HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1884-10-29, Page 11.110114111041111011.... Clinton Iarble Works, HURON STREET, CLINTON. • W. H. COOPER, Jr., ltanufaaturor ut and dealer w all Marble & Granite for Cemetery Work at ague** mat dub, wrupuLIWuu TIE HURON TERMS: $1.25 per Annum, in Advance. Ala u4ulufucLuier uI the Celebrated ' ► Y., "INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS, NEUTRAL IN NOTHING." A arll'lt IAL Saves lei Huddles pal }}�nava ti d CetsteLery Wolk w ht. h wur.t r I,e neeu to be tIpprecltac,l i11 tr -1k ` �� IJ. Fr I . N (J. d warranted to glcr Iwltslarll„u CLINTON, HURON COUNTY, ONT., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29, ).884.. Words. of Warobur old 4? s„lIicfeg)U nueitnrsireen irwu ,rfdto u9t prkrknhs l if you are simply Ailing, er if yu 'weak arra (lie/gaited. 'without clearly kat a - "leg wily. Iiup li,ittlita will surely, t ut'u yea., If y-uu are w minister, aunt 1 uses uvertaxed yourself with suet- W$ITELY .t3F TODD,, Publishers, ' pual tluti, t,a mutyon w'lt>Ratch ate and eawur'rk„tr n tnatntof)bnyioutu i labor weekerred lay the a vera ut WI -DOLE NO. :310 '84. FALL AND WINTER. - '84. Continuation of Our Great Sale. Grandest Aggregation or I'rononneed Bargains Ever Offered to the People of Clinton and Huron County. This is a broad assertion, 1)ut we ask it of you as a favor to come in and look through the Stock and form your own con- clusions. \Vt will demonstrate the great adva.ptage to be gained by attending this MAMMOTH SALE OF FALL & WINTER DRY -GOODS At 3DIIN CRAI$'S The Great Dry -Goods Man, corner of Huron and Albert Streets. %Vs have received Over THIRTY CASES }luring the last two weeks, which are now in .stock, making the finest asssortn)ent of fall 1ut(i Winter broods ever shown 1)y us. And we would sug,rest to our patrons that they will find it to their advantage to give us an early call. Just here—'.ve state that our PRICES WILL BE LOWER than anywhere else in ,.he county, • FO ± OAsIH I FOR ITUrr 2'ER T F'01 , a -a T AND WE'LL MAKE OUR WORDS GOOD IN EVERY CASE. SILKS! DRESS GLOVES. SATINS! GOOfl8.'. We Mention Five Lines of Ncw Brocades, Black Silks ! of the reliable makes of CirtRIIONNE and PON,uN, CUARANTEEC PURE Will net cut or wear glossy, at 25c. on the $ less than over shown bv 00 before. Coloured Sibs. We have a full line, all shades, and reliable makers., Mack Satins. Better value than ever before. JOHN New Plaids, New Tartans, Wo can maintain our reputation in this department. Our range is the finest we have ever carried, HOSIERY! Every shade and quality and size in stock. New Cashmeres, I Special. New Ottomans, New Soleilo, Ncw Melange Lustree, New Velvets, New Fancy 11' iuccys, Ncw Plain Winecys. CR New Velveteens, .A11 at prides that laugh at competition, besides Irving the newest things out. I A very fine rause of Ilal:it's' sires. Tweeds CLOTHS. A very fine range at very LOW FIGURES,, made up in first•class order and cut hy Mr. Chas. RANGE. Fit and satisfaction guaranteed every tithe. \1'e quote 'Clothing from 10 to 25 par cent. les, than ex• C O TTO N S elusive Merchant '1"ailor:3. Lowest prices on earth. TICKINGS The best makes—lowest prices. FLAN'ELS At Mill Prices—a big stock. SHIRTS —AND— DRAWERS. . Less than Mill Prices. Goods we sold readily at 411.1.5 last year are e0e. this season. Our Furnishing Dep't Is very complete, very cheap, and very nice. CORNER OF HURON AND ALBERT STREETS. BUSINESS DIRECTORY penti5tl'1 . EDWIN KEEFER, DE1TTI8T, r .rte Lat. of Toronto, honor t ;rid late Ito, al (' elle g, el Dental surgeons, Coats's Block, - Clinton. All work Itegiatereil t'h'ug,~ Nndn•rate r>ftllfitl, II PEEVE (,I1 ,', It tt,nl, r, sl rco nn meJ.tt.•', lu In nd Ilnnvl •r 1.s 1, k .t rotii rtrvnlrn,r itpitiotit0 thr 'rrmp.•r.vo'.• I I011, Moron Strert 11111 , hums from 0 * m to n p lit Clinton, Jan 14, I sal 1 t MANNING & SCOTT, lucttonccrini . H. W. BALL, I'erlo\'I•:I:It for Huron Count,. Sties at t t,•1 14,1 to inall, upun of Ila Count, Ad ;r,fss nr. lers 10 (Jnken a 1'. O. L.. :' CLTNTON, ,f� r�, 'feet* 00(.08t) MONDAY nt every e. month. IL•dl upshniru, opposite 11111.1S. 71 to i1,TION, ?4,8:,the Town nail. \limiting brethren +' 1°('T 111V KKR, land, limn and insnrun•r agent SiowVS , -v' 69a nlwav0 mule welcome. \ Illi tin saiiiii etfended in t..wn arid 140110 ry, A. }I. TOOT), 11'. M. ,11 ritiootii 0110 term+. A 11.1. of f;ttiuv:,n.) ,Illage In)' r,,, v,eb. \I .n, v to loan nu Ir11 e -tate, .at In t r lt,, o1 Irv, r,••t. Inv Irul etre led nn Ill Ivvv, v of pr,pelt1 'Notes ,od 114,1114„Ilr,\ed -:re eh. ,I prel••r I. aiiii v,l I on , nhn niavl,n. hank 1,1 la vta,hko 11011/0? and meld. Ill, I0. lie.', In, 1000 Oruttgc. L. 0. L. No. 710, Iiion4,p to Purl. t'ctcriltllrtl• HONEY TO LOAN J. E. BLACKALL, Veterinary Surgeon, (lr, b,,Ir of the nntori , Vet to nn,lr, t .,Ilege, Tn min, h u Ih: ,p,•ne.1 Ili odl , In I'Ind n. is prebarrel to twit 011 h.r..•rs ,f don...tit 0111,10ly nn thr w .t nude' prim „wk.., 111 nperet u, ns ,nnfn❑p l.1 r(,renr l '.n d tell Ia lu'nmpt I, ntte, ted to night Fee*tn,lelate flurrid.rr•, Fnlirlfnrn, (•nn.e, nnoerv, ,4r Crim- 01,1,1(: ml.tinnrra for Ontario and N.ernrnl,t li, .. I 'it, door West, of 1Cnn- ,Ir-�• ()thee )%%'N Ii AI.1, f'1 IC TON. nellv's 11'401,(lintmt, (hit.. V-17. Clinton, M.3 17}1,, 100? ;'n • D. A. F ORRESTER CON l • i•, 4 0 ? ,• It. 14 \ r 1. 10 .01' )1.1 04 l' (J 4,'N- h',. r f. A (: h• 1 f R,7 ,I.,,, rg 1, Office, Beaver Block, Clinton S1110(4711 L 01,1Hr,I\, Iter ate r...1 a arlrh ung 1Vinixtotito wager. 1 .1 A Morton, 0 Ingham 1u9icnI. '.s •I rl, \n.\ I s r� ( f1 I \ v I 1 s t1'e• I him r from H„. *1 i s•r, I r of , e , engage, „Til lake n Inn Ie.I n l „6, n 1 p n, Iv m the nrgnn nr prong Part ii nla' atl,I 1 , 1 u,e n to tluwe• nI1.r , r , , s, I .I h r n' , b .,1 pl . at rev, d, „ r n(I i. 1' Rt. s, er T hr .rrc,u tori ;1•, III” Photographers 1 I. IA TOO'. L Intl\nfel\ I.. r 1. „I r o .e,o,,, Mg 11111 r \\,..f c.r ,'r .vl 0nr fnnl'„st e, -1) r 11L1s ",11.11.,. .1. 'MI ,r ,r ,.1 riarier .,.I ,tr*t ser .r n r ne'I,,.,k l,lfn Size Portraits a S,peoia1t Rk+re (, ,drub vh a e, I LAr Monet 14-1 l.n,) at In., r.1 rote• of Interpol 1110oltir. la ('AA/l'IrtN IArr,frr llrnrnrt `tittiti „or n tit ti1.tki ells.,.., r n\ ,lor,lwna nr�:q vf, i• r f,nmrl+ nr+„,• n. , // VI 1, T Ln.4 \„ nled 1. .Ind a n,,,, 1 r mr, r g v;fP,r,.l)ren ,t •)r A n a m. r, f n( n.,•�,• , Po PO I, . ,,.. • I ,I 11, w1111tThft w n, .t, 0 F' L 0 1t nr After I h0 full ..,-.1',11, .ted At low rates of intermit and upon term* to suit burrowers. MANNING Si SCOTT, rten,',,r Block, Clinton Cludoa, \In} 17th, 1802. 2e al_ good to lend in large or *mall Min,*, nn Knurl mortgages nr pert n91 rcnritt, nt tha lowest current rate*. I1. Il 014,1 Ilurom St. Clinton, l'Lnton, Feb. Its, 1901. 1 1 v. MONEY TOrLOAN. U PIr'y Ws tl 1� U rr p of co Effected in firt-class Companies. riot <fltle or toX,,et, NEV SEWING iTACif INA; PO1t HA LE. NF.lt' WILLIAMS RINGER 8100170(1 FIA 7111N1,1, with drop long; has n, rrr benn used; for light. or, hr•nrt work; will ho sold for Tess than i1. cost 0ppli or address EMI SALA). jY TIII( village of 1I7.1.411IAV1•l, the dwelling house and store or opted hy 1110. Thr site is one of the most desirable in the village Inc lst. ores. There is a Knot stable, not houses, and au excellent soft water cistern on the prtlniorv. 'rho lot ronq,rises 1 of an lore Tile buildings are In gond repair. will he veld rbc al,, as 11IC pro. prtetm• ie git Ing up busing s*. 'I'criineoo , t Apply to WM. nl'x('AN 5.11- If. netgrue, totter. COMMERCIAL HOTEL Thin Hotel is furnished throughout with great rare to meet the wants of the travelling public. (10,11,1.0 sample rooms, Thu hest of liquors and cigars are al„aev krpt at the b.r flood table. 1 t r. I oat xltunt ud (Intel In Clinton. (tet tee us a can. JAS. niO()[1E, Proprietor. (Clinton, .lune 7411, I0A•L, PRINCE r C tNALES--HOTEL. The nbnr hot • 1116 lately harm Ir asnel hr the undersigned. The premises hacr been refitted, and the hest pnasihle• accommodation for farmers and the general travelling pillow is afforded. Large stables in connection. Thr htr is snppliert with the hest liquors and cigars. Your patronage oldeited. Veterinar} Surge rn In rnnnecfion. 0E0, 'Ile eo HA 1,n, Proprietor. 205 ly WAVERLY HOUSE. errs TIO IO V • 1' T ,I. I R 1.1 and has oil the require - 'menta of 0 ars} class house. Large and airy rooms, elegant pn rl.,rs hrlre l will, net :dr. In the immediate ,i.nitr of the G. T. It. hepnt. 'rho hnr Is well stn Jung with the choicest brands of lignnra nod cigars The travelling( rlhllr. may rest assured .1 bring ,rt 11 eared for nt thi* house.. S 1NI1•E!, P1117, Clinton, May 1n, 1401. '07 y Proprietor. TO THE PUBLIC. Godorl chMr Marble e Wor ks i11 ‘VT': nppninf,d 1f 1t holt! It'1' Ge o flog, IR (,nerti Agrnf o1 the Godcrl, h e w Marble e. r for the ('aunt% el norm), I , k* sistaar et No, rose. TIIE IVEEK'S DOINGS. CANADIAN. An Orillia carter has been arrest- ed on suspicion of foul play relative to the disappearance of his wife. Mrs. 13outel, for poisoning Celina Guay, at Baio St. Paul,' Que., has been sentenced to be hanged on Nov. 20111. The body of the late John Rior• don, who died at St. Leonards on - the sea, England, on September 21, arrived in Toronto on the 21st Octr., and was interred in Mount Pleasant cemetery on the 22nd. Mrs. Maitland, of Nouvelle, Glencoe, Illinois, has sent to the Archbishop of Quebec a check for live hundred dollars, to distributed among the poor in Labrador. The generous gift has been utilized at once for the buying of provisions, which will he sent by schooners to the people in distress. George Kirlg,.cattle drover, of Berlin, has brought an action against John A. Mackie, a prominent citizen and a magistrate for over twenty ytear&, for criminal converea- tton with his wife. 11r. Mackie is a gentleman well up in years, and therev I OIO n P min is in the case are looked forward to with great in- terest. Atrs an e g disease has appeared among horses in the neighborhood of ifamilton, which appears, bow. ever, only to affect those that have white feet. The first symtoma are the animals stamping with the hind feet, and giving appearance of great suffering, and in a few hourrl ugly running sores, which exude a nasty yellowish pus, apparent on the fet- lock joint, and as far up as the white extends on the leg. The disease WISPS auddt'hly and without any 0e'. Rignable cnuse. Sotne think it is caused hy the feeding of alsike cloy or, which they contend is ergotised. An Irish woman hied alright on the ocean steamer Nevada, when fire broke out on board The distil'ers and brewers, at a. meeting in Toronto, Nat week, de, }ermined tf fight the Scott Act in Parliament, Arthur Pettit, a Salvation Army soldier, watt arrested in St. Thomas on a charge of the larceny of a pair of boots, committed in Ingertfoll some time ago. He was removed to that placThe, e jewellery store owned by Mr. G. W. Beall of Lindsay was entered, and the contents of one large safe carried off. The value will proba- bly reach $3,000. A - Mrs. Stonehouse, wife cjf Stone- house, barrister, Brampton, was going home by train on Monday evening last, and when it arrived at Brampton just as she •was about to atep off the Oar it gave' a sudden jerk to go on a little further, which threw her off her feet, one df them.. Foing close to the car wheel, which 'passed over it, crushing ' it badly. She has since had two of the toes amputated. Archibald Stewarts of Halifax, while wbrking in the field, picked'a root from the ground which Ire sup- posed to be sarsaparilla and ate a portion of it, giving a piece to a French boy named Murphy. Stews art shortly after was taken voilently. ill, and two }tours later expired. The lad Murphy was. seized' with con• vulsione and isssjn it critical condi- tion' The root turned outto be wild parsnip of the moat poisonous nature -Adolph Leblanc and Eugene Bail were arrested in Ottawa- beat week for passing a bogus $20 Dominion Government bill at the ticket office. When taken, one of the prisoners had four of the bogus bills. in his possession. The letter "0” had been cut out of "two" and pasted,i after the figure "2" on the bill, which, although slovenly done, cave it the appearance of a twenty -dollar bill after the hole where the letter had been taken from was'pasted over. It is'believed that there are a large number of these bills in circulation. The people of Kingston are suffer- ing. A. number of persons in the suburbs of the city, and Cataraqui purchased oysters from a peddler, and all who partook, of them were made more or less sick. Some are so bad they are expected to die. The oysters Thad some poisonous sub- stance 'mixed among them. Then the Public Schools are largely desers ted by the children, the report have. ing got abroad the. diphtheria is in the city. Aed a woman was fined there the other day for selling a stick of taffy to a youth on 'Sun- day. During the absence of .a Quebec farmer, hie eldest son, aged 11, placed a powder flask upon the stove, and finding that it did not explode soon enough, put some into the stove, the stove was knocked into a thousand pieces, and the ho ise set on tire. The report of theexplos- ion attracted .the neighbors, who found the four children Tying uncon•. scions mi the floor, and their cloth- ing all ablaze. They were finally rescued and the fire put out.' ,Three of the children are in a dying con- dition, but the fou'r'th, it is thought, will recoved. The facts of the case in the 'mat ter of Mrs. Boutel, of Quebec, sere tenced to be hanged 20th Novembe go to show that the prisoner had been on intimate terms with the. husband of deceased and that some. hot words had been exchanged be- tween prisoner and deceased in re• ference to the latter's husband, in which she maintained that she could retain the affections of the deceased's husband in spite of her. A short time after tide she purchased a quan- tity of arsenic, alleging that it was for, the purpose of poisoning rata.. She then allured deceased• into her part of the house—both- lived under the same roof—and under the pre.. fence of friendship 'offered her a' glass of wine, which, according to the., evidence given, contained a'q,uantiiy. of arsenic. A short time after -•tak- ing the wine the woman Guay ex pited. Upon a post mortal:, being,, held arsenic was found in her stern. ach and a verdict was given itt ac. cordance. AMERICAN. In the United States, (anodes/ last. Week ten thousand persona were thrown out. of employment by the closing of mills at Fall River. The police have been ordered.to arrest all women found in the streets of Chicago wearing Mother Hub, bard dreases—the demi monde. At Long Island City, in the case of William Francis, who sued his father for alienating his wife's aflec• tions, the jury returned a verdict in favour of the defendant. Elijah Kirk of Shelbyville, was watching for an opportunity to kill Clark, for circulating evil re ports about his daughter, when (:lark shot his head off. Albert G. Pratt recovered from an attack of hiccough which lasted twelve days and nine hours .without intermission. Nine days' continuous hiccough has heretofore been con.: aidered fatal. Chao. B. Downie, a member of the Chicago Board of Trade, Who murdered ed bis bother on September 5th, committed suicide by hanging in his cell. Two colored girls at Nashville at• tempted to scare a colored boy, who had boon hunting. The boy OW. longed, and receiving no reply exoept unearthly noise, shot and killed them both. The failure of Eowutian, of San, li'rancie CO la one of the most extra. , xL $ ordinary that has ever oaoured ori the Pacific Coast. He was confide ential agent of persona whop° weal- th aggregated 15 millions. I -Ie tragus acted all their busit►eMa in hie owtl nettle, and they drew on hit•, as.thOir Malignant diphtheria is prevalent in some sections of Illinois and Pen. nsylvsnia. Eutire families are dy.. ing. All efforts to check the dis' ease aro unavailing. The most destructive fire that ever visited northern New York broke out at Carthage last Tuesday,_. _It it., ehstimated that 200 houses were des, troyed, and the loss will reach a mil- lion. There are not sufficient dwelk lings left in town to shelter the in- abitants, Herman Kolb, of Philadelphia, furniture fitter, was taken ill two months agoand was treated for acute dyspepsia and inflammatory rheuma. tism. Recently a 1ao11 appeared*on /Cole's Intek, the doctors lanced it and took out five steel pins which Kolb had swallowed while working at his trade. He is 'rapidly recov- ering, 'Ahotel belonging 00 Jas. Dugan, Grand Marais, Mich. was fired, and one man or woman perished in the flames, and the man who set the fire was shot by Dugan. The man has died and,Uugan is in jail. Grand Marais is a lumbering village on Lake Supernal., near Sault Ste. Mar- ie. Richard Waddy, of Leavenworth,. Kansas, shot his wife and Mrs. Logue at his boarding house, and then shot himself, dying instantly. Both women will probably die. Mrs. . Waddy Was from Troy, N. Y., and had been married since lai;t' March,. but left .her husband on the discov- ery that he had another wife Albany. Mrs. Logue has alsobeen. married,. but separated from her ' buslband. Tlie.'affair grew out of domestic infelicity. - The dull routine of the court procedure at Lousville, ' Ky., .,was relieved on Saturday 'by a tight lid= tweet] Judge Hargis, recently chief justice of the court'of Appeals, and Col. Bennett Young, a well known - lawyer, and president 'of the ,south• ern exposition. First they 'threw words at each other. Then they threw- lawyer's books, ' and finally they pounded each other with their fists They were 'separated with ditiiculty. . Arthur .Bernhardt, aged seven. teen, committed suicide at Sttgina..w City by drowning. . Two weeks ago a gold watch was stolen; three boys offered the .watch. for 'sale at E•tst Saginaw and were arreste I. Their parents settled tile matter. ' Bern- hardt had nothing to' do with the stealing, but was promised part of the proceeds. When arrestied he had a- revolver which had been given,him by one of :the.other b'oys.. His father treated him kindly and'. took hint home but his set -native' nature at the' shame and 'replorse, and. dread at appearing in court, led him tri leavethonte and go.tothe ricer • and•,jump in, • The police hard cries. and saw, him, but'too late to save Olio day last weak Mrs. W. K. Lee discovered a. bear swimming 111 the Columbia river, Washington Ter. and determined on;,its capture. The •sten.folio were 'all •away, but shesummoned a posse,',incl'uding the children, a boat, and the dog, and, armedwith .a butcher'sknife attempt -- ed to .prevent a landing, while one of the children went' 'after a neigh hour who had' 'a, gun..S. The bear landed and•ehowed-fight.' Mrs. Lee was treed once on a big rock, but' gave chase again as the bear tried •to make off. The bear turned on her again, and in retreating she tripped- on rippedon a stick, anti. went down, • when the bear trade- a 'ferocious attack. She struck with the knife;'and slash ed it so severly on the nose that it went howling away long enough for her to regain her feet, and the dog attacking 'vigorously Rhe made good her escape. About this :time the ratan with the gun settled' the con, test. ' • BRITISH—FOREIGN. Lord .Northbrook is expected, to leave Caii•o next; week for .Eng - Eleven' professors of the University of Kieft' have been requested to re.,. sigh on naecoullt' of their nihilistic tendencies. The Pope has summoned a meets ing of cardinals to consider, the troubles arising from party violence in Beigium. . Tho'Maltdi's followers °are dying fro, 'drinking frorn polluted water pools. Tlie catt'Ie'are dying from fly bites. The Sultan's Gorman. proelivities aro strengrllseuing.. Ho has made all the German pashas itnperial aides•de= camp. Quarantine restrictions have been removed in the ease of vessels arriving in Spain from parts where the cholera does not oxide. The Tichhorue Claimant has, re• eeived a ticket•of•leave, which re quired hint to report 'to.the authori• ties by letter monthly. The Portuguese government hart protested to Granville against tile the annexation by England of the territory the Boers seized from ),lie Portuguese. Sir llharleo Tupper, the II'igl Commissioner kr Canada, has ob- tained assuranoe from fiords Gwen - vine's and Darby that 'England will confirm a commercial treaty between the Dominion and ,Spain, 1 n rel 0° p y,t an intilrpellation 111. Fc'rty stteted in the Freneh Perlia• went that the English Govennnie nt tad promised to explain hi Nevem. her its position in regard to Egypt. ian matters. ' Duringthe 1 e twenty four hours ending at,noon of the 20th. there were 120 resh cases of cholera' and 66 deaths in Italy, The disease is spreading at Salergio, The Etnperot' and Empress of Ger- many ate at Baden, The physiciansel say that the Enporer'e throat le iii a had state, and they have forbidden him to take outdoor exercise, The (Queen)fl epoeeh has reeeived the sanction Of tbo (;t)lineil at Tial. • Bill, Vague aliusions are made to the settlement of the Eayptien quell• tion, Vie Nile expedition awl south African affairs. The 3'otservatives hold a Meeting ou Wednesday to prepare a line .of opposition. Lord Randolph Churchill .advocares onu- tinue obstruction to the kranchiee 13}11. AnueNation of the West ladies AN asientCAN PAPER Titl\1(S IT WILL, BRING ABOUT A RECIPROCITY TREATY, It being rumored that the business of Sir John to England is of a pee cegenatory nature—none other than the'taking into the family of the Canadian Loufederatioli a "cult'd pusson" in the form a sister colony. the island of Jamacia, the following from the New York San will be of interest at thirstime. Of much deeper interest to Amer- ican observers than the small and distant wars in which France. and England are entangled is the ' fast ripening project for the incorpora tion. of.the _13ritish West Italics with the Dominion. The visit to London at this time of Sir John A, Mcdonald, the Canadian Premier, is believed to have for one of its main purposes. an energetic furtherance of the 'an- nexation scheme; and Lord Derby fe reported to have already receded from the unfavorable attitude at first assumed, and to have signified, a `willingness to acquiesce in the pre- posal. ' • 13y the acquisition of the. British. insular possessions in Carribbean water the population and resources of the Dominion will be, ''materially. increased. - In 1881 the territory controlled by the Ottawa 'payola's. went contained 3,350,00.0 inhabit. ants, while the Bi iti Hh West Ildi t Wands, inclusive of the Bahamas and Berriudas, had ahoat 1,250,000, In Jaulaic.t alone there were 558, von souls in 1878, tied three years 'later Barbadoes was credited with .171;000 and Trinidad- with Upward of 150,000. Altog• tiler ..the new accessions will he nearly equivalent. in respect of ,population toe the' ro- viuce of Quebec. The present pro- ductive capacities of the three : chief islauds. maybe., measured by an abstract of the statistics covering the years 1865 to 1879. Thus the average annual valuation of imports into Jamaica during that period was -$6;735,000; against exports apprais- ed at $5,790;000.. The mean .yearly - receipts were '$2,735,000, :the ex- penditures , $2,805,000, and the transfer of ' merchandise involved ,the movement of 773,000 toes. Bar- badoes imported geol.; to the amount of $6,115,000,and exported products value : at' $6,295,000. Trinidad, which of all the islands is the .most productive. and self-sustaitiing, sent ferth staples assessed et $1025,000 and in exchange took wares ,amount- leg. to $11,115,000. The carrying capacity of the vessels trading with Trinidad reached a 010011 annual total of ;808,000tons, and there ryas a considerable ' surplus ' of public income outer outgo, the former being $2;125,000 against .$1,8$0,000, The i'lands of St. Lucia, Atttigila, and Grenada also command a coin- sider bletrade, exhibiting err aaglgre- gate )oveulent of 642,000 tons and t a ie lands u u couibiued:exports valued at '$3,135,- 000. - If we strike• a balance sheet for all the British Antilles; we find the exports exceeding $31,300,000, and the imports falling but a'little short of .$29,000,00, wliita to offset. an outlay •of .$6,62.0,000 there is a public reyenue of, $6,835,000, This is a, better exhibit • than was made by the Dominion itself, whose aver- age expenditure-during.a.part of the period under -review exceeded the receipts. by .nearly. $8,000.,090. at• even trea which annexation; Whole, upon ugh so ugth corder y the Ire assumed of loads . largely •ot1 tt1rl'ifo .belief geld s at their Dominion, the ma ized n da is 1 West Pd, wr .by c which our • It concerns us to Watch ,closely the progross of this annexation plan, forits fulfilment will no doubt be promptly followod hy overtures of a treaty between the Doininion .gov'• ernment and our own looking to the free admission of WV'est Indian staples to the market of.. alis coup. try. • We. see, then, th n under the existing decal andty.condi , tions, to. escape from h'is' the controlling situ of ai tion; the Antilles, .taken .as a le, could 'hardly prove a drain the Can adiau treasury, although much of the, burden.of .protecti a islxude against iiiternr•1 t disorders 0s has hitherto been borne by Imperial goveruuient'shoal('I by the Dominion:` 3.tit course the Canadian tariff', -by tt of,which- imports from GreatBritain are male to t,ontribute I to the col odtial`t'•t;-�t,L t forced 'tit the newly acquired ey; and there is a rooted .b that an he Mimeo stilnulu0 w llo given to, the productive powersof the is- Iaitdit wetc'the .p!al ter liberty to regulate, in concert withleir fel.' low,suhjttcte itt the D n, their commercial relations 1 American consun Indeed era. ini.(.d tl inaprirrg. of the present organ agitation for union with Cana the con wietion .that the Britisl t Indies would be revolutioniz from an' industrial point of vie knitting anew 'the ties of tratli cit once fit tidy hound them to A tlantic states. • mina it •Agreed With In 6116 of our 'public eebools, dllr- in'g a lceaon• in parsing the sentence, tt ;Llan courting in CAplCity of Wise, rf �C .r the word, oourting, canis to.A young miss to pare°, Silo roma 'fleeced hesitatingly, but got along well enough until she wan obliged to tell what it agreed with, Bete she sto ed short Itt I3 as the teacher aolfor said, "Very well what does courting agree with ? E11en blushed, and held down her •head, "Ellen, 'don't you know whateourting agrees with?" "Ye -ye -yes, ma am." "Well, Ellen, why dont yeu 'parse tbat word What (foes it agree with'?" Blushing creryday duties. en 14.1441 e1' Tatters t ores' your midnight work. Hop Bluets mot surely alt year if vols are nuffating•from ever•ratin, dr'itrking, anyintlismitti+r, or,1i(.itat or are young and greying toe fast,. often the ease, . "Or if you are in the wvrkahttp, on 'farm, at the desk, anywhere, nn't 'that your spasm treed* cleansing, 'ing, or stimulating, without iatexi 'tutu, ifyou are old, 'blood thin and impure, pulse 'feeble, nerves unsteady,. acuities 'waning, Hop RIttcrx is what you flee( 'give you new lite, health, anal vi ut If you fere costive, or dyop pf ir' or sit int; f)'otn any other ufti•, nu n'l t1t eases of the stomach or buweia, it is ,) own fettlt.it'you remain 111. If you are wasting away with guy Iilr'nt of Kidney disease, stop tempting d, this moment, and tarn for a -..Cate to 1 Bitters. If you Inc sick with t) of tt rrihle ti items, Nervousness, you will find a ►'I3 in Gilead in Hop Bitters. —If you are a frequenter, or a eenidont —a nnnamatie district,.babies to your —tom a alnst the scourge of till "Otto. —Malaria, Epiilornie, Billiou:r'mitt In —mitteut Fevers by the use of /lop 1 •—tol:l. 1 Tryon have rough, pimply, or Fal skin, had breath, 'Hop' l3ittets will you fair skin,' rich blood, the SW0ett breath and health. $500 will be psi.' a carie they will not cure or help, A Lady's {Visit. bow I.do With hly shin was 'cleat' Lind -snit its y e t3, ' fad a'1',tdy to 'friend, ."lege ten easily make it o answered the friend. "flow," fuqui the first,,ady. • "By using Hop Bitters that the pure, rich blood and blooming health, did it for the as you observe,• '" ,Mesons genuine. without `a buueh green Hops on the white, babel.' Shun the vile,poisonous, stuff' with "Hili' 'agues" re their name, 207.4 Sir ,Moho 1lacdounhl, • n THE PREtSiJ R'1'0 BF TENDERED P1: LID RECEPTION AND BANQUET A'1' T,, 0NTO—EN'rI1CSIASTiC MErTIN0, ( CONSERVATIVES: ` Att A meeting of pifornfnviit ('u Servatives was held in St..l-raltf'erl flail, EI Toronto; last R'edens+hty: Mayor Boswell in the chnlr. -'flee was a largo- attendaiece fr, to r1i111i Hat Wards iu the city. 'Tele cilijer of the meeting was to make pro1lie friar . y arraligeulents. for ,i pulite r ception oud. 1'eug11,0(at be tendered to S'rr.Juhn Meedet ed to celebr'ate the,fortieth atutiv,•rear of hie. entry,. into puddle life, . Genera,I Commitee, cotuprislltsc shrill 200, were appointed, out of 'whic Will be struck the vaiiou0 sub -Cote oboes:' The date for liuldiee 11, denionat•ration will he 'fixed by i Jolla.' 'Ills utmost, .elltltunIlt:$Ot we manifested during the Proceeding • An Elopewetit I;itafud. ,il0W TI t SI'TTLE'21/011-MATTI1ILS 1 DETROIT. A. Dettolt despatch tells the fo), lowing story :—Ernest Dupont see Mrs. Herouet, the ?olontreel.elop.'i'a, on Saturday 001110 up 'tri court t answer. the charge, of .larceny' of Florent Ilerouet's. watch, bust clothes;, fur - -clop' .and overcoat; Dupont, stated.- that .he' 'leas het aware'A'Irs. 1ler,lti°t'had' the r-hillga iu her trunk •when they left; and when she itoweti .there to flinr lib thought her husband had giveit them, to her. He alsostated that:he had left the house . before he had. !prima lie was going off with Mrs: Heroines The Woman 'met lung on. the street and asks h n to. , O with her. Herouet's testimony showed, that the elopement had been settled; and Dupoit's ticket bought before he left the boiler, ..Justice. Miler held-- Dupentguilty of larceny and sent- enced' him 'to three months itt the houso of correction. 11Ir. lierouot .then declared his willingness to for- give Mee.' Herouet, .and .the justice suspended sentence in hercase. Tllu. .husband 'and wife left the court to= gether•and returned to to tlieir'Ituit hi Montreal. . , Better than 'Medicine. Observe strict, ch'anil)e5.e In your person and clothing,. Change your uudergarnronte daf'. ly. 13e regular iii:your. habits of lift', meals, exercise and :sleep, Dress comfortably:, for 'the 500sou and avoid night air' as unfelt as ,in;. Biblevo.id 'excess in l A n of alcohol lc drinks. Live temperatolsg.avoid all exres. see in Dating crude, 1st w, And inilfg;c:. tiI,ht fund, Avoid pastry. Avoid bodily fatigue and nrcttel exhaustion, By excitement or.sin- °lent exercise you increase the huttct;p. tiblllt of .the system' to disease, Drink pure water and breathe pure air. ' Lsefulf 'flints. Copal varnish applied to the moles of shorts aitd repeated as it dries uu. til the pores are filled and the sur. face.shines 'like polished mahogats n\, will' make the spies waterpro,af, an(1 Last as long as the tippers. A teaspoonful of ltorax,putin thn ioot water in which clothes are rit.. sed, will whiten them °atrrprisitlg17, - Pound the borax so it will dinf•hlte easily.s ' Ill IG especially good fp remove the yellow that, Hine go et* .o white 1 , g0r nests tl 0t havtt leen litiil away for two or three ,qoars, Hay water in 11 treat HN'flFrtt'lter of tin,, wooden and 11 on ware, In Ir- ish dairies everythittg' used for ruillt . is enabled 'with irriy water. Boil a. handful of sweet hay inwater at,tl put in the 'Vessel while blot. Rusin four parte, beeswax nnh partt, plaster of -Paris one part, ntsk•'i a good oculeet for knife handlett, Fill the opening in the ivory hatelitt, with til° Tlibalire, then heat tit MPH portion of the hentlle Airdh aaa firurl ') 1 y n to the ee.n°nr, Si7ilk rvhiGh bits Thautt'cl tint' '1,it tw btetetd ., of .- ikeid,r,tm' 0, . r .,, ,.