. Lisa his daughter went to ellurch • to•attend mass; they found a, slat. nailed across. the•door of their pew „whichprovent cid it from being opened. • The slat was torn Off and father and (laugh. ter entered their peaf: Father Egan shortly afterwards entered the sabetuay and •was about to commence the servica when he ob- served the McCiraigs ill their pew'. He iminediattly walked down. to the collar draped him out, shoved him towards the door and threw hini down the step, breaking his right thigh. BleCtutig Was reri1OV,- ; Ad to his home, where ho lies in a Iow condition; .InfOrinatiari wan laid before :a Justice of the Peace, charging Father 4an with assault. -A. summons vvas issued. Loot Monday afternoon about 4 o'clock a tramp called at,Tra IIum. roasson't lot 22, coneession 6, West Zorra, and after getting something to eat walked to the barn and set: lire to 6. straw stook, which tom- municated to the barn, Containing 100 bushels of wheat and 200 of barley, Rise 30 tons of hay, all of which were conteinfed, ID) then proceeded to Alex McDonald's, lot 26, concession 6, and finding that gentleman washing his buggy, asked, for a ilight'a lodging, and being re. fused walked to the other aide of a barn, reinaricing that lie (McDonald) would be sorry for it, and touched to straw ittack, destroy... ing it with the b:trii and tho whole son mop, lie then ran afirOfiff (10 10t 7, doh( 7, and set tire to Thomas Rutherford's strati, etaele, destroying two barns, with the year's trop and four hogs, lie then went to lot 28, 00b. 8, and was de- tected setting fire to Walter. Mea, dow's Wail, stack in time to drown it out, but not in tidier tO catch the tramp, who is ati& at large. His description 10 Ago about 30, light eomplexion, red mustaebei high cheek bonen, grey dote, new boots, with :red tops; wore a 8115511 nap, If can ht %Vest Zoete I n AMERICAN. The headquarters of tbe.Stilvation Army in Anthrica. have been estalt. lislied Cleveland, and the "War Cry," will be isaued. from there in future. . • . . The Standard silver dollars were on Saturday quoted Washington .as .worth 84 '-ecat& as bullion, Mid trade dollars as -$5:10, It is believed at the Treasury there will be a . further decline in price soon. - The St.' JosephMo„ court fined sixty liquor dealers $200 each,' and denied them license for two years, for refusing to take out'. Beensos under the Downing additional cases .ate pending. -An aged oolored man at Clinton, Maas., out bis throat becautle he :thought /hot the election of, Cleve- land.. would.result in the restoration of slavery. The. colored man ,does 'not' seetn to have niade much intel- lectnal progress "80nne de. web."; • In Erie. mitenty; N. Y., • Daniel 'Hoek ilia, R Well -to do twiner, hired a farth hand named Otto. Wiley. Mrs.'I-Topic inn, It woman Of 46 years of age; becatne•• infatuated with Wiley, and on Saturdav-last eloped with him, leaving her husband and several children. Wiley its eget] )13 and Mrki. flopkiluels a grandmother. A Scotchinan named McMinn is under arrest at Louisville. for a $100,000', forgery ori the Calcutta .tea company. ' ilis 'plea will pro. bably be that he did it for Plum. Any intelligent jury Will dismiss the case if it can be ' aubStantiated that tliis pl"u tiny Scotchnien 00 cOri• traVened thatraditioes Of his tioun, trv.ps to db anything for fun, . Residents of Farritingdale, L. I. are..extited over the elopement .of Nfra.'. Elizabeth Baylis, aged 70, widoW of a farmer, with John Ban, nar, a youttg pedlar, with' Whose ap: pearance she bad been striitten. , it IA said the parties Went to New York and were. married. „Mrs. taylis.was• in receipt cif aninconie of $2,000-a year from her liusband'a estate, After marriage elm deeded all her property to Banisar. BR. IT I S REIGN. ' A committee of ihe French•cham. bet: of clepoties has approved of the principle...of increasing. the import - duties on corn and flour. Justin McCarthy,itr,' and Justin McCarthy, jr., addressedtheNation- al 'Irish Club at 1.3iimingliani the other day. Justin 111cUarthy, jr., delivered hie ,inatigural address as President of the Club. Ile said the Trish members of the ()Ammons would not rest until they had,a, Par- liament -on College Green, Dublin, which he prophesied, they would have within five eart Justin Mc Carthy, or., said three of the most itifluctititil members of tho Cabinet had declared in favor of the princi, ple of IIotne Rule in Ireland, and lle believed the Euglloh Parliament would itflirm that, principle before five years had named. .4 conference Of FAWN)) land ow11. Ora and farmers was held in Lon., don laid. week, Resolutions were adopted adeelaring that A substan- tial tedlittiOn of rent was eSsential to meet the present agrieulturcel dee pression and enable tenants proper- ly to 0OltiVato the lanA ; that it was nocessary to anetiernge enterprise by giving 001Y, pieta security for mon. Oy exprinled by tenante on improVev meets, and by abolishing distress, and that courts of arbitiation 81.10111d establiehed in all bounties to nettle dieputea between landownera and tenaltta. SeVeral members of parliament participated in. the coro. ferenee. The imperial federation confer. once reatntiod it' sessien 'kat "Wed- rieeday in Louden, Dig. A resole. 'Won was tutivted providing for the formation of, 0 league the ohJect of ho to SedOte 15ertlutti8n1 itrail:geaWrileitsae hintlinuieezte iRtinrggarridJoe g8liteo4ft affairs, 30 58 to combine on aihequit. able beide the resourcee of dm e INN pire, maintain common interests and organize for the'defenee of coniumn rights. The league will pae every .1111011118 to attain this object, and in 'vites the support of all poli, Mal par- tie, 8ir John :klacilonald moved the appointhient of a Renegel con', mittee. The Motion was supported by William E. Forster, Lords Bose- be.ty, Du nraven, Norm a by, Sliaften- bury, Tennyson, anitMonek; and adopted. Sistine's Liquor Law Maine lute, at length, got a liquor law, to evade whieh will require the utmost ingenuity of the wine Rollers and the wine Whiter% Tilua far, a loop -bole Of some sort.lias alwaye been found in the statutes 'framed oe the'subjeCt. • 'Eike interested class. es have jumped through them as ea8 -When the ord i t'fh a paper i‘ly as an accomplished circus riderakes a lying leap throug salcion wag compelled to put Up it,3 shutters, the private (dub °nine, 11)10, exiatence, and When iiay meta_ for liquor was' prohibited, the dispenser of the beverage foufi'd a way of giii; ins it away, and at the same time reaping the usuel profittinder the new law, if the sober Solons Of the state are nbt very much mistaken, all these tricks and evasions will come to naught. Club houses: and, oilkeLtliettilat,-coxi:trietances-aite,to be declared nuisances and suppressed upon eight, :Giving liquor away is to he remorselessly puitinhed. , A person found intoxicated either on the streets or in his own honer., shall be sent to jail for thirty days; if lie undertakes to do the thing a second time, Ito will :be given a vacatiotr and an opportunity tri reform for a terfitatkree times its- long. 4o1ored %Silence. • • Prof. Johnson -Isa colored gent., who edits the. British Lion newspa- per in .Iramilton, Out. Ile also a 'noted lectuier. ' His subject be- fore a NOW York audience the oth-- er eveUing. was, write Eliding Place of the Wjt-1(.0'• _ ' "What is the Wind 1, Will any gentleman in the tindi:eit'oe .aniWor me that'? .Now, I hold that the wind' ie a material. • U'llere is' the north with] and the • east wind and, had add dangerous.. I could brini you any 'amount of facts to dhow that the wind 18 dAngerous. It blew down a oteep)e:: in England, and it pulled the feather all out. of some birds on t west ,that Were fly ing' to Dee ver. 'Near Vichy, 111 France, it knocked a matt down and senselesS, fired, %Inn) ha dataeito he thought he.had.''Itatl a -fit' or some: thbig. That , man 'watt ''nfista ken'. Iewas the wind that la him, - "Now;": said the professor,. shak-. ing' his head depreeatingly, "will .any: one tell me that the wind is not dangerous 1" He...looked' around. triumphantly, and the.audience hues its :headin guilt, "Withinsix, months," lie contin, ued, "you will have the moat terrible wind, here in NeW.. Yorkknown in fifteen' years. Itwill blow 150 tow AM Lkierkt iiilt,144.k,laga*.111:,suail1111 1417:Li luilaintijwiniiinii ..Lo icy ::::,:yuil:i,i.:41:10tpvilv.rivAwill":411,fu9uu,s161' ts.L'vioule. .101.1, wi "f was takes. sick 0 y.sat sygo Irso13,2 11313' s 'Pis, te 1:20! t 1041 /ming for lay liver, but it dialer AA Otpol, 11.10dri.d. not expatt to lire inure titilA Ito rd ifner:vitizetrjr:4:,11)1:gTili:,1111::::iig:trili'lranr:'-sluit0g:111°Isliiiiikili;,,:e1.:' 44:174:1Agutit: .illIdg.;:i.i:liAil 1 - fore. Te Bop Liitters 1 awe tetylico." ii -t, 100).11tultetuet IltAti.s.3.. 4,11,174big; vs eaato;t4e17411:4141,0044:0,41f,ti-iiop, otowtxtyld irk, t riion,,,,, -theNex•on5leitse,r1ratle41,4trocax,binew„ ifikottfultstLswti,f! I have setn:rett with stvk Iteediselle ' ".,,,II:itellIc_fl, Aldii., ifelh r, Is:0. chlitro., CIJAPXES 114 relnZieg707.1414tfirialti.41108 P:'' "The lira bottle . s '11,1;vililet:Siltar oi'4:111:11,1it;iinti IluiTef l'n e as well anti trim; Ili 'N'il;1111,11sitttativdusie t,)•tstnsut: tilt-al:11.81.1.tr"" twveitY v71:1:'11.11$•!?utflutre'l:a11-)11:celisli°::44'itry)titLIIiiteallti-vlitill'itirYbevel'iMiklilini)il'IA': 01°$11e7ert tiottle4 or solo lintOt*0111.94 il110 awl I knew of the "Lives of el,..,,,lit personS" . In 111,' neigheriamil that llama Iwo/ sr"A,71111,litnn byYuuyl,' 510/ 141,1tte"tSelti using thefts 14114 great benefit. "They almost no ini 1 ael es 1" --Ares. R. D. • lIOW To 00.-r,:itex.--Espese youxsalt day and night ; eAt too ItttWit WO itutt1 es: eereise; work too hard without retit 1 awl to all the time; lake all the vile ttoattallt4, advertised, and dam you will want to know 11, w to get well, whieli is ansWie1e4 lo three wurds --Talte• llop 'titters 1 . "the rife* poisomms atoll with "liopft we .gillivirle4:40%1N11,.e'iniollsctotigtei'ilit.01.1,:c:::%:•:tesi.seic,t1...ht:11114.6:;;:l.litt11114.8871? i bitiustriat Eflucatfuli. o 1t1p t. to execute LIT bidding of lila mind, observe, and train haml, even with only a moderatetlegree of skill,. ,.• We shall have conferred it great Won, 1101 80 nirticli for'who.ho tiatc•factlittl. att for having put him in 61 ret4IrcIFturechirorlitifflititriatir.FliT shall have loft Heb00i.' lfa.boy 10 pUrS00 even a prefoseimial carom., objeut li;itsona inipres•eed upon his' :mind in tend or .yearm will always iitand bun ili;good ,stead ; whether he is to, be a lawyer, phytdchip,. teaelter, or olergyman,the tiMe spent in obtaining a. knowledge of drawing and .of the elements of physics, will not have been spent, ip vale, and of sitili 1...freat;Prlis pripara.. .tiun to to 1hu if lie is to bo a faetit. or, an enginpor, an artisan, 01' tly S011or. dieleed„ it i8 Obt ton n 11.11 to- itssert,I. that . there :let; !I ,t tivi 0441 a titan may, .be engalleil in, after 11 io ham entered upon .the struggle .(11' life, in which a knowItsie of, drawing Cannot at Rome time or otherlatt trenielY useful to .hinb Soil: is, and c.ertaittly to a•greater degt .in re. garci..te the 'ability ..to haid 14* 11 more: simple • Mecliaita:al . tools. have known Men Who were grad pa .. Of colliiges and' of seienthic schooln, . who did not cliti not keit).* how the moneoon. $mae.winds are very drive a `nail iitto..a boartt.ferice. The .. • . •great inajoritY of ..efie .bey's of our liUbll 8n110.018, will., in. all probot,11,, fy,.110 mechanics or fitrinerd. ;...aOrnit will have to (to with ritilroad . street ion or niatnigettiPn . 'Wit It steaniboatspr-telegraplet, and . A11; as already wated, will haie beim ad. vanced..by havieg • learned at dehool the use :of hammer and eta W, squetto and. plane. We are tolti by - the press, ' and' is 81'8 it. from aettral observation, .thht the old appreittio.S; systetti in. onr. work:34'61)a and :fee. tories. is rapiolly.i)AKetint A yvAy, u nlesS we make Smile aeli prOv i.1011 for the toA01iink:Of the riffiti&gettera. • :pH:font', asse!johnelre di ?fit; tlet' , 11101) 10 11 o matters. at no distant day:, schools and sthnols ott:eiultkimutHtrloyig'l , are 1 Ong establialied , at: vai•loes potnts. North and \Vogt,. hut for '.' . miles an hoer, arid: will Continue, tof it seems -to. me, the • only effeetual inereatto for eighteen 1iouraand:. way of proificlincc :for ourfuturti- twenty-two seboods. ain . Hoh;,Y, :I 0 do tlOr 900 oily inarinera preseo 4- AO .they couhl hear ebout this and..leok -Out for their ships. a -month and a half after that you 'Will have anOther tetrible Wind hart,. • It:will blow down steeples as .01ings. I wish Ico1dteh1 y.ou inaf it ;will ctl:o towi...tli.e„ people, bu.t•I can't it i8 "„Now, there bee Very distinguish.. .edelcienti fie man 'dOwn .1.tie.h. • 'Mime who.: bOlds thet the earth four cernered. . am. inclined ,..10 think he is right. Rut who controls the wind 1 In; the first place it is it •tieDeity., .and in. the is four gentlenetv- lio sit fourcorners of the eart ., The New l'etantells . about tioo.snet "Dui to come baele to the .60 ject .of my . leettlre. Where i the hiding -place. Of , the wind 1, Where -does' i t•'• five -when •AE iii-ab-lionia-a orit•at work • I will tell you,. be- cause you all want to -know.- The hiding -place or the ' wind fain the ocean. The wind 4.-it,.'et nieletule: Now, that is a verycientific word. It is not Latin Rini it will not work very well in liebrow. I guess it is about all you -can handle. Now, I have kept my word and told • you Where the hidiog.place of the wind is. The professor, in additien to his Scientific lectures, edittwO papers -the Ameriean Eagle and the Brit, is!) Lion. The Eagle screams in New York, foul the- Lion 'roars in. Hamilton, Ont. A Deud fadie-itettia Y. vat you tink I„ !safe gif ourselfs dtalt Amy dis ttiosn. 10' 1" Isaacs- 'grew 'von doll" • Mcnies-"Vy., •dere vas it inane coome by der ehtore in, until kitews dot mans, 1 flayS mit. mineself-tiot (he vos *lot onshoranto agint, 0501 von Iriakto (In endii ill %Ott t dem slitock Vol we got, t 11144 him dot ve eliust tooled dot Maisel( nod it vos now .itex.tousand toilers. -Yen ve °my got, enshortal or tree 10518. 9)141 1" istiaca,...."Yah--.de sir tr etc 'boot Iousanti 1" i‘loses-t"Bot,taniniit, who you tifili dot Ytiller-iitihr bane9-41)er agint 1" Ifolais.-"Agint, like futlel Ho 1108 do tax *totter 1» And that evening tlirt titre nt liftiam Arid ttaltek magi* Vattoltio to begin' at the beginning, and lay a good foundation ; in other word, to introduCe thea)-) 'elemeets of an industrial education into elm curri, noleoiiy, Alagpr (;1' Cloarl!,:$- *e¶onil o.cfccaf r 0.010410n selmolk. Lfiti IV, 4. Cets. : Mr. l'ilacr .au A the 11110 ICwas nearthe cosy little hamlet of Beniniller.„.4 rap is what brought Herr Hanli. Yier to his front doer, where' the following conversation • took •place : • 0001 in mmiug, • Sit% I've got •a Very nice 'map of 'Kentucky hertiand I believe you lived in that State �ito tiune, .1,'d like you to look at." tIni•.house pitch:Mow .to yeti." .. • ' • tinkfi yeti .outitide pettet schttty;. -yotrgonii4ire- ' "Well noW yOu now rose on this :ado is 5-11)111) of KP 111 u.k y, will b oo this sidO (turoilo: it aroma' CO Iiitti) is.a map of the (54111,0(1 Staten." 1(0015,1Am:3,dpuy.ind no ,sich 'Map like dose." ,'-• ' ,71v1,1y 1 .'.,SV.leat's your oljection to "VII), it doted vas gorrect.". . "And why isn't it correet 1", "Dosed 'yen got 801510 no 'Meis)1l Don't) you know dot Oentuoty vas in de United Soldafes rind not on der vdder mide, fon it Youla abel- lnnt,a map pedlar 1 1 oxpose yon: tink of 1 Neve in lirintille mid veto do Schott Ala for I eloon't) got iio, Prai"011411417irbl,;(11).'101 1a1you-- have wreng idea of the. map. It martins the Wilted Statee on this side, you see., with Kentucky in thent.". eVell den ; how Clentuelry hint got on de odder Aititi 1' 4'iot MOM ;a, ir:n:1131•11111:1:0i 'ifrii)ntl."3,:i:t:e, PIN Ni !:;r! tion'il dose map vaiit. 1 got voA battle:fen Pull den got the safe oh Yashitigtoil donta -eiti'd dot tie n;m ow ein NI. Vas too pig, No-ftir-eer 1/Wild 110 dia.. infip cioili., *hero 8eMALI! 111111 der i4011111141 Trott Italie closed the tle, - and wont, briek into the house, ti 11181) til Let 1.114e$S a falai 01 • further, NATIO. Pia* aro inisurposse.', mild,- vet thrrtrigb, env