The Huron News-Record, 1884-09-03, Page 4*e Nail VOW Z # ima, lialial I oer,"' ""' 1,16W, I L T 0' x4vig", x x -lis E, I N N III MIA"" la, too W"y vokille 1P Was 04 haillto formerly &Iyea to forofult _410 twiv own Blifene"r re4pr4k if 4�4 4141; It Cl; But rk bet- 4 OWAU . ul, 1, 11. to to tho w4ro to bo'kat becausa C fl, BeUtwill good, tured, by it kilies f1lotteb. The v or, Wid an llis%r 1, .q4 OE&A. r, fir, 14,11OW alihing, and flid. lytiu Dow, and JWQws I* r4 er4talas"a Cool Carriage W. orks., VwNutliN3 4-., TOM\, It". W fAIMAU (rotululug r i oil 11 sallire -hung oil to # h 11 felt valthwer Ilao law) WhPA a sulw!MIr dtwii Wing 1wr lialicile �" , . t 14-1 44i" slut though the 14wo" ill tilfs, i.4 growiO9 Krull&lfev "VerY flAY find; They offers prmoti' SCROFULA AlIV tKii-4 11% 114ilet 011t Or thle tallill-T, 114111 001 kot OJOR6 �. '0 ATTIMIA OFFICV, italc illit reasoil, Air its notlit-inguakio. lespect, and tbo Vngraut lawo, have More oftitirgy is VISIM.-a ill. in4ividlra!8I who die in deflusis of the right. -can Drift, be mireil by, it lboron.0 rurifloa, Agy urgllivt to do so maki-it Ae postaivaltet not beeit rewrted to against klip"Y" yet it, is 4cl I tiVU Of 110 blOO114 If UJIl Il- 4VOLTICI -vt4polisible to the publishers for joyttlent. P &I'loreall, that at a r1l Ile 9111h 1111k. VAP414,­4 4-poso the diwase Ilerituttiates its tatint, tbrvu�, 416ert -$treet, Ofintona, Ont. the limit. of forbearance might h ' U64 "when � athero are Such tit' 1 -If ally pell,"It 00,H'S 1114 113lIkIrdili- ay& roilg Ye uwry wo, darILnt,_tO-nI&4t? gellizalou aftur gvut-riltivil. Aillong, I., .-malluivil, fie iflant Inv, all arrval ill, Or been reached "tro, th is; but kilo jWcl Calls n1l"ietfrial efrorts, so earlier symptonwill: ovyi.,ormwats are t:d itlio iiubIvjivp insy ejutinue, to send It elit par ce Of the tv.) UPQII a thow There's nothin' so ralieje a fican Hezeianta; cutauvous rru 0119, T vaj 114 advalweir jr2we 0 Pat W. utileh, to $turn the fir the eyes of The wurrld 48, to fAll Puelilatult uAteerill, lNerVOUS PROPRIETC1181 elitt flublill1of I mally 4ro-ficood to abarldo loutil j4tatylatAt collect As ily , H., CANTELON, 1S to AVeft deflervii-I pitui4li- the r apecial 0, %vit,do ainoulit. w1wthor It bt) takett firim Cie ollive or not. There carx N) no lciiail toolit. cotitatry and octupy the platrorut, lierninst.the otilil.flag-, !tithe van, S.IC31 COMPS41, (Ile. If AllOwt d (0 QjI.J. 0 - pulpit, ad . vocating some 0 0 -It will a bit of ball, 'The proprietomot Tan 0orliaticit, Xxws, .1iselanthtuance itatil the pavujelit. I,% lul4w. not oet of 0ititioll"out of ilVall. rant fill spe, Pier od th u torrh".KkItil and Ll%et purchased, that business and, 'Plant wilaborgillae 101wrlianplioll, wall vali. wouli, will in futat-o tula—hi Hlj�,Jqrtkij and; on. ato con. OW III uli� ft -4 --vin -their 6x Lot, th-� post direcied to his w Or) low IcIll; ye can Wear ous Other ditra"'Crutfi or, 1atta Alauladfus, are. of Tal; 11vitio Ar II4110tilera car Iii-betlicr he Tim Vub- bat dot -we Hold I to 010 4byRults. of tile Salvation i4cnie ifigontp . rope on yir�borinot, pablish tho jantoxalliated. papers Ilk foevi-ry wboro druteirtiors, watvhful rora chatice, to Jist think botv,thewomen will slitare BuGGiEs,',0 TTV.8'SWAGQNSs8LEIGHSAC. inder the title o( "Tut Ifulitol Xtws- orde4v his paper to be defled. enter the gap. This should not bef _R -jjIIj4jh'Ij 4t a Vel'taill tlio illiblish- of file, Salv4tiol Is a�si ,r C I Aviq to the right- Ulo, work before tits, noods every wun Will Invy whinlyer ye don Al ("llitaltou ill the West pro.operous town In It tbe sob; to belld I oit if 1, of Way, and, (lie ititvir.ruptioll, f to be at his post and, litr his Oh, fvilit a prou4 witflily 0111 be Is the ev? 46�02,s reltrybro a takes it out Of the CP Artisterri, Outarlo, lthe alent of vouoidombalo violations 9 duty. We waot no, rot to LUMBER AND SHINGLEStakell ill ox01tan (Ava lue a call and 1 u(stift traffi f th urn- pull, me, carps" horne ItIsfollfroct. 'ge ound, P be anal i Ut It Wlit give YOU 01t 0311.110-tilic -atLI1 filot A IP411 I.Atiat ;W for w Ui silies. peace hi the practice of file, It banical tittles slid phartItivilcital, illsty, all Altel. 111 Ir 0111 not to mititida tho Sv§tqxj -oojta�r, -and %ricaliural. section fit Oritairio. V k9vi-ofujo, Horeshoiiing done, with slespaw n' the 41ndrc postilli of dizeaqvti c(t11'r foolery in nlituil blecatalue fortilld., aucli al the roly must produce. -Spriotll pjotg , tquj,- illetrt Tile religion f Clirist in one of ' The fact wa oa live kilon't ye sole?) ourv. . At (lie 1-41lue little It ca, of TuzNrw8_ JOY, find Mel- U, GANTH LO'N. pall- VIREV11010. exceeds that of 411-f palatur sundav tit I suit Other Avit pence in believing, and on I- All the re tWf our lives oil me pill, riches hhqnIthfdI ovtIon to the iliall ant, in the colitity of Union. It is, loll 7p, in. IIIII110 10 a-11%. 811 places, titid at longth dis Secretary Should bal preseuted to those iti' $!OUT ultsurpassea as all advertising t 0.111. servit-If iiii Wodoesd p. all 9 ;1y - "I whom the ieligious elklPtiOtl iii,!WXly 8; 404r. V�ILIIAX OxAla, Awtor 0 ate --for ti.o. Houite It 7,oN la. air. 6abblith $010A ;at '140 P, Uh tk fflie g1qotaxjAisrv,,V to Aesporlain# Regenerative didne oluml I year, $30 if (A, be ro LT 0_1 1-72— T—\T, Tj_1ME31jT:M at 10.31) at Circular 6f, i0fitru tiotils to d I I Ulf Is ' composed' of file grepultre Zrkh?'2,44 Wishowto inform his Qla Customers and the public'gellurall et0 6 6 ines -I& A;? itifir that r rally" public awl' Magistrates 4i. aware that the mere birth of veltwsthii. weariness Oran' 0 A 1, -eyeation f, QtjId-Q3e0 C144pipapAr at it ro-'ri rectiog ttleAlvires for that III Only briklg* 4 011 that beL has again opent:d out III the 301 41 3 ;ties 12 ling1q, tha radides of Votas6iriu, itud year, 50 :1 1 year, I 1.3o Isawlath 151:11001, 04. W- Of tIM-0 PrOzWsbiolln aild tile prtiserv. portals, and it is that% that 'veretheblooll niadepareandheafthy, find 6tj-�r jlLj4pec'4jvIlts Of lio- 0 mos 12 Col 4t to before reaching the delicate vosalii of tency, carefu*q .1 a10.30 L. fit. Atil ation of tho public Th, ul 1.11 ititerif" I care is needed ino. 4pqrill I . Carriage and Wagglon B *1 nei s s 611104, 10 IWI. J. -rep Lbein it) that Iiar�ow road fle8 flod'iltaliz . avert. ofC48foll. 1111.1 'the belt Advertisements, witliout 'instructliars as 2.30 Imli. the lartl yer's ounded. 0 IAQS, 8 Army tested the powt-r of the ex� h fo the medical In es title blood; 41141' thus. V ys -ascribe AYE:wa nto spaeo and thae, A-111 be KI 1) iptla at'll.30 ra. In. jg�o. S�o, fqr, alloi, fill to life eternal. corifluops to health of �Pljyfkd 441 1 left to the �udg- 'ItY 40, eilt of the oompolitor fit tbo dilplay, in- or f1 0011.4talitly JR1 On th-3 Corn3i of Hillron aul Oranga Streets, q4t 4i�4,jcea have tittely, daiacidW t is true that the laborers alrei too. pill III the Billel; Buildim,known as the I'MoUnteasMe proerty," wlirre lie wM early st-lic;j, :1.30p. aal�. REV. J. Gs&T or "d [10 11 S1, D1111 serU4 unti foritiadov, rucasured. by a zir:ililw isoca3r, gin PlIM'd 011utoo will enable 111111 t,o IIl(*t the- of flat-, puiffle III ]its line. All uparoil (12. lines -to the Absolute Cur 'ade fitall lCq Ail or ovi-j- 20; yvar4 In, 1)114111ess In 014- 1,14 ordiopry jilealitilrea, lsglliii�t few for tits wvrk that is to- be done, on Mile ti Cale of solid no aud riot -fian not 110 oil that accoutit it must not lie.. young man, when you mea, an o.l,l V Or all fliscawi Caused by tire vlt!41.1 and charged 10 cents it line exeteded, except in IrOand uiid,!r abandoned to va rant teaahink,' 11 examine before porchosin"'. 4ill thil lbtist; Improved riuskilatiuraottirclil, and kept out that part Of'a eat notit insertiqn, Orders to discontinue �!ry fo cit pracdeala'a degree, far beyond any coustauoy Oil, liatto, fg. dej.,U- 'asiat W�ETM3 :E-1T_T:R0TT lat"eia0lics', oftliti peaco' 11111ald adjusting her spectacles ant] on of material of file very quality. and tile worglIVIII.Alp Litisarplisseo. vall allij for &A the blood, it I conecritrntcd to IN usertion AU a Carats a lino for each sub- %,.r 4 and eli( 1.1, "Settled Proposals," it, is titne a3varti icilletits must be in V6 ritil all Special Sets. In the United States the duly aul,110-rized minister wi -tile tai3O of libtsrty�not a week Bud th-t his services. are appreciated for you'to Take 0 the woods. 9dr 'Notletis sot as ratIon for wjdch Ill creq's Kate G.... tc., ALL WORK WARRANTED. PRICES REASONABLE griait ...... Tu�sfs t1lat, salviltiollists um tiat. and that sir.oner r -later4ho means and 1i therefore (lie clselil�csit, 15 lines to the Java Coma pat insertion ; 3 for itici A trong E' as 1 10 centla - Iluo 11' d and itinprisolled for violation -eatiot,11 efficiency.on his part adorseineut. ai the best V oal, jiurlf�ln, I- P4 clue, In the world, O*R�Repairing and Repshiting- Promptly Attelided to. I r neiel,tulase(Itrout Insertion. of the WWI, -alld it go to 'tire wilt- not -be' wanting. T cult Sofa cublems. a Tim uOderich News Title Jarge. lie Clergy, the Medical Fa conthiont,of Europe we filld that in Sums raked in by the Sir Cho Press and the People a 11 endorie In .1vatitill . its, Chair ooliters. 50ou Ich'-work Bordock Blood. - Bitters as.the best r -4 alld —1 a free toleriatuto Switzerland, Geneva, Artil y durikig tire few yeass of it$ systern renovating, blootl purflying rxi c JOB WORK0. ofid Ina"Galt Oro Lraille otid the lictne of Calvin, existelice have enabled the tonip known, Its, woric bearo out the'll! lu fancy work. r ;;,. 4, /ron ec .4yer anz &'torleV, , as -3. :-CLIXj It DELERS IX- We have one of the best appointed Job ?I 1 111 if [fit' Hu U fl ord, isill, whira congenial pirits wiglit, Old reliious bodies to IlIve Sent a Office ivest of'roronto. Our f",ilitles in boot recommnd. 802.2t al"it, ook it"% I not Anai�tical Chemists.] 11/1 4�!) C11 tc-, IL Ma f,- =j -9 be expected to.sectire the Army tol. large aso 'of laborors into. the . . I , departniont'odables to do all kinds' oration, even tillere GeipvjLt. has led Lortila vineyard, and this- ljris� been -S J11lotIf �jthlajh$ III caught a V klx loto v IN som ewheiii y F hy"Pil If I'a- 65 o r I. p I o If a Crii6ful1y'- -aind K6,ourate 6mjoiii, 'tile beat stybe kjIO%vjJ to the. varl.ty� bottles for 00, poli r, in blcb is useraia,. for d,fts or lac;:% aqfo� (Ainton, Weldneililit'Y' Sept 3rd. w4y..Sll( .10,1101, tblif 011If. can. So, 't L I, ust to tie good caose, but itU Careand Peapatoh, a tolls fill' expellin.9 the Artiy front the einak no 1,D.l)ger Covers tlie'Ariny in yo;r head,11 lie said, slid lie rdera AnRw cra laid at �thq. lotyeat possible rates. [two I" - and 0 ere4 wi la; Is oko' ofon. .. ... " I w Ora by wail promptly atterided to. Zvell lywilliftaltli, bookause Tir lo love. ftzaqy-wfaar)r� d skeleton =.ant I—- ­ 1. " , , "; jl(L'IIPW'pAinfUI.ly i"Ilree times that Ilight, to laug I over 7'lip- Public w11j_X4id, py to soldints _4ppare t, I t $ SQ14 for 0 c0l. a "y. Wc Intake angelsoll a P11014II14 OIX9,12110 10 %LII'WI Adic;; PEOPLk"S I INxLfDr 11%, s4sh it to be d1stuictly underitond that. ive it*. success as a punster. It not woith, the small tarlee oC 7 The News -Record, oyr,,elves re4;,lhl)tsjbjsj;1,ar the aphIllonli Otte of my fair correspondents I doubt not that our CI III tou Army to free yj�urself ofevery sylliplola BrandwAry NOW, oilet Soaps, Perfuntory, Shoulder Braces, Trusses, Sponges, and all JOYRNALI, 240 fill-tias Illy worda applied to title gir)s will yet Clittlik trip for wiHing the,,;(- Lomphallots, -if. yoiil. r Clinton. Out Respect Age. kinds of Dellggillt$' SUUdrIQS 11411ally ROpt in A Fl St-CIaHS D�lg Store. Army, that, 'It re traeilliaracter and mv %VIornino, voice on their behalf., mnarill t)ljok f6a, CIIII fit carstore an(] get it 1882: g fit. g6 VItallZee, (.,VL.rV battle 11;ls persons are . plai;ity EMCM y . 0 U aaiiii of th must, tio.t pass over. your corret- pect, iii, tire. case of Dr, Flowler's it prititett' oil it, use: accur- W Slid hope ti Lhe avowed" 'bui that . I -to give Pendent.' Aurteit" lo tiat Sallie issue Extract of Wild Strawberry it -certain.' dfugly aud If it (lot. - WALL A lat 1 4 yott no gootl . it ';- o�ject:-Tfwy cause to' 01hitou of your joiirnal, but as he eodorsi,4 bii�ll wl I c6st you 110thill", Sold fly J. 11, A 191181NESS DIRECTORY iwePT.Aity of tiny furtbor trspass Oil thel ly does, for 25 years that has LL PAPER APER mir clU III its bv tq, sa yd SQ0 Is 1.4 that -all ink jittl4 tIly �o fully I nt.ed put the standdr&ritnedy fix the.peoplet- Coalbe.� late, was lit all,(! L IP, ysenter. D The time for Ho.u.se-Cleaning is near.., All wautfug 'Do l4it, it,,; yolt: t. Innocent I Allow tire' to railie 'title 'upon ]its letter,' and I Ualk tile It,_ for Cholerri'Mol . '0110. imue colitain I . ndAll, 110wol C faints. Richard Campboll, sell ofEdivard, I'aill-Tibell 9th (ion. flovriok, was 1, eurtain, and exiJbit Qje full ? H na 11' Parlor, Dinhicr-,Room, or Be -rs 'no. less fliall - three C9.1171,11 per notioced Aliprture. of the Army dal 92 2t r rokipondents wb6 'cohimeint on niy forniallc6on tile sta(re mkoleton may render furthfr'coru� :- - gatill g 'it at lig 11 1 Manitoba OU 11110 1 (011iloullicatiotil," I call not pass When enerai 'I AIn mulliCatiOn-from me'unriecemsary. OTHER ODOROUS Ni'ATVRS, UNDETIGO 200M Pa 9 oil. w as EDWIN KBEFER)IM TA K H , TH H' tillilotiuled, particularly As. two leaving this plates Its made as candid I am U I.S. taironin as they fade ly . into illSipidity, flUt 111.111 -fly will fitid L4 3-)M31Trr3:SW ffato r' P through of biliAlu.. t0 110 ft 0111 01 -0 fair' Coll, fiVulatitail of file general adinission � lopi(Lia I Imilej . L� . . nihn's. r Ariiic.t SulTe. in- ofll profehsiotial tramps no' such ,I -xxid Lu_uest Lte Qf Toronto, Honor aradoate Itol dollerjo III-allad a it i* J:),m-- Patte'rns 0 a.. 8 whe" . est ., -r tells to� I'lifie-old titan t T111t; Tit F, 13 F,; r 1,4,% IYF I it t It It worl if ror Cuts, Doiltal Six hal . I] dicaots� that ,tile' sailetity sprilildeq, U'poll bandkleithi�ef or Lve referre b SitubkIn- Alroblibitory tire st�. it raernains- delinat FLycl, 'I"Llotur; (211UPPL-LI Ilon0s, Coat Is 131�c�; Clinton' a to the at 0 10 P,�'lvts' to np- lot soMe twi) years ngo seriops refre4iiiiig,,'AtiLl�deligiftful�T& tho:last hi -4, and till �khj Er'up- LiOnS, allil PoSitiVely mi )�ol ,flat. ltia, riots took Place at iprogress of sulataking- in Up III fill argLs itiler4tes me front -ooder t1je 'pettic be tald; in- justiQ "to Iraq allow lot tl' "Tbe chijbi; DD HO Kews-Record, be Oiat, as it Illay'l mast oceasion.of tire Illeetinly, of the South Australia as been so great in 11, IS gUlipillitee(I 'to gli,e rOdier 6fids )"y tiLu' . I - . & c 11, ov toolley riog -spy. centenarian Gettgo. :i.%LL IORNICES-AND PANEL$, FIL vati FRIEUS, all -00UptQSy respond to dioir re-, on,: Arjjiy Do 't,bel receiitycar as to reuder it advisix�ile Jei th a0liligton is sald to have kisiea id vv.aub 238-ly uni. false itig -t 11:3 -The Hazaar.FRshion 116oks fur 103 are out had c%tn be had III) THE ACKNOWLEDGED falook Won its As d 'cheick its rowth among Clio y co. fitoki it. im OoO' of Illy- flL*lr took': Plate tilfre, at wIlich! vast, tl� not oes .1301r, QtIlL tand se,4 Cite papers �ftd got a 13' k of theacolbuy. A' measure ha, there- D belihat Itansford's book -stilre.- etrbrts were made to Sect: re bi the :,In a diffictilty between 111rillialn fteAdened �ipl)Qtla the Tompotance limit, Ileroil 1_10tille of. 'Er/a -hi-rAvif a,4 I'An'lll- 9 Nee, likh J�iveryntnble keepers shouill.alm"ya I L trad . lZobt. Ml u - 7 PoIleS ally. v I svriteli_ donitio4trAtionftnd eVidel)COLI "creas' Asse -Be. ju A Clinton, 1, 1881. 41F(maiit Army G kee� ed vitality; and wo tilia nrm& Dil Lhriment in the B d brolto Wilsoii's le y t ... ell' b st4ble,,nothing like for a e r person veors of 10 at, My up so- litucli Pre.5f. tives from India, -Australia, 302-411 L d dL i n'g Local' sliall atnoke ally PIPe, cipr or cigar. X7- lie 9e)lfl (;Ijefkj)ej thsLat Italy Saloon top orthe-Earth. l4 *4114, gossip aill)oUt.the America, France and Switzerlan 'WhOat guilty affill 4 Ytoul]g you cannot Ex Mil ettas shall be deellied tIjink if 61ralin t;iy erproseitt.,- RoOlb, 1NICS. :fe li- Say "$Ilal �Iljut risen." �talt 0 froin Manitoba to 8val'orth Playing tfill OJIL ebuViCtion ;hall b.60, Boof 1�ftll�f a cell, "88* that, 5a you will LS Pei, liLmIlred poijulds fr�igjit a. MANNING S sip, a0F.TaE ("OUNT 'I -as frouil Yk rkshire,.., 110 8,�rrlstarit, Solleitor.4, &-c Coni. fl*- mt Illy pen III relation. othe to I c tLei Lanca- roes 'INTON. MUSIC fAIM-RIUM atilis to' a par a y er olls were said quite correct in say,11.4 lnce, and'10,000 P 8 'tt��o shad has itf w.l. it I -bond ht 6 AcEride, Voi. 011ie lillo of or more' Ll-jall X- and hl- default of her& tirl OL Ito ), M, Niall" 6 0:. oil At: far, Payment lllli�y be imprisbut'd fur, ally' td nalsslouttria for a nurmery 11611Y (.if lt�**toaimbars, Of' tidle not 1�exceedin*o, one. at) Towx Arnica 0 L niment- i!i -equally 0 e C11iltilif 1 17t)i, Jai-). .20 ofrence sliall cents pet, Vottle. 3 2.4t -r owo Iwi Vfkllt of tbo i6idel 011 that t..f lef to p. ' L �1. 1 'met t1j. Fort tOL a good -for In It it And'bea$t 2.5 and .59 ral BoQth said diat Is Ore' I'llat; oil tiny and. fiff'ol X 11 1 e P�riiqq'eharged teaellin'll ill ation,as their music al)lj 'P* of 881011.9. 0 le lia4 I -eat this otlus of projiding* it is age -or Atr.Tliorxias Itidd of Seaifbah,- Sold other ec D. A. FORRESTER froin the officers 'of title I t'Uj fty 'tile The Ilizilei. g horso 16L, 0 �aSSULffiLell, 04*6 11 d 6 r L ratio -of. ill telligence Ord Dufferill" as. not inculcated rposeft, t4lov would ,a a yoollg 1, jillik Sortopif is 6%ViL I ta�l eL'Suol- of. Arniv" 1) - dleir Pa lly, willi,a fl . icy. f6r Seen aauorag� 111"LO Mr. GeON d. Whi Y rl�)V :tI LAIRGE �TAFFLOF flari L , Jay t1jeol filbille all'd Ilf"Vt an'd oct-l-file Cbriatian a �, ill tbea4leaviticles th6yffildin t5ou casi'l. ty, same -lie newspaper waste- apq.pti her ptirt ionie -into mourning a "clous Ppacticl!t. the c6nteuta Or 1. 0 fflic, a, iie*ave� Block,'Cliraton� v22t She ulust filloW tfiRt She -does not basket. a' gaye tbisru Soule Ataistj­ of djobo 11u; call CIP'tails as 1 0,116, within tile kihibitioli. by, 110, W to* the Army 0 W, elites T, othinel e [it Hull - h lia-1 better -1 .. uritaran t Ve Rare iiialant.. son of lier age. To g P to A bat, so. If slaq) -lilliv 1), aak �'tteiitioir. He stated ulal 0 r' ar- we law, it is pro. Strivwberry Plant POSSM* now copps at: lipme WAKL. A�nly Lbe Capear,titibn of IT W10FA etitm living lot thf,trapLrune Oe pahr- pofed that one,lialt of ev'ery penalfy as fare, virtue. as i6all cooling, of IIIIIII I� sink, llown. itstri6gent, antiseptic, arld . Ilealill.g. fit I of . JILIP jklVolltigliti6fis juto Alid 254 abroall, with 1411 uffiLerx ti d the AVUatt,%b vvt r It at� bottle and B87 tibroad, the .1 shall -bo paid-to,the hiforui, and who our to I', st unive Golloriub, Unt. 611. i lie doiol,�s of Army officerq 4� Oarlp- etuaindei to the treas, Medicine, it ofambined witit, lot it week fior.a'dmy, bot -I lid lit-Awit ILAN or Slid die r loll, midlill the past days- and tho-ficutefianti being -18b per week Other valuablo vegetable� extracts, -alt oppliod tu tho:aIlLutea Sold 1)), all 'Drug. Soligitur, &e. Office, of wtaper Lot, -die bulili,.- used. of- A 'r'XtpjCt OfjViffl 'JOO-4b.. BokCap s travelling TS concur with,aw Pvjwi'expei�nea, 111, 1, reniQ4 'The ba its oij"L6611(lirigs ol 3%1r; province. berryLl'biS.,al PONDEN tat nDr'VbwIet0 traw- iy in all clutneilt8.6t th 302.2t tff Mood to lond :at lowest rates of lotreo0 I llat, "Ito llad 4 -ft, 0)(3 Army because esuperrior. B ur ki-Itirktolli hy. -ofiltill.-No, I I I . ll�� I n r ... ...... " 3 getiortit a, Illars the st6riliof Suilut ly hail 1wedine' dis,,,Lmt�d with, an Willits. b )[III0.1, Ife C - - ightning dui t stibstakime the I l'i a IS and, .6 A L,0118 RIIIJ Juiolo P C dU 1, '�j Illt All aptains and V Dodo or want sWrfn mis cotisnuied,'% i'th tile Jorclaies the rooms formerly �"Ii 1WCOUNTY n a thtlE -lift I' t6tL ie-4oitrter of wliat we ed, 'the _tUlly Clit 66t .1 01 -dtcle, Its he (I had badly "bully Burns, Aijiss VVI -11 be pled, IlY J. a it;. "es, in ZaP A lay ailkootl t6 JoIth at lowest I Art �oj I Ui. very lie It of tire drawin.g:att average'of$,-) pe'r, a'awyer wili irag� places foe'llis autrial'append.4 6r five, buhidnil �und WI tartl* 2NTU 01111. onis) of its nitimbers,L I)Ut if" aofily pa'i thoosand* df (III if ging" a ines time, at Isist. u *got c own tOL.P so a as n it lie woul'o i. D o I, trough, kite ; Did I uodorstand*you to aj ifie',pav wa�. moty, RlIfely a(j,j 'a; I uch 0 r 'w ord that lion po %Itive cuee for this dangerous L 011 .1171 eked, I,thatt the defenclatit'made XV A 4t A'.coligil. . ; , : I at for aIJ Route or Cca�ip t; and -.I lint swear. .ft sel�, laing wore.,for bell oi dertain retriarks' about, me?!' Will You beed the Tha, THE chron forms of -Bra%val Complaints- kLL osaid O, sir.17 in f, Vlf. Bj 144, u I I licattil- n r� incide* t to Sbininer and Fall, -is, f6tiand tilt tell detail slit- I y we -e druiiiinjugg,a,t We uld Sefilil to -.1titalleg "All, I ir. so. 'Well, n w M it) Dr. Foisler's E'Xipil Of W Ild will llflbk.(i fur th't, tl,QAIA� 0 ...... all A, of the (jounty.- Ad- ta�r'ily to be -ocured froi UaL tile risk ta' . L ill'--ul, ated by the guioing ten thousand tickets, o a I Should like i; R81C you if ho 'fluid n any drug. ! I tz" r i� ordere to voiliii oil gill of the inovemptit, tfl'ut were Issued for (lie three lialls if ullislafitiite thLbse 060flog :ur it.. We know li-oiii -don't th'.nk It - e L could.'? 'X 110-110 .1k. 33jAjS3a3 a J.D averl" aq:,tfjoy call. it, there its, occ' a Ilea thilit, cur'e 'l %vilich.they a".eiiibled, oil fliat" a. U., HMILTON tijo reso-airit (in ubseq it Tied A reporter* at Pittsburgh turns q4t votir Coug - Jil (',I aud if afIqlli -paid only his t L. o lk. It liever InIl. ThIs.e.i UCTION ni;R; lanil, loan'twil insurande agent, , , . , , 11 j,.sdni6tliiiig.libelo.us,l,prtstinie to be a leader cT robbers. I '� a oil plains wily niorii than a N11111ou Bot, -th. 8ales attonfid in' ingy the receipts 61 A6- repo . rtet a. des were Soft] Bl% ;i:nd irainiorali�y, auder the rjtj� yett I, . It rellevi-s Will you be kind enough to state tda 511. relts6nable tornis. of farliks and villaid Iiavo*produced : the forge' still of.. Ilits-forsale. %Jolley toLloikli ourealestato, at I -j) Of Own rk' -C ud' W Want), 11.9 '6ug4l, at Out(-. low rates of 111slanallee offilotett oil all gat 'the court what he saill?" 01-1114 In t!k(. Wal air onis Perrin BloA, -prices LOW and Mot.hers (.To j)Qt be without it. For '11111dit'llitilt 4�errlly (-r-t!le rmWe Call Au, falso eeplilstock USAOS of property. Xotos azid debts colloetedi Ne' 8 y of,, alioo -it) with IIXes, siq, lie Said you wave an Lome Mick, "dit-ra aru girls, -Ex-Alderman 'I'avlop Purlous 111a,,ter, �6IJ by . *11. cpulbe.'. Th e n, andthe Light Rum I oM St b'dollgol"r to thefo 41 8 hought aild sold. or late honest, and truth ul m, Wheeler a d in D I in, -air of oronto n WN6 I IIIV 110* R14., ti I ovou­14 Inspect. tried Ydlow Oil for Ith 263-1y. tbo bushi.esti "pitys well,",. t"I'liat's enough. Call tho'llext wit. Sewing 11fachines. agaio�t whoill Ilot oil Watism., it cured Trial Afte, nit, other the lawyfir.went into Like At tl�o London Caledonian games nL Vi It dis-paraging tvord.a': illy 61har rair We have heard.6o.peq'iar kL thiled. '302 2t Also Needleq, 011.ai)il attqc* oll."s vaxyllig from Bows In lena'years ago, that With tbeL Present fury room for a fittlit' 'With-' last week W. F. Scotia of. -Brus.sels vriety rroin-po &-nt, Pleces. A 66t. "A -A to $10, sbolly Firl wa clintury there ha� 6a uc tMe eartb to -day towc Ist prize for atiat"(1'rig "'gh jl'MP;L stea,11 and Out, III 56t, r Tifoing Foks, 'I'll it 1 it,,' III pels,'I'lar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Army Girl'! also qny-� a great res ollf, excite I went -who would be sleeping in' -its runnina high and Ynd in stand. 'lutela. Fifes, F1 Violill"Cli"es froill -ival, ll�pftrlv� if riot all tile I�Nt' fol F bosain GIIIII Itesvq) ute forL tile timely -use of' Downs; Ill.,, long. number of bompeti'tait 8 .5 - Book,; fill- Or,,wn, Naito fill fliat 01intoh tire Bible and 11lissiolitir; So&ieties llav Jul -�4, J. E. BLAOKAL. Book, coritainhig tho r Avtheui� ever produced, to No A rIlIV itilialt respect. An IdYl oftlic Illeatelli, tlixi in.eaia:h Or tile dcl�petiiions as very 1 4, all Iliad bee in(, .10-4t is lilly ill Iillo, had their rill'silice its colki "Ifirge still coiasisted of tile best al 'I,er*vlli Block, 011utou, Out. ome Illence"Ielit" We 'way go Wick R Rooliester roal POruNs. A 'village Do'etoe,' on g'' es III the Unit6d Strittes -and Canaldix, Veterinary Surgeon 1-1 and deportbien't. no Joan of It ir to sea Upti ier and Wo find that in t ht� I n6v-6r saw such a 116mely woman Ono Of-lifik pAtients in'the country, crutlifally 6y of laid if little f C -DLOHERTYO Oraduate of Ule ollt�tflo Viltdatittary College TO. agan along in 0ve"hopo of ljt�v- rullto, Opened Ilia o0lud In clinton'?Id sovLoteenth"u'lititury failkticsin in all iny life,V Anill Ill The 18 from J. W. 11tollaray, of will. ,tio ting to it stranger tIlqy do njni�!lc I those w1oso furaturly grabi. bular lot- Willintat Gillaslay, prepared to tromt-IIII diseases of doinfastic of and purittin i al, ,,, he nunt, tileprin. pu�itall Wait standing near Ifirri, at Windsor Beach." Ng*little solort, A wag meating 111111 waIIfivvs bave not beell blilk;1cles, but ou'ld think hot- face isould aqlie,tl On tII0.W8�,0ask (;I him whop liy ourigy- awl the' expolgimi -."I all 6 he was Years moeh afilletild witli'luostivenesta, lffllliiu�. iples. 'All oporatiolib carefully %%III) are now tryiitg Lb serve God, of the 1110111.1101y al Ime: time iwilldlig to a`g'roup going, no, or my pition ts I)CHOMINI, Und (N%1114 Pr011ipt- all at ile 4' a difforoutitiedlulovo, %,hicli I VAttunded to by (Jay or lie doctor. Are you not atll('Y bot.ju.4titi or women. "Tito. talleA (in(-, near t jfAVO laid Daily olp and then I ww-4 Vocal liffidlarate. - lit' olilk !t of averSion. Anif the to continuej. ts Is t I a, rpst' sit" bad its Over ft I I'vs-as lu 411d V11v Ilu'llible Itostillilirly (0 6entupy'l;egan, maw. 11 It d yotl,ll hi III ifyou use thatil feltataid,whia W oil to It,, to oil, the I I exeldhireal the, wag, poilitilig to th.b e A:T 0 H. Eis'' 0 door West of Xen- jillt L , I.. . ddI Vanadi -c gel) 'IT g"od C strAhger,uiov6 about impatiently r no 01 1 felt like ii; itow nutt), wol I Uqtol,.Olinto had. all 4phill work. to V-17.. 41 tict of I Ito of my. rt..coverthe &build lost jtj tile tfou- Cloloks,Jewe ryr,L­.'� V d .0110" 110' )'1. 0,ij if](' Civil 'To Rr Dii,mottur ijt February o0l; 1870-��Suld r in Of- IIA;r t 1. -F-Gleanstitlie lbal 11 11, 10 txklf Iliad iiiiiew of the Prote6forate D44 I SAY Lb'd ne, alit.with A 11.41, alit! it 41!i: Well fro ar, the e" 0' Q,. 4 0. _Aeato- all tco 1,don?t mean It v.; 'Title fill rteil do'lightfal medicated-sbap Tort Wingliatay:, SIL trtlifiI-Piob -was- ­otlef -narMio -Inks -blu#A 401, liiiii)k aaepted tile Coll AboutL as 148TRUMENTAI, X01St0.--:�NtIsNWebbor front 0 8ndsh and: rare plaiit. But with - the needa IllflInfl, hIm -lift, ba -well, rii a tlaai�in Jul old inatils privileffe, 14. "Of tile hour I to c1laillplons of tile yes�thatla my aunt.11 tuad'a, man as eveecainta, bh ii;sion Coil stryattirr of wiliolo, wtll take Cros So was it will the right .%V.Ilit It Hit 0111 tilall'a 6t1t, of nh opera-hou, young itertuipto the friatit'and pilivotl the 'J'OU pl?UBTLIlayp i0isunderstood*nI tilvell to those wh6 wish t4 oil their of e I Xllel I started Ilia first BID-BLECOMBE of th . maji. wbo It AN ili'llor"ali"ti, I ized Sling. Mean 01,6 wrathy because We IJjjV0 it f4l)CC(ly 1111(j. itn'AltIVO CurO, diancobf jocar Clio opilanIietorv. -36 way I iii it po fi it) wnril thool AgIlaill4t, (ho A, for 0 -It, mo fit 'OPPOSITE THE MARKET, clodlill- 'Out illing! nJJdL t1lat need ill dUrripy woman, with ti,baby.11 floirloolleinth.-Iludionce shouted. litart okei u H footing and Ilead S1111,01113 e rapidly t1jari fit(- 0901), tbat's all 'right, my "Pown in froritll�' _O___ A)V, it Ilaid fijji,� torfree GAME RED FROM RHLIA AlW11 PREPARE FO THE ENEMY 11 RlIpply ofspiriculil.to wile, Will you lIavoAOmoflflIIgV� you Photily P pl�era C acheiti, The pop. with bottle. it. I rittdle4' Oold awl All ver Jo .Our Army tilation of Great Britdirl has irlultip�. �'Caymoti vir,.-Childreo are Caftelt rrotful and III Wit befal It 'find qiveet breath Prlee Wets. Brziaochins, Bar Itings, 13mceltels, etc, souncFs. n Vorma is tfie 1119-8. "Nob y. Inve Ihey dono'their 'Tied n#,al.ly t1irce-roij HiliceAle. Cori), A Truthful Wituess. Ca. eorin Syrup gafely -tiold by J, . It. Coinbe. 263-ly work nUDr. Low's W .0 1-4 HOW() of 'tho.pregent a lid Ever andhated, ,U1,11a ootory, expels all, woems. 2,9V -4t 0ollipildlit (IlRt toaclices alld 1, 1801 it Ivas utiller tell Illillifiles, A youn woman froth the country A Buffit,16 minister anrlounceA'tbat ill w3ille O.f tle8ullool.f, have Ili 185,1 under eighteon millioils all(l was :SUjIjg her e.%.SWeetl;6art . for A limally pulpits are flow filled with 7 O_ UN StildNeglect. . .. ociftsed ttviiiinkee atid wer-e to. dude -11 This way bo, but (bero tire ,in 1881, just 6welity-six of �breach of find the jawyv�rx Neglecting a. cotratipated'oonflition vry7low dUJPS * In tile *flows. They floilda, Birtil- tifo. ffize'rortrl a Speoialty. w' ting roe the pretty, GO I in Q)e l4unotly an�d other wilona are I(OmAll Cath- Were, 148 ustial,-makingall sorto of in- or tile bowels f87 stied to bring ill Stand outside L E A oils for large at- smal jig of The tr"1111im d the Arnly-to the ditl" olics, t1jus leaving tiloro thdil tv� health and geeat giZ to plass. pur.9es, taid to suit call seaso THE NARKEnns enty quisito inieregatorles. su riarge elfrAe, 9 U4 I 131-o6a Bitters regulate'the bowalsin of People w los ft -46 Voti alay," rebliked one, the a the Stock. -Ftl martnet, uriry the blood 'verythin Clock.q. , L co ed, '(III il�, oil t rotestaot 0 Iind protpoto a Ilealthy fiction 61, the "Hot le, S% te,illilig I To I fendarit frequently mat-vory ol'se to a n aui of the beat make. A rrecil oviliry Tueod pill -lit and Valley Jewelry "kile.0 po.11for In till eg,.ht odr, clel%y atid tpinistliirsof oil (10110111111, stotnaeb) livei; kidneys &nA Bowelsi 111101161, 0. to Vot. 7XOO lafteM.0011, just be6rd I.N.11 wny l, tat. ion fill' IIIV 0611 Vilirkioll.of adons. This at -11 the reply,VVith 'A lie" wgqbl�� romoved it tiroilor apillifttloij of �10 a se'riottm duty In llarlio'li Llarbolle Collato to tho Mali Yol, in'tho vat y itj'ji, but it is mail few (10HUR Of K1100fly CLITO forloi. 0 'OWING 6 rEg-Mluxtring promptly attended to' d fnr mdre diffi, Lie filial 1-oAv going 'to pressf. 11" & uYLlips, yanur reArl aolf, Tay 'th fac h fly ganip Illow, 0104401 In New York -fl. woman IS Paid six P1.11111 a Oleo xillid tIbaganoltila, Pro. and satisfaction guttral . 111 teed. iNfoetts aro, :) oN fflititinga aj�jpl& tf�)at is a 11falil.whY Offlul-118 LOMPlaill poriol[ of tittin the papid growth of etiotigbil So'i bile cheep WasiIll Conte f6r old nt'vir 1.)rog n lbilvot"dile flaldng L- L. . - ail, I'ligilt Our Sttatiell is VO inali U filet U res ha draw tho iigti� the sitthO room weliesded,1 logid I A. U, TODD, IV, N. 4 %ith idlers that, they or t6d nitich, perhaps, to &iyjand it 1% L ri U11 StOCk Of SPOGtaCIOS, M AXTU01, Scey. acultuval Population largely front III(. And you Say ho PUT, III$ arm it, 1). trinus accidonts or greall Versa] Of these prices -tbirtv conts The votintrio.i. V i!!If U Ary tuid I lima to tl'ilrs. pound YOUV for nlalking4 allift, that I$ SOI(I for of the Best, INInkog, always oil. hand, CO Ii -im, Pain sfluninge Im not towns, thult at once Ripnrailig aeI centli-andyill these tire about its isidered thii surest and What or All prayors of tho fritaln thpir 01(l rel igioits te4olinpa and �Vjljlt d id YOUL illy, then!' tililcitagand wearing values. J, Did "I keCOM L Ill, Ole Ilatives CLL Mdgil, No. 84, A. A $1 Arlov fiat -ill to brive been -of 116 (md lettvilig dit-11i -1 staid he put both his arms around bQ1 -irtNT01 sthe fAVOrI( 40L PI r - 11(,N; Iloilo, 116. good, 'I'L "'Relt' iliddis livery Pritly, on or ifter thatuill mo "whiat ODPOSILC the arkef.0fatoty, a. gative niodieltiel they f Col. j�a I . Zare. Thiq is now file great diflio .4f, NtACIV III W. M. L. volttuxl�', ftv, ave they dollel" I hope they Apo mil(I find thorough. 200 ty in the wity of religiratim progress, 1110 hugiad me., 0111110 An. V, leaf, o An ni dthtbcltry�s ....... is A toe, have the Army viblatod flits 'Allop file Other dq with h I 110110 110110. 1 all) 11610d, The clergy ot the 0hurel, -6f glig- 'Very' litirdtf A Woman wout int J;Ildrald Clio extrilet friatil the letter of a land, !rt Ordla Wittlitif hunlifor I falight, fa havat ack"fawli'dged 'YOS, 110 did. 6 I)ATA thitt, I come loralt ago title it(,% of )fan hall tho gooll, TO MPJACHANS; Illug, The tions -ono fbe her 100 t- "Pt"Pielleil I; lsout 23,000 for a churellpopulatioll urty near flolterhil-right out., 1111111, dwy 1;1)0%v rin I other4or llercow, Oil on tlieitig tile A0911191ILTURAL MTO, COMPANYf, How 08 elle '0 their of t1lipteen milli000, Thri C proflildritfall I wore, X ;why clidn,& you hollot?, sh6foutirlsho had ot�mooev filavea, liflider MIT, by IL The Cliplem ONT. ods Noon at ter WIN 'It., Iva at I(Iftoso'l -TAT TO- fot111tillielpal hy-laWRIIAVO tot's slid licoritiattiA 01) ged in nain- epilat,a tyloniont, sbao baj4, 1101ve me, (It all It list Was lielit, at 14 1 to Wit III the tHOS ARCH FIRAGENTo r wits gli,ron, ItaIll ollr IjjjtIVO fSldHCtotA t, Pr -d ation tea ibey linvo diategArdod theny, 1,0801, mid tire f'fill, to guard �rtgtdrmt local noill- istprial I, work, TI a PrIllree ('111(flell 110eatille Wilda, NiSAIlrell it, tll;tt 111RIft tolt of ON,ery ion to W110111 Clio One, for the cow. it wat; lilmitorthe 1, 1111V 114 othaaral tilt 1�0%1 ittle, the Callialattated my usbanrl's to-moprow w" 4real"Od 1101 stop" Wrookill, Itorl Haroliteirand tho'notItty fieft 01, 11 Fly levin tit fled Vieto, And title mid boiliblegA lArL 1110, fdral, FriltollitV whi hliffiffilITY tokolf stlill. COMM 1`101141111 Allid bt or 0 A'S.' 0 go The t-,6rb eOiT the 1,pn4, final NVollu P, flfile Ily(11.4it for, );4. �WHL TE16,11 had to be, mptiall out And Pot lintler FroolhallA Nvol,m titiptroy "I'lliv wo it _ I tlVopIkIA, � I)AIA 1V:& T AD# pol tllo N.14 flit I