HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1884-11-05, Page 3trorti yells votee were pelled. lu Ctoderich At &UAL Olintou at the 40 municipal election there were 88$ vote e polled ; on the Scott Act %Otero* dud Nuws., roll Record, '04.0441.1lUTED4 Wednesday', Nov. 0th A!L_NE WS. 4_444 Around the "HO." Sennt galk. • vaer.„-At au times we mai ird fliad to receive ewes Of KCVO /TOM any rstiafee source, either *sad or writers% lisports of meetings, en. tlertainmente,00riety and church doings, etc. elk , or any geese rotettate tif general interest 40a14 "pc a eke; in oursoitanns.—ED god general ser - 10t, immediately. Apply to Mrs loiter, Albert Street. e, OR APPI.Es l -Mr. David telon is prepared to •purchase quitni,ity of apples. Highest rket prike paid. 302.t. tre New Stock of Berlin Wool, geringeOrn ctre., just received. good ;i5w. Coal stove for sale esp. Vbris. Dickson, Clinton. axren.-Protestant, girl to go to treit to do general housework in 'all family.; To a first class girl Will y $10 per month. . -Address, gtv- Ginfarn references: -Mrs. C. W. paid, 260 Warren 4ivenue, Detroit Loh. L. 0, L. No, 718 meets this ednesday) evening. .A. fall at - dance is requested. Lear SobroAF was Sacrament Sun- Ositaile•Kfeet lurch, the Rev...J. J. Kenner, pas.. 01. *Tux eListowelleBenner printing , „Offlue anti material has been destroy- ▪ hy fire. Meows Ferguson and Efli�t will be considerable losers. Dir some parts of Kentucky water in used for drinking purposes. The e vimless fluid was the orthodox eyerege in Clinton on last Thera. da -.election day. . Ma. •W. A, Reeve, barrister, of Toronto has been Visiting his brother Dr. Reeve of this town. The gen- tlemen left for his city home, MOW. Tire Bazaar and • hincheon in tile -Teo, Hall, Thursday, last, under the auapWes of the members of the Presbyterian Church was well atten- ded and the results quite satiefactory. About $13(1 were netted. • • THE Galt Reforniee - 2;000 barrels Of apples fhave • shipPed front Clinton ,silice the seme. • . cueintenced.4 That ninny:, bar- -rels hey° been shipped hy. Mr. .D. Cantelon, of Clinton, in one week. ST. PAPL.01191e11.—,TItanksgiving. Day.-Servidea at 11.a. tn. and 7 0. tu. At the Evening service's, which. will be reurlieal,,Rev. P. Owen J.mies M. D., of Godeeich, e will preach. ,Pfliirtory at both rue:ekes in aid of • the Bishop ofAigoies • .• . . Ate FEET.—Dita 'bf the funniest typo eaphical eerors..eVer made kit a was;;kisint exchange A ..reporterein writing. an °accouiit of. a. belle- said. that .the lielle•of ,the•evening u it..' T• -types put it that- siie "lboked all feet; Now neither. the toy nor -the reporte sise happy,• 'Ktneen,•-•-•--A fatal aecielept'oeceee • Kincardine last week. While 'named John 11,101, wan tatOliding tr.;06110,,iikti,e; in t engine room ; of Redit r;rls Snit. Works, lie•eatee. ii coetect with. the driving wheel, mid..wasInstiintly :- Mentes • • Asnalte —M Various .plaaes on.the Shore of. Lake Waren. •between Bayeeld and PortEIgin - • .the •heach "is thiekly. etreveri with apples. . It is probable that appleg foiene,d the- deek load of•some vessel. eind thet they were t-itherewasbed•er • thrownoeerboard. .. • • .Tolaseurow, • Thersday, ...Thanks- . giving Day,. there willbe aacred sr - vices helil in the Town Hall ni., in which • the 'members; .of the churches in town will take pert: The' Rev, .M.r..Stewart will preach. . ths: tamable' of seieertil. *elleirs to take part in the elegiag. :ON Wielneaday,;Oct. 22iel.,.the itteel-Bishop of litiren, adwinlets.red ..,the holy rite of Conermatimi to for- tr seven eandirintes, Id the 'Church,. . ,Kincarditie, :and to sixteen at,fet. Luke's, Pine River, Bruce county; His Lordship's addrese • -rAis most' earnest and will long be reinetaller- ed by those who were present. . d. W. H. Coolie:leis doing a rushing Intainese in his faineas Articificial Stone. His Yard on Ontario Street is a perfect %thoroughfare reoeiving cenient and shipping eti' the nuir.0 tactu'recl goods. Seveeitl' orders or Brusselleatoi material for John Weir, Goderich township, beibg the latest, On the orrier book., 'the last one we§ shipped on Monday. •• Aecteitirr.--a-gr. Samuel ',endear, liereegh, met with an •accident. on the 21th: lust, lerwhielihe lot Iwo • of the fingere-at the right hand. He. la hi the employ Of M. Joseph Kidd, • Dublin, and while rine-ling the kayo .. cutter and trying to make gend time, one of the staves rolled and caught • the.fore •finger and next oue under 'the knife. , HOIST WITH THEIS OWN PETARD - ; The wire pulling .Grits who Ate claiming aeinajority ref supporters of , the Scott Aot as being of their poli. • tical'fe.ith, will please take notice thet in the only riding represented by a Conservative -Ur. Farrow - thererVitecerria ty-of'905-• for-th a- 0 t an hall of the whole •fliaj.rity. in the three ridings. Stara of the Irish emigrants, as they are called, *ere haying a genu. ine old-style wedding, in Seaforth„ Thursday last, • After breakfast the happy perty Started for.a drive to Dublin. There were several • bug. es„ iti the processiOn, and when -rung t1le corner at 1!'4r Murphy's c'uple of young men, who had a 'se and buggy belonging to Fore esIiiiefy, attempted • to paste the Vehicle whieh was before them. l'Hiy Were all, driving ab a pretty rapid rate, .and having more anti' ScOtt on blard than was good for their Vision, the young men drove .00 far ofr the road and their buggy over tatted into the ditch, taking the hone with it, and throwing the •0060paritit Out upon the ground, so •• thattvluni rataeon the buggy, hors „t ad en Were' lying 'fit,-tt rr-omiaeit. riin ' eilp, The•borse was somewhat IAA di 'the baggy badly smashed, but ti‘e Young men were not hurt, iedding party proceeded hap,* •tift t ' to Dubliri, a The eddress voted at a special vestry meeting of St, George's church to Mr. and Mrs, IL B. Bothwell on their removal from town bas des. - patched to Galt last week. ihe ad- dress! a printed one oxcely fret:tuned, was signed by the nnnistera of the church, the churchuardens andprof. Voo e. *own het January 078 votes were polled ; on the Scott Act 420. ' TuulteWot ibg °queen in the Town Hall wafer the auspice of the Clinton Meehan. ieke Ihsti4ute: -Outside talent. "One of the most interesting programmes ever presented to a Western audi- ence." A rare treat indeed.* It Wzr.r. trow be in order far those who have helm s.ccuetoined to intoxi eating stimulants to prepare for the inevitable lot May. and Mr, Scott • Act. Beef tea will likely come into vogue in the process of preparing the system for total ohstince from aPirits. NEARLY SuereeNren.-The coal atev„ge are already beginning to get in their work. Oa Saturday night, Oruelph, the femily of Mr. J. J. .Sutton was prostrated by escaping gee ; and on Sunday night the ser. • vents girls of the Royal hotel, in the saute city, were seriously affect ed from the same cause. Great cai e should be exercised in closing up the stoves for the night, SUDDEN DEATH IN WATilitL00.1-- The Berlin .41rews gives the follow- ing :-"Mr. Moritz Schmidt, a car- penter, about fifty yeara of age, haying a large family residing in Berlin, left his home °Li Friday morning the 24th inst.,'and walked to 1.114 Gentian Mille; and while in a state of perspiration di ank a very large quantity of very eold water, He wile seen taken very in, and died before the dector arrived. ' TOWN PAnfetteENF.-Met Monday night. All the members present. Usual rootive gone throughwith and the adoption of Fitiance Corn.. initee's Report recommending pay - to cii t 'Of 1150111; Mel iifirttalliffei and street work and $31;70 for elating town hall roof ; Chris. Dicke son 3.09 ; B.-Webb-evork.at conre- tery 3.00'learbetel Bros. hardware 19.45 * A. Campbeil work at furnace 3.00 ;.T, Gauls), blecksinith work 4.50:-Reeeipts frotn weigh stales', for Sept. $34 60. . WHAT WAS IT, rather teas, culine women put up at the Ratten- bury !house last week. site, was dreesed in female garb' and profeased to be travelling for a sporting piper, thotiill she never gave the ranee* of the paper. 114 features, conteur, tiotiona awl number seeen pedals caused many,to do 011t 11111` BcX. Slie Was talketivee took her' drink at' the bar and wiped I el* mouth weeli napkin or • handlterelnef as theugh she lied hten imenstonted to wear a moustache.. • She :travelled with horse and buggy and' carried a ye- volver openly on the seat. GODERICH. • On"Thanksgiving Pay there; will he service at St, George and Knox churches.at 11 a. • On Sunday there will 'be a thanks: giving service. The Aran Areleleacon Elwood is on a two weeks visit to Sarnia. • Yrs. Judge Tome. has returned to town after a lengthened absence. ° Mr. D. McDonald who was reoently severely iodisposed•is. around again. The' County Treas.; Dr. Holmes, left op Saturday for Ottawa.. • • Large shipments • of apple's last week from the G. T, R. edition. • The H. S. L. Society will. presen t a prograinme next••Eriday evening. • • • Maitland Lodge No, 33, A. le and A. M. meets next Ilties(lay. " • Miss Bertha Traieor !Teamed to town by the-Quebee last Sunday, , • ...kjsrcieee,Bitteele was passenger on •the Quebee last Sturdily. • • Mr, and Mrs. James°, of Stratford visited tqwq last Saturdriy, • Mr. Cavan of the Island eveune dept was in 'town, last iveek. . Geo. Sheppard has sold �t his busti se to Messrs, Porter and leevie. • Jud e Doyle Preskled at the i - vision Co et on Xtonday. , • • • Our Ciey eze,:elleee metirtet 'fhursdar. and ' traearteSe(rfeehe usual routine . . . business. • .'., \ • ,' .• - The Scbool •Board iteet oe, Monday. .evening and reengfigedeall -the 'old 'teachers 'at present selarees. • . ' A Literary Society,wi 1 Mr: Em. . . buey as President and Mr Johnston as Secretury, was formed 1 at Friday: :,several of our ,ineoranee .agentshve received insertietionsi to refuse, all risks cie hotel property.. , Mrs, Brolimap and .chij. on the Qaebec on Sundityee husband.. The schooner Ariel With Iffiniams and Murray! r dock early on Saturday t ' The eteremer 'Armen 2.e.000 bushels of ,whe 11111 last Friday and 8 k The Jaue MisLeod Semite' & Co. reach • day morning. Huron Lodge T ursciay. Ft 1 It 'demi Sund The port taking left for • The S `Todinan, being pr The Sob the Big Mi day afterno Miss Lott day for The er' brother Mr, •mes, station 'Agent, G. 'P. ii- • . • To 1110tiroW, Thanksgiving Day, thee° will be a. Harvest flame Fe-.tival in the Nr Ah Street elethodisb churele An xcellent programme l'ets bee» pro ided,. and the hill of fare it is said, le 111 stud, the most faasti- dicere, . . Messrs, Cqnt, Nettle, 'Watson, Natal, Angeai_ the Messimarliluy_ rammed lasto*eek from Lake Sinith where they hhd been on a sheeting expeclieion, 't'he party was not very Successful hi capturing game, but this Is aceountede for by the feet that it was not peoperly equipped. for the expedition. i , Mr, 3. T. lerarrow left last Friday 'for Ottawa 'With a petition praying for the Mi(fgatien of the satiteneeS aimedon I eery hoes Beantish and his father i fr the reeent assize court held in thi town, The petition was anal-11mm) ly signed by the jury that tried* the ase, and it is expected their entre nifty will have the :effect of eonsidmialdy reducing the senten. cea• reeentlY passed upon tho pris- oners. a Three the ballet bOXes need in the recen& election :were stolen from the Com'L /rouse between Saturday evening Ind 'Monday morning- It, • appears hat eiltratide Was effected trom the Mttide by breaking a win- • ilow in the Orand Jury room, and passing seine small person through. • it, as the broken suttee in' the window is Mtge er ough to allow ,;. fair stiod boy a passage. The loss of the boxes makes nit ifferenee in the result, as the deeltration of the poll will be made ire the -deputy returning officer's stet Meta. , • • The Brandon, Manitoba, Sun, of the 23rd of Oct., says: Rev. M. Laughlin, Methodist missionary near Edmonton, and lady, arrived in the 'elt.Y on Monday last, and were the guests of Mr, J „ 0. Robinson, of thie •phoe. They are on their way to Alocierich, Ontario, where Mrs. Me Laughlin will spend the winter after a six year's sojourn in the North* west --The ladyl is a daughter of Mr. Daniel Gordon,: town. • The three masted scow Grace Amelia with lumber for Secord Ce. In trying to enter the harbor early on Saturday morning mined it and was carried,to the North 'rheCaptain on discovering his position let go the anchor, saving the vessel from being beached, The towbar dragged a little causing considerable injury to the stern by allowing it t� pound •the beach with the rise and fall or the waves, 1t large number of men were employed in hauling her from her dangerous position. After which the Steamer Amelia welt her in tow and •brought her safely into harbor. Last Thursday evening a meeting was held in the teteperance hall by the supporters of the Scott Act, to hear the results. While welting, • speeehea were made, and with one exception -were what might be ex- pected after such a Waterloo. The exceptior, was Mr. D. MoCtillicuddet who, used the most unseernlY langu- age, arrogating tohimself the poWer of blasting the reputation of men who occupy a higher niche in the temple of morality than he ever did. llesides, the men whom he traduced have always opposed the Scott Act, while the self appointed censor un- til four days previous to the vote lied tried to fraternise ,with these same mee and loudly upheld their views, • but finding from hie straddle -the - the' Wet --viiiiiiid carry, joined the other side. Such converts may be welcomed by the .sid e limy -.lee wand. ap p lauthadheet he on thinking, btit that any considerable numb& of' his Auditors approved his utteranees weeare Meth to believe. - • e___., Goderich Township. .r : The following from the Prillia News Leuer retests fro one 'of eur former township "boys," : uncle to Mr. John Whitely of the Huron road: 'As, will be seen from report .of mtodist•-Mitsion, Rev, Mr. Shaw lias been recommended as assistant in the Mission:Rom-as, and this will involve Mr. Shaw's removal to.'.eorein- to. We &Wt.:suppose elle action of the Heard in adopting this "raceme enenclation Will he very inuell appres elated by the people of the•Methodist °much here, because they are very • much attactlied to their pastor, al. thotigh -only a few mouths here, and •the realo.yal of him and hie fantily w,1Il be a cause of keen regret. , -Wheel, Mr. Shaw was appointed Imre Meth - adios !felt great satisfaction at the peopect of having hismetepred exPer-, ience end ability forethe °fleeing three years. Wepresutee it was largely, MI this head they itecided on an outlay of about $4,006 on enlarging the church handing:. ' And just now when all -is going well the adoption .of a. *reconnnenerieion for • hie. removal ' .seems too Soon to break this happy:re. latter', .No doubt Mr. Shilw will feel •soine regret at this.uneenected separ. &time: per .will.• he • leave without. 'placing a worthy stibstithte here. In- deed; under.* the '• 'circumstarioes the •el ethodiet con:negation would ether. wise feel that they had been unfairly dealt with ielhe matter. ' We have •qow got accustomedto men Of ability co only it first-class Man will fill the bill,Personally, 'while rogrettiog. Mr. hill., removal,the people will' be Satisfied that he has been .narned• to so .iniportant a pesition..He has moved. round doing good work for the ebureli for .4 lengthened perigee Ruck e permanent ,position at the, Miesion. board with a fixed home in future &ening unsolicited and •unexpectedly seems; somewhat of a eewaril as well as -it 'testimony to :Worth. :The, ar- estegerneut will not go into eaept till 'about the'New.Year.' ... Rev: John . Gray, • 'on Wednesday eireeitig prior to theeSciitt Act voritig, referred, at .No. lb Shoot houSpeery pathetically to the case of the 'late W. '1'. Cex, one of the tnoet talented *writer:fa for -the local press.. that ITte: Eon ever produced, - to show. the pea - :freaks of•the abuse of liquor. Mre ray was eghtieg R 61-100*.. NO 'OW' dhnies the emir effects of the ,exces1 eiei indulgence in 'liquor. • Were it note eerie to eayeig any•thing ill of ' th\ae . ead, I toted name 'several young 'menet!. .the coUnty town who were exemplars of sobriety so far.as the useef Donor was eoncerned; Who yet preinature1y,:f1114 early graVes from over in • ilgeficein other matters,. lition of the ineane where- exceesee were committed cornmemd. itself - to Mr; usand Say So. W. Atkins, Girarcl; an. never hesitate to leclim- r Electric Bitters to my ;they give entire setisfac. are 'rapid sellers." Electric e the purest anct hest tnedi n and will' positively cure d Liver template ts. Purify and -regulate the bowels. Can afford to be without y will save hundreds of actor's bills 'every yeste. cents a bottle by Watts e 'CIALISTS. .. TUE TIlltOAT AND LUNGS' AHED AT IS . • the Toroeto Throat and ell be at tee•Cointnerehil n Monday toid leteseley, lel 11th, for the special • iseases of the Throat sad ;lige the mos . commonof whielvare Catarrh, Catarrhel denniess, Asthma, 131-onellitis, Coestuliption, roul weak Limp. • We areatieetly Spermlists find are curing A, larger percentage • et' these 'diseases than nay other syetent . eft treatment : that line over been adopted,. •, • 1,, After an experiance. of over 00 years we aro fulle convinced Chat in order to obtain satielertory results we must apply ow- triede•ines directly to the diseased p,s(rts and. not irritate the stemacli by peuseat- Mg Ilrugg. This is what we.eldim to do _by. the Spiroweters_ .ao. ,Instrument Well known to • tlio idyll:cal Prefession and Mind eds of seffererel ' • Afflicted ones should cell and he ex. tura d. They will he treated kindly and reeeive it candid ()Melon.. Besif of references call be given. Coosollation fres. (-- -..- .. tileletraVe. Mr, Sandy Stewart the 'late i'besalr manager of the Dr. Pyrite farm, Morris, will eve into Belgreve tins week. ayler, our enterprising mer-, ohant, uts a large contraot or shp. plying the eating houses along the line °Nile G.1,1 it, with poultry, ,but ter, eggs ate. Ife wl,11 IfItSly make prices boom for artioles ef this:des- cripto. A, week ago last Monday centime. tion servioes were held here by Bishop Baldwin. 25 persons reoived 'the rites. Arelideaeort Marsh, Bev. Mr. Parke, Blyth, Itev Ur, Malosh ef Winghare were present. -The.last named gentleman vomited the con. firmation sermon the ifiunday previ- 0118, VIBOOUPSO to the tandidates was both eloquent. and 4. instructive. disastronn' ilte bemired en the premises or Mr, Wtt...Tatiticttiai Mors rip, near Belgrave, on WedrieMley nfghbof1a5f Week, barin t 6 day Just. eoewe 25 Rms, Crown Note Paper, 720 Gage's Books,r,000 Slates, Large quautitiea of Stephen's biter Straw and -Brown raper, -Piaufng Cards, :Newspaper Wrappers, Levell's Ad- vanced Geography, Plank Books, Ladies Rand &itches.' ' Also 2 large can's of Pooks, ozie ifoln Ward, Loch 41 Ca, of Landon, Baotand, and the other from Galt 40 Inglis, of Xdinburgh. Buy Spanish Ink the largest 5c bottie in' the world; just received 1,000 bottles. CHRIS. DICKSON. Mr. Wilson, of I -Follett, had been threshing there with a steam thresh. er, and had nearly half a day's work to do next day to finish. Some of the threshers went out several times( due- ing the evening to see that all was right before retiring, but fire broke out between twelve and one o'clock, - destroying the building and all the contents, including two span of horses, some piga, a large quantity of grain and hay, some agricultural im- plements and a portion of the thresh- ing machine. Mr, Johnston was insured in Herrick Mutual for $1,000, whicWwill not cover more than half the less. The fire is supposed to have been the work of an incendiary, and it is said that some three or our young men have been arrested on ,suspicion qf wilfully setting thelplace on lire., ,Ettelt WaWitifosh On the night of Wednesday, Oct. 22ndt one of theernost disasteous fires_ Wit ev-e'r '43 delirketr-iii Es WaWa- nosbetook place ein the farm of Mr. William Johnston, on the 9th con: Mr.- John- ,Wilsone-lar ,.,Morris,.. bad_ been threshieg in the barn during the day, and about tweety minutes past twelve at .1:tight the fire was seen, whee the Whole neighborhood was aroused, and a great number hurried to the dreadful: scene, but were •un - table to do anything as the building -was. eompletely enveloped • be the flames. Mr.' Wilsonlost his separ- ator, .11 apan of horses and. his har- ness, The separator was. insured. Mr. Johnston, lost hie Wain, teed, a span of horses, three sets of harness, herrOws, sleighs, Cutter, aulky.rake, three pigs, and many minor artieles. The building and contents. were stared for $ • ,000, which' evell...noe cover hell' the loss. The fire is supposed to be the work of some revengeful' wretch. •. • • . A Very Yid event occurred. at the residence Otelr, Armstrong, on Wed- enesdey or Nat week, namely,. the. death- of his ,on Michael. It appears that Oneeeiesday, Michael, had been working ai usual,. but 'aboue twelve o'clock at night, becoming very •sick, n'inedicalenan was sent for Itwas then leareed that a blood-vesselin hie head, had burst, and that it was imposeible to save the life of Michael. He lingered till natty eight, o'clock, Wednesday Morning when ' life de- parted, On Friday 'Morning the re- mains were followed to:the grave -by . a 'Mtge number of' people. As wats'a general favorite the afflict - "rad family have' the asympatily of the whole neighborhood in theiotiad be. reaverrient. • . Fare* members of a -reeeeetable fantille. or Walyttliosh; father . and' ,three.sons named Need,- were „tried: in I3iython Friday.on a charge:9f set• . eine fire. to Jelin Wiles. eteetn separator on the pram mos' of ,Werte Johnston, East Wawanosh, hy which the. separator and Mr. Johnston's barns and other property were des- troyed. - 'J'k tatiter ' and two sons were Biteratedi there being hotline% whatever to connect 'thern with t;he dastardly at. One of -the was held Until .Tuesdrty. 4th.. Oote. . tehen.his case wi.ltye furtiree inieeti• • gated if the county Attorney is heard. from'. It seems that the.colly eeaeore for suspecting elle Reed's. In the mat ter Was .$011*. ungeiserded' expressions'. rnade.by some of them that Wilsoer' • eVeti. with his Stearn thresher, was not: going to. do .all the threshing in the tcrv,ynship, the, need's being Own- ers of a horse 'power . threilier. • Comity Carrengy and District • • • Mr. 'W. Re Wilson,. of Brussels, had a narrow 'escape for his life on Wednettiay last. While Working at theelforge, the gas NOM some green - coal blew it up, °tee piece striking him enethe heed knocking him sen- seless to the floor, where he lay for some time before found. He was die - covered by. his son some time after, and was taken to his 'house where medical aid was procured. At last accoutres be Was doing well, although he•will eof be able to attend to work for sorne. time.. • ' • Belem Exreostoe•--eDn Monday laet a terrible explosicin oceurred at a at a steam .theshing on the farm of Mr. -McPhee, Colborne tovvnsnip. The • boiler was the property of Mr. Wm.: Clarke, who was blown away about fifty feet from his station. I•10 was badly cut about the head: . 'A, youth mimed MoIlwain was injured about the legs. •. Mr. MePhee was Also slightly cut, Mr, • Clitekets escape from Instant death is a Wonderful one, The :leoherotor condnee of a man timed McDonald was brought eut in a came of Reduction against him, on behalf ofa 13 year old daughter of Mr. Stark of Motels. James McDonald is about 50 years old and has Mar.* riageable daughters. He accomplish. ed the ruin of trio girl Stark by force and through terror of ,her betrayer she kept the secret Until it was ac- cidently discovered by the openly flagrant abduct, of McDonald. The trial came off at London last week and a verdict of $400 was,givon again- st McDonald. Ile is not now in Can- ada. • Mr, John Murray, of LileknOvv, bas teri month% old calf which Weighs 1040' lbs, . Mrs. Wm. 'Therm Tuckersmith, _died_ at the residence _nf her sonriti. law, Mr. Wm. Elder, Tuokersmith Thursday last. She was aged 93 years. • • • • . Wide Awake Druggist* :11fesirs Waits & Co. are always alive th their businese, Sodopere no pains ?to seottre the best of' 5yery article 'ita, their line. ThOy have secured the ligermy for the tolebrated King's New Diriceittel 'for Consun,ptian. *he:telly certain oure known for). swop tion, Coughs,Caird,,floarso . I Asthma, llay_Feteri" Brembitia, (Sr ally seep Lion torfbe Throat and Lungs. 'Sold on a positive guarantee, Trial Bottle. free. Regular size$1.00. BIRTHS. t1ie'50th Oett., the wife of Mr, Itobt. Jones, Clinton, of a son. JnNKINS..-Cti the 28th Oat., the wife of Mr. Johnolonkins, floderioli township, of et 89n. Olintomfon the 22nc1, a1t,4 the witelor Mr, T. Carling, of n daughter. • MANNING...Saturday, XOV. 1st, the *Ito of Mr, A. It 4ann1ngfbarris ter) urn daughter. ,WARREN LELAND, whom everybody knows us the successful manager of the . Largest Hotel Enterprises of Americo, says that white a passenger from ezew Fork on ware a ship doing around Cape liorn, in tho early days of endgration to Cat, lie learned that on of the officers of the voieel Lid cured hintsclf, during the voy. ag!, of an obstinate disease by the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla,: Since then Mr. LELAND has recommended AYER'S SARRAP.ARILLA in many similar eAes, and be has*ever yet board of Its fall, um to afoot a radlbal cure. • Some years ago ono of Arr. LatANn's farm laborers bruised his leg. Owing to the ba9 tato of his blood, an ugly scrofnions swelling or lump appeared on the injured limb. Doe rune Jtelii,g of the shin, with burnIng and darting pains through tho lump, mode 114 .almost hdolcrahlb. _The leg became enor- mously 'ePlaried, and notiling uIoo, forrileiT, discharging great quantities of extremely offensive matter. IsZo treatment was of any ROMl until the man, by I‘lr. Lar,Arm`s direc- tion, was supplied with Ames SARSA PA - MLA, which allayed the pain and Irritation, healed the sores, irentoved the swelling, and completely restored the limb to nse. Xt. Leeeise hss personalty used • Ayer's Sarsaparilla. for nlicumatisni,,with enure success; and, aff:4-'ear4ful observation, deers that, in there is molted:clue In the yer:d equal to it for Cie our° lf..1Ver Pisor6rs, pout, tho effects' 4/ higA ltdng, Salt Ithentn, Soros,: Eruptionei, and all, the various forms of blood diseases. • • We have Mn Ltr..t.:In's permission to invite all %rho may desire farther evidence In regard to ' the extraordinary 'emotive ipowers pf AVtIt'S SA.IISA,P..4.10LLA.:. seik, lent poised - ally edict', at his mammoth Occiin Long Drandh, or et the power Leleud Rotel, Broadway, 27th and 280h Streete,Now 'yore. Mr./zee:mos extensive knowledge of tiro good done by this unecitutlIed eradicator of blood poison's enables him to give inquirers much valuable information.. . , . rEEPATtED DT Dr. J.0:hyor & Co., Lowell, Mats. . Sold by all Druggists; et, six bottle's for 55. mmirmssiersm ,morsoim • TUE London Free Press ▪ is without •doubt the most.. popular paper ill ..Western Ontario. Ansi deservedly so. h is emphatically thepeople's paper. No stil ted dudislineervehout it. Itsiiiews it( nta are graphic, and .,concerning tnattera which the peo- ple are iliterested in. The Weekly is es'peciAly a farmer's end family, pa. per, and the propeietoi-d'etre making. a "leg push" to extend... its . already very liege circulation by offering _valuable 'pretniunist to ((gents: We can recommend the .weekly. Free Press to thee° ishing 'a city • paper which shall be del Isla, to the youiilye , • • and- a source of luti,trUel ion and pro,. • tit to threw of mature yeare.. $L00 to 1st Jetrie 1886. : • How me,A,Feix PosTeuN' ST41P8. A note.Worthy rag; lafio n ham. been made by the Fretted] postal nude:el ties in. regard .to the inethod ,of„af-.• fixing postage.searnee to .riag,ettered. eaters. • Tee stamps • are . uot, ,to- be placed ploy( together,' lei teem-. to have a' splice. hetween three. It ex- plained that when several .etanips 'ere placed toenth .rithey coeer space- suttieten tly• large enough to 'allow of ao opetintg being made for the witle • drawn) of 'a bane note.. ... -The stemers ' being replaced over the•emeeing, the fraud would not be discovered until .afteeethe reeipiene had signed • for his letter andopened it, when he would .have no redress. THE Quimpir Ilerced makes Men- tion of ael•out a.clozen livarii that are. being fattenedin the Royalcitylo'r • Christmas "beef.". • Scott Act or no Scott Act. they will kept bruit'. • Neive *.efe*S Aunt Katie •Tanner, an old eller- ed Miser Of Oswegoeleas-left to F. k' Goff, a young lawyer of Waverly, N. Y., e fortune. of $10,000 to ex. „• - , press her satisfaction at the Way in, which • he performed • some • legal 'work fir her, Theusands of young lawyers will now be.on the lookout for weal( hy aticient ladies of color. • The Pe•po has officially promulgat- ed the statement that he never mentioned to Bishop °Farrell thst he desii:ed that Irelend should • be freed from elle rule of the English goverrite t.. • , 'The decrease in the United States public debt for October. was $8.307, 000. Protection evidetitly pays. The latest returns received of the yothig 011 the Scett Act on Thursday .give the majority for the measumin Huron US 1,059,, and against it in Prince Edward, 127, On Saturday the Jury hi the mur- der charge against George AlcOttbe, at the London aSSItills, of inurderinu • his wife hy p dsoaing her, returned a verdict of “Not Guilty." Ile Is tbe dame person.who was chargecl•and ad: enitted 'of the murder let_ble, furst , wife Tit Iagertioll a few years ago. • A mob conceded in Witinipeg Sat- urdity 'teat, Imrned tterney Gener- al Miller in etligy, and would have lynched him if they had found him,. Alleged bovellik whipping of ti. prison Al• was -1,17rreason for Miller's being in disfavor. , The, Margels of 'Waterfori has neaces.tipon 600 tenants to tilt their holdings. As the tennitts are bet, in saPr011eak«DOlit, to tbe Marquis hie action in ,sertiing the reetioe it an enigma. • A '111,1 • ern ZtX11.41.1NT'S POWD ER S4 pirriNtilib to bike. Contain theft eel Is a Sae; ture, 'And Otteef,04/ ol 11orms1ft C1111(4611 or Adelte • Enl 00D- Col— MANTLES,'ready made and to • order. High-olass -LINERS?' of every kind. Full ranges in 2, 8 and 4 buttolt KID GLOVES, Full range of sizes & cors in Gauntlet Kid (Roves, Fun range of Crompton CORSETS, 500 to $125. The greatest bargains in OITZROO,ILTS we have ever shown, in boy's, youths and. Men's, Ealifax Rosiery, in all colors, for women & children. Cashmere and Lustre Sille and Kid Gloves, Brass Corners and Tape for Oil Cloths. . Notal Corner.v and Tape for Oil Clot/is. Plush, Caps, Ainza Caps, Astrachan Caps, Persia Lamb Caps., Seal Caps,See oite 50 cent and One Dollar Undershirts and Drawers; they sell at sot, we show the laruest stook of qoadayito the,county. ,,We have only one price. We give five per cent. discount ,flir cash. n ta1e Rutter and Eggs trade for Goods. We sell.at the closest prices, at the Great Dry -Goods Fake& .. • 500 P_R$,_ .1-101\ef-M.A.15 "SO W.A..1\tTEIX3- JOHN CALL,ANDERI - MANAtER. •ESTATE JOHN HOIDGENS. The undersignei Merchants, o' • the Town of Clinton, beg .to advise • their cuStomers that they, have',4- • • cided not to accept Butter in settle- • Tent of aceolint on' or after. the FIFTEENTH OF NOI/EMBER'NEXT. JOON CRAIB. • R. COATS $3,& SON.. PAY & WISEMAN. ESTATE I-I0pC+ElgS. PLI.T.MSTEEL & CO. R BpESLEYI•SON... • eget.. ete.(eteee.ese e2eve, ee ete - me -4' C= r=losso71 r•iooia f,'New then) .Mrs: Saab; w.hat, pi earth are: yeti strainingyour eyes; for doing that sewing by hand, when NEW RAYMONDDsEEwNINGI SAPA:TNSE aatlical price that- you will you can go to get the Celebrated be Sure to jump at as soon as you hear it. I tell you 'itis a daisy --HIGH ARM,' iSfLENT 1.ZUNNNO, SELF eBOBBIN- WINDER, SELi-THBEADin, SELF NEEDLES UnIt—has all tlie latest attachments, and is die most handsome piece of furniture in your house, .-:Dgisoirf keeps' all kind 6f • Needles and 011 and Machine' Findings, tieweB 'as a coril:- plete stock Of BOOTS, AND SHOES, of 01. kindi. makes ordered work a specialty and attends to repairing , °1413. Tsi.ttooper's{ DEN II SON CANTELON BROS., General:, Grocersanct—Produog -Merchants RACEY'S OLD STAND, ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. Choice, Fresh Family Groceries • CONSTANTLY IN STOCK, TEAS—EXTRA VALUE.• - Farm Produce taken at Highest Price. C.A.I\TrTMT__JC:)1\T•131R,OS. FFROit 'What are You.. Going Cb do About About iteeiling Warm • MEA. • unge: Overeoats. JUST THE THI.7140 FOR OCiMFORT,-. • • . • FLANNELS, BLANKETS .4-.qampR.T4aLE.4., .:*t • •.PRIOES. 0 0 • PECK'S BAD BOY. We do not require to know how bad the boy is. We want every Father and Mother to • know how good our BOY'S CLOTHING is to wear. A change of program etch week. Loo's for it. ' 0. PAY :& '.'.)/V1...SEMA. :,71.ie•DRY-G9.0p$.:ExpcoAlvg. IMMEITSE Sl'OCIC of . • ----- 0 o IVES. Ault received, an immense etock' of the mest Improved Patterns and Newest:I/reigns:. Wood CoOking . Stoves;. . -Wood or Coal Cooking'Stoves, Parlor and Hall Stoves, . ' Base Burner Coal Stovbs, . IIWT.I.TDING VT4 Ig -,Celebrated Radiant Home Also other NEW PATl'ERNS. And as thev have all liecri well bought, We are ere- , pared to - giveout customers LOW PRICES. 4,10e -large assortment ti • Stoye Boards, Coal Selittles;-• Stove Pipes ElbowS, &e., very cheap. • A large lot of LAMPS .AT REDUCED PRiCES. Beg A merwun awl .Canadian COAL OIL always in stock. ePlereire call • and get pi•iceS•and he convinced that oui'$toeki is good and Prices Right. 803.tf Sign of 'the Padlock, ' iOLiNTOAAlbert Street* { 1.111Vil ur laeksinith Shop S -(Late ef Stratford). hae'opened Mit :in ROWELL'S OLD sitor,. 'nearly cpnoite the ri , • • • ,..• .URON CLINTON, Wee're he isonowm;epred to do all (forlorn' Blecketaith Work, • liorse-Sh6eing;a, All Work Guaranteed. Commercial Hotel, Now is Tour Time to Buy SEE SHARMAN'S Large Or Assorted Stoo ot AND. illiAllItET8 ft you 'wish to , tveryth.:ii:g. In the HARNESS tine down to suit the times., •k GEO. A. SHA • ....,_km•••70.7simomigorrioiais***,,11.11.10101111111110111111100111.11,111,L...MillIMI ' tvu. require an theap brixtt