HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1884-10-29, Page 2Advertisements this. Day, 1
lie palsce--elstate Joint Itteigeue.
Weel, etee--Ohrita,Pieksou,
1XX7X3:0 XXV X3,01•17
meets, ote.-ePoy ttesetteut,
ea WIDIail—itiehara. Irwin.
'ray Flg-Cleorga West.
tiodeyjoh News
uron . Record,
mom, `Oleeineselay, Oct, gOtht
pFRA 4 -YC E.
rat tho chief legitimate ad to
perance is by .educating the
tlt—by instructing them if you
1--theret Ishottla be no ;1°04 of,
is the duty of the preachers to.
oh temperance, not to legielate
operance. .Preacher ' means one
o diacoutses on the gospel, To des
rid to seek civil. legislation to re.
in the keerte of men. ie an
knowledgment of the iitefficiency
incaptioity of those who have
osen the tutored callipg. That.
elt a •calling should be degraded. to•
t of etump speaking ie much to.
emegretted, yet we hear of this
very day in the matter of the
ewe Act, ,
•The day. -is -new near et.. hand
ben the electors of theee ridinge.
rill have an opportunity: of voting
n the question as U., whether Or
�t they are desirottgliat.the Tome
Prance "Act of 1878 should' btt
ti force in this county. WS is: a,
uestion wt Oh' demands :serious
.onsideration on, the part , a :the
,lectors, wlio • should •not allow
hentselvea, to be lea away hy the
craze in whieli the fanatical Agit.
Mora of prohibition • indulge,. who.
are totally regardless .of the .injery
they must inflict on th,e trtenyi to
bring about the good -of tlte -feet
In this ceurse some men ioin froni.
praieeworthy tuotives, whilet others,
too many, take part for :the attain,.
Pont of notoriety And • political :in-
fluence which 'they cannot other.
wise acquire. We can cordially unite
with all in promoting the cause of
temperance, but the idea that legise
laden, atm bring about a total ahe
stinekei. from spirituous drinks is
antagmlistic alike to human nature.
and io the will of Providence. :
The manufectere Of stimulants
line from the creation to the present
ibty, and in :ill tiationsliad existenoe,
soil they will continne it to lam end
ef time. • It is only,. COM the excese
MB of thein—their abuse, that
evil results, just as it would fettle
gluttony or any other . excessive
craving.. The control of their mare..
facture, and the regulation of their
sale- and use, has always , been' a
legitimate object tor, legislation,. in
which all classes of. the cotninupity
concur. An enormous amountof
eepital is invetited, ..and . a large
eeveemoie derived, both by the
,tate and the municipalities, for the:
liberty to menu fact GTO end • sell
liquor under proper eontrol. Thus'
a tan -field is given to our industry,
1111(1 4 proper restriction pet upon
i ndi v id ual, enjoi in ea of • it, any
violation of which Subjects .• the
transgressor to proper punislithent.
'for the offence. And if. the existing
laws were enforcedin their proper
r•pirit, there would be comparatively
little to coMplain of as. to the tem-
perance of our people, particularly
it the home training•und-example to
telr ratan; generation were stieh as it -
ought to be, and seconded' by tile:
f.fforts of the clergy tif the Christian
, denominations, in the training of
the infant and youthful mindit.of the
members of their &eke, in. which
they would be more usefully ere,.
',toyed, than in stumpieg the cent,• .
try and holding forth as temperance'
. orators in what is really a political
s oektnt, and for this purpose they.
oeglect the apecial duties to..which
t hey • may have. been called Oe lip
• pointed.
li °uteri° we have a %vast
amount of capital iineested in the
ninnufeeture and retail of liqtiore,..
and a large revenue in indirect tax.,
etion is received by the state theee.
hem. All theile indestriee have
grown under the fostering protectiott
of -the state, and are fully entitled
to thst preteetion. No man ever
eupposed when the Scott Act was•.
petered, that any event could ever
arise from its. exeroise, to imperil
these genetal leterestA, else no doubt
provision would have been made
. to compensate the .owners of, any
property destenyed by oily general
itidulgottm in the craze of prollihi•
tion at ft:figure dity, And as the law
poweeteede, if property and indue,
tries hitherto protected by the hot
are destroyed, and the revenue there:
from lost to the RtraP, and
'. et present alumnae to soy
id millions aenuelly, the tletieiency
must be Supplied by direct taxation
upon the people at large, and the
ouiliet . of pereons engaged in the
inutnideicture attd retqii•of spirituone
liquors will be thrown out of etnt
plyintott, ftot, only to their.'preintlice
but to . the prejudice of the pnbho
intereetS, And w)to emitt is to
emopetniate, these tufterers for the
loss of their property destroyed for
the gratation of a trazy fainit icier)) •ceseful .reeleting of clesere to do
t, Isiah never can tied the object it what we,know to be %mug. Why the 40 who &tenet enntrol their tip-
eras:tome to aim et, s .0 eel:fluid WE interfere in removing the petitee, Coternoo some Would tety
Let the electora of therte ridings t oblett, of 'temptation " loteeseit :tottatothe mezzle the already rim•e
for law breakers npon them
eh' Ite1i. vete 1 ilftbUnS 110 liquor ally. more then
honte training a your children—
seelr to secure them in their homea
those innocent pleasuree and evenitig
enjot tnenta which melte 110ille Soo
Cepto.ble, And let ue Po longer bee
young girla and young lads crowding
the atreeta of our town to a WO
hour in the evening, seeUtng
aniwlepuent and exeitement. This'
IL Melancholy atae of alfaire, and
and if the reverend agitators of
temperance woula only' walk
through our tureen', in the late even
ing homes, pat Ocularly en Saturday,
they would see enougheto convince
them that their local pastoral duties
with regard to the rising generation
had been 'sadly neglected, and that,
were of imperative moment to look
after the moral inetruction and ed.
ucetion of the young, and that more
need of personal 'Christian effort
were neceseary among this class,
than among the class who lieteu to
their homilies.froru the pletform.
The .
Gobe arid
Grit Scott Act press will
challenge the record of the
00.eieCiON V9. FRRJ7 WILL
"It io an accepted axiom 01.4 there
is none ao blind as those who will
not see. A:few weeke ago we made
it quite tilain to 01 I unprejudiced
atiods that the note princiflies itt.
volved in tbe Scott Act vtoleted the
natural and civil liberties of the sole
and yet eome, wilt not gee, It.
is the enteral right of every human
being to eat and drink that
which he tiling think meet and •prop.
er. No.sophietry can explain away
the feet that the Seat Act does take
away that right. But, nay the Sop-
hiete in the worda of the Bev, 'Mr.
Smith: "The Scott etet does not
tell us what we shall eat or drink,
You can drink as much RS jou please
after it passes--hy the barrel full if
yoa choose—bat you cannot sell
Wow, it is not given to every man
to be ,able to run a distillery or a
brewery, much less buy a barrel' of
whiakey or beer. le it not, there,
fore, as plain as a Dake o Welling -
ten nor on a eitizeole face that if a
man cannot buy liqeor, and lets net
lHamilton lutes. The . the means to erect a brewery or dls-
Globe of -Wedneaday test eontains tillery or purchase a barrel of liquor,
this : . •
"A fernier in, the market to -day,
was Uttered 55 eents per 'bushel for a load
of barley, but on the buyer 'mentloning
that it. woe required for the pur-
pose:of making malt, lie refused to sell it.
He gave the same buyer the entire load at
48 cents per bushel 60 his protests to
either chop or pot it."
The fiamiiton Times, Grit, gives
an the great mese lie.ve not, he is
really precluded from drinking li-
quor.. No sciphistry can get over
that, It is a Positive feet then that
"a man cannot drink as much as he
pleases after the 'Act passes," We
Inky° made it quite lear, then, that
the &tett Act by prohibiting the
sale of liquor, or 'rental `S.:1ihe clang-,
No clerieel SM
cott t term
in political or wonieipal matters.
Let us nut bow down to the dicta-
tion of our own clergy in temporal
watteraEwa yet coli(it* letrm tso.
called prieat ridden Vatholica tot•
el er ieal BUI,ser eke/soy.
How many fewiliets are there it.
town. that have supred. front „the
abuse of liquor? now many indt•enit
Very few. 'tow many fahuliee are
therein town that hare ttot seem/
from liquorlHow many indeedIVery
• many, the great majority. Serely it is
uot right to vote for the Scutt Ack
and punieh the many for the eine of
the few.
Buckle in hie "History •of Civili.
zation" says : Nee -have no reason
to think that any pertnanent change
has been made among civilized peo.
pLe in the proportion which those
wleo naturally possess ,goed inteu.
tions bear to those in whom bad
ones snap) to be itiltereet. In what
may be ealled the innete and orig.
nal morals of matiltind there is, eo
far as we ore awareare progresk
Irow many persoits are there in•
who suffer from the 'those
of liquor ? Probably not score.
Shall we enforee existing lewe in
encleavoriog to check the 20 men
who cannot, bridle their appetites
Or ebell 'twidie the dozens of
scores of temperate men, delve trade
away from our town and deetroy
buieineases whiCh aro the meads of
•circulating a. targe sum of money ?
• By alt means cheek lite ,fetv-for the
good of the meuey ; not the may
for the good of the few.
. .. :ling it beyond'. the reach f persons of
the same in sulenancet
A. farmerdrove into UM -SEW grain " . . - . ' • —
'market on Seturday with a load of barley. 1milted tnealasthe great Inu" Pf
The sample was On excellent one, and Mr. the. people-7(lues ,tell us wl-u0 •w°
Zas. Artustroeg, buyer, ' offered him .55cts, shall drink, by Saying, wbat we shall
per :bushel for it, "Where do you want not drink. This is decidedly inter,
• Theeneanest tiort ofa lie is where
there is not nearly half the truth
told. The Grit, Scott Act organ of
Galeria' atm is guilty of that sort
of thing. • it said only 1,000,000
bushels of barley were aohlin Gana.
da. What, &ea the fellow mean by
thee attempting to deceive in the
We of the fact (see page XIX, 1» -
land Baena() lietibrt, 1883) th14
85,516,22 'be. of Malt were made
itt O•stutila last year, It required
to make the malt $141,1`nPaores8it IN
ma to deliver it 1" asked the man. "At
the brewery!". Fatiner--"Is it intended
to make malt of this!" ' Buyer—"Vps.'
Farmer—"Well, you cant have it fin
that pnrpose. Now, how •Much \lett you
give me for it and Inotnise to chopor pot
. it 1" • "Forty eight Cents," was the
prompt response, and the load was deliver.
• eci at that price." • •'
Ndw, a GIAOI id) 'Grit pa pet says
that our correspondent in that.town
went "beyond the bounds othortei-
ty" when he laet week •stated that a
brewer iu that, vicinity would .have
given 12i -cents more for barley ,for
malting efien was obtained for it fer
other purpoees had he not a fear that
ilie.Scott Act Would pass and thus
deprive him of the cloincet to oseit.
And,. 'Mitts the Grit paper,''Mr.
.Wells, the brewer referred to, tibes
not, and never will be able to :fix tilt
Market price of barley" It is well eo,
forine, with. our 'free will to drink
whet we liket and the *lying ue
of a' hatural aud inherent right.
That provision of the Scott Act is
simply an exercise of brute force by
the majerity aver the minority
i .—
coercon to prevent people from d
tug that which they have the nature.
right to do. Not only is: this a
. .
a -natural rieht evitieh :we minty, or
should do so, but it hasior centuries
been a reeoeeised rieht a .con-
statutional right we Might say. The
Szott Act deprivei us of the -civil
right to bit.), ti:glass of 'beer'or Spiv;
ite and' takes away our free will
•agency:• •.
. •
judge' layes delivered his
charge to the enfant jury, Iowa, in
• It is a well knowe _fact to farmers
that barley ia. not very • meet] ueed
for feedincattle
or atock of anyy • krandisetnent. S'n Jebel ID 'England
lcitscl. Ada they know tiett it le an ,y,
with a vieiv to the, annexation of
absolute faleehood for any one to ‘`temeiee;niay we "" SUrin hit' that,
state that one 1€11Camoung groion, 1 frupper's recent visit' to , Sain.may-
• imee beet) for thepurposse of acquit-
ing Cuba—peailea.bly, .if •we cen,
forcibly:if we must. If Cuba did
Pee enter into ourconfederation jest
now might not site be sqaeezed or
coerced -into it with a Canadian Ja.t
melba on „one side and .olca
on the other. .The French have a
saelug that it is the iniposstble; that,
lteppene, . • .
thiekno.tterof indictments uuder the
new prohibitory law. lie charged
the jury that while the selling .of
liquor is indictable, buying it is
eqeally a violation of the law ; thst
all persons testifying to, have pier.
chased liquor are aubject to indict.
went, and that—referring, as ie
supposed, to the temperance alliance
ease any person, being iaduced
or encouraged by any orgattized hoily
to hue liquor for theplipose of crim-
inatingaseller,that'such buyer would
be indictable, and such body guilty
of conapfracy, and subject to indict -
meet. It is thought next to im-
posaible-to enforce the anti liquor
law under this roUng.'
Free will, co»science, piti soul
God boa given "to you and we." no
following line's tersely, as well Re
poetically, gives the essence of ellet
Creator's plan when he gave ea free
Byetander say e "on dream was
ever more extravagant,' titan the an
nexation of Jamaica to Canada,.
"Not only ie it 2,000 utiles off, but
Colta and • Hayti lie between.
Cocrecitio seems t� be the order of the
d in Ottneda May ie not be pos.
sible that the contagioil late Spread
in tile direction of: ten itorial
, wor &tams Moon.
If no Pitfaile were ever laid
Voyeur Onwary.feet,
If in our cup- of life there come
IVO bitter, but all owet,
Of what use would the will power he
That Ood leo given to you and mo
file our journey through this life
No tempter 0011183 our way
,Withsweet allurements strivtug bard
To lead- inn steps astray,
Of whet use would the couscience be
That tied has given to you mid me
1,f OD our twee were posttest in peace,
With nothing we could rue,
No foes to coeauer, overcome,
No.paasions to subdue;
Of wbat use would the deep soul be '
That Quilltaa given to you and met
Creation have invented the roller
mill proems and we have even in our
midst a, big talr flouring mill which
day by day and night by night, is
ruthleasly transforming the Cod -
given prodect of the seed bearing
herb into the beautiful, impalpable-,
onowy flour, destined for the food t‘f
men and the impairment of their
stomaehs, tO this detested civilize
tion 1 WiliCti is not content with:per.
witting niers to eat boiled wheat and
preserve their digestive machinery,
but it ming fain provide the "extra
strong bakers" flour which will
break down the stoutest stomach;
and provide vrolie for tiTe inedieine
mongers aud the. medieos. Alas,
alas I wee unto We wayward genera-
tion, whielt has got so, emit itt ad'
vance of fig leaves and goat eikite
garmentrne 's, and wigwafor (IWO!,
Inas and potted herbs for food and
sample water for drink. Give us the
Scott Act with all the eencomitants
of a primeval harbarisIn rather than
Ohriatianityt civilization and liber-
It So virteelly say its advocates.
A I,)r. jaeger is the founder of a
new fait•it which ie known. aa
"'Gospel from Gerumny for the phy-
sical regenerators of Mankind.° Cot-
ton and linen and other fibrils now
used extensively in the inanntacture
of clothing are tabooed. becanse they
absorb and retain poisonous enume
anations from the body, whilst, wool
end animal tissue material assist the
•evapetation of. tideterioue matter
from the hodytwithout absorbing it.
The fejlowers- hied themselvee not
only to care for their fellow men
(luring their waking moments, but
to themselves beilish linen and got-
ten sheets; and mattresses, pillows,
etc., are to be covered with wool or
cashmere, And they further bind
themselves to spend "time and
money,. and cease, only with: life
itself" in their efforts, to hare their
doctriues incorporated 41-14egislation:
Would it not be well to iztorportte
Dr. Saeger'e psoubthofl in the Scott
Act. I.et us have*. the Scott Act
prineiple. carried out" to its fullest
extent,. •Our sumptuary and dietary
.reforntera plight remember• thal.
whateyer is worth doing at all is
worth d bing,,w ell. Lord Brougitent
said' that if he had been a' beet.
t)laOlt his • aim wonild have been to
be. the best 'one in England.
ivople are willing to become tyrants
letthem be the most .tyrannical
ones Possible. They might still go
further and prohibit' roast pig and
many: •other delicioas" Morsels for
:is fed on eltelarins of men, who *Tose
• it. Bet, Scott Act ailyocoAes have
the unblushing harililiodit to say it
i. :Il'reen personal interyieWs with
a uu tuber of farmers we leaen that
• peas at 70i:eta a bushel. is °hoarier
food for cattle than barley *at 40cts.,
and thei it,doee not pay to raise her-
• ley for consumption on the farm.
The _majority aga;not. the Scott
A.ct ite the Cotinty of Peel laet Sate'
liftee such:eminent,. authority as the, •urday wati.1981
Grit writer to %%Tito down as asses ' -•
Adam Smith and the' prefoutidest N'V'tiit for 400 years:Satre our .towo
en. Foi. it w 1,y theaeaud ag gbod..initS oPertitigo
• • • • ^ • 1
political economist's and other eaten! and see .it the Sitett'Act is not
is patent to the ordinary observer • in fe is short, deet.
that the laws of supply end demand :friend, not malty ,of us..tvould • he
alive then. • • •
govern the price. . .•
Btr. Welistnay not ritle Um mare
. .
kets of the world in regard to. bar -
'14. It IS, howeVer, beyond doubt •
,Enpire has rieen to a :riiagnittele 05
that be is a, very ,iraportant :factor
colossal prOportions that Emma
in fiKing'..tlic market price at Gode.
in bth palnsiettt days Wak.a veritable
pigmy compared: With this. mother of
It 'ill not pretended • that Mr.
Wells pays: more than the • market
licc.itise the .price which 'he
peys is the , :market 'price, . :That 'some years ago. '‘What..wee went in
such is the iS evident from the out aohOols is ter eiWay Witli : the
•itein. of our correspondent and carte. • fo.r, or ai pernicious 'example and (t
long chertshed error by making" the
children thormiefily intelligent :on
• ,
•the subject of alcohol. The more
thoroughly • we cell instruct the
as what tbey can afford to pay. It young •concerning : the . domioating
is found,. that, the fertner has coo.
scientious scruples and will not sell
ft, to brewers. The demand shet
-off in that .direetion other •Layers,
who camnOt ,it so profitably,
well only give 47cts.• Here is
• clear loss to the (exhorts' of 8cti,
'bushel. ' • •
The hightit .Market Pra
Price i
• Under a licensing system,, shall
we say on account of the Briti'sh
, • •
. • • • •• • - - • •
rich, near which Isis brewery is:
modern 'nations.
• • •• . . ' -
Tire late 1.)r. • j*, G. UOEIIaITd said
borated by the itines..froie the G/obs
and 'Times. ' • .
There is ti,giren„ stipPly of barley..
55,3ts. is...A:tied by Hamilton brewers:
Shall we pass theSeott,Act and
take lagititnate trade -onf- 'of the
hands of reepousible men, Who glee
betnis. to eli'e Stete and teetnielpaltV
for the proper 'conduoting Pie...thee
• businessaad troin• theetoten
receives about $1,000 lic,:eimemoneyl
IS it politic; -is it right to pass eke.
Scott ...f.t..ct end throe; a revetlne•ps.Y-
big -trade, nowe propeely corrieil
into the hands 'of an illegal. neia4ta.
ue pawn., chics of men to Their
'6.‘v deMeralization ateof tir
'CilScuiters'l anti 'also • eauSe
neatly twO ctollarg per head were
. •
taxes to be Toteed front. tax;payere
.• •• .•
than at present. . • •
evil t f our time, the • better • Will it
he foe theitt. and the world."
• ' Wait 400 yea;ra says ,the Scott
• A.ct Oreete aad we will show a peo-
ple revelling- in a ;height of . moral
grandeur that Will astonish the
natives. • Let eits be thankful for
the many mercies and the astounding
Goderich for barley is clearly ,fixed progrese- in .• material and, moral.
by Mr; Welts in obediende to tha grandetir we. have 'actinited
eternal lawof supply ,and 'demand, liberal ideas and tuOiral'sinision dor,
mg' the past <Igo years, say eve... And'
lot ue, gird up Our loins and continue
to the end to ,use elle liberty .eur
forefethers dearly bought for ton
. •
At the ,Quebee teachere' 'meeting
the other clay. Mrs. Morton, ex.lady
principal of th,e girls' high fichool,
read an inteeesting paper On "A plea
t1 -t- teitchng eft temiterAnee in
our 15e11e018." Mrs. Morten said thnt
legislation was no doubt a good re -
Act . be' u.i.aver8aily adoptt,d, tho tnetly for ihtemperaime;
•twist profitable way •iri which barley : but 411.0 betteeed education to be a
beech better remedy. .reegisletion
could not peove effective until we
had educated. the public
supply still exhitirtg, it spout be con--- • .
'it is A fallacious statement ttoeny
ippotessb threats aro •ni.ide by
.50IXIS, *W110411 , never received, a
emit frotn and nover exp?•eted to, dr
• boycotting the. News-ilk:CORD, •
• pre.een g •candid aro ut opts agai ust
the Sett Act. Iv eii.• though We
slionld. hefound in tli'e •in
which we are net...all 'certain • of, it
man who has ani..priticiPle worth-
ripe:tiring of will-.- alwaye be willing:
'to ftiund itt. the minotity rather
thao sacrifice his ceitvictions' to be
on the winning aide. • And we have
Sterne . of. the hest thought • of the
country:0e "oar .side, 1-tead the ex.,
tract we pehliebeit last weiiie front
serition by the -Bee, Mt. Robinson,
of Exeter, and you will knee'? the•
r1OW13 of an ethinent' Christian men,.
quite • in Accent with ' the position:
.taken •by this journal., •••
Bolliett of Dieter Ont, stated
at a publiO -meeting the .other day
that, after fifteen .years :of practice as
physieitin lie failed tti,see ati.hatin
in a ,soci al glass ind ulg,S1 in 141 illodere
. ' •
• "lotal.. refierin" ia 8 tint -tern\
:Often applied' lc; the modern . inctital
and ,spiyitual progressOf odr speiries,
But ,with all the seffe,rt's that:hav
beell*.put fortlt,, Man in those traits
, , • .
'shows pp improettioent 'aftoe the
lapee ef two or,tifrete,thotteand yeers:
Pref,Greg retitarkS "Wilat.settip-
Joe'ltaiS Suepaseed, Phliliasef, • Wlittt,
'poet : hes ...transeended. Eschyluse
Alanier,„ Or the aeflini. of 'the. IBeek •
• 'What devout .aspirmit had
•seared higher than .1..)iivid or Jsaiah ;.1
WInit Modern statestnee Mightier Or
, .
. •
greeder thee Pericles? . Whet . pat-
.ribt ontifyreettter or uetbler than
-Set:rates'? Wherein:, save iu acquire -7
lite 1 1 t s sir4s .13ation su1ieior to Platte?'
�,. Newi on to Theists or Pvt Imgeime ?,
Just Arrived, a Splendid :Lot
We wishit to be distotstly understood that we do
not hold OUrifellleS rrAptyllitible fOr ate 011intOnS
expressed bp oorrespondeuts.- Es. News-ma:oar
Other buyers in Gocleyieli, knowmg
.tnat :Mel:Wells is not. perchising
that the denutitd from thitt. qtareell
has ceated; lewest the" price from 1
to 12 cents a bueliel. The .sepply
is the sante -Whether hire \Veils is
buying, or not; but the demand heti
leesened by hie withdrawAl and the
• indite drops in' sytepethy with that.
'lesSoned demand.• .
What applies tomtit y will apply on
a larger , ljte..$cett,
foo.d ' they 'can degrade the scrips
tures into theatithority for -so doing
with a great deal- loiter. .grece 'and
more truth than in.. prohibiting the
tswperate .use. of Witte, beer, cider,
or 'even strong- ch iukt •
..• , .•
• .
Although, wo. • hold- the Scott.
. -
,1 t woukl seem thavarrly 411 history
God gave to the *hunted race: the
types to imitate and upplmitch, but
ni'ver to tranteteiel.".'. •Suett , Act
legislatore assutne to itniprove upou
tire plan -of the Creator.
T11101111.' RUBY OVIKSTlioN,
• VIT.,Sheet Gets War
Paint Ou
Editor News. Record.
1116 -Kra. very flippantly criticises
a fly beet entitled "Facts for the
l'eopie," The Era pays it contains
many, misstatements ancl unqualified
assertiontr.- --
When he mays it contains misstate.
ments, he tire.
Ire says no facts are .given to prove
that the general. adoption of the Scott
Act %Noma entail an annual toss, oft
$10 to every farmer in Huron.
He lies again.
. I wilt prove him a liar.
Coal Mores, Cook Stoves
lannoth- Stag Warehouse„ illardwara and Till ;thli.p.., • •
QT—IIITT:0W,,,. •
MALE TEACUER, ter School Seotion No. 2,
lIullett. Applioatione, stating Wary end
fication, oweived,up to the DithOetober, ey.
506-2t 0LINTQN P. 0.
.Act lei e, purely 'Siretilar. 'Matter,
tieing no othek, than a civ-il trkessure
having for its oli,lect •the destroying
of a certain fritile, the throwihg Out,
of employment a very large amount'
of capital,' the impoverishment of
hundreds of employers of latmr; and
the pepnrising' of thottiands ' of etni
rage 65. of the Repcirt, firthe flue -
eau of Industries to Ontario gives
the amount of barley grown in tfur.
on in 1883 as 915,069 neabels in
round nambers 1,001,000 bushels).
The. Dominion oeneus shows there
are about i0,01K} farmers in Iluroe•
Ten cents a bushel loss on 1,000,-
000 bushels of barley is$100,000, this
apportioned tunong the 10,0 0 farm•
ers is ea Pollan, loss to eoeli. farmer
For the' oiver division of the Clinton Model
School, to complete tho nalanee bf the year.
3004f • W. .11, HINE, secretary,
T111..11111LOIS BAIL .
• Ineorpootted by.'Aet of rollaniont, 1858. . •
CAPITAL, 7- • •.$14,000,080. •
RFAT, . $500,00.0. -
need. Mace,' VEONTBEA.In .
TuoalaSwotnoto.N, rrestaent,
J. If. II. Ator,soN, vtoe. viaideitt.
F. WOLVERSTAN Oeuerelmituager
Notes discounted, Collections made, Drafts
motion that will -tete to tholr 'recevery be quiree es security. soldA1Ilealpeuer. x
0 KF,LLY, Reynold Road, Lindell:1h 'rewind -do,
nenarESC:11.";:te ti...7rrwo oSt th1:3ein7rene7xlv:1
CoTi:71). mtrome.the, premises of MICHAEL, i$succilie.,egse:b.'ebeugghtw4a,'t'i
est cerrent rates, -
spots. .1 wi yr.% R (01811V:171:Lel tool fl strdi. it.ri theirooortwgeitgnao tree/
Any die returning tho colves or 'givin'g furor.
White, bet harp So1110 little red color. Four et
them are tibarly all- Rea, with white rearke or
.ellitahl rewarded. '„ mlaRAL KErzy,
When he•says no facts are given in
'support of. the .statements the .iiy
sheet entitled 'etiatets for the People,"
he moat easurdly does tie,' .
• Official figures are given, velfen the
liar of the ..eleie says they. ere false
why does .te not ave • the proper
figures.. Ile oannot reltate Lite fig-
-urea given, and no one seeking after
truth will. accept :his' proven lying
• • .
:00,1-708, We'll-111st Meet .maiiy pi the
, . .
supporters:. of Abe: Act on • their
• •own; ground and shoWeihat • the uee
of that which they Contlenin
. . ,
• unieriptin el. We litkee ofterestated
•and `"repeat :that, prohibitory' civil
legislatien is•appoself to.. the' teach
hies of the 'Bride. Fortunately -our
libetty aneestors have handed.
''.down, to. ut° sae open Ititilme: Atly
One mitt 'verify the position We have -
taken if Ire ,will candidly poreitr.uette
teachings. . This BiI4' denounces
• druukennestolte •Bible etijoitts
Peranceethe•Bildeeleee .'ilrot prohibit
the use of strong deittle,,but.phoits
the -metier:tie use of it.- • In .Ductere
°nom); f 'Chapter 26 'verse will be
foetid; • ".A.ncl then shalt, bestow that
money. oe' whatsoever thy soul lust-
•eth after, for oxen or fur sheep; Or
for Witte, or for strong drink, .or for
whatsoever thy soul desireth etc."
The note Teetament describes .•the
work of ow' Saviont in -making wine.
tIpoStleS -• refer tn. the . use of it
•end do pet clencturice th.. Itis some.
elutes said that the.. wine of Scrip.
thee' wee. not -ietottieetingl When
we remember that Notch gotdrunk
we hove proof thrtt„ Whet he drank
• .
was intexicalieg. "Witte drunken,.
oess is detiounced there must have
• been' :Email:thing to camel drunkett.
nese, else there could have. been no
referenee to it. It is quite clear .
.theuethat intOxicents were •knawo
Lo the • 'writers ,tef the Bible, The
exceesive use of it .is, a' • Him.. but the
moderate tise-of it is not: • •
, . . • . .
The Golletich Grit Secte Act or-
gan' falsifies the reeord wlientit sa:ys
'"tlte bulk of Caned len , beiley goes
to tile United -States", „Page 716,
• tSoinlitioe Trade mid Natigetion-
Itepert, 1883,•ehows 8,817,216.buske
-el e As the total Ouroent exported to
aa, countries, 'teelue .$6,293,233.
Oetaeio Report, 1883, page 65, thows
• 915,069 bushels grown in liuron
alone; page 15 ;shows 18,414,337
grown in'Ontstrio in 1883 and 24,..
.284,40T 1882. ' The Geit • Scott
Act orgeti's reedy yet:Roney* meet
have got "pied"; Eight mitlioe bush-
els of barley exported froth ali the
•Doteirilon and an average of. twenty,
uuUin iluehels grown in Otittirio
alone, yet the 4itrutliful" organ seys
tbe.bubk of llanadien barley goes to
the United Staies. case would
be no better were lith statement cor-
rect, for Belong as the Scott -Act iir
net universally adapted tlie Itorne
m Ina for, nod tine barley will so .etif-
the value thee thegtatost price
Will be obtained for "the bulk or
00..oadion barky," Wall DO 110IDO
• can be used will cease to be. The
deirtand all over for it for inaiting,
having thus beenottopped, and the
ceded that the price .would be mat-
erially lessened. No quibblitio nor
sophitery can get over this unpleas..
ant phew of tite operation of the
Scott Act- .
The free 'will of men is the very
pith and essence of the Divine plan.
Ting men teay resist Vie temptetion
to do wrong when they have the free
will to do it Or not is the way to wt.
merit. iOur Saviotit wile tempted Pass the Scott Apt dud you kill
that, the money which enables hotel
nien to carry" on their trade comes
oue tof our own citizens, The ex-
penditure, of one townspeople in the
hotels wouldn't pay torah() coal oil
timed in theme even though. it were
that cheep int:initiating • fluid-..
cey's."Reck Ott" The travelling
it: and transient yisitors to, town
are the profitable patrona of betels.
• .
ation, Tbat aft: domeettereme•lies,
whiskey and brandy. weiii Often' use-
ful,a pleee setnewhae efter the
fueleon of It. R. Becen
lief, t that, if
the Scott Act was passed the public
would. be, inconvemiepcsel • by not
having begy 8000)411;te _them'. • The
• usefulnHeiner tss of as aheverage itt
and enceesefollY resisted. M,an bus
ing only human canuot expect to be
al wee a perfect, coneetpleetly he slip.
The purable of tlie lost, elleep b1iowt4
the estitingion in ethich an erritig
matted who slips And reeoveres
rtelf is held by the Creator. "Joy
shall be in heaven over ono ginner
that repenteth, more than over nine-
ty and nine just persons, whieli need
no repenttince," The lesson to be
conveyed by this evidently is that
the 'reel teat of ammeter in ilto sue.
Chat trade.
. 6
Suppoto that every -case tried bo
fore tho At ayor of Clinton 40 the
year aroee holm the -0,XeC88iV 5180 Of
liquor, which is very fer from being
the mete; but suppose they did, and
"that, they totalled. 40 in a year. It
is Surely, not fair to any that the
nearly 3,00 paiiple in Clinton and
a population of fully Another 1,000
in the vieieity of Clietori from
whence these Jelin qu en ts ateira wri,
should be muzzled tar the 'benefit of
alqd conceded by very high bay -and
clerical as•well as medical an thority,
'The En gi Geee ttmstatee
that the Social Selokee Congress cells
attention to the heavY death tette
(teeming' in certaie Joealities frotn
typhoid fever': and the cruel execu.
tion it has done upon teetotallers,
The loeel doctore state that in the lo-
tality referred to meet of their typhoid
!ever patients' woe total 'abstaining.
dictum.. - • • ' •
• The Era Man asserts only,.•and
lyingly asserts. .
That .the deductions drmen from
•thefigures given, and in consequence
of the general- adoptien of the Scott,
Act, arejnetitied I willrefer the
Globe of last weeltateTtich centainee sxs
a wetter. of ne•wiethe .stAtetnent tliat
afarmer on the.' Ilandilton
was offered 55 cents ainishel for bar-
The barley -was going to be
usee for breWingpurposes and the
"farmer would not.sell it for that pur•
pose." IleStild•il for 47 cente for Nett
. . , , . .
leg purpeses. • Here is proof strone
os holy writ that barleyis wortle
at least 8 cents • e bushel more -for
. stunting puetioses than forteed, It
is quite tam to lissutne that the usi•
versa 1 adoption of the SOU. Act • 'will
reduce the pric,e of berley, by at least.
10 cents a bushel, as against' what; it,
wou Id, bring were the eeott Age tiot
untversally adopted"• •
1. 0. 13REWER, •
01155100, 0051. ,13, rehrttary,1884. aLiNTON.
TION, and poseegscrl of a reasonable amount
01 Intelligence and buelneea Mot, min 51m e thei•r
expenecepaid and earn WV salaries, by soma',
our Nursery Stoch. Wo goarantoo «it stack .A. I.,.
and as we are well and 110rore.bly kneWn through -
Out Ontisrlo,.oufavotits find 88 trouble making
t34105; 11'0 expel 'Once required ! 0,181 Ct1.11 1.A!
carried in .egat packet. - • • '
Sood 08111)0SW Cord for terine, etc, •
t'One of the tyrantsical provisione
of the Scott Act is the interference
with the legal:ante callipg of hoe
•emt mete even to the !telling ofeetelt
a harmless beverage aa cider, • The •
farmer er other grotver of
and, producer of cider is prohibited
Isee Section sub.section 5 of the
Axil frees . selling hie eider any,.
where except Where isa. makm. it,
andellen en)/ to licensed druggists
or to .euelt persons as, the producers
have good reason to believe will
inov; the cider beyond the limits of
the -county or eity -and ef any ini.
kitting -county ettir where tito Act
hi in 'force, and -.then to be rettmeed
and taken away in quantities of not
less Orin ten gallant' at the. ante,"
With a haughty wave of WI iniperis
Irma pen Cur cotont treats- the above
after the manner of the dude, when
heealled out,'"eiVAW meyind then ex
pearenso liwing on atiowtha :berm in,"
The .lera. eftya: 'rho paragreph 111
in to eider is etereely worth notia, •
demarni for melting, the fortagoer
would dictate to Cenadiati fermiers
the. price of the "intik ef theii•hare
The Stiett, Act was- voted on in the'
ebunty -of .Fqol last ..Tivoratictv. It
was defeated by 198 majority again-
st, Poolluts al wept beeti considered
one of the most enlightened constit-
uencies in Otslstrio. It is sieuated
betweep York and Halton countiere
The Scott Act people, knowing: the
.intelligence of the Peelites, teemed
assured it wituld merry, but they were
toiataken. On the other hend, they
-Were' doubtful of Sitecoe, because of
the very largo timelier of people in
t14et county engaged lo lumbering, st
purguit, they alleged, not, condueive
,5.0 morality or temperttnce. The
Witness going so. far as to say that
voting on the Aet in Siincoo Wit?*
herriedly bro ight, Ahtiee by the Mu.
.or element cf the Government,. tio
that ina almost certain defeat there
would give favorable -prestige to the
Anti -Scott party in ceunticit where
Votin wouid take place later on, but
it Was eiirried in Simeon by 4 very
large mejority, If we are, •t114111, 510
base an opinion upon the aliegations
of the Stott Act. press and speakers,
the resnitof the voting in Shemin
and Peel -would show that where issi
• morality, And intempetAnce prevail
the_ Act w,ill eery, t where intelli
CHASE aR07:tHE.1.?8,
. Nurserm
.) on nit Stieelmoii,
284 5111. • 1.11414 141011T, ONT.
$100,000 're LE.Zgili/0,X14' alitALEilijaltIATES.
6& p9rtent •
Apt,,,, h. • '270.y
JAKENT, litatager
. Lath. Tht.ktoktuth8t I.tuuten or Lath w 11
find It to their iiirere4 to give me ,ra11, Yie
"DOR kTE, Icindi of Vino Lumber tine' •
beck pt the' r,eming atm Factory, ' )yeinngtiM '
Str.tiottst,o-CtIktto.n. cuinuy,,
' I will not resteny.proof of this toes
-of 10 cents' per .busliel on biteley • On,
the isolated Hamilton case, haye'T
verified the truth: of the:statement -
made.by your: ,Croderich Coreespon•
dent thitt 12e corm more•would levee
4Seen paid.by.a.Goilerich liretver for
barley, than a. Winer reeeiVed there
• the other day, Were it not:that the
:brewer lets.sefficimit on hand -to teat
hirn.until the lirst of 11Iity, on which
(bite the Act ireettied will come in
force:. •• • • •
Abusbeiofluarley,SOYS 'wiseacre or
the Era, -.'w11.1' Make _front 10 te le
pounds of porlc: This ittan unquali-
fied, Miss totetpplit. •• '
CORN .sriEttuns,,
And ettl Implements tiarel on a farim
as Good•as the,. Best, and as -Cheap.
" • 843 tch
he eapeets at •
. . ,
. • . .
1 have fanned:for years andmy
brother failivers ' who know their
businesswill not; • use'letrley to make
pork upon any consideration. -It is
net fit food at all for Hutt purpose,
anti even if.tised is not' as elteap•food•
et 40 cents a. bushel as peas. at. 75
cents a 'bushel, • ,
• "The best farmers in Huron" will
smile ehould they seethe statement
of yOur•cotem that they' 'do not sell
lettrley,:but teed it to cattle. Its a
falsehood "that the hest farmers in
liuron do not sell berley." Its just'
. what they do with it, and. I confident.
ly look•to the "best farmer's" to vote
Against the Scott, Sot, as by se doing
they will he iseeping up .,.the price of
barley which. they eaisesoanuch 'of
• and which they sell,. . •
' The Governtnent.of Ontario is the
authority for the statement that 915,
069 (nearl) 1,000,000) bushels • ot
barlea were grown in Huron in 1883,,
wideli year, gestated in."Pacts forth°
People," -was not a good year for bar -
Now 'Sir,' I am' prepared to 'for-
feit 8100 for the benefit of the Meth-
ocilat end• other Sunday. Scheele*in
Chinon if the Bra or any one else
will proCetkat the "'figures given And
StatementilL made" in "Facts tor the
rettple"are "falsehoods" or "untruth.
ful," prat/ding the others party will
forfeit a like sten for a sunder our -
pose ellotild they -fail. Come on
tiancluffoe stand n convicted (atelier.
I eneloae check for $26 as 00 earnest
of my bona fides. •
• Is a burning shame to think
that a large aunotint of money ia
spent every year in liquor. Ite
most harrodring to think that our
people will epead double the amount
in jewelry ttrid silver ware • Ite
horrible to coutempleite the ipiquity,
of our people elpeedine nntold
tenteente at Reagens' Palace Itoese,
at Pay & Wiseettni's Emporiern, or
with Jelin Oraib, the great Dry
Geode man, fot well fittinggarments
ter Melee anti fetnAles, and for fine
linens and ..9embrolderiee, when A
home matte blatiket with a hole cut
in it, a la jlie..vicana, for the bend to,
pass through, arid ti raW hide belt .
to eoldiee the wrap at the wiliet,
woold serve every purpose. .010 11
Its too terribly terrible, the degra-
dation of our people 10these degeoe
erate and civilized tintea. Ti should
draw teltrs from the heart of even a
white elephant potatee. Let u� go
back 400 years to ruali math and
chop sticks. This 1884 eivilizetion
with, its *ear and tear of brain and
bo,ty, Re Stimulants of tea, wine and
beer, Its geW gewe and millinery -ilia
cozily fornialiod par lora tied S. Davis
ceal SLOWS and rangee if eantinued
much longot will Reed US all to perm
:Elven the seductivts ingenui.
• ty of man has pot Stopped tttpala-
labia. and stimulating drinlre, and
,I.S.P1.111M.D;NT ILER9 S
T G. 11
• 101,Ysirmilir
liOvsi to Sell Goods
• 7---TAT•1i. T(/ -
, ,
Clocks, Jewelry
. •
• 'The subsri flier bees to returnbiis sincere
. thanks to his customers and the public
:gime! tilly. fotlss 1tolpeironage, extend.
in the Pafit, antl by furnishing
est .-artick
easeles! 0011 Jewel57—
Brooches, Par Kings, Bracelets, ete. —AT '
.4nod N,
Solid Silver aiid Plated
Suitable nee Holiday, eleed cli tie, or Birth,
day PreSente. Goods for large or small
.11118881, 41181 tO stilt- all seasoesof the
' yeite. ; See the Stook. i•ge, varlets' of.
clocks. Everything of the, best makes.
fientletnen's Plain and Fancy je.**eby
II -endless ''15 51)')'
EFA,TItepalring proinntly a t tent1000
Red satiSfaction guarmiteed, .
• INOTie.—Vie would have beers much
better pleesed, And we think "Fly
Sheet" would have Sorvoti his pot.
'pose eqnally welle luta he not, otter
the trinneer-of SOUKS of his opPonents„
need languege . more forcible than
petite. Though the prevocittion waft
great, we fail to see why he should
descend -to the level &his epponeets.
Illrg.have tsken the trouble to coin.,
pare the %tares givers with the GOV.
eenmeet Repeat; And find them, eor-
rect.—Itiditor News.lteco fan 3
A Full Zthok of Speotaoles,
or the Best Makes,alwayi up hand,
• • . ,
J. Bid-. il-iecombe
0000315.0 tee Market. Clinton:
OheaDer Than PRP
At 000E8'8 Grocery,
NV. Crooks Esq. is Deputy Return-
ing officer for the Scott, Ant voting in
polling subdivision Na., Ur, Adam
Can 1,61011 foreutelivision No,
Mr, Robt, NrcUtirray line removed
Isis faattly to Morrie,
The solidgrits of this 6wris1iip, or
some Of them Id, least, it is repotted
are -Itt. boas 'BOW to mark their X at
the coming Scott Act veto.
AeJording to Mr, Treasurer Rosa'
•contention, the talminion Govern.
menthes nothing to do with lieenses
• or, the regulation of the liquor Willie,
If She Scott Aet, should vets, 110
licenses for hotels could lit:%glanted.
And the &ma A et is a Dominion het -
et we tiro told the Deminioa Gov -
LOWEST Ilemuncr4tive. Price,
he hopes to merit it contiuttenco of the
• •
..Thrtrould specialty recommend a trial of
putser I'mkit.i...yrro.,..es of the -nay
REST 11i051N08 . of 11112i.,30fitArt"'..tbi.vr
WINES and 11 OLLAXIY .01>is,' suitable
tor Medicinal purPosei and fentily.use.
. • •
Bass' Aix and .Clorisssit'' Douron. in. • .
hottles:-pinis or quarts. dAN,tin.A.K.A.1,104
constantly on hand. . "
Just reeelveq, in prime Condition, MoN
"IltsAL. GINORS, ALE, 'C15114di,A0NE Cinttn, •
:PL'AIN SODA:. . •
• 1P-4-So1e Agent for Cadets?' Ale.'
;dr, Thos. Cooper returns tamers to his
maey et:steely:re rot 'their hived patrotioge
In the past, aud begs to 01111o11880 Olt, lel
1108 admitted his Roll 11051811 AA 11 member
et' the them and holieethey wine -cc -stye
continence of the ramped betas:trove s0.
aecertliel to the house.
OUR ocFar. TEA
wilt Still lie a Specialty, told ean not
oe beaten in the market. othor
Groceries nit low AS. possiLle. A
Large Stock of GLASSWARE and
CII,OCItli.!ItV on hand. Abs .
• Y-2/.30.
. . a , .
Iland-rneds n 1 sml pegged, at ,0,..---,—,.......;k, olvet
prices to suit every parse. The best work,
lowest pries's, and satisfaetion Anaronteed.
.A.'S I have fitseelass city workmen em. •
ployed,tentire satisfaction is eternality,
tlive 'me a on.
• II BEACOM' . , ...
&a,• &c,
Give no a 0411 mul be satisfied,
T. Comer &Son
ASeri nit onnt9 fol pnataga
teld receive free, A 80Stlyhog
i of pride' WW1 851) hill) an,
Of tither toS, to mom Varney right away than
mil thing else in this world, Fortunes sivalt tho
workers absolutely Rim, At °Iwo 211d.rievs.a Tays.
&Co., Augusta, Milne,
whieh kept en
80051558 0088
47/vousigo, ohnitozpx4.
-i.Ivivivproe. . oo ria 1-10Akti;
lAlblearla, • AllirEOINet
it0Y-SIPELAS, 011)1111 011
Filt StalitAOH;
,ErAtfrouw, bnYNEU
And eveeysteetlee of ettJef htraelte..1fgeit * ; .
tilabtdiatot) 1.1VSIt. KiONEVO, 43TWAOH,
OoviaLs ort BLOOD.
„ ,