HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1884-10-08, Page 4N AVVS PAPER LAWS
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1 -A.'Postmeater la required to give
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lit take Ina papet out of the ollice, anti
state the reason for its mit bang taken.
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retie:01e to the publieltera for payment.
' -If any penem •ortlers 1118 paperdi8.
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the miblialue may .• ventinite...th seed. it.
until paytreut is ia'1e au colleet the
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ft. eAuy person who takes a ever from
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er (vanities to seta, it the aubscriber is
bound to pay 'Writ if. he takes eut the•
pest.nlike. This proceeds epon the evened.
thot a man must IF for what he use,.
St. Pant s Onareh...-Services on S111014Y at 1
a.m. 11111 T p. to. 011110 Class, 10 Ctn. Sunday
SiM lel.8 p.m: &grim on Wednesday. 8 p. m
11111'. Wmttast Came, Rector
0m4Metliodist.-Sertfeee at 10.39 e. 01.
an 1 7.00 p. in. Sabbath Schaal iot 2.30 p. in.
ar..I. Glum, Pastor.
Canada Presbyterian.- Services at 11 a.m. en
:10 0. "IL Sabh441 ScitirOl, 2.30 p. 01. Rev.
Atm Srlosuir, Pasta.
Bible Christi.10,-Setvitos at 10.30 a. in. and
see p. m Sabbath &heel, 2.30 p.m. Rev. 4.
Baptist Chureh.-Sorriee at 0.30 p. 11, Sab-
bath Selical. 2.33 0. Gape. Naos.
tlitttt,.1- %CCU Ai
The God.erith News
Huron Record,
(4.114 hGA.114T1W.
Clinton, Wednesday, October 8
• _
The Neiv Lalla Rookb.
SOMES1 1401**. illisare:011/ r or uve stock,
WAtatillict BbaCe ABP. WIlirk PRISM, .
greogi ha reeently been rearm
-It often happens that blink and Mended as an addition to the food
white calico, and other pentei; oods
which have a white pattern ona et 441113°4 lie it ieereeeee their Pe*
black ground, will not hear washing wer of "eutilut"i" II"' ImIld pro
motes the rapid and healthy pro-
aalaaal.aaa" Preaaatkath are "k" duetion of ilsili. 1.'hie was receut-
to prevent "'running"; or, in other ly proved by takiug the live weights
words, the white spots acquire a red- of two ;ow of oio.op, too otinply
dish color, and the black g,otead se ntrating them by au ordinary net;
comes dull and foxy. A oass of Ode I the artificial food, core and cake,
kind having occurred:in Stuttgart, being carefully weighed td:
the •tirese wee sent to the Royal r each lot alike daily, one pint Ot
laborat&y there, and the following vliarcoal being added to 918e lot
method, resorted I. which prevail outer. When reweighed, ?tier to
aucceasful. A autnoient q„„Otity Of e111114 to tlie butcher, the increase
water was,put in a wail ..boiler, and
heated to the boiling point. There
were then dissolved in it fifty drams
red chromate of potash, eighty drams
common salt, and sixty drains °rya -
tale of sal soda, The dress was put
into this hot bath for five Minutes
and stirred, and then washed in
clean water until the white spots
• appeared perfectly bright and clear.
To Citueese WooDwoloc.-Save the
tea leaves for a few days, then steep
them in a tin pail or pan for half An
home:strain through a 81PY0 and use
• the tea to wash all varnished paint.
It requires very little "elbow polish,"
as the tea acts as e strong detergent,
cleansing the paint from all impuri-
ties, and reeking the varnish equal
to new. It eleans window sashes and
oil cloths; indeed, any varnished our
face is improved by its application.
It washes window panes and 'Arrows
inuch better than water, and is ex-
cellent for cleaning black waluut
picture and looking glass frames. It
Will not do to waalt unvarnished paint
with it. Whiting is unequalled for
'cleaning white paint. Take a small
quantity on a damp flannel, rub
lightly over the surface, and you will
• be SU rprised at its effects.
(Now York
In The Philadelphia. Casket of
Agusto, IVO, I find this:
Our readers may rentember. the
beautiful apostrophe in 'Lalla Rooeh',"
"101: ever thus from childhood%
• • hour,
I've seen me fondest himes decal;
never loved a tree or flower,
Bat t' was the first to fade away,' etc:
In a late Georgia Coutler we find
the following. pnrody. The. laet, atae-
za is exqueiteliy affecting, and is
founded an the eternal experienee.
of childhood:
" 'Teas ever thus from childhood.%
hour, . • ..
I've seen my fondest. hones deafly;
I never loved a bird or flower . •
That did not fly or fade away. •
" never hail a little kit, • • .
To per so softly on tny lap,
But fortune' s .nalice followed 'it, •
To kill by cur or schoolboy asP.
" never had a bit of twat, • • .
• Particularly good and Wide, -
But tell upon the sanded •floore
Anil always on the puttered side."
OILING 'POTATOES. To boil a poles-
requiies mare attention thari
is usually given..They should be well
washed and left standing in cold tee-
ter an hour er two, to reniove the
black liquor With which . they' are im-
pregnated, and a brackish taste they
would otherwise have. They should
mit be pared before boiling; they
lose !near ot thestarch-13y- so-dcine,
and aramade insipid. Put them in'.
ton kettle of clear cold water, with
telitt:le salt, cover closely, and boil
rapidly; using no more Water than
will just 'cove i them, aa they produce
a considerable quantity of fliticl therm.
selvets while boiling., and too much
water will make them heavy: As
sOon as just clone insteetly. pour off
the water, set them back �n the range
and leave the cover off the saucepan
till the steam, has evaporated.. They
will then, if a good kind, be dry sand
mealy. This is an Irish reteiptt and
agood.one. .
• Finding. Ills State -Room.
' . . •
On an European steamer- en• ronte
to this country not many days ago_
there mut a newly married couple
who .attraoterl: considerable attepe.,.
thm from the rest 'of the paesengere, .
T ley seemed to be very happy, • al't
Nvq.H natural, of course,. but. already.
t here Nyasa cloud hanging over their
oung lives. 'Whether some One
haietold the young man brandy . was
good for seasicktiess, or whither. he
had only temporarily abandoned. the
pernieious.fluid, could not be ascer-
t tined; but the fact was • that one
evening the groom was discovered
od the upper deck fee ling along the
rail- very carefully, And inquiring
iti a thiek tone of voice if anybody
hmt seen the door of his stetseroorn:
"P f orgotten number, gen'rmen,"
said lie, "but Lil know ;when I see
it, an'll ball right."
Not one of the crowd knewthe
number, lint relying
on bite • assur-
ance that lie shouldknow the door,
hey -helped. him below and. 'halted.
him before the door of aroono which
lie said e as his. The door was lock
e -aid so they opened it ant teals'
him in. .In jest two seconds
afterward he emerged libout • half
vi ay betWeee the sill and the
and landed in th4: middle of the pas-.
hageway 19 a heap while 9 'gruff
voide said: ‘• What are you doieg
in my room, you trunken.villian?"..'
Evidently he hail mistaken ,the
locality. The assetnbled 'crowd:pi),
cited him to another doora abort
distance down the peasige.
"No mistake this tinue'fouted bitn
sure," said the inebriate. ,
- Tile door was locked' but after a.
few vigorous rapeit vias opened and
. he unfortunate fellow. ,preelpitate0 ,
hinisslf against it and landed in the
middle of the floor. Instantly a '
chorus of shrill.sereanis iesaied from.
the room ana on the instant an an.
eismt, maiden lady ditalled from the
room and landed plump against te
fat old fellow of the rescue patty,
who sat down very suddenly with a
violence that shook the voseel from .
keel to truck.
"0, take him ateayl take hitn
away!" and amid a .chorus, of
screams the groont teas hauled Mat
of the state -room and the lady per
survied to return. . •
"Well, to make a long story short
they put the paralyzed young man
intu 150 out of i60 etate rooms of
the ateamer, and 110 was tired. Out of
every one of them more 'or less
violently accortliiig t� the temper of
the inmate. Thu , last state room
eeetned to belong to him, and tio tire
crowd, after standing about and
°fuelling the filurtour of mild re-
proachen and entreatiea, mingled
with disjointed explanations, with -
'drew to laugh and "liquor
BistotI Globe,
itt weight was. in favor of charcoal
by 17.25 pir cent. Saintatuni
causes easy and complete digestion;
and assimilation only can account
for thoie results, which charcoal a-
lone can accomplish. The el.arcoAl
should be giyen mixed with food,
except 111 urgent caster, when it may
be mixed in water or dill' gruel, and
eiveii as a drelich. Tlie 1,1050 is oue
pint for every tweuty-five head of
Sheep, one-quarter pint for full
grown cattle, horses and pige, balf
the quantity for y,oune cattle, mid
two teaspoonfuls for young calvea,
daily, wheti suffering from disease,
or ill ill conditien. To keep in good
health and fortify against diseases,
the dose Should lea given two or
three times per week, according to
the claim of food they are beelike,
aud the state of the atnthephere,
To Dealt A Pone -Split tbe fowl
, ,
down •the beck; season it very well
with pepper and put it on the grid-
iron, with'..the inner parteiext the.
fireovhich mustebe very clear. Hold
the, gridiron at it -considerable die
thrice from the fire, and :alloW ,the
fowl to remain until it is nearly half
shine; then tern it, taking great -care
thatett does not burn, .broil it of a
fine brown,. and' serve it up witix.
stewed mushrooms. A deck may be
broiled in the same Way, halt roast
it,' Olen' cut it into quarters and fin-
ish • it on the gridiron. ' It will take
from half an hour to•three-quarthrs
of an hour to cOok.
. Mits. Wateeit'e- I3oiten preen Pima.
-Rub a half cupful Of scraps of but -
.ter into tliree tablespoonfuls or flour,
add a copied of bol ing water, andestir
gradually together,. add what' cupful
of boiled eider, and two .e.upfuls of
• sugar, set: on the stove to cook all
together a few Minntes, setaaff, and
when a little cool, add e, beaten egg.
Line two plates with .cruit as far
apple pies, pour in your mix,ture, and
• if the platieseare not,quite full enough
a little. frnoTe boilingrivrater may be.
added,'eover, seem's: the edges. care-
fully, and bake till done, and yoo
• have nice pies, eppecialiy nice in the:
spring when teit apples have gone
by. A .few chopped raisins cooked
in the mixture are 8 great addition
to tlieeepies.
flaitX.-Berit four eggs very thorough-
ly, the whiteti and yolks seParatelY,
add' 4 tumbler of spear, and beat
again, flavor' With lemon. Use nei-
ther cream, tartar nor soda. Stir in,
lightly a cupful of flouts This is very'
nice if successfully made, • but much
depends on the .beethig and baking.
•Set it 10 theoven. There it will net
need to be stirred till doe. .• •
Mee. MoQelvey's. Dotioneues.-A
cupful ofsiagats 1w2 eggs, well beaten,.
three teaspoonfuls Of Melted lard:
tem teaspoonfuls of cream tartar,
sifted through the flour,' a teaspoen,
fa of soda, cliesblved in a cupful of
sweet milk, a. teaspoonful of sat,
nutmeg to flavor flour to roll.'
• Men's Pockets*.
Mary S. Booth, in the following
front Harper's Bazar, commenda
pockets and the teix that devised,
apprebiatod, anti continues, to mul-
tiply them :
11 we were asked what is to -day
the great advantage Which man has
over woman in the struggle tor ex
Istence we should answer without
besitetion pockets. -Pockets are
the epithet of rite Orderly mind;
„logical powers, practical at:claire-
'limits, homogeneity. A. bag, a
woman's bag, a shopping hag, is the
emblem ()him kingdom of mire tile.
Speaking roundly, a 'inati's elothes
contaiit a dozen pecketein this
nonventent place his aliange is kept
ever ready, andnever in .the way;
in that receiitaelo. ere hie knife,
cinkscriew, shoe buttoner; another
compartineitt is sacred to his puree ;
still another holds hie liatulkerellief;
MS gloves mayttave a separate -home
if Ile will; , Ineeyeeglass lives in an
aristocratic seclusion,' watch,
case, au a toor picks are comfortably
segreeetscl, and be bas room beside
for memoreteluni book, letters, news
papers,•the new magazines, visiting
.cards, and a ease of .0ourt plaster.
Is'it any wonder that he turns the
key of the world's' great lock easily:
and well, having heai'. hands frk to
that exercise? And the 'fact that
he has conquered Ids pockets, so to
speak, tnstities to tile sup emacit of
man. If his tailor demurred at put
ting them in,. that Useful minion
would tind his ocaupation gone. But •
When a woman is told by. her clress-
nialterthat only one inaccessible poc-
ket is,to be alloWed b.r,s1ie supinely
Hubmits, and thereby'. proclainis her
ifnerioi•ity Of 'sex..
Many forget that theliair anti sealp
need cleaning as well as the halide
ma feet. El:am-lay° use 'Of AYeeti
Bair Vigor has proven that. it it the
hest eleansing agent for the ladr-that
t prevehitsas we1Ia'rothoes deed-
* Putt4 role and tOothea tho sealp, and'
- V V '• an.44a Ms
The iehborno
We learn from late English papere
that )11r, Qum:tern:4in East has taken
furnished house in ilainpahire for
the Tiabhorne Claimant on his re-
lesise frem Dartinoer on the 4to. of
thisnaonth. 11 16 not deemed advisable
to make the exact spot public. rhe
Claimant will at once take up his
abode there on hie release from pris-
on. During the, imprisonment of
their father Mr. East has taken upon
himself the responsibility of Main-
taining awl educating the Claimant's
daughters. The young girls have
had all the advantages enjoyed by
the children of their protector, and
the elder will, upon her father's re-
lease, go to live with him and keep
house, In order' that the Claimant
may not, at any rate for some time
to come, be worried by pecuniary
matters, Iejr. Bast proposes making
him an ample weekly allowance, and
will further place a considerable sum
of money in his hands on Me iley of
his relettee.
The estate of the Tiathornes was
valued Itt £84,0O 41year. The first,
trial was before the Court of Com-
mon Fleas, and the perjury trial was
before the Court of the Queenrs
Bench. It was settled beyond rens-
onable doubt that the "Claitnant"
was Arthur Orton, who emigrated
from London, his native place, to
Australia, end because of evil doing
changed hispatrie to Castro. Their
are, however, inany in Bngland who
believed, and atilt eltilm, that Orton
is Roger Charles Tichborne<
A peculier virtue in Ayer's Sarsa•
parilla is thatwhile it cleanses and
purges the blood from all corruptions
and impurities, and thereby roots
out disease, it builds up and Invigor-
ates the whole system and mates ore
young again,
Tourist: $4., does it rein here
every day ?" Gide: "Why, no, sir.
We had tavo fine days last year." •
100 IS WO Mal%
FROM THE SON; "28 eon fit., New
uu,ositeetewmtbeibeennielamootafreleeltecrouriswere/dt: frfloytm:01 weeerghgeri
41 unfzvogius oteot
liyer's Sarsaparilla
has bed in gis ease, lE think kia Woo4 must
bare contained the humor for at least ten
pars:. but it diduot ihow, mot is the tuna
eta acrofuleus 110641 010 the wrist, Until about
eve years ago. From a few spots which ap-
peared at that time, it gradually spread so as
to cover Ms entire berlY. I +nista° you be was
terribly afflicted, mad an object of pity, when
he began uaing your medicine. NOW, there are
few men 01 1446 ago who enjoy as good health
AS be has. I could easily name fifty persona
who would teatify to tio taots in Wit Cane, •
' Yours truiy. W. 14.
FROM THE FATHER: """'t4,..
duty for Me UP OW to you the benefit I
have derived from the use of
-Ayers. 8 arsaparilla.
Si. menthe Reel was completely covered with
a terrible humor and. acrofaleus sores. The
humor caused an incessant mid intolerable
itching, and the akin cracked so as to wee
the blood to flow in rnany places Wiwi:10M
moved. My But/cringe were great, and ray
MIs a burden. I commenced the utie of the
Sansamtumr,a in April last, and have need
it regularly since that time. My condition
began to improve et onee. The sores ham)
an healer), and 1 feel perfectly well in every
respect-noingeow awe to do a good day's
workettithough.73 years 04 8130. Many inquire
what has -wrought such a cure in my -case, and
I tell them, as I have hers tried to tell you, •
ATEIt's saneareererei. Glover, Vt., Oot.
21,1832. Yours gratefully,
nutaar Turrearse,
elas, Eczema, Ringworm, Blotches,
Sores, Boils, Turners, and Eruptions of
ti,1L. 1t:%r:t':r: o:ol:rn
tbe bowels, and thus restores vitality aud
•strengthens the wboie system.
Dr, J.C.Ayer &Qo. Lowell MOSS.
Bold by all Druggists; Si, six bottles for $36.
=els probably the simplest mid pur-
est perfume ever made, being absol-
utely nothing more Ulan the,delioious
fragrance of rare flowers, preserved,
.and made permanent, atid it is
doubtless:to this purity of compOsi-
tin thatits immene popularity is in
a great measure to be ascribed. , ,
Walt It Costs to Call lnEditor
Names '
Stillwell is editor of the Port Ar-
thnr Sentinel; Rennie is proprietor
•of a rival journal; Bourke ie constable
in the some teln. Bourke brought'
a letter to Rennie, which Bourke was
the putative:" author of. •Rennie
publiabed.it. Among other declar-
ations in the fetter it was stated that,
Stillwell was e blackleg, a 'consorter
with thieves, and even went the
length of calling Win a cockney, a
,tewhead, and capiieel thablirean with
applying the epithet of dude to edi,
;tor Stillwell. At the recent l'Ortinto
Assizes Stillwell claimed 'damages.
'rhe jury returned a verdict for $560
damages against G. R. Rennie; hold-
hig that he was the sole -owner of the
Port,Arthur .Herald when the libel-,
fouslmatter was published. Stillwell
vs. Bourke was another suit in con-
nection with the libellous letter.
John Bourke,chief of police at,,Port
Arthur, Was tlie apparent' writer of
the letter, aa his Dame was signed 10
if, bet he denied having 'written it,
and said it vras' given to -him byMr.
Gough, a Pert Arthur lawyer, to de-
liyer at the neWepaper • office. Ile
was riot aware of the contents of the
letter. If e did not publish e denial,
but the day aftelethe letter appeared
lie had' st conversation with Stillwell,
and told hini the name of the writer.
The jury returned a verdict • for
plaintiff for $250.
qfyou will Permit to say.so,doetor,
remarked. the patient, "science has
in you 'cone of its, most perservieg
disciples." The doctor's face express-,
ed the gretification the compliment,
gave him, and the patient continued:
"But I have one favor to ask &you?
"Name it," said .the pleased and
smiling Galen.. "Yon have treated
:nie scientifically for Aix weeks." 'Yes.'
"Well, give me something now to get
well on." • , •
• A Good Time.
When is the best 'time totake a
blood parifiee? When ever the blood
is foul and humors appear, or when
the system ia debilitated take Bur-
dock 'Blood Bitters.- 306-21 •
.• • • .
Some people are born tp ill luck.
An old woman wile • has pasted
'nearly 5?000 Medical. receipts in a
book during the past forty. 'years has
never been ill a day.. and. is 'growing
, discouraged. • • : • •
• •
Pam'. Low's.11itgic Sulphur poRp
is highly-teem:mended ter all bunacirs
and ekin diseases. ' 307-40 •
Mits, Nagoseethie Catts,e•-A cupfal
each. of Cream rind butter, ttvo ,cup,
fide of sugar, three eupfuls of flour •
With a tiaspoenful, cream tartar and:
threedbuttlis teaspoonful of soda
sifted through it, •fotir eggs beaten
separately, and lemon extract ' for
Mks, Commit% FRITIT CARE. -A 'ORD-
eneli 'of butter, sugar; molasses,
And sweet 'Milk, four eggs, w'oli beat-
en, a teaspoonful and a half of dream
tartar, a teaspopnfur of soda, one nut-
meg, three cupfuls of flour; fruit) as
much as you like.
Lotaxna's Cooxisso- A cuprul each
of thick ores= and stigneemie beaten
egg, scant teaspoonfill of Soda, a half
teaspoonful each of salt and cinna-
mon, flour to mix. ,jnst ,sc 438- 10 roll
out. Bake mtickly.
-English iteligien.
De Rochefort! in A, D. 102.
They reekon above twenty sorts
of religions in London, every one
having liberty‘of cotiseience to live
according to Iiia fancy. . 1 was
there in Lent, but little appearance
of it vim to be mien nilietia 111 1130
p414110e of St. Marcel (Somerset
honer?) wineli belonged to the de-
ceased Queen,mother of trigland,
in the chapel of which there are
some CapuOliine, who Say inasees
every day, and on Sunday the 'tier -
vice le performed there with great;
fleVOti011. Thee() Capuchins baptize
and marry the Catholics in London.
and when they go to. catty the saes
runlet', t VI anyone in town they are
dressed Hire gentlemen, and yeu
would sometimes rather take thern
Lor Captainn than Capuchins; but
they art obliged to do thin to avoid
the bundle f the tutheengers and
; • An Ancient Edifiee..
. . .
ERICA. • .
. •
• -
At the little village of Tadousac
• Saguenay empties into
the St. Lawrence, there is to day
Ile oldest church on this continent,
'older even •tlian the old Spanish
church of St. Augustine, Pla. This
church wige'beilt by the Freneh dis
coverer, Jacques ()artier, for the
.Fremcli coloity lie had founded. It
is only a mean' bniblitig, being only
abieet 20 feet square, with a Very
low 'ceiling, and was. erected 1517)
25 YOUrs after the discovery of . the.
continent. It contains ft very re-
markable picture of the Virgin
• Maey) painted more than 800 -years,
• ago by one of the Jusuit Fathers at
the Mission, to which certain noir-
acidotic; Iproperties ate ascribed by
the inhabitants of Quebec, and a
good many pious dames of the pro-
vince make pilgrimages there, The
oldect of interest -fee besidethis
,tliere are some vestments
• add a very curionsly embroidered
altar cloth -are 'freely exhibited 10
etrangerg by the handsome and in:
telligent voting Jusuit.priest, Fatiair
Pecon, who has them in ()Serge.
On President Lincoln% Drat visit th
a house•of correction, an old criminal,.
looking through thebars Of hiecell, •
remarked : "Well, Mr. Lincoln, you
and .1 ought to be well masted en
prisons -we'veSeen all there are in
• the country." :"Why, this is the first
one I ever mated,". said Mr. Lincoln;
to which the 0H:tibial -promptly res
poncleil,.."But, I've been in all the
rests l" .
A Sudden Attack.
All people, and especially travel;
lere, are liable to a sudden attack of
• Cholera Morbus-, Colic, Diarrhma and
'Dysentery. Dr: Fowler'sWild Straw.
berry is the Moat prompt ahd reliable
remedy ..khown. 306-24.
He is incapable ,of le truly good
action who knovvs not the pleasure
in contemplating the good actions of.
' Costiveness is the cause of the. in-
tolerable "bad breath" of multitudes.
Dr. Henry Baxter's Mandrake Bitters
• remove the cause and prevent the
evil and coat only 25 cents.* 306-41
"You look as if you had been kiss-
ed by a breeze • from Northland,'.'
said a poetic young lady to a pretty
"friend, whose eheeks were glowing
with color. ''Oh, no I" was the laugh-
ing reply : " 11 Was only a sof& heir
freno Baltimore.
• Neemeetri Pita,s are a Mild' purga-
tive, :toting on the stomach; Liver
and Boweberemovirtg all obstructions.
• McGrcgor's Speedy
. .
..Ersirr purchaser of COSMOS 1101180 bueness
capacity, when requiring an artiele for a certain
purpose, .purchases only that Which has, been
tri,eit or is .ailowed first to tea. before
You are allowed a, time trial bottte of Iii(lregor
Speedy cure; • the great remedy for Dyspepsia,
impure Blood and Liver Disorders atsour Drug
Store. Sold at ofic. and St per bottle.- See testi-
Menials from persons in your Own town. • 304.0
• Who wrote the most -Dickens,
Warrere•or Dulwer? Warren wrote
"Now •and' Then," B.ulwer ;Wrote
"Night atiti Morning" and Diokens
"Air the Year Round." •
. .
.Shilob's Consumption Cure.'
. .
This is beyond volition .the most sue'
eessful Cough Medicine W43have over sold,
a' few drops invariably cureir the worst
eases' of Cough, Coup. and Brouchitia,
while it's Wonderful meccas in the cure of
Consumptionie witheet a parallel in the
history of medicine. Since it's !het dis-
covery it has been sold en it guarantee, a
tea winch no other medicine can. stand..
If you have a thrugh WO Conic:AV aSk. 7011
to try it. Price Mete .00ets; and $1.00.
Hymn Lures ars eine, Chest, or Back,
Dune, 050 Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Price
25cts. Sold by J, 16. Combo: .202-ly
• .
- -
• It was at a church oyster supper,
the merriment WaS At ilit height,
when an appalling shriek from the
pastor's Study (the kitehen) rent the
air. Confusion %vorso confounded
reigned supremo, Wien a bevy of
drfltWitittl 'bean titia rushed frantical-
ly with inihevelled lutir and distort-
ed teitures into the room. 6+What
is RA what is iti" eagerly demanded
the trembling guests. 'Ibis ikthe
matter,”..itaid Ono a the girls, whol
40060 1)0111 than the rest) had forked
Mit of the soup 41 slimy thing,
she bore gallantly aloft, ,,This
fd thing Was In the soup," 11 was
• . •
A contemporary mentions st case
beyond the ordinary. oculist. It is
that of a young lady who, instead of
ptipil, has a proleitsor in her eye: '
Meeks. jewelry's
Ladies' Gold and Silver- -UMW-
Rrwelles, rat! Ulnas, Bracelets, ete.
Solid Silver and Rated
Suitable for ilollday, Wedding-, or Birth-
day Presents. Owls for lerge or small
purses, and to suit all seasons of the
year. See the Stock. Large variety of
Clocks. Everything of the best makes.
Gentlemetes Plain and Fancy Jewelry
In endless variety.
saleiteptielug promptly attended to
` and satisfaction guuriniteed.
A Full Stook of Spectacles,
Of the Best Makes, always on hand.
--0--- •
Opposite tne Market, Clinton. •• •
, McGregor & Parko's Carbone borate has
been tested by years .of trial and has been
found the tnost convenient leid effectital method
of applying tathOliti aChl. me greatest antisee•
tic in Mk far Guts, Burns and Old Sores. B0.
sure you•get 'McGregor &Parka's Carbolic Mute.
Bold for 25 =Why all DruggIstlf: 3044.
• .
A Western zephfr carried it cow a
quitter of.a Mile through the air and
get her down in a inilmman's yard.
Ile wee so 'scared that he stopped
grinding chalk, and ran.Ardurid: for a
rifle to .shoot the curious , looking
creature: :
.• . nocklete:s Arnica Salve.
'Tits 13Ear..:414LVE in.the world for Cute,
Bruises,' Sores, :Ulcers, 81ilt Rheum,'
Fever Sores, Tater, • Chapped: hands;
Chilblains,. Corns, and all :Aril% Ei•up-
dens, Awl positively ewes Plies,' or no
.pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect sattefitotion, or. monerrefunded..
.Priee 2510411018 per box, Fia seis IIY
-Watts de 00. • • ' 258-ly
. , •
And, all Impiernents used on a farm
as Good as the Best, and as cheap
as tlie Cheapest, at °
• .Dr. Bird, a prominent Edinburgh
physician of the last century, was in
the babit•of taking .a long walk at an
early henrevery morning. . Upon
one occasion he, met,...6, • friend
gentleman of extremely.slendeland
wiry appearance -who greeted hi01.
boiateransly with: "Hal good morn.
ine. Thisis indeed the -early .bird."
• The 1'001)011Se Opine, Accompanied by
,a. ineenthg. Bathe': "And .it would
seamI l_iave caught. the wtirm."
• ' Great ' Fatality.
Theravages of -Cholera Infantile)
and. fin:Muer ' Complaints among
children is truly alarming. • The most
xeliable cure is Dr, Powler's Wild
Strawberry. E'v.ory bottle guaraute-
ed to give.satiefitatiOn. • .306 21 .
"What is it. that you like about
that/girt?" asked one young ,man of
another. . "Myai'm,41 was the brief
MarVelond cure for Catarrh, Diptherift,
Canker 1116126,MB]. Head Mlle: With
each bottle Ettore is an ingeuious nasal In -
sector for the more successful troattnent of
tltese complaints without extra charge..
Pike 50as. Sold by S. H. Combe.
"Chineee binders- alitiVe without•
lather." This reminds us that our
old sohoolmaster used to, lather with:
Faxem'AN181Vom1 Pawnees are agree-
able to take, and expel all kinds of
worms front children or adults. •
A . Maine Woman halt intide two
hundred and thirty words trona
incoinprehensibility;" His stockings
are never darned. •
Mas. MARY 'filmiest's', Of Toronto
was Afflicted With Tape Worm, 8 feet
. of Which was removed by one bottle
of Dr. Low's "Worse Syrup. 307-41
• ,
AM.* Unglith writer remarks that In
an ago which.is fond Of celebrating
"eentetiaries" and "quitiecnteriaries"
it scents strange that 00 one bas
posed to celebrate the "millenary" of
the taking of tonden from the Danes
by King Alfred) which oedurred in
the year 884.
The Pritish empire's area is 8,500,-
000 square miles, but there is direet
domination over enough MOre tb
make the total I0,000,000ene-tifth
of the land surface of the globe. Of
the tOtal peptilatibe only one-seventh
are Christiana. •
. ,
rlata Lightning terell NeUralgiaM one minute,
Plaid Lightning cures Toothache in ono minute.
Plaid Lightning MOO two Ache in ono minute.
Plaid Lightning 04688 taireetee 010110 Melte.
.Vited Lightning relieves Ithemeatisrn la tree
Plied taghtnitie mutt any pain or sent 01-
41 P... OA o vato riot 'artigo i mit
J. B
"Wbo is he ?' said a pesseieby to a
policeman who 'wait endeavouring to
to 'raise' • ,.an intoxidated individual
who had ftillen into the. gutter.
"Can't iirty sir," replied the police-
man; "he can't give no acepunt of
himself." "Of course not," said the
other; "how cam you expect an ao.
count from a person who lias.loit his.
balance?" •'
Arnica 0.5 'Oil biniment is the best.
remedrknown for stiff joints. 24-4t
' It is the neglect and. -abuse of
Christianity by thoge who profess • it,
more than any real outside opposition.
to it, that hinders its progress, and
preventsits speedy and complete
triumph 'Attie world,
Remarkable Reitoraitidn ,
Mrs. Adelaide O'Brien of :13uffalo,
N. Y., was given. up to die by her
physicari4 as incurable with Con-
sumption. It proved to be Liver Com -
Alain ts find was cured with-13adoek
Blood titters. 30641 '
• A Icift,on the throne of God,and net
below,in tlie foot -prints of a trampl-
ing multiude, are the sacred rulee of
right which no majoritiee Mtn diaplitee
or overturn. . • '•
A. Firm opinion.
• The firm of Ormand & Walsh drug.
gists of Peterhor?, say. Dr. Pewter's
1Vild Strawberry la one of their best
StandaNd Mlicheines for Summer
Complaints. 390 21
Religion cantiot pass `s,Way. The
-burning of a little straw may, hide the
stars of the sky; bot the stars are
there, and Will reappear.
TON Works.
LUMEER AND SHINGLES taken in exchange. OiVe me axon and I
will give jr.oe prices that cannot be beaten in the County. or Repairing and
Iforseshoemii done with despatch.
Wishes to InfOrnt hitt 'bid customers and the public generally
that he has again opened out In the
Carriage and Waggon Business,
On the Corner of Huron and Orange Streets Olinton
Handenaae ,worle sewed mel-prigeed„ at
prase' to suit twery purse,. The best werk,
leiYettt pi.iecs, and satisfaction "guaranteed.'
As I have first:elites eery' workmen ern-
Ployed, .atitiresatisihetioa is a curtainty.•
a•eall. • • . ".•. • •••• • •
Modern III ag e.
*rho magical power over pain that
Bagyard's Yellow Oil possesses, out.
rivals the mantels of ancient times.
It acts in a natural "manner to subdue
inflammation 1 cures IllutUnlatism,
Deafnees, Sore Throat, and
painful itljumes. 306.21
meo. 44,000;;,
.ero Otiffj
11. BEACOM, alanager.. '
In the Brick Buildinglinown as the "Mountcastle property," where he will earry
on the trade in all its brenelies. An experience of over 20 years in business in
Clinton will enable him to meet the requirements of the public in hia line. All
material of the very beet quality and the worktnanshlp unsurpassed. Call and
exetnine before purchasing. All the lutest impreved rigsmanufactured and kept
coustautly On hano.
(ta=.Repairing and. Repainting Promptly Attended to.
if you want anything fine
in JOB PRINTING, leave
your ord.er at "The News
Record" office.
T_ACtiNT3DC:0 °WT.
$100,600 " "riort date loans at
6& 6-1 per Cent
Apply to ' 270.3,
M. J. KE/irri, Manager
- -77 r.rPNI8ON'S
New and Superior Canada.Maps
• . and %arts,
As paying RS 113 180103 in the world. For full
pertieularsi free, ithlresS Ito 'UNISON,
Map publisiter, 388 Richmond Street,
• tioieffon, posIstrIO: • 287.4in
Physicians' Prescriptions Carefully and „Lomat* Compounded,
and. Orders Answered with Ude and Despatch. -
The Public will find our Stock of Medicines qdmplete, Warrcoited
and of the Best Quaid,/
Toilet Soaps, Perfumery, Shoulder Braces, Triisses, Spe. es, and all
kinds of Druggists' Sundries usually kept in a First -Class Drug Store.
- •
FOR SALE, all .1cinds. of Pine Lumber an,d
Lath. Those is -tinting number or Lath 011
find 11 to their interest to give Inc t call. Yard
baeic °aim Fanning Mill Factory, Wellington
Street, Clinton.
Are now protein:xi to do all kinds of worklin their
line, Haring 1111 1) a grain crusher, We lire able
10 40 chopping at tiny One aPti tho shorteit
Myth; Ont
The time for liouse-Oleaaing ia near. All gin ting
Hall, Parlor, Din.ing -Room, or Bed-
' ROOrti Papers,.
of tirst•elass Barber. iririA11 the latest stAos
of huh& and gentlemen's Intimating. One door
east of the' Centmerelal Prete!, •
vat engraving to p r i nett die Lento ill • viositay soda/
It excitec expectoration and Ceases the lungs
to throw 611' the piqxin or MUCOui 3 eheloges the
seeeetiofra and pinfieS the blood s- heals the ifri.
tared parts; gives strength to the digestive
Organt; brings the liver to its ptoper action,
and imnatta a(retigth te the whole system.
Sven ra Tug lannuMATE Anti SATIMPACTOSV
siqviCt that 14 is 1u/tenet/4i to break sa4 thi
otho ellstrasike eorgh itt aim hours lime, tt
n0101400 long Mantling. [7 12 dvareanted VO
Onnt nnisitta aiittall,cctION, EVEN la 810
load &violent's, eases 4f CofrOtuntetion I 11 is
twtreeshted 661 if) p6011 414 Cost ivenest (mint km.
edies CallSd this trotible) et affect the head,
as it contaitut ne opium in any font), 74 165848'
ranted is he'iteeetly houttels to the want
delicate child, Although lolo an actiVe and,pow-,
told retnedy for•restering the ityttern. There
is OM PM, »arta& ,fie itratiy deisths Cbts•
idtivw,beft Aman't LUSO IllitSAH
protest14 denly taken in time. Physicians
having totntlaniftive patiente, and wh�, .having
fOF ailed enre (heel wag their own medicine, we
would recommend ie givs Ailfor'S LONG BAIA
will find the
Best and Latest Patterns
.10- The Bazaar Fishion Booka for 1883 are ont and can be had for nothing.
Call and 'see the papers and get a Book • •
13- He Sells .0 beeper 'than any oneon top of theBarth:
LA. ci-R,m3sz IYOR,
TIMbest preparation known to science forbeautifying the
Beautify tho Fagg and give to the Fadcdor Sallow Cont.
• picttion a Perfectly Healthy. Natural, and Youthful
Appearance. le Conceals Wrinkles. Freckles, Crow's
Feet, and Ihe Evidence of Ago, leaving the Skin Soft,
Smooth. and White. _ _
" PRICE -60 cents. Sent to any address. Postage
stamps taken. Address tometters to •
CREME 0' OR, Drawer 2 678 Toronto P.0.•
Ask your druggist for IL Wholesale by all whole.
sale druggists. ••
VI AT C.14
ovei4.1 •
;.. to shoA
IN I titp I MI
That eld.establblied paizr.r; dtlxis arc:sir harens4.71
- rire'giti,leTit.swzYmAyt;Ide and other hiew.Yeekpepets
•Sby housands, by treating every new sbscesr
NEW irroas-virntlino waTo14AdgxnFetty. u'oprinelpied,publrsisheattempt adonoWour tr.
but give worthless watches. Against these You _ bm
guarded. Remember, it you'd not pay an
• gtri'mve tirenwat NtehlemdkePscnaTter.tvoird.or_rIGebinlindehrwiiiim.".b1424WiwW6 •
131611.y„It.u.091:31.;vad fin.t.ding..avioaftc12.1h.„ be,Silvter.Nteickda.el f'...d.wtrevookar.
ranted to keep good time. Imported direct re
coembere(our Ann) from Switzerland...that paradise Mira
makers' who are knowa the world ever for Mar eacalliat
watches. We will send meat 010 shoredescrd Watches
FREE, on receipt or 13.00,.toPay tor the PEOPLE'S F18tis1M1
3011118/11. vale Year. andAtIP Pay SmeM.8.17.7.fatlMiw.iitzsdand Rae.. .
'advertisement. For grit extra, we wM send you ahead- ,
some Goldnatod eit,L0haryn War for lady,
ZE:glyn tch C. O. Eic.°, 78143,
balance collected Nilan watela fr, received. IR you mad lbo s
1.8 arumlnlaith
iorderwreewifl.t send b0
ke.wa.tt6,ewatca• hb• aatel
elalpaid, by mal. 11111 better. yu Setalar
t.itartTefd rf:we s4dsteTetoTtLva sI,
newmbredbiekoldg Wes+
emery are willing to pay ammo tai do lt, Relive seeethat grow
who subscribe for tho W journal sou atorays Irma
IL You =Meat this advertisement out and send kt to es as*
ordcrIn 10 voucher°. that yell are entitled to the watch... We are
NAT; more popular than ever this•_year. We lave added
many new features arid beautiful Olustratims by Um b• ast
85(811, 001 have also secured letters, stories. and sketches by
Messrs 11. W. isescassr. COM% Z1.lMed-
40n,Oharles Heade. and other eminent waters 106met? •
tangent' we will guarantee our readers thsi they will be moon
than pleased with this sparkline illustrated family 814 8017
paper. Humorous articles and _lolly Illestrated 1oo50. 1.every'
amber. Agents am JUST COINING MONEY by takbx
subscribers for us, and- the WHOLE COUNTRY 1111.1MING
AROUSED to our usunatavy. •
lf you aro in the city. or Ityou bavenny friend !alba dlr.'.
bloods= call onUs at:m liroadwayanslte lltennn•OiEca
.1:401114tit. 1137 aittY11.10. ttilUllWals-a,314/1117:424;irOtlikit
New Stock of Scotch and Canadian Tweeds,
Overenatinge.Tretisermge.and Plan mid Fancy Worsteds, Afy stock is clean anti
Well selected. M. Fischer to the front.lin thecheapest,beet trimmed end best fitting
Suiten' the county. Coate endue foey,ourselves One price to all. blethers, sen(1.
your boys, if you have not got the time; Try OAK HALL -for your next Snit.
11=1RaVIS • C..A.S1-1
• .
West of England Scotch and Foreign Stiltings
& Trouserings English & French Worsteds.
- 0 -
Goderich, has • a splendidly assorted .stock of new Spring and Summer Geode.
Ordered and Ready-made Sults at the lowest prices ever heard of -mane but the
best of trimmings used, and perfeet fits guaranteed. A cut! Hue of CENTS'
FURNISHINCS ilways in stock. (hill and 800,11 1411 pay you.
ABRAHAM stifirrit Thy Sevidimi.
• C1-01;MIZI c".)NT.
Now* for itargaiiis
Slioul iluotss, Tr Is
Victoria .1310c14
.4 0
Clinton, Ontario.
Having received rety...--,
Spring and Summer Stock
„,1100T8, 81I0IE44, etc., woidd eall the attention' of the public to the same.
tar Women's Ittd Dots only tr1:76.
kr Men's, Royls.and Children's, cheep, itecordingly.
tar. Trunks and Valises very 'Cheap. ' •
Team and Carriage Harness cheaper thaw Oa. ailver Mounted Sinule
' Harness only 814,
• .r liaby Carriages, a large variety, et ?tiniest 'half pride.
tm, 14,000 noodles High Land Pine aed,Cedar Shingles ?or stile, cheap.
13iliter and Pies talicn as cag fo)' Boots and Shoes.
.tlevim-topt1.1,1tteti OTPtItt Wereve,
Leading Local Paper -
A tnerican.;..
Pritidh- and "'•
.Are corricted every Tuesday
• afternoon, juit before
going to press. ' .
viVrtlr.14, *iv** eraser 4