HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1884-10-15, Page 1• •i. . 1 Minton ladle Works, HOILIO4STRUT, CLINTON, sr, It. aa0PER, Jr., iiiitt00,44011r Of end deelst In all Made of Marble 84 Granite for Cemetery • *Work tat eirtiren Dint defy oompotAtioa Also nianufectorer of the Celebrated AAITIP/Pki, SONE tor 13uil4fing pur- poses and Cemetery 'Work, Which Ulna be 33ett to he eppreeiatol.-All work warranted to sdve satiefaetion, TERMS $1.25 per Annum, in Advanoe. "INDEPFNCIENT IN ALL THINGS, NEUTRAL IN NOTHING," it VOL 45, OLIN -TON, HURON COUNTY, ONT., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1884. , Word* OK Warning. and OP curt you are suffering fru ut poor liealth tienguishing vac bed vt, eieloreett. cheer • if yoll.aim,tislp tniplyttt liilitigetedet: yew weak 'without clearly know. 'bus why. liop Bitter* wilt earely (mile pale yOtt lzre3 Ilifilist—er and; WIIITELY TODD, Publishers, ixte,0.0,,v,III,:txwet4):0);tei•41,114f twhtetrli 1;vooltitzt, labor, weakened by the sham of yo with owe nma mak„ or a men bpslUe614 overylley flutter. or ham or lettere totin over your Illidnightwork, floe Bitters wi !Ana surely struegtheu pan WHOLE NO. 308 84. FALL •AND WINTER. '84. Continuation Ot _ Our., -Great Salt( Grandest Aggregation of Pronounced Bargains Nvier Offered to the Peopl*of Clinton and Huron bounty. This is a broad assertion, but we ask it of you as a faVoti to come in and look through the Stock and form your own con- clusions. We will demonstrate the great advantage to be gained by attending•this' ..MAMMOTHH SALEOFIALL- & WINTER ORY.E.-.0.000.S. The Great Dry -Goods Mcm, corner ofJjurQp (Ind Albert Streets Ws have received over THIRTY CASES during the last two weeks, -Which are now in stock, Making the finest . .'asssortment of Fall and Winter Goods ever shown by us. And we would suggest to our patrons, that they will find it to • their,advantagel to give us an early call. just here --we state , that Our PRiCES WILL BE LOWERlhan • . •.. anywhere else in the county, • e • PIO 1=Z0 0•ASII ..P1010 a3"Vrr ,FOIRO :M"..Q"'S AND WE'.1..1- * MAKE OUR -.WORDS GOOD IN EVERY 0PASE. • • SILK SA INS! We mention Five Lines of Black Silks! of' the reliable makes of CaAtisoxtre and Possoe, tUARANTEED PURE Will not cutor wear glossy, at 25c. . . on the • 6 lees them ever shown by , us before... ' . • • We have a full line, all shades, and reliable makers. • Better valets than ever before. DRESS 00008. • . New Brocades, , Now Plai • ds,. • • • Now Tartans, . • . New. Casliineres, • . New Ottomans, • • 1 • . " • New Setoffs, New Melange Lustres, - New Velveteens, New Volvete, • New Fancy Winces's, • - • New Plain Wineeys. . , All at prices that laugh et- con)petition, besides being the newest ' , things out. •.1LOVES... We cm •maintain our ,"reputation in this department. 0 Our rangels tho finest- wo have evor carried, HOS...I Every shade and quality and size in. stook. . A very fine range of Babies' sins. LOWest 'prices on•eartli. • T.IQKI;NGS,, , •,. The best znalies--lowegt prices. FILA,11\41L.S. 1,:. Mill PricesLa-big stock. e • ee AND • • .• ..CLO. H as • A very fide range et very LOW FIGURES, o made up in first-claes order and 'en by Mr. Cline HAAClla s Fit and satisfaction guaranteed every thee. W.e quote Clothing' from • 10 to 25 pek. cent. leas them ex.- • elusive Merchant Tailors. SHIRTS • • .DRAWVRS.. Less„than Mill iic»s Goode wp • • sold readily at. 111.25 last year are 00c, this season. • Ou•r. Farllisliing. Beit. Is very. complete, very„ cheap, ando. very nice. 1 CORNER OF ALBERT HURON AND STREETS. • . . . • BUSINES• 8.DIRECTORY• - . .. . . • guettoneering. . ..• • (Orange. . .. • . . .. •F011 .•. . . Tis TDB village A bouie and store ..,,.„ of the Most neEtt4 There Is . . . oxeellent soft water lot comprises I th good repair. printer Is itiving 7 ... 6.41...,°4 • , - . , SA.LE. - . . the dwelling hy !lie,' The Nito Is the'village for bold- outhouseS, and an tile premises: 'The The vandIngs are cheep, as the pro- Ter needs% - 1 4,4..... .. :._ MINOAN.. . . • nelstrave, Ont, . gentiOtrg • .• , • . • H. W. BALL' . , , A tICTIONDElt for •Iluron County. Salmi at,: ti, tended to in. auk part of the CountY. Ail; !raw orders.to Gonsmen P. O. . V.17, • . • . . . 710 . ,i Le O. L No. . • • 7 ‘vp „ t ,,. . : , . )' 17 , .:. , ciaritilor•T, it's:2. •' ., - • „ .., 44 jt.... Meets EIRCOND lhonnitY of eve*, . nichith. nail Upstairs, Opposite '• /4_, ' the Town Math 'Visiting brethren :•,•-• „ alwAye mule Wek0111(1. .....' , - °P. ANTer,,ors, secit.' . '0A;Tmw'rt,•13evp',IPV:ig,'• •- • - - - • - • ' ' of DELGRAVE, Occupied desirable in a good stable, ulster' on of an acre. Will be sold op Misiness , .* ?PAY to ......; .w.m • . . ---z----.- EDWIN • EEEFER ------ ,tosaaa. .• . 88ees.• ' ..±:.3asyrrxissig , ' - Late ot Toronto, Menor Or:Lanai.° 60%1 a . ' • ef Dental .8urgeons, •. • .,„ - .7 -• •- .... : . ..• • ,.." . • •. 1'1. Coats• 8 'Block • ... aniton , . . . . fill Work Registered., ' Charges Moderate. , • ,•.. , ,. CHAS. HAMILTON,. .• • il .„ • . a atioNEER, land, loan and insurance agent. /..L 1)12th Sales attended in tOwn and cOuntry m reateinab.le tonns. A 114 of farms and village' lots for .sale. • bionoy,to loan- on real.cstater.•at• lowvatint,rof.intereat:,• Ineuranee•ctlecteiren-all- abases of property. Notes and debts collatted. ' Goods appraised, and sold on commission. Bank- rept stoekif bought and sold. Blith. Dee. 160880 . , . . • ' ....... . .. . .... - ' -ffiott 10;-' -,..7., 0 - .... - ..., - . •,.... . . -. • ' • .a. . • ontil,t0 stut. r -'.':: ...,..:.....„-...._:.:,...-L 00MIIIRCIA.,L HOTEL. .. •11,18 m,ells•fi.i81.1 throughout with groat dere to 1 cot toe -wants or too unearths( ')ublic. CommoVious sample r0On114. The hest of liquors end cigars are always kept at the hat. 00ed table. Best situated noto in Clinton. Clive us .4 c311- • „ • ' ' IA.S. In.00RE, 'Proprietor, Siine 2511, 1882, • . . Ittedieal. . • " —„, . . 11101sT_EY. TO• LOAN At IOW ratAs of Interest and upon terms to suit borrowers, . MANNING di SCOTT, , , Beaver Block, Clinton mint"' 11.4Y "' 1882' . ' ' " 2° -, 'Minton, • • • " Veterinary: . . . . E VE. 'Office; itattenbury 8t e t, imD R.:ea:8041y behind ItansfOrd's I oorlt° store: Residence opposite the Teniperence ILII, Huron Street. Office hence from 8 min. 1o6 p. m. . Clinton, Jan. VI, DWI. 1-Y . ' J. .E. BLAOKALL, •• . - Veterinary Surgeon - ' $ . . • Graduate of the ante& VoterinarY DOliege, To. tonto, having opened an Milo in Ofinton, is ..prepared to treat all diseeses of domestic animals on the Most modern prin. . CIP107. • An oPoration8 etwohytY • ' . • " performed, and calls preinpto, • , • kv attended te by day tr .•, • night. Pees moderate, . ' . OPPICE,-Allt door West of Xen- nedy'Eatotei, Clinton, Ont, V.47. , , , AIONIW to land in large or An10,11 sums, on , . good mortgages • or pers, WI ,t. ecuritY, at tho lowest current rates. IL DALE, Ituron.fit. Clinton, - . Clinton, rob. 25, 1881. '' . ' 1,1v, .. . 4 • . ' - - - • • '1G•. - • . • ''' I . .rR NCE The,abOve lioU. undersigned. toe and tha heat possible, and the general, Lame stables in with the begt 11(1'1(086nd elicited. Veterinary , ", on — . . ' ••" 0 ALES HOTEL. • bOoll lenSed IV' t110 have been . ratted, fftrinerq public- is Afforded. .The her Is supplied Yourpatrodage lii conneetiOn. „ Proprietor. ' 20-ly ,I A/. lAtoty premises ftrentnnuidhttot4for travailing connection, gigots. SOrgeOtt ClIte,t1IP,ODAt,n, . _ ' I, . . • • . MANIONG • & SCOTT, 13arristers, ihnleitors, Conveyancers, &o Pont - missioners for Ontario and Manitoba. ' l iw. office_Tows E.414„, claNiox. ninon, May 17th, 1882. •20 . • . • •ci 8 .. sir- -,,`: ‘' J , ....11' .7. 16. 0 1--- ' II"' >,.r ,,, 1.1 ' lae. Z ,., • 4 I! ' 1 '; el . 4 i . 2 , 4, ie 55 .;‘•• Fri is 0 SI. ..1S E' ' • c i 0.° 0 14 '' C 14 • . 1 st -': '9 A Li .g 4 tt • 1 4 .-' .. V .2 - ',F., 9 t ga ti * see. .... ea 1 r 4? ..5., , 1.1 s., t * 11 % .../ 0 1 . '`. - tS •a g 11 Er .0 to 13 ri, g. I a H „I.., , 4 .- . 1 14 ,, :. • FA r<4 d 4 .1.1 1 N, 4 I, 1'3 '4 ' s . N o ....r o' 1 --+ ;,.1, 3 .1, .., 2. 8 we w °,?, .,,,•5 f4 a , _ tnittilt4L ' . WAVERLY. HOUSE. ..........- . alum BOWL IS NEW and hat all the relplite• . ,1.. molts- 6( a fireklasa ,hense., barge end airy -trisasigPS,3"Inritov Ilja VI tit14,hoft.4!Poxt The tar is Well stocked with the cinder:1st triode of liquors noir dote, The ttaveiling public may rest assured of being wen came for at this hose. SAMCSI, T'llin ., tenon, May 15, 18S4. 2821' NOPriStot• .. q• • • • , D. A. FORRESTER, flog V IWAYON11, 4.01n, is stniAsteg, „ k .., caNRIG41. AGIINT. kir monv to Loan, . • . ewe, Beaver mock, Clinton, . 142tf . , ., .. t NSTI43lit"" MUSI(L-Mine Webb", itc'in i the noiton consavatorV of rnuifici will take &Heated number of pupils on the organ or Wane, Particular attention' given to those woo whs. to mprove on their Owen style of piasinesat rest, donee of 1,. P, Davis, near the organ (eatery. 36 - bOAGEft lstrenerott, launders, am., a., nod. Dena) Ind Wingtain. C. Seeger, Jr., GOderfen, I. A, Morten, Winghern, Hy, r _ h , • . r otogra. hers - . tel r ' ' . - wt.E. CAD 0 coe psatoiott. Sr JottLISION't Lints'auteein•I•0011 nsassesnoinio otlice.r.Wett Street, next OOLY tO Peet Oracc, Oraterieh, one 62. 1'0' THE • hd01110 .. . . I (4"0vollirgItithleortilninagVail '101 tilt' COMP 6" - . PUBLIO. ar ' " . " ' . le ifor . • s rn . „for.$414 or t# ,tt N Ni s,... ..S t • s. t Sze. Portraits a ii soia t . . i,..1.,...............g.,z, . . agiente. . ,, .6, not, filidielter., .te. 'Onto, etitiree of ,ns• sops mat West steeds .6Ver maws nook L oedema, Ont. . al', OE- Money to lend et tenon. rates Of intercat, ' . , - • xttiv sv.w.ti•ta• irrACItiNt‘ Pon . . - • SALE, •t'elstsrott.ttlpt.r.ad Aslit,-"`Ir. ssts-rtu„sir„6„ ,,,,,t14,: • ' 1, --- rya' ''""' - '''''''' "`e" Wh..ttfdSt Het . t!e httivot *Ark. *III ho WA Ot.o...14k p, . 6.01..1164: nc,Iviv'..d..AP6T6.6!'806fitur,try. °Anti ntrig Siert, tn. toonnt toraelir etee' ,•,1., a., vi,,,tva poem, ,..-0,,, 'Wee, NO.. 84, ' A. P. 4' A lite• ittetteretert Friday on ot ittal• the f 11 4...*,, , M...,iti,-,..r -,A.. ,: ' - t. n, • . — -. tl • THE UTAH'S ODIN GS.. 0ANADIAN. • „• Sir Jelin MriDonuld sailed. for Eneland last week/ •• navvies employed on the Canadian • Pacific railway in 13ritish Coltman r drop nitro-glycerine into the holes • which the Chinese are boring for blasts, and Chtnauieu go, At the annual meeting of the To. ronio, Grey 45 Bruce Railway Com. • pally it was stated that the lease to the Ontario stt Quebee railway company hid gone into operation on • the first of August last, The annual rontal 184040,000i which is provided to be paid to the T. G. tti LI, by the 0, 45 Q, half yearly. • A sensation hoe been created at • Coliourg by the discovery, that over • 1,000 names hail been purloined from the ,petition lying in the Sher - Ws office praying for the submission of the Scott Act •in the united court - ties of Northumberland and Durs ham. Tias is •a dastercily act and will prevent being taken in a vote tithe to come int° operation next May, even it' it does carry, • A frightfiii accident is reported from St. Felix'Que, The wife of a farnter named .Remi Marion was ass slating' her husband to load grain on a Cart, and was packing sheaves, whish her husband threw up to her at the time,. Theliorse took fright and MI) away by the side of a steep hill.' The cart, capsized, and the poor woman was throw to the ground • breaking both legs. Thereis vet') little hope of saving the iliturec wienatt's life. • •.. year ortwo back, by 'which he •had imported a large quantity of wheat • from the Unites States and defraud- ed the revenue to a large amount • by means of false entriea. Mr- Mar • ehall has been huyiug beet in the Western Suttee, priticipelly in Mioh- igan, shipped the grain to- •millers and dealers in Canada, and over- loadins the care 100 or more beide els, allidavite being made at the Cuatom.house to the smaller ran. tity, thussaving a rionsiclerable sum in duties on each shipment. Nat• orally enough Mr. Marshall has been able to undersell other grain operators by his fraudulent prac- tices, The department at. Ottawa W investigating the case, we tinders stand, and ;strenuous efforts have been and are being made to coin. promise the matter owing to Mr. IVIarshall'a political proolividem It is reported that previoua to ,the call made by the Ottawa oilier upon the gambol's at 'Stratford he visited Berlin, It hoetated that he then compelled the &driers, Wm, Bidder, of Waterloo, and T. ..tt A.B. Snider, German Mill, to pay $3,800 for the duties on wheat brought from the States by • Marshall aud entered fraudulently. , The Solders say that • the sum woe paid under protest. - • A E RIOAN A. lock -out at Oliver Bros.'hrolling 1 mills, Pittsburg, 3,000 filen gciing ouL - 14 new churches have beep organ. ized, and 2,400 converts ' received , suit tried at the Toronto assizes, at the impance of A. C. *(1 RAO, - O., I U nibernnan,. of, Clore, Bei .51anitettlin Island,••against Tenter 45 Co.,. wholesele• merchants,- Harrill ton, in Which, plaintiff elaimed $10, •000 dateages for falee arrest 'under a charge of obtaining goods under false pretences', of *Web he 'was acquitted at the October .assizes last year., the ju.ry OS Sat.eribly gave a verdict for plaintiff of $9,000:' dam- ages • , • S. J. Ritchie, of Alcren,Ohio, Preeident. Or the •Contral • Ontario, Railway, was in Montreal last .week. 1 -le has recently been in Washington, apd states that both riarties•arefa,VS ourable to the retrieval' of dutiee on • coal,lumber,iron ore and Salt. NotIt's however,cam be 'one 'until after the Pre.sidential elntion and the meeting ,.of Congress-onthe lat • of December. No matter which cans • dichite is elected, this' duty: will be • recorded. Mr.. flitchie ,was in (As tawa Int whiter °Otitis 'bilsiitees; • E. King Dedds,, Licensed Victu- aller ,tharnpion, addressed a Meeting of the.Barrie: electors in ICan.nady's Oct.: 17tb.,, 'Ott the Scott Act. just as 016- doors Of the hall were. opened a sensation was created by a' liody Of . women, 'numbering' two bemired strong,: Who Marched up to •the. door end afemanded admittance They were refused,' and for a Chile the wildest:. excitement' • Prevailed. O.MrsChrie. Moore, who is recogn*Zed as the exponentof die licensed v• s• diallers' casein drillia, gives ershis mason fox not admitting. them that lie was infoimied on good authority filet the • woms n,. intended to sing, -King Dodds' clown as soon as be get • up to speak.- . • •-•: , • Joseph ;HrOuillaril• • and: • Gilbert tWo faiiners . who live • in'A:ntlerdon 'township, Essex Coun- •ty, Opts went hunting nee day list week,' • Theysaid they wolild, re- tut-lion:the evening, but their Mende felt: eo riemisiness at their coral's:. ued,alistmee, ail it at, aR thought they had', gone onto Amlierethurg, or Windsor. Both men turned tip111 their liousee on Saturday in a helf- shareed emelition.. Shortly after leaving henna •they loet. their.bear- ifigs. The 'first and second nights' were .spent, in Wandering' through the wends; ' which' • in -Anderilon township are very thick, When morning mune • they found themsel- ves near the spot whi611 they. had loft the fiight 'before. 11?roth this .time. until Saturday- tnorning they were always constantly on the moves ..They had about. given' up. ‘v hen they ,•.tnet a. manof whom' they . risked ' where they were. , The Man, .pro- behly thinking them jokiirg,.. told them the Wrong . way. out.. Again they .• wandered • round .for About Saterdity noon their heard. e Whistle, and • knew ,it must corns. front .Canada Sotitheen • engine, They et once atruck on in the ,dir- ection of the whiatle, and finally , euceeedtal in • reauhing the • tiatek, 'only to • find theinielves alien • 16 unto froni h�t88e, Thisi distancg. hey willted,..tinti• reaoliqd-home in afety after an -absence of fire days.. A; shooting atecident of a painful, and fatal eature occurod on the falai!, of MrsOrrIris•Stinet•Iti Haiti' 'Welling - tee county, on Friday afternoon,- about three o'clock. • Two ,of his • hired men R. Bowerinnterauti Henry Halliday, were leaving the. house on their way to enjoy an afternoon's. shooting. • Whilo day was openittg ply? gate Bower - master Wan comitig out of tlie wood. shed, adjuating a cartidge in a breech loader, • and • when 0 closing up the brooch the gun by seine means was diechaegedithe whole charge etrikilig Ilailiday behind the tegt betwoon the .knee tied thighadiattering the leg to. jelly. Tho, two mon wore only about four feet distant frbm end', other at the time. , John Scott, a yomig son Mr jolin 'Sotto sr. whet Witheseed the accident, 1515'1141440)y gavetho atom, and medical aid •Wita at once sent foe, everything done in the meantime that could be thought of toscaunch the flow of blood, and re. Hove the 'pain of 1110 sufferer. Des.. McIntyre and- 'Swan were tmon 100 • attendance and did all in their pow - et to save OP man'e lifts brit with- out avail, as ho died about 8.0lcIoelc hi tho evening; • MIA deoeesed Was 'Mind 28 years of agenand has been in MP, Sented Set Vied eine° spring,. oming to him front soinewhere near tyr, Ho leaves a Wife tsd young hild .to mourn' his loss, Who have he fliflOfire Rstrotaithy Of the orhood.in their sad and sudden be. ettvement. " The attatfeed DeaeCOS says t 'Led week rumors gained currency 04 "The recelpts of the C. P. R. dur- ing the ,past, week were 0198,000, ` against $134;90 in corresponding 8 ,periorl in 1883, showing an increase of '$64,000, 'Reims L3aptis •mtnis er,•- •of Chatham, makes, a Specialty of Arroturing, on the benefits of 'moral suasion and kindheis in the reclatna- don of•,,inebriates, • The Dominion Govermen thas by Order in -Council, granted lend subs eidkof 6,400 urea per tnile to the Manitoba • At Northwestern and Manitoba 45 South ivestern railways. Ah Lowell, Maros, the other day a girl employed in st cartridge facts (Pry threw e*.bellet at another girl to wake lier up. , The bullet lodged iii the girlie ear, and could not be re- moved, She died, in great agony. According to the . Mail, which might to he good authority, Sir John Medonald, just before hiede parturo for turope, fneeiously said that lie would be known as "Lord To -morrow" when he returned from his trip to England. Tho easeof • V. Primeau vo; 0, Demers, for $500 daningershrie come • up in the Quebec SOperior Court. Primed is suing Demers because be alleges the latter on several demurs ion passed him taking up the col- lection in the church, Throe young boys; at Vseter Pair, WO a bleYekt on the'street in t front of rarrell'a drug elate, when e the 'horse they were driving was frightened aud -shied • off the ,road, throWing out the Occepttrits. Ono r had bis leg broken in two plates, The °there eketsped unhurt, , The annual, meeting Of the Atneris can Board of Comenisaionera of Fors Mieeions TOports ; receipts for the year $517,000, Which is $6,000 , less than last year. • The Asnerioan 0 Bible society has. determined to stop putting Bibles in railroad care. 0 One of ite officers said,: "Of a thousand distributed, we tethered ut ten. are ,reail, while 300 werrten mutilated as t� his worthless, and 400 stolen. .• Bonner, the owner of Mend S. is verywealthy,away itp in the mil, lions: It is not very many yens since. he took the Now York L?(Iger in hand, he then being a frieridless youth iron' Ireland, with. almost empty pockete.• The yield'of. wheat in 011ie dur. ing the past season is. Mitinutted at 41328,000 bushels, oats, 22,566,009 • beshels; barley, 1,'082,000; corn ..ay. eraoes. 75 'Per cent. era full croti; rye°,86; buckwheat, 65; potatoes, 63; tobitectr,74; apples, 67. . Frank Burlinn, bookkeeper, went to the houee or Rose Andlieo .4 coil operator's daughter, Mount Carmel,. with whom be was in love, and fired an ineffectual shot at Count Armapuski, • who was With O her in the parlor. The Count got a • revelver and ordered Mitre Andrigo to °punt three. At the Werd "three" loth . men fired, and .1Bui1inan was 'shot in the shcrulder. • O The Solidi county, Dak. gropd. jury has 'lust . been discharged. after 'returning . nearly three. score .in- dictinents...ageinst. persons charged: 'with selling liquor ,withent 'county linen:y.8.H 'There is Conaiderable in- dignation expresiert, howeyer, in the • community over the methods anis. played by the prohibitionists to ,ses mire evidence to•.'sappOrt 0. their' charges. . • . , •• Friday there occurred four miles west -of Alexandria,•'Ky. 'a- case of maternity the most remarkable •in • the history. of A mericen obstetrias. Tlie mother, a• young-. colored girl -named Rena Freeman, was .born ..AIarchl5th. 187,3, .ettil is therefore, eleven years and sirs hionths •old: Silo is very. small of statereatbd. is 14. .chilti.in everything but •experience. • Her. accouelteur, T. S. Orr; says the. Canil is without, parallel lathe plea • cal history of the country,. A White woma lap heeri among the Indians' of. the etate Of Nevada for four rave. The • unkindness, .andaleesit which she says eliesens countered aiming the white people prompted her to mingle with if. raCe, . which, if they did not possess the ci • • vilization and refinement of her own, - at. least.were more sincere and affec denote in their nature. At first the Indians Imaitated -about taking her - into their fold; Nothing ie the world would now induce.. her to .res 'stun herformer life. ' 0." • BR [TI SH-FOREIG',N. .• _ The lest seseion of the Cabinet before the asseinbling 'of Parliament was held Friday. The .4i5'.en41Q13 betyVfnlp. ITartington and: Chamberlitin eon the question of a." 'coninromise with the Hone of Lords and the Frinchise Bill is still abeyance. O tad Spencer hes sent the Govern molt gloomy reports relative te the prospects cif the coming • winter. Although the harvest in Ireland is good, low pricee of produce pi•event faemera from meeting the payment of rents. Should the !meliorate ire Ent upon their full legal rights, evictions will entre and °rinse revive, The comprothian tiogotii.tions hween Mr. Gledstoue and LOrd Sal- isbury in relation to the passitig of the Franchiae Dill by the Lords bits tehnitiated 10 e rupture, Me. Glad. stone- absolutely refused to enter- tain the proposition to hitroduce the Redistribution Bill in the I4ou.0 of Commorm befits the Lords pasaed the Franchise Bill. , At Leda Mr. Forster delivered an eloquent apettoli in vindioation oi Mr. Clingstones policy. He said the question Was tvliether the pea- PIO Shill gdvarn theineelvet or whether their affairs shall lie mao- ft4, tilt& policy ruled, their will eonetently defeated and baffled hy three Itutulreda privileged (mullion. At a Meeting tif the Dublin•eoe. petetion a proposition to. sobatitute • Trish names for Ziglreid and ' foreign 11411364 at obreetA Was di8Cliff Sod. Liberal and Conttervittive mem. bees oppoaed the proposition. One spealtot remarked that. the kmeri people would rise bodily in their indignation if snob a motion were earned. The Board ultimately in- structed the Committee to prepare a plan for re naming the street, The Cardinal Vicar has pronounc ed as heretical the congregation of St. Peel% Catholic American Church at Rome. The foenders of the church are Sig. Oempello, A NI MOP earlOn of the Remits, Chtholio Church and Mgr, Javerrez •The View's reasons for denouncing the Church are that it uses the Itelian language in conducting ite services, impugn the infallibility of the Pope, syrns pathizes with Pere Hyacinthe, dis- bliees in the real presence, refuses to invoke the Virgio, eto, The- des cree threatens with major erne). inunicatien all persons wire join or pereuade others to join the Church. • North-West Hallways, LIBERAL POLICY AD )PTDD 11Y T11111 ot.IVERNMENT, citiverniiient hn3 been. for some time back Carefully studying the best polisy to adopt with reepech to railways In Manitoba anfl 'the North.West, Sir uavid IVIecpliers eon sebeinted, to his colleagues -his plan, ,and it lias 'been ...adopted. • Oriefly ateted, the ,proposed plan i to give free grants of • rand 051 40 Manitoba and 'North-Western, .the firat.pf -Whirl has hfty nsiles in op. eration; and theseerinti•eighty tiiiles Bach of these railways had the land 'originally' allottej tr) it at the price of oner'dollar per acre, They, .*ill now get the ..allottnent freepaying the Govertinient tee cents an acre 'tired miles built in addrtion to the ,pstoiotuscteol jirl.tewroSeefs:tyep.er tin ew .1s., an vr te.ey . oinag,te ehenn'.. This done in die hopesthat the ..• sitis .the -.earnest desire of the 'Gotaernitreet to have the country opened by mans of railweys. _Both 'iltese railweye men through a coun. try • fairly settled by • people who 'rushed in,anticipating on earl'y colt- strection of railways. They e.xper.. ieneed .disapPaintnient, °Whig the persistent, mierepreeentation of the matintry by the Oimesition, both hi the House ited in, their journals.. The efforts.of the companies and ,the Government aver° .frustrated;. -cap- italists could nolbe indueed to. eta: bark their capital, not' being able • to tiring themselves to the belief that any politieal..party weuld'be so un-' .patrioticas to attack the character of the...country Merely ill. order to defeat the purporms of the' Govern; °rent. Owing to the persistent • attacks Of the. 01)1)9000n upon' Man; Reba' and the,NOrth-west, that part, of Canada lied gone widiont •the construction 'of. eeeded railways fOr. O the whole of die present year, The Governhient has found itnecessary to give the land ftee, at st loss to the. exchequer 'which, though ,pon- inderable,"is trifling to' the lose suss t'a,ned by beart4e.r. mienr:eiiintletdci heeft.' • !through , whicit the two • railways Every: bushel of .wheat, kept back. from niarkot through .the ,insane aie citicifoorinOfektaof iteOpporrition is: a loss to t . . goes WittiliVi.tp.a sttrytilotgr • Government ea .carefid and wisely' cronserVattye tu. its :policy tie :the preeent GoVerenient Will, while in- austuratieg,t a free' grant land paid); upon these, broad, liberal and pros ..gressiVe teries, be Very careful •deterniiiiing ' what lines 'of railway shall.reeeiva aid in that ways and • will guard against the possibility of 'the lines of railway 0(11114c:dug .veith ceie another hi 1158 monett market The two .lines iiurned, with Which this beginning of the new polies?' is 'mad'e, '1150 80 distruitly separate and oecupy districts safer open thab by. 00 possibility Can they 60010' into antagouisut,, while the fertility of the regions they. 'traverse, and the progress already ...merle in .settIins them gives assurance that these reil... roads will do.remarkably. well. . . ••'Sociality And Beer. • 4 very nemerous class of well ie. 1.pontioned persons are raising a great ory about the evilswhigh spring from the sale of beet, and spivits with. a view ..to the Government prohibiting the sale, Of all sear refreshments. Their efibrts are doing good; develetv. ing st tetriperatme sentitneet through, qtitt: vv°°14tntlIY; thuti ese 1st: r 18 601'; t'oiit 1 rethr evils of it more deadly nature; Which excite Ito comthent from modern moralists. Drunkenticse is a low and dettritable vine, but it bas some preatan aides .1.1 contemplate, and the good feeling, the merrimen t, the gaiety, which frequently are produo, ed by the temperate etel wiae use of alcoholic stimulants, Are sonte. coon- te Alamo° to .the ariniittedly great evils which result from extess in tire ;use of the iotoxteants.• In thie.titat- tor the enthotriastic temperance ad. vacate dpes not: do justice to the stibjects and 11 i& rather curious to note that it has been reeerved for ao grave and reverend a body as theFed. *rat Ceuncil ef Switzerland to deal with the subject with true propriety. In a report on litho adventages of Slur - Untrue Drinks" the councill makes this remarkable statement "The practice of SOdial drinking of sPirit. iron liquora brings a Cheerful temper into society, effnees the' traces of daily labor, opens the heart to other' impressions and is intimately mere. elated with the destelOpnaen public1 life. The publie house fostets intellect -nal fletleitY Red 13 it remedy Against Misittrthropy, iatiani, vanity, nartsawness of Men, and extravegenee of imagination." In this there is at least mete truth, and the drinking habitti‘of the pe.. pie 488) 1101 without some redeeming so . yeli olo suffering from ore eeatins drinking, any Indira:rotten or tikNivalit or are yoking and growing too last, often the case, "Or if you are in die workshop, on tl 'tains at the (leak, anywhern, awl lo 'that your system needs demising, to ting, otetimulating, witinen into/deo 'ink it' you are olds 'blood thin and bevies puke 'feeble, usrves unsteady, faculties 'wallies, Hop Bitters la what you need t 'give yes new life, health, and vigor." IT you are costive, or dyspeptic or mullet O tug from any other of thi. numereus d is eases of the stomach or bowels, it is you own fault if yon remain ill. If you are wasting away with any form uf Kidney didease, stop tempting deet this moment, and tern tor ii-.eura to Ho Bitters. If you'are sick with that terrible sick um, Nervousness, von Will find a "Bak in Gilead," in Hop Bitters. • -If yon are a frequentoror a ..esident -a miasmatic district, barri:quic your sys O L•tent aga;nst the scourge of all countric. -gelato), Epidemic, 13fflions end Int or ,---inittent Fevers by the We of Hop Bit -ter& If you. have rough, pimply, or satin 'skin, bad breath, Hop Bitters will giv you lair skin, rich blood, the swevtes breath and health. 0500 will be paid 11.0) elide they Will 1,19t care or help, •• A Lady's, Wish.' • 5,011, how r do wiSitthj sktn ,WOS bcl*ar. and soft as yours,," saiil a lady. to her 'friend,' "You 'can easily 101,11(5ct so," answered the friend, "flow,"' the first hey, • ' '011)y:using Hop Bitters that inakes pire,,tcek blood'and blooming health, • It did it tor me • as pit ohsetVe."O • sq•Nolie gentriart 'without a huneh of green HON WI the., white label. Shull all ...the vile"sneisoneesissteff with. VI•lop'(5' --"119Iti" In their tisnie. , 30M t . Worth' Knowing. • . • I1ia4 a' gond tutily tipples, 'and have fed the windfalls for the past' 'fifteen yetirs' to my . agaitie .the advice of it'eiglibers, but '1 ant convinced hy so dOingthat i0t. only. many innects are 'dem royed tiot .ita6 seasitably my 'Icowti increase to milk, will .not do 18 feed too teeny when, commencing, for they would be injurious. Give not mere than a peck at first, and inerease .to huit a. bushel. 'Your ..coWS: will. relish thein. • .•. • about .aL. Cy.eawla writ's at;was tlioroughly eured bv• heating my' feet' tut liot ea 1: could bear 'fear times is day, say • fifteen untie tes.• eft er . break east, • d • nerse.nd ,supper; and ,before retiring I :dill not use- tnedieiett Or. liniments Of .any. S.nce my. irecovery :friends have tried. it' for neuralogia *and rheudiatietir Whit O bIlleitn eC:e88. bt11.0- Pickle skit' stoves and rangee,--LOile-lotlf (nois)8, . of prepared chalk, two ;ounces collo! arnirtwo. 'miners; of, ogee fun.,.. monia;:. Keep in -a clime bottle and .,shakefreqtrently while using. )11 v flatirons were very badly discolored,. having been carelesilly put • upon, hot • 'Cro Tr ey were. also • very rough, but this preparation resew -tat them tonearly • dieir original spioothtleSP, • .• , " Sized Ry-sGrit • Perheps our gond friends the tirite would like ,to knoW how the brinery bueinees leeks, trt o.utsiclerss; Mr. .7.0.. metsigan., editor of the Victoria, B.C.1 :Tunes, is a life-long Refortner. fta Ives formerly ono cif the proprietors of the. (3 uelph •alercery,.. He the .other day, -telegraphed. congratula- tions to 'Mr, Mowat on the opcasictif of that little gentlerarn's "ovation," .The Timel has been carefully study- ing tbe •bi:ihery ease,: anti conies this conclusion : ',Air. S. Blake, who la conducting Mr. Mowitt's case before die conspir- • acy comsn'Ssiotvlias piihlicly atimit. teri that,' in his opinion, Ale 4eil• edith woe innocent of any connees tion with the bribery himinese. Mrs , Meredith molt not he a great politI- cal leader, but he is an honerabli • man. The case adainst. Wilkinstin 5851(1 Itirkland, however, is completes ti,,nd it may. Be, added, so is. that - against .:11oKitn, the Grit al,. P. Ps fer 'West, 'Wellington. Beionds doubt 'lie Wee anxious thattlie ravishing 811004 begin: The niteinpt •to tree° the plot home the Dominion .atithoi•itiea• collapsed when :gr. Blake deoline:t . to call John fThields, 'and When itfi,. , Burgess showed .that, Wilkinson luid been promised the Edmonton regist ' o tenable, with *Welt he conjuredt over eighteen montliesago." .. • 'vogai culture 00 the"• Musical' Courier toys ilia lIenry Carter, who haS had irtng perience in training voiees, tures 11,11 follewing terse and Cominendithie • hints to yodel students: "A singer' • stock in trade consists de very ited number of notes, ofteti only ty dozen. According to the perfection of these 'tones is the voice valueble,. A voioo with a dozen or twenty ct. petfeet notes hes a higher marketable value the any. ether, musical acquisition. Hence the inn portanee cif devoting Caro: to the pro, dttetien, of tone. lany pupils' jump over the foematien of' tone and eatito fy 'themselves • with learningli the tunesof the prime (Jenne, tunl,in after life, sutler tor dude mistake. A noitiO groping effect when taking brentli and then trying to Si 14 with the lungs etopty, iir 50 ooninion Wet among badly trained singer& •Often an inferior tinpreasent tune Is given beerinse the ptipil Isas trever been tuught, the seeiet ormaking adores of the inakle 'Of the nioutb, Vocal students ttre often bey, fs'n rnueli flattery is given to thorn frT singing a pretty bsflsd 1#111611 cloy have leirned like a Imitt04 that thttV SCOYIff AO 801)018800 applieation Whiolt Makes them good timittla stud rerMeatable, reliable trusiclans, Fx- aotly as piano pupils spend %.,e-ekN and months 111 merely learning ti , their fingerer and as einlinisin oriefuro untoldtorture It getting 11814 posi• •