HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1884-10-29, Page 3IE X4rfaX!;;;:nsT ut w tee t ha Goan Rows flecord, • (4,3(449.431.1rICD.) Clifit011s Wednesday, Oet. 29tb, LOCAL NE WS. I1.1, And Around the "Hub." SOWIT 41913011.--41 al; Macs uowili be glad to roast ' 'still news trout any reliable source, either esetae, or tormon, Barge of soce,tings, ea- itiikseats, liocreeti and aura doiurre, eta. Cent ereereetnettfrs*of genera nteCset,- v4.44-5,epoitnpircaumns.--zo agorotiy: Peacock, and Rther,„Woolts. Also Stamping done fick',-.•;oriter, at Weir's Book Store.' theieeit Oa lowest. . Io,„Pon A.PrzEsi--10. David Canteloo. is prepared to purchase any quantity of apples. Highest ,...markot prico'paid. 302.tf. rniet New Stonk of B.rj Wool• ' Wingerlegs yarn 41zo., just receiVecl. good New Coal stove for sale 4.11 ap. Oltria..Dickson, Clinton. • . W4wrao,-Pretestant girl to. go to . Detroit to do general. hooscwOrk in small family, To a,firs4 ciass pay 810 per month. Address, gtv- '. ing Clinton eefereneesi-Mrs. 0, W. Arnold, 26Q Warren oxen pe1 Detroit, Mich. Has, Q R. COO, Of tessioiter, is the guest of Mrs. Theohaid. Kn. W.,yAcKssif, is suffering from the effects of a severe cold. . Mit. STEVENS is rushing tbejoiner • work eta.. on • Mr. Searle's- ire w brio Orttil ko ward maid MOW Ura. Swarts, •now. a resident of the county town, formerly. Of Clin- ton, was in town on Saturday. . Afessaa. Wm. Steep and £4017 will shortly retnove to -mere commodious. premises ou Princess St. . . MR GEo. Siematak has taken pos- session of his lately purchrteeti and, improved residence On Rettenbury Sc. • — Rey. A. D. MeDenald,of Seafottle .. preached two exC'ellent eenitions in, • Galt on Sabbath , last, Lerge cote gregatione were present both Morn,' jug and evening,e-Re:porter ef 2411i. PAYINQ TDB PIPER. --.41/00t $1,, 000 is derived troll) the license fund of this town. There are .eny 500 ratepayers. TWo. DObLARR PIM RATE- PAYER, extra..taxation, by paesing the Seat Act. . . HR. Joie& Cethntoic,eof- Holinese. vett, was in town' Metalay. e'His teeny friends were glad. to • see .the gentleman so far reetiver(d from hie recent illness as-te be 'aletut again, even though be does not. lupe: • ea robust as they .woulti hke PROP E ItTy PutectrAsee,'-•Mr. Thoreati B. Feeder, of Olint.eti,. hat; purellased from Me. eerie. Cele, the • single store on Main street:tit/le e. •*tent Occupied by Mr. Bond, Drug:- , :gist. • The priee paid Wee $3,009 •Grelt Reporter. The foundation stette of a new Selvatilen. At my •Iterracke in. s -G wos laid be the .A.rtity Saturthey last, wale” appropriate .ceremonies. The i ew building will oiler& keen' toil for a litre° • Lumbers -1)f tippers, ' ,• . vette) Soave OF. the art tecamitiation Of pubic. end high school teacher:I'M-1d et the: E I- ucation departmeot during' the mer Ijolid ys tutu tfieates•were award eil Miss AnnieCowan, Of'Seafotili, Meant& A. H. Craesweller; of .Bleke, • and Frank CratieWeller,. �f urieh, they having p tased ti model drew, ing ' - • SATURDAY, Mr. W. Siffi ' who was.working for Mr. II.. Stevens in • fitting op •'Searle's 'stores, bad practical. proofthat the. 'awe of griteitaticei were not 'relaxed for part touter, benefit' triton. t•lie eeatreld, ing gave way and the force. of tho fall gave 'him as "prirty it,:tihick eye as one would aee in a •montb ofBune • days:. even in "puler Depttybrook. PAY & not tt bit • proud over their $200 •eqUaree -of. phite glass in the lie* 'front to their mtore. That is they are not ..qstucte- up" proud; that they pride in trahsfortiling an old, time building face and giving it, the fea. tures of the present,. may bp so.. .But ehe fecee of old customers, and liew ones too, will be 'welcomed ite' the good old Ptyle of yore. • MieT1I it R. 0lliig,0 cliiipatch Hayti the ptiliee pf thet 'cite • have orders to arrest -all ..weinen wearing Mother I-1 ebliard. dreeeek. A reepectable young lady wes tint d $10 for wearing a white one. Tll Mother Hubbard will now become fashibeable. • All the women will wear it as a protest, 'against ar- bitrary enactnienfs,. awl money' has already 1)eati subseribect , to 'appeal the case. •• • • , • • • A Goon • Peoeositee-tt ia pro- posed to item° a Send ty 'Service? Book of the ' 'Church ef England, i he &lace of which iv "not to change a mentence or even sylleitle of any of "the services ; it•will add aothing hut perspicuity Y form, it well Retorted nothing burconfustion one of Order ;" and further, it is anticipeted 'it will • tend to populatize anti • utilize the • Book of Contmon Prayer ainetigst the nnfLASPH," , Tlitftr. EXPIRRD /001(1001y 'lle Eel- ly's hotel, where lie leterde I, on Sun clay, Santuel Levagood, aged 60 eitre. Decease() Wen IL Steins inatmo ;worked for con tettotoe Arthur don. IIe hail been ailieg for a week, Ile wee a reepectahle, , iticluetriotte and Taber man. Ire for- • nierly,livett in Stratford where it ist rumored his wife edit reeitlen. 'rite Mayor of that place was telegreph- ed to, and in the meantime the re. filitte were intetred, Menday, in the Clinton cemetery, Tin ittotrr to Dftliilto•-tuflt week we published ft pOrtion of i3islier) Balciwin'a remarkk made the otitet day at a- temperabee ineetleg, eee )10 id one of the statineheet wive* elites of temperance in the eemnittion WO hail with Onetime) Ilia liberal •'' ittieW that "a than has a right to drink, but he milted the believer in such a doctrine tO lay the matter - halve ph-riAb 10 pra.yet, and he guided by the Ifictiltee of hie eonsei owe That is the way lo make Olen tdin peril te, ,ittiok th 6 ;Nal stance of a Higher Powermqt by ealling in 160 the aid of butrian enactments which by tatting aivity 4 Manta option dt.e. W. aounrotrr, of Goderielt, was in town on Monday 00 "MR.. S. DAVIS la recovering from the vegeta of a cold taken, ou a trip to UldeitgO. EU= fall - of "the beautiful" last Wednesday night. At time Of writing it bad all disappeared. ARCHDEACON ALARM Was the guest of Mr. IL IL Itacey over Sunday, and Arelideaeon Iwood of Mrs. Nu ,DAvin Oesmotr elkipped 2,000 harrele of applelast week, and the prospects are that be will ship as many nere the coming week, BISHOP 13.4t4DWIN, AND IAD; ar, rived at the parsonage Saturday afternoon and a larid,,e uumber of our citizens called on them at a recep- . tion in thsillikening.. M. 8. ClatstoE was in town on Monday On return from •Wiugham, where he presided as Judge, at the sitting of the Divis:on Court, for Judge Toms. THE neighbors any that Geo. E. Pay will remove to•dey-that is his familay, no longer will they stay on Street Battenburay. Mae. thrill Sown was for a time rendered itieensible tine day last week ley a board that the children had been ueiug in a shed falling on het bead. Aims Seeweine of Maniteba, is visiting friends in town. it is like- ly she will prolong her stay until af. ter Olartetukats, by which time it ka hopeci the effects of one salubrious etiolate will. have caused a deeirable ehange 11: her condition. PROVINCIAL TREASIIRsh. Hon, ,A, M. Ross, and Auditor Sproule evere in Ottawa for several days last week and had several ieterviews.with Sir Leonard Tilley in regard to the settlement of the audountsbetweett the Proviuee aturthe,Doutipien, but • no de Guite-settlem'en t evanarrived at. ARCHDEACON .111ARS1.r .acConipanien Bisbee Baldwin 'idles tour through the letocese, The Bishop drove (rein 'Clinton to Biyth ou Siniday and prekuthed e in the fot maxim Ii t the afternoon, he pm:milled at Suiemerhill.In the evening lie preached .and :held eontirmation ser- vices le St. Paul's, Olititon. .47 peeSons 'were reel ived into the ()Mired by :the kyle', on of bawls churelt was tilled to 11.8' utmost, and many had teo go away tieulimg the. church' full. ' ' ' Ilaee'rielASS he rushed into Den- nison's shoe shop 1.11tl aildroseed the proprietor, "1 may,. "witatie the difierenee between a deer beloinfitig to you amd Vultetion go (10!) "Give. it up," said the proprietor; "What is it?" (MO'S the of .Dentlison, and 016 otherei 0. •izett ef Venice." Before. Deniiisou had time La. reeover Itiereelf 0.041 prepare jet' a booti tee operitt len the 18011 Mall hail vanished like the baseless labrie of a eieloti, A )51s0ttioraimt 000Gn to itemise denominatiouiti jeel'outly . and . pre: judice wits an item fit our local cotein purporting Co.:give \voids' (hied liy licensed victualler at'aele;eLieg jo ,Clinteit not long agcy. *Here.is tho Choic0. coinage of out" eetetti!st Owe. brain, "We bete) nutrly all the' .1f4iscop5iralls and t'r'sliyterioiis with de, • hot, the ieletleeliels-they aro devils." • We Ilnve intittirett of eeyeral Who were, at the meetiteire-:: keeed to and they sny ito euch•etetee 44) nt . was 'male "et. the meeting'4. more s.o.: far as they . aro aware of,' outeide of the intigiing. The libel:. • bus words,' if mot. -these of the fat'ller of all ,lies'or out' eetem, imuet heye. come .from Ads office At all eventstthey were never utter- ed by. any one nt the meeting. ' S. Reee's Ono itoo-Cen firmatiote servioe' Wtie held in it Pant cleirdb, Clinterie as Well an at St Peter's, S0ll1l4lr1lill, 041 Sunday list. Fifty eve persons werje ;en:termed at the tWo Bishop addrese. mei the candidates briefly Christian Life. -its source, support, ana Nome of its practical' espi &ally on. Iliteoilice afel: .and work (Cf. the' H )1:y Spirit. Tn. ••Clie. avtininfr at f$6. ,Paul's, church, Which d tteite utmost capa- city, 131e1toe I3;tld win preached one( f Iiistehaticieristie steettonsfeen ittt viii, 20. "The Sod Of Alate'ee-21`14e ant v kali were meet intpreseive, and 'it' coultl:n it foil. to be netieed teat all that ' eta' II I) (1006, by instr iet'o etrivestnessedevolion fold rev( ren WM,• who cm, rm. ell mud profile:eel the name of Utilise, •btirorf, HIM), hay e hvon • un der eat eful and sq 00411 1)4(4.1 (1(14.1014 for Aften thttin throe menthe: The; 131e110d1ne Itiv •viele was .eccempittiied-by Pott!ilWfit; A releleacons Slate:beef Lon- elen. and' , El wood, of • okleriele. metilierehf. flit) enneregetion called on eke Bishop and Mrs. Bahl win' at. •the Reptor.y on Saturday'evening... It ie needless tO eay that. the Bishop Was tk evenly' weleot»ed op this his' first vi -it tid Clinton, and he haft al, reedy -Won to himself .tetteli esteem awl admiration, pilot rhureh. Pima Act in the Ninth Street :Sloth - United Empire arrived In port lastrrhurielay, anti Was detained by the storm till near midnight out. Urday. .A partyof Government Surveyors are examining the harbor, and tak. ing soundings. When the work i8. completed a report will be presented, to government. Marion Grant returned from Brussels. on Fatitty. While there :tints- Grant was bridesmaid at the marriage of ber atIn t, Miss R.'neetkikaw, to Mr. Wilmer Smith, The conveteazione held last week at the residence of Mrs. Crone,tthder the aupicea of the .Aid Society of the English .church, was a most successful affair, considering,the tem- pestuous weather,. - The fortnightly meeting of the High Sehool SOCiOty was held last Friday evening. There. was but. ft swall auainnoe. The following was the programme. Recitation, Mr. Wygle. Solo, Miss M, Miller. Reading,. Mr. G. Carroll, Miss S. ;Minims,. Miss Es Wiggins, elr. AleBrien, Duet, Mes are Swenectu and McBrion, Mr. McGillicuddy _ and Mr. demo Mitchell spoke in favor of 'the Bunt Act .at a temperance- Meeting on Sunday afternoon. The fortner eentleknen•explained his reasons for taking the 'stand he did. His ex- planation was so et variance with his street statemen ts 'on. this muell de- bated question. that he did not help the cause, and had he, even stated the true reason his remarks would have fallen just as flat. The 'Fadeout ran in last Wednes• day in the steam. When just past the T elevator her eachey was dropped to stop her, but tealeng a short catee (itis supposed against the,' wreck ot tbe old Omindian) the cable parted. ',The Captain Was .grappang for the anchor last week but did not recover it. Last Thursday Mr, Wm, RObinson of Bucbanan, Lawson...anti Robinson, Met with a painful accident by which 'be lost the middle finger of his right band, and severete fractured the in- dex finger. The accident occurred wbile Mr. Robinson was working at, one ofebe maChines while doing. so ••his attention wirsedireeted Pavan he': stant to.sonicepthee'objec t„..wheneelke- sew caught his middle • linger and drew it into the machine. The mid- dle finger 11)141 4.0 be amputated atthe ' knuckle joint but there is hope that the use of theindexeme may be re- tained.. . • Dr. McIetlian delivered a leeture last Thurklay evening on Education. Tbe Dr, held the attention of the ati- dience for nearly two hours arid was loudly cheered at the conolusimi.Dthe ing the eveeing Miss' Pish and Prof, poote.played several; selected pieces on the..orgen 10 11. highly satisfactory manner.' ..Re v. Dr. Ure o .cOpiett the . ehair fuel 311.5'14,68014.0(1by J. re, • Mtilrer 1. V: • S. .At the conclusion of the leeture the Rev. Air. Campbell • eroposed- eetet olthanks. to Miss. ' Mehl Prof Foote.and Dr. I,Tre'which being seconded by Mr. 12cFee, Abe mOtion being et -Levied the ifenellictiOn by. De. Uri) closed the meeting.. Among the•supportere 01 4.110 Scott Act in.the county of Iftwon are, two ol Luelinowis ead eg Utizense These geht.lemen. do • not believe in: the Scoteeldt, but beth owning property. in their 'owe . village,- 'which is in Bruce'''. end 'One of -Vieth having- a mortgage . on one of the hotels for two theaeand dollars,: they seetn to think it 14. good stroke ol husineas te ateteee they. are doing, for, says the, holder of the Mortgage: it the. Aot earries.in Hume) and te (Ip'regtetl Betiee the Allele that is drewn -from Wingloun and Codericti Will mite the• vaitie 01 tny . property tindenake the i'ealieation of my inertgage a sure thing.. We -would ask thepeeple of Gedertele Wingltaite and adjoining • municipalitieself. they think it right. totellesuell selkerneee to ino.reaso the yelee of. their' property. •apil die neeciale.their Ovvu by voting 1'01..010 Aet. • In 'answer to oar note ittst..iyeek "eergarding the Price era lead or bar- ley the halthalf leetteefigniti Iticka up he heele and cells etts dishonest., etc: ' Weenen tinned a circumstance 'which that paper did notaria dere not deny, anewers Ity •viilgtte. abuse. NetlioneSt forsitoeld is it 'honest to fell liquor' sellers end Iletel keeperthat "the Scott Act is. a freed" .that "Week' 1101 titrie • we •tvoil .t a' the s t ten p iigainSt .and.then write. articles in • its levee Le it:right to hang aroand liotels and atter gaining the copfidetme •of. the propri eters 'publish artieles prejelli- teal to their ioterests. As tile:good- letd, good devil organ does net, know thet • consisifoncY .jewr4., We make lt acquainteld with the factand eecon)thenceits iekteed late .stetly to its earikent considertif Should it eltart:ittonce on tlds necessary work all may be Well, 1)041the slighteet'de- :lay may se increase its opinion, ef its own weederful Willey that self gloee Wendel) may ever after be einhiaz9n• ad on ite lieges. Di . leLelltin. •ems. . town. lent 'week and eeamined. the petals kitten ding the 'eroded School class nett was present •at the teacher's eenverition, ..on Thursday. end Frei tly The Dr. de- voted a pertion of the thee to in 84.1110000'in 100014142 14 henriling th0. different sithject 6 delegated to'hite in a 'manner thatmust have improved the; teaching gnat' (loath -Ms, of those present. :Arise, Robineotettml•Messre .1qtn101ry pres,en tett 81113. joetS. Miss lioberteen who exemplifi ed the method •of leading a, iuelor• class VerY ahly, sleeved Cute she *was thoroughly tip in her Work: The goo - Gernert hand 'seethe ettfIrjea 1:4.0 11 vus eedintelligui tly, end though the sub, jects treated by Mr. Vhohury drew forth some. slightly d i re r.; 0 opinions, it received merited applatue. 'rho Dr. spenking on the subject Of ,11r. E'rnbury's • addresa, %held that there wits aftereill 1itt.l diflereece of pinion betkreen the two Philosoph- rs (Strang andEttileiry) and conclu. led by steting that they were. both lever nfen, an Opinion that seemed tette endorse by ell resent, - The 81yr in nnswer 100)4)' item last .eek regarding the sale of•a load or ierley says t "The teethe' ley raised tr this eeetion, et) WO Aretalii on good uthority,,will noegrade much. above' 0, 3 'nits is.quoted in Tor- nto at eee.on: the track. The quo aliens Bore aro 52e„, Why should It'. Wells pay 1 tlec. more then the t,?" ow, 'we did not say what :Mr. Wells' mid for the, be 11(9 but steted an ()teal fact, end the above is how the vise tem) 0( 4.1)4? 8 or tries to get out f 86damaging a statement. If what 114 •"'0t, atated 414' tptality end „lee of barley, is 00 good mithorit114 119 not, give the atithorhy? Ile ere not, 100440444? the publiention 4(4 autherity wotild at once show the bsartlity and falsity of ids ergurneet. I' the S.h lur iS onest in • ftriVotiney f the Slott Act let it tkillteee te the rude mut Pot publish .etetemente et) tithelki 111, . variance with the well 003311fi1ete or njo (3tree We Oriffinallf )entioned. Tlie H(or 1.110)41(1 say abily nevi squarelyethet 010 carrying f the Scott, Aet meatie 'the lose of Prink' 8 0) 1 2e. on every bashel raised 1 the corenty.. Ily hot doing tide it ('('411(3)14, Bine it TA. un - untainted With the filets rif the ease, e is trying to beedwink the farmers. t alse tell our people that its. SIDDIRO 41) age 0.11 toe, tion of three dollars per tardily fer unioipal purpose!, and twelee dol rs and half for the sopport of the n tart() and Demi:don Governments. 11 the futUre WO adVifie 0144' 004.0431, tO nd out the triitit' Re statereente, Grove publishing 4.140131, and not eel( ittrertnation free) .t1110 titho 1144 very interest m misleading the alley growers of the nounty, , ---- . • 0 .(3 • ,. . . . . •tle, W. It. Miller is. in Wein on a, 0 . visit.' -, .t : Ice Peer an inch thick lest Sunday , • morning. . . . p7 Mess.Annte Doyle (West street) is 1 visiting at Botralo. • ' .. i The Court or Chancery concluded a its eittings on Saturday, '' , N . Rev. "Falter. %Utters preached at 0 ILI lett, last Sunday, . • C ' lion. A, Al. Ross returned to town • N en eiatuttlay, . Miss Bette+ .veturned tO town from • I London lest Saturday. The Veil Archdeacon Ellwood loft ' 'for Clinton 00 Saturday, teetneet the 8 111(41101) Of the diocese. . t ' Rey., Faller Meelatitts reached 1 hishest sermen in town at St. l'eter's w • last Sunday, . . d, Atr, W. S. Dickson, (Carroll and 11 D)citson of seawall, wae in town -Jest, A Saturday. . I The 'Schooner reithburt left early " On 811411109 foe Colpoye Bay to load t Itimber for Windsor, e Don't .ferget the rfarvest• Dome If festiyet in the North St. 'Methodist ° Church, Thanksetiring Day. • f Aliso. Ella Johnston of Luoknow, 0, .whe Is Visiting in town is tile guest 1 of the ',Misses ("Poke, • . it Miss itorton is visiting at Detroit, iR where she teal remel() 4)11 4.110 New a o year. . . Miss l'iatt gave a pnrty et the T. Meitland 14'5l1e resulenee Met week. P There went allele •attendance. a. Anse Fish has temperate charge 01 „tn 0. :Aso Illiverev 010(40. in (l)e High 'School, eels MIAs 1-01iv4?4 'being called away by " sidkhess lie her family. 1 The llev. A. Birks prenchetillest ,P_ Sunday in the„Vietoria .r'lt,,, Methodist -" Church. 'I he geotlematf's eybjeet 6 , was the. Scott Act, ', e . A 8co11 At meeting ,was b,old or: u Peturiley evening at Went/tiller, alod Oh Imre Hall hero 1 .lifontitty evening in the temper. GODL- RICH ^ 44. Priam TAW'S 'Wait SulpIntr 8(11T ust ileoeived, This Wed(' 25 Ruiz. Crown Note Paper, 720 Gage's Books,1,000 Slates, Large quantities of Stephen's Inks, Straw and Brown Paper, Playing OaNts, Re,espaper 117rapper8, Loretto*, ranced Geography, Blank Books, Ladies .71an4 Satrheis. Ars° 2 large eases of Books, one from jpgra, zock ge Co , of London, -enotand, ana the other Iron& Gall 40 Inglis, of Xtlinburgh. Buy Spanish -Ink, the largest 5o bottle in ths world just received 1,000 bottles., .011RIS. ..DICKSON. Very Remarkable Recovery, Mr. Geo. D. Willing, of Manchester, Mich , writes; "My wife hos been ahnose helpless for five years, so helpless that she could not turn over in bed Moue. She used two beetles of Electric Bitters, and is so nmele improved, that she is able' now to do her own ivork." Electrio Bitters will do 1L 4.10.1, 18 claimed for them. Hundreds of testimonials attest their great cur- ative powers. Only fifty cents a bottle at Watts' igt Co's. Mellott. Mr. Asa Iklair, a graduate of Clin- ton High School, Who has lately been teaching at Mooretasve, bee been en- gaged to teach for the balancb-ef the term. of Mr. Murch in School Section No. 2, Mr, Murch gout tterloltnee, vino, 'the present efficient teaelier .thoro, Mr; Lawrence, having, it is understood, accepted an engagetneet with a Toronto and Whitby publish- ing house. • - One •S-tui-da-y-n-tat-re--n-vg.'4-gd young 'Mita drove. to church. Returning home be loft the buggy in trout of the house. A. younger, brother took eine einner to the buggy to t at, u I left a plato of potatoes eutl ukashed turnips. oe the seat; .covered with a robe. The young Malkin the oveOing drove to &perch egain. Ou the. Way he picked upa red-shirted sinner .going in tho same direction,. This party jumped 111 . and tett down on the forgotten plate and:contents, It would, • not bo fair to say that he swore; as the . etoesture front the pulpy nukes, of petatees and turnipS coelec el a elaunny eeneatiou to be felt on thet portion of.the epitlorteus ex. poeed to the vugetabloplastee. True 141 18, however, that the buggy had to be stepped while the yoring wan got out. ane atelized a fence rail:foe the perpose of relieving his Sendafpants of "the kindly clinging attaelneent. Lads,' attertaking your dinners in your brothers' buggies, remove the fragudenta; . • • Adems, of 1..ioncieborough; mid ox 141, I', John • MeNlillan addressed a meeting last .week, .n elm Separate Schonleite favor at the.. Suott Act. A sheer of hands was called for. • As • three brawny maulers went up 141 18 nal& :to say that there Neer() more than .omeindividual in fitver of tlee Mit, but pot more than three. •• A. short- time nee. out; of those Hercaturvs,' which is the .olijoct of .curiositY, 'made its e.ppoar. a.neoon the 20,1 coneosSion oi this inwinthile. 151'e" elleuirY wO 1180901- taieed 'that -rocently et had. been ;),Itetittity "hent:Eiet. and that as a re - „stilt of 4.1)16 it WitnitONV rather "crttsly!,'? We aleo noticed ellat' it.. earricir fie laertietaleatil garden deuce and all). upon:iii!lie„clt, which, it it added to les torture, eel tell enhenced beeety. .Tho adveht of t !its' create re (wettlinu ettles) is generellythe lierald of an evoitt; 4.11 tho rietwleiturte .of groat inkport, . to et remit two' portion:, in winch it baked promiaent'pert, ana; at its dons= ination, 141 11. .offered up, • a willing.,aftari,fico, in honor of filo .0vent. ' T14 evetel heralded on Oa. occasron wes tho 'therriage,...on 101h Met., of Miss Mary Kilt,y, :for tt. mukibitteol: y 6;.iegidelle of Hongli- . tom, Uppet Ali de., mid 'Me, Willka.m Celliforke. or the Douglas nouso; •111 tin-teem:0 place., The ceremony was .1e:1:termed by the,Fete. Wm. Craig, of Cliuton, at the reeidence;of ',lobe D. • Kitty, tha bride's, tether, MieS Sophie and elr. Alberti.Kilty.iittted as'brittes: :Maid • and 'grooresulan, respeetieely. ',rho brido.*010 .$1, (4(11,8 or creme)- . colored. satin, trimnitel with escuriel lee% and was ileelte 1 with ornament of geld and torquoise.' The Meth's- aneid was deekised in white.. eilesielea •'the relatives of the'. bride in the inie mediate yieinity.there. Were peewit TeSinith Katy, of Scaforth G. M. Kitty, of Bellitet ; jeayisl 'Cowan:, of IIttughtone eliehe anti Mrs. John. 1341gition, of Toronto. After dinner the happy couple left on' the 4 p. 111: traiu ou thelr tear, And judging frout• the .showers oL vice throe n after them as they bearded the train, they marled with them the, beet wishes of their friemit• assembled to "ace them off.”' eeniong the 'places theyietend visiting aro Niagara Valls, New.York, llissten, Albany, Like Cimenolain, lelontruil mut Toronto.. They -will also . 1)e:tee:k14.e4. Chiutgo 0(4 thole homeward journey. and then settle down tothe etern rectlitiee of lite once mere. In. their united jeureley.throngh life time ati4piciol1a. ly bagyin, ty• all th it hopes • be realized.. [Ste .say we all. Amd, 7P/e8(ail; v regret tlekt this. item dia not appvar in an earlier iesue, lait-by some minceetintable mail freak Mot it oule reeolled :Mae office in time ler this. weelt..ble. • , A, SZOf Biblical Prize: The puldisliels of tat M gel s or. ter twelve valitable.11..11'm (1S ih their Monthly .for Net:ember, among which is the follewieg: ' . • , , • give 820,e0 to the person tel- ling es in howmany languages the super- set j1' 104) was . WIPtell oil the rites over at tile thee lin Was crucified, hy KO- Vel»1/11* 1 Oth 3 4441. 4.41101.1111 two 01 niers frreet fulmtvers he received, the ,11.14wAten will be divided'. 'The Janney will be rot, warded to the winntir 'November 11111.. '1 s8 1 Persons trying ter the reward Inlet rend '20 (((4)8 in silver (no postage Satraps 1014..1)) with llicie affitvor,, for which they will lepeee, tli i Ihmeniber .1hathly, io which the mum find nildress of' the Winner of the rewind and the Ontreet. AnsWer Will pohlishod, 11011 inewhielt several mo)0 valtriblsrewfrils wi 1 I Im oirered: • Aftfiress. Iturrib0481) eoMPANY, Penne, ' . ftlYtliti• • A number of young folio; repaired to the tweidenee or :elle John Renee. on Titeednee OVPhilig last, sinti.tripprod the "light lent:tette to their 1101015 COMPIlt.• A, very pleasent time wns spent end Mr, and MI'S. K. diC1•1111 111 their bower to make' the young peo- ple erijoy the evening.' N4tH )Bilitor's Tribute. Thereon P Talo, Editor or In, Wayne, llfinaette," writes: "For the past five years have always used Dr. King's Nmv Discovery, for coughs or most sevete tharaeter, as well as for ettinee of e milder type. It never fails to °NAL n speedy Ofirtk My friends to whiim I have venom - mended it epetat of it 'in entire high terms, flaying been eured by it of every eremh I have had for five years, consider it this only reliable and 441180 eine) for Ceogint, MI tit \Waite:6i Co's Dim Store tut It 4111,111110111010•1■1111111Miltsloocossoomar,.." 'A. largo proportion of the diseases which cause human sdnering result from derange- Ineat of the stomach, boWels, antl liver Alines CArnaierte PILLS act directly upon one organs, an1 are especially desIgnei tc cnre the diseases caused by their derange, reeet, inciukeag constipation, Indigos. t4101, Despepeta, neaten:he, Desentery, and a host et tatter enemies, for au of Whieb they are 14 safe, sure, prompt, and pleasant rciody. Ile extensive use Of these PILLs by eminent physicians In regular pew. eve, sliaw$ mm1161.0;44 the estimation in ISZnen they ape held by the medical profs • • tikes° P41,19 are compounded of vegetable sulT.stou..-:..s only, and are absolutely free from cintnnel or any Vier injurious bal.:dicta, Sufferer from I:fend:mho writes: ""Avirh's Pitts aro Invaluable to 11114 (1174 eta my eOnstant connamion. 1 have been 46430r0 sufferer front „lit:ad:who, mat your 1)14.5 aro tho only thing 1 conht look to ib.:1rmreislionf,ii,i.Ouseree'dze trill cmiciay Indite toy head Dom pain. They are LIK) 111001 ofeeure end the eeriest hysic 4 ham evce Maud. it Is a plc: sure to mu to In their praise, and 1 ativae tlo 50 3414e11 oelevaaliTv,An, lit'lers0,t W. 4, rage 8: • Franiclin itieLUMMI,Va., Juno :4.1tt2.-- lo ))1011b)1r- les"sIllnyilonztel:culd Ari;tumeirtsitierlitjir.,r;tri hose never known tilni:c,hc 1:11,o,fiLiLi3ltkc oaeoe7le olnilis11.11 tae 11640in:salt. ou hand at our home, 4)4(1 prise them a teessone sai.o, end roils me family medicine. tht they aro invaluable, • .4,11'. liArrs.00 Moxia, Texas, Julie 17, 1821 . .trhe hey. 4(21 1.1(11.8 B, Irstuowit, writing from .4410/11a, au, says.: "loor tome yetas past 1 eine been Sobject to con.114001011, iroin is spite of the to,e of meta. eines of various lands, I sutferett iminatelng ineelivenienee, mall some mouths ego 1 Logan taleag Ar.un'a rmi,s, They hove 'outirely corrooted the costive lisbit, nod time vitae), itaprovett any general healtit.'4 A vines eeenetterc lona,s• correct irregte brides of the bowels, stlitI tte .o o no. hte awl digestion, 11101 by lboir prompt sod 54104011(111 418(40)1 give toue tied vigor to the whole phestcel eueeenty, T'REVATt4/3 73Y Dr. J, 0. Ayer Ci go., Lowell Mass. sold by, 0.111.irtigglets4 All experience. the 1(4)71801.0d beuelicial effects of Ayer' -Q. Sargaparilla. (Andrea with Sore Ryes, Sore (1111, J'1', or any 5111(1441181» 043 syn•h:.; nidm e tahit, u; 'Cm made healthy and:strong by its,u.:o.. Sold by all J)rugglats 51, six bottles ter $6, 91.12510,10•5112061MiliCM, .Uolntes111e•• • The Bev j. Carson, of Goderieb, datieered a temperithee sermon in the Methodist (Amen •041. Sunday evening last. . Mr. J..Calbielc.necupied las posr- lien as Superintoodent col the Sale batieSeheol on Sunday last.. Mr* Jns, Lo..b Wt lest' week for the Com te ge'ci el Colt ego .Lontion:.. • letr. ,J. 11111 amt. -wife of brusselsfire visiting .friende in this. vicinity. Bliss Elle" Canticle, of: Hensel], noa'. Thos. 0., of Bruseelse visited the Pa- renteleroof Iast, week, .. 'Scott Att is. now the order oftho day,' • There is en ly 000424512112.• :Our' town whais.opposed to it. ' • • .Mise Kate e Miller gieve .a Select' party lesteveek: .• Lttirioa . Vete' Last 'illites,L.,,Jkays.• David 'McCulloch,. collector.. Of „Ceetoins for' It 1(0441 04'1 1 amnion, is dead, He was.. tip eX, editor or 4.0 oS'peetatoro a.Seetbnian, hy. and learned the trade of ell Ophelse teter. in. I lam atid 'after- werds employed. ins the Greet West-.• ern Railway shops. •••A's a. writer he wits clear mid :graceful Mel his etunfainta lice. with teteatlian polities. ;Woe eherougli... As aefidetel Ile was a man net soon..to be.torgotten... A :deep eel' from Pioton .says. : Barley, and hope are the strongest .holti me .the anti -Scot tperty in this noonty. The farmers here grow a large (Identity of, hops; and Many of them although .faeoring.:iemperance 441 agetteral,way, are net villing 10 vette), waya sotteee of incoine..Qtte fernier made $5,000 laid; year by hie 'hops, and la) wanteea kaow 1111444. 1)0 •will do with 111881 11 .phe breweries are abelieliett. 011 Thureday °emetic' a sheeting affray' occurred neatly AI ibltuay, Bruce Co. It appieers that -.Wm. Berry, Who resides at let 17. con..3, Carrick, watt married on the day utentiamide and in the evenitirt e'the yoent; 10011 oethe: neighborhoocl as - N0161)101 to Ulmer:kid him .WII 11 !' tin pots, cow .belisee .ete. Two of the gang . were .with ellot guns.. 13erty proceeded flow the house . to 'quiet thole.. ,q41 ilk way he was Idiot in the calf of the leg. . . M ARK ET, 'REPORTS. ' worreatthi.ivors: mtiogday afternoon , . oteVroS, • tindag 'Wheat, • • , • . 76 to 0 75 „ , tin to 4 a0 mot kylicat. trete, . ' o 72 to 0 70 .. 4s to 0 re 1:;(1k3::;:lci;I:tce,4s)e,s(4.)t.c.r.; ;00.0 0888005 ttt..0000 0000 2: 15 8f0/ Ei003, • " (3 POI ti4112 800 to 000 • 0 CO to. 700 • 000 to 000 '0 74 to 1 0.00 to 000' 000 to 000 g 0 i 04(0 0to cl 0 •• 01. 1000 ttoo 08 018 • 00 to 4 00 Ito, • . . • • ShoepsicIIIR ' TIIPICept, prinnd, • • ((014343• • • • . per pike VillekenS, per pail, Wool cOrdwood. ...— ESTRAY PIG. --- •(NAME: TO rrtm PREMISES. of (Merge West, Stanley township, Jost nOtside tho•corpor• M1.11• of cliateri,,abobt the ant atelier, &black And Wilts film tag, about two or tbrec months old. The ((31414(1 (54) 1)510 14 by paying expenses 1110.0. 01400014. wEs'r. WOOD WANTED, (1001) IIARD 01-i-SOkr COE.DWOOD, l)f to bo delivered et toy Groin. ElOvatOV. - RICHARD IltViTIN, • • 8104 Standard Elovetor. 5 VI:, II V' V71) t S 1.1(11t14f0i, I. a _contain lege nee tO) a 01[ ) MANTLES, ready made and to iorcler, , High-class MIL- LINERY a every kind. Full ranges in 2, 3 and 4 button KID GLOVES, range of sizes & colors- in Gauntlet„Kid cfloves., Full range of Crompton CORSETS, 50c to $1.25. The greatest' bargains in OVERCOATS we have ever sh,own, in boy's, youths and men's. Halifax Hosiery, in all colors, for women, & children. - Cashmere and Lustre Silk and Kid Gloves, Brass Corners and Tape for Oil Cloths. Aletal Corners and Tapelor mom Plzeg Caps, Alma Caps, Astrachan Caps, Persia Lamb Caps, Seal Caps, See Oat' 50, rent and One Dollar Undershirts and Drawers; they sell at sz:ght. We show the largest stock of Goods the county. We have only one price. We give five per cent. discountAr cash. We take Butter and Eggs let trade for C;oods. We sell at the closest prices, at the Great Dry -gods Palace. JOHN OALLANDER, MANAGER. . ESTATE JOHN HODOENS. (g,•••fkosTs::),0•Xto. v:.:ceeoci,c2oxor, 22tio*ootio'— to. e?` •"--17")t^ • The undersigned -Merchants, of . the Town of Clinton, beg to advise their ,customers that, they have de- cided not to,aebept Butter in settle- ment.' of account on or after .the FIFTEENTH OF,NOYEI,kIBER NEXT. JOHN PAATB.. R. COATS of .SON. PAY & WISEIVIAN. ESTATE,HODGENS. T473. PLUMSTEEL & 00 R. BEESLEY & $ON. 7(i, Gff. ' iir,..,.....J„>,.......,____,......_,,,,. ...4.— — .&,............÷......,........„..:,......_ ,....,.„,..2...,...,,,,.•, ,o,Qrv-aiLl•rodt..o\n) -- , - . C.D-Ne eee 4 16 P -z=1 C==fi nee_e e—IIIMEeseein Letets=t eiseaseinel Now then, Mrs.. Smith, -what on ea,rth are you . . . straining your eyes fer doino•bthat sOwing' by. band, when •DEN IS0-AVS and get you can go to the Celebrated NEW RAYMOND SEWING MACHINE at a price that you *ill be sure to jump at as soon as -you hear it.. '1 tell you itis a daisy—HIGH - ARM, SILENT RUNNING, SELF BOBBIN - WINDER, SELFIHREADER, SELF NEEDLE SETTER—has all the. latest attachments,. andis the most handsome piece of furniture in your house. DENtsoN keeps . 'all kinds. of Needles.and Oil and Machine Finding's Eis well as a 'com- plete Stock :of BOOTS AND SHOES, of all kinds. Ire makes ordered work a specialty and. attend s• to rePairing.. . . _............--0-o.-0----0—. °13P4..tzoopees{vv. E is CANTE.LON BROS General Cliterg .anti ?realm Merchant's, . RACEY'S OLD STAND, ALBERT STNEET, CLINTON. Choice, Fresh Family Groceries -coNsTAyrty TEAS --EXTRA VALUE.* Farm Produce taken at. Highest' Price. rEJLdJ nicRxDS. ramiesmosiNoArarairs• aisaaseieragFt holigt:e of usilless' The undersigned hogs to notify the people of Clintrin ruel sineomeling country thet 1114 hea purchased the • llaries SfllOn W, L, Newton., Aud that he is prepared to tarnish' HARNESS, COLLARS, WHIPS, TRUNKS, VALISES, BUFFALO ROBES And :everything uneelly kept in 'a First -Class Mekong Shop, at the Lowest Priem Special attention is directed to my stoelt of ttglit Harness, ivhislt I • I will 111(44<6 43 specialty. ' REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO By stria afte,ution fe busineste and carefully stittlying the; wane; of my enstotners, hope to 13104110. fair Aare of your patronage. Give me 44 tall heron purchasing else- where, Remember that/eel-OPPOSITE TIM; MARKET. What are roy Going to do About It'? About eeping Warm WE MEAN. uri=: eercrts ARE ',JUST THE THING .F00..CCIVIFORT, e FLANNELS, BLANKETS, &COMFORTABLES AT CLOSEST PRICES. ----,- 6 We do not require to know how bad the boy is. We want every Father and Mother to know how good our BOY'S CLOTHING is to wear. A change of program each week. Loo'k for it. ° - PAY & VVISEMA The'DRY-GOODS EMPollIUM. •••••••--,•-•-••••••-• 0 Q' • ,. .Just 14100iV0,l1, aiehrundese Steak of theInust•linprovett Patternit tied .Neweet Desighs, Wood Cooking Stoves, . . Wood or Coal Cooking Stoves, Parlor and Hall Stoves, . Base Burner Coal Stoves, • INCLUDING THE Ileelebrated Ra,diant,Home ,Altluleodotthoer.RNivr ouPrAcli'lls'poRniNeiS,s, LAOrawl as ponevichaias.11 bAetisno..eaelllahrgoteightvies'41it:tonawrieltptie, Stove, Boards, Coal Scuttles, Stove Pipes Elbows, &'e., voe'y •cheap. A large lot of LAMPS AT REDUCED PRICES. Beet Ameeenn end' Cenadian COAL -OIL always in stook. Please calf and got prices 511(1be convinced that our•Sfoc is good and Prices Hight. „ 303-0 Nilfill 0 Sign of the Padlock, Albert Fi(reit; 1 . - 0 L. INTO,/ w 1lack. s (at • Skop „ La e of Seratford), 11(4)4 04)4)410(1 ent .10 TtOWIMVS OLD SII0P, mearly: 01(4)054 4. the • ' Commercial 110401, • HURON STREET CLINTON, :.Where iii now prepared eo do all eaoral.Illacksta ith Work, . Horse-Shopilig a Specialty, • .12 111 Work. karanteed; itekthoria elating 90 Washborne & Moen TWO -BARBED STEEL :FENCING. Nut• Coal, GEO. 1.. SHARMAN. • JOB PIIINTING. f Yon romnrof row class of 'briutinov, Tnv, V14.ws.:13,r4':ot4o — Blos.sburgh Stove Ooal, IRON AND HARDWARE MERCHANT, rail" turi\krri"le'N'N't"