HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1884-09-24, Page 4not 11titt they 04 m;t of the 'The Moods Came., olmerved Mrs. St G I 'To InIl twep%3#1 atontion of 1*00t-I 70,000:'Pumll PsItiall I" " , III TI A40in we Ask who a" thwo Sal� sal obildron," with An air of on,) to tIM $41,10WAg! vaUt*tv, xxd wbxo pormau*pt, good atortinig % procoslilon. Vio pr000p% woo TO& MIS OF WATOHES, q-tislo is ottlio vifspper i— ll�vor they clone in- OWV eveor of t"form4tion lion ren.01104 00triton, to tuo, KOPLES 1#10" caujo or. There were three 40— 0M.— To towe 04 boo- i 1—.k 10. 1141111rid ft#live oigboyears since the t Org4litlZil' Obhio,of frightful iituntlati4 in Pledges of Ofection. Tile pled'giae C riage W orksO -FIREGE JURNA allit,ft imy ty.rrin (returiffug * thil-jer I otia tion of thoilt AX A t dim ipcot% I to 4 P441 0100kaJewelry, Ational dbsplay% Kalviltiou or Ilia liftiter gilt of' tile an't 800.9 doted from Kiatig Tak, the chief 4,PaPA." ( a it alls%mr tho'low) whpit K sultivri1wr does went, drumming, shouting' in all ran to AlcHu$h and c0led him )k 072 L00b Oxcite.- Riatig Sai Province. Tile news was tAmlighly, 4 to GAU1.4 centre. of the pottery nisinufacturo SILVER WARE, allito the rilwion rar its not boing takexidingg, and like prdot!'Ve8, nine tenthli "PapAll pulle,J out p. 'hanAkereldef 9 Any irglect to do 84) plalzolt file PoStIthistes ot taloIr g(illereutB fall away, gn-d it B, and one of the four great r4arketa 4011,110011 _­� , , rp 'mimlild to the for Payment. small proportion retain, arny :good of tile empire. Tile dooilq latited, qaidiped his brow. Ttiesituatioll Por V9041#010pt firvolaiQlaosso A0 any PWtb11A his PaPerdii* horefrbis it is ge tieral ly ow I r dAyo. The entin t . country is wasgetting disoldedly desperate. m*,"'Itinqed'ho MA151; P".v all or ng to, fou so owtictivo an Airwes RILL#. Otber 4114 better Wdu0110013. .011tsid0l subtfierged to a deptil, of sixty feet, They. Ipsuire rogulA wO If 'paylilpilt H-wo r dolly, Actlan, 004 ro PROPRIETOR May 'to solid it Army bX011.ght to bJar Whole towiv, wore swept Away, It remarked. Seotters, siva b.owuls to Q, heahby cQutlitlort, . CANTELON nO'My huah;kall ]fag beautiful tooth" im BIDDLE OPPOSITE THE MARKETs-CLINTOK liala si.olvat. *laother it ba toli-en froull eight is believed fully 70,00 persons ver% Mr.,',Nto ffliall augli tat tile wort) a 4TXWO, -- or Xn4 r%P ollive Qg -not. There ci:La be o legal yaars in 0114 tbarmy haa werk3d Invaluable, And 4% sure care. OIF ais (eared A 1103CIletIce drowning mail At He , - - je lifitil tile payment Is Illatic. 0 cannot shoty A kilig,to charity wIlliol, art IFTo U'ltrp X094 of Appotitep IrPRI Ladles' Oold and SOver Jewelry Ind allow xilwaviis o, XtrrKInge, j PorsoT.t Who takei; A pit or (roll, it has aidod; its main object belligg a.�. would follow. lifted 11W huge 1110, tat -lie #I 3r;lepletS, ocliIj Vw- poat-0111co, whetilar'directey to Wit I have oaW all a former occasion, tj .J�,kto astimatea of tile damage by "olbat Wit were black arlid brokell. AfAxop N04ho, 8" No, all roatOT04 or another, or viihether lie, liss sub- sepurii froui their dupes the aLuo"S - tile flood (At, C)dpPeWA FAIIU 41141 Etill Mrs. St. Qeorgelserean)oil, blush- inul ouroki bJAri;W* rILLV, -wriboil oraot, j,% for tliv p-I.T. of OtItstailling iii, a life of vagrgirit itila-, Solid Silver and Rated 41-1fa onhwribor orders b1s. paper to Ila Liesu. a Claire WisoonMti, allow it Will ed Scarlet Avid tuirlipil away her in BLIOGIESs OUTTERSm WAGON% SLEIGHSA0. e stff of persow3 other, A= 11=1 or Now- *k Papers are mid I ad iBe U ;I uld tit worth their aalti,autj djfftls� 11110ulj4 to till -and-&-balf 4ol- head, Then she 1410kii'd HgAill, And and # AYE0V rILI.0 Pbo elintilluns, tQ aend"It tile subwrihor s Ing.false ideas of reli" so on y thowsa tily 4"ffz every subactilitair 9. a tvin T14 0 pa - tor It I r 11 octakel it out of the lion which ra. Jars,, Vivo liveit were IoFt­!-LIlro tbis tim-4 She Was P410. Bile $Lrent. IA 49sca Jerge enough to exalt* nitahle for lioiday, Weddina, or Birth- sult in too many intitances in, a stabe Infin, R woman slid 06 Child, Tile' (;I$!() alowly, are not my xvor-aoit, bowels, and ratineve rovistiratiox). day.Pres�nts. INDINQ Al 9HIN ot-aflice. of lutho old aud irreverence hou,e,4of 1,I)OO f Iniiiii-a In Ettu C�,laire huRban,111; Ats a oldazithis medicine in tile Slirlairg those JAIJIBER AN)) (MES taken, in.'eXeliftlige. me 4 call and I I. wo worthism, watches. AtAiLlt thew 11`14�d4 "', I do not under- purses, find to sult 411 seiwona of tile, Will. give yon. prices that cannot be beaten in tile County. *&I Repairing nd gulr5ad- Rivaam�cr. 11 would u6t gay 3W a inart.laust pay for RILT,$ are pwqilncutNewYor paper to do anyt 44i di bIC 0,11=11" of religion ill tile Youll" Were damaged froin $100 to $1,000 Stand it, but, I must )lave been- inis- 4ee the ftQk. Large variety Horaoshoulug done 114h ilespArph. A Gem no 6 3190T&_ 0 eve the watch we dmnbe. viz.. t, NVormis, caused by a mirbld romIltiors Of cks. Everything of the beat make.s. 33sent,atem-windinir Watch, SilvarMckol rock each, O,er 400,000,000 feet of logo taken." 01111,11l, tilt, bowela, are e7polled bT these tt, CANTE LON, crow back and twat, made at t1w boi,t tuaterlad M4 or - In a former letter I mado reference have drifted into DA's reservoir Gentlienten'a Plain And Fancy JQwelry d time. 'reported 1;7a I Mr� �amox I.-Tealy, a, illia9ti-jr rRr_;- Brultiolpj, $kfa Msesiteo, and Pileop winicidfid. -Vgrad400f I -Vii R MIlre'i—Sorviaq oil to tile woudlirful. progrew of 0 In end legs variety. akerkl- who.bre rVice Church Artuy in tli6 ditfusion. of tile A PPMOur4cciptofolj-w topayforthaftomleSVIR11,1110K 34-13 liplio� frout northern points. The floo.4 penter and builder t No. 207 XAst, the result of ImIlgertion or covouriatiqla, are, _11ppairing, prom "ak"" W. "It ", .. of a will gi. reiiince other , pt)y Attended to 4 W postage, ad dals al oy this Vqr Colib, talm ArrWO. rlfts t0 Open And "_ 'T iz-J a] t 0.111. �r0fle0tv.1 P, tile Ill cured I)y the use of ArrIt's PILLS -0= NT _L Ot quartorgi long ina,esessible to the product of Chippewa N I or four ypars until a nionth ago, d IS%bb,ttk 601-1 Clergy of the i(miurell 9f But, all(l, Beahop., WlIthga to inform his old customers and the ptilblic, generally .1 11.1d wtils, Also if% court prepared to teemeSo— oi4rrittitor. be =4 -Pbm t IV, you tit. all(( L WMA ]low proceed to give. thy %134 IIIIII7 the folver, that he has list 40 at Wit &ad er.,ibvtorian.- Sort -fees at 11 ii.m. zill AMIN opened out. Irk the, full amount ME oraer, 0 ror X)IR - at ialitiAth rr],A is -30. p, tit, UnT. rMultlil of of tile work of one judivid. om atul ]Dysoj�ttjryt call A- Full Stook of I-eotaoles subactilie-m -oa oe 'a a. m. nj theorgaiii ationofthechurollofEng- Fecallarltivs of Kissin-, PIL1,3 aro tile truQ remedy. or Of Lite BPA Alake,always on buo-d-. Carr" d Wag lage an gan we. ter"I"19A to 'k net1ties 11. in Sabbath oebool, 9.110 n. J. land s.upplied and Which Was thu� be, t nppe4rs from the gathered otat� ire Kt.TV)'% Ltetor. r"llounnuitIsM., Cout, Nouralain, 1-4 e".,. . � kur t4wo VOY I 11'a 00 gut, I On the Corner Lof lluroa and Orange Streets, Qfintolf,- whii.subscriba for the D ' aoys want early fifty, years ago, ut cuts edit us"s . . ktiusi of the world that woman have. It is one of tile peculiarities or Solmileli,ofteareinlItfrorn. illgeirtlVederAllgo- IL I o4 rca�-t cut this ;utva 1) P, in. Rev. J. 0 it AT, easter'. her '- that yoa are entitled to, the "tch.11 Wit an obliged J. Bidrl I ecoinbo, In the Brick 13til Idlim known no the i'Motintcatitle property," where he will carry voue tgainstdcalersordoli It I . tile year 18-16 a few ladios who greater tenHeity of life thwil men. kissing th4t a great, den t. or colds, anti disappear dn removing - %&.L wdod12toti-la desired to cleyoto their Vine to worku, It if over 20 yenrFi in biwinep4n Wg have addt4 a, tIsq c4u3q. by the use of,A'rEW5 rILLS. Opposite tne Mrket, Clinton. I 21AL more popular tit= over -23�TM M1T_TMQ,JW of bolieficence came to reside togethl, Nature wonihipit. tile foulale it, FIJI a very littte way. The dome has'.to Tanjore; DroPsyl, ItIdney CorrillIal"top, 0111titon will eiiable him to rimet the of the public In his line.. Ail amay near feiatures and beautiful his tie -by the base materlol of ill(- very hest quality tip ell,, ont, arlls,% and ba,a aW secured lttitrii, stMM and 31:411th b fillasiliallhouBe in lbany g jn$eeta tile male. be constantly repeated or the virtue or disproers caused by debility or .4-1 the workintinslilp unsurpassed. messrs. 3EL W. 33eacherr. Wilkia, Collins AlIth 'it pt don, Ohwlsm Ueade", cycrf Sb-, its Anion alla OIL . -d other eiritnent Regenta ]?ark, London. Their fiftal latest improved rigesinaunfulctured and Q. ad *or rishea fit a relativeiv period. In o' 0struetlen, ArO cured by Aylitt'it X'11,�,% Anne, and we will guatai cour,e.dA..th.t1 e a f tile elixir is lost. than pleased withk thts.5p.=kU5 illustrated 6 It APA stary efforts were watched over by tile late PO par Suppression, and rallanit Menstrusp FARM IMPLE, M, NTSI norous articles andp I Illustrated la. in Rvirs. Upton Richards. and W. DZids- plants the satkii-nate 'blossoms die mum w. gouts a 91" ou Ity B. N Another peculiarity aboub kissibg- it; on, have A safe and ready'romedy In ALL WORK WARRANTED. PRICES REASONABLE. 'ARM'SED"trorul"LIBEFLAUTY. .............. ..... WOXth Alid 144r(i John.. Maultor& ,oailip4t and are prorluctid in tile is that very few Mows care -about If you re I,% the city, or If you hava ault. friend [%;be city. Moildingf. unit crif the actsabove epairing and 9 P Peoples 3f TqU.;n&Iw S Wo" Kit are Just as an x1oua to kiNs somt L L d kissing th;ir own sisters but they 2ra B=dw&y'%n4w,aacPd! i$ellon, a lady of fortune visito P — Repaintin Prom tly Attended t' thoin, anti after watching their labors *eaker Jitabs, Female qQadr.uped13 �e GoderiGh News I -other AYE R'S. P.1 $2, she decided *to lollow iii their joict- haye more ent�urtlnce than fnales, 14AIXGJ�. ASSOILTAIPNT Or fel low.'s sister as call Ile, Philosophy rail' illrect!om, In various ]IIII&IIAME M Bteps mud Nvaii Warmly 'Supported lit "o doing by the Bishop, of Exat I'll therlitillsaw rae, despite tile in- has failed to 6xplaio the reaso . of y c acaga.. or A oinp n ca. It I; 1; SALESMEN WANTED At Clewep, nebir Whid, tellectual. and physical*strength of this t�ck, Sor a pit D DFTERIMNA. Huron Record, I 101! widow womail wilowokdd- tile wo.nla Some girls make a Imap of fuss PurrARED. UT it elidurealonget., CLINIfON. ONT., DEALERS INT in the di^4trict under the local cle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ------ . . . . . . t9y over%kiss-oven over it very little D?.J.0.kyer40oJowe11J.M. laawd lialigricit. by Pollintr anti tell their, mothers. tjdby KRAF -X'T foilitaL tyVQ g- -in- (;f aod Wjlrlbptir pAirl, to which tile - - - . - . . ca"'s " "' h Va 'Ind Clititon,1117e,41Cesdayl Sept240 Oil onf.--al -o" detsirod, to be ROOT & STRAW CUTTINC BOXES9 ouanti favombIt, known throti5b. its worst otits4irw, wh6 strong mais succumb, Symotiodis Sauh girls dont deserVU to be Irig- sent to a penitentiary,- TAIrs., Tell. 11jisidansL 11regariptions Carefully and Acieursite�, Compoundek olltontivrio, olir 4gre nald the widow of a'ielergyruan, eases. ar,, moro fatal to nittles,, Avid. ned.. iude,& I nt4 and noirouble, Irk COMMUIVICAMNS; then and-OrderdAnowored with*Car an tzperOnce reqU!rod I O"ifit ct"r CORN SHELLERIS, 0 d Des�4toh. carried In oont pocket, 4at (ilewt.r. a -b opop AV(Ago(I rt he -fon 0 IN, df�fng it. Bov*]Cies. Arnica Salve. Bond us a postal card for t%,rals, tie. The Ptiblic Joill. 6,,,, Stock of 4fadlcii.ieg' Oo lete, Irm-2-anted 0H.4SErBROTHERg, Wo tr'sli it to be distmotly understood thatme ifil and offQrol- to do jJ10 Aaf)W'ila her oil theMy, anti the girls know this.TuR BilgrSALVIC ill the world for Cifts, n.t Itold respon$ib1eJ'or the Ophtionii own bouic, to as many. as coulcl. be Nurserymen anti Seedinnon, . be brought. This was.in June 1849. utiv,ni-ga Asserts that the propor� A girl who'won't kis oil tile ii1y soreq Mcers, Itheam, And all Implements used on a, farm ani4 (If the. Pest. Qwd ietter, 0 4 LAU KPOW17, ONT. '.Vhe next day four others Ivor tioll dyilig itullilenly is about 100. doSen't, ktiow Whit fun. is. But Fever ores, Good As the. Best, a 284,6m.- e re. most Hil.18 know What full is. ias' Cheap Toilet SoAps, Perfrime'ry, Shoill(lor.pracca, Trusses, Sponges, and all, , thawn eirs. Recool calved, 'And within three months women to 780 -,men ; 1,080 men -in Ulillbbiin,t, Corns, anti till Skin Erup- As the 0heapest, at laos.Drug -es IlifeR, or no kinds of Druggists' Sundries ujivally kept in a First -C dons, and positively cut eighteen fiad been admitted. . In Unitel Stateg, in 1870, committed We have. been bmgidering the Dear Sir, -Iii your last 14' pity require(]. It Is guitratiteed to give Sue 51011 October 1849 a pdvatq .1noctincy of suicide to 285 women. Intemper. -science of kissing,.and ba,�e come to verfacti 41atisfaction,.or money refunded,. made reference W the ar&al here of nir good:�ork 25 vents per box,' j. eWE'IRPS YO U, some emissaries of tlioSal I vabion tiBirous to a d the anco, apoplexy.,. gout, hydrocepbalus, the �onclllsion ;Ilit,all Ids%es can be F - A &ALE 0 0 Artriv, to take uri the ground -whifill Heait tile i place at Lit; Hawtroy.;, then WALL_ or of Eton. ]k pon of tile' heart or.liver, scrof. classed, u (I Lord's Army were fill. z' a x VVutts* CQ. 2 58 T PA PER it or one or other, 6 i PAPE1 WALL 8 t . 'tit ill& and-paralyniq, arefar More -fatal heads,'. viz,, z , fuzz, fizq,fuzz, 0hurch' authoritie' couliec o(t w, i 'N Roo.) wile to hold, find you expt6swd the the pliloo,kile J3iSlj6p, the Arolideacou to Inilles thaLl Fulmoriary smack, 'handy-srnack I ,,ad rattl'p.r. Vermont scllool, t,eaehers'are Prom ImPLE Nim ile-time for House"Cleaning is near. All Wit Ling, sing acdo by law. heloo that your i:orrespondeiat k5enex of Berks,tho.Dean of Windsoi,iho'Pio_ colly, irs are il;e At Joist T e6terl frglia-0 i tob "light dcal witJ niption, oil tile other harid, is The rhttic This is a good law And should *be ex- Bed. i them. I havo no vost ofEton and others took part and is der fly IVLINTON� 01MR10 r, ion 'to tile latter. FeujaleI the.girl.gay'�o. 116,11, Parlor, Diniacr-Room,,. or, d to forn, An in. tuor .110 objection to give some further-expros. it was,lusolve I atended to the y9pthful population.. at in -cities "rioiore prone.to connumP- Kis8itig will nev�r I*O'obt of fagb- s, ion to, nty own opinion. as to the pro- ill furtherikude of their b6nevolent of tile pliAriattical- 'N_agrMnt$- ticni, than ill tile 'All old as 1�00M Ppers o bjects, Al rg..-Tenu ant updorwent gre�ab the boys all( rig are FRrE3tVx:s,3Von3v- rowpEns are safe. -.9. who have htel been making,dinton. mental'and bodily toll- iti roducing', eoUjItr1'1fg not., by alive It is to6 good an ny"all c.ns;a_-_They destroy and re- NEW will find the *r to I ' It, a campiu- gr�und, bfit I 'want into ottler, hnd in i851 haviflog, ititfn `h�ve u- m.,jority of f0males, I. to becoine. a lost one. move Worms in chillaren.or adu!ts. hi -low what propok action my.fellow socured 4 little estate of 15 acres fo�r tile' popuNtion. . lit 'royal farmilips. . 303-0 is citizong generally mean' to tako Best' and Latest.. P"atter! tile charityl her health hairing giv6p the statistics nbow more. daughters Ntop tile lillisalr6Q.. Ifthe site -wai�,- obliged to. giire till Afitunitli.. CAre of r cofts. 14 - . . S, BLOCK. of war" which the Salyation officers r thall gon". 'Pile Hebrew wornan Is I have discovered tl.fe plilln'stiphise. I'll PERRIN" News Record, ately-si lie r, aft6r about CO Durin, n I int"r uc6qedca _.,p as you go Ran� ire, ye, ov -5 , - iillid-nif[do Work, and at en.theiee of -tic lilt- Iy* short liv" t,r gol&. flD $yea following gepf�rFttinn'frnm.`t lie., Moire, have hurled at us do nOt rou.96 their c1largo. UiBB Uozous.m ir thA nutum , ant that turns oveirythirig in succut' u M 9 noy Girl" I know, not what c6r,: ad find, at this c0tical moi4ent an od., The IllarriiBli State is famDrable dolph. t The ostLivork tthe foal ;:eqi4re.9 an incepaRfid allo prices o suitev W -to ig-theprociousdocumeutin full. to prolo,nifatioti 'of life aniong w MUM-, - ORN. ICES AND PANELS,: FILLERS, X`.' 11, isli. .1 I . . O' - ance,of artifical foorl,' for three r -Pilo.v. Lowls'l '�IXHUROAP:-� A I havo nin: . . . -. A'PICISTOWLEDGEID -WAR I WAR I WAR I then'receutty'a,' wi(ldW,. be-,. inen. Dr. Hough remarks that. q, �:IAMC L . .. . II3- Tile Bit,istar Fasbion Boojcs for 1983 ftre out and can beLhad for, nothing.,. THE. gong, Fir4tJv to compRiv4ritomfor the Find' cleansing fnr satisihatioo is a cortainty. the Clewor e -oir; t%�o.td iiix--per cant-, deprivation of its dfkni�s Inilk; -econd- The Salvation Arri3y Will open fird c4lije tile teal foundrugs of in lib papers anq get a Book .rhtiod,autt- on the* pto s 'ty I- thf-r ar, h I p, t I,, Br the -skin. Pe. Givalne iL call, Call and see t Siste I for toil RORFTl7 AUTTERSON, Pro all Sill, Drink'and ihe Dovil, in :re per. a Illore niale" born than fernales, ye ightfu ot Is'.'3�'341; C-i-Itoll, on &ptembok ady the spacious bui dirl'as ITir. tirlei4e N. more than ix Pei, ceI)t ex- IT ... . B uswrEy N. The fir'St shot will' be fired on and tile grand clitive4i ofthe Sisterhood: �le than 4n--nrn-r her,haRp, aelle I,Villg J)OpUla -1r9.'N1onB6I1 was soon Aid.: Prosident AAlitirls n state (11 Leadh I L:io square at RViO, a. lit. Alectbig4 'low Stand, T) favorable "­ . g. ocal 1858r -GOD,F _41 �dw ge. donditions ths o�l t'jen roggeitse.A'a Winter, Are said. to- RICH. in 'iowii Hall at 11. Afteil]ioon. at by othcAr ladies. In' tion L i et, viven lost ]lave coik n any ono.on top qftbeEarth, Nighti at 7-30. Greai' we're nin%e in number: -111 r diiiijagition to eqnshl gro�vth ' t $7 2 O... t Ili' He �ells Chia.per tha. -0 .1leal the 1881 ArgoL . ' .. 'r . .. .. . . will he there 1; �Jj6n the'L . chapel of If yql� i nything fine than at any sulietinent porod' Ifoo - . C . . x% oi I uded and take charge of the dy- Sisterhood tirs for Won* rogor & ' 11hrke's Carb lie- derate big i�,aq - dedicattid bp the AViiiX IS ICU 'igon. tested by yeais of trioal and has I 0, OF THE COUNTY I Bihop of Oxf6rd, they' were over 200 With. the ativent.of �nld, fo�r" 'foulld tile most conVenient anti-effLatiltill nie)o ill Jon 11 T leave thod ujuber, and when "The �16therof .9 Oferoh'ItIg'carolic nuid. i!iie ateel EN t� LIS H OFFICFP�S IN ftfwLYorlC.%Iornln9. night, WeRning ' - I I 0 Z' tic in use for (Juto, Bitrils aill,r d Boros He 11, (T i e. News AIAND." Co.". Cl war" passed to b6i: final just off Lho Bolvery is a- unique should be. sheltered in. straw S11ro N.011 -get I,arko's Carb(Mu your-ordei� f t -�old 1883,' her gdoa works' te. sign; all(] gild there roreive mornincr wid, even- 2"Li`6nks.b,V all jirug.-ISO' GOLDEN CREAM we fire all sitin,urs yon - trill I'Da.vid $04 OftIC6 Posted -yeemanent. Moll-urnent to ri-�of arti ICrial 'T y Maine(I W ' blit to Ile nIng thpir dAir ratio Itecord -memory. 01,:M1.LMr 3D,0 er Noaci Paire.'! Dobiiioni. A& foo,i -ronoe for God, for purpritai'arid- e "officets re anti "Dovi h" bv tit they cann t'suat 0 0 Ain,. 6t4 I will now sp.qcIfy the, works which. 'ilin'll Ian ad I . ftl�'4sw are the corner-stonO of 'a Thobestpreparation known to sclortedforbeautifying the,. lit more' than'can be L.11. In J a. no"%' dotrim'elitit,tlieliaroriiil)sofin6loi�eiit.r - 'L r ,.Lp1tCtnd to be borne patiently. she left beijind'-h.en I', Ti)e­llouse 4 . 1 4 granqlf.�sxalted rhtibnod; a a a er of Aferetv at Clei iwe tit and r proloned `eXlio 'rP, Lately we Ifad an inroad of Advert i ... . wer in' Vvilioll 100 OMPL"XION 0 drov`e io tile door.' _r " 1. lq arranted to; penitenls'ar'o now emp oye -AN:007 PPLIC2VTION ho said they canie "to save biant-iful ra-l� in It isi however, -highly essential that LON LO 'T trial Tfoine-76r ni krid crime tittickly lt�p they should have Pi otity of oxercis , .. t A LARGE STArF',OF Urphanage and.�Xndus A:fine earring Unknow to, the glVo to tile Fadtdor 1�alloiy 426m-' v tionhi atirl teach us tho way -of hot pfe pt rl ion is undiao( idoxion a Perfectly Dealthy. Natural. and - Youthful LIT., 3.'C6rivalesopfit Ilos-' Ao Athirg. - I-Irtir. head was wrapped and -for 'that purpose tic metliod is go $100,000, TO LENT)AT 101VEST li�TEQ; 42 als Wrinkles. Freckics Crow's �i on" bil t After lining their _&ck.; which can surpass Dr. Fowfet�s. Ex-.' (�onec 'k� -eds',. 4­CottIige:'Colj�­arjDut!d IVith -n gqdd.aii t6L allow thems daily run Of. -t' Bhort dte 'o -tris tit, oat, and ibe -cof-A.o,lQavinLt,Iio 4-14 at -tile expanso of thiair dupes; pital with -94 b sil.k cloth, n,i �h* I Hvident: tractbf :Wild 8ti,awbPrr3, as a curp SI1lootlj. Willie L Be , T, Cto. any - . ad0ro I as. Post . a ; go 1!1,))), Ignorance) wa:s n d It I f. IMME-50 c6ifts. ot only expose lie diocarded,it I on.nd L At her a noinis houris' diaradon tipcii a �aie for Ch6lera'Wlorbus, Dysentlery still nn. if. tile , Andrqw'-4'Cot,llige Home for 24 Jollies, 6. & 6 nt. - anI -it, confossed, and pr1nCiL pftl I was cut-off near the base. It harl winter pasture. Reyftoldso?�Lirmsght Summer Conivlaiot& 42t, 2 pe e Bturrip.itaken. &ddrcssalIJcttdrsi6 in 'red'u",l cirbuinstances, 6.' 8� i i WIDE AWAKE npT;ibor in leavinty announcott that Ileell. done.'several day CREME D' bli, Drawer 2 678, Tdionlo P.O.' St .It's College; 'for young a' For tlie sed resforat . ion of St. Ask your ;lr�jiggliit for I NVII esale by I.WUtto, ar . 61 A Be Trtd druggists. I !,)I tile winistry I AJan humbug R it Mishael's oburell at'. Coventry �the for &;J$, With, Na�jonal� Sob 61 -for ca t ojf her o6lifir: iur'elid made oiiiii year GORRES-PONDENTS.., Good tilt, o ad second largest parish -church in ," boys, girls ahjl fAints, and �xtefjsivq to order jucit, I ike`ii. The. J.dry. P. id all a sipot Aubtifor batch. ]lave now arrivoil :work among 66 poor ro* eagops, when the iiygtem land 300 ls� r6tiffli n A L u 0 Windsor. foul.and the digestive 0-iors reeble, 1*; V NTED TUNISON18 rii a swiflar orrand, aq*dr,,%%,e sholild They have also niu�, houttes ih,l,oiid6 Ant] the silm of $13),000 has IN Tf1E rAI �� tO kiltivir what better iltialifica- I A -SQ11001 foi when the w.(?Ok -9.as (Jorie.. heor the ya 'llftct'�e; been rafs;il. The st[ibsoribers Include New and Superior� Canada 49,ps Corxw. ybun,g: Jtifiios,' Burdock Blood 1�itt' P; 'to resern- l0nihn Catholics Churchm�n,. possmqa for religious teacill- eat i,ag delicately iinted �rs are r0quired Orphanage in1litillico for 70chi and Charts, 'Ll I . .;Lt their proclamation of PftjjJi6o fo III& the notural one. 304 Al is., ion ()use in Dissenters, and Agnotics. As paying as any, agoll r I�ftrCfeillarS, Lfl,o;, , Ir Vill lightiiiiig.citresNouir.tlgi:kit io he mil nute. litA young lady 'admMei-I to he oil, Ontario.' 2S7 41ti NVar, Owy have circtilated nuntbor virorking among the p6or. . Refuge fastoned' by a,-spritigy fo:the shre'd i&j; If. C. T(i r! 1% pillilleation entitled "The War L silicir, 3$8 Itichniplid streetti for fftllt�n Women. 5. Alission House still remaiiiing It;-oah.be tak6riaff 'that her beau lilid.kissed her. *hich has reaelied.'its 158rd in sollo, Where 65 girls -tire trained. night.all(I ' jefllot6fie mother paid on tile chek. "And what -did' 'you' Floi, Lightning c6res Paue Athe Fl uh . [A it tiling ettrq Limiliago in ono lilt nute, Perusal for serviee. 6. 1-16fise ill Soho Square' Ilje'$-2�00 for. tile. ear find She could db?" aiiji6d 'the old lady, in a tono of Ji,ita of it, I have iw. difficulty in coining to ror' Ont-brairlery"woek, 7. -11ouse of' nt�c 4�onclnsion thab tile compilers, ellarity, Soho, for-temp(hary relief afford it. Th6 lady would indignation, Said th� AND LATHM Uf it iliiplay as great all. amount of of theillollieless.. * 8: "Mi6siiin Ilouso tile IV*, IjfjLIn(St %I'ith such an aeci& young laily, "I canno,t tell a lie - 1. Fluid Lightning cores RMY pat'n or ache -T R .9 I I ..). r Stftylilv. Price 25 Leo per bdttle at-youf HE VE iiinorance and as great an Amount of it) lIaldwin's Garden,. bori itl li�r 03 I 11 that..- turned the other cheek." Drug Store, 304-411; of 4. I)II10 IidOR SALE, till k1ndaL Lumber anld1+6spheiny and irrreligion as could be. nigiii schools, class Latli. Thoia wanting Liniibor or Latli w if. OA. 1711SCHER est ia-creohe, an( =D ress. *its j6alous of hor h us- F loje lJ1to,o$tt0_gi%,e 11JU it L'all. yard Burgoli find it to tl a, HILOHS CATARRH yo that God bus backofthe Factory.,. wollin6ton -Is too biisy makine, fine-fitthim t otoprest4ed.by the notorious Iufldel visiting anti nursing Lbe sick And. ban4l, well,knowl! phygican, find-. ffiarvolons;onre for Cittardi,- Diptherin, ithdrawn hiniselffripolOxford Vni- Street, Cliri'�on Col, In-mrsoll in the same space. 9. The gaine ropp OITIDLrwi oo in ]Union, Street aveF I ­ iIjqL at the.door ot his Canker mouth, -ood Howl Ache. With 280-tt. suits to write ell ail%itirtisominit. Boroilgh.',.At($IonQegter two h e ersity since women Are admitted tOL ju slid' ol.r),nifill * I - nding a fe- each bottle therq-is'lin Ingenious nasal Ill- exininail6ris. Is not the Dean it .,vory thing sacred is made the glib (in atest -et of an ge and a fi-ee 110i I Htudy, wbpre hf..,witi; at.te Jest, and.in the InindreA . I till for sectQr for the'niore succesHful t1'eatinent of 110 Will linvo Kpietbing to say -po chiltiren of the poor. At Ox� - ulato patlient, the door was Audrilenly crsnk, ti,bl rt rtm, which fill. its colutups, it) id and withoiit.ex6l; oharge. at tile BoVey .0, I opioned, and her ear' was jammed to on.Watch -this opace, V to fjo Women gt jelly. Noborly, not in tile r t UAW / troni tho various Ainy officers 1106sei of el V price. tjolits, �ohl by'$. Iii PiiniU. 262-1y 8LYTH MILL rogi i ioti vii station of. the Army,- the eeeeivilig from 80 see e Dolvil In 10bile. ,4111110 characterintiem pfevail, the The wil of Mr. -J. Kenheily, dealer eW old latter.- At "O"historibury, 'a would believe'it to, gee: ber'now." '.,\'evpr coiceal any habit or course' imain Aject-Reeining to be to ge'buio or young At fifie6ta. Iryou in rugs in-Dixiei. Was* "cured of It GOSMAN & DODII)S f, dfalitidn;frorn your p ic. cough by-Ijagy ."olitilluottomploy and liayiLblow tile' a horrid fqr invalid'women, cannot trust your mothei to, know it ollron Ard's, Pectomi own LrMllpettl, Balsam. Th;a beatthroat and hinglit . Are new prepared to tie all kinds of workfri tholir ital. s, con 1kilts Xlefion.� it has no right in your bosom. If yon eale line. '11MVIlIg-plit In M gl�dn 6rushor, wearo abli, ignorance oil all, subject8i P . .. , . I . L should er known. 304,2t 4odo choppiti.- at any time mtltl,Loh tile si nrteat ) . oitisi a and wission - ­ I .1 iv si I I' would blush to tell her, you notice, .: ' . . i4acrod or profane. And jot rk ainong'the po&r. At Newport iave: I tile lv�viiq 'And lchild,, bldih t6 know. or to, do it. & I)ODDR, �'wy would )lave us receive- them. as a Iliftt -Woricl "including a" Rescue elittiod flouse for children. Ullil er. t , we've, .. "a The 116ir. Dr; dlordoh.'of S. *A d hilly flodged aiigcls*of light pr ren want' hireA tat a n, Is Cliff -X burnii incense ifi­hi' to 11INtruct lis. containing 20 children. ')'hey baye Mullugh tile othp.r tidy to Ju sii 111tespeOt Old Axt re"V .1 s ce 11rorn.,tbo parliost ates a-speoial algo -vilarge of An old favorite is .-tile rpmetly church, and tip * goals todevout. Iddies THE LATEST! the lAdy Canning Bn* 1h is to send him money to buy it. . Me been floine at Calcutta, _.VO- known its Dr. Fowler's Extraet of Wild & M' rninin" foi, tile inistry th�a ilen Ilos. , I a I Ithou," ie plifall tile Rratt School, -t]fe 6an bef, ore. 4trawberry. Thirty years reliable for, als6 asks them to get film a chime of UY FISIXERO'thwendA, led Ton., iIf AoLlib Of tJ Sanator- I it T111TIM Artitit, has obtain the.a4istance, were taken at. onab from itint'at Dad"Iirlg� nd A ffouri Bl.j "Do you cholera rnor�bii diarrhoia, anti som6er five bells. The first five wise virginsill ofa; firat-clss Harbor. &T All tile lataiib shles Ing thinIr, I could live AiRli t liefiftye, ;�wljbseliearts sball be.open- at fadlii.j, aUd goill .comp)nin s. onoao'or man eiglit tiars.and not ed'to give n'bell ench-, or a pubicrip. out bf tile 0o'ninierelitlVotel. iollowing their coinin6ir OZICIIP66iollmi- 6ralloll on this o6ritiniint, 6r W1 I tit niort! goiliarally front tile schools the IN'tother Iloilso is In NPW York, opliethilIg about hmfrom, inid M r. 0'Raffertv, %Vito tioni toward. the belfry, shall be - rung ..TA'l LO R,I"N-,- G101 of tile prophet,;, where, by retirermsfit, lft�,rt, then may be seen the fruitir N I r,4 'Gf- "Wouldnt I WAS il!1301185ing tile good o1cf tiniev iiito'tho kingdo St. In, of.hisaven bv tile ,ayer, meditation, and ifigtruction,. Ilk tof oi truly Christian Womati's work foUrL I XTERE STING. Ictiow Min after - all Absence of "the pFtp]6 who' livedin tile llirrul�l Bulfr' ge of J, F. 'G, -Gordon, D. D.I.. tney wore gradually prepared to Inhi. - Achieved by tile silent And unosten, wlif . e a westpf. n tber its not a single Hvin' soul England, Sooteh and: Foreig Ilittil! to Holy thillgM4 80TI10'Of thij titt ions labor of Mri, Alonsel I'Aftill hei% on face of the, oarth had, file ues,t or' L s .: , Speedy Cvtk� wore moP of.Rilperioe ecl" felloW ti�searcliing out And. ' The "Justice; .. ought she qught gime of it thtIt Ican Tro user-�hyq, �ngfi��, 4 Freh Wdrqf0d3 tI1!1Lti0Il and "AtIltion, . .:.. I . I ; - 1; Ev%y"linnihamer of comition Nonso hifstriess anol. all' wore guiding the Poor -and noody and tile to,. tertalu , . )7 an, citlj�e ty whtli requiring an article tilt it a A�o liftfints, . . . v d pfirpos�j'purchases only that widiih it _D r ��-VUfi, TiVdLliljV�Ved-,X,te#ij.'t"kli% . li,itilo TV .WOU..%f19ynVriVI �remov­e ftrit A Spued-Ouro; dib great r itoav for. Dyopo 7 Mer�0(111 I'll*- -lowitilt Church requ tilt you .1inpure Blood and Liver Die lout� I lie Almigglity. by any look' -tit, Tlfl Nil ol. . o it shnilar onrip6sing tile ngor -3.,3 U ,4 aprb� Clmrth Arpiy; anti if, y,)tlr ra,J#I,s oil the I)( I " $ T 1 "AE lidt Ila I will fbid at.%. ey that it Is turned to the ri*gllt." b.1 Lion of -tell before service"at deRil i., I W learn of thorn All, lord ab000, imd% pot bottle. Sdal Goderipli, ling splendidly assorted qtoe.k monials from persons I it year own town. f new Spiring and tiumnler Goorj& Tile surpassing growth of AmefloAh 0 lowest prices ever fietird or -none but the D IT hsergraint. manufactweg losedryin tile Mid Ready-mndii StIlill; tit thp, the altitr, - and tIiQ atti6ifitrient of' will fin4 mucii to-inCe'rest thom, in iist'� 40," rpplip I hirty yearg of litill I'd 1) t6kl. A full Sh. and ft We give thet 6110%ving, from 7%d IrsC of triniminas uspd' and perfeet 1118,7 List oia not begiri big, ininbitry until Trendh given I dw bruqli awrly'the hair on flip llle-.Qr 'RiV4 it 'IN I timcd. FU RMISH11114081alwayg see, it -Allkpay you. lit) limi. attainod that Age, anti our ber or the Nineteenth -Celitury, back of his filid you Will value of the priSduat, of thanilfho. hrsfind reached tile . l,hevast amount I or good Which 11 8 I it 4car where ho.was struck wVh a. Lures in Clio T-Tilited, States In 1860 tL -N6 tstia' pbrsono,' no matter. who 'AG,13RAZIAM 'MUITH The,"Square. Foreign News agv beforo lie conituancod MH was 01,970,W0,000, and in 1880 05,. hey al,6, Bhould hiihitually steep .1 I 9 . I w0j.kL .oil been rifected by the labor of fill' till- inin unid Mrs. St. Gflbrgo, PAEPARE FOR' THE ENEMY 1 C:):DLM_R:[C)11, _N ,ijiritllol 't. a n A C 0—T,T- '000,000. ogoth�r. 'The one *ill thrive' tile ti n8 ndquieb.Christinfilad,il b;uh I yeari agob" other will logo., This Is the 1AW.- tht, ordination of a novicoo anti i.s. IIhr1!iel, A.Coniell, all(, I GA.THMED VROM RALIAME 1, e ex tilt, of Elluland livoclulles set, asthete's the scar, sure en No subli Urdirds '41liple been '111ty. so well lollowe(l, 1) by Others Ul A railure to Milevo Or hure eliftitner IV e speelly alid Cure, 01111illatioll before tile It"o Of t%VL Ilaid tile hprgoallt� excitedly. "That v 't 6oinplaintg ean nevor bo, truthruliv for. itardi, Diptliqlai Ooliker itiouttl asPPO, I'M' M. lesnervil office, time minist" l g(lidance, that YOU' s RNtroot, and llood Achof In S I& leaves onoticilpied. Will - exatiline ItiFIL Ifft Applied to be. Powlel �r IMIL Wn. A 1111410 Injoetorteve rg be knowledge derived front ox- C011I.AhIly tile SalVation "irmy Can Wild Strawberry. All ealerg ge"I A 011 W aim the thunsh 'earvfully...You will gee tllf� it, witil-ow"ll bottle. ttqe It If you flot4lro t1IM, 'iiever (in tile same were they to con. and awcet, breath'. Priev 50ets. out of tile trial of cill1ractor, twit ka of -a feloii,, which lie had Just. Wid vvt in tilt, present day we t1ioct ghbiltfiLli on(I excitements to 'the w1lat othora Inv esteem Ali at oll, TErE.-MARIKETS . Neip ridicule snored' thingEr or j�0111 by I- -11, C0111be. 2034y wilitef." . . JM iLli some who all Jut)-ftne t 1313t As ]ofig -as, The Etand) slipived - untiliatako. howeverLa all ny I )"Oil L I . I 11 every Tuesd IM, in tile dollnrs there by ovilivilce of h.avina af. t6nio"tiss Baxter -Is Man(IrakoBitLers. 41 and theil' solo-ohiqdt- Avill be Attained E'v*elly bott,16 warra afternoon,' jost Ufore nt, who thillits froin f diedby 801flething after that fash� ittod Yours, XATIO'01, PJ1f-S-4V0 unattrprisgoill Aw"i F1.4 ion. 't horongil, iWI fig a Safe, frilhij Y, pitrus - . Arnica. & Oil till! men t is tiflunily gbin to, pr'68*S,- b ed they may appear to V,or a ml it catlitirtle And offloicnt Why do lit tiV#, flLatiiig' Upon tbp I)IIIA 9 th:411 ollee lately org.Ans good for man And beast, 25 and 50 And 01ell (Ieliy-tljat you ftt�- hua. promptly'And effectually. Z09-4 cents per bottle, 802.4t r J!,() tven k 'YO Ling it'0111M lifts helf 11111P (44 to InUtch her hoe.its. e. 1. !11141 Mingo coill Inissl oil Ail by hilil" 11 orse A her roan, but you, titiginisor at the rx TWITC ELL'S. tIl-IL their ONVII viowfi()It ro.. there is A dit. top stilt w6rkA, bad tile Sight of, o1w Iferebile bet�leeil tile beat judgoa it, Alrl, 8t. Ge`OrgN Wro i I find till, filtertiretatioll -which eye destroyod by a piAlie. or Iron THE, Wit, Intli4t, victopia regar4l to fiel.bair, 111 wIl 'Volt I novisr Aaw her be. it WAA ohipp6d A by rivett(,rs i,; if lonvi Ill thetli Am too �,Ilite. ate forp,', replied Of ' )arles, in an ulihfip� on it salt Ilan. tile, and iinfest of all _o_o_O the -I'S ptvilrb to their 'k lex Xing, of I rowlek, whoAb Tha 110 hflpo-'Y� tW111111itry gaill, lillould A fill colt tot) tri Wilre burned 2401 1AIC, 111144 I ov&r lost of ).fly symlit6ma of n;a1srix appoat —Itaving tocolvd toy— haix [)eon awfietiod by dio.dirieetols 1110.1t In It, V .. of ruli� r4. tle techingof tile ) 0 4 In Any form, taki Ayer's Agno Cluio Ws 010 Ilowiek utuat hiliumnao pri n- tXd. fif tfioi dlAoage, n 0 d or -8ftek IS A At Once, to prevent the 9 t I I Vln4n fvor emill t ILim tolloulog oxtritet 06111 f) 6 I t1111 ir tile I i1th chitip, then) till four wot, If fifth is remored, AS it Aurolylivill lie T'wonld 1) C f with which - peopla thofiAh ofthigrotbodym A-011rois AIM -I plight; to' littvil Ilit, Actai of the ApoqtIoA1 Whitib tellugh, aitSg to N6114 oniell'A jCla th-1 fii.kx of the sono, of olla lohg�iio the 62 of Palh-Mildr6a Illid the goe& VA ly 1101,ng up 'tho 9tillop 119111,1701ted in every inatfoloo. ofits 0111V IY he explained by t%all 01) iy thy' t 0 it ,he It is tile livatblood mod.... gee 111.10st Limb thtea yeor§ Agd.01 Od"L by It, Tfia(Aiol ntlleap, after I'l'o ift I tin of file V. 1116voli011t villago of tho rApl*hrod AW,Tr0fikA stiff Ivor cheap, 1;. icine over nti� naed in welletlets toy any lit -IV ildriditiato Oynif nin4t ll,lvo Inq to tile PAW-HILI.Elty 1161"Awns directed f6t TeAM W CAMA90 11arness cv&. Miter Moontod slogT4 %V164.1% had 00il Apiritq tho name that witlihn A list wits kept, of fill to wilinn the Prodlibitioll