HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1884-09-03, Page 3tr • Oo1erioh NOW8 on fla-eoo Zetotarett).) e• Thella" fiftlit Salk, 3ormt—,401141froal le‘iiieWs14eta game atritinstfrorn now reliable murex, eitAer ft waif'. .1tOloort4 of MoOttogo, tn. • y 044 eAtirek debtor, etc. sumer" '< mere infer:sr Ady!,a.zirteeirt our daturitne.-4,1 AidiY 4; WANTED at. once, to learn 'che Art-orPriating. Must be stale* iiiid,`,L411.01,14•.- Apply at this 195.tf. Smoot, Boon-L.—School aupplies at loweet priceand IV oitires''tood note paper for, 25 cents, at Weir's Bver"aiSck. . 501 • ?a" Eoa4Ls.17-Mr. David Citnteleu 111rVPare4 to purchase tpantity, of, apples, Highest market price.paitl. 1 302•tf. the',D, B. sk R. to Niagara Fins sow Hamilton; Sept. 12th. Train leaves t05, a. w. Tickets, good two itaxe, budyis140•44,. C'ATi301 2t, • . . , • • outf,..w..a. mammon') has field hie farti1n Turnberry to Mr. An- . derson, late,of Scotland, for $7.000. Mrs. Tho. Raman has sold. her farm of 100 acres. on the 2nd. con: .01, Stephen, on Tiiesday last, to kr. Samuel Sanders, for $8,000. MA; A. Guisoe, Thainee Road, has eold part Of lot 21. north Thames Road; eentailig70' acres,- to Mr David Kernick, for the sum of $7. 705. Miss Emit+ IttimseLL last we: returnedf,oui a. four weeks visit to Lucknow and other points. She was greatly winged, as she is the alto singer in this section. .and a 'promi- nent member ot the 0, M. choir. • Jonx Bowntm eecond son of Mr. John Bowden forsuerly a ligtel.keep- er in S-Itforth, waa shot in flielead, arid killed, by a .boy wIiowas earl). leerily handling a revolver....,,pm„af fair moored at Houghton, northern Miehigan. • • • 1—''Tfste CANE JOURNAL and Monti; Nllumorist, published in Clinton by S. J. Andrewshi to hand for Aug. oat: This putlication is •now..verg, ing on its fourth yearand app.ears to 611 the bill satisfactorily. It is only 5W a year:: CiTLEEN,„RoBSo.,.4 t...t no ring If t h • home the $250 Watch Offered hy the Out irio Rifle Aceociation at the l'rok incial meeting in Tomtit° last weak. He, however, htie the sats. faction of that itokras not won .by any 'One , eree. it I was with- draWn f MO), COlti pet1l4i0UL. 4i4T." ULINTON ARP mauciTsRS: —A the meeting .of the Ontario •RiflO Ainuiciltion in Toronto Net ;Week, t h gr*.Were presfqit blajor MurraV, Lieut. t'outrgoied Messrs. N. Rob. oij 4ijk3nft4% ..,Thev;tnede. cred444,14e.scoreii and Secured several . . , • money prizes, • •• ON 0.8 Atow oN'T AKE SImF --Norrhithe school.teauher who delitieratelv idiot Muis Ford,' sn as. sintilff* teaCher, 'ohs' the Markham school Inst week, and then shot huii atilt:wolf a total absta,ner and all en- tlitiltiastie.Scott Act adyneate. But such intemperate condnet should not be !midi' tip as a sample 'of what in clone toy, Scott:Act men generally. • team et the Luelt new Cal. 114.11 tut of wax will be ohlanp4 by P. O'Connor, anti that 'of Rota IfyonM. Roes. IfUlAiltrr townaltip annual fell exhibition on lat and $nd October. 'Posters announceipg the feet and conteining the priad Vett are. out, It Will be 1141..in Clinton. KiflanAiike sSfanclasti Bay* that kite "boya" of that burg have a first Ineoptpge On the $54 fire brie gado przo st "Ornssels on Caledonia' day, Sept. 9th, Our Clinton bri. .test the„validity •of that mOrtgilme. • Vtiti..Stattaard says that the Kin- caedlost:Skatieg rink in being fitted • With a hard maple floorfor the purpose of roller skating. Hew doee the idea strikes the proprietors aVie Clinton rink, to 611 in the interregnuind bee Wenn now add ice making season. • DgNkliSqlf iii doing a rushing bus• . iness in the Sewing Aftioltilie line, having made three sales, in one day last week. They were the "Rays Mood." This did -not prevent hie attending to numerous customers in the boot and shoe line, MICHAEL ftEALY, of Goderioh, writes to the London Free .treae to know if there is a little girl, about two years old, by the name of Itialy in any of the convents or orphan homes in Loudon. The authorities of the hemes will confer a favor by ,informing.Mr. Healy • if sucti,is the • fact. WOODMAN SPARRYLIETRICE..—Thia • Was remarked as Chief Paisley with ambi-dexter handling. Of the axe played ruthless havoc with the doom- ed trees at Searle's corner.. •The Chiersiutipare"totough, said another, but still the disciple of the grand old matt -persevered with a persistence worthrof his exemplar. • The libeirality of the paid advo- cas, "hireling" by their own ad mission, of the Sctitt Act is provei... bial, One of these gentry, after be had relieved himmelf of a tirade of abuse, on a platform in arum coun. ty, against hotalifen, in paying his hotel hill, wanted. the proprietor to take it out in cigars; of wlii.211 he had ilia pockets full, having sponged them while. prying 'into the Crook's Act, ; A Yotnfo' LADY attending one of the Churches last Sunday evening placed a 25 et. piece on the seat be. .side her iro tie to W-ive it. conveinent when the collection was taken up. Her- look' of istonishAtient nia•y lutaging0„. ,w lien' • being interviewed by,the money taker"ehe."found" the failVer niliterfid, A young man in an adjoining Heat had helped himself to HURON ifeasese—D.ave well known 'horseman �f -Gedericli and Colborne has. about 29 . fine staillane .end... Mares, whieh he will ship to the Western Staten in a few days. They are valued et over $10,- 000. The lateat •addition to t,F set is a y•star.elit gern4e.1 .purpose stal- lio&parchitaed by Mr. Fialier froin: the Minikrii../tTortain, of Westminster, for II 1411111 in the' neighborhood of si,coo. Hiddett. fariner.sold several head of cattle to Messrs Hain and Craig,to be deliv- e ed etre ,day last week. - On the evening preeeding that day' the farmer informed the -buyers 'diet lie would not deliver them, haVing sold thetn'toanother party. The litiyers were mueli inconvenienced- ther”hy • having ,engaged cars to.take a cert- in number of cattle' oincleding.. timed. There was s slight aulphury smell in certain quarter s when it was known. • that idle seller had' broken faith. And he could not be, held .accountahle, ior, 'though the buyers offered to • give niOney on day of 'sale to, bind - the baigaiii, the Seller rennirked; "You know my word is as good as, my bond," ' • • Deroasamee.--With the permis- sion of theAtreet Committee, COun-, • oilier Searle has had 'reMoved the • twolarge ithade trees. fronting his•. property "nti it-attenhary. street, near :perpetrated on the imperious behest of progreee. Mr.- Searle intends builditigon the; now vacant Moiler and ref:pared-these lib4trdeti0118. re. • moved se that ' he can commenr,t • Work. The Woe were Of volunteer growth and were lingering rettillaes of the primeval forest whieli " not many yeare ago colidred where now the busy marts of commerce flourish. Thus another link hetween pant and present .is,:reltioyeck They , were chopped up into cord WOW' a n d 'ina,1 e • --e,---over a cord of long wood. Chief Paisley anti Lieut. Trouse.did the felling ,erel coriT,eu ting work. Ttrititteeta TRA'OE—The Montre- • al inaiket, einitinties over supplied with inferior. friliti Whichhas to bo worked off ak very low prides, Oit Saturday A carload ..of poor sthek sold at 55o per boreal Oa Teestlay there were :Idea at 75e to $1 per borel over vari ies, whielt are little WWI' r i ps347kstraean awl numerous °thee natural fruit:?,,'Ockul lotlf sold Kt $1,60 to tp.1; and a'few Choice brought.. 8250 per patrol. The 100 Ott of epplea is being, -gradually waidced off, and the market is &mum. aqAtfilir Michigan tipples are dewing into Marktfr ly and Cite price is very low. The prospect for win,ter, fruit is net tire COUldgisigt hut: there will' be more than three, iWP8 ,the yield of Wit. year. "Ittlery particle; -of heft, be MOO thie ilettmetti,aft the fitiintlet froitsdrying factories, cider and 444 tiotoriati are aboutto bogie ;their tketifiefilitkirle aticl will 1190 tilt njurjliitig • it, Rather a cruel "goak.'" •Figx•6N A t'AnSi.—=Monday lasti° sparks froin a :ateani thresher' set • fire to the farm buildingii of Mr. Jamieson of the Huron Rnad about four miles' oast of Clinton. The buildings with a large amount of grain etc were burned., The quantity. we have not learned' but as Mr. Jamieson is a.goedfarmer, it moat .tie considerable end hislogs corres- pondingly so. The:smoke ascending from the fire could easily be seen 'trent .01inton. . . . • SuunEa DTR.—Mr. • G. , A. .tfouglittin,--well known in thiesectien 1.of the county, died very suddenly at Eglifoiniville. He had not felt very very •well fir a,. few deka' previous to his death, and on Wednesday last droVelrcini ffilfreisidence,in Sitaferth. .1.g1Woistlyille. When 'nearlrop• posite JaeksOn's store his•head'ilroce. • ped and ire fell forward • mit of the hisgsgy.' Wfts 'carried into Mr. Jackson's house anti died in. a few. minutes. He was 72 .Yrrers :of.age. fli secood wife Wes Mra. Pattereen. :who formerly kept the "Coinimircialw Ctic!tori;• she liurvivea Win., He was buried ou SattErtlay. • : 14r menticatteg =New in 00111uNts, tion with the flower show heft week We omitted to state that telephons. odnlIntinleation with Godlickii WI% made mail:04y. the -courtesy, of the Mesere. Watts,telegraph agents beret, sillowits,g' the Iltie of the telegraph, Convene.; Wine, • posrtforrp.,-.4he untried, capes agalnet keener* for having more'tiliew'ofte,lisie,o0. • their prenoist*O6 tlin.12tk July came up before the lotial magitereteetan Mon- lieetrieg 'otlhent' piled tt4LAtottftty tb Sep in or, der to allow time -to receive the decis Rion Pt 0ketaty4i1dge, TisniC in' the .oeliviction appealed again/it. Q.00..E, Pay; of Pay •Wieemen,•ia vhiithig laleetreta and other *astern - marketn:Z::-Mr:: John Orajb left yeeterday for Mons. treat and .other points --Mr. Thoe,• Martha!' hes .hungaip it horse-shoe, just for luClc itt Rewell'e 'did shop,,. nearly opposite- the Commercial! licitel.Mayor Forrester is manipu.: 'sting the -product of 300 acresof. flax at his steam. Davis keeps.cool, but the receiptly him of advance. shipments of large purs Chanel! Of gores means warmth in the pear bye and bye. Masontir.,The following ofliceris Were hosteller]," in Seaford*, Chapter, No. 66, Clinton, on Friday evening, the 29th .August. The oeretnouies were contl. toed by V. E. Compaiden W. E. Murray, E. at assisted by R. E, Companiott D,. el„! Malloeb 0. Sit* of .the fleron 'District. . E. Comp. George Ewing, rrio: Z. .. " Alex. Slimnaene, " " ' John MacIfityre,' ' J • .. Wm. P. Murray, Scribe E. Companion Jae. Mo.ore, Scribe D.. V E. flomp.'W. R. Murray, Tree% .• • Comp. W. G. Duff, Prin. Sojourner. " • Win. Blabliwell, 1st asst. ". 14 Thos.- D. Morton, 2nd 41 :Joseph -Ryder, Janitor. The regular meetinge. of the.Ohap.- torero betIt on •Fridey before 'full moon. • Tisititig Companique, are. cordially invited' to attend. . • ALimpitu• LEWD XTYCHPT.,--lifi authority of Warrant issued by A. 5,. Fisher, J. P.,Ohiet Paisley arrested William 'Woodman of I.,oncteriboro, snit on .Monday brought Isim before aseeculted.: jUsti,Ces Forreeter, and Miller to -answer a chargettif attemp-• ting to-at:Omit a . rape- on his ow ft daughter.. The information alleges; That Woadniati did on FriliftY Morn% ing abaft: .24 O'clock 'eliter tbe bed- room of , .daughter Selina, in the township,. of Hui letty (attondsbroo), itt. his' night, clotlien.; held her in. bed-, assaulted her and. attempted to oar: mill), know her, with Intent to corn- , mit rape. The -prosecuting Witness ' and: her 'mother 'were 'examined and their evidenee,the most of which was not of a very' edifying character, Was in the -uniin..corroborative : of the charge. Prisoner stated that his house had not borne a iery' geed char- .acter andbe hail reason to.. believe that persons came there for improper pu.posa'That his .going.:. to . his dalightee's room wasmerely to ascer- tain whether. any Male visitors were there. That: the alleged , indecent , and intestious attempt was whits° „fabrication ;, he did nothing, more than he as a parent hada right to do., The alleged •assault. upott his slaughter was nothing. more than , an endeavor . to find out:whether there was a man in. bed •Avi tli her: .:Slieja. tnnuarriecl,and about 25 ,yearslif•egOt the .priedner and his wifehave no! -IiIved yin:v. happily together, fornokie time..-•-R.eport says that wife and, daughter have not aded towards lam a Manner. at, all caleolated: to Make .11 is lieme attractive; tci .be .1thpud that tluk alleged ottliatural and orichinal:attempt Will prove found: ..ationlene, The. ,prisOner Wan :0m-.. toitted for trial, anti 'Chi I Paisley 'escorted him to .goderich yesterday: , - •• . , • . :Tata*•Oa TnnitaancitiTs.'•—•. 1 it reference-• to is :fight that our cotem, erroneowily stated, in its iSstie of' the 29th -August 'occurred de the ,Grand Hain he last .week. niakes the amide' lonorable in rather half- hearted , :Manner by -stating. 4.'inost emphatically thatit occurred so cies° to. the' .(Araiiii..11tiion that We fail to see Any diderenee," and adds, ."Wt3 lieliege the Grand'Utticht..to: be. as .wellStoodUcted and orderly a- liouse as any in .town,, end do not e3ipect•to bold it or any other public house. :respoitsible . ford ,, Esturbancs Occurring *in vianity.Our cotem will have • tomore careful in expounding religidus front the 'Pulpit than in chronicling Current events, else he may leave him- self open to the charge of hereaY., His statnintint that the affair took place t)ie Grand Uien certainly. creat- ed b1iimpreseidu that . it clid..occur there and ,:not 111 the "immediate vicinity" aelie statee in tire co T, • ve:ijam.. All . 'of Which bringefii- ..initid the arguthent of e .brother lay preacher when eutleavoring'ito down • the Baptists. He :dated that those • who upheld baptisin by imniereien• .. based their contention on the scrip. ttiral description of that ceremonY as performed :by John :. "And they (the people): were ell baptized: of humin . the river.!' :• "And Ile: (the S.Viour) went Up. straightway .out.of the' w Which they assert PrOV,f,s that he must have been iitthe water • "New,' 'quoth . the antilitimersion rpreWillertliffiere' iierfir- Viesa quotations in inijipcirt• ofitn- nteron.. :./r4 tneenn at, dose, by. ete4. .tiot i.ecrssarily into,: So that when John baptised he did se ta the river,. delta by the river, in. the vieihity of the river, there or there abouts." The elueidatiou was cpilte transpar- ent to one listener, wile thanked the secular pu lpit orator for haring clear- ed upsonte mistierathathe had hither • .to be. t only able tepartly. cotnpre Saidher"I'never could under- stand dlOW llotied Went lip into the • inotintain, but I now See that the Idea is not meant to be conveyed that he went into the mountain; it is only n3eant that he Vita, at the mountain,': close by the mountain, in the vicinity of the mountain, in ,fact he might have been on the prairie all the, while. . l'hen the mention �f • JonAli.! living in the wiittle'S belly is not at invited. ible to'cer the '‘iikplanation of Mr, Pretvii-r,'=''Fbe 1 now see "that in, the whelese belly doil!t moan inside the whale, "Joitah Vaivat ,the Whale, close by the whale, in the 'vicinity of qie whelei .eentignotta to the Wba„ler et according to!the ,plat . tion rf Me. Peeitchee he might have ridden *Amer Oh the whale's back,'..'So Would nOW teem that the 1606.1 affair: re' ferred to, although ahronicltd by our ootetn. en omitting at.the ttrand tInion did not. take place there, ,for at dtea not &Ian fie, bli4 WAS intendes to convey the idea that the, oceurrence took place c1orie.4 the 'Ortina ITition, in the Vieinity thereMYthere or there. 1600(4 in tact it might htiyo'boen on the Marta flquare, ths1ri.ostoss4.—A -.Huron girt has lately destroyed an ;illusion con- cerning Aranitoba, She .w.ent.tliere, she acknow ledge.s, With • an *idea ob.; mined front neWspapere Oiat there was .a greet prepoitderanCe,oethen over women, and that a•girltould not 1.0 iti the countrylonger then 24 • houre'without repelying:an offer of marriage from souie. rich bachelor. In feet, that every,. pretty girl -held levees, : in which the Suitors took turn like tire customers Of a barber's waet • to expose a. fraud," She Writes, after a stay ojrrontbs. A.•there-:. are ilk -ire MA 1. here than Women,. but in • ,niy judgement ,they .have run away from tutorial bond:. elsewhere, and have come; out 'here for it quiet, peaceful time away from the pestiferous sex that Lau csusecl their woes. . A. viouten is of less • coneequeitte id•Winnipeg than any- where else. in, the World. ' There is • inighty Attie: marriage And- gie nig in • 01,4r4 iage• here. The luerii seem) tO be Anxious about it, and the girls's° well understand. thinge that they,won't encourage, it min until they know all 'shout • his former life -and inade sure that he hasn't a sur, - plus wife ortwo in tlie East. 'Oh, no 1 this is no place for a girl who wants to marry, and I am owning back to Huron this fall.. Awav,"—One wbo • has been there tioliloquisem To %veto ia the titor•eing early; to fled e'vaosai- ey .on the' adjoining pilloW;.' 4) • rise. With trembling antiltipieone of cows llieftreelagirre-firieturfireifim the balance of Inctaal "rto apre ; a miserableslooking breakfast table; to hard -boil the eggs and burn the -tout and Apse, the coffee; to cat lone- fannely and with rapidly -accruing dYepeptic` wiarningefto go to work, balf4darved, hal tired, half -savage. to, liniry through a partly•digesta (linnet' spoiled by one's own molting; to us tS the balance of the dinner for eupper turposea; Wash the dishes. with electric soap amt. 'cad waterf. to „break the name (the d Niles, not the soap) occasionally; to takeup the evening paper and to pause now and thento wouder What makes the house so qttiet; to hear the Wee nib. ble itt •a corner, and to attack' the spot with' arpoker; to wisli-iine haI a niter, end to nermtlely othitemplater. it flirt with some other fellev4; sister; to'hunt for the tob tee° and find it absent, to Make 'itideetts wick in cuphottel. and fitaWerii in seareh for the Weed; torethre tO eeet after leek-, itig' the Xtinet,' J'eli ling the window eashiel 416;itt,"etut 'ooking puler the bed afoul:robbers; • to draw...• the Iva •clothea.over one's head; -to.'illeep; t� 'dream; li, therefs the rub to rise in the morning unrefrethed; totjam ihe crockery itt oho awful heap in the pencil; to eh oot the house dog drown the eat, look op the house, and go oat to board till the 'wife tiomen Such ia the existartee of the grass. widower. .And the woods hereabouts are ftill of him. 'rile. vni.ed'Ot his tiintrig on het IliViitIgh:thi;.landi (110Mitc bitekl•Oh 1 00036 hold ye cooks. eta fetid Insismakera and stocking. Wenders end 011)641116ra And house. 'keepeis genera lyi Come back: 41 Xew. 1.silos .ee trArciTY BOOK STORE 81000 Envelopes. im 350 Blotting Tablets, -A large assortment a rocket Books and Ladies Satchels 0000 AND CHEAP. • All kinds of High and Public Schogl 11439,14 . . Old Judge and Sweet Oapolia1 * NEW 0000S ARRIVINO DAILY. EYERYTHIND FORISKOOLS. Special Prices in Mx Lim of Goods ter make room four Ca'001je Which will he the best and cheapest ever seen in Clinton. CHRIS. DICKSON vityougt„ A •••••••• TOE ditASIPIritRIE waif CLINTON. A game of Cricket was played on the Clinton grounds, Aug. 280, he. tweett the "J uniors," of Stratford, tied tho "Wonderers, jr.," of Olin.. Om, for the chAmpionehip of West.. ere Ontario at „the tune held by ibe Wairderera, The wickets were pitched at 10 o'clock, The day was line. Excellent playing was made. The outside team displayed 80WO masterly strokes and wielded: the willow in it scientific manner that callecl forth the adotiratiou of the spectators, but the borne team mad:). a much greater score, thus sustaining their prestige and . retaining the championsilsip. of Western Ontario, which a few weeke ago was Wrested front St. Thbtuas, The following is the score: 0Lit4rox-18T .1. Stanbury b 'Watson Johnst6a c Hyde, b Watson B. Stanbury run out t::‘InsbQuaryb rauny4ogut J.; Barge e HAY, b Watio'n' C. Coats b Hyde., - W. Harland not out L. Kennedy b Watson J. Spooner b Hyde J. Armor e Hyde, .b Watson • . o Byes2, Log Byes 3 •5 .1 .7'1? 11 OLINTON--2ND INNINGS. B. Stanbury e McFarlane, b Hyde 2 J. Barge cend b Hyde 1 J. Spooner c Hay, b Watson 0, Howson b Hyde Kettiedy h Hyde.. Coats b Hyde. W. Harland Tun out J. Johnston b liyda H.'Stanbury b Hyde Stanbury b Watson • J Armor net out • Byes 3, Leg Byes No. Balls • 14 0 • 9, . • e 4 9 01 • Total for 'Clinton 72. • STRATFORD-1ST INNINGS. R. Turnbull b Kennedy 4 .W. Hay Is Kennedy 1 H. McFarlane °Armor, . b Coats 1 G, R. Hyde b Stanbnry• 0 W. Watson b Kennedy • . 'O. P. Hyde tun out• ' • . • 2 Dois beacon c,Stanbury, h Kennedy R. Eason c Harland, b Kennedy .• '1 Et Carroll b Kennedy • • • .. . 0 .111cOarva liStanhury ' 2 W.- Deacon • 0 Byes •• STRATFORD-2D INNINGS(' W. Hay ran- out • • 17. ,Watson b Howsem 0: it; Hyde stumped ., • XL' Deacon b Howson R.• Eason c Armor,. I) Kennedy McMinn l.i.andb Howson. • • • it McFarlane runout K. Turnbull b &needy .F. Hyde not mit • , W. Deacon c Goats, b Kennedy B. Carroll, b Stanbuty Byes 7, Leg kee 1; Wide Balls 2 • Total for Stratford. 64 Majority'for Clinton 8. 9 7 0 • 2 4 5 2 0 . 0 -10 42 • • LOcALLETTEs.--Xuaat Wedbesclay a team belonging to 'Mr. Connell of Goderich township took a. rti• on their. Own accOutit, it .0. junction of streets ,neer the 'Hetten. 'MirySt. Methodist cherch they dirs. , . , agreed as to. which route they would takei.oile apparently wanted' to go one way,the other another. 'The result Was they !remelt up With. the pole Of the:wagon' square against it 'tree with an animal •.oti each eide of the tree. Trilling injury—The quid nuncs .are.quite interested in the at. tendon paid egress' widow by a coml. dem Salvation.: Army Calla.. The abowld• soget 41' seem to suit the bless ji.ist to a T...—Gatferei Robinson was hi tosyn last week endeavoring. to•get souse of i.:4e Load's Army men- • ey. He filially conelu(led that as Captain Hanthly had possession Of the funds, he also had the strongest arguments as to the- ownereltip, end abandoned the siege lie was about to :.lay. against. the • Caplain—Chik Dickson is hoine from .his up lake trip. The pile of paper: hoxesin front . of his book. store -the other • day indicated he. had. boon bracing to envelop the people—rAn Army. soldier nn being asked Whithad not • hett:er -be at work In Clintou instead • of going to the basigtiet in Wing, replied; that he e.xpected to make hie expenses by traditig wat- ches--Williatu Bay, ctinductor on the Canada Southern, died suddenly in St...tioutee last week, 'IIe had been tronhlai iteqrt disease:1o, 76Tifiril in° „At. Clinton cemetery hist Friday. Ho 'had held important positions on the pratur. Trunk and American rail., ways. Ile was a son of the late •Cotiiity Engineer—Last Sunday a drummer of the tord`e•Army so ex- dited.tionte bovinea, when on,his way. to Stapleton, that the quadrupels threw aloft their tails, put their noses to the earth then uplifted their voiles and joined in the grand liar. teeny by adding their moo-oo•oo to the rab.a.dub of the soldier,s drum. The sound of the tirtnn was drowned for once—Our enterptising apple merehant, Mr. 1), Centelon, we Aro sorry to learn, suffered conititletable 'pecuniary loss on hie ,shlptnent of 600f barrels to Montreal—Mr. IL Hide is attending the meeting it the British Aasociation in Montreal. On the subject of anthropology coming up, Mr, nolo -took part in mattera releting 10 Indians—,At the need.. ing ef the Canaria Medieal Assecia. tion, i Atotttreal last week, br, Worthington read a petter oti tVid Callee of "iiiabetea Ineipidue—one with "escoplehalmie goitre," which gave rise to a disensili011, itt Which Dr, liarvey, of London, Dr, Mills, Dr. Sloalie, Dr, Sheard, of Toronto, 'took part -•••,. E.litor 'McLean, of the Senforth Expositor, last Tuesday , took unto himself a life partner itt the person of Miss CArreteltobertsort, of Itingst000tt one time a resident Af ClintenaOur young townsman,. Jack4ott," is for a tittle enjoyinA metropolitan life in Toronlo-s.Mhis Mettentie. of Cloclerich, who had been on a visit to friends in Clinton, for too weeks, raw nod Olin.tou "Woollens iiarinarurebesett the ahofM11ls1 the7 wilt • Commence Running AT ONCE, under the inanagemeneof bfr. E. Comm', 4.11 kinds of MANUFACTURING dune on short notice, and a large otockei , Woollen gOods for Salle, Cheap, Or 10 Exchange.. for Wool. .DAVID GRAHAM, • rzoporron E. CORSE Pt manager, 209 LONDON LOAN CO'Y, 02•77., ' $100'00.0 TO LENO AT LOWEST BATES, ,Shortsiate looniest , & 13 -1 -:per 0.§313,t 'N.J. r,Nan CARD OF . THANKS. We, the Executor! ot the Ede Donald Scott, hereby thitek the Confederation Life Assurance Company and their Agent, R, Mannino, of Exe- ter( for their prompt and satisfactory' settlement of the policy on the lite ot the shove D, Son. , 01:Err:Esti goTTI•kr: Executors. • " Bankrupt Sale Brussels, Aug, 27th,1884, OR til" WA M WEA HER New linen Lawns, Nottl Niorkt Lawns*, New Embroiderie$, N(741w Reversible Prints in Pink Oheeks, Bisfok and White Checks, and Blue and White • Checks, Orangandie Muslins, White Pks., White Polka Dot Sateens, New Buntings, Nun's Veiling, Fancy Dress Muslins, and Suxmner Silks, See Our Oreat Stock and you will be satisfied. Estate JOEEN HODGENS,. The GREAT DRITaGOODS PALACE 0701114'TO/4 Mortgage Sale OF VA,I,VA,FiLE FARM PROPERTY, in the Township of iltallett, Is TUK COUNTY oil HultON, rr MUM Pow'sa OF SALE contained In a mortpge A WO will be produced at the time of sale, tterewill be offered for av.le by Public Auction, it the Conuriercial Hotel, In the VILLAGE OF Ann, at Two O'Cleek, P. H., ors Thursday, 8124015th septeininer, A. MI 116849 ALL that certain parcel of hind situate in the said township ot Hullett and composed et the North 'Marty one acres of lot twenty -Eve in the 145h Concession. This desirable _property is 'situate wind's one and a halt miles ot the Village ot Myth, on the t. 11. & B. It. R., andNo.1 Gravel road connects it with the Town ot Godro rich, Rome exteen miles distant, and with the Town of Clinton, about rten utiles diotant. churches, School, Flour end Griot 1501., good store's and Suarkete are. All Within easy rsach of • :hgloatt.Pfhere s:are sPaetret'YO; -cultlYatioth , aid to be 84 acres cleared and In loam and gently unduiating. There is said to losorpon the premises a Log. House. In.A PO state of repair, ands Frame Barn, goodWell end. a never.taiiing supply ot water, This property will be sold subject to a reserve Md. TOMO and tonodritifounrtshmerpu madeknown g etfeale. • F • .E. 'CHADWICK• , . ' Vendor'i Solicitor. BEATTY, CHADWICK, BLAOKEITOOK & GALT, No. 68 Wellington•St. East, Toronto,. Dated nth August, A.D., 1884. • 800.45 hotn0 en: Saturday -=.k Toronto young holy who hair beins. visiting Mr. Thos.,Cooper the•past3two weeks , finds that the iitlubrioulf- aft Of Clio ten and the kind Aretithient of her • Mende enable hor to. tip the beam at an ail ranee of 'even' point& over her city whight.--.---The many friends of Mr. Eonwr Cooper *ill he glad to learn that he is nide ID be .about again. Though not as rugged as of yore, time %till bitable him to build up agabo. ' • Town Parliament. Met, Monday night last. • Full board. • BOARD. OF -HEALTH Ileported: , That whereas a sodeatice exists. •iihang the fiord' side of Mary St. be.. tweet& Oiattge and Isaac Ste., . which seriously end a u gets 510 pablic &mirth, ,we •tlesire tO•Gring the niatter before the Council 'at, owe with, aieW ot having the ntfirettice abtiled at once.', 'The nuisance 'alluded to 'is alleg- ed to be caM.eti by wasto water free) the Woollen Mill mei Teunery10- coitiittg 'stagnant to, the 'water eouree or drain-. Cpuimillor Dolma: stated that hehad seine years ago built.* cislvert.tes sake the water away from. his Tnnory, hut it ". beccene 'choked up: On beinanotified. by •the Hoard .of •gealtli had opeisild this up 440 opened' .up the' 'untili • water course for some ZOO yds below • his pretelees: Mr. Corbett. Was. al- lowed to drain bhe rvfitse Water from - the Woollen factory, through ,this • eul vert, so dist sofar An the n u isa nee coMplained off related. ,tetliese two preinises had 'beet], abated.. It would 'however:be unceessay for the, town to: .colithfue the Work .11e .1ind initiated . 'and Open 1.0'ni1 Andet• for the wot4.tioein to die 'Nail wiiy, track. MsiMurchje contd•lered that,Mile, rs. Doane andXorntitt hall tnited very fairly towards abathig the nut: ,satice'complained of, and ftitoav,ItCtlie town Should do as Deane euggeeted. :Have this water cetirse :cileitned'.out te itis Outlet, then it will '14iliie•duty- ..onfu;statiheo.0,. Inspector to, • "47, 'hie' any parties who fill it ,i3paod repeat ;the . . • • oblurchie then Moved; secentled :by Thopipson,that. the Street Cont - 10 instructed to • eiten up v.v.o.ter °millet from Deaint's tannery to railway triiiik•--Carried. ' 7•1113'00wit ED WATER COURSE. • The Covered upper potion peril:on:of this. water course was also saidto emit exhalations from 'the aurface open-, . ;ugly of aeythirig but a.ttinitary char- acter, ty'hich brought Up this ques.' doe again. :After some suggestione ..front.Mr: Chitiley andesti expression of .Opinion by weriees;i members of thei•Coancil, a poliey; of masterly, iimaoityiuitetgard.therei�.wae Vigorously resolved upon for the p1'e9ent1.116 etipeitse?lifrethetlying the evil compraineclAl .S6nte4a.t. • , acting as a •deterreet. .'; : •. Mr. Chidley, Of the Board Of Health, reminded the .Council thet• if something was not done to abate the tilsisatiCe ensitisatIng..frunt. this covered drain, his "Board had.Ito option but to report' the matter to the Provincial Board Of Health, who would send an Inspector up and attend to the matter in a umener involving more expense than if the Council took it in hand. •. 1orge.101K—ii.s.P0RT, • C000nittee Paeseti• and ,Courniii• ort1(.4tedpayutept of. :the following act:Mints: • S. Pratt 240,75 ; .Geo. Rentgen 41,47 ; J. 'Raley 113. 15 ; Charity 9,75 ; 'house 21;00 Gau ley 0.65, • • . . • Receipts.; Weigh tees for Augnst $17.i36; Sealers !Sold ,25.00.j Bratie Hate 2500. ,;, .• TLIEASUIMSE REPOitTi+s-AUGIlirt• Iteeeipts. $509..841; 'Ex'pended 344, 73; Delano tm 611(3195.19 Adopt..., ed. • intipeetor to utieover gravel pit to . preventleaving in, at Coat Of abOlIt , • Stone etreet crossing te he Amen front •Post office to IlObbn, .44..T. It Company to he notified tert3MOVO freight shed NM 'lathes St, Council adjourned.. WITHOUT RESERVE, , •• • RNITURE ) •• TR ACCORDANCE watt A R. SOLUTION'of the creditori, the Whole 'stock ot Furniture of the Estate of G. DIEHL tz SONS Town of Clinton, Will be sold at °OK'D PRICE, from and atter • • 'NAY WM. The stock includes ' Redr00111 Sets, Parlor Set, Chairs, Sidebeards, Bureaux, And a general assortinent, all new and of good workmanship. TI10 stock can be seen at any time at the ware -rooms of Giro. Dumb SoNa, Victoria Street: • TERMS —All sums under $8 cash, Ovcrthat amount six months' credit on approved Joint notes. 8 per cent. per'annum off for cash on.all' sums over • • AffrAs the whole stock mnst be sold within ono ' month, this la on excellent chance for thoep-Parr, nishitig to pathos., cheap. • LUMBER. . • A quantity of Lumber 10 oRerid for rude en bide, or In lots le indtTurchasors. The atock in eludes, Walnut, Cherry, Butternut, AO, Elm and Daeswood, -UNDERTAKING.:. This branch 01 150 buoiness will he oteinded to Ks sane], and at greatly reduced prices. ' JOSEPH csiDLEY, . Assignee In trust of the &tate of Geo. Diehl & sons. . . . . Clinton, Hay 28, MC , 288 tit kirks, otisoN.A.4 Stiqbatott,Ott dle iteth 'olio the wile of Mr, Geo. Olson, of 15 datightt OR TO RENT. THAT VAL174.,BLE PROPERTY, known as the ' Milburn Hotel, At present occupied by Mr. Fintneonroi, is offered for sale or to rent, The Hotel is situated on the 'gravel roads between Goderich and Port Albert and Goderich and 'Myth, and does is snug business. Possession on first of f4m. senility or Sooner if required. • Terms Reasonable.' Forparticulars apply to 294'AALLAN, .2984 DUNLOP P. o. . :i LUMBER AND LATH. U015 SALE, all kind' of Pine Lumber anel 12 °Lath. Those wanting Lumber, or Lath w'll fInd it to their interest to give me a call. Yard back otthe 'Fanning UM Factory, ,Wellington Street, Clinton. • 248-51. JOSEPH °RIDLEY. _BLYTH. SAW MILL GOSMAN SvDODD.S Are now pre' mired to do alt kinds oiworklin their line. Haying vat In it grain crusher, we .reahle to do chopping at any time and on the shortest • notice. • • GORMAN Ic•DODDB, Myth i3Ont TERN -77; 1.884. CANADA'S 1GREAT EXHIBITION And Industrial Enterprise. London, Canada, Sept'r 22, 23,24,2512Q $1110Q010,0 IN ,PRI/ES, •$2,000,00 IN EXCESS OF 1683i.. $1,049.00 in Specials by Frieude • of the Western urt OPEN TD THE WORLD,. The Western Fair tor 1.884 will tar sunsuit" all Its predecessors. The prizes are larger and the pc* teettires rod noveltleo to be introduced will make st the most attractive exhibition ever bold in Canada, Wait for it. Write tO the Scorotary..fOr Prize LIAM, Posters, Programmes's!. tiny Information required. E. 85 ROBINSON', GEO. HolIROObt, President 08.0 Secretary THE LATEST. 1 ttAnive pistietto the renowned 'res. it Nodal Artist, has Obtained the osolotoboo Ole tiot.tlaier Bow. to All the Melt Stylet of Isdiee' and gentlemerN halt•euttinto Oita deor met ot the ffetntnertial Hotel. A PRIZE Son els tenni for postagiI Ind rtreeive tree, 8 costly** eof goods' which will help All, of either test, to more Money tight away Nein neything else in this World. Fortunes await the Werkers eh:oleic', sure... At 'Mee Mints" Wave & CO., Moots, Heine. . vlititisrtmtontilhot. *Ass loATHIS PAPER Whkit le kept on tIs ist the tietes if ono 'rtiowitl, Ito- muss's* fifia.k, i`hicagd, 01. WE HAVE MADE GREAT PURGHASES ..WHITEAND GREY ANDW AkE S FLOWING Grog Liil !Lac Gaols New :03.pek ,Sliittiugs,, just . .Jilt the Goods for ITar:vest time.sar Boy s Clothes GILOOERTES Cheaper Than Ever At COOPER'S Grocery. ,•••04. 'Mr. nos, Cooper returns thanks to Lig. many 'customers for their liberal patronoge in tbe past, and begs to annottece that lew lum initiated his 804 flow as. await:h.:, of the firm, and hopes they will receirs is continuance of the import hetet/49e so liberally accorded to the house. U.R. 60 OT.. TEA. Will atill be a Specialty, mei ran itot ,be beateti in the market, . All other Groceriee',- as low ae possible. . • , Laige Stock of f.1r.4st,of,„Altr,..edIs4 '•'CritOCKERT'on hand. Ala? FRESH OAT MEAL, • CORN MEAL, FLOW OATS, POTAroes, &c, Specialty. iseman e DRY -GOODS • EMPORIUM F CLINTON. $lliii.t.4$ op . 2 (Late of Stratford). has opened out in ROWELL'S OLDSHOP, Dearlyopposite the • , Commercial Hotel, . • 'HURON STREET CLINTON Where he is now prepared to do all amoral BlatIcsalith Work. orsc-Shoeing a Speoiailtr. N! All Work Guaranteed • Give, us a call andbe satisfied. .TC Ooper&$on- • PREEMANM 7orati POWDER% • 50 Omer rtt itt t. ko,. Contain their brit . r 0, Is a Rafe, sure, and etteee real in QhitiIrea or Ain1101 • . TO TF1E. PUBLIC.. Iltderichliarbleiorka T 'HAIM appointed MR. RCilsEIST as ,t General agentot the Goderich Marble Wort.* for the County of Huron. • • ' JOSEPII VANSTONE. . Proprietor • Qoderich,feb. 8;1881. . ' , Clilitou Marble Works, HURON STREET, CUNTON,.. W. 11. COOPER, J.r., Manufacturer of and dealer in all kinds o' Marble & Granite 'for Cemetery . '16'orit t figures that defy .conspetition Also manufacturer of the Celebrated, TIFICtAL SroNE tor Hailing por., poses mill Cemetery Work, Which nissA be wen to be appreciatecl..2-Al1 wuii ivarranted jo give satisfaction. - STOI/ES. Just Arrived,- a Splendid Lot CO.01 SiOres,,. :a: PARLOR & 130X ST07M1.. a . MaMm..tith.:Stok .-Watokou.sti.:11004r.e.aAd Tin Shop, • far OF EVERY, DESCRIPTION, AT- Lt.A. -01:R.MMM D'0124., . t .Th o best proparatiott known to science forbeautifFing the COMPLEXION .6NE 8/NOLIC APPLICATION is warrttatod. CO • tr."w-'"1= beautify the F1100 and civet° tbe Fink doe.Sallow COnt• plexIon it Perfectly Henithy. xitturai, and Youthful ‘•••,,. "- Anticarauce. it Conceals Wrinkles. Freak% Crow's' • 1,..,•:i. Feet, and the Widow of Age' leaving th'o wan lion, Sinooth. and 'White. ..,,_ . IA% PRI°E,...60 cents, Sent to 558' addregs. restsge i'l• stamps taken. Addrena allitttorn te CREME 9' OR, braWer 2,6168 %elite •f'.O. I Ask Your druggiet fer It, Wholdsaie by 'ell whole - 11110=11001010"6"1"1"1"11111.1111111"11181. .11.11111" Trade Mark, •nale d 'kuggists.-- -4 , SALESMEN WANTED •,,rag WITH -ENERGY AND DETERMINA, 1. TIOS, and possessed of IV, reasonable alliount erix pi nor31011sgraentedeittridi obaiti tis eta() iiros etratza, hi 0s bitylet11111enix'r our NUMery Stock. 'We goarantett dlisinek end MI Wit are well nod. favorAbly known through., out Ontatiu, our agents Mid no trouble in Malting salts. No experience 7.400'41 Outfit nett be carried lb Oat pocket. Send us postal card' for tonne, isle. 284.1nn. • CHASE. PR.°. HtAE;;A:080'; • RT,ON Nunstretese and teedsmen, NEIKi lieOT & SHOE SPED IN PERIM'S BLOCK, lioncletutde work, sewed and l'oggol, tt prices to suit every purse. Th.it best work, lowest, lvticeth satisfeetko goarentecd. Att I have firet.elasa city woke:ten ctn. plbyed, entire SittlafatitiO& la a ceennety. Giva ma a tall, ItOBEItT 41,111930.X, trracom, mitqlet, AFTER THE FIRE CANTELON BROS. REMO NTE D , -40— Racey's MI Stand. R 0 0 EVES CHEAPER YVAN VERA., —AND 'rho suhicritlei bcga to return his sincere: Shanks to his :clistniners and the publ,to generally, fpf:the liberal patrenage e$Iebd, ed to lilinin the isast„! !slid by furnishit4 ths , . • Irtiele 4A.T, LOWEST lemonetativg tic hopes. to - Molt s continuance tst • same. • . • • •• , redotroneritlatriaLet ,Jiii.11xlitct...11ermerattOf SEST RitANDS. Of BRANDON, PORT WINES and HOLUND GINS, suitable formetlicitail perptisee and Smith, use. IlAss! Ate and Oteneess" Perrot, in bottles—pinta or quarts, C4Iial)140',1 A l.E4 AND PORTEN CARLING it DAVI Es LAohis Ststabtly on hand, , Just received)ht prime condition, .Mee. eimitt 41:41011, Attt, CIIAMPAGNM Pian SODA.. Itid7WOle GOitcrido , itHOBSON ALBERT STREET CLINTON OWLE EXTRACT* LC STRIA 11111 • ' C I/ E ' CIOLER CHOLER-AINFANTlifv1 ; ALL.SUMMEOMPI.AINI SeLD BY 41.1.1714LERS.