HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1884-11-19, Page 4!sT
I ollo 11 .0-A
onns who persm0pil thmselvem, tbat n.,t oilly 1phef, ditricOltil's ill 014. wav I are faw Englikillinell livile wntilli ex.
N "o-WSPAPEER LAWS , 0 NngO OlOr tIlLtIOWLI historY, golit 1 VIC Igurmt Wkr# gtro%I4
thitt form. of self 11141111-velice Witt; to of theirunktird, whoSe exemiskIs fxrii� 141!11(1 01'13111011110NS illeloded, for tho na. I A MARVELOUS 4TORY 0 1w I N T 0 N
i m !
'lilfil (if 1`1 -qt' mame for ntuly All other evidenvi Ii O�1� (III I IlUBLISI]ILD
I "Wi, call tire tllwf itilifida aviiiiniffledIrml to bit T
I tiont1l 1ljSt()ry ol tile, Aratip). llilitloo,� ow m Two wrq4s.
oil-] ollfm-rilhws to tilt- fullolving ,If want of *Jif-t;Ol1troJ wtiivlt inigilt iiii-tim, blit would alho coitfer a bell 1, . . vi 0,
ify It -must be admit wil, bowsIver, that Every Wc4uvsfJa7 Xorning"
ii re -441 to
Ilop-11.4 kit' till- newipittvir Imts-.- be alrordett I y tlio4ft vs ho drouk to -W 11pam 'fill) elitirfi v0slimillitty. thei harlialedstless of On free use of R 0 M RIE SON
qui; I I, W, .0, k so Will
i-xcebsi avid iimmi wi in. & ta -jit wat. if. (in, tlie, otlier liaml, I aloollol, Ceases Aid Soon 84 tilis five at (ilover, I W W
n �dve ity (returiling a In H -r framed mraimt Ildrink," tie, a mume U-0 of stllm� drillk 14, gellerAlIv liso is itillulgett-in bV a re,01,10 oi- 171, C ar"r i a ge
l m Rif
IN , 11'.110 there 1?1 U.", mod tho Illelond 10ft.wr wa ml you WWI:
'it w1w 116 INIpat mli. of the offlue, atilt of %,;4rjOu.,i critile.4, offt'llef's,- fillil ifil 411eakill., bellf-lillild, 'tiltil. the bo';
'3 1 1,
rmo tile re . asoll 1*41. irs not beilig taUqu. provid(filvivs, Whiel. Il;ks bern vert, hievs Of tee.otnii-mim, A, the goual ,,.it bard 1111% sival IMlor, lior, In it 4 I'larmlom ofilq0t; AT TIMM OFFIVII,
lonatillustel I still greater qle�rve, where there is C. 41
--glt vo D, tht. Kit, IS, i train upoll tile 111tel. -11yefto 8,%rSqpar
Aliv N vt tv do sit widely �alid: .4mlertill'y Irolleat I (i in order to tm" is rO
rV 11iiiinle t#1 tile pal -lis :11le" no continuatis ti, Albert ftreat, Clinton, Ont,
- "rave jkOgt -2 tzl
o x -ti littre siasertril from lift, .it it a w. r IR 1) 1, 111m it""11,111-okV,
*,A�rtl..rs 141 1111mr III's
--It* ally lialm,l) lect, tile 49 V-Ohol is not rt-Qifired its
01 der',
belich that. Ililral��`is ing pool 14flf.r ball." Iii
-IolllilLlled, f10 Jull'it Ility all oil rV41-1199s, Ill. III Suorce of pusVer, unit it heocta)(8 a 11:1.7 hall In his cam I think Ills blotal mept
5`0 hi '4 tit
bb m1canve $,I, IV not 80 paid.
till, utiblitilter Illifiv Volitintio, to Wild it of el-imiliality, 'witilont set,111,11" to tfiet(Ifoile, tif R&ivo at fifty ole -r tim-pills Inaterial whielk baj to be I ire, contained the, baillor fir ;It lwkst teu :3
fit loovillolt, Ill In reflect that, I�molld, 01,41. a;,Ij most e0IllI)J-e1le1J)Iinllr of (11(t meritt; Of the ellinjillifted from th" sy'sten), ati,] 7"-Irs; but lt did flat $holy, except in the forri
iro Coll
live years ago. ptom A few spots wiltelt ap4
"Pit, �au.l Collon tbe n pl, of a scrofulous sore on the wriat, iintll allikilt, H., CANTELON PROPRIETOR
Iole lk�foullt. ilyltetlivr it 1w, ta,ken front 11 lu4tri )I IvIdell ever) Life)) acLs fit, a liol,on
in. lirvileiu.m-alni I fliep, q 11'"t1oll, Wit are V411'.41 it 11011 Q
tt�p offli,io Or tiot. There elkil ba if,) 0 -it lumillari. 3 of III what im� thu plop has dravvil, tho pletti 0 O� roi.qred it that thue, it 1;radoally Spread so aq Nims, ;�9
it' julliuit lJo8e I ir fir Place of OF
tce a holving purchand the business Still lilmit rr
1111villflUt LI "o sot" witil allollf,41#10 10 Ml 0 b�
illillt; botv tile Overgrowt 111leted, and all objetit fig Idly, whext of Tax Ilt-gos Rncoltp, will ill rittkire
X13V IlItIMM Milo t3kM4 it ))AIhT 6-0111 W1,111Q'i ar(k If Ili fit uoivenol ri-sin-ut, alcohol hi a, ticale oF dit-tary, aml 'leity, dosel - N. 1, 0 0
thl' JiMt.oftiele, JVI�Jlther Alirl`Ojeli tAl Ilit, it would I) A 10 At luoult t's flud 111"my wfl-�It, fire Life I a '.I N\ Mull it fulals ill 01' b1ficoill I terribly a 19
ItlotivCl ti"llet litis ell ke I Ila began o4fo.-your incillicluo, Now, there are otibl isli til a min algamittell Im ford !if Cliulion,
131'. of- allotimr, or milotim III- ha,; wllfkw� Cu tom it lym to yield to tho 01t. buillmil ec"lloilly. 0,ml fleati-fili-ell Life filter elemet foirnion of his agowho enjoy as good heillix
fifty pen inflor tile, this of "Tun 111TI-to.-i
*1 . ill.14 or 110, IS, rQ14111 Ill'ill I10 - 1101' L114' J)JV- neive atifl,gland, "Jeaving or hi all lie bm. I coold 04tilly.paille oils BUGGIES 0
-,wrilit -if b is pippr t 1) 6 fatillionof tho 6111" it) \%hiub they 9 OUTTER.6m, WWAG XIGHS.&C
4- TI'a still -r ordel On- approaching tbe sil`ij.�olt from Utichangett nothing that vriloIrollm tffstll�r tothat facm In lils,elwe. .01"i St
at a vertahl I sit. youretruly, W. X. P)MLIPS." Clinton N the mnit prospernits town !if Z 0, 91
Olis pollit of Tim, w1mt we firstian(I it'
Intillues to sovild, it tho alrbselibl. 2, 0
tr is Went to b -:(,I Sober. T141 colillikoll 1; Life ellovillolm
in Imy lot, it it' ]it,, tolim it out of the most unquestionably flad is t1lat aII III!' !or! t V. or 110.11 tb v peoplo, nil th 'VII 011tavlo, I
hilt" $fill the Illibli tilld W110 Sit (10111 is
Ktatelliunt. of A pri,oiter, In th, 0 FROM THE FATHER -m v'7rtn:13!obatm11n1 -I thn seat Of omisillel-able
p rqt omt.e. 'Thii ltrorooiis twon the ir-intlil perit, LUMBE R AN]), SHIN Glik
(iffect that it wam 61 1 1 1 11 Pr IRCT1,41011 ia o1i t1le rihia of ale-hol. colltrarv, the ex nee of llml.l ammillacturing, and Alto ventre efille flinst 'NS' taken ill ex(Jjarge. Give me a call an(! I is
V,a I. it illau must pay for, whilt lie U80. all the ( On ;;, 1. 'kill([ shows 01!�Lffotilt, forill ormilconol a doLy for life to State to yen tliv boxiefiti I . it)r. vo- Itep
tating the caso bromlly, it may be .111tural so:,tlon ill Ontario. will give yort prices Oat cannot be boaten in the Coul airing an(!
S. 14amil derived front the use at
Im takoti for wit it w nd
is It 1100d whiCh, N 01tSilY and widloitt Humeall6zilig dolls. with liespaiteA
aml, whesi it reprements 11,11villim:, "id that 110 doubt aR to it's geuerally tvaill oil tile (Ilgestwe organs con" 0 Sal Tito. cotfibined (Arcullition or Tu rN. -si 01
t "44t,1111091 ,S arlUc%. Ru6mD execeds that of an -1 paper pub- It. CANTELO:N.
more diall thet 1114bituttl ullveravft�� WmAlcial influence was evoil suggo4t. i!erted ititollorce, be ringto Asupply Ayer 8, ap
St. 11A.41 0 lin smul-tv at I ishell. in the (1,Litility of 11tiroll, It is,
f inal, exeruised iii tile Wit *ed unti.11 0, tifilo NOtbitt tbeinallory of orallillild rooll scitiewhat tile rt IT"- - __
n u critn' which such It S 4atio-11 Six montlis ago I Vas teomplotelylifiveredwith '110111jure, tilitilit-IMSSMI Sit sit wivettisins,
8firtrim bys IVcIdnotKicv, 8 1,, %to fkpI)1y itself bellps to fill
(if fia%iiig somlethim, whiuli liet hah. �ouxo wbo are still. living. Fvokkk tbo a te"Ible halpor Soft. ocrofallous moresi Tim altalimu. Onv rates for advert i-iiiiglifre Cb
0 1 btl
1.1-V. %%flIblAil ORA10, UWWY! equivatent qualitity orlititritive S 11 h, hunirip cam,e,l. ao lmi�mmnt find Intolora,'Wil
bet'll lott to,oxtivut v�ill Ito pleASitig ilawn, of hiptory until well"Withirt the stance I, -po 1- 0 _NT I:j I the'rol-111 Of VP9011610 AMt ficuln, and tlioi,sldn cracued Fo as to a1). Ill.. to the, of tfiv authori ii -ti wbo 19th century tllb Ilabitual use of alco. ter. We a 11 know tImt the tile blood to Carr it) roally p1tim wum!oVer 6 111(14, '0 Illes, 18
44 wNles to Inform MR old cumomers mid Oil- pohlic generally
him in (lit. ir power, , R my Awl Nvuki Considered bent -ficial fly Wie alljo,a!s 11til,l po.4tioss a i moved. lily were great, and, Wy ar: fill, more 0 of life a burtion. I comm(awrol the usa og tho 44 yemr, Wat lie has agalit opened eat Iii the
of Western peuplu �0 6 Ilifile raqllt tN30 a. Ill. WIF wholl about to engage, Ill hoine crim' Nybat is' still. more to tue Iiur- Im 0 0 LI'llivol-3, for who At P.N. SnwlIKT, l'atit r. ratus I,llait til polso, it Nym it, may be 1,01y"hily Said, iness,
3,."l it. lit Sahl'atill oL Uny, 4 ina.i foitifio,l bim- oitco. The Etwes Ciarriage and Waggion. Bus'
1, lkniong tho-jo ilatious wilo m(Wer its into it without instruethm as
r_VNskt, osh a 1 0''.
I ver.C.evy ,!I c*.,ert
elf by a litilitu S a"ailist, misgl�iligw I to Ivill he left to tile judg-
m likajame the lul4ag 110wers of tile bloo(l I))' f,he oil wiliffli they Ott. thq Qorasr of Huran and Orange Streets, 01inton,
lit 6,110 .11. , of. C.%b- to Co P. dil" a tumit of tliti compositor in the dispi IV; In-
11161knital to. tile war agailklit, 14064,ty world. h -01) 11OW it N) OUI(I, be allunSt A -ed, loom ng to the &SI1 03t0ris On I
in which lie wm possible to tilvido into two Sorted until mmam e a hi the af� tile "Mounteastle property," wlivre he will carry
1 iin g, a noill, and at the babitual. drinkens of alco. t, 11 V a), its I Lava L= trl,.a I. i tol a(12 linfIs to tho oil Om trade In. fill it% An of over 20 y(,ars In busluess III
C1,111104 innst. be oinmi ted, it, which js W21= 3KT71RQW hol ard thu babitual abstaitierS trom bl'()Llghl� 11)tO Close p I10 (-cuts it title 1,611 first will hill) lo the reil III reille tits of the it) IIIII; 116e. All
pre.4otit thore Seems little revi to t� A .'s SAr?. .t. YL., L- velltr, line for eaell 111allIrial oftho vory lip't quality and the svorionallship 'Call and
1% It, 1,1011, it jA it$, aii(i the di�ision would be foliad thoir Own, allituti1q, which ellueut 111svi-tioll. ordel-s to diseuntillue examille liefOre All the rit, nianufacturedand kept
m4t wi0h tolurablu haVa l4tle of,, no , itif,iiiject uIll to col -respond, tit IL
perlialis hotter th
at thomp who c ecurpy, Nvith t1lat farther one and no pueposos !if living tbu in, advertimienmota must lie iii writill". C011stllitly Oil hand.
so ; C d 00' X004*4 set III' MA'J"rrit,
Illit them, shoild lie drullic than'that miglit be nm(lo bovireqietbo supply of' their bodily alld file an.1 nl 1�rj -p- 12 lioes to the
they shoitin I -e holler. A dril"If0l) liationH which. rule ovor othwil;. and of' thespocies,ailly W1611- fu10 Ck�lltttl title first illsertioll
minal fit wore likely thao it molver tho nittlous which bavo been sxlbjlll� Oil'. dOW-1111011t devote till their i)erm roi:S, raid 1:rur_os of feiit., line caub hwortion. Litawpaintina, Promptly Atte
0*R-Rep"drina, and nded to.
'one tq leaVe t r; Qtt's, willull- win I e,, d by others; Thore is abuittlilit votis'etlell."y to the dig,08tion of thelt Xt0l,.=3 Via l.,,.uott Pr all The Goderich News IL 1 3 m viaelleu tll.At life Call be sustained, food J I)UL it Is ruaids to his. detecti., ftia ISO, "lore, WILL CURE OR RELIEVE
likely to fitil in hN undertaking. A and cyclit that licalth cau be pro- Its � A that Lho 00 bowels, and rc�to.c,3 vtality and JOB WORK.
served, 041)OCially i.1 )lot ClilliatON, 1101-e si in all 'I t4loL.0 easily menZtho the rbole, system. DROPSY,
w'ItIloilt tho use of alcohol; but Oke ed the carnivol-it, floes no�t YTTERING
Wrgflar armed witt, a. revolver, 11 f, IVa have on-., or the botit appoilltell Job -A- D YSPPSIA,
Hu'l Record, the tunfil-1-11 fahion, wouill be a. rUrrAlITID, BY offivos wilst offorouto, Our ra(Afitipm ill INIOESTIO& FL�
life make ffo a -ttwqxt citablif na to f), all Idtitli. ri IT119 JAUNDICE. '01- THEmeARF,,
L IJT'lill' is as full And useftil. as it julglit bo, "Sullitotal'o'l t"1'1,Plr',noq'vOl1s iks- Dlv-L-10.-A�60&06 t
I, I "J, six bottles for 26. fall it �lle tvlo knolvil t,0 t1le of -Ikro -arwboth Ifiat riat Alwitt 6f More ]A )Orio".31)' (li- Sold by fill PX Druoglsts; SALT RHEUM,
1volnesday, oy. 1.0 tll�t, the proper &�yelopixk6rit of the diet, of' the voigeN06 YNE8.9
blere is'. Of Ille cliftne" allil at, the fi-101"URIV, 'D
im nlight Uso his wL 7 wriptions. Crefull and AoGurtely Oompounded,
recic- itiv�ii of the ilidivitItial, WO' hiLV that d1f) promptly attendkil to'
is, good tivator so-CMIC(l Morq Spare ellet,gy to (levote, to,other Why, is it Ilen seateil oil a ferice likie and Orders Answered with'Care and Despatohv And every species of vinsen
sthe so isMaInx-fromm
801( 'I'll 1� a penny, pinve oall
lie migh0letray hin I Ublilo oV.itleliCe abollif tile PUrIlOseS t1kall t110 cllsorder6d LIVIER, KIDNEYS.
ness of alcohol because cerbabi choril. like tlils�-Illat, file' vege, is oil onositio fit A'ews-Reboizj, Pitblic vyill find om; took -of 3fedicines Complete, llricrraixted BOWEL$ OR BLOO
I - I(I L%io tilil oil. til
Using it lir'olmalturt,41y, and 1 cer-w se v fer for the iii 0 ts bavo beou unable to -trace its oks other. Clinton'. Oil Re8t Qmoitt4l T. MILBURN & CO.. !ii""iR
toility'lliathe evould lie 1014slikkily pm -No de�still4ion in' theccollorily; of thn
liergy, whioll, In tho em-111vorn, 3 TORO SoaIls, Porfritnery, Sboulhr Trns96.9, Sponge.,;, and all
1,101nioldilical pr(mentafitin oil -Life tlian to [fit hili nd the argumunt 'iS about 'a4 valitt. lot o7-
Iif0 cesSary t ell foi., .11su l Hs Drtv, Store.'
as surno bf bhoflo�Nyliieb Nverlit Silt rvqui�
1) the illoll of 1,alcolvolie drit)10 that wo It 'im clearly only tio 1 .11 . . . . .- i� . -- —, h
itack Pit ions autlior of to be . utilivil in fit(, rItirsoit
y -of tho viewii put .'to Of doubtli, conceriling the of., tore or In whn po' .4 runkentiom wai futielf. 1110110 Coil], Ft'J'Ql- 0tt'S, 11allds, ki w kill -apolvoiA B if Is 4 -sm a capa N� () t111011 thill) it is. �ai IILLJ y WAtL
im. 11011lixturo of' tile two, 111 eal
WfM 001111.11011 among good citikei I'th's' (it is ecispl
Ile i"o FA PE
it) nmoy pop�flar error.% allil latv, aloidhig poirmomi in. order to already e itahlisbod I) u verid or at 6110 $41 -ole thil)" . .
Ve your '.,It "The -N, 0 Nil, i ng is, near� ll waotiRg
latistt bf Nvido 0XV,irl,011CO; kill 9 P-11! BY it'd .%vith Ow unimilli, cool. lit-rcei V. that the ams-er0ons tba the The time for. H ase
drink is a cau,�e af crimlinflitv, call idea fif attolliptill" t controyert 0%,- telifteilcy to -oil %A TAKE THE
)Jttiis of iiii-ontroyeAlliln L ' . . . . . - 1 0 und beconie %cop
(III . . purielinu by It 11milo negation is (5h the Le d" office. Hall, Parlor 'ini;icyJloom'� or""Bed-
only be accept und i�grvat reiiervl. the abull(Allilt .)% bile every, i.j Wpil.111dily llilIL11 h1co Of it n mbint-dity. Ttio mo,ticl tefood
Thd -graildfathols of Allp elit ont to see. solike One, Roo Papersi
i[i� dispi oof Of t1i - 0 of WWII] lifu'll beell 11111111 which Oblig6d. fo conslualt kI *fmswel, to question, (is
gemertitioll. if 1111-y hit'l 't Ix . 'THE I-ATEST 1
)is. aidult, miked 116out 010. ist-MV01A er lie 'tri6d to lean -bis canel oil th6 back will find the.
illLd fox. loilit P.)Kojs lcollol 5ev(TvIy tox LIleil, I' Nvws.-Record',
one. of 111*01'ellesti, R.11, the renowned . Ti
tilettl ng 8 ul)talned 11111loNt live. it) to see tho. Evil Wh irit' \It ilia ltest stylc�
its flid (I Tlest and- Latest -1-a
)I. a lorilling o litorial from 'tile of South Alm Ili) if bill lyou"Ve itintterns
it is mouniialit illid convii THE DGED
wplltl 1111t, to -iotousIll tlttvl� Cut, t , Oil a d,)Ur A CKNOWLE
Ille W1 ittel I llap'r ill; Out )81 - the ciailit IMIlghill", '(10 iUlst of 4110 utlaillerd.11 I total,
find O.it lus Illolioll aii tiny of re more liketY thati. fiaof EL16 0 as a tS,
kitors 1.6 tlits if to III- of V,�Iubl,, kinol,; fill. 11"t of thb ovellill" not L
fy we Cloven hoof,11.
uliul W 0 IlAsentning tile Clove,, Life watell. the recently 1A., W ocal. Paper
0 - R� , - , , �L. - Lead6
tot4l It (1, t)- M.,
Veil olf4tilc big it' lilbonc
I di ui�k its. it lord I 1i I wits able to A -11C. thilt J L ERS- &C.
10lom the, wan from it'linve t;L011 ( t Q 119 1
I. oturrent iii :moutlm, t1wre ` as thollisvives by woltrincy a, . of it Illf0illy in CH.- s Well over these livo yoting.hearts. FRIEZES, BRXICES- AND PANE.LS, F L
'�%Ijoln CbIRS Of PrOtillat.4 C6111111-ised- bluerib4nd, Uild OIL.), coulft Ilardly '"Osting hi,t fleavy tile I e filnd c
n3 Bazith ' r FAsbism llooks for. 1883 itra out, an be had for nothing, OF TIIH COUNTY I
$to pecial telldelley to cfjln0 artel, cligestinI, Call anct' seq Life pa�pers had get a Book
dofiL hilig lom iseijAi0l, Of the. wFinberi; 'of Ahe have allyti. hitl iiellast,
peera,(re, Bo- llervo'll.s. force fert. for the 1111011 fly bo (,!)fit ely twatll it alit! law b -leaking there to 1)romobe, thoir. Ail imp,ir, 111:1,11 111111y file fol-turfe of it -tiv
thtl Cb9CrVdr * is' to walk tonfince offchigh (10 fee or. tid . �k
fitet,: no obvioI14 Colint'Xion, Ili co�llditions' of Civilized Cau never. flit Of, if tilcy doul,l. and to compare the tovtoliff.1- A LAP%GE 'STAFF OF
Until the time Cattle whoti thme 01-8 ill t1lo stroo tire We D F
onla railway trai alyo their wity, �w� thtbOUr(Ir, w inind is which the.. blootd ifitist be, 'kelft Imi.e.
to- aiud. il the great D:r Ile �Ohpnpez illan lly. e ne. o m. top of the Kartil.
Re I
Q.Vory, it] Oaw (�ftllloi also to enply ailuolit a of dio picsuffial)1V nio(Jerate. C o'n I)' sTlittot's the WIDE-AWAKE
title anil i I f eNertVil In it
tWood and ry ulateall at defley ...... t -g:a I of `-, ca
however,' :are dis, band of1cha-racter am of Of f, I have been, I 313-2L GoRn
meima[ly under the �allction of' th if -%Vo autoniatic by 111111 ii I,
ally aL4
A m erlicii . 1-jourm -,"Is file I:e ONDENTS
bo ditb ESP'
of ;.ho Exh I ItQOLDEN CREAM
10 oso�d 1 tho llaiii), of eg"t ii �k-1
'(41filaSt %0 of: TIfivy like p-Irsons of ill ferior Iol 01"1111 ill(ligos -it blit4iti IN, T4E COUNTY.
)v nly I.o,:.the,n qllid, :111011t, all(l, by thvi, Tl)ebdst prqpmpti�nl known to cience for bciitlf�j fig the
til)le Iiii)(1, s"011 18 be in beture clivistllls�ol:
iInuall L
sion, .,of thoso art., Wt or bur also for the ell"ect.- of -a fit
.461 . on whiA shLoUl'I ri"Jitl' rel 11 1,01. i ntA leLt 11111 po -o not: oulv ex
1 orts 11116citil
upon (full all'i tolIpi( M
A liopular m-riti at the btit w1jo.
g1lod 10 fill onou Said tij brains, They conkiniv crinie, eftlim B 11C buli,Ia,1,s 11,lil t.0 of, it, to call 1114 qiiHokle in th.o. himt0q:of Ill. , olighti int 0 X Tu AI1I1I'.l&t,rTOX I, w'firranled to
.11valitify thp rindgive to the FmILd or I1`aI1(.w fVII �t p.nill III findllRR a�.J)rotlmsioll. oi� as the romult of — -1 -,, , f
)C(, iii-5joildoll, () i. iK it I.We carious to c -ail) work y
'(city td% �vvhi,f:ll 1111I.Y a vtry 11fiL S
11 -fat Is in alitl till lisrillitil It v,. ca6not* afford in devotA vei, 1%, act. ana tife ]Pviaonuo (if loavinx file :�kia Soft, TAU
I tnIllav be Swall ybung wo; bfk� Small milaill.10ator, L a'.
_,the u y I'L not
if -of tile 'tfltal,-or Ills "Illooth. and Wlittv.
e'.of at co I i of w If i cli,� o I I one admitled,that, when tli(,.y:a Young 11 2ti
fltill it rifflit'r, %00111 I'Vill.-Veli -but Cents. to Any address.. Postage
0 to tbe IIIe 0, ITOPIC ill'd
Staltip.itaken. Addrvs3 all letaku to
IlAt, but not Illuel I Unilpf qtores a Ifict which inalce
Ir 'llif and re
livell carried oil wit of the Avordf ud r1bantl :-wore
lit lifts
D1 OR, Dmwtr 2,678, Toronto P.O.
-e tile least demand A Yonkvi,s� Illan sa.1 01"It, life
fluence, f' di I nk , they at 11101*17! IM
OxEroill .0111, L ely -pi , to go topt'llur. sholl t I I e P, A It your di�nggist for lt�- '1VhoIc:;aIc by all .,%vhoIL
r til likelv ro Coll . 11, tilatk wilelk In OL &I ltoliql to nion t All* as 6 w of., nd� gi4t
50 Mie actiou und(,-rgrowt1i or gives it ois ber
of t, of' 1,0160 whic.1 lotiding citizen camint, go hoo'in ,o
Of' )tioll of lifill, 'I ulglt
ftta 'It t1l t-, it
upon tlie.� by Nvilt tile IMIJIf U1,10001 y f, o be -lik AMMLDY For, CuR&G
clip fltl is. 6i . I .. . S
(Joquetice, to ive Ifila.1, a light. and 0118- :'T
oothel' - - b�
the -t
ful of I -straints nf 6V
their Ialichioll, SmAl w3 M 14'. to EL113F fore. cannot bd .'at)),. Alqoliol In Iwop -CONSUMPTION, 'COUCTES, COLDS,
�..l 6p, by Itit I of Eut ASTI-TWA, CRO -UP,
pe,ople of this C .4 lb ..
eavier ineal
las t(;.' r. ill klivi till A ills
Afli, TI Home',
tlltb piteifiva thVI folly IM Much good,
I,% its. It
storativ to 13, ilitwh h
fill-. alcollol,' fill(] is miatteiid-
t lotis oppec'm to th"'m wh
of 'd I a t challpe .11111Y. prol)al;l� bi- L F�YUIbNAhY,�.61IGANS.
l -r.4, Ijut it. . may, be t thoy talloy thoilistilvim I -I the lattei-, fif I ltqy ITS PAIT11110L, USE 4� __0
tonme %N, If Will oul(I 1)ILI fully "groat" orgmjiztttiun, nd tho,,fr affi-
-r tile g6roll w
force in oc'essive ty i.4 gently. titiftatool by �llo of
When other Rernediesand Pit 'THE APZMY TO THE FIZ-O.—NT O 1, TTE
to tile Cost and ovirtuU aivri to 101-:3 Nviiiiih would linve to lie expoilloed ysicians have N G
to tbuir il6lgllijors. "I'lloy becouie, fidled to effect a care;
'it : Va Recommended bylin�sic?'Ws,.Afoll . STTZ�,AND
N iluses. In f.LCL Uy everybody who has'
%V iS to (I the moi.111, rei- i8ts, 0 or all.dm' giVial it'a gubd trial. 11 neverfails.
rot 4 0 ttol! t , fo r c, i-, A lieing a. totaf 0
K, or all i-viyisoctiol)-
te6total !C, 1110d
V fill., "111011 ditlozi4. wi'i of - �1111 tll� 4ilehtioul, oil OTORANT lj� has l o' EqU4.
sing 0 -if I I, exi
g I lie In -y ithiul,*1 OfALh'!Col'Jl".Uo't.y umlercow� volpal lightness of licart, and'hi oquid fconstimer, _A ynddia
'o -L EH E' h-
9 1011141�1 jIo�ver of �Hoiff4control,. alid N�llicll thOy-101allo 116,11'a' d all owli ralivio, All . (I
will hayb mermyn,
I)fil oil behalf of tho Iti.51101, mlcss Delicate Child.
in. 1) is (Ifile 11111Q11 ri am� r, ivo
provide fo r. i t rk extiiina I 'to Ti i in ge I f. lt'.Contdin 110 OPIU41 i1i dq f -.of Luctotalers t1lat , at Iniist 1A.0ve oem
stjCCe.4S1V(, boilog Iof will silicetiq by surruildoriw; so;llc-
t I Ile tlliU;,; Ill. the than A, gar Directions ccollp.iny'. c X-ew Stac'k of Scatch, 21d'Canddiaft- T eeds,, Rritish dAd
This '0 ulclit is, llo,b, bme(l W
I., At Lho mmo 'the'apilaret llje q1lantifLi Or 1118 worlt
ifly Process -Of il.[!Our, t1le, full Of 1,1110 I)rc- For sale by all Drowgists. F6
t! Ii I 1 Troum ings, will 111trip ant -Aelifi -alitl
they iwobl lily tAng- (11c. pregent. genoration, to 11 Je (11101ty, Of it'. IN Ati-C.1, reign News
iiiihes. Alcohol, to be usdull Illull, r -A 1,
60' %vol I M. if) the rl!;,Tlt for flit- heiit villillitid at WiJ qwal to )iolilti gal,L loiditee flon ()III' pri(W to 4111. 11
I_-0 K I I A 1, foi, your next 8 u I t.
-words .1fibbt U G ATIIERED V410,11 RE'LIAbLE
pow buys, if iu have nal: got the fill(, "ry
form in I I'ru L 0 ill rlllLUU'WI 1iQb '44
that -Whivii i4 Iner OlIeL bervo - , I", , * , I-1 t6 th
:I I ll(A L"ll ct ultl at ally I. lie so A . fjo Mom, le bo ;..v Nvitli foroe. Where t I I _& 1� S C S Ta:
ha( Ig beside hill), tile to oa% �A,;L%
pextitiAde residutilli to* f.
llt� Vitknfi�%ii t O'Ll 'tatitit ft1lbl"
ito what It I.. 111KI
a keep sobel� w0al'i. liot, -a-
1) 0'. yj I I"
tO ain tile ing. If 9 if so�v tep- r.varcr to t1m, A. L bit(- fuet i* not ConsI Ipolly it) by the
16ur- D) -412 A I'll). Low. of 1161ii.mayvolf lilt ve X-ARKETS-
L w is 0tilfilolify fluiipo.461. prilof of t hi�' iI4 led find tlic looliol, th"'q, I'llis of' ITM
eveli t, in this, 0011tItl'Y, It tAlfell LO, dll,y,� 110;V. TitIll V: asked 'Ills
Of 68, of Irelmid, � Iv it is co I"
of dis mifort, ox all oxploi
of Ali coultuon wallovii will Inke.
)mt il.f.rt,quently to tCe it it (if boken, 8 id (4irtiotis of th�� A o'(1liS ifiJiSt. fily foul.fli I !it 101 -the polliiLs Are Corrected every, X
ILI I, call tvot
should -66 Oil fly Ilitper ro if I, 11) II) I. V quoth.die iiiiiiisfer; ',I.
waN, ViLthfIl' e cf. Says t
-Prnook�y, jrisl befora
c Could N`G of' fil a, ;ht
follow., 1111 t1wri, 'iH Litton 'fill O.1 "(Xitedfor could 1.
nnot, becaoste is Iff., il ire V i nk tilt, oing to press.
We�tiqffqland, Scotch and Fo ig-n sluffi10 9
(d fly y A a r f Ills, Ai,
fill,, m-k-asiowdly 'of-- fl".qumal 'w me thall ill aliv of - WIL itild Y, 16�1 fiefulitry lives III)JI1 Jorrils ftloxfi.,� ill oll. 1) Iltsilt is Im aflelmlvo
alit ave.lul� kingi, IT, Ing n
Wtim jiol thotight iSgi: Mef-ul. ill aliv t. is im-F)Lv ( , �-q, buttatim(f lot( X;�rt It , wlll,tho� niiii � clifth.: hy Wjt1;Lt'A tile ikkattcr.,' T�ouisienn g' q, L Ash ch Worteds.,
fit" foi*r(ic i4lni 111111te'd 1,116� diely all(i 1114 f1drust Still)
31 L-4 19 favol 6aV410pold lu� 1-011 o1jint
0,16 to '11dismil olds. emlq) I'm i-razv %vith.miat to in. cog.4
-,IJirqt ". � ) ro 1) V, I 1 -8 il llolj I Ih!_ tr ,
(tv -
iIt coull) ahits tending L.o%vards coi
illott)(i u fliv it'll I, to low 01111, it was fdr it IS not off t lint acefiti.lit In bot]) 60 tatvtl fire' fill tiX. 111lb ' and .,vt it a
ly 01, �Stl_ tiny I lit. lefiq of us wall. X1 I -
most' SUL Vlred fail It) one Initiate -011TH' THE—CLAT ME
it it'll I,
A W19 its vei"Tors I'llow In* a' fly 110 illealls tho.-f. Who of thu wants ; ti: now Is 110 v t 0 lot'go of' it, a ftnlemlidly assortt( look or iiow Spring nnd�'umtrier.Codos,
to .4110%y, Int:ill1�4"I o'kitI. n"IV I)o (Jill Lo rl'tilt I I Goth -11(
edIItoi and IT tell yoll and ilettly-mado olts sit or-:-Iloflc buittlO.
(Lt. it mt us rations of I
m I . i� ill. acei it 'o !;are it 8116 Sit L dovi, it to tile U n kii own t'l, 514
I aor li'llull)II1914 tiliNli and 9 A ruirilne or C liz, it. selvos, alle jIlA a4i wroirg ill nf'ile,tyoy .11ti(I Pe. .,I miq 11) It tight, lyJace tiliq 11111" AllitI Jonny fk:U:.RW1SHJNd8alwaysms1 otok. call aft(I meet it will pay you, '18 A
?I- be0n. ft& anlll.t if
fin6s fill IMAM S Ef
titalk-7 they lite flow Nvitil its occur. ciiange I .)o fomliloll of their til at tho baswq of A'uhmilit 'move \Vorms III ellildvell p Lt, [tilts. )'()it VIIVP Will "Vit 11 i tf "S 11 chaiig6 file foshioit
fby illie 1* t Cold liothhig,* replied The Squave.
a4 if) aliv 6 &tStils .4G erittice th
of tilefe lmt� all I enLtS, its, I froill wIl Utf fit cutJikoi a koifo - 1114 1111t; !WHY, I- VV 9 11 0011"t. two whole
oin 9 . h1v �y . oil collil-lig out of It." , 1, was getting -rO:DW--Rl 11IL_" ONE
and thkt, iiq tit, tho d'eprilvity' of' wo alrumly siqs,' ,I It ' , tllv� wiek8 whiin 11twmiste -C 0
A is always 840cml of to thoughts 111ILY Lus the fjl'tte� Of that to It. 1;L)",'o (%ti.11b tL;cto_ 111, niind that ber Ni'61 ILI, 0 just its good as
and yet we never ho hall it) till IV stepputt hil,t) a file 113101 tho ssu,) 11;)ld owl those who I, . huy of the roftl eiVi18 he of t wity- wiiooti. will, it ri-ienL(i to,, life aT(j If.114 pose.
, t to bilcome Ni, lli" ""i Nil thIlt".0il tiliS Ki'lo! of St. y to NVallt 'at Lit If( U oduction I
(1,1111 arc IlloSt Or eXarbilliOg It tIOUbtrill 10,11. to it. In of (1111e, AN Geolp.'s Challilid, getic tj Ic. III c(l (,i 11111 Of 11 twignify. roll 011,1111111, W()U!(i ihink it tlot fill trlot:�wltjl the tild of it
Iiiii(ifit of (Irkink rood-ilaturud of INUali mild If I C. till) litted allod. low ro 8 gi F al
Islipped I'mill, -his g
tiolottv tim 1witter tilfin, Should lie q o ili.eted to w I I is it ey, of like 1110-11 -A itwith QW -11 boltlP. I'Se ff, If AL
Loliell it to. fall into disrepute, And 'evoll tillill flitt0lo lihould itSill.1, fto tho nettial �Llffl kiullpek'. seetAfvct Uf or evol r6y firfollf h1v
I') lie 'i'vitutiged dilefly by tho8c. who he shillful mild ill ti i IkIlIg Pont SO 4 proloulill flint If,-- Cool I ol lly IT, 11. 'to flito lit a 11111diortl floill bellind Lt itftmes 1�1"Int:11iIiii
mich drilluill'i letil. a I-Im,
Ws rill ill -the ol
I Im ilof ot tho poati.groaL.. tllifil(l L#(,,,. -III flittol-114.1 lim-ttio of Ally (,I,. to Ile it h"Ill (in it all 'of Woxin Iriiiii children of,
it liecrinlo 'iiiNsociatofl III I hq� (VIVOcht ilR Of total of til(I reillm Ilrown rented it flivill iw file
filld tidt nr 110 was a stralige Elf Tflill'
to, whi criminal co Itilluold'v Every till wo all(I beillo, veey pejoill-lolls
Attil' )JI'llet, it. Nvi m to) it rvittv tit I lito a %1'r it I.S. 311-41� - " I AT
Sicittil, aild allmilip..every mall uf grosping, Alld . thuled fols his
t�xt t babittially h1dulgellt I I it. t%V01, Could Ifis 81 of the industrial lt,�i I)V ii()LW for N()Ille low tilitt ter ealled om bim one tiny, to' to Stioligim olt:-h all havill- hePea, bell ll:m 0.111119 Ott V,'ev heavy ritill, �rvl[ a burn TWIT.01 JELL So.
fit re wilititliv.. sut-11 fill I which 4,111omid in it)(. 11Y -1, It. tl*
rill -ill Afid the
ig nlik w Iter ()nL tllt) Shell' 4nans
mootilil uor way. of fill! sale of drulk; )fill] they *It rz -rr
lim with tll�tmd it which men ofv(lry ri burn I
IVII89L by 'Atepping
hil tojo-dify itiii-if "I' fore %I (mill )lot to roNtIvif t Ell ACIUVO hVeS, Or')11(!Ik Wifik .--"WIIV 4MIA V6111" Inillt fit(- lillillit, 0alle.1 14 the I, f .
. lipoll to g�cat . ](lot; $I) the bausing a
When, It If-lierilliv flof fit(! Wllolo liLion, III Scholl< 1Z loo ilt! r t k, fe who it I i!] k to fix(, Hit illtl�H, havc. (1171111k V,1-3' It, iievi,tv has bvell finite o brid am 11)(I %vaill 44filifle V felvillir. V dt, Or t'll-IN(k IlliIJ111 Illo inimster
to (fruit Clio.,(, ';wy nlitt yt-t, noLM1,11-dall(lilig ttle sto te nly—
od 'tile Illiglity
fw,;re. btfrolm tjoing qu t1li.4l'ur 10
IitOur m;w firy., Ahmi vVits brim,flit, and tho iiiiist stimi&
fint'rally rells promll - an
lit, known imil trivime. Tho lillctiltil's ill I he if On of 0101vult 61reetti I I. Ile brig Arrose't iiii, i r I
llfIj.4s by topotl fold Willi (:( IVIIi 111vo Ili-XiliLL(Ill. thc.mmolvo.4 010 bight- lW001,' RAW Vli�
Sr& d mor St o A
ye rl�f at it,
110mp,trath ely sm,dl numiwr of Otses bo lulacil 4imillivilled, if -it 4011141 Im 11110 (ISO IM Of 11001N, IM,' 4, Me., T would 601 the attelition o t h result If 414 if vto., n way of WOUI(I livok it 11f, At I aiting for th') "Welly is evils t lit, but ye e
volifitfor it it) illiv 601(4 wits -1 uso I it ?I askoa lIv) Atoly that N1lo%%Ii flid tile Use -of A!Coljol, ill at tho iAl tht, it tile )It%- 'I)oIi!t V�)[J'Jlljnk (-fill dite as I e like 0 W01110. IVA Rld IlOoIR onIV race lilt 1 1) -(!If t;i�-t)tftllarm aud'
I'(Stler ofrel, it tof two of! IvAq 11111,1fill,
4' Men"A, Boys and Childreii's, iIhadiscom'AA was knock toaff tile lworevol4lo I I ft I Or polsollm of 111111 01v Phurpy, of th get 1) 1) d It &4r Tpunks mid Vill IV,�q very thealif.
�V willvIi gotit, ifI lily, Ioirewo- ore remly tbat, I -hit I iwt 6 ht Nmv 111111. Irearn mid Varrlo.g -T.t. 8 er-MoUnted 81ilizi
I wolTI'd finve buVoollinn, ", Is, -
. I I—— �w I .. 10� hl %I loa ito liad 11011 Nrit. wo,
4 liftq e arimm Cheaper tban ev liv
In ILIJI)Np i 1, llife, of lain years, to tilt, in thra even I vo., that lit, glial"tillvoll, 11 f j�. AV,. lilentV of filul, , I I , Ifilemb('rs �nf AV011 1Q) bottliIA of III' atbattle
.6111111,411I.Y. Partly, it Illay-6 Olig tho illoht I( ong t1ritilk hoill fill- it could be, liflowix IT'litt KLP Top Wlimvi attaeks iI m� I think offIV fall. Lvv�� 4 m<
its 0
IN 0 ti
li form of �mfilr.ill- wen Avlwll I fit (till
sions IvIliviv a little. III PX(%,o%Aq of 011(i :111;1 110, 4 it
ullivil. in ho com itin lily diq- 44 it) (he 111�jotify Or m4vs injilrinum, i /?d J�p -floote (md 8110M, WIN
(if if..............