The Huron News-Record, 1884-10-29, Page 4N'4"4.WSP,1/4PER LAWS.
We call thrtxpeciel attention osf Post-
enteterei mei tetheeribent to the following
,otiopsie of the newepaper lews
poetrutaiter reeuirea to .give,
liV stsrreat lreternzug opapereoes
stet mover thelewl .when a salnieriber does
es take •his paper out •of the office, aud
Vete. :the neon for ite.' not bees; telont.
. Arty usgleet to do tie utalcee the peetmastet
s•elpou.dule to the peeliehere for payment-
ts,"*Irauy penent orSors Ida Ixteer ais-
lpratimued., be 'poet pey aneerages, or
It pablisher iney ettetinaeto send it
reitil minced la, made,. an collect the
Merle .aarount. whether st tulten from.
PI°. office or not. There an he no legal
iseontin itauce lentil the paymeut is made.
•.3-Any.pere.ea Who takes a parr Dom
the :post-otriee, Whether directed tohis
statue or Another, er whether he has sub-
seribed or uot, 'ts reepouttible for the pay.
,e -If i sabserther• enterable pew to hes:
stopped at a pertain time, amt•tlespuldisli-
er eontiniree te semi, it the OniVeribily is
braind to pay (twit if be taloa it oat of the,
pist- o Mee. This p roceeds upon th o groan
that a malt meet pay for What he use.
earnou outEcronl.,
Bt. r1.11 a Chola:h.-Services Et
oi.,114 7 p.a. 11thla Cline, 10 ti.a. simaay
loh.. a. p.m. Svlce 011JeettnirailaYr8. P. ar
Poe. Wittisweaect, Roam
Onneht lifethedIst,-Scriice, a 10.3o E.
aid 7-00 p. flehoJi at . S.Xf.) p. lu.
Vey. J. CRIMP:toter.
Csosils. presliy•terial.- Services at 11. a.m. Ana
s so a. al. ibibhath Soma,. 2.30- p. u. are-.
ALEX. itTlIO.EV, ratitor. •
Bible tilithstinii.—Serticea at 10.30 rt. M. an
ase p. Sabbath School, .2.31) we,
KENNER, P.rator.
naptl4 `leirch.-Servire at 0.70 p. re. cab.
trail Sobool. 2.49 n. al. Icor. J.. GAO, Pager.
6clerich News
Huron Record,
eventeelly the city was delivered op
by Tbarbie, the daughter of the
Ethiopian- king, who had watched
Move from. a distance, and from
admiring his valor lied lallen in love
with him. The btl ry ends nippily
with the marriage ot Moses and
A Glorious Attith but an in-
glorious Retreat,
A pliant VOInnteer officer was
tompletely aeld soma years. ago. He
wee earching the houses of citizens
for arms, with a mead of man, and
on arriving at the house of an eld-
erly gent'ortiate was met in the hall
by his d ,usliter, a beautiful, black-
eyed, gill of 18, who appeared deep
ly agitated, and imploree the car
taio not to search the house. The
officer WaS Still nly immoveable, res..
olved to do kisduty, alel the more
bent upon eearching from the appar-
ent diemsy of the* girl.
olitdeed, istdeed ehe exclaimed,
'we have .only three guns UO
The (entrain mills increduloue-
ly. fr
'Fetch them to me,' said lie,
The lady hurried up stairs, rind.
(A bl..11.GA.11 AVM. ,
tritiftrow,—VrediresOun 0009 th-;
- • -
Desolate Highland's,
returned with au old ,reetry double
lisrrelled guts that tin prudent man
would have ventured to load an
di -charge.
'The others -the ottar two V de;
. mended the °died:
, 40h, my brothers--nly heathers!'
cried the girl. 'I cannot take them
from them.'
The captain pushed her aside.
‘Forwsid,. melt 1, he shouted, fal.
ling info the. rear hiugielf. As •the
file -of soldierti hastily mounted the
stafre, the young lady clueto the
skirts of the ollieer.--exclaiming wilds
ly s But sir, my...btotherti.....-Stkreit-
'you . not hurt my brothers P
The captain ahook her off somewhat
'uue,allittitly,.a.nd rushed up after the
.soldiers,twho had by thistitne reach-
ed the closed door of an upper
chamber. After a paese the, first
Man. Fished epee the dorm and rush-
ed in with 'bayonets fixed, w•lien.two
little lads' between. the .ages of- Nix,
and eight, were discovered 'pointing
two wooden gene at the line bf war-
riors drawn up before therm At
the game time the silvery laugh of
thedalli eyed beauty Was heard oti
theete.irs, echoed by a ceuple of
eliamber maids,. Who werepeering
oeer the banisters from above. , •
: The officer and hie Men beat .a
hasty retie:et, and that without •thaks
ing a seiiure of the remaining guns.
INineteenth Century.)
There are few Highland glene
th it do not contain traces of the
banished population. In Lochaber,
along the shores of Loch Arkaiethe
home of the clan Catneron, the -re-
mains of what were :Seco •eitensive.
• •
teW utdrips may yet he seen. The
eel ebrated Glencoe formerly teemed
with a hardy`population.: leamems
,eleitgarry is a sheep walk, and the
powerful elan Macdonald is now itt•
isimide. Round Fort Augeetes toed
f ir iuto the country of the .clan
Love and liate•
A biography Of Eilwt(rd, Lord
Lytton -baa recently been publiehed
itt whichthe executrix of Lady Lyt-
ton, who separated from her hus-
band, thinkgrave injustice is done
Iter Ladyellip. Samples of lettere
are given by Lady Lytton'tt ezeeitt
rix ttud 'defender. Were ie due to
Miaa Wheler, afterwer 1 Lady Lyt-
tom- •
"My adored poodle; Many, many
thauks for oo darling letter. Me is
so happy, me is waging my tail end
putting my ears down; me la tO
meet ace to morrow, Oh day of
days! I cannot tell you how very,
very happy you have niade mei No,
my own love, don't come before 12;
but really I shall meet you. Oh,
•darling of darlingit 1 I cannot write
to you to nighenor af any length
now. The best,plan about the cars
ring° will be for you to get in it
tirst, and it can then plek me up in
another street, so that you will enter
it alone. When you are in, put
down ye blinds. 0 zoo love of loves,
me is ready tostecip out of my skin
Tor joy ! : Adieu. Twenty, million
kisses." E. L. B.
"Then, again," lie writes, "take
ninety- inillien million million
[kisses]; and so zoo thinks to convict
we ot equivocation by saying me
continues to dream, tho' not eleep
to he sure ! oo does not call dream-
ing sleep. I: call it the most restless,
active, tatiguing, and yet delicious
part of existence, instead of that
:pause and cessation. of life which
philosophers 'and physiologists will
-tell. you, sleep.
Dreams are all retnetubraece. Slite.p
feele not, hears not, sees not."
e'reimer is !taught but desolation. It:
I, u ui reds .of • ,..13t i i l'e
tee wild heather has not evert yet.
elditerated. the green, pasttlrS and
the cultivated fields •thst .once hes
hmeed to the MoteKenzitig and Mum
roes, And from whence thn different
eatitilione of the gallato, Ross -shire
huffs marched to conquer .at Maida,
al Serie gapatam, at Assaye rind 'at
A reaum. So tete as 1846, When the
el eseet, prime tninietee had, already
orestiord .Pulitical. eminence, Bough.
;diner attempted, but fruitlesely,go
drew tho attention of' the British
outdo; to the. -work.. of eeetructiob
that +saxes:ming on: 'He .eloqUently.
orocleinted that "while the, lave Is
riabielititg its tens for teruoi of seven
al fOortEttll years; the. penally of
.reep dyed crimes,' irresponsible and
itifalllattal power is banishing.jts
imissfripds fur life for no crime what:
A large number of the ditls
Ooseessed tenantry were • Neat to
A.Iirericri; the remainder settled on
the se shore, wheriethey 'were cremp-
, 1,, to holdings, and have since
viol. The tourist arearning alogg
tj w11:1 coast of the westeen High -
Willa tied • islands mey see perched.
oil E'very cliff, in -the most exposed'
ra mations and subject te tins fury Of
Atlantic gales, the wretched hateleta
hat how contain the. retnieents O.1
the ttighlands clans. Prohably he
-sill wonder ,how asipopulatioti dais
a; all . matettgb to exiet,under eugh
i'311,111t011i. But there' they are, el,
lowed to the very verge of their
:Armory- For large trecfmt Of that
reentry the . proprietors :even -flaw
6.1n show no . scrap of docuthent,
1••••ir claim to' posseseion toettrig
solely on the'fAct that. it' has
ireeitcrmteitel. Created, and looked
steins like the foxes,ae mere ver
mei that interfere with sport, di
,:ourngoft and thwartetrin :leery dir-
ect inn, these peciple, not it ithstareling
11-eir poverty, and the. letr,laitiP of
- their lot, have maintained' uttimmte-
,ee, tho noblest ettributee of 'their
'hien. 'Crime of any kind is almost
us k uo wit emong them. Their .nters
al atm...ling itt the highest in Britain,
tem trataing in that .te'speet most res
ni akably',with their loWiand.neighs
bore; and not a few of the. leading
British .statestnan, lawyer:4', divin-.
. •
Darkey Veracity.
• Itis Said to be charecteristiC of
the coloured peOpre. and Chinese to
diaregard tile verities. An unbiased
individual who will analyse the say-
Vethal and printed, of white
folks nmet conclude that uoverities
are dealt in to a very large extent
by :the Uttueasian branch of the hu -
Man family as well as by the.Eithios
pian and Mongolian members of it;
It will be quite in Order, therefore,
for Canadians to strike' hands With
other proposeil s fellow -country -
mail, the Jamaicans, and retognise
then. .
. The f011owing is from the Pepols
er Science .Monthly: • •11 .
• A! great, fault of the negro is 'lack
Of -veracity. it may, be safely 'ven-
tured that -there is not a magistrate,
•judge or lawyer in • the South who
• will .assert that the -statements Of
-negrnes; .especially ofS;thoixe out of
•. .
cities, •aria. to be relied upon. : To be
'sure; -there are Malty honorable ex-.
coptions, but•it is a race character-
istid.-1 Many liesitete to tell a direct.
falsehoOds-but theee are hut few .who•
will notslie constructively conceal-
ing the truth. is hard to coodenin
them. .In times of - slavery
only .safety • from deserved •truniSh•
ment ,was ganceal•Ment and • by 'lying: -
out ef. the ditaimity, assiated by -Ole
conctirrent. testimony C. of friend&
'I'he habit • descends from father to
child.: The. first lesson taught- a
colored child as soon as it. is able'
to .domprehend • the lesson. is. . "If
•the white•folics ask you auy•thing als
ways anewer, "I don't know,'" • Ah•
solute ignorance, eveti if'assu.tned, itt
safer Oleo a. Manofectured lie. . Of-
ten. I have known a• colored parent
to chastise Iter; child unmercifully
forsinswering .trnthfully some sim-
ple question 'of me importance what-
ever, only that•it *as a ,white person •
•wherwns,the questioner. ' Therm pee-
eirts svi11 net learn that a elithicsatight
8p:demote:ally to lie ,to ethers will
lie, to them, mid any detected pre-!.
vafication with:them ie 'iii the sante
way cruelly pUniskscl ; and, RH. t'4•
ignorant never. punish except wheo.
it) 4 rage, it safe to say that thb
life of the young darkey is net a
pleasant: one, ,
erol soldiers of the past 80 years.
t:iret saw thelight in these crofters'.
How Wc Protect Chicago
Unless a vast deal of exaggera-
tion was indulged in by the Cana-
dian millers preeent at the. recent
meeting of the Toronto Board or
Trade, the condition of the Canadian
milling industry -in the past year bite
been -truly deplorabk. We have
several times pointed out the dis-
advantage under which Canadian
utillera labored through the operas
tion of their tariff, which virtually
discriminatea againet the Canadian
miller whenever thelatter is without
an abundant home supply of wheat,
adnlitting flour frOM the 'United
States cheaper than the villeaS ne-
ceesary to make it. Several menthe
ar) a Chicagofirm that ships flour
extensividy, remarke 1 to the writer
that they had been tl Montreal and
arranged for large Shipments of
American (blur to that point. At
that time Otir bur in trket was dead;
hut he explaieed• that there was
more 'floppy in shipeieg tiss,Mon-
treal, even with the duty or' kitty
cents p r barrel added, than in send-
ing flour to our own eastern mar-
kuelot8n.ths no less than 342000 bare
A nd this accords with the facts
brought out at the Toronto meeting.
Mr. Baird stated that in tee last six
reis of flour had been imported into
the Domittiou from the 'Hefted
States,. while Oetario mills were
standing idle, The summit ial voted
to the Govetnruent sets forth that
while the duty on, flour is Only 50
cents per bareel, the duty on the
wheat necessary' to make a barrel of
.flour is 71.1 cents; wilds the freight
charges are such, that, 'during the
past•yeer, the miller at Chicago hits
enjoyed an advantage cif oyez" -50:
cents per barrel,- all toll, including
the 211 cents discrimitiation against
For tlos curious Emelt. matters the Canadian grinder of 'A.:nisei:ran
we give one or two bits taken at wssse Ma. plowes, of
year's operation • in millitta. Tili5
random from the collection, exs
amples which fairly serve • as a. gave the lima gloomylaietere of the
gentleinan asserted that 820,000,00p:
invested in Canadian mills had been
uuprOdective, while ooeethird, of tile
60,000 people depsndent on the
.mills had been idle for • Most or., the
.year; and another Jeft the
country to find emplOyinent. •Mr,
Melon, of St. Catharines, and °there, -
were equally etephatic in their stete-
ment of the grievances under widish
Catutclian millers have hiboted' for
the paet yea.r.
This matter was•submItted tce the
Goveenment some months ago, but
hothing was 'clotte by those in power.
Whether the present movement will
result in snything remaius • to, be
seen. We cannot . me:e. hoW the
Canadian Govertnnent can well re-
fuse to accede to -the demanded the
thillere, as they are certainly placed
at a disadvantage under the present
arreligement. • With the existing
tariff on flour ane wheat,' it is tlie
'midge iu the "United States who is
protected; not the . the
Doctrinion.-4merican, /If Wei•,: Oitt:CO-
TOLD TWO 147TIN. 4a,
FROM THE soli; Itgorc,
..veneemen: sty gattter resides at ndayer,
Ft.) He how been a great inafcrer front Soma.
Ma, and theinclooed letter Whi tell yea,whall
niarveloue elteet
-Ajfer's Soxsaptailla
berthed fulfill ease. I think his Flood must
have contained tae humor for at leatit ten
years ; but it did net show, except In the form
' of a Ilerigulons sore on the whit, nail about
aye raps ago. From few spots "Moll ap-
peared at that time, it graflually epread se
to cover lite entlre body. 1 MAIM Tenho Was
terribly afflicted, and an Object of pity, whoa
)le began tieing )•our medicine, thereare
few inen of lilt ago who enjoy aa good health
sA he Imo. I could easily name fifty persous
who would teetIfy to the facto in kis ett•e.
Tours tr aly, W. M. Ratfpas."
FROM THE FATHER •. 41' b"'
pleasure and.
a duty for me to state to you the bourn
bays derlyed from the use of
sample of the whole •
, .
' "A.nd so they dreesed my poodle
in white and Glack I 0 Zoo darlingl
how like a. poodlel And Inc! 00
oci!fi .beautifol ears Curled nicelys
and au 00 not look too. prettyrsaud.
:lid not all the puppy dogs rue after
oo and tell op what a darliogooivafre
Alt 1 ine:riencla oo nine million kisses
to he distributed es••.follovorne00,
000 for oo hoocifal mouth, 250,000
to oe right eye, 2604000 to oo left
eye, 1,000,000 to oo dhar neck, and
the rest to equalltdivided between
oo ante; and 'hands;
"Ten million more kisses., my Own.
darlitig, for your letter, which hi just.
arrived. It -is read, and now, be-
fore it it; anwivered, take .the follow-
ing [marks of • kissee]. . Pray, &isle
ing; elsalii We not kiss prettily to-
merrow, .1.)arling . (1)) (A) (R) (L):
"Well, my darlieg, pray write, for
my' gout hungers and Olivetti.: after
your : writeeutesess -,- ten million.
Imarke of kisses] gild! 15 [bites].
of k.hisesl, deareist .
own dearkind- darling !eye
and .poodle. '
"Adieu;•my owe Retie, my life of
life, eery -poodle of very Poodles,
adieu! • ' • . , -
"Adieu, own Idolatrous
P•iIPPY- •
• "Ever my detareet clearest, ° fond-
est, kindest, bootifutest, :darlingest,
angelest owe Peppy. '
"Asparagus Acorn Pup. Doisadil
of Boots -
Lady Lytton -has left On record
the following which shows that the
"idolatrous Puppy" was .afterward•
quite willing te saerifice his Idol, his
"Adored Poodle"i-- '
"Upon his askirig tne- with whom
•I was going to, the christening' of
Mr.:Fooblatique's child - that night,
• and I replying•S‘with Lady Steptiey,':
lie then repeated as fast as he could,
o dozen titiliS running, "My mother
call§ her that egly old- woman," ;He
then celled out, eDe you .hear me,.
tnadain '..1" • "Of course. I hear yon."
Why—in---Lalon't you
answer me did not think it
required an answer.".• "ll --your
seal, rimdain !" he exelaintedsseizing
a carving knife (for we wereat dins
iter,suld he told the servants tcr-
leave tile room till he rang) land
rushing at me, cried, ''1111 have yeti
to knew that Nil 0 'CIVET I ,t10 you the
honour of addressing you, I require
an, answer 11.' 1 said, -'''Per orod's
sake, trike caro what you are about,-
, Edward He' then dropped the
knife, and, springing on me, made
his great teeth uteet in my cheek,
and the blood spurted over me.
The agony waS 'so great Unit lay"
ecrearns brought the servants hack,
end presently. Crosson, .the 600k,
Nei/HI-Odin by the cellar; but he
broke ;from him, and, seizing one
the footmen's hate in the rush-
The. deposition' of .111 M."' Rosetta
Benson, maid to • Lady Lytton, coil!,
firma the allove, and goes oh to
states. "I never knew. any gentle-
man treat a wife, more especially
euch a good and irrephoachable wife
so hardly. and so. badly as the
present Lord LOON then Mr.
EliWaial Lytton Bulwers her
lailyeltip, not °illy as to a cruel negs
lect and infidelity, but also as to
acte of brutal personal violenee,
among othars on tine occasion when
travelling it Italy in 1881 One
night at, the Lake of Bolsatto he so
:bodied the thinge min! at her
ladyship, that evert Luigi, the coure
ler, vowed he would not' continue
the pommy with hire.. Again, at
Naples, after having in brie of •
brutal ragee kicked and banged het
ladyship againet the stone floor at
the Hotel Victoria till the was
bleak and blue, and bad to keep her
bed, A few days after-ereause
people began to talk of this et
Napiee, mede her, poor lady, get
up and dress herself to go to a great
dinner at Lord Hartford's,
Moses tu the SOl141.1,11. '
'Vire following front the 'American
Ilebrewi seeing to prove that Moses
engaged it the Soudan where
4eneral Gordon has beim and. whom
•Iameral Wolfiley and the Canadian
,tontitigent haye gone to render as.
instance to.
The Seutlrin ia none other than the
of the l3ible, winch the Sep:
inagint and the Vulgate, render
hiopia'When Ainees had Arrived
estnte Egypt wag invaded
art Palliopien army, whiell mete-
weetit thecouutey as
as Memphis. In' their. despair
Ji!,4vptirttei prayed to their ores
ft • md, and the advice they re
msed was that they should Miler the
ra.trlerallip of their rirntiee to "Alomes,
:se lardirew." tt1iitt they did. 'Chi-
.ditlienity of the trimpeign was
t reverse' the reticle width lell • to
E h 1 itt earn p, in• C010111(plefere
of their is thig infest e 1 with danger.
'Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
SIX TnOnths Ago I woo completely covered with
a terrible humor Ina oerofulorta sores. Tao
.humor caused an incesoant and intolerable
itching, and the skin cracked- oo as to eauoe
the blood to flow in milnY placeo whenever
I moVed. My ouirertugs were great, and my
life a burden. 1 commeaced the we of tb.e
SAIISAOAXITAA in April. last, and have tEed
it regularly since that Cm. 'My condition
began. to improve at once. The sores hay°
all healed, and 1 feel perfectly well In every
respect -being tlOW awe to do a good dm s
work, althouglii3 years of age. Mimi Inquire
what has wrought such a cure in my ease, and
tell than], es 1 havo here fried to tell You.
AVER'S sAusArivit,ra. Glover, Vt., Oct.
21,1862. Yours en:04111y,
A VEIL'S cures Scrofula
Sul all S4E0:12101111 COGIVIE1111.8, ErY4P.
CIES, Eczema, ItIngworm,
'sores, Dolle, Tumors, and Eruptions of
the S1..14. It cleans the blood of an linpu-
rules.. aids cligestion, etimuistre the action of
the bowels, and thus restores vitality and
strengtheno the whole syotem.
rearm= BY
Dr. J. C. Aye r & Co., 'Lowell, MM.
pea by allDruggists; $1, six bottles for 111.
pt. giuron Nen Wood.
Is mamma
Every Virocluostlay Morning,.
,s74.Nkekt. 104„6„.
AT Tilalit OVVICE,
Albert Street, Clinton, Ont.
./X5. in ammo ; V.if not so paid.
The proprietora of THsGODSaIdit Naive,
haVirig plIfelltaled the Intsinese anti plant
of Tar, Helton RECORD, Will in future
eublish the amalgameted papers in Clinton,
Ander the title of "Tee 1111RON News -
Clinton is the most prosperous town in
leeetern Ontario, is the seat of coneiderable
manufacturing, and the centre .of the finest
egrieultural section inOntario.
The comblued, circulation of TueliTews.•
Recoup exceeds that of any paper pub -
Med in the County of Huron, It is,
therefore, unsin'passed as an advertising
median. Our rates for advertising are;
I column I year, $90 column 1 year, $30
1 " 6 lees, 50 " Ines, 18
1 " mos, 30 it. " 1003 12
" 1 year, 50 " 1 year., 18.
" 6 mos, 30 6 otos, 15
3 mos, 18 * Meth 8
Advertisements, W!thout instructions as
to space and time, w'll be left to the jutig-
ment of the compositor in the display, in-
serted until forbidden, measured by a
cale of solid. nonpareil •(12 lines to the
imlikand charged 10 cents a Ithaca. first
userttou and 3 cents a line ftif• elle]] sub.
minced insertion. Orders to discontinue
advertisements must be in writing.
.4Fr IkTotices Set as BEADING MAITER,
(Nonpareil measurement., 12 .Iines to the
'neli) 10 cents per line first. insertion ; 3
tents per line eaehmAiloseguent• insertion.
. •
7 Arnicsit & Oil Linitnent. hi the hest
remedy known for stiff joints. 206:4t
An Englishman upon' heating the
cackling in a poultry yard, exclaim-
ed, "Oh this is really henchaetingl"
Costiveness is the cause of the in,
tolerable "bad breath".of multitudes.
Dr. Ilenry Baxter's Mandrake Bitters
remove the cause and prevent, the
evil, and cost only 25 cents..306-4t
, "What is,the big corner in pork I
hear about ?" asked haunt, across the
'.pork,"clteiteadelleg. ohoarmn ,e,,r in
INAT.ONAA, Pus..s are e e3. 131:7-P4uttga-
tive, acting on the stotnach, Liver
and Bovvelsiremoving all obstructions.
- A fine. goestittitiorta-nay be broken
and neglect. Many
bodily ills •result froui habitual den-
stipation. There . is . no 'medicine
equal to:Ayer's Pills So correct this
.evil, amLiestore the system -to, naturs
-al, regular, and healthy a:ethyl]. • . • • •
• •
• Grammatical. -"If I were to Offer
to Marry yen," said , • pertieularly
disaereeable. young man to a' 'pretty
young lady, "in what case'should I
find you 2". "Ie the ohjective,'.' she
sweetly replied.
.• Fluiel Lig:Main*
There are but few that have never •sinfercil
almost intolerable pain from Toutbauhe, Neu-'
ralgia, or like aeute pain. To them such 101
instant relief as Fluid Lightning is an untold
tilesSing.. in • time ot .trouble. No disgusting
'offensive Medicines to 'Vol talieu for days. .0ne.
aPPlication of Fluid Lightning duns. Sold at
your orngStore. • 80848
...A. young Men •wlie• was- :going, to
marry a girl concluded, to beck •out,
and told her,so. -"But 1111'holii:you,"
sheseid. •"No, ' you won't, .either."
et. will, . too.'' "Well, you won% all
the, stunts. You've got no contract
or anything 'else," "All the. same
Pll hold .you and all. the lew in the
country can't help yini.". • "How will
you hold me, I'd like to knoey?"
held you in. contempt, you -nasty,
mean thing." -
Thrashed. By a Voting Lord,
tronsatibli of. the •elubsis the
terrific, pen tiding Which Loid
1 ileresforti gave Mr. Thomas
Gibsen Bowleg,. the 'proprietor of
Frdndy Fair; in frontsof the latterle
office last.Thursday. ,Thu case, is
this: -Col. Trevelyanirecently the
commander of a crack cavalry regik
meet,. w Am separatea fiotn his wife
because of her drunkennefras Lord
Mareue wes made her trtistee Of
£300..yearly from biol. She be-.
eame ili•unk, and wits oorietantly in
a et orkhourie or gaol, rioil wes lotul
with her ittrazYcomplant ts that Lord
M sirens refu med to pay over to her
tho moiety thst 'belonged ' to her,
A fortnight agorani/ y Pair pith-
lialuel a paragraph about the matter,
010 Ride of the women,
Lest takingtho
' it had anotlier, in
which it, wee hinted thrit Lord 'Mar-
cum; 1101 0 BOO doe° the reverse of
negkicting. the woman. On 'Thurs..
:ley Lord Slarcus waited outside the
dire of the paper„ in` Tavistock
etteet, for an hour in a carriage, for
91e• aPPeal'aiiee of .1•31)W1Oft-
0Witen the latter (IMMO eta of the
door he demanded the IMMO 14 the
*titer of the paragraph.
serpeirta. 'rho wily 'fetal -11:e Modal naked him made, Tito
advance guard with a mew to this invitation .wasr a heavy
lember of Dies lir baskets and ire blow on rr nese, L int Morena
rooted the aeltlierato let the birds r, ho proprietor inside
i..etse on the seepents. 143y thia hi- and a general hems ensued, Mr,
,,ettinutt expedient the roadie Were 13 Mos got Otit alli11111011$1 and Will
eleared, tttiSiOtee Wail proeeente the assailant. Tierd Mara
nined th stirpriert the tthiopiling and SUS is a smallish num, 36 years old,
thsin With great slaughter. a bachelor, 'and is ft younger brother
Citeryifig the war into Metion. iIN
' Magee then held siege to tit;
• VAgGi-
„ar riage. eds.
We have °lie of the best appointed Job
Offices west. of Toronto. Our fiteitities in
this department enable us to do all kinds
of work ----from a wallet card to a mammoth
poeter, in the beet style 'keowit to the
craft, and atthe low* poseiblesrates.
Orders by mail promptly atteutictito.
Address, • •
The News -Record,
. canton: Ont
• A' Chicago men bought, eighteen
tons of' coal [rem .a; dealer ',and had it
weighectin the presence of witnesses,
in order to prove •the defiler fS
wind -
ler. Muchto his -disgust it weighed
nineteen tons, and dealer has
leoxtet:roalfioStn.nthreatening, a bill. -for the
. .
Able to take, end 'expelall kinds of
wOrms front children. or adults. • '•
• • • .•
• . They were expecting the. minister •
to dinner. • "Is • every thing all ready,
,my clear?' asked the heed of. the
house. "Yes, he pan come, nem '80.
soon as he likes." "Have you dust
. the family .bible 7" "blood. grac-
ious 1.- I-torgot that I" • •
' Mas. 'Manes Tegateiose of Toon tO
was affiieted with Tape Worm, 8 feet
Of which was removed by 'one .bottle
ot"Dr. Low's Worm Syrup. 307-4t
A Sale investment.
. Investing.twenty-five dents for ft
bottle of lIagyard's Pectoral Balsam, '
the 'best throat and lung healer
knowno Cures coughs, bronehitts.
asthma and all pulmonary complaints,
A "Poriy."-A correspondent, sign
ing himself "Americans" send the
renewing • extension on the Word
"Pony," winch appeared in "Readable
•Paragraphse, of October 18: “Pony'
is, in Englandsa £25 note, in Ameri-
can stiloons, a small glass of beer, in
American colleges, a literal transla-
tion in °lassies, in dietionarieg, a.
small horse."
I*CAA$M(I lust Liite a DOCtor.
• Youngster to (pod neether,--"I?apre
Ips heart trotibte, hasn'the ?" : P4/.
iiy dear." ).tottngster-:-
"That's why lays his itetel
rtgeinst lti eltest, to listen, IstiJ, it
P. M. -,"Yes, my ehild, but don't ask
SO minty question's," Youngster -
"le pat% a doetot?" P. 11, -"Not
why do you asic?" Youngster --"Ile
Of the Marquis' of "WItter t'oril And of 501185 Ile had his head againstnurse's
A Decided Hft.•
• thigyard'e Yellow Oil touches the
.right spot, every time wherssepplied
foe rheumatistn, neuralgia, pain, sore-
ness or huneness, and internally for
colds, 8010 throat, eta, it is equally
infallable. 308-3t. .
•Two young married French ladies
were thinking about their husbands.
Said one of thent, "Do you really
think your Jules went shooting' yes.
seeday "Well, I don't think he
tried to deceive .me yesterday
I am inelined to think he went."
"But he didn't bring heel< coy garnet"
"That's whet makes me feel sure he
did got" was the wifo's reply,
- Rheumatism and diseases,cansed hy.
e loiv stets of the system cured by
using Ayers Sarsaparilla,
• •
"Say, where Oen I get. goad, cheap,
plain hoped?" The boy directedhim.
to he next'.1utither yard..
Bucklen's %Arnica Satire, • .
Tux 13Ear SALVE in the world ror Onts,•
Bruiees; Sdees:Utters., Salt, Itheum,•
Fever .Sores,• Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains, Corns, Mid all Skin
810,5,•es•Pile'a. or no
pn y required. it is gun ran teed to ptye
perfect, eatisfaction, Or (Min ey refunded,
Prive 25. cents per hoX,.•F asr,o av
Watts& Co. ' . 268-1y, •
. - .
December, 1882..
LUIsIBER AND SHINGIAVA takeit in exchnnge. Uive me a call an. 1
Wtli give yon prim that cannot be beaten is. the County. per Repairing and
llorseehociun done with deepatch,
If you want anything fine
in JOB PRINTING, leave
your order at "The News
Record' offied.
Admiral Duncan's cteldeege to the
officers of his fleet, when, they canto
on board the ship for his final in-
structionseeatrevions to the memor-
abie erigegeenept with Admiral de
White'', was eoucheil in the following
aeorile and Iturriorotis manner1-
'Gentleman of tny sfleet, you see a
very severe Winter fast ripprostelling;
and I have only to advise you to keep
up a good
Witat4 A inmost 10 ANT) tstiste,
fatigued and exbenitted, there is
nothing so l'efreahing and reviying
es a little 6t Stingray & Lanman
leloridaeWater. Robbed on the and
temples, and inieded • feeely, it tones
end laradee the whOle eyateno.
el rent, talent rendera a Men farnerest
great merit respected I great Pam
ing esteemed ; but good breeding
alone enft_res
Answer This QUestion
Wily AO AO many people we Rep
111; SO0111 to prefer to wirer tnt,l he made
LOA (Aeries Bo -milord, the eeie• chest last' night, listening Just like, miserable by letligesiten, Constmatme,
*Awl ettetd dgilevil. Petrels:1i the debser," lemile Mettler, ifintrok iliftnic404 Lsnr AlVtitt'r (Imnilitf 1111 "I.
• ee
• • Prom)t Measures. •
• ,
• .
"r"-LIAsonrlittal YArtireVIlilar ORIIttiteedr°tnb°eWanSelliacrytiien;
of a drst.class Barber. ete All the lateilt styles
of lakes' and gentletilen's hair -cutting.- One door
east a the Commercial Hotel. •
• Prompt means should be used to
break up sudden , colds- and cure
eoughs ire their- early • stages, Hag --
yard's Pectoral Bateaux does this roost
speedily and effectually: 308•3t
The Ruling'. Passion"lIaveyou
heard from. •Smith e" "No. What
elsout him V' "Why, :they sayhe'e
lying at, death's • door.", 'Indeed(
Well, that merely shows the treat o.t
theproverb that the siding passion'
is strong:even in death," • .
Merlt 1P'roveu.•
Douse open dollar is fretatealY spent on the
faith of rceemmendalono for artIcies carrell'
worthless: ,§lot so with McOrcgor's apoody
Caret you am not asked to porelisse 11 mall its
merits are proven. Call at • your drug stere and
got a tree trial bottle, and if not convinced it
wilt ore you at too worst forms of Dyspepsia,
fairer Complaint, etc., no matter of how long
siandlog, It e0O5 you nothin.g. Sold in fine,
and el bottles. ace testimonials Iron, peroons
In your own town, 0384t.
It, mitkes two to maks aqoarrel,
and two to keep it going ; it only
needs one to end it.
' Whiteto
It troment with an unhealthy, orew•licalIng
tore use McGregor &Parke's Carhel le "Corate..
,You win anti it invaluable tor healing, elenmang
and emnpletely removing, yore trouble, If the
blood is nut of order, take with it it hat doseS Of
,McOregor's Speedy Coro froth our 1>rtig Store.
80s -it •
An ,exchtiege • says ; A mite in
Orublestottrfla., hits hair that sweeps
the floor. Now if this miss hail hair
that could cook, wash and free' ;and
milk the cows, what a het -tenets she
would be al a Wife,
• 4
Wishes to Worm his old customers and the punite generally
that he has again opened out In the
Carriage and Waggon Business,
• On the Corner of lluron and Orange Streets, &futon
In the Brick Bultdingknown as the "Mounteastle property," Where lnewill carry
on the trade lu all ha branches. An experience of over 20 years in business in
Olinton will enable Ititn to meet the requirements of the public in his line. MI
material of the very hest quality and the woremanehle unsurpussed. Call and
examine before purchasing. All the latest Improved rigsmanufactured and kept
constantly on hand, .
4epairmg and -Repainting- Promptly Attended to.
ITTAr1171"153 az CO_
ISO WC cl.lcilta..als
Physicians' Prescriptions Carefully and Accurately Compounded,
- • od Orden AiiSwerea WithUate andiDespatch,
" The Public will fina owr Block qf Medicines Complete, Warm -lied
and of the Best Qnality
Toilet Soave, Perfumery, Shoulder Braces, Trusses, Sponges, and all
kinds of Druggists' Sundries usuallykept in a First-Clese Drug Store.
_ •
'wan' t WALL' PAPER
P • . . •
The time for Rouse-.Cleening is near, All wanting
Hall, Parlor, Dining -Room, or Ped-
Wm find the
Best and Latest Patterns
—IN -
.Irt" The linzaar Fashion Books,for 1883 are Call. and can be had for:nothing.
Call and see the papers and get a Book
'. sit BVTLITR.S.
•.'„,,,, i
A tc.,11andiceteblet borders, EfECrEIEt: not.
altskirts..VadnINCoeutirsn.slv. lorkt'BVP, 1.15erapea'
Baskets. Tabletop rattans, roldingSeream,
Sofa Citations, Sapper rattans, Wal) Pock..
beta Work, Java Cantos, Frintres. Turkish,
Kate Greenaway deluge. lee MM...
!Eel I nil I
rr ets,Towel Racks, T idles, Wark Bogs; Catch-
ittialls,Chalr Bolsters, Sehoot Bags, Patch -wake
'11,1rulaci:shan.nd.,Bauuri:psh.., Wth.dood, 0Ertiosthkets. 4, .Itigusibe, .
Sboe Kli
a'. Jewel Itexes; Knitted Jaekets.
in fancy work. •
zennflarin alluirenrielgs hkelltirratbeel/est,this
VI, pkitnnfu_.1-011-1,11 trth otry."talpgrager
• of lb:highest NeedletorkeartAut tt dors
'lids is veal!. fordress orbouseho d decor-
rifighniery'rnth:ulta'rwile.elt fInbcilictbsabe'nbgolhearedusewifigIbint7018:121181.71.3.,
Lem and inbaluable to all wbotlove fancy work. -
itis sold tor 50 cents a copy. We snake any person awesome
ditwho will 5004 50
kaltorsixmonhs,Add,0,rEopiiVrREssoi .
douRNAL, a40 'Broadway, New*Yertt. , a
, • 1c.3s Be Sells Cheaper tban £1.11; Inept top of the Earth;
ONF1 SINGLE APPLICATION. is warranted to
Beautify the Face and give to the Faded or Sallow Com-
plexion a Perfectly Healthy. Natural; and Youthful
Appouratee. It Coneeals. Wrinkles.. FrecklesCrow's
Feet, and the Evidence of:Age, leaving the Skin Soft,
Smooth. and White.
PRICE -50 cents. Sent to any address.. Postage
stoma taken. Addresa..allletters
CREME D' OR,brayier 2, 678 Toronto P.O.
.Ask yonr 'druggist for it. Wholesale by all whole-
sale druggists.. •
81 Isaravtaglepresiate the tantte.ta • oesang eutte,),
it excites expectornlion and causes the lungs
to throw aide phIcgm-or mucous ; rho/ger the .
'. secretions andt Me Redd; 1 -:els the ts.ri.
fated parts; gives strength to the digestive
• organs; .hrings the liver to its ;sniper action,.
and imparts strength to 'the whole 'system.
EFFECT that it is warranted to break V the
most distressing cough in a few hours Hine, ,I
not of. too Ring standing. 11 s warranted To
snost confirmed cases of Consuniption ,11 is
" wareanted not to.prodUce costiVeness (mos( rem.
etlies 'cause this • Malay) or affect the head,.
as it containS no opium tit any form. ft is war
' ranted to be priestly harmless to the Most
delicate child, although 11 10 an active and Vow-
erful remedy for restoring the system. There
60 130 'tat neeeseity for so many deaths by Con..
. sitmfition iviien ALLEN'S LUNG BA Litralit Wal
, prevent it ifonly taken in time. To Physicians
having consumptive patients, and who,.having
failed to cure them with their own medicilL ee we
would recommend to give ALLEN'S Lei:a .E.Ak.
• SAM a trial, Sold by all Druggists.
ftlL Whift.A cough.!
WIll you heed the Wattling, 'rho
•Milgnal perfume of the seine Approach of
that glen) terrible cheerio ConsuMption.
Ask yoneselveg Ityrel can allele, for the'
/1111:0 Savilig 60eta. to the rlek
and do nothing tor 14 We know from
experience that Slillefee Cure- lll euro
your Conah. It never Wks Thittex.
plolne why more than a Million Dot -
lire were eold the past, year. It relieves
Cee11Th and Whoop ng Conch, et Mine.
Alothees tln eot, he without It. tor
. A Successful ReSult.
Mr. Bloomer, of Hamilton, Ont.,
suffered for many years with a gain-
ful runnine acne upon one of his legs,
which baffired all attempts to heal un
till he used Brirdock Blood Bitters,
which 'speedily worked a perfect cure.
• .0 308-3t
A person who tells you the faults
others intends'to tell others of your
faults, Have a care how you listen. •
The history of Dowes' El'xir is. iden,
tifled with the history of New Eng
lees!, torthe last fifty yeara." It, etn•Se
coughs and colds. 306.41s
"Good • morning," said Patrick.
"Oeiod morning," replied the poultry.
man. "I want that broadfaced duck -
up there," said Pat. "'limb isn't' a
duck man, it's an owl." "Niver you
mind how °aid it is, VII take it."
Dyspepsia .84 Livor Cottplaint.
Is It not worth' the email price of 75
eents to tree yourself ()revery sytn prom
of these Metro:sing complaints, 11 you
think so Call at our store and get. a bot-
tle of Shiloh's VItall•Acr,.frifi•rY 1>411011118
a •prieted guarantee on it, use aecor-
(Brialy mid if It does you no good it
will •cost you nOthiog. Sold by .1. II.
Combe, • • ,
"And what of the; present time,"
cried the parson earnestlw; snifiting
the pulpit, "What sif • this time. in
which w� -live? What abbIlt theno*?"
"Now," saki the .good editor, sudden-
ly aroused from ids comfortable
slumber ; "now is the thne to make
'up clubs," And then the deacons
clubbed, together and put him out..
An Agreeable Surprise.
Theee Who try Burdock Blood Bit-
tern se a regulator of the bowels, or
to mirify the blood, aid digestion, ea.
plate the liver erni. kidneys, or
strengthen tired natureotre agreeably
rsivIroptLitred at the prompt benefit 4e-
"Nero le the plaect where there
itre neithee Jews nor swine," Bitid
person to it •110111Itehi1l elide.' "ill
deed," . vette the tep1y1 "let US go and
exhibit onrseives there,"
No inettet where pain, lameness et
alreneas eXiatar itegyerd's Yellow
flfl tstten ot anplimi will giVA
New Stock of Scotch -and Ca,nadian'Tweedg,
News -Record,
Leading Local Paper
OVereostiees,-Teonsertnge, and Ploitt and Pitney Worsteds; My stork is cleand
well seleeti;',I. Fisehm• to the, front for tile .cheaperit, best trunnial and best.litting.
Salts in the county... Coune•and see far yotirselves Ode pt•iec .to all. • alothers,oselal
vOur boys, it' yon hove not got the time. Try OAK HALL l'or your ninit Suit. , •
• . •
West of England, Sdotch and Foreign S'aitings
TrouseringS,English :ta. French .Worsteds.,
Clederich, has a splendidly assorted sidek of neW Spring find Summer Goode.
Ordeteci and Ready-made Suits et the fewest prittes ever'llenrcl of -none hut the
hest of trimmings used, and perfect tits gurtranteed. A fill line of CENTS'
stook. syou, • Coil and ee, it will pay •
ow for Bargains
I I St:
• -'L'C,, AT-
Tilit ITC H ELL'S.
abzion, 0)a,,,i0.
Vicloritt Block,
i---dIaving received my—
A merican,
British and
Foreign News
• Are corrected every Tuesday
afternoon; just before
going • topress.
Spring and .Surniner .Sock
Of BOOTS, 8.110E4, ote., 1 would dill the attention, ot the publie'to the same.
tie Women's ittd Boole only $1,75.
it& Men's, Boys and Children's, cheap, aecordingly. " ,
Ttunk§ rind VAI18011 very,phealb
Team mid Carrlsge Harness theeper than ever, Sliver Mounted Single
kir ltabyearriages, a large variety, at almost halt price.
tt.a,15,000 Bunches IlIgh lAnd 14116 and Cedar shltudes for sale, Oman,
, 1V5(IS Boots (put, Shoes,,
OttO .4I