HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1884-11-19, Page 2Wili Adwrgwients fifis Day. It will be seetit by an extiact 8O"lO 4 obt apposro to exist in ------- -------
? re %boalt to go 00MMUNIOATION8,
front the, Globe,. in atiol,ber collu.nin, those coutit1w w4ioll; 4
that t6l A. ji ur"al !a ill accord with n
alder t lie operation of the Scott Act, t1le trieh it (o to dhitmeltv. Understood (hat we do
*Rkloof wot hold
re 440010 for, Iho N1,0184
New -tile coutoutioll W11101 the NEws-Its- to wbo is tho Proper otricial to
T, 301ITS WaI1tI:d--NV- It. 11114k, 1&ey. coill) has all alollZ ilikoiVied upol): ,p%jo druggists' licotloeq. It in pro TH, 1011018-- �101.
that 0 ultIllf, has vida4r, by the Scott Act that druggiats' Rolieor News leec-ord.
18trly. 110floIr-Jollit Wombs, to Dorohdon 0overu lomrPOM44 by Act at 01krifitmopt,
'Colulipr4*11% Axas Molehill: 00� licenses in Suott Act coutiltico may Ritt.-Con yott'give any idelik why
the voleriAlit to 6omo liquor licoilselt, tkem is So much. tiproar find disorder. IqAPITAL,
Notice -Peter Atlanima. the power of flio Province in the beissued by the Lieutonwit—Govvr- ly conduct irt allot about the liall Ian, 0600,00
11' oI ice �lor. 13Y the DoxiI fAiwatse Act, where the Salvation Army )told their
matter big q. rouvrAy of a p however, Of jck�,t soillioll, chall). 32, meetings ? The only occasions on
character still for revetitte porpoot-F,., witioli there ItI oroler at, when tl,o
M 14f, ( -I- f .0 'a *0411MAN,
The po�ver to poollibit tht) * via of f0ectiOR, 2ttIo alluch of 01 onlier tow ponxitiktile JA thoro. Witen tht re
J. 11'. vive-Preownti.
11 nor or grauit Ii for, the fickle, Act as, authoriz it the Liput-Govern. is' no ordervou w1glit look until tienerall *116
q o 't
se -
fall Your qyeq are Sore and you eanoot see
Otered priatwNay resto with 0 e Qr't0 grlikllte; issue, tadl liconses" bi the ooilsm�lo.. If' lie is there Order tfiins Made', "Vililfig
however much repealod by th 19IIvwio& section but too freq eptiy .1) is Itol, Atid Aillerictin u 0 boogll t *oil Itold. 'at low.
there and - khere-is When
it Ina w ive the right or detpgate (24) "im !-keasos to, be issued
Tho NdorM News . y a row IS. progressin$ tile (;apiuin tella. ei-t current rates.
tl,Po 1pms Under ti IR Of dectioll them tb4t Pals!ey 'will be oil hand- 'TE
..4a provislol 1% EWALLOWE ON JUISPOOITS,
01110ty-nine of ITIle Caadal Tem. shortly and, they will be Sorry. lin,
re �Jqiitrea re qpiet as larub�.
.I 117sne, in answer perauco Act, 1678,' shall Ile, issued mal Litely they* 4 ,
fluron flecord, T, he polili, lf the.�krnjy
to a q140stioll, hays )lt. ilt, H. Law. by th Board, sul-ject, to the lituitak New 1100 is t ad V411voll to Inronera On their own not**
is or so much good ;slid 0,11 their ithve ox rwora eildwslors, No mortalage
tioins providIod ill Ole Said Act; us necurll;3.
does of file Bivaley Trade" Officers are doing ri
ght why need
so touch of the said so-,tiou as they the town officers to keep order iveg. )list year's barley crop of the itIviliorize1th vulifts'.
'.('Illktoll, lVe4Wesillayv, NO -Y, 14mill. .9 vernor among lihe,attendanta.? What keeps,
whole-Donit'idmi as bout t4,000,- to, uch- license W
ratiE or isua a order !it lt church? Is. it tile tokyn;
000 bush 18; and. that the authority lirelly repraled." It will be seen, -0111cer ? Woll, it is one Sure ailing [Ie
is Space. is Reserved for.
111olitiolled. Ills; perhaps th" lm.t oil therefore, that Ole druggi8ts'licenses citutiot be in, all the churches atlice 9.
D AWC 1'. are hereaftr to bigRued by the DO. no more than any Otte else, so that it LONDON LOAN GO
014 qullj- a'o, Well, el -baps so, must be the of the pastor 1 .111
tutition oard of Li.ioe OWW,
and his church members, Yout never
1-e istiowprotty ull asi.gured kli?,t But. the Statement vv0"cts to the slotim. Another paltr attempt hear the pastor say that lie will hav $100.000. TO LEND AT LOWEST RATZS.
V eveland, the . Democratic. candi, disildvant4fro of btitario otlic:0 all Ote part of the Doalillion r. I ) Short datq loans at
MuthO to emplov the towu constable to keep
-w.ill, be president of the United repoi ts. Page 15 L f tile 4011u; I. ities to oust Provincial jurisdiction. order. It that.official. c,)nie8 to oburch 6 & -6-k -per Cent-
1116sulutill, linwevee,as. the Dominion we look, upon him as. upon any one
i-aWs front file. 4th (lay of allirell Roport. of'C" Bureau of Indostries Parliament halt auth9t ity over pro. elso—a Worshipper, Q one is aft, idi 270
Apply a
4 rl�t witbill t1le for the Province of Otitarlo, 18'81n,
i. Of"him, because till respect the site IqNT., i"of
Tboub hillitioll 14.9 providt d for by the 14
'f the people of Canada, to shows 24,284, 407 bushels of barl redness OF the occasion and ire bene
nwer v OY nada Toniphrran-ce. Act, the above -Atio." or Ole pals,
P litted by the millisI4
1iffluence tile election of the cld,f grown in Ontario alone in 1882 and- secition is doubtles. within its jorist, tor. la it because . tile religious AUMBER"ANOIAT
wal,istrato of the neighborina repub 18,414)337 in 1883, And, thp ditition.—Globe. element is "'Antill$ in tile teachen;
at tbQ meetings of' the rtily that, W
,, all hinihilof Pine Pumhu
Oft *.41,.F tic, re are very conisi-terably inter, monthly Report of 25th tier there except through
October, Another slander, which a vi therd"is no or �.�ho "Is- Movill.g. -to Toronto.' Full an 1;
terror ofthe minlon of the law? partiduj4rs T ling Lumbar OZ:J it, tIl msult,- '�Vo b11jve it 18M, jn8t published, shows 19,119,. find it to �hohrhiterelit,to &;I
lovit olthe'Ponaln Aill, '" "A. oun, C'..oderich I contempgrary insin- A BELIEVER IN PRAYIt d
is vnuch betwr for us that CiAelnd 011 buill'.018 of barley grown in next Week. of the. TREMEN BAR Street, Clinton,
tiates, but lia.4"n6tinatillneirs enough DOUS GAINS I
has been elected to W tillat Ontario tbi8 year. Mr, LAwder's
openly to affirm, is that we have
6vidently very.- little over. one-half acce 0
11a is conservative, it) -is astinlate or the whote Dominion is thatw:*ll be order to, reduce the Sto
flOWS, and -is the represents . tive pted money fr. in the liquor GODER10H. given in TO —MERCHANTS
14 a dealers to opppse the Scott Act., The Col. 11on.,A.A1, iloss wits 10' town and facilitate removal#
-patty wliioli is. considered more the actual croe, 6
charge is false, The only money, this week. -HowtoSpliGoods
favorable. to freer tr 0
ti!lo rolatiouR
or A All -91. we:Ihave: r(,cei.ved-itr,00iatieLtioti-%%,itji,-.
'are* U11 r_
61, towri oil Udirldiiy &"'Aliortylsit.
teAff0it at, -iiiing yoti
sliiiii�Viiali 11 the Scott Act campaigii wall �2.50 Our enterpi nr tile
Thotigli int 0 ng towitsmalf lOgUO to the public, at F%Ailt if Dan was rx6t drunk o 1110irlis
I11,ntrral' have drawn front La A very pleasant concert took place N1 r, W. L
from the Scott Act meat for print,. . Ilorton is prospecting for, as mai be seeil by last Week's SigiL(t I.. occasion referreti to I, Our space be -
and taiif aftdirs wtrq kept i in Knox Church last Friday even' -fit Uncle Sam's teri *I, liall,
At tlx� 1119 all op itor'y. 'HiLd the Boinbaste, Fur;& Ile. Council met in th
ournal controlled by. il)g Some bills, and 82 for all adver- _ening so of the lug limited We must close this chap. Morris, Oct. 27th, I$Jil,, persuant to .0 L U1 C AS
backaround tlio-contest� i Miss Goode wito is visiting it town, We shall regret the de'parture of oor 6657fty published OUrr I answer we -ter, but before we, get though with
t is R' following tisemout front the Antis, both ba. I bits adjournment; members all. PrAnt,
Oman tile is tiler guest of the Misses Cral young kiend, as lie been one of would have returned the compliment the great man,
Strictly in' way of live men of Godedell, a. class We by publishing his apology inrf Jill. we will so puncture the Reev
It' that if 'As hisrhinoceros ide iliat theeflitivis, minutes
generally cotieeded that freer T"'Ps sensible remarks j Ing takett tile Quite a. number of. commercial, the h 0 irk the chair tile mg PA hN TER."
rocal trade relations between Canada .,,rt,a truly little busines". can ill afford to lose.: of last -meeting, read and. - passed.
to us to UT0 riots men were in tow it 'over, Sunday' it is, w� only p6blish tile
what,more im. got red in.his congepial business of
.1liat 0 1 If he f0llowiti� accounts were ordered
-we had been guided by taterely pe- rhe rounwing vessels already in wediRtely concerns, to be paid 11. Sellurs,,Sravel $3 85 -
lubt - . tile great Daniel skiink skinning wlil eVapOratii, flnol
'Cite, Niagara with salt, for Colling.
himself in montreal. Eyeryorl ide Part Fire prepai-jill; f6k- winter " himself. It is all old, sayin" that 'that when we have entirely 'rid Win
possible under D mocratic rule th-azi a knows thatwc, I . quar. Jolip MoVeti, gravel $4,85, Wall
c k ith I . tickliug -the -vanity of soWe fiten of Ilia own nauseous - odour, we will
have no sympathy with the antl,Ct tholle ddo-, ter we won d , have' sided w g Wbiteford,, gravel 66.20 oil
DIV. Elliott, son of"Tudge Elliot, of'
ve Stari 1 -"A0Ss_the__:p tine tu re, I )ATts, Clifirge
'rule.- Viewing trino of this farvier priopt but noeiI, C. N, Todulan, Jane �2 (0 - ut; go a wn
qc n' d 'others ca Inall-y-Iffil a na: illan gravel g
London, spent a few days in the cir 11 On ON ,
Protestant Scott Act people,, since we have re E Midland.
.u, a brought. to th Mw4natter in th a Ififlit we m ,t sky- winistc;, but 'wq protest ajainst the acts or calved itiore front theax thall frail. oultir town last i�eek. aRathbur to v three rnai,L ad Scaly, passive at, a continual -use of an electric li� 16.,X) W In.
at-, and tj 4) orneI , it at Lfie �cqrner o 0. Itoe, gra,vel
those who will her. In the following 'ful- iling the coming winter
t4at we bail with pleastlie.Clovo� h in pre�ent toli being board in the otlicirs but tlxe.� position Mri Dooltertyi for many years o.a 0196 leat $3.7.5
Besides the above, 'to otilor Shanolli lt opper, gravel 09,25 Geo. 1porSyrall,
IlProto$tqiit allurolies. Whatever maybe Air. 004.
took was taken begauite of qons6ien ployed in the lurt bar bmihiess: In. some article our reafl.tIr's may see as a wart
tiler 86hooner Ontakr
Chiniquy's religious, opinlonit,L he Inis a perfect tiouit -e6tivictions On the subject. this town, is again arnotigst Us. i what we have done for the morality tars of ilia ClaSS., liguratiodov hall (3340ts. S.' Mccuidy,
0 Wli.t�ng
a been made of late mrs to place light to ex�ross them publicly, and -it is dis- t� , For pairs, repairing culvert',s(5.00 ; Upo. Curdiff.
'Therewill be. all orgaii - r�citi%l and of the rounty by a judicious colubill- .4 1' 1 1
Further ore we may axdtl that we 'N AND_I;I
repairing culvett,. 03.Wi Q. Par.
1;aIt,1I din ber,, etc, oil die.free litAt by graceful, very diaglaceful, thothe'linds people in otu- lost is ation of both' T inspecting eastern gravel road
rover had ov�n We promise.of.a. concert in 1�nnx (%prch ruentiond.Ut a even morq
11 -Noppone f the Act, iog of,the 27th inst.
in Montreal who Inive,ao liftle red4rd for th a' 1 the' fact. that (4oderich -Shipkd To*TXIF k hamme,
Lott' cmiltiries.' Q�IJIMA would. lie libert� of the fildividua Of acts Of cent frot' the 116. a Freight than any station on the G. T 0, $12. GJ I a a. Drew, 8t que
Miss A16Kfty,,Who has been so long hsW oney -a to was
haviu- these -liob biltwee .55cts. � 0114ti. Campboill; I)Uildkllg am -
I as to allow nd cold not have accepted di n BuffNib. We I. �Whonlfirstcatn � lor,d$a §,)o 00
,lien fitted, by sea�iously'ilkis* almost fully The town of dodeiiell was:tIir6wtx
L n, 0.011ces- violence Which Ignorance of ilia first principles I r&jtored' bankinent to
f it- had bee'n oflroid.. .We now state thIlf, the harbor of Goderich strongly olip6lied to Itotels, and . denotoine". intOL a fever he4t of-'ex(Abomilub th6
nind,-, and what would -be an' of Justice could not oxou�so. , [r,-- ChInIquy opporle t 6 health,,
draill and cul art" vS. 0a
a, We the Seott'Act beeaus'it we do riot be. L R,'ber forir does a greqter biisiness than any ad thein inany dtime, but lihvi ng beLli Sub- injoL kaown that VIxos. Lai
4-quivalent to the 'American - has the right.to preach as lie likes, and no We are pleased to.- be ablortli all. part on the Canadin. aide of Lake Sidized b the' I Ilad lJoJ4, other day wben it bet dlaW, (iLrain $2.00; C', A,
one, has the right td stop him. kiverysonsiblo lieie in it, be.coluse we think .t a pugilistic encounter was about to
nounce that 116rb. ia.' become tf.0 blackgruirds' apolodi t. Howe, drain 02,50; daft Linds-iyr
Hilliard is now Huron, ex apt Sai : .8
,tiot affect our ifidustrial of coanm6r,,I, *man knows thigi, awl them 'wba be injuriou, take place between tWo bald headed '3.0
would 4 rather that bene atiol)ind agahl. 2. That my first business experience drain Jas. Tyner, pillik all(,
cial 01'eicland will -be upon out natiouality a chalcacter for intoller- It woulti be as, open to us' to A numbepfour citizens who are buffers. Tlici 1.:UONVII ligillt %vf'jgIIrt'.
v Bits was its a vend6l. or"tuts, 0114 that lily $16,12; J. Gauley,*plank 02-TOi
gliter, and. a Dtiblin Mar, I
dau watic
ango whi6h we do not destarvil. Lot usq leave insinuate thai the' o5i�nalsupportpq luti orgnizing a. pr club I)raill:powar -%Va'.i o -.11initeit -that I could licy Georgo, N0iiii S,, Vannorman iuspecting western
I 8 banipefed. by the anti -Brit till numb�r bF' re exiberb to return is
yesi left- -by thO are themselves witli ex although very little known in this egs
lint inaster the intricacies of- the trade, -and graval road $3.1J0 'Jas. 1-1. Brandon
Air. ChinVoluy to hie preaching Lot t4oso' th Scott front interested anti enrly traln'on 11'ridi for Woodstock.
element thin ally Democratic notni- y cellent breeeli 'loadingg guns, with country as an $onto Years ditch 0.50 1 S. Ard, planking and re- U
whom ouxicAity, attru as to succu.nitl in the vain strug. thanks to bill custo ters alid-4ke public
.at$ to'boar him do so in unworthy motives,-as'for.- the. lat6n, Air. c3. p. Hulls r6turned II -a p I 1 0
tOL.j to town which ey Ill i,epara- inercautilo nago acqt1iired'qaito a roputation as a poiring bridge ; Chas, cCrea,
gelloxallyf for lib6ral patronage extead.
ii0o for the Pr6idency for's ganera� silenco, and lot each one recognize that'the( tlia6 w6 have opposed the - restimad charge t good' all ronud inait in thO Sunny 'repairin culvert $500, -
on Monday and has ory to next sillort.
olic." Veto liberty Of the chotir and of the platform is a ay I . .1 3 Thlit I know more about the Illsol. W. flew
CUM past. The Irish -Cath Act fr6,1 such motivesi but we dis,. of his blass in the Ifigh School, - - j� s South. Uii�iiLJ"clookiutlie.o;ftc�riioon ad to him in tit
kIl L ven ne, repu4ing culvert $5.ufi; p, a plist, and by flirnilthilIg
very. grant boon, -an(L one which lould not,lop Ali, Mitchell of the NVingbani Vi-'
.4plit lip ill tile -late7coatest. In fact I dain such - unworthy ta6tics. III Afadsrs..G,reo and -Wm. Black, sons dette was chis rged be fare 11 is . ol'dhip thii 1.do abuu6 NO Sv*otl; Act of 187&.' of the day appointed the knQwlo(lge
ircums Of tht two new culerts violated even in a' tances which- are . 1clusibil, we woilliti. Say io� our Af lls. Blicik, wilst st,Ii,mdre in.town i fig It'was confined to the spbrts,
cc hat twery one NVIIQ 1'. Mayor Horton last Thursday with 4, T k neWL Illo'loOked y,-ditahiag 09,01
t is l6elieved diat the greater portion most provoking.,, for a few day& last weejc. , . C bot about that hour it bectinic, goiior- cuttijig all
onletriporary, again in the wor4s-Qf 1laving published ii nialiciods, libel pon'.,nio.as being as Ilazy its Ludliiiii's hill $12.75; S.
"Ievb1d6ol is much ally known �hali the "Ittlock obt" Ilvas Vaniio�dl went for Maine. C Air. Romaine of Chicago, 'aijilress- o6niI�rniiig Rev, 'I Campbell. n, culverts on gravel road
Burr R, "Theif gently ' can your )f dog, thot hall fo, Join. against it fillICOL.t(
'We call the attention of -our read , 1. bll-k and fqryeot�s 0. 7
safer mail. Blaino%s the dlovree and be not s6 really 0til 41110 - Ineetings Of the, Christian After Clio had be'tll givell ast I had been liv. 60. conic. off and that the met, had 63 -UG; David Errington, ditch. $3.0)
1 business conducieil. by niv 'Met' and completed arrallgPluOutt, Misios' xford, charity' $l5:L,.'QL S., —AT T . 0
sbip 1111011 tie..
of ilia two,, but.his. ers to,the. impartial editorick! a,,,: impute evil said dishimorable Brethren. last unday. WS.Voi climmitted bile clefen fQ
'The dant for. trial, at the net Court of tholialit. Owing -to the fiery 2aket,'tiWjtdnIn � 'bolts. in,
prop. Bruno"fifii at]* loading . . M, 9
coholle drink, , from -the it, motives ; or,. in." the stilil'weig itier emperainent nts fdaaL $SU.(lo ltogoiIa&
the 1G. T. Elevator oil rl. ompetent jurisdictioni. J7.8;j ,
i,,4 very Prolloittwed and -lie is known Loitdo . : 11 C." hk! 0 5. Tbat iny best friends wo0ohi't be- t of 010,00m, bat, no plank $1.
to E words of the Scripture, "Judge rit, lieve a statement I Insole unless it 3vas woro�' entertained that the -sparks P; CAntelon, culvert Will.
in very a
entertai 'triang'aut.i.Brittish ng I will. be found and left Part the same day. ittlill.111M.-Dan in his celebrat- LOWEST em,unefa,
tilat 10. be 11Ob.jQ'Jged. Also ccompailied by-corrobnative teithnolly.. ivoitild fly and a general coullit'gratiou Brians, ditch 2.01) ; Selectors -of tive ricell
oWthe fourth paze., Those o nive Mrs. It. S. lVilliams and children ed InvItaLlioll walking. scener. jenspe. In
Aproilisiveness mig 10�cat I tumbler - seen rhat once bolsay6d to be a cOuSequOlice of this: the' Jurors 68.00 each. done At a.
.the Nkws-RECORD, the. Ilift last week on a lengtheoed visit celebzt'tO( e, In to Pounel -heopbs to Inerit a' continnance-of the
lilixt, led hini t6'brine a' out-coullyl" hotior Journalist I wai�a. lamentable lititure, and roof hall of A niono5tary Just;. olJour'nel to meet'aigain oa the -, Ill..
am t. Wh idll'- Ife , Iftlis aw�Ily 0tIr Locktalls tutioiias �eleotecl Its the arenit, for tLIle day at* NTovetjiber. -4 antafile � ba'i-tender wus looking foi� 'The Salvat! Ills thtit il W, iny. last state was wor so than.
Willi Brittkin, Amofigother Of fol'ow:ng the )jlle*Of sr�un)etit wi gladiatorial coutesti; S(ir suall; as thi
The Ontario, V.rops opArmy, led by a t of.,.a menAcin"n4tureliB bold the glasses. lil.�t tic 116 would speejall
�it.purlsricdwhen opposing -the Scotl; bourt" I* * , , 7. I hold not.. tile' 0.4teoln or good W LI'S hIIQW11, a. g6nerr.l. rush was at y rebritrilend,a,iri.filf
04119 sevent pieces, and had 'be t�firee Act, will finda wonderful call a -sell his DIII.E&T INI r0uTATi
for 51011 ca The report of1ha bntdr'o 1�u'r- knee drill, Friday ahtl-Satur- soil I,, once nialle for the p t, but, thp all
roe Op oNs. or ale VERY
otrinil,' "A - m eiJ evenings I't smll only a - huibLol. llpIxIl)er. AMST FIRANDS of BRA,NDIE9,' PORT
hibition, the latter*only occasiona.ly OIlt,,IlI ;f Illy 0 -ill many important potfits betweon rieff '.fo'r' November' Oilly b is 20 efS'L 1,
Inericaris," I ' . ffn�d its"cos That T a - ai 1ggering cotlevited 1,011 . Till. 11OL-LAND! GUNS, suitable
a At all( rl'D.interter� Nrr. F. Pridbarn wliI are. pleased to
haed art 1,25O.'retne' made io the of L Arany or ared in. Ji Tike 1 .� . 'L . ris . 1. 0 ourz readers! will be glad biflil ji t %'; iuActi Coni;regatioij
hy.European ow6r.4 with a ie views of dift En-lish. Thunderer eb rd i$I.xtow considered ottt .116 form, . 1 foi- Inediclual purlioses and family usoi_
ily 'Burea.0 oil the 25di" of O-ethber eol to inake- op fill, lack of . ha want- of
p I I to - licur, tht, Rev, J no re- ea0y; goud closely. strild6v Sella' I C011-vell tion'liati resol
a' d this journal.: 'We wiltnot play danke�. W`e hope to, Aeol Ithil around
Oh this continent. Ifl sire 11 - . . . . . , . . eekitly assist Like two Of t'14'61ol I BAss' Am-, still GUINN1188'
shows the- blirvest of grain -again shortly ant Rector of St."O 001,98�8 1.11-cedilig hy ilollipolls ai croppet
�thd prude but, frankly state that it 6eolps has'lnww dvell it] this town I i.lms bevnoluly,.appoint� i PORTFit, in'
nl6re bountiful '' S I'llat I W:iS elf�cted Ily ne'J'itlellt t -tell inight have created al arinli it 016. The lbahbui-ir ,i bottle'"lintoILor qua-ts.:,
i 1 0 of. 0,
olbooner assistalit .1131111ster it 4chool and abbut detcriiiinatiou to fivtlt� to the is a niatter of much -ratification'to than �P�eared fly tile esibilate, ac r1lor on Saturday with a 0. f In, DAVIFS LAGES
inhil H.Of tilp people. 4*( atiadii, which. I . M a Of re, IleAL ba of Trillity c '.\alv Over tholmll owned olle'll.all. was attende(l by a Tlio resportof file Bureau 0
eooal-l' lind the lea"Llindjournal e t 6f August, arid. form 'a cargo of.soft coal for its oivner, ru "I - . loadina 0011fititlitly OU found.
-only haye. beem,quieted by cl.i I'viii1ty ollurell is the file lown, and hillila file. townsman while a of a cer ai' tluliti-ies silowh., that, tho: Ontario
Win. Lee.
gratifying � contrast to 'last year's largest and Italillsoillest in 010-lowe'r other lial.r. financial institution* porfortued the harvest %Kik 'even more
vprg. large.outlay, by our people.lvith aye, Pf. t lie' world, aboon*
fish provin,34, gold has all im liarve.,t.. Tlie quitlity' of (lie rain,, le, _IIg..R8.C.Iark&-,f`roM tile plonse Coll- Just reecivpd, in � inno,00ndition, A16.4
ow less in propoitiori to like.s&viccs for Goor a, Billie
It -view 'to'self,defetice. All thingi; orgafi'. companion. . In this. coil, 9 expected. tALN, CHAMPAGNE CII)Zr,,
elloiiit,. being F& with-rit cargo of lish'and a _Sregafiao, We, trnlit, the Rev. gen,� size of iny head. and tho ElIpffit. TRI,
tooi is .,generally eke as ref6ree.
nection 'we lnuy_�.stata'thb. Scicli4fid -nt�ni6erof lishing.bonts in t h riew'.position It- it would'sepin as tholiah. plurn�, bard, and lit-civy. ', Barley; ow' arriV- TeIll nInlay than niiy'olleclso it) the eoplittes -III tile Bri tis, 11 Alouse of colliixtOntii
ixt port on'Sunarty evenin hellvottl(I wisl spar. had -his
!election should be a Ainw,lcoln of Nov, 1t contained- all however, was, dis6oloured by "the ut-INfoll;-Yertil and Brue court .4ai(I tile Croft'
ring. l.ac '.opened antfor Goderich Ate.
Lison, and tli(,* Rev, Air -Aloyaughlilli Xri"ionary a the. Ated and otller� detq)pst symp'stily, I le Wit
th i ciecoulit of a-' ratins of.tho hArvest ill
matter for congra 'to -to %v'klk of seventeen miles right liander which' Wits evidently S not III
n. in the ;North West, preached.1il Ill;e ilrop. was btling unloade�) tit! statilments Illight-liave beeli saidf 1116.*. tivdr 'uf..die cuiployttivitt of f
bu*fk of it. does'noi rank lifidier th Elevator I ii�"tQled fox, on, n
by Setb Cook, of Itathb6nevill a. North Areelt' Methodist'church Iasi tile -Big Mill hP inimense ilega of
broke away s ponec- kind tot
4 mperiAl. afid Colopisl Britah), e cc e. The.barley yie a in Sunda�. Geo.rg6t'biit'tliat�'in(lividtiaI dextev.- it.
t'(' -and internal police I �.�iitleiiiaii-103�v.earr,,ol(l, t .1rhom this 'ad Ously throw his Ilead to oue:sfile-all(I N.,,'ROBSON'
04, lll. devoling so Illuch slia t seerOtt' of,tliQ in.
119 TI
Iregula- the - Province is eatfincited,,at 19)� ti.. X
Mrs. W, L Johnston, is, ftilling into the V gejs'�. hold'.
mt olsI.man:iii,. the country.". The., -tile 146W landed-brx his%collar bolic. Iry
cc 0 so
tiolls will..n,ot need to, be,PIILCell. Oil 1 t9,041 hualletsi, Wheat is roinai k� Dakota; is. iii town -af ter fill absence .4XlrJ,Jlo(JgJi a argeiluixi;bev of w6l'thimss, all obioet, ior� I -quested the attol;Lley,
An'i.e' C(t f Nov. 1.5da Goorge-tlien forced the fi�,Ixtiiag, but iia ALBERT STREET CLINTON
a war footing, alta'coillmlDreial iliter-� dIvere at. work nd it piece f it large
ii In 6 ably rilia-from defects of any.kin'd.. oftwo years'. will 're O -bring suit -alaiii4t I ie
I a the*, folloI% hig'; Thd' grain is aboyti the. tandard here Fall file a. r 0 winter.,' cog �whoel, Jell h.eavily on'the deelc -Coulpa
Cours finally getting his 6pponeilit's head in Pluil is ("ALtle �lly (if SL'Ot.
ainte To lh!'e Pldd.oir of, Ilt.e. 806ittfloi dinericau wei�rbt, and the av�raae yield of th, no,li-ersonal ibJury.resulted hibin the. Tho publio's, 40't Servant
a What is' that which was lacking
chamoiery, where it suffored the ex. land, which 4iis Ile fostered to. grea�qr extent- under Allow irio.t,6 cidelit. Aft D. McGiLLI DDY. FA a little, �tio tile llistor� Rpring, and 'fall -variedes ift, _22'.3. last year, is"lacking tills year, itlid ap. e I, a'ddy and, a V tr6me and rigorous linuislituout thi)
Itrd �vork' the .witscliawr; opt 33600 acres.of old, Alan the coull. likely to be always.lacking? All, ublio. tile of.'elieveland dian bil4hols ier acre, or 9.9 niore than ,swer COMENTS., light *eight master of that poculiar
o. twLn� enough to allOw tie I
_Da , Wells brains. Of the United stutea.
aWay. On Alon� L I I L'' 7L
would have likely utider that ty-live years, commencing during the ear I'ay it'nuilibLar of litnobt ir, * knows
try." VwAs his family pliysicf�airf r I' Bruno to.'a'avia
y last year.' also allow' large except Ithat 9 so. well4how.to awardi
as IS The Schooner Midland.Rovr ar. 06. 'break might have.Added libroutrix a.1y there it remaitied unbil the con, Th6caugeof tllIiiallpaed oariliquak.0
Ileat for the'Big )fill, 8heL re0ofted.. iu Weiterii OuLario, N orth.
bpisliels,. or 3,00 0 with w a: I y sHellittitli*eglil)etil-allceol'(IijitLaiI yield. ne total yield of pe ' ' rived were at work. 'Poll"'" batants wor separat
of b1laille. ol(I Joint wIlell ILfirst.know Iiint;. During from J?ort, Arthur oil 8aturdoy which re irs are expecled-to ben drio
. I. . . A 'ern Ohio and AlliChillaLl
t1lixt tillie'lle. lived in constant violation or bushels more thrill last year. 'util� ished ny.. sy
fanatival s' vithry. law. cotmaiia commariced. unloading at the.LG. by liursd 2. Jusb.wl�it might be eXpqated -alik- ity i's of.unvary i ng oke e. I A f.L the regular quartf! rly offi6jal Dan.. ROUND."�).�At the call of time both is aocoUljt�'J foj�by: tile explosiolt LARGE ASSOUTMEiqT OJIP
ufas-pure alcokol, of aElevator ori UoridayII - . 1. , 11 4 allaporLbut
�Flj 11 . I 11114ating Of ther North 4lti-06t Metho- men. toed the wark in fair tell tons of giant powder it- Toledo.
larequantities;buyingit by fliegallort or iio dilms. laving beett done by MIS -say no it thatL M
901 a Florence Carey4 who leaves "dist.oburch 111th. 1.884, if 3. You know best, Dan., ib was 'evident ae Showed
ri'Tintes saya, and I aiio� keuviii'i-, it in the house. . I think lie 0 o8unday was utiaminously rilsolved, That tile In atic do, bug, The yield f beauft 'Js Cowin in a few r1ays, that ist ore abou, At a Doinocrat c -- r4tilication
III te statem L ont, rarely ever dr-Ank at it bar. I often k.e. more confideno. than his solid all
0 School class tagonist. George opened w W lueetingiri Indiana,'last week altian
m 44 bushel, ati(i of %.corn 3 for tire rast Cim nonstritted With 11h)[1 FOr drinking it, tell- ell hearty thanks of this board be and is ith a f6 Ig 111111 it wolild cut up the coat of Ilir 12,936,885 blit"Itelill, an 4ver., Sunday -afternoon. lleforpe dISIniS_ ' RaV.,L,rIl6S. 4. As correct now as.16 wd.6 on sillidoloers on Alac's body and Mae. in kilo Jeff
the Pacific 19 hereloy-tendered to tlie Yopr airiyal in town,Dan. audienco. 'Iiurmlieli for
f-23.8' id aer.PL I .
0111 'Dqvls� ! A. flah t ensued in whiol
candal is huge blot 11 ILI a don, sing her 'class silo' presented daell of in return lauded rt"Iieixv� left handeri
t acb, stantly affirined it agreed 74 bushols.per' Caiiipbell �or the very active, oil- a ROOT&STRAW ING BOXES
on'th , 0066 life of.(Janada. Lo witlj' him. and did. ' litin -gioodi I (lo'llot respectively. Last year both crops her sclidlara pith a pr�'tty book. lie ren- —5, Quite c�r"ct; Dart,,, -only We on, It's advetsaiy's head, 'produinlig a, Ilundrod inen engaged.. Shots wore
li, 044 lie did not know you had any-frieuds,
was evei- siek.duving the The special committee of the town sound like tho-buisting, of the Ptch-
pit See, 06b T. Me ro, dared during the Scott Act campain.,
114,kefit himself what inight Ito' anti that-thoy 'greatly sympathisil. -wever you corroct.this in the Morit M -fired and 8 thrown
war , o.dest Yed . by tbWOarly council met oil N1011daY. availing tOL He of a dru head, and bringing
I n 4"RoOTL CROPs. hAke -arrangernerits. for petitioning v�ifll rl at ttacks 7th. filragraph say 1ko �' ore 0�o ersoiia wilril badly: hurt, ba CORNr SHELLElt
VPntuit-r,'aiiJ I.ucius Jfu*lii* P ined. fidl,�Ioui,ncver s14.1iiiii drunk rl p
Clio . government- for prop fill in the ungenNaus. abont m rgp to his knees. were killed.
�1� P. finextitionist were St. D. Post, andA
n,,2 nd 06 The.root.crop is general y an Oix, - er malicious iilatitler to Whicill e. Riiurm 8.—After'blite usual sponging
'uAorng an 11 itl4tovenue offices hadbeeh dubjected. An ll iln'plementi:uSied-6
v.. Ist, 1884. nQuito true; Dail.., bub if you add of' ther men tib2� was called by the A seVere shock of earthq'i0ilie 00-L'* It
-plot,,the fetter 11,61.IiL .0 arm
the .11vii'liuns" in to d
and barrom Turipips Also, that 4t - copy above ro-' to your list of subervisiors, and they
4 Good as the Best,, and as Cileap
ealers and. �uborrfflrlli. And %vital. rf .. 0'#' Alac's temper apeared-to curred Friday. last a; * Ulititeroot a.
bag . been 1lig& 8ufllc�rpd 'jo Some kxtebi- from tile LNIeDurgall, Of was ar solution be.sent.tO.Lbo Joe sho6ld give yini tki"arxilt advice as. be -getting control bf hill)* while -five itailes front Matichesum as t a trip of d eirl 1. poillic, toifed on a capias last. Priday, and . ; - . L bl,,� twenty
I in del Ult; I�ooa the othori-did.whon your first -letter G6()rgb,, ihough .16oklil Autiu%t drought, but are" of �.T.: C. 1 -.13 illetilf you i g newhat throwdowu horsesand
y a of Vail Was lodged in the Was gribmitted I x1a -E, lig, 4irive relegated thero to tile obl i % ioll lte� . St Y self' possessed, showed unmistaka.
The capias Was lisued in Araptovei although- A48'a able signs OL waggotim .'in - ep
'tPublic.lienifi-t must ba-ve preced "od quality� Thol aggregate afid (it). jUi L Toasibly f broaking tip. After 0 the str tLi and caused S
front W'IlLult they. 6 old Ilever.have III I � dividual ri aVera old r1"' Ila 1884, ar.6 connection With ra Sedoetidal suit in Tim! great Daniel talks consider- hard job io gillb pui� metal out of 0 great consternation aulplig the eUco over in ght" are the brass. considerable sparring i� which great
omi6rged. 'There N.no.ne to (10 tile' In as fol_�011ysill_ which'.MoDugall is tire defendanti able alio'tit our &bill -oorrespon. science I was display6d the light itantfi.
wo.rds, if the report. may be, trusted dent of tb6 As i-egards
BnC tile chlef -victln Anov*ate Averagq "Mr. D. 0. Cameronj from the office A Wate of paper and ink, Dan.i weiglijif, haying lost control. of himself,
of apronlinent ddvoeate of,the Scott of( meron, 11olVandr Came'roll Iflar bombast have nothfii'g to, say 'as everybody hubwa it. Allison, Grit, lias ech tin eated IPLE,MENT WAREROOMS
1884. 1834 1883 ry creditable eXaminatt pa8-. only that we have no hour([ of sup f seized a stick all(] dealt George a for Lo . uriox. Pruyn, C6IiIiRery
tile C+iloirctcy; what of. liho I At Act'. Iln tialry at set�a on for a- 8. A�other wastef paper and itik. heavy blow on the barcipait oftho
.4, if all eq Ilnlxla�y, 27,646,201 16,400,182 163.2 08'0 his firarf, intermediate . lust, wdelc Oc. visors; to subiltit, out- iteffis to 1)6�6ro
0.gliluorAl' dections s.ince , lie has 6,2152,015 471.9 363.OL Ll George in return instantly, dlaimed the Seat. The Cl6iia hold CLINTON.
%' to 3,984,416 382.0 354.Q, CUPYIlIg Ighth 'p.pblication. - oil tho' other hand we back- t
is 6 al I &efits a less offen4ve . vay. the ei 01; We thought it W68 your brother hoad, an, that
itw ON'tlltl* -
'W t t1le"'Polla by"r"tha if oRton' in it y iiInow:bestj -been guilty- of 'cot-rdiiii
To 29,879,354 424.2 3000, ongrait) it say that the grant journil which that was-110istola, hub bhe edge of the ring, he alil had
long IkSt, * We 0
0 cutth),g die 'moral hnot titan, say. 24A 10.6 late 15.0-0�. On and with' a' Pffl ilge Ii ke B12 11 a le
this sucoesa. lie onduoii Jim had as many as As.rogards the latter portion �, ea(I io 4goill't, he,
Nllad* hk tbe stron Ing tbut Lie 16.6
anced Victuallevs,are t�L qO OW"
;0 (I from -4hei- cOgggot-
18,414,837 - 27.3 -24.8 lers civewl ( vers
"'Iwanwilt; Ary Y. ()ats, 67,835,&25 64,573,609 88.0 89.11, iNOWS It9c AS 10. Right agai but. it j*ou go on clean there would have.to beW.i;eW-eIec-.
t or verinin. lve,bush_.. I�QlSiNli 3,012,240 15.0 16.0 havbeen chnrterad Oc him over
licliart �ver halAnd I"t I Alon- Yet it is laftguage that, cani tootir style, it is our own$ and a. swelling in th3 -same ratio as. yoo
' pro'
be treat Pj
rid It f lot sliro"ly Ito Uig wixe, in ror6 Arthur to, 0 am�ng the crowd. Mad's
(lity the Air. dladstolleli; be -allowed to pass uirtellallellped he tires; of fall %vilest flown this tBghav4s: reason. Co. complain -when we hava. done iDuly, the cOnuti 8 YOU at once
to be 801110WIIWt "Id are expeolt.ed in nalisfi at alsi twenty four montion will not hold you claimed a foul which was %I Judguietit was giyen.Sattirday in
Mlilo so ffinny theorjes'of.' public year ap] lowed by the referee and the figiLt
PodILS port bortly! olevol� joul X 0 -to contractom
!.Ijp�n Joini items out of one issue Without giving the , Algoina, olection case oil the 01 than latit.year, but the land at seed 11. We are, glad, YOU lot awarded to Mae, Who was tri
rapine are afloat, We delude our� question ol Nqualifleation of It,
�)Iacdonald tho Girand Of tl)e here was in a much better state -of *.At Air. lIVIlliams'. Sale last us tiny credit. -gain tile greatjont'. us off so easity. I Only think if ou,
,lVjL1;, like the school philoophers Fridays sorne'pettv thief or thieves nalisC. not only oopi&s out, items, but borno off his Q,AL11 TENDERS addressed to the tinder.
tilth, and Clio young wheat has had mentioned the hundred and otio* T"bulyVendifig ne of the best light . A, Lyon, ex Al. P, P, The ludgts 0 signed; and endorsed '-Tanolct for Rvp&Jnl:.
Ot der of the Bathl in recoirnition of of old, Vith -abstract ternis which ap,propriated a number of tasi
0 1 sets IAo has to imitato our style to make others how,unsixvory your apology weight contests r fought in ont. dis�Sreed—turton holding that �he Coll Ingwoofl," will be received until rrIday,, Chi
made a vigorous groWtil. dye
his ailat are taken for. realities, Wo are aj. from the drawing room, and a hot air his moral Sheet any way readable would have been. ario. "Ist dav of November, i0ir
Ways falkine-of the StAtets thoug!) register from the upper hall. Lilt, vidt, last and. ilreviour 1.ssuols of the should fiot be , disqualiflad, %%hile stepairing of Breakwater at the entrance to Col.
12. 'Splendid, Dan;' spleril"'I" "So NOTP.—Xb Will be' Rose )laid.: that. . 110. should. , The llng%vo.d flarbor, Slincoo County, Ontario no.
it were a pdrsonlign of itself, witit, 'Williams is bound to stop such. potty, ro�vdy sheet, Between stealing our Worthless all, Object." This self- Alarq . observed thatitho eording to a specification to bol, seen oil applies -
The Rea is absurdly wrong'ni I t - thieving, by ollEering a rowArd top tile articles, copying our styl.oand a 18 Of Qnoonborryls rulos. were case Will -be' taken to the 0ourt, lif iloulto Adam Itudgeoh, Esq., Collingwood, from
1,ightit and duties H apart nucrib on yout part is admirable, net at who n forms of tender can Us obtRifiall.
of itH Ow The council t according t6 no. conviction of the thief.and the re. free' use of Athor pe,6plels brains abase rictly adhoro(l, t0ja plic contosti, Appeal.
tIliewatical calculation af, : th 6 train and'abovo the individual- oitl.' Vice all -sov. 8tme Ha"Il yet! not porsistod in m'rikin Pers6nst tentl6ring,are noticed that tende
noft I I , It. All members pees. dove.ry of thopoperty. Daniel mattes a Fairly readable jour. The nso of the stick micy be consider, rs will'
per centage.of 01anad i -all grown bar 'Ito erimpose it, "The Poblic anti the roeve in 6 1 . 1, . yolirsalf -it "Worthless objueb" you n(l a Sqals not be cobsidered unless madd, on the printed
20118 w lie hllAftnut0s ' tn tho Inat issuo of the Goderich Wit. a will bho fw'rna the blanks pr6porly filled fit, told
exported to tho United m Good" is anotlice phraso.of--the �atna of last moeting ri�ad and Signed- III" rowdy aliect"'thoeo was an item stat- — Wonlil. have beenjilntrod this lioniiii- A the htlo,41 iWa, battering raw by They sity I'm growing old. because
also i signed w th their actual signatures,
y ation. Howovor, your -the obhor party. Tho reforco tonic my half Is, silvered, and there tied I` tell tender mast be accompanted by
L ing had challeng he Old Old S, tolI shicero, may even now not be too crowls feet on illy forellead, find my ceptod baolo ehoque for the buin at Two Hoallnl,141A
kind and liabli,, in like inanwer to pr6sented his bond as .
,V(�.Iltlltl Of a )arltly sold collector For this year. Movd. by ad Ali,, A. ,NleD, Allen to it match at theao watterg into cobid0atloft in Dotteirg, madd p1t)[liold oltheorder of the Honor,
'folin Tberence, see. by- A. At, Camp. ourlingIoe, a bag of flour. As no)80011 WOR,01111 I OF TIM GOLDnX e& eiling in favor of the light Weight, to is "' o firm and elastic its, be- able thelinister of Patin Works# which will be
'ill, Canada gaeg to thol United tilte in the imagination as sonletil P they are mistakou, That forteited if the partv decline 0 enter into s. ton.
"19 bell' that the colleciorit bond be 6e. challenge was Issued, our toadbritaii, ITINISLLF. Although muoh.,pleased at the It seems that.judicild official tnick ot whon oAlled nimn to do no, or It be fall in
ln� �Tha knebi0tiro weak, but tra,
good of epplin.1; Carried, Movool by Wm. jild 't Forbear no is '10 In,
Ililoth the Tire'ofllcilfl return' et'ktireiy distinct front tile of tile cheek of the 'porso a letter we can An average; as tbe. mania, fortriking file plotdthowork cotitractodf6r. if thateinice
)r the year entliug.Jai Clark, see, by A. At. Campbell, that
t 90 'his note in th tar. In it Ile knees are not file.' The brows
10 IS83 give that penned the item. ticlnM be not accepted ffio.ehequO will he returned,
-11Y AR. BALL. eemed so prevalent. 110 evou'd till
i are wrinkled, but the broivii 111-6, not.
fidereik so acred all to afTord a war4 the slim or $3,50 be paid J. Robinson states Chat he was never �1'6tten egged Gootgo's butting machino 'as an The Npartillent will not be bound to accept,
b6olielii.a.4 Clio amowle it is not Ofteft it - youth takos his me, his is tile houhe-1 IiV6 in. But the Iowan or any tender.
-talit for that Which would otherwl.40 for reiIialring township scrapers, Car- seat Ali su(lddnlY as Dart once (fill out of Brusselsy was not drunk at s, equivalont to the light weiglitl§ Carlo, I an , th.aft I ever hy order
to tile tittes. (114d bill . see, youtig—youtigoil, ENNIS
isState is "1 6"' Aloved by in Silver, Wedding, and that Ut, The lattet gentloloan � Was' handicap'.
the TliesofiOOI Pill' 0104 liid Made t1IO IllilTy ecri'll thy tin never presented him with art' OnIX. right- was be6e.—G,lithfie, sedret4KY
al0 nodlimp but the aggregate o in Ibe paid Clio linlafics, 18 account, edi While (;cargo is said to be Novoraher, Ism. 6211-26.
by Wrh, ri ompson I Un. fed f" in b
that the subject, ])(.If, 'sky bill es tot I 011A yti master ann6u' cod paid Will -amounting, to for.
fill idy, for`e
vwkjall citiintw, 80 the Pablid. Good $4,50 ompogifian 'Would be it, with cupinli eel) ty dollars. Nowt as to tlje flea
I I ifliti Naviiiatio* 11vtolril,4 lop, tot keeping hasa C nthus sho*,ving that it INTO=:0333 01 -
al is I!OtIlJJIg but the aggee;aoto of Ms indigent person, —Carried, Dan rose and Said I'da'd we write oil third items We do riot know but, Ltint WAS by purel abientific dextokity
4iid ;103, also liago 9.1 nuu Illastel. A ... I tko� k!114.11 ii'llitors for -tliy ilcareiit
8 fid A Cents forpoAtANd
divio nal the by Ohn Torrance, e.o. by Win. lie inay be correct, Our oftly reason tile litillt %voigIlt overcame tho doublo- of tftoi va free, * costly box,
over Jim sp referringtotho 6%terlstockskbim deali ill'i manual dexteriby of his all. I
of Indus foi I Sale of Chuch fiad& A PRIZU.-i" goods"which Will bell) W.
tion of whit"ll, every 011111lullity is 0.1artcf that the rollowill� gravel ad. 10 ectacleg quietly again, and strite it -41 to more niono;
1), Avorafto aitioulLit Wrong is not wrong, counts be paid : —John Iteid, )1 iat yo are best meqnaltited That a- iluii�t lioitir, tight away than
1: ly, you -den write A sort of vilgabontils, I'llcAls Anil I'villaways to w PI to the of either 60
in, MbfIlidt, -egged in Reusael' 1111,TtSITANT W Roe, 7, NO, R. 8. 0., all(l all thingehil n this world. lettures,twaitth4h,
lie wits ever rotten 001 41, Chap. 75 Mlli 1, it!tofla, tho,Trusteog W(;rkers Plosolittely sure. At oree address TAug
grn.wit in, tilty 1)6111illioli is less Aplivertlive Of tile social htliy Infancy; ` or klekod around the village by Iril.
. 1 $10.08 ; D. 610.52; NVA, gtogatioll Of Willis in & Co.. Augu6tot Jilaino. ultioll, whell it iN done by it 11111110'Ity EmOn iivell by The Funeral of the We capt�in W. I'lly whool 'AUys Frigh 0111,� afid Patriek and also if. be WAS All thlid to 110ile,.4praping with- the chilrdf In
ity or 8001 an tioprild Whisky
to a , nlinori oven fly all- tI Quionla,lior6by gi%,O
Idlo are entivemilidlit witli tho cul W. A. see. by 461in AleXin. . AleXi�y took plitoo last 'I'll uraAlay. 1,oYotell tcr loolo Ity PUBLIC AUCTION, by P.
other niollibersol! thelcoulloul ley., Chia it by-law be framed 1%nd It was donthloted by the deept"mN Thy age 111M, Pr011d, bill for coliout hoody He. Shepherd, of ITArplabprgli MA411,110n, nllet,161106V, at the Alarket, Sqaitt% In
.(0 W 8 1 1 Ill., says, 1411living received &0 inual I thaTown of 01hitono oil
lool lullovir) farillors, will Imar us out on(, TO expropriate Ad 6 , and. it 1111goly Ilt-ware of 3-011der (Ing!
§ad ftPJ)oIn(iIJgL officers rpillsonl& brethr It garditig Dan, di-titik we 611 116 creIAPR` IWO218ftry, mill' wboll necen�ap tile several polling sub-divi8iong attendpili, A flirge) numberor friends y Lnql�, biiivus R I Ito now thing, but the case' of it tn� duty to lot suff6ting humanitv Of A. 1111.4 18840
of'Alis townshill, for tile Colli'lig Yeher, visited. th6 deceased's lAto residehoo, Ilave not tty (1t) ��jtll mill, bolNvaro ot'llint, being dronk its art -invited guest 10116 111 lands hill offt.
.01% oil thpir N consistent with ptiblia inorck ity 1%0 following J%I.L(§ the aq ap� previous to the atilt took A fir8t 11 on it . rod m tich Comment. W6 may
J,u rill -d Illy the prodil, 11 .1 , i'gil know it. IfilIve had a running Sore 0 :81 5nd t 0 cut 441 of Lot
trill, it Wit itt, ono quartor but thera ouht, nli4yn to he I'VIMI)II. pointed t Sub-divi6ion No, I, Thos, laill, farewell of him who wits so It n state that we tire informed 'by Mt.' 11 ion my leg forolghtyerAfa ; mydootors itn'to tilt East $too of 69 8
able 'IL I" Olifitolli cuot - v, " 111.1
doll. ',\a. No. 6xpected;y called from latior. NO'C. ` 1)
ljk�,e NlArtln"thnt, one of UP, Harris, own told' me I Would have to have tho itr otliers.
dAce of Avots III Oft 0 tes torl
'Probably With froth, tlmt tho ellief , Mm. liathwoll, jr;,, X. 4,.Ttis. Dewnri withiltandiria thS, vileuea of am tatod, I I
I'0111tiV0.9 Mild to lit Mr. Alartfri) b6no 'scraped or leg pu ion, Million.'
:IWIly don't YO ulied. Instead, throo battles of B Ipol-
fvm at, work in thii; Also Clint tile clerk bore vill oxpregiioll of it look after your 15,00,000, J OHN --8
C R A., 1,
It )V
N as
the rop
a btends
In 0111, I'mit' clittlifOV ivo yeii-lested Irunkop ff,jo go that hot; morA than six- tilcime of Clio ppeadheem wid Mitt (61, nomitiAtion and allecti(in aeoor(l. roposo, which WAR no way altered by nol,"' cilso that hit, Jas, Imid In bototo it lleed he Nor, tiow balance In Ono Of Intoto at 7por
AS Mitello eprit. U-6111 paid, to he rvIlt d by Iflortga 6 n
VP I. ton provioul; the Nign 11 to pillilish pur 11,118 It of the 8tftr said to Ile. Beck leh's Xmica,841vd,aud my leg Is
. irg 16 law.- ']'be cony)ell the rath6r I 111 1,
Kilt] in both timie quarters il . lAving. pil its ilia following, hty Elio relilsoll the satistiot art of
of till 80 In-alv6urood to riloot AgAin rin fo hi oiall. Amemg tho or I . . at othiltwiso to" I
th( ahoxpecr radl Pr higher Aviltirliontit Mid I thn Vlldeoq.
01,11d of ,go III(, Doe. ut. one AW 11 ing the eoftla Were fin I ('11,1(ly letter. Althou fit not, Iont. Attlle ploNty yeoloildhy told, Electric Ilittoril Are Sol%,] At r
itlismor pliblishoil that; Dikil was (ItUnk and 6011 ta A bdulb, anti nurklmiym \ rn lea i"or, Indio? pit tioulows apply to tho lifillor. Arittleilloll"i Ile t0k& 1�6111"�Ihtll 6"
mpir,�tlong thall ft 'Afriet rogard ror Itot,L triatorlia wreAtli,And ollwt,41 fill Ill gettilig, nor , �1 .stop I
fill It , On F ftl6litas or tr,, k, )tborly love,
- - - - - - - - - - -