HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1884-11-19, Page 1Olinton Marble 'Works,
I. 1 -ii I
'A '1� 11 —
W. . .
!.#" OOOPER, Jr.,
Manufacturer of and dualor fit all hinds of
Marble & Granite for Cemetery
Work at liflures that dot) stompootlou
Aloo nissuittfaettutar ul the CelubirdLed
��k AtLTIPIOIA16 Sroxic for Buildtilif I)tlr-
I ofte; aud C"ifilotolry %Vork, whic J inust.
. to oflela tu 4o approciated.—All wurk
wmirrunted. to pive uatiAkwillua.
. -
72 E:;
11111111111 -
01 T--1
4 Tilloll
- � .. �, 1% .1 � . . . . . . . . . . : . , . , . , � , - , � � - - . I . I . . I I I . I . I �. I �. - . . .- � I . '- - ,, 1. � . . � I I I . . � I � I I I . 1. I. I . I I . . I . . � . . I . I -1 I I I I � I I � I I . I I . . . - I . . I . I I I I I I I I . . . I - . � I I ... I I 1 . ... ...... W . , _7 , , . , , __ . ", "'. _ . .. . . . . -, 'I, , � . � " � .; . - _ I - , , .- "'. ,, .. - ;'_ , .. , _;_ - . , - . .. , . , � .. ..... ___ " _ '... - _7, .; w ,- � . � , , , ,___ � .- � , -_ � __ , - __
1. 1% �� � I . . .
__ __ ______ - - - - - - I I .I 111. �
0 - , !I1 � M 111: 111�i,. _1 . ! .� I Z7FF"7.X""`_ - . I , .., �!! T I .!.'! R T_ . � - ___ . .
_1T_=V_MM"_._____1__ -�-,---i,��r-�T-�-,,,,-�;:===;:7=7!�7=-�--,-�...w.�,--.-�-,,�--�-,-�-�...--.- - -- �--.W.."--.---�-,-.--���.,.�,-.-�-..�-,.�,�--"",�--".--�-.----�_,..��,-,,-.-,-� .__�!!l _M -m" , �!!!IIII��& M . � Fi.-7 '",
. �. .., I 7 I I � . '" I . �
.. 140,4-s And 04-04, ;
. - ". . " p- . . - "I - % - Aiii,ii,iiii "N--% - I . �, t �
. - , I . . " . � . . . CUA11,11.1111 J, . �
� ... � . "
I I . � 1. � - � . . I.*. I I I I 'I . I I , I 1�
. � I � I . I ii...... R 0 P, � I ,, : - "I V.4,4 tifiloll nw i it yev'r 11".0
L I tL 0 lt.,...." v .. I
, � . ILI I . . .
— . . I ; d I . I . W_ 1"J No I .11 1), - Mill billifuu1tio,rit." 11
1, I I
I I ; : R � i I : � L � E 'ID " Xy lissi I'll- JaIluouilt-sld A44. vur"Ll, thilt
;. , I
. � � . P I
. I . . . . ,�� I I got 'il-k:igaifi, with lerrible lialtsit !it lisle .
I : . -1 I .
I . .. ;.-
T11E I. 1'. I 1A - �111 11 11 . -;V. 11 - -1.11 � .....,Ifl E Ty I --I, U. � . ,. liat�h-;tll,l.-.!-Ifitt,itll,tl,,,i,t�i,ib;ldI 1.
I . 11.111.11 .1 � I,*,- �, I -1 �. 11 .1 CusilitillitlauVe!
. . I I -1 . 14111,1111h!
__ . . . -1 _. ___ __ - . I — , ----- - - - - - ' - - -__---___- . ---. - . . .. . . &_ .- L . - I � I � � - � - - . ., _- - _ -_ � ' - - ' . � - ' - ' ' " - I -, - _ , -_ - I . I - -1 - . , 1 - . ! It' I , i s I I I :1 :1)i I I x.; . tit 1 1-4 ) ! I 14;IiI I)c..a #Ill
I . - - - I - .- - __ - _ ___ __ _. �_._ - , "I __ , 1� __ - - —,— — __ , � , - �171 * __1 I I - - - * - I __ _____ - " - -,- - -1 - - - I I - - __ - ___ ____ - - - - - - - - __ , - - -- - � - -- , � � - - - , - - , - - , , � - � - , , , - , I
I I : toling Ior Illy liver , lhut it di't Use uo goli4j..
TERMS: $1.26 per Annum, in Advanoe, . . 't1INDZPr;NDENT IN ALL THINQ% INFEUTRAL IN NQTHING.01 I I I A 13ill Illit eilli-vt tit IIVv 1114irt. tlina threq .
I I . . WHITELY & TODD, Fablishors, 111(intlit'. I lwgnit to 11- ,10I, liltitietiii, . 11L
DII-m-11%. 114Y tipp,614, ri-tio-fivil, lay Igowi
_ - ___ — -.,- __ I. ' - ' ,..I . .. ... . :;�1.1: �;l '.I" __=___ ' ''I -0- -I . _-____= ., ,.----.-.�,�.----"-,--.-,.--.--.,--�4*. _ ___ ."'. ,-- � ,_-1.TZ—_�,_== . If"I't 111p: Inv witli'd .SVtAVJIX 8V,,'I;lVAI' 10,14tAkliki,
- ,, � . _v�,_ .., ...... -77'.7 -_ .-__!T -T" -
. r . I I I . fl'i if '". 1.1449'el .111;1 0"fer U."119 60 411 at I
. ' I b-cl-:6, I U14 itut only Nd tiquisid ar, it,
0 - I 0"m IlAit nvigis Inniftlifill I ilid Ini,,i .
VOL. VI.—NO. 50, . �C,LINTO]Nif IRURON COUNTY, ONT,- WEIDNESDAY NOVEITIBRAP11 19Y 18194. I � N it I - liff "
. I , W I I 0 L t"j'A N) ,'43 sovel
.I � . . fore. 1,.)Iltlliliitti-,t-:iju%%-I,ij:% .", Is
. I . . I/ .1 bulplia. J -hl. C4
- __ FI )t.%j tn%. all; I)
,� -.
6m ___ -
. ----- -7___.____ --.1-
- I—— 1. __-1._____,_- . ,-.,.,- _'
__ - �. � .- �
I . .1 . I . I I . . . . . . , I �
. . I
Illaill (David) Ilan, bpen elected
There iii gr 13 sio-treity of Vale
. I ,; I
0 VIIAI'11131. It.
0141 Colo. . , 'Athloi, Masi" Fi..11. 1, 1,00, 0. In bl� .
. . . . I
prosidel.3 of tile Anti-4Exetaptiou
its, 1,11valelgh, West vll'�ioia owing
I . , I
- Int'll
. �
. 1. 11 .
Association, of Torontio.
to long Oroutb. Vlux is prevalent
A Al,atiimh seittli el one t1a;k I , Il;xvl1IIrvI'44 will, sirk 11-1-lile1w." . . I
. . I
A, farmer was f1beateii" out -of
aniong inon aikd aijbwds, tim! nVal IY
-Ill' truillilt., for %vjll� itif
Nvulillgil. bills,
nintlit, wan po"led lit tile Iontranve tl,(t tialil)lu
I . . IPL .. I I 1
. . . I
$175 by two confidoitconIenbetwean
One limilbel permis liavo dleq.
Illutit tilid min qt.iiltiizf; isia 14,
X1 fort outsidnof Afahig!t. About tier. � I
. .6 I
, I
Montreal And Quebec.
The IwssOu'taock will reach many *
, � .
. No weiliville (fr (locts's, 411J11 giV4.- Itio
Illidgight 114) livard. sollie one up-
9 I
, . I I �.
I Itev. Mr. Lati'doial, flatuilton, -
thonsand dollar". watmir Jig Ilea & i ly
. *
prottel I Ing And gavj+ file usuld C, wl - I�ili-,Iormlle until I'aical it) 134ti-04. .
. I too- I
. 1
asked for $1,19100 at a plate collec,
obarged w*tlt mineral platri-ir
A (roil)
"I'lle fircit lbotil" .
li-Ilgo, r(Illivaleilt to our 44wilo coint's '.\val IV oll-I'Ll. Illf..."
. �
a . �� . 0 1 ,� I
tioll I on Sunday latit alld. 'got 03
� )
the niountaltis. I
there V To lik wilaz--werit the fill- *illf.. tiI - ,v(;1k-hJJa,Ik: list) 414 Ivell al'.1 livin'. I
� 1�
. it
I A Now York trinritIfacturer rf
swor was, I-Jesfut, of Nazaret It !'� ki when a ellild, I , . ,�
. 0
. . I
� I
. I
till i 6 etatue of You. George
verillicelli flas just bee� fillefl, $50
e Anil I Illivis 1)�. , 44) to tiliq lilts."
It o tit ctoce all 11 d tile Kerg,,--, -kill of tile 1, -tt 14 .
:. 9 . . � .
. . I
Prown p _ I
assed the custout hoy8o, Clio
for usino, chrollate of lead to give
M I, lm�.lj.,md witi-liff-lim0iii V�,�. Livol. I-
. .
u,uarit And reported die Net% to Isim. tf.,;Ir_.,, witlx n,wliutll W
I .
I . .
ll'uty lififying bfien. remitted by the
Illes 40ticle, when, uqetl if.l' loop, at
Tit,- sergi-ant. knov,ked Like Inno down liKi'1lwV,-I1V,r tond 111111111-Y roislploilff�
� . DoIllillioll governalelit", yellow color.. Lovers bf vormicelli, witli his umthl;et, and float billi, se- � Ilrollinliwell tl�r ,QStVIJ*4 bVIL ln,,�-
. , are of tile opinion that it receiveii its verely, Ho dion Kom for a lanterl, t-11111.1 - �
M E N AND BOYS WANTED, � . 'Clio neherne for aunexhiL, ,Tainacia . . � "I'lifil".1011. ill
I . I .. . to Canada has fallen throu . . . color trout eggs or maffron, With of anit saw ill was a g4itilvoinii (if high
I . 9)l at, (Ito .11 . t,, st-vell ),wttles Ill' N-3111, llittor-1 viitetl N it
. . * I , will I I
. I to i are barniloss; but eggs are standion, whes lived ill tile Iteiallbor- fum I I,nvw oftho'
. � . . . start, tile Janiakfai omicil having, " 91
. I . . 1. -tit 30 cents per dozem and sa(rron hooa but who Was out of his miml. "MVPs"of eight p,winirs"
I . I I . . . . rejocted if. , . 0 weii.. -g,,wit, dvvpl� ro"r, uing liiK In nly 11,11gliul-Iluml thist laivo 1 Is. -ml
, . . .$16 ppr pou.nd. Thereforn.oltroinke Tile set . `,, I
. I .1 � - ___. __ , I... - . I I Maggio E-4-ert, 0oniestie, was ()(leall, a.dajigerouii poi.ion, costincy fia"Lviletion, said to Llitt Itian, '61 sarvil III- yntir, bittol-4, .
.: . n . I . "a ly, filurc alts il,iila 04cul Ivii It
. .. shot and killed fit Lacrosse, Wis., only 8 , Atill '111 I . . I
. ix cents: per pound, is umid. am very sorry I hurt, yOn, ;,but here
. I . greot bl-flefir. .
. . - . 01 I e, eyening by lawyer 0. W. Bull"t ,Tile man, wits astonisliNI at tilt- fine, - after when I fulimilmigo you, rviiiiiiii, flia K"Illoit
I . . .1. I . wito mistook iser for a bur tar. $lit- AntIsaid. IIQ Ilft(Ir fi-3](i 10,000 pollo(Ill ber to. i I ijame," Tit I �,lf) 11 fifit-leAV, _*-fs. 1�' A Shirk, -
v . . � . . . was out late, , 19 I . . givoyour O%Vll V 11o)v ,n) Uj�*r Sivh i1xv voill'sell
I . - . I of it witbout inflictingally injury oil poor victiln replied; 1-1 ,:kill not sitich ; .Ai".'I . I .
. I . (IL11, :111ti Ilight, N4 till tI;U14L I1,4110111, I,'%- . I
. � I ,Dipl.itdria is increasing to�ftn at, tile users; but it was; proven to, Ile a focil 4s -to (Its 0110. If t1lili is Lll!�- - - I. t 0 Illp-d ivitlinut rool; dm*:401, . '. .1
. I . . I-01111,141; Is"1111 0
. I I � arilling extent in AlontrP41, And an unbealithy poi8on, unlit for food, Mild of reoolaiesit you VIN", JosuS or till tilt' tillit; tlk�;fs all tllfj VL,e 114itr4isli .
'am, t1h 0 1 . ... . : typhoid prevails' alifo. Tile doctors And the judge, very justly, os�lcd him Nazareth, yqu Nvotild have killml alls'4illin0d, Alid 01134 N-014 M13 "'Itlift Ili, I
' 0 . '
. I . I att,ribute both'6pid,eiiiics to ddective tilt- atilloutit. . oln outright if I had rdvtill illy own �1101�V-,h 10 101, -I. -I Mill, ;V11101 is tlflivi�fr-,'It - .
� I . . . I � . t' . n � � ill t five srort.l.-Tilk's flull-IsItEor., , . . . -
Ill . . . . city drithiage. . * _' ' IM1111(l." . I .. .
. . . . I Jasi. Stewart, of, stot), Age , 13II[TWI-FORHIONY. . - A tribe cliled thf- IN!,11, 9-,f ,svilt, golmille.,witbout IL blip -11 tit .. I
CM A91h MAIIIII . , " -, t , . I .
gplqh . A-r I d
The Clu ior S .1414. IIRVO gl-,.L,tl.ji(l)141)ti-llll'%Vltiti. lulfol.. .3111411. tilt
I � .. . - � f I I � 4, 11 .
. A,') wgicif.A. I—] ;, I I T To. eighteen liesurs there -are
1. � . . 9 I it Pen . , spliour.-, . - . uo(q) discoveret In x"'Y111". I% Vent it till! vile, Isniolsoll .4tull Alills Milt tit. .
I . . . I . I .. . I . that lie had Weil drinking ralithor �13 (10041i front .0folera in Pariff, it . I,, to a N% riter lit. The 11 tit r Qiory ", I'llis" ill their 111tille. ., 111 I I -4T .. .
- . - �* - I . . I .. . � . I . . . *The wrporation..of Limerick, by. s,aallos to Im littlo Chit; L k1l't Ote - -- ----. . 6 . -
. . . I I � . I . � freely', and (Inring tile night, lia,] an 11 _ ___. ...;!__� _ ,,. .11 I I
I .. . � . . I., __.____, ."..-fl-i" ..
. . 1, I .IT
rZ-1. ---.-__.1_1.-. 1-1 . _ 1-1 .-
- - � . - . .11. ___-.1.1.-.1_. 14 .. . I... 1. .. .1. .. - .. . �. I . ... I _ uf,flicr M ... -l4,: -1L -1,g1- 'S All ri firs 'al 'llor it) I'tiv 11i;o I
' '_ . I -attackof vomitilig,.a-portio-Ir Af�'o-i'ctr,�vlt-vl-filiF)Wfii6'fC)rity, i-i-fti.�ti(l�"S-eiii�iii-,Ill-�v-1t'9"*[L a- -I (1111 - . .
Should auld acquaintano,e be foegot.,.. . . � . .. . I Voillit, loilging ill tbq.windpipo.daqs-, Ito pfty.,apy. attelitino to %lit) f;epqli,l. -oduct-tt illto.the ltoqkv , lall(I. in Lonion, Ili's vei,v.4ti-iii),,(,,Lii(,Iilaii.t I
I . .. .,
. � . � �0 I I.. .1 I � I I �� I I �. .. . I I . . . I � . ine deadif_i . IV . SAO.cat � lot . . - . -1 � . ti . I.oili;., *tilt , I I. . I . - : I
. I � wril, l'or ofl;tpq iolice tar ..-.I: 1: I - V.� ,I j ,i;,,i I'm having fit) hirk t -and yet I s�ern.
. .
. . . � .. . I I . I .1 ;. -1 . C . , . I ( I � I 1, .1 to see two birda til jklitee ol, )IIL I " I I ..
Our Suits will make you grin, . � . ,: . I...A Tile' Supreme 'Court bas se;it a ,-Lady C-olin.0ampliell, who socllr-� that, Irnit'niost, I,OJft1lhrJVI 1s;. III8A1a_. . I "' ` , I
. I
1. . . . . . I &aft . I'llill, Wds.sur.ely Very s,troog 1 11 I . . I ,
,. I . report to I 041 �..
. I I . . - - I - __ .. _*_ 11 - :1- -, . , . . . . I . � -gal sellaratiou front her) ugiiaod tivo trow. leor. I,er r, s urches'lli, 0,1 Its I .
Ms- I � . I . Aill lie (Jovei-iiint,jit�.itistaiiiiii,f id It . I t - �-V,Qtll* I tster ivo file tit him,li V
I . . I . tile ptirt of Gallpral, ild d I . . I. .
- .
- Should auld acquaintance be forgot, , I . I ill() Villidit.y of the 8-:otli -Act fil 'soille IiwI1tll:1�"*ag0 IIaH d('01)(4 to Graliall) .1, le 1�eeptir -4.flpy �v aye, Illaybe.-Ittli it 0 .
� . � I iiii 4 k '4- lit _Wih____ kia � � +rTri*�- -Tli=-*`"-Vas gim L I t . . i. T . I
I , . .
. � I - %li��,�t-4t)ti-H-tY�-Ont;--It-ivr----d-,-�L�,tij: - -brt �-- w-a-w--r.r&-r0-i—r,,,. I
� � I . I . I . � . .- . . .-.--.------�-�.----,---.—,-----�-�---- � -I-"-.— . — — ___ - ' lTd% , '", 11 fly WAY- Y .
. ., .1 . . I . mlllik,6 As it isli'llot, natle I I', 0I.0 bird u, * '.
, . . I I � ., I :1 , . , clailued that tile. 'Diltell co1011iAl IIIIIIIN at V ill dif� PlAeo t1lis ulatter in it more certain lilkillin lit% . to ',I L. the .
� � . I � I , I . 1 _7 . . - . �
Come buy a suit, we want to raise the wind. . . 78� , sigViiat6m were obtai-Oed loy ni* " 1. lio, newly-discoypri,nI tile twit V � . � . �
. . � I � - imilties owill'i-to tile great . . - , . . I . , . . . .
. I I Is . r tivprttff� li-ll� - If t� � - - � - .. � .. . 1.
, I . .4 . I ; riv retiOntakion, they Cannot be.with. 8:611 Of 1:11 " 0 � , " �� ------ -.----. .
- . , I . I Is , . 9. be tire ailklicti-d to phn ill,,. � . ..
I .... . . . e sugar trade. 8 . 11 I .
. . I . . � . . . . . . I � lill.re.1i ,Or* :Itit 'aH tri , ':' "ATIONAC I'1111A.: 16-0 lilli, p'ashu-41. ,
. . . .1 . . � � � . . � . I - . I drawn, �. . . . . . , Dutcl, Indial, , aud �Volonial ba(lics tile Ilfl_i'pipe�, if Ahl,y Hlwak thu N ,life, t0ill-, V11 -fl, tilol'Otl;.,Iil,"-I,,ii,.;Ittty I .
. . . I . I . -not- 0 �im!ral has refus, I I . GAO"" Or 41-A ill th,o lifibit, of di�til As A i - � --tild
.. . � . . I . , Tile Govei I llavo fallol ie I to Nixteell per Cent. . . . . , -V ..
.. I . �. : - - . I . - . I I -' tive, 114ilig upon Lhojsl lilts 'IT, .
� I I � . I linvV.4queliatigh, orvxpo�illa the -'i! it
. I .1 . . . I M. I,(] to conlintite tile sontence of .,A'lr . The.oltiction of - Linyd (Conlivrya� � , p!-olliptly 41116 04i6tilikilli'. - 3 I 1.4 1. . �
. *
. . * .1 . I . Boute.1 I Who. is.to be limig . ed .at Que-, . I .. . - IiIftI,8.tG tIM Cold lllartUs of! willte- , . I I . . I I I . i.
ature bas done well for inan, but in point of good, looks the Tailor lias'done iniore. lie hides their defor, I I * - ti've) f6ral-liall.lelit iii Nval-tvicl-shirti , . . I . ------- - -7 "', - ' - - - -I*- - - .
. . .4,111.111c, pvtLi—Ifilts ill plite" of . . . . I I �
* . . for Clio Pois, , liftff. de�villfld, dilf'ColifferVis,titte I(all. " .1 . .
'A' 1 !4 beo on'tho.,20i h infft� - ' . I I alkil " I 11 - - kii tI Iv I, IV I .
mities, and brings ont the good poillt,, ill tileir fiojires. Illy his liaiffliwiork the short, inAn is mai16 t6 1001'. taller, , , . . . . , � I I 1 �r 1 '. tll� , I , pi N I .; Ili, little lill.'s sisiki'd hel JPO .
. Dal td' to.retiof utp y,opllo.se o pas,iillgo, of trP1ow.r,,_all doulits. upon, thc.sno, I . " � . I 1. . . 'A'1�1'%I. I . �
in I . J.jiJigy of-tt married :%voinotff - I . I , . *TI1( , I Ito *.,%.vas writhig.n. sorlooll , - ,
111) I . I � .. . I Lavois, with wi,oso. 1111"ItlatId '1A I I'll. ` . I . .i(ict will lie, ftt.oflco r6olovNI., . , .1
, " " , . . '611 Coll yotl vilinli to writo ill is
and tlie lank ni,iii ,,1sl41IllI(,.,; a stouter appearance, wbich is by no means a hollow joke. It is -axilistak-en id6a, -pre- I I thoJI'alielliso bill ill tile 1,01(114 "I ,,10'.81(i .
. . I . '� i4imaife. � I . � . . 1. . . �1.scotcli fire a very intvr1l.4t.iiq,,.tIirifty . �
. . � . I I � I 1104it,ol was vei . . . I . � sel.,1110fl?", i`iftor it, liulei Caosittora- �
- .. . � � 1- -,� .. . - . Tls� Ellg'lish . Gov.prmnojit is totid I , of livol V� -ent rvi-firilotf ill) atlit-til:j.,
valent with many, t1sat fittimt, is t1W cllic�f elld ofllis business. His aiin is to make clothes and cu9tomers ioutually . . - !4 , In't-he E, imt, Siuicoe `C'asi.- tite Criiirt Ail([ I*ong liparled , vlass . .1 'i. I ion the TiAl I
. . .. .1 of Appvill has aure . . �.-to I,ave information thab tile f pi " if 11 pi if 0 ygro 11 1 14, iris tv,e lilts . %�Pr, bOt, ite was volillpli-it-tv .
L -
ir) I . - c and attention to the cutting -and' fit . ti . ng of . . . . ed witi . I ctlief r(� ' 4 in Londesti.have. forwarslw They tit, pl.ofu I li�oli ' ill t I , 1.
beconic one anotlier. Our Mr. RANCE is devoting his whole t . I sident.
ZD lin . . tP gar- 0 1 . I Illolarthysiviall's, livell trlI�(lf,I1s;t, �,P! 'it, 111111111tisseti by tile ItIrt)1el! y1f...tioll...
. . - ., - I I Ju tic -i Cauivron,. and voids tile Plec a la,'rgo� aniount.of inoney to Aid (.1se .111r.r.4" - I I, . "T11011'WhY d():.� OLI Sorlitull it olit.0" � I -
- is tborou,ghly satisfied., We have a -very fine - :- - . � tj - ti"'i is Drury, -the Rvform Alld fal . RIO p(irliaps �Ilu bps . �.. .
ments, and none is allowed to leave th,e. silop until tile customej . .1 . . i of 0harlt renti aotation itak6ril,, tilt; crof tersin �. - . - .. -. - .. : . . . .1.
. I . � 1-. I � n .. I . . I lidami of! whitik-y ill fho .wiwld. I , 't I
. . � I . nietnbor,. with co-,tsi_ It, tile Eatit- Kkyo. I . .I r, . , . ..
assortinent of the followinn, goods : . . ... . .� . . .. I . I . 'our -,%- i Ili I . � '. 811(yold*(livir .,XiIQ('stot-s turn out, to . . A (4,0041 31144401, _i, I �� .
0 . � � I . I . . Nliddltititix'cwfti, life C � inareed" I I . . waste iiot I -011f, , -.t
I . , .. . � . M . .ia -ivata firm' er'e Isavii-be'ell Ehrytilians.-tIle wicrotti of* . . .
. . . � � Aa - e.nt of A. pi 8 . V (.1 ' . . S11I)SEnill. - it). Hot.
. , , . . .. .". I W callcullon Boyd, And d satisfied tile Pe a sul,r) , it jwi' I . - I I
. . . cona ('[Ill "011111 -bet -11441, the IlyraiuHli Nvill If v' bi .I) oliff-livill" hia"ll feed"jolpore 111.1on.1 . .
� .9 . it e e( -,olvvd, " W
. . . . . . . . tigaiiltI� Donald BIvKeiszio,. pl,- I , lindialog."', tile' sy4tvill with d6iili.�o. , 1, ,
. . . . . � . I I � � . , _ 0 1 tit ion . I
- I '. tit u..P - * osl(Itillt Of tit(' Board Of 1'rad"I Ail Thelie womI1,11-tril, .1110111lipplitif Wor(I . .
. � I 44oria. inember. � , . ... lie �,(.)I)E,Il,.Llie,clial)I)OLSR,)I,,11011 till poli�y .. .
. � I wlts %Valkiiig al'ong 'tilt-, srrpet, unllouj,�i'ully liuil' agg"'Res, th,Aolood, oli,d ri,,f,11010�1111 LheoJ.gtIIJ,s
Fine Scotch 'Ll"snglish and Canadian Tweeds, Fine* Diagonals, . .. -, * . , , . t by. tit(.- Ii,
. 9 . ... . . 1. . . . . I . - A poor woman Ili Hamilton, wbose - 811"Illionilig him 6 a, tte'lld ii. flidgim- fo, keep their, siller . safi0ro.m. tit .1 Itly LU.,laLlL lli,T,�I Rittel.s. - I . I
A- I . . I F1 . had lope - .j, . i Iliq t:% . . (i V 1� . . , . .
,. . *;Otk if ILd '11sistray and. stitiT to t ---iq) -alry. at I-, rinim;l1hist. illto qlp Ile , 14 ri. I . . 4 1,3- It - ,
Ottoman Cords, Corkscrew - Wors beds, Fine West of "Eng", land . . 1po%. -lip . 0 .. . P'Eull.atiolkq of �i,rhou,il 6-iluL I ,� I .. 1.J I.
I gaQF-by t 60lisice -8 , 0i'd to Ilitil tll�4eseflt Political Hutti. . , . . � � - I
I . . . . .y up 0 1 . -__ I . . . -
� . I. ., - . . . ., ... rjj ill* lile, 11 . . . . . . - I I . _... . ". I . . . . _. . �
.. . . . . . � . Airil)"tious City, knolt tlow.�' Tbif 121ni,qiiis of Londonderry oind gell a3 . 1 . I . . P elit , .14) I I .
14air Lines, Stripes and French Worsted Trouserings in-all'tho .,�., � . , - , . � lin" . Grabi: and. 11. . .tl,* - -WiTe111 iiotice a stat ill' ,
.. . � � . I . it fowddys Ago oil tile pavettlent 1-(!�. suddeillv. NOV. .6'.. 110 %i.. . (11 � I . I . . '. .. I . � -, ey�-py* ��4..il' . .
� . . I . . . : � I fore 0110,01! tflosk %Olitilcoy st . orcr . . � as fli, . . . . . Debtlt; . ..� . tile elleat LI1;1t, ill thi�.� (iit,3 . .
, , and , fourt,ii. iraii411.68,61! LowidudVIT. I - 0 spent, "rolt tor, , � I .
. ' ' . - � - . - . . . . � And � . . $31,000,00) isi._ .0 li(it 11) I I'[. I .
. callell.dowEl tile, curkt(s of God oil tho I astler, a If,. ,tv IS be,71,11,. it,: The fo I I o w i n g : ti 1'�.i I e ly -a n (I se.risible. Only �IiO,10,00.) for religinfi.., 1,11nCs . I I .
'Fine Elesian Beaver',,. M-elt ._ . . . w , . . . . . . . 1�
-latest designs and patterns, I Aill I ,.. ons, . , . � viticnillit C e g a I . I . I . . . �
. I . . ' . . - . (raltioi.i. Silo protested ti'Lat site did 118.)11 Ile owiw-d 49,250-amm, aitti reniqrfcs froill till: exclistilgo being .slolliflealit.". 1111"4().klltl--l',,�ignificalit - . I . .
. ' - ' ' not curde the seller, - but 0(11V tit , . . . � . - ' . ' . or What Vy.- lVil'o :04 rhat-yoll �Ioob . . � .
- ' . , his ',teltal polist-Sisiblim ,1;11(1 ;iiJII;ttII '(31:uLtin anJ file ' .� I
Pilot and Worsted Trouserincos, to Suit -the -most, fastidious :' . I . 'b� . 0 . ( - 13 I . -.11 lipplielable. to 1. .. . I . . sur -A Are liavin�;v it pleasonter time its thlk. . .
6 . . . .arti�lo sniff. 1�01` 011114,10W I'Vol , lie. ,alitinke.d oil 41)6tit. $450,000. � I . . .
.. .: , , . ��, 1. I . . . ' ' , ..t . " . orld than you, wirl'-ill Clio Isom." ,, , - ...
I . . , � ... - livalt, iiiied ,02 atid ted days . . - ' rounding ,:country. We recoinintind �w * - - .
.. I . co.sts, or I M. .1 . ��_.�_ - -. - - .
. . A t a niass.tuee0iri, at Storl --"---,--,- . :
-ore , . . !4 hi gaol, , - '. . . . . . I - . . .. ,,, lowayl %thent td'the OrtliLfut. aud tholl"htful' . . � .. : . �, . I . _. . . . .
taste. We would ask you to call and examine our.. stock bef ' . . . hle of Skilist, rtsolutiolls -as passeJ . ,..� A, Ain -I - e trial nf Dr !Tti-nry nax, - , : . i, - �
. I � . . . 1 o I - Q collooruet � ' . � .
11 . .. . '. .� . 'fityle 01". avithol . -o ie,r's ,11 11411-ilke , -illuo * .
. I I . - -,I tit G -�ftth " * .- . if
. . . . . le .-,tf.u'tPn wn6r's . coialLinding the adtion or '&l i all -
� .
' . . .. .. 1-3 - ,t) 1 c* 1441 'ati6n, I W .
. : . .� - , - - . '4� . , .1 liptio I I 4 , - . . . " . . . .it Bitt,614 ,, I d1im I . I
. -.1 . I .. . . ires din to douittra, that hi -&X .1itit. , I . 11 , fool. "!i-,fiod if'.016 .sug"vittiolis be7., �ally One -troulpled With 0036% tiezA,
. . . . I ' s4n, 'selldilla,police to.6 cye to 1,14- . 11 I .
lacing your orders elsewhere. . . I. . . 1, � . . , 6igfi, �rince, person,' Ilrelitite or pot � . . , �. . . - . torpid liver ol-ally kintirp(l' (fistillisi., ' I . .
P - I . . . . .. . . bd - - _' si*st tile 61-ofterS. Jit.i.9 fulp.ed 1:11"It 1CW tit., carried obt the-conlillunity I I . . . I '
. . . I I . I d.. Ili tixtp, liaH .or, ought to have any " ith Alle, polic . 0. all � .( � t . . . ''. . , :. I of, their curative 1) rop e r I i ei, T.huy . . I . I . I ..,
. . . . ('0111sioliq IV itfb' ally it - -� : 01) ly Cos t �116) Coll is lier ,11-ottle.
. I . . . . I . . -isiliction, poWor pronififorice 6 . . _. , � d , ill W e bull(Afittvd-ili Ill W VIS'' * * I 1. . �.
. . . . J I
. . I . . . . � � jut . 11. I r t if, , I I . - . . . .� I � . . . . .
. crofters, 'whtin I - tornier r6aqb , . . -, . � !
I I . tority, 006tesinst,jual or spiritual, * , Jillisol"tatit poill.his fire now . . I 1 31 1 -4t � V
I . . .. . . . . ., , , Sky�"�viff �Pglilt. ill b.1Qod.sI;c,1., * . , . - I .. . . - I . I . . . . � .
� . . . . .1 - tcutl , This has Iseell olklit. 0 . - . , . , IT -111 0 I tliq gvIlefE, .U811111SH, . . .
I , I .:. ill thi% roalln. . . :Ilot.vealde if I _�_.. . . .
- I I I . . . , � . I Tho N. 1. .. I � . -(hat Are -flot
. . giqlad�o f6svrs.lily, elf Darn- .,,Ilinn, , 11,00fl. 1199 litinpi-I'Lies,
�, . . Situal,ioll, j?'ll-Ilit-l-s are ilest s . ,,,, :
- i '
.� -
OF I I . 1_ . I . ted in the caH6,4f 111r. Alason,'Ih6. 1111ca - "is ', their glittin, timl tlitiv,ii - pilyll." - I. ,e ol"llitisiv, but of u, k, , - At � -
. � .. Y. Wt'8t hidies".11 adopfe(l a, o in Ty. jtttl.(�) I I i c t I % *
. I I . I _____�,-, lt�wly appolittod',0overtior. of- QnLly. . . . . . rii not . ,, I tr�r � -re, !I, I -
. . -etiolutioll - I. q . 4L rlitlSla'. \Vt 14� - I
. .. I 4eclarill" that thel.oIlly tj - is, ,1, '' eItialld0if Of .
� I . . , cc, 01) We li:1,ow hot whAuutholrity, it 0 - � It, ubtf;�o , t use a mildtar tol-In, , t4le'livood solnei of jlll� qoljle,l� ,
. . .
I . . . . ;� solution 'of t.be presem,t difilutflLic , 110� roy. * . \\
� . ift, howevot I 2 . tit(. j tile I ill their account. .3hew, two fac�orff% of insti-tin, kit . U111010%V110 -
J 0 I\T CrOO&I I . " I . .. 1. . 141-1 hititol-ifti. ove.11t ilia -R- I . I I . 0 s would be-
. . � .: .. . IVaV Of adIllritting I . - . tile Old '..... � I .. I
. . . � . .� Illitch.lLy, it ro rnially,:withdraws All . - , pl � .6( - I tide of. al'U'liftViLl" it. di'flrcSoill�, ill[1110110o oil. 'tilerie �Voll!(I be 110 Violin,
I I . I .. , . .C, , . . � I y ill . I ,./
1. I I . � . . , . . tile *.�(;10.11y. fret. into'ho ullitkl 411will(iss. I , I . .� �. . sCruttlont that HUN, pefptrll� S.Life. onlo- ... . .
. 'Claims oil th'o part of :tlw, sov(� � . . I
. I ., . � . ,1,(,I(rll - . I . .� � . - -
. . . . . . - � . �' ' * P - States. Niiiiil be t . cade tile ishillid 'to - ,If *1 114) .� IRA I'm,w5ich , - , - �
. I .. I . .1 I. to utle'esilistical . Ail& spiritual juris, , �, . . . , . � 0 , ' . I - h i6es for. litirloy and., 1XIlvat., � rt'.. (!nlls oft lie , iflusivil 'Cl . . . . ..
� . . . I . . .. . I . . . . . . I I , I . . I . . � I t. Olf'rIca'. alld'are -weinorieflizinc� -the. . I . I . . , Isave,ovalige(t8o of�tinl Lo Lho 8-�llfl-' . ..
' . C1 " . .. . . . ., I I . llictwlt� � .. - . I I I . D , . - lowi: -but tlt'e -urops 'i,a this- ti��trwt oleilig hl�` it) ve 0PX0,ol;y . I , , ,. . .
.. as I. , _. - . . . . WiLiiill' I . to foilt-4 that . I . .', It() A 1%, 1104 . �
. I . .
, - ' . I . . - than usual., J it' view Of ''-'%VcII. C116 611ni.11,
all . 0 11t A. I : At th'o Lord Mav .,I- e ,!?veriiinetit � , , are largot of' dt�.Votion ;, llo� .
. . . I . . qr's banquet laq . . I . . I .1 0 � , , , , . � . I I
The %Great JILDIry-Goods Man intonlli , . _ r1o,111'' '.. 1: ourso.. � _ . . .,. I ... ' ' �
. !111 . � .� , - . . . I 11, I �veek,..-Hlir- John . 11iffied6tiald Said. , . the litt-go harxest. tilv. worlil 6;VqfA pillfm�, IvIlich, ll(-Xt to UkkI Vil-fill; .
- .. .. . . . . , I . . .1 I , .. . I I . . . . ,�, . , ,�'. I . - . . - . � . . I 1.1,61i lfeiliy Ro%i6fittipostuiaster- I ) , - . .. � . till of All .1nusit,:111 ill, . : .
, .
*: - - p .;U -s * wit I :talitnll fit the lie .
�. . . :, " '. .:*, . . � - - � a Avas proud OF tilb,fact, t hat - , .. ;, 11_1.1 . i P'. . r I I , . . I .
I . . . � .1 . .4 .1 . I -1 . I '. ,�, . Callad is verv. do6laftil. if I hiii .. '.. I I
. '. 1. . . . . , .1, .. � . � . . .1-16. I ri I., I . . � . I i , : .
I . I . - . . - I . I � . I . . . ., � 11 �, I l, loikger -a catkswof t ile b p 1. I ', ) - Wh .- tret aify fily , - I h" I.- I lcy� A. 411,1111ell 6 � .. . . 1. : - , , .
I . I . . . . . 1� . 1� 1 7 A Slie Wits tit . . . . roul. . " i ' :' . Mlier : telittlel .4 , I � 1.
* . ' *
I .. . I . , ninioliprofLIM'.. 'I I ' .' t. 0! - '. - 1-1*_.. - *: .
.. I . . - . � . . . � . . , ., , . I G a( storie't cablno --'radll. ther dirvet'i-0). `�,Tbv , :_ - I : � . .
I I I . . . I I. I . . *. � 1 " - . witi w,64k .to 'E 11glaild. Ie lr-iII*-t1l,e 0 1 . � . .. � .
. . '. I I . .. �. . . . 7� I -a. - , � . , lkossf - 1. '064 'If' , " P F. 1,01iV S 3TAOIC SULI-ifilit SOA.M" . .
. . . . . . � . : � , . . . . . . : . I .. 11 : . 'r 7 , , A t .file When . ill 18130, and althull,('01 It all fau,t,is, 'prodilut ioll. of fuofl,Aufr.�. lIa,4 - - "o . . .
.. . I ... .. I I .� 1 , I �. 1, .1 , . � � . looked fol %yal 6. tire ti . . � - ., . .. . ` .. * . -
. . I 11calin" , 66011jifi�f and 61eall,�ill,(r* till . . .
I . . , . . . . . I � . I I . . , . C6II(IUCE.V()')A8: O1IiL:O'-V(rY 81.100cssful-., . - -Ill of till, -t-uhir doniand � 11 . , - . �, .
. . � , . . I I g solfle f(til; of confellorittion W011id 60 . . .gfA far:tifle., .. i 6 I . ses 0
� . .. . 1. .. I . � �_ . I . . . . I I � 111 -ought . I - ly. .. 13�,.Iias'%vritteti- n IU.611, 011. eCon" for L OnS,iiIJItfti . fill croplive .dim,w I *(Ile, -001... - . .
- . . I . I � .., : �.. '. . -� . 'ishout'I'letIvetto, Unglailif And . . . i .0 Oil, � -and If).%V pri,coo, Delightitil.. l'o'l. toile� llsv.. ,:311 41�. � - .
� . .1
I . .� .: . , omic ouf!jofuts, and � for I& 01,11111011CL, . -atiV44 prpvttl . , _ I . . . . ..
. . .. I � I . . 0 '� I : . . : .. � 'Citil, � . I lil,cly to il, I . . . _ . .. .
I I . � � . I . . .. . . . ,Ilia. If a great,'confe,hiratiori . collIpAr I Y, art, . ... -_ .1 I - I ��
I . . . . . .- I ' lit 'ecollottlic: wrif,er�. was ula I ' . . . . . I . . . .
� . � . . .." ,� ... . . .1'. I I . . I . . . I . I—, . . � .. sh.du'ld be inado -of ti n'tfland all(] all , as I - . ' io for soine 'Ve-,xrH to�cnml�� Lit less. s6mbl . k--Ftiurfolft 'Work. , j. , I � .
, �. . I . I � , . . . . 0 -o . ,.� .. * , * . " .. . ,d00tor-of'ljolIdt�tlI economy li�.. .it , .,o tht-110. k� al VOP , , I . . .
. . . . . . I � . her cotollie.4; Ito thouglic any power . . ' .11, I fr, I lap, 1) tit 1 "" r , , , . I
. . . . . I . . , . � . . . .01il I Bordnelc Blood Bittol's fict, 1(t. , 01(i ... .
I , ". . , . . . . 160: coilisiort. with .1 r ity of.Wqrv.I)tiq. , . f.Aill -o Iwarly UP? �Vllolt, � s"'91.111 ()%..(.I.' .,n 11 1 6. . . . ..,
' ' ' ' . � . 'Ch A unive, s -11 , * ,
1, . I 11 - Conleg
A , . . �wl � it tli
.t S .1 r*" 11'r (IRV I � � . 6. 10 Englaild I Would . * , , . Anietican and ".1alit,11 .1,11110 III)iPlI Clio lil'(ir,the bilivelWy . . . .
0 (I 131. LL X V A �, �_y U x a -i;q- ., . . ., ..�, , . . . I . Tfie,pres%lt cowliLion of , f rel and. h .ft,,rjeUJJLIrI0 .
. __ I . r Ile obliked to'co,11,11t, -., . . . = � t4o:161neys Awl tit(- skiii, reliorin-, ,
I � .. . i . , . � ", , . . I
I I .1 . . . '. I oil. tit(!' reffistaric I�t of tit , .Ivas protray(lij W1,01 P1.01110)1o.4cutir. , avefv- di.scussitiff. tho of- wirip., lit eVerY clit5e. %Varrahte(l .
I - -19 . . I . . . . . 0 0 . _ I . � I . . (I I gland . . . � . I . *1 paliers. ft r(I *�Il 1 ... el I . .. . . 11 . I 11
. . _.. . . ---------- -------.---------
____ __ ___ _. -
0811VESS DIREC TORY � -Alichollechi1q. .1 - . (orange.
� � . .---.I-----------------�.-..--,---.- ______.___.��__.�_
- - - . " H. W. BALL I ,---- _. .
�Pfllitil%trp. I TIONKFIR for Huron i'll L. 0. L.No. 710,
__ - 1 Al't(t;-ndoil to In any p.trt of the County. Ad. , 1 4c" 1A N W 0 No
_==�� - � __ __ __ _=1 - __� , i r"q orders to ottaftnicif 11, 4). V-17.
I trionth. flall 11pstaIrs, Ito
dMEDWIN UEFER,4gg' __ -------------'-- ' "I"o" 8l"`o'-:) '".."n"y of "or
('11.%S. IIAIIII,'1'4)N, the'rown Mill. VidftIngbr`L1t)`h)`ran
I , alwa3 5 Made W0001110. I
3Dz11=1Srr, (ICTI(:NENIt, land ,and inquranva Rgent I ...... A. N1. TODD, W.M.
� ,V I ll� t 1. "" "' It te ;,!;:a1nin town all(] cmintx%, 1 V, Secy. C. TWEFDY, D. At.
Late of Toronto, Ilonor Gratitnite IlInyal College ,it rem ... 1:00C t.�!ral-, A lk,t 'if farjn� tind illla;i, , 11. ANTFI,,01
of Dontal smizvolls, I lot. fit �ale. %loriuy 0 Inan tit, n,alcti.-tate, at ..
� ow r.'atiq of irtom't. Ilmirance tilfeet..1 ou till �- --- -- - - --- � -- -- .6.0-
I 'Itt"tt.'i of pr,,I,crt.%. .N, -t- mid ,Ie1,1:.,Ilc;-tod. . . .
Colit8's Blook, - Clinton. , .,,,,I�;,),I,r:,I�,-,],;Iii�l4�,1,1�,lt i"ton. Bank- ��Iollep to Xvid. L
All Work Reglittere.d. ChmrXel .11.deratc I 'rtlpt tit ... !Ics honglit and muld. Conn" I
, .
I ill t t 11. I )m I (I, I Am 1_- _i__7 77 _: . . _ _ -.--.--,- "
� - , ',
� - 1�'�l - t I dic , it - 1. ! T----7-�� i 4'eterillary. . MONA,,y r. rO LO N
I __ ______ - __ - , --,-- ____ I At low rates of Interest and upon torine to Ifult
. . - . = � - - . I—- ___ . _____�= Isorroviorts, .
RItFVVF. Offli-ti, ItAttenbitry 8troet, fill. . . . MANNING & SCOTT,
A, "'MoUstoly hebin-I Itatimford's hook Rtl,ro. J. E. BLAOKALI q .
" lice - poilte the T.-ollientriet, 11,01, Huron � Deaver Block, Clinton
Street. OfZe hoors trial% 8 a.m. to 6 p. fit. ClIntim, May 17th, IR82. 1 20
Clinton, Jan. 14, 1981. 1-y Veterinary Surgeon, J._-----___. . . .
__ . . . . __ OrtidnatooftiloOlitarlot 'Verarinnn vnilo-o To ON BY to lifful In large or Arriall finals, Oil
r,)tit.,,Ii%N,Ili,,,)Iinn,-,Ianntii,!e in 01rito"ll,'14 I IN I good inortgngniq or pers rm I cenfityl at
Poll. pwpared in tre.a. all th,toLtinq of doin"Lie Via loweal. curront rates, 11. IIAIX fittroii-st,
anfinals oil thn ii,,,.,t up-deri;oill,ri.n. Cl "I top,
__ - * 'L - ' ' ' _ - - . - __ __ of pin�. All tiporatitinm otre �
. ptirforined, Will (Allit Ill'Oloilt- i (loiton, Feb. 25, 1981, ?'I.IV.
MANNING & SOOTTv ly attenJod to h%, (Ny or
. night. Feeli inoduritto 11
1:1 . � E .- . .
Darriaters, Roholtorit, ("'onmaneerg, &c Coal. I t)pFI(, 1, = a �
,,,,.__IA door We -it of Kell. . vo .t. �.W' 4
n0silloners for oritario .nd i1midtolia. � . . W
lind Y'N I (.)I vI, (Ilitholl, Ont. V- 1 7. Z ot N 0
1W Office- -TOWN IIALL, CLINTON. sam- ! < 1. R .5 �. - t
E :e :2i - I
clinton, May 17th, 18.42. 240 . L - ___.7 0 !! - a it ._ R r"
i ., r 'Z 11 a- 0 s, -a
, ___ __ - . - - - - - __ - - - 1. I �01110ifclll. J :: ,V V. "9 I
& -, Z, . 1, a t
I . .9 N I.
. : . I - . I . M
V D. &FORRESTER, I N TIIUVIE�NTAI, )II*-8IC.Ui-RW,,hIoir froin 0 so "t 5. z '-. � R. C4 .0
VRA vrn .f. I I ' 'Sthe flild ,it Conlnirv%4)m of mosie, Iviii take Iiiiiiiii 't, t. ! 10 N a I
Co'Vl' ,. t a * 0
R)"Ity""I" I'A."' IS.q ' ' " a Ilinitod noiol,Pr,,f pt�jvilm ,,it the,irtran or phinn. . r..) V
GS,VPI?Al, Alill�XT, itir moneg to i,nan. ! � :S 14. ,
; ll,irtivolar ittuntisin ir %-Pit tit fhaiift wlin, wimli to >. .2 0 i I 2
office, Beaver Block, Clinton. %-22t.f i ,inprolron thoir Itr-ent 0� It, of pf,t - � I niti at. retil Z � ,g & �
folepOf 1,. P. RLVIR. notor t 1, a orEcall fitet, rv. 35 W 2
____ - - __ - - - . . M ! ;' i , r_
I . . . - -1. . - . --- 'L -_ . --- z z (4 � o a. � � 0 -
f,,.AoFa & MORTON, A rrixter,, &, , & , o.,(I I � z ;..
-ri,h '�SC.Lfrnr, Jr., oodarich. I __"""" I 0 0 a � �: 1 M .9 � .4
I - 8
I - ........ , I V - .
__ . - - - - " r
------- - --- I . 9
S, -1111 %Vinshala Photog!.p phers 11___. I' 2 I.4 5 � t -
J. A. fifort.in Winsth.m. I 1'.
j .- t V I is 11 " q t
i . I I
_____ , 4 1, e . 1 n - lir,
-nAVIRO-4 & .101INSTOV, Law, 4"Itan-r%,tind __ Wall,
JJ convoyallising. O&V we.t 8 .roct, n,-Nt j-% 3�ifi�: I ,� �, , , � . .. I . � I
d660. tO 1`64 Offfoo, "Oder"", ont- .117 , � EV, OL I -
� :;;�_. _1 - - - ,
- . - ....... sovoillilli�lll::!"Illlilllllllill:lilillilI rO N. I �,ftr Aalf or to " t, ,
.-:.-- - - — � Ul U � P
1rJ (1, ffAV9, 801101tor, &e. nMro, rornor of
over Flutler'a 114m* ; . . _1_t_�.7 _tt__
r .SqtljLre and Witalt PArfilit, Life Size Portraits a §peoialty. " " - *� - ��--
At. "OrIch, 011L, -
A* Mersey to tend at lo,vaist rates of intere,id, � - - __- N E IV SEWING MACHINE FOR
. - _ . � � . WA00111C. SALE. -
� ___
)!A CAA�10V, R%rriqtor, Attowney, Solit-it,,r It - - - WILLIA -_
p ghts,stlearts, Coriveilancer &r. Offlet, o% or I ('11ANTON 14dito No R4, A. F. & A All� s rNopir N IRA.
fifildan,s, Drng'Atora the roo;ns ionnarly oce.o. � mooto over% �'H4.y*. oil qr xfteii, Clio (Al. N ri�vm,,,, ,,th drop Itlaft I !4*46f hd4n
by JoalSo Day?il. l M40". Visitinfil'brethrisr, coirdfalIr invited. till listed; for light or howivy vtlrk� Nvlll Ila gold (6thint
.J& A". arnesil"t of nionniv to loan af friwast -1 V^f'Vl. - '. . .11-F ........ _ _ than it cost. Apy)II, bttjd(Isf,,gS .
. �
I . . . ..
I . � .1. .. . 11 __ I I
. _� .. .. .
gl000 but Of all her auxiijoiry king-
Y 1 . I a,
- *IcY "Y -Lilt' 1"(�Ofltl JJ.')'!- I 01�0`11- 'U'll'".
. vatlut! Of wlivati-ati joott roll. full Ilia isp sqtlshi.ctur�,' 01 111011vx rt,11,11111(ill - I '. . .
41, '� . . . . .. . . � ..
3 L3 2.t_
I . .
. I . . . .. �� . . .
,d oins., . . .... . I .
ers the otlier day'at Knot,tingley�
� .1
lt�uci are-tldvishfio its nife at prosellL. '. 11 I �
7, � I �
I �
I ..
I . 11 . . .*
1. I .. ,*
. .. l'�, .
. I . I .
. . . I I ''. I I
. .
li� isaid. that while lie (lilt ilot, Allis; in
� � I
111, i . .. ...... - r . _. I ;1. .. - -: � .
, I 0 IV, ,l) r 1, L; (is. I IN iN it, :Si-lllifleallt� iii.. , . * . . ' ' * I .
. I �
� .
. � . ;
. . � . . I .. f1i ..
I .
I I - �
l"Ic .i., Was all).
. tl' thol . thill., ill tifo.eotk*
. .
I I TI In (10 VeI0I)TllJE'J)t :It the b"ick of tho I
dic,1601) thit't. Chit) lift pot look for. -
I .
. .
. .
I . �.. I �, I 1. . . ,, ,
. I . .
. . �
. I
. . . I 7
. nrn
Tilt- c( yield of tile. 'Ut,iteil
I (II'Llo'll'of IrL. - 111110, tIvIt %vltw entiroly
. , � .
. - pal-i'llitil
` I 11 vwl,- lily, friellds, indicates
Ally Ilifti-1,61 ildvwlut front .premillt ., .
1111'ekttiolf, exp1slined tile ph I-oIoI(lgi4,t,
-efure, . . I
. .
. �
I .
. . : . I ( ,.
. . . .1 .1 I .
. .. !l.
L , . *z< I 4 .
. I . - .
, , �
States fes i the preifoin�,t,
'- y9ars exceeds.
i * .
"' '
8.9F� 0.10-000 busbel.�,' all
siatisfactory, t4t0l bijlliift�-,t pi 0-fress
ll,t,i 1) , 11 " 1880, . a . .
Pe til.'(de fli(led , � ,w
fi " O rp"j. Farlimt-,, :. thol - ,who -Noxv you m*ill Ouserve" Ili, Ivvl�t_ oil, I .
r,. -of, a 1.1 , , If" leelilig - at. [Ile Ilend of'Alle boyt,*hWtira- --- --..J. �
11110 boldill", f I�Stl NVi(I fim! tl' I
* 0 , I ;
� I
. . - .
. I _"ii� . . .
� . . * - .
. - .
.� _.:�-�,_!,
. avvra'(1
' I ' �
ra , re., _o
t (I of 26 hLiffliels V("r aif'
� �
' 'Oigll�
'tl'� Lr;�* lion
. In''a.let(er to 10 1) .Y7111I.?
Livel . dvi'li * Olitt;
in tl,6 !"'inifirld opildfoil of til.6 1) o ., t, plittliopill" 6(ilell, J))j.4.IsInI 1) i., AL1101 nll
- I I I . * �. ,
I At till , L - - �
I'llo I'ligbo ru Les Ail Frzo thlis bldionting tit -1
. �
. . .
"` '
. � . ,
I . . 11 .
. . .
. -
Xrederj6lc YO,
. ungloff, aged
,.''( *
, )f- ersey,
teen, - X 'C' Iiiiii.
P 0. 11;
t'llp'-fli.sholl ol, 091
. I
Bi,cliop 11ollinittil is to a" t it,, If is ,tR,,
ititigos. proip'.uls.of -ill .
a ..r . . . . .
1, . tin I' loves ant V(Ints 011. I
-1 y it VI I t � ex t-ry I I I v. . . , 1 reVoreg his pit 1.
- ' .
tri- gloont I . . ,
. 1:1. 'i:v,
. . . .
I . I . .
. . : I.
ll . I � , . I
1, .
1, .. . 1. � . . . � I �
... .
. I
. . !Tllnt�
,ty I 1 . I
43(ilf becallSe be did tid' wall't to 'O to
siAnn I. 41H nilda _Lhtit the ( k. jig
. ..
i � . , . '11,11 e. Is t thict,
All units (I (-gl* 106 1
'I'llof I
. -ill wl'1() jl�t%'O dtlkti Of aCq0tinN illy IiIi 7 ��JLVV" "lit'llilt "Vo tL.(I() o.)t. .
- I . I I
� � I
. I . .
. I . . . I .
I . . . . .
I . I
I .. I .
�. 1. . . . I . I I .
. . .
. . . , I , .�
. .. I .
sollool.'. . . . . � . ,
. . . I - I .
. 11624 Q - , ,
. 3, * lf."W' 01c, 4 Lox ifig(011, 1(`"-"
of 11tirolt frififfigni'd his clikiladia I
114 0 ; . if
H . .under liapprell'ill8foll,
4 ioc,ke ,a sit ,
v!'t-.Ii?l.IY "11- N"ll love - your Y, - ive'll .
� - , 'I thill 1,
to lli�y shofild . . 1. .
CIII!i1i there *tillo6ld 110t, )AI LWO 1)6ilIN """"""" I
I . . I notigli% ot - 1-fiplied the l'ot', ,
, , .I ";
'111.1tilliess 'rli;vt, -
.1 . —7--- . __
. .
.. .
. _,_ . . I ___ -
� .
r'01t SALE'. * I I..
. .
. THE WEEKIS 11111,11111ING6. .. ,
, .
tuolty �Iaud S. 10%Vero.(I *tll(i, tedoril,
Poor, Dr. Ifollinoth itffol Ivr
. .11,4 -aflod
I (If, - I, "I
owl! it) towilis fist Piliti, 'I of' fe, thill'.
. to coll"m , . . . I .
141-��.-rl�(,�(�� ,
I . . . I
, . .
. LODAV13, the till
N THE village of .'Bls' -alling
� � , �_ . . , 1
_ . . . ,
. I .
CANAD [A '.'IT. .
trottinn, the'niiia, in 2,09,1. Tile Ilia-
. t?
Illus -atio'll of Clio faille collk,01,01,0�11
- . 1. . � �
An Inst I ,
'lice Rod shadow. — J,,111Vf`)ity*
)fftnp� youu', ill- orile g - , I
will villftneii Iseult, Ill ey to vat ry oft . 0 �ivv III(
, .. : .
. dwil. - I tho , Lillie !list, 111:,I)b wid a (trICLA-st 11 Ill If. . . .
. I t. Is is
'lift' 1:1,1 It I ....
a 1. I'S, �ftllt . 0 . . .
honse and store occuliNd by. file. The Hite 14
alto of tile niost desirame-in the village for Imiji.
The -0.441 Go y
Dominion JDxpi n1pall -
,j.rlty ."1`,Utsi-d, witwiv's IqKde the:
'. 'i tile 2.00.
. - .
nup-ell': . . .
. I
G . '. I
. ______.___ . . ,
Olt Ill g(It'010 6111(IS ill I . : . _`
When trivy hil, , '
tn"s. There Is it good stable, 011thfitl3olls'flind $Lit
extelid,itL,soft%%-tttoral8ter6ofitlici)rc'nilecti, The
will eoojui.�iitq to� do-buiiineN.4 oil
� . I . .
- ' .1 "
. DiplittlCria hevi bliolcon out2 ,
An' ""Lv'
Dri Sub wnffli-]�,4-r. . (If, lfatsivll lilt's
I:tILt!()i, ' lie, I sraut i6i (if' ron,, rf I—Ple Vr011blffl VV1f1 I 1,
aliI.011. I T I v I lgF, � I
, Illur thall 1votlIll tifice Aver's Chieirry lloct0l'Al
lot coitiprises I o? ,fit store, ,rise buildfingo fire.
in I
q004 relucir. w"l be #o1d t"all, �As file Pro-
tile Torettact Gr�y toid Bruce
'division oil the 110i. *, , ,
tile pu icifiref tioblij
� .pilm,ill 1.11w Cil, ,,,
, I fl, it new 1,110(le, of r(e(lUt.j?lo
IN W(4od , r,
. I I, i4,
the bulk of illo IIIIIII(I'll frami, ,
-t:611111.1's Vrtl oLiCI4 3. ..
. 11"; Lt.. I I
N clip si I MilrUl rule, IWIM-0 L'Oing in 011f;rCh �11* )IIA(le f -r ....
I ould liecesille, it gf , -
prietor is giving up haoinoet. Tornistilanly.. - -
. . . ,
Atilify"to ', .
, ;� .
llietiting -of liceftite 11 Vi t"'I"e'r
A U s
.Schools. OJI(i faikoly i4,re Ill -tod to
. I )I
I .
nover t( 6at -tind'drhik at Clio naine
. ....
. I . 011VI-1,111,11-1110I)t'., they w6ohl avoi(l ,
..I (i it -1 J)!40 , to re.i� -.at!. I .
1 14 it. d00 . . I er ,,I o it I cotigiling, greatl�'. ti� t110:0oullolt.ot,
I IV ; *
. . . N. DUNOM,
5.11 -Cf. Beherave, ont.
brimemakid liquor doalvrs %VRs held
hate lost, six children out of liovvil
ill tile patit tsvo -wt')ekl:i tht-bugh Llie,
- - -
tillipi but to holt- tv;o ILour.4111hir %,(,III,*.
. , .
I... - I �
. . - .
�,M If 4fly of I - -� -lieswei.s., , 11111-fiv , .
ulit this I "it I;f ( lot o4illsi, HP Ilotl� spiul; .1's ancl
. � . - .
i 1,0.
. .
. . . I I . I .
11, Council cllaf"�) tir, Pahl), * - 'r.
- *�Ick,.'Wibou -&-co. . I
9tolvia-ift wit unty .1 a . q 1 40 . . 1.
. . . . ..
. ".., .. -, . .. .. I 1171 ,
difivase. . . . . - I I
, .
("llarle.9 11, pat'lier, '110 tll('L
llo lins, it.issIXICI, oullf-il Prined, Illim,
-, . .
, * '
lllaiick of, 6 tew 1(�'l I L cy to ' o I wi, ' illy Ill .
Ellitt. payll) (lilt 4 I , It 'I 111
. Y. , lowit.. (luting siloakers 11114 sillg(,w lost that t ho
() I . J,)JlatnrJlC.' WDII('10 4,sf e: . - : - , ,
0 o1wr floill thaill.t.,tiv 91,11111, Ctolt: ffillIV ifil'y , tilo .
, ,
" .16111 lit,'xibilitv - - ,
\V11.,11 I If, ItUCCIIIII(ti are 1, lip I.I., Itolvvi or tile I okw,
I . I I I
� ,
. - L L
R:totel�. .
ciftilioll Wit,) fortned to opPo,;P,tJIo pas.
.. n . of
tills WIty. Greab ,13cott'Act I
sit . ,
' I . . I . I I . L �
- � ---.,- . . -
— L
sagitt df tile Scott�- 46ut ill tile county.
. I
fkVii,111114vtoll., � - .
0 a
ealtibiers of the Fifth-,.Avenite hotel,.
., sll,)t Anil. lflI.lt.(I L b,II,ffn
NO%V. Yorl,
., - I 'If,
lollo. ll,)ul,.q jl(it,VL.(,Jl . ;NO
, ' (I ri A
%io I r I , (4-ir 7 i"Voll Disillarok I � ) . 0 1) I Ill I I I iltig
. 10. .
.41,10 [lot J`i;jid fill Fvl� I , . I .
tlall-Ja"Y tl!t'N' . ; .
. . .
POIlly oil ih:Pellf: iiii-i'l)(-I'Ilkilt.i*lotj-�'I'l�, _... 1jilyl(lif . . .
' I . lig tile ll�xpeflsfls# , , .
. I
. 11fiforrill,g 1.0 tile large output. of
wit weeir. ifo li,nd'etilliplained;0F
. . .
grt%.o %V'Ilty wi(ter suelk'abliffillUU1.14 )it!-
' ' I .
A ftr bottfir, plait is to, rvtider and , L __.��._ � I . .
. .
. — . .. .
dour at G61die'g Mill, zillelph, one.
being overwopk(A, find said lie lost
. I I .
giniell. , . I
. I -
001lect ne'vo.tilltili-fil (Jol-01)PIr, and to , Illooll:�. hern, ybong 'olall, .itlifl I'll .. ..
a This Iftitill is turniAlul throughout ivith great
tire to moot the wants of, tile trill.
. voiling r,ubllo,
Commodious wainpio frooins, The bogt of I
'lily 11114 weelc (63 .
5 bill rels) a corrfis�-
. .
us 'tile fi)llowilljr ,lip.
beavily Off. tho olection. ! - . I
. .
I -
The repewt of.tho L Amerlean bu
� I I .. . .. . �.
. !
. � .. I I * .
L. I *
Ill 1�
mist upoll�'llayin '11t, . ,\Vllut Iii -41t, ('I 'it . I
. � I to biN (Iftli"ll 'I".4 ,
od.erich . , parV . tit I, . . I L
flaVe 1)(191)JO It't (hVir 11CCOLIfilth Of
and: elgarti are alwav's kept at the iwe. ilood
; . , L
� I r
. %so
, A Poetillar - ,. - 11,-7 .
. .
lqvee. WtIvil til(l, latter entered I lio - .� , ,
-ix '
table, [lost oltuated 116tol Ill Clinton. GIV6 us
ping front a 2slinnoalielliq paper: I"Tho
-eau of aninial - influnti-V %�ill -Allow
. I __ . , .. .
molitlis stall(iiflq� . .
.thrve, s . or eight . I I
it call.
JAS.'14ObRE Proprietor.
Pillsbury A Inill,.Oij Bl'onday, turn.
that fliern Am twvnty-�ljrffe million
. LA Tlrocl;villo desip :%tell sarg -, . -A
L g6, larlor to m4ke hi� first c. ,ill
v %�Ilkql till.v liavo . -tit of I -
, I i,v
I tilillitl(IL 110V . 01 I . . .
. " .
I ,
oil out 1,197 barrels o f flour, or abou t
cattlo in tile state.q W'e8' .t of, tha
- clisge in Inedicii] prac6cv if it d
twoulial .
UPOIN Ill tll('ir bl.'silis alitlL .ill Initiq hidoor wilvion, tito otlier night, ., . .
Clinton. Julio 7th. 1899, ... I
* - I
. IL . .
8 06 barr�-Ist hiore flour tLHIl_ WaA
ground ill any previ'ous twont,v four
MIMNAilli. .ri'ver,. if.wing a ghirl of
.' L r Ixa.11
thirty per cent. since, 1880, , (
I 0 llel.�,
11.4 A! 11, OVVIIIN k . I
tit a4 po,ruil I I I . *
I 'W I (Is'l-tv"Itf.
About half pilist, S ( if qhl
('11,44's 11,1011m. ill Clio balik" -said - �
L . . fill fiet"?, you burlit op a good (14-11 (if , I .
. I . . . Tit . .
old A tid. exporivneml bulimems ItInli I- 0 . . .
I Colt antl kor(rioOo la -4 t�imfir et'"ll-
. . —
— ,
' is' run, Tile run is tho IlIggi-fit,
. . )1 - , I
Jes�(14 wid) a gain of seventy pell
It . . .
. 'TI. ._wa4
. .
, terlio011. .IjI.: Nt. )kI()(1I.o .
I 6 Us the, OtIIVI' (Illy,i 110. 'WIIH d V- . , - ,
. . jmg�yqulld Isom and Staying itill 1'11� � .
Thd above hAj. # 6 if laWly Istteh leamid'fir Clio
underidgued. 'Pho promlso; bavd been refitted,
"" , , ),*"* v
" " 1V 0 give Ili afti;r th, —
. K .
(,('It .; '01.1114M IS - g
Aliedil'(1 '61jeWitiL it"
gaill of fitty4lil'o
1, fit th(i hoor inentipii.fid
. H . 0
i -to home I
�ttl-Ptllillo+_for one, Ott , gvfloraf Iflisi. , . . .1 . I I . . I _r � -.I.-
. . o,CI(,sCL_ JL%Vo or . .
11 (4,1.4 prificitflom, to prew, eo.Iq0tioIIs,f' . dirve iih,lits a Ivlfvvlilt�
an() tilt- beistpoitiollillf actl6ininod r fortannots
and tile oficral tniveliftil, pit S aftordol,
C�16c�'ll""Ioil�)IIII)I)�'It'"- . - .
. nil active nlott
per cent. , I .
Tho Case of Ja Ifloo -Wils;on, �Vlko
viffit Cliff, . of A, int-ell-tid,
ljanlle(l ,NIcE'IVIJffeV,. off WftIOI'Lsh*vet- I
� . L
. .
-I)OWf fold [lot lift 1,11v Accounts- rl'.. 'Now, I've 110 olil,!�tctiollw to your ` ,
Large Stag' Iutf hittonw--ation; I- trill sulioffal,
wit, T the lfoqt liqi1ortfaud elgars. Ctollitost
tile '5a,"t-ool Artily at,13ratkiptoly
killed- Allen Ar('()lI1i`rq at Doposit
whert1ho found Mi.s. M'Blvaltil'y' a
- . . . � I
Illaill Ont 1111til 1.11idwilatle" 'Mel vii4tif, us Yuri art. It rtl4pV01,41YIP ..
olfelted. " .....et
Votisirlyin, Soigoon in
.a.RMI 8013Att), Peopflotor. -
wag 8 . 1:11111110hed bt-forp JtIfI tico Grit'
Jfl_iII"IP,JJli)w of
wit), 8
, lit
., , -fist on tho
- I .
A�-qfnan about, .30 years of aga, rip-
. n
-lillit.4gi�ili'll.iliv,�Nioul,I Adopt: till; .1 L .. . . .
G I . I Illit
- ymung lnflfllr� :bavo.-got it'? . -
. � . I I .
, Ilaul, oil a oil arge 6f.awtitu I tilig S:Xrall
chill, expittla -great interelit nino I gy
- .
paroutly(It'ad 1,11 tiehed'r. Ili urdv�r
,voll I .
Iflan, an,] it wonfil Ill) Inorts Nft�fi+' N61.itsfi o"livni ful-I alif) R-,,IF't'.tl#i,i . .
I .
Dozwell, dauttliter of ill r, Geo. Doz.
Wells WI)o lio
Vt!s neall vil.1toria, Ana
nit-dien] nian And scimitists. It I'lliq
1),non PI AVIwil
.0voll. that tile Inall
Co reacts )wr Hidti'dal PilyffiCiltil ILIA(]
to pass throogh a 1)0,01 of blood dirmi .
'feet 'ill
your , , , �
factoly all rolind, ,I t. would In; Inw. L
T . rltnllo� It , ill Writ L I()
-tVr for the -Chfi.4 (inilling winter, I I
pul .1'r in 010 1 10114 1 .
Wv toulfilmid thew, fit . I
k 'fir(14
With defullfitint lifild 110pl,
fitkick W11,1911 in Jf(.JfJ.(,t IlplIt'll" AII(I
. Will(." nlyt)Uil tWelVe .ff!(iit
rull. iggoi;-, runiling; apd 4 I L
. lilw1l, llflf(l
— ,
fits 110TVI'l Is Xmt, and hast al , fthoto Int.
T tfientA of a,fi rmt-till"k It (11,
ollild. Lav 0 aw air%
�workhigaliahrtuhaiid.. Tile ariny
tuall meesningly dared )lot face tilt
. . I
that !ie (till tiot . H f I
1�,l I o 0 wart, discaw
or Apoplexy. ,`
Ion th, ,111111 of ,Huffi.,iollt depth to
010 dgilly HAtursta IIN'llools n4arly
flol1q, wiliell ilavo Ifeml gatlierell, butilling in 66, lilt) lot, till the wits. I
frotif couvormation vvi(Irs(mitful OfL . L I I. . I
. t I'li. �
IF� - t lilt ),i't10 , he t6d with lot air.
orls", a 0 1 9 11�
the hinsm lit fol of tile 0, T. it. Depot.
chargo,'butbolat abaffty rol l,eat. A
, 11011'y fi(lrgil, cl,t, ",.Nind Jetecture
. I
lotif Ivay tip to thb'imoop. Am quie.k.
. . , ,
Our prilivinal blisfilivits lism), to ths'i
. ,
" All tight, mr," -iP,4pon,h,tI ,"thiii -
The bli,r It; sv I , I
The bar Is sit' It e If I Clio eliolemCbrands
of litillorg'AMI I , . It ravollif y 1"'i'lle "ll"Y'
warrailt, has ,been iestred for Ills ar.
rost. . .
in ,No W York of tile Sodlety for tile,
. .
I f, ullroillumat" wo-
ly as Po4sill V til .
nVellu o�l of IIIrCIfnI)t,;, LI'llit'j's and .
. I I
nII C(ILIi!rs i4tormted. yfillng Imill, , 11 aull 'wilillig to, KhArvis ..
rest "salfewd A oln .4 , JIL * Cart or at, Cliffs
hollini. -
A sensation baq Imen �rfsatpj ill
provention of ty to anintialij slayA
Slaud S. is Whig cruolly tr(i,tted in'
Inan was to, 4 coudi ttvar at
hand, whei.ro restolativem bJ,OugIJ'!,L
. L, I. 10 lit, vxpellsvits, lilit. Sol] �-lfoold hapdly I I
. .. . . - It.
_ .. , - - . I I
AA f, plup,
011MAn, May 16, Wit 287.1, Pro0r;oW?,,
. . -_1 � ',!i��� .. - , I .
local sirelf"K ill nNg,4011,I) y tile filar.
rillgo of a youth to all elderly 41dy,
, trott.ing agAill,
� A� tint 0. SOIDA of One
011i'lldifsh: Hcott Act hunianitaiiiiins
'r 1);V(,It to entle
lip 'i'Onlitneii. t ont
. s, I Ill y
for it short,tinio, death vneling lit'l.
I 11,14 Ills, to In"11, 11w whoh, of it.
V 11
AVpr,4 SRI-hapitrilla, %voel(s dit'vetl . V
. 8011',101M, VOU fAlfrillAJI (lit- V041 Mill .
I ,
And, �Ifrolllptlyl to ))'Ilrif� all(I (.1111it"il, '114il I .
I'll file)) tit(- ligIr1l.. 114)W NVI)IIIII . I
t .. - _,�.
-�'— TO T H 9 PUI§LI67._
%vila tilt) reptited wife of wunther,
wnuld foid-ptliploylliont 1101plog 'Mr.
611froriligg- lit 444iff, half all hour
:Clio blafliff, I Inplovo tliti, appotito, . I � .
. I I [lilt (to V ..., !il,.� ; f
1,116 filotlifie, of tile yallog Inall (III
& . t
13 'J,gll.' COL )rward legitfItililot) ilgainq
after tiln (Ifife VQry %
a ins nia(ln, Tit(,
1111"I . . ,
figthen tile' tlorvps, and 111,040 till ' * * **
alafeg tljltt 11 L .
0 Is under lig"; that, t'llp
110r.fin racit'g, I , I
1, 01111,10 of Jvallvwa,� Or Isupliting of a
tilt, syston'. It. is hl tho trimb sonsp %lil,rig,111,11404 the I;"rf:N, fin Ito , . , .
I ..
-1 . 4 " .
Godlerich blibla Wopka
lidell-90 Willi procuirit'd untlor ral-41,
r6prf)$0l'i`fLti01IR, Alld 04(tt'r 60 islillor
'tile govil,rinnif, of Obio fiflisv ismied a
- preff'.4tillati6il to fliticitizonill of tim-6
varicose Vein about ini,tway 6 , tweetv
the knot) ond auklo of trio fill, Trig.
an 1111prolit-0 111040.int'. 1,,'.Vm�y invall(r, t 11 tit ,?) lL?,aA.'T 1,11#. roonf, 'I 'ifiJL "
should giv - 0 it it trial. NX-lifilig to lionr I inty ShAre,ot 11.4. rX. ., I I
- � _1 . - , __ __ _ � ._ I , ,
-,- "' ,
had-Ilemi forbid(ten ta giyo it, Tim
00110flem in wbiely doprAilatiotm hllty�,�
Taroiq�ffi friglit or w�flknif,ml;i tht*
.. ,
pelffie.ii if you 1)0.1 r r8'
TlIn I'T'l."Is'liftt; ov nVI'lliv!; IT (ItMAIr- i I ""' * "
. I � L
filist 1JUsbAlItit of tile brida6 bolioVeti
0('01111 -fell '011 11000UIlt 'Of file 'FlIttiltio
Iloor �'Anlall %lid 110111ing to itay(%. her-
r.y hiert%nsol 4y mixing Ili 01 L"t'S 141111," Haid 1110 Cll114?,hf�a.Il,J ,
— �. ,
to be li'viug, io Torontoll. Vo(roft,or
anlolkit tlip Diinil,rit. Mil onuinisratillit
fo. 0, aud lind Meld to (10MI'l withill
IlArlf a even a 11IlaI1�iiPar.aII,6 yollittli, al 11*4 Rat tlowif Vsv llio hifflP" �
. I
. ItAVP ripliflinfol N1 A it rvT neliftrifiv, so
I GbrIftalArt6l4oft 6'02sidlf Noble wollkill
I Chimp, ThA inother wall �Vali6l I P(j
I ' "LI'L(Illf
Llift lipstpol-linil liffilln Ily illettriflillriog,
"'I'Ll, feelt -of fleighbortlaild friellttq.
'),rill,rav & 1"OnI111111114 li'lorirlix Wfilot, I hvp. 11tilitv 111111,11 oil 011 wo I'VII-11 I
� .
Iliquithly tiles Whole At I "I f la't 'I .
f6t tht.100,1111tv of Ilfirl
on, .
I efter f or daughter -in.
find ismuros thom that if tlin ill"
No eveiry drop of li'ooll 'In lop
will terl 14 I'lio
, .
* -, 1.
.yosit"If VAIN
1 11`4111V hold lip tongue, that, $lip Tind
hirballeti, etinjilillps; iv will be
body had d0wod i'lito flyn t'.1.1fill-'em
i;� [L
th� batti-rmen)i is lis iI!f1l,I1`f�a11,1t1111Zt,
,, -diff ropbell triply * - .
bloornlog 11,)VI,trii, gar(If"JI'L fl);J iiiiind bet., I L %WIIV' "YO)ITY I
I ------- ..... .1 LLLLLLL I'll - ........... . . . . . . . . . . . I ...... . . . . . . ..",_
, I'll �,
steulitriled, 01 but villy
it., Ile," , for
prPiRflod, if it ril,li'lim tho oll
. . Ili
po4 mi it,(, ao6t. livin pivy.i i t
. � 011, I 0- I
im itnei; bileivallit"t'nAl ths" 11COF Merges I yjju�qii, '%Vst (Jillf'f JL,,frii .1 11,11)1�11)Lil L
for, it of tile ual(l. I
[ ports tbp came lin' , in 1,11113-1 -.1
rerl-cit.lied 410 ."Iregilit'lle'l, 1, flaring Ille XX Ilo;v, 11 illis, Y: * . Ii. I I
. .
. .
I .� ,
' ' ". -1. ---l",
- I .
...... . ... .. _ _ , _ "'. I
. . I
. I .
* . .
I .
- .,:�"..",.-...�-""".,..�:.�I . I
. I I I
. I
I �
. , f, _ . . it 'L
.. . I .. I � . I
. I I ,
� I . I I . . . .
- - - I � I L L' I .. .. I � - , I - - - �. I L �