The Huron News-Record, 1884-10-01, Page 1A 11k
Wftdo#44y Xorld
A I.,
'A 114ve buirered.-
w4k overy 41401awm(i iw,a
0141awttlageyporil. Our
J, Auderliokl,,
W4 �,_L U
-ely ou ed, Anti, h
Aid enth r
recoindirml 11op Bitters to ey
J - D. 8Y 41ker, Attokimr, Uo.
�t Olt
Albert ton, ont.
re TERMS; $1.25 per A
=fum, in Advanca. 11INDEPEN DENT IN ALL THIN0% MEVTRAL IN NOTHING!' I write tills as a
WHITELY TQDA Publishers, Token of greot,' upprecimlon
01.25 iia a4m) WOO; 0". V" #0 vakL fn! isk. 0(your liop.
*tttro. I was P1114 -t
it 1111114 Ill watury 4 hvilula. iou
For Stead
T Y-,, ONrr,,, WE' DNE SDY, OCTOB ER, 1, 1884. Seven years, and no we
The propri orsof "ruilldouvRien xmvs, VOL. —NQ'
!of Tax,.: H
I;* 1tFC01tD,' Will -lit future' Wide(! to do like any
%mbliob the a0algalklated popers ilk clititou,
��Inlhhl W, .4 0 Until f tried 1* b, tile tR . 11 . 'A the: rate of over $5,000,000 in A general License Act'for tile lit supretno Control of the market,
10 of "'rlIg J6 LP qN I I I
rs ad J�o u
Wr ar. Whole Doulittion. If Provinces havo but whoever they ar they b v
UAL as well to day as ever I Clititonis ipit proglieroas townill It ill otawd that the British Cfkt.� A rhylit to dQlkl witil a ut)
.1pot at all far their ability "You [bay IllAv
Westerik Oil io, fs thii Scat of"collaiderAble inot iftreatly Impressed by tile at. tl)Qy had eXCIUAlvit rl;bt. The di4- to retain cowplete control And Ilia 411n thiii great and,,
tit L 1,
TR Q t re. cialoll In 0 Pildliel gures they choose
itude of tile country; U)d Ila lor near
I case ha,,d Ala the ri Valuable Ingtilaille.
tInqiirtori�1�4 P.00 AW, 'T linyone I wishing to Ic
s�lveO- to 'create 'fresh peela if'a Ite.aring what,ever upun. dlat,tero all- delivories, A claim I III to t t
ion Ili Ontario, 8 al Ila 1bout my core?
Ld circidation of Tur'Vews- 82"000,000 ifintly can learn, by addressing mey
The cotub e case, tile Q art interest is, Still suffit,
majolity of tbo '11ouse of indicated UPOU ill the Hod.
'Volto 6, -ds sbilit of AnY
0 advance till) price to a dol -
Wit ininis, IiU3 14
itaper ordii r!jectis tbo Franchise Jjill a The , judgment ill tile ITOdge case, large t,
Ashed ill 0 County of Jildoll. It is, Olt seoqllil ilwe� If tile bill is rejected- upholdiuZ Old Provincial Act, wuht tar 4 bqsbel, and diore is A desire ington, D. Street)
IT itEA by a, large majority Plirlinulaut will lie. regarded as a jud"we it agallist A4wu t dtherefore, lalHead' Office, 'XO T p 0
rrativertis ing, are; 0 a b -to express its viowr tile IiouilBion. -Act. T190941s Wf IAN -P"shiqt� e4 i v itu4d regard
J. If. &I I ill- tbef aturecollatitution.41 position, bill Remedy tile )lost reuietly 'Its 6.,.Ilt
:L e y C011111111 1 -fr. Wake ball not cone
liS T11 031AS, ovacral AN411
6 Jose, 18 LILi TAU PL ��oF, 6'� of the House of Lords ell her by re- Address w A IforrIblo Talle, kidiley
44 . I l00 -k like$ 12 Notes discolinted, collt, a(14 *3#1, Ity addrit-sa to tile Crowr, TILE RECENTSTORM CARRIES ANVAT A nerv04$ debility.
it ctiolis in Solution at
YQKI., 18
00 0 30 6 i4os, 12 i4sued, stolling'awl A'inqrit-an. vx- aall- u46 01111,D o`V$R THE PRATHIP—T.11i Iteturned
$1 18 o's� tulon the Country will bLA 4Y9 "Frorn the outh in, )k fen
dsts, without illstril 4y IN not tile Conjusons, but ro
,.$T A L ; 1 0 a , JDABIAOR. FRO31 RAIN, W DMIUCTS A, N101IT'S OEARCI-9. search for health, and flild lilt,
to SI)qoe and itue, will be left to the,judg, INTATtr 0111AD 0 M It it; believed
idolit of t . lie 1 1) ay gaMog tile Lords.
q lit- 2, Bitters are doing ilie. wore
NEAR tit tile Ilia 1 i3r4. the that pulicy lilts beet) assented to Ity
:ported untff Jorblildou, 14RUT4- by A ud
teA man ninniod Guerin, son*in,)AW Good I
nonpareil (12 lindg,Ao ttLe,, tile, Queen, Auct that file royul duke (If B. �fhanttgtbing ele;
'calik of soli� Money %livanced *b nor# -on their owin notelf �Vfle� vd, IVIII shovi tile flueAt and clijapesbist8ek'af s (WinniflegThaiiii.) B. LaRiviere, of Wakopal
with one or newo endorsers. No nwrt4ao re.
and lo cents a line flir first will not veto with tho Ubera7s when It is too early yet to eatitilat Tu. ego. I wits extremely
ik line for each.tillb- qulrod as ticcuritY. o tile r
Me t, 1, � 11 Like Vran%hise Bill is brought Ii.efore ill the, tie Mountain distiricti '4Errlaciatel I I! lit.
olders to, discontinue Alanitoba, lost ti I iree�yearNolll walk,
T LES dainage that is being del is to the And actircely able to. walk.
�Fbra tbq�Jjords po i
N'T'111, � M wheat crop in Manit9bil, by the late SP Noticeil. set as Wtho recent storta under very
(Noupareil a t, 12 to, tile Gaining strength I find
-There is reason ta fear that dlstreiisili�, ircumstances. -onsiderable, with the, prospect ap- 'a
To en& per lisle first insortiou D- HESS OLOTH GOODS And. b rdly a day passes but
!141it. pears that tile Storm was very heav -1
y arn
DOFINITION Or TRADE AND 00-MMItc.1% of its beii�g still further increased, in, that section of the country and ONE Y, rrO 04"N riorLunately the iticessilt,t raica of roplitnented on my I nmi -p L rove
did cousidt-rable a
Ir sho 1��11�ewolijbcr the date., Ill the Supre lourt the 4rau'* the last,viwek co
J130 WORK. At lb* rAt43 of interest and upon, torins to suit �Qv� wn in tbo County of Ilurou. or tw-o which have wount of ita, petirance, an(I it. is all (I
!rowa". age. Durina tile afternokin Aira. . ue to, Ila
.We have dne octlle best appointed Job. be Mont in tile License -Act case W068 BittPrs'l J. IV ickliffe �Taokson
'rorouto. Our racili jNCj -an,
Th&,-.,-qreat Dry -Goods Af Visited Winuipog did not extend fat
ties ill co .1.,ill Was ttendilig to hero, dell,
10111008 wast —Willid"K1011,
� t, a ar
-of itioncoil
iiiis deiiartin. lit ealible it to dit all kilids- west, otherwide the,'Ioss to farniers buZx- None
Card ton 6alurnoth. vIllook, 91lotoll Lis Irviilo, Q. C., art pickinti oul-Wro weeds PLC., and hcr by 11U.* Andli
best-st -to-;tlt&,, _r - �Z
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
'!ilk "HIDI
one rio,' '11f) 'VI 01 ufItIld it tile' Imielit possiblo rates. 0 d Privy Cuuti- - thefrostoflastyear. Feweveisus- ONEY to land Ili large or Airall sunio, Ott 1011.8 -of the, Cuurtq art other ef five yeara of� afre, she left 41ups' Ili dicir iian
Orders by ul�gll lqoulptly adwided to� 'P.-S.—Tbe Rulleft Agricultural Society FAII,Lwx1tibition �Vlll be held in Clinton to -day, Aud 0 .. I . , . . .
good ntortgtigos or pers 61 1 ecurav, at pected that Lod much raiii would outside tho)louse'vlaying, 8he con -
open cit in cabe,of Vuliu v. Lan-Iols,
Address; one of 1,110 against tinued. Working lot. �l for a- 11), o Wt s1loot The Dogo
or I- es won lave
t_r�, and during dial;
'a lk& Id I liand, Hardly had .14suranoe CO. v. Parsuna, baVe b I y n-ontood. Foara Sometime in, the ilight of Th
be done ko to.c Cell X. Little tile, storio was gi
r cases to 8110%i' thatL tile Ke did not pay any at.
null report and-.
da3� last the partitr of a large It
Dee Ilb 88g .0tho
tile exploded, sliattorbig tile that drought would have.
'wall o f.,iner' y gh-en. to Scrota p' rusiied. tendon to Ilev childrviy, av Hb� of
suiJect matters o�AIIP Dominion
tl sblowiiig oir it,, iiiall � of boon o,thou,,ht th"y were all right, aj was aWAL
Of superitluoll the drawback, but, no one 3ours
n -nor. Thwk in Eldred, Pensy I vani
81 _� 14011ill W Q'Ilel 6 Liounse Act do not coige iiithin any by thelot�d barking of I'll( -
L 8 Ifaud, forofill�er, till heTOR, ho46118INkSS DIREC ii MD�-Is touch. -thoL Worid �11 10.8 to appreheird, datiger1roul tile OPPO' but op Ahewwit to I
-news tit t
8 litting.his 014141b. 110, took t!le, of the inatterli (iovered by,soct
irtipr jiuw, and L a p st e vei. to she could only the-big'Newoundland
Ile of the B.'11. A. Act relat, oldest'. She Searched h6W, Tile. clo- seized It ill) by
ing,to tile t iditiog. A week of�idty.wea;h% dog of
er ia badly 11 Odell just tiol, Tile
.0 1(- Dotninion, Parlimout, larger pprtiou of tile crop. i,% saveil, a use for a slityrt'
A t COOPER expectAd it, nud' al
to lit' 'finger at- e ..,SCRO., ULA round tile lie'
thbu-11, y
S od to -by a doctor, lie wrilplied powera of tl coat atilt diag"Ied hial �oup,of
Ile (,tit but JJjlI'%VibI ill find of that'Au, 'b at u I 'and half way to I lit saw no tracp-of tile Illiasill" Child.
by it tlinrou! li puri nub Of it ill Still (J. iare roon)
a ra, ulAd, it and, on- board the over -to Mr, B. W LaRi,
loll or'. the blood, !.U- ti�i-,- i.; ut-, -le
L I . � . 1, . of p vill. And is in a 4iost prezarious COUditiOl-1,
rl I . wers* ro
E'AWIN. KEEFER". 'Vr. Tliba. 000601. �rotnrlls t1lanks -to his litibout, tiolkin", the *pO
. . . I he 6ffic(� When tile 111411 SPUCII
ily �iereanduppriwd hiuipf,die fact-
LLI 161. their 111wral pat W111111pug Pull;)
> ellonktion aft :of t
0 cial LegitilaLures..
g to alluoullce that i.0 that one of her oltil ed in getting to Ilia. feet atid.stag
'd and was rapi
0 atilt he Advices frptu tile alain, title. and
0 lini; albuitted his 11ioncit asix mcniber, jt)()r9, Uops, (,a� b es,:X-. T kid. al"ru wasl�oon prea the -ed
Late of Toronto, . lionor Graduate lto�lll Co oge jllej Ili the course�of r-Ivving's ad� bmichus of - the Canadian. Pacific .,into the 8treitt, Fira
0 of tile firill, inil -holics they will a War r, f Genrolift hang, Sbaw of Dental sureons, n ilavico..Strono, said that
-9 ZIf-th'o SUI)IJOrt 1141 to I- Mr. X the.raiiifall of the and inallY
Iliulself ecashis spreadiiit� over tile. building, and,
rally necuraud toPlu house.. tile decisions of tile Privy', Councit bliree or four weeks lilts been geaural other settlerA startedAn avarlih of . -piog gulf
-Clinton inarried his ri-Val.
-Coats's 11by hotel waa.filled with ilec e
the little bile. Th�y looked every -
tit I r!i,. 1i cell io Ituiis hroughbut tile great, growing , ii W Th'e dog ran. barking loudly up-s;iai
Ili t! case cloarly- 6 'I
l�JJlly a you let here, but [110t 'A 'Lil'.110 sn-Copals.
'0 UR 6.0 OT. TEA 4 C) . - . loll though 1post Copious ill tile Re
ouu pi her chingorous. up iuLai. iLuLLiko, are -thii -le first stopped a e iloor ..of
wouki be collte it col I ve lor Ney0rI witfil th(tir deui;iiou* in Valley.. In oulep Ce �Early in the morning, however,. Hft t th.
producea by, Ift , a 1hylit,
if na foetulle'of $50,,000 am46- Cit,40. Ile lievr Seen two Suet . . !*
tilf-lie'agp,,cialty, aiul can. not tile'
er travelling Some three u a ovt-r, --niaster's roOLU.-Wilere Ile howliti.1
hail fell, befaing out the standin-
be �,eateli 1�1 tile fliarket. All o'tliE,.r thill-prairle illr,,Lalli�iera found the
twent y,li��t birthday, I)u't conti-adlctor�. jud-tilents, eniallat, -I this- cause Watched, until inniate'.
ilIg graiu, but rile loss frail
atilt -ittonlift-i, Stroe 'r, OP, A. L Grotloris�s as low as Alimililde, of"titialitli Ga;, , tovdried with niud its
It. JL t, itr, %Vill not belarge. 16 is tinfo Lunately tit'Ohild.'c rou,ed. The '16r, gav the al-arill
D C n ore, froill tile datlio trilidnal; bu6Lit Wad r
rg uJilla adtnewhat b and saddest
.6 and (dirOgn raiab.le ",as Of' a f �uiwed,
Residence oppAlte the Tentporance Hall, Buron for f lie cotitisef-f jr. �11(4 jProviiieem , to. true, however, tliat tile vrotracted
6 tract. 0 Ill twhours I row 8 a. Ili. to 0 P; Ili. N TIM villago, of the 111vollille 0M',0QKERY oil haa0.. Also b lovM rej6ct6d 11 that; danth tared Ili
evers-Tfoor,4nd iki.,
.6oucupicd by 110, 'I'lloilbilia ve dankaged 1[lobli,.tbe 'Cut OL Ilbonse and still i3 istortus
UP, n i -Y '0110 of. bile Illust desirable Ill the viltai'm fur 11C , !C, ., . claim last judo mant should the4ace. There was a heayy wind. c tiducted guests down it and,statiding crop;"but the 16sq, so far' Of
FRESH T HEA L hola,'The 'Courti bad found that Iinot eilieed' ng ill 0* and dut the buri
soft waWriilitcrn.on irbe of Gillis L : blo�* that ght, and imust hav' ill:Q Ili- J . be learne lot. collipiloas J of all acrQ., EAL r fQA 11 to, case -a I t.r ief
Th4 Iiii1liliogs tire bli partially f ussel v. Queen tile ten or twelve.per tact tgood Ile sold'olio4p,' its thu pild. 0011-Al-frf � 1. -LOUR, b!(,( a ilutillier �lf (lie Briti I in ItI . I ft carridd.theebildlinfureit.' Thogr kept c6littilually dashing, piloti
luill' 'vva� f6und tit Blaz, a pr"illitous CLUJ' question uf thuilicipal powers were 11Lor6t aspeciall the barley, . has beolf 'of - tile Vareiii 4 -1 soine haIf it . -out
likidor io giving ull businilb8. it Midingtheir child eiSed Ifte
'It OA tS, PO TA..TOE$,. in tile-l"Ig IIOL Wash, hilo '.sProutiL%g,,, rust this,: ilditiorn-eitit bebeftor inia- it stiiis.. only' to uacp rutu
Apply to
;ut.touclied 'Upol
SOOT Iatid rot�ing, e lilt tl;vy have - Search of others.
Ir d]
Medict I done thei-r ilfaro. odlil desori-bod, V
Mr. Iring �thought I -hat Jullp, of all.* file. settlera
Z&ViiStOrll, S011cit(krl, Ellgliib 1110aHuripitrty, TI�e'rip�ninor -of oats ll�i been great, litilsiloilurs for. On4do taid 311initolia. 7— Givi.'ns a ciill and. be satisfied. of, 'llie -w Wet 1,� of. LlIjJ Fri 0611.11ijil. ill' It" Alady.with'a child -in bor ar
nod left, 'calmp'ou Llie'll for a V sly re it at lid '4 i� fearell'that Like' in. tlieLt L\qigliborli6od, Winnipeg
1W Offieo�-Toivx HALL,. CLINTON. DWELLING FUlt SALE; tar 0. a it hitrryi
rp stroll. :11e was 114 heard. 11 all Set V. QUeeLl W11011 j�op�rly It ' lider', harve.4thla of that crop will -be de. �1110.8 and -fell' to the boLtoui, T
on, Of Tie-
kne the To not the '11CIP out
I %Joppe pight .1 'ed in By. r gious fur iuto� Ob -
Clinton, Nlay 17th, 18$,2.. ru"aleo tile boty, Celli -
81011 Widt had t U] Uy child. was thrown'dii the -flour of t
reulaia be bliip�ed to it 1Riordala Beall. 4tHIlee
tull; Loll r6u Nv (h
U [)Oft it by tit.
P0 0 el%
Situate Ili good Ar t b hall Solkle al. away. .,Pl
to the franieva of tbf4 i)bIklILIIQI
I Aut.
D.. A. FORAESTER, par 0011imPS thiiloiltc-d; Or -tit tll?? ut if tile 'country is bleksed with
'I itutly
aLiiinq Office, Verrill 1310011 Mr. Ju�tiuo' Stroniv—Ti-el -Privy. Ajbfetltl�tnan'of high stand' Women her feet atid ita
ing in
flue dey*ys for ille next fortnight
RA b AGES V. ird, Noiley t#.Loan. thtlir . . . . i , I . 1. gered in a dazed. wa�� out. of die (to
thd loss builtabled toy tile exceptioll, several industrial �ndlionetary Coll- leavina t1te-chil . (I in tile nii(bit of'tl
ock, Clinton.. I , Vile ally wet, weat is season Will 'corns. in C anada. bas gono to his Igi?g siuok6... Th.
Office, Beave'r BI udgalelit.
f22tf i
* !nn of hs her of tit e brave. do' w
NZ �V- IS ING FOR gunboat Wltap g sa 0
rar tit either tlle'fariul- r .1l'ishap, and Allizing' the-ohild Juy I
it i.j 4o till, oil -tile coast of fr�liliiil not Seriously * impail: est in the peirson: of M�. JohnRior,
a Elt & 110 itirox. God- i - .. 1`2
profitp, or. �he prospects. -iod 'it safeiv on
Justice IT
r, �r, 00dorich, rity Witil"ft loaS Oj'fifty IjVt8.-fbLrj�IlJtJill.- eury Bait it appeAr� nio,ht clothes Carl
A N'D;..- The yield Qy-erywh eL is Uv'. Riordan went to.. Europe. n -
C m B.� A. or Hit unpre. ti
for Donovan LQ Claim the oil L ijin 11lat, "Heck" had aheady bro .1
droli iias, b.,111iniL 11 ' urs little'.
I ioivith ba�tered Ittil over two.yo
ftl1O.e!:�ilh'.1,o1l-.1l 0.0crerovo 0c. victory, .'and Call for anothLe is u b.. gavoi. to the o 0 ParliatiletA dedell(MIlY 1&rge Oils, And It e onboilt,- but it.. Ifad not bve
AvJ8oV & JOIL�qSTONT, Law, Chancery and for 11, 111 Or %y0l'k;. will U0,4014A 8 0. 1 1 .� . . vellino oil tlie 0 to its niotlier.-L _-Tho dt
t t unds. Power to wake laws for tll� pen per mit oil weather ac,' age a
D Street ','.;L.vt tban it obst, Applj- up XdLlros Nv as't;! o* *b evoil lift, and after tr on.- re,iored
!ell,- eat. 57, IICR Z JY
L Gellilerl nSCfZCd 0e cattis of Be p taos atilt good govortifim ount Would &till leava a return fwr tinent Some time up his ioki- 'saw the frantie'ri )I of the ukoth(
I6 tile
lit �but`tliiit de6tiou '9��. s I bove the average. too, are once with h6, fand (wife and Eat)) toward burning building. aii
lilidAytist stroet, 6vile BuWr's. Book excepted t1le still fairly' 'good, �bpugh it is w moral '4rd al'id'as a � 11411,
jeCt df. spraw, fok*
rptrPAIMIJ BY litany other dittricta for I to l S ai'Norwood 'a sublkr� oflond '6 that drey-will.drop iteddir Ila
Was'484igII64 to Pruyillti I': a* while Ilia coil itioa lilt- and held* Wr. Ila tVI d`
a act, to y
pay %Ygr,� -uiuder rlwes
I Ives rates of -a pc nd Spring. New frouk her-illsatle Atteuipt to enter 01
f mun
ioat .4ola at Brandon this full froul prov.pd under the, attendance -of a 8
tIrving iliog A�iid that W. liouis* di apppak�ed a
0, CIAL H OTEL e i6tiitle thus ti.,Liv.ed w Al'be E. :.0 MME. , . .. L . 1 0 70 to 76 - cents. I tho�:Ijuriiing: 'Tit
for ia4ti ' at au�ctioiy wh Ir, st-riou,4 w&8, possib`e
t refur I bild tar ner will Akilf ul phyWiciati. Latterly, however, ovei 'Tit
Di-11-stal that 66 Dominion. - KeL 60.CentL
plifil wo4ev if lie call 8, faithful tbrute, acvor appeared ilgain
but (1m6'a
oil b oyla. 1.64s Ilotel is furtil kics to- 104 tu§ olliers or �o t�oilbl alid dis6rd loitiose a tax ill qet ini il�nd_
shod with'greit tl I aellange for he worS0
A -r illy nlaolut6 of inonoy' to. loan lit 101TOSt, eare to InUct t1lo Ni';tIlt of t;10 A--nutuber of Lhe into JkCCOLuut t.!Ie*lloaVy' crop. d -fortui goL, giordall. was
areillail a wf4e f�ulld il
rates of interest, rio�tera arrbste(I Elie fordi, (A litionst, upun. every tailor' I * 1, . ill, It of i4tilleraL goll('I�fL ItIon'ether,-thoug I, tie wtporience ght a -intelligon
kli6 NUW'ry, O'Ll' Slllkdil,�, igh A% Ili) e uhaL But for file ell
art- 0 d r a on..1 0a, I activi
t) ;tk'rlllj into ?ws of td It
ttitble, m t is palIT thie 'past nionthr a 4erl3 dishe Mre. to, St. ity. 9f Heck tile. iii -e i.rA tit
rocosslol) scarcidy. be lield that Oley could de.
had been known at tile Mail office
ii gall. 'littt eoini", t1iorti1a,iiii.roaBoll as yet for hotel -would not It ve been dise'oven .1(
"A iooRt. court and. title Ole hours at wiiieli Such tailayLS alarul. ni'time for a 'a tile inwate to, havt
61bkk glit before tho� tills past fbvv,(Iays.tliat Or I
tended to four. �ulontllkl� it
-Ira 6 lie Vo itidut; y a condition was precarious, -and oil espaped.
tr ia'i,fuiad -hashown 8011 11plq86n_ and shoe6fers shbutdepiin or close
-'I) b as' wout. The p6licouieu .. tosti tied that ul�air�abop* 1 1:116 WorijLS ' trade and. SuIldhy .4 4 as re'coiod
H. W. BALL11.1. al" C Such rapid doyiClopint thut of ��bi� w'
TEL. , .: )PI -rican oft Wilea.t.
UdIT14N'91F It:. for Sales at- PRIECE 0':iffA.L":3 HO in tile* I Should be applied Iii,the 11
choose inalciag. Twea years ago by Mr.. Dulltill�, annowleint, Ilia
tondod to ill r1k 0 procelision fired. iyon - coun ierce, .. . — _. .. . . : 0. . 0
0. -ger atid,broadoi@ sens6l!and not to rurner of th
I tha.dounb�;. 'Ad-' th lai
IT. -da 4 was a SatqrdfLy last General,rurner of th
!4eis orders to Gktl f m P. v .1 The bove lidta. i vi,, latly-ticen le �AT TlIE wb exporLed it.Wtit 1,100 powids. ttus�. IN WHEAT 0AUSING THE XIN- eath. 'A Riot (A aelf
and the beat possible tiway' animally - be, :Tile- Mr. 41ra6k loton', a Pre& "linute, dcalifigm Ttic 1. 1:5 1 . . Made Inall. 116 Canis to this copli- I:;Oid'a ;Own Artily, and two. ld
We now Wild WL'SOTA MILLERS Titoullr;r.
ana the genurai traviining. is arroritea, Lh.eJiqu6r trade - was municipal or
The liar to t;upplied twoen 40,000j000 and 50,060,00%. byterian Oer& o*f Tullatkiord,
11AMILTO -try-froill Ireland with his p4rc7;ts in - officers attacked, (Jorrie, killing four
N LOWEST p' His power. - Tile . court of thii . I . .— I . . e on EA youll . g I in . at I I I
Ypurliatrollage 'fi Lli Crosse Wia.—Th elicited. - voterinally $111geoll-Ill coil lloction. valuLd lit, oin $5,000 000, to 1$61 - -had brouglitia lit) I'suit, against tile 0 0 1850, b ing tit Af,' of th eitqiny and wounding many
Blytll.L 9alL8;tttolJded in town and cotintry, 0001000. wdl for -150,00� tI - ii , 9, (A6 I Y, thin . Its tile., dwffi e. to -at -ent. others. The five� or tile. arilly was 89
&0" . J0 I"gilest uPPO"Itto jurisiliction'.1ii a
re I . :V16 to 1) da..Ili; ter a few years residence - diffei
;(11011111016 terms. A sof fitrins and Villftill GEOTI1L1OHALD,1?roVr to bopoli to inarit .contlitilanpo of tile it t milled ii, the Ontario. t' 0
ages foe printin a tateltient that tie- . tlia placed, lie' settled at St, Catherinet; fint
to N10ileY to 10ML oil estate, at� On, 26 51 -1 re in at WaS'WithilL tI -that bo�h trustees
aca bit lilt' -keept'
L, ig'. G. diVil�ion eloped with a Mrs. of Part Act ad a.pilpar nianufaot6r'er. He, rapid- witli one I ion, voted the 1111111
low rates of interest. Inituritnee elfe ale wl eat by rust is not litilf understood.
zlaosoo of properti. Xotes itlid debts collected.. of Tlle� wheat� tuen roluct out of the (tood Templar's hall, iis
Good 4L altIto would 4P&!hIIlk rceou�lllend a tria, or i4s, Loudiiij, las week. , Tbl,ee B�ow*n badi *also brolf�hb a suit power axitly. adinit
rupt stocks booght atsid s Id. buildihga Covering five -or ly acbmaulated wealth and,has, long
LY The Ontario Act �Viila in the nature that it is not'only ��riotis b t wid been . knowti,- as. it millionaire.
.0 WAVER HO'U,§Ei, .his Dom'T oagainat tile saine papvrolaiu�ling qaul- 1,, 1 they imagfnecl the and:01jul-C.11
Blyth, t wore Louipletely dotroyed, 'gulatioil u e Wevein danger of being burbod'by tlie
SIX 1101"a Ice. Or it re
ittPon ges X25,000, of a poll lutlfflull)f tiuie lie becaue comiepted ith lilt
Id,:a.Vast aillou Ili. of. inaterial also. e ti o llunting, of irresponsible crowd that I
s of it firsl n of a inefely local OhtkiaeLer fo I
inelit �clftim Large and ililly IIOLLA.N 1) fillitable A well'known journlist, tiorres! ferent. other iliatittr'�iol'18, both indits' I v meeting and would ffect tile
w1bli filituir, A The "--loss is �estitflated --- at _dIkOpS,L. -flad one cai Of. wheat A
hLatudi good goverilinfil) -ta-veruSi led to -ance policy. 'file uleetingli.o
the 110111 Anit of the G. T. faiumily.use:
Th6triivollll pliblielill -'BA."' Atoi and 4,. )�qllirjld� all Oxten- tbu, Scott Act party -Would not afreel,
oiiden6 of w4veral nowspapei 11 insui
Is well stookilit with the choicest britilds $150,000 and $200"00Q. P la'di irot.interfero wit.h. the. sold at 50� Qenta'A" Chicago; which
&tncrica, has bloped. widi the yourig Ilia foirtulle. 1-1, 0 d
Between 350 4nd ',400, niVii tire I reg.kilation. of (iadii� 0111- 1 Ineltus not 0h,1 no. Thu
reali assitred )f being well cit= for at-th It Wife of all kn"'IiNll -nd -c Illorii than,28 cents aliilie Niv il1to
1) jell' rImmt itl.t.116,121ail- _010 insurance polio
J., an BLACK 'ALL but t10%, Ili utis (;I.(' r,oA#n out of work.' - .4killong till' 'to rile inerco Doukin- -buyin;; .'joiut :if. a -far west as iDL in 1�79, in,flict lilt. Orange Ila uiy'B and 36 teotivits have. the',fugitives w tile exis:thll�(A�of
S ion 'Part -Ur, Irving'devot- kota. An-Ilist - all' ) . . , * , , . but being rathbr stball, tile -AND 0 two Wagi-pir car ell of
t -tell tb oo i inontioo Mail io dul).to Mr. Riorc all stepping applited fo,- the dril . I shetL , Ctilit-�
eon-- Idd settle ol "a"(' Of S'ol liug at a lita it) to tit e broad I at a
en Urg Constantly oil freight add otber lia tb B isels, . Thli.likdy: is lita Lillie to, all expfft'llati till an
.na'ry' one of the inlist I _tifUI'LWOLuelI I critical * d ,-nine could rent tile drill.shed only
ME 'Peter MuLareki wile. ill 1882 L P ollltjfi� he-ternis trade atid -coulwer�e-did oil tho'Greoh Bay 4oad for 30-catitsi liandsonie buildillo, that adorim.
Graduateottliaontatto condge To, 1 , U1.0 o. Tile elop i . . 0. fbf militaey put,poes) to fight, 11yell
1prinim . . . not apply tOL tile liquor, trafflu, 'A and 50 Cents w,ill, be -a price ill 0
nng -6vored. a., vert. io
opallea till Ill. itipm, rer. of $1.00000, a- l%lot tile clovil, Itild (lid not till - her
nitnes al -b 1�ay §trootl; stands ad a nion'unient JAIIJOSty Would- reCOgIIiZ6 of -0anada' I it'lleysible by her NO trader Wad oue engaged in. buyimi some prein gainst tile Y
anitHals,on the Most wodurn ...... lie liquor vdiidur tiothio� is
All hasi after several appeals, .finally Iflud elngT ou; sulut. V* ner's commission.
HURON STRtgTl, . CLI . NTON. n -waq on to. Ilia ell flie Albion h6tpl, is one or the ew
tiorrol!] lea, alldcallf irompt. C�C�Yqld Jymalfor Gode2*h Ale. suop eeded I holding his verdict Ile- y was ticensed to Bell 6uly; ttid law wdrinii( ut., vlevtktors say. earm wl publia life, but I
to liv Av or brought proilont;ptly bolfol;e tile pub- IlLvlr entel A,&s otiourablegi-litleillell we filld. In diat,
Fdog moderate, fare the Trivy,:06tinelill. Tho ql)Lell� a!,dl aboat Ilia bo iog. Ali coine Ili thut 8ilioll so batfly a person' wol kiiow'ii oil! "It's Of ould 'not
y S
ilot: be Judged a ball1lOt*WPrk 2t1leill..
d r a to tile ie ill Ile divorce p 1110 of liumine8g, *Ila %v
ek 0110- Of tile' 0 Frio I A. d o6r W Pat Oi .-H., 0.0 P ti 411 a' niati-lod of couipu-tittg ei - ideavoured but failed to a the - arliky, $tudk for a. barriLettS intereit oil 'the I hank-rupt
verdlaii .Was argued lie waa ilot.a T il millers got ca6lflif Clinton, Out. V-173 R0 BS 0 N taill the Positi wits not.arraid tile holy.Aii-e of thit,
oilof war correspoq- Pri'vy. sullitty whet, biit gave it. care, I Lord.s Arinj wo' Id fire I i I all I,
litanu(iteurer of -and doallif (it all Ill Ilia 61 before the Muter, in last Judi Q01fitflitteo' of the I
31 U ftf
dent In Dgy Lbildot and, judirul �pt, to a, Uouncil, ill the Ilodan L -ase had uleatising, �1141 .9upp(i for., Cemetery wee 0 listilittice ALBERT STREET CLINON. ent, was llotiiorved� sed it, 'to be in
Marble & 'anite, '$500 It J)PIPOr, and 4as to the houve ihg r gavel Let iltile free use 011iis hall allil
As tbojitorest.ainountfi.-to decided hat din power of iregulftting' and itioi). His flour 31i.. 13laqt-lt.expreslied plemure at Odious hi'lotlittioll.4
of fier inother, Afrs. Ull-lilia Blood I to� ill �Iekv
_a Platter of atilye,,iti)- (lid 'llob utter
Iabbilt, tile 1111proill-loty. 0 eftvmg�
-Millit Webber front whot-hee fiiior6t is 'to be OwElts, brought; leiiFi thftii half pffoe. Ali' -go 0' t114 IJ4rj!ucl,.sl
NSTRUNElYTAL flostoll GontlervAtory of inuslo, ill Ilk, reckoned. front the 23rd. of Jantiat DuMrin was this trouble is 'ill 306 it the (Applaue) T116LPeo�
th �l of the, SALESMEN WANTED ly We hope God will bless
brated, ICIDENTAL TO Itult d numbor Of pUlAill on tile 10
AaTIFICFAL Srovu to o'ountr never have ally
I'lirtictilitr attentioti givin to thoso who %visit to r 111tildill') 1882, when the V tile gobd his ostilil.
eri �Vas 'giveii on Mouday., tha iit;.Powor wits exclusive 'aud is W�vspy grave trolibl"
0 arch, 1882 bright 111�jlnor� W'iiiuh was jiot�concurrenti that tl
Rlo of thig
ruprovii oil their orosent of tit rcaIi ork, whfr� I must ond P ty Wife. Stlitire
m Ossolised bf it reasonable aginluff, dt Mr 111a.ckenzie'8 views,
)08cs and. ("..miLtery W r frodi tfie -26th of A able
jild of regulading file traffic could not I
Ile sven to be witrIc of Intelliguylpe and blisinesli tact, eall hlil,6 their ell, gnient was onto d mi aisada, will be hid.den tile Green, of the 11'. Perkins,
N�ltrralltcld to pi tl rt-tuk;it!y &lid - Strong will tile* Dominion ll�gj�slatiotl-, Deel. Como They, ]lad - it] Watia clear] ex
y eSSrs. 'I'lioull)j011, and oth.
Vo Until this to question arg'ued before business 8-,
Photqyr-ap erS and as wo tire well :Cnq favorablvittlilion through. the Muster. lie Showed ill his managinnontof Tur. and that tit(- imuhitid expqdionoo Of wh r411 lilight, P christain gentlentell symp-atilizo
ontontal,161 ouragonts find 1101roublem Inaking . . . n . IlIftkillky, tile IRW'Uniforol tiltoUgliout TiiAx No. 2 read. Thougli lii4 vuiue - wits no With and onco6rage tile oflicmr.,4
sales. No experieneff requiredl Outfit call, be kish affitirs, 'As Vionroy. of. Illdk,
TOTHE PUSLIO.�. tOne, unday night a6knor.pwooks lgoalike Inission of SLMIlg
n- and as tile possiblo futurh pr�uiier, the Dominin oil any i4itbiout witbill awas with thein
a$ the excluive jurisdiction of tile (L%1)1)1 till 4t.) 11.4 U dLy In (,'It mile foetkhils, etc. yo, 18 'Jano Young lie mites �groati attention." Ile r 91 Post.
NN c, 'xtr t With
1W i�� I �1_ " to, I;i4 chicago.1- 11, C) OHASE BROWER56, euip.loyed aq a doinestile oil Concow Ili to B It -did llof�.gj.Vo.
fuel ll()Illo 61, it Provineir and they trusted and prayed
Nui8orpiloix ion street, It atililton, as r6turil 1119. for 0 hort
CLINTON LAKEPORT, ONT.. froll, Church ace brief visit, wbero-,a banquot it loll to tile vefloral llurlia� 11re 'low provt0litiff orti. 8 that 6hat, Voice Illight, be rostoivud to Oil. Ivilt b.
olkillivided by -a Y�Ung aits vo
.. Illent to 061P011141 to Margin ILA' fUI vigor, all
0 ch latiblo Works interfure and creato uni. aro being er" it once tuCra gi Will you tile Portraits a tnan, she was oehulted by rouLylla, Tile alld 116PO to Ilia frielldfl, Alid ignal perbap�4 of the sare avilroaeli of!
Life Size and- when liar C�Jnpallion tried Ao A sny.. :—Pat, ligttles, Strike terror into him inore rialt Quip, ill araid ill tho trial f strong. theught tile price of eoru is i ow J'A conts lit ad.
r lie was ku6oked f Ir I joni
Ask -solves ll'you Call tillol,cl Poet W61 anq1tet.
R011PUT(IOTMON, its defelld lit
ble; after NvIltUll tlk(3y bl'uttill, out. rihchitr(y6d wifli cofl�. word advance ot that being paid,for No, And Joab sald- to AMn at't sake, of savi to, rull tile. for tile c4univ of Huron, Mal lilt (10 nothing for It, Ave knoW.1royll
spiracyto,murder Wil'I'Sulyth, had olunively to wholesale I I I . -
i%g6d her, Charlor Ilem�stodk, 2 April' g wheat thou in health, illy brottivr?. And ex 101 lelleu thil t .14111 loll ',4 will Cum that 1131lik
Oil o sai,l hewords ill L., o.'L. No. 7' ID ID, Pred Roehr,.alid Aar Lftvid w-ero Made tillidavit-o Eighty cents Corti onty. Sr 10 00ailtlel 0, 188.1. ovidefice lip gave, which, in a weas. 'M X.. A. Act ovidontly r( orro(i to and sov, JoaV took iulasa 1*.y� tho beald With r conall 11, new .4. Tills ex.
arrested in Builalo by it 11ankilltoll vilit'i its wrlynill)rI,�t 1,111111 it llilloll hot.
U etho right hand, �to kids hill), Bill
'I- t1la public cointliel-cial Pei uy, roaly . Z) '11, Allman, took. Ito heed' to tile sword
nionth. IJILII upstairs, opposite clilirgo of I)efllg, Cell. 'tile Accused Waq concocted, fliat lie woruil relationa with for gn Conn. prosonted'oll 'Chango'o (Illy, Whoth. Croup, iLlIJIL 'Clive sklourild tho, Conviction of Six ve conts wheat wits Wtlt�dtllf 611, li�) Ar(!)NiAY of -ever corned Ili tile otaraivo, Thtir trial lJoftl)�S liand;
theTiltVilliall. Visiting brethren at Irallilton L ir laigil t tat �%, a. '40 110,811lotb till Ilot hp o always was conclutivit I oil was paid for it und corkelled by ths trieA, and similt . mull ects, or tit e.reladvo value of thilso qoreals lihn thorowith, Lill tho' fifth rib.— till aw. sidii, or Owst, .11.40
-Mr. Juatico aA, At, TOM), prosecfition. The rooalltatioll was
Thurmday, atid thoy'liavil -all bon rokli 1.1111stor. 0. TWHIMY, D. NI. a(lo ill L presoiloo at three ptiost'4, eiv'cr beford pro'Hontod Such a Strange Naughy Jon(joa sentenced to tell years in tho peni, Contrast 18 -not procisoly known, but'
tontiary, . If tll(�y were to rave a Wbo lyropo4o to iiIII)OACII tile oVi� deetiliftg, ftlid trade nicans dowes, the premolit colldition of alraips iii It. is a folvdrito With tile
on which the acellovd Were tie dealing,
ti -a ill 0 -tai Is oikoo A doneo itokikowledged to bo very untisdal; f rea trade party ill this. county tit' Young wall �Iigs It,
Week during the 'Ord of tb6ir convict It at Illay t'llavaillo Sith d I too Lodge, No. 8.1, A F. & A t prio Air, Irvi -fero'co to tile Early in today's trading thof WAS the National Policy hlk8 failul to 1164 11 I havo no 0; Oiex tholuil OT1111011t, tho pufilsbillinit v�ould , Front the days of (,ortpV.L Ill 1521, poillt as to whether ally pftft of tile ), atren oil, effort in'ttko by tho Short Voting Wll—
r lall be lJobt OnOU4111. down to tile beginnilig of thiq k
IMInilliOn LICA1114A hnLot) up wheat priced in tho Dollllll�
n, ViRiatigitittithrellootil WAI to COV& SOP1,0111bUr Sa klit, 11%vall lettva, 4 spaco them
,I ilikoWlItATAR, w. U.' P�1.11alilollt, to
_,,L. PORTUNIli Sze. iiiiiii1ber of . lt.%liaug wlt6 liM tur3t, and ta the presnilt titile, tile power; of butlleril Were Ile adequ'ato Offerings iqn. Tile nAsortion iq only partly you) uns r,;tnlld.)l Hiss 1, t1likt
dinton, Jan. 14, 188t" bing oil tile 0, And e rovolu� cant0l)(101 art of that Act for well, when I sele A vitc-Int spot
on work xcepb wbat�. interrupted Ily thit pillikaolo of higliprices wils ollough, III&Y wo any,
wli ive going across 06. lake tiolla, tile N1011call Inilles liltvtv Wilm ito gillintal Plan reached at 80 oelit, wholl t1jore were it fr I shall, kllmv It id"You", Exiti, I Oil Ce toader. Lat YeAr'. tortihilyy
iL 'llieora
lying "bout the poured forth till uncoltsing ateettin or .400110, and therofore 'Ilu part Ohm 1(') soil. The market fiven 'atilt thia year too; lit it inotimare, the young Man.
it I
yoogo t." Wharf, 'Poronto, waiting SiIV6r Atiell a$, fly,) World )Ilia Iley or Could be brought withbi tile. tit �pplld uo'78, roie again to 79,,linll Xalviontd Policy lia4 nfood between
Uuw to Bell GoOds 4�Z5 until the, tinle of departoro should sp.p qUfrolors fi!()fd elfet"tS Of qUilliflil
,fi. Tt is estill, te L lativa. authority Ot tIlu bonlillioll allaied tkt that ligure, Tile pvc-80.0 out fartners and 6-oriotto IoH. Dut,
(I d tlla ille vall1p, Used as it 111011lody 011014 Rod (,ever
—'fA LIt TO Settle of them were vinolih)g of (110 Ailynt, coil, atilt builloll Pro. 111gli prices hilive, apparently all-pposo, f0f tho Alike of %,�
killod will Mr. 8, It. illake f to all ;
and aminig tl;080 NVOIN '0110 Haliled dlicofi, ill flint , �01111(ry ince tile ol w . Mr. tile, now Apeculation, Very few opes Owl tile proteadvo Policy has failo-I poperful torkle bitters'Coul Wflord whoP
Piet is reocililli Who [)all a sinall d cotiquost, 3. 000 4 00(), Irving, I�ohtalltji ng that as ttle power, litorg having couragis to ?*Oate ally ill lilts the free teado policy ly `bf vegetable it
nanlito fl, I tball soil 0 � Ririe lim , Great W, I otirtiol ell f any BOX loua (I I'll 'ItAnelion
L i And it iA well InInWil I of tor regulate, tile liquor fr larger ilhort in toreab th all now ioxiAA of BrRilin ally'Torepol
U :EQ r
0 0 no (Toulity -is of Illy I)APTI rt." I to Wi thill controt, - A5 tbil,iind used for tile have been profila