The Huron News-Record, 1884-10-08, Page 1us turs-4 %two POVA
'416ort street, Ofint6n, ont.
u# it& 04107wof , 02 VOW so paid'.
The proporlistorsofTatic GormiLlca Xxw'4
bsving PumUst"t tist' issnosine" " Ph*
�Pf TUE Huxos will, in ruttwo
the lonalgAluatod. papers ill, Clinton,
11.1001! the title Of "TU Hvitov NZWS
ig the most. properous town in Ontario, is the beat of cousi4rallloe
th contrelifthefluest osgrictilt"Mi. seetion. in Ontario,
The cotabiniodgircuistion. of THX NEWS- a xceolds tilAt of an Paper pub -
n the County of Huron. It I unsurpassett as, an advertising
Meolioast., gar rates forAdvertisilk9 are ,lolation I year, "O I 00
0 111031 50 18
0, lutia, 30 44 3 atog 12
If I year, 0 11 I Year, 18
6 uses, 30 trios, 13
3 Inus, 18 1119s, 8
instructions at to tile to space and 6.1110, will be ILI � - Mg . ru . ent of the emapositor in the diplay, iii- aerte& I until forbidden, measured by
Cale or solitt nonpareil (12 lines to tt-
slid ciiargod 10 Cents a line (or fir.
usertion; and 3 , cents a line for eac , It sub -
seat insertion. Orders to discontinue
tits. must be !it writing.
,W Notcog set as aEA1lIXQ MATTFN
I eil, Itteastoentent, 12 lines to file
inch) Ill cents per line first hisortion ; 3
tents per line eaelolhubsoolootentinsertion. JOB WORK.
)Ve kare one A[ tke best apl).0111ted1t)b
011itles, west of Toronto, Otto' facilities it'
t . hi's uh td (16 ll-kttods of woA—froin a'callio card to a ipalalkloth
tile best styie %flown to tile
at he lowest posible rates... .
Craft, an fly eu&d to.
UY mail prosip att
The News-Reobord,, Clinton, Oat
AnEftuDWIN KEEFER ti. of Toronto, Honor Graduate itoyal College
i CoitigBlook,,- - Clinton.
4qa work aegisterea. Charges moileFlote. ffcnattenbury Street. im-
D%,,behIad IL-Nnsford's book store.
Meodolcoce =Ito the Tefliperance limit, Huron Street. 0 ours front a i.m. to 6 I). I,!. 4mutpool, Jan. If, 188L MANNING-& 4t0.0'TT9
filarristeri, Solicit6ra,.Convevancers., &L coal-;
sallasiollerd for Ontario alill 311�zliboba- 1W Officg--2.17OWN AAPL,,0LINTON-
Clinton, )toy l7th, 1882'. 20
Office, Beaver Block, Clinton. Y22tf
SEAGeit montoN, Barriatersoto.,& , God-
drich and Whisrhailk. - c. Seapc, Jr., uodorleli.,
A. morkoniWevillani. I
J.01-INSTON, Law, Challe Oulu[
Xy Otf1ce--:Wcst Stre� �.xi
Goderich, Ont. door to PojotoZ C, cjtor,.&cz 6e, oornee of
W s nor a it wl t street, over Butler's Book,
aney lell� at of Ilitorialic C�Nlplox, Bai-c.ilitcr, t;rneY, SoIlLitAr Ni
&e: Storel die rooli.iii vied by, Judge &r. AnV amount of in.ol)63, to loan Rt lowest
rated of litterest. BAL�. �" It for Hitron County. 5aloo !""O'
tonded to In any part of the dounty. Ad-
4noss orders to Gouinca.P. 0. V-17.
CHAS. 31AMULTON,* uvrio�mmt, land, loan 9ml Insurance agent
Ralas itterided In town and couoibr,.
399 te=le te4uns. A listof forms and villaic
14v lWr sale. to loan 'oil real estate, %it
low rates of interest. , flisuralice affected oil 'fill
clacials of property, Notme unit debts collected.
Goods alopmIlle , Mild sold oil Bank-
rupt �to�k lit and sold. Blvth, Deg. id, IRRO J. E.' BLAOKALL'o..,
Ve, terin'a'r S . y urg8off
Gre4itakcattheOntarlo Vlitertnary College,, To�
i -onto, havilig dpeiied an office In Clinto a
prepared, to treat all disonses.of doines-1- allialals oil, 6,IeLaloat�lfiodiora ciples. All ly pe1r,,,,.0 it I t. iA o 1) naud to' b. V " r ii It. k ci's !Can -
door West of nedya liotel,diinton, out. V-17�
a EN AL 31 SM—Mise We bar'. of coon
t da n onlirva ry of music, wi I e
&II Ited number of ouvils oil the ortran or )Iano,
iculmrs tdatton given those who all to
tillveoh lielt resentsbyloof laving.Rtromi.
d of a Ill" neartheonraniao ry. $5
Ph t.0 —OLINTON.,
Sl,%e ]?OrNra; a Speoialty.
-- -------------- Lif 0. L11140. 710,
. Cruwkom *
Melillo 61ccoll,r) MO19oAV of over,,
Inorith, Ifto.11rupstaIrso oplos'.
thaToWnI[XII. VISItIntibrtthron
A. . ToDn' % hf�
84, A. V, & A M
on or after the @11
U -PoItT ex P, SL "'.
TO X911,0HANT go W,to Bell Goods
0- L U 0. TIMPAIAr
Word. of. IV "If )'on &O Nuffel iljg frUsa EW .'D E t 0 TH 11.,.R 8 R 0
E, wil surely r4rolyn,
you. are w
TMB,-L $1,26 pbr Amum, in Adir4ii,00', 10INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS, NEUTRAL IN NOTHING." WMEL liuva overta
Y & TODD, Fabliohers, ly4kitorgl Out
W'ItllL yQur
aisiother out
or it also vfbushm�s
oy the strolit Of vu
I*-fiJil#Dr wol-L. WUV JUA .11. vl;"N 13. V 17lVVXN V V JA V4.N I., IV J�Ajuxoli xu "-&x, vv-J:V01�11 0, lom, ) wois sure y 4; I-migthfau YU4-
W RULE NO. 307, it 31
If narn14IOr if you 41-0 in 1,114 On t1i
ibirtu, fit the tiesk, mpywilore, and fvo
11bat your, sylitifts) neods, Ownsisig, full
fing, 6r stimulating, lutw.ivilt
I in f if you ate old, .
,41Z thlif and linpuro, pulao-
;feeble, sterves unsteady, ificu'Ittow
lling, flop Bittem is. What )-on 14044 t,
.,give you new jilo, bettlill, grii costive, or tiyspeptlu or ouffoi
otbar oftlio uutouroua 41k
ugses of the sitoinacli or bulvels, it lu yfiv
owri fault if you, rurmolft Ili, If
you, are Wasting Ivitil any dWit4o, stop, tumpting atrkt
thiss Inquiont, OX44 turn for lo-vurei to Ili,
Isittors, --
Ifyou are sick With that terrible. siill
pess Nervousness, Von will gold o, "golf
44 Ulleew, ill liop bittors. —If you are a frequenter, oi- a -a wivisinatier distrivt, barritaide yuut' sy-
-tem agaTuRt tile scourige of all o0untlit
'uutl Intol
by tbo usoofliop Yyoulhave rough, plallily, or sallo
skin, bd broutli, Bop Bi4ers %ill gh
u fir ikin, rich )Xod, the WA'ilqte�
will 14 "Ith. $6,00 will bo. 14111 fi
a catic; they will, nut voire gr hulp.
!,Ull, bow L (Jo Ipy skin ai
tijit,ar und"oft as yours," saitl ulddy tu ber
can alsily maku it firloiid. r"lly Us!);,. Hop Dittels that luake*
� ure, rich blviad'and 41liousiog beal.6, �itl, it for ale os7ou wxond geiiuine witho0 4 of
gto 14ps fill the white label,- Sbull 14:1
t � �e II 1 le, Stuff ith "Hvii" tor
1111ops" iu theirlialue. -307-4t
r HOW A SALE WAU IN 14US-Slt"IUN, f was creato(i
in Gllfllph�a fVW (Ifty.4 (1110, the Paoli-
oulars, of whiuh.are as 1`0110'wai A. Q. BuAan, who for carried oil all, f in millin.ary and ladies' dress gboda,-
be,calliet tillable of I late to awlot his
payments as they , fell (laoi Ali: ci.-4-
ti'llsion viias aske(l far alid All the woro inadii pyttlife oil
-I,ho firs0of Octobor or later, Thils
v being aatitifuctoril ' arro�iiged .11 r. at once ex(ont&4
F 'ely , gri-at Clearing Sale at all 014011" I
Mons r0du6tion iii'.'priuea. 1.4
nottbe UightLst doubt but that, it
was to IA3 a geijuine clearilig as
goods were. being uhoffh)rL 1I.
inere trifle, a -great' deal below .1i r8t
cost.. Yllis - fact: bvc6niiiig known"
about, half- tile foroalo popufatioW of,
the city, flocked to the tore abd for
a time an in.i.menao business w . aso.
do L ne� Ili' Toronto croditorlr,.oji
t , earing of tho.. v�ay ihe gibode were,
0 being ' slangriltoredi a�yoko L to file d. fact. tbatL if tile galo.Was not stollpi-11 tili-re would. be -310thing left. ill. t1le
I .store heii.Bucliaii'm Paper 'fall ' lue I011 the . lt octobf.,r, uiid' made 1111� ined latd' application- foi- all exeoqt-
n ion. Th1w. granted, , and' their'
legail rapr696tit,ttive' arriv`vd, t4. r"
at three o'cloouk on. Thordn'y aftor- t 11001I.. In the iiieatitinio Alr; Yucharl,.
d. who 11r4d 'probqbly, go 'wind of -the.
turnAilngs.had piopeodod to
til � , 0111 L of. Ali, Jdll;l III ith L and
a ce wade trut just ft -1
a bout�I.tvo Aiti'tites' before tho arrival h of the Toronto' inen. The loter ki�t.
a, once proceeded 6) the SlIel'iff'.4 of'L
fice.alid'a o was, sent to soiin the stock. Tile store wits crowded with custoniors,.and 'the off
lite arrived at the ganio tinin. Q, scene took place. The 8horiff's 9 ordered the Clarks to desist front rall� 11 ing an requested the Customers t.o*
vacal a the p.renitses. 'Ife also took hlrec(
I- ter Buchan-'s'dopa'irture about half u(i 1. pravio�sly. "NVIIJIQL ll tlii$ %y" gil'
on T - Sinth was Otero ll(i
Claimed lie Was in pomssiofi` and all -
V e -t his rights all'. do ' or d t,) sei stroLlIgly �j& tile' tj�" r . osult 6'ein g'tl iat both reintsitin (I hi
poossion. ' Tim two still 1101(i tlj!?
11 fort waitivia' furthei flovolopinents'. The prin4al croditare I are J anin,i
y 13',avloy oToronto�,.'Ibotwoplv
gL ten"and 4vilar-4, Rod McKinnon,- P-roctor Co., T,oir
I onto, 6v� th6usabd dollars. Thf.
latter Are aeopred to tile extci�t ot
Four Dollars Lost.,, - A tnil.d�niantidred, athlotid lool4.
Ing 'young hian sti1ppad up to, it.
8tratiggr fit 110 C01,11er of th illarki.-t
d Square, and Pull cd a $4 bill ut, of'
g his waistcoat pocket, Icqullterfblt�. call you" tell ille if it,
r The stflaiigon. looked the r it Rod hawled -it'�aek, 8ayiug that, 114
a owhether it ival;f t bad or not, but f,tho mild '.111allhol",
V all, -athletic' lookina ybinig, wati
wo uld 'step ovor to thu Bank Joe could very rapidly - flad out, he�wasl
sit re, 9 ung, nian crossed o(,er awl
91 "'o yo the bill to the clerk 1)(4-
obill %YHs hall, lie sat'l,' ThS Clerk,
turned it ovv� and held it
tip to th "
liglit., Then IyL went ovor to Of
corner of the enclosure anil brdtight
0, big, heavy Riallip down 6.11 016 bill '
Who�o lie bairded it % back- ED flig
uiiii malinviod ..youtig.oirsli th ' P worel,
"countorloit" 'waa�out aurolis it ilk J�itgo y
ONVIlly, voti Poor chp
t yoling Inlin, "You What are Volt gollng to give olo in,
Place of it I I call't pas� 01"t thi. g
01.1ig for you", 016
0411111y, 41 vou, Won't, havl,4 a
ClIftne'D to tryl t di(IIJ'i`fll)0il if` --'Jr.
tiover wnq gnod." 'And file Ovik
I tollotio youlig
olam Ito allilloqt frotlipd at thie
mduth. -"You rPd-hvftd(4l,�. liveredy blick- hosirtod Ann of k be, "Conle *0 of your 11pil
there itind I'll Wallop tile life out of You,, you TPJ headed, NVIIRA li-vore'd
Tht olork didii , t tIOMP 60i ot his
tsm), And the 111(tiv
bad simnly to fzo.r4\%,ftv (uniiiivy,
Ve get4ble
Eighty ismigrano from Iceland'
Mrs. 13. Cattau, who resides on
lot 99, second, conceission, of Sand-
Wish East. is perhapa the oldest,
woman living in Can ada, site being
prono . uncell to be the rema%md a f
:two females a nd a niale, which
a rees with the lots of han
9 41 I M re. Shee.
and bar son daughter. A par,
horebak, knocked on the head$
and went off with the horsv4 It
would have been more foushionglile if
lie had, knocked the hoall on th�
A the bicycle races its Boston tb(
rat race, two, milaq, oma tour, wss,,
arrived in Winnipeg the ther day,
years old last Monday, ttan
head aod ran Away with the youn
tion of a cl6ak and books similar to
won, by Edgeor Hunter. in .6,44;
Inco"ritt.od by Auk of 1856,
to begin life asManitoba, farmers.
is four times a, widow, her last hus-
lady.' Ija wo
vid ad I .ss oo�o 0 a it ever
those. worn, by 'A woman in Mr,;
The five mileo.opon wf
Senator Uanson lisa accepted the.
lIand havitig been buried forty
Sheebans position in life were found,
Hunter: time,., 17,55. Third race
T. $500,000,
was thoo first perfectly adapted to,
hair its
ofRue of lieptenautottivernor, of
Quebecli and wait sworn in on Wed-
ynars agoi The old lady's memory.
.10 still very vood
Last week, while two men we....
loading h4y'on, the beach between
mile: riders, who load never beater
3,25, Won by Byckford, in 3,1
H04d Office, XONTA'AAL,
cossful restorer Of fAQcd or gray to
nalitral color, growth, anit youthful beauty.
A witness named Charles. Rol,
Benton and Stionkin, Montana, Tor-
Thl- last race, one [;file, professional
.T. H. R. 51OLROX, Vice-president.
U lons 11,44 lismiy imitators, but Iloilo have so
full All the r equircuiputs Aiceful for
-- ir Ifector LAngevin. left, for
lingahead was placed in the box at
lie, Civil Rsizes� Toronto, to give
ritor ing
yl !truck the gruund
and set tie prairie oil firo, The
Just When the 06unty of ffalton
of Dirolinglilt"l, wol
by leis than a foot; time, 3,0 .
F. WOTIVERtiTAX THOMAS,bencralmanager
the proper trentmeat of the hir atiolcalp.
. IlAw"s IIA13; has ateltollyc"OVI
4y, Lt
Woodstock Co. Nond 'O 14LY tile
corner stoue.of a, new public build-
evidenc6 in the case of McClure y.
lightning looked like , ball of fire
decides -to coutilloue each,
The October. meating.of the War
Notes aiscounted. Collections towle, Drafts
in favor, mid! ppreo.4 Its fatile end usefulness
and rolled along for sotne distance
bib'tioll as its where distillw
raganuett Assooialtioo was held Wea
issued, Sterling, and Atoorivan ex,
0 every Quarter of tbo globe. Its unparal-
-Where do Von live, Mr. 11ol
on the, ground inconveniently near
tion and intpor tation, rema,io under
liestil ay. Tile most joteresting evelil
change bought soid sold at low.
est current rates.
luled success call be attributed to but cull
cause: flie
Some people in Guelph are get-
I1dgs*hPft4T'gsked the council for the
the loaded waggonq. The air was
Lbo protection of the law, the crito,
as the breaking of the stallior
Thu proprietors have oftembeen-surfirlsed
Ong up it petition to the City Coun-
Ci I asking for the passage of A by�
If live in the Village of ilyood'
strongly impregnated with sulphur,
inal statist CS of for the year
'record of 2,L9 .,Q by oopofelj's INT11tel
isItbe time :-Quar
fit the receipt of orders fr9in rolmoto coun.
tries, Willem Lheylioul lloversuadoAn elrortfor
lay to stop the street processions of
1882 come, to band, They do not
bak, 1,041; th rtio-quarters;
31 oncy advanced to farmora on their own not ev
Witt one or ware endorsers. #o. niortgagere.
(luired as security.
-is latroduction.
Tho use for a short time Of UALLIS ITAJA
the Salvation. Army,
Preparations: on AL most extensive
:'Nfliat is. your occupation?"
11 Ain a borofogical machin�
The (%Wine in engal is serious.
The natives co4laiii that Govern,
bear out the statement go, often and
so. confidently made, a6pietimes even
1, 38; toile,
M r. Robert Bull ner wri ten to s41
H. C, B R t r,
the per.
it gionases the scalli front
scale are being tuadie by the citizens
i t.
. "Oil. that if;
ent relief is inadequate.
by members of the B611011t. that
that lie hall not fora toonient tbough
ge February,, 1884.' I, NTOX.
oil luipuriVes, enrep all hustlers, fever, and
quit twus prevents baldness. "It
of MootreaL for the demonstration
next nioubli. !it horfor oi the fortieth
1"In three words, o6 watcl It repnir�.
Fand cliolers, are paralyzing
trade Spain-tho working classes
druukennes and orline, fie cause
of abandoning the trails of ATanq f
to beat her unequalled record of 2
"Out to '� ad.
1011 to 1111BIL forivurtl ii, new';tud vigorous
a of Sir,fohn.Uacdonald?s
A 'is rep6rted from the
Are. aufft -ritig greatly.
and effect the reat majority. of
cases, go together. Drinkers tire,
09-J. er
'For the benefit of those Int
11 t
Owtil, effects of this article a re o
like those of volcoholle propera.
entry into Public life..
sad sto'
upper Gatineau afi having happened
Groceries in England are 16 por
his return, divided into
III t' tWOL,
st.ed gives 4, roisumef -the Worl
dohe byttio itiaro k;inco she ling beef
lom;'but, rolualiol 1% loug tWio,irlilell makes
The Toronto Correspondent of the
Montreal Wittiess, speaking of the
a week ago. A former named Ro,
belt, with. his wife and child, reside
cent.' cheaper than in the United
taotes; but meat,, eggs and
- 'n . likes a 4ioll.
classes, doe of which
in trkiiiiniiig. At Ira rt.fonj,
her waxining up mile, Oo,Svpteto
At low rates of interest and upon terms to suit
Nowat d unionst ration. muiarks that
r; Blake's speaking is always
a few miles above the Desert village.
vegetablesare 28 pet, beat. dearer',
prate use of I iquorst, and the other an
L of tile
utooderate hirty. fl vp
lior-1 she trotted it) 2,28;
-good but. on- - this. Qccaf4ion-4t--'nlar--
Scale tinio in the early im-t of last
VMk-thU-fwtb at"di�-tha�-
eT- mo -
It is i0poried the Britisir Govern-,-
profnWints rd-urpoi-the tfol�-Jarftffn`t�- -�I)
14, 2 25: Spptnmi)er 8, 2,20: Spit
Beavor Block, Clinton
Clintoa, �Iay i7th, 2Q
ited .01QCtrifying." You it Was
I .
ing to do soine work oil " clearingL
of Dover front these& by a portion 'or
less than a I quatter ribed
131; September IS -,111, wid of
I 0 1 -1,
Will change the beard to a natural brown I
shockil g
. Y' I . .
t i6- proposed 'to found a, OhAir to
a short. distance from ahe bouse and
was followed an hour or two later
of the. squadrot, I I'm' order to -as
test its defences.
I' I,* the
int noderate drinkeris,, Anion
one Itundrod' And ninety persons
September 26, on A track-. a triff
heavy, W6 trotted in 2,11- fit,
'tho fa
ONEYtolend In large or Hician sums, on
nal ecurik", at
AM;.. urini-lit..
-olor th"t will notivilb Away.
be balled the Sir John; A. 'Macdon-
aid Oliair of Political Ecolliolly, ,ro
bY his 4-vearoftl act), llobert�.
omin., r honio id dinner. withoilt the
Ali eitTo rt, with qnite serious
titent, is. being made in- Lnndou,
charged-. with aggrVated asshuli, and
yer made, on the track,
Cl.nkoop Fe .2!i� 1861. I-IV.
Queen's. Univeraity, Kings�ton,. in
th a- mothoe enquired after him
Eiigla�hd, to have a law I
Inflicting bodily inury, t1joeininiod.
rnrrAurD Dr
R. P, HALL Nashua, I I
honor. of Sir Jolin'ti fortieth aniii,
g into life,-
t he had not beet
and was told OR n
fiber, search was continued ll
passed gly-
ing each lioiicernaii, at slight a- big,
orate driuk-ors couiated.thirty-Nur,�
RevoArkatble RuMilla Aunt
olI by.41, Dealers In 3ledioluce,
yer T�ublic
tha,t day but without success. The
dog as a conipani6n.
a fracl�iqii more than - onotixth
A Xontrdal court-bouge clerk iia�
neighbors joined in the
TI Xlarquii. bf Salisbury was.
thirty�one cases of manslanghter
Died Allan 11arnilton,, supposku
himself have � ld
it was not Until two days after,
rnot by people at the, riiI,
Gla His replies
give nine excessive drinkers, the
Scronflous,111cratirial. and
Illood Disordersp
to been called uda .
by George�.Bricault,' has- aid
soat-'011 R."u'llst him sl
for it i'lig filstilt-
ing language andlLonoying a�poace-
ward' the poor littis fullow Was.
0 1r,"as
foul. nd in the,'blish. itboUt, tw .
ther foot Qf,
distant, sitting at it tree
station. at 4gow.
to. addresse. indicate lie will. tnaIll-
titin opposition to the Franchise Billf
if e stands ilone.
Proporiion,looing. leawthan'one -third.
The proportion of,imn,ioderate drink-
era Runong the persons charged with
pe ople I#ing near Glendive
Montana Were, surprised onq da.i
list week lJoy hearing loud trampin�
the liest renibily. -because the
mofit soarching *mid thorough
able citizen. The case excites touch
efferson, At a - old, nogro* for some
During: the. Ia.-t.ihree years L rd
the followin ibilmes was hooting,
and t1irough thel.ouds of dust kick
ad. up they discovered hard c
W �N
blood-puriller, Is . .
'y ergs Sairsaiparilla.
alusentelit, .. - ., .
I . I . 1. L I
At". La. -Fontaine
r of the Quebec
. 111110 filled thre poNition of engineer
on a PonnHylvania rai oad, finutilly
Palliousie has planted 1,300,-
000 trees on, the extensive moor
lands his�Forf%rghire 'estate's,
stabbing n. u ixty-six to
d tiding, si
to one hundred os�nd� f as
buffalo makifig at a mad pace fe
-the river� The animillo appetared t
0 I H . "A - Xr
Sold by an Druggists, si, six botties, q& .
i.,, I Service, dernands, through the,
Co damages
uH at Joliette $5.000
coming to; Brantford,- Out., 801110
Rt �oicntiv h'e has
principafly,pn, the Paninure proper-
-sault and obsteu6titig paitee officers
. L. I
be well-pighrun down, biit� Wally, C
for breach of protuise, to a tarry him
thirty years oa�o,
tilled, the. po8ition of alocal prea4lier'
t near Carnbustie.
.1etis Ulan ona in ten assault. -and
them werd furious. As they came t
,,a a y � i Bull,
d V i a -Bibins, of Ste.
tache. Silo allogei g9od reasonsfor
-in the noighbou* hood,sotne twoweeks
as. , as It ;
since going, W is wont to the
aptain Dudley and HateSteplien-
Q I .
son, of the yacht Mignonette, have.
batt ery,-Iesis than one in five rob -
- , . . .
d -Aoilm�ndiii, with meil4ces,
hery an . 15
a bank of the Yellowstone,
-th! .. . � . .1. .
plqnged in pelt mail, 6ne bri Ipp
$or 0r to Xet,
ing to keep !;at- engagement,
411nual -colored. co0erence, hall] this
been oonarnitted in Lqn'don, Eng,
about one in g9volu; horse, all eep-and
Is ier,,7 and for a � V hne,'it looke
t 0 00 .
Chenine all
ki. r.,Th Ivor
and,& shigularly lively, trial is a x4
year in Sil)co then lie
has rapidly become r, -1hriously mad,
land, for trial on the - charge of kill-
ingtheboy Parkerfur thepurpose
cattle steiiiing, lbas , thanfl,ue- fifth
larceny a6d receiving, than: o-niio
as though many L of them Would .1i
killed, but, nearly- all gat out un'tr
-Jonathan Madell, builder, awl
fit' climax being reacliad-on"$atur-
Ofeatil'19 hill),
in eight ; argofi; less than ona in si.
J d- They had hardly re , he
Jure so d. th
N THE vIllitge of BELGRAME, ihe dwelling
At COOPER.W. Groiow�.
kirs. Martin, organiqt- of 9011.ego
Ba' 01shroh, Toronfo,
wheil fie atteni tell to. kill
day last, p
Since iticarcera,ted in"06�
Tife feeling Against 011.1
the increase in France, and illia Varlg.
counterfeiting,forgiory-, And utterin 91
otb� side when g, swearin
house and store occupied toy one. 'rhe alto is
street ptist who
his. wife.
crowd of whitemen. and. Ind ians cam
one of the inesk (lesitiollile In vio viriaza for husi.
There' -
nolol. .19 a good stable, outhoneiii, and'an
eloped.about live wk:qikii%ag Q, retufn-�
jail here lie has occupied ' his time in,
L -a are daily becoming
Oil i6s, and
lequAlian' a iii. Seven; folo..
up.on foam-covored horses. The
excellent soft Water cistern Outheprealloloil.
lot comprises t -of all acre. The buildin6a are
fly good repair. lVill be sold cheap, ti� the
Mr. Thos. Cooper Teturnsi tllfktLkS to his
ad to thoir families on Sunday,'. 6f
last week,- and being truly poiaterit.
addrosSing iui�jindry* congregations
froin his corridbr window,' and fill
ulent.*� They Eire doing their beat tO
afeeling, but the' wore
juisdeweano6. not rs classified, -9 less
I -in eight carryir,
tan one ic, uilaw-
pased here Ion& enough to
frealimentj ixnd -the resuined fli
prictor is giving up business, TerniBeaso.'
nially.custniner� fr their liberal pottroliage
in tlie past,* dud begs; to;amiouneo that bo
juid beaftily ashanied of - their Coll-
duct wore wolconied ba'ek..
.(Jay aloilg ll[ii' Cuti be hear,] in
the neighborhood of t 11iis
sensible porton. of the tilunit Y.
realizes the terrible nature of a
ful weapons, 1pss'tlian one in -three;'
bas ox�luiitted bill sou Iluilirit a a metabor.
orthe and bolies they Ivillr6ceive a
A farmerlivilla near Walkerton,
L . ..
ow, ii a hOPelagg One.
. - I,
S(r6ggle With England, all one" i
beeaehea.of (lie Municipal -Act and.
Thera were fou'r or five hiindre
0621tintlance' otbe supp ]let
ort, etofore so
fiberally accorded o the houl!0.
held over 400 bushels of wheat.f roto
list year; after being offered $1,. 10:
'On Satuviday a strange
accompanied by two chi�iavell, afred
which,'sn ranfie must
oner, or ater;.F
be cHppled -beyend. all hope, of recov-
By4o4s, ab6ut one iii tell ; disorder.
ly breaches of peace I about ond in
buffalo in'the bliril, and. they- wet
in . aking for British America as fast J
C?.Ifl FORTABLE in - the To . ova
OUR 60,CTi.- TEA
pr1r, bushel. ie will, noW !�e' glad.
to oil at ab6ut 75, Canis. , A grain
about two-%nd-a-h'41f and ve years
respectively, were'nolicettw'andering
'Yllc Clio lerm panic ht'Naples bns
three ; nliscellimeous and.?uii�n;or of..
about in five. Drunken-
as ..their .IegjL' would carry. ther
From ii,waii''leartic
- the . hu 9
(Allit oil; collfailis six rooliks;
frult trilts. Situate in good fur-
Will till 'be a Spociblfty, ad ean not
in the northern. par 6 Of tile
ailliles.-Iv about the strocts of- For-
a wonderfully bpiiefico�r
had it � effect
.. '
-fonces, one
. 1. *1 .. I
i i ften d the
tha' 1ttntbegan-down in.bak�t
t ilia
tiler particulars'apply at thisollieb, or.'at live
Singitr Sewing Alachiiiii 'polloe, Perrin Block
be beaten in'the market. -All ot-her.
coiltity qarrit.
A over 6,000 bushels..
; -She saysslio explahiedt0-
gu�s sey-
i it all unox�eidted Way. it ias led
ch rg with
laess Is "D a e par-
'of '
i. the aiii noin Ball River.,where � no
.tis low7 as. p6ssiblo,.' A.'
His loss ncaily $2-,5 00.
or aj pAopl6 that showds about to giyc,
tog' bit A'tl
U JOV4.Ugh cleansing of the
entage of nine,tenths Ali the
less tlia�n: 5,000 Qftheo, a wei
Largd Stock'bf anAli-
Montreal orchard had.*been,
bklAo a t 'd to I 1101n.
picturesque,, dirty -Did - city - as ha.s
critnes coth'tiiitted" and the state-'
n' nd'grazing.. Afew ofthe*roen I%'
CHOOKERY oil hand. Also'.
robbW. s6veral-tinies. A po igerylan,
oi ilito
to take b �ut
Lhey nvithcr* beeiled her request nor'
nev;eir llim s -en, before in all Italy.
Qlailstone's beitig'called
ment is somestimai carelessly echoed
by who'have unti.artheir o wo
follOwe d thqrn tha.antiro distanc
who entered tbb o�rchiird' Rep f
all was rix,lit, '�e'ciiivod'.a :guil sliot�
gave word -to the authoritie's iii -order
'to'stittelpents,* oublislied - io: an an.
r ti it the means of correctine
Dime va o
' but; ' the party. that passe
here numbered I only thirty,'its mer
witli dyop taut; has, 1ILVer been
W.Oiijad -in tl�o back fr*oni*.t.11e* pro.
that. Elie might be.tooved to some
slieltoor. Finallythe womah, in,ber
otjyuipu.s pamp Wet accu-sing him, of
the error,- That dr4tikounese'breeds
cri-iiie sonly too'oertaiiii but. tfioro�
beiii estimated that frorn first to lai
used; for light or work; iiill be sold forless
Wallitcost. 'Apply iloaddross
0. T81 PO TA TOES,
Prietor, - who supposed Ilia Apple,
were again )e'iiig stoled: The
last extremity, lai dC%kn upon.'the
supporting the Qutholio
lie pronounces thom grossly
are crim os .'which 'requirei a acooli
'that three or four 1.iundred me
'luk 11un NU%)'S-.Rr ORD,
wound is not-danget a.-
sidowa heuutrue�,
in 11illutes otho
of a,few
and demands thd uanie of
ad A&n4 for 6eir'
lie -and a -steady ji
Of htSorue
bad iiart !an the slaugh te
of the- en who started oi
Givii us it,' be'
At. the- B?;ckvf1le: j us t
nalui d I;f. jury utialll_
ourse I
L child
tile author. ;.. .
6106, , ,
A d burst occurred at.Pach-
execi ation. 01 who *er&
ad NO *a '�t and� falsi! pie.
ith rub-zxl6nie -ac
w I bh the origi n parti'llad fionktoisfn(
- at
T* C e
oop r& Soi
nuiusly �pass6d a resolution iii favor
of the'SCott A; t.'
C fflows .
asfV 'That
in the,opin.i6if ofthjs grand jury t b6'
suim�fi'oned lihil-the ns(iihoir abo
arried 1XIto the licitef wherethey were
made eonifQrtalilol. Site 9dys "N110
'Knowles, th"
a, Mexico; causing a EerribIbinun,
dation'. The. lgain tifig. works
Wrdestroyed. and conkidorable I
teoces, not. two par
-too . :,,opo.rti6n is in sixtyfivo
er Hall I ioimodera�adrihk,
W 9, clall as
behind Var,olsa
the hi I -e�rs,�'wbo only joii
'A 'th
at' 0
ed in for flie si)ort, had dropped oi
..liquor traffic is' 6, gireat. evil, .'and:
tile wife of W(.110sley
tbov call -oub 11 coulltry
-te -frolo tile 01
- .
tindifir treatnient was loot,
oro, ; aniofig houae�breakor there are
probably.'ruany boys ; all(( less ilian'
-after. in theasseives with'ti
satigf� g
Chagos -,,Tllb- raiii(lity- with whic
T�ilo Hotel is, furalshed throtighout with great
Lre t6 weet the wants of. the travelling
Voinniodigus sample rooms. The bust of -liquors
and cigars are always kept at tho'bar. Good
- A S "ll"
OiAt in -order to +eprcis this. evil.
-ran�e Act,
we trust that 06 Teiupo
of' -1-978 umv' be ado�pted in the
last Marbil, thaf they lived at Molint
Forest where lie worked aroun d for
tlia )erso'no
I were. of' 4� Irty.
. reat deal
propeety wag destroyed, and Puitany�
thlree"per Coot bf those charg�d ith
hoand shop breaking areclas-'.
thes .. vl�sznifi6ent - 'anhoals v
8111,68lit th,
6red is shown by.t a
table. Best'.q1tpated Alotel in Clinton. 'Give its
some tinias Ut anafly. a
sed, as "cessi'vo drinke'l.s. B ir'-lars'
he "hanters 'thr'6gh b
J&S. 510ORE, Proprietor.
un'ited Leeds and Gre'w
serted liar.
An�tbtir citizcil�
cattl . a dr6 -at Dublin CastI6
The authorities
'th bu Idois
�paosing 0 ei
'jaid . they wola have the. b I I
One -evening Thonins Lydiatp, of
St; baihe'it me.froin
r returned I
Work Had found George -Haynes in
old'and. esteenied.
widely linown�"thro�b,hout Western
M .
Ontario,. asied , hway in --th,
r J611ii te%
person of �M vart who
'have received iiumerous re4ue tfdr
I * - '
protection front farmers and.otbers,
w they lia�ve received
ho, allege tha
their poilileasion a low ani uoll'Ifirger
proportion, soolething, loss th * an 'one-
fifth.' This Would s�ern IQ .show
that the'liotiso '%breaker dw4nerafeb
4. rernfiant 'of the herd befoi
re4ching the boundary ina.'
'ProbablyAhi§isone ortholast b
The above how. i ak licilin'l:Cansed
undersigned. The grisioltIclo have b I ic',
becTwifli hi when lie as�ault,.
a d hitn'with a inflicting
exp ired at -Via r6sidence -on TalbotL
'sir,iab it long and
Aet ter4. f1sreatening the houglijing 'of
their stolik aud the bu L
rping of their
more arid. more when'he deveh �s in,
buffalo hunts that ever will (,Cc�r
thisbountry. The,'IndliLipi th
and the beat possli) a awonimodmitil0l, fol . ....... 0"
yestordayf" afti-r
to liurgla.r,. Abduction and kid.
and the gentoral trave, 116ig soul c a I
Large stables too connection, L The har is snoplied
scriouT wounds on.the head
rms. There are colored'youths
i ng i'lintiss. Deceased was of
linger -
born in
houses, barns, etc.,' Thelie thre6ts.
are causing
tidliping ne -ad to be planue . d with se.
he is a sswed of anoogh to a fit at ti
olfcitisd� ve in Coll liectiollf.
in the Xitigi.4ton peniten r
tia Y,under-
S,Ott� ecent, and. was
Caledonia, State of No6w.-Y bit.,
Irikhaten, too, may be pardo tied
Crecy slid executed with care y
one in'sixtv,on of the persons hargL.
�,gencies, is ag� re6kless in. Ilia. slang,
ter of' ilie bison as the white Wa
GLOI THrOgALD, PropFietor.
going tort -of inspriso5mbeiiii of tell
July 6th, 1�:�R. . 1P. -rornoved With
in Wme .pride that once
ad with these critAois used spirituous,
lie s'e'ems to consider, the game
hp, 8ubscriber b6gs' toeturn his shic Cro
years for a4rilipiting Mrs. Lydialt
Enana. Fewster..
lijg'parellts to callada in the years
1982, and in. 1845 outerod opon the
again . the &itunes..', ofthe Indian
Eiiiiiiie-are to h6 by Foil I rihb
liquors iill�ioderately.� The oitcai.
ion'al excesses'of . moderate drinkers,
nearly, ektinctf- and he goes In, rild
lessly ivitb the idea of having tl
.VWFEY� 14OUS9'0
thans to custouters nd', the Ilubli6
A Miss Begil, Of Levis, QueWc,
asiness, in which,he
faulli"g. Will b I
hand, It i's 'a noteworthy circu�i-
in usi )save tended to gwell the list
spot-& lie can before the end is reac
I 118 ITOM, IS xim, vid hits all the re3lilre-
liVeral Ilati:0110(re extoiid-
4 t6 141 ill�tlle i1alt, and byftiriii,.iliiijg..'eitcum.stances:
bas..just died ulider the following
' 8he'was engaged in
ioll. H
had'atiaitioid a. Wide ieptitat 0
0 in. the etoploy lot Mr. UcTa-
stance that while. Canada is under'
the rule f an Irishman, a4v whon,
of criminuIR. � But at-il.1 the corulnoa
notion uodoo�btpdly makeg'06 pro-
ed Ct,OL, f ti
The wnnton destru n o I
oollis, wegaitt pariors, heated ivith hot Mr.
,I; 6 fula lediatio tht G-- T.- It. DePOL
10 8 NVoll stocked Nvith tits clioiceRt hrands
or Ixtr
fi '
driving sonie calves out of.. a old
;0hen all 0XI'lln towards herin a some-
gart, of Hooseliville, but, Sulliequont-
'ly went 46 Qliiiton Lw,th a,'
blie honor of England in E ' b-
gyp Is
entrusted to Lord, Wolseloy, AN671n
I . .
portion of crimes for tile- paternity'
of which drink is responsible highor
L heed has caused great indignflitu
throughout the entire section trave
of liquorsand cigars., The travelling giblie rest itsioured at being- well car
pit or, ab� �Ilia
%Khat' ferocious � manner. Sba took
16 r. In' abo
of.hist formor ti�ippye tit
Irishman, the government of1the
blilin the official rotrurnB s)jo,w. There
a ad, bat as it seotn& to be t116 ppli(
o ex minato t I he bison nothh
LL ter.
to her and g, a
eafaly t of
185.5- lie r enioYed to and
gi rand's deponde it-
eatest ofull
is ti6thiklg to be gained by exagger
Clinton; 15,1884, 287r Proprietor.
the flail], but. her terror
onterild iato pfirtoprship with Don-
as is lian-Jed over to 4n6tber true
ittion and mo�ic!i'
Will be,done About it,
that she -fell'to the ground, - Though
kid St shop being located on
Son of 16411 soil,�-0abtii,4
e9lt front thd.)Iftbit of 4t6ributing
Obtun XaAl Work S,
LOWEST Hemunefative
sh'a -sustai tied -no injuries ship. su'rviv-
ad bu�t h fe�w - It ours 44er' being �e'�
a lestiept. -Mr.8tewaptcontinued
in the bosinais.until 19M,,whoti lib
Society ei�614 in - IIii'don wer�
crimes -to o thfir. thais the true Can Fie I I'.
�Toronto Week
A IV . lf.Sufotiddee
'6ck o
lie liollps" to Illorit a. contoilinnee of he
noved to her houie, The p110 6�aiiq
attribute deathto the sliock sustAin-
d�posed of hi8i ntor st ko Mr; James
Lindsay and,iotired o . private life.,
shocko;ott anrl horril6ad the' other da . y
J)'y the djge�vory that Sir Jaulek.
W itere' Hic 11111lielitilganders Qtrao
TIlMli '0W, IIA.
ed' her
Being touiperate, economical.and
Lu rostlenbe6n hittl committed� sui.
W., H. 0,61 0 P ths, J'r.
Ire,wouttl spocially recoinalend a trial of
An itom having a:ppeared ilie.oth.'
'10r,daiLin.tlie Toronto 31(illctiAtIng
dust'rious* lie awassed- a very coal-
rorta.ble fortune 'iri tho. courbe of bis
. cidei Sir Joinics was one.of' tha
richest 'baronets of Scotland, about.
Tha,* inhabU lits of Michigan in
e rt it -"Mich.. -Out. 3.�Ati'ol
Manufacturer Of and dealer In 411 k1lials 6i'
llj'*s N1101,CT lilPORTATIONS VIPItY.
tir.;r nitAND8 of BRk NPOS,, PORT
refledibn uooi 6bn A Dix�
oil, charging. him with having -dir
I'le:-.,Wi th " Messed. Ji V,
Cousns and John Callipliall, was the
b"yeArs old, and inherited :hit titi,�
from his father, the
.1890. utlibbered somotl ing over a'
mail na.t.ned Abrant. Meyers;,' ivir
a few iniles from 8%ifflae� conimitU
Marble. Gra'nft6 or Cemetery,
fratioled his crditors and al,olen.
C Western Fair -and
wginator of the
Rod estates .
even ArOne t of his, lind, only four
aliflion, and,,& half. Of these about
Sul 6 undAy. 'lie Wehtiinto it
falnv usq.
money ti wift, -'and .0. I
Directot, -doing-
a taas�.
ere is.,.no roaso
a' milliop and arter.. ware. -of,
6edroom, to'cle. b i 6 Cori a
at figured that de!y'9onTctit1ofi
BtsS' Ar end Uimm.,
�,4.41 'royrrnst
bottlef;L-pi CVAMAX AtES
and alsio stating that lie wa'a rhined in'
cons(Ifitiquee of hi's drunkenness and
1118 utmost to proinote its - interest
and Wit,neAing its dovelopthoni froul
signablo fpr'thd suicido'and the cor-
oner is jur reburned a Verdict to the
native birth, ana'di reinaindo
a r . rd
ovor atialla the 11ritiab
, .
jllinvqol(�hough ',the ''hoRd with �A: r:l
Al'o nianufc turcr'4 the
1ati'VICtAl, SrOXE 101. Hioildi6g pur-
vil habits, it is n(lerstood "that
Mr., J. A. Vizon (of Dixon 96ns
the- itifail Ale to tile 111agnificent
portions' it�has*atiained to -day., 701
lat that bd killed hiniself while
a 0,
and other European conntries,
VolvPr.- He IYU bob . I . i: . doratiat.0 f,
a loq timp.—Dapiel W. Fuller, li
es and, Ca
.Eos 1notery Work which nitifit,
a seen, to be appreciate(L—, All w4k'
Constantly on hand'.
Elam, ship brokers and importers
was also for some time a Director
Iarcourt, Sddrebti.ry of the Ilome.
about'a". followt, 90,000
er, %ov on
Adventist' preach bo8e
Witrinilwa to give
,just received, in prinioeofidition, ATo,,q
of Montrball,* io,whoul the I item-
seents,to hitis instituted a suit
through his. attorney, Mr, ()raok�
the -Western Loan -'Society, and
It the ti'me of his.death held it Simi-
lar position in -site Agridlt)tural
Loan. Me was- interested
Departuleni, has written' to' the
a 'I ORivo CoLopaily urging the 110008-
" Y, of having their, dynamite de-
Britl8h Isles, 80.000, MON. titan lialf
of, these coming from Ireland; Ger-
'65,000; and other Bur
Wany, OPOM,
Was about six allies from Mom
snicided yesterday f
"hanging hinnolf in his barit, I!
iWSole-Agmitfor Goderiele, Alo.
Shaw Clailuilla
Y $50.000
On Sattirdoli
in the raising and devd1opment of"
pots strictly 'guarded nightly. The
States). kk� 30,000, thus giving tI.1680.
tTiought lie WAN Bel
Gode ch Marble Torks
evening-li: wornan
Xingston grit into a (It -and
ru nk car bound eaht, ,She )teld
speedy horses and was' frequently
callod oil to Maiate"as a ud�e
�thvougllout ltd.
coftipa ny Status that to cotnpl Y With
this requPst wollIll invole all 0)(Penso
6f $125,000 And, render their Col.
of -native birth a majority. of 5 t I
over foreigners froui all- countries
ict, of Ellowom, ]lot
himself Saiurday. flo used n, It
witl whi�h *.to do Clio doe,
the w-ost. 110 was'a
This majopity is largely Increased it
baby up to, the window, near
former in. politics, but did not t&kc
With Ai -and 0arwan
was . 20 yearA Old, Ali
Wale%, Wilton suddpnly it dropped
it very ac ivt; into,- st therein, aud
dYndmito manufaotturem impossible,
as W; may, Canfull
we tIcnown
an an hooea, hard
)(01-'appointell NIP, (1011t)ON 6 General A�cnb of the Goderich Nlarblc.W�vrks
fron) )let liotoda and disappoar, .1.
The wool All'. fra is tile4lly juniped out
he�was a Constant attendant at St,
Andrew's 0hutob. Two- 'brothers
The company 8uggests to 11arcourt
th(O 016 9()VOrtlnl(' fit should 'levy a,
into account 0 Americans, In thiH'
vi�w the native- American population
soall. 11is'friends had reeblitly fill
peotod his aanity in(] had ivatdlit
tot the County of Moron,
Olt (I)e Car after ib;'tho 6&iito's spOti'd
beitig fo�r( ,
and five s.isters sur'Vvo hitil
duty upon foreign-oade dynatnit
statills as 9 CO- fe This is a very
fair atid
closely, but , On atutday wort
abo4 y milea'a*
it lloue�
And thus enable Driti tA
shosving, seciiros to 0I a
W." It'" cluded a wife find took It
doderith rati. 0, I 883,
16 was stoppea its soon possible,
Ana A freiiiiii - train h ot ifled wpick
the remaitis tile
Gertie Fuller, the Wisoonkin girl
etalto provide safeg or do for their
s and realize profit.
81 afe iohj�fiky of those possessifig
American ideds,'and With intelligent
American The AmoPi.
own, Lillian vily, ag�
17 Yeas, daughter of W 11. Angel
Ogden Ceiltet, foul,
up mangled of *,O-
A aboalthig diaeovory ba -4 been
of neAt Was
Man And Child, its itiwas not expo
who mar ried Mrs. I." L. It.u4lsoll a
made boar County
Can population 1ail. from the, follow-
do4d 1,11, ii, Straw i4taek yeAterdo
tod they'would be alive. 13oth were
year ago, SOPP0.8hig he.P to ba A 111AII,
06 . rk. Some Seven yoars Ago
ihg States-, We have 600,000 native-
morning. Deceased Was hiarrit
found, I owe er, alivo and but little
basjust murried ono and so
Alto., Sheehan) )toy, Son and her.
borti INtichigariders; 230,000 ol aitol g
whe a abo was but IS ytsarl old, bi
tile worAe of the opisodo through
-fpr tio mistake this tinio, ,
daughtio. 11tysteriously disappeated
bile it) New Yorli; neat ly
has not been living WI!ho Apr hu
has been I
Which bad Passed.
n.Ohlo colored coaebintin NvmFi
froto 6eir home and their farm,
nosylvanians; above..
band, find rAceivinA t to a
At X" clring liorAn on,,tll6
P, R., for
&uldit in theelopement, wavit.,
Was not content with one w6niao, Its
�bout 16 wontan had had a
dispute with bar eldest gob, The
000 from Ohio; 14,000 V
I *,t:
lilonti 1 2 000 from I 1, 0
tootiolls of manInanii:
Wavdon. An'itiquast has been jib
rT q?
an ongincritted steep
gr4das Was taking two, carloa(la of
ran' away. With two, 0110 would
"'am to be About tbO '119urd for a
neopin of thiD distrieb were led to
ftool. inssrich6etts; 8,'000 from
Wow Jersey,,7;1000 froin Conneotibob
revealing tho fact that site was oi
ofelito, anid hall takon tAntly$'a dai
Material on a,,grado of 238 feet Va. it
believe that those pooplo had golve
6,000 &chi from Illinois find Wilt-
goroah thing for one in her condi
mile, Coo Of thO Ste0pelit in AloOrlft,
when the engine got beyond tqntrol.
1*40 )no leg of rain �pll In three.
to Ameiioav but the dicovery rif a.
a i0tv weeks ago �would torld ohow
edfisiiiji 4,000 dach from Misfnoli
New Ilampshire; and) afty' '13,600i
fbit to takb,' T116 ii"ight before hi
Auioido her mother roproynd bor to
and rushed Idown tlie gro:do at the
30 houti Oil
quarters 6f an hour fioar Dayton,
Ohio, On Saturday, C110811119 good
that they Word murdered.. There
all farm
scattered &along, other States, *it - 11
hot- fast eoursei And Allid, "I woo
r9to 61 miles all tho
, 11 ikMon, As
trail, were govenly WO
Which buta dhoola
Was 6, Well Ill adjoining
twell6yakfive f(set, deep; fr6ro w,hich
90,000 Clanadiologjand loss than 200,
1000 f0iaiAn
irAbhor.aeo y6a Thig-gill V,
'the train P09hed down'they tried
Sava by'juniping. Un-
tortunat-bly tho ground wtig rough,
and floodod the Country.. They hisvort
bad 6, hard tima Crib' bV, water in
Ohio thisyear, and tile P;6ple tat"t
the 6wnei of thoif ftwitil, it Vie.
riD&V16k, drew Ili$ 4suppliog of
Owing to the' recialit-Ary,
Of With-
Urd bs,vos it Apeedy'Rod p6AtIve, clite,
Plied "Then -dig loy RtAva All No(
AS you p�l aftaP., 1, gild sooil, aflor too:
her, ow -IT liflif it ia supposed,
D 11q
an(f rocky And ;parly all
Rome ihjt)ry in tile Way 0 f broken
limbsAnd ritis and sevore bruielts.-
blainad for rijAeting Sir John
tile Cold Water Prosidoiliflat Ildi.
subliller, the Water in 016 Well tau
low Rod A loan wu sont -down to
e100 it out, 14 discovo�Yqd ill th(i
�ror Oatarih, Dipt erlAt,,' aollllk�f Mouth
still Read Ac In 8111t,01118
NINMY, A, nAAA1 trijccor trod
Al"t"' RM you desire
With ftch bottle, ITio6 it It
6 t, Viit ia We
tiflod'With thts history 6 146W 'Et
H, OM A t , C PL I
0110 800do had to Wive a, leg Aw�
Near piftslmfg, Uld otter
bottb�l of 1,11O.Wo 11
fitoilth And AWebt breath, PA0.6 socts�
ind for the 11186'fifty y6litli. 3C Out
put&44.414 hall.
a Eritinin mot, 66. voutiff.fillov n.
AL dator. 1140
11, Combo, 0014V —
�Qlkhb Rod Colds.
If narn14IOr if you 41-0 in 1,114 On t1i
ibirtu, fit the tiesk, mpywilore, and fvo
11bat your, sylitifts) neods, Ownsisig, full
fing, 6r stimulating, lutw.ivilt
I in f if you ate old, .
,41Z thlif and linpuro, pulao-
;feeble, sterves unsteady, ificu'Ittow
lling, flop Bittem is. What )-on 14044 t,
.,give you new jilo, bettlill, grii costive, or tiyspeptlu or ouffoi
otbar oftlio uutouroua 41k
ugses of the sitoinacli or bulvels, it lu yfiv
owri fault if you, rurmolft Ili, If
you, are Wasting Ivitil any dWit4o, stop, tumpting atrkt
thiss Inquiont, OX44 turn for lo-vurei to Ili,
Isittors, --
Ifyou are sick With that terrible. siill
pess Nervousness, Von will gold o, "golf
44 Ulleew, ill liop bittors. —If you are a frequenter, oi- a -a wivisinatier distrivt, barritaide yuut' sy-
-tem agaTuRt tile scourige of all o0untlit
'uutl Intol
by tbo usoofliop Yyoulhave rough, plallily, or sallo
skin, bd broutli, Bop Bi4ers %ill gh
u fir ikin, rich )Xod, the WA'ilqte�
will 14 "Ith. $6,00 will bo. 14111 fi
a catic; they will, nut voire gr hulp.
!,Ull, bow L (Jo Ipy skin ai
tijit,ar und"oft as yours," saitl ulddy tu ber
can alsily maku it firloiid. r"lly Us!);,. Hop Dittels that luake*
� ure, rich blviad'and 41liousiog beal.6, �itl, it for ale os7ou wxond geiiuine witho0 4 of
gto 14ps fill the white label,- Sbull 14:1
t � �e II 1 le, Stuff ith "Hvii" tor
1111ops" iu theirlialue. -307-4t
r HOW A SALE WAU IN 14US-Slt"IUN, f was creato(i
in Gllfllph�a fVW (Ifty.4 (1110, the Paoli-
oulars, of whiuh.are as 1`0110'wai A. Q. BuAan, who for carried oil all, f in millin.ary and ladies' dress gboda,-
be,calliet tillable of I late to awlot his
payments as they , fell (laoi Ali: ci.-4-
ti'llsion viias aske(l far alid All the woro inadii pyttlife oil
-I,ho firs0of Octobor or later, Thils
v being aatitifuctoril ' arro�iiged .11 r. at once ex(ont&4
F 'ely , gri-at Clearing Sale at all 014011" I
Mons r0du6tion iii'.'priuea. 1.4
nottbe UightLst doubt but that, it
was to IA3 a geijuine clearilig as
goods were. being uhoffh)rL 1I.
inere trifle, a -great' deal below .1i r8t
cost.. Yllis - fact: bvc6niiiig known"
about, half- tile foroalo popufatioW of,
the city, flocked to the tore abd for
a time an in.i.menao business w . aso.
do L ne� Ili' Toronto croditorlr,.oji
t , earing of tho.. v�ay ihe gibode were,
0 being ' slangriltoredi a�yoko L to file d. fact. tbatL if tile galo.Was not stollpi-11 tili-re would. be -310thing left. ill. t1le
I .store heii.Bucliaii'm Paper 'fall ' lue I011 the . lt octobf.,r, uiid' made 1111� ined latd' application- foi- all exeoqt-
n ion. Th1w. granted, , and' their'
legail rapr696tit,ttive' arriv`vd, t4. r"
at three o'cloouk on. Thordn'y aftor- t 11001I.. In the iiieatitinio Alr; Yucharl,.
d. who 11r4d 'probqbly, go 'wind of -the.
turnAilngs.had piopeodod to
til � , 0111 L of. Ali, Jdll;l III ith L and
a ce wade trut just ft -1
a bout�I.tvo Aiti'tites' before tho arrival h of the Toronto' inen. The loter ki�t.
a, once proceeded 6) the SlIel'iff'.4 of'L
fice.alid'a o was, sent to soiin the stock. Tile store wits crowded with custoniors,.and 'the off
lite arrived at the ganio tinin. Q, scene took place. The 8horiff's 9 ordered the Clarks to desist front rall� 11 ing an requested the Customers t.o*
vacal a the p.renitses. 'Ife also took hlrec(
I- ter Buchan-'s'dopa'irture about half u(i 1. pravio�sly. "NVIIJIQL ll tlii$ %y" gil'
on T - Sinth was Otero ll(i
Claimed lie Was in pomssiofi` and all -
V e -t his rights all'. do ' or d t,) sei stroLlIgly �j& tile' tj�" r . osult 6'ein g'tl iat both reintsitin (I hi
poossion. ' Tim two still 1101(i tlj!?
11 fort waitivia' furthei flovolopinents'. The prin4al croditare I are J anin,i
y 13',avloy oToronto�,.'Ibotwoplv
gL ten"and 4vilar-4, Rod McKinnon,- P-roctor Co., T,oir
I onto, 6v� th6usabd dollars. Thf.
latter Are aeopred to tile extci�t ot
Four Dollars Lost.,, - A tnil.d�niantidred, athlotid lool4.
Ing 'young hian sti1ppad up to, it.
8tratiggr fit 110 C01,11er of th illarki.-t
d Square, and Pull cd a $4 bill ut, of'
g his waistcoat pocket, Icqullterfblt�. call you" tell ille if it,
r The stflaiigon. looked the r it Rod hawled -it'�aek, 8ayiug that, 114
a owhether it ival;f t bad or not, but f,tho mild '.111allhol",
V all, -athletic' lookina ybinig, wati
wo uld 'step ovor to thu Bank Joe could very rapidly - flad out, he�wasl
sit re, 9 ung, nian crossed o(,er awl
91 "'o yo the bill to the clerk 1)(4-
obill %YHs hall, lie sat'l,' ThS Clerk,
turned it ovv� and held it
tip to th "
liglit., Then IyL went ovor to Of
corner of the enclosure anil brdtight
0, big, heavy Riallip down 6.11 016 bill '
Who�o lie bairded it % back- ED flig
uiiii malinviod ..youtig.oirsli th ' P worel,
"countorloit" 'waa�out aurolis it ilk J�itgo y
ONVIlly, voti Poor chp
t yoling Inlin, "You What are Volt gollng to give olo in,
Place of it I I call't pas� 01"t thi. g
01.1ig for you", 016
0411111y, 41 vou, Won't, havl,4 a
ClIftne'D to tryl t di(IIJ'i`fll)0il if` --'Jr.
tiover wnq gnod." 'And file Ovik
I tollotio youlig
olam Ito allilloqt frotlipd at thie
mduth. -"You rPd-hvftd(4l,�. liveredy blick- hosirtod Ann of k be, "Conle *0 of your 11pil
there itind I'll Wallop tile life out of You,, you TPJ headed, NVIIRA li-vore'd
Tht olork didii , t tIOMP 60i ot his
tsm), And the 111(tiv
bad simnly to fzo.r4\%,ftv (uniiiivy,