HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1884-11-05, Page 1_
or a
�d Opt* In ill WOO
nit° for Cometery
euroetht doty !compote*
uttfacturer of the Celebrated
Ar• SrONE lor Buildiug pux-
d Cemetery Work, which must
to be APPresiatA—All week
Med to give satiefeetion.
T4B110: $1.25 tier Amain, in Advance.
VOL, VL NO. 48,
warrzLY & TODD, Publishers.
he Clothier's Ai,
auld acquaintance be 'forgot,
Our Suits wilt make you grin, •
Shrld auld acquaintance be forgot,
Come buy a suit, we want to raise the wind.
Nature has done well for man, but rn. point of good looks the ,Tailor has _done more.. He hides their defor.
mities, and brings' out the:. good points in their figures. By his handiwork the short man is made to look taller,
and the lank man.assurnes a stouter 'appearance, which is by no means a hollow joke. It is a mistaken idea, pre- -
valent yvith many, that fittlagis the dief end ofhis. businesi. His aim is. to make clothes and customers mutuslly..
become One another. Our Mr. RANCE is devoting his •whole time and attention to the Cutting and fitting of gar- '
ments, and none is allowed to leave the shop until the customer is thoroughly satisfieci. We have a very fine
assortment of the following goods.; • • • ' . • ' • •
Fine Scotch; English and Canadian Tweeds, rine Diagonals,'
, •
.Ottoman Cords, Corkscrew Worsteds, Fine West of England.
Hair tines, Stripes and FrenchWorsted Irr.ouserings in all the :
latest designs and patterns, ,Fine Elesian Beaver, IVIeltons,
Pilot' ••:and Worsted Trousetrings, to ::suit .the most fastidimis.
taste. We would ask you to call and exarainie' our stock before, .
placing your orders elsewhere! *
The Great DryTGoods. Man, - Clinton, Ontario.
.• .
• • ^ .' •
*CEMILMvIA. szcoa any Haw
Bird Caldwell, once a prominent
business mon of Corry, Penna., who
was hi jail 90 charge of attempting
tea burn the license in which his,
divorced wife resided, dropped dead
yesterday just after whistling
"Wait till the Oloude Roll By."
A men named Geo. Brewster, rest
turning from Bfiesonri to visit
friends at Rothsay, Out,, was kill,
ed at Palmerston, lc."erth, Co., Oct.
29, by a train • passing oyer „him.
He :bad money atid° ootee of him
amounting to $400,
.10 jn patted that the Dominion
goveinment conternplates increasin
! ,
the strength of the Northwest
Mounted Police from 000 to 800
men. The owners of ranches. have
, been urgmg this step on the trouffil
that they need additional protection
'against the Indians.
A well•knownicitizen Of Frainilton,
aged 72, was srrested the other day,
charged with attempting to outrage
• youog girl .fottrteen years 010,
named Campbell, *I'ltik magistrate
today refused to accept bail for the
.prisoner. Kendall has for seam
• time been a prominent Member of
the Salvation Army. •
•.•The jury in the libel suit of the.
Canada Shipping Companvugaiont-
the Toronto Mail Capipimy • render
ek a verdiee for plaintiff's' for $100.
The .President of the Shipping Come.
pany mere. that his 11
pally lost'
40021eg9ad°PlibbYelltoluleri PieLltbtejireaittli°41MofMatliliie
Applicatien. will be made to•. cyst
aside the verdict.. •. •
Um Albert, Winters, widow, of
,Wifidsor, Was engaged last week i0.
counting useney, about $soo,
it a vvindow facing the street, when
her daughter rushed he miff told her
the house was on -fire. gild put the
• •inoney in a drawer and ran up -stairs
to get some valuable papers, and
then inn for help. •After.. the fire
depertnient .had arrived she Went
for, .her money, but it wed gone.
The damage by fire was smile -
" The agent of the Marine Depart-
eteent Wee) went to look• after. the
missing keeper and nestatent of Sand
Head, Lighthouse, British Columbia,
has- returned to Victoria after a
fruitless search, The names of the
.unfortunate men whose fate • ie
shrouded in mystery are H. H. -Free
ser, keeper ; W. S. Fecteereliidhroth
er, and %Vtlhanut, the aseietant keeo-
er. The 'Frasers • :were • natives of
,Pictou,N, S„ and Williams belonged
•.to VanceuVer's bleed, ' '
Sirleiln)...Jeyster •Kaye, Baronet.
his pbrahaeedsi,r iltoueaed tieree of
'mild- from the Canadian 'Pacific
„railway: about ten mike; east of
Regina, fie, intends s. going- into
wheel' fanning largely. • .,.Two
tions will .he . put under. peep next
' year and additional Itirge bionics will
• he in readinees, foe the following
Reationi; He is now en route' freni
• California, where he has a large
' farm sett whichhe had three thous-.
and acres cropped, this.year. • e
e•Sir John Macdonald, who his
been 10 England, now several dive,
has consultedSir Andrew Clarlethe
.distinguiehed London physician; and
the results of his diagttoei'd of the,„
Prentier's condition • will rt lieVe the.
anxiety of his:host of friends and
admirers. 'Dr. Clark declares • that.
the 'right hon, .gentleMan • liasno
chronic or orgenie. disease,And that-.
his malady is eote•parativey•tOfitlig:„
Ile has prescribed . for -Sire John
Macdonald, and- already' the -health
'Of, !lig patieht. is. almost entirely
restored.' •-• • - , , f •
• •' jamas McNeal is a Curly -headed
Canadian front -British Coln !Utility a,
hoWever,Af Petrolia,, One
He arrived at the Vtrabash depot, De.,
troit, on Moncley 010 his way,
home 'with connicleri—Tble savings
stewed. away abont his clothes and
$30 . for immediate expenies On
idsuing from the station he fell into
the hands�E William iianioti and
Pat -Bowler who knocked • him
down and "took his 830 .frona
'nate Police Courtbianion was .fitied
$25 and Bowling Was committed for
sixty deye. .. • • , • .• • •:
. ,
At the Civil Assizeti, Qn Thursday,
the Action of David, Burnett,
Commercial eravelleie against. Adam •
Hope th Coo of Hamilton, to rivet',
-er $1,500 for alleged wrongful dig-
thisSion; ' WAR !ward. Defendaets
chanted .that by the death Of• Aden)
Hope --the 13.enipr partner, all con-
tracts ceased, that plaintiff received
a letter. of recommendation and' did
not hrieg the action for le year after
he was desenissed And „Alit- aftereime
was diemiseed, ho abused the. firm,
flaying he .Wase gicei toleaym it and
would hot 'work for it.. any more.
The jury fouricte verdict for plain.
tiff of '$950.
.A womati named Mary Chute hag
been for some time a member of the
Salvation Army in St 'Thomas, and
latterly has laeconie SOtneW hat
cranky on the aubject of religion:,
Yesterday .alie proceeded to Aylmer
and entered ties store of Mr. Henry
like', where she announced that
he Was ce daughter of Jesus Christ,
Me Arkel called in the Services' of
Detective Clayton, cold Diet. Clayton
and McDonald were sittntstoned, ex.
'emitted the woman, pronouncing her
insane. She was taken to the Teen -
don asylum ••
e,,,A remarkable 0880 Of faith cure
iAlcurred in Toronto the . troth
'of which ifs Veached for by several
petiole, •The faces are i.—About
ttvelvty years no Annie Mallock, of
Layton steeet, fell while. crossing
King street, injuring her knee to
such an extent that the (looters fait-
, ed to.offect a Cute, telling her she
would be a cripple -Inc rot
Len Yee)* elle could not Move about
withOut the aid ntortitchne, About
two yearn go y)it* read a book by 3.
OE Judd, on "'Prayerof Faith,"
which ;mare/teed bee BO 'deeply that
;aim Wilted several Christian friends
"it bee in Inver foe the recce,
tioe.yof her affable& lint&
imoitt immediately
„ and at the end of :
able to dianonse
lier limbs
lid liefit •
see *****
Late of Toronto, Honor Graduate Royal College
et bental Surgeons, •
Coats's Block, Clinton,
All Work Registered. Charges liederate.
*MA •
r%R. REEVE. Office, hattenbUry Street, in,.Mediately behind Samford% book store,
Residence opposite the Teniperanee Hall, Huron
Street: 011ice hours from 8 a.m. to 6 p. nt
Clintati., Jan.% 1887, .
thsttieters, Solicitors, Conveyancers, Ice Com-
• litieslOnere fotOptorio and M'anitoba.
isigr office—Tows itAtz, OLINT0:41.
. •
Clinton. May 17th,•1882. 20 •
steetifeelesterenR, hAND, INSUDANCE,&
OBICSIZAL 4011'NT. • ter Moneg to Loan.
Office, Beaver Block, Clinton. v22tf
' onAasn &ttowrcts, earteact.,,cc.,&, nod.
aTholeh and whighion, antigar, Jr., Ooderich.
.1. A, Morten WinghtsM.
AV1SON .1011SI8t0tsi, tow**Ominoort,and
ant to Post Mikettioatrieli, Ont, etesseetneine, Oittee--West Streeto mid
kIf Selleitot, (Ado wino of
tie Monet ib,Unit lovnit ruts oi Interests
. •
.p OAMPION,Itoribitot,. Attorney, Solicitor lit
clommtry.,:conretottoor, he, Ogled ever
ordeal Drug Store, the rotund totrinitly Odd.
•' pled hy..Julte 1h1tio.
• rgr Any eteeiset of whey 40 loon at lowest
two isterett• 1.1y,
* Smatio and West ova sallies Itocik
Godotieb, Ont. 67.
g‘nrttout Mag. —
A UCTIONEER for Huron County.. Sales at -
ft, tended to in any part of the County. Ad.
tress orders to Oonnaten P. 0.• • V.17.
*1.74:11AS, ;11.441.LIAKV.e..,
• A COT1ONEElt, land, lean and insuronte agent
"L Blyth. Sales attended, in town and country,
ni reasonable terms. ' A Mt of farnis and village
lots for sale. Money to loan on real estate, at
low rates of Interest. Insurance effected on all
classes of 'prhperty. Notes .and debts collected,
Goods appraised, odd Sohl on commission. Bank-
rupt stocks betight and eold,
Blvth. Dec. 18,1880
lieterinary Surgeon,
Graduate ot the Ontario veterinery coiteee,.Tte
ronto, havihg opened an Offico In Clinton, le
prepared tO treat all dIsaageS of doniestie
animals on the most medeni prin. ,
'ciples. Ail operatiOns carefully
porformod, and calls prottibt.
ly attended to NV dee Or
^ MOIL room moderate.
OFFtdc7 —1st door West of ICen-\
nedy's Clinton, Ont. V-17. \
XSTItt1M1OTAG MISSIC.:-Sfiss Webber.; from
the notmn conservatoryof music, will take
n nigher of militia on the organ or piano.
?articular 'attention given 00 those who wish to
tinware on their present style Of playing, at reds
dencoof 1. Davis, near the organ radon?. 28'
U.L0 Oise :Portraits a Spooia.t3t#,
eiGINTON teclge. No. 84, A. P. it A 1.1,/
mode °Very Vticlay, eh ot after theist!
moon. Vlettinghrothren Cordially MAW,
1. VOttleo, iv, R. WORTII ;.1OTON,
Clinton, Jan.141
Id. 0. L NO.110.
Meets ascorn SiontlAir ,of every
month. Hall ,upstairs, opposlt
•theMown.liall,..,-Nisiting brethren,
always made welcome. -
ANTELON,'Secy. . C. "mazy, D. M.
•Viottairto gad.
lAt low rates of Interest and upon tonne to suit
• Beaver Moak, Clinton
Clinton, may I7t0, 1882. 20 '
AfroNEV to lend in large or WW1 Mane, on
131., good mortgages or Mira, 081minty, at
the loweateurront notes, 11. HAGS. Ituron•st.
Clinton, •
Chilton, Fah. 25,..3.861. • 14v.
vilt !.11
° ttA
$ot ,Oott at to VIC.
!-. .
laVir BZWING.14 g POP;
culNal with 600ii.100; Imo ab
sof If& fight athretVy Werk; *111 ltS add
thattNikeest 4114 or addrom
• THE 11111108 Ntei
IN THE village of BELGRAVE, the dwelling
house and store occupied by Me. The site Is
one of the most desirable In the village for bust-,
nese. There 'Is a good stable, outhouses, and an
excellent soft waterelatern on the prehilses. Tyie
lot eomprines of an sere: The buildings are
In good repair...Will be sold cheap, as the pro.
• - apply to '
WM. ouNcArt
6711.0. Behoove, Ont.
, gottlo.
• •
Thie Hotel is furnished throughout with great
caret° nicet the wants, of the travelling public.
Cennnodloue amnple teems. The heat of &more
and cigars aro alwave. kept at, the bar. Good
table. nest eituated Hotel in Clinton. GlVe us
a call.
JAS. IY10011E, Proprietor.
Clinton, June ./th, 1882.
The above hob, iaOlistolybesn leased hv tho
undersigned. The.ptendses have teen rolltlodr
and the pest posalble aecommodation for farmere
and the . general Crayoning .public is afforded.
Large stables In tonneetion, The,bar is supplied
with the best liquorsand eh:00.57;r Paeonatta
°Bolted. 'Veterinary Surgeon In connection.
ano,TifE0EALD, Proprietor.
T1116 notEr., is NSW and has all the require,
-.moats of 0. arSt•CitAitt house. 'Largo and airy
ratline, elegant parkin', heated with hot a t. In
the immediate Vicinity Of the a, T. 10. Depot.;
The bar is well .6tocked with the elloieriat brands
ot liquors' and cigars: The travelling alibi c may
rest assured d being welleared tot st Ole%
house. .
Clinton, May la, 1884,-.‘ 2871 ?grander.
. •
TO ?HE Pt.tou.o.,
Goderigh Marble *Works
navgiussusteti Mit. IMEEnt OORDON,**
. .CANADIAN. . ' .
The Toronto Police Wive costs
$134,463 •year, etnd yet the 117ms
18 not happy...
....4A it-ol &lady n :Lender); -England,
hae remembered Goldwin Smith in
her Will. She leaires hiMone bun,
dred poonds. • • •
. A Winnipeg man nettled Cain.
ehon, teamster for the Stamm Ogil-
vie, was shot dead by the keeper of
a disrettuteble piece, named Walsh:
Beinard J. Gray, charged 'With
the robbery Of a $600 Money pack-
age hem the Quebec Postoffice, ,was
conviaTed and sentenced to five yea)*
itt the penitentiary. " • •
Rey. Dr. Moffate who hal) just re-
ceivedra all to St George, last week
conpleted the twenty seventh an-
nivereary of his pasitoreee over Free
St, jolt ti si church, Walkerton.
The by.lew' to model the bond and
mortgege of the foundry occapied
by: J. D. Ronald, tirreengine mannfadelter, was deb:stall at leruesels,
the vote standing 28 to 46 tigabiat.
Jame a Mora while digging a well
On 140 &rib, Sandwich East, came
to a vein of in i final ii Ve feet throngh.
The mineral has the appeatonce of
cOpper endteitiii of 010 metal can.
be distinctly diticerned il1; larlOH
ehtleks,of while. Atone, .
It iN tow g legod. :that Malan
owed his deit
ft; t to utuldence in
plum -podding, 'fere is a chance
for tiro noraoryrbyinet4 Or tO fell the
little ones shoot the else *04 fall Ot
Harden end warn thetii f et-.
log toe Web, phi*
. :int:to Dan
about 88'
of il
Genera Agent.), e Oodoholt. Thablo Work**
or the Coo'hir Ifurolf,
• • .• 40E11141 '1441488OS11..
oft:hire% 188b, . .
street Methodist Church.' Site bas
still a slight limp, but bets Mire 11,
Will soon disappear.
A tie Wan placed on the L. II.
dr B. RallWay track near Ettrick
location last Wedueteley, but it was
discovered by the engineer of a
train going north, who saw it in
tune te elacken speed and avoid
betimes injury to the trait)
11. B. Smith was Orraigned b
fore Judge Elliott, of Loudon, fo
sending a regiatered letter throug
the nettle falsely repreeenting tha
it contained money, Ile pleade
guilty end was lined $50 ate] $3
coets and ordered to find aecuritie
to keep the peace to the amount o
$2,000, all of which requiremen
he complied with.
Londoners are trying to errang
for the importation of meat foe
Poland. Canaclian stock -raisers wi
watch the moyeernent with interes
as Canada iseffest coining to tit
front as the greatest stockraisin
country in the world, and if Englan
gets meat from Poland in large qua
titles it may have a serious effect u
on the Market for Canadian caul
The Hamilton Police magistret
delivered judgment in the case -o
Joseph,- Kendal le- who •was charge
with ettempt to repe fourtee
year old girl named Minnie Barlow
lie was found geilty and fined $100
Kendall is 72 years old, and is wel
known and always considered re
spectable. He was at one tints a
alderman a‘nd lately 70S conepicuou
'kutong the. SalyatioU Army frater
.Tannes A. -Kelly, a hittelkeeper i
•Brighton; was at reigned, before th
police inagistrete for sending threat
ening lettere to Mr. and• Mrs. P. 0
Kemp, to deter them from usin
their influence in getting the reel
tion signed ter the submistfion.of tli
Scott Act in Northumberkind am
•Durham. The evide
enc • adduce(
Was nufficieet for the polled inagis
trato sending the prisoner up fo
trial, bail being accepted, the prison
er for $1000 and two sureties o
$500 each. •
Irving Mills of Iealtituere, Mary -
lend, line been convicted of murder
in the second degree for killittg
Captain „Davis, father of HE
r. ms,
a widow whom he ears courtiree.
Mille the old man while he
was attempting- to stop his horse, he
being out riding with Aire Rose.
It is said this widow had promisted
te marry Milts if lie was acquitted.
BR iT1S II ---F0 R E ION".
The trial of Cornwall and Kee -
Wein at DOM in for unnatural offences
resulted in their azguittal.
Levi Marcus 13ereeford was
committed for trial for aesaulting
Thomas Bowles, editor of Vanity
Fair, •
e Gee. Woleeley has arrived at Am
m bigot, The Canadian boatmen have
11 got one hundred and twenty boats
t, over.. the second cataract' of the
e. Nile.
g Whatley, mentember of the British
Parliament, has been sentenced to
11' nine months imprisonment for steer -
p Tie will itot he able to do any.
e. thing in bultelt of' hie friewl, the
e Tichborne claimant, . until he gets
f- -out. 4.
d li ieia I,t,lter seents tOltis the hest.
n At the int,mtational expositiott held
this year at Calcutea it wad awarded
a diploma and medal, Thetaemplem
I exhibited held voyaged from rreland
to India, and had withstood tieveral
O niOntlee expositre to tropical ,heat.
k The twit in „merit as a ample of
Aueti•icait oleomargarine. but it was
thrown out by the judges on learn-
ing itseaatere,
e :At the tteiiizess in 'Cumberland,
Eng., nine Orangetnarr of Cleitor
Parish were arritigned upon a 'Charge
isf rioting, July 12, last. The °vide
emus elicited on tile trial showed
thet a body of Catholics stoned an
1 Orange procession* that day, and the
1 Orangemen' replied with a vcillcy
front their revo•vers, killing onn and
•wo u ti d i rig ten asseilaets. The prieen-
ers were all acquitted. •
The. first. of a series of meetings
in behalf of the fichberne claimant
Was held in London laid week. , The
elaitnant ,delivered att. address in
which fie declare,' his persecution
by the Government was ascribable
to the. fact that Mr.Gladstoneie
daughter had tnoeried into the Ticks.
tient° faintly, and he had determin-
ed to devote kit life to obtain jus-
tice for himself and Children.
Creel regret is felt in the countiee
.of • Doneeel, Down and Tyrone,
Ireland, where' Col. Stewart had•
large • estates yielding $30,000 a
year r8ntal, at his tragical death in
Egypt. He was Lieutenant-Colonel
in .uoutmattil of the 'Eleventh Huse
sane He Was one of the kindest.
and most geiterous of men, sharing
the greater portion of his' large
fortunmamong relatives and in acts
of charity, mei reserving but a
email portion for Itis Own use. •
Mrs. George Focht, wife �f a
prominent citieen, of teattseille,Pen
• na.; Was ,burned to death While
making e fire with kerosene.
Mr. A. J. Jerigan of Danderville,
Ga., who has been completely. para
lyzed for fifteen years, anal was sitis-
poeed to „be, dying, has been .restored
to perfect health by prayer. •
. he
• Tdepartment of agriculture is
taking actliT tneateirei to beve Cie. •
nada well represented at the world's
fair; to be held at AntWerp in
. 36110 Stonehack, a Pennsylvania
farmer, aged '60; shot his- head off
Inacaese- he :.was_efraid to Meet tire
tax -Collector. Stoneback had a large
farnr hut no reatly money.'
. Johnny Price, of Philadelphia.
aged tete has been indicted for steal.
leg 4 pear valued at one cent,,frout
a fruit vender. The bey hem already
been in NI eight days. Verily .the
law is a terror to evil deers! • •
, Father Itierdan, who has just, re-
turned ty New York front Ireland,
•so:ys that in no part of thatnithappy
:Wand did he find so utech utter
wristeltedneest as• eeists emelt some
of the saute Lationality in that city.
• - Stephen•Sesser; it wealthy negro,
of Arlingtore'e,Georgiit, who had
been living With" it white. woman,
wee driven from his house and , rid -
died with bullets•by.enrigect citizens,
The coroner's jury rendered m
vetdiet of .folcillitig justifiable," ,
blasphimous pair • nailed Silas
Martin and Jeremiah: Weans, colored
cleaconce were to engage in a pray -
leg centeet it a camp eneeting in
Orangeburg, S. p., on Sunday. r •The
deacon whoprayed loudest and long;
est 'was to receive a purse of $500.
John Beckuey, formerly keeper
of a dance house in Butte, Montana,
and Who recently 'died in Pennsyl-
vania, confessed that lie had murder-
ed:John Dente wholesale liquor
'dealer, of . Butte, and robbed hue of.
110,000, Beckney followed Dena
into the cellar and killed him wit')
it hammer,
Mielmel Byrnese.of Brooklyn, N.
Y.,Aged 18, dentanded a cent front
Chauncey St, Martin, aged 13. 'The
latter refueed tie give it vilten-
'Byrnes knocked- him down. St.
Martinliren for home. As Byrnem
was about. to overtake the boy he
etteetted.. and. eistaebeel elitineeto the.
heart.. He was arrested—.
A Mr, Warren, who died recently
at Bereardstown, Va., left all les
property to "oppose Otat horrid old
monster of kingeraft called relegicite"
fie was strictly orthodox in early'
life, but one of his daughterss atole.
a considerable guaetity of his goods
and riot away with a young man
who boasted �f his. piety. This
cshangtel his feelings tompletely. .
A, . week ago Aaron, a coachman,
.colored, weld to the lionise of 'hie
eniployer, ot
who befriended him, end fiAing
Mrs, Willis nursing a babe, 'he
threw the child against the wall,
nearly idling it, end then attempted
tO Mean! t the "lady,. Her 8:reante
breught'assisiattee TIie negro fled,
but was eaptured and jailed. On
Saturday night 200 men took him
out Of prison, hung him, and (ed-
died his body with Wilke, This is
the fourth lynching its Georgia with.,
in a month in which ethe victims
beve been guilty of asisahlts On white
womee. •
" Dave Waliree, wee bee of the bek;
soldiers that Leo bath peva *
lit ItiCh111011d SO610 time
flitting At night in the St. Jame
hotel he heard n isllow with
ceeked hat on talking everyiesly
nearly tet death about the war. Ito
4aitl b*bad bean a colonel, rinally
be drew a freataoe and ask.
ea him if lie WO i
Dave -mid +104
4101440 006i
hive -
•• A' monster Rectical demonstrae
tion in favor of the,abolition of the
. House of learde • was held at Hyde-,
park. Over orio hundred thousand
persons were Present. Melly bait -
were displayed,' bearing inserip-
teens micli 'as "Down with' the
Lords," "Tile Lords areeopponents
to civil and .religiouse liberty. and
must be abolished." 'Speeches were
deliveredfrom nine platforms, at
one of which Miss Jessie Craigen,
theewell knovvii agitator, presided.
• Sterimets front, China. and Japan
bring further detailaluf the,greae
typhoon of September 15. The
storm came up so rapidly, and with
such tiremendoue fury that no pre -
mentions could be taken. The 0117
tire lowerepart of 'Yokohama waft
completely wrmiked : Not a Itotete
wasleft standing. The inhabitants
fled fer.theilr lives to escape. drown7
'ing from thierushing waters, driven
on land he the fury of the wind. In
the higher 'portions of the city Hov-
en' Of ethe largest and roost sub-,
stantitel buildings were' swept away
as if bnilt of pasteboard. In thee'
section 128 houses were destroyed
'and 390 da0aged liie loss Of lifts
on ebore is leans than at sea. Out. of
80sailing vtintitils 63 were lea, with
223 persons; '12 vessels with 120
pereene are miming, Of five life '
boats, that weht to rescue the
drowning crews four were swamped.
ten persons wore drowned. The
typhoon in the severest 'Mines 1870
• '
Canodialz woolens for Chinn
. :nut Japan..
The completion of Hee Canada
Pacified/414H way will find a line of
vessels relating between .the Pacific
tortoni us 'and China tine Japae.
The Canadian Industrial 1Porld hat)
the following remarks to effete which
tony be of interest to woollen menu.
facturers: • Meantime we have a sug-
gestion to offer, in view of the ex-
pected opetting of this new trade,
withal) may yet prove of importance
Canadian menu & c tu rats of vetaql len
and worsteT'gootle, and to tile Mak',
ton trade es well. Many people
think of China and Itipati alt. being
'warm toe ft tries • throughout the
whole eetent, but, this is a great
mistak('. The south of Chiba hi
warm enough' and the seething)
parte of this .1"apaitese islands eujoy
almost perpetual eumnier. But in
the north of Chief) the riverce, freeze
ever every winter, and northeto'
japan hag n -whiter approaching
to that ot ltuineehetlis. Over a
go of! birth &mottles
woollen clothing id 4Attired;
the northern districts,*1
ia mostly -used, the str
cottons:made in
• st the thing.
It to
f shrunk
trom 228 lbe, to 1201
Months. 1 Nee, le use
tlit1 eepeet to i mete
lett rum my entire eyetten ae
ai if by inegie, mei shit, who;
bottlee, I tita not may on
itoyereige, but weigh mere thee
fore. To Hop ffittere I owe are
the most teitilele mid eemecieting 4u
11;,.leiltsgionuil:eir,aentawieltittrtillcm.1; 04,06.4114,44.,44,,,
"Midden, Isfesse Feb. 1, lege 01:tele-
C11.1.17Ett 11.
No medicine or dOdtOr 00414 give ete
eretuin ut;
tti,ilee1, u ed flop Bluets,
dniade auras well aiid ;stung
"awl I belle been:to to this (hp"
ltly heehaw; was on invalie fur twenty
years with a serious
"Kidney, Ijver 411ti at inaty 4:02tip1gisl•
Pronounced by Hostoiee beet phyoi-
"Incurable 1"
Seven bottiea of your Bitters, cored hint
6:1,441:Iiinvbkeytnysu;woittuc*IgIrgi4Ittit ttertletP eon IF )1:ti t have boos
And many more are using them with
great bowie
"They alutost •
Do miracles 1" R. D. Slack,
ll :II iTii°gh°t;e:LtSictoto. TnEttettlP914weithYott'uttrt!
cercise; work too hard withoudrest; darteIJir '
aa411vtehrteiRetilimea; ntdaketbaanll nyou will uolalintrtunti:i, •re.
kUOW few 10 gel well, which is answerae,t
in three words—Take Hop Hitters I
e'sNone genuine without a hunch of
gt rut" ntollus"istiutife Cri ti
.,"Hops" in their name. 811,-4t
tremendous rate of speed,. and i'vitl4
juae ordinary beetle et the work tuck
Only few colors Would be required
and there would be no clientele of
fashion io keep track- of, foe an
Owlodunlad bam
liefaosiliitioatste 'grcele
not change. In fact such goods,
cotton :and, if we hit the eitguire.
imeeta thitre 10411,1 be 4 large mar-
ket for therm If the thing Were ,
puilied, we might, who knows 1 — ;
find e large market in 'China ad
:epee for our heavy cottons'which
contain' no starch onclay to tm %%ask-
ed out, and which are ineneesely
better wear than English goods.
A Canadian woollen manufacturer,
whosse experience has he a bsrgis
and successful oneegivtss tot the opin-
ion that goods made in Catimiinit•
woolare especially suitable Inc wear
in northern cuenteies, say its 'See
den, Norway; ited Rusesia, for
etanco, Awl lie holds, feetle.1%, (It it
amyl) met and ought to be produced,
in this; country cheaper titanani..
wheeee ishet'P.
. on the globe.
be honest, woering
tilde to weer in clit
or approae ring. theretoeand offisred
at priests! that:Would Put thete7withiii.
reaCh, of workitig people,: in di:steer,
.merkets, Were special etiort mail°, •
Orat to 'produce) .such goods, 'Mel, .
next, to posh thair,sele itt.Norelterri .
countries abrieter, a large, husinersie •
might he built Alpe so thinks. our
who is certeinly • outs wise •
knows his Misinees. • • •
• ••.
' The idea of t ire icg our oheap hue '
vrarni and durable °steadiest Woollen
•goltala especially suitable far Norte.. • •
.ecu 'cititatee, isone filet :seems w,e1 I
isi9ruly of our' poneideratiate . •
. , •
Canada• as a Annan.
Ata meetingof the Canal ihn Na time : .
al Associettion in Toronto, cs speaker„ -
figured out lieW panada Would look ,
as e nation and said she would raok. ,
as follows:' in populatien, clot of tif• '
tee: nations, ahe would be tenh
t ; •.-
bel w lter would be Norway, Den- . • '
'mark, Switzerland, Netherlands,. '
Greece, Portugal. In revetine, rail-
way mileage and education, 'the
Dominion revenue alone being con-
sidered; she reeks eighth—all the
above named with the addition of •
ot' Belgium heii
.weete at the the third, .
ild bhead of .• ,
e t.g believe her, She
: • • ,
. . powers. .•
rate • •
If her present rate of expansiou
hi contineed-etted tiley can doubt. ib
woilld be1-'--shewitted shortly take
her -plate ainongettie second, rate
powers of • the world, giving places
only to such neatens as the United
States, Ragland, Franco, Germany.
and Russia.
Now let us 1091t at the national..
ity of her Own people.. Her Polite.
tialitiir figuilirel,8fo8uir.-weftah4evi2e4;e81011.ati°vei•
Canactiane, only 69J.000 being Inc. . ', •
sign born. The other '3,700,000 • •
were .ell native born. • -What do
these facts mein? . They. mean
if we are.true to ouesielvee we heyes. ... .
the neceasary oneness ,of ' race to
forni it nation, mid that wlicti•that
nation is formed it -commences witlt •
it resepectable position among. the . 7'
'fitit,iiiwi of Ale' estate --:Ntiesee*diiiii''''''” ' •"` ''''''
fioti`icoowsnti).nu,el ‘ To, asoorta.in this let :
e • • .
us look at our past. Any . person
who censidere whet we haee•dintO
sinci.i confederatioe haeo riseeon to
feel eshanied or shine rif.' rem fue
tore. Cuutpere Jai I awl 1881 ;ss '
' ^ 1871. ' , 1881.
Population, , ..spoo,poo 4000;000
Acreage ofroccupieres. 'Acres, - e
ei latichee, ,,36,00061.60 45,300,000 •
Exporia, .$71,200,010 $98,000;000
antietine, .624,800,000 858,00%000
tkiltetigration, , , . 87,000 117,016
To bay nothing of the enlarge.
nuitit of eel' telltale, Which ere the
finest in the world. .
it is tene tbat our debt
groteri largely, but it twilit
currri4 for our publid weeks,
is a tot therespart from .6
ity, oti aecottot.of tee Faci6
the proereda Of two ,ieft
viptdd rty off the debt,
' leirkg4eoltyes
nid'tlifilt88•611eMselb ellepoirO.ogl;°
been • even „ere infirhe
gfc.1 fistlq lib XII v'
4t o