HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1884-09-03, Page 1,
tketylvul;lever eau!' o 8t�rt •r
4tsivot mo.pit two
etteet improve' the pee.
euguees the agate tenor
Si Ark biettote, Omer, met
1/ US tvg
a etreareae
eh wee
Lao !.ustLer 9 ecouwo.Y.
Feu zns
ot teem
LK° mrlistiOUVA
h 41% zeiStili*?i ;1.
olter e eraearatlerle it is te see velem ;
trouble. e„.0 e •
^ "
P. BALL & CO, Nail;
soi4 tor all newer/tile aredesuce,„
ti= Ufa riNdlo
t• ••• . •
ereolions, Ikeienebet; ale
• slops!pitreistere,..,
oto heat/ it118134112
p!ost suic /.0.91131/gh
isoo41-parlo_ erir9„.trs-
0444 bi set oreggiate; $1, six taitnee,elf,
•• . • .• .
Archbishop Lynch on Tuesday
celebrated the 25thanuiversary'of
his election to the archiepispopacy.
Tertge quantities of freight are
coining over 'the ThunderBay Divi -
Aim of the C. P. R. .
.›,, Passenger traffic; is very heavy
on the Port Arthur .dtVIsion of the
..• .4),.P. R. just' now. • ' . • ". •• . .
. ..A Quebeo diSpateh..says`,tliat ,Sir
.-........*...„.4phn Macdonald . is getting ready .a
•- • bigpolitical surprise party that may
if.:' - ;swoop down On US at any 41116. ' ...
- . . • -
. A. 011ang0 ill the navigation laws
e• ofthe 'United Staten will throe! about
,400 , OaintOien engineers aud • pilots.
' out 'of 'eMploynieut. . ..
Sir Hector Langevin is obtaining .
Most entltasiastid•receptiontein ,Weitte:
eterreMeenitoteteeetheAeuesday • Ito laid'.
• the dortiere.atoneepf tlie Provincial.:
. 4, sYloinar. gelitir ,.1, ..7 ' • ... . ;day night last Acute unktiewit per--
Four tbausaail 'Atittlkrty-twis rate eon entered A , beitedieg liouee kept
• wis.
• • payerste,Itierfeeeedoutifyervellt the . by -se Hutigarian cotiple, where feet . -e•
' • Scottact sattaiited there, , Twelve p'ersone were asleep -the proprietor,
thousapd:•tive huudeed. 'and ;fifty- his Wife, fuel aitether married cefie-•
• ' eli:teti,iiitepeyerS,•yeillitave to decide -• le. ' The first .atteck:, was Made on •••• •
ea., : 'e ..
: theqopatioe, if the act is submitted. proprietor and his Wife; with a Pole- •
,. • ., . A .6, v..; .11; .4 i,,,' 14 temo roeiwei ii ciXe;. 1:110 assailant Streak the. was •
men on tlie head . and crushed 1;er '
. : • three year old girl -near Ingersoll.
.11400.43.1.s.ap ,-.4e.fit ,,../,t, lionio nwith.a skull.• The. husband. Wa,S.then Strnek
••. iotigt,siloc,,-,0,i,I.: Ant the .,,c,ther., 'with the sante instrument, . and his
Skull crushed. , lite assailant l'aund
• • Went to toWn, and` Slit; strayed.' on;
tlie'tritek, ' ,.. Coneealecl itt. the bed and bed-
ding„ but missed 8800 seived in the
tweeting of: Montreal .leivs bed .quile passing ' into ,the . fleece
it waste:tot vett to present an address. room, the sktills.'oe. the. other eouple
to Sir ,Moses .Moatetior:e onbia ..aje. :
• . wertiereeheil, but °tie . money taken,
()reaching' 109th .lertlelaye met en- ee e • .; - • '
t ite.niest woman died armrest instant-
doW a berth in. the general. IIespitti, 1 • n
y. The other three are liviug,' with,:
leiebalateeriettotee, •„. • -• . , .••• no hopes of' recovery: • • • • . , i.
A Victm is, R Ci dispatch :says: :
94 the evening ref the eith inatr: T
.; 111welve ' miles east Of -Dell Rapids,
. ,
Beeiee; jeeoeeroe tiiii7oppowou. tos Dakota, .a. School house containing .
ithe Qeyerainent, burst a blood
the Leacher .and. fifteen pupils we:s
el. .• Ilia contelition':iS ori,i01: , lie _moved three fourthe -of a.unle by the • • • . ..--:':'• '
nii. it ;eon of the late -Prof: Reeve!' 'of %V111111. and except thet its telatien to
" '
Torou.ta. ..,.. . • ,. .the points of compasa • was .changed ,*..
.,,,enrJ.P., et
„ , • ..'„, -Stratford; . • about fortyliywde.greeeres left, as .. .
. . • eyiet„
it,. aterterlealinjured end no one'
hes Ileeli.itoilit teeei41 for the ritreeny , eee ‘eeee
°6•4 liai€;•'44'1104'141"°111 4" inc''re tal-et.i7e7iii'iii-LitsTniieews'elle'7,e9t1 i'ecn°1.1ti.lultel:•• .
'of. Mr. Tli6 Da:green ' itt -3 nue last.
. extraiadinary,"flerfornittelosi . was ye,
ported ittiMediatelY after the storm.,
man. lie. will cotne of 'use to. liiM": -
at.feture eleetions1,.... .
...,•.Aeyb.ne,gpitn, Itenry Latnon,and
Ihtiosistett4:Wati''..iitter a cronsieg, at
.111oupt Brydg,es when their horse he -
came unmanageable' •drislicd„on the
traek.and the rig,. was .eteuek by a- -Others' were not, eleWeee i hat. they
passing engine.. Tile 'young man
• wte, killed ..and • his. sister 'ierieusly,
' itofiited,•,i•,*Ifile the: :horse :escaped. .,
$1.25 per Annum, in 41.4,4noe.
Qb V1. ---NO. 39,
4414iithalkAad 614 hvilder 11:$41 POW
tractor, Termite, eloped the other
day% with Mrs. Joie Alartinpwlfe of
theeb L. -Martin, cabinet maker.
Madell leavet ar wife and two young
children, and Mrs Martin a husband
•Emtrt*0 grown Up daughters. The
rintiwity pair were both members, of
lite choir t,:eir College etrkit Baptist
.olt arch. MO: Martin , being alienist
irk/ 1artn ‘,14.4WV4kilk0
choir conductor to the west end
Cltrifitian AosacTlition, and Modell
4artlira theinber IA the association
t' • iitt40441`
three cases of leprosy ite-
°rialto 'Minn ,
:Amnia Tracy, of Oxford N. Y.,
refused to marry William Roberts,
and Roberts shot her fatally. Be
waa arrested,
41 • The' :"Atnerkati Northern Pacific
Railroad bee issued a circular len-
nouncing that ,it will catry -grain
4011'44,11 points On iis line in Wash-
ingten Territory to Duluth. Minn.'
eapolia, and St. Paul at $8 it ton,
the Saute as the present rate to
Portland. The.circular states that
„esete of 4.7.39 can be .ii:sared
the lakes to Liverpool or
'A:Aloft-03:1e tragedy occurred in
County, • .Texas, over the •-•
grave of a young. wan named
-Giaficini; who VAS recently stab-
bed and killed bY a: companion.
Tlio elder thabant met his son's,
assassin, accompanied by the latter's
father, at young Graham's grave.
Angry Words passed, leading to a
desperate battle, resulting -hi the
death of both fathers and trie.yOung
assassin: .
Daniel Cook, the Toroutoniat;
wile,. after rescuing a lady and three
children; lost his life in the attempt
*to save the Beoond engineer of the
steam barge Osborne, which collided
with the Canadian Pacific steitiner, '
Alberta,should be gratefully reniem-
bered by his country. He,cleserees
a monument in Queen's park beside
that w hich keeps. i0 memory the no-.
ble young ,.fellows who fell in
fending their country from the Fen-
Cau4diam Ant-
Fill's,Creeli,-; New Tork, Fii-
• IN 41,3t, itt .1'01111W
• • ...PI • • • • • • .• • •
ViliTZELY 4 'TODD, Pttlaherik
AY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1884.
. . . \
I 51
. .
. . .
. .
• .
. .
. . .
. . .
. .
• .
. .
••• •
..of .140' COupity;
Mr. Mowat ought to hang on to
but wae not 'fully 'credited moil, cone
&rifler' by reliable witnesses from the
neighborhood who had theureelves
'seen it The sensation to some of
the scholars is described by them •
like theteef riding in- the cars, while
•,/t. itnniber ofboya were teasing a
, rather weak-minded young matt nein
ed Alex Aolnisee in the second.story
ofwbailding! itt tondoit. The latter
toft nieti'Murray e.t.a drop-
ped.hiin out of the windciw, bruising
blur becilYe'anit breaking pee arm.
• e.
y,.;Theh9120r*dealers Of It re n t ford,'
IginteideoloinIK d o kand Pee:teem
'Wholiojd Dominion Licenses, have
iieeii-filled $20 and coke by the P. AL
• .ofthat'eity, for illegal selling, on the
groiiint that dual. the Supreme Court
decided the.question thepitario law,
wAs in force." 174 .deeisiou will be
appealed ,frOtn.,..i
.1"-Mesera. Josiah Blackburn, of Lon-
don, andRieltaid white, of •Mtintree
al, w*alsiniiiiityby Col. Chamberlain,
Wiiie actually traveling, but.thought
the house was rocking considerably.
young lady, the daughter of a
respected tnerchant of Thick-
ensack, N. J., had Occasion to visit
emite frieede about three-quarters of
a mile distant froueeer own. houre;
At about 8 e'lock When about. inid•
Way between her friend's. lieuse and
her 0%61, the young woman *as owl
deoly seized 'and dragged into the
bashes. She had ectiecely • been
thrown on the ground, when the
moon broke through the 'deeds p.m"
a thriller) discovery was made. "Oli,
"brother, epareme the girl cried,
and 111013 feinted. "My God," ejecul-
ated the horror-stricken young mail,
"it is my ' sister!" Teen he sank
down beside her on the grass ,and
,cried like a child. it was some time
before the. young: lady retneted to
Itirit consciousness, and when She dies
-1-41;yjlei-144,1k111,JA.-91taSc.-Q-17..u„PaliqXii-ri: mecglitieenu?'". tood,beside)her, re-td,relree
.0'"ept.tore-eteellee' -tens, to be, she was able 4:lettered, ..acconipaniecl
aluirerinto .thiLvteorfreog of Govern- her 63 1"":11.oluti• T1143:oung woman,.
orontoriutnnooteaus. ere white,. open omen levee ecounted . the
..14•- 6010-1.10 IP'', 00- APPtikel- partictilars• o ! ithe terOda .erdeal
Clutifio R.Piwip have ,te,,:be telected." khr.011liti*hicA 016 luatiOda to her
•, parente, hee!eterefullyfluin, order to
efeeltY ftrOttok 4,0410ilio
facts'of the horrible discovery she
had made.
-. aJiietd1ter to asuine command. Six hundred
Catiadiau lumbermen hive been en.
gaged by hitn.f.fo,et tritegporteservice
ott the Nile, aerly,Will.'atart foe Egy-
pt in a fel days. Transferred' from
etabOarsred rivers to the bare, sandy -
"banked or maralty.siliored Nile and
the hot, dry climate of Nubia, they
will be the, sameedauntless,
able men Colonel Wolseley found
• The -Mit -dor liquor tiger evhibli
beve been remanded to intuty times
„ were ditenissed, the complainant,the
(1 Lieence Commissioner) payilig the
• , .
;, conte. Ihere were thIrteen owlets in
all* but thietrbf therm did not hold
- 41 1 if
eneetuleark eacenees end pleaded
'1 guilty to the charge Of havinga light
• in their bar.rootne after eleven
!clook.. The Magistrate said thailhe
le* ieellictrietjteetify him in Convict-
ing where the Dominion and Oetar.
io licenses clashed.
panted nartip, ,o
the Township of Moreington, have
beim bitter enemies for 'years • On
Sunday last 0110 01 John's horses
broke iferollApiPti eat, tied, ted the
latter deliberately seized an axe and
.41illappsil oil the hind legs Of one Of
Itis brOthent colt*. If the devil was
hunting kroand fiii• one of his
it *mild be diffieult for the author -
Wee 0(14301 to 'hide this one from
MM. Ile; (4040p1t) elected trial by
• 1/11- Vrigli.„4-POBEIGN,
• . ,
The Archbishop of Oregon is
preaching a series of sermons at
Dublin in aid of Anteriean missions.
Five hundred,offieerit at the Irish
aoxillary battalion4 have applied fdr,
permission to serve in the autumn
campaign in the Soutati. •
Earl Spencer, Lord Lieuteitant•of
Ireland, has informed the Arelibia,
hop of Team that Casey's statement
that the Crown Solicitor forced him
to swear falsely is untrue.
Thirteen peasaets itt Andrejioka,
Russia, have been attacked With
symptons similar to those of rinder.
pest. Two died. Troops have forms
ed it cordon tweeted the village,
The Liberal Committee of Dun -
0011, Argyllshire, has notified Lord
COlin Campbell, the youngest eon of
the Duke of Argyll, that it will not
eepport him for re-election to Pat.
liametit At the next eleetion.
Sinall.pox itt raging itt Commlesie,
in Anhantee. The kipg of the coon.
try died, and 300 of his subjects
were killed at the funeral in Ins lion.
or. The no* king haft been appoin•
fed, and the Ashantee chiefs have
asked that the country he annexed
to Lite English possessions became of
his notorious cruelty,
Bring along your i3utter and -Eggs I
Highest Price Paid'
And as many Goods of same quality given for $2 by us
-- as canbe bought from anybody else for $3.
Remirkablo Om*
A NE v tese YOE coutte-eruter sere
PW besT eimetre
(Beale Telegraph.)
• Or. F. it Campbell, of this city,
wee recently called to attend a man
• named Frawley, a In./Rowan 1111 the
• fetke Shore railway... Vre,wiey watt
tenthly injured by burniug oil, caus
e4 by an explosion, 380 square ineh-
ea of skiu;being etitire'y burned off,
over outi•lialf •the burnt portion Le-
ine on- the left thigh: The t'aee to
most physicans would lave seemed
hoPebalst but the gritty doctor re-
sorted to akin geafting. Frawley's
frienela were utilized in this remark-
able process, and ettips of cuticle
were taketi from the Woke and wrists
or quite a number of men, the pieces
averaging tlifl BiSe of II three cent
piece. the strips wottid theu be de,
vided iitto smaller pieceet and secure-
ly fastened to the exposed portion
of the tortured patient. But the
supply of skin filially gave out and
the doctor, curiously enough, had to
resort 10 corns, the &reit experiment
of Lite kind, it is believed, ever tried
' in Ole city. This material was ob-
tained...1y paring off the hornyattip,
and -using the strips ot cuticle below
• that. It -proved successful beyond
the d ea to r'it ex pectatio ha, a eel t he large
surface of lieetethyefts ef,skineott
Frawley's ',Cody attetts the Skill and
perseveranceof the physieian. Frump
ley will be able goon to resume his
position' on the road,
III1Serab1e Salcido: ,
'A sad tale with very tragis end -
has just been unfolded at .Flal-
ifax, $. Amongst the last draft
of Royal Artillery _from Eugleetil
was it young rec-ruit.nained `George
Davies.• He was.ft native of Seiner-
setshire, aud as fine it specimen of a
respectable, well -brought -up English
comitryinan as could be found in the
ttrety. Ile was of quiet demeanour,
did not drink, attended the Meth-
' odist Church, uncl had all the quad-
&cations of et first ()Iasi soldier.
Soule time ago he •Was -stationed at
Fort Clareece, on the other side of
the harbOur, and had, been doing
duty there. On the 19th he obtain-
ed a short leave of absence, and did
•not return. •Next day he met o
young girlabout twenty years of
•ageinauted Theresa koung,,.a domes-
tic in a fainily at Daittnouth, and
the Couple camped out together in
the' woods. The efory. gees' that
they were secretly married `two
weeks ago. *They continued tamp-
ing out till Suliday • morning, When
Davies took a heavy 'ilosit "Reugh
en Rets" poison, .eatieg it on some
cake, and washiug dowu with
leutionede. He tried to get -the girl.
to take some but slie.reftised.'
lila companion told Itiut the poison
wou:d kill hint, but he said he :did
not tare . if it" die.). Shortly after-
wards Davies became deadly sick, an
alaieu was' given, and •men soon ay -
rived and found tiih poisoned man
lying on the beach; while the girl
ewas, playfully threwie„0, -pieces of
• wood and -nnistches eb. the satlering
partner of her . shame,. apparentlY
uneoescieus of •the ft;a1 situation.
Davies wee_hroegheoYer to tlinvity
and taken to the „Military Heseil-rtil,
.but the soisob haying permeated
the Whole eysteui nothing could be
done for the mile" er, and he expired
at 8o'clocklionclay ntorning,, An in-
quest will be' lield.: • • .
-Taksallt 1.Me; anso
-ratio all the Rraie nod Newer lame
-Take ellt Sky irked heath veneraae.
s fa ikon, take ail tits best qmillikee
oral' there aud the
--Quatiliet DNA (be beet Metlit
the wield, eua per willtiti4thet„
-Miller; have the brst*S* Ht`
hes awl ?inventor ell --
111S111, Itiel tbfit they win cure %brie
auy or all of these, Bingly or-comfit/tea
A thorough Wei will giveptee
'tire ?reef of thlit
Five years ago I broke down wilt%)
kidney arid liver complaint an4
Since then I beVe been unable 14
be about at all, 'My liver because
bard like wood; my limbs weir:
fed up and lflle1l with weer.
All the beet physiehtne agreed thee
nothing could cure me, t resolved,
to try Hop Bitten') 1 here ueedeevela
hottletel, the hardoette late ail gene
from my liver, the swelling from arty
limbs, anti it hes worked a miracle ill
my case; othelwise 1 ternibi terve
been tem in my - W. X011'
LEVI )31.4110. Oet.1, 1881,
l'overty and Sufferlio..
4'1 was dragged do vn with debt,
poverty and suffethig for yearsicame
ed by a sick tawny and large Willa for
for dectorieg.
wee completely discoinaged, ne•
tit Otte veer ago, by the ativiee of me
pastor; 1 commenced usieg tietp Bite
10111i and in one month we were all
well, mid none of us have se'ett a
ehok day since, and I want to eay to
ell poor men, yOU erre keep your
ramifies well a year with liepOitteri
for less than one dome -nee visit will
cost, I !mow it." -A Weincierames.
-60.. None genuibegit bout a bawd*
of green hops .on the white label.
entree- - ail the- tele, -poise:wee.
with "Ilop" or "Hope" lb their name
rhooi to.ttox.
A subsoriber to-thteiws REcono,
whole now travelling ia the state
of Maine,' endorses, from personal
observation;the following despatch
places where ,liquor sold •with
eca,rce any atteinpt. at concealment.
Waggons leaded With aldand lager
beer casks roll through the ntreets.
In Bath the 'Mattress couducted
'inore quietly, but many barrels'. that
'come in full, go away 'empty, and
; they don't water the steeets with it.
In Belfast over twenty salodes
tO the „flostort Herald by its regular throw their doors wile open without
correspondent, and requests tie to molestetton. llockland, the thire•
it ty man need no longer tined: Ban-
-Pu'iti.sh 9:1"'•"445t-QPrq f94;47-'9'""''' 1fir146 Tani" ford;
arid their owners ntake a.. living.
DIspatolt to thil . Lew is. ee,e
t record of arrests or
PelereAND, Me., Aug. 23, 1884. ..teeication willequal that of airy city
'Those well ..ineiteing,...bet misinforin! of equal „poettlettieg in Messeqbe-
ed, gentlemarT".who poiut to Dlairie sett's. Calais has its saloon, con-
es an illustration :of the peacticai ducted.tather quietly, and it is Only
a step across the bridge to British*.
benefits of prohibition might tear" territory, where you can get a nip
somethincby taking a trip though
the state. The liana correspond-
ent hat' traversed Meine front
Kitt -
CF to Eastport during ;the pent
moatie andefrom personal observa-
tion, can certify that prohibition in
the state is it broad levee, It 110,
mounts to sometliiiig in the iteraller
country places, it is true. But Why?
Simply that public 'sentiment suss
tains it. Open saloons itt such'plac•
ese -end there would be no more
drinking than there is now. The
total abstinence reeliny obtains
strongly, temperance societies bevel
their greatest prosperity there, tied
he;ftet it few plades to he 'mown es
a user Of intoxicants is a bid for
cial ostragitint. ..eliat is, for the re.
sident. , The stranger within their
getes itt not Vetted, under the rule.
In many eosy little country hotel,
' the kind hearted landlord, on a damp
foggy, morning, beckon s one by a
wink to a quiet corner, and it bottlo
With jt gidittfi rote generally, and us
ually rank; sometimes whiskey, and
ranker; no ice, no delicate Mixed
drink, it little .augara stirred in Witil
a dingy spoon --every feature of Cho
thing a Silent plea for total abstiti:,
It 14 in the larger :places that pro,
ItibitiON it a Sham and A deltSiom
Hero8 rortland Worn ere scores of
of the ardent for a nickel. Bast -
port has two or three saloons en the
main buirieess street, whore hard
stuff end lager are sold freely, but.
the average Erietporter who is thirsty
prefers a /Mil fler0P8 t he pleasant he r -
bee to the "Poor at Catnpobelln,
where he can till up with better and
cheaper fluids, and enjoy himself
withhis fellows. The observance
of the law appear,' to, be goverteed
by public sentiment in each place,
and few seem to think of observing
the 'law merely because it is a law.
With 801110 curiosity in the matter,
/ scanned the newspapers in the
placket visited, and do 'not remember
reading of a *tingle prosecution for
Occiteionelly such a tit ing was
heard of, but as it rule, in the meal,
lee towns where the Prohibition%
ists had public sentiment With them.
Perhaps the proseeutions wore for
the best. Ttle probabilities are that
the Rita eeid was of the' wet•Itt, for
no dealer cares to buy good liquor
with the Citroen of having it donfit4.
eated itt anj nioment. no gets the
cheapest, fted don't lose 'mach if he
gets into trouble. Exeepting in it
few Of the larger places, only the
cheapest, of rum, gin and whiskey le
to be had. Light wios, or ales or
lager cermet be toned. They are
tert bulky itt he bindle(' without de.
teethe), and tile ever -.existing do.
eland for;.stimulants, therefore, has
to be Met With, strong liquors,which
are far More 'hurtful to brain and
body, and harieful to, the public
peade. It ie tele .of the pletteantries
of ,prohibition 121 Maine, that if you
drink at all, it has to be stuff that
will quickest bring about thet eine
dition of . things thattemperance
people Mtn- to preveitt.
No Afinc„xation.
Principal Grant, of Queen's Col•
lege, writes as follows -Why not
out the knot ' that binds us to the
'Breit -tee; atikrkhoiik for ATM hie icerreet t
the door of the Republiel As there
are question': that it ia it shame to
ask man or woman, so there 'are
questions that it ie it sliatne to ask
a people. We have • no • feelinge
for our neighbors in the United
Statee.bilt feelings Of reepeet, How'
can we help respecting peoPlp who
are BO enormously rich 1 We are
an xiou. for the clonest possible com.
met -teal relations with them That
they and we should be-tryieg,in bung-
ling &Aloe, to cot each others
throats with rusty razors called'
tariffs, is not our fault,. The fault
is wholly tilting. But we shall
not buy trade' • advaintages that
would be pit) Wally adyantage!.
OUS itt t13,6 pride Or OUP seltreepect.
We belieVe,that Out instiintiens ate
better Ong Oche. What in 'more to
the peint, they are our own inetitue
tions; we hitee inherited and fought
for them, My family nifty be no
hotter than my neighbor'e, but it in
mint and that Miring re World Of
differmice, Our histories have been
cliterent; our meMorieN are different;
our ways are nob their waye; and
when Ave millions are annexed to
fifty, the five Meat go to the vial
•Whenever viowd •Annexe-
tiOn, though it should Make 'Oh ti0111.
bp itt pooket would impdverish 118 iu
every other way:
Ragland' comes tlrst ORS beer pro-
ducing country with 27,050 brewer -
lea and about 990,000,000 'gallons,
though Gerinany, with 25,902 brew-
eries 900;099,000 gallons, :runs !ler
close. These two countries are far
ahead eta!! the others, the third
being France, which has 3,000 brew-
eries, as against' onlye.24094 , in
Austria and Hungary, though the
gpteetity etbeesehrewed. in France
is only 157,50040 jeitilatarlii;
Against 280,000,000 gallons brewed
in Austria and Hungary. Belgium
has 1,250 breweries, which prod ede
-last-year. 21.0,200,900 .gallons,atel.
then C011111 Hollend, with 500'
eru'tt, prodecing 34,900,000 gallons;
Reesia, with 430 breweries, produc-
ing 68,000,000 galloue; Switzerland,
with 423 breweries, producing, 27,-
000,000 gallons; Norway, with 400..
.breweliee, producing onlye.13,500;e
000 gellonie "Deemark, with 250
breweries, producing 28,000,000 gal
lone• Swede!), with 229 . breweries,
producing 21;000,000 gallons; and
Italy, with .159 breweries., producing
4 000,000 ga110110. NO returiek are
given frenn Spain, Portugel, Greerie,
TurkitY, or the Danubian 1C1ngdoine,
but the production of beer is very
eteall in dime.
woel at these varying figures, is
something enormous. It., may be
intteeesting to 'point oat that taking
the wool produce Of England at 15,-
400,900 poen& per annutt,. the val-
ue of the produce irt: the yeer 1864
was about 887,770,830, whereas the'
same quantity at the present mom-
ent would represent a •value of po,..
522,135," that Is, taking the mean
average of word itt 1864 at: 636,1011
per tod, (About 541.0 per pound), and
;,.at„,tdie.,ptettnt tuoinent At 22e 21d
per tod or about Iijc peFfianid.'
The difference in value between the
.prerice of these two years is thus no
less than $62,298,650, a sum which
.indieates how-inormoutehaa
eltrinkage in the rvalue of this pot,
don of agricultural .produce itt the
course of ni*eteoli years.
, A tocl is gs ihe.
' A rodent arablein a contempor.
aey paper says From 1872 the
goner& course of the wool market
has 'Neon downward. This was
ellSeited ill 1879 and 1880., when
prices.rone from 23,1 to 32o, but in
1881 the value of fine grown IiIng•
Lish•-wool was about 22ic per pound;
and from this low figure 1883
brought a still failker decline to 19e
per pound, the lowest point eii re,
cord since 1859. The decline of
last year with the exception ok the
single depression' 'Of 1849, which
heated only for One year, WAS the
most. remarkable, which hatt been ex.
perioneed in the present. century.
rroirt tbe bight:4'point of 66s per
-tea, in 1861, to that, Of 2s at the
prectefit moment, there is represented
it startlieg decline, awl the difference
it) the value of Go clip or English
• • ItealY% to Talce Bet hack
tilecee 141...Cotirt, •
St. 'Mono, TOOK'-'
During the trial of the geese ease
some rare sport. was witneseed. One
of the defendants who did not ate.
pear Beet it couple of geese to court
end offered tri give thew in peewit
of his tine to the squire. The litl of
,the basket was only part ially,fasten-
ed, however, end the fowls scurried
out., A policeman etooped down
and grabbed mid of the fugitives and
jammed it bear iitto the basket,
while the other goose scurried off,
rataing it cloud of hisses and feathers.
A goose hunt in it police court watt
a novelty, and the other geese who
were in court started after the frigle
toted biped. The goose flew on the
squire"t) desk and stuck One foot in
the inkstand. It then ran aerbes
the police blotter and left the lin%
print of ite tette itt to many places
that. the page looked like a tin roof
etritek by lightning. The goose then
jotupedl into the pint:meta cage, and
bolted out again just. RS It reporter
made it trautie grab for her lege.
The scribe sworevigerously as he
nioked himself up, but his visage
wreetkud itailif into Similes again RN
Ito saw it friend of the owner Of OA
fowl seize it by the tail and. Ettfely
encase it in the ballet 'again. •
) • •
The. Wisdom! Of Solomon.,
The Salvation 'teeny detachment
io Otterville'recently bad a Settee
lion. The prinY lied deplored an
Indian named Solomon Jefferson;
and Week weteeit with Whom: he
had been livieg' and eoltabiting the
the past 16 years., Tho Indian was
told that bp meet merry. the *man
drumnied out of cainp and he
expressed ble W111111gtIOSS 10 Mar-
ry. et the appointed time there
Wes a grand gathering' of the army
at the barracks. There was much
pounding of thedram,' rattling of
tambourines and tiring of volleys.
Whet., Solomon aud the black Wo•
inlet stood.ep.for the cereitiony, the
women was allalacrity hut Solonion
With litigUty and uneany. The peiteeof
a* liked riottli hip iegress whont
19 yearn old, „while the woman he
'was asked to merry was Old and not
at all,nice.lookinge. When, asked the
itolvrt;41 faRes!!!!..Pli:14 kto
deed mid he fell down oil the Aron.'
Ott being brought, to thee again So.
lowoo's atteittion watt attracted to a
ilea which had Ideated 'on his leg,
'and he once more evaded the ques-
tion. A third thee of miring caused
hint to eeeeze as if hie head wort go.
g off. Finally the captain told hint
it 'mist come to thee, end eceilig no
means of escape he braced up awl,
amidst3 a volley •nf hallelujahs an i
amens, he gave a totem tuptiye "yea?
and be was mare ied fast and tight.
A general love feast, followed, but it
was clear that Solonion atilt hanker.
ed after the likely yoinig negress
more to his taste thee the woman to
wham lie bad been tied.
A. Se. Thotime paper ; says:•-:
Conductor Fraser, of Port 'Stanley,
whose daughter elopetl • a Week ago
. .
with Conductor Lew AZobbins, wee
in tht city yesterday, alai left for
'Detroit, the missieg 'conductor, levee.
-Mg &teen -Seen iu that city oil ."‘1.011."'•
day. If , the. wrongtitl father ehotil.1
meet the aeoutelrel ' there ie nu- Lel,'
what the consequence. may 111, .
• Cortabi itis, if ho shot hitt' tioWii:
like a dog,noleuly_Woold blame tele
for his a.6troti, It is. eenerelly lee
Hovel that RubbiuS leis left ,foe
:ttixas, be beetles been twee(1. to eX,•
press hits inteetien uf golitet, to thee
Sterte, _It is now rillege.dthat, the .
couple here; been .uuetemplattog•the
elopement. ,for it, year 'or eireeett.,
Their , interviews, tilde:14h unmet -
ens, W. re .-eo. well arranged durite;
the hist year al,d,a half, as to throw .
.the good peopleat the Port cote-
pletely err their -.gulled, :told when,
• they Were ;Serel voire.thee, 4i. and •
gra; Jeraser looked •upuit , tile az.anio •
ers'iltet of it Malt of macur.e. years_
• intOng O. Hills ililiouek
'With .11 girl net yet out of. hoe .81101.6
deceses. the •iteui „of dreese
'this is really the °dee, wits tally
the other day that eliss Hettte bait.
aside her seheel'git•I's suit end den.
nod lier uteri,: matronly rekbes.•.lit
epeitking of. the • (gore,' Mr. Fraser
traid..to a fri011d.: "Suulo 'I/A0./lit/1
i,would ,become so ititliginteit -at 'thit
disgettee brought en tho fondly by. •
their tlitueliter, a 'school girt in•faet,'
piloting away .With -a inerrittel man,: •
that IllSy *out& he lea to ex
Slte will never 'put kfoOtsunder our • .
.roof again:'• ,But.thatie not, the way .•
with 05,»' 1(11(1 here the heart-tool:err
father broke ("owe. ."My deer .
. be always ripen Co .tny erring ; hie!
tied tier 'nether's emu; • will leetil.
• ereye• epee to „receive •
'• l
ialluged thet -the „intim:Icy •leetweeleye-:
the. two had lou it w . Co set refitV .
Partiee. ' Fraser,w hen informing •
'of thee° filets; ""egulaiitittl': • "And":
why could ttot these' peeple.. put u
cm ?. Oh, but it Was dilho
hear of and netice all .this andleave
a couple of fond and loving jerientit
all in the tlerie If any man 01111 i ug
himself a gantlemen, er any %comma •
eallieg lie' self a lady, Ittiew 'of euch
geiligs on between 8 mere child tee"
,a iteuried 1211(11- the ,father of 11,e .
children-tbey should have inform
us all about t, and this cruel
tion Would :lover '..have fallen, on our.. • -
homfehold. s I never could haVe be-
lieved that • of Lear, :who I s
book, d upon hs a. :moiled cortductoe.
Everyone seemed 10.lik6 . •
to feelieig heel t br&leit ever the kw). • • '. •
of our household, .1 'feel lrennly era' ••
that 'padereivelnatip . 'Lew :
wife. The blow. itt a sad one for her,
Rats for F0041i
Titeo is a great deal of evidence
that rats home been eaten and AM
goer', it China split rats eve.a
deintrydieb. In Paris the raglielters
Oat and relish them. Gipsies eat
art:ttalitolitrattintalitiiiy18 cnettliit
otesosit I.:T:4%1)(111:1p.
bred, owet raised rats. There wag
an English surgeAn of note who had
thoui cooked for his own eating. At
the the of Alalta, when the French
garrison Wag nearly famished, a
dollar ahead was offered for tats,
and two dollare if ttoy were barn.
fed. During the Irrauco•Piussion
•War there Werenuirly lir the haeloged
city' who were glad to get even: A
tabLe of rat 'food:
.•The Scott Act in gialion
The Scott ea campaign helfititen
erondses to be unusuallY lively. and
the near., approach of polling:day
will,doubeless, adi. cousicterebly
theepeditement,..,.43oth• parties have
prepered eor an
both eredetermined• to *in, 11 1121141
work can *in) and very". few VOttiS
wiij 11111.14111.111101111VIIS1(ed by the DUI •
ts iilr-innyortntrt -
Miestion, ono Of the most important •
that can come before the (dere-orate,
It is one that involves domestic and .
trade rolutitene, busitiess prosperitY .
tied itome happinessra question that
should ,not bo decided .withontolue
'consideration, but diet Omuta _Ls •
decided An :the Mind of ,ovety 113814'
The fight is not a new one to them ; • '
theyeprobably more than any othoe
municipality'in Ontario, have heard .
the question suffloiently- discuseedt. • -
bin, if they have net, opportunityis
being and will 'be given them belnr4 •
ilitte„elay of election. Oit the Mutli.
day of Sejiiember they should Setths
the 'natter as their belief 1s, once fee
all. They have ,tested it, for two• '
yt/111`8, tlieY S110110 k1101Y whethee it 6
adapted teectirry oot the purpose tor
for Which it wa,s designed, 11 tt
they ehoulti let-thetensile know, Vie
is tiot It is their equal duty to Ulitite
that feet publie.-Toronte Newit.
Ayer's Ague, Cnre, 'when used aa-
cohilag to direetions. is warranted el
eradicate from tint system all foetus of
malarial diseaoes, Hoch as leaver Mel
Ague, Chill Fever, In teentit Leaf Ite.
inittAtt and Bilious Fever, find dim.
orders the liver. cryit. Tho ottani.
molt 18 13 sale one, and will COAL yokt
nothingif eatre isnot effected' ..
toraatiki athartic and efile14410
• 'tOtritt, use Ilaxteile Slundrititutitttri,
1;14:1,1/ bottle WasromttAl