HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1884-10-15, Page 2Advertisements this DaY. of tile three important matters refer. I Tbe Torotutv Yews boa, a cartoon It 10 going tuo rouliam, of the Scott twinkle I wilks and CoCkle", crabs toillibritlem on our frisritO ilquarawould, 0 Any The life boats being built bv Ur.
Act jo�iiruals that lit thak. 1640 Atwom follow 1,11 I-Hogv'us, notblug I can woullint fill It, much loar th4 Town 11*11, to its Afariton are now, prograsiliag sailbirati.
red to. Mr. 1.014ke. gave very un% represou6no. Sir John witlik % broomp 'Ca"O"lly and it"'mismont torily The delay In their cow , ple-
-1, W'Inted-Ilret. On is. PICU6011. web$ yesvii only 12,000,0W busbols of bar- Swallow I 401io cried at last, Waiterl" ualwoo& capacity Cum LELANDI
fult be satisfied, mail one uovolty jusly excel
certain sound in all. Thougl) tboso swoepio$ away calli labelled tion URv been cause4by We wok
9 ley was usod in Canada. �ofiordlo I into(
in 314011nes-0, g "Yea,serl" "Dread for twelltv I I souttor to 1,004 to this 04.1vation.
iti; es alid 9 fi doubts held existed ever oince. Con. ',,,I,ut, �,uksl.".- of prrouer material, whom evviybody kWWA All the 0=008tur
The, failure to ogicifil raturno, which we IAAvQ oball starve in tuida& of plentillik An amusing Inswca of the kind occurred rp 0 - -he
lately 14 tlw Inarrufacturills town of oldhom" Rallwalt Committee hs jubilant Allatia"ar or t
federatidn, Its got,;Iil duillticithing to Vawoett� of London, with a AlAt now before as, the quantity of witIll And now because some medical on ilit, occaslou a the ontiusu. holiday of the over "A le4er froult UP. Van Horne
reform, Sir 1ohn found something work of private banks Al over in �kal your worki clasties when, as they poured forth The letter it Is understood is full of Largest Hofd Entoprises
wost- arinfacturod%during the As like" o.ay alcollolictirlitir, even wbon, "Lix homes to the, several Tell
in temperately uxeJ, 4 not good coca, says that wbile a paperger from.
to refurtin the ancertaink conFitruc- eru vatal-io has evidently suggested, 83 was 85,016,1222 lbs.; or, round frow
r sta U Iola XV11K onA.UrAgement$ and points out tile
tions,ailikoctuturrotint000 versat or Am
numbers$ the equivalent of 2,500,000 the bodily health, the. moijo . ri ty of jL shrewd m0pharlip who was standing by. And. road for the committee to follow, Now York on board a ship going aroutul Calle,
.Qw flon of our coustitntiouor the Con, that legislation sweeping -Amoy -40011 bushels. T lion a discussion aroso as to whattlor the 6%lva- Ulu J,' llorn, fit life .Party days or orkilotatiou to CAI- I
I -X TcT I= we And. a half " liflieter Greelp, son of Capt *
federation Ac slicla of, wAlt made ifit Canada I;L the people.are asked to prohibit its tiork processions or the MorrisDancorm proved Green, fell'do u the after hatell or ituriiia, he learned that one of the Officers of
I , at W
t beingat highly folper- conce�uif will be in order at next b"
YE -Ar. use vxvept oil tire certificate of a to be thegreater attraction or this most age- the Jana Meteod bust Thursday tual vQaLi. Ata caroalituw1f, oaringtim VQy- I
ative reforrm, and to opi Of Parliament. majority, tire coafful =or . toy getter. Our rough I-Oking
inedical tuark. The morning. The boy fell awkon$ game ag,, of air obstluato d:sesso by tho vo. of
thereaneitt haye been slightly erron In the last Report on tlio,adulberi- state bas,pq a x rolse battle ssid th�tju 101 Younger dayj be a
_nioro rigbt t, � v. e OdclVayfid the W111010m a salli barrels r_c9jQpC � sevol-� Abu
1"a a 4,Morviil, Dancer, ; - --a-, I .k. Ayer 9 s
_�56 allied, Judgment tion of food, mad- by the Commis- its powor to coerce. all men front 8 . u "
COUNI)v and the party, will witbout On� KIINW A And that as an attraction the Morris Bancorp 1118 an somak bad brill es,' a Mrsapaiff5k.
would beg the 6alvation Anny hollow and -bones were broken.
doul)t reform' liliew. Thn JAcenlie, f6r $580 A.-alutt the plitenix fodge, sionorof Inland Revoutio,.-Allall, lie temperately using liquorlik, even .00 -pon
i opplacpaoil , tied heartily, and libersally. It is reported that Ur, P. C. Strac. since thou Xr, Z -Also has re"nalnelaactit
civil states. that "the must when backod up by niedical mail, N. Ayzws sAito"AnirLp. in really viullim
Act power has not yet been defined, of Oddielloma, at the Toronto dangerous pitoneti their opplaore into the large bin boz ban hAssold hissobooner theMidland
-But," he added, with q� ard of I fail,
bgutlioybavatoproiiibito6iltiie.isfro we carried rotor 1,11 cases, wadire has never yet be. to
Ikut it will 1--o ere long, anil whether Assizes ]list week,, for Injuries sus- adulterations are tihose of drugs, milk in knowing twiakle, Ip bill eye oIt W Rover to a residentof Roxt Arther,
op. tespriet-
ALCI liquorp," In tho, iritprestof the using pickled salmon, veal putlets, able their, so ) flat the and rumor also addo that it is well ure to effect a radlealcure.
w the practice is (i
the PoosNion contention iR right or tained wbile lie woo li�ing ittilliate, iblic, Wmigbt be ac . sold. Since writing.the above. we have Some years ago one of BIT. Lr:TXNrk`a farm
.1 . flopount o
11ron fl- exord, Aer con'suiullig pu , yis- oaugagN greeiw4 etc., flecaUse On tire maximum , F brave with the m tilum in laborers bruised his, log. Owing to the bad
not, it was the part ofan itatelligent The defence was that the Led was Able, uOw that A wave 'Of sympathy authority of saline medical men It, "O"bof labor out of al, gullable public." In learned that the Alidland Rover is on state Of his blood, all %1gly scrofulous pwolling
for tb this the Salv4don. Artay beat the Morris share nearPort 11tiren, dismosted.
.a bodily health, of the people is
a way be-lujurious to cortA ilid* or -
lb ro lit
0841411 statermAn to have that not liable for the Acto of Its Men spreading overthe I ivi- Dalace.ria, CIL if or a of their procossiorp, or The BIgin with lumber for 8ecord
zilid, to Scott Act duals. even a ealltbutoplon body apijeared. the hall rlblo Itchilig of tile, slIln, ldth burning and
tail, WedinesifUlly, October 15 slid 001411 niattorit nottletl by conipet� which formed no part of the core, milk anti iltugs'ast well as Jiquor, and the market s.%uare would be alike desert. 4Co arrived in harbor on Friday 4arting pallto through the leollp, nmde ilro
of initiation, 4alige Gait Cmull6tent authority says they Are ed to follow thor giower attraction. and at once. c The leg becrunct, (mor.
- ant and final authorit _0e highest Many ommenced unloading- almost Intolerelblek.
all 41(laniverours", 111101V !k Is 110011leil We have bad several Oars experience of Peckle Bad Boy at Victor!#* Hall Callously enlarged, anti ran;lIng ulcers formed',
A 7118211(7.y I Vl) SCOX.+ Cou,ta in, -the Umpire. Mr. Blake thoun-lit diffispelitly, with %4e above the Salvation Aney, w.lit I� profflaired to be a -on Monday evening raoat certainly .41sebarging groat quanUtioi of extremely
would have dilly-dallied *od liave rehull t- As Md'30�'.. day of October has "'lleloua inuvolut at. but, during all that tium did not help io confirm parental at;- oiron.sive matter. Z;o treatment will of any
The Sea# Act carried in Simcoe . I the sole application of their aniple funds, To -
Won announced as the day upon oklivod froic-st gullible )file been ta pay thority, avall until the Piaui by Arr. LFLAXvIs dlrec�
kept these important queetiono, ill ouu ty laist week by A majority of 11tion'. Was surplie(I with AVVW0 SAROAPA.
Dr. Cascadei0i Agent in two elec� which 4 veto IQ to be takell Oil the vagrautf officers, UoILLITU.'r,11i:-Ilts, %9quIro fills. The Ariel arrived in. port on Wed -
11 Tl AS IqAsseti i ota A proveTh Itbrit abovb 1,100. 16 falwuld be a m4ter hold publish ;a p4hi, and Irr ..........
that "mixed otaid- mu"lod" eondit�- ng, 4 blasphemous 14WAr TULILA, lCylilell, skuptyell 0
,eformer, sworn for Qugr' 817' heated the forest, removed the strolling, and
I'lloso who tions, a life4o Scott Act, it may be in order to re- Cqva,' fill t, a Army choi,t, and when the a,- nedday, reporting the- loss of
atulation to ail IOVOKEJ of t
ion lie find his con(twe -Sir R-Jeharlt] before the R1 ibcry Commission last inor lity that the majoritv is so peat iti substance wh4 we some ble burets, its sooner 6r litter It will, the rrce.. I bousand feet of her cargo, washed omplotely restored the Unilb to use*
Jlem,' howover, often do. . by 'Ua0wright so much d(Aighteth iin. time ago atited in reference to vo6- hot" property thus held in the names of In- overboard in the storm, The. Ariel 4r.T,Vr,A
handsome sailed again on
ter incoireutly ' uoting or disw week, that lie would not belie large. If majorities, are any critcr* in dividuat oilleers will occur* fl. Friday.
ve him . gon ani theparrying intooffi-co thO retiring allowance for - the pr�jecorsf. of the
lon, public sentiment in that coualty idilig a majority of all th 0 fathoms, A, (special) Vestry meeting was hold 401n
on oath, tljskt lie knew him. to have Act, prov Ayer s Sars
EDITORIAL N0748, must be strongly in favor of the Act, With them #,charity begbroathome, Is What in sr'. Plaule, School. Room on Monday apufflak. �
: Itatistics are oftmi nimitioned fly pe�i.urefl himself, and his word We must theretore believe th4t thkro Voles. cast are in favor of it. boo beerr &ttke by them outside, that; citmi) T evening when there. was %. large A on
t- for witill; out
covss; and,
II hat roUgietm foundations have they
,ocaltes of . thd Scott Act ELF; stlpw Queb-c Parliament Building would not be taken where known is evifiry probability of' it being on- 'glitise whoL are entitled -to vote aided? tPlAdAnce or niembers. Thlor L.Rdles' after careto observation, do arcs that, in
forced and the best possible results. are thtikso who are qualified. voters Vi'llathoopitalssustibIefl? WbAthookeshave -Aid Society reported as tolto wor�, his belief, there Is no nieXcluat In the wor14
'1j41g their (Ildlin that tile major were blowa.up on Saturday. Mr. McKitieti neighbors. gave, him a bti,,I)le und they provided for the poor and needy ?. They the re equal to it for Via cure, of Llvcr lulklorders,
portl however, being domestic
BT a er it offocted., Were at electionlifor the House of (,'am. ouccour them not. Already European nations !it its character we refrain from pub Gout, the afroctis Cof,bigh. living. Smtlt
ity small, the chances of
ion of cri ine and affliction is tile llvea'lo�t.. similar send off. And these are the ri itions. Tire vote, is to be taken b have deal red that the objects of the Army Xtboutia, Sores, . Eruptions and all ilbe
honest" linen whoin Alowaf, Hardy th: 7"Jb' being enforced would be are not the' a.4vanoomillat of religion but the Jishing it. 'Ale way state,. wever,
uga are spread of Aparchy and profunityj and the that tire prospects of th :'church If bloodt diocitsco,
tilt of intemperance, III tile small and w.), would poofidefitly, look ballot sad flie other proceedi . I M Various Cortina 9
The Now I wi0i to Ilele- inordlilary parlis pros is brought in akL At this Bills of tile We Itave �klr. LrLAND'O porm',lailon to Invite
11-teoull language of all alleged "ork IferaU siLys Sir. stall, Frazer conspired for r4cro than the bidivary amount 'Duel) the saluo at', I liuve brightened so, rauoh as. to leave
0 Thus agents for Athitle the General in chief is -One Moore no doubt as to its proper austenta- all wholitaydeolrefurther evIdentat [a regard
risti,in, Clinton speaker ot No, 2 JT01111L Macdonal-I is,, art his arrivol vato the statudard" of morality it) b! &a well as all the tnentary eloctiqua. 11 his addWk.,jit 06the Temple, 118 to 'o powlirs of
0on. to the extraordhlaryL ouraci
viciousness and immorality. illicit hoth sidea lairle alivollited, eleotors 'IY24 Naverly Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y,,, find Avrit's S,�USAPIUIL)IfA to Ceal 111111% rCrII1011-
ool .46ulw', Hulle'tt, last w4k, tile in Lont$on, to 'have ;Lan 'ititerview legiulative niatt-irs.
selling, otc., incident to: a repressive 143 ay 6o -oworti, and Qli lother hici- thei- official gazette k4m on the iraTrint 01pub- On Friday eveniog last, at the Irigh ally either At his r occan I.Olel,
na'are Long Drench, or #
ttentellt is a tills " We have taken witil f4orld Derby measure not bac ad by public se4ti-' H. Moore, I is to 12 , IV overly School Literary Society's enterta
oil itit ' 0 question of dontals Of or4inary elect'ie' =.N`11;0klyu.1, W9 doubt it is.round to ment the following the popular Leland, lIctell
trollb!n tt) look up Dorninjor, Jauiacia ooming into (01brifederati6n, wellotitoo thattboLondon Division went. siroilarl- There are also , programme Wits- Broadway
P01110tieS be a pa7ing kkheot� and in the bapdo. of every r, th aad?,stii streets, xow York,
"TOsOlUtidlit !recent, presented and quotiesslully carried MAND's exteusivi knolvIct1go, of tho
g4 Prange, PaSS84 vided for securing secrecy, pro. soldier. By it we learn that there Is � w ide, Mr. LL
Itistit.s. In thl, pro
last official Re- Tho New York Tribone prints an ineudhig a rioductrion of tire number We are charged With beinj incon. field yet for now attractions to draw a crowd. but. gooll.donal by this unequalled eradicator o.1
Creutina frik rid. And brihery, in Limidat, In the 174r Cry of September I ILth We Sye told 'Reading, Mr. T. Swanson blood Polsons enriblea him to Give inquirorL4
t its to Pell i tell l.ia ries ill �Nlladakn slatent because Iie advocate probibi. . ft 1. 1
interv-1ow of.its froproselita.tive with of members 6f the Cnutity Council, t)ig or porsonating voterlit, and tile that one of the 0aptains 11dressetil'up for 'heoltation,'61i4s Agneiv Zuriolkyalauble luformation.
fil'd tbitt out of 136 Convicts ill tioif-of the manufacture of liquorf -d Jeaus" but whether in- ptints or petiiooats to Solo, Alias Berry
Sir John 'Wacdowald, who said Of rettervation of th6 peace I * -i - AU
p a pr as El> 13T
-uitfintittry, otily 43 had by.inureasing'tho nuh4ber of qualified bevarago, and yf�t. oppose proldbi-, d,. for., flob, stated, And it proceeds to state 112tAr .
w aid m%ny -oro ridionlous rine
Ill'stoll B Ch things than S I Xr.,$eaborile
,,.While tille aff4it's of the I)011liflioll voters In in 500 to 1,000'for Dfkput�y tl,u i,,ainso the snte of.it as a hover, Army, we have not got the, 00) Dr..J.C. Ayer& Co.-, Lowell, Maties
'ell of illlenip�iato habits. Tli%t A -uiajoiitv-bf the votes palled the Salvation
�V("rjj. fl 11, of riding -through tho-strealits-ou all Read , -Miss,Williame., gold by all Drucalots. 151. six bottles foF85.
e -a tetunq " Swanson
thi-r tljrf TRO." -will loRWas 'lly.-attellt'611 tQ', a. Reeves. This- is the, -chief basis, ago -After it haul'beout m�nufb'Lctuirie'ti barriey the' -A t.:!L It'jif an iongt ing,
c erroneou.4 au".114 Xs not this a niettyanevinkien of bile Readim, J.
I va For o'nv'of intomparAte habits.
greater.or less extent when I am in
upbu which any 'reducti6ii of the
If the 6tate shoulA license a mail to
iNppolikition, As sento thilik,that there
Salvairion . Artuy teaching r
Reading, 11P.
we abolish temperance be.
r g la
11 lid, still I have no, special ob-.
. .
eeves 'should be wa e.
n'umber of R, a
import, buy and keep a b ull, knowing
it to be vicious and 11 able at ally tittle
niust be A nia) -rity of' -tile elekt�
The same lailue tells us �#Silvor and gold can
aidilhem in this.,, and in subsequent ikkpU�S'Wo
N46ar - the, Squnre livos a p retty
Ject In ilia Visit, except my bealth.`t
and was su,, sted in the"a Collin
to destroy life and property, it would
gre on the, r.oll, whetbar.-they �ote
hati7s, inatructi one for'. the - sutiordinat:9
oullig Alias,
t I, rk,`6 ii ikivs as many tem perato
orsomi iti'vro colivictud of critob as
U. r. Justice It 0.4 e, I i receiving
s6ille Unio ago. Increase the- unit
not be right to ha. 'M atilig, hou�b or
oblierwise mairri, toiglir6 And tantalize
or not An attenipt was' n)ado
last seosion to pass a Stattito flor a.
ficeraboir to obtain and Apply them', t6ua,(,Glve
W it to oollootion—oweeting all 0ay crowd,
j, d,
Who was-fislood'-by her beau bQr7a kies.
Devourely contented
iro weru of intenipwrato h4,bits1
the pye sentment of tire. GrAnd -Jury
of repretientai.ion.
tlioaniinal.t)iuHl,ogailk.ow4ed, 'I 'he
thillo, to this 'ilp
lips ill
Cealhed $140,' -,There are money VVIA
1,* ' L - s
_tUp_WAek _k-thoutzrmam F u -M oNIKI 1144�
_�nd we Cato 'not toll whence it a 0 wit a
And tbete Up XA py.
w-loakad-te at Qte-
igmt6n Sol 0
y W
J, per
satio iun IT lau
ty, - - id -
-not _fiyeee
a !his to tinter it to their credit," I hus all
Goderloh has A splendid ap eu.
lit �lw St, N illeplit Cie Paul Pebi-
a a
we i orred 111p.- rwiharie
Of th" tell.' perance'agitafion. We
the county pros . a know better, Wan
ing or�owmug frue I an is
qually unfair to inaim, torture�alxd
ialinediatel fity of
y. after ii n;ajo tile
remittances are to be made to head.quarters
in Brooklyn, ' Itiq fou'rid to bea paying bus-
But her a interrupted tilo'bliss
iary tbi-re wvre convicts
clip the.' Guelph- Herald the
jrudge and jury, th.. guiltilit.188 of -the
tilutalize the liquor trallic after the
State legalised
ed in itre favor.
eletitorwhave declar'
hiess flAdLthere are indicatl6na of a c . ontinaed
- And ax l6who's thisy6ung fellow,
P I;al)itd were ten)DLraie. to .5o.
BeAtrAshes Rod are the un.
has the Article k4orv,
Si � ty. days, njuat slapse and then -the
sormnib.o for the, gold and silver. , %Ve hibar
that the Captain Hainbly is bool&
v Was"?
I intoniperate habita.
follo, witiga.4 his ret!34�ko.-
fortunate 0onvicts over.dgiain.'. One
ing that it is, at any time liable, to a
greater or less extent, to se'rio. a,
Do,,,,,, left Goverhilleirt canTroclaim
the ActLto beiri, force at tlkV time
rooted n6
Ing a ne'w force op Geporld of the -Lord a own
And -without or side
M a
The young rcilldw home fleii,
Tl,o Llkorchp.
lie believed, thatsHlocins; %vernit,
rld .11
a other wl iere
pape . r says the sA(JtA1IU8 was.a, 'Isil-
vicious purpo§e and dust oy, J[ife find
tire licenses of th6 out -rent year ex,
Army. at-IlArrietQir and Some one oleo or -L
'in ':ilnj "A Christian Army,"' more tire Comiag,
ro Clinton, witill ey'es jus t ljke� thist'
-0 OIL) 'All habits
As 110t giA 11101
public places,
there was a tompiation to. * the
ly" one. The xeteran Chief Justice
lare. � As this province this time
the 9 may soon 806 "Bovim Itichnitinds, in
the field', . .. . .
L . . . . a I 001-1
11( the convicts, buV'wo lind that of
young, should be froutoved- but lie
vMl probably to'ke a back. seat after
E'Vaath� CLro6ks Act has
is the I'At, of"'Mayl'th 0. soonest the
I .
The Stavationlate dechLie they "are not a
A, corre pondent-lias, sent a otter'
25 convicts 87 were mar 30
was: not so decided the propriety
of abolishing drinking in
that and consult the -editor of tile
not effect-
ad tlie'good in,.soine d4rectionswItich
��uid'po", i�ly lli;-:�r )
Act I, Ought inti
operation iti: the County of Huron
cliurch." We are glad to hear Why repudi.
ato,chure"Lordinancest "III the Arin�;tliq ofli.
cars govern," Fere than is the wall winaii,
for publication u
b t- it being anouy�
mous. we cannot publish it
Mid widowull.
fall back
I Ilk flis opillioll, he
"Rat liver" are he again van-
lfio W 11 'R(
we might -expect from it. , Thero�
would. be 0e.first of May . 18 85,
So Lro OS them from church biditis Tho',sortp-.
ures Vall us MIA Our Lord "gave some apostiog,
deals a ornewhat With L the Soatt A66,
S1!2:g:.4I we thon,fore
lho Malthu.,;ian doctrin6 rsup�
would be' unfair to becuion a loss to
tures to sentence a, crialmal, Anoth-
have bliewabout 26 -comm for
Bl]Lt'it also provides: thAt the 0
the Domi6ion Govern.
dA 80010 roplic , and some ovangollsts, Arid
ogap,,�stors and tilitcheri, for the perfecting of
for the. inforipatioll 0 �ilie farming
community oul, . anonymous
:I`V.Qs 111[krriage; or, after the manner
thetriflin engaged in the -liquor traf-
fic witilolit giving thll, s oloo coal-
er paper sagely,yenturea tire opin-
ion that tire j6r7 aftet, several. days
did illionness (luring the seven � years
9f -the operatiolix-0.1b..for. every. 19
clamation of
plant. must be ninety days.1) efore the.'
7 r
bike I to for the work of,the niinistrli,, for the
edlf3inl' ' the bod� -of Christ." They will have
ouno ofittritue. The ollidorWgoiorn �nd'lt 1111,
fir -le n (1, we'an ewer Chat portion. Pro.*
duceri of dider tire lilaced'.on a fackt.
,f thl, S,.ott iLct iii life liquor ques-
pensationi They. iuvestaJ, in
corksideratioalL, of -the :evidence ietc.,
during t4e`seveli-years prior." to its
expiry &fr ti e r Ill,
1, oil Therefore,
theye:wust. be At least oate hunrl'etl
be that they filid sorab who litivo fits And a L.ris
III religion; such begin in. the Spirit but slid in
I Ing vvith browerar and distillers, find
can only sell in ten tf) Ii
Loll, I el Illit thein only oil the. oprti,
two JUR'
many casei sum's of money, m
the busilleso; alid'had so -far carried
ma.dok. misti;kke in not bringing. Ill:
coming into for cc... -,These , figures
w6re given by i.lTemparAhce" in our
a�ld 'Kfty �aya betwaen the *Voting
the %aeIr religion depands oil external
exulterneribli,iiot upon intornal principles, and
It tf�qmford.f 118,with bile L
-a sration
censed Druggists, . or SO r -iiie purpose
hcato of a medical rii-,in or
.01N.. 1 No I orshould
it oil, under. the protection of the
the murdered toah as the murderer. 1
-psuo of October 1st. liava
Zor the Ault, and the 1. May wheli
'it of,.
of tillose ex-
elt,,,00t.. llb.is'likcrllt�'irae uUiio ut.A root,
6f belln� taken out Of the counb3,.'to
some place wh.erd.t.he Scottv -Act I
oUr a i -emium for wife mur.
4w. If. 'ProMbitir oryr , w.i-aupres are 1
otiacted their 'proporty must tl.iinill,;
betw�im prejudging, awk -,after jud.
1 law -a tire*
-reason -.to suppose thaf the still
it is tlint it should come
into eff at.'., Tliu,-; for inkitatiio, if'
will anim witheirs tkt�ft�r,
if there. bo -pdoplo in alliltoiii wbo havo more
tban brains,Jil)d are.willing to'support
net in force. if a farther sells - to
tl:,I" lwc,0,43 in 1�5 convicts only. 8
h4h in value. lie knew men
&j . cases, portion of'
a ui'ty haiii a splendid,oppor.
greater legislative interforience with
the *ill -O"f tbo individual, iu. the
the Act be not �oted upon sometime
-those whom, thO Ilk'ar Cry aptly -Cialls- 14�ulvatlofi
Y It t " lot tliotii ponr'-'It Into.the Army, Lliest
other, than a Reensed druggist in the
county -less than ten-. gallons At a
,A f -re w idowers I No
among o"' we known afid in-
fluentiAt!brewert %,he wou,14 wil-
6unit , and the twke advautage -of
matter of controlling his appetite,
that will result -from tlje operation,of
before the let of Dee6mber t
there is nopo�silbility of its Conlin
otf r'O"ok'llyn, N.Y. llut if ItTitinil propititilkinlite
and illonev Is sell] rQe lot tirielll � keep it
Ifthey*wIll do lotit be 11folilliblat
- 66 a � drink to it friend -or
gerids a qua,rt or 9.0 to,4 p6igllbor�h
ial records Hhow that
Ing y give:it up if ille y were insur
to, 44rite .-diefinaelvag down
'the Scott Act, will check (Irupk.,n-.
iltto�. force bolorO., t'lle lat � of' MaYjC
Willits alk(f good
of tho household of falth," At their 6wn doors'
slitll be -fined -not less than firt.1V dol�
Civry Are inany moi -e te.niperate th�n
ed atylL hist 16is in so doing. , If the
"otlig admit
A tedly fat the benefit a
nd�s.anyl the Crooks Act.1
We have not. On the citIntraryki there.
"(I'( Py
hit ,
��,�quj Ifig 1 'TtIft .
You 'SE,
raR , gx,
6 seen yanrliasu
P. $-I - have Jug 10 of ill* ath,
lars lot, the first off6lica-li6t not less
ibaii one litin.dred'forsecolid Off ence;
1 Avilip-rate persous convicted of the
temperance people pr ohibi
thilty. be lookM for llude'r the Scott
As'sta ted' above the 30th of Octo-
%y1th a lattor*sIlIned "A 01MtCm lhipo;ll %C-11ilo sub.
and'Imprisoned' two rno'nths,for' the
jorcriinv If Statit;008 are to
tion ibitne'diaWy let them get it.
ii; -not irue," said Detroit City�
Act An increase pf.drun'kenness over
ber liaa,been fixed as'4he day for
stantially colifirinti mirstatornents All tb the Bill,.
vation Ariny� - rhoir elutritable d6do Are link.
third and each subs6 uent� off"C::6.
.. q
bo U11% It illto R"0611t ill the Scott
proy4uiun lidded to -the b�cotit � A cti
i Nor�i -,It
'Accomitant op ll�lii I. saill I
the pro.scub.system in the pyoportion
the voting in' Huron, 'IYOnsequPiAly
ltod,- iicc0rding to Aits'mtharlfr, to ,Ia Itesilue
lionlo for fal!on imi Watsgow"' "111,AOSCUO
At the Soott'Act' mebtih-"in tlie�
At�t qui.stiun they are- stroogly
compensating the botel'keepars and,
it 0
if an.hacredi-bly.hhoit spaco-of Make.
w old knee I k the head off anyone I
that the Scott,Act. is more restiiotive
than thp Crooks Act,.' Tfie6nly to):.*
if the vote is fayorable the Act Will
cattle iii(o force. t.li eA it, of Alay 188.5.
girle and
tioni for dischAT90d prisoucri iu� Lotidon."
. outside those charities he sayli there are �'Tridn
T emperange Hall on Sund'ay After -
nooll Rev. .-Alr.� Campbell spoke
ugailjst, it.
We Would have their wishes realiz;
that talked. prohibition in f
'thii office
-;ative remedy is tire lickoic conr.se of
. . .
StIciking -a'b the xoob of t4e;,evii-pro-
Once1he Act does come irit a of..
as: for 200' Cadet,- to ft.thom
ing Illur for tho.
work" �r the Salvaeork Aruiv. .rwa thonsand
iiltrongly about.grocers who sold liqu
Tlwn iii.tho",11v"ort oil tho Asy,
(I ti,
-as staled in all -evonlng'paper; but I
hibit ilie -malluifaotare.
. .
'feet it balinot boyepealed in a county
it' re cifilcor
o wora a
has his or liar salr�n- Ininranteed. All i6cal ex-
or said tbat there Was tiot an'.
lionest; Dian among thedi, but after.'
Itilits ful' the Insane in Ontario," for
Tire, belief that. miscellaneous
(16 say 'that it is afy 6 1 -m belief tbat
or city for thre6 years, And the votee
potiseslinvotblionietfir6t." Pioclsch*s% But'
' h it About the limPlits fandu froir "the litige
epeating theat t th
i ft,emont two,01 ree
IA,83, wo do not flod that statistics
newsp.11 er reia4ing,'has a d4a6ealiz
a RV
the -beaC probit-Ation I 'io 14 e'.R
Some 'very itieQnse4fiehtial ardll�
at fl--
of- thw electors, bave' to'. be tak"'i, 6
-lie rbpeal tho on
to t Me way.. .
o,llaetlons" made? It i6ii'b do to claim the
oharitlos of dissenting bodies as credits to thib
timesi. be quallited it, by.sa: g,. .
Y6, "With:
V ry fe extieptions. From out- ex-'
show that tho Province is put to
'Ilig�affowt.kipou the trietilory an(, pre.
strict excNe,law so as to makoliqu"
mento. are used by ScOA6, Act advo.
Salvation Arkiiy,�akjy nictitletliltolt would CIO to
(tal) t them with out arrors,or ullstleellt, of others.
li�tlence of'tbiosb in the busifiess in
wore exlivo-e in tho care of* the
ceptive faculties lias not ''a few
or pure, 9, strict -license law, to inake
tes to show that that,law no-
oa -doet;
Tbi.9 is but an effort to 41,vert p,ilille atteiltion
(ioderich Wd ara forced to take ex -
afflictol on a6count of tha U . so of
adherents.. This, thoeq appears to
a on a crimina
a ]a a a kir�e; and a itrict - I
More interfere' wibli: the recognized
lroul the doihgi of the Anny and the pro 41110'
nnd Irrovercucti & iowing in the Inee
their ue, hi, the ribald
im, ks, for wo, have
ception: to his rc at
ever fouilid that file y have paid'6n6
hquor. thim from all other causes
receivg,sovne.conAr,nim:tion, . front the
law appliedin. each case -of drn'nken,
free'vvill of the in ividual'th �y
advent alumor evidenued
-101dron; Whichassall wir oars in
-ed cents on the dollm-1 anti,
c.,itti-ititid, 4.-1 thoughtless, ill-inforio.'
Unilitelligeiit deductions whi6h are
ness. Thalso tirree tfibigs are better
- - ; . .. I
-Any,, 'probi �itiCjtn
laws thei opipbsers of.tbe Scott Act
concede to be justi It is'sAid that
inish it to UAUfutcll� understo oll tila(loo do
. -not hold Ciefreelvea; iwe ionsiNefor the oplitionti
expreysed M), Nk;Wfo-ltXoORc!
to strCeta oil avellinv.
never remember rine be ng fizied (or
violation of.the. stringe C laws bearn
orl bwatics %%ill parrotlike repeat
owasionally ' drawn %,froLn editorial
:tban. potint of..
Statistics taken' in England.show
the tariff law which places an import
it,,; on the question. ne point -we
�vo'uldr filve to call attentionlai name
other person of
sniiiv ilk has said sn, In the ileport
vritings� xesult,probably:attliblat.
killo to.a�ctrrsory atyle of reahrig,
'that'not avore than one in 10,000 of'
duty oh foieiga goods comingd tb the
countiy antetrier' �iwith the free will
ii6tice in a I a to issue lof your
Otir.T.own: 0erk is home from his,
tII& . .
IV t be, persons, stomping 011, the
floor dii-ring thi� meeting.. 'J'O
we tind that out of 63 insane ad�
-Soine state.. that' T;rE N�w S-Ric"CoRw
ctual -drunk rds there ev hav
a er 0
of the individual And compols.him to
co toniporary.ya.statoatent that whatever may
bo, said by outsiders.�as to the Salvation ic-
Deteibs tfip.
Minds sucli ooh,duct is- riot in accord
mitte,l durin the previous year th a
Pupbolds the. 69,9 of Ardent liquorfi-��
-delirium tronlens, And I have:of-
bu, Canadian goods. Such a obn-
t y
.,it The law
ion is a ikry lame.one.'
cruiting.ikoty qokv in Clinton, that 'on
E. Johnston, is visitin
Mrs 11'. in
to it.
-With tho Sabblitil; but 1-,Itner has
4 tendency to its desecraillon.
grvatelit iminli'ur from niny one cause
in the pit irttacolo�j (?f these cri�ios,
top as
'ked'nien.wlio were drilink the
n ght before in'Ell"liall townd if th
.1 0
�ei eri wares
th norripels one to buy 11'
-Canada nor froni
Sunday evening the Town. Hall was thronged
to sec. and hear them. � This is possible., It
. W
Air. and Mrs. Tanner were in. own
On.Suturday afternoon a F6 Bitil
iva-it 1:1 from domestic trouble, in-
that it. is 01whiiskeyorgan.", N othing
had soy"boad,toke, Rot they
in pr
buying them in a foreign coili#r :y aud
'is an easy thin %ther acrowd" It it when-
g U
this week.'. . -
Alately was played. on e LficroS'60
grounds between the Gode0oh High
cluiling of friends.; the next
coulil b(4 further fro'm the titith,
not. abit.' Tha� is beclallse the liq-
brinaiikg &em bore. Adm for
,gathered it. or� not so easy to 6ontrolL,Uiair
Ifilron. Chapt.eir A. F. and A. Al.
School and the Carlow club. Tire
ho -gest. pexcelitage 'was 10 front
�?,6ry. eRO
L p n. who has"iiiteilig'entl'
tior is pure.
the 0
sake of argument, that by tliq
111 -'tlla
movements, and I t we, have- soon or
theSalvation Army at either
meets. next Toes ay*
'I"he S'toim T' 'd . I
Drum ay
'ball was started at $ p. in. and flyh)g:
st-xual.sdf abuk;e; then cotneii 6 from
noted. that P081t,ioli taken by Tiffs
of. Iiolkilo n a Ce.
Mr. Lai- tton
cparation of tire tariff
wares, cost him m6ro than they would
�kkkow n of sids of
the Atlantic proves that body to be skilled
was isp ecrall
Inst Wedn6iday. ."..,iiascarriedbyt-betwi
up high oftAhe. second or third -kkk
. nd out of;bounds.
ititem1wranve. -Thus we see that
NE:ws 11tcoRD on'the Act is
. . .
manufacturor, has in. interest In. tlib
if no'tariff existed; or that if It put-
mo�t Ah not'l' r
beyond . , a ars . only in.t�o it t of.
11�rbn Elicamonjent meets-on'rril.'
- be
As at the so All tilrbugh,
whiho wily 6 out of 63 became in-
aware t hat whis key, has been held ii P
choised in' a country these
,gathbring: t% crowd" but also in turning that
day evening.
for. tha wind uing strong blew
'Saiii, from intemperance, 10 became
. .
as the prtricipal cQqtribuw�g- cause
Cotton Mill - Cornp f
any to St. John,
goods would cost him than. it,
dubieshad not t; be �aid, uponctlietil,
suctlees to their own pecuniary advanto gei
in 0
If a 'An stat d itt, a street cornot and gaz.
Arrd,111cl5s left'tow�'on.her return.
1 W.innii)eg.
- thei ball out .6wo. or three �tirnes a�
�milhute 'Itritil 6wis was called. This.
insane. ft oin selfaLuse and 13 front
to.drunkenness. "Purtlier; Ufa ophi-
N. B; Aft% looking; into the af�
he is not compelled fo buy in -the ofie
'case, 'doing
up at tb� chitpnoy,?f 'an opposite ho:1so for a
141, Win. McNair' was revisitilig
-a o
caused a continual ry*'f foul and Ile-
doinchtic trouble, incl-Liding 1088 of
ion bas been stat6d in'th-egecolluinns,
fairs. of.the.Conipany, lie stated that
le saw inuell-ill.1avor of th6k b o in g
nor prohibited from 6o'in
the other. I perfect freedom
-fe line
ic,, !miles, be. Will,,'AWn have. a crowd of
a" or itairtinCI him. It even in the,
old scenes last week.
came so monotonous as -to destroy -
'Dhia interest in the gaine�' Tire game
fi iond.,, I)ut-s this look as if, moro
.,Nil rostiltli fron) the us(,, or rather
that the� total suppresition of the
%hle'to 'work succeFtdufly. 7 Among
of will in . matter. It "is,trie he.
balli be punished . if lie brings the.
piping einies of peace. a reeruitingl3p:iriont
Xr. IV. % Miller was.Riskjbg it 1 n
town a fe,w days since.
canoot-besaid to have been either lost
or exciting;- and - onli for the excel -
of liquor than froin all othor
manufacture of whitk ey would be -of
otim r fawall'AhN -conditif$ns.he found
Wareer into-tbe country without I ay-
In,, r two from the ranks,
rah -out, with a man o . '
With ribboris fitittoring,- and drum and fife:
Air. Joseph 'Williamilias '
- rented
len t, pla� of Ali. T. Molone, a model.
1:111st S, .,!oIIIbillvd I No
iihnien8e be.nMit to the conimunitv"
Once made, it i's a fares to atteuipt:
"el '(fte qf:W(
461. .1ges 10 be'low 'n
Ing the import -ducs.. Neither does
the after.-ilnuishniefit 'for evading or
sounding, they will soon bave An e2tcitc(%"as"
the store rpc6ntly, Vs. cEited by .11r.
JOB Viviart, as all offide,
hchool pupil, it wool() nave be:eni.flat.
.,rbis gentleman, short - in stature;,
to prohibitits,sule,'sl all experience
any pther 1)1(tce, lie knew Th is
t G .'obe holdR' ii a point against,
the daw 3�roldbib ior:
tile pr
0 xercise ot'llis will to smu�yl le.
of-lioth young"hud oldfollowing And crowding
round,thera, and $bell Cog it Amy be at the
ilon. AM tto-flsiaddress6d 01'ei eloo�
i(irs of'the, Riding At Kingsbri'dile or)
th, nimbla 6f'fb(')t, play�d with
such vigor find judgment as to draw
8110i9s. ;Wbat-TnE
t 'he N. P', We;.'
think. it. io a poiait
novelty- of' thii.-exhibitiofi. Even-'thle has,
-d no far -a% Little in Clinton, but an bhe
fbith pf�itiee. Mr. Crass.
eller pectortned the dutios or re-
.3 t1lilik, thit nPWIOWa
bas maintains is, that -partial
in f,v'
or Of it. Alan' y 6fthe skilled
I �'S,heppard, a Toronto
E Z -'Zf th
-novelty wora off and the crowd dispersecLaome
Reov'o Johnson and his sister Daiav
ed from their Detroit trip on
ferde witlidiscretioti, While � �11e' ,
hibition oUthe sale of lioltio�s, as a,
operatives ba�,e-�dokii� from Iingllitrd'
1yellis,'Stated the other- day that
fresh Mbract kon'was neadedo amd now'it may,
AfeXee nd*,Seaboine umpired th(i,
IM who is tilore thall
panacea for- all ills reliulting flro�i
and United States, and are-i;atisfied'
was, once*appoin0d to read, a polit;.
be flud'oven the old birds which ownpod
Ilis.Honor Judge'poylia Will hold
game, the fotmai- acting for barlow
and the latter -flat the-Iligh- Sehoal
it iii,titsh fill- Ingersoll, "Lliat We be-
dritiltiog lla.4, been" ali U:4"t'
d. be a
to Work for those .�a a
ictil -address to the Ilon. Edward
Frovioug wllo�, are ChIaWn to t1ho Decoy
*of Army -have
opurton. rriday to reviaothtp, voters,
The following w6ro the. playortit
llpl.g, to a ly-arty that Ves it'(' crow"
fiailure,as it is also &it injustieb t6 a
which Woulddot' do diii.they fint
inake oiore nloney in 'estoadian
Blake., Ther -o Wass, ilause against
I)ttaks", thoS&lv'atiCkn v, aiii been
iloakea oa clue,stntmai; .11.1bas huare hosrovor.
list fbt,.U1b*presenb year.
Vill: . I
,,I* ifs puill'o 110hOr for Life brow of
licenied business, and to
inills than.ohiewhere, -But the-pur.
Chinese ., orni-ratiol). NV If (An the
1 0 . . . . I
wil I sciin. be discovered, and I liaile no doubt
. The, United Empire was. detained
in harbor lost Wednesday by the'
6ATiLOW Do Drhicit
Young J. Swanson
r, Actual loadenship. With 010
those who are flat. subject, to dei:ir�v
chasing power ;f 'their low Wasro is
read ea, caul p. td i t At rl, Blakowhisper!,
the same resultl will follow as -in dic case of
B. Young Geo.4,6 ritit tod
party, nomioaLioolil are
oil appotildil. -Xiothing4ihort of pio,
"to mi0i greater in "tax ridden"
ed, i1you had better skip that." We
tibaroutild ol,ord's Army.11-
.1,110 00.1lection last Stitidiy*At st�
C. -Young Deal
w 1,;e I�o( io inut-li to represdi't tile
hibidn the manufacture will c u re
Qanada- -than elpewliere;- that they
do'nk.b6lieva in the ikippling Us'
it is but a'ahort Unic.since aenefol.Booth
the raqogtkized bond of this Army, stated at a
a Q04ge a'.
I was for the biocese of Algo.
Swal I"
R. Voung* Ow
G. Mar, P. Maldolmoon
to disguise W. It is the..
the evil. -
Off he
Ille8s oil all inaporiant pulklic qiies,�
III n Sheffield, that no
-pu lie meeting I soon no
The 1,4choonor Jane McLeod. galled
v;. Allen
1luI*'1y flint, VV(N' 04.ktud-01�0!le
I ,
Mon. it is,better, to 11speak not%*
I. I .. ., )
4ut the fait oliflaking'-ilk)'Oold
drutas �nd firest. tatabourlikes and eymbals.no -
longer served Ike Army purposaarl'thoy would
for the Goorgi4n Bay last Friday. w
.4 full.carg(, of silt in barr'eis.
Thos. M milton A. Struthers
Geo. Ilimiltdirl' T. Mal6rio
and pllofol.lu ti,evur�0, rRW
- , Ok
n�.y right, What,eyiir a p Ici
tell tils'that we are'_ntatld�
hic, in 0 ur own light P1 o�poqing th"o
-Ile f 'of'. the
a a.portion
be given !it A manly and courfe.ous
,, discarded. ,that Cline. teeing lo.:.havo
ivoll, and other and Ve
� already arri 6ried attiao-
Mr. Willigm
I L;lsham;Xftblor, is hot'
Jas. Tewsley. Robertson
G, Rutherford .14'. Wyee
pl,.' Tue arraigivitneut again t the
while wd concede ihfit,it
Scott A'o ti a
'Scott A'dt po�titiondrom.tllo*Sheriff's
matineri The'11T.t,.1Ws-Rr4coitD has
b,0111,ktra new redortiid to. 'ThiewoAllarn
i4aying in-thil neighborhoodof Sii
W. Vaust6no G; -Carroll
' theendofthe game Mr.
I)rIllocratio rrtY will Also hold
Ill likely to carry. We cannit sui,-
office in Cobourg is a dfik� coo
tardly, pi
C-4" ..
sounded* v�ariiing notes on'the Scott
from tho published reports of thoirdoiho*gs lik,,
ilietr sheet cAllod -;The War Cry4 dital'.oCher
Father 11101anus celebrated Itaos
Thos. issmaton wits plaoid lvwi; do
u,jtd lwaiii-st t;,,. ilrit tmirtv.in Call.
An,- I
Me to ilia creed that It, is rift,
-of busintisi;. Such trickery canuoti
Act. Settle of our who do
alikanorthutioufattle. andfroln tho4 WO might I
at St.,Peters las qu!�qfty .qlarning in
rowbis$.j. , _9.Ing
ft -la. Th'! tolic '(it 11ile. Klan" alid
61go wi til, the crowq" if we have very
expenses pald and carn lairge salaries . by Alifling
ourNursery f3tock. We gliantritoo, stork A. 1,
had b�Ater -Ilskip tbitt.." whi'Le olliera
iWj�t;�o`J7-- _ _ - -- ____ -_
exhibition(,, and the porfornitafices
. The.Only vessels in harbor on Sun.
u 1wr 1-Mller, i,4 rifit to- represent the
strong grounds 'foe. believing, the.
'The Soo.tt A.61b was in operation in
qorarnend us for uu� 6utgpokeuilesa
thitroak was the subj ot, rotordedowhild"Ife
re"'y making atin is ..tio longer concealed
dav were thera'awalting the-Dootdi-lek
ptiry or it -i but if) Ilia
-4crowd" to he in error. It intiy be
Halton in 1883, The number, of per.
against what. We believe will rtiiart
trom view. .
lvii.,,v uo.m. DerriperFiliep4rty
a&4 diat the ml�jority is most likilly
8 0118 committed to prison'tber o during.
the Ultitn&tor goller&l prevalence of
tPrPPOrallc0l We cautiot the
Lot us take a row op6clato no krom the
journals on this side of the Atlantic, At a
Thet Rathilidn unloaded her cargo
of lumber last week at William$
i, to, t1m, only pitity which ii.ever
to be right, "rills does not follow.,
the vear was M The Scotf Act is
not �hc law in Huron, yet during the
two extremes
Ineeting bell] jii Brooklin, Out., it was stated
�..root'i Hily light, I'll its faitli� Olu r
..%y I (irif. parfy also Oideavors to.on.
Titke the fitato, of affairs io'leelaild.
Will ati.r1rien(Is lRainittlint the rul�-
yeak there )�(kro bitA 68 apiumAtals.
t1l0rO are 21,000 people in Wilton
Best elistiele I
and -,*.as the attraCkthai of the. inooting," At
Newark, U.. S,shol was prodatittl %it the
Ips of
The PA611 wheat in the townabi
Aglihold, Wawanosh, Colborne find
LOWEST' On "i P (I
era IV Ce
there are 70,000 in Huron, Ekongb
A Stin ty.
glo= and we are inforthad that when
Goderloh has A splendid ap eu.
i gdor,it da? ld.v. A ginri.rig contrast
4f tile pro(08ttlkll� minority in -that
lre:"�on�d tpecially recoftfift0d a trial of
0 usettgl�tnt-a, regulate six footer"
it lo-ommio-d by the CormervativeS,
'country foe centuries 'has been'
Dr own was a dyripeptic� [Is had
was beside her fifty throo inches "it call0d
a little innocent mirth" - there, a Captan
I In our last we inadvertently men -
ba% (- t im ronragp of their corf,4
-wrolig,' If Ve adinit' the priliciple
An eminent Vnglishk thoologlan �nd
. .
consulted many nit�dioatl al.on-,and
. had as to P diet.
tioloo tant it Scottish sont" which 4 brought
down tho ouse.11 1'rom. liddleftin the pf-
lione(l Detroit as the futurb,,resid-
once Of' Nfrl Reginald 8eager, I!*
that ninji"ritirksi 'Miouid always rule,
pjAl6s ophe rbasplaced upil, robord,
I�Our Savioui divided force from roa-
us many pantions
0110 said hO avoid pickled
shOtIld "
flo,m repiiA',41oqo we havo had our dr6nis.
a hould have been Clevollind
J�-)Cnjditry Award', alld "Licellse
-!l, t, � 4"1 it; barnolated their conten.
then 11oman Clatholf686 alloul'd
have been tire acktiowledged 6ta te
11 on, and lot noFbma;n presume to join
bnother sai(l veal eutlaw
41111110111 � - hi -in; iqbn lifinit.n..
were notgood foi
at ir do Aga
We learn that oil Sunklu,s, Armed to flai tooth
with gospol wortli . call, wo warchad outto chat-
Miss flannah Itnedsbaw left for the
2ast,bri Thursday. On her return it"
i iwi-. 1; dwy we-wo not alloyethat
df�urch, Butt, say out Opponents,
whab God li&th�put asunder.' WIldlit
we combat error with any other won-
tioned kidneys to aijother he wag
longe the ro.c. our barracks wore filled to
over flowitig (silyor owla&iorl- at the door)
is 6xpodtod shewill be Alistild no ]on.
I "le. illwv 1o,.,,e if# Life in I Ain been
Itelatill '!,a okil y it poition 6f the
PO n than'afgumont, we err more tban
Atbaelt. 1,
these wholli we 'Will the
told"that it lie ever partook of that
I of food
internal gland as an ailGicTe
Gar'side, 0 K, NOW Gna At a plape, in;
01,16 ,the poopla joQuIviking hall, At .
1 r oittate in Pon—
Neivarit, lialift 13111V
Air. Franic Porkloy, Ccriductor,on
0, 1). It., reaelia(ttoOn bri'Ttidaday
Tlivy L tvo flat di4guilivd
unust submit,
tnitotl. Xingdout, itaid . .,
Scott Aet advocates kindly (*pttt that
),is life was not Worth it two Wee ka
witA I ly aTy.rl�
:tacus.tal fitalklun." hat is this? At NOW
Anti left Again yeinerday on,his re urn
t 4. - i., f.wli will lirinciph-lit, And it
to tire niaJority of the whole 1(ing-
it, their PiPes And smokO It-" It Way'
hall) torcinove'tboir abrabiliousnoss,
purchase, Then anotl;etl' sifively
hurgh thora"Ab firtgrand umbrella proodslio'
aodwodillng� Almost ordry olliclit earriod
to Winnipeg. -
mit.-ly tiviiii vmflital)10 to 110 th,14, 'dOln
Which teCogtillUa 'Alprotostatit
I 02at le -4p at(
forbade bin, uai Ig V � r
one oftho Arilty unibrblias, the opera house
James Henry neArritsh who in tibw
11141ligh in �,okoe rpspi,etin thet
eMewidanoy," ' that the till�jority ifu
Tho majority should rule.This May
Ao. 011, 80' 010i the poor mall *its ad-
tuallyAlarved in tT I Ity filiftstor plenty,
wits pRoltod VIA AlNor lod -off with fi, liong,
Illon emne & evehr6t dio ovtningo the lial-
under A twenty years sentence of hn-
pr'sorfulient for manslaughter was A
i,talt noti dwsir, prineiplei; have fit .
the Irish portion of it hall to law.
be generally right as a matter of
The following conversati�n betwoeh
laltijnh wodding.11 At Bultbaoto was so
drunk whon ho,%mako tolho pbriltorlt forth that,
staunch teetotal man.
oot been well found�
making rights that should ho r4.
expediency. Lot trissoohow"i6worlts
Drown and 0. Walter it) a routaurailt
110 did not khow what he W48 tkiing." But
Was Graham And Miss Salkeld had
1, tlim) fo ite liver bvalhig alfout
updoWd. This being the 0400� Ale
t6nehh.)g bLo Scott Act. Ono -of the
ia said to hAUq takeli' lllaoe�.
we have ploot
g tirsubb items to draW of) oil I- -their
Aldo, and $Is A tall eol'all to OUT owt, towd, olln-
a y 0 n ft Sit
prk,, 'llillin 1, pe ing I at
hil� - 11 NN I I hout ally Atatfigniftl0ilre
majority In Ilutoft, Doren -being,
Argumo#s,,, orobably the chief one in
oLunch, Aii I Yea-get's eta 1,16tris kill-
tOn,wbOr6 't ig stated I'llogo otowds gailloted
About the Town Ifolt to gota, glimpeb of the
urday i0en beautirtil stocks were
11, i4 thp dilly of R party And
only ft ObPtlon of thig. -Province
faVox,01 thii A05b, is that WOW saVO 1%
floyff, gVeeng, pickled galmonj and"
haliolayth lapog,o, ilias Cion(irining the ntnto-
MisAorham i�tlliurne4 t6 toWn Inat'
to I, now And havo derl"N
the Dominloji b0o no right to iniq
great number from themAolvoo- that
Iol, that it will prcvoii� those who don-
_11006111;1110111 - 114vo, you 'got no
Wbolles6kno 111pat, air I fleall or fowl! I
merit or your that the i,boto
NOW, have u6st SAC&ditaral to '1dt4wIl1K
week n(Wr An ,absence 'of' thrbo
1 3 tilt. pow-ri of a 0twoentilelit of
L:'Ii f lil'y aril roally.-It4le exef-utive,
pose A 1Aw -uppn tire ininori ty. 'We
ru4 .100 Asked where told, b()W, Ave
iti-ourilly got Orunk And bring mi8ety
1upoll thelluselveA and their 'Tamili6s
that,olle can imt, IRIP V 1,140, Hir I
ly 1,
Clio t1toopf, pork, girl
Bilt 0111 Is hot Ali. Thd Ylamod of iflo
nfid teachers of thik now
W, X. U01,411,I)MV aports A hIlvot
if, doitlit, wit4o tli(-rti
�v4uttl alArtiti a tillijority, that labould,
fiomdoing sell Xb will not be gain'
sfilyed that, tile number *110 (10 so Ara
aif.)o '11,01).
. )lk
ospol'aro. givell, Amov, tire atilljoUso we
Na prile.0 14 Appy Sal n"o8hort,
hiedal presented by 64' Diatforliti
ItII1481 V Whieh lie won at the bioY616'
Ukerill" to di-pr-�J tho doubt ipi A;
rujo in th' matter of tbo kleolt A.U.
numarloally lells than those who(lo
a o no )p
0T61"' "I r I 1111bi 8 , air, -
I � 03' 1,
Unfrod Amio,"' 1,8 . d(t Jorrale"111 r. he 1101y
11`004 Mot samintill.
lwarilly, vatAllating coutm whore
That rhajority lihould bo obtained
ob. Tbo intem 01%Warorr6blibly
at move than 6 to, 1,0 . Tile Be 6
'Duck find p0a0" K � 150111.1, aigAt
"sirl" Stlyff ,,, In,
Canary Mngor,0 , ho Mid 60100, n
pr6yrilnont smotig Ilia 0106 all too hitto,
Tho 61TIOVIIng writeraut the 1560611t
I I ' "`tfi, I", -At III The Cotlneilvd�
611 6vot the 11koffililloil.1 )Y it 01110tal
"otlig admit
A tedly fat the benefit a
"Taft , y
P, -
"'llio Air I-Piallf %1'r I? SAU94
"(I'( Py
hit ,
��,�quj Ifig 1 'TtIft .
educaLloll Al oxaminatimi have bodu
'kfnoinn - AllAri, Vinnib . Go6k..
Never Give UPI
If you are suffering with low and
depressed' spit -its, leod'.of up otlite,
al*debilitv, disordered tloo�d,
00,8titu Man, h9adaelie, or any
disealie Of A billious nature, by fill
means procures botble.bf Electric
131tters. . You will be surpri-led to see
the rapid Improvement th" will fol.
low; you will 'be inspired with now
'life; strengthand activity will,'110turn,
,pain airid diiii0y Mll 6easke'abd hence;
forth ydit will -rejoice in tile praiseof
Electriellit-ters, Sold atfifty cents(&
bottleby Watt�&Co,
A dsApatah has boon received from
.Gen. -Van.1forito stathig that the
CanAdaPsolflo Railway CO, have do.
torinin0d to eXtOnd a bl'AhCh Of their
road to soino point, oil - Uke 1111rdh
north of Sarnia 'and aoitth of Xhy-
eardino, Though 6 ' ur harbor is at
proont in a rt, of transition etato,
it is quite Or%able that the dlainis of
Bayll eld as a lalco, tevillinus lot, tbo
0. 11i R. will 110b booverlool(O-di.
A Great Discovery
says. 11.�ly. Wife lilts boon ifoelollg y Rf.
iodt�a 'witti a caugi, top twenty-five
ye.Araj and title AprinA Moto *80vol'alY
than ever bdtbroi Site ha(l filed inatly
-romedles withoub roliefl, All(l being
urged to tily Ile. -9ilrig'S View TM8400-
erf, did A6, with Lit I ro-
moat gra I Yin .
lid to, Thwfirsf, btittle, i f hot
ly:=Oltio, And the 06ond botttl) i
ly cared her, 8110 Me n ii
had, so good libalth, for thirty yoro.1i
hIALE TBACTIP0. for school SittIttion No. 2,
Hullett. Applieutionki, statin . story andquall.
ficathm, ral3eived up to the 15roctober, by
For tl)O - owee division - at the Clinton Nodel
suhQOl" to co etc the hillince of the youir,
W. It. 11INF,:t1ocretary.
STRA YED frook the promise : il'ot AIICfW.,t
KELLY, BtLyfleld flood, Goderblil"llawnslilp, -
near 011oton, 1�33::N_, S :P. 1Z.1 I W QI
DESC)RI PTION -� �Two of theill srd nearly all
White, but havo some little red color. Fear of
thein are neakrlymll� Ited, with ivilite murke or
Ali)- one retur'"IlIg the Calves or giving infor,
mattoll that will 16ad tor. their recovory will be
.kralltobly rewarded
. I I., - * A110IIA91i KELLY.,
Clintoni 06t. 0, '44.. Itallway. notell:
CAPITAL, 4000,000
MT, $60,000
Iread OfIloe, XOXTRRA)�.
Notes discounted, Colloct loup mde, Draft*
fastied, Sterling and Airterloarr ox-
chaugo bongirt 4ird isold at low-.,
cot cilrrent rates.
Money ad mucoll to farmpro on their own notee
with ono or upre ondarvers. No intiogage IV.
if. 0. Bit KWER. 'A
Foltruary. IM.
$100,000 To LEND A'X LOWliST RATES,
Short date loamijut
6" & %I
per Ce'nt
4pplytil ,, 1.10 1
'IFOR SALS, all klFa-a of-'rhatil,' Lumber it
Lath. These wautiag Umber or lAth W If -
grid It tolhoir flatelest, to give me A call. Y4rCJ
backofthe Faunking AIWFkictorry, wo.111pgton
Stre ton.
Howto&110' d'
�10 L U Q'A-S__,_
And 411 Implernente'used
on a firm
!%a Qood as the'�Best�, atid'as' Cheap
as. the Cheapest, at
ill TIO�N.aird.posoeswJotareasoyiiLbleiii nottilt
of intlilliftonlic and business tact, caki have their
expenses pald and carn lairge salaries . by Alifling
ourNursery f3tock. We gliantritoo, stork A. 1,
.ad a4 we arowell and fayortibly known thr it
out Ontaricti 6try agents fliul,tio troublo it, n,,kto;,1
allies. So outfit can be
ailrrIC(I In' 004t liticket'.
Sond'ns for terms, etc,
it postal kitkird
atin end Scoilsintio,
2941 -An LAICI;l?0It%.WNT.
0.1 ton., 100110_� Ell
07 K
.-T-1AV411v rur cl I afted th e al�pyc til ey.
Conub-nde- R.u.iining AT MCA
CotLIer flio riinnagenlerit.ofUr. 1�. CQUETT.
All kinds of:.
Tlie Subscriber INgs tk) ret�rfi his sincere.
thanks. to - his. evist0ineris anCIL t)mptiblic
gelitivilly, for th6liNralpatronagoextenit.
done on shori, lultice, aild.a; large
�fo k.Qf
ad.'to Ilill it tile Past d
11 _l;y'foj11 Ullin
Woolleii. Good . S' fQl� h ap,
- th , a
or lin Excliange for.Wokol.
Best elistiele I
LOWEST' On "i P (I
era IV Ce
he hopoli to morit a I conti 'of tl'o
W -A T. 0 -ES-
lre:"�on�d tpecially recoftfift0d a trial of
DiRFeT lNirbILTATION8 of the vErty
016ok.s; Jewlolry.
'S and 11OLLAND GINS, silithble
ft medicinal purposes avid fairijiv use.
i's, Am.- and Gun,ix Ess, NitTzrit, in
bottles-pintis or quarts.,, CANAOTAIT AiFs
ailtly on head.
I in prinificlintlition, AlOv'
'1214AL Gnmwit A�x, CnAXVAGXlC'ClILiEIt,.
17 86DA
taffles'.0old and'..'Ailver JrLwiejry_��-
l3rcloches, D, ar Itings,13'ramleis' etc.
Agenifor Gloderki, 't
Wid Silver' a�.d-Mted
WAR. ESP - .- . %
- . . 1. . I . . .
nultable for flollday, *WeddInL,, or lilrth-
day Presents, (400(is.tor laege.op,'all1litill
V -22 -lit
lur�" .4, find to, suit. all seasons Pf the
y1a.. iieetheStock. Largevarletv'01"
Cloqka. t verytblug of t1to best ilis4s.
de,ntlemen'A Illalu Fancy
aud Jewelry
�lu endless variety, I . ., .
#%�Ilepsdring promptly atteiided to
. .
Cho IMIJ ThaA Iver.
atsfaction guarautied.-
.0 ceriv.
A Full Rd& d
'a -BA$bNAlIPS, ftIWftyS On hIJUA..
B il d.eco 111
Me. Th as- 00dPet returns thanks to, h1j"
1111fly (Alstaniers foi- their Moral patroija L 0
inthepast, andbogs toanno f.0
Ovoosite tne iMarket, Clinton.
Ila's adinitt0d his 8011 HOMER As a nioniber
:of thoL firlik, slid holics they will receive a
L"Outirittailee,ortho slipport het ettifore SO,
lill rally aecotdetl to tho)lourfo,
:C)UR' 6041". TEA.
Will still be WSP11cialty, Und can not
be boAtell, In 010 market, kIl other
GrilderieA As low as possible.
Large ,
14tock of GLASSWA
P'It.0OXERY oil ])and, Also
CORN � #E,4 L, FL 0 LIR,
0A M, MAW"
110060 Ifte, A 044-bov
goilds N01101VAvill bell! all,
Of. oltbor 11 1 A."01"rhro."1110111, 006 pw#'y timl
an'lihingolft Irk thiliClIot1d.
X1,1(Ctk0?8AbW0Iilt%,I.1 silte, At 0110 addyltICA Toll*
& CO., AICIRAR11%, )JAIIIII. 1.18
0011tirfletit %Adili
ADVIR, foe Tills 11411iL4
TISIN a WhIelt lir killit on
aivit its A A'all kirid U, satianed.
T C0,010dr S'01ti
100TI WE
ItINIA-11111410,40ilk, at�tod Arid iWed'At
11111ces to atilt 6vtIry inlIft Ca't A-fit'illiL
MWA irfloes, r6lid sathriwilorl, glihisintood.
AA I IIAVO fkst-e%lig (,,fly WorkirielY 0111-