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t. P.V.11 HChurch.-Services on flunday at 1 •
in. nid 7 IN in. Bible Ohms, 10 a.m. Sun,isy
heal, 2 p.m. Service on Wednesday, 8 p. m
▪ wittasa ottste, necter
neseta mettesitst.-services et 10.3a a. m.
▪ ;AM p. tn. Sabbath Sche4i at 2.20 p,
RV. J. anev,Pastor.
Canada Presbyterian.- Services at 11 a.m. CC
30 u. tn. Sabh4th School) 2.30 p. in. Hay,
tan, $1'8W1RT. Pastor,
Bade chriethtm-Serviees‘ at 10.80, a. rn. and
.30 n• in Sabbath School, 1.30 its, .1.
ilaptist Oburch.-Service at 13.30 p, m. cab.
1.th Schoal, 3.30 V. itt. itnv. J. GRAY. Pitater.
• The Goderich News
Huron Record,
(AM AT,OAN 1M. '
• -
Clinton,Weduesdal, October 15
Whirligig Of Time.
,ceripus,casi_pf insubordination.
• Will-ZE-Pcienell-,- the
crow nc;t1-KuiEfig'Itgland;" is rePott-
,• ed. County Mayes is at 'present re-
presented in Parliament Mr:
John O'Connor Power and Rev,
Isaac Neleon. Mr. Parnell, desii!'e8
• the same gentletiten to Contest the
connty on the next election but at
a secret -meeting of Nationalists at
Henna 'recently, the. leader's' Iiishee
were set aside,. and Capt. 'Boycott,
who, it will he • remembered, has
addeda new. word. to' the English
language, and, John William Nally
were elected as the candidatea. Mr,
• Parnell's power has h'eretofere
pended -upon the unity of. hie folloar.• '
ing, but if dissension Once creeps in-
to ins ranks and action be taken in.
opposition to the .will of the N'ation-
al League, the•infitience of the Home
Rule party will be quickly redueed
to zero. The growing
popularity of
Capt. Boycott is one of the, 'gest cur-
ious teem of eurrent • Irish history.'
Moderate observers consider it a
sign of the waning: utliuence of the
hash. National Party.
° White TOW Vgnolles,
134 OTTLIT AND 0108 NOUN. T11411 UN
An old negro, who Peres near
Bowling Green, Ky., decided to
hold whathe termed a Celebration.
Ile went to town on an errand of
preperation, and, going to Mayor
Henry 0. Hines, a large grocery
dealer, said:
Drinkers' of Blood..
They hsunt the abattiOir every.
week and drink the • warm beef
blood by the cupful: It is .caught
ns it;flows from tlie!en ithal's throat.'
It betiefi tit :thin -blooded •periaths.
Some time eince a woman came.. to
' tho 'stock yard Who said her pitted:-
eine , told her she muet drink
beef blood.
"Rut I never can • de it, never 1"
she Haiti shuddering. • . •
. ,
"But it just tastes lil, esaid
thergentlemati appealed to: .!:d,Pme
' I'll hliticifold you and give.yoti aglese
of milk. Then I'd • give- you some
more milk, or a glass of blood, then
a 'taste of ntilk till •yon ,get them
. mixed up,' and you won't know
which iS which. , • • • '
She consented, •atal drank the
the glom first given'. her with re -
"Ah 1 that wan the-:
Now I think Call try the blood,"
' •
' "But, 'linden:, you have,drenk it
...I ready," said the gentlemaM-s.[Cin-
.intia Commernial Gazette.
"Ottp'n, vve'ee gwine ter bah er
sort o' celebration, and 'fitemoration
down ter tny house, an' my wife
what figl or mighty 'omen tarter
fashum, Bab, wanted ter git some o'.
doze heals an' green candles."
The Mayor did not happen •to
think that the poor fellow meant
WIVE candles, but, pilling out a
drawer of Roman cattalo, said:
"Are these the hied, uncle?"
"Yes, slit; yen, de'e de kine, 1
think. Gin inc ell the colors wliut
yer's got. Dis is fine. Gwine ter
hail or mighty 4scray out dar, how
Cullid ladies an' gennerreen combs'
from ebery what% ()wine ter make
(tat bowie look like one o' demi heap
Christmatc trees, How does yer
light 'ens r
"This way, on the end," •
• "l3leegeti tor yer sah. 'Make
dem folks think dab l'se up in de
world, oho.. Nuthie' like mak-
in' folks neck yer. Good day,
The old 'fellow's dining -room pre
minted a gorgeoue display. The
Roman candlea were placed on the
tahle in 'polished •sticks stolen from
many an old-fashioned household.
lt was decided not to light them
until all the gueate should arrive.
The. oul woeum was an engravmg
of happiness; the •old. man a crayon
of pride,
The guests had all taken their
eeitts, • when the old man and his
wife proCeeded to light „the wax
, .
"Deee heals wax ^lic,lit," said :the
host, ' wuz thonglit- ter •bp',8onafine
fur er nigger, but -good Lewd!'
The room was filled with balls•of
fire, and, some of the candles oven -
turning, liot directly at the guests.
Within three minutes after the,
pyrotechnic displai began there was
not a negro within sight of the
• home. • The old, man . and hie wife
stopped in • a neighboring corn ,
field. • • ••.
• f'See what yer' a done," said the
, Door fellow, breathing:with ditEculty
"Tole yer notter 'pittsoif so much
stile; tole yer dat de debit had hie
eye on yer.' •
:Several daysafterwards • the old
negro, went into the store . and
fetid •
. "Rosa, 1. doan Want any mo' o'
clein'„paptIles. Da't; Ku -Klux lights.
Da burns all right •fur,de white folks, -
hat when the niggers tries ter .put
on:style wid 'em vey. da shoots de
eye balls ce tormeet all ober de pre-
Another Itet of the 'Johnson-
, Henry Tragedy. '
The Recorder's Court lme rarely
been filled with ouch a large imam.
hlageof dudea,law•studentsand police-
men as the morning on the occasion
of the trial of George Bricault, law
inn:lent,•on a charge brought by
.A.Ilart Hamilton, of the Court house,
of unlawfuly loitering and.olustruct-
ing the footpath stud further of crab,
him a dude. Thep macular grievance
however, which he desired to lay
before the court occurred on Friday,
the 26th ult. When quietly pro
ceeding along the street he elicourter.
ed three young inen, and had w alkyd
a short distance when he overheard
the remark, "There goes the dude."
Believing that the insult wae meant
tor hiniself he delib Irately retrace i
his &steps to observe a number of the
group springing through the window
into the office of the goveretnent
buildings. Suspecting that lie had
discovered the offender, he entered,
and from a conyersrtion which occur.
red with the clerks learned that,the
guilty party was Bricuttlt.
A cross-exatnination of the plain,
tiff was made by Mr. Leclaire, who
acted as counsel for the ‘lefentiant.
"What do you understand' by tile
term "dude?" asked the lawyer.
, "Oh, but you see, ow, at', I am
not here to give definitions, but to
relate facts." . _.
This reply on the part, 'of Mr.
Hamilton emoted much merriment,
even the Cuurt being compelled to
smile. ' •, , , •
Whent.silence w s .restored, his
nonor desired to k1.1 ow the exact
meaning of the term,
• After a little thoughl the witness
said that in his opinion a dude was
a loud, vulga y overdtressed being
who fruitles, y attempts to imper-
sonate a bor rgentlennini--Hiti walk,
was always the key to his identity.
The dude usually ambled along in
• an absurd and ridiculous Manner,
•the effect being producedhy the i
style in which he' extended las
•' Charlee Doacet, of the Crown
*office, in the coursk of hie , evidence,
thought thet a dude was not a, con-
._tenifituotis word.
Another witness testified that
there wait nothing ip the toillearance
of Mr. itliatnilton to entitle him to
such a compliment, ' He believed
that the plaintiff eressed as an Eng-
lish gentleman to every sense of the
.word, ' , ' •7
Mr. Fred. Colson of the Gazette
1 , /
was next 'called to the hpx. He re-
lated Iiia ea perieoce of dudes in gen-
eral. They were, lie believed, a
cleatof. male being's who paid undue
and unnecessary attentiort to their
Outward - appearane;, and to be
called one is cerrainly a decided ex-
'preseion oicontenipt. In regard to tile
question as to whether.Mr,EarniltOn
would piths for cs dude he dt.cincel.to
reply. The anti le the WiilleBN wore,' tqw-
ever, left the court'to draw its own,
inference. '
After the exrunination of several'
• •
A D:ispatch frisin Greenville Tenn.
• Edvati Henry was shot
and instnotly killed about 11 o'clock
last Tuesday morning by Capt. E.
T. •Johnsen at Haysyille, Greene
County. Sohnecie • left' Oa eenville
armed with a douhlo-haa:raled shot
gun in a buggy, incompany with ri
negro. They rode twelve miles into
the country and spent the remain-
der of. the iiigbt'iii a &table. ,
big that fte'nry waS.in a Store near
by, Johnson ruelied out, took Henri
by surprise, and shot- him twice.
Tire first •shot took, effect in • the
body and the Second in the temple,
• killing • Henry instantly. Officers
who had itarted in. pursuit of Jenni-
son met hitt) returning,: having al.
A Divorce Law Needed.
Six divorce cattes are' entered for
t hy the • Citnadiati, house of
ds at the next sesSiao Af Pattie
:tient. It hi mere than t'atte that
'provision was made for tryjeg such
• :item by another ani mote effieient
tribunal. We intend no disrespect,
ta the Senate when we say that an;
gust body does not diseharge the
fanctiona of a court of law very well,
Hut even if the tribunal. were per..fact • the present system of. trying
divorce cases is highly ohjectioriable.
It is claim legielation of the most
odious kind. The law proyidee p
refnedy for the rich blit none for
itie'poor.' To tell a peer man to gO
to Ottawa and get tin net of Peaks
emit drawn up, tb bring hi a wits
tliet.e and, perhaps keep them
there for weeks, to.pay enormously
,bigh Iciest° cdunsel for attending to
his case tiefore a cotritnittim of the
t:entite -to tell a man to do this
who has no money is to add inault
to injury. No peer man ean do it,
No man of mbderate ineens Can do
it withont running a riek "'of ruin-
ing himself financially. Teo tell
peer weren't to do all this ift tO
• emelt her Misery. .A. rich matt or
woman can get'rid Of a perther that
has violated the mnrringe vow ; but
A POOP peranti must suitor without
Ply remedy, The most galling thing
aimut it is that the injured party
• stay have to support their -*Ives
sing in riper" sin, andinjured wives
l•atte ta help to maintain dehanelis
•• t Inuchant who do nothing for
he home ; t pollute it and take
I heir inlgala in it. We are ne
s ecetes of 'divorce made ea.'sy" hut
0. A 110 emitend for a proper cella 10
grant swift, ifivoreesi at tt test40111010
(met for Scriptural' reasons. The
tv.stordity Of the present flyitteill is
• fllrf4P sen NM the fact that ef-
tor TA evidente has all been put; in
anti the Bill giving relief 1144 pea -
twit the 8enate and tWO Itnilingfi in
tho Chrithihtirt, it igCtttthin to be
fide', is one who does not believe;
but the Lutheran is one who be.
levee differently from others. There
0 a wide difference between belies?.
ng differently arid not believing at
all. The Method at does not believe
some things that the Lutheran does,
but he believes other things in their
stead. Not so the (nfideL He simp-
ly does not believe, and that is all;
he professes no creed; unlesp, indeed,
ft system of negations may be called
11 creed. The New Churchman, or as
he is often called the "Sweclenbor-
gain," believes in the fundamental
doctrines of Christianity -God; bit
manifestation in Christ; the work of
redemption perforroed by the in-
earnated Deity; the need of a divine
revelation; the inspiration of the
Scriptures; a radical change of life
proceeding from the heart and
wrought out as if of ourselves, yet as-
cribing it all to Ood; and in the
eternity and absolute justice of the
final state in the other life of both
good and evil persons. But the New
Churchman has different theories of
these things from the Methodist. It
cannot be said at all that he disbe-
lieves, but that he believes different.
Not so the Infidel. Ile simply does
not believe. Mention any doctrine,
from first principles, to the final state,
and yon simply get, "I do not believe." The word "Infidel" therefore:
justly belongs to the Agnostics; and
not to others, and, so we shall use it,
And yet, we have all respect and
sympathy for the person who finds
difficulties in the prevailing systems
of doctrine, and earnestiy desires to
have these diffioulties removed.
Such a person will not turn his back
on religion unless he is forced to do
so. He wpuld,retherd,eirlhis Ilfe
seeking for the light, be needs. The
ceneequghees of rejecting Christian-
ty a.re too Important.
ready stirrendereti to 'e local officer.
Capt. Johnson hag been in pursuit
of Map floury:fir several weeks,
but the latter had been hiding in
the mountain:a. The beginning of
the horrible affair was in a scandal.
More than a•year ago Henry sedtic•
ed.the Wife of Johnson at Green-
ville. When. the matter Immune
. public Johnson's wife went to In-
dianapolis to her people. • Maj.
Henry' followed, but her son threat.
ened to shoot 'Hetn.y. The son 'in-
formed his father, who was' then at
Knex vi Ire. Correspen den ce between
Jolieson.. and his wife ensued, in
which , the , wife acknowledged• her
Scien after lq oonnnitted
feticide, being at the Flame time in -
eine. Joitneen swore t� kill Henry
on sight, but Henry eluded .him
Capt.., Joitimon was 'Pelted States
• claims commissioner, and he and
Ina wife boarded at the same hotel
at 'Greenville, where Henry
hoarded. Henri was ahRUt fifty
years old, and had a Wife
dreii in New York. Cepe. Johnson
was for many. •Veare en efficient,
worker in the repntolican renkk of
Indiana, the personal filen.' of the
late. Senator Mortonand Gov. l`sset,
ter and ,a lawyer of extensive prac.
MO, Foe . &mist years pest he' heti
Imen unfortunate in more ways than
one. -hie troubles .comprising ill
, health end financial embarrassment,
' as well ftti the tragic fate ,of his
New Rural swindle.
'other. witnesses Ins Honer delivered
. his judgment. He 'distnissed the
&tee, and quoted eminept authorities
on winching deeision' was based.
ift the sewn when the pa-
tent rikht swindler gets in his 'Wok
on the rural community, bv the, old
:lodge of Recu ring signatui'es to some
documeet" which purports tri be an
agreement for the sale or Agency of
some new invention, but 'Which the
victim finds out too late to he a
promissory note for !several huh.
died dollar, The latest form of
thin fiWitlf116 as ikje now being work-
ed in the runt district's of New
York, isle soll a patent meditine
for a email slim and get the purchaser
to Alert an agreement that 11 18 MVOS
him of whatever allinent he May be
aided with, he will pay an addis
Holm! Vice. The signature Onde
obtained, the agreement is but in
two, and gi pro iiiiadeify tide filled in
for any amount desired ovey
name'• is then disposed of th
thfirt party' The getne Will pro,
, • .. „ '
Forgot the Main Feature.
The other day while Major Dori -
ridge was sitting in hts dooryard the
gate Opened and a strange -looking
• than hastily approached. •
• "Is this Majer Dodd ridge?"
.„ sir:" 1 ;
'.0f the Eighth Arkansavr during the
a Ms
"Yes," beginning to lookwith inter:
est at ths stranger.. •
"Don't you remember me, Major?,'
,"Ne, I Can't place you." .
"Take a look at Me," shoving' back
his hat, • •
"Dont rememper that I ever saw
you before."
"I am Hank Parsonsi" exclaimed
the man, bracing himself as 'though
he expected the Major would, rush
into his arms. - •
• "Dcinst recall the • name," said the-
• 'Is it possible? I OP' not think
you Would ever forget me.. I'll re-
yOur Memory. At Shiloh, while
the. battle was -razing in murderous
furii, I found you lying on •the field
shotthreugh both legs. I took you
on my back and carried You to as,
spring'in .th e shade. Now don't you
recollect ther
"Let me see," mooed the Major,
"I remerriber having been wounded;
but I• can' t reetill the filet, if it i8 a
a',..ny one takieg 'me 8.0 a
"rliisis, indeed, strange," said the
disappointed man, "I looked for-
.' ward to meeting you with such anti-
cipations of a warts greeting. Well,
well; the world has, indeed; reached
its ungrateful age: The ecourenceas
as fresh to my mind as though ft had
taken plane yesterday, 01 gave you
drink of whiskey end --0°
• "Whatl" eget:timed the . Majoe,
springing to hie feet: "Gave me a
drink of wniskey! Oh, yes, I rattle'si.
• bee now," seizing the Men's hand.
"Oh 1'11 never forget that drink!
The whiskey was so new that eorti-
meal was fleatieg round- in it, but we
• enjoyed it. Remember you!' Why, I
• Should cave:rt. Why did t you
guard against possible einbarrame
ments by mentioning 801116 of the
Main features of the occurrence?"
The Bight to Orluli.
At a Temperanee lifess Meeting
held ih London East, Town
.1,Ashop-Iialdvvin vAiS one ofthelpeakl
era. The, Right Rev: `gentlenian
mitted that a man (41114 the right to'
"drink, but be asked -those who be.
oclieved in snob a doctrine to lay the
"matter: before Qhrist in prayer, and
"be guided by the dictates of his
"own conscience:" This is eminently'
good adviCe. We give his remarks:
The Hight Rev. I3ishdp Baldwin
paid that the subject which • palled'
forth the most earnest attentiOn of
thinkers to -day was the one they . had
met to disetiss. The cholera had
been raging in . certain parts of
• France and. Italy, but hero the coun
try was parmaiiently.affficted with a
visitation which extended •through-
out the` length and breadth of the
Dominion, and in the great country
from which so many present earneVin
the dridking habit was the .great na-
tional besetting vice. lin referred
to a happy home as the next thing,
on earth to heaven. Jesus Christ
.hiroself was dent into 'the wOrld • to
•teach us the value Of a good -home,
anciino single thing in the world was
such an .enetay to a happy home or
had brOlten,uja so many bomes as the
use .of intoxicating ligtioh. The duty
of each. one anxious lor•the welfare
of And neighbor to do his pant in put
Mpg a stop to 'this evil was 'pointed
out, the speaker Mating that in his
°Pinion the licensed houses were
the creatteees of the peopleof Canada
and could not exist unless the peo
ple told them to go on and prosper.
The greet people of Canadacould
stop them when they would. Th
evil of the traffic was admitted by a.
most.every supporterof it, ai1o.
knowledged .there was 'koznetCing
Wrong' in it, and 'almost ell proposing
some new • coodition under which
drink Could be iced with less evil
•results. Ile pointed out the results
of the evil °Nanking as 'opposed to
thehappiness of the • humane race,
and to:the spread' of the Gospel ot
Christ. The temperance people
wanted a law thrit would be respected
and kept*.;. and the action otthe
churches in treiting up their .young
to lives of total abstinence was pre-
• pairing an 'overwhelming • public;
sentiment ,against -the liquor traffic
in the future. A man • might say he
had a right to drink. • The speaker
would not contradict elicit a state-
ment, but he asked' the believer in
• The Word Infidel.
Tr' answering questions in the
Swedenborgian Church, Toronto, ,the
?attar, Iter. Ps D. Daniels, said he
had received the following question
'bya very reepeotable gentlernatst-
"Ie not the word 'Infidel' used in
general io an insulting manner?
matiometoo Uses it time in re-
lation to the Clitiatian, and Christian
in' relation to Atheists, and one
Chriatifte in relation 80 another Who
differs .from him, WO ahOtild tnoid
terms tail& east opprobrium en
others Who are frequently as honest
its eilt.Seltrea." In reply the pester
iaid thie is' the Wee, feequently ad-
varteed. The Lutheran is mid to be
titi Infidel to .the Rattan CethOlie,
the 1%fetliedisf, to the Laberk, the
New Churehman to the MeModist,
Hair Vigor
retorts. With the 1000 end freshness of
youth, faded or !OILY heir tO alat134,41 rich
brown color, or deep black, as may be desired.
Sy Us usa tight or red hair maybe darkened,
thin hair thickened, and baldness often,
though not alwaye, cured.
It Alecto fawn; of the hair, and smut.
was a weak and sickly growth to vigor. 18
prevent; and curse scurf and dandruff, and
heals nearly every disease peculiar to the
scalp. As 4 Ladiele Hair DrataJoN. tha
VIGOR Is unequalled ; it contains neither oti
nor dye, renders tue hair soft, glossy, and
silken in aPPrarnIMO, and linaasts a delicate,
alreeabie, and lastlpg peanut°.
IHR. O. P. HRH:nett writes from Kirby, O.,
3, : " Last fall Ity tltair commenced
falling out, and la a short time I became
nearly bald. 1 usk•4 part of IL bottle of
ItR's HAIR flame, which lammed the tail-
ing of the hair, and started. ii.new growth. 1
have now fu li hea.1 of balr growing vigor -
away, mud ant convinced that but for the
It your preparatiouti ehotild hare betel
entirely bald."
W. hownY, proprietor of the .3fC.4rhmt•
UMW) R/0/1Iit• I/. says I 1' A VRIVIr ilani VIGOR
te a must d/C14•11411t preParati011 far the bair,
1. speak of it front my own esporience. Ite
use uontraes the growth of new hair, untl
mattes tt essay and Soft. The Vitunt IS GIRO
a snot eure for dandrtlit• Not Within my
aun % le•Igt ita$ the preparation over failed
to uive entire satisfaction:"
Mu. A 'core ran:name, lemur of the
celebrated "Pstirbaint Ffttully " Setntlidi
Voc il.sts, writes from 110410o, Feb, 0,
MI) • " Ever since my hair begun to girt:sil-
t cry evidence of the change whielt fleeting
tiltIU prim:1'mill, I have used AYER.° HAIR
v sloe, 1 ml so have been able to ineinteiu
au appearance of youtitfuluessa matter of
ef nosiderable consequence .to ministers, ora-
tors, aetora, and in fact every oue who lives
in the oyel or the public."
"bios. 0. A. Pnnseorr, 'Writing from is ITN
arlestatoli, Mass, Aing Pi, 1882, 115s:
Two years ago about two-thirds of my hair
same nlf. It thinned very rapidly, and I was
fast growing bald. .On using Arifit'e HAIR
V to At ale •stobped nada new growth
commeneed, end In about a mouth my head
wits completely covered with short hair. It
Ints continued to grow, and ls now as good al
before 11011. 1 regularly used but one bottle
Q( the Vitt, in, but now use it occasionally as
a dressing,"
Wo have hundreas 'of similar testimonials
'to the efficacy of AYttit's Ftrion, je
needs but a trial to convieee the most Avg.
cal of its value.
ranrAram Tyr '
DN.], 0, Ayer & Co., LowellMato.
! H'old ba11bruggists.
. .
^., , •
Arnica & Oil Liniment is the beet
remedy known for stiffjoints. 206-4t
gA Teutonic friend ran a foot race
and lost it, but rarr again and.wOn.
esaid ,firat at -1400f
pehind before." .
Buoy. Low's Magio Sulphur Soap
is highly recommended for all humors
and skin diseases. 307-48
Xiiirost NOVO Setord
Even! We-41100day Nforaillgo
"John, you, seem to gain flesh every
day. The grocery btsiness must
egree with you. What did you weigh
last ?" "Well, Simon, I really, don't
know, hut •it strikes me it was a
pound of butter."
NSIVAexk °OA.,
stT 17I18111 orrice,
Albert Street, Clinton, Ont,
• ...•••••1.1,•Ik
$1.25 in advance ; 2 if net 80 paid.
Costiveness is the cause of the in-
tolerable "bacl breath" of multitudes.
Dr; Henry Baxter's Mandrake Bitters
remove the cause and prevent the
and cost only 25 cents. 306.4t
Q. -What is the Scotchinan's peen -
Rarity ? . A. -That he keeps the Sab-
bath -and everything else.'
'rho proprietorsof Tits QODERIell NF,1114,,
Wring purchased the business alla plant
Of TUE FIIMON REcean, will in future
oublish the amalgamated papers in Clinton,
Ander the title of 4"1'ne 'Imam Newt'.
Clinton is the most prosperous town in
Neetern Ontario, is the seat of considerable
naeufacturing, and the centre of the finest
Agriculturg section in Ontario.
The combined circulation of TueNews-
Retanto exceeds that of any paper pub.
.1:tiled in the County of Huron.It is,
therefore, unsurpassed as an advertising
tnetlinra.• Our rates for advertising are:
'NATIONAL Pirs,s• ire it mild purga-
tive, acting on the stomach, Liver
and Bowels,removing all obafisietionS.
• .307-46 .
' :."That's thy butcher," 'Said an actor
to.a friend, at the seine time pointing
to a lean,cadaverous-looking mon
juet . piessing. • "Ldoke . pretty bad,
doesn't he 'T" .".lie doeslook„
was the reply. "He looks '08 if you
had dealt With 'him a long- time,
.cloesn't he ?" subject iinmedi-
ately changed: . ••.
1 column 1 year. $90 *column 1 yews $.30
1. " • 0 mos, 50 * " 6 'nes, 18
1 " 3 mos. $Q " 3 mos 12
" 1 year, 50* " 1 year, 18
" 6 mos, .80 * mos, 12
" 311)08, 18 * 8 mos, 8
Advertisements, vethent instructions as
to ewe and time, w 11 be left to the judg-
ment of the compositor in the display, in-
serted until forbidden, measured by a
eale of solid nonpareil (12 lines to the
nth), and charged 10 cents a line Or first
nsertion and 3 cents a line for each sill.
eq tient insertion. Orders to discontinue
advertisements must be in writing.
it'W Notices set as .IIRARING 'HATTF.13,
(Nonpareil measurement, 12 lines to the
-itch) 10 cents per line first insertion ; 3
refits per line each ttibserment insertion.
We have ono ofthe best appointed Job
Offices west of Toronto. Our facilities in
this department enable us to do all kinds
of workfrom a (With card to emu:moth
pester,In the hest Style known to the
craft, ruta at the lowest possible rates.
Orders by mail promptly attended to. .
Address, .
The News -Record,
canton. oat
• December., 1882.
FRUEMA'N'S Weasaciwneriti ere agree-
able to take. and expel all kinds of
worms from take,
or adults. .
. •367.,4t,
A little boy being asked whnt.the
chief end of an r ditor wns, replied--
"The.end What's got the head on."
fits. Mina.' Tuns of Toronto
was afflicted with ' ape Wo to, feet
orwhich WAS re oved, b7:43 e b e
Dr. Low' orm Syrup. 07
• • •
If you want .anything fine
'in.JOB PRINTING, leave
• your order at "The News
• Recbrd" office,
Carriage Works.'
LUMBER AND SHINGT.F.S taken in exchange. Give me a call and 1
will give you prie,ea that cannet be beaten le the County.. Or Repairing and
.1lorseshoemg clone with de:mete:h.
3 -01a...1 -1\T SIJIM
'Memo to inform his old customers and the public generally
• that he Ines again opened out In the
Carriage and Waggon Business
On the Corner of Huron and Orange' Streets, Minton,
In the Brick Building k'nown as the "Mountcastle property," where he will carry
on the trade in ail Its branches. an experience of over 20 years In business in
Vlinton wIU enable him to nteet the requirements of the public In lds line. All
nuderlal of the very hest quality and the workmanship unsurpassed. Call and
examine before purchesing. All the latest Improved rigsmanufacturecl and kept
121C'Repairing and Repainting Promptly Attended to.
TX A R.111/, risutitt, the renowned Ton-
sonal Artist, has obtained the wfsietance
• of a firstmlass Barber. SAT Ali the latest styles
of latites' and gentletnen's hair -cutting. One door
emit of the Ofuninereittl Hotel. . .
• *'09
such a doctrinem
to lay the atter be- - O. 0 '
fore Christ in prayer,:and he guided 41„.,„/asi
in his action by thedictates of his secv , •Vr-Lst
A Safe linvestateat.:. •
Investing • twenty-five cente for a
bottle of "Tegyard'e Pectin* Balsam,
the best throat and lung healer
known. Cures boughs, bronchitis.
asthma and all pulmonary coMplairits,
• '3838
Lady (to Nurse from the Midlands,
viewing thetrackless aett•for the first
time.1---There; Jane, that is the sea.
Jane (with hazy geogrophioal notione
and some diaguatt-Yees, mum; but
...where's the.Furrin Parts .
Why go about •with that .tiChing
• heacl 7 Try Ayer'is Pills, They will
relieve the stornacli, • restore the di-
gestive orgatis te healthy action, re.'
move the. obstructions that depress
nerves and brain, and thus cure your
headache permanenasc. •
• What has bedenie of our thanly
ef them are the huibands of womanly
men? tenth an exchange, Well, some
women who are engaged in raising
ehildish children.
Decided Mt.
lIagyard's YelloW Oil touchee the
right spot every tittle when epplied
for rheumatism., neuralgia, pain, sore-
ness or latrienetarond internally for
colds, sora throat, eto., it is equally
New flervant-"01 if vou haeen t
Children I can't come, because,
whenever there is anything broken
there will be nobody to 'blame it on
but rtio."
The history of Downs' EV xirls hien.
tified with the history of New Eng
lend for the last fifty years.'. It cures
coughs and colds. 30546
A boating frierel of ours says that
inn -keepers would make good gold
lers,beeause they charge stet-
likienien's Arnica. salve, *
Tug DEM' 5AIN4111 the World for (hits,
fltaileee, Some, Clem's, Salt Itheem,
'Fever' Sores, Tette'', Chapped Banda,
Chilblaina, Corne, end all skin Erne.
dons, and positively ttl11:04 PITON Or no
nay requieerl, h le guariteteed to give
perfeet satisfitetion or money refunded,
PrIte 26 eclat) per'bAl" ;k BAIA
fl I
: Prompt Measuriest
l'reirript 'beansshould be•used to
break, am sudden colds and Cure
coughs.in their early' stages.* Hag -
yard's Pectoral Balsam does thismost
speedily and effectually, 303 38
If you Would have appetite; fresh,
. color, strength, and vigor,:take Ayer's
•Sarsaparilla, whioh will confer them
Upon you io rapid succession.
•AUSIVer This: Questiott
Whydo so many people we see around
no, seem to prefer to suffer and be. nunle.
Intseraide by indigestion, Constipation
Dismiss's, to of Appetite Coining up or
the Pond, YelloW Skin, • when for 75cts;
we Will sal them Shiloh's .Vitalizer,gual-
nuteau to cure, Sold by 3, H. Combo,. .
johnne came hornet from oclioct
the other day very muoh excited.
"Whatdo you think, pal Joe Stewart;
oho of the big bora had ati argument
with the teacher about a question in
grammar!" "What position did Joe
take 7" "His last position wail across
a chair with his 'face down," •
. No natter.
No matter Where pain, lameness or
soreness exists, Ilegysrd'e Yellow.
Oil taken or applied will give 'Mined
ate relief, and a.posittve ont•e quit:jay
follows 10 use,• 308.38
An apothecery's assistant Made up,
a prescription, Anti rotted ' that his,
customer had paseed on itlin it bad
half crown told a AIX penny piece.
Ile told his employer. "Never mind,"..
fond the philosephici apothecary. "If
the nix penny so good there,isat clear
profit of -threepence:"
An Agreeable Surprise.
These who try Thirdook Blood tit-
ter(' as a regulator of the bowels, or
to purify the blood, aid digestion, re-
gulate the liver and knineye, or
strengthen tired netute,are agreeably,
surprised at the preinpt benefit de-
rived. 308 38
Ilivitiryin trade is shown id the
CABO of two eitusage dealers in NHS
With shops erlioining. One of then"
lots painted on hie glass wincidet'Oket
n pyramid of saitsegea, "At thirty
tentitYieS e pound -to pay more its to
her/tidied- while the other piths his
• It excites expectoration and causes the -lungs
to throw aro,. phlegm or mucous: ehatees the
secretions am 1 tarthes the blood ; healx•the irrt.
• thted parts.; gives strength' to the di6efaise.
• organs; brIngs the liver to it4 ptoper action,
• andimparts strength to the whole system.
• REPECT lIEG it is warranted to break kb .the
• most distressing' cough in a few hours limo. 11
not of too long _standing; • It ls warranted TO
• MOSt confirmed cases ty" CONSUMPliOlt? 11 is
warranted not to produce costiveness most rem.
edies cause this trouble) or affect the head,
as it contains no oPitsmin any form. /0 is war
'ranted to be ler/ally harmless to the mos(
• delicate child, although it is an active and Pow.
erful remedy for restoring the system. 7/sere
is no real necessity for sermany deaths by C'on-
'stentillitin,.Wilea ALLEN'S LUNG BAL$A1,1wIl
prevent it if only taken in time, To Physicians
baying consumptive patients, and who, having.
failed to cure them with their (Wit medicine, W..
• would recommend to ENG ALLEN's LUNG 1.3.A15
Wahl atrial' Sold dy all Druggisis.
• Olt:Whitt A Cough. !
. ,
•' Will you heed the warning. 'Th
•sigual,perlitips of the sere approach o
teat more terrible disease Consunnition
Ask. yourselves If you ettli aiterd for the
sake cif saving 5Qcts., to run diet's
and do nothing itir. it. We know fro'
expel !once Cure will cur
your Cough. It never falls, .This ex-
• plains .why More than a NI tillein• Hot
•ties Were mold the past, year. It relieve
Croup, and Withowng Cough, it once
Mother; 'do not be without It. • .96
Lame Back; Side or 'Chest, . use Shiloh"
„Poreua Plaster. , Sold by". 11 comne..
' • 203-1y.
Scene :-Waverly Station, Edin
burgh, 4 p.m. Inebriated East coun
tryman, who le holding on by railing
at foot of bridge: "Sic -sie a perdeeo
ment Railway porter :
what's the matter, ma man?" , Ind)
riated East countryman "Oh, oh
Sic- sio-sio a perdeecament 1 if
nuat ma hand, I'm sure tae fit'; an' i
1 hand an VII lose ma train I"
4 IrAttt on wooho Bomb or gun
prAy & Lanman'a florid& Water mice
with the water et the bath is of peal
Use to iritt'alids and all delteat
or. nervotas persona, as it revive
and braces up the failing- strength
Mid soothes the most irritable ner
vous system.,
An old lady gave this as her tdell
of a great man ' One who is keerfu
of hts clothes, don't drinki speerits
ken read without spelling the words
and eat a cold dinner on Wash da
without grumbling."
Oyfiltepttla & 1.41Yer COuplalfit
Is 11 11')' worth the price Of /
eente to tree yourself of ever" syiflptoir
of these distresahig complaints, If yo
think so cell at, our store end get, it hot
tie of Shiloh's Vitalizer, every bottle ha
it printed gnerantee on it, use decor
d 1 figly mid if it, does youno good I
will cost, yott nothing. sold by J. II
co he. 203-Iy
• .
_ , ,„
NOC cy oil le all ter
Up be thstaNeetien whether a lad
Abel recofnize a gentleman whit
he 1Whaving 'his ell6e8 blacked on
street tiortme, •
• A Rttetensful
Mr. Bloomer, of liamilton, Ont.
Puttered for malty years. With A pain
fi,lronnin t sore upon One Of his leg
W.A.M"'W-E3 az CO, •
Lg ea' aI/1
Ph•ysioians' Prescriptions Carefully and Accuiately Compounded,
••and Orders Answered. with Care and Despatch:
" The Public will lind our $tock of Medicines Complete, Warranted
and of the Best Qnalit'y •• •
Tejlet Soaps, Perfutpory,, Shoulder Braces, • Trussee, Sponges, ana all
kinds of Druggists' Sundries usually kept that First-Olass Drug Store., ,
. .
OM 4 3
thia g, pi
uoar It! ,
NNW 3SOOK. +iv pie deectlere rua:
amftwet...„..x.,... Work. Nal
une. meow.. wetweriseas at as
fancy Pfwearewers. ItisturaetitirUp
OVC/P 400 1111,14tralttOttat .,
ation-than baveever before bear gathers.* within tha lessee -
alaveryon ..Tascii.v.. beill:79.61r.""Jar7Cassul sliasiguliestarsisK:T..k11111
Tidal is users!. for dresser houseboat decor-
winfilrAIX1tbis tooglet tkoLargItniula.lreu. oommea".....
Amitskugscu,,Tu,meneti.c.wusitisas.i.ova.keenitr.imat, Wok
Paskets,Tabletop Pattern% roldiec Serimara
Sofa Cushion% Slipper Pattern% Wall Tack.
Fiala bindles, with rieb liwiell•L
cts,Towel Rar.kr.Tidles,Wort Sac% Cada.
alls.Chair Holster% School Sam Paidwereek.
piTtueleowtsman,d..Bau.rdiaps,k.thWo.ued.Wfasirokors.., do JAI::
Shoe locs. jewel Boxes, learned Jarloak
falmtrietle‘e;eil!lisgao'fjcPciffcefriiinitill?dlies.tsir:lifintug6:'-a""°":"4":"L•rerf .8r"-"Veleetal":748;
in fancy work. •
0=7 SU2100? bar prettoao to said
2.1.41,0a nalbria•ab.da•aa:m.o.0.1, A ... irv;
ionand ianvaluable o all whoalorefncy weak.
tosolcr40canlsa:ry.We 0aa•nyrearlper
• NAL for sin months. Addtess PEOPLE'S PINESSOR
JOURNAL, 240 Ireadway, N•w•VOrk• f •
ft- YOU
Leading Local Paper
OF THE 001714TY
• American,
• British and
• Foreign News
Are corrected • every Tuesday
afternoon, just before
• going to press'. .
• Production
A. A,
'11/ itt *OA
„ id-
./ '
. • . • .
The time for House: -Cleaning is near. - All witeting
Parlor, .Diniarr-ROora. or
/: . . . a 1 -
• Rooni;.Papers,
-...will find the ••
and Latest Patterns
_ii N----
2,11 Tilos g •
. . t -
Bazaar 10ashioe Books for 1883 are out and 'can be had
the papers and get, 'Boole,. •• •, '. • , ',..
di ... B. VT LER'
Cheapere than any onion, top'cif the Earth.
' •
.&C '
. , .. ,. . ..
,sais-;••,\ ..
1 .,,, GOLDEN -CREAM ,... .
4'. i• ..."1' ..1-1.4.' GiR.o.MIVIM - 33,01R,..
• \ The best preparation known to Bei once for beautifying the •
_..t . 'pig . . • . • • - .
,...1. ,„..„,- '4" - ' 0•.)P3 SIN,GLEI AFFLICATION is warranteq. to
. Boautify.the I. ace amitlyte to the•Fadulor Sallow € ran- •
•Rp„.r t,..;,.> ,, . , plexion a -Perfectly Healthy. Natural, and Youthful.
- \.1)
., # • _ "'' Appearance. It conceals Wrinkles. Fred:10. Qrow's.
„...,,.e. Foot, and the EvIdence usage, leaving the . Skin, Soft,
:.,,•1 •,,, Smooth, and White.. ••
1,r;, •'<,_-N PRICE -50 cents. Sent to any. address. Poshige
. ' Kt stamps taken. Address all letters to •• ', , .. •
1.•, CREME ri. oe,.. Drawer .2,678,:Torento 0.0. -
Ask your druggist 'for' it.• Wholesale. by ell whole-
Trade Mark. , solo druggists. . . . .
. .
i;.e.-; ,:•.!:. : y . ' ! --Zi- /.7 IA/
. •-::i 7t 7' . .... - ..
•s: • ' • - .
'. -
. . . . ,
, --;wirn ma-
• New Stock of ScOtch and 'Canadian
Over200ting3,•Ti•Ousanngs, and 'Plain and Fancy Worsteds MY
. well selected, ' M.. Fischer to the front for the cheapest, ..h.e!st trimmed
• Shit, In the county. Commandsee for yourselvesOne price, to
, your boYs, if youlave not gat the time. Try ON.K.IdALL RIF your
. • '111R,1VIS CAST
.. ..., . , • •
. .
ethek kr. °lean and
and beet fitting
all, • Methere, send.
next Suit... .
. -L...
. . -.-,-.0-._..--_,-_,
,. West of England, Scotch
et.Trousenngs,'English &
, Goderich, bas a splendidly assorted 'tock
. Ordered atut . Ready-made Suits at the loweet
. best of trimmings Used, and perfect tit,s guaranteed.
FURNISHINGS always. In sloek.. Call
of new
mei see,
Dill line
•• -
n: .48ultings
ors. teds.
of -none but the .
Pay you.
: Novi-
, •
Booi I
. -IX•
- -
. --tra,
. .
.• •
. 3
1 Victoria
' st
Clinton, Ontario.
. --......_0 0
b ' -*awing received' my....-.
Spring and Summer Stock
, (fly, SII011.14, 8801 *mild dell the attention Ott'a public to the Salto.
' kiY' VVOITiell'fi Xld 110603 only SIN; -
ea' Men'sviloy's and Ohlitirereat cheap, actordingly.
Or Trunks and Valises very them). .
Team and Carriage Iiarness theapet than ever. Silver Mounted Single
Ilarnes8 only $14, . ‘
ttelty Cerflegek it Urge *moot at Almost half prIte,
tg, 16,000 Buneho Mull Mutt line ntul Cedar Shingle, for ele,olostp;, •
ft- YOU
Leading Local Paper
OF THE 001714TY
• American,
• British and
• Foreign News
Are corrected • every Tuesday
afternoon, just before
• going to press'. .
• Production
A. A,
'11/ itt *OA