HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1884-09-03, Page 2X
�t sillily K p
iTt Ob 00
satiaskAwwof tl "4Y ".Wattlp. By-hw no. 7 to -levy n44 for qn.fis,
We was!,
a iffamof Mr. -ty. township, isad school
IiI I tmit prW'Ilit.fia to t IW Loppom tho thpir �AAniohmon& *1W did- Worof this B% yLon line was fead- WalfroW vind patifiled.-
To IN. =0 ]Age
to 06ta, Acawwouldbri woroseywithan 109 A OQU, 0 11110 -APIA
I'a"welftorif CA lif TWI?v. Ore
�Wkasii It* Moiresit by Uallough, milloon4fistl 14Y
'6pproo walifted--1). 614tion. �y to otistory U tfl-ArUAA, PrellilAry critili-inslill, rifa 0ittore loolied If W Came to the f0wllo 41id Wits lisaltor Clairo, that the sum of #IW be gfiarit- W lit, Aot 01 101".
a"Posar.y woof a. ablink aroun4 big own W.Y while be fS4 for repairing i;
##eho*far.be%i1lsU0qAjd. 1144Y Upon as mottels for o! dinary stio" C, last wee he northern gritivilit
let tbo Ani to- rood. pp vId64 Welt W - - - $2,000
took",494oncio' dwo , flip&"d CAPITAU,
ViJO 0 ROT.,
�Klq to. lwt�litfff,; awl'-4heir wronj dailog
Jig too fiLr a hen X- sky tit Ifaitlaud Lvidjer No. $3, gul:1 &I tbrisukh. AVboh ll�uoo wp an equ,l. amount,
A. X* ififootiv OaTuesdil �omli.hglt xeaWp1.;,tke.ro4 Alkipad, Tile following aoitfountevirifire,'60an 01n
hv! 41ne cases ilnt of toi, )lie wil I, fAlt inutit nec-psilarily tbo.frofore, over fi;'vlragjiv� y9plig Bentrier with
uron ED -amplino"t III op,, jim. Unt ed, to be paid. Joseph XilpAtricki. THOMAS WORKMAN, Prl�jli.4t.
nlwq tbittit; thil, *A00 ih ti 41s. reater illiarx 0�1�li 4im, And tr*WP'
g�sa by 0. F. meet# on Friflay,
-C W la, culvert of) 6 And 7 Side road. 01, , J. H. K MOLSON,
young wan F. WOLVX.fWTAN TUO*Vililitflis�al Man"
-)Vl - RTle#al. 041811Y tile . . . . . . . .
After cam4,4;QQ1beV,4t #3; 4dwa,
PlIragrAPhEr drdhifilrYtIlleveii. ID-ottliese chuivil) X istif Minor* Cole; f(Ift, for her home,, Robero Treleven, culvert on 6 and 7,
........ .... Undor), on. Monday.
D.McdbrialdUSqr,,ma oA10IV0VY� Notelt AilitcQuitell,0611pollsilml tltade, raftio TT
whicts so fre he _jIl 1(ays, o4jvon on 0 And 7,
.1altivitly appear ap.bmt. dif-faulterfil are riot punished at all. pered awar� Abothisjuncturet 06� Ueorge . Arm4trong,. gravel, 42 70
"still A irl
It is sf�rgtitiil by their i� ADAM -1$--4k. W
to the Qtleen City latit weekr. 4e% ffp"di�h king Vglonttlue Alwo, gravellingon 10 latimell, gurilli also can e*- 5
t Atia 80141#00*,
tiocitsion to. $Q to It
li, c9noession- east division) 141.75i Ano
nothim, call b(I gailled for tile church Mrs. Copeland, loft on tile oconto tile 'house t tree
*4en be 644 ill 'sop'll fig ineensk- "W rd plinklog oullrort on, 4*t current rAttia.
Is P JU0.. bow
V rotiecuting"'tkom. Into
$4.06i James M4111 =R"ITL
4Ir wir''
_BLN sa;ltb. * * " ` . qii�oglcufi
they aerive sit thill; coneltiqi(in"Iwe do of Clinton -visit. blu!"T 0 fence,
; 34 81
Ing Mr. w Mrs tilvougIs lie iiii day afWr tit -James Rose, ten scrapers, $,60, Thori.
Morrow. ' �*� `
,AT riot know. The action of tbose do otoau-1 Ia
(AJ1 .4 finforttinsto roz 5 feet
t lfe� t -o.4. �.TrApfrestfng nearly comploted AK'k Harris, 80 rod,s wire fence concession U041 11,41111141001114 faltmOrl QnAhdr Own rsdtoo,
A.I.; tnk
—4f faulters ffil, WfIb nine A east division, 624; William KlIpAt- v Is orlit or more orglittellare. $0, Ilia
inef-r lisns� far sequirity,
reptvrablo ittjaryf And t lie sooner I.IiN PrOC Foote was a passenger on the
vttuffiii that flie Xrws-Rw.oRD has ju�
Cllutoaf.'We�6'eifiiiy, Sept 01-tt It leottrue view of I lie tariff.ou bread- a nolightilorbood,* !klne *1% john� qa A sh, a ba 'Witilqgto
` 06WO; 01*4wre Iiive rick, service As Ong' X6 faWly:
w,91 fini.shbd cutting 150 acres or giain dier, buillilag culvert on conces-
fact is unt"Itorstood, the better',for the '0cOIltO last Sunda,Y,' tit th
In vototerring to little 0 ic in 10, 0. � awl
71146 J12?L,'3,9,4XV-,TffF PULIC mflway.a 4 cated. , t On binder, This fls. Ne -bell, repairing FolortiolrY. last. no.
Rev.,Tno...A.,Ball, is b.911claying.in 6achfive worics. ft'"T cliarm. stir. on S. R, 9 and Alexanderigo,
4 lufwthimi,. of. vi�* Tot offkto-Dossird R church. Tito po.�iir -of ' tile ' � chure town. Br.qwn isayl, h0,c1Lp.qt I !t- 12 Acres 4 (lay Obersion, 122 rods ditching on I L.
TT nAs, been CBS wary e can out v be olsintained through pur- Mr. William wwv,
fro"' t'm' Tra& 00, %/�u�nal Bays: Vaustone, has return. with one team; immil - it.afln beat any R. At Ows. fis roil, OW -3 ; Everett
ity of Action Ott the par&.of itfiniens. other binder for quantity ann quality #isner, rewpving slide andctqil�lng
Vision the intimory of man runneth ed rrom. his lloljday.t�rjp.
Ur, NiAtill viktive caic very fitroinglY, of worik.-
firs' . orning In fairly, for the 'Y O�'LOAN
*fill, Wheat, is r hill find underdrain on aide road, 3 MON E r
riAtothecontrar farjealoulitul t)�m �slsotlli 11, ,, I;erR. Whenever thlas qualification
Y $nil, so s! mei�o time of year. qrsd 4,00ncterision + eastern diviollcifif At low ir�ten of Intfireek and upon, ifisms lioosult
flit partis 'im to hHe Clivir spleen objection to Itlisicirig tile r Na
AI nillersof.CalladA, is isot necessary, tile power of tilt, Illeignilve, 4,86; dil,lio placing and bracing beints borrowers.
Ur. Ifendezion left on Nonday for M; I I iiiiiiii. Of tile friends oil an oqual. foothig-INvitIr the'Ameriftlis, oltureb la broken. "It City I I oojr owit 001-retwo0pni, o14 ny �lgl t I and th, States w, ith a,yiel�,Qr ori'bridge o0i thei- nine mile riv AXxI:KG SCOTT,
of tUie The ay f4X. di ill, i I), tp., side road 3 and - ill, concession 4 east.
plue t Ili offend thop, -tfot it off and cast it from- ilia Atudles.. I Mr. Robt. Russ6i, of bodes.
, I Petiver Al9ck, Clinton, t� �Ju Relce" d.,
41th to irioreapo� the duty oil Imported N ViSiting Ills son James, in Morris. $10; Mattlitavr Rusaoll, clintoll., Mal 19TJ 0 fl) WilltRIII SPYrriour avid family. All-all,010 flow, an -I Illit'realloo tile duty" "i tile or'If thine ve, deiyalifirthep, L qitoilng prif side road 6 jand. 7 copetes- th. 20
90 mpfirt 56gainon, lial
wheat, Oft ourse; it is a sivatt6ir of gretit 1) vts�; it out -GlQba, JOR Pet' We 0,:Outo oil Sundaylo slop 4 F 1.80i Frank Rusell, dit.'
. .11r. oss le, "of. I
lwor;e. tllo'Bol 4. 1),
it, Argis or outsell strusi an
OXIKY to lend , I toblingon Side. road 3 snct4,$i; ai,muol good iton, hit'n ecusilt,%-, at
Au4 M k , mortgages or.
;fbp or�svto Globe bas,oe--n rhe Big �111tst6ipedli9t rq. Stubbs -pot Current raten. I uir
N#edneR Lsculvert on, coo, 2Z On a that tit leftfor merrieEuggland, Monda, . A building i * (Illusion,
fit in ortier to,further party,ends so regulate the tat-!% as to please eveq r. town cotem. say . ,repairing
day and 04tked .'r6nrfing agahl y D; $3,50;' GeorgeGrahalm yesterday. pleAqQlat Voyage PQ them fliky we. I . . Fell. 6,
find, under all avowedlV 44fight" a III stise i
over the S Ott Act if riot They" will return, in 4, couple of avid planking bridge o road
fliaculty on the part of tile kovifrinlieut to Ur. Chas. Proctor
at'* d E -ST Ili
the i,urpose� 6�.:NtO4 job.
q4 - 7,,00nceasloof 1, $3; Matthew Rus.
-five pallicy tile farmer is entitled to secular wauer, Tile people of this 6 have Been prionlihs.', 1, 1. ;- - -, ', 1: .
prqto� ,�ntikLyevoningivaRtliebiisibot ay, and
111113g cliques atill speculators to por. leration.. Toproteettboagricultural W 0 the harbor fqr some Bell, repairing an underdirain 00 111; 1
com world hame ars. idesL that it is (I seen, mThe wife of IANI�:dw Call 04
f*. interests is just tic importanti, as to pr(�.tqot fcKinnern itide, road, 9- and L. con, 2, 415; on. Firl es before purchasi
X-cWhinney, gravel 6kbri. by, "16 AmPefR 'at the eBso, Y Aa las" 1111104�)I it, wfts.kot m6ter, $10,80. James b4itors; plank
lar matter ao(] othing eltioi and it T I present6f bfV.Iieqj, lort 7 4
tile fill nor c Rai way, ne the manufacturing if' ,L,�fh 4u li�qr�
he Ast of ri a
'i tould Ile prO- Naitland Fallo -returned to town on al . - 0 vnNi. of its: land grautp, and to lie. The Board of Trade set forth fio iX Buie]) that it -I slualsis tG1 t COI!uWUal4bi" Is,.I- iulOert; $'..50: J'Ohn-E.
Saturday, 1 sappy. log le
prociate everything -in pos;tion of die willers. in, tile follow. sonForl to tile electors. or they have McClell I an, tille,p1grigililliti took Bud. deAvelling, .012; illialin, O'Nellvlk-
tionoecticii ti of 1vmdoirk� lit 144 week.. juck. 4pecting grelvel work, $3; Maurice w fI)4�7 -ing reso'ution lit to 'view it, Wore tile Eupt palda. aenly ill one nig
any. rig Ing' vit;it to his b Y 1104 toung bbundarY lifill $44- 1". -the poltoo, unilerdrain in fron
a nbiiec' k)4 iimsteisping At of lot 14, .0 abogt in lnl� Idi 'U' "That tlda� Boa illitislied tilat (lie Scott Act.to be viewed as -a spiritual
ry Ox lkq�,lify his prompti Ana Skilful 02- Wililatirt EY
r a mef t cit
We I matitei it would' have very feW Sup. e, of peeing flie 5%,Willism Hayden, inspecting wor
thim:�OUR6 tin *
01y. COMO a rig I fog hill;s,2. 50; John Buckley, IW, rinds >'
dot- a inat Unnecessary wd unfair diiad. n
porterS. Hi8toryfurnishesug with garid 0rious"Ji tw". Te Dr.b
red.in, its ha+ing busiti,-sti--thrust upo -Jence,.630; Jeri alliviln.
Ill wire pallah Sl ARE N RCH., NT9,
vantage; avid being sationed further that I examples of It'is'ad fritted'o-n- RI] 11nods, thfst tb j, repairing culvert, $6-99; Michael Z �1' j. E
grievalleeR of file this (lisailvantage is. vine -to the tariff dia. thiS musolicitecl manner, considers it H
nA CIA liti BiieWWns- 111 find rif ter dia,,n sit rig Deen, wire fence, $8.40; Mrs. Lucy,,
pr sup6rioi A f,.ofd orpon,
No, SVC, the ally alay.conclude chk6tYi $15: Patrick Do I cutt,
r are made.Put of criminall ng in.favor of the merican nian- rmy. the locality.,gpnqr y or ir -11 ftL -7i, ti�q I ' -9 -at ty tillese. �Tlkllgbtenerl days- of spirit ill, to 0 V -p.r 4'.
cliAfi - ar tit it -of, -qltrg U
prieetly ititolerance to perwit in f 0 r
ettlers lit Tit too many- -terrible
lit hill and culvert. on C& Do 188
0, 1 a Jewell, plank, i3
tilrk retio deser:ptiong a
T! 11 . q. rived'on' Xiss Sarah- Mhb&r vl�hqq4ttefaded j out per. barr I on American tyrant L, ASpording.j our actions. with cc I for Wm, 1'6p, at-' flour. whereas tifer dut on Arnor- tit fifilihod. unloddIj4 this la�st teim of tIle7 4bli 00- M. ditto build Ing tworidgoia.
dit. 'woeltill ilf iroli, -of e,mupporkerH of tile Scott AQQlave e .1.1 1
"to" 19b D. �., 66. 6,44
has beqh &g , ; , Lgg to tea on 4.23i IsoaqEpoign) loan Wheat is15 cents per busbel, y ell in
at b6ildins culvert on the boundAry;'§6-
'ro, fore y no. 55, o h j. err, repai rig o
on er )at gQ0 No 101", awa all -at , gal
in vato Of $325
wrings. Stephen Iniq making it impossible for. 06 Cahadia
oil witfeb to rest bdr betwen five and six oil Vert, sfi, 37; Isaac Epsign. gravelingt
their After loadin� a largoIluAll'
'ed letters to tile Globe, asking miller to compete 1; engines foi the destructioii of
tity''04, shlb alle. lo -ft for lak6 SuperlQr,' on: boundary, $10�d(tto 40 yards gray. FARM FOR ALE.
be it.reiolved tbat as the principle of ilie 0ic civiXiialits -and liberty of Con, eli $4�
that in dea1ing-%i,i The- Stea4ell 0conto was adv4tfS4�d FroOr Ozer omi 044sfitondirnC 5XIBSORTUrR offorts foreale thlit expel.
Chnadiall tariff I-., avowedly to protect the sole The couricil Adjourned to, Meet at RE
nee of'the proitle. The att.pupt to give an eXcurioni on the lake lasit T"Ititit fsrm�ldl;134, c4n� 6, 0,derich township,
-11acitio R4fkv it to tb
fly -er, '01 Saw I the 4th aoutaloffir 80 acreo, 70 cleared;.R never'
rhursday, slve6ifig but the - weAlier creek runsacroton, the rearand of the farm,.
Canadjan, manufactui and-oli it motit A amill biiy. ne a Lbeabools of
to introduqe the,.Scott Act as the
ris. townshlo,'beiv)i Asked what a bai� of Octollm
markedly falls in this, pirticulitr, this being unfavorable it. -was- postponed. 4i I . site also a good. cedar lair hous firee screot of
especial- pet of tho spiritual wad.... -Berl JOHN COOKE. orchard, b-tInk barn 3fIx66 with Sef loot; sto
t states Boat d. d5'mensforializo the"goverm 'and 0. Boll, a mouse wI14 Clerk. lip wall;
Th�' Qzvb . replies Chat Ili trient to
J two good wells and one at himoo.,juid one
-l'at it believAs, to. be truo re ti�y IN jktb;trn. Tito property IN �well tonced with cedar
C. !istice by at least equalizing advisers of'th people ill atteolpt .19, (if London were the guests df Ml-, Ti, th. , _—�
J Its. -vi HeirlderAi: 'ihe�ra of 4h HIER
Only m tih:41 �M; FISC
ho the d 0 6 fralle,and Is altogether a firmt class farm In good
.ill t i ptiblie hitere'94,' and that utie4 on Amifrican, wheat Aud flour sc? tile, 11101it 1 1 Afting the c.i.roular aling condition. Terms and donditio'noof sale made
conaiii town, again o fe,moi with, stileir 0harles Wilsvin,.of eofbithir 01 know,, oil aprIleation at thle offlep, or, to Will, T. tau busy making fine -fitting
haloan miller will not have
pffl4ive'fe�fuv%es: of tb dBrk utres. tirketibli bn file �rdmiiervt at- Ottawa o,'V,6r
at-Iti'llients we wade as to 'tile an4re doing� �6�d' from the Gov, I ntort P. O.i or the proptlotor,
leg,: qtephen Perry of L Thom R6.BERrALEXANDFR,. .
an a�S61titely.�I'DtCCtdd.iLdvatitage I's I -$Jql00 roi. find taken fro% h4 pit tit �iuit to write an ad vertisernisist'
'om t to, Out o torp. of has'b4b appointed D. D.0
I If farter of a -portion of tile counZ operati&'of Ole ounadisa tariff - a n. for )n tile Ci P.
thusif dayi. confid le wilt 'hav
y-, Jfuron Lodge,.No. .62t
ell in thoir ok h nd Church Stony )1lountain for use 4 Wlarton,'P. 0. a 'Something -to.say-
try. through which the road runr, was 1vQJI att%nded* 1R, Tho ease hag'. been referred 6 the
Bro. Judge I. F. Toms., to a' al ,And all soeniff.d to
on. t1iiist armi
d Goveenvient, arbitrafor'S, who. have I�RW'SEINQ MXUHINK�
'JA L REPOP�.A, '"Ining witflosseq. The case
Correct whoin they conidoutid, wise- an I, Hui.qn Z�&Ar OR
i3prisent. been ex 'In
ill Civil as J�ell as, religiouti, The stiiam`e�,Cfo Fs $4 ViOm 'N in al virger
(.)tie of me �Unq oritoarHved in port p is still in progress� ..any eventl
ill 'E4 n-lan -tile pyi#hts; tlins unr. atd n. ric Ing Ia! WOO �. X -1p. Jilglitt, �bii bQuse'of Of,. Is sairt the partifos will tqlce the 'CABO
-of Excliqquer. ll�vNQ 1A. was Chat ,itlle, ifind ciety' lavr. or
it - 1 t 'list s
86 1 Usk Su�dsy� Aft�r I' I
li lip. of tile fi� - tol-S C 11110'rilt., Churdi checke7d,. for a titne r, . ie�tefj every_ -fewpasisengors,and rakiligah betWoOn o tl e. Court NTHvNE! with drop leaf; ham been'
of igland Fuh� U11i elixty and ieiventy 4ho.sallea;for Po�4 us dl for tight or hoavv'work; wol�b000ld forlesm,
than it coot. Aiply oli address
4.'ij�npany'� own ond* era]. INform Asgo6ation-.. f filing to their Insatiable: selfislin
8,.B8JtX, XADE,.'TO One o 01,48. H-uron.
� 1'. � - , THE flUtION.-NEWS-RECORD,
Corners Wfilil% �Llrota families. ai`� TWO OVTC06K AT CHICAGO.
its I elliber t And it Was oi4 when, our. a.froeatora. Tile Ariel after ]lay*
ell wier Ing dets6nding:up6h thi,sallp6l, pump for
RUN- 'Fo H)UNt) J9 -h R lie Duke of NVtmin;. It Ptirt-Frank for Salt,
fr their supplies.
THROUG11 A R'Eaid.� �t1111111. Titre, C01r, 0 - eAcalted orb ecclosinstica returned on-SAturday' wltliotvt,-�co'
the In qrotil trivin, orr & Co.)
an y, . and tbut by hard and periii.qt, NLrr. FOR SALE.
gives-.thrP.O,..reAg% pa,for-the-6stail 8 pisiting lim-toading.. The Ariel left -8. J. (Afritoki of the 7th Our wheat. mt.Lrket drasta Along on.
a le ag boundr lCe,D -G,lId4Idn,,.dne Ifun.
y embavired I 6o'saind even. keel with Iiiiarcely a IrN THE villigo of 1119LGRA�"E, the ol-a-dillng
t'LARE TO BE UNFIT OR SI:tTi !ncnt a' of tilt- Als.0cia". ain On for Port Frank and .1tiliel
ittrift has bouilit the 37 ten. dozerti.sheaves'in one. JL house alidetore occupiLd by me. The ultwim
upon all era of true progress, Tito '%I"- I'- Y- day. fresh� fl�atuie since tile new cropbe.-
IIlie tctl:denc� fact- tion. acred'of land at the. hPad. ot'Dunlop's one of the most desirable in,tho village for'b'utd.
r of excowniullicati gan to move. 'The..�eccipts afprim- uliss. There. Is a goodstable, outhouses, �nd an
lo -merit ' ni.- from the first beef, The iobeestablifiliod. fulici,ail all(] fA.'Smitb- Tile price. -Antiria Cordon or Winnipeg, excellent s6ft wAtir clatern oil thaprowlses. The
Ilia rising bl:iservpnccs.*pr' Ill this avid of Clio . variOu -o Of Paid is Said 'to be ninety -dollars all- t n� TAI,L,O R'1� NI
,oin thA r f a pi . ces�ps (fortnerN Of 1166rich) wili'm last Week- a,i,y:potii a are no arly so large, as 'lot pornpri8em. t of -an�acre. The builtlingo sea
0 . I.t. I �. o6d repair. - Will Ile sold eheap, as the. pro.
a,V fly f I i.witead acre. visi Ing her hunt & Uncle, ink
17 Ila & Mr.
eoplit ve b0ped. to, create at'inbitaken -m prietoris giving up businee.o. Tofzrmseas�.',
alfilng it, west of )irit6al linniaLtuent madethe' njoqt t1ir. nef. to'bo,,a big percentage
openvod� on' 'M-onrl AxAp to
view of death, vilicb, in- its, turn bas croat RY2 Ply
fierce soldier I,ecomp docile atid tho after .'kho. sumsvner vaciat ion, Meg oil 11 roll congregation!w I 4,6imi counted 'twice over, mucis W.1r. DUNCAN, West of England,'.80'
Now it thore Was not -one oil oil imperfect and ullsoverifliod esti- ot6h and In
the classelaTroin last.t Su nday., ki,64 to
word of 1trulli alfugt.' handreds e mate cif thi,; life- the 6hurph of Inglatid most'powerbil. ino,na-rch to. in ernit'. ool picnip, At to r. of Chat ent to�, other -wes Tit citie
% If 8 on t I . nys,
ner4l Refloi PrieRtly influence codid destroy ft� sion 'of, e;i i6lotte td.
are, iss. M.11660irtiiin arinds tq w y o useri Englih &.Frenoh Worsteds.
lilifesof territory Oirough whic)i Fu .111 society aillis lit giving 9t,Patri.o.kBi viaeMisa. tflelid line, on the"Is
th, Sept. DWELLING F0118,�LX
prolbillefice tile Ch 8 ari's C C was e- nee.re e
beiffy, ' re. n siped,; And To. There is,, however,.
ori flan.'Idea. of deat I, at liars' t(!r he b' 81.farka trif The (Aili toll BW wilt bon-si,ttend. tit seaboard. -
Unfit foe settle,
-ansition 1rom one stiitif of. life senior, division of St.. Andrews ance. so 001117ORTABLO dewell.lng hquist4 fit.�the Town
111trit. When tile G� e. a. articlf�;i as it, to a lieved tb"bo powerful entiuxii to d Iways some'Of'stilit; duplication,
.�b Atiss,liendersdWresigned ki Of Clintoti; contalits six rodni'v; garden %-fill
higher 2�'- Tito bereaved are riot al tile ration, this yea�r is SMIT H "THE CLOTH
ways troy his hopes lsoieafter� We , had. natnes or the that tie exAgge I; trfo, Situate lit good lociilitil.- For fur-
tivexe.written life -0onipany lmd so- --r Siht tile is III eiiolkolasia or s.& boor partilculari twply at, this office, or at the
so, situated tie, to bli all1q,to 06 - §.�ti]irday ve ibg 'Wbile :first, but'' dierich, has it titinick otneWSpringand
-a. little-mi.oro than "usual. At' -Singer" Sawing Sliciflue oluco�o Perri block td.
tiny or custom or feel 1ioped'that of Alle. Ghristian� lirehei -'W,' Ing a itesent -'the I " t tly of. 'cunton. 280 inif Ready4mide S'Uits- at'the losvot forl-sc.4ever h�ard b
indthese I'desert 'ty Ilion, WWL sodetv I "lot$, Ordt-red I -ter h�ard b (aide b irl insetting at tb!6� htiid, recta p a Are
911 "ell or its agents, forgottefi est Street uat.�-
such -.I this gives mora, 'support , t so .11,18, as thatjournil .9 1, 0 tllo' wifiter Wheat tile Hpiring grudes. best: or Itself, and I)errt!ct fits ginni-arrteed, .,'A rup,,4lI,sI:-Of C E
d elmewhei Isu d St FOR. StALE. F Ll WIN I S H I N C S alway.4 111:8.1 Qck.., Cill ti tidsee, i ,
. i f the Lord*& Army marbbed aift"beat f e Pit ;adapted lbg thoit-di-iiiiii aliq, fiii 6g -Ina W who wi It to follow their betteri'ii gruent. eng"14.9. rie .111 t le past forniln- scare ly -a quarter o
111viti., R.'s iixre dingly W* d- 1 . 0 : 0 1 b611 1
autl'ofieh na.me added to the lifit,1' mlim- �'it �footn 'that sompt -oli iYho holding f6it- inn, virl) tile vii t. to Ill- ABRAHAM SMITH,, Thii -S
J )r It ALC%%nLr FAT01, Smith.-vvest, part of Lot qtiarelii
efflPment. Tito. r ias amp y seemed,in-no wl;y crea;4,�alsd tile conspletion' of thii V bers strengthens.the power of' the society. $(.Oti Act atipporters won](] �reRur continued I)rtiachin p6t,�vjdlstgndi tt, ziid; T
It 'Johii'Whitely. hItrvofit� opeiatioliR Ili tie Nof'4,li. Of Huroii- e from niark�.tm: Belg;lve tw1i 0
their4 judgment, -16r, wher-; is this thictiany pet-. .9 tig Matilda, distanoc' Gr
I anil les* Brussels, six nilleit; %vi ngbalu, eigiii, miies-
J-vl�r cultivattil theke landa� have -suits of influence dop' thel r 'tile purpo4e Of'illflUL-' the'Army's dill- W itt will, let, loolle'.9till more. Tire containing 3:10 acrei;, 66 acres cleared, 4o a tlld'�phfhi and To(. n fol, 611OU911,17
insipictentious funeral arrangements and encirig loaislation in civil inattera. 4ndi. Brown; J -e 3rd'� George Dun- title li On(good Brick Dwelfing 116titie, one
produced the-fine%ti 'Lr6p,�, lint] in a. pounded I Ir go next three mot)thfi.will pro Frame HouAe,.a line Ilank*Baru, 70X42,
that no better method con be -ado'fife'd of' ft is to' be, hope,! tbat, the ajority so; the propeety of can. two-thirds of t1le.spring, crop 20 feet high, st4i.bles underneattr,, (atone founda.
riii;,)Lit t is peo�
:Of �he,pt�op)e wilj,apo Oiat the.,privil- 111r. B611i, -a. Gibson.bad po.tigy.61.. A oCti lough� 2ni.I.Atice' McCullougli,
rt 'tli4d fil; bei%"g' liff'ryeiiied is �. tl is I expeutition Wells, Food water, good young ticchar
board once (cedar posts) Around-1arfai.. The 'PER OEN' To
Is lintry �%bich xari branded a,; Mrs. GlbBoh,*an(t' 2nd Part otfirst book*. I all...buildings),
slireadiilg ilia desired rilld' I I 1 16, tho'pi-operty of at, Clara two nove
-ge AM blinklo 'the old, polls cn. ci.e�, - I .. . I . . . .
tPOUA" �derlyirr 0ii Scott, A 10 boi rig $JJ 0, fc�-IlcuR�ftge Stiff I.j)b that-elliefly tells..in dausirlg the do- fturnij buildings, fences, are in flit -clams con
ciples ill
�jil'c -so- mme, fussl-al,'. 'aham#s, garaen, P 61; Ist, 'Affiert the:11111irk0t. dition; well adapted for grain and stock farin:-
grain. jpd. astly called 'hands for damage to N4. Or Stivirdy, 2nd,. It flat reigns Ili
an r �hat:wiuter or tho farm is offered for sale. Postietimlon"Call: o . f,Ellgl doly inteifore with. the`tbouglit,; &lir. Boll $L60 for p�bndifgfi, atid There �i4. leas�nri rig Owing to the death Of- the latil owner, Dr; P1 no,, ''OR -30 DA)r
ptalples of 'every -'descrip, 1 11 are Ivitli" ill vivious: pati Scott; 3rd'F
�10 and, much 1;. daril agp to garde
)pinions avid conscience's'of ijidi.vid- n.
))Piltg prto'dilc6d of adfitab�e q1l' Wyl.- foristifig.alid ireatin�, efittrilhig often ab-- whent; liolders �'wffi, Continue to 814 m h�lvvn at any time.. For terms, which are
ig-to 1;srillailout a and as,kiil j.-stiobld ;lot be em.,.. at thpri6solit ptic-s" blifiltho A.; A. 'PY F
ot only. is tivia the t0port ver6d at tlie. Drill other dreaded.- Tile goner- bodied in legislation, Ektn tho I t
tut�..ddzen� .6 :settlers. U91 Shed"lastFridni, eve�ing.4111earipg Miss 6f 0, is visit.
Thrre %%'Out(] Reell . 1 . to , be "Some 'We coneede Aiat 'a; dyipg, nec, - o cry Ili- "What ill- Ile done with AT 'V
feouj H the State 'has a thata man W mildniod. icets.. - . ' ;. �
Notrody'�&'n tell for.;ccrtaiii roil counly,.-who Are' ijoiv
r e aso. ight.to IqNlatif eni-e to (if 6 y
by'm Wife I-Visibed' On rapix. Quite a.lisrge...0umbel-o
The'(6116wing is from b ie qpeec*h of ., " - ' j coptionally easy, apply to ex
solute want, alf�,c6iid ol Ali
r. 6hatian,deli NO.^
n6'-fbrTfn6.raI Reforw iti Can-' �r in r4er. retilli. vez.-.ding on tll6s'� or(,. p. 6 gialres 4re worth as ab9olu
t,a tioning.my -errand, he told me that If a
ell 4mp.gl:OUndq..
li-ile" land? write their fri
atla. in -ve gxil�ctr ion to Gritnub
st Ia, niontion oii,6 or two s6cial acts oi-babiis.-of tile hidivi w ensures of quantir or -TIUT A-7�
bad' Sept far his miiiister,' r tit 0 Y' .,guagef; of- FARMS OF ALL, DESCRIPTIONS
fits hei-6
value,bitt:hll -iijay ue-Alipma,44n
-ir so nPrOved- when su Oil- reaching thoi door I saw A
thing,,' Chat inight-b6h. ell, a'c�ts ni� babio'bivade'ths' a wo&k. mri voisiltdVatig
r s6cial rightR of anotber, 9
(I!* the'c.)Utltry Asia tile hisiarm in�wliiel'ilsup'p6se(lv;ere.*tli�� 11 It . GAlt". a broader way, viz .by throwing vine Any ouiewimbing�tto se, I this clime of.
alloixitt Ju n. be donatructed �80 -as to d -apurchaserby p lvi 't juis 0
of [lit 64fAction with Clio ferCility i t tl�e . iinot 'person wiih a little black big.ulndar at the' aiii to lookit g at f lots and figureaJill If a hen *se must ba �.usfo.d, 1 9 1,
Q.t -oad tind wine that wolf,e,going",k A. �J om obtain
clear that. i -is ithin the another, tip' lq� Enticlinall As. con gonfirltilii lint S
-suggus& at least- 'Chat live ill, a Ilent rna�a ment:-al peaIr t be
gorous set of such
pro'e gititinate Rpliier�e: �f - 8 Gutioll Of Vith * ig ' tie railway W , .. : . . 0 .4k-�ne yl Lh, Ijis I and thus making them. eliminate Land Office, Dundas St., hondon, Out.
9 P111 to largiiii0etxqgoF(,6yJstiun Chrilitiaii land I ' I)at:.,Ai-e black -61d dnznpI4lfi%, 1117AM
And yet 6e Globe* r'e,* prohibit tli-o Bile . is f - feemliptod Ten' took. placo Is ' ' I "' ' a am. their own errors. NoW, no intelli.
St. �.wee c, Obicago,
k I I . : I 11#X4D1rJL* Y t" offer, hK tri
. is
plunsepy, fInd lilac. and whi'te plunies, I iquor, - I,' some Detriot, and many other.p.itiefIIii the-* 'Miss : OURitow";lDf (this P16ce, i goisit inan..%vill. displAe thp.assertion .411.1 domplote
isolates -fliato its tatemen Ord Stit-dev �lowftt,rateaoflntotreiit, A
werO years . th . b payjqg-g i-ridpda i ILI
that we had leslold wboxit available L ndon.,
white plunles . symbols -of I Re"o 61batt6d. tile 242 s
tH C 9. 1311,IiMl�
orgoin of ti were-h-eld ijI.Cj a.-Beelip, Toroghq a 9 "Unq Vhat is the`weanill" of a at the bpgill
, 0 btack- Britis'li Frobibition: Alliance Ofi this vrill.shisd at 13 atil-ail.d li and 7 p.- Ili. iLC
..file Globe's conduct regard - - .. �: . I I . . IiLri,-J. lltbusy at;,work- B 0.07S -.�AND SHO
on . 4 rida ' turdayis, 04till a 'and I ad -two years There
ur olill Stuart ol'4io late 13,' Hi 'd a'
n v iled I
to, our- ilational. railivayL� tind OUT' is a up arn fore it we raime crop of 500,000,000
on e each 'evedin P Be, la,tut-.-oduyert, I, into A dwolligg
if bat -bands,_ and -gl6veR, ell the views of.. Lnrd Stau'16y. riday- eVenin' ' eetin i Drill- .11 use and haV6 f0ioifidy' for occupjo� in 1881, And 420,000,000 in.1883'
llat.i�lllftl iLotnds niny the putill 0
re nwomeary wily not bavii tbeiln. ln.t
BayFr ed*6tween fourAn. ve hundred w6'h&vo-cont4uun�d and sold at I
[)lit thn pu.il 0 feferriA to 06MMERCIAL HOTEL.
tion bbfbe�rt�intbK
460,000,000 isloaeh o
new There livrofbitig istirticulai-ly ing, and
persons were preseliUatthe.sititurday '"to be 18 -the n ention of f tile lant, two
trading 'is a, 15 e,. S Off Zve _D611axisit,
a Inuite( okl(!.- viz - evenln� meeting about three hunreiii :.thf, It would probobly bonearer 4W
r6pe.ct-fg]:�i1i -,�ddple �to hold their- year. 'his Hotells'furnishett throughout with sm"t
:tboso rtiele' jo6ij4 a6t., Dqit �ollibilioh i: not* at tire Sunay evening ui anni�ersary Bervifies early in October, o 475,00U00 bushela, '.Adtp ormiWill Bee, that this lit genuine, asgoods are all marked in tllql tuallipulaCni'S oftlnjtL journal, and a . p oeting near-,, itting, care to moeb the wants of the traftilling Fuhil.. Cumtoby, plain figmtrig.
. I , when tirtly have dond.duty for yqdra.. ovil f P tit 6h'the . libert Y two hundeed. Tile Out door ' - . . '.I . Ceiiitiiodiduueioiil)te-rooiiis. The bemt . of qllors
their y an irs, ringens meet.. It'b4s�not,yet,_been finnounced who that we did not tRe. find waste And, and cigtr
. o'discard of..tl' Y Ing$ %Yero, Wrly well attenried, will conduct tit service )Uch,,then it must equally. be silwa-To kep, . t at . the bar' Oood
p �WoLdd it not 16 U ' ind tile Cot l8p on Uiat'oc 8 pt I a t., situated Hotel in Clhj�;11. lve us
.1 mil bit F -red -their pemls.aiti sitoo, yer, E' nner R . jolif es 'Insttlistions, ''some of
lC* rpecu� .,addrosseSaij a rulo %,see' made tip of caince thd St t"ii-lit'as , CROIOII�. . JAS.: IUOORE,' Prii!spriet(ir.
w adrnitted�tbat we did riot raiRm so GODS ALL
ell fortlid
llttiqua�forVurdd by the Globe'.a. if) to the scriptf;i. mi$B:bil�n 'Nil ho reebritly left at noll, official figures tothe con trAry. 01intono-itare7th, 1 i, it worth whil6laure O.Still;t t1tat 11101 to drink wine. flS 6
and litiole 'tilt' 149 -for. Dakota 'afeived in that part A�ad not'comosed of half shodd but -ALL LEATIfElt. C'
ent all enter rnl quotations ulied, while.others %vere Notwithstanding, tie fate as we. Are onle.and prove,for yputoo.
tile plate front tile thako!it impossible for him to obtain quite tile In. Cilia Connection of Uncle Satli'al-dfimain Safety and -go, L t.hof 0 ja no gobd roviSOD
lit I'le in whose succioss tile interest of ble t6jud 'If tatthis, Ia a fac�i and nt; dodge t.o, gi�tt Custom ra lb and 'then charge the.usual
coffill iS offorli&iiio to good taSte. �Unfiiy be said thitt tile Brothren 1kes; tho,country,%, well Site is en. I I
pride.., RimembiiIr.the plaeo�op next thel.Telegiisiph -office,.
every 'aliada is argely it. go. m6iis(roa a prindip]A_(prow to boliove that our crop of this y,ear posits T. COOPER% sad
;. sperned'Codepenri'more upon their JnYlrg hersel , f 'weft Amon her rela. The above hotel hall lately been leased liv the
hibition)Js fnr'n' -ou, the, tiVeaLthere It .1 yment will produco.wore. floui than did remises have been refitted,
sore danger ; thatiL j1patIlatio Power of- ir ndisLin the onj?'' undersigned. The
EDITORZAL A10TV,$. hiikrsrft�renc�o with I liberty;. 6imiles than upon L Ord of Grarl, -Of two' �nd the best riosuib a. ccominodatfoir for farmers
ali�y single good fieultli,. that. OU yes"s akof And softne're-, 111g.pUbile 'O'Lafforded.
Vroriontly' 'diriolai and tile general bravest W.� DENISONvit"
f6i tile conversion. of the people, The worti on did'.'ehurdl), ith tile speciable estimates place tile. yield Lar
r stables in connection. Tito bar in suppliell
there is 1,01ation of liberty- whic wit the best liquors and cigars. Yourpattougge
Clat it ha the, influence - attribuLid A . Verdant Git exeltange witil .. no V Lord Cecil Loki pot, opine up,to thet texception-of's'littlii painting, is'dom. at a aniallor number of bnfdIP1B-' If ted, Veterinary Surgeon in connection.
it Who did this
it. Bu L there can lie no' doubt of widequouthed gurpri would rot'juntify;itneknowledges gl�ti�ral peqtatioif�
Is ri�,ives that and suiut:ate. certAinly 0136THHOBALID, Joiropriolsor.
e no'rtgla to, Rny fret-oom .:wliatevei orat0 Oft Aattiouivi'der of will, linC.1a 1, 1�ri I
Dbab lity. 41iore-fife now than they Were'thian Chrikorii-May 9rd. 884., 2SO4y
ro I" Opp'L but this *(is to be expected' as the i;eeure.,fbr iiii- num.. ow �of ad. Clio t- our popukdoti -I
9, g "*'a that O(Int lias'itiorei. Set], neaftly
1Q, preVallipgfort In wa i�rdasa berotjq4sj4�IIis,VI0i Ity on act
Though Ch' tus Y �mfftlnr-in-
coul'll, et!, an� o If plus is anwallbir to lie.
jut of CaHrida, Slid foreigniea lie �* r
L e TorisA binatin of eftriquence find wisdoin. vjbio� lie poefo'r e Mi it work Ori the. HIS HOTEL 18 NEW and has 411 the raTlitre.
illoul; for Clio moment art W6." have mentioned in -iincith&r, bargean alry
scarcel The T
gill tile now crop -year with,
aj[L opinion .1011' 1 eonsidtir -noxioull, portion O� 'm
clarit tile of one, of. ie ,; s,,silgant partorlo heated, with bob air. in
_% d 0 ill n Into vicinity of the G. T. It: Depot,
ticifid Railway a' Clint ig wily, tfi'o'Tor eR in ,of �Clintoh, 4on.clusioll, is. ire Tile
asses al rk Oeping,-� pl of.- tile - Ull ited
a1� 0
(14 4 v One'" lips, �f d 8talffs 'haV0_ 110 The bar Is wol I stocked with this choicet brands
[I I'd Kfitg aroL. Ykjo of lbliiord F
glinimef Of 61wirloctrine 'Our ind elgam. The travelling Public'may.
eY Cap rst assured A being well pared orat, this.
u tell to nio'by.' propounded by, some pf the d1tristain witiitiv. by orderililig' an ve, convelliencly dispoliteaf, tidall
tit socis. arfilig for inbre
land tolelieve, its irpe trade; the Tf�r'.iek , a . brethren, . I . Ing ,,ry . wheM on hand than th a house,
I robililtion Alfianco. The doctrine theif, winter sicaick. ---� This dry wonth- umugf, PIXE,
iR . tbi,C n in PI'6tkt !on aa. er is -bard on tittes 4in(I leg to th(J. Contrary are borh of. Clinton, 987-y Pr rictor.
aMribes to kind li conitequiontly I. lIFlanfjU,1gme Op
have ))Pat all ILan tendai toincrease the wealth Oi' our If ',It wilich is ;Bcap. &C.0 AT-�-
a t6 our ci.l.cumst-ance. A Great.-JIllsellsiveiry, fit I
MWin Thofiins, Xewtovii Ia.; .,Alex. AdENTS TO SXLT,
fill und iniiwgralit4 to 80aie interestiri eslob other's,milml, i Birl,6 Ila, ablo of taking in at once, tile whole
y The Toritte; in Canada are .110f, lilo
tion, to Ila dt-fided 1) each cliximant nty�fivia you]"- e -orior Cauda Maps W
f-xtent d (ill fr()[11 go, lig to one iletreis lectual, QIM liver) Bays. 1 112�ly,vvifei%hs beei, a'im!1O"4I_Y di0ontilli"Ited m96Ui;I labor' for this ffilition. Whilothpiorbredjobigh WANTED TUNISON'S
Peet', : ', . affected with it cough for twe The bri'dilis almost Conlislet pricoa for. Wit L at that
y have otitaitied New and Sup T ITOHELL'S.
I wellt. TIwY do riot fritter the;'r time' -according to ills o*ll Htflud A L rd.," years, in(1 this -spring more. -severely Off, -Did you Aidair'4 %IT, Icnox0a ill I, itny. forssnoe yoArs uiould be in,.
than e " be ro re. She had naproly 080 -hrashing Is still No wit!] tit' res, 'As . A and OWN,, Clint . wt, Otfari
g � L. �L vei- Used e )Mtl 0
ill ell- 11, ;rfe tit n y remodl And Life ol-der of tit& tiny in *this tie ow Por full V11,0101-ial Block,
.... . If -, . I dop yink sit oily Qent in the wctrld�
dot�s not Count foe so filuch; inn tea withbut relief, siion in trade and piariufacturo,.we -particulars, free, skildtons 0. 0. TUIVISON,
being Urged totry Dr. Xing's New It 19 bol
hol, -air Blyth. t.11. . . - 111ap Puthlimilifiril 38S 11tichissillovidt X treptl,
irpr�opla.knosvJtow' much Di8coverv,,did8O,Wlth most gratify. Con., has beer; sloktot some Owe 0411% but think that tho correct quo
inch squat'A, ptocif olet Own Ing, reault& 'The first bottle relieved' tat -on" foe wheat, ape too low* fly be 1187-4m living receive d my—
&leg. Mullon Of LUCknoW, is. t4te her Very' much, RnfJL lifie second Maill cai tied, and feel jillitiflod ill look.
Globe litivvho livell )s %ifisek . ii . )g away with'an. abil bits not hall so good health for , thirty rng
iVil, to tonto guestof UoXhilloh. botile bas Absolutelyoured her, he &on . I, Our ing for art important reaction, ab tile S
hat toIs Clio itifer- Of 0 IN XPLIMIXT81,
Xellart of Detroit) is visit, obutied. lot,'On the 93 ell, of ftwu, in- tile cai;e must hn. realized __d Summer, st 4
i,ig politic:1111.1; Ot tilt) Ntripfo, itV iv.6relly': 0- , Witt?. . dirootion. ing-At Aidels. Trial bottleaL �Vattg a Ccta` Angrist fit school house Xoi. 9, All ionner or Wheat tit $1.06 in
WlJfttP I IRS the nionbers ot'lio minutes thig wFurket might prove to be dear, Of 1300T,4� 81tosq etc., I would call the ottentfon ottho public to thil
t.ti, i, 'I t Wpelr.
J weoll'g Ile knowql 1�ovl A returned Drug Store, Mtge site Of 140 Ineetill t& Wonwri's Kid Boots ofily.*1 75.
P He on, Sunday Ili tile Pros, 9 w0l'qr,!`6Ad And hPpl'O- itod'evoia tit pirtAty cent" untirlifts to
va�cifie Rai I w Ply i 1110to fthoill flit" ifivern. bytorfan Chdroh taking for his text 1001killylift-04k 4ittt Ili Cho i;vighborhowl of 80u %AR09 A8SOR#QqZN`T'Or W Nfens, 36y'g and Olvehil, ssccordllrgl�.L
roporin that enjigrati6ty tof merits find Individuals than tbq, do I'Avil coffoulfluication cor'rupt Ill erom OtO* 011111, tf Lion 'or Jfm�i AtcWhinney und for XO 2 tell wintero and lefis t1r4o A&'frunks and VallAea very cheap.
L manne �6onj to Open R,
011fillit wari �)Y tbPfII1I0VeR,'- In a - inimirl6le tirild" to." Ile referred to tit($ Nit, Jos. X1' er. . q and (()' "Oneett- that for Na'2 spring, it is cheiss, A2r Team And CatriAge 11arnessobea to thas eve 811tritIr, Utilgitild
haw VidateputijishIng Infidel litera. O'n?i ilia brother-in-law, frous. 41ilmid bell. thhher, P Ile
f, re ixt4ao sly int
f1rils(t6l parties f again4t,'ISir -,lteot6r Laugevin lip, ture, I[Woi�6f b9d �Wbsg M�1(110flgfl, enough to invite con.fifience. Ilissiness only $14
"ot(eranaeA tit tile Canadian PT"q I;y Whitely, Aecionded by A* brshy Carritigloa,'it )are, V!%eleti, at almost halt'llfilloo.
.8, A"Plet"I 01at ilio lion. gputleovin llwati Me, Hector 11"ifo Curtis, time last week. Among other gain d , MovOld 1 114 AW
hhvii 'returned front III trip (in, -tile bagged,a, har' 14 000 linnelleck.11 ill �Ihe #Ud (Sdair ShIn!ex
I ilY 00II&C tIsC MOM, h1t; titlo.to olipo Niekson shot it 0411P, that Ile gratis 6. MARKET REPORIM ROOT & STRAWICUTTING BOXES,
Inkes, NIP. Buid leaves'for Montreal on,the rull. pnttiug I grahia in, one od tmyords (Cortodtild every TalijdAy aftosintion
of ilia value �fqlld aliNin." It fill di'13P)IIIS On What 18 to tako e.hArgo of life businesa tbiloge ear, Ort"V016g.. NLOwtotV takeia as cask 162- Boot 9, d,
Butter and t99
e14141try f raverf4ed by dirt (14nafflaff rreftlih.b nationaliolu, Ste Iluctor, In thot lilacs? I lour -fs 66 to A to zt,OOXS To 1,1WOV39A suop.
PtcWe RitilwAy via, it flplo for, tlie� w�A in laying (lie foan. PA01`4RTY 0 UANOti.- M A -fox. lotir AlI4 0ntilrio inatituvo for 'the 0 bw, o 8(y to 086
n(the 11111111 of Aboit-118011 & Tjdmlv, nollovil*, Slitiog Whont, 000 to 000
YOUng nation, 1 030 t4 6,80,
Ural lolilligrAilt, - 6x. AK(ionr or. cut 110preAtiod, 81110t, 108A 'br hl;pk%fiI6tf 0 69 to 669 nplivell"Od tile flowity proporty; -'&loved by by 04,k,
IIJM, 070 to 010 J''
tractil diir6llaU�ry to Our Dond haf( Ott A xilirimsed th� sum of $25 0aph he (Wlr)fkt)L
w Aplileft, per bill'. 206 (b it 06'
MelColl4f of difleriAe of A billions 'nature; IV 'all grant�(! Cd In"logA boandli P6, a be to 0 60 hil the Cheapt%t, ftrpt) inlyzin; xnallifain (If# $felt fir.eistv& a hit() work,61 for tit('
At tile, thd filAttir 014 to 016' -RINTIN
p .0hased it building Altntstod bn vptofinfl ProoUre A botfle.Of"r t Oi;j: F G
'lj&Vjd y fifold at Lutlkn'aw.and
teltilib flu Dinsley Akrett frorf) SiAllopy, and YOU will to SUrp'ligod 0 14 COL 016
700 to
see 400 to 7 00
frOlth our own nowa. thi in opposing nationa. will'obintillioncw the'eraotioll Of a rusi at, DongAnnon,
deboo At once, 0,00 to 0 00 sts Be WDIRS if You reqnlke, tiny elasi of printing, TnE iijill wo liollo W will Ao"on olliforit low, Von 'Will bj§ w*
JOL I)o MoVod by 11follougli, Ar000nde'd by 0 is to 1 00
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