HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1884-09-24, Page 2Advertisement* thts Day 1 and Wintep.-,:felter Citelb..: mcl tig end. thel1:TA4 •Olglit-"Our Silver 1,YeddloVi • r • War. I r 713641. aper /3001, eto-Ghrls. Dicksou, Goods-Eetate John Dodgene. inhleatIon 0'40111acbitte :Company. le New ibiymeud, etc -W. Denison -•-••••• :wx:Tan x-x-txxkipw• 41 te : • ok, - ... • . t ACW0.- tC11131 „ • . B Goderioh News• uron Reoord, (.4.g.11,GAN Arlen. ntone Wednesday, Sept 24th General Gordon, a great aghter, prover to be rertrkable theologian. After spending a part of 1643 in, ex- amining iTeruseletn he concludes that the rock in the temple enclos• ure, upon which the altar of burnt offering rested, is the historical pivot. of the world, over which Adam was created. and under witieh he was buried. Me locates Satan as follows: "W" niust caileeire that as the throne of light is Over the rock, the devil's • seat *meld, be on the other side of the glebe over. latitude 31. 4r B., longirude144' 45' W., close to Bass Isle, not far from Pitcsiirn'a Isle, where the ,routineers of Ber Majes• ty's ship Bounty settle.d." 1110W47,' COD. That there were a large number men from all parte of the Pro- m in Toronto last ,week, who re glad to have Mr, Mowat feted 11 banquetted, admitei of•no doubt. at there were very many who ai- ded the procession who had no, inpathy with Mr. Me•wat's ministate also admits of no doubt, 104e were drawn to the city by the ilustrial Exhibition, and while ere took in the Movioht 'thew, "jiret. r•seccel;" „as_ the irreverent .Zre!..e.s, cterially eirggested. In ...fact Bev: • Clinton Tories have preserved ieir "Mowat badges" given them home -friends in-Abe...city. and they will keep i.uremembrance the "coil." The Globe says there were "10,000., 1 the procession, which wes'not 80 !markable for its numbers as for ifs •idely representative character:i! lie Berlin News tub:lets...the 0/obe'8 Si inin,te of those in the procession e• rather of the number of reform eleeates, after this fashion :-"The Robe says the Waterloo delegates to "Mowat Walk" amounted to 500 vhiclr ,is at least 400 more than vere actually present. •So you .cen ake the whole proceeding .as re- .orted in Grit papers as five times he actuel or real figures." SO that' tpon this seemingly 'equitable basis he 10,090 in the Mowat processio.n would be reduced to 2,000; about half the number that were: in. the 'iranee procession in Clinton on the 12th July last. - A Goderich Grit exchange says: "With the foreinost counties wfts. grend old Huron, with: a 'proaessiort of 300. men, 'good and true, and a fuU representatinn of 500 delegates •Wearing the Mowat badge.". 13r this it would seem thst even the Grit delegates were not ell .favor- able td doing reverence to Mr: 40. wat. At least they' would not de- base themselves by taking pare in the procession. It •seerns13 the Grit oracle of the coun n that there were only "309 tneb,. good and. true," from Huron, in the proms-. mien, 661,01 there' was ."a full repre7- seidation of 500' delegates wearing the Mowat Legge." • "And as with Baron so with other counties," says our inspired grit oracle. The lectu e bureau, of theState of Michigan, in the interest of the Prohibition party, contains the names of cone hundred and twelve lecturers who propose to talk prohib- ition in localities calling for their service% With pure Yankee disin. terestedness these pleaders will PO-unce dew,' upon any locality in Canada or the United States for a consideration; these men foreCast a denial -id for men of principle, who work for principle . and take their pay in dollars Inthe one State of Miehigan there are 112 of these brand new •principle•men, toggle jointed, square toed, will stand 160 lhs to the square inch and from $50 to $500 a- week. These men Caste kirifert-iiireTiffifeeir the great .tnotal good 'they can do their, fellow men and the great del: lar good the/ can cio themselves. Thereare tote of such disinterested men in Canada. Lit:tense Inspector Gowan, of Gnelph, has served the betel -keep' era there with A notice to ham) their blinds raised otxBeturday nights and on Sundays. No. 1 white winter wheat sold at 70 cents per bushel on the Detroit Bschange last Alonday. This is the lowest price it has touched since the Board was ertablished. In ,the Globe's summary of the "news or the day," on the day follow - leg the Mowat banquet In Toronto last Week, evci find the following : •"The Ontario Unclettakers were ,in seseion in tide city yeateeday," The morel force of the funereal remark did not strike ,us until We ran across: ". the ,c,pmnicert of the Yew :in the dearth.: of origioal ,matter in the Canadiln:"Thundetter" :-"Tuesday was a big day... The Mawat demon- stration teette something immense, tliat,Svacno, reason 'why all the, editors of the, -Globe should go on a, big drunk and oblige:the foreman to fill up tlie editorial' page with.stale reprint selections." The g1o6e folk then at the session of; the Ontario • IJndertakers ca new -name for Grit O delegates) were temporarily bur- ied along with their friends' whom the• Mail described as a "whieky. drinkine Profane,' tobacco chewing" crowd. , • ' • •Some nfembers of the Clinton cabal wire hold that the Ontario Court •of, ApPeat can . and will re- verse Judge ToMs,decision'as to the conatitutionality of' the. Ontario ,License 1884, beeteriei said' court acts by authority' of 'the Optario' Goverinneet; equally. expose their ignerence when they go mouthing about the grocer shops that. the Seat Act, Where in force; prohibits: the importation •ititellie 000unty,- of liquors,. hy a privet() indiyidual for his ewn use -not for. sale. The Scott 'Act tiof.s.• not so• prohibit. And 'thie,is' one of 'its -weak -points. Could prohibition he made general, over all Canada it.woulcl :Meet with less opposition. But residents in a Scot • Act county .Who ,wish to use liquors will ,always • be able, that is, the well-to•do one% to, putchase liquor in the cities and bring it to their homes, .while the comparative ly poor men will have to do wit•hont what May he More neceesary to him than to his wealthy 'neighbor: ' Teking •then - the Berlin Yews rule, of reckoning, the 300• men .said to have been in, the procession, from liuron, really means 60, and the full representation of 500. from Huron im•necesearily reduced to 100. This will be found to be is v.ery liberal estimate. That is there were about 100 delegates from Hoven to. "tlie; grandemt reception ever tendered a 'efintliaikpublic man ;" arid only it- I•out one half of these, in exact midi- lwrs 60, could .screw up suffieient coigne to endorse the "cod" and take part in the procession. In fact if' we are correctly informed some of the I iglts of the "pairty," represent- ing Clinton,' were not with the "300 men, good and true," from Hurn who took part insethe procession.• "And, as with Huron so • with ether coenties." There were no doubt it - great many recalcitrant Reformers from all oyer the Province in Totten - o on Teeeday of last.week who had no sympathy with the MoWat Van, II 0 et, popularly called the c'biggest cod of the seaSon." , • EDITORIAL NOTES. I t has sometiuies been asserted -ifett-the glorious "uncertainty of the law" is oftilines the outcome of"a ertain premeditation on the part �f legislators "learned ' in the law," That in fact lawyers are generally the framers of Acts of Parliament and purposely lettvealoopholes and opeeinge through which . "a coach and four" of no Liliputian propore tions can easily be driven, We are hot prepared to insist on 6'4 rOrreep, liess ol thislow estimate of lowyee 1 Awninkera, however much the mix- ig and mu:1111mg pm/coshes going on in our "belle of Justice" from trine to time may warrant' the euppesi- tion. If the defenders of the late Chas. Vokens-Lwbo does not ,stand In; very pressing need of a dernder- were tut sincere and thorough as Mr. J. H. Barry, of Philadt.lphia, the dramatic and tragical incidents used by the great novelist might be all as thoroughly proved as the death of that •emin'ent blackguard Bill Sykes. Mr. Barry bad a long dis- cussion last Wednesday with a young lady regarding the possibility a Syke's death occuring by the rope he bad placed about his waist slip- ping to his neck. The young lady was sure that it would be impos- sible for a rope to slip from 0 the waist and be caught about the neck, and Mr I3arry was equally sure that it might have occurred *as related'. He proved bis sincerity in his own argument by,melting the experiment with a rope tied to a door knob and slipped throuzlirirtransorn, It act- ed just as lie had told the 'young lady it would, and as a result he suf. fered the same fate that Dickens as- ttti'''Syleer--Tfre•'-young" lady is convineed that she. was in the•wrong. . --re= • The Witnesti (Free • Trader) -ree ma' : "The Cotton Industry is suffering under a depression 0 In free•trade Eugland mills are work- ing short time or closing down. In •the United States!, where the induss try ia"protected" the mill compan- ies are failing. One which has fell- ed' at Pawtocket has made no tuoney for three years. Another firnt at Augusta NM suspended, and it is be- •lieved asaigned.. Protectien, Which wits to have made industry prosper, .oue, has apparently ruined it. There are raillein Canada which have only been running about•three years, and :they; 'have 'leiter earned a centof .dividend:" Well, -there is not muell argument against protection in the 'Fitness' statement.. If it supports any trade policy it is the protective one., for if the oldest cotton mane- faciuring concerns, with • all the ale leg,ed benefits of frettrade, are un able to withstand the commercial Crisis; is it ncit reasonable to look for a depression in that line in Can- ada Where • the -concerns are but of yesterday, with capital limited, and the Many dieevantagesi incidental to new beginners to centeed With- It has been well remarked by un- •• prejudiced 'Reformers that the signi: ficsnce 'comnitinly attached by. "use arid wont" to the terms Tory and Liberal does now apply to their 'use in Canada. The Teries of Ca- • nada to day being' the real reformere and progressioniste; While the Libel.- -els have lapsed from the positiOns and the principlei4 held by B.tldwin and other real •reformers -•The great fiscal and other reforms have been by Liberal Conservatives. Our mlig. nificent' water and land highways severe planned and, fought for against the so -cal led • riefolziners-,,Tho,Lone, Oden.Pstee Press patly refers to this when it says; • "The .world moyes faster then the average Grit‘is pre. pared ., for: Mr. Mitckerizie -said a few years ago that a waggon road front Winnipeg to tholtocky Mount. 'ains was as much as the present gen- eration of Canadians could expect to see: The Wier day he travelled en a well built:railway from the had of Lake'Superior to 4 point 28 nriles west. of the eutrunit of 'the Reeky Mountains. .••••••••••••• Geography .100 Drawing 75 Book•Iteeping 75 Chemistry 72 Rigger, Statics) and Ilydro4atior75 - In addition to the subjects above named any candidate for a second class certifirate may take nutsio (75 marks,) and Latin or French or German, eaelt (150 marks), the num her of market obtaired in music and any one of the other three subjects to be added as a bonne to the total number of marks obtained. Can. didates obtaining the minitnun num% ber of marks in each, subject and fifty per cent of 4be aggregate shall be! awarded Grade B of the second elaae; those obtaining the minimum and 60 per cent of the aggregate shall be awarded Gratle A. of the second class. • :East Wawanosh From our own Vorrevomtent, Ifir. Peter Mason of this township tip purchased the Queen'a Hotel in Beigrave. On Tuesday evening of lest week, we were favored by a panoramic ex- hibition, given by Professor Cameron, Some of the views were very good, especially those in ,Astromony. Something over four dollars was tak• en in hy the "professor." It is reported a hear was seen very early one morning recently, near the bush which lies between the seventh and eighth concessions,' Perhaps it was a young man getting home front the "Army" A short time ago some young "Nim• rods" excited -by hearing that a few coons had been captured, and being determined to bring down something took to the woods one night and sec- ceeded in "treeing" some "living thing." A wonderful amount of val. or was displayed that night, as the .mast_darin-of, the coMnemasspeod-, ed the tree to "shake off" the tate. But before he succeeded in making many feet up ,the tree, the "baste" was brought down by a shot from tje• Immediately the crowd congre- gated aroUud the "thing," when they • discovered they had only shot- scene • rein -away feline. After the "Army" meeting one, night, the. "children" were wending their way homeward, and the boys, apparently, were noting in the capa- city of shepherds, as, they hadSthe young ladies ahead.of them, on the road,and seemed to be "hissing" them 'along: But one of the young fellows could -hot stand to see this and "bolted" for the feminine crowd, and, as he said "hitched Lc," one of their number. On they weot•for Some distance when alas for luck! another lad saw "his girl" being led away. As quick as thought he arrivedupon the scene, and in a wedge-like man- ner, quickly "sidetl" away the strip, ling, who fell back among the crowd, exelaiming in the anguish of his Soul, "theta' too thin." Moral -do not be eo self-confident young man. ••••1••,.••• Blyth. From our oton Correepondont. Mrs. J. Gosinan and• Miss M. Tay- lor will do Rowinanville for a few •:. weeks. .•' child of Mr. 11. J. Pollock was buried in the Clinton cemetery on Sunday, Rev. Mr. Taylor, of Bayfield offiChitell. Mr. Pollock has been up.; fortunate in being bereaved of mem bent of his family:: It iirdnly a month since he buried, another child. L, O Reeves' Dramatie Olub are billed for 131y.th Tuesday :evening of this O week. The 'enterprising impressitrio. 'deserves a good house.They appear 'under the ausfiraes• of Maple Leaf Lodge L 0. G. '1'. Nei. 357;;;.. • • Joe EYINIAL, whose fame as a member of Parliament .reste on the sawdustjokesandsacriIegl,008 traves- ties ofilibical• pessages • with which he. 'was- wont. to regale 'the House in bygone days, attended the "big. •cod" banquet in TorSnto hist. Week; and has been "at :it ' again." '• The •lest effort of the .old man was power fully •liard on Meredith,' M. P. P. In fact' the leader of the; joeal ope position is reperted *to havebeen dreadfully. Outup because "stud horse Joe" said at the* benquet:thet Meredith "was .only a poor weak aister who had been •leil • naraY by Sir John." Were not,the sexageo: ;mien clown eotriowliat out 111 his•sex, there is no saying what physical ,in• jury Obi powerfill. ttgoek" might have °DAIWA Mr. Meredith, At last accounts, however, be was doe Mg "as well as could be expected,' and there is every reason tbelieve that he will be on hand at the time of the sitting of the Judicial Corn mist - skin next Montle When Messrs., Hardy, Pardee, Fraser et, el. will • Some of the quasii religious jour. nate of this county are quite itatislied that the preyers offered up in eerie' (Ws parts of the Province by asseme Wages' of perseue in fartor• of the Scott Act., meth:" afternoon previeme to the (lava polling in Ifeltoe, were tlm real mettne by which the (In repeal waa ileftialedi There haye been s'erions 4°0).1.4, Will.; mariSr 1511 to the effieacy If fealty ellieaeione 'vi)ro •direeted te the &a; enmplislithent of a clash; te plow, that instanees of verifleation have Leen wanting, The sustaining_ Of the licnit, Act in iiititon will now be The cynical P.1 iward; that is the, Hon. Edward Blake, can evolve a liamoroes pointer•semi-occasionally. At the "big': demonstration in To, Panto last week he throw oft the fol. lowing: "Thousands tit RefOrmers marolied in the .proceseion, tens of 1.1101180.1libt lined the ways and Bunt, ing Was banging oil the street," aosal, very good,' Mr. Elake. Now if the statement were..omily literaily trim what a relief it would be to the Parliamentary consiiraters, Naiads ing Messrs rraser and Pardee. "Single speech° itamilton, M. P. for Dublin hi the Bridals itouse of Commons, 'is known by thareetibriek becanse Ire made one exeels lent r,p'eecii in the Crouse and neior attempted another, Will Mr. Mak .only be, knoein to posterity as "Sin gle joke" Illaket We arn afraid of it, tor as a statesman or leader has I3e called upon to tell him about the eonspirecy they were accessory to, having for hi object the hribieg and ,debauellitig, of members of Portia. ment. .: • Educational Matters.. Boderiele Taiwasb fp. 'From our own Correspondent. ' One day last week John Beacon. threshed for Antony 1,2,10 bushels of gi•stineeeleiming floor and chariging.three times. : ' Mr. Gebriel Elliot, of the Beyfielci line, has bought Mr. George •Balders • son's 80 acre farm. for $2,3:10. . Mist; Kate Sheppard is recovering from her regent illness. 0, -.• Mr. Hugh Dav•idson, B. A.,a prom-, isingypungman,.ofthe 2ocicom, has been appointed'aseistantteacher in the Chatham High' &heel at a salary • of 41.600, 0 0• ' '• :Mr. Win. Smith, •of the 7th con., has a very large Yield of excellent oats -over 1,C00 busheiS. • Treasurer Adam ,Cantelori will shortly take a trip,to Wolsley, Wolf Creek, on :the Primitive: Methodist colonization grant, N.W.T.s evirere he has two stalwart eons successfully engaged in farming.•• •• '• Miss .Frances..Elliott,"claughter of Our ;reeve, had the inisfortune to have her shoulder' dislocated three tinies within two weeks; - , John Beacom sew a wild eat, in s , tthhieolIkaipy.gfis... ld bu.shtheother day. The animal was alarge as ati osdinary • dog; -.Stout, long body, and, short, A certain. school . teeeher, of' this township, was bathing in the. river. While in the water two wild cats made him shudder.. He made tracks for the settlenient for ea:Matinee; leaving a portion .ofbie wearing ap- .pin•el. •On returning 'the wild cats were gone. . Robt. Alexander has sOlil his 080 set0 farm on the 6th cOn. to his broth 'er John, of the 81.1:, Oar $4,500. Tins us an excellent•faror and was sold be. low ite real :value, but the late Pro. prietor who 'hes been living in Wier" ton for some time,isanxieme to speed. ily carry gut his plansfor retrievel to Columbrie• for which place he plates in a few weeks. May •sucCess attend him.. The piemic at'Ale,JOhnIlliddieton'a grove on the i8th. inst was a fair suc- cess. The tray was rather cool. .The: .speaking or Revs. Craig, Taylor and Mathew put some Werth into the perople; TheClinton town hatel,about .0 mbar -here, helped to make affairs lively. Base ball, ceocithel, swinging etc!, filled up the otherwieelinoccup- ied Proceeds $18, which goes to idd the Sabbath School in conned - don with St. James' church. Semi - al affairs of this' nature have a bone - field tendency. In fact it 13 the hisk of them that has to some extent, though . wrongfully so, conveyed the idea, fo Many that the Anglican Church is a very exclusive affair, secularly speaking, whereas it is the very etribodiement of broad liberal Christainitg. . • , • The new programme of studies for 3rd, 2nd and let class certificates was liteued by the Educational Depart. meat last week. • Several neer elite jects are introduced, somethat tors tnerly were optioeal are now sem p.ulsory;" andsonie that formerly • vre.re either optionel or compulsory are now elrucic' out altogether, The 'prograinine ie rendered Mucli mote practical than formerly by making reading, .writing, drawing, boakeepiemtphysice, and chemi.try; obligatgry. Military drill and eel's thenics, though net on few eicareitut- tions are compulsory Subjects for high schools.. • Thesechanges are 'calculated' to impose much additions al work upon teachers and pupils. k. Tatra) CLASS OeateletOnee. Value. Subject, Reading (Oral)„ . 50 Reading (twin:opals of).., -,..:,56 t ....... •41111••••••• .. • .. .. 075 English Grammar - ... --.150 Englsh Literature .. • , 150 Cotapeeitsoe end PraticalEnglish`100 Dictation .. ... 50 Arithmetic and*MensuratiOn....,..1; Uental ... . *68'4,75 Algebra. . .. • *a 104.* 06 ... • . • •le•••• . • .. it'•• 100 Rtitdifiro "Arr.. r 1,4•41•40111,100 4111. • PTO History, English and Canadian,.. -71), Geography 411•••11•.•,•••11•011,1•11, it 44114(75 Drawing •041,11,611.1,. ..... Book. keeping ..... •••• ..... • . .75. Missies 75 Candidates takihg MUSie will be alloved a lamas not exceeding tifty marke to be added to the aggregate number of marks obtained, On tak. ing the minimum 'mintier of marke itt each etthject roul fifty per cent of the aggregati., candidatba be,en. titled to a: third class eertifieate. • atc`Olin tugs tm15t1Ptowr08, Reading (oral) ..... Iteading (prineiples of) ..60 Writing. ... .... .. Y• . • 75 )righeh Grammar...0s.. .. . , 200 English. Composition an ci Pritetleal E egllsh 150 O . ....... 11. 60 11fental . .. Arithinetto and 1.1611iitiratiori 1200 .150, • 061011.Ve. • Wool our mod t,orresp8nden6 Mr, ;Toler Soindrett hes materially Improved the 50 „acre lot he bought from -Me locCeere'bk 4utiing a HOW fence on the front, TIM „week was creditably done by George Gotelfellow. Mr. Thos, Brooks is proud over a never failing spring of water which he stritee ,it a depth Of 83 feetit may prove valuable sbould the Soda Act carry. O Mr, John Wilson cleans out a barn about every 'by With his steam thrash. •er. Ile threshed oats at McKeels, on the 4th son.. Morris, at the rate of enehele a minute. • W. Welsh heti the contreht for put. ting up a 'eshlenee for Miss Comer. When complete it will "take the eakesP from newt -101g In the Maio, and have appliances to make more. , Mr. Cowan, of Aeatortii, Is ollectitig lembir he poreitabed sonis tittle ago. Ile ifk gOing 1.0 lose m..nry on them. Pali Show here on October 141.1:. It Is expected that ...Stanley township will be represented ea usual. Livery stable keepers should ithrsys `keen Anteita 011 Liniment in 0)4 •.` • 84. FALL AND WINTER 84. „Continuation of Our Great Sale" ftGrandest Aggregation of Pronounced Bargains Ever.Offered to the People of Clinton and liuron County. :.Tbia is a broad assertion, but we ask it of you as a favor to come in and look through the Stock and form your own con. - elusions. We will demonstrate the Teat advantage to be gained by attending tlais MAMMOTH SALE. OF -FALL & WINTER DEITTGOODS At 31'onN- cnilat Jo,. The-- ............................................ of -Huron and -Alb- :Streets; W's haVO received over."TH1RTY CASES during the last two weeks, which are pow in stock, making tke finest asssortment of Fall and Winter Goods ever shown, by us. And we would suggest to our patrons, that they will find it to their advantage to give'ug an early call. Just here -we state that our PRICES WILL BE LOWER tium anywhere else in the.c.nunty„ vo cA.sii 0 PcM, 13-trl'IMIR. PoiR, MAKE ,OUR» woRos GOOD, IN gypty . • I SI DRESS ATMS! Wo mention Five Lines of Blaelc. Silks! 1" 1+1 0 makes of _NARBONNE and PONsON, • • GUARANTEED. PURE :Will not ant or wear glossy, at 250. on the 5. 4ess.than ever shown by us before. 11 T We have a full line, all shades, and . • reliable:makers.. • • Satins. Better value than eve r before. • 'New Brocades, Now Plaids, • New,Tartans, ' • • New Cashmeres, 'New Ottomans ' 'New Selene, : New Melange Luattes, • 'Now Velveteens, • • New Velvets,' New Fancy,Vinceys, NewTlain Wince's. All, at prima that laugh at • competition, besides • being the.newest O 'things out. LOVES. We can maintain our reputation in this department. Our range is the finest we have ever carried, .:HO$IERYI t very Shade and quality and else in , stock. Specialty A very fine range of Babies' silos. TTON S Lowest prices on earth. . • The best makes-elOwest prices. At Mill Prices -4 big atciek. weeds very alio range at very' LOW. FIGURES • . O made up in first-class order anti cut by Mr. ee'• ,p 441i Eft and satisfaction guaranteed every .time. We quote .Clothiug frem • • 10 to 25 per cont. less than eke • • elusive Merchant Tailors. : .•. .:SHIRTS .DRAWERS. O Loss than Mill Prices. Goods we . sold readily at $1.25 last year are 000. tide beason. . . • Our Furlii0iTig DOp t Is very coniplete, very cheap, and very nice. CORNER HURON AND ALBERT STREETS. , • MOWN. From otor own' Corrpoondont, , • A ga ote of Crieltet between Bay field and Exeteiervas'filayed hereon Wed- nesday the 17i& filet. Bityfiele came out 38 • rues. ahead. Here • is the score:se 0 . - • Of O .g:V-gi ' ' ii,,,1%411,0eigtkg F-5i've E. ztiz c.,..6-, o.,,.. O c, cp . 0 , 4, - a :a 0 N T ...0.., L..j ti . - t-- ,-.. El. 0 ! 1 ir•r, .„... li• w kn . c:F. ' ' _, Z. 0 r 0., • e- ases ,.;" ..0g. 2, 0•%4 5' w ''' -•"6:4 ;-!:"6''''',iro s•• co cr va c'' cr1 • '.4. . , .,.1j.:11PaolirlxFe. Vw•': 1.:Air;.1. • . , . • to: 0 ' C ci, 0 ,0 C7 0 0 a - ' "g14° "t4.7,7"titleci" • CR cp:1:,:rer, 1714.,p.,0 i0 .{(9., Prt ,bil Fr! g 43W a . "•/.11 . Z i 144:V00504$'.°112.511:.:1.:tri:ri . IA. L'e g4.'61,, 9 Erfrilt.,,,,e'C'dN010'6 to/'" .-"' P'p. =,iii ° 0 CI = • 41 1.3 '4 1:1!'g.8.(D`iii lig.tr _41.. . ti r, o td• r t.y.i CI at. e'a t4t2i. g.)2, 0.7 514 0 S, 4 0 P C.5 • . g • 1 1,4 eot els townsmen, has been ill for some time, but his friends hope to soon see his smiling 'face.as of yore. • Belfast. Front our own Corrospoddont. • • There have 'been quite a number of paring pees lately m this vicinity. Later wo.rany have the pleasure of recording pairing bees of a different nature. . 0 0O , Inspector Miller vierted theschool here on the llth.• init. A number of promotions were made. M. Katy is re-engaged, as teach- er for the ensuing year, at the salary of $470.• . ; • • The roe:a-Vet een enr village and Lucknow has received a liberal coat of gravel.. T'will make rough riding for a while. Mrs. ja,s•IVIuIlin and. Miss-J.emile are visiting friende Bondhead. Mies Ville .McKinnon of Blyth was -the -guest ofeher cousin Miss Annie. Mullin last week. . ' ' Mr. Gil Thomas,of'Georgetown, who was visiting friends in the vll. lege returned honie last week. J. II 'Mullin r: turned home Monday after attending,the exhibition in Tore onto. • A detachment Of the Lord's Army • is expected hero shortly, We haie bush fires 'on allaides of us. Some of them have done consid- erable damage to timber. A great deal of rail timber has been burnt in, Mr, BOVA& *amp north of hete. The same Are came near burning the bridge across tbe Nine Mile River. The recent rain has done much for those fighting the fires, but tstill the smoke ascend% • The annual Sunday School Conven- tion in connection with the Ashfield Circuit of the Methodist church Was held at filake's appointment on Fri- day' the 12til, inst., when subjects connected with Sabbath Scheel work and the Church generally were taken up and enthusiastically discussed. Snell meetings as these tend greetly to increase the usefulness of Sabbath Schools and the efficiency of their teachers!, when the discussions do not become personal, and the subject un- der comideration adhered to. The meeting take it all though was a suo. nese. C011itithe Peow ourMon 0orrapond8nt. • We regret to learn that Mr. bitted Maher, who has had so moll sick - nese ir. him family reeoritly, it rib* Seriously ill himself. Mr, A Olen, attended the 'Michigan State Voir at Ealarriczoo with sorno well bred horses and sheep. There WAS it 11101141, gotten up by the publio pehoolA, hoia,a.t the Mait- land river the other day. One a th6 1 Ooderieli "blowhards" spoke Iiispieee O son, and Inspector Miller gave really interesting discoureee on eppropriate objects. • . ' • The late Peter Green, whose de-.: mise Vie mentioned last week was In- deed one of the hardy pioneers of the township, having lived a half century bete. He leaves a living resetse ' so am told, of 119. Probably the onlrgentletuan who now lives or at any time has lived in the township who can or &hid boast of equal pat- riarchal 'boors is Me. 'John Morrie. Mr. Morris' Still living here hale and hearty, came in about the same time as the late Mr. Green , and bin living descendants will greatly exceed those of the late 1VIr. Green.' Mr. Green was aged 86 fr. Morris cannot be much younger though he don't look ,a . day. ciyer 55, There tetight boa pointer for the "real taniperance men'! in ' the social habits of these two gentlemen. Not by any means intemperate, they during their long lives eirjeyed the good the Ode pro - Vida. Andth6 good thpy-themgeb- vps hesie 'done will live long after thoiss in the lives of the hurultedii of preeminently good and thrifty chi. sens they have given as hostages 'to society. • ' • •- Rolutestilfe• Front our own Correvondent • Itev. . MrSktiith preached, morning and evening hut Sunday,in the meth- odist churqh, on educational matters. Anniversary services Will be held, here on the fith and . Oth October, Speakers from a distance are expect. ed. Mr. Ed, Davis of this village ..had Mishap last week which inin up for a few days, When opposite Mr: S. Holmes' hits 'horae ran away throw- ing him out of the btiggy, cutting his head andnose and beuising him somewhat. Though receiving magi) usage, the affair might have had a more serious ending. Ile is able to be out again. The friends 'of Me. Jobe Calblek Were surprised to hear in Clinton, on Monday, that that gentleman had pal. sed oVer to the majority. Though the gentleman has been confined to this house for about two weeke troll& a severe attack of itinammation of the lungs, he is at Mule of writing, 0 Tues- day, etill in the land of the living, though at ene time given up by, his medleal attendant, In common, with many well wishers we hope Mr. Cal. biok will be spared for many yoo,i8 of eteatitium ntiefulness. An Educational meeting In commis. tiett With the Methodist Orwell Was to hare teen held on l‘fortday oven. ing, Ittiv. Mr. Salton and Rev, Me. Gras', of Clintaan, Were announced as speaker% We pretiume the affair mune oft as announced but as you have 14 get thy tweed by Monday noon/ tiennot say WOO. Ito., 4r.Matichatrif and Rev. Mr. Itiroley Were to have adtleqsdft NO • MORE. Graylines the Greet Hely Rosiorer and Iteneweri.ohanges grOr hair to ete natural • color gradually and pertnanently. Not a dye. A IllaVellOUS trfelltiOIL aray-natreaperson ole men and old wolnen, .adt010itkwalm0 weeks;140 uilsarzietIrAnd tod 1 , tIthioe:urn.. its and doetorsieteonto recommand Itg ;y. miYres, ala.isTk:hoion.7ittvr:;8;44it,Newrotk. aligelt . The undersigned begs t� potify the people of Clinton ami surrounding comitry that lie has pm•chased the Ilariles'Busilless CA.T.RIVir(q.'713i.L.111 New.to% 400 ; And that"he is prepitreti io rurhhih HARNESS COLLARS, WHIPS, TRUNKS; VALISES, .BUFFALO ROBES, J3L.A...1\TK=S •. . And everything usually kept in eFirst•Chreellernoss Shop,. at the Iowa Priees. , .Special attention is directed tomy stoat of laght Harness, which I , • ,:00.0• Win hin1113 •• REPAiftiN•G .PROMPTLY -ATTENDED ..TO. Ily strict attention to business, and morally studying the witits of my customerS; f hope to remit a fair share oryotir patronage. Give me a call- before purchasing else- where. Remember the stand -OPPOSITE Tug. IVLARIaT. . GEO. A. SHAR E.00.61 "Now thou, Mrs. Smith, what on earth arc you straining your oyes for tioing that sowing by Land, when you can go to D,ANISON% and get the Celebrated NEW RAYMOND OEWING MACD/NE itt price did you will he sure to jump at as s4on tts you hoar it.. I tell you it is a daisy -Mon Attu, SILENT RUNNING', SELV BODBIN- WDZIDElt, Etz.illtxtpAptit, SELF 1•Inna,SETTgn-L.has.,s,11 the latest attachments, and is the most handsome piece of furniture in your house. 'Dsmsort keeps all kinds of Needles and Oil and Machine Findings as well as a e:0111., plot° stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, of all kinds. Aro makes ordered'work a specialty and attends to repaid