HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1884-09-24, Page 1* ft pqrso %two- XmW Is ':Rvqry Wedueofty XQ:rning, At TREIR 9IFFICF5, 1�25 in a4vww,; not so Faid. The proprotors of Tit* 060" Eillou NEWS1 hlIving purclisised tik-huadn"i and liallint urepublieth thase stitApiqatoll papers in Clinton, Under the t'.410. of lrro Maox Xxws. Clinton is the utost ltrospoj�vus town lit Wo,sterg Ontario, is ilto Seat ofelinsideredile, wanufacturing, and tho'cinitro of the fittest IturalpCtion In Ontario. The couk*ed circulation of T Riccoan - o4eanis tust or any paper i"hed in. We Cotinty of IlaroiL it 'is, therefore, n6surlijossid, as�kjti advertising inedialu. Qur.rates for advertising are: 1 co.lunkin 1 " $Ilo- k.coluilln 1year, $30 a #a, 40 i . ki 6 likes, 18 socis, so*,' a ,,as 12 I year, 00 44 I year-, 18 6 LAOS,. 00. 1 6, 1ups, H 3 itios, 18 ll 34100" 8 Advertieateuts, without initructions as, to opsoo suit tittle, mrillho lere to the judg- niont of the coutpositar it% tilo. display, In- ser0d until, forbidden, ineasured hy al cale of Solid nonpareil (12 lines to. the Iv.- It), end charked 10 cents a Iiiat, for first taisertion and'3 conts a line for 'each stab- equent insertion. Orders to discontinue ladvertl4evients, saust be in writing., AW Notices set as REAPING MATTI;R, ffliinpaTell okeg.surirm6hi� 12 lifts to the. lucky 10 ceutsi'Ver line Arst insertion ; 3 vents tater line'eaclitubsemplent insertion. �EW R ]It 0 ....... ...... ..... POO T1 -1E 6. MMS: in AdvErnee, "INDEPENDINT IN AI1. THNG%. NEU TRA4 IN NOTHINQ, WRMLY TODD VOLVI.—NO, 44"t 11WR-ON�010UNTY, ONIT.2 WEDNESDAY, SEPT�MBBR 24, 1884. WHOLE NO. 305 IP 'WARREN LELAND, 1.9 illatirn evorybod: F knorwo 11 .1 -1 NUNN- anklaigar of ;be Incorporated by Act of Pairliolluent, 1854 Urgest Hotel Enterprises. CANTALR E �9 T, $500,000 Head OMQo, XONTURAL THOMAS WORK51AN "ot'llenki. J, It. R. 3101,80; Vloe7lyreolden F, WOLVER$T.AiWTIIO3IAS, General bleavalrair Xo. teSL discounted, Collections irileado, I)rAftr issued, Sterling and Aniericap ex� C14411ge hou""Ist Pold Sold at low- e�t current intes. INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS, None,%, adv %uceAI to Inflators oil their owl] notes with one , 0 T'inore outior4ors. No IllotIrsage are. as'siecurity. If. C. BREWER, Februaq.1884. Wow to 90411. MONEY TO LOAN :,ow Yorl: on, board. a oblia going aionual, Cape' flora, In LUO P:wly d4ye tat en)tgarlitAtin to Call- Iforlifitt he loartud that one of thti offiliqos oj the vaijouk le ul cgrod illinpolf, (lu,mij; of Ali obsUnato disease by the use of Ayifs Sarsap Since dion Mr. LULAX4 has recii.nimen(lod SARSArA LZA In 11111"T shullar eases, and he has never yet heard of Ito fall - un to o4ect it; radical cure. 'Maine years ago one of 31r.l.rLANIas farm laborers bruised his log. Owing to. the bad state of his. blood, an ugly parrafulaus swelling or lump appeared on the Injured ]full). . Ifor. rible itching of the. 13kin, vritll burning exalt darting pallail through tile Iturip, Innate life. saniolat intolembp.. . The leg beenine eniar- niouslyonlargediandl running ulcers forriled: I discharging great ainautitteaq of offensive inatter. No treatinent was of nny AVAII Until the nian, by.,Xr. LrLAND'5 dirale. tion, WAS SUPP1194 W11h. Ayruls SARfj4rA- IULLA, Which Allayed ilia plain said Irrittion, healed the pores, rei novell'the Swelling, and — 11 .1 1l..1, — aWe hAve"one oftlitabostappoutte4Job xro LEL"D hall iier�oually Used ollices' west..of Toronto. Our 1146ilit! es in MANNING& COTT, this departutent enablo 41 to do all kinds k, Cli of work—frout a eallitt, cat -4 to a mAinnioth leaver BlIft , atoll Ayeis asap Clintoo, 1862. 20 Imisteri in the best %ityie, knowa to the for Iftlieurrintlem, w!th entiral.Ruacess and, ICrift, and it; the- towest posaiible' Orders.hy taittil prian aptly attended to. to I' ,Id In I.,j; tahiclaoileta there is n. i e ffo-jp.al ilkairtgages or forwa3l licurity, at it t1tclue In the ivord AiltIress I . . I I to It for tecurc OfLivorDisorderov the lowest'current rates. I. if ATJ; lturoii.�Rt, ejain . Cflntoaa� I . Gout, tho er�ects of high iving, Suit rh e New-Rec'o:rd, Cl uton, Fob. 25, 18bi, 1.lv. Rhouill. Bores, Eruptions, nod, all the. QInton. Out Varloult forms of blood diseases. A 6 �O - LA Deceinber, 188% - ;all who inny desire further evidence in arvguara Z to' the. extraordlitAry curat,vai powers of fl AEiVat SARS1PARILLA to see 10111 Porzol;- 'ally either at, IS inrarnoth: Occult I:otcl, BUSINESSDIREOTO. Y. -0 j Long Drituch, or Up the popular Leland, Hotel, 3 Ilroadway, 2, th and 28th Streets, Now Yqrk. t Iva, knowledgea of the 0. Sseulcneenqsualled good done b;L Iblood polsoins enables him to give Inquirers d =nab valuable Information. ACIEMDWIN KEEFER !;p ,2. Dr. i.e. Ayer &Co., Lowell Mass. - Late of Tora�lnto, Ild.1tor Grallinate, Itoye.1 Col.1090 119M by all 3)r ists,'01,siall6ttlesfop" 0 - 9� of Dental Suricilis, x-4 clixiton. Coate's Blookt 0 A 11 Work Raij!;tered. Charges Moderate. R0030RIE S 'G n,,.n frn OW e -Th EVQJ.-, Street, ut' -F oR ' A L N. r It. REE si Rattainbur.) aaecal!ii ly behind'itasfor alls book stalre. Residencto ite,tike'relvaperIlimelfall, 0'aijoll 'At -COOPER.W Grooery. A.T,.t ea hours . front 8 &.ni.. to 6 p. in, yN THE of BELGRAVE, the dwelling Clinton, Jolt. 14, 1881. land etoje.occupleal nie.' The site hi of the least lasirable in't , Village fo). b% ' lei. noss. There 19 at good stable, outhouses, ttaid an- excellent soft waterehifern The -yo. The lauildings tire' lot contlarl6es'l of au me obcal as life L PrQ,L 311 in,good repair. Will Witold thus. 0ooper return tbanks.to his arletar custivinet-S* for th"eir liberal patronage Apply to. - in the past, and begs to untioullZe tllat-lie MAN 14 ING.& ..SOOTT9 DYNCAIJ hia'ioii HomEn as.a itioniber barristers, S elicitors, Convoyancers, &c Coal. Belrall, 0. Out . of the- firlil, aud hopes they will receive at� nal"aners fu.r Ontario and 31�anitobaa� continuance of the .Support heletofore.so 1W Offlqo—Towir HALL, 01�1 . NT6X libei-ally,necorded tb the house. ..DWELLING FOR SALE# Idat*17t1a, 1882, ONIFOTITAI14E dowelling laripso in the Town 'OUR .6or JCT*.� TEA. Cof Clinton; contains six recalls; garden. wftl� D. A. FORI`f8STER, fruit ' trees. Situate In good For flir- Will astill be. a Spa,cialty, ind.van not thisoffloc, or at the Co1�91rAYCHR, . LAD, IWSURANT.Lo j,. of][14.0, Perrin Illock. bek beaten in, the market. All other UNWRIlAb Xon dy t ai.L can, Groceri.im -as low. as Ttilssible. . A Office, beaver Block, Clinton. v22tf Lar(re Stock df GL ASS %V, -ARE and NE W 8EW1NG r%[AQHI9,E rOR-,-0R00XER V ',Oil hand. 'Also EAGFR &-NIORTON, dod. AFRESHOAtMEAL J. A.. Stortian. Wanch,ull. I-ly." . RIV WII,T,TAAIS* SINGER' SPWING MA. '000 NEAL, FLOUR; N ' with 'drop -lcitf; hns nt,ver been, JrNAVISON & JOHNSTON, Law, ChancearY,and used; for llt�ht or hom-y work; will,besold foriess JU Coui*aajrall6iaK. . Offlce_West Site OATS -POTA J ot, next "trial) It d6st. Apply o1i address rOES door to 11outoftleal , Godaric.b. 0ot.: 57 . ... . THE jIURON XHWS-RYCOltD­ .&o.0- do, C. solicitor, L-6. , Oitice, coriaer.of I lu- Square and West Street, oiler Butlerld Boilk v6 us eall'tind besittinfied; ptorai. doderich, Out. ra" Money 6 land at lowest mt�q of Interest. T-Xoo r& Sb.n F(m) R- S 'A L E c-PIO' . 1A hAncerv, Conveyancer, 4c. offloal a 6i Jorai:,n% Druit Store. data. tootaiii. fairiaterly OR TO RENT, pled' by Judge Dilla. SW Any attiount of inon.lay to loari at lowest IIATViLIYAJ�LE,'�ItOPERTY,k-n-ow'it. rates of In tort. T e M-fibuin-, Hotel'' At presnii t ocaupiud by Aft. V up 1-1011TO.%, :"H. W.16ALL,'. ;ravol roads between qituated.oll flie g A UCTIO!FEER for Hurean County. Sales et- Giriderielk 1111d Pert Albiert Mid. M tendul to irl any part; of the County. Ad- Golilericii ;uitl, 1111vt1i, 'and a .iraidas arders to U013gluco P. O.. ..V�27, ilinug tan4iness. ais,_ 3oner if untbor or ei CHAS. 11AILTON9 onble- Ternm Reds A UCTIONSER,land, lomn Insurande agent 'For-patticulars al�ply'to. Watch for this space: Illyth. Salve attended in town"inal coiiiatry, )6 reasa;nable Willis. A list of Marine valid next Week. tat for sale. Money to loan on real cots: ow rates of interet. insurance offeLk-al on all 'LAN, 110 te, lit CANTELON BROS. tilasses tat. proiioft�. Notes &aid debts collected all lituallidaiialcauL floods apmlsed, and'sold Think: 00NLOP P. 0. rv;pt stoc a bought and sold. Dlvth. Dbd. ifl, IRRO OOMMERCIAL HOTEL. J. E..I3LA0KALLl,,.'-' . '_. :. I., .L..", . This,116tel in furailsheal.thfoughout WItll great Larclo inect the wants of the tnavolling" Imblic.. Veterinary Suppon, Connniadlous snanple,roolne, The best of liquors anal cigars are'L kept at the hair. Good table. Best situated Ilotel In Clinton. Give no Graduate of the Ontario Votorinary College, To- a.call. rental, hAvilig oplantial an lattice, In ClIntollo-10 JAR MOORE, roprietor. prepared to trt3t all diseases of doluestle Animals on the naost modern prin, dlintolit .4111fe 7div 188' .1 cip1w, . A ope"It"'"" ly I� tte, I al to b OR! NOE 0 WALES. HOTEL OrrxcE,—IA door � West of Ken-, The. above hote. a aE lately been, ]eased by the WI,N.�ES nedy'a Hotel, 0111140n; Ont. �17­ undersigned. ThIalirrelph;ell have been refttaido -joll the best Bom IBM the 'sidaidral tralvelling public. Large stables ln connection.. 'The hai is sUpPlical I'll, Yourpittrotingd. 0 cI*- Vottailliftisr sorgeon In 6011nootion. 'T NsTRU 1i ENTA I,' MUSIC. —Alto$ Webber train tool, ervaborV of tousic, wilfteltal JL. the flostaill Cot's allinitednkiiiiiier.ot))UPIIsonthoorgaiior laino. WAVERLY HOVSE. repamove-on their present htyfa of playing, at rest.' daintailat L. P, Dayle, riehr,iiaia o7rVArk tlactdfy� 36, .1114 ITOTrf, is Xr* and hitis all the re3tilre. T anents of a firet-class house. Large an., Mry roonle, 010 rat parlova, boated with hot at 1. Ph6tographers. 0001�0-� the 1111filegalAtt) vicinity of the 0. T. A Depot The lj%r 19 well stacked with the oholdftj 'File at r1bor begs to rotdin his sin.core 'of liquoirs land cigars. The travel ling rubile Ina rest, assured 44 being *eXcaraid orat th al ])!it 011stothers and the public bnsa'91, PIKE, g0lierally, for the liberal patiOnflAb extend. SAUL Clinton, May 15, i684. 281-y Proprietor, oil to lahn fit the past, and lay furnishing —CLINTON. & : I Wor S Mi .Sige Portrafte: a poilialty., Best Jiticle H111014 STREETY CLINTONs —AT 1. 0. 1r; Nod -0, W., LOW, Mon. . 0�60PER$ Jr.i., [ST he gratim Nice, Meeti shaioyn )60,tv of every ... AllinUfactiftbr6fiand deallearinallkindiat month. ifilt �pmtitirs, oppositei hollbPeS to 1110rlt A Continuance of the the T4*h flail', Visiting brethren Martle & GraIlite for CeMotery A, lit. aralbl), W. lif. Work tit figures Clint defy conip(tition wmlld speeWly roeorrallibild a trial of ohis XhAVOT IMPOILTAT16NA of the JOBIty U89T ljRC1,D of nAAXD"0, PORT AIQ6 twullifacturor of the Celebrated NVIX98 and IIOLtAXD GINS, sliftable AntirlotAt, Sroxi,� for 11tilldhig pur- for modiollialL iaurposoSitid tainfiv Ilse, ORCS Juld JV*rk, WIlich intiNt 1,4adifao No. 94, A P & A lif C 8'(Tn Jo'be appreeiated.—All, work naseeCl every ptilfily, on V fail an IWIS' ALr find GUININMA, PORTER, in Moon. IVI*Itihkbidtl)tdnt6tdiallyihilt0d, WArratilte(I to Rive matisfution. Miowlilitnit, e. M. L. Pot MINE, Ard. dincon, Jib. 14, Oat. AND POIft11, CRLING & J)AVI sw TO THE PUBLIO. co"IfA . fitly oil hand, 0 XVbOIIA'N�T I T n0 W TOO eilGo ds, PtAIN SODA. —4 -TAX TO 0 0 d larbla Works a'N OLUOAS Mailtbil"041to NA ' W. I llotdo, 11 I .. The lost tbreeyeiarai. Vur 4, Anad"004, low 00"ding "Aliop. Bitter#", to to%%, I twd two bottlos L, Ain, ontirely ouve,al, unt4 hear op Dittera tio ever) a I write Ibi as a 4116koInr VU4 4iflonjullat ryrbeakka"INM 41L Y Vqr no , I .Iasav,en years, Anal no =6416 o"Med to do me any 11 (I tit - Pus Setvbd Id.rki right 4 41v,nam% This Ontario or Ours, boule0lati 10 ots, Can4dllaus. 4tud flic Wile two b6tttem of ry There,!$ anotbir in of the toji. pal Holnistly, ot isto*ell, Oilt., hilo. on his to There are in IR why w AW�trerkl, wa, Any good reasot Spiced; eef, which in deliciome. S well to day as ever I wait. 4 ho "Yptl gue *err pre4lbrit and 0108i; bein. .,oy 11witidled pri,thatt4til.by'a voilatletit tbe,otizetla of'OntarWilliould regard When cold and aliCell 'thin, in easily The Six lint)(Irrd Clit askdillus may Wive atilltidant $004)(.4 "In this great, stild" in God"it.,sight: "Thou Shalt not mR'i Oil proviricki with, Joelings of prideL It Of 450, 4 1119ellAhf A 140$114 their a prepared. 01100SO Ia Pi(,�Uo With It. 08 for by Gonarvil. Wohiploy liav ap,tileill I take the n*tDe of. the Lord. in vain." $1,000 note, - andnot the least of t6e , Be a The, olaink school; teacher in tht' . , t tile fat thall VOU Wish to have it) rull lot; boil this until terialer in water in for old Egypt, tor taka part In, the Anywili t wislil to know ato about my Crurip ? Io the! wordti'of an gfigliob, clergy -.r present tiake is the, in,tnly audL One- coody,.-of Essex, 4Lnd ono4of tile old Which 'vou have put Halt, popper, litituane effbrt* of'Britain to roduco Valli. learn I�v ,man, a;dono w the name w4eful, struggle that has. ll,apt) wagod- est in the Province haujost retind , Qol,.ry ;ood an clovor; the auicun� order and commercial proRpority out. Williams, 1104 Wth qtreet, Walk I of 'sufliAent to sho.7k arja;l� itletuar, i for tim settlement of its boundaries, from te'nobini, �he gq; aXthe to depend on your taste, chatifill niudillo which thut horrify, any soal that Iraq reverence Pll r. W. 0. Doherty, lj6 has taught Whether it, is an oren of I 10,OOQ or Haill'o JoutfAal of , health, 9AY4 06 country has W eii in for soma time. for the litily MaRter's name." Or, School since 1846, when he taught oF200,000 ajqaro tiles was until in Woodaleta. Ile hall top -lit in all i,c - towel folded Several tinjeo a � 1)(I d!P' pe -I in,hot writer find wrun 9 The Canadian. voya-earit 1jave their , M ill estitert a, .as another o4seryer swrites, "To entl YL an uiWeterwhip. fact 33 yevtrs in, Essex coupty, and in With its limits flow filially qui(,kLIX L tind thea applied over the eat of at oil wo,k e -t for thoul, lunch nervous I0lo,;e of qs Who oq.n recol Not tile " 8 :tQo"; Dotroit three yea ra. lie last taught tilt' pain in toothache or neural ja Or it being like their 4-xiiy business plot,, -Bolemn. method -i .,that .1).royalled Jujill Sandwiph WeAt. Ifig,muperan Otit4riq extends over ten ale -r. es. of .9 will gre nerally aftbra.1 prompt re I i o f. of dealing wth CAnittlinn i4pids, lieturtled our you�h, there 18, 119mething piftill'; nuatiou allowaupe -will %in Cant to latitude and t-woutv degreen of long HeadAulles "Itilost alwAY" Yield- t except that tljey are to go, kip Oaf "Fr �iu the South to K frull)v ilit' the il'170017�llces thAt now confront as, The reverence inspir� about $2,00. Ati)de. Its breadth, fiqni Point Pule On ohoultaneous alliplicatiou. of hot water to the feet and the hack cataracts, The first catai tact in at As7 41pFirOlt for healtil, final. find tilat y Bitteral. 4PO doing tile 11oro, I iag livoin -or pasalln ore changed to 'about The vacmi�cy'ou the Superior Cqurt � Oil Lske Erie to Fort Alliany oil bench, caused by the elevation of James' Bay, of the, itok. b9oan, a dilitntice, of 700 miles: frow, Good I Than ilnyfl4ing etie; inusia hall welokliee, whistled (lie Rtr Beta; the Nublime image of re- is more than 700 miles, CIdeffustice Hagarty to the Court and length, from Poaiiit.Fortuno S111:411 -piece of resin dipped in the mouth of the river, Butt tho wholo A morilb Kgo ) was extreuivly . ilip'lon la dremmed up as o hivi Ali- ry of Appeal, has been filled by the ap� oil the Ottawa Riypr to Rat Portage pointi..ent, of Upti. ohn O'Connor, tbff water wbich is pl"oe.l it, a veagoi Oki the vtove, will add.'a peutilikki of ON in navig%ble for boats of 11)0-�, derate diauht.. The ile catitra9te, "Einnolated ! 1 III And scarooly ble to, witik. draw." The holy name of Jeann; is killptj as if �I�tey'vanre addressing some on the Whinipaeg, is more Than 1,000 Hon. I Arr. O'l[Jonitor has been miles. It in larger.than tbo States property to�;tho atonkosphitre of the are preolsely. similar to file rapida Gaining atsength companion. It is the duty of a, Ifing time in public life, and has of Oldo, Indianit, Illinois, and Alichi- , filled important positions ps a coal� 'by room, Which will vive great relief to ith L -persdna troubled w a co6gh. The of the St. Lawrence anal tile 0�tawa. hboon And ,r- qJI parents o mup�aiesa such irreve 10,00 gan 0 Square iniles; larger- leagP4 of Sir Qhu Macdonald, and herit of the water is suait: i6st to b;., five by like very and to reoule hardly A 4air p atisea but wba am once it), r.9h ildren aud to prevvitt them -frorn going where they migilit than Iowa, Minnesota Brad wiscoll.. WAR tho 'mccepted reprenentative of Iain by I 1,000 milon; larger than the body -Ontart throw oil the arokna of the resini -sino that saute niethods, T . lie cataract it; comfilli riptited,on improved .contract the- evil habit 1, Speaking. tile l4to tho -Iriali in . of Newmark-� o'the York, -PonnIlvania, Wow jot -fie and given this realio( is af, rather a series of rapids than a fall, entire decent, in five wiles being my at inali ilttiajo 110p. of attempts make men religeo- us hy turnikig all religion into a g 'Y' bt 1=480d it bY-IaW P"011itliting tile Dol-ow4re, al'id'Utiryland, by 2i,000 It in preferable. to coul.bu8tion, be c0ise. the evaporation is. dur-, 80 fiiet, and-01ek hi*g!ie8t fall tiot' ex- Del. n4ldiern," AIr glinigeon remarited �of I 61litire is a point boYoud. w latch chart. male of liquors in the same store with ruilem, and larkoirtlisan GreatBritain groceries, ., A groper. natued. Piltrick and Trailairid by 78,000 miles. Jt more able., The Rome re . .... ediog six feet,' the whole (Its- None ga-1111illo. with(thi asillivil a. green if ttlShull a ty caullot go churo Hardy put. tip a,parUtion, tlie`rati-tio is- only 4-iOOOL Sq­a,ojo uffltg . -.Kl.i.a�1tokink­aud.- AR�, the vile, Iropsi" 16ngtIji of this store, h 'Was the French Republic, and only 8,000 Mi.s. Lincoln'" rule for squatth pief solian, about 809 wiles, the river The work oftbe Bribery Qonlmis, divided into two. partq,. having no juilen ItIna than Z the German Enipiita, and a& very good rule it is, too. in a 8, e do a not fall more than 1,100, Tho Rion o v,id ently draws towards a Close. doorway betwon;. ea . oil Part Was ell- It is a country litrge anomOi to , be toredbira.doorinfront. Thel . . 0 lcollso the seat of a great nation, %nd its I w fol Q a Oife ;nd ohe'-balf a cup- ful of tritined and sifted squamil, 1, L latUI'41 Lfall Of a Wholly IlaVigab . Iva' I Tile ftnfijellee The additional evidence Its,.( thrown couirnimmioneras bad prosecuted situation on the greati lakes is latlelk ry and mealy; one .c..0 f oLi it A p ca -b I 1g. rivor.of. the sains. distfitice.w ijuld be. f L 400 f(sit, so Chat 700 (set may e AND TILE -,,U SCHEME WHICH ETTI. lli� nonew light. on the charges. Bat . . , I 0 tho evidon,ce of Sir ATcpher. for a breah of the by-law'and -411 0- as any state oe onip I ite. i n the.world ooeded­ in haviog him convicted. nl'ghrt env Y.. ;1111k, one-half cup of -sugar, one. ialf a taas�oollful of sal't], Ouo 'ten, said to represent Clio foil Oi tho $D00. son aorkiplet . ely exon erate(I L hinisolf Hady appealed to, Judge Boyd, Who But Ontario has something L more mpoonful of cilillanion atf(I one eg 9 ropidsj , Thoie dre probably, . fdrpy. miles of rapids in theNue. Will it e.v6r stopI Ifore.1 Anthu .and the Government. of - which lie it' heo,rd the case in Chambers, Toronto, to boast of than a broltd, expanlie, He allowed the appeal with 'Costs It Ila a a fertile Boil all invigoratill' g beaten Slightly. Mix in preL 'UiSely the order given� li . lie a plate With the first to. the Second, calaract, is- a ilia," who has. dearij learned flow I a member froin tiny suspicion of I ity by- holding that no reach,of the by� oliniate, vast foretatof inerobantablo laW'hud beenmade, - plain paste, put a rink about A!I with the mixture.' distatica. of 200 -udlem- shot at. tile sainki distancEP-R;4irate"s Play a C, onfillence game. n4ortly bpfore th6 exl)rim. for (14i oOlqplj,c iii- wilat 'goes . tilt! name of the bribery plot. And Mr. kures,of min oral.wealtil, water. power of lituid esscapaolty;- Muflios without eggs-, One quart frQ1ll tlit) tbiHL. Another 200 miles Reparales the third cataract from the f4anst IlloVed 0 1 U L tof Like Ujji6Jj ba t i0rl 11,16redith and Me. Morris had no and, bettev. than -a] I these, it is p�o, of milk, quarts of fit !ur, ine"sure foruth. While tbere is all interval of Toronto, 'a swev(.s�ok(� 11 alli Vill, difficulty in rlearing their- skirts pled by.a hardy and ciierg(Itic race' To is rumored that wor .have of met), growing up -under the en, before U 8 W gills of one, teaspoonful of SaIlt, A-piei:e of 150 tilil'.8 between the fourth. slid leriant r1fark cil-toreal a 's. evidence, it Is :been.issiued fair the diresi of eighteen d- ,iting itifluainco' of no ing oil iniph New.York Aldeiinen' chargen of bititter about 'hatif SIR lJ'g 40 fifth. Saulething AlOre. thalf. that di3tarice separate the . fifth cataract With a Scotch ulall nailled Will. 1101, rison, W116 About to r,.Itilrn lo Plain that Ilia Visit to Ott Awii"at. htitne'thea free intitutions, free. saliool.4, free bribery and (,lorruptiou in connection eg% warni milk onough.to nielt the froill. tile Sixth, w1fiil if' ft'litthi hia native coaptitry. The ple.'atisfisit plot, was goirig on, hall. no Speech, and a free press. Jt brig ex�* with the -grasit'of the Broadwav ton ve areas which a better buttor, a li,ttle sugar if you like. Let.it rise abi ou*t twelv& h6urs, bake, tnore th.ali'50 al.iles froin" Khartoum. young man as I lot losig iii 1111ding connection with miy conspiracy. Af ter Mr. M eredith had concluded -his grow' Railway � (ravollime. sample and a lav ger averac�e yi6ld 6U 142NI'vike husbarlda.conifoitable 'pie 'iq in uitif"an rifika oil the griddlo or boatmi whiob-or,e-frour -There.are 400L, .30 -to 32L feet in lengili; from 6 to 7 this out, -aid at on IqQ C011111101101.0 it) work his Iltdo gAuic. 11ii total atial stat, euren% ��Ir. Blake, coutinel for . y6ur the at a c6realls'than a other at ]ionic sanil tIILoV _Will n6t go ( ut in portion of tho continent; and it. ban �Xclaitu&l qW.-k mn. Tl)o,Dairy tolls us that a 66ment -b feet eatil'. and weighfi.19 less th4u 1'100 lbs.. E-1011 boat Will Colitaill rison ihat,114 W4.4 lookiiig fuv me" to to the Onturio GOvernmaiiit,oxisiessed a tuore'extensive areas not.yet bro"llt 13atVilrealklier.latply. Th6 next day under cufflyation which may, be coii- Door is -not illea be.4t foi a dairy, as twoa boatmen and tell soldiers, one go L witif cuttl froto Fort to pea and that lit, atight hi$ en.tire confidence ilk US truthfuN Undinnati wives were anxi6usly in * verted into grazing lands of UnfaUr.L it a6iiovils the dripl;j�jigi of ruilli aticl huodri�d days. suppfiei'of food-, draw. j list S4 wull liave expell8es by gollig TeThe now 'tactical inove'sprung oiitlie(,'oui*niissiotidut-iiio�iI uirbi". about pri Che -ce 6f beer b Y' ichuess, . Suitable for tbo pro. q passed r the kp(y lie Cornea foul in a Short ti it) 6. A goo&floor.is of matched plank,with whQn lofadv� opky ti�etity- inchoti of, Wster, and be,in evOry W-sky,couiplete t6 .irork f6r the bo' wl w1w (sit his way to Part Hopp, a'ltl :%%Ilo I -sitting was the allow mae by Arr. Meredith . duction of the bent qualities of but,. Mrs. Ann Rutter, Reading,, Pa,, teir '&ad ohuea�e, beef and toutton., . tight joitLts and pointed' HO that it $ will:absorb, Wliatiaver in itself.- -wouldsodu be. oil hortard tho ti MOrrison'thotight of e4rrying the war into Mri ca. A a-1-81i,gious 111ftillete" ('010"elf. �'ll the natural habitatof no inoiseure. drippin;ii fall from the churn olaVL General Wolseley's appreciation of the ood qualiti,08 of Canadians was :that woul,l bit A capital thing, and withou't likanititicalk charge.against- four nicuilieras ofthe c0u9ty Cue day deliberately' tile couibi.ug.wool Bheep, and the WSIS'litiL L Set fire to her clothin- and rn- best breeds of B�itish� cattle und be WaShed off Buell a floor kithout I 0 undoubtedly, tile r6tiult of personal fell in Witt; his udwly-li -it, V -4L nado Fi n 11161 it Ontario G�aven was put into ed to jeath S116 b�aL Who fit� horso hor a ilseservb'� t lei any. trace#-, Brick is quite.as experience of thein.. was- suggestion. Sure�asuoughthosibo:%'l the fdrui or a., rono%tion, that they" .Stamina it4ititz.'a to Have, her.'. Portions of and' characteristios'lis -well her, abnvarli ment. A flagatone . statinlied in. this country, Brd Joiig. di.d come on'board. knolving Al-lit.attetupts we,re boing her body were burnittl to a crisp. asi oil their native bea:tb. High- floor, - w ithlolose joints net in cLmefit, 1 after Canadians had ally: opport at- (!need. to Morris,3tt whon lie askvd -u1FWo to .corrupt r . irow.bers of Q 11ouso, induced theso nieniboi-s.11to' -Slid imagined site w" o6riiig hor- ways and railways aie'rapidly open- C, ' ' " is the best of 11 t,'of di lind orsea'in*.the regula r sorvi6e-of -if be Could IfitIL k witlk 'a sum of money to, stAtl� a frei-dil asipproacIl lyf.601ln who were Raid- to � set f all tutcri fib to th Lo`d� ing faiutorie e at Situoti a farmer. of'Bruall slid tnarketR are being � established obe Britain$ find -that in thenfials, of "ant l'ad coo. -which he i to �pa� ImIrot-e eii-a-ed intlais work for- ilie pur- -.e -of induLing tlielw.to coi�rupt Val.le3, a 'returned ho.me unexpocted wl�Hrevar settlement ex�onds; and -commerce wa�r rilany-.Uninaidian4 have*achieved di�tinctican forskill suid'valour. lesivikig"Tor onto, ;- he land v checks and houds with him, 'WI lich pot U �o olitrUp­ thetil a6d I Otlieeli W, 10 I a urtlay llight all(] foukid tli6 beat of the pulse of is S t ft r iL . youn 1 uler natued! 21160oyn his wife 6 b6ing.Nit in the retnote8t, towtighilig. DESPERATE ENCOUNTER OF,TN�O, STUD . . ENTS ivltff AAIIEL BEAR.. old French times give. to, us the nounes I woulill n , L - ot be takpit to squel"re'thil were tiot.so.ougasged. T'ho runinkis hink In a wdrd this Ojitarib of ourn bell -chambr. BeIsslor shot, na of D'Iberville,of Aloutreal, whoWAA ReCoUnta ; Ijoth,l1oL.lJtit,(:a�.11 WOU,11 "'o obarge should be enquired it but tile ell- veritable lid 0 fliribe and ]to died in all ljou' I -promise.. It Coll- I Two Rudents on. iacation, named reported'die. hiont skilful , iiairal of- ficer itt the nervib� -of Fronce,,.and- of. AlOjt) anal w i. a asti hini,� -$,500 ().it i bowl, W ( -fie a pt6; quiry was. adjoul-nckt! till.. the 'next , . tains withi the heiglibtird. arrived . tikuy fOu it d 6.0.salf'all .,the elements 11e.all er ly I which go'to Wild up natio'nal great- ill tied and -cooly A. Yii4e and Dewitt Parshall, came bli�ery of Que6ec,' one of'; its first I would redeeni as �80,011 as i1i -y mir- ;' Bil,ting ca f the commis"icati, in 'the be. ginnin',iol".0ctober. It is 6, relief to, .Ilg watchilig th nruogles of the dying Inagriculture, inan u factures, L o Kingstoii, from Syracuse toahunt S bvara.� Thiay went tcr White. ake, mili tar�y engineet. Need we call.. tile roll, of, ilio.44, who rived at Fort lfo�e I �l ot rilt�n was; o0ly 'too haf)liv.to ibe* of t -tell tlifxter- . oil d of L aluratille..th t hav,o good gi , 11 N a ill-ither'thw0tiawa Gov�qrnijieift nor and the artH it has already attatiubd a diatinguished 'placei no bettlpi.p�oof of,Poteniburg, -and .'I the o as they were III V011111V I e battle for Brit lisive.don ain. Maj. or-Qerk�rat, Dunn. campaigned in. ial.'891,Vlee to. 11,8. '118W. j,boalS', ivithout lip.hitation tl 0 0oattiou hall any to. Ontario p of whi6h.okin.. bL e required thu*ii..what a(;k,,..d with violent nitibeal " is to be sopri-cin the-grouridnoftho 9 ottig Out of, tlleir� boat upon.'ti" ' Egypt, Italy.and Spain; lUaJor-G6ii- !�k atirin 1% , Qd" fo r receivnig III roturn nIg this gd( 'yesterdtily, and fooli-I holliethilig varlogsTAII Agrtcuftu�ul slid' In- tit rtl shore, they were . a I ed..I)Y� a noise. eral Beckwitti fou'91A at 0 ie,Nilo and a woethless.-hoild,' The, Neither:'WiRchmon not- Siilll'L Ron bad orawling in bid to, E1,11,.b I ou Ht r X itioni(i in oour chief in, the tHicket D�4 - 4 dozen yards a. it'. Watorl6o; L.Adiniral' Sir ProyQ.. ped - out'. b( the car to him ShOW11'ally tOL face. tljQ coul, ilisicark.- A11 itellipts to ietiall.eit III to his 'LlIdUL wi as 11L.and with lain f 8 o4istance. pulled ot.--lizid 14 fly. '011 looki W ng. or . ound they . bew I capiured the Adiiiiral Watt' figured in a. lilludy6d. frei.911 t . account. Morri-*.'011�- bt-gall ta 8 a r,oilent, just it WA4 n er'of I)S, 96hpoona, -hall falihid . 2. inches long and. two iifelie8 thic:h. It e t O ebb held a' b ar uud w s. Tlke mother ininie(tiflately' roe on- her. neuLtas; engagol Adinifal.Sir George I too lat�el as do all e who'g..L It -ft au'dlt �ookaad as if aI16w is suplaOS44 he'swallow(A theeinbryo About Api�lcs. - Westplitil well wounded oil board like. in. Similar trausaction.' . He Bull, till- c jut] to go. b.y CRON- of lizard whiledrinkilig I It All.sk received 'at. Liverpool fartwe the lit fid le:gn, bor-.,:heIxd and ne.,k It. vl�tor�, ai Sir - Thomas Trafa,loar; pteasafit, youn rna III ad 611 - tL. of :TO sl�aurea , nuitual. p pies showing above a fallen' troo. In Wiltstri.rWaserve.d in India and iP tho; the cl4r for when he llai;dod by, five ano who is a, plly�micia. t, f4chunk's brother, it, 'areacald. at atictio I ionepre Stiintly Parsball* seized hiti gan and Peninsular war- Captain MaNAll, -bf- Y . . . its coniparitou Over to a poli entail, has'brought suit for' its recovery'. who oQnir' I this irado. The . Sales 0 8 �ed -Mo6down went bruin. ' Par-' Toionto,' wus on,'Pieton's - staff, at, wbo'too, I it k. hit to'Noa, po ice W11U W 'At. Sudburi, Mulss., 'yesterday are.hold in an''itninet . infy hall,'In the 11lard. sball letipe,l out.of the -boat find mil., W .Sir Richard Ungland 4ed ion, Where fie kavo-the liatno.of Froil, I afteen000,.W; ad of bell tre.of. whicli is -B; table on: which nine, Stood in a doorway' whero him 'towards 'the- spot where 'she fell,. the third division at, Inkertuan Sit', F�T'Wick. �' Williatug. won flatoo' 'at Allothemill cai pnrk: But' what becatne of e aj I Uh' hels Eh bo Mr. Jos. BarbAr, of Ge n inotlier was; sitting and ailikoij O`v" a barrel of each inark iS'plkkoed'as it er danking that he allot her, Kars, slid. Sir- John Inglis at Luck- Still 1), L aOPgPtOw roprietor of_ tilt. pap p er mility *49 fier [lead a gun' which, . unkfio�wit to si"iple.' tie ' t * i6neer sells for 45 ' is Mirough but no socina, I d now; Cof,.7Duuu of. Toronto, - WA3 drowned, in the Toronto -bay last' him, %vita lobded ith bird�h t the m'i T; Ces t 10L appt V 0 ten arev-sold inJots he reached the tree than- Bile selected as tile braveA of the it wroeki iroll 0�0.deposits have .been chutgoenfered i -fie nuck-of ikediarick of -twenty barrelseach and BaIdWins M A. Nade�,aged I I,kihiiig him -almost d at th.m -idot �Qf 4 walkhig.e*rect� "lortal Six hikl%dj�od ti) fecei.Ve. the ori it Viet 'd�� Cross; 'Itei of Perti), . discovered in Clarendain- Ailjiug, instantly. . Klimia' overe . seem to e. tile favored -variet: oule and with' purt,of hor Inwer aw car� e n though a surg oil, won tile sit 6 X"HEAVY VOTE Loll cotility, and nilillipg operatiotin I I are with grief titat.ho his, fathor rhose.whotil tightlY and proper. ied kji�vay. Am tioick as. fighttillig, reward of valor for daring feats bi .ire to be commenced iturnediately for tho.ir'lloyeloptuent. to Shoot hint also. IV packa�d hring the higliest prices." Oliv6i WO!rni'mit, �10 fresco Apple picking has just Vbgim .iii., site was upon . 111111., all (l,'qniuket'sti il't Pa"r§liall, was upon the ground, but'., the IncUan' "'Ut'jily. Si4e­by side" with the Soldiers of.'Cbe Mot6r1and,. following is the- vote pollell oil die.9th. instaut-for u'tid At thEy * NVdarot4okh Fall A SgiZ , eff inter, . will pa Falls earnest in the counties that border lie hugged liej� closely and Seized her. hair, Iiis tooth, so that site -the � Ctindians 11t-_ With equal devotion And-foll wittio4lulti ilonour. the repeal of t I he Scott Aq it' . I Hall. Enjily a.jed Henry, Carpen.' ter'foi $1,000' for the � seduotioti, of to Pei -feet ar�anigoments for gos on both Sides. of the Hudson ing O�.er th n rubber NeWL York State.' Reports. received not get at his' fneii; with li.er 'the hot sun of Indiij; looks down tip ton.. Our readers will iiee that "her niece,'Luey- Iluu.se, anal got 02,00. lia�ll, fifteen foot' in�'dianioter',�­ for, a: froin Uie principal Lai aple eowlill I' we, Her. 1.11outill was baruiless, or, 4raVoB. of '1116titizatuibert, vote was. a Very large one, III 1,861' Air. Donald A. 8 inith offers $50,- Pattie of 4i.,000.. W. S-. 'Graham, f seciilifis for the., Tin' 9 leg iholiv thatIn Vielp'.1. Ir6arttg tire ories of his ooln-: kvari�, Joly, t.thii first. vote, thord,was po Iod , . 000,for-tho ondowulplit Of a. oolle,go GMut -ord ind, -and I � i a tile tigge ga e . P w*lll, be mu�h' 0 - 'tho PA [lion, was soon at� rigo in handi Uut'lie dar6- not fire into in Clio Park(fe fell -vithlas face to tha foe, and'ou the ramparts 483 for' dio..Act, audr. 1,081 agallmt for women In ConlreetiOu L With Me- Gill ge.. Buffalo b sineRs Iliall, are mau%ging healvier than aidot satiguineof U t Olvain the affair,.- Worm'ld's ball will be the ge ed in tho4pring tile bear, an one ininu to Parshall Wam 'top of'tbe -11odan died Velsford with it, makir 1� a to tal of '(.)It 044 9th. hintat t, the voxo'wusi—For thti ) T. � D. Miller, tl )a.. wkiM tiow'u 'receiv. of.'eubbor, thrate quarte�s oLan inch iind :sutnuier. counties of. -antre tlaick, covered with.,clos6ly:braiAed Itockland, .Oi Ulster, Greene. oil and next sh.e.vi,as tipperlubmt. Iled oil tho-ground.like dogA,. tile blooln Of YoUtil glowiiig -on his --cliot-ki - and. all a bca"is enthusiasm I I ropeali.1,767; against the iopeal., I' ch�!ea mail- of Ingersoll, hom thLt his f ed.information. a I )J O tarred rope alid filled with dompress. and Albany'the ultow that fle.expects the 4all will re, is S. ngmhab Ilia gull wan. 110 I I * , L vielo-throw it.down, and Seizing a , of G tion nn atf,alls L who have distit. .9-17, mAking a total of 3, 714 vote, all hict -eame - oti thd vote of. 1881 of Cheese at 6`6 At "liferdaini, Holland, eXhibitioL u.. recoN . ed t1jo first obeyiold Ohh',A-401 pd. air. ass,fruit alipvc ceivo Aofficient inointintutu to'hurl it the"average in Wiliq localities, whil haue club. watched ..him Opportunity atho bruin terrible blow ill war, was mado W. Toronto,' 829. he incli"aso in thaiioto of, gilt. for tlm Scott, Act., as ag41114 prize., In a6vera, parts. oU'Cujuborlatid the a considerable distance. beyond the loss, L as a whole, by reason of Falls and lie %vill,lo opicked up by -.&u "falls fj�otjb and othlir and gave a acros.4' ti: ke back, hi6li-silitioalt paralyzed by bf�. -A. Fgaiter, of in lecturo and iii'lil At thfa" Vofor. it I'll '1881i Wn 00(111� .ral 'hwhea of yy N. S., save -0 ffo gunt. igh-ai. tfo Ill, :, ti,v�q kwiug� '-, 'L I . I 'th-i-iii, b4orft -.40t ' .L.... The iiiereAde in tbb vctp I '& '...I a. oil un B it allow 'S -'d Pi-ORPOct park in6li rail -way. of a fall yield. I'll point,of quality.. f in brie nt&val,Psirsfiall his an Sir Isaac Brock tilani 'Ohe Oki Lot, an cotupare wit i an was r'Plicatted that it five inch fail of snow. had takeu� Place at Moficto n,, Ali 0'xtraordinary incident I occut4d and I . ity -tho -weat �hore catintieR Ala in the following order Itnifti find buried It illL.Vor justbelow one of lifir fore awa, Ai,other tef�- Yeats before It i ati, warlikii qual% ities of the ouiladidil valuiltoor Sold. 365," The -exact maji6rity apinHt Clio X. B, at Soaco4net Point,, s., a (lay or' two ago. it Appears that all ox won Ova goi Greene, and Albany. Oil iiiiat; struggle coil] this'titlie iery' repoal in 180.' Judge Kingmmill, of RIkerton, grAzifigs nearAlib mh6re "wil4re"the the tk�b at ' do of the - Hudsou -� the ooded in 'rappling'Par, tit" b ' par ' suca. . 9 a, Shot) by the shaldpir awl wbiribig - I?eW will loul)t that tl�' -three a 111gy -rilat, . o P was matried in diti En tflisli Cathedi% �irxy OlRd fish,,men ]led spreall.timir sphis to hortlern Portion of VVoatehe.4ter him about, tell feel" w6n.130 fell up, Cituildian 01t1cors go to , pt For to AgneH Caroline Grace, third daughter to d ry., !sit, 4 qOod. �,,O wing, Putman does 'strayed oil to it Bud him bec fairl well, DutolieNs will some a Lu0j'aL Ott _ I lid h-ortAiis side. Viele will (to credit to the J)OUlinioll, Ma- ]or- Denison coiAilem of iIt,arlike stooki Petitioll., Petition Lieut. -Col. Bernard, late Aruly Pay t "llip fee a ]noshes, me entangled in its lelly' - fitid fruit, though tile logo by wit fell no onraged -it i in that lie attwok-' being nettrest to her �bapmin A uniond cotuca Olt tlin gaN 38Q sh 3 44 8 Departmout, ed tilo 8(�itjas Witi bin 60rils. Then frosts, especially in and near A DIP1114 him, wholi 116 ducked. and seizing Iter by tho middlo iiiised lier upon .1 ce.apre, lant f,ce wile I C ly Nelson. 2 2 121 q John. 13ates, of Biddolph; . was, lodged in jail oil a commitinent i8su. the fail began, With each plunge and elsewhere iii that part of tho of' Ili licad the bear, county,ificoriside-ralAti, '111ioDutch. t broug it the find then �ollled ryj and colm 01. Wag ono 0 'Volsoley,m most' eftloient ollitiors f k 8 15 OakVillo. .161 I0q . I 3. of Lu" ed b.y* 116ruard Stanley, J. 1 i1a 083 Soiliam near , yield in itn entirely will be below et to Ilis foet by 0 It1hu. of Ion itig the avara4e, A. niraguificonI6 Paraliall to take his 94n and . ' 1mr, , The latter got'his g UJIL, taut bo� oil c if -1870, and I do I tlio x )at Hhould their, Nory ices I k 0 b d o i�3'1) � et�l Atilt : : I 4 C, - (i.4 can, oil a charge of tiolumitilli* a grevous nud ititJocent u8saitit, on, alliv p UP the Sefile tip 11 Ilia. yield liorn,in cotlso(pwnee Of wh ell he. *111 be gathered in Colurtilita, Some fore IA gob C1080 to thO brute, 8110 had ripped all t IVie)O' " bn required in the-lille of blutle, I Georgetowa, . . Acton. I Maria Wright. thrown to tlin ground. The fish. Of the finest apples grown in the United Stattis there, Ito, back, and WXs attoulL pting -to sink tl fit b, , offidars )a Ilion will ao q u th(lusIvIve.1 84 oil t volunteer.,; dild ha, Burlingkoo. The followin' b I inimpr. ap Istria, ly were in olft lant 001011 Aft%V the Occurrence slid after aro-rained Homo trouble extricated the captive. turns from Roijoselact state the crop her tanth..into Win, but as her lowor jaw waq Rho eOU14 Ilot do 60. . hof 1806, atici am t roffti. I The eeiiie was badly broken and the !ago gono I rakilig quick rtinA Farshoill split a ir forefathers did fit 1811, whou. th,4 DoSalubprey . - in file akit with �,767 Uxhrid,ge two; NVallaceburg one, ox complotely subdued, Thin in the From gr6w'e0m in ballet, thr�augh her ties,], and Viele hundred of thein,'hurled. back 7,000 ogahttt the relien pf,i I Dutton one, Alvionton lIilI(JtPe'IJ­ fit'At OX al -V01' CaUlyllt In 4 80illd A Columbia and in portions of Ulster oil his shoulders 8116 ' invallors; atill Sir safto 111.6t.klu the, (I ecleti The W., , r"j SteAvIlle Seven, Valleyflold two Vittle Com'ptbil braany 6tber place. find Orange it appeti�s that much Of ki�3k' ed li�r '130tilL Yo� lig ninti �Ivpsb Detroit witil a'. force geNt voto fivatte Polled ill this colloty, making a of total 6-ty-four, the crop will be Shipped direLt to - are vory powedal, Atli! aithop would wilich coutailjo,l oidy 300 regulair, wasill file hist el0etion for the Loe�l Aft. Patrick X "han, a farinet i.111 tomfortable cite- unw.Aandon, residing Europe, Tho Gernian, and Ptillich applesivill bd ofittrij ho0ount, prove a watch for 9. small bear. At. tile, 0011010lon be their figi Bud hI I victory Legihiat lii-it 5,869 u 0 it C40. I'llo of kill- 1)(11" W84 ow -If in the 'township of Grantham, bear he p icas of brOAd gelly dis tillL ','seasoir, and the growors tdong England Ireland, Ali the Itudson Rivoe are aware of the look6i for t1leir, wo ds, it I t W"Y4 With ft force also pally consisting of-, 'given at, tho 148t'�J(Jactiofi for the Dofitinimi Par - S t. Catherition, atteru pted'Suidide by cuttifigbist1l),oat'with hraRor. Lfts public beillg WrOth that though 'fact, For veorg thp busillpN Of ship, found that Viele's back wast slightly 14,06rated. besides Volunteers, tio hopes are entertained Of hit rfllc�v' ery. Ho rocontly lost two df his 40 H111,111rigg tile wheat novet- reached . p tlg Bald � I 118 a 'rei qliartt))�, an(I in nokV bately above 35, i nd 6 -nings to Lon. d6n, Livorpo6l; an 01,,,,,o having a badly oppained Bottle, hall 6evoral scrAt.q1108'On the back of the She 1wittited tile 19(i.4t, Mr. V, IvAtta, children which is'Aupposed t'O be the 'CAUB6 of the ragh act. tlieprice of broad romhins exactly liden stp bt; .aclily,growilig, the woue gas wheo th ptica of wlie�t, there is nvory rej%gorl to believe all neok and hpa(I. Ilia tilde waR 41.90 The doini-il they thouglot Cifrk—Thin in TI0811 his 114411d it hilo L, inill ill K file fito �Ifl warl, ft"e, 11111111111rin, was 10 allillbigs higher. preytiouAeonsigmnents will he I% More would woIgh about 180 p6unds, And jR yory ilrittoW moliatirp, Iture li6h 60-t ill 14-6ducitIAL &6I . 11 11, fkW. 'A Tloeont6 cotrokpondent of th(' TWPnty,ono thbutIand one hondro.4 hagatella alongsWe of tile array of id Some nioo mmuer ailk tit 50 I 116YAs INIII088 Rftyg, Ur Sealih wbo inApir� arid toil )low houjim, fortuilig 161 bareelp that Will reach Xdw-leork 11 yArd. I ed the henew, MonAly on Ne, Ctottiulfl Aftoe for, aorma,06 AtItin' ,tA 41)(I RqUhr(all, TrImit's' Atilt MA -4y Pitil"NIDS 4101011 lift kierohlo. if ., Xitellaft lady— Ali' in it, llihtyie I 8111161V* 06"BR6 InOnt;# -han b6611 appointed Model find Otivear1bg a diwukdo tie, of and its a gainefal 84 r,fipro Of whenappliedto the nd haVe a very agtooBblo odol, for R, tow 'lie very hoigth of Attle. 0111Y Itif-stion tho mot -f e6stiful couill Wd , 110%.0 8611061 IIIIAP06tot by Alt. '965111- slid Mt 11 Lonrlori i -the y(j ii Ig83, t1lillgai only tile Very boHtL'of t1fo ft LaInly Momenta Rnd then dio kway leaving I,, Not yesterday I sold it pattern febus this; to MrA. 131able, whow you know is a h*or I ('0111111 CInUil, . I'v ill R66ft get tin appoin - 09p6rtod an thpid Agarcat look 4hoy Allow a choicest, vitrietifo m6n JVhO )J4Qe tileL ,11 compar by thir 'giV60 01 � �J 1) _r 4 Wt y th� I ji: er I itor . i it 19 Oxii6sed the m in tile 4 swho 0(luektiobal hehd, "16 With tile last. joW V64rs. attebtitill "It flbek hot pay to Apnd 80dond and third , d6lioa� dorightful bae6mioa Uo ridb 'A to tria khow tllab tboard W6111,0,11 IlAr history of doil. OP1,1311011 flitit t1lo 110". Qt. offileii, 1, in ThodhAildli wAlk, tho oArth t d 01`119 fe"'t,"s 11"o en"911 0 4y t4t to Aphl`0 At An rt. J. of kh# ex. "ShOl I out- you Off bdmoll; rthe Ifou. havo at,c;ollgh I'M 01,11k Arliqk yawl ilpf I )own oot ind W61114 be 01164% illglft Jig bosom ­ ­ 'LL .. . I I -T 'L - - . I 11, * .1 ' N" ' ­-­­ in I ­­­ L�ig­l P