HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1884-11-19, Page 3%lain n Vi . tittgli: ,............,..,............44.„ oc4:4.•40,44,04.,...*•.••• The Qaciersh News liu Nth ...Rebord, MX 4 LU 4 41 A ridtaP): ' • 3.700X'sT-• c &sir 1400A1 WS. , — '*1•11 d Aretlifilel4ke ZOWIT NOTiCire,at dait4140*01100 Stai-41 reesivi iteng of +env. froop any. ratable source, either 10441 or venom..tr. yari se mournoe site 'Ateletate s ityi4 aiereli flame. et, ; or foto pftin• ,ntelfssroi orgenerii inlets:ft re weeps hene a ?taco in our columas.—ED 11111 WANTEP. —4 good Kit- h •4wanted -.Gooa wages . 14-pnlY at once to Mrs. Mor- i " rand :Mien Hotel. 312 jrunt New Stotdi*.tif Berlin Wool, Fingerings yiieee Ace. just received. A..' good. New Cos.i.,,stave for sale elOap„ c4ris,1101i#14 Clinton. ilklltoimgliwrioN dii'kicatzu Wiepsoit arejitsi.cileireg the la' est seasiit4'littess they...have h ' in Chad& ' • lighted' a *.ntt mbes,.ef residl 0,04 tonti .4horehett their se*Ttimi;lts;fiiieCbe;. ti of il'A,r.,„AV NbYrtnarket„,ttst, opened, and Lij!ite1 by this CO. that it is elm moat elegantly fftC4W-Clifirelt ae. far as light is concerned &uJ si thlattede Cities. This ,ceuspany waked. 'tine Work theiemPticialt • and have al- *Iileioaud derability rlitelier than cimapnies. Those who eltpect to build church, residence ot other 41ings 2.tn the spring ithonld write-te.theeeiiipktiy se that Ipptepteisite•` Outs and suge.itions leen be, made ateelteir leisure. and Suive thee -and eePense litter in the gason. . s • .. •-• • Tivav Yourni has been :quite ill blaaAtiett itariir weeks. t. • • Tian Doherty, (gin 'Co. made their first Ittlinient of organti to St 'Johns, Newtomullaipf,'on Sat,urduy. SAEEPTA pest efae, in Huron,. MIN. re opened Qn,Ie 4thNov., with IViPlit-',4112tyhol di is: postrinaster: - MEEauNcAthai,•01.in,ton., briyThg Purk A:ssecififton ., day 211 lit in. , Alit. L4,-;•i(Azetikni• is ifl, toWit' for a few tdays. ' Ha hasre evenly been residing in Stratford. ItleVIVAA SZRVIOSS cenmeeiree in the 0. M. Church, We (Wednesday) Afternoon et 3 olelock. Ma. 1.1. OANTstos went to Mons 4reai last week in connection with his apple trade, lie le now bow again, ties. Busman is fitting up end repairing his store onAlbert which was damaget1 during the nigielof the Can Luton tire last Spring. it atready looka as good au new. PANE Fun -Mr. Cottle, with S. pavis,ibed a choice specimen of the' material wiflt which one of our do., tieestio quadrupeds is covered. It Was tlwraw hide taken ors,•deceas- ed poker. • CALDAIN Y. -There is not a par. ticle of truth in the statement in the 1?r4 of last week that lelle Bai- ley, lustel,keeper offilodesieb, was likely to have suit brought againlit hitn for -pitching a Scott Act man out of his hotel. Cetesoltsgue-Tlte town- ship council of Stephen passed a resolution requesting Mr. White, editor of the Exeter g'imes, to attend next meeting anti lay before the members charges of wrong doieg preferred against their toweship; clerk in the Tinto. if Mr. White' fails to appear, the matter is to be referred to the County ,judge for tipvestigation. • lifonnt LITTLE' SE4roltTur.-The $un Aloes for all but it would no 11°04 rather not be reflected in the 4,pe11uCicl" surface of mud _which covers that hatulet. In its las issue we find f "The niain street of our ton would be a good place or IIans lati and Beaeli to test their ekill•at rewitig. Daring the last few days it was in splendid condition, without a ripple du the until‘ All that Was required vius to stake it out and an- chor bunYs at proper distanees. KEEr Owe TeLE' 0tAu.-The Sciennlic American: Cracks in floor?, stinted the•moilld'boat'd, or in ether parts of mein, may be neatlY and 'permanently filled by thoroughly in newspapers in paste made of meet rand of door, three quaits of water, •end a table spoonful t:if alum, thoroughly boiled and mixed. The mixture will be about as thick as putty, and may be fume] into the cranks with a case knife. It Will harden flke papierenache. House CARE.- rho Farmer says: Robert Taylor, who set fire to theI Kinharn ittt Pacioii,„ has been •ielet••?be t Inf 114 eli 1.41ciel t Emelt 0:tie ry for three years. •• •.... ' . Ties %Aiwa Chronicle libel suit against the ReviewOf the sante town, has been postponed until -the Jan-• leery assizes in •Toronto. • ' His Lordship Bishop Baldwin has appointed Rev. W. T. Cluff; to 13russele, to take the .piace of Rev. Mr. Ryan, Tempteeti tie C04,6111Wel. . NIL llEt See:water forinerly of this plaee has recanted with his fantely from Dakota.- . He intends. spending the winter iteClieton.: ee • John Reid, Emit ,•Wawanoele.: haft been . cutentiteed fee euriel at 'Huron .aseizier on enepicion. of %hate ing hred thee bent of Mr. . Jolineton, of that township. , , • Ir voiJ wane to bey .�r sell any-% thing Tie se• Isfasies-Bereofte ist one, of the -best ad Vertieiog • mediates in the *county of diurote. „Tier double Me- e:11110mi talk's- to thousands. • • MR. IllifICHT ATTEILL, of .New ' York, wee -in "reroutes Friday, en oate co his large ttlecit farm ill G elterich; mei registered, - at • the Rossin House, . • • . e • . Amor° the: sucseseful crintfidates for the, Reined interatediMes • 'at, Osgoode law•tecautinationelamit week was A. M. Titylers witlitait an orat Mee Taylor was also eiteemel in honors; ' THE . contrectore . have ;thou' to7itpleted • for a titenlite•ge 'reuse ;.oir the •outcond lot itt stile. gore, est . the 'old *ditties' street, not far irOtti the. Queen's .hotel... Mr Werry the; proprietor.' . • .:. Fog FLNEJIB PatNTINH give THE NEWS ReiColtit -a call. & .sey•lisli and attereptitre - ptln.tittg as Can- he obtaineteTett!eS, and in alloy ,cases at about cue -half city prices... Sale Mlle and alf.kinde of -posters id the beet style known to the waft. SAD APPai•-•-..Mes. Id,' 4. * fttbite. ly, of the 16th con. GOdeeich towit- thip, was visiting at Me. W, 3. Me- Brien's, 1{t1)ett. itt tetUreing litsiote on Saturdays site carefully !Neepped np her irrfeet, int Was horrified: On teaching Clinton to find that it Was dead. Bueial took piece Off Sunday: A Bitorede ' eleerit, in 'a ----culvert opposite Mr. Leslie's reeidence May cause' a fall in horse • fledt if not' re- placed, and an open drain acmes the_ "tenet ease efe agr. Ki.Fry..Seven's residence • may be . the Means of causing 80111ft• unwary driver to pitch into the cOrporatioreeeraude CLERrOet, Ansekkenisiers.--ellie -131e10,0e0Qt-11.f.•911. leeelegagittliada, kir; Vr. Smith; Of Iseainingtone 'to Men; dey ; Rev. C. R. Mathew, of ,Goile- 4011 township, to Kingsville; Revs. 14 D. Steellirrat. Bleithqtieto, Gode,' rich township ; •Ret. F. Ryan, of Brussels, to Florence ; Itev. W. T. Cluff,sWallterville„ to Brussels. Tent' REsznEsr Mistirins. • 'wit.. liresent, the. chants of: the Bible oeiety in theite•reepeetive churches n next Sunday, the 23r1.1 after ewhich theetollectore will eall on the townspeople their annual sub- riptionat to, the Society, MisseS #tyler, •riachee, Turnbull, eithington, RiPtieYt • Doane and, Oliver trotters Cogeetore; • ' GOT ,TIIE BULGIE,..-4 it not every Jist,fler. thaWil; in the position of gr. Seagram teft.,Wa`teMeie. n . lee an% ture an ernormouli Supply of ater whiech/ Controle into wine, nd if theAdate•A.ct should erevent Aini it OM' atikeitirig ititd leditelry e is deterevitted• to tern it atto quo, at tiiretits, and ist niegotiat• ig with the totens of Waterloo and Orlin to ttUpi1Y thnrn with 41" wit for tfOlieflitiid and att. PUtp.OtteS. • STRAY ',A.,..iptA:1te3he laW te, hes that every perepp who takes a Stray, 0160.1 must notify the Shipre1e4 :of his munieipality fadt,.in't4dition to advertis• gvittg as minute a descrip• f tho. eriiintel akpossible, The Muired to keep a.litth tit abititals, Persons failing ith this provislom.of the 4tuselWesttbjefit tO h tE 7wortu;., limn awl 'battened .boarding will per -- -give plenty of • beddim. and .with abundance of food the borate ie better abletostand labor and PIC posuie thanif Kitt' on a -board tieer where cold air 'circulates underneath -and covered with blankets. Our expor• beide is ie two of dirt 'floors with. out blankets. , .Dirt floora well lit- tere'el are no more .troubte to. keep went anti dlean then boardfieer.et and no stable with. a dirt -torn'- and dote/611y bearded up will o eel' be cold enough to eauee.a. horse fo er. . • . A- PESKY TionsE.,-"A woRnien, an .eiceellentr one ton, ongagoil , itt. a Clinten fadtory, hired a Ilene and husigy and last . Sunday drove to Goderiele -Ile had thore'elliOehtm he bargaineo -for. Abeut two miles; tbie side of Godeeich is. the Maitland.' Ceineteryt. Arriving this far oe man re 80111e weirthelike spirit seemed, tie take possession Of his horse. The driers r white led- and 'coaxed mid, sang to hitn, all Was of, rio, .U8p, I Only • infuriated the animal the more. It snarl' d• es though it- Were mortuary ,ite eke wafted from the. 'adjoftlitig -burial The heast reared and. plunged., filially reversing hie peals tide and getting his head Where his tail .ought•to„be. Here was a quart. ditry.. Tito driver 'veered round the craft end endeavored to make the beast emelt OM vehicle befere IiiM. This; failed. while the. Meyer wast 'Settled • in the lauggy. • A. - • happy. thought•etreek huimi, he would lerel the beast. To is lied . the deeired .effect rendabout midnight .annid, .ftespottered individual reached Cliee pee; havitte: walked the tee miles; At' to mideneury :to Mee le an exlre, charge, of $1 was maile fOr tlkeieing the rig 'beyond the thee etipelated • doixe re. Tyttetzls.-;-.1 t vviit'be oltserved' froin advertisement rot secoml; page--chatige for spatte' on first page. being too late. -that John Craila, .• "the great dry ; goodst. man of Clinton," Jtas .determined to close. oue his Messiness here at the very earliest 'possible date, having arranged- to coetinue in the Sante line in Toonto. We shall 'regret his !emcee!, ati'Mr. Craib 0110 of: the *most enterpeising of our mer- chants and by his pleb and Biters] use of printer's ink'ha.' le made • Iris name a "household word'.t.lic 'ibis Section.' Ever on the alert for bare gains,. and tt:uthful in itis reprsert t- etions; lie has invariably: given sat. iefaction to the Many custoniera. who have favored hip' with their patron- age. Workieg upon thebasis. ef sniall profits, his annual "tu'rn over" of stock has not, been excedded by any firm in ;the county. And the netnall profits and ,quiek sales". prin- ' ctple will emphastsed„during the briladete of his businese caeeer' in Clinton. In. ,fact lie , has marked down :hie goods to "slaughter prices" eal4iefif t' -'4"a" Itnirtre' -Mem he has mapped put. While net wishing to convey the idea that he will sell geode "regardless of 'cost," they will be sold „regardless of pro- fit; Bargains going every day. . A ,Yotrrneue STOWAWAT.---.1.`oere n t art ivied at Winkhatu on Thursday a youth who has experienced consider- able hardships of late. His natne its Walter Hayes, and lie is only thirteee years of age, He resided at Birmingham, &gland, atid a short tittle since his parents both died, leaving him alone and desti- tute. Haying heard his parent speak of a brother living in Cyanide, the larl determined to seek him, knowing nothing of his whereabouts „ except that hie letters carne trom Wi'egham. After a toilsome tratnp from Birmingham to Liverpool the boy managed to dottcoal illmSelf upon one of the great ocean steatneett, and and eatee to Aenterice as a stowaway. lie was concealed oven days before he wait discovered, and .as he had fainted from the suffertitge he had undergone it wee at first, believed that he was dead, hut after consider; able diffienIty he was resuscitated, The passengers raised a purse for him, and on reachitig Baltimore the British consul was induced to inter. est himself itt the lad, who was pre. Vidor] With a ticket .to Wingliam, ntt the •Loodini, Huron tit Bence; Ile 'came through in perfeet safety, but by mistake Int was carried as far AS Chatham, However, on Thursday he was brought back and taken tc *Ingham, when it was learned that rit n•- relitt Pletle-A. very mean piece of business was the plaearcling of one of the windows of Searle's new stores with. RI tatewente reflecting on the character -of a well known citizen. The despiceble work has, unthink. lugdy, been attributed by seine to the hotel ketpere. Utilees we much 'mistake the uteri there is not OH IlQLe keeper in town who would be 01114 of or in thi retuoteet degiee countenance such tuesaesin like work. There, le nothing Uritish or maidy about ie. A QUEElt '4Z1.111.4 YOff DEn'r.- In time other day a woman entered tbe house of ft milliner and it seem bey had bottle dispute as to money, When the milliner seized the customer's two tiliklren-who aceonipattied their mother -as se- curity for payment. The mother rushed to the Alayor's office, follows ed by the milliner, anti after soine shrieking and crying, the chiluren were restored to their lawful cue •todian, and the milliner advised to seek some more legal 'lttethod of cMlecting debts. TUE PAESBYTERV OF TIURON.- The •J'resbytery of Huron met at Kippen on Tuesday, the 1.1th inst. Mr. Pritchard, of Mum:heater, was called to the chair. 1lae Priocipel items of businesa were as follows: The retuit on the wife's sister, sent down from the General Asseitaoly, was eerier's:say discussed, and the judgment of the Assembly's Come mittee adopted, which was to the effect three theme marriages be ee, garded as legitintate. A unanimous call froin the congregation of Hul- lett and Londeshore to the Rev. D, M. Ramsay, of Exeter, was etise taiued and otdered to be, forwarded ,to Mi. Ramsay, Arrangements ' were made "for his Inthictiou ease he should accept, The Induce tion of Rev. Stimuel Acheson, late- ly of Wiek, into the Ptiattoral Charge of •Kil)PtHi ancl PrO-ce'edell' with. yev. T. G. 'Ilene Hoe, B D., of Brucefield presiding. Rev. T. Y. Thomson, of lienteill; preached a thoughtful discourse from the text, "We Preach Christ Crucified," The usual question be, ing Put to Mr. Acheson he was then Inducted, tefter which Dr, Um ade dresied him in affectionate teems ; and Mr. Miller, inepeetor ef Sehools, addressed the people, giving them good and praetical advice. Preebytery then adjournetirto tneete tit Olyth on the 21st January next, when a Sabbath. School Convention will bo held in Connection with its meeting:, • • • At•INua.r, -Su1'eme.',011 . 'Vridtiy• steening the members of the Deirrity Organ Clo; Band. held -their • "eecoltd„, tumult supper, -[:Ja. Andersen, . the geueral refreshment (sneerer, got up one ef . the best oyseer suppers for the..oceasiere• that:has been pare taken .uf foe nOtelt; time. After the inner. num hail been alatindiottly supplied' Lite party adjourned to the itt US111 emporium, where toasts,seligs, speeches And music. Werce • itscielged ill; "The' Q even". was. respended „ter by the:band -pley big "Clod' t:ave the: Queett the .`'Preeielent,11 Mr. We Doherty, • was reepeteled to by that gentleinan; in a'. few well chosen re- merke ; • The Preece of Wales and Royal .Family,", • was dely ' honered by Mr; 0..J. Reeves ningieg "God bless the Prince' of Walete ;" "The Gov -gene al, aeld Our ganadion Par- -was- pertly responded .te Ity• liIr A. •Artnistreng "The Clergy and ..iirdelers.tif all clenotn ' inatidne;!' be Mr. D. C. Cerise i•vrint Farming tereete,," by Messrs:1i ar- • ringion and Nttal Hi* "Prosperity and business of. the •Deberty Organ Co," by tir.OJas. T w e ; 'glee bete:masa :Prospects .0f .01 i it ten," .by Mr, R. Holmes ; eiThe • .1..ettliee?"‘ married ate' ,sing,le, by • Mr. C,'• J. Reeves,.and Meaerse. D Cluff, Taylor, :.Horton j, Diiiierte,. Bootle Rye end add Borrows ; • ,,The.Batiii;" the :leader, m1r.ijtas. 131•ickstone ; "The Army. anti% Navy'•' wits,. very appro-; priately: responded to, hY -Mt. CT% 4, Deeing theseeetsing. the tatted renamed selectiolite • of • . teusie,. and songs . weregivehelty- .Meserst. •Afiller,': eeves; •Levegoed• and • Tay:retitle, • At a lute 'hour the eoteleativ broke uphy singing "Auld -Ling . The 'Nese's RECORD received the • ttatutI press courtesies, but , owing to other , engagemerte were ;tenable to. be -•prieseett. The whole affair was eucees4u1 and a. mettle to the hand; •• • t .1,111ERTY Oft LICENSE Or THE PRESS: ,•••••--MresT T. Mitchell,. proprietor -of the' Wiegliant Vitlette„ visited the comity town lest week ateethe Settee° of Our Severeign Eady,-.1310 Queen , That good old lady by a tiine honored,' moms coveted, ivy„ overgrown notion. is suppOsed to . be infortned Of `the, recalentaut actions. of her wayard eubjectsin Oil vans or the eigheatid a halfwilliomms of• eqUare teilee'ef this mirth's surface oyer which alto wields lich betlefisent sway. In, the case of Mr. -Mitchell, her, Majesty charges thaChe did kick Lite bottom out of thestettutory 'enateenent whichis said to provide, inithe intlerests and for tlate'swell be- ing ref , society.; that a , publisher of %.112...Wil 'paper shall itat'give currency to untrue' and damaging, statements eglethist the eliara0fereeefeeny.ef Iter - liege subjects, -under a.,"pettalty of tech ,fine tele .ilepriaonnte'nt as. the eourte may "deeicle 'Upon. In this case 2We Vidette seated thatthe Rev. Mr. Campbell .of; Goderich, had been divorced- from his first wife, in the TJeited'States, for adul- tery on his part. This statement we understand,' 11.11`. Catepbell pros flounces; ttitally devoid of the esseti. tial element of truth teed it was van on the information Of thei Rev, gen- tleman that Mr. Mitchell pledged himself' and twee sureties before k'Mayor Horton, of Goderich, lase. Friday, in the Stitt of $1200 that. he would appear ab the ttext court of tompetent jurisdiction to answer the charge of libel contained in Mrs Caniphell's • nyerinent. No sooner had Miteltejl given bonds in the Campbell 01181) than he was served With a writ by jr., Geo. Acheson, merchant,' of Godorieh. 'This; Was settled after the ine.tittev' of the °rotor. • Tito Vitiate had published a statement that Mr. Acheson had been imprisoned in California 'for stnegglieg eilks to thevalue of $3,000 tette that state, The writer of the libellous matter, being Dr, Martyn, recently of Whitechtirele Wawaneade who Wes also eited ' to' appear but at the eleventh hoer concluded that discretion was tbe better prat ef wafer and skipped nut, thus virtually acknowledging that be bad Ilo.juetificetion for the wanton attackS upon .the character of two gentlt.men who have always been hold -in the highest esteem in the community where, they are non% • It• Seems that Mar.. e wife of Mr, W.,1,McDrien, riting •ofa 0 • NEARLY 200 CASES °P- SI:Mg AND FANCY GOODS received this Fall tied about 511 more to come iituIng November. F11;$ .have, the largest awl most complete Soc1 inUm Counfy of Huron, and our preees are the lowest, LARCE STOCK DP SUNDAY SCHOOL LIBRARIES ANO PRIZE BOOKS. wtilTci;e:11 PRESENTS' the very.,, Lowest Pric —SOLE AGE1IT Mt— LAWRENCE'S CELEBRATED SPECTACLES AND EYE -GLASSES. 1W -Wood voted, in trade for Goods. " 0131:ZISte IDICI<8b• Deoksellers Stationer and.Newiteeeler, Ceismote :Out over his owe name for the Vitielle, and it is hot fair to Mr. Mitchell to state that he was away front home, canvassing, when the scurrilous let. ter was published. Gederieli TovenshIp. Indere° by ativeetieement in your paper that the Clegg farm on Lb° 8th is to rent. This should be a aplentlid opportunity, as the farm is consider- ed a good one: Mr. Peter Cook, of thedOth con., has bought and IS having removed to Itis eternises the old Methodist Church. He well convert it into a woodshed 'end summer kitchen, The Metiers, Cook, of ,Ciitton) are doing the job. BeigraTao Mrs., J'ames tame, formerly Mies Aikins of con. 4, Morris, with three children, arrived here the other day from her home 200 ;mike west of Brandon, Man. She came in, answer to a- telegram that -her mother- was sery,1110.044.11.stay Jim* this vim, ter, Prices ea -fait! nut wet : eggs 2.'ette, butter 25 to 33 cents, pats 40 et% Mee John Scandrett, hotelkeeper, killed a six months old pig Whiele weighed 2..11 lbs. ' Beat that who can? QVite „a sensation was caused in the Presbyterian church, Sunday, by the of Miss Gehles. Dr. Hall is likely to locate here; he is a beolieloit and so is our new Intn- ister, Rev. Mr. Law. The weather. ,wise ever we are likely to have a" netzerestrethetettne ge ntlent ere ije1y sate from any attacks upon ;Met:went Vonne men which; might arise out of the privileges ineideutal to- leap year, ' ltfr. Wm. Censer broke the 'Mosaic law with a sixteen month' old Porker • which weighed 350 llas. (To late for lust issue). Belfast. • , lktr. John Agar has bulb a new wire fence along the front of his farm which adcla much to its ' appearance; ' Mr. Bradford of the village had a "bee" drawing wood on Friday the 14th fest and a daneingparty. at night. .. . . , Mrs. Bartley sr., we aro sorry to state is very ill at presbut. Wo wish ,., her a speedy recovery. • ' • . . . . Mr, Din. Rutherforclhes also been. taken ill with what seeins td btesome kiod of fever-atay' he pall:, through and that speedily, • • ' • , The•egroands armed the school have rem:Averts tench heeded coat of gravel. The children no lefiget,seud through •the mud, but travel Lace:: the gravel. . • , . ., There have been quite a .nutuber of quilting, beds lately. 'iComing events cast their sheeows before," • . .„„ . . tr. in. La Wrellee ItitS -See ae services of -Mr. Stanimey„oeulinton, to, teach the' renittleil• r ef his term, Mr. L. intones going. ititnelleemok business. Ile carries with Mtn the bet wishelsol the section, , Miss•Lawrence, of Massachusetts, ts at present visiting lior binther, W. S. fejwrence. • s .• • •• , • • . .• • ' Mr, A:, .R. Birks, end' Mr. f de,,eer of Oungsteitemexmienged,ptilietsettet ' Mr. :RI. Lavli.106k it II:yin trip to ;Pine -Albert last Week, 'Wonder what he was 4•10111g.' op there?, Was -there a :iady ,the gh, Edward The Jubilee Singers, it deleted troup; willgive a colleen' in the Methodist dwell on Monday, 24th lust. Adm13- Sion 25e., children 15e, ' • • 111r. Ed. Couttiee took second prize It the 81touting !nate& 11.1 Sentinel). •Iaet week. -• The McLeod. Brothers have 'finished threshing for this season. They tilt:este ed during 96 days. • ' Op Sanday last a few or the inhani: tants of the village were, amused by e, set-to between Mr. Knox and le Potter. The litter wanted to water his homes, but.eer. Knox %vomit not )(Amin.'Phih clime out Seined best. • . . last WAIT:Wash. Mrs. Veil is on•the sick list Miss. elaggio Dalgarnb was visiting at. Mr, John Agnewes last week. .• . • ' The trasteee or S. S: Ile. 9 have engaged the-setrices of Alias MAIM' foy1885.. fanners are now lansily engsged itt takingap their turnips, satin: diStriets a very good creels reported, ' • Ate. James.Portertittld, of. Martioch, was laid up last:Week 'With inflammation, but by the skilett aid of Dr, Tautly'', of Wieg. ham, i ble to be around:again. Mr. 1 „Johnstone, Wito lost ltis barn ilia contents by -fire aeltort titno ago, had an auetion sale of his cattle last week. • Mr. Sohn 'Lovett; of Goderieh township, was seen on the.9th a Short time ago. It is not el togelleer right . to trouble one's self too much witlrother people's bugieesse but it is reported J. L.'s visit to.E. W. was 'of ti very emportent netters tater, one with which. one of our fair ones is connectel Good luck to delte • • 4. large number of neigliboes with teams and plows aseembled on the fate) of Mr. ,Win, Johnston last" Friday and "toned over" Meant ten acres of ground,. (hue ehowilig their sympathy for elite in his •recent loss. Mr. G. A.. Tytier inust evidently be get- ting tired or farming, da he proposes selling his tame This farm is situated in ono of the boat farming districts East Wawan- osh 'being, two miles west of Bclgrave thriving vil age on ho L. IL „St B. rail- '" 1 t wey, and is admirably adapted for agriettle tore • or stock raising. •neyer failing stream supplies almedatiee atwitter, Any person Wishing to perchase a -firseelass farm would do well to call ou :Mr. Tyner. • Siete the pool& of Heron heed &tided, by a tremendous majority to try the Scott Act in this comity, the hotehkeepers of Wieghten Anil other towns hero raised their °barges. We thi nk this is el tegeth er it wrong move, and will not benefit the hotel•keeper in the•least. Surely it would be eon enough to• de such. when the•Aet collies in tome. By so doing bow a feelillg Of revenge is !shown. 'A. great malty sap. porters ofehe Art, when in town put ep at the hotels and paid liberally •for their Accommotletien, mil would tto so still but fertile way these len-keepers OS cueing. New' the country Nita eity they will find ether' places of accommodatiem and can. squatty thc hetelskeepersettreethe losers. RI HUN. itiLTYt-At Belfast, tan the 4th inst.', the wite,of G. V. Kilty, of a WO. DICICSON.--In Clinton, On Saturday: 15th inst. the wife of Mr. Chris, Dickson, of a son. • • 11BYNOLDS-In Oat. Mail the wife of Mr. Dominick Reynolds, of a toe, MoB.RIBN.altt /111110ttf 00 the tith Bait h ' AYER'S Hair Vigor restores, With the 51001 and frosknefIS et youth, faded or gray hair to a natural, rich brown color, or deep blot*, as maybe desired, Ily its wig light or real emir maybe darkened, nee heir thickened,' ana baldness often, though Ma always:eared. 11 cheolts falling of the hair, and stlnut• lates a weak and sickly growtlt to vigor. It prevents and cures scurf and dandruff, and beats nosily ectry disease peculiar to the scalp. As a Wes' Hate ,Dressing, tlle , Ytaort Is unenuallea ; It contains tielther op nor dye, renders the hair Zoft, glossy,: and slikm in appearance, and imparts a delicate, ' ,Igrceablo, and lasting perfumia e etre, rep. BUICHIM writes from Kirby, 0.; hits .3, 1882 : " Last fall nay lash. comineneeil 141111ig out, endi ill 14 short Lino begrimc,. ietirly bald. I used part of a ;bottle 'o8 . r airs 11 rt VlOoa, 'which stopped the Mu: !lig or um hair. and started a now growth, 1 IU now a full heed of hair growlii4 vigor. uNlY, and am commies,' teat but tor the ase of your preparation t swede have eases enemy . -WM Pr011rittor Of 'the -.1-trilri1inr" '07i .0 Pi 't• I. .4 • •• •c•tc.4 too ' s Zon-pruptielatiolTTor the hair. " ip-alt: Of it. (foto my AW11. emaerlenee. I as- Je. prom itus the growth of maw hair, and it g! );14)'10111 SOM. Tim V moat is adsd . sow mire.for 41,andowit, .,Not lakt , , ig • liaS the preparation 10,1' awed .4;vo clit;re satisfaction." • • tin. .4 silos If'.11ail.t aux, iendor of the ,•,1„ " of Scof Ish ).•al -to, riles from Bos•on, -Wass., Falun, • -4/ la.ver since my hair began to give sil- •i• ea hiumus of the change wiliola ticoting .1 J proeureth, I ha -Ye uSed A 92it's MAUI . 1011;lind SO have been able to maintain , ,..1'tep..arando of youlthinlitess -a matter 01, miasiderablu uonsuonence 'to ministers, ma,' actors. nod in fact 'every unu ,whe .14 1.110 0%140f Mb Waddle." • ----. M PSItSCOTT wi•it lug from 18 hint f„ 91-1/14t4hven, Aprit 11, isseesityse. --aesreeteyearetteeeabeetetwo.,tieratsereeteettair .:002o olf. lt thinned very rapidly. and Ono ran growlint,•bald.. On using A !LAIR ,q0 at the falling stopped and a new grim Ca commenced, alil 1 await a mouth any head, MIA 'completely covere,al with short ludr, hos.i:outinued te grow, n , sant is now as good Mi t)001'S It fell. .1 regularly used but oh e 1)0We of the V10014,. but now use it occa8kanally iis ta'drOSSIOV. NVO 114VO hundreds of similar testinfonhils to the officaoy of Avnit's liana Yloolt; • It ' needs hut a trial to convince the most skepti• cal Of its value. l'ILEPAItT110 Dr.J.,0. Ayer &to.,Lowell,Mass.. , Bold by all Druggists. • *Fit:medial; Discovery,' Mr. Wm. Johnston,of Boon, Dak., writes that his Wife bed been troubled with acute Bronchitis for eisany yeare, Mel that all remedies tiled gave tee permneent relief, until lie premiered. a,bottle of 1)1'. Icing's New Discovery roe coneumption,•Coughs, and Colds, whiell lied a tnagical effect, and, pro duced a perwratIetit'011re. It is seer- Meteed to cereal! Diseases of'fb rout, Lungs, or Bronchial Tubes; • Trial 'Bottles Free at•Watts •&;Cces' Drug Store. - Large, size ,00. • 'MARKET REPORTS. (Corrected every Tana:silos afternoon • C ..50 ' 4 •50 • 70 .td 0Ti • • b 70 • to Inl1ollar,,,v•heat. ii:ii4ii,a• .)474-c:itt.„ . Oats, - • - • • • ' (128 tit ° 28 . 0 45, to 0 50 Butter . ' ' • • ..- :.• - 0 51: .ttou lit..1.5189‘ 41.,liti,ttis(winter) l'ov bli14.-.'. . ai . . - - • 0 1)300 too '0 CST •• • 016 to 01-1, . . ' .6 00 . to 7 00 . • .., .. 80,1:: 1106 01, 0. ( 11 01 - • , 0 00-, to :0 00 : '0 00 to 000 • ' 018) 'to •o on . - e00- te- 000 --- 0 00 to 000 . - . : . (371. 01% . . ttt 000 . 054 07960. hva, • liar, - Indus, - Beef, kIne - • ' Sheeps' 'rorkeys, pes potted, Geese . - Docks, pei• p.tir Chickcus, pur pirrk, Wool Cordwood, , TEACHERS WANTED tri1RNE feinale tem:hors Wanted for Cher •IOu or I 'divisions of the Clinton , 8rbool, fore 1885, Those who have it ite.o.aledp..0 Of singing' preferred, nil pertioulvs amt histiuctioni‘ on applicatibri to the Secretary.' nistlineriktis and wary expected Intuit be sent in with ap• peewee.. W. II. IIINg, Secretary, . 313: ' • ' ' Clinton. NOTICE. rrintootrievo of tho Corporation' Of the Court. DECEMBER next. All Mmounts' against the Connell anuatim presented tAteru the roieotel doy ot mootinir,: . • • i•l4TItit ADA SISON, Nor.15th, 1884. 212 21 Comity Clerk. • . STRAY HEIFER.. ri A id tho premises of the undersigned, Lot. 1.„) 40, Goderich township, on or about the 1st 'Sopteinher, a.• •AND WHITE (inefir,ing te roan) YglatLING I114110.1411. The. owner 'is re. quested to preiT property', pay charges. and take the anitaral away. . Baylicia P. stp,st . ,Mitx woons, . 1 :CHANGE IN BUSINESS 1 Thompson 86 .8w1tzer.. • • r, • 191151 T(flii DATE TO Til 1.ST'.1ANKAltY 006.1'e 4COMW 001' entire stock et W' GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. ,Grooeries, Boots, Shoes, CROOKIIRY Arm GLASSWA RE. .111 parties Indebted aro requested 105 iettle .ttp Wore that Mac. Or Ni Produce taken On :lei:omit after the 1st of Decninhe.. The Entrance EXAMINAlION Par tiro admission of pupils to tho Clixit�hlIlgh School alt be held in Clinton,. on the .23rd and. 24th of December, Beginning each day at 0 O'clock, A. 91. Candidates whO intend to write then will send their names and addresSes to.las,runtium,n. A„ Clinton, not later than thd 1st day of ticeem. ber. 4.212.3t Inspeotor P. S., Palit-intrott D. M. HALLOW -I, FEMALE TEACHER WANTED,. For 17111ewer divisimi of the Clinton Mod School, to complete me balance of the year. 80041 'W. 11, nis &ureteral. FARM TO RENTi • 0T10. aoseleseiote 8..0011191len TOWN - ,8111P, coat:oiling 80 seroo, 75 Rena cleared and ln mane rialtIvatien, gond barns, otahles and trains dwelling, good orchard eta stood son, well tlatdrod,11vI1 rent for tem 01t ears. Ailey to JouN 01.1tott, Myth or to WAIL, COMO. "Wing. ham. • • sieent, • • NEW 1300T 86' SHOE 'STORE, IN PERRIN'S BLOCK _ . ,• Iland.minie work, sewed Anti pegged, at prim to suit everyperee. The heat work, lowest prices, end satesthetion gearanteed. As 1 have firseclasa city woe Mtn cm• pleycil, eefire tatisfaction ih a , 'cot c um a can. 11. -BEA( See Ottr LADIES See ow* Window facing �u Rattenbury Street. GENTLE1VIEN- -See our Window facing on Albert Street, Evening Shades in Misses' Veiling. Evening Shades in Colored. . ilks. Evening Sha,des in 4-buttou KidGloives, all sizes, At 75c, A, nice assortment of Ladies' Light Colored Silk aud Lace Ties. • Gent's White Kid Gloves, all size'S. Gent's Light Colored Silk Ties, all prices. Gent's White Muslin "Tom Thumb" Ties. See both the windows this week, at the Great Du -Goods Palace, Estate of the Late JOHN 110DOEN1S • J. CALLANDER, Manager. • STOVES.' STOVES. Just .A.rrived, °a-iplendid Lot About Keeping Warm are Yo.u. 'Going to .do • About It ? Coal Stoves, :-: Cook Stores, P-4-11-LORlir: BOX--S-TOVE8- AT WE MEAN. M:am.oia$ Sthve Narthoise1 Hardwarp:. ird- in Shop, rt=t • t==:$ I=Isawsee :.".1to.'w .then, Urs. Smith, What on, earth are -you . . straining your eyes for doing that Sewing by hand,. when you can go to DENISON'S and' -get the. Odebyttted .NEW RAYMOND • Sgwrml .N.Letti NE at.a,price that you .will be sure:to:jump:at as soon as yen hear -it,' .,Ltell you it is ,a* daisy-t-liwn 'Mimi SILENT l'i, (INNING, SELF ' 13013131N-• 'WINDER, SELF -THREADER, SELF . ,NEKOLE SETTER.11/1.6 all the latest attachments, and is the.most handsome piece of:furniture-1u your house, . . •1A.Nrs'oitr keeps -all' kinds :.of :Needles and Oil and Machine Findings as well as a eem- ploto stock -of BOOTS AND. SHOES,. of lin kinds: ire makes ordered .work a specialty and Ecttends to repairing. t Opposite • W DENIS° CANTELON BROS., General GPOCOPS awl Produce Iterchafi, 'BACH'S OLD STAND, ALBERT STREET, CLINTON Choice, Fresh Family Groceries COXSTANTLY IN STOCK. TEAS7—EXTRA VALUE Farm Produce taken at Highest Price. C_A..1•TrTN13 MI.JO" 12-0S. FF111,0 81 GOAT 11111]ES rger-Now is Your Time to Buy I SEE SHARMAN S Large & Assorted Stock - of ItOBES. AND eET8 if you Wish. to ./3• ' Everything:In the HA R N ESS line down to suit the tline$: GEO. A. SHARMAN. Clocks, Jewell,' SILVERWARE. J. BlifiCE-CilVIBE, OPPOSITE THE MARKET, CLINTON 1,811161' Bold and :elver ,teveley- Iletochelt, Ear kings, Bracelets, tete. solia Shot 'arid. Platod . Suitable for Holiday, Weddiim, or Birth- day Presents. Goods tot' large Or sniall 14111*SCS4 reel tO %lit all seasons Of the year. See the•Stock. Loge varletv of Chicks. Everything of the best makes, • Verttlemen's Plain and Pulley Jewelry lit endless variety. iltsrk.ltepalelng promptly' Minded to and eatisfaution guaranteed. •, . 'A,,,11.1111 ook qf Spootaolos, Of this Best Makee,alwayte on band. 3. st a4Biddlecombe - • GROCERIES Cheaper Than Ever At 000PER'8 Grocery, 4•-•• Mr. Tilos, Coopee settlims thanks to his inany,costeinet•s ror their Wend pattr011aprye 111 the lialf1t,' Mid begs to announce that hs lilts ailtnitted Ids son trommt as a menthol. of the firm, athl hopes they Will rereive a 'contimenee of the steepen lie' Andhra SO liberally accorded to tire OUR 60 OT. TEA Will still be a Spctialty, and eat trot be beaten in the market. All other Oroceries as mow as' possible. A Large Stock of GLASS W ARE and (111,001(.1111Y-08 band. Also PfiESII OAT ME4 "liCORN MEAL, nouR, 04 7w, P0TA7-0E8, tte„. cte, Iva us a calland hsatiflcr1, T. (loaner& Sort ADVp,TISIN (iVerPar pt itto t i/6111•El Of & THN.A. Os. Mt: florin it.. !al, t. (Baton. a • ARE JUST THE THING FOR 00MFORTI :^:$3.00:—:atiP. *3 LANNELSALANKET-S-&-COMFORTABLES AT CLOSEST PRICES. D BAD BOY. We do bot require to know how bad the boy is. We want every Father and Mother to know how good our BOY'S CLOTHING is to wear. ob,a,nge ofprogram each week. Loo ls for it. PECK'S: Wis$EMAN1., T4..e'D4V".7GOOPS IRIXPQRIU411.:. IMMENSE STOOK of 6 Q. Jitst received) an immense Stock of the•most Improved Patterns .aittl Newest Desigiol. Wood Cooking Stoves, . k Wood or Coal Cooking Stove, Parlor. and Hail Stoves,' .Base Burner Coal Stoves,INcr,barG THE Celebrated Radiant Rome Also"etlier NEW -PATTERNS. AMP as- the!, ha'l-111 lieutf *elf bought:we aro pie pared .ta give. out customers LA) W PRICES. Also it large a.isortineni StovO Boards, Coal Scuttles, Stove lrftlese ElleolVes atr., cheap. large let Of LAMPS AT IMIRICED PRICtS: liest Arno...join +mit tellitairt ollititins Tel/cif; gOrofi aailipi3;srlicilesstrta. hIt'lease eat! and get prices anti Ii3e07.1111siiiieLii Sian' of the Pacijotk, New.. :31aOks)011:11:-..$.1iftp-. , T... s (Woof Stratford), has opened out in HOWRLI,'S OLD -silo?, tmoariy oppositc.ilo Cann ercial Xiotu•• . ; . HURON. STREET, o CLINTON • y )tilloto•Ito ttoW preparell to lo oti tkii4tr81 'Work, liorge-ShoqIng, a Specialty, All. Work Guaranthecl. Buckthorn Fenrin lArasliborne Sr. Moen TWO -BARBED ..\ FENCING ki...4d Stow.-Otm., .4 0 Ste IRON AND HARDWARE Mgrdifiutr, R.